The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 18, 1899, Image 2

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V m ."!,!, pit to Print.1'
Pi- iwwlncti "ri'ii iir. except Stimla)-, nt
S..111I1 .liintln atrwl, Hhenaniloah, Pa.
TI10 Herald Is delivered In Shenandoah nml tlio
mirrnnndinir town forlxecntna w ek, imy-
able In tlie enrrlers. By mall 88. CO a year, or
2!5 cents n month payable In auvanee Air
vcrtlsemcnts oharRod according to simcoand
position. Tim publlshere reserve the right
to change the position 1 f advertisements
whenever the publication of news demand
It. The right I reserved to reject nny
advertisement, whether paid for or not, thnt
the publishers may ileeru Improper. Adver
tising rntes made known upon application.
Entered nt the pot office at Hhenandonh, Pa., as
second class mall matter.
OUR COUNTRY : First. Last ana Forever
Thk Republican county clinirumn
lms chosen eighteen persons to serve
ns committeemen, while the rules of
the party require but twelve. Hut,
then, rule have, no terror for the
fjeutleiuaii from Auburn.
MoitK than a year must elapse be
fore the two "Hons." will lock horns
for the Congressional, plum in this
district. In the meantime these pa
triots are lying awake o' nights.
Thk cry of distress from Porto
Rico has been promptly answered,
and a large cargo of the necessaries
of life is already bounding on its way
thither, and others will follow. The
American people know how to be
Thk German Political Club, of
Luzerne county, which was recently
organized for the purpose of gaining
recognition for the Germans at the
hands of both parties, is gaining in
membership. Wilkesbarre has the
largest number of members, but be
fore election clubs are to be organized
in every section of that county.
Thk Hon. Richard Croker, who
started out so valiantly a few months
ago to compass the defeat of Mr.
Bryan for the Democratic nomination
for the Presidency, and to nominate
in his stead the brother of his abject
follower, the nominal head of the
New York city government, has ex-
perienced a change of heart. He has
taken a complete somersault and
landed feet first in the Bryan camp.
Municipal Ownership.
The League of American Munici
palities, at its third annual couven
tion to be held at Syracuse to-mprrow,
will add fnateriolly to the information
now in circulation on that most im
portant of all municipal questions,
the public ownership of light and
water plants. Nothing has attructed
mare earnest public attention in
recent years than the municipaliza
tion of public service industries in
this country.
As the movement has progressed it
has had to meet a most substantial
opposition from those who do not
believe that industrial' enterprise
should be attempted by the govern
ment. Despite this serious opposi
tion the movement has grown with
rapidity throughout the United
States, until political parties have
considered it expedient to place in
their local platforms the most em
phatic declarations in favor of muni
cipal ownership. This question has
been paramount in political contests
waged in New York, Chicago, New
Orleans, San Francisco, Denver,
Detroit, Milwaukee, Toledo and other
large cities.
That the municipalization of light
and water plants has gained ground
rapidly is shown by authentic ' statis
tics. Ten years ago ' there were
scarcely more than a score of publloly
owned electric light plants in this
country ; to-day nearly 400 munici
palities own and operate works of
this kind. In 1800 only 42 per cent,
of the water plantB in the United
States were publicly owned, and to
day the per centage is about 54.
Municipal ownership, like all other
questions, has two Hides. The argu
ments, both pro and con, are well
founded and intensely interesting. At
the two preceding conventions of the
League of American Municipalities
this question has been disoussed at
length, but only the affirmative side
has been presented. The program
committee for the. coming Syracuse
convention have determined upon a
plan that will bring forth the most
comprehensive and the fairest dis
cussion of this question ever pre
sented in this country. They have
decided to set aside oue whole day
for the treatment of the subject, and
to have it dlsouBsed from every stand
point. The day of the convention set aside
for this interesting dfsoussion is next
"Wednesday, and if ia very likely that
the eyei of the -'country, figuratively
speaking, vjfll be on Syraousefor that
day. The people of Shenandoah have
Toa8ons to read carefully the proceed
ings of this convention.
flnlil ltiintlnir Pnrlv'n llml t.tiolt.
Spiittla, Auk. 18.-W. II. Uosoraulp,
of Chicago, who wag a member of tho
HuRty Dlnmond party, of Chicago, lion
relumed from Aliukn. The party was
rompoHwl of B0 men. Thoy sailed from
Penttlc in Mny, 1SH7. IntnndtnK to ro
to Dnwfinn City. Through 111 luck, they
reached St. Michael's late nnd were de
tained there until it became too lato
to make the trip up river. Then they
headed for the Fish river country In
I lie Oolovln bay district, from which
good report were coining. There they
have remained aver since. Tho expe
dition outfit cott an evan $GO,000, $1,
000 being contributed by each mombor
of the party. After 1G months of en
during hnrdshtps and privations they
have been enabled to draw out $400 to
the num. The party Is now brokon up
and dispelled.
Iloipllnl ShlpK r. .Miti, in.
Washington, Aug. IS. The hospital
Shltl Hnlipf lialnnvlnir fn
---.-ci"''r, l 1 1 v . ...v. ...v. i, ,
dapartmont of the army, will sail for
manna apout tno Z8tli of this month
with n full load of medical supplies
and 20 female nurse. The hospital ship
Missouri which Is now being refitted
In New York, will sail about tho end
of this month, via Suez, for Manila.
She also will carry a big cargo of
medical supplies and a detachment of
uie nospitai corps numbering 150 men
OPPIllllII I.ottlirH For l.rirrnrv'I'tr.t.-ntr
Havana, Aug. 18. El Diarlo Do La
Marina, objecting to the action of the
pusiouice auinoriiies in opening let
Inm flimnrMMvl tn rtmitnin Inrtnttt. Hnl..
cts, says: "Tho action bf Gonoral WII-
Rnn In AMI roll trio naBantitrnro nn n ntl
way train to find Ills stolen watch
must not bo taken to establish a pre
cedent. Lot the Introduction of lot
tery tickets be stopped, but lot othor
means than opening letters bo adopted
LU BlAip 1U
Mot henth In Frlirlitfiil fit II At.
Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. 18. While
Henry Confer was threshing his sea
son's crops nt his fnm In this county
his 8-year-old son foil Into tho "Jack"
of the machine, head flrHt. The llttlo
fellow's skull wbb battered to pieces.
cur. mo resistance or tho bones was
enoueh tn stnn thn honw mnftiiinttni
almost Instantly, and whon looking for
me cause oi mo stoppage tno threshers
found the lifeless body clogged In the
A til ii no Ilonrso Solzpil.
PoilirhlfppnRln. Ann- IP. Tim will-
age hoarse Is in the hands of the tax
collector at Pawklng, and tho people
are so mad that nnr n mnn will 1lt
until it Is released. It comos of a water
Lax tno owner or tho hearse, Samuel
Mason, refused to pay. Many others do
cllne to pay the tax. The hoarso may
be needed if tho suit in court now
pending does not ond as tho defiant
ones wish.
When You Hide Your Wheel
Always shako into your shoes Allen's Foot
,ase, a powder for tho feet. It keeps your
feet cool, prevents sweating feet, and makes
your endurance ten-told (.'renter. Over one
million wheel peoplo nro using Allen's Foot-
tase, mevall nratso it. It Elves rest and
comfort fo smarting, hot, swollen, aching,
leet and is a certain euro lor ingrowing nails.
At all druggists and shoe stores, Hoc. Sample
i-KM-j uy mall. Address, Allen H. Ulmsted,
Le lioy, N. Y.
Tlio Pnmonn Commission's Hoport,
Washington, Aug. 18. The German
embassy has received from Baron
Sternberg tho full report of the Sa-
moan commission and the draft of the
proposed convention by which the
treaty of Berlin will be modified. After
it has been gone over by Minister von
Mumm it will be forwarded to Berlin,
and it will not be until Berlin and Lon
don have had opportunity to consider
the report and confer with their re
spective commissioners that pourpar
lers win begin on training a new
Tho Mn.ll Pouch nml tho Automobile
Washington, Aug. 18. Acting Post
master General Shallenberger, in a let
ter to Postmaster Dowstoe, of Clove-
land, has declined to authorize tho
carrying of a mall pouch by an au
tomobile from Chicago to Now York.
Mr. Shallenberger says that Irhlle tho
department watches with interest the
development of the motor carriago it
cannot lend Its official endorsement to
such a test.
Donth of"n Well Known IMirMoInn. ,
Lancastor, Pa., Aug. 18. Dr. Alex
ander Craig, of Columbia, one of the
best known physicians In eastern
Pennsylvania and for 30 years sur
geon for the Pennsylvania railroad
tompany at Columbia, died Wednos-
r.ay night from paralysis. Ho was 61
rears old.
Exnmfnntlons for Wiirrrfiit Mnchlnlsts
Washington, Aug. 18. Much satis
faction is felt at tho bureau of naviga
tion over the very high grado exami
nations, held all over the world, were
submitted to a board for assignment
of merit, and, after carefully consider
ing all the papers in each case the
final report is now made.
Sacrificed to
Blood Poison.
Those who have never had Blood Pol
son can not know what a desperate con
dition It can produce. This terrible
disease which the doctors are totally
unable to cure, is communicated from
one generation to another, inflicting its
taint upon countless Innocent ones.
Some years ago I was inoealated with poison
br a nurse who Infected mv babe with hmut
taint. The little one u
unequal to the struggle,
and Its life was Yielded
Up to the fearful poison.
For six lone years I suf
fered untold misery. I
was covered with sores
and ulcers from head to
foot, and no language
can express ray feelings
of woe durinir those Ion
years. I had the best
medical treatment, bey
eral nhvslolana aueeeg.
oil tlj urairu wci vui Ml
1..1. ..... .. M. v... .11
io no purpose. loe mer
cury and potash seemed to add fuel to tbe
awful flame which wag devouring me. I was
advised by friends who bad seen wonderful
cures made by It, to try Swift's Specific We
got two bottles, and I felt hope again revive In
my breast hope for health and happiness
aealn. I Improved from the stort. and a com
plete and perfect cure was the result. B. S. S,
Is the only blood remedy which reaches des
perate cases. Mbs. T. W. Lie,
Montgomery, Aia.
Of the many blood remedies. B. B. B.
is tho only one which can reach deep
seated, violent coses. It never falls to
cure perfectly and permanently tho
most desperate cases which are beyond
the reach of other remedies.
For OlsiJ
Is pueblt vxobtablb, and fs the only
blood remedy guaranteed to contain no
mercury, potain, or otnnr mineral.
r i . . i i . i l n. j m t
I.nln Vri'lvnlH I'roni tho Islntul ltcport
Much H11I11 Wriumlir.
New York. Aug. 18. Dr. II. M. Car
roll, Prosldent McKlnloy's commis
sioner to Porto Itlco, who Is now at
Plalnflold, N. J., has rccolvod a letter
detailing tho destruction wrought by
tho hurricane It says that tho serious
ness of tho situation is that no 0110
has tho monoy to buy nfrosh. No
planting can bo undertaken, nor mills
built. Tho markot Is baro; nothing
comos In for salo. A llttlo milk that
camo in sold for 25 conts a bottlo.
Every vessel In Ponce Is oshoro and
tho warehouses and somo houses nro
partially undor water.
Sovoral of tho passtligors on tho
Btoamshlp Philadelphia, which arrived
yesterday from Porto Itlco, gave ac
counts Of tllO Wlllnsnrnnil rlnanlntlnn
and ruin wrought by tho recont tor-
.1 in ....
miuo. hi. uiru, or uuayama, said thero
were 1,000 hogsheads of sugar In
Uuayama alono anil It wna tlmmmriiiw
wet. If It is not disposed of at onco it
will bo worthless. Tho natives, says
Mr. Bird, aro grateful for tho aid ron
dorod to them by tho Amoricans, but
free trade would bo tho only perma
nent rollef. Thoy ask for tho estab
lishing of agricultural banks to loan
monoy nt modornto tormB of Intorcst
to the nocdy farmers. Monoy now
commands from 10 to 18 per cont.
That Throbbln Headache
Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Thousands of suffer
ers have proved their matchless merit for
Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make
pure blood and strong nerves and build up
your health. Easy to take. Try them.
Only 25 certs. Money back if not cured.
Sold by A. Wasley, druggist
Mill Clospil l,y strike
Trenton, Aug. 18. As a result of a
strike of eight "roughers" In tho roll
ing mill of John A. Itoebllng's Sons
company followed by threats of other
workmen to follow their example, tho
Itoobllngs yesterday closed down their
rolling mill, throwing 150 men out of
work. A movement among tho men
to call out all tho employes In the
establishment Is not mooting with any
Murrtoror Arrested Altor M nny Tears.
Indianapolis, Aug. 18. Vlnches Gl
ordlno, a fruit vendor, was arrested
here charged with murder committed
10 years ago. Tho Information was fur
nished by his brother-in-law. Glordlno,
whose real name Is Antonio Doltona,
admits that ho killed Sabadora Dl
carlo on a plantation near Now Or
leans, but Insists that it was in self
defence. Glordlno has lived here for
ton years and has been well respected.
jr. Onorln Still In Hnrrlcndo.
Paris, Aug. 18. According to Tho
Figaro, tho government has decided
not to use force, but to wait until M.
Guerln Issues forth. General Jacquey
and General Laguo, who interviewed
M. Guerln this evening, say that ho
declared ho would resist to the death.
The house Is now guarded by republi
can guards. Tho cabinet will moet to
morrow to consider the situation.
Possibly nn Rimliioora Strllrn.
Chicago, Aug. 18. Railroad men say
there is a possibility of an engineers'
strlko on the Cleveland, Cincinnati,
Chicago and St. Louis, othorwiso
known as the Dig Pour, over wages. A
conference between a committee rep
resenting tho locomotive drivers nnd
General Manager Schaff finished yes
terday without having reached an
Half the Ills that man 19 heir to come from
indigestion. Burdock Blood Bitters strength
ens and tones the stomach; makes indigos
tion impossible.
The manufacturer of Kid-ne-oids has such absolute faith in the efficiency of
that he has arranged to give every sufferer from kidney trouble a sample of KID - NE
If you suffer from pains in the side.
If your bones ache.
If your vision is impaired.
Get a Sample
If You Live
Philadelphia, Ane. 17. Hour steady;
wlntnr miporflno, $ do. extras, J2.M
fii.K; I'ptnmylvnnla roller, clear, old, 13
Fi3.U; ilo. do., iipw. J2.9OW3.10. Ilyo flour
q'Het; choice Pentinylvnnla, (3 per barrel.
V.'heat firm; No. 2 rod, (tpot, In elevator,
7H47te. Corn firm; No. 2 mixed, In
elevator. 3r,Wl!f.Hc.: No. 2 yellow, for
local trade, 3Sc. Oats dull; No. 2 whlto,
clipped, 274c; No. 2 whlto. 27ff27Vio. liny
lower; No. 1 timothy, large hales. 113.600
11. lleof firm; city oxtrn India mens, tn
lli.BO. Cut moats uulot. Lard steadier;
western steamed, JB.6B. nutter steady;
solid packed creamery. 21c.; Pennsylva
nia fancy prints, wholesale, 22c; do. Job
bing nt 28fi27o. Chcoso quiet; large, whlto,
Ilaltlmoro, Aug. 17. Flour quiet nnd un
changed. Wheat firmer; spot and tho
month, 71?te72o.; Beptomhor, 72V4B72c;
southern, by snmple, fi7H73c.; do. on
grade, (S7214c. Corn quiet; mixed, spot
and the month, 38Wt.W4c. ; Septomber and
October, 38W5f35V4c.; southern, white, 40
40Hc.; do. yellow, 40fr!0tic. Oats steady;
No. 2 white, now, 2Gff2Cl,4c. ; No. 2 mixed,
new, 25c. Ilye firmer; No. 2 nearby, G!
53c.; No. 2 wostern, BSc. Hay easy; No. 1
timothy, old, $15.60; new, $14.50ffl5.. Chceso
steady; large, 1OH01OV6C.; medium, 10?
10u.; small. lOi011c. Butter firm; fancy
creamery, 21!T22e.; do. Imitation, 17018c;
fancy ladle, l&ftlGc; good do., 13011c;
store packed, 12614c; rolls, 1J014C.
liivo Stock MnrUct.
New York, Aug. 17. Deeves nominally
steady; cables quote American cattlo
firm at IM41312M0.; tops, 13c per pound;
refrigerator beef, 0i4c per pound. Calves
stoady; venls, $tJ8; fed oalves and cull
veals. 1.60. Sheep stoady; common lambs
dull; others JOfflSc. higher; sheep, $31?
4.50; lambs, $567.60; culls, $4. Hogs wcuk
nt $5$6.20.
Kast Liberty. Pa., Aug. 17. Cattlo about
stoady; extra, $3.50fi6.C0; prime, $5.70
B.SO; common, $3.25t3.80. Hogs stoady;
prime mediums, $54(5.05; best Yorkers,
$1.0365; light Yorkers, $4.S0if4.!3; pigs, $4.40
04.90; heavy hogs, $4.75S4.S5; good grnss
crs, $4.75?f4.S5; common do., $4,4O(ft4.70;
good roughs, $4JT4.2G; common roughs, $3
3.75. Bhccp stendy; cholco wethers, $1,70
4."u; common, $263; spring lambs, $3.60
G.S0; veal calves, $7iD7.50. i
Some Foolish People
Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the
reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, It
will wear away," but In most cases It will
wear them away. Could they be induced to
try the successful medicine called Kemp's
Balsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee
to cure, they would Immediately see the ex
cellent cflcct after taking the first dose. Price
25c. and 50c. Trial size free. At all drug
gists. Priest Arrostod 1'or Consp'trncy,
Paris, Aug. 18. A dispatch from
Vlllofranche announces that n priest
named Vial has been arrested thero,
charged with being connected with a
plot to change tho form of government.
President and Mrs. McKInloy will
visit Pittsburg on Friday evening,
Aug. 25.
The fund in Philadelphia for the re
lief of the Porto Rico sufferers has
reached the sum of $9,581.53.
A carriago containing six peoplo fell
Into the White river near Washington,
Ind., and all were drowned.
The agents of tho Ward line steamer
Vlgllancla, overdue at Havana, oxpoct
the steamer to arrive thero today.
A cotton mill combine Is to be
formed to absorb $35,000,000 worth of
Fall river manufacturing property.
A largo portion of northern Now
Now York, including the cojntlcs of
Jefferson, St, Lawrence and Lowls, Is
being swept by fierce forest fires.
Two hundred people were poisoned
at Oregon, Ills., by lemonade which
they drank at a picnic. As yot no
fatalities have boon reported.
Each Applicant Will be Given
Oul - of - Town Write me for a
NIAQARa falls excursions.
VANf v nAit.noAD.
Tho Pennsylvania Italtroad Company has
solerlcd the following dates for It popular
ton-day ncurelutis to Niagara Fills from
PI ilndolpliln. IlaKlmnro nnd Washington :
August St, 6eptomlor 7 nml 21, and
OitiihorS mid 10. An experienced tourist
Btf. ut ami chaperon will accompany each
0111111(111. '
Kxriirslim tickets, good for return pnsrago
on any regular train, exclusive of limited
cxptess triiins, within ten days, will ho sold
at $10.00 'from Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington, and nil points on tho Delaware
division; $1123 firm Atlantlo City; tlM)0
frui 11 Lancaster; $3 CO from Altoona nml llnr
rlshurg; $0 00 from Sunbury and Wllkrs
barro; $5 73 (rom Williamsport; and at pro
portionate mtes from othor points. A stop
over will ho allowed at Bull'iilo, ItoclirMcr,
Gl iiilalguaand Walk I lis within thu limit
A special train of Pullman parlor cars nnd
day coaches will bo run with each excursion,
An extra charge will ho mado for parlor car
Tickets for a side trip to tho Thousand Is
lands (Alexandria Hiy) will bo sold from
Idiclicster In connection with oxcurslons of
July 27, August 10 and 21, September 7 and
21, good to return to Rochester or to Car.nn
datgua via Syracuse within five days, at rata
of $3.50.
Tickets for a sldo trip to Toronto will b )
sold at Niagara Falls for $1.00 on July 20,
August 12 and 20, and September 23. In
connection with excursion of September?,
tickets will ho sold to Toronto nnd return at
reduced rates, account Toronto Fair.
For tlmo of connecting trains and furthor
information apply to nearest ticket agent, or
address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General
Pusscngor Agont, Broad Stroot Station,
Philadelphia. 1
You Try It.
If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure,
which Is sold for tho small price of 23 cts., GO
eta. and $1.00, docs not cure tako tho bottlo
hack and wo will refund your monoy. Sold
for over fifty years on this guarantee. Prlco
25 cts. nud CO cts. Sold by P. D. Klrlin on
a guarantee.
If, whon contemplating a trip to any point
West or Southwest of the Mississippi River,
you will purchase tickets via tho Missouri
Pacific Ry , or Iron Mountain Routo (which
aro on salo at all principal ticket offices in
tho United States), you will havo all the
comforts and luxuries of modern railway
equipment, and the finest opportunities for
viewing all of uaturo's museums and marvels
of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and Now Moxico, California, cto. Ex
cursion tickets to all principal points at
greatly reduced rates. On account of tho
National Education Association meeting at
Los Angoles In July, we will mako special
low round trip rates. When contemplating
a trip West or Southwest, write us for full
information and rock bottom figures. W
E. Hoyt, G. E. P. Agont, J. P. McCann, T.
P. Agont, SOI Broadway, Now York. 4-22-tf
Yostorunj,,d"niisobnll Onmoa.
At Philadelphia Philadelphia, 12;
St Louis, G. At Brooklyn Brooklyn,
20; Cloveland. 2. At New York First
game: New York, 13; Cincinnati, 4.
Second game: New York, 5; Cincinnati,'
4. At Boston First game: Boston, 7;
Loulsvillo, G. Second gamo: Loulsvlllo,
2; Boston, 1. At Washington Pitts
burg, 5; Washington, 3. At Baltimore
Baltimore, 13; Chicago, S.
If you have loss of appetite, t
If your hands or feet swell.
If you have pains in the back.
Away to all Who Call Between
FREE Snmple, Enclosing
An Aumtmif's Work on a Colorado
Trinidad, Colo., Aug. 18. As pas
songor trnln No. 1 on the Colorado and
Northern wns proceeding south be
tween Folsom and Pes Moines at 9:30
in tho ovonlng, trnln robbers attempt
ed to hold-up tho train, but wore frus
trntod In tho nttemnt. Tho first warn
ing tho trnlnmen had of tho attempt
was when the onglnocr was ordered to
uncouple tho englno and baggago car
from the train. Tho conductor, sua'
potting trouble, immediately wont for
ward and opened Are on tho robbers.
Tho hold-up returned tho flro and
shot tho express mossengor, Fred
Uartlett, through tho left sldo of tho
faco, shattering tho Jaw bono. Frank
Harrington, tho conductor, also rc
colvod a very Blight wound In tho
fleshy part of tho arm.
A special train loft Trinidad with tho
shorlff and posse for tho scono of tho
attomptod hold-up, and found ono man
a fow rods from tho track badly
wounded, who acknowledged that ho
was tho party who mado tho attempt,
saying that ho was alono nnd that It
was his first attomnt In this business.
Ho gave his namo as Georgo Stovens
and Bald ho lived Iri tho Pnn Handle.
Neodlos nlul Spoons In Hor Stomnch.
Columbus, Aug. 18. Eliza Day. col
orcd, aged CO years, a patient at tho
Columbus' stato hospital, who was re-i
celved from. Marlon, O., ton years ago
died "Wednesday" from porltonltl3, and
an autopsy has rovealod In hor stom
ach 'the' handles of fivo silver Bpoons
nnd 50 cambrla needles, and in tho
bowels nearly 50 moro needles. About
a year ago tho woman told an at
tondant sho had Swallowed several
spoons, but an examination failed to
discloso tho presenco of nny foreign ob
ject In her stomach. Tho woman never
appeared to suffer any pain. Tho
dowis or tno spoons nro supposed to
have been corroded by tho acids of tho
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Blgnaturo of
Gins Tnfilownro Comlilno.
Pittsburg, Aug. 18. Tho glass table
ware manufacturers of tho country
who aro interested in tho combination
known as tho National Glass company
mot in this city yesterday. It is ex
pected that tho now company will bo
roady for buslnoss about tho first of
tho month. Not moro than threo con
cerns will be on tho outsldo. Tho com
bination embraces 30 of tho best glass
taoiowore lactones in tho country.
XHfl IQ Women as well as men are
1 mado miserable by kidney
TO an(l hladdor trouble Dr.
D. , .n Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, the
LSL.A1 ltl. groat kidney remedy,
promptly cures. At druggists In llfty cont
and dollar slues. You may havo a sample
bottlo by mall freo, also pamphlet tolling all
about It. . .
Address. Dr. Kilmer &Co.,Blnghamton, N. Y,
Low-Itate ISxcurston
To Now York and Coney Island via tho Lc
high Valley Railroad August 23d. Tho faro
from Slienanaoan lor tne rouuu trip win ui
$2.45. Tickets will he sold for all trains, ox
nentlnc those connectlnE with Black Diamond
Express, August 23d, limited for return pas'
sage to August SStl, inclusive, lamsun, ijo
high Valloy ticket agents for further par
this. wonderful remedy
? ' ?
9 A. M. and 9 P. M. fc
0 DS
i Shenandoah.Pa.
a 2c Stamp.
Not Only In Slictintutoali, Hut hi
Every City nnd Town In the Union.
If tlio roiiilor took tlio tlmo nml trntitilo to
ask his fellow rcaldcnta of Slicnnmlrnli tlio
simple question given below, ho would obtain
tlio ono fuiswcr. If lie wouM r ' tlio stiito-
nipnts now lictnK published In Hhcnandoali
which refer to this iinnwcr, It would urirleo
him to no to that thov number o many. As
ninny moro could be, nnd inny bo published,
but In tho tnoautinio ask tho first person you
moct what cures lwckaolio ? Tho nnswor will
bo, Donn'a Kidney Pills lloro is n citizen
who endorses our claim :
Mr. J. J. Kolly, of 20 South Main strcot,
says: Merchant reading nbout tho remnrk
ablo success of Dnan's Kidney Tills procured
them from Klrllu's pharmacy nml .tlio follow
ing is what ho lays of his cxpo'rloncoi "I
bad pains in my back both nnnoylng and in
convenient whon attending to my business,
and If on my feet nny length of time thero
was a dull, steady netting across my loins. I
had n feeling of languor, a lack of tuorey
and llstlcsaucss which unfitted mo for work.
I saw statements mado by peoplo who had
boon cured by using Donn'8 Kidney Tills and
I got them at Klrllu's pharmacy. After tho
treatment I was as enthusiastic in praising
that valuablo preparation as others. I would
not bo without thorn for thoy aro positive In
tholr effects, nnd cause no dlsagrceablo sensa
tions when taklug them."
Doan's Kidney Tills for stile by all dealers.
Price So cents. Mailed by Foster-Milburn
Co., liuflalo, N. Y. Sole agents for the U.
S. Remember the name Doan's and take no
IN EFFECT MAY 11, 1809.
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for Penn
ilnven Junction, Mnucb Chunk, Lchtghton,
SlnHngton, White llnll, Catnaauqua, Alltuitown,
Bethlehem, JSnston New York nnd Philadelphia
at 0 28, 7 SO a. in , 12 62 nnd 5 17 p. in.
For Wllkcshnrrc, Whlto Haven and Ptttston,
1 28, 10 12 a. in.. 12 52 nnd 6 17 p. m.
For Laceyvillo, Townnda, Sayre, Wnverly,
Elmlra, Rochester; ltufTnlo, Niagara Falls,
Auburn, Hyrncuse, Ithaca, Geneva and the
West, 10 12 a. m., 12 52 nnd S 17 l. in.
For lichiilere, Delaware Water Qap and
Strnudsburg, 6 23 a, in., 5 17 !. ill.
For Ijimbertvllle and Trenton, 7 60 n. m.
For .Teaneavlllo, Levlston nnd Uonvor Meadow,
5 28 n. in., 12 62 p. m.
For McAdoo, Aiidenrlcd, lfazleton, Stockton
and Lumber Yard, 6 28, 7 60, 10 12 a.m., 12 52 and
J 17 p. m.
ForJeddo, Drlfton nnd Frecland, 5 28, 1012
ft, in., 5 17 J. in.
For Scrnnton, 5 23. 10 12 n. m., 5 17 p. m.
For Iost Creek, Ulrurdvlllo, nnd Aaliland, 4 00,
and 7 28 p. m.
For Haven Hun. Centrnlla. Mount Carmcl and
Shamokln, 10 49 n. in., 1 42, 0 07, 9 23 p. in.
roriuannnoy i;ity, I'nrK 1'jaco anu ueiano,
i 28, 7 60, 10 12 a. ui.. nnd 12 62, 6 17 p. m.
For Yatcsville, 5 28, 10 12 n. m.
Trains will leave Shnmokln at 7 00. 9 20 a. m.,
11 69 nnd 4 20 u. in., and arrive at Shenandoah
at 7 60, 10 12 a. in., 12 62, S 17 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah (or Pottsvllle, St. Clair,
uewuisuo, Jtiorea ana now isoston, 700 nna
10 12 n. m , 12 52 nnd S 17 P. in.
Leave Pottavllle for Slienanilonli. 9 46 a. m..
1285, 505, 8 15 p.m.
Leave JUnzleton tor Shenandoah. 9 SO a. tn.,
12 45, 5 09, 0 2(1,8 81 p. in.
Trains leave for Raven Hun. HpntrAlln. lift.
Cnrmel nnd Slinmokln, 9 48 a. in., 7 21 p. m ,
Trains leave Shamokln for Shenandoah nt
8 50 a. m., nnd 8 85 p. m.
Leave Shcnnndoah for YntcsvlUe, Mnhanoy
City, Park Place, Delano, McAdoo, Audcnrled,
Ilazleton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Wcatherly
and ilauoli Chunk, 9 47 a m., and 0 32 p. in.
por jjciiiKuion, Diaiingion, uaiasauqua, mine
Tall. Conlav. Allentown. Boston ancl Phllllntt-
burg, 9 47 a. in., and 6 32 p. m.
roinevr YorKnml I'liuauelpma, 9 47 a. in.
Leave lladeton for Shenandoah. 8 60. &. m..
and 6 27 p. m.
ai. 11., oupt. Transportation,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
EOLLIN II. WILllUIt, denl. Supt..
South Bethlehem, Pa.
CUAItLES S. LEE, UcnLPass. Apt.,
New York, N. Y.
South Bethlehem, Pa.
win. S. LEIB,
yOTE for
A box of our
is an exhilarating
stimulant during
the hot summer
Delivered nt your homo.
Columbia Brewing Company.
The only pleasure resort and
picnic grounds in this region,
Splendid lake of fresli water. Ice
and wood, free, to all picnic parties
to prepare and preserve meals. An
orchestra is established here for the
entire season. For particulars
D. J. YOST, Prop.,
Barnesvllle, Pa.
819 N. Centra 81., I'ottavillc, F.
FlnoolJ Whlskoyg, GluaaaJ tbe b
a. euuica uua oi vjiR&n ana Temper-
A.oeommodtlon lor travel erg.
Ue&Iifttttl ftouri
I'owdors neve ii
1 uf J iimfftfor f&thnf
wtth Twity iJ Vtamjrvrti lli nrt otht-r UM
ruirtdit-il AJvbti bav tb but tod '
lutPiuU Gdftftnteea iupenoT to tU otbr A