The Herald rwv titijsiini) 1870. "fii the v Fit to Print." ' h'i, '-r wiltig, wpt Sunday, at 8 Miui ! trtf t, tthiia.iloati, Pa. LONG UIsTANOU TKMUMIONK. The Ncrntd In tlpllvrrwl 1n Shenandoah and the HurroundhiK towrw fornix cent a iv ok. tniy- nhlr to th curriers. Hy mail J3.00 n ypitr, or 23 cents n month payable In adrnnw. Ad- vertlftcnipntfl charged according to ppAcanml position. Tho pnlilUhnm reserve the right to change the p"ltlon of Advertisement whenever the publication of newn demand It. The tin it in reserved to reject any ndrerUnut. whether pnld for or not, that the publishers may deem improper. Adver tising rote made known upon Application. Ifntcred At the pot ofllee nt Hhenandoah, Pi.t ns pecoml olass mall matter. THURSnAY. AUGUST 10, 1809. OUR COUNTRY : First, Last and Forever Al'TBR reading the spiritless plat- ronu or the JUiirylnnil Democrats tlio best plan is to look over tlie resolu tions of the Igwn Republicans. It is like a mountain breeze clearing away a nialarions fojr. The bare responsibility that San DouiiiiKo may favor annexation to the I nited States has thrown Kdtvard Atkinson Into a stupor. Tin's will cause a pood many people to care fully scan their maps to tee if there are not others who may want to come in. A Maryland woman wants a divorce because her husband hnsa fiendish grin. The man who laughs is occasionally reminded of the seri ous side of life. It is an odd fact that 250 tons of copper coins have been imported from India to be remelted, the rise in the metal having made it more val uable than tho face marks of the money, . Old ratios are not sacred, even in ancient India. Oxn little drop of rain does not produce much moisture ; even two or three, or half a dozon, have little effect. But the constant, continual dripping of tho rain drop will thor oughly moisten the earth. Just so with advertising. One little skinny advertisement should not be expected to produce very material results in this age of the world, when so much advertising is being done; but per sistently keeping at it, if you have something meritorious, scarcely ever fails. Tun strike of the compositors in the New York San office has caused the outbreak of it-bitter personal at tack of the Sun on the Horald, The Sun accuses the Herald of printing false statements in regard to the strike, and retorts with a personal editorial stab at Bennett, and a two column article on the "vile character" of the "Personal" column of the Herald, and stating that the United States Government is about taking action to suppress tho addressing of this class of mail to "care" of Herald office. The Herald calml retorts with an editorial patting the strikers on the back approving the organization of labor. Thk military authorities in Austria Hungary are confronted with a some what serious situation the escape over the frontier of men liable to military service in Austria-Hungary. A large business is carried on by the agents, ohiefly foreigners, who assist these men. The first essential is a passport, and this is generally forged. It is known thnt 1,000 men weekly, on their way to the frontier.pacs through Vienna alone, and us most of these are young men, il is calculated that during the year at least 30,000 men of those who so pass are escaping from mllltaryservice. Most of these, it is estimated, come to America, where, it Is believed, there are at present over 100,000 men who.phould be in the Austro-Hungarian Army or Re serves. Prosperous. Under the above caption the Phila delphia Star speaks editorially: "The condition of the labor market is a sure indication of the presence of prosperity in the United States. From Ptytsburgcomesthe report that tho domand for every kind of labor, from skilled to common, far exceeds the demand, and that wages have advanced all the way from 11 to 25 per cent, in one year's time. From the Kensington mill district in our own city comes a report of idle looms, not idle booause of laok of work or orders, but Idle because skilled labor to operate them cannot be found. "It has only been a fp w years since most, if not all, of the looms in Ken sington were idle because there was neither work npr orders, and the people were compelled to endure the utmost privation, but the change in administration from Cleveland to McKinley has brought about a differ ent order of things, and where there was for a time misery and starvation, there is now contentment and plenty not merely half, or thrtja-quarter time, but'full time for all aula and willing to. work." . r These are, indeed, "bad" times for the calamity IiowJern, ami evidence 1h accumulating against their pet dogma. I "OOLD DHBT." mm The N. K. Falrbank ST. LOUIS NBW CHICAOO NEW YORK'S ROBBERS. Testimony Intlmnttiiir Collusion He. iweou l'oiico nnil I'cninlo Tlilnvrn. Now York. Anir 1(1 Almnii nil nf the testimony elicited at the meetlug of tho Mazet legislative Investigating committee yesterday was for the pur- jjusb ot snowing now rrequontlj mon are robbed In this city while paying Visits to thn Tmill: rtnln Mm n and other Knr.tlnnq nf the nltv wtint-n groups gathor after tho midnight hour. hat n r . . . . . iur. moss nau unncuity in obtaining WitllOBBOS for VOBtfinlnv'a rnisslnn Tlio men who had been victims of this sort of crlnio appeared decidedly avorso to appearing uoiore tlio committee and telling about It, Two hundred and fifty subpoenas had been Issued for men who had been robbed by womon. inoc a quarter of these men could bo found. NevorthnlnHH Mr. Mnau wna able to put witness after witness upon the stand and securo account after ac count nf rnbhnrirua niiotrmi n Vm,m re curred In disorderly houso3 in this city. Occasionally tho wltno&ses, under oath, ium ui iacis wnicn appeared to show Collusion betWenn thn nnllon nntl thn female robbors. How Is Your Wife 7 Has alio lost her beauty ? If so, Constipa tion., Indigestion, Sick Headaclio aro tbo principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea has cured thoso Ills for half a contury. Prico 25 cts. and 50 cts. Honey refunded if results nro not satisfactory. Sold by P. D. KIrlin on a guarantee Mnrltion tor tho l'lilllppInoH. Now York, Aug. 10. Major Ocorge F. Elliott arrived from Washington yesterday and reported to Rear Ad miral Philip, commandant of tho Brooklyn navy yard, to tako charge of the battalion of marines for Manila. He was sent to the" marine barracks, where ho immediately began organ izing the battalion Into companies and assigning tho men to their respective places. Four companies wore formod. The men will leave the navy yard to morrow morning nt 7:30 o'clock for Jersey City, where they will board a train for San Francisco. Slioo Manufacturers Ortrnnl7io. Philadelphia, Aug. 10. The shoo manufacturers, who have been In ses sion hero since Tuesday, yesterday de cided to rorm a permanent national organization, and after electing officers adjourned, delegating the completion of the details to the newly elected board of directors. The following of ficers were elected: President, Thomas James, Cincinnati; first vice president, Thomas G. Plant, Boston; second vico president, Irving Orow, Portsmouth.O.; secretary, Howard L. Townsend, Phila delphia; treasurer, George P. Schobor, fnnaueipnia. $100 Reward $100. Tho readers of this paper will be plenqcd to learn that there Is nt least one dreaded disease that science has been able to-curo In nil Its stages, and that la catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon tho blood nnd mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any cose that It falls to cure. Send for list ot testimonials. Address. V. J.CIIENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 75e Hall's Family Tills are the best. NUtiQETS OF NEWS. Free delivery postal service will bo established at Wayne, Pa., Nov. 1. At the Bridgeport trolley accident Inquest testimony favorablo to Motor man Hamilton was introduced. The short term prisoners In theBath, N. Y., Jail have got tho strike fever and refuse to work over eight hours a day. The steamer Monobaki Moru was wrecked on Barnu island, in tho Orient, and two boatloads of passongers were drowned. Itching plies? Never mind If everything else failed to cure you, "Try Doan'a Oint ment. No failure thcror-60 cents, at any drug store. REDUCED RATES TO THE SEASHORE. Annual Lv-Hate Excursions to Atlantic City, &c, via 1'eiinsylvanla Ilallrnad. August SHU is tho date of tho re maining Pennsylvania Railroad Company's low-rate ten-day excursions from Erie, Troy, Rellefonte, Williiniort, Mocanaqua, Sun bury, Shenandoah, Dauphin, and principal Intermediate stations (including stations on branch roads) to Atlantio City, Capo May, Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Avalon, Angleeea, Wildwood, or Holly Beach. Excursion tickets, good to return by regu. Iar trains within ten days, will bo sold at very low rates. Tickets to Atlantic City will be sold via the Delaware IEivcr Bridge Route, the only all-rail line, or via Market stieet wharf, Philadelphia, For Information in regard to specific rates and tlmo of trains consult hand bills, or ap ply to agenta, or E. S. Ilarrar, Division Ticket Agent, Wllllamsport, Pa, Stop over can be had at Philadelphia, either going or returning, within limit of tioket, provided ticket is deposited with agent at Broad street station immediately on arrival. Florida Bhort Line, The New York and Florida Exprtws, via Southern Railway, leaving Broad street station, Philadelphia, daily at S:3t p. lu. carries through Pullman sleeping ca-s to Augusta and Savannah, Qa., Jacksonville and Tampa, lis., via Charlotte and Columbia. This is tho short line and most attractive route to points In Georgia and Florida. All information cheerfully furnished by Charles L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut struct, Philadelphia. "UOLD DUBT." A MODEL HOUSE It lpt In model order bjr model liomewlle the cleant the dishes tnd kitchen utenills, rlcani the floor, and tndow. clean everything ileanabl. with Washing Powder This famous cleanier quirlcljr removei dirt or Rrea.e It makes c erytmng shine like new It docs the work in half the tlmo, with half the lahor and at half the cost of soap or any other Tor greatest economy buy our large package. Company YORK BOSTON inU PRODUCE AUKkOTS. rhllndelphla AuB. 9.-Flour weak; win ter superfine J2W2.1S Pennsylvania roller. S&V M,fi,-18: olty mllla' 2-M 2.3B. Uye flour quiet and atondy at $3 per barrel for choice Pennsylvania. Wheat strong; No. 2 rod. apot, In olovrt tor, ,0V47Oc. Corn strong; No. 2 mixed spot, in elevator, 361i3GVio. ; No. 2 yellow.' for locnl trade, 30c. Onts quiet nnd tixui, o. a wntte, ZBVto.; No. 2 white, clipped, 27o. Hny In light demnnd; choice iiwuiiiy, iio.owuo ror largo bales. Deef stondy; boef hnms, $2727.GO. Pork dull: family. $1212.50. Lnrd stondy; western .teamed, $B.67Vi. IJutter strong; wostern creamery, loHQlSHo.; do. factory, 110 ..7.., iiuikuiiuu creumery, I3yiuc; Now York dalrv. l.lifM7n An Wise.; fancy Pennsylvania prints Jobbing ui ii'ujsoc; uo. wnoiesnie, 21c. Cheese dull; large, white and colored, !Hifl9V4c; small do., QmWiC. ViggH firm; New York and Pennsylvania. IBtMiir.Un : TOnotnm graded, KKriDc. Potatoes steady; fair to iuiiiiu,; common, 50K75c.; fancy, ll."352; southern sweets, $1.50fj. Cab bage steady; Lone Island, J2ii4 per 100. tfalttmnt-n Am. ci Ulnn. ..tilr.. ... changed. Wheat firmer; spot and tho month, 7070M,c; September, 7Hs071Hc; October. 72Uffi72Uo TierMnirt. ir.Xf . stoamer No. red, 87iSC7itc.: southern, by -.iiipio, wus,c; uo. on eraile, C8B7IO. Corn firmer; spot and tho month, 3GM? SCWc; November or December, new or uiu, ojttnioj-ftc.; steamer mixed, -34740350.; southern, whlto, 3fl40c.; do. yellow, SSij urns uuii onu easy; rvo. z white, 2SS2St,4o.; No. 2 mixed, 25HS2G0. Ityo firm; No. 2 nonr by, H2'363o.; No. 2 west ern, 57c. Hay Ilrmer; No. 1 timothy, I1GSJ 16 Grain freights quiet and rates somo wheat lower; steam to Liverpool, per ousnei, ma, September; Cork, for orders, pur quarter, s.mis. ;su. September. Ltvo Stock JNInrkotB. Now York, Aug. 0. Good beeves firm; common and medium steers and cows stoady; bulls steady to a shado hlcher: faw unsold; steers, 1365.03; tops. J5.S0; oxen and stags, $394.75; stockers, $4,230 4.Z5; hulls, J2.50Si3.C0; fat bulls, J3.70CH cows, ll.60iS3.50. Calves actlvo and hlKtv cr; veals, $537.23; tops, $7.50; culls, $4 $4.75; buttermilks, $3.503.75, grnssers, $3 K3.23; southern calves. $3.S7t4.12V4. Good handy sheep steady; others weak to 15c. lower; lambs firm to 15c. higher; sheep, S3S4.S0; culls, $2.75; lambs, $4.75 7.13; culls, $3.5004.25. Hoes firm; good heavy to aholco light, $1.90fB.15. East Liberty, Pa., Aug. 0. Cattle about stoady; oxtra, $5.40J5.50; prime, $3.C0O5.75; common, $3.25f3.i0. Hogs steady; me diums and best Yorkers, $1.95(35; good light Yorkers, $4.55414.90; heavy hogs, $1.60 4.90; pigs, $4.GO4.CO; srasHory, $1.C04 S.0; roughs, $3.2504.25. Sheep steady; choice wethers, $4.76514.80; common, $23; spring lambs, $1S0; veal calves, $0.5007.25. THE BEST PEACE CONFERENCE, Doolaros Emperor WUllum, Is tho In orenso of the Nnvlos, Berlin, Aug. 10. According to tho Berliner Tagoblatt Emporor William received Congressman George Ed mund Foss, of Illinois, and United States Naval Attache Beehler on board the imperial yacht Hohenzollern last Wednesday at Kiel, granting them an audience of three-quarters of an hour. His majesty began tho conversation by expressing a beliof that Admiral Dewey had not used the words at tributed to him, suggesting the possi bility of a war between the United States and Gormany. Mr. Poss replied that he had Just come from Trieste, where ho had had long talks with Ad miral Dewey, who had shown no hos tility toward Germany. The emporor declared his conviction that German-American relations would always rebaln friendly. Germans In America, he said, would tako good care that no aggressive or hostile policy should he pursued toward Germany. He continued: "The Increase of the German fleet involves no threat to any other power, for the stronger a nation is at sea tho more others will hesltato to begin hos tilities. Tho increase of navies, there fore, Is In reality the best peace con ference." FEARED HIS OWN MEN. Tho Dofonso Mado by a Volunteer Cnptatn Chnrjrod With Cnwnrdloo. Des Moines, Aug. 10. The charges of cowardice which have been made against Captain A. P. Burton, of Com pany B, Pifty-flrst Iowa volunteers, promise sensational developments. Burton's company is from Villlsca, la., and ho has been its commandor Blnco it wont into service. He has been very unpopular with the men, and recently reports came that he was charged with grossest cowardice; that he de serted the company in action and was found by regimental officers lying in a ditch far In the rear, and that this hind of conduct was repeated several times. Advices from Manila today say mat ifurton was in fear of his life at the hands of his own company. The men had repeatedly threatened that Burton would not last through many brushes, because "If the Filipinos did not got him somebody else would." Burton was In terror lest some of his own men should shoot him. The mat ter will be fully Investigated by tho Btato authorities if the regular army officers do not look into It. Death of'n Wnnhlneton rftiiltio. Washington, Aug. 10. Judge Charles P. James, associate Justice of the su preme court of the District of Colum bia, retired, died yesterday at the Wall aoh homestead, near Leosburg, Va. He was over 80 years of ago. Death was due to advanced age, Tho remains will bo taken to Now Haven, Conn., for in terment. Justice James was a native of Ohio and was appointed to tho local bench by President Hayes In 1879. Lcdlti Can Wear ahoes One size smaller after using Allen's Foot liiso. a-powder to bo shaken luto tho shoes. It makes tight or new shoes fool easy ; gives instant relief to corns a,nd bunions. It's tho greatest comfort discovery of the age. Cures swollen feet, blisters and callous spots. Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain cure for in growing nails, swoatlng, hot, aching feet. At all druggists and shoo stores, SSc. Trial racksgo free by mall. Address. Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Eoy, N. Y. IDLE GOVERNAiENT CLERKS. Division ClilofK Who Noirlootoil Duty (ot Tltnlr Hulnrlcm Itodtiood. Wnnhlngtoii, Aug. 10. Assistant Sec retary Vanderllp wag asked yostorday about reports that ho had ordorcd a reduction In salarlos of several chlefu ami assistant chlofs of division In tho oince of tho auditor for tho war de partment because ho had vlsltod tho oltlco and found thoso chlofs and their clerks roadlngnowspapors and loiter ing nftor wflrklhours. Mr, Vnndorlfp said that last Satur day morning ho wont to tho third au ditor's ofllee and, accompanied by ono of tho officials, walked Into n largo room, whero ho wanted to make an In vestigation. Ho found a gonoral state of idleness. Clorks wore reading news papers nnd gathered in converse. This This was after 9 o'clock. Mondaymorn lng. Mr. Vandorllp again visited tho nudltor and thoy wont to nnothor di vision to mako an Investigation. Mr. Vandorllp says tho samo stnto of af fairs was again discovered. Mr. Vandorllp says he decided that tho chiefs and assistant chlofs of thoso divisions woro responsible for this state of affairs, nnd at onco ordered a reduction In their salaries. It is said that had Mr. Vandorllp dis covered the samo conditions in an of flco well up In Its work ho would prob ably have said nothing. Ho was led to take action, it is said, by tho fact that the work In tho third auditor's office is nearly two years hohlnd. Wiuld-bo Lynchers Thwarted. Peru, Ind., Auc. 10. Clvdo Jonos. tho abductor of Nollio Boyder, is safe for tho prosent at least In .ho Jail at KoKomo, w miles south of this city Yosterdny afternoon it heenmo so ap parent that a mob of not less thata 300 persons from the vicinity of tho girrs iiomo, 15 miles north of hero, would attack tho Jail that Sheriff Dunn secretly convoyed tho prisoner to Bunkor Hill by buggy, eight milos away, there catching the Erie train for Kokomo. It Is positively known that tho mob Is organized and that tho intention is to have him, lot results bo what they may. So nlarmlng wns tno situation that Sheriff Dunn tele graphed Governor Mount for troops, wuo nro noiu in rosorvo. Story of a Slave, To bo bound hand and foot for years by the cnaiusoi uiseaso is tno worst form or slavery, Geome D. Williams, of Manchester. Mich- tolls how such n slave was made free. Ho says : "My wife has boon so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bod alono. Aftor using two bottles of Eloctrio Hitters, sho is wonderfully improved and ablo to do hor own work," This supremo remedy for femalo diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, head, ache, backache, falntiue and dlzzv snolls. This miraclo working medicine Is a godsond to woak, sickly, run down pcoplo. Every hottlo guaranteed. Only 50 conts. Sold by a. wasioy, uruggi8t. Sovoil Killed In Cnnnillfiii IWnnlr Ottawa. Ont.. Auc. 10. The Otrawn express on the Canada Atlantic rall- roau was wrecked yesterday near Co teau Junction whilo running at a fast raio. ino nnrrino oft tho trnnir nir Inc with It the haccairn car nnrl n hop. onu ciass coacn, boven poople woro Kiuou, as follows: Fireman George JlcCuaiC. Wilson O'Cnnnnr nnil 17M- ward Starrs, of Ottawa; Miss Ryan, of Maniwaiti, que.; Joseph Itocholon, Mrs. ItochGlon and Miss Rochelon, of Mon treal. It IS Del overt thnt tho mllo spread. Tor Infants and Children. Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature ; Ai.tin niivu, Valnarnlnn Phlll a in i . W...1,, lut,. Au. uuui uvu uurst mio tno Day Tuesday even Intr. tearlntr rinwn thn nmi.ov, ... t ' ' wtuuaumilCIHUUU sweeping off a number of cars, locomo- n co mm ions or merchandise. Tho ia uaumuieu at a million dollars. MEN AND Kidney troublo proys upon wo lumci, discourages ana lessons ambition ; beauty. V( ) HI P M vigor and cheorful'ness soon t t ui ni i disappear wll0n tho kidDoya are out ot orucr or Ulseaseu. For pleasing reouus uso ur. ivumcr's awamp-Koot, tho rC&t kldnOV mtnwlir. At . ArUtrnlata fiomnla wino mail uuu, M1SU punipmcK. Address, Dr. Kilmor&Co.,liinghamton, N. Y Tho W6st InrlioM II liri'lonnn. St. Thomas, n. W T Ann m t .i.. myites xroni at. iitts said that on Monday afternoon a very severe hur ricane, with a voloclty of 72 miles, de stroyed about 200 smnll h town and did considerable damage to mo i-sa laiaatios were report ed. Antlcrun nlnn RiifTnrnH cnvomii, in damage to estates nnd buildings In the luwiiH. mere were rew ratalitles. Later reports from St. Croix increase the amount of damage done there. Nearly every estate hna lwn the largo buildings In tho towns have been unroofed, stock has been killed and a minimum of 11 deaths has oc curred among the laborers. Do You Know Consumption la preventable? Bclonco lias proven that, and also that neglect Is suicidal. The worst cold or cough can bo cured with Shlloh's Cough and Consumption Cure. Sold on positive guarantee for over fifty years. Bold by P, D. Klrlln on a guarantee, is Death DR. CHARCOT'S TONIC TABLETS ""the n j positively guaranteed remodrfor the Drink Unblt, Nervousness ana Metancuol r caused b7trontfdrlnlt. WK HtJAItAXTKI! FOCIt JIOXiiB to cure an j case with a positive M-rl t trn Kuar. nntpn or refund the moner, and to destroy the nppeUte for Intoxicating liquors. THE TABLETS CAN Bfi 01VEN WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE OP THE PATIENT. STRONG DRINK anVl,I?en'hrfyrnr'!vt oUio.oo6HiunuUiroufourr4j boxes and post, tire written giiHianlee to cure or refund J II J I 1 1 For sale at Klrlln's drugstore. mm .CURES CATARRH ASTHMA HAY FEVERl MUMPS.CROURCAKtDbHtAST.I FIRC&SUN BUHN.CHAF INu, BUNIONS & TIRED FEET. CHAPPEDfACE.UPS&HAHDSl s Arr RFMrnv fob v les Sail druggists ormailed for 25 HTMAS0N ChFMIlAL CO SUAuuMrVam I Strong Drink LU BARRELS OF SAMPLES, " Over Two Ituudrcd Thout&nd Tftol Dottles Sent Free by Mall. uj special urrangemont with lhann flfacturursof thatiustlv fnmons Rldnas medlcino, Dr. David Kennedy's Ftoim lie iiemedy, tho renders of this paper are enabled to obtain a trial bottle and l'limnhlet nf valnnhln mnillent tvlc absolutoly ft eo, by simply Hondlng their iuu nntuo anil post olllco address to th Dll. UAVIU lvKMJDY CORPORA. TION, Itoudout, N. Y., and mentloninf Hiu pnpor. Of sotu-se this involves enormous e penso to tho manufacturers, but thy Lave received bo manv irratoful lnttara from thoso who have been benefited and curodof tho various tllgoaRnarif tha Kitlnoya, Liver, Bladdor and Blood,' iineuiniumm, tiyspepsia nnu cnronia Constipation, and all wcakncBscs pecu liar to women, that they willingly send trial bottlos to nil Buflerors. Upon Investigation it was found that i per cent or tltoso who had used tho trial bottle hnd rocoivod such benefit from it thnt thoy purchased large slied Bottlos of tholr druinrlBts. It matters not how sick 70a arc e bow many pnysicinns nave railed M aeip you, senu lor a trial bottle ot tali great mcdiclno, it coats you but a poatal card, and bonnflt and euro will nost artainly bo the result. Futaome urine In a nlass tumbler anst lt it stand 24 bourn: If it has a iedlaeat r if It is nalo or discolored, mllkr ear loudy. stringy or ropy, your KhUeya or Bladder aro in a bad condition, oti David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy peedlly cures such dangerous rrm& toms as pain in the back, inability ts hold urino, a burning scalding pain Is passing it, frequent desiro to urinate. especially at nignt, tno staining or lines by your urino and all tho unnleasant and dangerous effects on the system jjruuuceu uy mo uso 01 wniSKOy, wine or beer. Dr. David Kennedy's Favor ite Remedy is sold at nil drug stores at 91.00 for a largo bottle; six bottle fo NIAGARA FALLS EXCURSIONS. Low-rtATi: vacation xnirs VIA PENNSYL VANIA HAILBOAD. Tho Pennsylvania Ritilroad Company has Eolccted tho following dates for Its popular toa-day excursions to Niagara Falls from Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington August at, Scptombor 7 nnd 21, and Octobers nnd 10. An experienced tourist agent and chaperon will accompany each excursion. Excursion tickots, good for return passago on any regular train, exclusive of limltod express trains, within ten days, will bo sold at $10.00 from Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, and all points on tho Delaware division; $11,25 from Atlantio City; $0.00 from Lancaster; ?8 150 from Altoona nud liar- risburg; $0.00 from Sunbury and Wilkcs barre; $5,75 Irom Wllllamsport; and at pro portionate rates from othor points. A stop over will bo allowed at Buffalo, Bochcster, Canadalgua, and Wntklna within tho limit returning. A special train of Pullman parlor cars and day coaches will bo run with each excursion An extra charge will bo made for parlor car scats. Tickets for a sldo trip to tho Thousand Is lands (Alexandria Bay) will be Bold from Rochester in connection with excursions of July 27, August 10 nnd 24, September 7 and 21, good to roturn to Eocliostor or to Oman daigun via Syracuse within five days, at rate of $5.50, Tickets for a sldo trip to Toronto will be sold at Niagara Falls for $1.00 on July 29, August 19 and 20, and September 23. In connection with excursion of Septcmbor 7, tickots will bo sold to Toronto and return at reduced rates, account Toronto Fair. For time of connecting trains aud further information apply to nearest ticket agent, or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant Gonoral Passenger Agent. Broad Stroot Station, Philadelphia. Mothers loso their dread for "that terrible second summor" when thoy havo Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry In the houso. Naturo's specific for summer complaints of every sort. SUMMER TOURS TO THE NORTH, Two Tours to Canatla via 1'ennsylvanla llallroail. For tho summor of 1890 tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company has arranged to run two personally-conducted tours to Canada and Northern Now York. Tho first tour, leaving July 22. includes Niagara Falls, Toronto, Thousand Islands, uaplus of tbo St, Lawrence, Quebec. Lake St. John, The Saguonay; Montreal, Au Sable Chasm, Lakes Champlain and George, Sara toga, and Highlands of the Hudson, occupy. wg sevontcen days. Bound trip rate, $123. the second tour, leaving August 13. covers the samo territory with the exception of LiiKoHt. John and Tho Saeuenay. and oc cupies fourteen days. Kound-trin rate. 8100. Lacn tour will bo In charge of one of the company's tourist agents, assisted by an ex perienced lady as chaperon, whose especial cuargo win bo unescorted ladles. Tho rate covers railway and boat fare for tho entire reund trip, parlor-car scats, meals enroute, hotel entertainment, transfer charges, and carriage hiro. For delailod itinerary, tickets, or any ad ditlonai Information, address Tourist Agent, Pennsylvania Bailroad Company, 1100 Broad way, Now York : 800 Fulton street. Brooklyn ; 780 Broad street, Newark. N. J. : or Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passonger Agent, liroad street station, Philadelphia. Coining Kvents. Aug. 15. Ice cream festival in Bobbins' opera houso by the Congregational church. Aug 26 and 28. Grand picnlo at Brown's grovo, Lost Creek, for tho benefit of St. Mary Magdalene parish. Tell Your Sister . A beautiful comnlexion la an ImnnocUillltv without good pure blood, tho sort thnt nnltr exists in connection with the good digestion a healthy liver and bowols. Karl's Clovor Boot Tea acta diroctlv on thn hnwnla llvn. and kidneys keeping them In perfect health. i-rico va cts. ana w cts. bold by P. D. Klrlln on n guarantee. DELIGHTFUL VACATION TRIP, Tour to the North via l'ennsjlmnla Hall- rond. Vlaltlne Nhnrara Full Tnm.itr, ThnnnA Islands. Quebec. Montr!. Am Kolitn ni,a.. Lake Champlain and Lake George, Saratoga) anu ino Highlands or tbo Hudson, Leave Philadelphia by special train August 12. The tour will be in eharcro nf nnn nf HiAinmnntiv,a experienced tourist agents, and a chaperon, naving especial charge or unescoited ladies, will also accompany tho party. The ratnnf !(! rrnm Nw VnrV Tt.rt,.l,lT... Newark, Trenton, Philadelphia, liarrlsburg,' BaltlmOrO and WAalilnfrtan invara Mllia and boat fare for the eatlre round trip, parlor car seats, meals enroute, hotel entertainment, transfer charges and carriage hire. For detailed itinerary, tickets, or any ad. ditlonai information, address Tourist Agent, Pennsylvania Bailroad nmmnv 11 rut n.i. way, New York ( Ticket Ageut, 800 Fulton street, Brooklyn ; 780 Broad street, Newark, N. J. : or Geo. W. Bovd. Aiult Passeucer Airent. Hrnul ninwt titli, in.iu. dcluhiu, ' COLUMBIA ONCE A0AIN. Dofentit Pnrondor Ovof Twenty-two Mttitttni in Forty-three MIIph. Nowport, Auk. 10. Tho run of tho Now York Yacht club cruUo from Onr dlnor'B bay to this port yostorday, a dlstanco of 43 milo3, was full of Inter esting brushes. Whilo the yachts ran the last half of tho 43 miles In a con stantly increasing southwest breozo, tho first half of tho day was fluky. It Is no disparagement to Columbia to say that hor defeat of tho Dolondor by 22 minutes nnd 25 seconds wns duo more to bad Judgment and hard luck of tho lattor boat, which left hor In a soft spot, thnn to nctual superiority. Still, tho new boat showed horsolf very able In n broad roach with a constant ly increasing breeze, nnd It Is not too much to Bay that sho mado an avorngo ot ully 13 knots in tho run along shoro from Watch Hill to Point Ju dith, so rapidly dropping tho Defender that when sho Jibed round tho whis tling buoy off Point Judith hor rival wns hull down to tho wcstwnrd, over flvo miles astern. On tho run up from Point Judith, dead boforo tho wind, Columbia gained a mlnuto or two more, so that at the finish tho old Defender had received tho worst beating In her history. Tho i'rlnro of HornolMirrjr. Uerlln, Aug. 10. Tho promotion of tho Gorman ambassador to Franco, Count Von Munster-Lcdenburg, to prlncoly rank is regnrded as another step in tho direction of a rapproche ment with Franco and as duo to tho ability ho has displayed in improving tho relations betweon tho two govern ments during his ambassadorship. Ho will tako tho title ot Prince of Derno burg, from tho nnmo of his Hanover estate. Somtliiir Dcntltuto Bpiinlnrds Ilnmo. Havana, Aug. 10. Senor Don Felipe Sagrarlo, the Spanish consul general. said yesterday that tho homo govern ment was taking hack to Spain 4,000 destitute Spaniards, people without means of support and afraid to go Into tho Interior of Cuba to work, owing to tho stories of brigandage. The Homeliest Man in Shenandoah As well as the handsomest, nnd others are Invited to call on nuy drog'gist aud get free a trinl bottle of Kempjs Balsnm for the Throat nnd Lungs, a remedy that Is gunrnutced to cure and relieve all Chronic aud Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis nnd Consump tlon. Price 25c and 50c. THE WILL BE SUPPLIED TO YOU VIRTUALLY FREE. The Hijrald is progressive, en terprising, wide-awake aud always ahead. Its daily visits will keep your family better informed than any other paper on the news of this locality, the state, the country and the world. It will be delivered at your door each day for 25 cents a mouth. We are desirous of secur ing your subscription. As an Inducement for you to become a subscriber we make you the following unparal leled offer : AN ELEGANT $3.00 BOOK FOR ONLY 75 CENTS. Our representatives, Messrs. Hooks & Brown, will call upou you with the publication for your in spection. We feel sura you will be interested in examining it. Upon signing the agreement to take the Herald lor six months, the book will be delivered upon payment of 75 cents. This is in addition to the regular subscription of 25 cents a month. Keystone State Normal School, KUTZTOWN, PA. Tlio fall term of this famous training school for trachcrs will open August 23, 18. Su perior advantages aro offered to young men and women fireparlng for teaching, col ege, or business. The build ings are all new, containing spacious and comfortable rooms forstudents, roomy re citation halls, steam heated throughout.and supplied with tho latest and best lighting and sanitary appliances. Iteforo choosing a school secure a cataloifuo of the iieysione JNortniil richool. Re. N. C. Staffer, PI.!),, D, D PRINCIPAL. For full Information. ratnlAmiM address ' KEYSTONE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, SOLOMON HAAK Agent for the Famous BERGNER & ENGEL Phila. Stock Ale, Sparklintr Still Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale. Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer and Porter. L0RENZ SCHMIDT'S Mt. Carbon Beer ON TAP At all its customers to-day. Solomon Haak's, 116 South Main Street, Will receive prompt attention. Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System OVERCOMES irrt2? C PERMANENTLY OVr THE GEHVfINt - MAM'fO y roa su et 11 csuttuTi rmu lot n cotil LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. IN EFFECT MAY 11, 1800. Pnfvoncer trains leave Shenandoah for Pcnn llarcn Junction, Mauch Chunk, Lchiglitou, Blatlngton, White lIall,.Catnsauiua, AUontmvu, Bethlehem, Kaston Kcw York and 1'hlladclphta at B 23. 7 60 a. in , 12 82 and S 17 p. in. For Wllkcsborro, White Hnvcn nnd Ilttstou, 5 28, 10 12 a. in.. 12 62 and S 17 p. m. For Laccyvllle, Towanda, Snyre, Waverly, Elmlra, Rochester; liuffalo, Niagara Falls, Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and tho West, 10 12 .i. m., 12 52 and 5 17 p. ra. For lielvldcre, Delaware Water Onp and Stroudsburg, S 28 o. m., 5 17 p. m. For Lambcrtvllle and Trenton, 7 50 a. m. For Jcanenvllle, Levlston and Beaver Meadow, 5 28 a. m., 12 32 p. ra. For McAiloo, Audenrlcd, Ilazlcton, Stockton and Lumber Yard, S 28, 7 00, 10 12 a. m., 12 83 and J 17 p. m. ForJcddo, Drlfton and Frceland, 6 28, 1012 t, ra., 8 17 p. m. For Scranton, 5 28. 10 12 a. m., S 17 p. m. For Lost Creek, Glrardville,and Ashland,-4 00, and 7 28 p. m. For Raven Kun. Ccntralla. Mount Carmcl nnd Bhamokln, 10 49 a. m., 1 12, G 07, 9 23 p. nr. ror rtionanoy uuy, iaric i'ioco anu ueiano, 5 28, 7 60, 10 12 a. m.. and 12 82, 6 17 p. m. For Yatesville, 5 28, 10 12 a. m. Trains will leave Shamoklu at 7 00. 9 20 a.m., 11 69 and 4 20 p. m., and arrive at Shenandoah Ht 7 50, tO 12 a. m., 12 52, 5 17 p. In. Learo Shenandoah for l'ottsvlllc, St. Clair. New Castle, Morea and New Boston, 7 60 and 10 12 a. m , 12 52 and 6 17 p. m. Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah, 9 45 n, in,, 12 33, 603, 8 15 p. m. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 9 50 a. m., 12 45, 8 09,62(1,881 p.m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave for Raven Hun, Ccntralla, Mt. Carmcl and Sliamokln, 9 46 a. ni., 7 21 p. m.. Trains leave Sliamokln for Shenandoah at 8 60 a. rn., nnd 5 35 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Yatesville, Mahanoy City, Park Place, Delano, McAdoo, Audenrlcd, Hazleton. Stockton. Lumber Yord. Weathcrly and Mauch Chunk, 9 47 a m., ami 6 32 p. m. ror Lieuigmon, Biaungion, catasauqua, w nice Hall, Coplay. Allentown. ICoston and PhllliDB- burg, 9 47 a. m., and 6 32 p. rn. for ciexr York and 1'hllodclphla, 9 47 a. m. Leave Ilaileton for Shenandoah. 8 60. a. m.. and 6 27 p. ni. ni. ll. uu TTjiic, supl. Transportation, South Bethlehem, Pa. ROLLIN II. WILBUR, Gcnl.Supt., South Bethlehem, Pa. CHARLES S. LEE, Gcnl. Pass. Agt., New York, N. Y. A. W. NONNEMACIIER, Dlv. P. A., South Bethlehem, Pa. POLITICAL CARDS. yOTE FOR WW. S. LEIB, OV ASHLAND. FOR PROTHONOTAItY. yOTE FOR FRANK R. KANTNER, 01' LOFTY. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. yoTE Fon HORACE P. RABER, OF riNEQROVE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. yoTE ron THOMAS J. HIGGINS, OF SIIENANDOAIL FOR CLERK OP THE COURTS. A box of our srfcmL rnniLT dkew is an exhilarating stimulant during the hot summer months. DoHverod at your homo. Columbia Brewing Company. LAKESIDE! Tlia only pleasure resort and picnio grounds in this region, Splendid lake of fresh water. Ice and wood, free, to all picnic parties to prepare aud preserve meals. An orchestra is established here lor the entire season. For particulars address, D. J. YOST, Prop., Barnesvllle, Pm R.DI!t!S J'oviiera nevtii .' ttpMtivt). Aivtyi buy the but bM s titt dip- 'IH UJL c V9l iiVXM&udUU