li ft Virginia Mothers Friend, beginning six months before con finement. Sht felt perfectly well up to a few hours before tho baby was born, and was In labor less than two hours. She had no morning sickness, no headache, no dis tressing tightness, no swollen or rising breasts. Her baby was strong and the pic ture of health. Mother's Frlond Is the only rem edy known which relieves the expectant mothers. It Is a liniment to be applied ex ternally. Nothing but harm can come from taking medicine Internally at such times. All Internal preparations said to relieve com ing mothers are not only humbugs, but positively dangerous. Mother Friend costa SI bottle a druggists, or you can send to The Ttradfleld Regulator Co., Atlanta. Ga, UNCLE SAM' 3 HOT BATHB. THE HOT crntNdg OP AUKANSV8 VIA BnUTHEttN RAILWAY. Will enullnitn from your system tho linger liiK cfl'ectsiif grip and other ailments caused by tho sovero wlntor, ami malaria, rheuma tism, neuralgia, catarrh, stomach, khlHcy, ilvcr nnil nervous disorders, paralysis lilool and skn diseases, and chronlo and func tional ileiniigemctits. Tho mountain cllmato of Hot Springs Is cool and delightful In summer. 100 hotclsbpcn the year around. For Illustrated literature, containing all Information, address C. F. Coolcy, Manager Iiulsucss Men's League, Hot Springs, Ark. For reduced excursion tickets and par ticulars of tbo trip, address W. A, Turk, Ocn'l I'as3. Agt., SoutliornTty., Washington, I). 0., or C. L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agont, 828 Chestnut St., l'hlla., Pa. 0-1-lm HOOIVS cure Mver Ills Biliousness, Indlgcstlou, Headache. nliwnf ImaMvn. All DruggltA LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL I CURES BIIIousno88. ! Constipation) Dyspepsia, Sick-Hoad - jacho and Livor Complaint. SUGAR COATBD. Sold by all druggists or sent by mall. NmltMtdlcICo.,Ctitciro 5c box contains IS pills, fold liy Klrl'n'fl drug store, Shenandoah, Pa. CMelitftttr KnirlUti Diamond nrand. ENNYROYAL PILLS urlglnftlona uniy ucnninb Arte, lwjf relUMt. laoic tik Drnctlit for Chichtittn Fngl$k Din-. Mfl,ln ltl ".nd OoldlMtlUltr hsiM. arwlftl wtUi liltl rl DDOn. A B.R no oilier. i!(ftindo'Wi" tuUtih V lion ami imitation: A 1 DraulHf, or la auflipt for j.rtleuin. t-iilmnUU b4 "ICellri Tor l-oaiesv - m (it. if 31ttll. UNUUt irpiiiun"!"". rmjfi'i -hloli(rChemlcttlCo.,V .w1Um Hubm, Bold by tUi Locta Drogctiti. 1 I A A 1 Dr. Humphreys' Specifics net directly upon tho disease, without exciting disorder in other parts of tho system. They Cure tho Sick, no. cures. rnicEs 1 Peters, Congestions, Inflammation. .23 li-Worms, Worm Fever. Worm Colic... .25 3 Teething, Collo,Crytng,Wakef ulnoss ,!i3 4- Dlarrhea. ot Children or Adulter... .33 7 Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis ........ .33 8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faccache. 33 0 Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .33 10 Dyspepsia, lndlge8tlon,WcakStomaca.25 11 Suppressed or I'sltirul Periods... .33 13-Whltes, Too Profuso Periods .33 13-Croup, Laryngltle, Hoarseness 33 " 14 Bolt niieum. Erysipelas. Eruptions., .33 la-Ilheumnfliin, Rheumatlo Pains 33 lO-Malarla, Chills, Forer and Agua .33 10 Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head ,33 SO-Wliooplnc-Cougli - .. .33 37-Kldnev Disease - .33 SeMYervous Debility 1.00 30-Urlnnrv Weakness. Wetting Bed... .33 T7-3rlp,IIay Fevor .33 Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your Druggists or Hailed Free. 6old by druggists, or sent on receipt of price, tjumphreys' Med. Co., Cor. William & John Bli, Keystone State Normal School, KUTZTOWN, PA. I '1 I 1 1 1 -I The fall term of tills famous training school for teachers will open August 28, 1899. Su perior advantages' are offered to young men and women preparing for teaching, col. lege, or business. The build ings are all new, containing spacious ' suit, ianifortnhlo rooms for students, roomy re citation halls, steam heated throughout,and supplied with tho latest and best lighting and sanitary appliances. Ileforo choosing a school secure a catalogue of the Keystone Normal School, Ret. N. G. Schaeffer, Ph, D D. D PRINCIPAL. For full Information, catalogue, etc, address KEYSTONE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, KUTZTOWN, PA. SOLOMON HAAK Agent for the Famous BERGNER & ENGEL Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale; Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer and Porter. LORENZ SCHMIDT'S Mt: Carbon Beer ON TAP At all its customers to-day. Solomon Haak's, 116 South Main Street, Will receive prompt attention. MOO PILLS 25 CTS. Mm Americans Attacked by a Largo Forco at Oalulet. TWO MEN KILLED AT ANGELES. Ailvleon From Npirronniiil Colin, Two Jtlthorto l'rloiitl.vIn1nn(l, Stnto tho Iuniiranntn Aro Gaining Stronirtli lit Tlioso lnco. Manila, Auir. 17. Tho Twelfth In fantry left Calulct at sunrlso today and advanced up tho railway. Captain Evans' battnllon deployed to tho right of the track and Captain Woods' to tho left. Tho companies remained on tho trade with tho artillery. Tho Insurgents were found well In trenched in front of tho town, tho trenches havlne been dug within a few days and slnco tho occupation of Calulot. At a dlstanco of 1.600 yards the Fili pinos opened flro. Their forco was e'st- mated by Colonel Smith nt 1.G00. al though tho residents aftorwnrd said It exceeded those figures by a 1,000. Tho enemy sent heavy volloys ngalnst thd wholo American line. Most of their shooting, as usual, was .high, uut tney concentrated their heaviest Are down the track upon tho artillery. Colonel Smith kept the wholo lino moving rapidly, with freauent ruslies. Tho Insurgents attempted to Hang Cap tain uvans and thereforo two com panies were sent to the right and drovo them hack. Unable to stand our continuous vol leys tho Filipinos abandoned tho tren ches and retreated through the town northward. It appears that they had only received their supply of ammuni tion this morning. Had they been at tacked sooner they could have made little resistance. Tho Intense' heat caused much suf fering among tho Americans. A reporter of tho Manila Times, who was accompanying Colonel Smith, was shot In the head, probably fatally. One American bfilcor received a slight wound In tho face. Lieutenant Howland, of General Whcaton's staff, who knew tho country thoroughly, as tho result of roconnols sances and who assisted In directing tho movement, received a volley while riding across a field close to the trenches, but he escaped unharmed. Major Klrkman, on entering Santa Maria and. Depanay yesterday with a reconnolterlng party,, learned that, after tho fight with Qeneral PIo del Pllar's men near Bustos, about 330 In surgents retreated northward, carry ing many wounded, Including five of ficers, Tho Insurgents have been concen trating for two days about Angeles. It Is officially, announced that Colonel Smith, with ten companies of the Twelfth regiment, and two guns of Battery E, of -the First artillery, un der Lieutenant Kemley, this morning attacked 2,500 strongly entrenched in surgents at tho southern approach to Angeles, and drove them back after n sharp fight, the. American troops losing two men killed and 12 wounded. Tho Insurgent loss was estimated at 200 men. About 200 Insurgents appeared this morning In front of Dolores, a short distance north of Porac, but they were driven off by one company of tho Twelfth regiment, under command of Captain Anglum. One American was wounded. Arrivals and mall advices from Negros and Cebu agree that tho In surrection is gaining strength remark ably In both those Islands, which had hitherto been counted as the most friendly In the archipelago and which received with the greatest cordiality Professor Schurman,- president of the United States advisory commission for the Philippines, at the time of1 his memorable tour. Outbreaks are feared. particularly in Cebu, where some of tho leading men have gone over to the Insurrection. Many of the wealthy In habitants are prepared to leave tho island. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best iu the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Hoik, Felons, Corns( all Skin Eruptions. Besf Pile cure on earth. Only 25 ct. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by A. Wesley, druggist. Tlip Mississippi Populists. Jackson, Miss., Aug. 17. The Popu. lists of. Mississippi assembled hero yes Itli nVinnt fifT rlolpmifns In at tendance. Tho convention nominated '..II etata flrflnt anitprl 'hv Fir' HI TC. Prewltt, of Choctaw The candidacy of Hon. Wharton'. Barker, 10L Philadel phia, fpr president was endorsed. Mr. Barker was-present and addressed the convention. What la Shllon 7 A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and Consumption; used through tho world for half a century, has cured innumerable cases of Incipient consumption and relieved many In advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with the results we will refund your money, Price S3 cts., 50 eta. and f 1.00. Sold by P. D, Klrlln on a guarantee. Hurrlcnno In tho Bahama Group, TnMrcnnvlllft AllCT. 17. AdvlCOS TO' celved in this city aro to tho effect that the West Indian hurricane vis (toil tv,n loin ml nf Andrrvq of the Ba hama group, Inflicting great damage to property anu completely wrecmns tho sponging 'fleet. It Is said that 160 hnriina -ornrn washed 'ashore. At Nas sau some damage was done, but the ox- tent of it is not statea. "Itching hemorrhoids, were the plague of my life. Was almost wild. Doar'a Oint ment cured mo quickly and permanently after doctors bad failed." C. F. Corn well, valley street, oaugerues, . . f c ..nil H irir In .Tnmc&town. If. V. Jamestown, N. Y., Aug. 17. A flro which started In the blacksmith shop of the Jamestown Cane, Seat Chair fac- t aot, vaaiarAnv nrnvnd to be the most disastrous which ever visited that place. Four lactones, two private .i.ninTci nnri n livarv Rtnlilfi were de stroyed. Tho loss will foot In the nolghbornooQ oi jsu.uuu. Drink Oraln-0 after you have concluded that you ought not to drink coffee. It Is not a medicine but doctors order it, because It Is healthful, invigorating and nppetUlng. It is made from'pure grains and has that rich Mai brown color and tastes like the finest graded of coffee and costj about X as much. Children like it and thrive on it because it Is a genuine food drink containing nothing but nourishment. Ask your grocer or Grain-O, the new food drink 15 and 35 "O0LD DOBT.' Something New! LarRe packaRo of the World cleanser forn nickel. Still greater econ omy In 4 pound package. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COA1PANY. Chlcugo, St. Louis, New York, Boston. Philadelphia DR. E. C. WEST'S Wervo and Brain TREATMENT Tho Original. All Death At SMnR' MVOT. ttons.M cents. One eainplo only sold to each stz Sold at KlrllrVs Is sold under a positlvo Written Guarantee, by authorized apents only, to cure Wca' Memory, Diizlnoss, Wakefulness, Fits, Jlyatcrla, Quickness. Nieht I,osbcs Kvi 1 lirrW, Lack 5 Commence. Nervou.ness, Lassitude, ali lirS "outnful I-?! o UtIU IIL Red Label Snenial Eyf-m Strncrfh fS5 mI,,.!'.0Ba rwr- r'8' Manhood, Sterility or Barrennei?. for ts, with Written Guarantee to euro in 30 days. At storo or by mail. "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKC SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS aSS&g or and banish "pains of menstruation." They aro "L.IF13 SAViiUS" to girls at womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot lo harm life becomes a pleasure. $1 .00 1'12K 1JOX BY MAIL. Sold by druggists. DK. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio. For Solo by P. W. Houck. Hid Purdtatm mon w,V Mf ntlGHT )c iw mw rmnnaa imm m MllJtr tint 1 miifSHnt. runoiir. mssicmistm. Moot rf rir Mjrr. Send for our Book. "A Bird's Eve View 8 raR'-s-beuutlfully illustrated and V?r York and liow to go about. Fm nn Tni WEIili PdBltlGIiV miim Balm Toxicola Tablets Tablets. remedies It is good medicine it is worth its weight iu "The Woman Who Coughed," that is claimed for her and more too. I know of a great many qures. in this locality. They ought to be iu every home in America. They would save thousands of lives for they cure the worst cases. The best people here use them." Miss Sara ft ., t H I n r, T1,. l T-, ,..r. JC nla for the money than nny other remedy. With every $ 1.00 bottle of Balm you get t'KHi;. jjo not fan o try tuese remarkable remedies, B. F. Jackson & Co., Mfg. Chemists, Indianapolis, Jnd. Shenandoah Drug: Store, Florida short Line. The New York and Florida Express, via Southern Railway, leaving Broad street station, Philadelphia daily at 5:31 p. m. carilea through Pullman sleeping can to Augusta and Savannah, Ga., Jacksonville aud Tampa, Fla,, via Charlotte and Columbia. This is tho short Hue and most attractive route to points in Georgia and Florida. All Information cheerfully furnished by Charles L. Hopkins, District Pnssengor A tent, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. 'HOLD 0bT." filial 11 fetffoWdBB best Others Imitations. Weak''"y, Consumption, Insanity and ucrson. At store or tir ninit a box; Drug Store. of New Yoifk"and? Rt lntSSIun TIU io?U utout New imu h juu au aoout new SOGIETY mm COmCQEDS ifflalCOSMBL Ultt ASb VIV .Ilk A uu, ftK 1 1 "I am glad of the opportunity to pub licly commend Brazilian Balm and Toxicola They are certainly very excellent as I can testily from long experience, They have kept me in splendid health, so I have never fiadto call a physician since I used them, Brazilian Balm is the one thing that cures Grippe, so it leaves no evil effects behind; and for colds, coughs, catarrh and lung troubles, I never' knew its equal. And Toxicola is the most wonderful thing to put .virror and life into the system I ever saw. It corrects billiousness, tones up the nerves, clears the complexion and purifies the blood. any time but for a Spring and Fall gold. I know Miss L. I. Clark, and can say these remedies did all Elmina Reynolds,.Indianapolis, Ind Eft a), nnil 41 (V n tiM t1 o Xfnr f1rtQf Toxicola Tablets 15 cts. aud 50 cts. a bo. a month's treatment of Toxicola Tablets Wholesale and Retail Agents. Cnmlncr Kvenla Aug. 20 and 28 Grand picnic at Tlrown's grove. Lost Creek, for the benefit of St. Mary juagusiene parisn. Young Mothers. Croun Is tho terror of thousands of young mothers becauso Its outbreak is bo agonizing aud freqvantly latal. Shlloh's Cough aud Consumption Cure acts like maclo lu cases of croup, it Has never been known to fail. The worst cases relieved immediately. Price 25 cts., SO r ts. and f 1.00. Sold by P, D. Klrllu ou a gcaruutee. MFCS TRIAL GOES ON Postponomont Doniod on Account of M. Laburi'g Abioncd AFFECTING S0BNB IN THD COURT, Cfiritnln ttrorrus Vt Whan n Tocu niont 1 Honrt Itcdoiiiitliia II Im flnr rorliiKMon Dovll'n Wlnnd-New Cotin l Sniniiiiiiieil, IlcnnoB, Aug. 17. Immediately nfter thowllnMm had entered the court room yoBtpnlay morning. AlHltre De mnnftp. couneel for Captain Dreyfug, applied for nn ndjoiirnment on ac toum of Maltre Ihorfs ahuence. Ma jor Oarrlere, the government commU Bary, nrose and opposed the application In the moat vehement manner, with Iho gestures. of a atump orator. Major Carrlero dilated upon the fact that the entire world was anxiously awnltlnc decision, and upon tho necessity of ending tho suspense. The court retired for 20 minutes. On Its return Colonel Jounst road a unani mous decision of tho court rejecting the nppllcotlon. It Is understood that Maltro De mango will today repent the applica tion for an adjournment. In conse quence of a hint thnt the covornment comnilssnry. Major Carrlere, has re ceived Instructions not to oppose It. Tho feature of tho day's proceedings was tho story of the suffcrlngu of Drey fus on Devil's Islnnd, his prison off tho coast of French Guiana. DreyfiiB wept when the clerk road a document re counting the dotatls of his Incarcera tion. Deop drawn breaths of Indtgnn Hon camo from the hearers as tho road lng proceeded, and oven the cptnln of gendarmes, sitting bosldo Dreyfus, turned and uavo him a look of un concealed compassion. General Morcler, who, with M. Lo- hon, was seated In the front row of the witnesses' seats, listened to the read ing of the report unmoved, while Col- ohel Jonaust followed It with an air of bored tolerance. M. Lobon, tho former minister of the colonies, a big, red bearded man, testified In Justification of his Instruc tions to treat Dreyfus rigorously, de claring that tho extreme stringency only dated from the time he thought an attempt would bo made to rescue tho prisoner. Colonel Jounst, president of the court martial, asked Dreyfus If ho had any questions to put to tho wit ness, and ho replied In an emotional voice: "No. I am hero to defend my honor. I do not wish to speak of the atrocious suffering which for flvo years a Frenchman and an Innocent man suf fered on tho lie du Diablo." Tho next witness brought In was tho widow of Colonol Henry, tho French ofllrer who committed sulcldo after confessing to forging certain docu- monts. with pale faco and hand up raised before the crucifix, she took the oath to tell the truth. In an attltudo of complacent expression, she gavo her evidence, accompanying tho worda with frequent gestures. Her evidence however, w'as of Httlo weight. General Itoget followed. His evi dence was a vitriolic diatribe against Dreyfus from beginning to end. Whllo testifying he constantly turned to wards tho prisoner to seo tho Impres sion mado by his deposition, which was virtually a speech for the prosecution. If Roget was not speaking In good faith, his statement was Infamously wicked. But he mado a point. Major Hartmann, who testified before the court of cassation about the gun men tioned In tho bordereau, said it bad been tested In 18S0 nnd that every ono knew nil about it In 1894. This Roget denied and tho president of the court martial, who is an artillery officer, seemed to Indorse him. According to Roget, the gun had been tested In 1891 only and spoken of In only ono Journal, The Yacht, tho editor of which. Captain Woyl, was then an Intlmato friend of Esterhnzy. "Who was this Woyl?" said Roget. "Ho was the uncle by marrlago of Mathleu Dreyfus." Colonel Jounust s manner had re laxed on tho two previous days, but when tho circumstance of Woyl mak ing tho revelation about the gun was mentioned It hardened Into the utmost severity. Colonel Jouaust, previously, askod Droyfus If he wished to say anything, and tho prisoner, who, during General Romet's fulmlnatlon against him, sev eral tlmos made a movement as if to rise and retort, but was waved down by Colonel Jouaust, aroso and cried out: "My Colonel: It is a frightful thine that every day they tear out my heart and soul without my being able to re ply, It Is awful torture for an innocent man and a loyal soldier. It Is a fright ful thing frightful, frightful!" The audience, profoundly stirred, be gan to applaud, but the applause was, quickly suppressed. Maltro Mornard, who represented Madame Dreyfus. In tho revision pro. ceedtngs beforo tho court of cassation, has been summoned to replace Maltrg t-aborl until trio latter Is able to re turn to his post, M, Mornard Is ex pected to appear In court today. Ho Is a poor substitute for Labor!. Spain's Greatest Need. Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelonia, Spain. spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back o( his head. On using Electric Bilters, Amer ica's greatest Blood and IServe Kemedy, all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine Is what bis country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kid ney trouble, purifies the blood, tones np the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vieor and new life into every muscle, nerva and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. livery Dottle guaranteed, only 5q cents. Sold by A. Waslcy, drug gist' Vlfty I'orsons Drowned In CliUo, Valparaiso, Aug. 17. Tho terrlflo gales and heavy floods continue. Near Santiago do Chile a train fell Into a river from a railway bridge and 5Q persons were drowned. A house has beon washed away hero and Ua nlna occupants wore drownou, Sick Headaches, The curse of overworked womankind, are quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover Boot Tea, the great blood purifier and tissue builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory, Price 25 cU. and BO cU. Sold by P. D. Klrlln on a guarantee. Schooner NVrcokod, I'tvo Lost. Capo Henry, Va., Aug. 17. Keeper Pugb, ot Gull shoal life savin;; stat tlon, North Carolina, reports tho schooner Aaron Reppard wrecked three mllea south of thnt station. The crew consisted of eight persons of whom three were saved and five lost Accidents come with distresses frequency on the farm. Cuts, bruises, stings, spraius. I Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil relieves pain Instantly. Never safe without It. GUERIN REFUSES 10 SURRENDER. Htlll llnrrlni!til In tho Aritl-rmltn IIniliimrtfrt In I'nrl. I'arls, Aug. 17. M. Oner In has re fusml to mirrendor on any terms and says he will starve rather than capitu late. It appears aa If the efforts of M. Laslea to arrange for the capitula tion of M. Giierln are likely to be fruit leas, owing to the exceealve de mands of the beteagured, who Insists upon the right to leave his fortress and proceed at leisure to the palace of Justice, where he will surrender him self. Owing to the excited condition of the public mind the government re fuses to permit this, aa It would un doubtedly attract a great prooeaalon of followers. After further consultations with M. Walderk-lloiisseau and other officials, who declined to negotiate, M. Iasles returned to M. Otierin's house, which Is still surrounded by a crowd, al though the street Is now barricaded to prevent traffic It required ten min utes to remove the beams from the door. After an hour's consultation M. Lasles reappeared, exclaiming: "It ts all over. These men are so Impressed with the Idea of death that It Is Im possible to do anything with them." Effort will now be made to havo their Socialist colleagues and tho loadors of the Anti-Semite League call upon M. Giierln and his comrades and endeavor to persuade them to sur render. Provisions were supplied to M. Giierln from the scaffolding of a neighboring house, but iwllce were af terward stationed on the scaffold to provent this being repeated. M, Fabre, the magistrate who has the mniter In hand, Is Bald to bo en gaged vlth a heap of correspondence the police have seized, sent by the Duke of Orleans to his trusted repre sentatives hero. The persons now In custody on charge of being Involved In the conspiracy, will be tried under tho nrtlclos of the 'code which were put In force against General Boulnnger. Tho Droits Do L'Homme says a locksmith named Donnet has been shot In the abdomen by an unknown as sailant, who saw him In a street and called out: "Ho looks llko ono of thoso dirty Jows." Tho man then fired nt tho locksmith and escaped. Bonnet was taken to n hospital., seriously, wounded. Physicians as a class are opposed to what they call "patent medicines." It is not often they openly endorse them. Now aud doctor, who has been t iuc rye wiuicjts ui H f remarkable cure hv tlie WVV use of Dr. Pierce's rem edies, feels it a duty to tell what he knows. Dr. Joseph Flke, of ot Springs, Marion Co., Kan. sas. is such man. He writes: "X am utlng a good many of your medicines lu my practice. Ttn vfiari ago I had a patient who was badly affected with scrofula. Iter mouth and throat were In aa awful condition. and thtre were tutnot on the outside below the jaws the siie of a hen's gg. Other doctors said It was a fatal case. I felt confident that none of my remedies would benefit her It came to my mind that Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery was reo ommended for such cases, to I went to the drug store and bought one bottle and gave It to her to use as directed. Five bottles cured her, and she is well tolay." For more than thirty years Dr. K. V. Pierce, of Buffalo. N. Y., has enloved a far larger practice than many physicians who charge large fees for advice. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Is made without alcohol, and Is a preparation based upon his extended experience with disease. It is s temperance medicine, pure and simple, and without alcohol, whiskey, 6ttgar or syrup to preserve its proptttles, keeps per fectly in any climate for any length of time. Others may Imitate the remedy; they can not imitate Us cures. Let no one talk you into using an imitation medicine as a sub stitute for Dr. Pierce's. Sick people who cannot visit Buffalo may consult Dr. Pierce uy man. jie gives tree, tatuerly advice for treating and curing disease of a chronic, obstiuate and lingering nature. No charge is made for such, consultation. Philadelphia & Readinq R'y. Engines Burn Hard Coal Ho Smoke. IN EFFECT JVl-V 1. 189S. Trains leave Shenandoah aa follows I For New York via Philadelphia, nitk rl.n. 2 10, 588, 7 87, 9 55 a. m., la 2, 8 09 and 09 p. m Sundays, 2 10 a m. For New York via Manch Chunk, week davs 7 87 a. m., 12 23 and 8 09 p. m. For Heading and Philadelphia, week days.' 2 10, 5 83, 7 87. 55 a. m., 12 28, 8 09 and 8 09 p. m. Sundays. 2 10 a m. f or i-oitsvuie, wees aays, 2 10, 7 87, 9 55 a. m. 12 26. 8 09, 6 09 and 7 SO p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a m. rur i.iuwuit.uuiBuituurufT, wees aays 10. 7 87. 9 53 a. m.. 11 "8. 8 0(5 n.l a M m Sundays, 210 am. For V llllatueport, Sunbury and Lewlsburg, week days. 3 27, 11 82 a, m., 12 28, 7 80 p. m Sundavs. 3 27 a m. For Slahano Plane, weekdays, 2 10, 3 27, 5 SS. 7 87,9 65, 11 B2 a.m.. 12 25. 3 09. 6 09, 7 30, 9 54 For Ashland and Shamokln. week dri. a w. 141,1108. iu., u vot a w, out r -a ana iw p. in. 8undav. 8 27 a m. ror tiaiumore, wasmngton and the west via Terminal, I'hlladelphla. (P. & it. I) K.) at 8 20, 7 55.1128 a. m.. BIO and 7.27 n. i. Hnnilav. a an, ( uu, it jo . m., a vs ana T 27 p. m. Addi tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Cheat nui strceta station, wees aays, iu au a. m. 12 20 i to a u p.m. ounaays, i K, a a p. m. TRAINS FOR SHENANDOAH. Leave New York via PhlladalnhU. UKya. is 19. ou. t uu. 11 au a. m.. Anil lffl lu 900 n.m. ' ieave new roric via Maucb chunk, week davs. I 80. 9 10 a. m 1 80. 4 40 n. m. ' Leave Philadelphia, Beading Terminal, week uj a, i v, o o, iu n a. m. ana I Be, 4 05, a 84, 11 86 p.m. Leave Reading, week days, 1ST, 7 CO, 1008, a, .... , u, I II, u v,, Leave Pottsvllle, week days. 7 17. 7 40 a. m. w uu, w, Vt wy, u , w auu o ov p. III. iave iwuiqua, weeK uays, a 18, 8 86, 1123 m.. u.,, i ii, t uv, i v p. m. Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8 45, 0 04 11 47 a. m., 2 22, 5 25, 6 24. 1 44, 10 08 p. m Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00 SO. 923 10 23.12 00, a. m., 289, 5 86, 6 42 7 58 10 21 p m. Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 00 a m.. 13 84 and 4 00, 11 80 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wharf and Boum street wnaii lorAlianllo city. Weekdava Eznreas. 8 011900.1043 m. Ian 3 00, 8 00, 18 40 sixty minute, 4 00, 4 80, 5 00 sixty minute, A SO, 7 15, pm. Accomodation, 6 13 a rn. 5 80. 630 li m. Hundava Kxnreas. 7 no. 8 DO. 8 30, 9 00, 10 CO am, 4 43, 7 15 pm. Accommoda tion. 6 15 a m, 4 43 pin. 11.00 Excursion 7 00 a ro uauy anu 7 ou Bunaays. Leave Atlantla CItv Denoti Wej,kdvRT. Creiw, 6 43 Mondays only, 7 00, 7 43, 7 50 from Altloave. station only, 830, 9 00, 1015, 1100 a m, 3 80, 430, 530, 730, 930 pro. Accommo dation, 4 23, 8 00 am, 3 50 p m. Sundays Ki preas, 3 80, 4 00, 500, 600, 6 30. 7 o0, 7 30. 800. .1 , 1 .. . I n . . .... UINUIU, AIUIUJUIUUM UU. 1 1 .1 M III. . .u i nm tl.00 Excunlon, weekdaya 6 OOp m, Sundays 6 10, For Ocean City-Weekdaya-8 43, 9 15 ft m. 2 15. 4 13. 5 13 D ro. Sundavs 8 IV 9 13 m ij? pro. ILOO excursion Thursday and.auaiy 700 For Cape May and Sea Isle CUy-Weekdaya-913am,230,415nm. auudaya 843 a so 443 Dm. 11.00 excursion SundAva nnlv vni.m Additional for Capo May Vjkdaya8 54 am. SundyatUau. " Parlor Car On All Itnma trmlna. Hor farther Information, apply to nearest Philadelphia and Beadlnr lUllway ticket agent I. A. BWKISAIin. HniA. T aen'l Sapt., Gen'l Paas'r Xrl,, Ill.ln. h1... t 1 U 1 1 . I.I. .T fvjt ffii&:b-.''.v;. I HI y Theriirc-i:.d(oure$ Coughs, Colas, Grippe, Whooping CouRh, Asthma, uronohltla and Incipient Consumption, la (tERMAN REMEDY" r.THEELG04HorthSIithSl Frti rtTin rmrmucaOnwi Rt.. PhflaiiflrM. "CUBE GUARANTEED totberhaaadpoorsIlkewhohiT been ieri 'rr.1, sad tvinilled br self. releaDdbirirture. KeuiUcr. I.o4t foti vxi od Bhranlcn Orrtnt rrwd. liook, 7V V frtt tipoatiifc qutrk and U"-trto Ilt frmtnli. fYti cam cured in 4 to to dare. Trtitmcnt bt mtvLV Thtt'awhy they enjoy their (jOFFlUS Aar cTfrcer can tell you why cnitoBMr kp comloj bt V for SCnX.IGS f ft fsMkMfc 0 PROFESSIONAL CARDS jyr M. HUKKK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. n m 1. t. ,.n 1 ... Centre streets, Rbenandoah. T CLAUDK UrtOWK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Omee: Cor. Centre nnd Whfta to Justice Toomey's office. pitOF. JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 85, MahsnoyClty, Pa. nTlnf- studied nnder some of the tn matera lp Iindnn Knrt TW will 4 1 - on the Tlolln, mandolin, eulur and toc1 cottar.. Terms reasonable. Addras In care of filronM. .., icwvier nunnanaoio. P ennsylvania RAILROAD. BOntTYKILL DIVISION. July 1, 18W. Tf.(n-iatM1 fu..OI . ... "" ioDUBiiaauoanBir lae BDOTt Y'a( owiuti. iiBtnDarR. i&ematn. PottMowu. Phoenlxvnie. Worrlstown inaPhfe I Ph,l'!n( r;l,"re, " At 615 and 8 0S Frfkr'1,e ,or Shenandoah a 7 86, 11 46 a. m. and 8 86, 7 86 p. m. Sundar. II 01 a. m. and 5 85 p. ro. T" ,tuXTf,nI''?,t,lU'' ,or nandoah (vl FraeK SS'JS. Vl? pm" 10' ' J 8anU" T. In. I,.i., ., ... . BhT.n.i i lIrou street sUt on), lor HneAandoAhal 8 83 a. m., 4 10 d m wnrilln 8undy, lejkve at 6 50 ami 9 23 fcrn dT'' Imp. Km Sunday. 6 50,' 9 23 a. to, and iave uroad Street SUtlon, Phlladelphls. FOB NEW YORK. T . . .'iIrur:"c?--uy. sao, 403.440. a maw niw,i4i,a oo, 0 21, 1100. 11 43 km linn noon, 12 33, (Limited ! 00 and 4 23 r?mf t 2 30,3 20, S.'o, 4 02. 5 OOr" 56, 6 00 Toi'i mL oo. s is j "iff .wCio "ii "Jti xSr 02, 8 10, 10 00 p m, 12 01 night. 4 For Iloalsin w ihm.i.l,...". and's id Tp; n"."' " U1 a" d Catsklll Express IParlor ear, 11 00 a m wek. i .08 n m wk.i7.J To37 m SatyY,on Sun&ys stops at fnterlaken foT oihwy SA 4 05 Biid 8 ISO t. m. w r a m-rrVi"T'i'eiir,?n? Seranton, 810. ""t5?L lmbertTllle and o Mount Pocono special, 103 p m Saturday, WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH. .For Baltimore and Washington, 8 60.730 8R u du, ii a ro, u uy i3 86, 1 12. 8 12. 4 41 l il Congressional Um.,saFh 17. Mai 71 and 12 night wejtW' WsVl ST 912, 1123 a m, 1209, Ili 813. 4 41 I?ai iw? KTeMlonal Llm., 5 84. Wp4 ml 3 UM l&XhwtfD- Eprl209Ppm..nTi ro, itA"wiJr- Pre-aM and 6S Nnrfntlr .. .1 .r , . . .,j .n " rairm lunway for XfemDUM and NewOrleAn5 34 pro dally. p 5; n"Ci-T." :."S,'" 'JiwV-. "1 P. m. dally. r,i. wnarI follows t EW " iurft,viu A m, (BO n M mmW Istopaatlnterlakel. Tor Asbr? PaSl ?iS.m! onW.uS.,";'" P m'saturdaS a m and 4 CO pin wwkdlya, ' lu"enon 10 FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Im.. Du.iI . . . . . . . lTT' .. ,,mJI Bls,ll,i t i Xelawar rtvM, brlJir-Expres. 4 55, 9 40 (80 mlrteal a ra 1 S 182 minute.1. 4 00 180 mlm il .".??? p. m. BundAT.. 4 53. oi SS"7''U"' 88 182 mlnutp.1. m Im ml..;..T " Leave Market Street 830. m i m.nur). to 'S do SMurday. only). WmlnuteAlsojVomftutt 3 00 (75 minutes), 8 80 (60 mlnuteaj. 1 00 in ! U011DUM.L ;soUlS,,4f I IM mln?ti.t 0 30 IM minute! n. m. Nnnii... -nn ,iA 4 00 . 75 minute.) . TOVnutTTOi irt Min..a i ., M r ' . . OfPeMar. Anglese. Wild wovl. Holly Reach-ExpriM ,00a ro. 280.403 100 mlnuUel. rJ''t """days, 80 .a vii euralon Xin. W.d."' lM ' rTraln?;:'8 80""- FMrm"mfr!!.I'oln,.Irr,rr. 0 00,8 80,1000 s m, (100 Saturdays only), 3 00.30QL4 OoVoCO 8 80 p m weekdava. Mun.l.V. nv, am'S'" j '.S am, 4 80 pm. i.'wiiw The Union Transfer Company will sail tar and check baggage from hoteS and iUdenoeSl I. B. llDTCUIKSOK. V I TO Gen'l Manager. o'enM Pas'?r Agt QRABOWSKY HOTEL, n. UKABUW5KT, Prop. BIS N. Centre St., PorUvllIe, Pa.' I u-hl.v... ni. A choice line of d ?CtDJ- anoe Dr: Aocommodatlons for travels .mm TuJa! Wi tltxWv iVeii I ftajalaVDd auref avftcr f&i ina nnnl nuinnlMrl aiiwkA La ail atiltu ttk MlU, raiMuiai a liavs vmw nn iu u -