The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 19, 1899, Image 3

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btronv Assertions aa Just TvTttst
the RanwdUa Wilt Do.
Huron nilllllH
that til nbsumatlsra
Cure will core orarlr
all eaaea ot rbaurna.
Urn In a fiw bouri!
tbat hla Dysparjsla Cure
will eure ledTfasllon and
all alomach troablvsi
that bla Kldnay Oar
will aura 60 per cnt,
at all aatta of kldnay
trsnblsl that bit Ca
tarrh Cora will nn
catarrh no mattir bow
loot alandlDO tbat bla
llaadacba aire Till eura
an kind of btadacba la
a ttw mlnutaai tbst
bla Cold Cure will
nulcsbr break on aar
torn ( told an! M en tbrouah tba entire Hat of
rtnicdlta. At all dnisststa, 25 cent a rial.
It jou nerd medical ad'le write Trof. Munroa,
1606 Area at., rhlla. II la absoiotaly traa.
Will radicate from your system tho linger
ing cflciUof grip and other ailment caused
by tlir severe winter, and miliaria, rliciinia
tlsm, neuralgia, catnrrli, Btomacli, kidnoy,
ilvor and rorvous disorders, paralysis, btooil
nnd akin diseases, ami chronic and func
tional deraiiaeuients. Tho mnnntnln cllmato
of Hot Springs is cool and delightful In
siinimor. 100 hotels open tlio yi xr .ruund,
For Illustrated literature, containing all
Information, address 0, F. Cooloy, Manager
Bulsness Mon's League, Hot Springs, Ark.
For reduced excursion tickets and par
ticulars of tlio trip, address W. A. Turk,
Gon'l Pass. Agt., Southern Ry., Washington,
D. C, or C. L. Hopkins, District Passenger
Aecnt. 828 Chostnut St.. Phila., Pa. 0-1-lm
lacho nnd Llvor
Sold by all druggists
! or sent by mall.
JNervlU Mellctl Co., Cblcito
Bo box contains IS pills. Bold by Kirlln's drug
store, Shenandoah, Pa.
an.Ll...-'a VlUh Diamond Brand,
Original anil tiniy urapinn t
Ban, ala nlUbla. laonaut
v..u MiaJ lt., hlu ribbon. TstLoX
no other. Jitfuitdangm-wttubituu V
In ituiM fiir l JcoUr. iMtlmouUU and
Uliixai l lira Ilia, or nniM,
"lOUrf for to iiUf, ty rttnrm
Bold by all Local DtDRlUti. iJUIAUA 1 A
Dr. Humphreys5
Specifics net directly upon tho disease,
xrithout exciting disorder in other porta
of tho system. They Cure tho Slcfc.
1 Fevera. Congestions, Inflammation. .25
3 Worma. Worm Fever, WormCollo. .23
3 Teething. Collo.Crjlng.Wntefulneas .33
4 Diarrhea, 0( Children or Adults.-.., .33
7 Cougha, Colds, Bronchitis .. .23
B Nouralgla, Toothache, Faceacbo..... .33
O-IIeadacho, Sick tlcadacho, Vertigo.. .33
lO Dyspepsia, Indlgestton,WcakStoraach,23
11 Suppresaed or Painful Periods.... .33
13-Whltea. Too Profuse Periods S3
13 Croup, Larynzllla. Hoarseness S3
14 Bait niieum,Eryslpelas.Eruptlons.. .23
15 nheumallam, Rheumatlo Pains 35
16 Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague 33
10 Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head .33
BO Whooplng-Coueh 33
37-Klanoy Ulaanacs 33
US-Nervous Dcbllltv 1.00
OO-Urlnarv Weakneaa, Wetting Bed... .33
77 Grip, nay Fever 33
Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your
urugKifia or uaueu rreo.
Sold hvdrueffitta.or Rent on reeelnt of Drtee.
Humphreys' Mod. Co., Cor. William & JohnSta
a ttw xors.
Tho fall term of this famous
training school for teachers
will open August 23, 1899. Su
perior advantages are offered
to younc men nnd -women
preparing for teaching, col
lege, or business. The build
ings are all new, containing
spacious and comfortable
rooms forstudents, roomy re
citation halls, steam heated
throughout.nnd supplied with
the latest and best lighting
and sanitary appliances.
Before choosing: a school
secure a catalouue of tho
Keystone Normal School,
Ret. N. G. Schaeffer, Ph. D D. D
For full Information, catalogue, etc,
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling. Still
Arnber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Brown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
Mt. Carbon Beer
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
Ufciebr-Ued YeniAli
loyvdera never fal
UJi V Iatitu dtcJire tueif
F vfLh Taniy v-nd l'taiuyroyil Jill sad othr Ur aura fitter
hb mi jib,
I1UU r-'lULla
25 CTS.
I lb
lioir Speody Transportation Bo-
ing Arrangodi
Mention of Our Troopi lit Vnrlotin
I'nrtHof tlio Inlniidn Clilof Suruoon
of tho Army Hponltn of Dlsouso
Anionir Soldlorx.
Wnshlncton, Aug. 19. Secretary
Root vrns busily engaged tho greater
part of tho day In selecting ofllcors to
nil tho new rcelmcnts, going over tho
lists of names that havo been submit
ted with recommendation for appoint
ment, nnd considering tholr efficiency
records during tho Spanish war. Tho
secretary Is giving tho matter of theso
elections his personal attention and
tho list ts being prepared in his prlvato
offlco. After the selections are made by
tho secretary they will bo sent to tho
president for his approval.
Preparations contlnuo actively In tho
matter of nrranglng for tho speedy
transportation of the troops to tho
Philippines. Tho quartermaster's de
partment has been considering tho ad
visability of chartering moro trans
ports on tho Pacific coast. Already tho
ships chartered mako It poslblo to
Bend nearly ull the organizations now
formed by Sept. 25 Instead ot two
woeka later.
At tho latest calculation It Is now
believed to be posslblo to land nil the
new regiments In tho Philippines by
tho Dec. 1, or very soon after that date.
Seven of tho lieutenant colonels named
aro now serving In the Philippines.
They will remain there nnd awnlt tho
arrival of their regiments.
Tho map which has been prepared
for Secretary Root, showing the lo
cation of tho troops In the Philippines
has been completed and Is also ac
companled by a statement explaining
how this forco Is divided under tho
generals commanding tho divisions
The First division commanded by Gen
eral Lawton, Is south ot Manila and
consists of the following troops
Fourth, Thlrtoonth, Fourteenth,
Twenty-first, Twenty-fourth and
Twenty-fifth regiments of Infantry, the
First Washington, First Wyoming,
part of the Fourth cavalry, Battery F,
Fourth artillery, Battery, Fifth artil
Iery, Battery D, Sixth artillery, and
Hawthorne s mountain battery.
The Second division commanded by
General MacArthur Is north of Manila,
and consists of the following: Third
Ninth, Twelfth, Seventeenth, Twenty
second nnd Thirty-sixth regiments of
lnfnntry; the Fifty-first Iowa, Twon
tleth Kansas, Light Battery E, First
artillery, a battalion of the Third ar
tillery, and part of the Fourth cavalry.
The provost guard of Manila con
sists of tho Twentieth Infantry and
eight foot batteries of the Sixth artil
lery. The garrisons In the other islands
are: Panay Eighteenth infantry,
First Tennessee, Battery G, Sixth ar
tillery; Negros, Sixth Infantry: Cebu
one battalion Twenty-third Infantry;
Jolo, two battalions Twenty-third In
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald
Cut or Bruise. Hucklea's Arnica Salve, the
best in the world, will kill the pain and
promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever
sores, Ulcers, uoits, reions, warns, an
Skin Eruptions. Uest Pile cure on earth,
Only 25 ct. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold
by A. Waslcy, druggist.
Idaho Town WIpoiTOitt by Fire.;
Boise, Aug. ID. The town of Placer
vlllo. In Boise county, has been wiped
out by fire. The business portion of the
place was destroyed and most of tho
residences. The loss Is estimated at
?2G0,000. The flro was caused by tho
overturning of a lamp.
What Is Shlloh 7
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
Consumption; used through the world for
half a century, has cured innumerable cases
of Incipient consumption and relieved many
In advanced stages. If you aro not satisfied
with tho results we will refund your money,
Price 25 cts., 50 cts. and $ 1.00. Sold by P. D,
KIrlln ou a guarantee,
Z,nko City PoatoIDco Controversy,
Washington, Aug. 19. Tho disposi
tion of the Lake City, S. C, postofflco
controversy is still undecided, despite
contrary reports. Tho suggestion to ro-
tstabllsh the office and appoint a white
woman as postmistress was a tenta.
tlve one. A new factor In the case Is
an adverse report of an Inspector on
re-establishing the offlco.
"Itching hemorrhoids, were the plague of
my life. Was almost wild. Doan's Oint
ment cured mo quickly and permanently
after doctors had failed." 0. F. Cornwell
Valley street, Baugertlos, N, Y.
Clmslnc n Itoformor In China.
London, Aug. 19. The Shanghai
correspondent of The Times says:
well Informed natlvo paper says the
ompress dowager recently issued a se
cret edict ordering the provincial au
thoritles to make every endeavor to
arrest Kang Yu Wei, the refugee
leader of tho Chinese reform party, and
two other reformers, offering rewards
for their capture, on the ground that
they continue to disseminate sedition.
Does Coffee Agree With You ?
If not, drink Grain-0 made from pure
grains. A lady writes 1 "The first time
made Grain-0 I did not like it but after using
it for one week nothing would induce me to go
hack to coftee." It nourishes and feeds the
system. The children can drink it freely
with great benefit. It is the strengthening
substance of pure grains. Get a package to
day from your grocer, follow the directions in
making It and you will have a delicious and
healthful table beverage for old and yDung,
15c. and 25c.
HoutU Carolina Whttooappora.
Greenwood, S. C, Aug. 19. The tales
told yesterday to an Investigating com
mtttee lqoking Into tha whipping of
Innocent negroes in this .county were
harrowing. Especially Is this true ot
aged Jake Richardson., lie said they
draggod him from a sick bed, beat
him, and then ravished his wife. Ho
would not divulge the names of his as
Some Foolish People
Allow a cough to run Until it nets beyond the
reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it
will wear away," but In most cases It will
wear them away, Could they be Induced to
try the successful medicine called Kemp's
Balsam, which Is sold on a positive guarantee
to cure, they would Immediately seethe
cellenteflect after taking the first dose. Price
35c and 50c Trial size free. At all druir
I gists.
1 -
Tho Kind You Hrtvo Always Bought, nnd which hns hecu
In uso for over 30 ycnrsf hns homo tho sljrtmfjiro of
nntl hns heen inndo under his per
rL jCj4f so,inl supervision ninco Its Infancy.
wafr. -CtCCSaK Allow no 0110 to deceive you In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nntl Substitutes nro lmfc Ex
periments thnt trlllo with nnd endnnircr tho health of
Infants nnd Children Experience ngninst ExpcrhnciMU
Cast or la Is a sulistltuto for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless nnd Plcnsrwnt, It
contains noithcr Opium, Morphine nor other NnrcoIo
Hubstancc. ItH ngo Is its gunranlco. It destroys Worms
nnd nllnys Feverishncss. It cures Dlnrrhtua ihmI Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tlw
Stomach nnd Bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears tlio
The KM You toe Always Bought
in Use For Over 30 Years.
Tmc centaur company, tt MUflnAY Tnrrr. new vonri city.
3& g W
of menstruation." They
womannoou, nunng development ot organs nnd body. No
known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm llfo
becomes a pleasure. $1.00 PER BOX BY MAIL. Sold
by druggists. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio.
For Sale by
a Hon wB U nl ntltHT
MMIM .... .
' rwurvna frarmt M BJUNL. HOT
mnpsimt. muoiir. msucmtm Moot
isune. coimncoT, ttw mi. tansnaitu,
i,lr juscj.
, i ,.Tq J1 llsaT a yiM a ar-t m a av
n'10lu,Pf0?,k nA Wrd's Eye View of New YorKnJfu Greatest Stem
218 pag.-8-boa itlfully Illustrated and very Interesting. Telia ou all about Now
York and how to go about. Fnut ron ml askjso
WEIiIi ipm
BQZilian Ball)) Toxicola Tablets
"I am
They have
have never
i vitror and
clears the
Tf fe crnnrl
a avwx
medicine it is worth its weight in
"The Woman Who Coughed," and can say these remedies did all
that is claimed for her and more too. I know of a great many cures
in this locality. They ought to be in every home in America. They
would save thousands of lives for thev cure the worst cases. The best
people here use them. " Miss Sa'ra
Brazilian Balm at Druggists, 25
for the money than any other remedy.
With every gl.00 bottle of Balm you get
Frku. Do not fail to try these remarkable remedies.
B. P. Jackson
Shenandoah Drug Store,
Florida Short Line.
Tho New York and Florida Kxpress, via
Southern Railway, leaving Broad street
station, Philadelphia, dally at 5:31 p. m.
carries through Pullman sleeping can to
Augusta and 8a vannah, Ga., Jacksonville aud
Tampa, Fla., via Charlotte and Columbia.
This Is the short line and most attractive
route to points in Georgia and Florida. All
Information cheorfully furnished by Charles
L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, 823
Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Signaturo of
They overcome Weak
ness, irregularity and
omissions, increase vie-
or and banish "rains
aro "LIFE SAVEItS" to girls at
R. W. Houck.
glad of the opportunity to pub
aixia A. ait a aaua aaaw I .29
Hcly commend Brazilian Balm and Toxicola
They are certainly very excellent
as I can testify from long experience,
kept me in splendid health, so I
had to call a physician since I
used them. Brazilian Balm is the one thing
that cures Grippe, so it leaves no evil effects
behind; and for colds, coughs, catarrh and
lung troubles, I never knew its equal. And
Toxicola is the most wonderful thing to put
life into the system I ever saw.
billiousness, tones up me nerves,
complexion and purifies the blood
ntiv Hnif hut fnr a Snrintr and Fall
J ' " X O
gold. I know Miss L. 1,. Clark
Elmina Reynolds, Indianapolis, Ind
cts., SO cts. and $1,00 a bottle. More doses
Toxicola Tablets 15 cts. and 50 cts. a box
a mouth's treatment of Toxicola Tablets
& Co., Mfg. Chemists, Indianapolis, Ind
Wholesale and Retail Agents.
Coming Kventa,
Aug. 20 and 2S Grand picnlo at Brown
grove, Lost Crcok, for the benefit of St,
Mary Magdalene parish.
Oct. 4. Welsh Baptist twonty-sixth annual
supper in Itobbins' opera house.
Accidents como with distressing frequency
ou tho farm. Cuts, bruises, stings, sprains.
Dr. Thomas' Ecloctrie Oil relieves tho pal
instantly. Never safe without it.
Ask your grocer for the "Boyal Patent
flour, and tako no other brand. It Is the best
flour nude.
' Former Ohiof of Intalligonoo Da-
partmoiit on tbe otand.
Tell or thf Trlfknry or lllirlt Mil
itary OflloInN In FiiMtrntiiB tho Crlnio
l'iou tlio Auutinwl Ollluor Churned
With Tmiwn,
Rennes, Aug. 19. Colonel Plequurt
practically occupied tbe whole day h
lttina; with a masterful presentation
of his side of tho ratio. He spoke for
five hour, nnd his voice at the end of
thnt time began to ehow lgn ot fa
tigue. His testimony was followed with
the closest attention by the member
f the court martial aud by the audi
Colonel l'lcnimrt explained how he
hnd been unable to attend to his du
ties on account ot family berrftvement
and Colonel Henry- had acted In hit
stead. lie spoke of the Queuelll case.
Quenellt waa a returned convict, who
had been caught red handed In a
criminal net. Colonel Plcquart pro
tested ngnlnst the allegation that he
had consented to the communication
of the secret dossier, without the pris
oner's knowledge, to tho Dreyfus court
The colonnl then proceeded to dis
cuss the phrase ot the bordereau, "I
am going to the maneuvers." He said
there was no qnestlon of probationers
going to tho maneuvers In Septembor.
The witness rebutted the charge
ngalnst him of unnecessarily delaying
the prosecution of Esterhnzy. lie saiti
his object was to avoid arousing sus
picion In regard to an officer who, per-
hatis. was entirely Innocent. "What a
tnlstnke." ho added, "would havo been
vorted In 1891 had they acted in tho
same way In regard to Dreyfus."
What the witness gathered about
Esterhazy's character, he continued,
created the worst Impression upon him
but ho learned nothing to connect Es-
terhazy with nny act of espionage
Therefore, he did not mention his sus
plclons. An ngont, however, was or
dered to watch Esterhazy, who had
completely compromised himself
through his relations with an English
company, of which ho had ngreod to
become director. Moreover, Esterhazy
gambled, led a life of dubauchory, and
lived with MUo. Pays.
The colonel Bald It would facllltato
his explanations If ho wore permitted
to see tho secret dossier, adding:
havo already had It in my hands, but
fear my memory may fall me on
some points."
"What you ask," replied the presi
dent of tho court martial, "Is Impos
slble. Tho minister's orders aro ab
solute. Tho secret dossier can only bo
examined under certain conditions.
The minute detail with which tho
colonel dealt with tho evldonco, tho
clearness of his languago, and his de
ductions had grand effect upon tho
audience and elicited general admir
ation. Tho former chief of tho Intel
ligence department concluded his ex
amination of tho first portion of tho
secret dossier by saying:
'May I bo allowed to express deep
rogreat at tho absence ot Major Du
Paty Do Clam? It seems to me Indis
pensable that this oIBcer, who wrote
the commentaries on the secret dossier.
should be summoned to give evl
donee hero. He would glvo us his
reminiscences, and I would help him.'
'But," added Plcquart, "since I am
dealing with this question of tho com
montarles of Major Du Paty de Clam,
pormlt me to point out to you, gen
tlemen, that this documont was not
the property of any particular min
uter. It was classified as belonging to
the Intelligence department, and, aa
you see. It formed part of a well do
flned dossier a dossier which was
shut up In one of the drawers of my
desk, and which was abstracted from
It. The commentary, therefore, Is
upon a secret dossier document which
wns improperly removed from my ae
partment. You cannot imagino, gentlemen.
what people. In order to get money, If
only a modest 20 franc piece, havo
brought to the Intelligence department
In the shape of so-called information,
which examination has proved to bo
Colonel Plcquart explained how ho
had acquired the conviction that the
bordereau was wrKten by Esterhazy,
and how ho ascertained that the ant!
Dreyfus proofs were worthless. He
detailed how ho first learned of the ex
lstence of Esterhazy, and his efforts to
discover sometning about blm.
"I knew Esterhazy was anxious to
enter tho war office, and I did not re
gard his desire favorably. I communt
cated my Impression to my chiefs, who
approved all ray steps, and tho ap
plication ot Esterhazy was rejected.
His insistence, howovor, only m
creased my uneasiness regarding him
and I resolved to obtain a specimen of
his handwriting. I was Immediately
struck with the similarity of his hand
writing and that of the bordereau, and
forthwith, I had tho letters of Ester
hazy, which wcro In my possession
photographed, and showed tho photo
graphs to Major Du Paty de Clam and
M. Bertillon (the handwriting expert)
botween Aug. 25 and Sept. 5."
Colonel Plcquart, continuing, said
Paty do Clam, on seeing tho writing,
forthwith declared It was that of Mat
thew Dreyfus, the brother ot Captain
"At M. Bertlllon's request I left tho
photographs with him. When ho re
turned them he said he adhered to this
opinion, and earnestly asked to see tho
original, when I saw beyond a doubt
that the handwriting of the bordereau
was Esterhazy's, and seeing that tho
documents mentioned therein might
havo beon supplied by Esterhazy, that
the words "1 am going to tho maneu
vers could perfectly well apply to
Esterhazy, and that Esterhazy had
secretaries at his disposal to cony a
document so voluminous as the firing
manual, I resolved to consult the se
cret dossier to see what part of the
treachery he ascribed to Dreyfus and
to assure myself whether the dossier
contained anything Indicating Ester
"I frankly admit I was stupefied on
reading tho secret dossier. I expected
to find matters of gravity therln. and
found, In short, nothing but a docu
ment which might apply Just as much
to Esterhazy aa to Dreyfus."
Describing his Interview with Gen
eral Gonse, Plcquart said that he asked
General Gonse for permission to con
tinue the Investigation, Insisting on
the danger of allowing tho Dreyfus
family to proceed with their Investiga
tion alone. Tho general replied that tt
was Impossible, In his opinion, and in
the opinion ot General Do Boisdeffre,
and the minister of war, to reopen the
affair. "When I pressed the point. In
order to make General Gonse under
stand that nothing could prevent Its
reopening If It could bo believed Droy
fuswas lunocent. General Goosq ro-
piled If you nay notlilrfic. nolnxly will
know.' 'General.' I replied, firmly.
what you toll me is abominable. I do
not know what I shall do. But I won't
carry thin '-rot with me!' "
Colonel niquart't sreech of nve
hours waa delivered without notea or
any leading question from M. De
mange, and In the moat lucid and con-
rlnrlnc atyle. It waa a tour de foro
which In any civil court wonld cer
tainly Inaure acquittal. But Plcquart.
himself. Is the object of such Intense
hatred and prejudice at the hand of
the whole general staff and the bulk
of the officers for his Integrity. Inde
pendence and utter disregard for mili
tary dlaclpllne In hie aearch for thf
truth, that the effect ot his speech is
greatly discounted.
Colonel Jounuat treated film ulauain-
fully. In marked contraat to the defer
ence he displayed toward oeneraiH
Mercler and RogeL It la thin evldenc
ot partiality and the fact that, by
acquitting Dreyfus, the court martial
would virtually be convicting their
superior, which leads many people to
believe that he wilt be recondemned
In any event. If he be acquitted. It will
have beon Plcquart who saved him.
There are rumors that after all hs-
terhasy will go to II wine to testify
The Figaro enumerate altogether 11
documents thus far discovered In the
Dreyfus affair.
Slonmor'H'nnttlo With tho Storm.
Norfolk. Va., Aug. 19. The steamer
Essex of the Merchants and Miners'
Transportation company, arrived here
last evening after a severe fight of over
90 hours with seas which rolled moun
tain high and winds which reached
hurricane velocity. She loft Savannah
onday noon bound for Baltimore and
met th.-' fury of the gale oil Tybee
Island. She shipped considerable water
and her cargo ot general merchandise
Is damaged. Her 20 passengers suffered
A Dcndly Danger.
Many a man who
hns the seeds of
disease planted in
his blood dreams
away his time in
fancied security
with n deadly dan
ger cou-
cu upon
ready to
its fangs into his very vitals.
onouui a man ijiihk im lias cunsunip-
tion," you ask, "just because his appe
tite is poor and he is losing flesh and he
has a little cough and a general feeling
of weakness and incapacity?"
No: that doesn t necessarily mean con
sumption, but it means that the system
is being steadily undermined; 'it is
losing force ami vitality; it is being
tainted with bilious poisons that the liver
hasn't power to throw off nnd any day
that which is now only a probability may
suddenly develop into a certainty.
Mr wife had hemorrhage of the lunra. She
had ten hemorrhages, and the people all around
nere sam sn wouia never dc wen agnm. saia
Mr. W. A. Sauders. of llern, Mason Co.. W. Va.,
In a verv Instructive letter written to Dr. R. V.
Pierce or Buffalo. N. Y. " Put she began to take
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and she
soon began to gain strength and flesh,
taking ten bottl.s she was tnlirtlv w4U.
-ou thlnlcthls will do vou anv rood to rjumlsh.
just use it, and if any one disputes the ments
of this almost omnipotent medicine they may
enclose self - addressed envelope with stamp,
and I will answer the same aa written in this
But the time to use this medicine is now
while the little weaknesses are slowly
breaking you down. Awaken in time and
throw off the deadly danger before it
strikes you In a vital spot. This glorious
Discovery" will give you appetite and
digestive power, pure blood aud solid sub
stantial strength.
Write to Dr. Pierce about your condition.
He will send you good, professional ad
vice, free of charge
Steel Pennyroyal Treatmen
is tho original and only PIIKNC1I
Aftfn nnil rplinhln enro on tho mar
ket. Price. $1.01); sent by mail
Uennino sola only oy
Klrlin'a drug store.
Philadelphia &
Readinq R'y-
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke.
Tralna leave Shenandoah aa follows:
For New York via Phlladelnhla. week dr
iu, joo, i iii., 16 o, a vj auuo irj p. m,
Sundaa, 2 10 a m.
For New York via March Chunk, week daya
7 37 a. m., 12 26 and 8 09 p. m.
For Reading and Philadelphia, week days.
S 10, 5 38, 7 87, 9 85 a. m., 12 26, S 09 and S 09 p. m,
Sundays, 2 10 a in.
ror t'oiiavnie, ween aays, 2 10, 7 37, 9 6a a. m
12 28, 8 09, 8 09 and T 30 p. m. Hundaya, 2 10 a m,
For Taraanua and Mahanov Oil v. wek nnn
2 10, 7 37, DM a, m., 12 26. 8 09 and 4 09 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a m.
for wiiuamapon, Hunbury and Lewlaburg.
Sundava. 3 27 a m.
ITCC. UttVB. H I . IIU B - III . . 1 J -U 1 ...
f or aiauano) riane, wcekrlavs, 3 10. 3 27. 3 83,
787,963,1182 a.m., 12 26. 809, 6 09, 730, 9 66
For Ashland and bbniuofcln, wmIc daya, 3 27,
7 37. 11 32 a.m.. 12 26.8 09. 6 07.725 and SS . m
Sunday. 3 27am.
.'UlUMlllUlUtV. MUUIUKHIU iuu mo l eat Via
B. JcO. H. K., through trains lei-i Beading
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. A R. D B.) at 3 20,
7 63,1126 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 p. l. Sundava
TP 1 .... I IT'-.,., . . . , ,
0 4U, , uu, ji aa a. ia.,a to ana i l p. m. Adu!
tlonal trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest.
nui aireesa aiaiion, weec aays, 10 ao a. m. 12 20
u id s fu p.m. Buoaaya, 1 S3, H zs p. m.
aays. li la. A so. 7 30. 11 80 a. m.. and 1 30 4 an
9 00 p.m.
Uaive New lore via Maucb Chunk, week
dava. 4 30. 9 10 a. m.. 1 30. t 40 d. m.
.cave FhlladelDhla. Keadlno: Terminal. nMv
daya, 4 30, 8 86, 10 21 a. m. and 1 86, 4 08, 6 36.
Leave Reading, week days, 137, 7 00, 1008
a, m., iz la, 17, o uo, s so p. m.
Leave PotlsvlUe. weec dava. 7 17. 1 40 a. m.
9 30, 12 80, 1 20, 4 80, 6 10 and 6 50 p. m.
iave jaroaqua, wees aaya, a is, use, 1129
a. in., 1 vj, o 00, 2U. v 11 p, m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week daya, 8 43, 9 04,
11 47 a. m.,2 22, 6 25, 6 24, 7 41, 10 OS p. m
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week daya, 2 40, 4 00
630. 9 22.10 23.12 00, a. m., 289, S86, 6 42, 7 68
Leave Wllllamsport, week days, T 42, 10 00 a
m., 11 01 iuu a w, limp. 111.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut atreel w harf and
nouin aireei wnars lor Alianllo mt 7.
Weekdava Kanras. 8 CO. 9 00. in is a m 1 no
minute, 6 80, 7 15, p m. Accomodation, CIS a
m, 530,630pm. (Sundays Express, 780, 800,
8 30, 9 CO, 10 CO a m, 4 45, 7 15 pm. Accommoda
tion, u id a m, 1 4i ji m. ll.uu uxcuralon 7 00
in dally and 7 30 Sundava.
Ieave Atlantlo Cltv Denott Weekdara ISt
nresa, 3 45 Mondays only , 7 00, 7 43, (7 50 from
ltaltleavc, atatlon only, 8 30, 9 00, 1015, 1100
am, 330, 4 30, 5 3U, 730, 930 pm. Accommo
dation, 4 25, 8 00 am, 3 80 p m. Hundaya 15x.
prraa. 0 ov. a w. a w. o uu. o 1 ai. 7 m. h nil
BSJnni. Accnmmndatlnn. 7 1 . ... ii n,
1 1.00 Excurt Ion, weekdaya 6 00 p m, Siindaya 6 lol
2 13, 4 15, 513 pm. Eundaya 8 43. 9 Is a m, 4 45
p m. 11.00 excursion Thursday and Sunday 7 00
a m.
For Cape May and Sea Isle City Weekdays
915 am, 2 80, 413 pm. Sundays 8 43 a m 4 43
pro. 11.00 excursion Sundays only, 7 00 a in.
Additional for Cape May Weekday 8 84
a lu. ouuuuya vus in.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
For further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket stent
or address
I. A. Bwuaisn, Etjbon J. Vnu,
Oen'l Bunt, Qen'l Pasa'i Art..
Reading Terminal, PUUdelpht.
T 1
) Coughs, u
, Colds, i
) Grippe, (j
Whooping Cough, Asthma
) Bronohltls nnd Inclplont
f Consumption, Is jh
; oTJO's
German remedy
Those who once
buy SUIiLia'S
keen coming use.
lor 1U lllia au-
mixture makes
tlie flavor of cof
fee delicious.
A.l Grocers.
fflce Kuan bulldlnr. corner of Main an
Centre streeta, Shenandoah.
Odlco! Cor. Centre and White streets, next
to Justice Toomeys ofilce.
Lock Box 63, Mahaaoy City, Pa.
Havlnr studied nnder soma of tha h.t
masters lp London and Pari, will w1v Imm..
on the vlolln.mandolln. rultar and
Term rtMoiutble. Afldreu lu car of 8lrout.
the leweler Hhenndoh.
Jclt 1, 1999.
TratnB Will Imr. Hhnn,lnat, mttmw V. -
dAto for Wlggan, GUberton, Fraokvllla, Dark
v. aier, . nalr, I'ottavllle. Hamburg, Reading.
Pottstown, Phoenlxville. tforrlstown and PhK
adelphla (HrfAd street atatlon) at 615 and 8 03
a. m.. 2 10. 6 IS D ni nn wm.1t r) ar. u.
8 05 a. m., 4 20 p. m.
i rains leavo rractcvllle ror Shenandoah at
86. 1146a.m. and RIM Vfta n Li .1
H 01 a. m. and 5 36 p. m.
Leave I'otUvllle for Shenandoah (via Frack
yllle) 7 10, 11 20 a. m., 5 10, 7 10 p. m. Sunday
a S3 a. m.. 3 10 p. m.
Leave Phlliulelnhli. IXimmA at.A. ...fnn .. -
Sheaandoah at 8 33 a. m 4 10 p. m. week dais.
Sundays leavo at 6 50 and 9 23 a. m,
,nY' mllwe,P"1"' ("road street station) far
Pottaville.5 30,8 33, 1019 a. m., 1 80, 4 10,7 11
p. m. weekdaya. Sundaya, 6 80, 9 28 a. m, and
6 02 p m.
"sre Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
80.73.J 825. 021. li CoTil 43 '.C W
' ji.imneu -luuana 22 p anl, 1 4B.
280.820, 860, 4 03. 5 00, 366,600, 7 02. 4 10
1000 pm. 12 01 nlBhL S'nJ.i7 13 'SZl
8 00, 5 13. 8 23. 9 SO. 10 21. 10 13 l'l u '.i! IT
12 33. 230. 4 02 fLlmltnl. 4 ! a n la . S"
702, 8 10, 10 00 pm. 12 01 nlirhL . -
For Boaton without change, 11 01 a m., week,
daya. and 8 10 p. m., dally.
Catsklll Express Parlor car, 11 00 a m week
days. for Girt, Aabury Tark, Oeean drovr,
Ionir Ilranch. 4 03. 6 50. san n A . SIS'
IWnmuwl'ilit... am JT !
ausprn weelidaya; 300 p m Saturdaya only.
?MandVaPrn!' int" " PkS
ForIrntemllle,Eaatonand Seranton, S SO,
900 am, 12 00 noon, 3 82. 5 00 (Lamhertrlll. .-J
Eoston only), weekdays,
Try . i
"""'" 00 am, 12 00 noon weekdays, and T OS
Mount Poeonn arvM.1 1 m c.a a
on,r - f ".t.m-uaya
nri?t!J'mor" ? iyhlngton. 8 50, T SO. ,
greMlonalLlm.,SS416 8317 81p m and 11 05
For Baltimore, accommodation, 911a m. 1 S3
and 4 01 p m week daya. 8 08 and 11 16 p m dally.
12A03,LC,.,d",'Une- K"-" P-.anrd
Southern Railway. ExpreM 3 84 and U
p m, dally.
N.0i,olt"nd Western Railway for Memphis
and New Orleans, 8 34 p m daily. p
;."li" "- umo iuii i way. 7 si n m. dallr
For Old Point Comfort fiiiSZ Z.'L:
a m weekdays, 11 10 p m dally.
iatB parcel street wharf aa follows: Rja.
preaa for New York, is no m im : L
dy- FJ?r Lo.n't Branch via Seaside Park. 9 10
? 1 ?. nJ. 00 p m weeklaya. Sanday
iswpa ai jnu-riaicen for Aabury Park, 7 to a m.
r,ic5fh Haven and UameRat City, 910am
and 4 00 p ro. weekdaya; 130 p tn Saturdaya
only. Sundaya. 730 am. For Tuakerton, 8 10
a maud 4 00pm weekdaya.
Leave Broad atreet atatlnn rv.i.
dKf-?,preM4,55' 0 IM minutea am.lM
83mlnutea1, 4 00 80 mlnuteal,705 (Simlnutaal
?,m,MH'!ndy',,-.4Mt 950 l0 mlnute.1 a. tal
23S(82mlnuto,7 06t85mlnuteap. m.
Iave Market Street Wharf-Expaees. 8 00.
830, (73 minutes). 1000 (73 minutea, Vm. 1106
. .... ,, i .in , n ii 1 1 1 v i . i . . i minuiMi. i nn f ?n mk..u
(73 minutea), 8 80 ( 60 minutea), 4 00 (
IS?''4?0 ("minutea), 6 00 60 minute,
103 mlnuteal p. m. Sundaya, 6 00, f
n.. KiTK Heaea. tviiawoia, flollr
Ua. 1 ' . f , , - - .. . - -
j"-,,,,., sou. s ua (luumlnulaal.
Cape May only, 1 30 p m Saturdays, f 1,0
nn ti
cumlon train, 7 00 a. m. dally.
For Sea late City. Ocean City, Avalon and
atone Harbor Express 9 10 am, 1 80, 4 20, 8 CO
P.ra weekdaya. Sundays, 8 80 a m. 11 -OJ Urcui
slon train, 700 a m dally.
.!S?nJ oiafiVn' 100,8 89,1000 a
m,( 100 Saturdays only), 2 00,300,4 00,8 00,8 80
p in weekdays. Hundava. A no a m ,m..j mm
am, 480pm. '
T'1" Union Transfer Company will call far
and cheek baggage from hotela and realdanoea.
Dining Car.
I. B. nirrcHinaoar,
Gen'l Manaxer.
J. R. Wood,
Gen'l PaaaVr Agt
News and Opinions
National Importance
Daily, by mail, - $6 a year
Daily and Sunday ,by maillti8 a year
The Sunday Sun
!pr best uy
adding a lit
tie of SccIIk's
, ,
l to ordinary r
coflee. acapackge. I
Congressional Llm.J, 8 34, 6 17. 6 51 1 81 n. aV
SI? nlRhtweeiday.. SundaTe, M,PV '
9 12. 1123 a m. 12 00. ! 17 n, , X, 't..t Afl'
W 75 minutea, 1000 70 mVnute.1 i7m"w4
4 30 73 minutes; p. m. $1.00 Excuialon trala.
7 00 a m week-daya. Sundays, 7 00 and 780 a uZ
is the greatest Sunday newspape
in the world.
Price 5c i copy, By trail, J2 i )
Address TUX SUM, Nev Tsrk.