The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 21, 1899, Image 2

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"n That's Fit lo Print,"
,'.,) c ... f-vwiiintt. except Sunday, at 8
.nth .inl. atrwtiMiMwiKlmtli, Pit.
l,ON(, lilol'.VXUK THI.MMIONH.
Tlie Herald la delivered in Shenandoah and tho
surrounding town forMxcenUn w ck, pay
ahle to the cnrrlcm. Ily mall M.OO n year, or
23 cents a month pnyahle In advance Ad
vertlsementi clmrRwl occordliiR to space and
position. The publish" reserve Hie right
to chance the position f ndvcrllfinent
whenever tho pnhlloatlon of news demaniU
it. The right l reoervetl to reject nny
odvertlnement. whether paid for or not, that
the publishers rnny ilee m Improper. Ailver
tlsliiR rte nmile known upon application.
If ntereil nl tin' po-t ofllee t .Shenandoah, Pa., a
second clftM malt matter.
MONDAY. AUGUST 21. 1899.
OUR COUNTRY : First, Last and Forever.
IF the taxpayers of Schuylkill
county are alive to their own interests
they will make sure of the election of
Frank Kantner, the only member of
the present Hoard of Commissioners
up for re election. He lias been the
Instrument of saving the county
many thousands of dollars. Thus
comments the Mlnersville Free Press,
an independent Democratic news
paper. IF, in addition to requisite circula
tion, the paper by years of rigid ad
herence to principle and strict regard
for the trustworthiness of all that
appears in its columns have won the
confidence of the reading public.then
the merchant will make no mistake in
selecting it as the agency with which
to arouse the publia to a mutually
profitable interest in his business.
The Herald is such a paper. It en
ters nearly every household in Shen
undoah, and -is read by the entire
The decision of Judge Gunster, of
Lackawanna county, that the giving
of passes to Councilmen by street rail
way companies is unconstitutional
jind in the nature of a bribe, and
granting an injunction restraining the
exercise of franchise by virtue of an
ordinance upon the passage of which
the giving of passes to members ol
Council may have had an influence, is
well calculated to cause surprise and
will undoubtedly result largely in a
change of methods. Probably the
acceptance of passes from the com
panies have never been looked upon
In the light of a bribe, although it is
clearly a violation of the constitution,
and Judge Gunster's opinion is quite
apt to serye as an eye opener.
The Rise In Prices.
The increase in the cost of living is
beginning to attract general atten
tion and is eliciting various eiplnna
tions, comments the North American.
The rise in prices is general. Meat,
salt, carpets, print cloths, hardware,
coal and other staples have gone up
so much within the last few months
that the movement cannot be ignored.
According to one class of thinkers.
this rise is caused entirely by the
machinations of the trusts, and hence
is wholly evil. OtherB hold that the
trusts merely register the operations
of the law of supply and demand.
Times are good, production cannot
keep pace with consumption, and
prices naturally go up, as they would
if there were no such thing as a trade
combination in existence.
Doubtless there is some truth in
each of these theories. Times are
brisk, a strong demand tends to force
up prices, and the trusts send them
up even further.
But may we not be feeling the
effect of another Influence, more
general still t Is not the enormous
Increase In the world's production of
gold within the last few years 'bring
" 'lug us into suoh another period Of
rising prices as followed the discovery
of America, and Iatpr the develop.
ment of the mines of California and
To say that prices have gone up Is
simply another way or saying mat
the value of money has gone down
And how oonld It be expected that
the value of money would fall to go
down when the volume of gold added
annually to the world's stock has
doubled in six yeure !
If it turns out that the downward
tendency of prises, which was Mr.
Bryan's chief stock In trade In 1800
has been not only checked but re
versed by the production of gold, will
not a campaign for the free coinage
of silver be carried on under oon
slderably greater disadvantages next
year than before f . And if the rise be
attributed to the malevolence of the
trusts, will it not be embarrassing to
denounce those combinations for
raising prices and simultaneously ad
vocate free silver as a means of pUBh
lug prices still higher
1 & II. Ten-Day Excursion
To Ocean Grove. Asbury Park and Lon
Branub, Tuesday, Awsujt 2Snd, 1809. Tickets
good going only pa train leaving Shenandoah
at 0:35 a. m., and good to return 6a any
regular train within ten (10) days. Including
dav ol sale. Bound trip fare, 13 75. For
further particulars apply at P & B tuket
Pain Conquered; Health Rc
stored by Lydia E. Pink.
ham's Vegetable Compound.
" I feel it my duty to write nnd tlmnlc
you for what your Vegetable Com
pound has dona for ma. It is the only
medicine I havo found that hns dono
mo any good. lleforo Uklng your medi
cine, I wag all run down, tired all the
time, no nppotito, pains In my lmckand
bearing down pains and a groat suf
ferer during monstruation. After tak
ing two bottle of Lydla E. I'lnklinm's
Vegetablo Compound I felt like a new
woman, I am now on my fourth bottlo
nnd all my pains linru loft mo. I feel
bettor than I havo folt for three years
uud would recommend your Compound
to every suffering woman. I hope this
letUr will help others to find a euro
for their troubles." Mits. Dulla
Remicuek, Rkksselaeh, Ind.
Tho sorious 111b of womon dovolop
from neglect of early symptoms. Kvory
pain and ache has a cause, and the
warning they glvo should not bo disre
garded. Mrs. Plnkham understands these
troubles hotter than any local phy
sician and "Will glvo every woman f roe
advico who is puzzled about her
health, Mrs. Pinkham's address is
Lynn, Mass. Don't putoff wrltluguntll
health Is complotoly broken down
Write at tho first Indication of troublo.
j!i-iinviiiipTovprniiiont'n' ltoplj .
Capetown, Aug. 21. Tho Transvaal
government, It is reported here, has
handed Its reply to tho British acent
at Pretoria, to bo forwarded to Sir
Alfred Mllncr, British high commla
slonor for South Africa and governor
of Cape Colony. Conflicting accounts
are slvon as to Its contents and It Is
possible that tho report is premature
and that the reply will ho doiayed.
owing to the troublo with Portugal
about the transport of ammunition,
consigned to tho Transvaal, now In
Delagoa bay. Strong fcoling has been
aroused here by tho fact that tho
Transvaal Is sending large quantles of
war material for distribution among
Its supporters in Capo Colony and tho
Orange Free State. Over sovon tons
have been landed at Port Elizabeth.
Try Allen's Foot-Ease,
A powder to bo shaken into the shoes. At
tbia season your feet feel swollen, nervous
and hot, Bnd get tired easily. If you have
sraartiiiR feet or tight shoos, try Allen's Foot-
Base. It cools the feet and makes walking
easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet.
listers and callous spots. Relievos corns and
bunions of all pain and gives rest and com
fort. Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists
nd shoo stores for 25c. Trial packago FitEE
Address, Alien S. Olmited, Lo Itoy. N. Y.
Ten-flay Exciirsinil to Ocean Grove.
For the benefit of those desiring to visit
the great Ocean Grove camp meeting, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will, on
August 23. sell excursion tickets to Ocean
Grovf, Ashury Park, or Long Branch from
stations named below at the very low rates
quoted. These tickets will bo good for pass-
ko to Philadelphia on train indicated.
tlieuce on regular 'traius leaving ltroad
treet station at 11:44 a. m., 3:30 and 4;03 p
m. that day to destination.
Leav. b.
3 v
3 ".
3 IV
3 5
Shenandoah. .... 8.0r A. M.
Prackvllle 8.10 "
St. Clair 8 37 "
I'uttavillo 8.50
Tickets will bo good for return passage on
regular traius until September 1 inclusivo
aud will permit of jtop-ou" at Philadelphia
within limit.
Enrnuott Mini Kill's Ilrollipr-!n-l.nw.
Paulsboro, N. J., Aug. 21. William
J. Hough, a worthless follow of this
place, shot and Instantly killed Ed
ward F. Rich, his brotherJn-law, Sat
urday night. Rich, who Is a rosldeut
of Schenevns, Otsego county, N. Y.,
came here on Thursday to visit his
sister, Hough's wife. On account of an
old feud Rich and Mrs. Hough met at
tho house of a frlead. Hough discov
ered that they were together, and
went to the house, swearing vengeance.
He forced the door and entered the
house. Rich undertook to defend him
self with a knife, and had Inflicted
three bad wounds upon Hough when
the latter placed a pistol against Rich's
heart and fired. Rich ran out into an
other room and fell dead. Hough was
taken to the county Jail at Woodbury.
SInJor Unwell Ilnrrlson Stricken.
Santiago de Cuba, Aug. 21. Major
Russel II. Harrison, Inspector general,
is critically ill with yellow fever. Tho
disease has been progressing for threo
days, although not pronounced yellow
fever until yesterday. The case Is tho
first to occur at Cristo, whither head
quarters was removed last month to
escape Infection. Of late the quaran
tine rules havo been relaxed, owing to
the fact that thero have been no cases
In the city, and officers from head
quarters havo been In the habit of com
ing to Santiago daily, returning to
headquarters at night. Major Harrison
has been isolated, but not brought to
:he yellow fever hospital.
Shut liy UiiUnown l'oron.
Philadelphia, Aug. 21. While drlv.
lng with his family through Holmes-
burg, a suburb of this city, Frank Ran
jllfte was killed by a bullet flreu by
jome unknown person about 7 o'clock
last night. The ball struck him In the
breast and he fell dead In his wife's
arms. The occupants of the carriage
heard no report, nor could they see
anyonr in the vicinity. Paul Spiel, of
Holmesburg, was arrested on suspicion
of having caused Radcllffe's death,
Spiel had been firing a rifle In the
vicinftv about the time Radcliff was
killPd. Detective Geyer lsf the opinion
tnat me snooting was an acciaeni.
MlniwIVtll Rum mo With Union I.nhor
Springfield. Ills., Aug. 21. State
President John M. Hunter, of the
United Mine Workers of America, has
returned from Pana, where he was In
consultation with mine owners of the
Pana Coal company, and as a result
of the conference It Is authentically
stated that the mine will resume opera
tions with union labor in 20 days.
A whisky trust Is to be formed In Ire
land. Prlco Henry of Prussia will return
from the far east In Decembor by way
of the United States.
The bubonic plague's appearance In
Oporto, Portugal, is attributed to im
ports of rice from India. I
Slgnor Marconi, who experiments in
wireless telegraphy at Dover, England. ,
will some to the United States next
James P.' Young, n recently enlisted
private In the Thirtieth Infantry
volunteers, was killed by a freight
train at Evanston, Ills., yesterday. (
Aik your grocer for ' Spray" flour, and tak"
no otlier brand. It u tlio best tlonr made.
Wlilln lluUllnir With tlio Htorm lfro
llrcntiH Out.
Savannah, (In., Aug. 21. The steam
ship Kansas City which reached hero
ypterdny, fin hours overdue, had a
thrilling experlenco. The ship en
countered the Wost Indian storm off
Cape HnttPias and battled It for two
dnys. Captain Flshor said it was the
severest storm he had ovor oncounter-e-1.
The Kansas City wns drlvon 100
miles off her courso soawnrd. During
that tltno the CO passengors on bonrd
had a trying exporionco. Tho saloon
wns flooded, tho passengers woro wet,
bed ragglod nnd sick, somo of tho wo
men wero hysterical and some of the
men not much bettor. Tho doors and
windows were battened, but every mo
ment during tho fiercest of tho storm
It was feared tho skylights would bo
broken In nnd let the waves through.
At ono tlmo the danger of fire was
added to tho horror of tho storm and
the ship nnd hor company fncod death
from tho fury of all tho olements. Fri
day morning tho electric light wires
sot flro to tho casing in tho nftor com
panion way. The fire worked its way
along the casing to tho main saloon.
Tho nlarm was given and tho call to
quarters was Bounded. Tho storm was
still at Its holght, but tho crow re
sponded quickly to tho call and the
Are was subdued. Tho only casualties
wero to the captain and first ofllcor,
tho former injured by a fall and tho
latter Internally Injured by being
thrown to the dock.
roiinc Aror to Join tjureii's Otinril.
London, Aug. 21. William Waldorf
Astor, Jr., whose father recently be
came a naturalized British citizen, will
renounce any American characteristics
ho may havo Inherited and will Join
hor majesty's household cavalry.
Young Astor, If ho succeeds In getting
Into tho exclusive body, will bo allow
ed to pranco alongsldo tho queen's car
riage, waving a sword and giving or
ders to his mon In tho Bhrlll treble
volc- which Is a part of his American
Tlio l'opo In Gnoil Hcnltli.
Homo, Aug. 21. At tho festival of
St. Joachim yesterday tho popo granted
an audience of over an hour to 300 per
sons, In addition to 1C cardinals and
many othor prelates. His holiness ox
pressed his happiness nt being able
again to celebrate tho feast nnd gave
numerous historical reminiscences. He
conversed freely with the cardinal nnd
sppenred In excellent health and
Tin, I'lncuo In l'ortuenl.
Madrid, Aug. 21. Three fresh cases
of the bubonic plnguo are reported from
Oporto. They are said to bo of a mild
character. The Spanish consul there
will bo prosocuted for falling to notify
the Spanish government of tho out
break. It is estimated that already the
commerce of Oporto has suffered a loss
of $500,000.
Premium List
in Every
Used in
Our New Premium List, which will shortly appear in thispaper,
will surpass everything ever offered heretofore!
Thirty I'mwitiiH Injured on NorrlHtown
nnd Clu.HtiHit Hill Itnllwn.v.
Philadelphia, Aug. 21. A head-on
collision between two trolley cars oc
curred yesterday on the Norrlstown,
Cliostnut Hill and Roxhorough rail
way, in Plymouth township, Montgom
ery county, a few miles north of this
city. Thirty persons were injured.
Tho following are believed to bo
fntnlly hurt nnd nro In tho Charity hos
pital nt Norrigtown: John Parsons, of
Philadelphia, Internal Injuries nnd
severnl ribs broken; William Hnrl
stlne, West Point, Pa,, Internal In
juries and rib's broken; Mrs. Bridget
Nunan, seriously Injurod about tho
Others bndly, but not fatnlly Injured
nro: Mrs. Julia Moeshlin, of Norrls
town, nnd Miss Alice McGulgan, of
Philadelphia, who are also In tho hos
pital. Tho railway Is n single track road
with switches. The passengers on tho
south hound enrs assert that tho motor
man failed to wait at tho Bwltch for
tho arrival of tho car going north, and
the accident resulted. Seeing that tho
collision could not bo averted many of
tho passongors Jumped and woro sorl
ously bruised.
IS Women ns well us mon aro
1 made miserable by kldmy
T O "ad bladder trouble, Dr.
ni And Kllmor's Swamp-Uoot, tho
151 Al ltl. groat kidney remedy,
promptly cures. At druggists in "fifty tont
and dollar sizes. You may havo a samplo
bottlo by mail free, also pamphlet telling all
about it.
Address, Dr. Kilmer &CoBliighamton, X. Y.
Drowned IIpi'moIF nml Inmnt Son.
Pierre, S, D., Aug. 21. Somo tlmo
during the night Mrs. Jennie Weston
drowned hersolf and her 4-year-old
son, Portie, in n cistern at tho family
homo. Thero was no ono olso nt homo
except a daughter, about 17 years old,
and the deed was not known until the
young lady wakened In tho mornipg.
Half tho ills that man islielr to como from
indigestion. Hurdock Blood Hitters strength
ens and tones the stomach; makes Indigos
tieu impossible.
J'lin-o Hoys nt n lllrtli.
Smyrna, Del., Aug. 21. Mrs. Wil
liam G. Artnms Saturday gave birth to
throe boys. Tho mother weighs only 85
pounds, while tho father tips tho scales
at 112. Tho thrco children weigh 25
pounds and aro well .dovoloped. All aro
doing woll. and It is understood the
boys will bo named after William Jen
nings Bryan, Governor Ebe W. Tunnell
and ox-Congressman L. I. Handy.
Iliilionlo lMniruo In Spnin.
London, Aug. 21. The Madrid cor
respondent of The Daily Mail reports
that ono victim of the bubonic plaguo
died at La Puobla, just as ho was
about to quit tho country.
A luxury within the reach of all!
est Coffee for the Money!
Niittoiinl 1. 01111110.
Chicago 49 ,tS3
I'lttsHUrB ..M B2 .60S
New York.. 41 CI .410
rtrooklyn .. .mt S .Ofci
ll.i'Uon 08 30 .fltt
Mill il'a 01) 40 .08?
Unit mni-fl ..(II 10 .DOT
Loulsvllto ..4(1 GO .431
Clncl.nuitl 17 ,K) Wnshlngt'n 35 C9 .SJf
fit. Louis . . ,M IS .53. Clevelnnd ..18 00 .100
At Now York Millndclphln, 4; New
Jerk, 2. At Plttsburs First gnmoi
I'lttsburit. 11, Clevelnnd, 1. Second gamos
Clpvelniid. 8; Pittsburg, 3. At Boston
rioston, P; rtrooklyn, 0. At nnltlmoro
Unltlmnre, 11; Washington, 1.
At Chicago First gnmo: Chicago, 8;
Louisville. 7. Second gnmo: LouUvlllo,
I: Chicago, 0. At Cincinnati St. Louis, 10;
ClnclunHtl, 1.
Yon Try It.
If Shlhih's Cough and Consumption Curo,
w hlch is sold for tho small prlco of 25 els., 50
cl. nnd $1 00, does not curo tako I In- bottlo
back and wo will refund your moi.oy. 8oll
fur over fifty yearn on this guarantee"?" Prlco
2.1 cts. and SO cts. Sold by P. D. Klrlin on
a Eiiaranloe.
Tlio Kiipprr-xHi'll CiiWu NowHpnpor.
Havana, Aug. 21. El Horaldo, pub
lishes a letter sent to Mayor Lacosto
by tho editor nnd assistant editor of
the recently supprosscd Reconcentrndo,
", ho letter says: "In order that wo may
rid ourselves of-tho stigma of crimi
nals nnd fugitives from Justice wo
offer to bind oursolvos not to publish
n nowspait'r In Havana of any kind,
not to Insult nny authority nnd not to
disturb public order. Wo offer to un
dertake to llvo quietly and honestly
as good citizens. Wo hope you will
glvo up this chance nnd suspond tho
order of arrost ngalnst us so long as
wo do not break our pledges." This
letter was addressed to tho mayor
whllo tho wrltors were yet in hiding
and nvoidlng arrest. Tho mayor says
It was entirely voluntary and that they
woro given tho opportunity.
Young Mothers.
Croup is tho terror of thousands of yonng
mothers because its outbreak Is so agonizing
and freqt'jutly fatal. Shlloli's Cough and
Consumption Curo acts like maeio in cases of
croup. It has novcr been known td fail. Tbo
woist cases roliuvcd immediately. PricoSS
cts., SO eta. and J 1.00. Hold by P. D. Klrlin
on a gcarantoo.
Colored I'rcnclirr'H MurdorouHARsnnlt
Huntingdon, Pa Aug. 21. A prob
ablo douhlo murder was committed
here, last evening. Pasll Bell, a licensed
colored preacher, who has been living
with a white woman named Mary
WIntors for several years, while in a
drunken frenzy, attacked tho woman
with an axe with which ho knocked
her down. Ho then kicked her in a
brutal maner. Pell then called on John
Rumsport, a neighbor, whom he ac
cused of making love to Miss Winters,
and cut him dangerously with tho axe.
Neither of tho injured persons is ex
pected to recover. Boll is in Jail.
rtottor For America to liny Gorman
ProdnotrTlinii 8iiBn?Frojn Jnvn.
Washington, Aug. 2i.l Raton Von
Horman, agricultural oxporCffcf tho Ger
man omhassi'lB Just back; from n two
months' visit to Germany, during
which period ho hnd opportunity to
noto tho development of tho ngrarlan
movement which Is having such a
marked influence on Gorman affairs,
Including tho question of exporting
Gorman boot sugar to tho Unltod
Concerning tho agrarian movomont
Barpn Von Horman Bald: ''It Is vory
strong nnd Is turning Its attention to
tho Interests of tho agricultural classes
of Germany. The sugar question la
essentially an agrarian ono. Our sugar
lntorosts nro Boriotisly Injured by tho
tax nnd countervailing duties In tho
American tariff law, and tho agrarians
hold that this not only projudlcos their
Industry, but that it is a discrimina
tion against them. In tho Anal analy
sis It comes down to tills stmplo ques
tion: Shall thero ho a development
of tho cano industry of uncivilized,
Boml-barbajous countries, or shali
thore be n contlnuod use of tho sugar
products Of civilized countrlos, which
are ablo to buy something In return.
As tho United States does not pro
duce the sugar actually required by
consumers, a supply must como from
some outsldo source Now, 1b It ndt
to the Interest of this country to buy
of tho Gorman producers, rather than
turn to the cano industries of Java,
for example, when Java can glvo lit
tle or no return for tho purchaser made
of her?"
That Throbbln Headache
Would quickly leave you, If you used Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Thousands of suffer
ers have proved their matchless merit for
Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make
pure blood and strong nerves and build up
Sour health. Easy to take. Try them,
nly 25 certs. Money back if not cured.
Sold by A. Waslcy, druggist.
RocolptM of Cnttlo nt Philadelphia nnd
I.ntost Quotations.
Phllndclphia, Aug. 21. Tho receipts of
cattle In this city last week wero ns fol
lows: Uoovcs, 3.729; sheep, 0.255; hogs,
4.835. Receipts for tho previous week;
Beeves, 2,877; sheep, 7,531; ho'gs, 4,783.
Beef cattle wero active for all good
grades, while tho common grades wero
dull nnd lower; 230 head were shipped to
Glasgow per steamer Carthugenlan. Wo
qUoto: Extra, BT4CVtc; good,
medium, 54i6Vte.; common, 401c.
Sheep wero In fair request and firmly
held. Vo quote: Extra, BJfSVic; good,
4Htfto.: medium, 4Ji4Vic; common. 2V4
8c; lambs, C7.
Hogs were strong at 07c. for best
western and 6HSC?ic. for other grades,
with prospect of further advance.
Fat cows were Inactive at 2&tc.
Thtn cows wero dull at $8013.
Veal calves wero steady at B7Wc
Milch cows wero unchanged at $25050.
Dressed beeves were uctivo nt GVDVic.
Save your Lion
Heads and pro
cure valuable
I.nut Law-lUtfl I5curlnn to Atlhlitlo
City, Ac., via I'eniKylvitnl Ifttllrnnd.
August Sfth Is tho dale of tlio last
Pennsylvania Railroad Company's low
rato (on-day excursions from Krle. Troy,
Ilellofohlo. Wllliannport, Mocaimqiia, nun-
bury, Shcnahdoali, Dauphin, and principal
intermediate stations (Including stations on
branch roads) to Atlantic (1t !po May,
Ocean City, 8cd Isle City, Avalon, Anglcson,
Wlldwood, or Holly Ileach.
Exclusion tickets, good to return by regu
lar tialiis within ten days, will bo sold nt
very low rates. Tickets to Atlantic City will
bo sold via tho Dolawaro Itlvcr Ilrldge Kotito,
tho only nil-rail line, pr via Market stroct
wharf, Philadelphia.
Bton over can lio had at Philadelphia,
either going or returning, within limit of
ticket, provided ticket is deposited with
agont at llroad street station Immediately on
For Information In regard to speelflo rates
aud tlmo of trains consult hand bills, or ap
ply to agents, or E. S. Harrar, Division
Ticket Agent, Wllllamsport, Pa.
Sick Headaches,
Thocurso of overworked womankind, aro
quickly and surely curod hyKarl's Clover
Root Ton, tho groat blood purifier and tlssuo
builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory.
Price 25 eta. aud 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Klrlin
ona guarantee
OiS.OO tn Niagara Falls ami lteturn via tho
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
On September 0th tlio Lehigh Vnlloy Rail
road will soli tickets to Niagara Falls nnd
return at tho special low faro of fo 00 fur tho
round trip from Shenandoah, limited for re
turn passaeo to September 11th, Inclusivo.
Tickets will bo honored on any train except
tho Iilack Diamond Express. Consult Iks-
high Valley ticket agent for furthor par
Ask your grocer for the "Eoyal Patent
flour, and tako no other brand. It is tlio host
fl w nd'
IN EFFECT MAY 11, 1809.
Passenger trains leave Shcnuntloali for Penn
Hnven Junction, Mnucb Chunk, Lclilghton,
tilatlngton, Whito Hall, Catnflauqiin, Alluntowii,
llethlchein, Eaatou New York nml Philadelphia
at S 24, 7 00 a. 111 , 12 M nml S 17 p. in.
For Wllkeslmrre, White Haven nnd Plttston,
5 28, 10 12 n. 111.. 12 62 mill 5 17 p. 111.
For Laceyville, Towandu, Sayre, AVnverly,
Klmlra, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls,
Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and tho
West, 10 12 n. in., 12 S2 and S 17 p. in.
For llelvldcre, Delaware Water Gap and
Strotidnburg, 5 23 a. m., 5 17 p. m.
For LHiiibcrtvllle and Trenton, 7 50 a. m.
For Jeaiicflvllle, Lcviston and lloavcr Meadow,
5 28 n. m., 12 52 p. ill.
For McAdoo, Audenried, llazlcton, Stockton
and Lumber Yard, S 28, 7 80, 10 12 a.m., 12 32 nnd
1 17 p. m.
ForJeddo, Drlfton and Freeland, 6 2S, 1012
a. m., 5 17 p. in.
For Scronton, 5 28. 10 12 a. m., 5 17 p. m.
For Lost Creek, Qirardvllle, and Ashland, 4 00,
and 7 28 p. m.
For ltnven Run, Ccntrnlta, Mount Carniel and
Shninokin, 10 49 a. In., 1 42, 0 07, 9 23 p. In.
For Mnhmiov City, Park Place and Delano,
S 28, 7 FJO, 10 12 a. in., anil 12 52, 3 17 p. in.
For Yntesvillr, 5 28, 1J 12 a in.
Trains will leuve Mhainnktii nt 7 00, 920 ft. m.,
11 59 mid 4 20 p. m., and arrive nt Shenandoah
at 7 M, 10 12 a. 111., 12 82, 5 17 p. III.
Lenve Shenandoah for l'otUvillc, St. Clair.
New Castle, Morcn and New ltoston, 7 60 and
10 12 a. m , 12 82 and 6 17 p. in.
Leave PottHvlllo for Shenandoah, 9 45 a in.,
12 35, 505, 8 IS p. in.
Leave Ilnzleton for Shenandoah, 9 60 a. m.,
12 45, 5 09, 0 20, 8 31 p. m
Tralnn leave for ltAvot. Uim, Centralla. Mt.
Citrincl and Shnmokln, 9 43 n. lu., 7 21 p. in ,
Train leave Hhaiiinkln for Shenandoah nt
H30a. m., and 533 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Y'otcsvillc, JIuhanoy
City. Park l'lneo, licluno, AlcAdoo, Audenried,
Ilnzleton, Stockton, Lumber Y'ord, Weathcriy
and juaucn ununE, u ft ni., aim t irc p. m
For Lclilghton, Slatlngton, Cntosnuqua. White
Hall, Coplay, Allentown, Easton am
u rnuiips-
Durg, yfu ni.,Aiiubii. m,
For New York nnd I'lifladelphla, 9 47 n. ru.
n. in.
Leave llazlcton for Shenandoah, 8 SO. a. m..
nnd 6 27 p. m.
M. B. CUTTER, Supt. Transportation,
South lletldehem, Pa.
ItOLLIN II. WILllUIt, Qenl. Supt.,
South liethlchcm, Fa.
CHARLES S. LEE, (lent. Pass. Agt..
New York, N. Y.
a ttt ht r xttlTtt r t -itttti Tl a
A tit ilUiliU'lAVilllliH, JJIV.AiA..
Pouth llethlehem, pit.
A box of our
is an exhilarating
stimulant during
the hot summer,
Delivered at your home,
Columbia Brewing Company.
The only pleasure resort and
picnic grounds iu this region.
Splendid lake of fresh water. Ice
and wood, free, to all picnic parties
to" prepare and preserve.nieals. An
orchestra is established here lor the
entire season. For particulars
B. J. YOST, Prop.,
Barnesvllle, Pa.
1S N. Centra BL, PoIUtHIo, Pa.
Fine old Whlikeyt, Hint and Wlnei, at the
A cliolce line of Clean and Temper
ance Drfnk.
AoomnmmUllnnt f or t r vler -
UealralBll hour