The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 15, 1899, Image 2

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    The Herald
INI' ltl.llli:i IRTO.
' Ail , Hm rnjfs Fit to Print,"
- jr -
p.iMi iiied r-Tr-ry vHtie, 9Ytit ptmtday, at fl
- "ith .lilnlu, tiect, Hhenftnihh, Pa.
Tlio Herald tn delivered In Shenandoah ami the
aurrntuidluir towns for nix cent a w ok, pay
able to the carriers, lly mnll W OO a year, or
23 cents a month imyablc In advance Ail
vcrtlsemonts oharl according: to siwco and
position. Thn piilillhers reserve tho right
to change the position f advertUeinonts
whenever the imhllcntlon of news demands
It. Tlio rlfclit Is reserved to reject nny
advertisement whether lmlil (or or not, Hint
the publishers may deem Improper. Adver
tising rates made lenovn iiimn nppllontlnn.
Entered nt the pot cilice 1 1 Shenandoah, Pa., ns
second class mail matter.
OAN XOT hha'cii
OF f
OUR COUNTRY : First, Last and Forever,
HAS tlio New York Journal deserted
Bryan and his favorite doutua ? The
Journal alone can answer.
Oi r Democratic friends are hopeful,
says an ex -linnse. This Is important.
The Kejmblican county chairman
should immediately seeU n conference.
TllK Republican state leaders ap
pear to be divided in their choice for
state chairman. May we not suggest
the gentleman from Auburn ? We
have made the suggestion, and await
the result.
TllK North American's special cor
respondent at Havana, says the senti
ment of the Cubans has undergone a
radical change in the last two
months. The Islanders are now
strong for annexation.
Editoii Wilson, of the Pottsville
Tribune, temporarily suspended,
knows more about tho average
Schuylkill politician now than ho
did six months ago. They seldom are
willing to pay the fiddler.
Thk editors of the Scrantonian of
Scranton, ought to be growing rich
rapidly if It be true, as Horace
Greeley once said, that "a libel suit in
worth at least $10,000 to a newspaper."
The Scrantonian editors now have
four such suits on their hands.
Tim Hon. William Douglass Seltzer,
who claims to be president of the
Good Government party, vonchsafed
the information that his followers
will support the Republican county
ticket. The Deiuocrats have taken
to the woods, since learning of this
From all quarters comes news of
the prosperity prevailing through the
country. The Railway Age of Chicago
says : Freight traffic throughout the
country is so heavy that a shortage
of cars is the general cry. The large
grain traffic in the West and the coal
traffic in the East are responsible for
this condition of things. Even in
New England every available freight
car is being pressed into service,
owing to the steady growth of all
kinds of traffic. From present indi
cations the year 1899 will eclipse all
former years in the volume of busi
ness handled. The wheat crop,
which has been mostly harvested, is
heavy throughout the West and
Northwest, although there has been
some damage on account of excessive
rrrfns and the heat, and the late rains
give assurance of a large yield of
corn. The condition of the average
western farmer was never better than
it is to-day, and all signs point to a
continuation of the general prosperity
which the country is now enjoying.
Pensions Decrease.
It Is evident from the advance
sheets issued by the Commissioner of
Pensions that from now on there will
be a steady diminution in the amount
of money paid out by the United
States government for pensions. It
is uoyv almost forty years since the
Civil War broke out, and in tho
natural course of events, the soldiers,
who then enlisted as young men and
who survive are approaohing the
three-score and ten year period in
their lives.
Very many of the old veterans have
passed away, and it Is to be aorpeoted
that the list of those who depart
each year will grow longer until all
slialLhuve passed over to the great
In this whole matter of pension the
Government has endeavored to fulfill
its duty in caring for the men who left
homes and families and risked their
lives In defense of the ling and the
Union. There has doubtless been
abuses and wrongs which have crept
into the service. Some have perhaps
received pensions to which they were
not entitled, while others have been
deprived of their Just dues.
But on the whole there can be no
question but that the Government
has made an honest effort todisoharge
its obligations to its defenders. There
yejt remains thpse who have passed
through the Cuban war, and those
who are engaged In the" Philippines,
and for them, too, the Government
will make just provision In return for
their duvotion to their country.
I lie scrubbing brush is the implement of torturowlth
which inousanus oi women are wearing out
Its tho
half of
half Inch
half their
Washing Powder
comes to their relief. Used with this Rreat
cleanser, the scrubbing brush loses Its
terror at once. All cle.ln-
Ing is easy with Gold i
Dust. It docs the work
the effort and at half the
cost nf snannrnnvnltin.
cleanser. For greatest
Tcn-tlay Excursion to Orenit Grove.
For tho benefit of tboso desiring to visit
the great Ocean Grove oamp mooting, tho
I'onusylvania Railroad Company will, on
August S3, soli excursion tickets to Ocean
Grove, Aslmry Park, or Long llranch from
stations named below at tho very low ratoq
quoted. These tickets will ho good for pass
ago to Philadelphia on train indicated,
thence on regular trains leaving Ilrnnd
street station nt 11:11 a. iu., 3:30 unci 4:08 p.
tn. that day to destination.
Leaves. Hate.
Shenandoah.. 8.05 A. M. ?3 7.1
Krackville 8.18 " 8 73
St. Clnlr 8.117 " S (VI
Pottsville 8.50 " 8 50
Tickets will bo good for return passago on
regular trains until September 1, Incltisivo,
and will permit of stop-oil' at Philadelphia
within limit.
Btorm Stricken Town's Appeal.
Carrabelle. Fin., Aug. 15. Tho citi
zens of tills placo havo Issued the fol
lowing appeal: "On tho 1st Inst, our
town was visited by tho severest storm
within Its history. Every house In tho
town wns wrecked and most of them
totally. The majority of tho people are
without houses, food and clothing, and
wo appeal for Immediate aid. All con
tributions to be sent to chairman of
relief committco."
T.lchtnlntr'H Peculiar Imprint.
Washington, Aug. IB. Three em
ployes of the Washington navy yard
took refuge from a thunder storm in
an old barn. The building was struck
by lightning and all the mon were
rendered unconscious. They were re
vived with great difficulty and on the
back ot Charles Ward is the clear im
print in red of the branch of a tree,
leaves and twigs being distinctly
Tho contributions to tho Dewey
homo so far amount to f 18,550.
The United States transport St. Paul
sailed from San Francisco for Manila
Fire last night destroyed 15 build
ings, the larger portion of the town of
Cass Lake, Minn.
The yellow fever situation continues
to improvo at Hampton, Va. No deaths
and no new cases is tho report from
Soldiers Homo.
General Davis reports from Porto
Rico the death of Harry J. Barker,
lroop J, Firth cavalry, from injuries
received In the hurricane.
There havo been enlisted for the ten
regiments of Infantry for tho Philip
pines 13,010 men. leaving but 80 more
to make tho regiments complete.
The Columbia added another vic
tory to her already splendid record
yesterday by defeating tho Defender
13 minutes, 7 seconds over a 38 mllo
More Volunteers May Bo CnlTed For.
Washington, Aug. 15. Although It
has not been definitely decided to call
out moro volunteers, there Is every In
dication that such a course Is likely.
The war department Is preparing lists
of officers of the regular army, who
havo been successful as field officers
and commanders. General Otis also has
been cabled to recommend officers.
Secretary Root has telegraphed tho
governors of different states asking
them to name officers of state regi
ments of volunteers which had been
neglected, and stating that It was de
sirable to create a reservo list from
which appointments could bo made to
fill vacancies.
Ill Treated Wtfo Shoots Iltislmnrt. "
Chicago, Aug. 14. Martin J. Wiloy,
an engineer, was shot by his wife last
night In front of their home on South
Green street and died shortly after
ward at the county hospital. Four bul
lets, all that the revolver contained,
wore sent by the angered woman Into
tho body of her husband. "I hope ho
will die." said Mrs. Wiley, as sho was
placed under arrest, after an ambu
lance had started on a hurried run to
the hospital in a vain hope of saving
tho wounded man's life, The woman's
life has been made' miserable by tho
111 treatment of her husband. Ha was
following her up to strike her when
she shot him.
Jnpnnoso Laborers In Hawaii.
San Francisco, Aug. 16. Advices
from Honolulu undor date of Aug. 8
were received last night by the China
Bay that the steamer Columbia came
In on the 5th Inst, with only 72
Japanese Immigrants, whereas she was
expected to bring at least 700, half of
them to be contract laborers and half
to be free laborers. Each of those who
came had $50 In gold. It Is stated that
the Japanese emigration companies on
account of the strictness of the gov
ernment regulations refused to do
liver more than 110 contract laborers
and of these nearly one-half failed to
come up to the health and otbor re
$30,000,000 Compnny Incorporated.
Trenton, Aug. 15. Tho Scott-JatiDey
Electric company, capitalized at $30,
000,000, was Incorporated here yester
day. The company la organized to build
and operate electric railways, and its
principal offices In this state is located
at Camden. Tho Incorporators are
Frank R. Harisell. Wlllam F. Eldell
and George 11. 13. Martin, all of Cam
den. f
Yostordny'H llnsnlmll Onmos.
At Philadelphia Philadelphia, C;
Chicago, 3. At Boston Boston, 8; Cin
cinnati, 3. At Brooklyn Brooklyn, 4;
Louisville, 2. At New York New York,
7; Cleveland. C. At Baltimore Balti
more, 14; Pittsburg, 9.
Bismarck's Iron Nerve
Wat the reilt of hi splendid health. In
domitable will and tremendous energy are
not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys
and nowell are out of order. If you want
tbew qualities and the piece they bring, use.
Dr. King' New Life I'll!. They develop
every power of hiain and body. Only 35c at
A Wiley's drug store.
3" "EPft III
their lives.
true cause of
their wrinkles
economy buy our large package.
Philadelphia, Aug. 11. Flour unchang
ed; winter superfine, $22.1S; do, oxtrati,
$2.SOW2.S5; Pennsylvania roller, clear, old.
S3t(3.16; do. do., now, l2.9OSf3.10. Wheat
flrmi No. 2 red, spot, In elevator, 7194ft
72c. Corn firmer; No. 2 mixed, spot, In
elevator, 36HS30o.; No. 2 yellow, for
local trade, 3S88Hc. Oats steady; No. 2
whlto, clipped, 27K0Vtc.: No. 2 white,
27Utet2794c Hay dull; cholco timothy, 15
for large bales. Lard easy; western
Btenmed, J3.53. Pork stoady; mesa, $3.75
8.R0; short clear, 10.2611.75. llutter strong;
factory, 13016c; Imitation creamery, 13J
15c; Now York dairy, 14c; creamery, lCVs
20o. Cheese quiet; largo, white and col
ored, SHSDc; small do., 0-MflOc Eggs
firm; Now York and Pennsylvania, 100
17c; western ungraded, 11914c. Potatoes
nominal; fair to prime, $1.5081.75; fancy,
Baltimore, Auz. It. Flour dull and un
changed. Wheat firmer; spot nnd tho
month, 71Ji71?ic; September, 72U072c;
southern, by sample, C3f!72Vic; do. on
grade, CDf(.721ic. Corn firm; mixed, spot
and tho mouth, 35c. ; southern, white,
jOCtOc; do. yellow, 39ST40c. Oats moro
active; No. 2 white. 26r27c; No. 2
mixed, 211402&C Ilye firm; No. 2 nearby,
C2c.i No. 2 western, 57c. Hay firm; No, i
timothy, $15.50(310. Sugar stroni; nnd un
changed; coarse and lino (rrunulntcd, 5.5S.
Cheese steady nnd unchanged; largo, 100
10Mc: medium, 10W5T10c; small, 10V4ftllc
Butter steady and unchanged; fancy
creamery, 19B20C ; fancy Imitation, 15
17c; fnncy ladle, 14Q15c; good ladle, llj
12c; store packed, 12fT13c; rolls, 125711c
Eggs firm and scarce: fresh, lHiffljc.
Live Stock SInrliot.
New York. Aug. 11. Slxty-nlno cars
beeves on sale; steers steudy; bulls nnd
cows 10Jf20c higher; about all sold; stocrs,
$4.501fG; oxen and stags, $3.50573.55; bulls,
$2.GOf(3.80: cholco fat do., $1B4.23; cows,
S1.75474.1R: cables quoto live cuttlo higher
at lii2c; refrigerator beef at 1014c
per pound. Calves nctlvo and 23c higher;
veals. $5g7.75: culls, $4.50; buttermilks,
$3.62',45J4.12'i; yearlings and grnssers, $2.50
4J3.K). Sixty cars sheep and lambs on
sale; sheep slow but stoady; lambs ac
tive at Saturday's prices; two cars un
sold; sheep, $2.75T4.G0; extra, $4.75; culls,
$2.60; lambs, $3157.50; culls, $3.504.50. Hogs
firm at $4.905.15.
East Liberty, Pa., Aug. 14. Cattle ac
tive; extra, $3.6055.00; prime, $3.701J5.80;
common, $3.2503.80. Hogs active and a
shade higher; extra assorted mediums,
$1.9004.93; best Yorkers, 4.S04.90; com
rv.on to fair light Yorkers, $1.7504.80;
heavy hoes, $4.70G4.75; pigs, as to qual
ity, $1.404.70; grassers, $1.50J4.C5; roughs,
$34. Sheep steady; lambs 15J20c. lower:
cholco wethers, $1.7504.80; common, $203;
spring lambs, $3.5005.80; veal calves, $0.o0
Kidney troublo proys upon
a tvirv uo n)ini'i discourages nut)
AND lessons ambition; beauty,
WOmPIV vigor and cheerfulness soon
v1'iL-.n disappear when tho kidneys
aro out of order or diseased. For pleasing
results nso JJr. Kilmer's swamp-Hoot, tlio
great-kidney remedy. At druggists. Sample
bottle by mail froo, also pamphlet.
Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Ilinchamton, N. Y.
Imprisoned T.nboroi-s In ITnwntt.
San Frnnclsco, Aug. 16. Tho caso
of tho Imprisoned Gallons of tho Ha
waiian Islands, kept in Jail for violat
ing their labor contract, Is to bo
brought before the supremo court of
the United States. Tho question of
whether tho contract labor laws of
Hawaii can bo ponally enforcod, now
that tho Islands havo been annexed; Is
to bo decided. The whole question of
whether tho constitution of tho United
States is now In forco there Is to bo
put before tho supromo court In Wash
ington. Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to
California Without uhange of Cars.
Leaving Washington every Tuesday nnd
Friday at 11:15 a. m tho Southern Railway
operatos Personally Conducted Tourist Ex
cursions to San Franciso without change of
cars, conductors or porters. Tho route Is
through Atlanta, Montgomery. New Orleans,
Houston, San Antonio.New Moxico, Arizouia,
and Southern California. The cars aro tho
very latest pattern of I'nllraan Tourist
Sleepers, rosewood finish, havo high back
scats, npholstcred in rattan, are sixteen
section, supplied with linen etc., samo as
standard sleepers, llghtod by Pintsch Qas,
havo wide vestibules, double.) sash roller
curtains, lavatory, and Bmoking room for.
gentlemen, and two retiring rooms for ladles.
Three and one-half days to Moxico and
Arizona, four days to Los Angclos and
Southern California, and five days to San
Francisco. Sach servico for Trans-Continental
travel has never before been 0 Acred,
The tourist carfare la less than via any
other route, effecting a saving of 55.00 to
$30.00 for the trip.
All Information, maps and rates furnished
on application to Charles L. Hopkins, Dis
trict Passenger Agent, Southern Hallway
Company, 823 Chestnut strcc(, Philadelphia
Consumption Cured.
Last November Mr. Joseph James,
painter, of 32S W. Pearl St., Indianapo
lis, Intl., was at death's door with quick
consumption. Wasted to a skeleton;
his lungs a mass of ulceration; his
death was hourly awaited by his doctor
and family. He was kept hi a constant
stupor with opium. A friend, thinking
to relieve his terrible cough, gave him a
bottle of Brazilian Balm. Seding its
wonderful effect, the doctor advised Its
continued use. Mr. James soon after
dismissed his doctor, and depended
on the Balm alone. His recovery was
rapid and complete, and lu February he
returned to work. His lungs are sound,
and lm weight greater than at any time
in his life. His recovery is regarded as
almost a miracle.
In consumption beware of cough mix
tures and prescriptions that contain
opium. Opium paralizes the nerves,
and gives the comma bacillus a good
chance to destroy the lungs. It is
always fatal. .Brazilian Balm does not
contain a trace of any opiate, but stimu
lates the nerves with new life and power,
destrovs the microbe, and restores all
that is left of the diseased lungs to a
sound and healthy state which no other
remedy has ever been known to accom
plish. Shenandoah djug itoro, wholesale agent
1 ar I'l rl I LIS JIW
fcottllntr ('on! Atlnors rftrllto.
WilkoBbarrc, l'a.. Anc 15. It Is re
ported that tho big strike nt Nantl
coko mny bo sottlod boforo many days.
Tho 3,800 minors who aro out on strlko
nro uoltlng rostloss and many of thorn
nro anxious to return to work. Tho
Susquoliannn Cool company Is nlso
overwholmcd with ordors for coal nnd
ovory day tho mlnos nro Idlo Is a bis
loss. It Is said both Bidos will mnko
enncosslons and that nn amlcablo
agreemont may bo reached sooner than
expected. Tho minors nt Babylon col
liery, Duryon, who havo boon out on
strlko for two wooks, havo returnod to
work, tho company having granted
somo concessions of a minor character.
TrnopH MiifcMmr Aunlnnt Ynqtiln.
Clilhunhua, Moxico, Aug. 15. Tho
war dopnrtmont Is nllvo to tho situa
tion in tho Yuqul Indian country and
that lmmonso shipments of arms and
ammunition aro now being mado from
the City of Moxico and othor military
stations to accosslblo points In tho
Stato of Sonorn, whore thoy will bo
distributed to the troops now being
massed In largo force for a vigorous
campaign against tho robots.
ulilo Towii'r T.oss by Flro.
Cleveland, Aug. 15. A flro which
started yesterday noon dostroyod a
largo part of tho business section of
Beroo, a villago 14 miles southwest of
this city. Twenty-one business placos
wero burned. They wore mainly two
story frame structures. The flro start
ed from nn explosion of gasollno in a
bicyclo repair shop. Tho loss will bo
ubout $100,000, with no lusuranco.
I.ow-Kiiti' Kxriinlon
To Now York and Coney Island via tho Lo
high Valley ltaiiroad August 23d. Tho faro
from Shenandoah for tlio round trip will ho
$2.45. Tickets will ho sold for all trains, ex
cepting thoso connecting with Black Diamond
Express, August 23d, limited for return pas
sage to August 25th, inclusive. Consult Le
high Valloy tlckot agents for "further par
ticulars. 1'. & It. DlltCK,
Special ten-day excursion to Atlantic City,
Capo May, Ocean City or Sea Isle City, Thurs
days 17th, 1800.
Special ton-day excursion to Ocoan Grove,
Tuesday, August 22nd, 1800.
Special clovon-day oxcursion to Niagara
Falls, Thursday, September 14th, 1800.
Forfurthor particulars call on or address
local Philadelphia and Itcadlng ticket agent.
P. & It, Ten-Day Excursion
To Ocean Grovo, Asbury Park and Long
Uraneh, Tuesday, August 22nd, 1800. Tickets
Kood going only on train leaving Shenandoah
it 0:55 a. m and good to return on any
regular train within ten (10) days, intituling
day of "sale Round trip fare, $3 75. For
further particulars apply at P. & 11. ticket
Tell Yonr Sister
A beautiful complexion is an impossibility
without good puro blood, tho sort that only
exists In connection with tho good digestion;
a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover
Uoot Tea acts directly on tho bowels, liver
and kidneys keeping thorn in perfect health.
Price 25 cts. nnd 50 eta. Sold by P. D. Kirlln
on a guarantee
Hpeclnl Ten-Day Excursion
To Atlantic City, Cape May, Ocean City or
Scalslo City, Thursday, August 17th. 1800.
Tho Philadelphia & Reading Railway will, on
abovo dato, sell round trip tickets to Atlantic
City, Capo May, Ocean City or Sea Islo City,
at tho rata of $3.50 from Shenandoah. Theso
tickets will bo good going to Philadelphia on
day of excursion, on special traiu leaViug
Shenandoah nt 0:55 a. m , and from Philadel
phia on any regular train to destination
(except on 3:40 and 5:00 p, m. sixty mlnuto
flyers to Atlantic City) within time limit of
ticket. For further particulars apply nt
P. & R. ticket office.
If, when contemplating a trip to any point
West or Southwest of tho Mississippi Rivor,
you will purchase tickets via tho Missouri
Pacific Ry , or Iron Mountain Routo (which
aro on sale at all principal ticket offices in
tho United States), you will havo all tho
comforts and luxuries of modern rallwav
equipment, and tho finest opportunities for
viewing nil of nature's museums aud marvels
of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Toxa?,
Old and Now Moxico, California, etc Ex
cursion tickets to all principal points at
greatly reduced rates. On account of tho
National Education Association meeting at
Los Angeles in July, wo will make special
low round trip rates. When contemplating
a trip West or Southwest, writo us for full
information and rock bottom figures. W
E. Hoyt, G. E. P. Agont. J. P. McCann, T
P. Agent, 301 Broadway, Now York. 4-22-tE
EttEfJlflG HHRfiltD
The Herald is progressive, en
terprising, wide-awake and always
Its daily visits will keep your
family better informed than any
other paper on the news of this
locality, the state, the country and
the world. It will be delivered at
your door each day for 25 cents a
month. We are desirous of secur
ing your subscription.
As an Inducement for you to
become a subscriber we make
you the following unparal
leled offer:
Our representatives, Messrs.
Hooks & Brown, will call upon you
with the publication for your in
spection. We feel sure you will be
interested in examining it. Upon
signing the agreement to take the
Hkkald lor six months, the book
will be delivered upon payment of
75 cents. This is in addition to
the regular subscription of 25 cents
a month.
To PATENT Good Ideas
till u
may be secured by
onr aid. Address,
O.lll.... LI A
fiubttriptlous to The Patent Qecord IUU per tooum
Thousands who lmvo written for on
of tho frco t il bottles of Dr. David
Konnody'a Favorite Kennedy havo lit
erally lintl their lives saved by n postal
card. Thoy K"t tlio trial bottlo.and It
proved to them that Dr. David Kenne
dy's Fnvorilo Remedy wns tlio only
tcnl euro for diseases of tlio Kidneys,
I.lvcr.Bhiddcrniid Blood, Khoiimatlsm,
Dt'spctisin mid Chronic Constipation.
They Wiiiht a lnrpo sized liottlo of
their dniK tats anil it benefited orl
cured them the above in not an idlt ttat&r
menl, but the retult 0 careful investigation).
You can do tlio samo thlnp. If yoa
tro In doubt us to whether you hav,
troublo with your Kldnoys or Bladder,
putsomo of your urino in n glass tum
bler and let It stand 24 hours; If it has
a sediment, or a milky, cloudy appear
ance, If Jt is ropy or stringy, palo or dls-1
colored, you should lose no time in
taking Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy ; it can bo had of all druggisU
it $1.00 a largo bottlo, or six bottles for
15.00. It is without question tho purest
mediclno of tho ago to put n stop to
inch dangerous symptoms ns pain in
tho back, a frequent desiro to urinate
especially at night, scalding burnlns
pain In passing water, inability to hold
urino and nil tho unpleasant nnd dan
porous effects produced on tho system
by tho uso of whiskey nnd beer.
Send your full nanio and address to the
TION, Rondout, N. Y., and bo sure to
mention this paper when n trial bottlo.
with pamphlet of valuablo medical
advice, will bo mailed to you absolute
ly free. Tho publisheis of this paper
Baarantco tho genuineness of toll
bond offer.
Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Compnny has
selected tbo following dates for 1U popular
ten-day excursions to Niagara Falls from
Philadelphia, Baltlmoro and Washington :
August 2T, September 7 and 21, aud
OttohorB and 10. An experienced tourist
agent aud chaperon will accompany each
Excursion tickets, good for return passago
on any regular train, oxclnslvo of limited
cxpross trains, within ten days, will ho sold
at $10.00 from Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington, and all points on tho Dolawaro
division; $11.25 from Atlantlo City; $9.00
from Lancaster; $8 50 from Altoona and Ilar
risburg; $0.00 from Sunhury and Wilkos
harre; $5.75 (rom Williamsport; and at pro
portionate rates from othor points. A .stop
over will ho allowed at Buffalo, Rochester,
Canadalgua, and Walklua within tho limit
A special train of Pullman parlor cars and
day coaches will bo run with each oxcursion.
An extra chargo will bo raado for parlor car
Tickets for n sido trip to tho Thousand Is
lands (Alexandria Bay) will bo sold from
Bochcster in connection with excursions of
July 27, August 10 and Zi, September 7 and
21, good to return to Bochcster or to Canan
daigua via Syracuse within Ave days, at rate
of $5.B0.
Tickets for a sido trip to Toronto will be
sold at Niagara Falls for $1.00 on July 20,
August 1? and 20, and September 23. In
connection with excursion of September 7,
tickets will be sold to Toronto and return at
reduced rates, account Toronto Fair.
For tlmo of connecting trains aud further
information apply to nearest ticket agont, or
address Goo. W. Boyd, Assistant General
Passengor Agent, Broad Street Station,
Philadelphia. '
I.aBt rw-ltuto Kxcuralon to Atlantlo
City, &c, via Pennsylvania llallrond.
August 21th is the dato of tho last
Pennsylvania Bailroad Company's low
rato ton-day excursions from Erie, Troy,
Bellofonto, Williamsport, Mocanaqua, Sun
bury, Shenandoah, Dauphin, and principal
intermediate stations (including stations on
branch roads) to Atlantic City, Cpo Hay,
Ocean City, Sea Islo City, Avalou, Anglcsea,
Wlldwood, or Holly Beach.
Excursion tickets, good to roturn by regu
lar trains within ten days, will bo sold at
very low rates. Tiekots to Atlantlo City' will
bo sold via tho Delawaro Biver Bridgo Route,
the only all-rail line, or via Market street
wharf, Philadelphia.
Stop over can bo had at Philadelphia,
either going or returning, within limit of
tlckot, provided tlckot is deposited with
agent at Broad street station Immediately on
For information In regard to spocifio rates
aud tlmo of trains consult hand bills, or ap
ply to agonts, or E. S. Ilarrar, Division
Tickot Agent, Williamsport, Pa.
Ilalf tho ills that man Is heir to come from
indigestion. Burdock Blood Bitters strength
ens and tones tho stomach; makes Indiges
tion Impossible.
18 months in a ehaip.
A Specialist also fails to' even relieve
a bad caso of Asthma,
The BRAZILIAN BALM Instantly re
lieves and effects a Radical Cure,
Shaker Station, Ct., Feb. 3, 1899.
Brazilian Balm
has done won
ders for me, after
sullering Z years
with Asthma. I
received no help
from four of our
local physicians,
and a special ist
hi Hartford, -who
is at the head of
the hospital and
receives all the
critical cases in
the adjoining
counties. For 18
months I never
laid down set in a chair day and night
ana uaa io ue urawn irom one room to
another. By my doctor's orders I went
south and staid several mouths but re
ceived no benefit, At last Brazilian
Balm was recommended to me so highly
I decided to try it. Inside of a week I
could sleep in my bed. Now I am out
doors every day, tending to everything,
do not have any Asthma and will soon
resume my old occupation, foreman of
Hie Eddy Ulcctric Mfg. Co., of Windsor
u.. Most gratelully yours,
Wm. II, Wood.
Thouiands of doctors prescribe Brazilian
Halm in Catarrh, Aithrna, Plenriiy and Grippe.
Only thing known that removca all the alter
ellects oi urippe In Lunga, Uver, Kidneys, lite
Mct-nil-) a bottle otdruggi.ta, vith the
ol Toxicol Tablets, the brt Tonic. Btrepgth
builder In the worhl. u. P. Jackson & Co..
Manufacturing riieraliti, Indianapolis, lud.
Wholesale Agents
An Apponl to tho Governors or Stntei
l'or Alii 1'or Iturrlpnno HufTorors.
Washington, Aug. 16. Tho sccrotnry
of War yoBtorday nftornoon Issued the
following appeal to governors of stntos
for aid for tho storm sufforors In Porto
"Tho macnltudo of tho work to bo
nccompllshod loads this department to
supplement tho appeal alroady mado,
nnd I hoji you to ask tho pooplo of
your state to contribute Generously to
tho relief of tho peoplo of Porto Itlco.
Swift steamers havo been provided to
lcavo tho port of Now York to carry
tho supplies directly to Porto Itlco as
rapidly as thoy can bo collected. Tho
supplies Bhotild bo sent to Colonol F.
B. Jones, nrmy building, foot of Wlilto
lmll stroot, Now York city, in packages
plainly marked 'Porto Itlcan ncllcf,'
nnd ho should bo consulted as to tlmo
of shipment. Monoy should bo sent to
tho National Bank of North America,
Now York city."
Acting Secretary of tho Navy Alien
has written Secretary Boot that tho
navy doslred to co-opornto In ovory
way It could In rendorlng nsslstnnco
to tho storm stricken pooplo of Porto
Rico, and tcridorlng n varshlp to bo
placed at tho disposal of tho war de
partment. Tho offer doubtless will bo
ncoptcd, as ovory avallablo means Is
bolng adopted to hurry along tho grcnt
stork of s""plle which Is Imperatively
needed. Mr. Allen Is In telegraphic
communication with sovornl naval sta
tions with n view to having a ship
ready ns soon as tho war department
wants It.
By direction of tlio prcsldont all re
lief supplies sont to Porto Itlco will bo
admitted to all ports of that Island
frco of duty.
Ilnbxon'H Work In Mnntln ITnrhor.
Washington, Aug. 15. Nnval Con
structor Hohson was hoard from by the
navy department yesterday for tho first
time at any length since ho was as
signed to duty In charge of tho Span
ish ships raised from Manila harbor
and now undergoing ropalrs at Hong
Kong. .His roport doals In general
questions, such as the need of a larco
dock yard In tho Orient, tho Increasing
shipping at Manila and tho prospect
that Manila will succeed Hong Kong
ns the emporium ot the East. He also
says tho throe Spanish ships which aro
completed will bo worth to tho govern
ment about $010,000, and ho contem
platos trying to ralso three moro Span
ish vossols now at tho bottom of Ma
nila bay.
Use Allen's Foot-Ease in your Gloves.
A lady writes : "I shako Allen's Foot-Easo
into my gloves and rub a little on my hands,
It saves my Elovcs by absorbing perspiration
It Is a most dainty toilot powder." Allen's
Foot-Easo makes tieht or now shoes easy.
Always uso It to break in now shoes. It
keens tho feet cool and comfortable. We
Invito tho attention of physicians and nurses
to tho absolute purity or Allen's ioot-baso,
All drug and shoe stores sou it. 2oc. sample
ent FKEB Address Allon S. Olmsted,
LoBoy, N. Y.
S2 Hojaaiivwaosisioonuamvl
i3 j iiDQUJAUjnja jjva
.ONlJVM3'NUnQNn5'93cllJ '
nrQthAonlvnriAltlvnlv minrantpml ramnrivfni. th.
DrlnWJUijit, Nervousness anil Melancholy caused
bjatrone drink.
w uuAiiAXTEr: Fomt iioxf.h
to core any case with a positive wrl 1 1 en Rimr
nmrn or return! mo money, and to destroy tho
appetite for Intoxicating liquors.
of J10.0O we will mall yon four 41 boios anil posl
tire Avrllten cimraiitpo lo euro or refund
lour money. Slnglo boios 13.00.
For aale at Klrlln's drugstore.
Tlio fall term of this famous
training school for teachers
will open August 28, 1899. Su
perior advantages aro otTered
to young men nnd -women
preparing for teaching, col
lege, or business. Tho build
ings nre all new, containing
spacious nnd comfortablo
rooms for students, roomy re
citation halls, steam heated
the latest nnd best lighting
and sanitary appliances.
Before choosing a school
securo a catalogue of tho
Keystone Norma! Hchooi.
Rer. N. C. Schaeffer, Ph. D D. 0.,
For full Information, catalogue, etc.,
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
Mt. Carbon Beer
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
CleAnses the System
roa u er a it oerjeasn. taa. lot nn tcmL
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for Penn
Haven Junction, Maucb Chunk, Lohlghtou,
BlattiiKton, Whlto Hull, Catasauqua, Alltvitown,
Bethlehem, ISaston New York and Philadelphia
at 5 28, 7 50 a. m . 12 52 and 5 17 p. in.
For Wllkesbarre, Whlto Haven and Plttston,
1 23, 10 12 a. ni.. 12 02 and 8 17 p. m.
Kor Loccyvlllo, Towouda, Sayre, Wavcrly,
Elrulra, ltochester; lluffnlo, Niagara Falls,
Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and tlio
West, 10 12 n. in., 12 52 and 5 17 p. m.
For Belvldcrc, Delaware Water Gap and
Stroudsburg, 5 28 n. m.,5 17 p. m.
For I Jiinbcrtvlllo and Trenton, 7"00 n. m.
For .Tcaiicsvllle, Leviston and lienvcr Meadow,
5 28 a. m., 12 62 p. m.
For McAdoo, Audenrlcd, nazlcton, Stockton
and Lumber Yard, 5 28, 7 50, 10 12 a. in., 12 52 and
J 17 p. m.
ForJeddo, Drtfton and Frceland, 5 23, 1012
a, m., 5 17 p. ru.
For Scranton, 5 28. 10 12 n. m., 5 17 p. m.
For Lost Creek, Girardvlllo, and Ashland, 4 00,
and 7 28 p. in.
For Ilavcn Run, Ccntrulla, Mount Carmel and
Sharaokln, 10 49 a. m., 1 42, 6 07, 9 23 p. in.
ForMahanoy City, Park Place and Delano,
5 28, 7 50, 10 12 a. in., nnd 12 52. 8 17 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, 5 23, 10 12 a. in.
Trains will leave Shamokln at 7 00, 9 20 a. m.,
11 50 and 4 20 p. in., and arrive at Shenandoah
at 7 50, 10 12 n. in., 12 52, 5 17 p. in.
Leave Shenandoah tor Pottsville, St. Clair,
Now Castle, Morca and New Boston, 7 50 and
10 12 a. m , 12 52 and 5 17 p. in.
Leave Pottsvlllo for Shenandoah, 9 45 a. m.,
12 85, 505, 8 15 p. In.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 9 50 a. m.,
12 45, S 09, 6 ZH, 8 31 p.m.
Trains leavo for Raven Hun, Ccntralta, Mt.
Carmel and Shamokln, 9 4G a. in., 7 21 p. m ,
Trains leave Shamokln for Shcnnndoah nt
8 50 a. m., and 5 85 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Yatesvllle, Mahnnoy
City, Park Place, Delano, McAdoo, Audcnrlcu,
Hazletou, 8tockton, Lumber Yard, Wcatherly
and Mauch Chunk, 9 47 a ra., nnd 6 32 p. in.
For LchiEhtoii, Slatlngton, Catasauqua, White
Hall, Copluy, Allentown, Boston and Phllllps
burg, 9 47 a. m and 6 32 p. ni.
For New York nnd Philadelphia, 9 47 a. to.
Lcavo Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8 50, a. m,,
and 6 27 p. m.
M. I). CUTTER, Supt. Transportation,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
ROLLIN n. WILBUR, Genl. Supt,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
CHARLES S. LEE, Genl. Pass. Agt.,
New York, N. Y.
South Bethlehem, l'a.
. Ol? LOFTY.
yoTE FOB j
A box of our
srEcmL rnniLi dkew
Is an exhilarating
stimulant during
the, hot summer
Delivered nt your homo.
Columbia Brewing Company.
The only pleasure resort nnd
picnic grounds in this region.
Splendid lake of fresh water. Ice
and wood, free, to all picnic parties
to prepare and preserve meals. An
orchestra is established here for the
entire season. For particulars
D. J. YOST, Prop.,
Uarnesvllle, Pa.
CelcU-utOj .
l'mrders Lciei
wHl Taimj rtd reu&T'ojs. 'lb tn (AM 'It'
nutiwllu.1 Al bu I th. bt cull I . ti J Jm.
nnUiUlicnt CluriilMd (upwloi to all iUn
w.vri i- r r f i . i i iai 1 v