The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 21, 1899, Image 3

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' OvMAIL $l??StllO&TAMprocPAMPMCtTf
Sold In Shenandoah at
Orderti by mall Bent to any address.
Will eradicate from your system tho linger
ing effects of crip and other ailments caused
by tho sovoro winter, and malaria, rhctima
tlsm, neuralgia, catarrh, stomach, kidney,
ilvor and nervous disorders, paralysis, blood
and skin diseases, and ohronlo and func
tional derangemonts. The mountain climate
of Uot Springs la cool and delightful In
summer. 100 hotels opon the year around
For Illustrated literature, containing all
Information, address 0. P. Cooloy. Manager
Bulsuoss Mon's Leaguo, Hot Springs, Ark
For reduced excursion tickets and par
tlculars of tbo trip, address W. A. Turk,
Gen'l Pass. Agt., Southern Ry., Wasblugtou,
D. 0., or C. L. llopklns, District Passenger
Aeent. 828 Chestnut St., Phlla., Pa. 0-l-4m
Restores Vitality. Lost Vizor and Manhood.
wasting diseases, all effects of self-
S abuse, or excess ana indis
cretion. A ncrvo tonic and
Itlnocl builder. Brines the
pnlnk glow to palo cheeks ana
restores the flro of youth.
feBv mall ROc ner box, O boxes
for JSii.50: wfth a wltten jniaran.
too to euro or refund tho money.
Send for circular. Address,
Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
Sold at Klrlln's drug store, Shenandoah, Pn.
n.t.i...'a v-n.lhli Dlamund Brand.
Orlfc-lnI Una iiniy urnume. ,
minJUrand la UeA "A Geld mjmll
Iboiei, ftlta wltn tol" nowm, ana
IIotu an I (mdaftoni. l DrsstlMs, or iCTd .
In mmi'i for r-.rlleol.r., l.tlmoirttli
"li.Ucr r.p," muiur. r '''
Uollbr .11 Uoetl llrujlt. rilll..Mia, I .1.
Dr. Humphreys5
Specifics net directly upon tho disease,
without exciting disorder in other parts
of tho system. They Curo tho Sick.
no. cubes, r RICES
1 Fever. Congestions, Inflammations. .25
ii Worms. Worm Fever, Worm Colic. .33
3 Teething. Collo.Crjrlng.Wakefulnoss .23
4-Dtarrhea, of Children or Adults.-.., .25
7- Goushs, Colds, Droncbltl .S3
8 .Vciiralcla, Toothache Faccactia..... ,23
0 Headache. 8lck Headache, Vertigo.. .23
10 Dyspepsia, IndlgcsUon,WcakStomacb.33
11 Suppressed or Painful Periods 23
12 Whites. Too Protuso Periods 23
13-Croup. Laryngitis, noarscness .23
14- 8altllheum.Erytpclas.Eruptlon9.. .23
15- rtheumatlsm. Rhcumatlo Pains 33
10-MaIarla. Chills, Fever and Ague .23
10 Catarrh. Influenza, Cold In the Head .33
20 Wliooplng-Uoiigti - 23
ttT-IUdney Diseases .23
SS-Nervous Debility 1.00
30 Urinary Weakness. Wetting Bed... .23
17 Grip, nay Fever , 25
Dr. Humphreys Manual of all Diseases at your
RnT.1 hf rirtiirffltLfl. or sent on recelnt of nrlco.
tlumrhrers' Med. Co., Cor. William & John Sts.
Mew York.
Tho fall term of this famous
training- school for teachers
will open August 23, 1800. Su
perior advantages ore ouereu
Tounir men and -women
fireparlntf for teaching, col.
cge, or business. The build
ings are all new, containing
spacious and comfortable
rooms forstudents, roomy re
citation halls, steam heated
throughout,and supplied with
the latest and best lighting
and sanitary appliances,
lleforo choosing a school
secure a catalogue of the
Keystone Normal School.
VI 1 . n
S ReV. N. U. SCnaeiier, Vn. U U. U.,
S For full Information, catalogue, eta, g
g address &
03 A.UK.1VVVH, JTA. 1$
h .
Agent for the Famous
hila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
mber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
ntoti fltntlf TTnlf ntirl TTi 1 f Tlntr
and Porter.
Mt. Carbon Beer
At all its customers to-day,
SolOmOIl Haak'S,
' i
116 South Alain Street,
Vjjl receive prompt attention.
yv vrv
So Says Gonoral Morcior, Ono of
tho Okiof Frosooutors.
It Will Ho Itocolved With .Toy by ttio
French Pooplo Lnbort Will Not Ap
penr nt Court Mnrtlul Until Wcd
nomlny. Kennos. Atm. 21. Oeneral Mcrclcr,
who was minister of war when Captain
Dreyfus was condemned, and who in
the present trial Is tho virtual prose
cutor, was called upon yestorday after
noon by n press correspondent who In
vited him to mako a statement of the
position of tho antl-Dreyfusards. Al
thoueh unablo to rccelvo tho corres
pondent In person, Oencral Morclor
sent hla oldest son to convey the fol
lowing expressions of his views:
General Morclor considers It use-
Joss to attempt to convert foreign opin
ion regarding the Dreyfus question, in
which, moroover, foreigners have no
right to Intervene. Foreign peoples
havo boon misled by their press, which
Is violently Dreyfusard, for tho very
good reason that a majority of tho
forolgn nowspnpers havo boon bribed
by the Jewish syndicate. General Mor
cler considers the best reply to Drey
fusard statements abroad will bo tho
condemnation of Dreyfus. This con
demnatton Is only a matter of ton days
or a fortnight, for condemned Dreyfus
certainly will bo. Foreigners will then
see that their Journals have deceived
them, for they will recognize that tho
mass of tho French nation, who will
receive tho news of tho conviction of
Dreyfus as Joyful tidings, Is not com
posed of fools, and that. If the ma'
jorlty of the French applaud tho con
demnation, It will be because it is
Just and merited."
Tho correspondent then called upon
Maltro Labor!, who lives near General
Mercler, the houses of both being
guarded by gendarmes and detectives,
who sit In chairs in tho roadway in
front of tho houses. M. Laborl was
taking the air In tho garden. Tho
wound has not made the progress tho
doctors hoped for, although thero has
been no relapse. In view of his gonoral
condition, his medical advisors op
posed his going to court today. Tues
day or Wednesday, therefore, will
moro probably see his reappearanco In
court. Ho will bo provided with
specially constructed chair that will
enable him to conduct tho cross-ex
amination at the outset without rising
from his seat.
According to Tho Echo do Paris, as
a consequence or captain uuignevs
evldonco. General Chamoln, who took
tho war office secret dossier to Rennes,
has started sudenly for Paris. That
paper in commenting upon the tost!
mony offered by Captain Culgnet, tho
former attache of the ministry of war,
to whom was assigned last year the
task of collecting matter bearing upon
the Dreyfus, PIcquart and Esterhazy
affairs, says: "Captain Culgnets evi
dence shows that the whole secret
dossier has not been communicated to
the court martial. A document has
been withheld which proves the ex-
lstenco of a vast network of espionage
under tho direction of foreign military
attaches and of negotiations on tho
subject of tho Dreyfus case between
several French notabilities and tho
representatives of foreign powers. The
dossier, moreover, contains proofs that
the sum of 35,000,000 francs was re
ceived Jn France from abroad for the
purpose of prosecuting a pro-Dreyfus
campaign. '
Spain's Greatest Need.
Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelonia, Spain
spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak
nerves had caused severe pains in the back of
his head. On usintr blectnc Hitters, Amer
lea's greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all
pain soon left him. He says this grand
medicine js what his country needs. All
America knows that it cures liver and kid
ney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up the
stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim
I vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve
and organ of the body. If weak, tired or
aillnsr vou need it. Every bottle guaranteed,
only 50 cents. Sold by A. Waslcy, drug
Will Confer With tho PrcBtdont,
Washington. Aug. 21. Secretary
Root haB in contemplation a. visit to,
the president at Lake Champlaln. Ho
has not yet finally determined whether
to go. but will decide in a day or two,
Tho fact that General Wesley Merrltt
is to have a conference with tho presi
dent during the week combined with
Mr. Root t; prospectlvo trip has given
rise to fresh rumors of a possible
change in the command of the troops
In tho Philippines.
"Itching hemorrhoids, were the plague Of
ray life. Was almost wild. Doan's OInf
mont cured mo quickly and permanently
after doctors had failed." 0. F. Cornwoll,
Valley street, Saugortles, N. V.
Flvo Lost liy Cnpslzlnc Ilont
Harbor Beach, Mich., Aug. 21. Five
lives were lost yestorday afternoon by
the capsizing off I'ointo Aux Barques
pf the schooner Hunter Savldge. Sho
was bound rrom Karma to Alpena
light, and when struck by a squaH pan
Blzed. Tho following wore drowrleal
Mrs. John Mullorwelss. of Alnena
t ' ' -.1
wlfo of tho vessel's owner: Etta Mul;
te1?..."??1. "a-Frod
stcen, wlfo of the captain; Sharp-
tteen, son of the captain; Mate Thomas
Give the Children a Drink
called Graln-O, It is a delicious, appetizing
nourishing food drink to take the place
Coffee. Sold by ajl grocers and liked by all
who have used it because when properly pre
pared it tastes like the finest coffee but is free
from all its injurious properties. Graln-O aids
digestion and strengthens the nerves. It
not s stimulant but a health builder, and chil
dren, as well as adults, can drink it with great
benefit. Costs about l as much as coffee-
15 and 25 c.
French Olllinu-n floportqil Asiasslnnted
TJnrla Aiifr 91 Tn tflll leflnpfl hftH hnhn
i 'i ' . , u v. a. ,...
dlcatlna . "that Lieutenant KIodd and
Lieutenant 'Mounter, "who were sent to
tnuo command or n cpiumn 01 troops
there, -have both been assassinated,
Tho assassinated officers wore sent out
to replace Captain Vdulet and Cap
tain Chanotne, who wero recalled for
barbarous cruelties to the natives,
for Infants and Children.
th Khon-Haie Alwaysough
Signature of
Undoubted Reliability Is Expressed
In Shenandoah Endorsement.
What's your backing f
Whon a stranger atmlieti for credit
That's the first question a banker asks.
Mine rule appiiis to anything strange.
fWt always tell by appearances.
They who depend ou a stranger's word
Ofttlmos got left.
What you wynt is homo endorsement.
Tho backlng'of people you know.
SlipimiuUrtii nroor lor Shenandoah people.
That's what follows hero.
Surely no liettcrbnckitiK can bo had than
10 following statement from
Mrs. W. S. I.lntlcutnuth of 332 Maybcrry
Hoy, who says: "I used Doati's Kidney
Ills I procured from Rlrlln's pharmacy.
cured mo of pain In my back, giddiness when
stooped and an acuto lanienen across my
kidneys. They regulated tho kidney secre-
otis and relieved mo of much annoyance I
recommend Doan's Kidney Pills as being a
most etlcctlvo prepamtlou to cure disordered
Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers.
Price So cents. Mailed by Foster-Milburn
Co., ItiilTato, N. Y. Sole agents for the U.
Remember the name Doan's and take no
Personally Conducted Tourist' Excursions to
California Without uhange of Cars.
IivitiK Washington ovory Tuesday and
Friday at 11:18 a. in . tho Southern Railway
opcratos Personalty Conducted Tourist Ex
cursions to Ban Kranclso without chauge of
cars, conductors or porters. Tho ronto is
through Atunut, .Montgomery, .ew urleans,
Houston. San Antonio. New Moxico. Arizonia.
and Southern California. Tho oars nro tho
very latest pattern of Pullman Tourist
Sleepers, rosewood finish, havo high hack
scats, upholstered In rattan, are sixteen
section, supplied with linen etc., samo as
standard sleepers, lighted by Pintsch Gas,
havo wido vestibules, dniihlo sash roller
curtains, lavatory, and smoking room for
gentlemen, and two retiring rooms for ladles.
Three and ono-hali days to Mexico and
Arizona, four davs to Los Anselos and
Southern California, and tlvo days to Sun
Francisco. Such scrvlco lor 1 rans-Uontltioiital
travel has never before been offered.
The tourist carfare Is less thau via any
other route, effecting a saving of 25.00 to
f30.00 for tho trip.
All information, maps and rates furnished
on application to Charles L. Hopkins. Dis
trict Passenger Agent, Southern Railway
Company, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia
If, whon contemplating a trip to any point
West or Southwest of tho Mississippi River,
you willpurchaso tickets via the Missouri
Paclfio Ry , or Iron Mountain Route (which
are on salo at all principal ticket offices In
the United States), you will havo all tho
comforts and luxuries of modorn rallwav
equipment, and the finest opportunities for
viewing all of nature's museums and marvols
of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and Now Mexico, California, etc. Ex
cursion tickets to all principal points at
greatly reduced rates. On account of tho
National Education Association meeting nt
Los Angeles In July, wo will mako special
low round trip rates. When contemplating
a trip West or Southwest, write us for full
information and rock bottom figures. W
E. Hoyt, G. E. P. Agent, J. P. McCann, T.
P. Agent. 391 Broadway, Now York. 4-22-tf
Accidents come with distressing frequency
on tho farm. Cuts, bruises, stings, sprains.
Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo Oil relieves tho pain
instantly. Naver safe without It.
Coming- Kvents.
Aug. 20 and 23. Grand picnic at Brown's
grove, .Lost CrecK, lor tno ncncni ot St.
Mary Magdalene parish.
Oct. 4. Welsh Baptist twenty-sixth annual
supper In Robbins opera house .
Strong Drink is Death
are tho only positively guaranteed remedy for the
Drink IlablL Nervousness and Melancholy caused
by strong drintc.
to cure any case with a positive r I ten gunr
nntwe or refund the money, and to destroy the
f.spetlte for Intoxicating liquors.
CTD (1 U C 11 D. I U V nisery, Po verty
OlnUrlD UnlH&nml Dentil. Vpon receipt
of (10.00 we will mall yon four 4 boxes and post
Uvo -written gunrnntr. to cure or refund
your money. Shiglo boies (3.00.
For Bale nt Klrlln's drugstore.
Sg jfk 1 it lacffiSBi i
Nil KkUu, $) mvrB tt .Ml rttWHT
nteu . m .Mtfa. it mm. new
HMPSHIIt. ntwon. tlSSHHUSlTTS. Moot
isuhd. comcvcuT. n mt. tcmnmu.
i new JttSir.
rVert fo. cur Hook, "A Htrd's Eye View
lf en, -s- beautifully Illustrated and very
Veil iun lio- logo about, Fkee ron ths
m " mm tit TTi ti vail lXIV nil
Tho great remedy for nervous prostration and all diseases of the generative
organs of olthor sex, such as Nervous Prostration, Falling or Lost Manhood,
Imnptency, Nightly Emissions, Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, excessive use
of Tobacen np Onhim tnhtfh lpnri tn fnncitTnntlnn nml Insanltv. With .tapv
ICTCD IKIUn 5 order we guarantee to euro or refund tho money. Sold at 1.00 per box,
hi ilii uoinui oboxos for $5.00. me. morr's rid'nirAL co., niewiuud, ohi.
For Sale by P. W. HoycK-
vash liAii.noAn.
Tho PennsylVHiiln Itallmrul (Vimpany has
selected tho following dates for Its popular
ten-day excursions to Nlgnm Falls from
Philadelphia, Baltimore nnd Washington :
August St, September 7 nnd 21, and
OctoborS and 10. An experienced tourist
agent and chapemu wilt accompany oaoh
Kxcurslon tickets, good for return passage
on any regular train, oxriusive of limited
express trains, within ten days, will ho sold
at flOM from Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington, and all points on tho Dclawaro
division; $11 23 from Atiautlo City; (0.00
from Lancaster, (9 GO from Altooua nnd liar
rlsburg; fO.PO from Sunhtiry nnd Wllkes
barre; $3 "3 from Wllllamjport; nnd nt pro
portionate rates from other points. A stop
over will lie allowed at Buffalo, Rochester.
Canadalgua, and Walklna within the limit
rotu ruing
A special train of Pullman parlor ears nnd
day coaches will bo run with ouch excursion.
An extra charge will bo mado fur parlor oar
Tickets for n s!do trip to the Thousand Is
lands (Alexandria I Say) will bo sold from
Rochester In connection with excursions of
July 27, August 10 nnd SI, September 7 and
21, good to return to Rochester or to Oicnn
dalgua via Syracuse within flvo days, at rate
of J5.30.
Tickets for a sido trip to Toronto will be
sold at Niagara Falls for ?t.00 on July 20,
August 12 aud 20, and September 23. In
connection with excursion of September 7,
tickets will lo sold to Toronto and return at
reduced rates, account Toronto Pair.
For timo of connecting trains and further
Information apply to nearest ticket agent, or
address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant Gcueral
Passcugcr Agent, Broad Street Station,
Florida Short Line.
Tho Now York and Florida Express, via
Southern Railway, leaving Broad street
station, Philadelphia, dally at 5:31 p. m.
cariics through Pullman sleeping cars to
Augusta and Savannah, Ga., Jacksonville and
Tampa, Fla., via Charlotte and Columbia,
This is tho short lino aud most attractive
route to points in Georgia and Florida. All
Information cheerfully furnished by Charles
L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, 828
Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
18 months in a chair.
A Specialist also fails to even relieve
a bad case of Asthma.
The BRAZILIAN BALM instantly re
lieves and effects a Radical Cure.
Shaker Station, Ct., Feb. 3, 1899.
Brazilian Hnin
has done won
dcrs for mo, after
silfferiuj; Z year,
with Asthui.i.
received no belt
front four of ou.
local physicians
nnd a sperialis
in Hartford, whe
is at the head o
the hospital am
receives all tht
critical cases it
the adjoining
counties. For It
months I nevei
aid down set in a chair clay nnd nieh
ind had to be drawn from one room tc
another. By my doctor's orders I went
;outli ana stnul several mouths but re
ceived no benefit. At last Brazilian
Balm was recommended to mesohighly
l uectuea to try it. insiae ot a weeK
could sleep in my bed. Now I am out
doors every day, tending to everything
do not have any Asthma and will soon
resume mv old occupation, foreman of
the Eddy Electric Mfg. Co., of Windsor
t-t. Most cratctuity yours,
Wm. H. Wood
Thousands of doctors prescribe Brazilian
Balm In Catarrh. Asthma. Pleuri.v nnd Grlnne.
Only thing known that removes all the after
effects of Orlppe in I.ungs, Liver, Kidneys. Etc.
60 cts. nnd $1.00 a bottle t druggists. With the
Jl.00 bottle you get n month's treatment FREE
of Tosicola Tablets, the best Tonic. Strength
nutmerin tne worm. u. f. jacksoh co.
Manuiactunng- iuemisis, inaianapous, laa.
Wholesale Agents
0 OnUULER, M. D.,
No. 80 East IJoyd Street.
Office hours : 8 to 9 a. ro. 1 to 8 p. m,
. o v y. in.
km n. u
of New York" and its Creates t Store
Interesting. Tells you all shout New
sea- rvr
7 I
Routed Aftor Sovoro Fighting For
an Hour and a Half.
And Another Nprloti1y Wounded nnil
Threo HottllerB Hllulitly Injured Tho
Filipino Left Nineteen Demi In tho
Mnnlln, Aug. 2k Ono llotitennnt of
tho Twelfth Infantry was killed and
another seriously wounded while re
connolterlng Saturday evening north
of Angeles.
The Americans encountered a lnrgo
forre of Insurgents and drove them
from their positions.
Lieutenant Cole, of the Sixth Infan
try, with SO men, oncounterod 100 In
Burgents entrenched In the mountains
tho Island of Nogros, and routed
thorn nfter an hour aud a holt of se
vere fighting. The Americans had
three men slightly hurt. Nineteen
dead Insurgents were counted In the
trenches. Six rides and a quantity of
roservo ammunition wore captured.
Tho Insurgents recently cut the ca
ble In Lugutia bay, leading to Calnmba,
on tho north rdiore of the lake, but tho
break has been repaired.
Ocnornt Otln Itoportn tho Flcht.
Manila, Aug. 21. "First Lieutenant
Alfred W. Drew, Twelfth Infantry was
instantly killed and First Lieutenant
Willis Ulluo, samo regiment, severely
ounded Saturday In an attack on In
surgents In tho vicinity of Angeles, by
two companies of the Twelfth Infantry.
Thero wore no other casualties and tho
enomy was routed. Otis."
First Lteutonant Alfred w. Drew
was born In Texas and gradir.'ed from
tho military academy In 1S91, and was
nsslgncd as second lieutenant of tho
Twelfth United States Infantry. Dur
ing tho war wltn Spain ho was major
of the Third Texas volunteer Infantry.
A List or Soldier Dend.
Washington, Aug. 21. General Otis
has cabled tho following deaths slnco
last report: Comley Feed, Twenty-
fourth lnfnntry;Alllo W. Lord, Twelfth
Infantry; Second Lieutenant Joseph U.
Morso, Ninth Infantry; John Smith,
'Irst Washington; William K. Harri
son, Thirteenth Infantry; John II.
Dunn, Fourth Infantry; Adolph M.
Kreltzor, Sixth artillery; Frank C.
Milllor, Twenty-first Infantry.
rhe Philippine Conitnlsiloner Gives
Ills Vlovs or tho Itovolutlon.
Chicago, Aug. 21. Jacob G. Schur-
man, United States commissioner to
the Philippines, arrived in Chicago
yesterday from tho Islands of which ho
has Just completed a six months study
at the Instance of President McKlnley.
In an Interview ho said:
In my opinion tho rebellion, tho
last of which we aro trying to suppress,
was due In tho first placo to sovoral
causes, tho principal of which were the
tyranny of somo of tho rollglous ord
ers, tho oxorclse of arbitrary power by
the governor generals and tho dolay
and corruption of Justice.
The leaders of tho rebellion toll
their followers tho most astounding
tales of tho Americans, and tho com
mon people bellovo that tho priests,
under American rule, would subject
them to the samo tyranny. That the
American army killed priests or other
wise maltreated churchmen or church
property, Is, I bellovo, utterly without
'Agulnaldo Is bolloved In tho Islands
to be honest and I think that ho Is
acting honestly in- money matters, but
whether from moral or political rea
sons, I would not say. While I do not
care to discuss tho roal motives be
hind tho rebellion at this time I will
say that If It wero suppressed thero
would bo many prominent native of
ficials out of an occupation."
Mr. Schurman told how tho Tagalos,
who outnumber all tho other tribes In
the vicinity of Manila, kept natives
of other races from showing their
frlendltnoss towards the Unltod States
oven when It was Impossible to secure
their active participation In tho war
against us. "Tho Tagalos," ho sala,
"have sent out little bands of men to
the chief towns of mnny of tho Islands.
They send 75 or 100 nrmed men, and It
Is easy for them to keep tho unarmed
population of several thousand In a
passive state. The principle is the samo
as-when threo or four armed highway
men hold up a passenger train. By
sheor force of norve nnd guns they
make the passengers all submit to bet
lng robbed. Tho Tagalos aro equally
high handed In their methods."
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible Bum, Scald.
Cut or Bruise, Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the
best lu the world, will kill the pain and
prompUy heal it. Cures Old Sorc9, Fever
Sores, Ulcers, Bolls, l-elons, Corns, all
Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth.
Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold
by A. Waslcy, druggist.
ICtlled lletui'nlntf Prom Plahlnir Trip,
Lnncostor, Pa., Aug. 21. ltoturning
from a fishing trip William Honsel,
aged 15 years, boarded a freight train
1o rldo to his home in this city. Ho fell
off near town and his left arm and leg
were cut off. Ho died at tho county
What Is Shlloh 7
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
Consumption; used through tho world for
half a century, has cured Innumerable cates
of Incipient consumption and relieved niay
in advanced stages, ir you aro not sanation
with the results wo will refund your money
Price 25 cts., 50 eta. and f 1.00. Sold by P. 1)
Kirlin on a guarantee
Sheriff Killed by Illlolt DlHtlllers
Hampton, Fla., Aug, 21. News has
reached hero of a shooting affray at
Lake Hutler, Fla., Saturday night, re
sulting In the death of one nnd serious
Injury of two others. Deputy Sheriff
Kite nttempted to arrest a party of 11.
licit distillers known as the "Richards
brothers." After arresting ono. tho
other two brothers begnn firing on tho
deputy. Four shots took effort In the
sheriff's back causing death. Deputy
(Sheriff Kite returned the fire and
wounded each of them, but not fa
tally. Tho threo Richards brothers wore
placed In jail at Starke to await pre
liminary trial
Some Foolish People
Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the
reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, It
will wear away," but in most cases It will
wear them away. Could they be Induced to
try tho successful juedicino called Kemp'
Balsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee
to cure, they would immediately see the ex
celtenteflect after taking the first dose. Price
35c- and 50c. Trial she free.' At all drug-
Sny H AVIII Tahfi Peflrrmblo Poanen-
lon of the Preoldoiioy.
Havana. Atir. 21. Oeneral Juan Isl-
dro Jlmlnex, the aspirant to the presi
dency of Santo Domingo, left Clnftie-
ros yeaternay on board the I'oiaria,
Imtind for Manianlllo and Santiago de
Cuba. He was arrested on Saturday by
order of Oeneral Wilson and afterward
released on General Ilrooke'a orders.
The arrest waa made beeauiKt It was
supposed he was about to leave Cuba
to o nea ee in the revolution in santo
Domlnjro. After his release he remained
at the Union hotel until he left tho
city. He complained bitterly to his
friends of the arrest. It Is rumored In
Clenftiostos that n yacht will meet him
at Manianlllo.
In an Interview he said: "My mis
sion Is perfectly peaceful. I am un
armed and am going home to answer
to my country's call tn take peaceful
possession of the presidency. It was no
more lawful to arrest me than It would
bo to arrest Mr. McKlnley when, after
his election, he was going from Canton
to Washington.
"I am not a soldlor taking expedi
tions with me. Nothing of that sort Is
necessary. My appearance In tho Island
will be the signal for peace and good
government. An enthttslatle welcome
will bo accorded me by 90 per cent of
the population of Santo Domingo, rich
and poor, men. women nnd children
desiring my arrival.
"I have absolute assurances that tho
acting president will co-operate as
soon as he sees what the public de
sires. I cannot understand tho action
of the United States toward mo. Many
of my host friends aro Americans and
my policy whon president will bo to
r 'ablls'" the closest relations between
the two BOvernnentB."
rjounctner the ilabv.
fond mother once asked
the witty Charles Lamb
haw he liked babies?"
The stuttering wit promptly
responded: "Bol bol
boiled, madam !"
Fortunately for the world.
most men nnd women love
babies, nnd the home that is Sbv
without one is never truly
nappy. The old bachelors
like Lamb are the only men who do not
enre for babies, and the woman who hopes
to make her husband happy without under
going the ordeal of maternity, hopes in
vain. If women only knew, there is no
necessity for dreading the pangs of mother
hood. If n woman is really healthy in a
womanly way. her trial will be insignificant.
There Is one great remedy that prepares n
woman for nlmost painless cmld-oenritig.
It is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It
gives strength, vigor and virility to the
special organs
that bear the bur
dens of mother
hood. It cures
'Jail weakness, in
flamination and
ulcerntlon. It
banishes morning
nnd other discom
forts. It insures
b healthy, bounc
ing baby. Thou
snnds of once bar
ren homes bless
this remedy for the Innocent laughter
of happy childhood. Honest medicine
dealers sen it nnd win not suDttittite some
Inferior prepatatlon. Head what one
woman says :
I was taken sick two venrs ftffo nnd tried
atmct everything but could get no help," writes
Mrs. r. J. masnneia. ot nrimneia, Hampden
Co., Mass. " Your ' Favorite Prescription did
me n great deal of good. I was suffering with
laiung 01 tne wotno ann couiu scarcely wane,
now lam so much better off that I can walk quite
a distance. It was your medicine that helped
me. You hare my best wishes and thanks, nnd
may Cod be with vou to do all the rood for the
poor suffering people that you can. If I hear of
auvbodv sick I will recommend them to write to
you, nnd I will tell what you hare done for rat"
Learn to keep the family healthy by
reading Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medi
cal Adviser. Free in paper-covers, upon
receipt of 11 one-cent stamps to cover mail
ing only, or in cloth-binding tt stamps.
Address, ur. K. v. fierce, nuuaio, M. v.
Philadelphia &
Readinq R y.
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows :
For New York Tin I'hllnde Inhln.
2 10, 3 38, 7 87, 9 55 n. m., 12 24, 8 09 and 09 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a m.
For New York via Mnrch Chunkr. w.k H.
7 87 a. in.. 12 23 and 3 09 p. m.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 5 38, 7 37. 9 55 a. m., 12 26, 3 09 and 8 09 p. m.
ouuuo ., iu a in.
f or i'oiuvuie, wees nays, 2 10, 7 37, 9 55 a. m.
12 28, 8 09, 8 09 and T 30 p. m. Sundays, 210 am.
For Tamanua and Mahanov Clt v. wiwk
210, 737, 955 a. m., 1226 3 09 nnd 6 09 p m.
lunanys, 2 10 a m.
For Willlarasport, Sunbury and Iiwtsburg.
week days. 3 27. 1132 a. m.. 12 28. 7 SO 11. m
Sundays, 3 27 m.
For JMahano) Piano, weekdays, 2 10, 8 27, 5 38,
787.955,1182 a.m.. 12 28, 809, 09, 780, 9 US
iu. ouiiuntB, . ij niiu o 4, n III.
For Ashland and Sharooklu, week days. 3 27.
737, 11 32n.m.,12 28, 3 09, 8 07, 7 25 nnd 55 p. m.
or Baltimore, Washington nnd the West vln
11. ato. u. It., tbrougb trains lea-t Beading
Terminal, Fhtladelphra. (P. & R. 13, K.) nt 8 20,
7 55, 11 28 a. m., 8 10 nnd 7.27 p. 1. Sundays
3 i, 7 uu, ii so n. m., 8 48 nnd 7 27 p. m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth nnd Chest.
nui sireeu smiion, ween dnys, 10 son. m. 12 20
12 IS 8 40 p.m. Sundnys, 1 85, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via PhllndelDhln. ,v
days, 12 13, 4 80, 7 80, 11 80 n. m., and 1 30. 4 80
900 p.m.
Leave New York vln Mnuch Chunk, week
days, 4 80. 9 10 n. ra 1 80, 4 40 p. ra.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week
days, 4 80.888, 10 21 n. m. nnd 138, 4 03, 6 38.
11 88 p. m.
ix-ave ueaaing, week: aays, 137, 7 00, 10 08
a. m.,12 15, 4 17. 6 00, 8 28 p.m.
Leave Pottsvtfle. week: days. 7 17. 7 40 a. m.
9 80, 12 80, 1 20, 4 80, 6 10 and 6 50 p. m.
Lieave xamaqun, weec aays, s is, tfso, 11 'Li
a. m., 149,8 56, 7 20.9 41 p.m.
ieave junnanoy Lniy, week aays, a 45, 9 04.
11 47 a. m., 2 22, S 25, 6 24, 7 44, 10 08 p. m
leave junnanoy rinne, week anys, 3 4Q,4ro
SO. 9 22 10 23. 12 00. n. m.. 2 C9. S 88. S 42 V Mi
10 21pm.
ieave vvuuamsporl, wees days, 7 42, 10 00 a
1.. 12S and 4 CO, 11 80 P. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street whirl and
souiu sireeiwnari lor Atlantic city.
Weckdnvn Kxnrens. 8 00. 9 00. 10 45 m 1 nn
A w. u w, id , ni.iy IIIIIIU.UJ, . uu, s iJU, lOUUSllly
iiiiiiu.cj, u uu, 1 i 111. Aiviuuuaiion, o 13 n
m, 530,630pm, Wundaya -Express. 730. son.
s 30, 9 00, 10 00 n m, 4 45, 7 15 p m. Accommoda
tion, 6 IS n m, 4 45 p m. SI. 00 Excursion 7 00 a
111 nauy ami t sunaays.
lave Atlantic Citv Denoti Veetrdnv.TJ'v.
press, 6 45 Mondays only 1 , 7 00, 7 45, (7 50 from
Itnlticnvc. station only, 830, 900, 1013,
Bill. 3 30. 4 30. 3 30. 7 0U. Q30 n m. Aemmmn.
uniion, , uu am, a no p m. Hundaya Ex-
pre, a iw. s uu. a ui. a iv. 0 uu. 7 00. 7 30. 8 00.
6 3 lira. Aeeommodatlon. 7 15 am. 4 ail n m.
11.00 Excursion weekdays 6 00 p m,Hundaya6 10.
For Ocean City Weekdays8 45, 9 15 m,
2 15. 4 15. fi 15 tl m. Sundava 8 45. 9 15 n tn 4 Js
p m. tLOO excursion Thursday nnd Sunday 7 00
n in.
For Cape May nnd Sea Isle Ctty Weekdnyi
9 15 n in, 3 30, 4 13 p m. Sundays 8 45 n m 4 43
p ra. 81.00 excursion Suudays only, 7 00 n ro.
Additional for Capo May Weekdays 8 34
am. nununya v ! m.
Parlor Can. on all enrm trains.
For further Information, apply to neareal
Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket agent
ur iHiuiraa
I. A. SwaloiED, Edsobt J. Wu,
Qen'l Bupt., Oen'l Pnas'r Art.
Readlnr Terminal, PMIadelphL.
"emted reiuii.
rs never fab
with TtBiy -d Ptmf rrors. .MU anil MherHYt
UlrtDtlwd turrio.f tn ul . .4
Tho Rosy Froshnoss
And a velvety softness of the skin Is Inya
riably obtained by tbore who use Pouohi's
Complexion powder.
r 1
A Curo for Norvous Hoadacho.
For eight Mnr 1 iinrrtlfmmrontliwtinn
nnd sevrru m-rt'iim li.tuhu'lie, the bendm lie
ii.mi.iiv Inn! 1 iiu t hri-e cla K nt n time. lien I-
nrhe powder rvlli-il me iemixrHrlly, but
left too Iwd nn cirw-t. Wince I Ijkii taking
Celery King 1 have greHlly Improved In
health, Si ldnm or never hnve hendnrhe, linvo
smliied In Hell, nnd feel decidedly WelL Mrs.
E H Hiit. ti, Ii-ruple, N II.
tvkrv Mns ti nan dlwwes of the Nerves,
HI. .11, 11, ti, I 1 v , r nnd Kidneys. Hold by drug
gixlit imii'l jOC 6
If we can sell you
one jc. package of
tun ndmlxtnre
we'll be satisfied.
You'll buy more
for It wdl touch
the spot. Grmn
hsve SEELIO'8.
M. IlUltKK,
ftfflee Egan building, corner of Main an
Centre street, Bbenandonh.
Office: Cor. Centre and White streets, nest
to Justice Toomey'n office.
Lock Box 88, Mahanoy City, Pn.
studied under some ot the bet
London nnd Paris, will gtrsi Imtii
on the violin. mandolin, rulur nnd vocal enltnr.
Terms rensonnble. Address In care of Sirens,
the leweler Hhnnandnsh.
JCLV 1. 1899.
Trnlns will leave Hhennndoah nfter the snvs
dntefor Wlggnn, tlllberton, Frnckvtlle, Dark
nter, 81. Clair, PotUville. Hamburg, Kendlnai,
I'ottxtown, Phoenlxvflle. Horrlstown nad Phm
nfelphia (llr'd street station) nt 8 18 nnd I OS
a. ra.,2 10, 8 1 p. m. on woek dnys. Sundays.
8 05 n. m., 20 p. m.
Trains leave Frackvlllo for Shenandoah at
7 88, nnd 5 88, 7 88 p. m. Sundnv.
11 01 n. m. nnd 5 34 p. m.
Leave Pottavllle for Shenandoah (vln Frock
yillj) 7 10, II 20 n. m., 5 10, 7 10 r. m. Sunday
10 85 n. m.. 3 10 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), for
Shenandoah nt 8 35 ft. m., 4 10 p. m. week days.
Sundays leave at 8 50 and 9 28 n. m.
Leave Philadelphia (Ilroad street station) for
Pottavllle. 5 30, 8 35, 10 19 n. m., 1 SO, I 10, 7 H
p. m. weckdnys. Sundays, 6 50, 9 28 a. m, and
8 03 p m.
Leave Broad Blreet Station, Phlladelpbls,
Expren-Week-days, 8 20, 4 OS, 4 40. 8 CO. 8 IP
M.7 3.J 8 21 950 .10 21, ll 00, Jl 43 '. 'u 00
noon, 12 35, Limited I00nnd '4 28 p m. 1 .
10 00 p m." 12 01 'night. Sundays', 8 2d, 4 (3, 4 Jt
oi,a w,a,iiw, -1021. 1043, II 43 n m. 'Ixta
12 85, 2 30. 4 03 (Limited. 4 ). S 20, 84. t ul
7 02,8 10, 10 00 pm, 12 01 night.
i- ur ixuKin wi.noui ennnge, II 01 s week
days, nnd 810 p.m.. dally.
dateklll Express Parlor car, 11 00 m weak-
tor Sen Olrt, Asbury Park, Otean Oro-rrv
Imus Branch. 4 OS, 8 50. 8 80, II 44 n m, 141. 8 S
4 08nm weekdays: 50) p m Knturday. onlyl
tot Imbenvllle, Easton and Pcrnnton. .
900 n m, 12 00 noon. 8 52. 8 00 (Lnmbertvllle nnd'
rcur ana in p m dally
Buffalo. SOU nm. 12 on noon ,!..--- .JT. L.
pm dally. '
oi'ount Pocono special, 103 p m Satordayn
For Baltimore nnd W..hlntnn ska .m
10 20, 11 23 n m, 12 09 88, .f 12, i li7 V 41
(-yS?lSa!"$ Lim.J,5S4,817,6877 81 p. ra.
"ndI.2.?5,,,Bht.wet,1r- Sundays, 8 80, tK
9 12, 11 23 n ra. 12 09, ! S2, 8 12, 4 41 'laa3 3eS
nlgM "m-" 3 M. 7 81 P m and U OS
For Baltimore, accommodation, 9 11 a m. 1 S3
nnd 4 01 p tn week days, 8 08 nnd 11 la p m dally.
.Atlantic Coast Line. Exprens 12 09 n .ml
,lne, Expreas 12 09 p m, and
14 u nigbt, dally.
Southern Itallwnr.
Express 3 84 and 8(5
p m. dnlly.
Norfolk nnd Western Railway (or Uemphla
and New Orleans, 331 d m dallv.
Chesapeake Ohio Railway, 781 p m. dnllr
For old Point comfort .nli Jn: "Via:
n ra weekdays, 11 10 p m dally,
Leave Market street wharf as follows: E
prean for New York, 900 a m, 4 80 p m week.
dnys. For Long Branch via Heaaldn Park, t id
a m, 1 30 nnd 4 00 p ra week-d.yn. Snndara
"P" at tnteriaken for Asbury Pnrk, 7 80 a ra
rer Bench Havensnd I tnr.i-a, N , ,
nnd 4 00 p m weekdays; 130 p m eaturdny
only. Suiidays, 7 30 am. For Tuckerton. 19
a m nnd 4 00 p m weekdays.
Leave Broad street station f. r-T..
iVldKr-?I?re?fS' f ffD ,mnulel m,iM
l """-"-; . w irwuiinuifl ,im linlnutsl
save Market Street Whnrf Expj
P, &4L
au,i73 minuter). 10 00 (73 minutes, a m. (It
jniuranya only j, its minute), 2 00, (70 minute),
3 00 175. minute). 2Sd iffi mln?,ii j m
?i?ui),4? minute), 8 00 80 minute,!,
3 30 165 minutes p. ro. Sundav.. im tin
175 minute, 8 O) 173 mlnutenl.R ao Irt mln,,t
000 173 minutes). 1000 70 minutes a. m., an
7 00 a in week-days. Sundav. Ton anH Tsn.
' i ,,,u---,i fuw j.zcuision trai
ror tape May, Angles ea, Wlldwoid. Holly
Beach Exnreas. 900 a m. 2 an 4 rw rim r
3 00 p m wcekMlays. Sundays, 8 20 am. JTbr
utpe aisy only, iwpm Haturdnya. (1.00 li
curalon train, 1 00 a.m. dally.
For Sea Isle City. Ocean City, Avalon anal
Stone Harbor Express 9 10 am, 2 80, 4 20, 8 CO
p m weekday. Sundays, 8 50 a m. S14K) Ex
sion train, 700 a ra dally.
i- or Homers' 1-olnt Uxprens, 5 00, 8 89, 10 00
m, (1 00 Saturday only), 2 00, 3 00, 4 00, 8 00,8 89
P m weekdays. Sundav. fi 00. 8 00. a no tn ia
a m, 4 80 p m.
The Union Transfer Company will call far
nnd check baggage from hot! and reldaeav.
Ulnlng car.
R HUTCHjusoa, J, R. Wood,
Gen'l Manager. Oen'l PawVr Ag
News aud Opinions
National Importance
m IP who
! 1ij added
lt' to ordinary
coffee knows a
f grand drink that' .
will olease her husband. (
Daily, by mall, - $6 a year
Daily and Sunday,by mail,$8 a year
The Sunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday newspape
in the world.
Price 5c a copy. By mall, $2 i jca
Adores THS BUN, Hsv Ysrfc.