The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 12, 1899, Image 3

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    Mother's Friend
Is a liniment for expectant motheri
to ute externally. It softens the muscles
and causes them to expand without dis
comfort. If used durlnfr most of tho period
of pregnancy there will be no morning
sicKness, no rising oreasis, no ncauacuc.
When baby Is born there will be little
pain, no datiRor, and labor will be short
and easy. $1 a bottle at drugalsts.
Send for a Freb copy of our illustrated
book about Moths r's Friehd.
Tho Bradflold Regulator Co., Atlanta, Go.
Will cmdliate from your system the linger
ing oflecUnf grip and other nllnicnU caused
by tho sovoro winter, and nui'ariu, rlieuma
tlsnij neuralgia, catarrh, stomach, kldtioy,
liver and norvoua disorders, paralysis, blood
and skin diseases, and chronic and func
tional derangements. Tho mountain climato
of Hot Springs la cool and delightful In
summer. 100 hotels open tho year around.
For Illustrated literature, containing all
information, address 0. F. Cooley, Manager
Vulsncss Men's Lcaguo, Hot SprlngB, Ark.
For reduced excursion tickets and par
ticulars of tho trip, addross W. A. Turk,
Ocn'l Pass. Agt., Soutliorn Ily., Washington,
D. 0., or C. L. Hopkins, District Tasscngcr
Agent, 828 Chestnut St., 1'hlla,, Pa. u-l-4m
Ask your grocer for tho "Royal Patent
flour, and tako no othor brand. It Is tho best
flnnr mud'"
I Constipation,
lacho and Llvor
Sold by all druggists
or sent by mall.
.Wervlts Meslcal Co., Cblctro
Be box contains IS pills. Sold by Kirlln's Jrug
store, Shonandoab, 1'a.
Cltehntpr'n KntlUIi Diamond Tirana.
Pewkyroval pills
H .-rrv Original and Only Genuine. A
I DruIi. for Chkkutr BnatUh Pla if KS
Brand In llrd nd GoU mVMlU SJW
Hbotn. wtlM wlih bio ribbon. TL VUr'
tino other. Sfuadonatrmuuittttv- v
ftion and imitation!. At DrngKliU, or lend .
' In minpft fur rttuUn. leitlmoolftU
fy UbIL 10,001 Ttlmontll. Kmm rafir.
8oU Dj mil Local OroggUti. I'll I LA 1 AH A
C Piles or Homorphold
Flseurea & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
M Wounds & Bruise.
Cuts & Sores.
Bolls & Tumors.
Y Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum Sr Tetters.
E Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
O Corns & Bunions.
Sting3 & Bites of Insects
Three Sizes, ssc, 50c and $1.00.
Bold by druggists, or cent postpaid on receipt of prior
ucxnias rtf Bin. ro., 1 1 1 1 1 1 wiinu. bc, 5wTo.
IT'S DIPFKItKNT. because It prints
all the news, and all the news It prints
Is true.
IT'S DIFFERENT, because It's bright
and brisk, up-to-date and vigorous, but
not yellow.
tT-S DIFFERENT, because Its only
policy Is to tell the truth. It has no
covert or personal Interests to promote,
It serves no political ambition, no creed,
no class prejudice, no mere partisan
IT'S DIFFERENT, because It advocates
equal taxation and battles against the
existing system, which favors the rich
corporation at the expense of the
farmer, the merchant, the manufacturer
and the wage-earner.
pr-S DIFFERENT, because It stands
(or Republican principles, and makes
war upon all who, under the stolen
name of Republicanism, are disloyal
to those principles.
IT'S DIFFERENT, because It believes
manhood and not money should rule.
Therefore It upholds the rights of all,
as against the aggressive power of the
privileged tew.
IT'S DIFFERENT, because no boss, no
corporation, can control one line of Its
IT'S DIFFERENT, because It Is non
sectarlan and broad; every party, every
faith, every class, and the worklngman
equally with the millionaire, gets a fair
hearing In Its columns,
cause It upholds faith In
humanity, and the pro
gress of mankind toward
higher Ideals, larger
hopes and better living.
IT'S DIFFERENT. It will continue to
be different. Watch The North Ameri
can and see It grow.
ilioit pnUrs fur on hordy
Naraerv BLock. Eiuenuii
anJ far? to thoia leaving
uun'", ur txjiD misaiuu to 10
oal rjfentn. Vrraaneot u.
olo fluent. Tb basindu
fir learned. AtldMM
I or? Te
V -
Hurricano Victims in Ponco Num
ber Throo Hundrod.
I'lvo Vc.oln Fotmdorod nt Son nnil
Ovrr nllltimlrctl Liven Lost, Thtrty
tltroo Wont Down With tho W rooked
Cnrllnlo Cnstlo.
Ponco, I'orto Wco. Atie. 12. Tho
worst storm over oxporlonccd here
struck this place on r-Tticsday morning
nt 9 o'clock and lasted two hours. It
camo from tho northeast. Ponce was
floodod nt midnight and at least 300
persons wore drowned, Two hundred
bodies, mostly thoso of poor people,
nnd Including many children, havu
been recovered. All tho buildings arc
damnged nnd hundreds havo been de
stroyed. Fifteen vcssols In tho harbor
were driven ashore
All tho crops nro totally ruined, tho
wire!) aro all down, and llttlo news la
obtainable from tho Interior.
Ahnnlta, Including tho barracks, has
been destroyed, but no lives wero lost
Juan Diaz has been devastated.
Forty-six Uvea woro lost thero.
Arroyo, Quayama, Salinas nnd Sau
Isabel nro reported to havo been to
tally demolished.
Tho railroad between Ponco and
Yauco has boon destroyed and tho mili
tary road Is Impassable. Tho river
la flowing over tho road for two miles.
At Guaynmo tho houses are still
standing. Sovon persons wero hilled
thero. A number of houses wero pil
laged; squads of soldiers wero unable
to maintain order, and starvation
threatens the population.
I'lvo Hhlpn Founrtorod nnd Ovor a
IIiiiKtruil LlvOH I.OHt,
Vancouver, B. C, Aug. 12. Terrible
havoc occurred during a recent hurri
cane oft the Australian coast, accord
ing to advices received hero by tho
Mlowera yesterday. Flvo Bhlps foun
dered at soa or wore wrecked and ovor
100 lives were lost.
Tho City of York, an Iron ship of
1,170 tons, went ashoro at Itottnost isl
and nnd Is a total wreck. Eleven ltvc3
were lost. Tho wreck of tho Carllslo
Castlo was tho most frightful that oc
curred on the coast for two years.
Thirty-three persons among tho pas
sengers are missing, and whtlo many
woro drowned many more wero eaten
by sharks. Tho Augsburg was carry,
a cargo of horses along tho coast. Tho
stalls wero torn down by tho great
masses of water that come In over
the deck and a largo number of tho
anlmnls wore drowned. Two other un
known Bhlps were wrecked during tho
storm and a largo number of passen
gers wero lost.
Snnttnco's ITenvlest Storm.
Santiago do Cuba, Aug. 12. Tho heav
iest storm known hero In 15 years
struck this city Thursday. Italn and
lightning wero Incessant for almost 24
hours. Several houses on streets In
the lower portion of tho city wore un
dermined and a good deal of damage,
though nothing very serious, was done
elsewhere In tho American camp
noarly half the tents were blown down.
Volcanic Eruptions
Areernnd, but Skin Eruptions rob Hie of
loy. llucklen s Arnica aalve cures them j
also Ulu. Kunninc ana rever sores, uicers,
lloils, I'elons, Uorns, worts, Cuts, isruises,
Iiurns. Scalds. Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Ilest Pile cure on earth. Drives out Pains
and Aches. Only 25cts. a box, ( ure
guaranteed. Sold by A. Wasley. druggist,
Another Victory .For Colnmliln,
Now Bedford, Mass., Aug. 12. In tho
run of the Now York Yacht club from
Vineyard Haven to this placo yester
day tho conditions wero very unfavor
ablo for racing, calm, sunsnine, fog
and rain alternating. Columbia dofeat
ed Defender, tho latter not having
covored the full course. Vigilant wins
from the Navahoo by 53 minutes, 14
seconds. The Hlldegarde wins from
Queen Mab by 13 minutes, 20 seconds.
Glorlana wins In her class, being tho
only boat timed. Syco, MIra and Co
Ionia win In their respective classes,
Ariel wins from Iroquois by 44 min
utes, 13 seconds. Qulsetta wins from
Amorlta by 8 minutes, 38 seconds,
Uncas wins from Neara by 6 minutes,
34 seconds.
Does Coffee Agree With You 1
If not, drink Grain-0 made from pure
grains. A lady writes : "The first time I
made Grain O I did not like it but after using
it for one week nothing would induce me to go
back to coflee." It nourishes and feeds tho
system. The children can drink it freely
with great benefit. It is the strengthening
substance of pure grains. Get a package to
day from your grocer, follow the directions in
making it and you will have a delicious and
healthful table beverage for old and young,
15c. and 25c.
Supplies For tho Noofty.
Washington, Aug. 12. The war de
partment yesterday took prompt meas
ures for tho relief of the hurricano
sufferers in Porto Rico. When tho
press dispatches . and General Davis'
advices made known tho extent of tho
disaster Bteps wero immediately taken
to send supplies, and the transport
McPhorson was ordered put In readi
ness to sail from Now York on Mon
day next. She will carry rations nnd
other nocessaries. Secretary of War
Root yesterday afternoon sent an np.
peal to the mayors of all cities of moro
than 150,000 population to aiu in pro
curing supplies for tho needy.
Itching piles? Never mind if everything
else failed to euro you. Try Roan's OInt
ment. No falluro thero. 00 cents, at any
drug storo.
IS'OKro liny Lynoliod In Goorgln.
Clem. Ga., Aug. 12. Will McClure,
a negro, aged 18 years, was lynohed
a few miles from hero yesterday by a
party of citizens, Tho negro wont to
tho house of George Mooro, a farmer
of Carroll county, and attempted to as
sault Mrs, Mooro. Sho screamed, and
assistance coming tho rnplst was do
leatuu in ins purpose ami captured,
Vostordny'H IlnHohnll Game.
At Philadelphia Pittsburg, 5; Phil
adolphla, 0, At Drooklyn Brooklyn
1; Loulsvlllo, 0, No other games.
For Infants and Children.
ftie Kind You Have Always Bough
Bears the
srmtlalfn'g ihtfToodflntlRctfuIa
liiig IlicS toraachs nndDowds of
ncssandRcstContnlns neither
Opium.TIorphinO nor Mineral.
Not NAitc otic.
linitt Seed
Jhjirrnint -
IlimSctd -Ytivifud
Sogttr .
Ufiyrxn norm
Ancrfceincmcdv forConslioa-
Worms .Convulsions, Feverish
tics? nndLoss OF SLEEP.
rJ ..
TacSimlte Signature of
DR. E. C.
t o a
Tho Original. All
Is sold under a poelttvo Written Ouarantee, by authorized apentn only, to euro Weak
Memory, Dizziness, Wakefulness, Fits, Ilysterla, Quickness, NIeht Losses, Kvll Dreams,
Lack of ContUIcnce, Norvousncss, Lassitiido, alt Drains, Youthful Errors, or Kxccsslve
Use of Tobacco, Oplnm, or Liquor, which leads to Mlscrv, Consumption. Insanity and
Death. At storo or by mall, tl a box; sir forts; with written Guarantee to Cure or
iieiuna money, aampio i-acKaeo, coniaininR uvo uays treatment, with full lnstruc
tlous,25 cents. One saniplo only sold to each person. At storo or by mall.
Red Label Special Extra Strength.
TJ. T....nnMn T.naa T)rtn. "T..
six ior t-o, wuu wruten uuaranteo to euro
Sold at Klrlln's
8HZiliaH Bailie Toxicola Tablets
clears the
It is good
medicine it is worth its weight in
"The Woman Who Coughed," and can say these remedies did all
that is claimed for her and more too. I know of a great many cures
in this locality. They ought to be in every home in America. They
would save thousands of lives for thev cure the worst cases. The best
people here use them. ' ' Miss Sara
Brazilian Balm at Druggists, 25 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00 a bottle. More doses
for the money than any other remedy. Toxicola Tablets 15 cts. and 50 cts. a box.
With every $1.00 bottle of Balm you get a month's treatment of Toxicola Tablets
FrUB. Do not fail to try these remarkable remedies.
B. F. Jackson & Co., Mfg. Chemists, Indianapolis, Ind
Shenandoah Drug: Store, Wholesale and Retail Agents.
If, when contemplating a trip to any point
Wcstor Southwest of tho Mississippi IMror,
you will purchase tickets via tbo Missouri
Paclflo Ity , or Iron Mountain Routo (which
aro on salo at all principal ticket offices In
the United States), you will havo all the
comforts and luxuries of modern railway
equipment, and tbo finest opportunities for
viewing all of nature's museums and marvels
of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, TeiaF,
Old and Now Moxlco, California, cto. Ex
cursion tickots to all principal points at
greatly reduced rates. On account of tho
National Education Association meeting at
Los Angeles In July, wo will make special
low round trip rates. When contemplating
a trip West or Southwost, write us for full
Information and rock bottom figures. W
E. Hoyt, G. E, r. Agent, J. V. McCann. T.
P. Agent, 801 Broadway, New York, 4-22-tf
HOOD'S MMiS cure Umr in,
Biliousness, Indlgestlou, Headache.
4 Dleavnt laxative. All Druggist
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Signature ffW
AJv The
& Kind
Always Bought.
ea mi m t
Others Imitations.
lf.n).A.J dt lilt.. 11. 7 44 1
in w aays. ai sioro or uy znalL
Drug Store.
M You
"I am glad of the opportunity to pub
licly commend Brazilian Balm and Toxicola
Tablets. They are certainly very excellent
remedies as I can testify from long experience.
They have kept me In splendid health, so I
have never had to call a physician since I
used them. Brazilian Balm is the one thing
that cures Grippe, so It leaves no evil effects
behind; and' for colds, coughs, catarrh and
lung troubles, I never knew its equal. And
Toxicola is the most wonderful thing to put
visror and life into the system I ever saw. It
billiousuess, tones up the nerves,
complexion and purifies the blood.
any time but for a Spring and Fall
gold. I know Miss L. I. Clark,
Elmina Reynolds, Indianapolis, Ind
Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to
California Without change of Cars.
Leavlnc Washington every Tuesdsy and
Friday at 11:15 a. m tho Southern Hallway
operates rersonally uonuuetea Tourist
cursious to Ban t ranciso without cbauce o
cars, conductors or porters. The routo Is
throusli Atlanta, llontsomory. Now Orleans
Houston. Sun Antonlo.Ncw Mexico. Arizonla.
and Southern California. Tho cars aro the
very latest pattern of Pullman Tourist
Sleepers, rosewood finish, havo high back
seats. iinholstoTcd in rattan, are sixteen
section, supplied with linen etc., sanio as
standard sleepers, lighted by Pjntsch Gas,
havo wido vestihulos, douhlo sash roller
curtains, lavatury, and smoking room for
gentlemen, ami two retiring rooms tor ladles.
Three and one-half clays to Moxlco and
Arizona, four days to Los Angelos and
Southern California, and flvo days to San
Francisco. Such service for Trans-Con tlucutal
travel has nover boforo been offered.
The tourist carfare Is less than via any
other route, effecting a saving of (23.00 to
fdu.uu ior tno trip.
All Information, mnps and rates furnished
on application to Cliarlos U Hopkins. Dis
trict I'assfimnr Agent, Southern Hallway
Company, 623 Chcstuut street, Philadelphia.
Batisfiod That Evon Prajudicou
Judges Cannot Oonviot.
n t'nolPiiii tiiiiiicliitiiz ttio Mtlttnry
DiKiuiiiont Ih Hntd to ItTciMwl tho
Worst Top Shoir I.tturnturo I'ub
llolty Woulit Itnln (Joiicrul llililrtTro
Konnofl, Aug. 12. All tho notable
Dreyfuslta here are antlafled with the
roeult of the examination of the secret
domilcr. They have urged their news
paper friends In IMrlg to clamor for
full publicity, knowing that If It bo
grunted the military nnd nationalist
parties would bo utterly disgraced.
They are convinced that the dlplnmntlc
and war oince dossiers teem with for
geries. Of course tholr Impressions
nro derived from the live counsel pre
sent at the examination of these
precious papers.
Publicity would mean tho pillory for
Gonornl do HolsdefTro nml company.
They would bo pelted with tholr own
foul eggs, while Captain Dreyfus would
bo cleared In the faco of the wholo
Tho military casto horo Is furious at
the turn things are taking. Tho corre
spondent of n Kusslnn paper declares
that in a cafe frequented by omcors he
unfolded the Dreyfuslte Aurore to
road. All tho military men near by
scowled at him In a marked manner,
and after coughing and otherwlso
showing tholr disapproval, went In n
body to the other end of the cafe, bb
If tho Russian wero a leper.
All tho olilcers nt tho military club
came out on the club bnlcony when a
bundle of Droyfuslto journals was be
ing burned In the streets, and they np-
roved tho performance by unmls-
t.ikablo gesturoe. One now sees the
wisdom of tho order forbidding officers
not nttnehed to the garrison to stay
hero during tho trial.
It Is said that, in unclean Imaginings,
tho secret military dossier exceeds tho
worst top shelf literature To securo
secrecy tho scribes who worked for
Henry and his friends did not hcsltnto
to forgo letters from high diplomatic
personages. Nearly a scoro of lovo
lotters from n lady high In tho diplo
matic sphere were supposed to havo
been seized in the dispatch box of an
embassy during transmission to Ber
lin. The person whom sho Is repre
sented ns hnvlng had as a correspond
ent was an attache of an embassy
there and much younger than the lndy,
who Is mado to appear impassioned,
quite an EIolso. Of courso, sho men
tions tho Dreyfus affair and asks tho
attache to help whltowash tho unfor
tunate captain.
M. Juurcs expects that thero will be
a great exposure of rt conspiracy
against the republic and that tho high
banded measures of tho present gov
ernment against certain generals will
be more than justified by tho coming
The examination of tho dlplomntlc
dossier was concluded yesterday. Droy-
fus, on leaving tho Lycoe, looked
brighter than he had over previously
appeared. Today's proceedings will bo
memorable In tho history of the af
fair. M. Demango, counsel for Dreyfus,
has lost no opportunity to conciliate
tho sovon judges. Ho hns let himself
bo Interviewed in order to say nlco
things about them. That astute ad
vocato understands human nature Ho
remembers that the soven are Ignorant
of law, always ready to sacrifice equity
to authority, quick to scout at tho
rules of evidence, and are members of
n caste who think they have been at
tacked by Jews, cosmopolitans and for
eigners. Somo of them boast of not
having read tho report of tho Inquiry
before tho court of cassation, becauso
they thought It published at' tho cost
of u syndlcato and intended to cast
odium on the army.
Both MM. Demango and Laborl still
see that tho Judges aro deeply and
stronclv nreludiced ncalnst the nrls-
oner, and will try to condemn him on
his looks If all legal ovtdonco breaks
All the ofUcers now read tho Petit
Journal, which they had nover looked
at before the Dreyfus affair. Tho
venom and vitriol of Tho Intransigent
aro grateful to them, becauso employ
ed against tholr enemies, real or sup
posed. They devour Tho Gaulots,
Echo de Paris and Elcalr because thoso
papers respond to tlolr own senti
ments. M. Demange, therefore-, has but n
signal fulcrum tho pleasuro ovory hu
man being takes In hearing himself
It has been learned that tho secret
dossier contains shocking reports of
the spies of a German prince, who has
filled high situations under the em-t
plre during tho last 20 years, and one
of them In Paris, a city ho often visits.
There )s only one prince answering
to this description, Chancellor von
The pollco spies who formed tho In-
tolllgenco department at tho war office
of the prlnco's secret doings did not
attompt to establish a connection be
tween them and the Dreyfus caso.
But ono must suppose that the solo
object has been to prevent the dossier
over being published. It would be
necessary to go to Suetonius for paral
Jels of tho horrors with which this fa
mous or Infamous collection of docu
ments reeks.
As matters now stand M. Demango
now evidently feels that tho two dos
slers furnish him with a caso too
strong for oven the officers to resist,
Anyway, ho looks really hopeful,
Mothers lose their dread for "that terrible
second summor" when they havo Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry in the house.
Nature's spcolflc for summer complaints of
every sort.
A Vory KxponMvn UntlRrorm,
St, Paul, Aug. 12. Reports to Great
Northern railway officials placo tho
destruction by Thursday's hailstorm In
fs'orth Dakota and Minnesota at 300,000
acres, if the wheat should average not
over 12 bushols to tho acre this meanu
a loss of 3,000,000 bushels. In somo
places tho wheat will average 15 bush
els to the acre. Three and a halt
bushels Is considered a fair estimate
of what remains undestroyed. At 70
cents per bushel this means a loss of
over f2.600.000. Tho wheat on tho
immense Grandln farm la utterly
On Evqry Bottla
Of Sbilab's Cousumptlon Cure Is this cuar
antce : "All wo ask of you Is to uso two
tblnls of tho coutcuta of this bottle faith
fully, then If you can say you are not
benefited return the bottle to yourdrugelst
anil be may refund tho prlco paid." Price
23 eta., BO cU. and $1.00. Sold by J D.
Klrllu ou a guarantee.
A until ntAVork- Anotlnr Cnr Wrecked
lty 1'tploMim.
Cleveland, Aug. 12. ICxploslvM were
again resorted to last night on tne
Rucltd avenue line near the corner of
Cane nnd Kuclld avenue. The car was
bound east. There were SS paMrangers
on board, but no one wan Injured.
Several women tried to jump from the
car, but were restrained by cool headed
ones. The car waa so badly smashed
that It waa neceaaary to tend for the
wreck ear. The conductor waa O. L.
Snmlley, of St. Loula, and the motor
man George Stuller, from Covington,
Ity. On the track after the explosion
occurred there waa found a large paper
sack. There waa a hole In it. Indicat
ing that the exploalon waa canned by
the material Inside. In the sack there
was found a quantity of material that
looked like sulphur. The neighbor
hood Is a very aristocratic one, on one
corner being the residence of John D.
lNrlinpi tlio llulxuilo l'lncuc.
Lisbon, Aug. 12. An unconfirmed
report Is In circulation that a case of
bubonic plague hns developed at
Oporto, capital of the provlnco of
Dntiro, on the Illver Potiro, 17S miles
northeast of Lisbon. The Official Ga
zette announce! that cases of sus
picious Illness had been observed dur
ing the last two months at Oporto.
How aptly that
sacred type of
womanhood the
gentle Virgin
Mary Is depicted
in religious art
as the Mother of
Sorrows trans
fixed with seven
swords. Some
times when we
stop to consider
tne sorrows and
sufferings which
are continually
borne by so
many thousands
of our American
women, it seems
ns if the trentlcr
sex had been particularly chosen to
endure tne most poignant miseries ot
human kind.
Countless suffering women throughout
this land will feel an eaeer sympathetic
henrt- throb in rending the frank nnd
earnest letter of Mrs. Tosic 11. Clark.
of Enterprise, Mo., addressed to Dr.
K. v. 1'ierce, ot llutlalo, N. Y.
' Your kindness to tne I can nerer forget.' she
ays. "I cannot express half my tevllngs or
gratefulness to you. X had despAlrett of ever
getting well, I had been In bad health for twelve
years. Had aches atl through me, numb hands,
cold fet. everything I ate distressed me , my
bowels were constipated. 1 was very nervous,
depressed and dwpondent. When I first wrote
you I thought I could never be cured. I have
taken six bottles of Dr. rl tree's Golden Medical
Discovery, anil my health Is now good. You
have my honest recommendation to all sufferers.
I think there Is no medicine in the world u
good as Dr Tierce's."
This matchless " Discovery " contains no
alcohol like many of the. sarsaparillas "
and tonics which are so freely sold. It in
duces no morbid craving for false stimu
lants; but gives true and lasting strength.
nvery woman suoum possess a copy o Ur.
Pierce's great thousand-page, illustrated
Common Sense Medical Adviser. A free
paper-bound copy will be sent for it one
cent stamps to pay the cost of mailing only;
or a heavier cloth-bound copy for 31 stamps.
If sufleniiR from any lingering obstinate
disease write to Dr 1'ierce and get his ad
vice. It will cost you absolutely nothing.
Address Dr. R. V. 1'ierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Itf? THFFL 604 North Sixth St.
BJIIg g IMSwiUiVSide Entrance on Green St
I'M pb 1 ft-. X'M.a cures after
ftdvertulDR doctors. Medical tnitl
I tutei.f unity pbyitci&nBipecUlliu,
iiuBjyiLaiBau uimj surgeons iau.
Sworn Testimonials r,'?
dftT'sPhttadelphUTlmesprove, l
AvVIt K tho fata of thousands who
are robbed and ruined by tintfctUfu
c Doctor and Oaackt, wit ti their well.
2 5 3 mS m pofllctr as old and experienced spec
r-gf"!: n 111 it a, offering free consul tat Ion .
Cu irea nance nu en rap or raoaeraio
irco fMivicc kuu tin-up ur uiimiraiu
! nrlr-pd treatment. ThetrvletlmiTon
1 hnd by thcaianda In Poorbomes or
Ini&nn AiTlnmn.nnnKnltlli.'Thl
8 or.
.2 tnS 3B who it known as tho onlj bonnt.
H BKiuiui ana genaina icimits
"5 3 2. m Inthlscountry with 6 rears European
?a m Hoipttal nnd 81 yearn' practical ex
1 a caperlrnco. Send 5 two-cent stamps
for book "Truth." the only true medical book
adrertlsed piling valuable Information to young
and old, suffering from flelf-Abuie. Prlvattt
J)limtt, LoHtManhood.Varlcocele&Strlcture,
and expotln (tall deceits In the nractlceof medicine
aud electricity Hours. &-S, ercs. 6& Sunday, 9-13.
Philadelphia &
Readinq R'y.
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke.
Trains leave Slienamloah aa followtt:
For New York via PhlladelDlila. wceir lar
2 10, 5 as, 7 87, 0 85 a. m., 12 26, 8 09 and 6 09 p. m
Sundays, 2 10 a m.
For New York via Chunk, week days
7 37 a. m.. 12 26 and 8 09 p. m.
For Reading and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 3 as, 7 87. 9 65 a. m., 12 28, 8 09 and 8 09 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 n in.
For I'ottsvllle, week days, 2 10, 7 87, 9 55 a, ro,
12 28, 8 09, 8 09 and 7 30 p. m. Sundays, 210 am.
ForTamaoua and Mahanov Cltv. week iiavh
2 10, 7 37, 9 85 a. m., 12 28, 8 09 and 09 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10am.
l or v iiuamapon, sunbury and Lewlsbure
week da vs. 327. 1132 a. m.. I2. I9H ,
Sundays, 3 27 a m.
1-or Manano) Plane, weekdays, 2 10, 8 27. 5 33.
7 87, 9 55, 11 82 a.m., 12 28. 3 09, 0 09, 7 30, 9M
p. u ounuuys, lu miu a t u ill.
For Asblaud and Shamoktn, week days, 3 27,
7 87. 11 82 a. m.. 12 28. a 09. 8 07. 7 M and fix m
Sunday, 8 27 a m.
for uaitimore, waaninmon and lbs West via
ii. it w. it. ik., lurauKU irainn ira" l iteauins:
Terminal, Phlladelphra. (P. ilt.II S.) at 3 20,
T 55, 1128 a. m., 810 and 7.27 ju r Suuilaya
8 20, 7 00, 11 24 a. m., 8 48 and 7 27 p. m. Addl
tiuuai iraina irum iweniy-iounn ana (Jneet
nui sireeig siauon, weec aays, ioo a. m. 12 20
12 15 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 85, 8 23 p. m.
fjr. Kaw VnV via .
days, 1213, 4 80, 7 30,1130 a.m., and 1 30. 4 80
9 00 p.m.
Leave New York via Maucb. Chunk, week
days, 4 80. 9 10 a. m., 1 80, 4 40 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Keadloc Terminal, week
days, 4 SO, 8 88, 10 21 a. m. and 1 35, 4 08, S 34.
11 ou ij in-
Leave Keadlnfr. week days, 137, 7 00, 10 OS
a. m., 12 15, 4 17, 8 00, a 25 p. m.
Iave Pottavllle. week dava. 7 17. 7 ill a n.
9 30. 12 80. 120. 4 SO. 6 10 and 0 50 n.m
uvv ibidwub, weec uays, a is, B50, 1123
n. iu., i v, a oo, i 4U, v p. m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8 43. 9 04,
11 47 a. m., 3 22, 25, 8 it, 7 44, 10 08 p. m
Leave Mahanoy Piano, week days, 2 40, 4 00
S0, 9 22. 10 23. 12 00, a. m., 2 39, 5 88, 8 42, 7 58
10 21 si m.
Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 00 a
m., 12 34 and 4 00, 11 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wharf and
South street wharf fur Allantlo City.
Weekdayaltxprras. 8 00,900, 10 45 a m, 180,
2 00, B 00, (3 40 silly minute, 4 00, 4 30.(300 siity
minute, 0 30, 715, ptn. Accomodation, 6 13 a
in. 5 30. 6 30 n m. Sundava Exiiriuu. 7 .m 8 on
8 30, 9 00, 10 00 am, 4 45, 7 15pm. Accommoda
tion, fi 15 ni, 4 45 pm. 11.00 Uzcuralon 7 00a
m uauy ami 7 hi Sundays.
Iave Atlantic dtv lenot! IVeekdaraHr.
press, 45 Mondays only, 7 00, 7 45, 7 50 from
lialtlcave. station only, 8 30, 9 00, 1015, 1100
in, a ou, iau, oi, 4 ou, vw p m. Accommo
dation, 4 25, 8 00 am, 3 50 p m. Sundays Hi
nrcss. 330. 400. 300. 800. 630. 7iO. 7 30. Rm
8 3'Jpm. Accommodation, 715am. 4 30 pin.
f 1X0 Excursion, weekdays A 00 p in, Sundays 8 10-
2 13. 4 13. 3 13 n ill. Sundava 8 45. 9 15 a m lli
p in. 1L0O excursion Thursday and Sunday 7 00
For Cape May and Sea Isle City Weekdays
0 15a m, 2 80, 4 13 p ro. Sundays 845 a an 445
n m. a i.w excursion nunuava nniv 7 m n. m
Additional for Cape May Weekdays 8 M
Parlor Cant on all exnreea tralna.
For farther Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Heading ttallwny ticket a tent
T. A. Hwrin 1 Tin Htuiai, v itt
uen'i Bupi., Qen'l Paas'i Aet,
Keadlnc Tarmlnal. Phtladelpbla.
To PATENT Good Ideas
a k
may be secured by
our aid. Address,
n .mi .... ui
JfcdGuroinaf Cures i
' Coughs, u
Colds, j
) Grippe, (j
Whooplnrr CouRh. Asthma
Bronchitis nnd Inolplont
' Consumption, la h
The g'ebmaH RemedV L
Every man's
wife wh has
itsll you
knows a cood
drink. Try it on
lyour husband.
Fcofftt snd mtUt
htlie monv. Jc. pk
M. M-
Offlpe Kiran bulldlnK, eorner of Main n
Centre strwis, Hhennndoah.
Ofllco: Cor. Cntn nnd Whlto stmt, nut
to Justice Toorncr'. oOlco.
Lock Box 68, MAhMior City, Pn.
HovlriK stndled under some of the best
mtuttera Id Ixmdon and I'.rla, will rclre leemos
on the violin, msndolln. rulur and vocal culture.
T,rw. nuMti,til l ,i .) i . .
. . . , . ...... i i ii laio u ( oirouie,
toe lewder Shenandoah.
Trains will leave Hhenandoah after Iks bov
J0'0' W'Kiran, Gllterton, Frackvllle, Dark
S ..r' 8I- V,tr' V"W'"- i-bQnc, llelns,.
I'ottetown. Phoenlxvnie. KorrlstowS and PhlK
a4elphla (Hr'Ad street station) at 6. IS and SOS
-L10. P. m. on week day. Bundayt,
8 OT a. m., 4 33 p. m-
v T",.VJ,,.leTO '"jkTlIle ."r Shenandoah a
iroii'm ;-nH-Kd SM' 784 p- Hundav.
11 oi a. m. and 5Mp, m.
.Mit?T",n1.,.,5J?,le ' Shenandoah (via Frack.
Jni?,.7d?' '.'S? m- !. T 10 p.m. Sunday
Rk.r.. Tj i . -Ui"" l"roa street suilon), lor
She.andoah at 8 a'S a. m., 4 10 p. m. week dir..
Sundays leave at 50 and 23 a. m.
i, T. .,, """"'ipiiia inroad street etatloa) for
l'ottavllle,S80,8ai, 10 IS a. m., ISO, 4 10,711
ftVi'pTa. y"- Sumla 9S. inVana
Leave Droad Street Station. Philadelphia,
D00,7 3S,8 23 gfifl, I0 21. 1100. 11 13 am II no
ffSF'liF: ''"" iW.iapfl.iflL
2S0.820, 8CO, 401. 8 00. SM.BfJO r Mia
02, .8 10, 10 00 p ruTii 01 nlBbT "
day.. andTlo Tp.' ; m"?k' " " ""
Mprns irarlor car, 11 03 a m
ror Sea Olrt, Ashury I"ork fWn aw.- .
m,r?ir..v',,e'rl,?5""d Bcranton. SB,
wilt ' . . a, a vj ( LAm he rt villa and
omdallv. uvu and Ttn
( Mount PKMno special, 100 p m Saturday.
YAsINaTON and toe south.
For llAlllmnr- J W..K1 . ...
, . . zl- ' 1 "iuKwa, e ou. i xo.Bav.
o uas m, 12 09 .12 So, 1 12, 8 12. 4 41 IH 2S
clonal Un,., 5o4,V,"Vp"al u
KflP lUltlmiM w Line. Kmnu-nm .
108 night, dally. '
m.'dSl'i I5'l','r- Expre-84 and 8 53
NOrfoIaT Ami Woataaa. T-II . . .
1nd Nwo7n,.3 8tpm1uiT;: " """
t- ,7, . .. . WI,IU luniway, 71 d m. omit.
For Old l-olnl Comfort hd NoSoKS
m weekdays, II 10 p m dally.
LatSAT A Affair trot aa.u I " ...
tVZ ii w a m, su p m weeks
I'or-lie.,"ave-i'd l1o"rne7. axo'i
a m and 4 W P' m weikukya. """" 10
(82 assay. f sis StiXJRZ ST J " m-
sTn.iil... fi'', . lv? m'nutea, a m, 1100
" " v" ""nuieaj, z ou, im minute. V
3 00 (75 minutes), 8 30 M minutes). 4 00 (4
mlnuteai.4! ITS .., ,i , . .
3 SO IU mlnuteal p. m. Sundays, 8 00, TU
1" m'nute., 8 O) 75 minutes, 8 30 75 mlnutesl,
900 173 mlnuteal. 10 OQ t7n ,r.,,.ii . " U
4 30 75 minutes p. m. 11.00 Kxcuislon train,
7 00 a m week-days. Sundays, 7 00 and 780 a m
For Cape May, Angleaea. WlldwoxJ. Holly
neach-Expreas, 9 W a m, 2 80. 4 03 (100 mlnuUsJ,
SCO p m week-days. Sundays, 8 20 a m. Wor
Cape May only ; 180pm Saturdays. 11.00 Ux
curalon train, 700a.m. dally.
For Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Avaloa aad
Stone Harbor Kxpreas 9 10 am, 2 W. SO. 1 00
11 fn WaStanrHsksrsi. Ush.I.... a ia - a u.
Ion train, 700 a in dally.
m.dOOSaturdayo only), 2 00, 3 00, 4 00. a 0a, 5 39
D Rl VMIlTlVl. Himlskwa. Km am niM ainaaa
am.430pm7 ' uu
i no union Transfer Company wUl call for
and check baggage from hotels and reeldeaaea.
Aiuing iar.
I. B. IIUTcniBsoir, J, n. Wood.
uen-i uanaa-er, Gen'l Paas'gr Agt
uivimu VTon-i , rrop.
J19 N. Centre St, PottsvUla, Pa.'
Fine old Whiskeys, Qlns and Wines, at the bat
....u vl vjkii ana lempes-
ance Drinks.
Aooommodatlon for IrnrrUra.
Meals at all hoars
IfHSW&iWC-'' Wilco, apcoirtcOOvPssXaVA
"ot M Povinaky's !drug (ton, B
Oantrs rval
Aloft aVISUllDtslaVd rsillftblsk. ICKal lllflll Sift
Cl CiTOl'ltlllT PlLU ftTid IftTI KIAIIM.
rA.drar twtsj,ftMiiiijM14' prl4t, U
tCW t F? Cft Utafti. Ma 4k
For salo ftl Klrlla's dnif ttora and Bbnado
m rvi Lift ma
l IB-'S.