The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 10, 1899, Image 3

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Severest Trial, i
Until recent years woman' Mverut
trial has been the bringing of children
Into the world. .
Today nearly all the sickness, pain,
discomfort and dread are avoided by
those expectant mothers who use
Mothers Prlond, that wonder
ful liniment made famous by the great
good it has done. It is used externally.
That Is the only sensible and safe way
to relieve morning sickness, headache,
tightness, swollen, hard or rising breast.
The bearing of children need no longer
be dreaded. Mother's Friend has been
called a Godsend by mothers all over
this land. Sold at drug stores for $1 a
bottle, and by
Tbe BraMleld Kegnlator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Wrtt for cur fraa llltmuted book, emitted nfor
Pity li Dorn."
hot ppiunos of aiikanhvb via
("OUtheiw railway.
Will craill 'ate from your system tho linger-
ing oflbctaof grip ami other ailments cnnseil
liyUioKmro wlutcr, ami m.-vlarln, rlicuma-
tlsm. neuralgia, catarrh, stomach, kidney.
, , , ,, . , n ,i
llvernmlnervoullsortlerj. paralysis blood
and skin disrates, and ehronlo and rune-
tlntial dcrangemenLi. Tho niountiln cllmxto
of Hot Springs Is cool and delightful In
summer. 100 hotels open tho your nround.
For Illustrated literature, containing all
information, adrirosoO. F, Cooloy, Manager
Hulsnoss Men's League, Hot Springs, Ark.
For reduced excursion tickets and par
ticulars of tho trip, address W. A. Turk,
Gon'l Pass. Agt., 8outliorn Ry., Washington,
D. O., or C, u. Hopkins, uistnct rasscnger
Agont, 828 Chestnut 8t., I'hila., Pa. O-Mm
. . .
your grocer for tno uoyai raieni
floor, and tako no other hrnnd
It Is the Iwwt
flwir mpdfi.
! Sick-Head -acho
and Liver
tSSsSJm Complaint
Sold by all druggists
or sent uy man.
Ntrrlta Medical Co., Chlcars
Co box contains 13 pills.
Sold by KIrlln'adrug
store, Bhenandoah, Pa.
vnii.1i Diamond nraad.
UMCinimnn wnij wrimi
re, ilwaj riUbit. udiii iii
no other. Jttfuu dangenui it6.itu- V
In tnr tot jiartlcnUr, tnumspiui
KiMicr lor i-uiv- " , it 11.. W.Z..7
6oUbrU Local
Pllea or Hemorrhoidal
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
Bolls & Tumors.
Eczoma & Eruptions.
Salt Rhoum & Tetters.
Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Soro Lips & Nostrils.
Corns & Bunlona
Stings & Bites of Inseota
Three SIrw, 25c, 50c and Sixo.
Bald bf droggteta, or tont pcNt-pald on receipt of prte
ucxriuiBYs, 111 tn wimua tn.. k t.
IT-S DIFFKRKNT, because it print
all the news, and alt the news it prints
.is. true.
ITS DIFFERENT, because It's bright
4 h,i.k. -n-to-date and vigorous, but
not yellow.
IT-S DIFFERENT, because Its only
oollcv Is to tell the truth. It has no
covert or Dersonal Interests to promote
It serves no political ambition, no creed,
no clas3 prejudice, no mere partisan
IT'S DIFFERENT, because It advocates
existing sysiem, wnicn lavora u.c iu
corporation at the expense of the
prt, mtJKitmMi, oecauso 11 sianM
tor Kepuoiican principles, ana maizes
war unon all wno. unaer inc sioicu
name 01 ncHuu..Miiw,
to tnose principles.
IT'S DIFFKHKNT, because it believes
manhood and not money should rule,
Therefore It upholds the rights of all,
as aeainst the atreresslve power oi mo
privileged few.
IT'S DIFFERENT, hcr.atise no boss, no
. . . . , ,1 .111.
corporation, can control ono line ui i
vrto nrDironmm i I
" .wwvx. oecauso u non-
seo ananana proaaj every par y, every
faith, every class, and the worklngman
equally wiihl he millionaire, get,! fair
hearing in Its columns.
cause It tjpiiQlds fa(h )n
bumanlty, and the pro
gress of mankind toward
higher ideals, larger
hopes and better living.
It will continue to
be different. Watch The North Amerl
can and see it grow,
IFVlflf fllcrifl MRV I.
illeit firtitm fur do.- birdf
Nunftirr Klock. KlDODfteft
an J far to thoae Iwlaf
1 V M
uom--. ur curoniiaaion v lo
cal tita. IVrnillirnt ea.
ulojinont. Tlie liulnoa
eaallj learnart. oilreM
Olovoland Merchants Organized to
Produce Peaceful Conditions.
An tMlnrnott Mooting Promptlyllnlncn
a Ton TlimiNnntl Dollar I'unil-Tolo-iIo'h
Mnyor AilclroHsuw tlin Strikers im
tlio UhoIosrucsm oftlio lloyrutt.
Clovoland, Aug. 10. Flvo hundred
business men of Clovotnnd hold an
untl-boycott meeting yostordny nftor-
noon in tuo chamber or commorco
rooms, nnd a fund of $10,000 waa
started to ferret out the criminals who
are dynamiting cars anil creating dis
cord In the ctly. In n fow minutes'
tlmo not less than $5,000 wns subscrib
ed and the rest of tho amount was
fully made up today,
Tho meeting wns lnrcely attended.
nnd It was a ronrosontatlva ono In
every respect, Millions of dollars woro
ronrosontod In tho mon present Vis
oroua speeches denouncing tho boycott,
strlko disturbances and disorder wero
.w.u m n.
Hoyt. In their addresses they callod
nUontlon to the ,flwIos3 Mti which
havo terrorized the public nnd upheld
jjo course of Mayor Farley In his
measures to suppross disorder, and
said It was tlmo for reputable cltlzons
to unlto and restore peace, quiet and
safety to the city. A committee of
five was thon selected to bring about
lawful conditions. A demand for a
United Stntos army military post in
Cleveland was unanimously made and
Bteps were taken to increase the po-
uce forco of tho city.
At tho strlkors' picnic hold at Scenic
Park yesterday Mayor 3. H. Jones, of
Tnlocln. wnn tho irnost nf hnnnr nnd
- , .. . . ., .. .7
nrntnr nr tho rinv. In nln nflnrniaa Inn
mayor said:
"Wo aro in an epidemic of labor
troubles, strikes, lockouts and boy
cotts, affecting widely soparated por
tions of our country, nnd as widely
diversified Industrial Interests disturb
tho land, tho condition may be fitly
characterized as one of Industrial
civil war. Tho boycott is n cruel and
unjust weapon In many ways. Boy
cott Is war, and both sides navo a
right to fight. I am not here with a
plan for setting the difficulty In Cleve
land alone. I am hero to urge, to plead
for, to propose a remedy that is a
sovereign and final remedy, not only
for Btreet railway strikes, but for all
kinds of difficulties with labor in ovory
sort of public utility. There Is such
a remedy, and only ono. The remedy
may he found in absolute municipal
ownership, operation nnd control. In
short, tho fundamental cause of tho
troublo In Clevoland today is found In
tho fact that a few men are granted
that right of ownership In a class of
property that should never under any
clrcumstnnces become private posses
sion, but should bo property of tho
wholo people. I am an apostle of
peaco, and emphatically disavow any
belief in war under any circumstances.
I do not believe that any good thing
was ever accomplished through war
that could not havo been bettor dono
Mayor Jones hold a political con
ference with strike leaders and local
agitators in tho American House in the
afternoon, at which ho decided to
leave tho Clevoland end of his cam
paign as an Independent candidate for
governor of Ohio entirely in the hands
of tho street railway strikers.
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob lile of
joy. Uucklen's Arnica saivo cures mem ;
also Old, Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers,
Doils, i'elons, corns, warts, v-uts, uruises,
Burns. Scalds. Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Best Hie cure on earth. Drives out Pains
and Aches. Only 25cts. a box, ( ure
guaranteed. Sold by A. Wasley, druggist.
fllllK contali'CirTlnnli. I'olson.
Albany. Aug. 10. Edward Wheeler,
tho analytical and consulting chemist
of tho state agricultural department,
has submitted his report rolativa to tho
alleged case of cheese poisoning that
occurred in Philadelphia, the cneeso
having been shipped from Lewis coun
ty. In this state. Mr. Wheeler nnas
that the cheese contained tyrotoxican
(rank poison). It is supposed to bo
formed by bactoria doveloped from
milk kept in unclean vessels.
OK Ever; Bottle
Of Shiloli's Consumption Curo is this guar
antco : "All wo ask of you Is to uso two-
thirds of tho contents of this bottle faith
fully, thou if you can say you are not
benefited return the bottle to your druggist
and ho may refund tho price paid." Price
25 eta., 60 cts. and f 1.00. Bold by 1'. V.
I Klrlln on a gnaranteo.
AVnnt (I'.'llSloiiH (Jru"'H Kxpollod.
St. Sebastian. Spain, Aug. 10. Tho
Republican and Socialist parties havo
?sreea to organize a campaign nemanu.
nS expulsion from Spain of all thq
religious orders. Sonores Salmeron
and Igloslas and other Socialists aro
prominent in tho movement.
A card.
We, tho undersigned, do hereby agree to
rofnnd the money on a M-cent bottle of
Groene's Warranted Symp of Tar If it fails
refunded. A. Wasloy, O. II. Hagon-
. ' , , - B. m ttn,, p. w.
Dru I? W'
Testordny Ilnsobnll Game.
M Boston Boston, 7; Cleveland, 3.
a ni.n.ii..i.i ri,i!.ii!,!., 11.
Pittsburg, 13. At Brooklyn Uinclnna-
t, u. nrooklyn, 13. At Baltimore
St. Louis, 61 Baltlmoro, 3. At Nov
York Louisville, 4: New York, 2. At
Washlngton--ChIcogo,6; Washlngton,3,
Ordinary household accidents havo no
terrors when there's a bottle of Dr. Thomas'
n.i..ij. ntl t t., m&lntitn ..liftcf lrala
jcicciric uu m mo iiu" v..
burns, cuts, brulios. sprains. Instant relief.
,,-,,, if.wolutK.n Qrowlnir
- . 10.Tno
, " ,""' on nnmlnpn snva
JXuoK vemWStSS
ino r"llu". .1' " ., v... i,
In arms. It Is impossible to obtain any
(totalis here. This city Is calm. The
relations beween tho United States and
Haytl aro cordial,
Oraln-0 Brings Relief
to tho cofleo drinker. Coffee drinking Is a
habit that Is-universally indulged In and
almost as' universally Injurious. Havo you
tried Graln-O? It is almost like coffee but
thn eflncU aro lust the opposito CoffeO
unseta the stomach, ruins the digestion,
effects the heart and disturbs the whole
nervous system. Graln-0 touos up tho
Stomach, aids digestion' aud strengthen! tl0
nerves. There is nothing but nonpsnmoni
In Graln-O. It oan't bo otherwise. IS and
I 5a per package,
snwlatnig tkTood fltulllctf ula
liiig tlicStamachs nniiDwels of
OpiumMorphinO nor Mineral.
2mu3an Set 2
ftSfmrtil -
Arafcctncmctlv forConslirw
tloh. Sour Stomach.Dinrrhoca,
Worms .Convulsions ,1 cvcnsiv
ticss andLoss OF SLEEK
t t lt
Tflc'Slnulo Signature ot
Paid Porohases of 18 or rnorctTi, j0W
will bo aeht FREICHT PREPAID s AV
to nny railroad station In MAINE, '-, Wo
yoS oNrYrv3AuNTi,N0Envs KiiiaRiEFmED-
Bend for our Book, "A Bird's Ere View of Kew York" and Its Greatest Store
218 paces-beautlfully Illustrated and very Interesting. Telia you all about hew,
York nnd how to go about. Fbkjs roa Tim abkehj.
BfclZiliaB Bate Toxicola Tablets
"I am
clears the
It is good,
tnPfUniiiP It is worth its weiirht in
"The Woman Who Coughed,"
that is claimed for her and more too. I know of a great many cures
tt,ia localitv. Thev oucht to be in every home in America. They
thousands of lives to
people here USe tHem. " MISS fsara
r r
Brazilian Balm at Druggists, 25
for the money than any other remedy.
With every $1.00 bottle of Balm you get
tfRitiS. Do not fail to try these remarkable remedies. I
B. F.Jackson & Co., Mfg. Chemists, Jputanapoiis, ma.
Shenandoah Drug Store, Wholesale and Retail Agents.
If, when coutomplatlng a trip to any point
West or Southwest of the Mississippi Itlver,
you will purchase tickets via tho Missouri
racifio By , or Iron Mountain Eouto (which
are on safe at all principal ticket offices in
th nnltad BtatoaV vou will have all tlio
comforts and luxuries of modern rallwav
equipment, and the finest opportunities for
viewing all of nature's museums and marvels
of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Texar,
Old and Kew Mexico, California, cto. Ex
cursion tickets to all principal points at
greatly reduced rates. On account of the
National Education Association meeting at
Los Angeles in July, we will m:(ke special
low round trip rates. When coutomplatlng
a trip West or Southwest, write us for full
Information and rock bottom figures. W
E, Hoyt, G. E. V. Agent, J. P. McGinn, T.
P. Agent, SOI Broadway, Now York, 4-23-tf
HOOD'S VlhVS curo Idver m,
Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache,
t Dlea''nt laxative. All Druxt;Ut
For Infants and Cliildron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Always Bought.
glad, of the opportunity to pub'
Bears the
Signature m m
liclv commend Brazilian Balm and Toxicola flno fahlr, with several aliases, who,
, , , 1 11 by raoans ol ventriloquism, has per
Tablets. They are certainly very excellent 6uaded the natives that he has super
remedies as I can testify from long experience, natural powers. He raised much
' , . , . . J . , 1f. en T money, ostensibly for the insurrection,
iney navesciii uicm p:uuiu uc""p -
have never had to call a physician since I
... ...
useamem. uiiiuiiauuuuuiamcuuc """6
that cures Grippe, so it leaves no evil effects
and for colds, coughs, catarrh and
lnntr troubles. I never knew its equal. And
Toxicola is the most ,vonderful thing to put
vigor and life into the system I ever saw. It
S corrects bUliousuess, tones up the nerves,
complexion and purifies the blood.
any time but for a Spring and Fall
cold. I know Miss L,. h
and can say these remedies did all
yr, the worst cases. The best
!i,iraina ivtyuvias, xuumuau, iuu,
cts., 50 cts. and $1.00 a bottle. More doses
Toxicola Tablets 15 cts. and 50 cts. a bor.
a month's treatment of Toxicola Tablets
Personally Condncted Tourist Excursions to
California Without change of Cars.
Leavlnc WashlnEton every Tuesday and
Friday at 11:15 a. m., the Southern Hallway
onoratos IVrsoiiallv Conducted Tourist Ex
cursions to San Franciso without change of
cars, conductors nr porters. Tho route is
tliroueh Atlanta, Montgomery, Jiew uneans,
Houston. Sail Antonio.New Klexico. Arizoula.
and Southern California. Tbe cars aro the
very latest pattern of I'uilaan Tourist
Sleepers, rosowood finish, have high back
scats, nnliolstorcd iu rattan, aro sixteen
section, supplied with linen etc., same as
standard sleepers. llEUted by I'intscli Gas.
have wide vestibules, double sash roller
curtains, lavatory, and smoking room for
gentlemen, and two retiring rooms for ladles.
Southern California, aud five days to San
Fraucisco. Such service for Trans-Continental
travel lias never before been offered.
The tourist carfare 1 less than via any ben1"fr,X1U,!n!i
other route, effecting a saving of 25.0O to " use and after taking six bottles, found her
$30.00 for the trip. self sound and well ; now does her own
,, . ,, , . , ,, .
.l1.1"0"??."0"' ?.SE,iI,iln,Jf!.fthl??
Ull UIIIIIil"tllUI IU Vllrti'W t4. 411)111110, I IS
trict iVscncor AKent. Southern Hallway
Company, 6M Chestnut strcot, Philadelphia.
Angolos Will Bo tho Northorn Bruw
Baso of Operations!
nABDsniPfl of onwaed maboh.
Our SolrtlorH Wiiilo Tliroueh Mud
Whloh Ih Kiip Dorp In I'lmw Our
l.ont TIiiim lltr liluht ICIIlml nud
Twonty-wlx WoiiiiiIihI.
Manila, Aug. 10. Details ot Genoral
MacArthur's advance beyond San Fer
nando show that the Americans cov-
rred flvo miles in the flint five hours,
and at 2 o'clock had advanced six
miles nlonjr the railway, stretching on
oach side of It for two miles and rest
ing at night three miles from Angeles,
which will ho the northorn bane of op
erations, instead of San Fornando.
whero a garrison of 000 men have been
loft. The casualties nro between 30
and 40. Tho Filipinos were surprised.
expecting the American forces to move
against Tlco. They followed their
usual tactics of holding their trenches
until thoy hecamo too warm, and then
retreating In disorder. They aro now
falling back westward toward Porlc.
Tho Twelfth and Seventeenth regi
ments hnd the sharpest engagements.
Tho country our troops passed over
is covered with rice fields and bamboo
thickets, tho hardost possible ground
for marching. The mud in places was
knee deep.
Angeles la ono of tho richest towns
north of Manila, and Is considered to
bo a better base of operations than nan
Tho forces at Snn Fornando consist
ed ot tho Iown regiment, tnu Sevon-
t'onth rcglmont, the Ninth reglmont,
the Twelfth reglmont. Pell's now Thir
ty-sixth roglment, a bnttallon of tho
Sixteenth regiment. Troop E of tho
Fourth cavalry and fifteen guns.
Tho movomont had boon planneu for
some tlmo, hut wns dolayod by rains.
Finally two days of sunshine dried the
rice fields sufficiently to warrant the
Tho Americans position hatl long
boon unpleasant. Tho rebels almost
surrounded tho town and fired nearly
nightly Into it, tho Americans not re
plying, except on oxtromo provocation
It was necessary to keep BOO to COO men
on outpost duty constantly.
The American loss In the fighting
about San Fernando at 3 o'clock wan
known to bo eight men killed and 2G
wounded. The loss may possibly ex
ceed thoso figures, as the lino Is five
miles long and It Is impossible, at this
hour, to hear from overy point.
Our troops aro now about Angolos
waiting for tho artillery, which has tho
greatest difficulty In moving, owing to
tho wet ground.
Tho attack opened at 5 o'clock
in tho morning, a battery of tho First
artillery shelling Dacoior, on tho left.
Simultaneously Bell's Thirty-sixth in
fantry struck Dacoior from tho rear
and drove the rebels out. Armored
cars, each with a six-pounder and two
gattllng revolving cannon on board,
then moved out on the railroad track
in the center of our linos. Soon af
terwards these guns did sharp execu
Battery M. of tho Third artillery,
and a hundred men of tho Iowa regi
ment made a feint towards Mexico,
Tvbtio tho mnin body nr tronpa, con
sisting of the Iowa regiment, tho Sov
enteenth regiment nnd a battalion of
tho Twonty-second, under General
Wheaton, on tho right and tho Ninth
regiment. Twelfth regiment and Bell's
regiment, under General Llscum, on
the left, advanced steadily, pouring
their flro Into tho rebels and receiving
a heavy fire in return.
Tho rebels wero woll protected by
trenches and seemed not to lack ammu
nition. But they wero unablo to with
stand for any length of tlmo the hail
of shots our artillery and Infantry
poured in on them and retreated, leav
ing dead and wounded on the field. A
dozon prisoners woro captured by our
Tho reports lndlcato that tho Ninth
Infantry suffered the most, though the
casualties of nil the regiments nro not
yet reported.
Captain Deems, with a provost guard,
Tuesday night captured a noted Flit
wnicn no Kept ror himself. Our sol
dlers surrounded his house and cor
railed 30 Filipinos. Many others es
caped. The troops also captured $1,00Q.
Immanuel, as the fakir is generally
atea excitement among tho natives,
who believed them.
Reports from rebel sources say 150
Filipinos were killed in General Hall's
engagement at Calamba and in tho
subsequent skirmishes.
ukulahbs otis incompetent,
A Ilrltlsh orilcor's VIow of the Sltuivi
tlou In tuo riilllpplncn,
Victoria, B. p., Aug. 10 Command-
or St. John, of the British cruiser
Peacock, who arrived here from Man
Ila, yesterday by the steamer Empress
of Japan, declares that General Otis
Is utterly ignorant of the necessities or
responsibilities of a campaign In the
tropics. Ho has 5,000 dead to his ac
count, tho British offlcor declares, gnd;
nis nesitation uas aireauy sn.owq his.
forces that no uas no grasp on the sit'
Otis' field trains port service is de
clared to he wretchedly insufficient and
his hospital corps a farce, and his plan
of campaign calculated to advance tho
enomy s Interest as no other could. A
serious breach Is declared to exist be
tween the United States 'army and
navv at the front, and Commander St
John 8ny8 the ..flr8t tlllng tlje un.t.ed.
"States government should do Is tp ro?
call this man. It Is really pitiful to
see the sncrlflcp qt tho splendid mon of
his army.
Incidentally Commander St, John
says that the press censorship Is car
ried to the extremo in Manila to save
Otis from holng swept down In a flood
or popular indignation.
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Curtain. Plainfield, III.
makes the statement, that she caucht cold
which settled on her lunes : she was treated
for a month by her family physician, but grew
He toid hir sUe was a hoprfe-j vie
could cure her. Hor druggist suggested Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption she
bouoht a bottle and to her delight found her-
I housework, and is as well as she ever was.
rFree trial bottle, of this Great Discovery at A.
I ... . . , I I 1.1 - . t.
Wasley's Drug Store. UrBe bottles 50 ccnU
I and $1.00.
I'lrn I.mlrtrr f'nino In ontnel With ft
t.lvo Itlcrtrlp tVlro.
Omaha. Au. 10. Four brave fire
men lost their lives lar.t night in a
blase on ait upper floor of the Mercer
Chemlcat company's building at Klev
onth and Harney streets. The fire In
itself was Insignificant, the fatalities
resulting from contact with a live wire.
The dead firemen are: Joseph Adams,
Lieutenant: Otto Geiske, tlllerman;
George Benson, plpeman; Charles Hop
per, relief driver. Firemen George
Farmer and Albert Livingston, of the
chemical company, also suffered se
verely from shock.
when tho fire had been brought un-
dor control the firemen set to work to
lower the big extension truck upon
which they had tteen working. Sud
denly here was a sputtering and suc
cession of flashes such as occur when
n connection Is made with a live wlro
carrying a high voltage of electric
current. The men who wero working
nt the crank lowering the ladder
writhed In agony a moment and then
fell to the pavement limp and ap
parently lifeless. In loworing tho
ladder It had come In contact with a
live electric light wire, carrying a cur
rent of 2,000 volts. The Injured men
wero at once carried Into nn adjoin
ing building and doctors who were
present used ovory means known to
revive them. Hopper revived In a few
minutes, and saying he was all right
started to walk away. He had gone
about 80 feet when he dropped dead.
Oelske showed signs of reviving, but
when only partially rallied sank back
nnd expired. The other two never
at any time showed any signs of ani
i tion. ind were doubtless dead when
puked up.
There Is no truer, kind
lier spirit than that which
prompts a woman to aid
in uic comiorc anu upnit
inc of her own sex men
tal, moral or physical.
We admire as heroines
those women who make it
a life's purpose to rescue or
nurse or teach their unfort
unate sisters, but equally admirable
is umi spim wuicu luijwia a wuiiifin
who has found help and comfort in sick
ness to use all her influence in bringing
the same relief to others.
" I shall be Rind," write Mr. DcnJ, IL Falr-
! . 1 . ' i . . 1
iKinics, oi Hnosuuri?,
l'rankllu Co., Vt., in
a cordial letter to
Dr. R. V. llerce, of
liunalo. rf. Y "if
ray tctlmoay to the
succeftftoi your treat
ment wUl help to influence
other women, troubled
with the diseases peculiar
to our sex, to write you, X
am glad to be able to tell
you of the treat good your
meuicincs nave uonc me.
I had been troubled with
ulceration and its attend
ant aches and pains and
uervousnes several times;
and finally made worse by
a miscarriage, I wrote you.
I took Dr. l'lerce'a Favor
ite Prescription and the
' Golden Medical Discov.
ery for about three or four
months and can truly sav.
they cured me. I shall never cease to be grate
ful." No woman afflicted by such agonizing
and discouraging complaints need hesi
tate to write to Dr. Pierce. She may
feel assured, no matter what her circum
stances may be, of his respectful, earnest,
fatherly sympathy and best professional
efforts in her behalf. He stands among
the most eminent practitioncra of the
century in this special field, and his
advice will be given absolutely without
A free paper-bound copy of Doctor
l'lerce's thousand twee illustrated Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser will be sent
for ai one-cent stamps, to pay the mere
cost oi mailing; or lor 31 stamps, a
heavier, handsome cloth-bound copy will
oe sent.
1'rlTftte entrance Orern St , rMUdflphtA
to the rlcb and poor alike who hare beea
deceived, robbed and b wind If d br self
styled farnnnn, wl and old necla.tsti
l.nRT ViniiD. Mmfvi-iiim nH.ntv.
Abuses and Kzceuei, BLOOD P Ol C O N . v arlco
cele and Stricture. NocutUnp. Lont tlannood and
Sbranken Organs rcetnred- l.ook, u1Yv i" frts.
eipoalDf? quacks and Electric Belt fraud. Fresh
castx cured in 4 to xo Xav$- Treatment br mall
Philadelphia &
Readinq R y.
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke.
Trains leave Hhenandoah a follow:
Hor New York via l'ulladelDbla. necr ilnvs.
2"10. 5 S3. 7 37. 9 55 a. m.. 12 3. 8 09 and 6 09 d. m.
Sundy8, 2 10 a m.
vot Piew i one via Marcn ununa:, week days
87 a. m., 12 28 and 8 09 p. m.
For Headins: and Philadelphia, wme dAra.
2 10,538, 7 87. 9 55 a. m., 12 26, 3 09. and 0 09 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a m.
ror rottsviue, weec nays. 3 10, T 87, 9 55 a. ro.
12 26, 8 09, 6 09 and T 30 p. xu. Hundaya, 2 10 a in.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week dava
210, 737, 955 a. m., 12 26. 8 09 and 6 09 p. m.
Sundays, 3 10 a m
ror wuiiamspon, unDury ana LxiwisburK.
week davs. 3 27. 11 82 a. m.. 12 26. 7 30 n. m
Sundays. 3 27a m.
rorAianano) fiane. weeKdays, 2 10, s 27, 5 38,
7 37,9 55. 1182 a.m., 12 26, 8 09, 6 09, 780, 3 to
. m. Sundays. 2 10 and 3 z, a m.
For Ashland and Shamoklu. week days. 3 27.
7 37. 11 82 a. m.. 12 26. 3 09. 6 07. 7 25 and 55 n. m.
Sunday, 3 27 a m.
ror uauimore, waaninirton and the Went via
U.SO. JC It., through trains lea Reading
icrminai, i-niiaooipnia. u K. u n. al B30,
7 55,1126 a. tn., 3 10 aud 7.27 p. u. Hundays
a iw,uq m. ro., a o ana i zi p. m. Auai
llou&l trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut atrrets station, week days, 10 80 a, m. 12 20
13l5 Sundays, 1 85,8 23 p. m.
fV tr.v- ... t, I . .t u i .
days, 12 15, 4 80, 7 30, 11 80 a. m., and 1 BO, 4 80.
9 00 p.m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, weea
days. 4 80. 9 10 a. m.. 1 80. 4 40 p. m.
lave rmiaaeipnia, ueaainE lerralnal. week
days, 4 80. 8 86, 10 21 a. m. and 1 86, 4 06, 6 36.
11 84 p. in.
jjcave iteaqinE, weec aays, jot, too, ioqs
, m., 12 13, 4 17, 6 00, 8 28 p. m.
Leave l'ottsvllle.
9 30, 12 80, 1 30, 4 30. 6 10 and 6 50 p. m.
LeaTe lamiqui, wees aays, s is, a so, 1123
in., 1 t'J, a 00, 7 ai, t p. m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days. S 45. 9 04.
It 47 a. m., 2 22, 5 23, 21, 7 41, 10 08 p. m
iave aiananoy t-iane, wees: aays, 2 40, 4 00
SO. 9 22.10 23.12 00. a. m.. 2S9. 5 88. 6 42.758
10 21pm.
Jjcavq uuamspori, weec aayi, tu, id 00 a
m.. 12 34 and 4 00. 11 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wharf and
ftouin sireeiwnaii lor Aiianne ciiy.
00. 3 00. 13 40 alily minute!. 4 00. 4 30. ISOOality
minute), 5 80, 7 18, p m. Accomodation, 015 a
tn. 580, 0 30 p nu Sundays Express. 7 80. 8 CO.
8 30, 9 00, 10 00 a m, 4 45, 7 15 pm. Accommoda
tion, 6 13 a m, 4 45 p m. 11.00 Bxcurston 7 00 a
in uauy ana 7 uu nunaays.
lA'ave jviianiie t-nv tenoii ceanays lix-
irras. 6 43Mondaysonlyl.7 00. 7 45. (7 50 from
Initio ave. station only). 8 30. 9 00. 1015. 1100
a 111, 3 30, 4 SO, 5 80, 780, 930 p tn. Accommo
dation. 4 3). 8 00 am. 8 50pm. Hundays Kx-
ireas, a w, a w, a vj, o uu, a au. i ou, 7 au. uu,
8) Dm. Accommodation. 715am. 4 30 Dm.
11.00 Kxcureton, weekdays 6 00 pm, Sundays 6 10.
For Ocean City -Weekdays 8 45, 915 a in,
1 IS. 4 15. 5 15 d 111. Hundava 8 45. 9 15 a m. 4 45
p m. ll.uu excursion 1 luirauay anu Hunaay 7 00
a 111.
For Cane Slav and Ben Isle Ctly Weekday.
9 15 a m, 280, 4 15 p m. Sundays 843 a m 443
u excursion suuuaya oniv, luiam,
rial for Cane May Weekdays- 8 54
am. Sunday 9 13 a m.
Varlor Cars on all ei press trains.
I' I I ii , 1 IUIUIUI.II1IU, ' IU Dll
Philadelphia and Itcadlng Hallway ticket agent
, .. . 1. H, 4 ( , . . . .
or aaaree
I A Hwinin Ihun. T ir...
Gen'l Sunt., Oen'i Paas'i Xrt,
rtaaainr 1 rrainai. r aiiaoamnia.
PATEMT Good Ideas
may be secured by
our aid. Address,
RlHImnra IM
Sttkurlf tlon to TUo raUat JJocord. tUM per auaum.
Jho Guru IhatOures i
) Coughs, (s
Colds, t
) Grippe,
Whooping Cough, Asthma
Dronohltla nnd Incipient
' Consumption. Is h
kSjUaW 4r$W: 25c50rts
Grocer can tell
you why those
whobuy Seollg's
for it. buangc
though how long
It laVet people to
try new thing.
delicious drink
Offle Ksrmn butldlnr. comer of Main an
Centre street, Shenandoah.
j claudb nrtowM,
Omen: Cor. Centre and Wlilto rtrreta. rrexl
to Justice Toomey'a office.
Lock Box 68, Ifahanoy City, Pa,
ITavlnc studied nnder mibr nf th km
master lp London and Paris, will 1,,.
on the Tlolln,mandolln, guitar and vocal niton.
Terms reasonable. Address in care ol Stroase.
the leweler Hhenandoah.
JCLV 1, 1899.
Trains Will leari,Hlinanflnh ari In- .
date for WlKKan. Gllbcrton, Fraokvllle. Datk-
ater. HI. Clair, l'ottaTllle. llamburs;, Reading
I'ortetown, Phoenlxvllle. Itorrlstown and PhlR
aaelphla (llrd street stallon) at 813 and 8 05.
a. m.,2 10, 6 1 p. tn. on week days. Sundays.
8 05 a. m., 4 20 p. m.
Trains leave Frecktllle for Shenandcah at
7 86, Jl 46 a.m. and 8 88, 788 p. m. Sunday,
1101a. m. and 5 36 p.m.
Ieave l'ottsvllle for Shenandoah (vlaFracV
ville) 710, 1120 a. m., 510, 710 p.m. Sundar
10 85 a, m.. 5 10 p. m.
Iare Philadelphia, (Rroad street sUlton), for
Sbeaandoah al 8 83 a. tn., 4 10 p. m. week days,
Sundays leave at 6 50 and 9 23 a. m.
Lv ,1'hlladelphla (II road stre aUtloa) for
PotUvlllo.5 30,833, 1019 a. m., 1 0, 4 10.711
P-ra- weekdays. Sundays. 6 50, 9 23 a. ax? and
6 02 p m.
Leave Broad Street Station. Philadelphia,
- .5IP!SwvliVr!k-d''". 8 w! 03. 0, 8 00, 8 15
650,7 38,823. 950. 1021, 1100, 11 48 x,U OO
noon, 1383, (Limited 1 00 and 4 2S pmf.ial
2 80.3 20, 8S0. 402. 800, 3 56.60a PojL slS
3 00, S 13, 8 25, 9 VX. lOH. Toll "iti i,
12 83, 2 80, 4 02 Limited, 4 3 1J), g S'
7 02, 8 10, 10 00pm, 12 01 nlghl. 9.r
ForBoirton without change, 11 01 a m.. vak
days, and 8 10 p. m., dally. '
datk'" Elprem tl'arlor car, 1103am waote-
tor ne tilrt, Aahury Park, Oman Orov.
4a5nnd'8l8oTm,:, fnt"Uken
For lAmbcnvllle, Easton and Seranton. a aa.
T,""1'" noon. 8 62, 5 00 (Lambertvlll. a.d
P weekdays, and 7 02 p m dally
" j .'. " w m " 00 noon weekdays, and T dt
IMoUnt Pocrtnn amwtU I m H
onjy -. 1 v v swraay
. r.RL,lmor". "nd Washington, 8 50. T JO. I r.
' " ra. " l". '12 86, 1 12, t Vt, 4 41 IH M
ngrrMlonal Llm.l, 5 84. 6 17. A ll i
"!!? I2. n'8ht weekdays. Sundava. 1 taTr 5
ii, u zi a m, 12 09, 1 12. M, 4 41 I8 3j Coi
greMlonal Llm., 3 , 6 53, Wtlp ml aad U
and 4 01 p m week day.. 3 08 and 11 16 p tn dally
12A031n?gC(.(a;l.UnO- P I" 09 m, .'d
m.dSu 1M,V"T- Exprei-a and IU
Norfolk and Vrmim i-n , . . . .
andNewOrlei,5Slpmdally. eP"
raKsf.e ? u, "allway, 731 p to. dally
For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, MM
m weekdays, 11 10 p m dally.
Leave Market street wharf u fnlin . .
Drew for New Yn,v o m . .
V, . lors.jiiw a m, 4 SO p m week
1 V?r.in5 gnch ' Seaside Park, l3
, 130 and 4 00 n m week-daya. Sandaya
-or"lU.ih llVr . ,"""r' . ' .
1 ic
nd 4 00 d m wk i"rB,r,"' ",ri "
only. Sunday. 730 am.' For tu.UrtonVS 10
a m and 4 00 p m weekdays. 1
foe ATLAjrno city.
Tl5'Ttl'i.,i0,n,U Delaware rivar
00 ITS minutes, 10 00 70 iXutei
30 (73 minuteal n. m. l m if ' i I"
7 00 a m weekdays. Sundays, 700 and 7 80 am!
n x. ""7. ugieee. tviiawax), IIol r
Beach Express. 900a rn, 280,4 03 100 mlnuUal.
500 p m weckayt sUndava, sx llT For
Cap. May only, 180pm Saturday.. 11.00 IU
curalon train, 700 a. rn. dally.
B1r Ji1" Ma aT, Avalon a.d
8lone Harbor Express 9 10 am, 3 0, 4 , 0O
"."r""8"- Sundays, 8 50 am. HOdUnar
slon train, 700 a m dally.
'iiSS? . ,l oln-;Kxpres, 8 00,8 88, 10 03 a,
m, (1 00 Saturdays only), 2 00,3 00,4 00,100,810
pmweekdavs. Hundava. am am o rvi , ,n
am, 4 30 pm. ' '
.?b1VTi'Tnn'?t Company will call fav
and check baggage from hotels and realdeaaea.
Dining Car,
I. B. Htrrcnraaos:, J. R. Wood,
' Manager. oen'i Paaa'g'r Agt
319 N. Centre St, Pottavllle, Paw'
Fine 1 old Whiskeys, Olns and Wines, al the ba
uwicg une 01 uigara and Temper
ance Drinks.
Accommodation for triiTclsrs.
1 Heals at ail tunm
Vot at Fcrrliuky'i :drcg rlorv. K
Oncra ttroatl
For sal at Klrlln's drug (tors and Shaoadoa
test when
SO used as un
admixture to
ordinary cof
fee makes a
p m Honday., 4 83. 9 20 rui mlu.l . '
2 38 S2 mlnutca, 7 0 83 minutes p. mT '
lave Market Street Wharf SidImi a so
830, (73 minute.). 1000 (75 minute., Vm? (104
HMurda) n only), (73 minutes), 2 00, (70 mtSuiiak
3iW. mlAt). ? (' minuted). 4 T (3
"4? lS),i. (." ,mlDU). 00 80 mlnutil.
5 30 163 mlnuteal p. m. Sundava am Tin
75 mtnuteal. 8 Ol ft3 mlnnLJi JSf .r?..!.T'
l 4 Till.TlvlAaDiii WOMAN'S R(UtV
AlwtjtprompWbdrttltbl. JmlwUlioM,
kf Otl Citul'l TiaiT tiu.s tad uti aiaat.
Jr A d m f ,tortt.orMat41,l(Mal4 yrU.L
w Circa Vrac Co D4t Uu. Ou U.