The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 11, 1899, Image 2

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RSI' tltl.lSllt'.l) 1870.
"All th Nw Thai's Fit to Print."
'..M 1imI i i.r incnlng. pt Sunday, fit A
M.utli .lanlln street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Tlio Herald l delivered In Shenandoah and tho
surrounding town" forslxccntin wck, pay
able to Hie onrrler. Hy mall J8.00 n year, or
25 cents n month payable In advance. Ad
vertisements charged according to space ami
position. The publishers reserve the right
to change tho pnnltlon of ndvcrtletncnt
whenever the publication of news demand
It. Tlie right 1 reserved to reject nny
advcrtlefnent, whether paid for or not, that
the publishers nmy deem Improper. Adver
tising rate made known upon application.
Uiitcred at the pot office nt Shenandoah, Fa., as
second clos mall mailer.
FRIDAY. AUGUST 11, 1809.
OUR COUNTRY : First, Last ana Forever.
On tutition of 110 cltizons, tho City
Councils of Winstcd, Conn., have
ordered the t)olice to enforce the old
blue laws, ivtid its a result there will
btf no amusements, driving of horses
or trolley car traffic in that city on
Sundays. You cannot even kiss youH
wife there next Sunday.
A MAN who can work 300 days in a
year and earn $1.50 each day, makes
more, and at no more cost to himself,
than the one who earns $2.50 and can
work but 150 days. This does not re
quiro research into the theories of
economics, but plain, every-day
common sense. The trouble Is, the
average workman will look rather to
his earning power for one day. Coal
Trade Journal.
The Dreyfus Trial.
The case of Dreyfus has become of
such international interest that the
eyes of the people of the whole world
nre for a time turned in the direction
of Ilonnes, where this now celebrated
case is being tried. Tho opinion of a
large number of the people of Franco
and of the world at large, that Capt.
Dreyfus was the victim of a con
spiracy, has awakened the sympathy
of all who love justice and hate per
secution. It seemed for a time as though the
enemies of Dreyfus had triumphed in
their efforts to disgrace and destroy
him, but so strong was the pressure of
tho people who believed in his inno
cence, that the Government of France
was compelled to grant him a new
trial. As some of the conspirators
have confessed to their part in the
conspiracy, there is little doubt but
that the charges made against Drey
fus will be withdrawn, and that he
will be released and restored to his
position in the army.
The course of the trial is being fol
lowed with great interest by people
everywhere, and the outcome is anxi
ously awaited by all who believe in
justice and fair play.
A Few Stubborn Facts.
Facts are stubborn things. Here
are a few of them dished up for the
edification and enllghtment of those
depressed patriots, the calamity
howlers. Read and reflect :
The collieries in this region are
working five days, and yet Park Place
colliery could easily place llfty or
sixty more hands ; Buck Mountain
could give employment to a hundred
more miners, and Vulcan colliery is
short to the extent of fifty or sixty
men. And so we might continue.
The Jeanesville shops are plodding
along on a firm basis, und the busy
artisans are in a happy mood. Last
month thirteen large mine pumps
were shipped from these works, and
the business aggregated over $23,000,
The Jackson & YVoodln Company
is scouring the state for two hundred
additional skilled hands, and tho
Fricke Coke Company is making ex
tensive improvements at its plants.
The Carpenter Steel Company, at
Reading, has put its puddling depart
ment into operation, after a years'
idleness, nnd what is more to the
point, the puddlers receive five dollars
per day.
The Woatherly Silk Mill Is working
night and day, and capitalists at
Shamokin have decided to erect a
similar plant in that town.
At Steelton everything is on the
jump, from fifty to one hundred new
names being added to the pay roll
-without dropping the old ones ; whll
the Baldwin works are running night
and day without a stop, with orders
booked two years in advance.
In the Connellsville coke region
ngeuts are running up and down the
Btate In an effort to seoure 15,000 addi
tional men, while here in the anthra
cite region the mines are working
more steadily than for years.
The slate men are exporting slate
in enormous bulk, even to slate-mak
Jng Wales.
The Penooyd Works are crowded
with busy artisans night and day,
and reports say the ship yards along
the Delaware eannot meet the
There are not sufileient oars in the
bituminous regions to carry two-
thirds of bituminous orders, and
like complaint is made here.
The Pittsburg iron companies are
crowded with orders, and notices are
pouted at every mill, "men wanted at
once." ,
Even the exporters find themselves
Jiustllrig to meet shipments.
Rail roads report the busiest year
mum tin- TleinorratsimmuilPd control
of the administration of the Kivern
ment. MfKinley times tire here.
And there'" more to follow.
Denies tint Authenticity of n Itiicent
Iteiiui'toil Interview.
ChlntRO, Aug. 11. In a personal let
ter to II. H. Kohlimnt, of the Chlcngo
Times-Herald, Sir Wilfrid Laurler, tho
Canadian premier, J e tiles the truth of
nn Interview recently given out by P.
W. riUpatiick, of the treasury depart
ment, Washington, In which Mr. Fltz
Patrick asserted that l'remlor Lnurlor
had stated to him lie would not nc
cept an Invitation to tho Chlrngo Au
Etiit festival, believing the somowlmt
strained relations between tho two
countries might result In some unpleas
ant Incident durulg his visit. In his
letter Premier J curler says:
"You are at liberty to say that I havo
paid no attention to an Interview pub
lished recently In a Washington paper,
In which the reporter purported to glvo
to tho public words not spoken to him
by me, but to somebody else. Life Is too
short for a busy man to tako notlco of
this kind or any kind of hearaay evi
dence. If I had any communication to
make to the public I would prefor to
make it directly, and in my own words.
It seeniB to me that I need hardly add
that the Invitation of the Chicago au
thorities will receive from mo tho most
courteous consideration."
A meeting of tho commltteo on Invi
tations will bo held todny, at which
tlmo the Canadian premier will bo cor
dially Invited to attend tho festival.
This will be the first Invltntlon extend
ed to Premier Laurler, as the members
of the committee deny that Mr. Fltz
patrlck had any authority to Invito
him. ' .
When You Itluo Your Wheel
Always shako Into your shoos Allen's Foot
Etiso. A powder for tho feet. It keeps your
feet cool, prevents sweating feet, and makes
your eudumnco ten-fold creator. Over ono
million wheel people are using Allon's Foot
Ease. Thoyall praiso It. It glvos rost and
comfort to smarting, hot, swollen, aching,
feet and Is a certain euro for ingrowing nails.
At all druggists aud shoo stores, "5c. Samplo
FREE hv mall. Address, Allen S. Olmsted,
Lo Roy. N. Y.
Yollow 'Fever Hplilointo Ended.
Newport News, Va Aug. 11. Tho
yellow fever epidemic Is practically at
an end. Tho quarantine established by
this city against Hampton nnd vicinity
wns raised last night, following a con
ference between the health boards of
Nowport News, Richmond, Norfolk
and Hampton with the stnto board of
health and representatives of the Ma
rine hospital service. Tho record of
the scourge to this dato shows a total
43 cases, of which 11 resulted fa
How Is Your Wife?
Ilassho lost her beauty? If so, Constipa
tion, Indigestion, Sick Headacho are tho
principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea
has cured these ills for half a century, Prlco
25 cts. and 50 cts. Money rofunded if results
are not satisfactory. Sold by P. D, Kirlin
on a guarantee
The Flclittnc Tenth's Homo Comlne.
San Francisco,, Aug. 11. Tho Tenth
Pennsylvania volunteers will remain at
the Presidio 11 days longer, and then
leave for their eastern homes, escorted
by the committee of 23 that came here
to receive them. According to present
arrangements only one stop will bo
made during the Journey to Pittsburg,
tho invitation of Mayor Frank B.
Mooros, of Omaha, having been ac
cepted. Mnny other cordial Invitations
from cities nlong tho route havo been
declined on nccount of lack of tlmo.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Dowoy Will Not Visit Enclnnd.
London Aug. 11. Admiral Dowoy In
response to an inquiry maae oy ino
Dally Mall sends tho following: "Re
cret cannot visit England. Must ar
rive Now York Oct. 1." The Romo
correspondent of The Dally Mail says:
'The warm reception given to aq
miral Dewey in Italy Is regarded with
mixed feelings by tho government,
which is almost morbidly anxious not
to offend Spain. As It is, tho Spanish
ambassador protested against the
toasts proposed by General Bogliolo,
Admiral Gonzales and the prefect of
Naples at the recent reception to the
American ndmlral, In which the Amer
ican victories over Spain were giorp
fled. The Incident produced a had lnv
nression. and Admiral Dewey abon-
doned his intention to come to Rome."
Oh, the Pain of
Rheumatism often causes tho moat In'
tenso suffering. Many havo for years
vainly sought relief from this disabling
disease, and are to-day worse off than
ever. Rheumatism is a blood disoaso,
and Swift's Speoifio is the only euro, be
cause it is tne oniy remcay wnicu can
reach such deep-seated diseases.
A lew years ago I was takon vrtth inflamma
tory Rheumatism, which became so lntenso
that I was tor weeks nnablo to vralk. I tried
several promlnont physl
clans and took their treat
ment faithfully, bat was
unable to get the slight
est relief. Infaot.mycon.
dltlon seemed to grow
worse, the disease spread
over my entire body, and
from November to March
I suffered agony. I tried
many patent medicines,
but none relieved me,
Unon tbs advise ot a
friend I decided to try
8. S. S. Beforo allowing me to take It, how.
ever, tnv iraardl&n. who was a chemist, ana.
fyzed the remedy, and pronounced It free of
potash or meronry. I fell go much better after
tAtlnir two hnttlea. that I continued the rem-
edy.and tn two months wag onred completely.
The oure was permanent, for I have never since
had a touch of Ilheumatlsm though many
times exposed to aamp ana coia weaioer
Eleanou M. Tippiix,
8711 Fowelton Avenue, Philadelphia.
Don'tsufler loneerwith Rheumatism
Throw asldo your oils and liniments, as
thov can not reach vour trouble. Don't
experiment with doctors their potaBh
nnd morcurv will odd to vour disabil
ity and completely dostroy your diges
Tor Ufert
will euro porfectly and permanently.
It is guaranteed purely vegetable, and
contains no potash, mercury, or other
mineral. Books mailed izee by Swift
Specific- Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Export Kvlilenee Tlmt tho llrnheHVVero
Not I'mlnr Control.
Bridgeport, Conn., Aug. 11. At tho
Inquest Into tho cnuso of tho trolley
nccitlont on tho Shelton strcot railway
yeiCerdny M. H. Underwood, of Now
Haven, an export electrician, who ex
amined tho contact box on tho front
fnd of the wrecked car, testified that
ho found I ho door of tho contact box
partly opened. Tho condition of tho
box indlcnted that It had been opened
by a screw driver, ns tho bolts all woi o
unbroken nnd In place, which hardly
would hnvo boon tho case If the- fall
from tho brldgo broko tho box. Tho
Interior of the box disclosed tjio fact
that two or threo of the contnet fin
gers were missing, rondorlug tho re
vorso lovor useless. In every other
vvny tho box wns In good condition.
The powor wns turned complotoly off,
but thoro was no evidenco that tho
power had boon rovorsod.
Mr. Untlorwood also oxnmincd tho
rail on the bridge nt tho point whoro
tho car had been pushed over Just pre
vious to toppling off Into tho pond.
Ho said that if tho power had not been
turned fully off at thnt tlmo an elec
tric nro would havo formed between
tho motor and tho rail. Evidenco of
this arc would havo romalnod on tho
rail, hnd It existed, by tho form of
n black stain. Tho stain not being
found, he was cortaln that tho powor
had been fully turned off boforo that
point wns reached. Only two or threo
of tho 27 contact fingers of tho con
ductor remained. Somo had been
froshly broken off, but tho majority
had boon removed by means of a
screw driver. It was possible that
those broken ones might havo been
broken hy tho fall of tho car, hut this
was not likely.
Mr. Underwood's testimony supports
Motormnn Hamilton's statomont that
tho brakes refused to work properly.
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Curtain. I'lainfiekl, 111.,
makes the statement, that she caught cold.
Inch settled on her luncs : sue was treated
for a month by her family physician, but grew
orsc. lie tola ner sue was a nopeiess vic
tim of consumption aud that no medicine
could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr.
Kinir's New Discovery for consumption : sue
bought a bottle and to her delight found her
self benefitted from first dose. She comtinued
its use and alter taking six bottles, found her
self sound and well; now does her own
housework, and is as wcl' as she ever was.
Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at A.
Wasley's Drug Store. Large bottles So cents
and Sl.oo.
Tho Death of Dr. Itnrrows.
Now York, Aug. 11. Rev. Dr. Jo-
slah Strong yesterday received tele
grams announcing tho death at Mack
inaw Island, Mien., of uov. Dr. Walter
Manning Barrows, of Greenwich,
Conn., who married Perry Delmont
and Mrs. Sloano. Dr. Strong said in
an interview last night: "Dr. Darrows
was an extremely sensitive man and
tho misrepresentations and criticisms
on his action In performing tho Del-mont-Sloane
marriage ceremony prey
ed upon his mind, robbed him of sleep
and reduced his vitality. It Is the com
mon conviction in Greenwich that It
was an Important, if not tho primary
cause of his death."
Kidney trouhlo proys upon
tho mind, discourages and
lessons ambition ; beauty,
vigor and cheerfulness soon
disappear when tho kiduoys
are out of order or diseased. For pleasing
results use Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, tho
;rcat kidney remedy. At druggists. Samplo
bottlo by mall froo, also pamphlet.
Address, Dr. Kilmer &Co.,Binghamton, N. Y.
CUIncso Snllors Mutiny.
Seattle, Wash. Aug. 11. Tho trouble
that has been brewing on tho United
States transport Victoria for several
days culminated In a mutiny yester
day. Nearly 60 of the Chinese crew
were in open rebellion against tho cap
tain and his officers, A battle ap
Doared imminent at one time, and was
only averted by tho cool norve of tho
shin s first ana second ouicers, wno
stood in tho faco of the angry coles
tlals with drawn pistols. Tho reason
for the mutiny Is a demand for moro
money and shore leave on tho part of
tne crew.
The Homeliest Man In Shenandoah
As well as the handsomest, and others are
invited to call on any druggist and get free a
trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat
and Lungs, a remedy that is guaranteed to
cure and relieve all Chronic and Acute
Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consump
tion. Pnee 25c and 50c.
An 'insnno JMotnor's Uilmo.
Indianapolis, Aug. 11. Mrs. Clara
Baldwin, of Irvlngton, wife of Enos
Baldwin, special agent of an Insur
ance company, poisoned her hUBband,
her son James, 18 yoars of age, and
hor daughter Many, aged 1C years, by
putting strychnine Into the food served
them for dinner yesterday. Mrs. Bald
win, while tho family wero at the table,
excused herself, went to an upper
room of the house, and with a revol
ver shot herself through the head,
dying Instantly. The others are still
alive. Mrs. Baldwin was probably In
$100 Reward $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there Is at least ono dreaded discaso
that science has been able to cure In all Its
stages, and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is the only positive euro known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly
upon the hlood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying tho foundation of
the disease, and giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and assisting
nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have
so much faith In Its curative powers, that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It
falls to cure. Bend for list of testimonials.
Address. V. J.CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O,
Bold by Druggists. 730
Hall's Family Pills are the beet.
Annual I.w-Itnto Excursions to Atlantl
City, &c, via Pennsylvania Ititllrond.
August 81th Is the dato of tho re
maining Pennsylvania Railroad Company1
low-rate ton-day excursions from Erie, Troy,
Bellefonte, Williamsport, Mocanaqua, Sun
bury, Shenandoah, Dauphin, and principal
Intermediate stations (Including stations on
branch roads) to Atlantlo City, Capo May,
Ocean City, Bea Islo City, Avalon, Anglesoa,
Wild wood, or Holly Beach.
Excursion tickets, good to roturn by regu
lar trains within ten days, will bo sold at
very low rates. Ticket to Atlantic City will
be sold via the Delaware Klver Bridge Route,
tho only all-rail lino, or via Market street
wharf, Philadelphia.
For Information In regard to specific ratos
aud time of trains consult hand bills, or ap
ply to agents, or E. S. Harrar, Division
Ticket Agont, Williamsport, Pa.
Stop over can bo had at Philadelphia,
either going or returning, within limit of
ticket, provided ticket is deposited with
agent at Brood street station Immediately on
Jfnll Croatia rn-oiit llnvoc In Whont
lMoldri or North Dnhntn.
Tnrgo, N. D., Aug. 11. Two million
bushels of whoat aro estimated to havo
bron lost In yostordny's hailstorm,
which partially destroyed tho crop on
nearly 2C0.00O acros of land In tho
Btato. Tho total loss will bo $1,000,000.
Farmers who woro busily ongagod in
cutting wheat woro driven to tholr
barns for sholtor and afterward found
it nccossnry to take tho blndors hack
to tho Holds, as tho grnht had boon har
vested by tho hall In a fow brlof mo
ments. Just boforo 11 o'clock tho
storm struck tho northern part of Cass
nnd tho southern part of Traill coun
ties. In nddltlon to a big area over which
hall foil thickly, heavy wind nnd rain
storms completed tho destruction of
thousands of acres of grain on either
cldo of tho contor of tho path of tho
hall, covering an area IB miles north
and south between Argusvlllo and
Gardner, In Cass county, to Kelso, In
Traill county, and on tho oast and
west territory ranging from flvo miles
wld on tho south to fifteen or twenty
on tho north is practically devastated.
Losses aro estimated all tho wny from
25 to 100 per cent of tho crop. Tho
acreage loss In Cass and Traill counttoa
Is placed nt from 100,000 to 2p0,000
acres. Many consorvatlvo ostlmators
say that 50 per cont of tho crop on
125,000 acres nro not too large figures
for tho destruction In Cass and Traill.
Tho destruction Is so comploto In many
parts of tho devastated territory that
no effort will be mado to harvest what
is left
Btory of a Slave.
To bo bound hand and foot for years by tho
chains of discaso is tho worst form of slavery.
Goorgo D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich.,
tells how such a slavo was mado froe. Ho
says : "My wlfo has boon bo holpless for flvo
years that sho could not turn over In bed
alono. After using two bottles of Electrio
Hitters, sho is wonderfully improved and
ahlo to do hor own work." This supremo
rcmody for fomalo diseases quickly cures
nervousness, slooplcssnoss, melancholy, head
ache, backacho, fainting and dizzy spells.
This iniraclo working medicine Is a godsend
to weak, sickly, run down pcoplo. Every
bottlo guaranteed. Only 50 conta. Sold by
A. Wasloy, Druggist.
GuoHt Killed by a 'Walter.
Colorado Springs, Aug. 11. Gus Mc
Komio, a prominent cotton merchant
and a member of tho school board of
Gatnesvillo, Tex., was killed In n row
with hotel waiters at the Barker hotel
In Matou yesterday. Head Waiter
Groves had remonstrated with Mrs.
McKemle for Insisting upon entering
the dining room beforo ho was ready
for guests. Ho was later accused by
Mr. McKemle of having spoken Insult
ingly to Mrs. McKemlo, and an apol
ogy was demanded. The two grappled,
and a groat throng of waiters and
guosts gathered, Mr. McKemle being
wounded In the melee by a blow on tho
left side of the hoad, which proved
fatal. George McCormlck, one of tho
waiters, Is under arrest charged with
tho murder.
Do You Enow
Consumption is proventablo? Sclonco has
proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal.
Tho worst cold or cough can bo cured with
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure. Sold
posltivo guarantco for over fifty years.
Sold by P. D. Kirlin on a guarantco.
Philadelphia, Aug. 10. Flour slow: win
ter supertlno, 1202.15; Pennsylvania roller,
old, clear, 3f3.15; city mills, extra, J2.20
02.35. Wheat steady; No. 2 rod, spot, in
elevator, TO&G'O&c. Corn steady; No. 3
lxed, spot. lTtur, T70.
.yellow for local trado. S8H390. Oata
quiet nnd steady; No. 2 whlto. 2GHo.; No.
whlto. clipped, 2TH27WC Hav weak;
choice timothy, $15.60 for large bales. Hoof
qulot; beef hams, $20.605 27. Pork dull and
weak; family, $12012.60. Lard weak; con
tinent, I5.S0. Butter firm; western oream
cry, 15Hlto.; do. fuctory, 1216o.; Imi
tation creamery, 18315c; Now York dairy,
13V4!ffl7V4o. ; do. creamery, 16HS130." fancy
Pennsylvania prints Jobbing at 22325c:
do. wholesale, 21o. Cliocao dull; largo,
white and colored, QWSSMc; emnll do.,
DVlc Eggs steady; Now York and Penn
sylvania, 15V4S10V4O. ; western ungraded,
110130. Potatoes quiet; fair to prime,
$101.75; common, 50375c; fancy, $1.752;
southern sweets, $1.60 3. Cabbago steady:
Long Island, $24 per 100. Muskmelons
still very irregular; stock largely poor
and Dressing for sale at any reasonable
bid; Monmouth County, Jenny Llnd, per
barrel, 76a.Q$1.25; South Jersey Gem and
Jenny Llnd, per barrel, 60c.4f$l: Maryland
Christiana, per largo orato, $151.25. wa
termelons nrmer for good frosh stock;
per oarload, $75S150; per 100, $512.
Baltimore, Auc 10. Flour dull and un
changed. Wheat very quiet; spot nnd tho
month, T0tii?70c; September, 71ffi71Vo.
October, 72?8B72V4o. ; December, 75V4o.;
steamer No, 2 red, bOMjeoiic; southern,
by samplo, 57(371c; southorn, on grade,
6S71c Corn very quiet; mixed, spot,
2CVia3r,V4o.; the month. S&QSCUc; Septem-
oer and Ootober. 359iSf 30c. ; November or
December, new or old, 333 33Uc; steamer
mlxeS. 31UQ3141C.; southern, whlto, S
40c; do. yellow, 3839o. Oats dull and
easy; No. 2 whlto, 27A2Sc; No. 2 mix
ed, 25V4ffi26c, nyo firm; No. 2 near by,
E25J53c; No. 2 western. 67o. Hay firm;
No. 1 timothy, $15.50(316. Grain freights
quiet; steam to Liverpool, per bushel.
3Hid. September; Cork, for orders, per
quarter, 3s. 3d. August. Eggs 11 rm at nil
Live Stock Mnrliot.
New York, Aug. 10. BeeveB firm; cables
quote Amerlcnn cattle higher ut HViO
Vic.; rofrlgorator beef easier at iio,
Calves firm: medium veals, $6.50; southern
calves, $1, Sheep Blow and lower; lambs
firm: common to good sheep,
common to choice lambs, $57.25. Hogs
steady for good cornfed hogs.
Consumption Cnrcd.
Last November Mr. losenh Tames,
painter, of 325 W. Tearl St, Indianapo
lis, Intl., was at death's door with quick
consumption. Wasted to 0 skeleton;
his luiiL'3 a mass of ulceration: bis
death was hourly awaited by his doctor
ana family, lie was Kept in a constant
stupor with opium. A friend, thinking
to relieve his terrible cough, gave him a
bottle of Brazilian Balm. Seeing its
wonderful effect, the doctor advised its
continued use. Mr, James soon after
dismissed his doctor, and depended
on the Balm alone. His recovery was
rapid and complete, and in February he
returned to work. His lungs are sound,
and his weight greater than at auy time
In his life. His recovery is regarded as
almost a miracle.
In consumntiou beware of couch mix
tures and nrcscriptions that contain
onium. Onlum narallzes the nerves
and giveB the comma bacillus a good
chance to destroy the luncs. It is
always fatal. Brazilian Balm does not
contain a trace of any opiate, but stlmn
lates the nerves with new life and power,
destroys the microbe, and restores all
that Is left of the diseased luncs to a
sound and healthy state which no other
remedy lias ever ueeu Known to accom
pli su.
Shenandoah drag store, wholesale agont
A Citizen of Shenandoah Supplies
tho Information.
nA. Ii.,ir flm emithlnttitji nt mankind
oiiitlnalo with tho kidneys.
rt sugiii luuen oi nncKacno unit.
Twiner mill ahootlnir palna In tho loins
fulinw. Tlmr must ho chocked, they load to
gMvor complications.
mo siiiirrer socks rouoi.
Plnntnra nrn tried and llnlmenta for the
bck. . . .
So oallt d Kldnoy cures which do not euro.
Tim Ioub looked for result scorns unattiln-
ablo. ..
If you suffer, do you want roller?
l-'nllnw tlm nlan adontcd br this Shonan-
dnah citixoii.
Mr. r MmiI Pntnrs. of Enst Centra dtreot.
cx-elcrk at the Forguson House, says : "My
hack hurt mo nwfullv and I eouhl hardly if-
frniu from louuging or sitting down oin. to
(lint dull nr.litnir nrrma mv kidney. I hull
also a weary feoling hanging about luo ac
companied hy loss of energy. Tho kidney
secretions were not natural nnd I had a dis
agreeable fooling In tho back of my neck and
n dull pain In my kidneys all tho tlmo. 1
Vnrtirol about Doan'g KtdnoV Pills, rrooiirod
tliem from KIrlin's Pharmacy and began
imlnu thnin. Thp.v nromntlv dispelled tho
whole troublo and brightened mo right up.
I felt like another person when I had nnlshca
tho treatment.
Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers.
Price So cents. Mailed by Foster-Milbum
Co., Buffalo, N. Sole agents for the U.
S. Remember the name, Doan's and tako no
The Pennsylvania Eallroad Company has
selected tho following dates for Its popular
ten-day excursions to Niagara Fulls from
Philadelphia, Baltimore nnd Washington :
August 31, Scptombor 7 nnd 21, and
tober 5 aud 10. An experienced tourist
agont and chaperon will accompany each
Excursion tickets, good for roturn pnssago
on nny regular train, oxclnsivo of limited
express trains, within ten days, will bo sold
at $10.00 from Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington, and all points on tho Delaware
division; $11.25 from Atlantlo City; $9.00
from Lancaster; $8.50 from Altoonn and liar-
rlsburg; $0.90 from Sunbury and Wilkos-
barro; $5.75 from Williamsport; and at pro
portionate rates from othor points. A stop
over will bo allowed at Buffalo, Bochestor,
Canadaigua, and Watktns within tho limit
A special train of Pullman parlor cars and
day coaches will bo run with each excursion
An oxtra charge will bo mado for parlor car
Tickets for a side trip to the Thousand Is
lands (Alexandria Bay) will bo sold from
Rochester lu connection with excursions of
July 27, August 10 and 31, September 7 and
1, good to roturn to Rochester or to Canan
daigua via Syracuse within flvo days, at rate
of $5.50.
Tickets for a sido trip to Toronto will bo
sold at Niagara Falls for $1.00 ou July 29,
August 13 and 20. and September 23. In
connection with excursion of Soptember7,
tickets will bo sold to Toronto and roturn ot
reduced rates, account Toronto Fair.
For timo of connecting trains and further
information apply to nearest tlckot agent, or
address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant Genoral
Passengor Agent, Broad Strcot Station,
Two Tours to Canada via Pennsylvania
For tho summer of 1809 tho Pennsylvania
Ralhoad Company has arranged to run two
personally-conducted tours to Canada and
Northern Now York.
Tho first tour, leaving July 23, Includes
Niagara Falls, Toronto, Thousand Islands,
Rapids of tho St. Lawrence, Quebec, Lako
St. John, Tho Sagucnay, Montreal, Au Sablo
Chasm, Lakes Champlain and George, Sara
toga, and Highlands of the Hudson, occupy
ing seventeen days. Round trip rato, $125,
Tho second tour, leaving August 12, covers
tho same territory with tho exception of
Lako St. John and Tho Saguonay, and oc
cupies fourtcon days. Round-trip rate, $100.
Each tour will bo In charge of ono or the
company's tourist agents, assisted by an ex
perienced lady as chaperon, whose especial
charge will bo unescorted ladles.
Tho rato covers railway and boat faro for
the entire round trip, parlor-car seats, meals
enrouto, hotel entertainment, transfer
charges, and carriago hire.
For detailed itinerary, tickets, or any ad
ditlonal information, address Tourist Agent,
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 1100 Broad
way, Now York; 800 Fulton 6treot,
Brooklyn ; 789 Broad street, New'ark, N, J.
or Geo, W. Boyd, Assistant General Passengor
Agent, Broad street station, Philadelphia.
Coming Events,
Aug. 15. Ice cream festival In Bobbins'
opera house by the Congregational church,
Aug. 20 and 28. Grand picnic at Brown'i
grove, Lost Creek, for tho bonoflt of St
Mary Magdaleno parish.
Tell Your Slater
A beautiful complexion Is an Impossibility
without good pure blood, the sort that only
exists la connection with the good digestion
a healthy liver and bowols. Karl's .Clover
Boot Tea acta directly on tho bowels, liver
and kidneys keeping them la perfect health
Prlco 25 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlin
on a guarantco.
Tour to the North via Pennsylvutiia Hull-
Visiting Niagara Falls, Toronto, Thousand
Islands, Quebec, Montreal, Au Sablo Chasm,
Lake Champlain and Lako George, Saratoga,
and tho Highlands of tho Hudson. Leave
Philadelphia by special tram August 12. Tho
tour will be in charge of ono of tho company 1
oxperionced tourist agents, aud a chaperon
having especial charge of unescorted ladles,
will also accompauy the party.
Tho rato of $100 from New York.Brooklyn,
Newark, Trenton, Philadelphia, Uarrlshurg,
Baltimore and Waslilugton covers railway
and boat faro for tho entire round trip, parlor
car seats, meals ouroute, hotel entertainment,
transfer charges and carriago hire.
For detailed Itinerary, tickets, or any ail
ditional information, address Tourist Agent,
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 1100 Broad
way, Now York i Ticket Agent, 600 Fulton
street, Brooklyn : 789 Broad street, Newark
N. J. ; or Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant Genorul
Passenger Agent, Broad street station, Phila
Florida short Line.
Tho New York and Florida Express, via
Southern Railway, leaving Broad street
station, Philadelphia, dally at 6:31 p. in,
carries through Pullman sleeping can to
Augusta aud Savannah, Ga., Jacksonville and
Tampa, ila., via Charlotte aud Columbia,
This is the short lino and most attractive
routo to points in Georgia and Florida, All
information cheerfully furnished by Charles
L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, 823
Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
A Huiidrod I'ollcomoii lloforotlio I.cir-
lnlnt!vo Inventlirntlnir Oommlttoo.
Now York, Auk. 11. Moro than 100
patrolmen In uniform filled tho seats
osorvod for witnesses boforo tne Mazet
legislative Investigating commltteo
yesterday. They camo from all parts
of tho city, from Coney Island to tho
Dronz. Mr. Moss then said that the
only book furnished him by Captain
McCluskcy's detectlvo bureau showing
robberies was n record of property ro-
covorod. Tho property appearing
therein docs not appear on tho chief's
book. Mr. Moss road from tho book
tho valuo of tho property recovered. It
showed that proporty from all over
tho United States was brought to Now
York and disposed of In pawnshops
and othor places, "It appoars from
this," said Mr, Moss, "that thlovos who
llvo hero go Into tho outlying dis
tricts to commit robberies and then
bring tholr plunder to this city and got
rid of It horo."
"Yesterday," said Mr. Moss, "we put
in ovidonco tho record of tho com
plaints of 1C0 cltlzons robbod In two
precincts hy women. Now I offer a
transcript from tho record showing 100
other such robberies reported to tho
pollco In four proelncts."
Jolin II. wood, ono of tho commlt-
tco's dctoctlves, testified concerning
tho opium Joints In Now York city.
Ho also dctallod many Interesting
facts concerning tho oxlstonco of pool
rooms In tho city.
Copyrlrfit Liiw'CovoTb Spoochos.
London, Aug. 11. Tho Hon. Sir Ford
North, Judge- of tho chancery division
of tho high court of Justice, rendered
an Important Judgment yostorday. Ho
granted the London Times an Injunc
tion restraining a publisher named
Lano from reprinting speeches of
Lord Itosebory admlttTy taken from
The Times. Tho Judge held that the
reporter had a copyright In his report
and that this copyright had boon ac
quired hy Tho Times.
Itching piles? Kovor mind If overythlng
olso failed to oure yon. Try Doan's Oint
ment. No failure there. 60 cents, at any
drug store.
- Till e romn v mm llrA-a
CJb 1X0 change of diet.
Go I Cure guaranteed in
n .lii.ei (Small
nlfilfi (, II-1' n r n 1r
C- RE mail $1.00. Sold by
Klrlln'a drug store.
The Herald is progressive, en
terprising, wide-awake and always
Its daily visits will keep your
family better, informed than any
other paper on the news of this
locality, the state, the country and
the world. It will be delivered at
your door each day for 35 cents a
mouth. We are desirous of secur
ing your subscription.
As an Inducement for you to
become a subscriber we make
you the following unparal
leled offer:
Our representatives, Messrs
Hooks & Brown, will call upon you
with the publication for your in
spection. We feel sure you will be
interested in examining it. Upon
signing the agreement to take the
Herald ior six months, the book
will be delivered upon payment ot
75 cents. This is in addition to
the regular subscription of 25 cents
a month.
Tho fall terra ot this famous
training school for teachers
will open August 28, 1899. Su
perior advantages are olTercd
to young men and women
preparing for teaching, col
lege, or business. Tho build
Ings are all new, containing
Bpaclous and comfortable
rooms for students, roomy re
citation halls, steam heated
throughout,and supplied with
tho latest and best lighting
and sanitary appiuncos.
Ileforo choosing a school
secure a catalogue of the
Keystone Normal Hchool.
Ret. N. G. Schaeffer, Ph. D D. D
For full Information, catalogue, etc.,
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
ind Porter.
Mt. Carbon Beer
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haaf
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
h() H DDK rOHS HA h
18 months in a chafe.
Specialist nlso fails to even relievo
a bid caso of Aslhma.
lieves and effects a RaJical Cure.
Shaker Station, Ct., Feb. 3, 1R99.
Brazilian Balm
has done w o 11
ders for me, after
suffering 2 years
witlt Asthma. I
received no help
front four of our
local physicians,
and a specialist
in Hartford, -who
is at the head of
the hospital aud
receives all the
critical cases in
the adjoining
counties. For 18
mouths I never
laid down set in a chair day nnd night
and bad to be drawn from one room to
another. By my doctor's orders I went
south and staid several mouths but re
ceived no benefit. At last Brazilian
Balm was recommended to mesohighly
decided to trv It. insiae ot n week I
could sleen in mv bed. Now I am out
doors every day, tending to everything,
uo not nave any asiums aim win soon
resume my old occupation, foreman of
the Eddy Electric Mfg. Co., of Windsor
Ct. most gratciuny yours,
Wm. H. Wood.
Thousands o( doctors tuesrribe DrozMlan
Dalm In Catarrh, Asthma. r!eurly and Grippe.
Only thing known thnt removes fill the afier
effects of Grippe In Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Utc.
H) cts. aud $1.00 n bottle ot druggists, with the
1.00 bottle you get a month's treatment PRHK
of Toxicor.A Tablets, the best Tonic, Strength
buildrr In the world D. F. Jacksok : Co.,
Manufacturing Chemists, inuianapous, J ml.
Wholesale Agents
Pftnnencrer trnlnA leava Shenandoah for Penn
Haven Junction, Mnucb Chunk, Ixthlghton,
Blatlngton, Whlto llnll, Oatasauqua, AUantown,
Bethlehem, Kaston New York and Philadelphia
at 5 28, 7 SO a. in , 11 52 and S 17 p. in.
For Wllkcsborre, Whlto Haven and Pit to ton,
S 28, 10 12 n. m., 12 62 and S 17 p. m.
For Iocoyvllio, xowanua, enyro, wnveny,
Elmlro, Ilochester; Buffalo, Niagara Foils,
Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and tho
West, 10 12 a. m., 12 62 and 5 17 p. m.
For Bclvldere, Delaware Water Qop and
Stroudsburg, 6 28 n. m., 6 17 p. m.
For Lambertvtllo ana Trenton, 7 60 a. in.
For Jeanesville, Levlston and lleovcr Meadow,
S 28 a. m., 12 62 p. in.
For McAdoo, Audenrled, Hazlcton, Stockton
and Lumber Yord, 5 28, 7 60, 10 12 a. in., 12 62 ond
3 17 p. m.
ForJcddo, Drlfton and Frccland, 6 23, 1012
a, m., 6 17 p. m.
For Bcranton, t zs, iu iz a. m., o ii p. m.
For Lost Creek, Qlrardvlllo, and Ashland, 4 00,
and 7 28 p. m.
For ttoven Run, Ccntrallo, Mount Carmel ond
Shamokin, 10 49 n. in., 1 42, 0 07, 9 23 p. m.
ForMohnnoy City, Park Ploco and Delano,
6 28, 7 50, 10 12 a. m.. and 12 92, 0 17 p. m.
i'or l aicsvuie, o za, iu i . iu.
Trains will leave Shamokin at 700, 9 20 a.m.,
II SO and 4 20 n. m.. nnd nrrtvo at Shenandoah
at 7 50, 10 12 a.m., 12 62, 5 17 p.m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvlllo, St. Clair,
New Castlo, Morca ana jnow uoscon, ou anu
10 J2 n. m , 12 oi ami o n p. in.
Leave Pottsvlllo for Shenandoah, 9 45 a. m
12 85, 603, 8 15 p. 111.
JjCave liozicion ior oncimiiuuuii, vwu n. iu.,
12 45, 5 09, 6 20, 8 81 p.m.
Trains leave for Raven Kun. Ccntrallo, Mt.
Carmel and Shamokin, 9 46 a. m., 7 21 p. m.,
Trains leave Shamokin for Shenandoah at
8 60 a. m., ond 5 85 p. in.
Leave Shenandoah for Yatcsvllle, Mnhanoy
City, Park Ploco, Delano, McAdoo, Audenrled,
llazleton, Stockton, Lumber Yord, Wcotherly
and Mauch Chunk, 9 47 a m., nnd 6 82 p. in.
For Lehlguton, mallnglon, uauisougua, nue
Hall, Coplay, Allontown, Boston and Phllllps
burg, 9 47 a. in., nnd 6 32 p. in.
r or new xoricnnu i-iiuui'iuiu, ?, n. m,
Leavo Hazlcton for Shenandoah, 8 50, a. ni
and 8 27 p. m.
W. ii. UU 11I3.U, Dupi. AmilBporwtiiun,
South Bethlehem, Pa,
South Bethlehem, Pa,
CHARLES S. LEE, Qcnl. Pass. Agt.,
New York, N. Y.
South Bethlehem, Fa.
yoTE pon
yoTE Fon
yoTE ron
A box of our
Is an exhilarating
stimulant during
the hot summer
DoHvorod at your homo.
Columbia Brewing Company.
The only pleasuro resort and
nicnic grounds in this region.
Splendid lake of fresh water. Ice
and wood, lree, to an picnic panics
to prepare and preserve meals. An
orchestra is established here for the
entire season. For particulars
B. J. YOST, Prop.,
Barnesvllle, Pa.
ik l'mv.l
tors uu
wWi Timy f ! IVnnvroT.I
II, .n't rthrr I
id ilu
9' ,WtVUtt
n" rfr- fc i "ifr ' iWHlU i i'r tVlf1