Rosebuds Budding wo tnnnhoodl What glorious possibil ities I What half hidden dangers I What a time for tender sympathy I At puberty nature generally makes some attempt to establish physical rriTuls.rltlta. but when nature fails to nssert Itself, develop, ments result which Injuro the health and impair the constitution of the maiden. The timely tiso of Bradfield'a Female Regulator, the standard remedy for all weaknesses and Irregularities peculiar to women, is what retarded nature needs In all such coses. Sold by druggists for $t. Books for women free. TUB BRADFIBLD REGULATOR CO, UNCLE SAM'S FIOT BATHS. THE I!M Tho Bridgeport Motormau Arrested on a Charge of Manslaughter! THE TEESTLE PERFECTLY BOUND, HOT PPKINOS OP ARKAN81B VIA. ".OUTIIKIW nAII.WAY. Will eraillciitn frjm your system tho linger. ln(?cirecUi f grip and other nllmonta caused by tho soveru whiter, and mnlarln, rheuma tism, nourolgln, catarrh, stomach, kidney, llvor and nervous disorders, paralysis, blood and skin dlsrasos, and chronlo and func tional derangements. Tho mountain climate of lint Springs Is cool and delightful In snmmor. 100 hotels oron tho year around, For Illustrated literature, containing all Information, address 0. F. Cooley, Manager Buisncss lien's toaguo, Hot Springs, Ark. For reduced excursion tickets and par ticulars of tho trip, address W. A. Turk, n.0..orC.L. Hopkins. District rassengor J 1.?" 11, ,w tZ H, U Hnt tho Glinril Itnll In Innilnqnntn For 8uoli ft Structure Tho Itrliljroport Dentil I.lnl In Twenty-nlno, niul Mount DoHcrt'H Homnlim nC Twenty. Bridgeport, Conn., Aug. 8.--TI10 num ber klllid by tho trolley nccldont of Sunday, when a car plunged Into Peck's mill poni , Is now known to bo 29, whllo of the dozen Injured three may dlo. Georgo Hamilton, tho mo tormnn of tho ill-fated car, was ar raigned In tho Stratford Justice court Inst night charged with manslaughter. Ho pleaded not guilty, and tho enso was contlucd for one wcok. Tho pris oner's ball was fixed at $2,000, which ho furnished. Tho coroner's Jury mado n thorough Inspection of tho troetlo and its ap proaches yestordny. Tho structure ap parently Is substantial. Representa tives of tho JurJ- moosurcd tho distance which tho car ran after lenvlng the Irons, as Indicated by marks and scars on tho ties, and found It to bo 85 feet. Tho gonerally accepted theory Is that the car was running rapidly when it reached tho trestle and was swaying, and that when It camo upon tho un- olastlc rails of the bridge It Jumped the track, and thoro was no guard rail ado auato to keep the car from going over. At tho south end or tho eridge is an earthwork approach 250 feet long, with a threo per cont grade. The bridge ex- Agent, 828 Chestnut St., Phlla., Pa. M-4m NERVITA PILLS Restores Vitality. Lost Vlwr and Manhood. CuresImpotency.NlchtEmiBslonsand remained on the earthen foundation wasting diseases, all effects of self there would bo little danger of leaving that a car running rapidly ovev this earth approach would acquiro a Bnrlngy. swaying motion, becauso of the elastic properties of tho earth. If a car traveled down tho approach at n high rato of speed, they said It would at tho time the trestle was reacnea 00 swavlne considerably. So long as It .abuse, or excas9 and India i cretloo. A norvo tonic and Iblood builder. Brings tho fplnk glow to pale cheeks ana restores tho fire of youth. kBv mall 6O0 Tier box, O boxes for : with a written cuanm- too to cure or refund tho money. Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. Bold at KIrlln's drug store Bhenandoah, Fa. Jf OblehMUr. DUm-ad IlraBl. Pennyroyal pills Arc, alwftj. rclUble. ladicv.,1. DrugRlal Ibr CAleuir engum u 1 1 it.d md Gold m.ullleX Ibosts, etl Hilt M ribbon. Tlon. and (m.llu. Al DrUI'. i. tnr te.MiBoiit.ia ... Heller tor T.ille," CMoheterclmielCo..MUIWo SoUbnOlLooHOroHliu. l A. the Irons, but whon tho bridge was reached tho elasticity of tho founda tion Immediately would bo removed. the brldgo being rigid, and the tenden cy would bo for tho car to spring up from the rails. The car. which had sunk In tho mud beneath tho brldgo, was removed and carefully examined. The wheel flangos were found to be In perfect condition. The brake and brake rod were also unlniured. Tho brakes were set. Tho condition of tho lever by whicn tno nower to run tho car Is regulated show ed that at tho time tho car left tho brldgo the power was turned complete ly off. I ;tiie mount desert nomton. Tho Iitst of Lives Sncrlflcort Romntns nt Twenty. Bar Harbor. Mo.. Aug. 8. A careful examination by divers In tho vicinity of the Mount Desert ferry slip, tho scene of Sunday's terrible accident, and Investigation on shore by the officials of the Maine Central railway ana others, seem to lndlcato that the 20 victims reported In these dispatches are all who perished as a result of tho catastronho. A Mr. Southard, or uangor, wno.was m Bn H H W Mm jrjsa m TERINARYSPECIFICS A.. JfeVEIIS, Lung Fever, Milk Feier. n. n.lgpnAi.M8, Lameness. Ithenmatlam, seriously injured, Is not likely to ro I orwl wrt nttinr nornnna n rn sn!f. gjjj EPIZOOTIC. Dlalemper. g-JJj j WOIXM8. Bota, Grub. JkJjcOUOHB. Colds, influenza, F-JcOLIC. Bellyache. Diarrhea. G.U. Prevents MISOAItniAGE. cuiuSs K,DXKY BLADDER DIS0HDEI18. jMJIKVOn, Skin Plaeaaca. J. K.trjAD COXDITIOX. Staring Cost. CURES) cover, and two other persons are suf fering from pneumonia. Tho complete list 01 dead snows no change from that first sent out, savo that the woman who was designated as unknown has been Identified as Mrs. Sleeper, of Bangor. (Do. eachj Stable Case, Ten Specifics, Book, fto., U A box of our SrECHU fflrtlLT MEW is an exhilarating stimulant during the hot sumrner months. DoHvorod at your homo. .TlmlnoK Will Remain In nnvnnn. Havana. Aug. 8. General 'Juan Isl- dro JImlnez, who was Interviewed to day, said he was In dally receipt 01 about 25 cablegrams from Santo Do mingo, where all was going well. To the Interviewer he exhibited a letter, which ho said was from a person of Influence advising him not to risk par- tlclpancy In nn expedition, as the ro sult was assured and was only n mat ter of time. According to tho writer, if anything happened to JImlnez the pcoplo 01 Santo Domingo would re card It as a great loss, Inasmuch as their ideals and hopes regarding good government were bound up In him. General JImlnez says ho could not leave Havana at present. ! FOREIGN HADE GLOVES Will Bo Orowdod Out by tlio Nowly Formed Glove Trust. TO SEEK TOR FOREIGN TBADE. Tho Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, niul ivhlch 1ms Ijccii m uso for over 30 yenrs, lias uorno tho slirnntiiro of , nntl lins liccn niiulo under his pcr- stii)crvIsion Hlnco Its Infancy. Allow no 0110 to dccclvo you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations mid Substitutes nro but ex periments that trlilo with and cndaiifrcr tho health of Infants and Children Expcricnco against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Harmless and Pleasant, It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xnccotlo Hiibstnncc. Its ago Is Its guarantee. It destroys yonns and allays Poverlsiincss. It cures Diarrhoea mid "Wkul Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tlio Stotnach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep Tho Children's Panacea Tito Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tlio Signaturo of The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THCCCNTAUnCOMMNT, TT MURRAY STREET NEW TORN CITY "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH Q A A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible Hum, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Ducklen's Arnica faalvr , the best in the world, will kill the pain and nromnllv heal it. Cures Old Sores. Fever jj'l'SMifla Sores, Olcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin ' - -rrwmr Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only NERY0TJS DEBILITY, 2ScL a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by VIT1I, WEAKNESS nnd Prostration from over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. S8, In use over AO yenrs, tho only viinnossful remedy. fclrcrvlal.orSviaUandlargevlalpo'iTder.rorsja h. nrnrthtl . OF IflQt DO.t Otl TMelpI Of PrlC DlarUBEIS Sill, CO., Ccr. VUlUa A John BU. , H.w Twk DR. E. C. WEST'S Nerve and Brain TREATMENT Tho Original. All Others Imitations. or a pobHIvo Written Guarantee, by authorized airents only, to euro Weak Izzlncss, Wakefulness, Fits, Hysteria. Quickness, Night Losses, Evil Dreams, nrldnnnn. Nervousness. La.ginide. nil lirnlnn. Ynnthfnl 1-lrmM. nr HtrrIv. Uso ot Tobacco, Opium, or Liquor, which leads to Misery, Consumption, Insanity and Death. At storo or by mall, tl a box; six for 3j with written Guarantee to Cure or Refund Monoy. Sample Package, containing live, days' treatment, with full lustruc- iionB,o cents, uao sampio amy tsom 10 eaou person, score or Dy mall. Red Label Special Extra Strength. Vnr Tmnntennv. Ijnaa of Power. Iinnt Manhood, fiterllltv or llnrrennoMM. 1 n hnt! tux tor o, wnu wmwu utvrtuii,a iu curu iu ou uu) b. Ab uvoro or uy mail. Sold 3t KIrlln's Drug store. Th TruBl RtppetNut Only to Mnn- iiflicturo All tlio llov Worn In Tliln Country, lint to Soil Abrouil Tho MttltllcMimn Suitors. Now York, Aug. 8. The Times saya: Tlio formation of a glove trust Ib ai- su red. Its crentlon will mark a new orR In tlio glove trade of the country, because not only will the memuein ongago In tho manufacture of ladles' fine glove, not heretofore attempted Ih this country on n large scale, but thoy will mako a stroni? bid for forelBn trade, which they believe win ho buc- rossful. Chnrloa K. 1'nln. of Chlraso, attornoy for tho American Trust and Savings bank, of Chicago, which Is furnishing tho capital and accepting tho options In tho organization of the glove trust, Is In New York. He said to a reportor: "It is quite true that wo are organ izing a glove trust, and mattore aro bo far advanced that while tho con tracts do not call for tho taking over of tho property before Jan. 1, 1900, wo shall toko IfTover In November. "Our plan of organization will be en tirely different from that of othor com binations. We have been at work for six months, and our main aim has been not only to secure tho biggest con corns In tho country, but to retain at tho same tlmo the Borvlces of the per sons now opernttng them. Wo have succeeded in Interesting tho manufac turers, arrd all of them regard our policy with great satisfaction. Many of them have already Blgnod contracts. The flnanclal headquarters of t le trust will bo In New York city. The formation of tho trust will mark a new doparturo In glovo mak ing in America. For years wo have been Importing ladles' gloves, very few of which havo been mado here, to the valuo of $1,000,000 a year. We bollovo we enn mako just ns good, If not n hotter artlclo, and hopo to obtain nearly all that buslnoss. We propose also to build up an export trado. Only a few years ago the Idea of exporting leather, steel, locomotives ana many other products woro laughed at, but wo aro doing It very successfully, and we aro satisfied that wo shall have no difficulty in selling our gloves abroad, If wo make tho proper klnil of gods. We are satisfied wo not only can mako goods to suit those who havo bought tho imported gloves hero, but also can undersoil European manufacturers abroad. "Of courso tho main purpose of tho trust Is to eliminate tho expensoa of manufacture nnd sell wherever pos sible. Instead ot sending 50 drummers to ono small town wo shall send one. Instead of running four stores In New York one will bo enough. Just now from S00 to 1,200 different styles of gloves aro made. Under consolidation this number can be Immensely re duced and vast sums can be saved. "For years tho manufactures havo received less than 10 per cont of tho net profits of tho glovo trado. Tho bal ance has been divided between tho Jobber and tho retailer. The lobbor, too, has been a source of much ex pense, as In many cases tho manufac turers havo had to advanco tho cap!' tal to carry him along, and this has been a great hardship. Profits which heretofore havo gone to tho non-pro ducing middlemen will bo saved, and we bellevo that the trust will result In a saving to tho consumor at least 10 per cent In tho price paid for goods." r TROOPS AFTEK TUB YAQUIS. Amcrlonnn Abandon a Itlrli Mlnlnc Cntnp n'i'l 'l' t Hnflnty. Auatin, Aug. 8. A dispatch was re ceived here laat night from Caaaa Oraudes, Mexico, saying that one regi ment of Mexican cavalry had Just left there and started on Its way to the Yaqol Indian country to drive the warring brave out of their strong holds In the Sabuarlpa mountains, where they are rapidly gathering In large forces. It Is feared the Indians are planning to draw the Mexican sol dier Into an ambuscade. Two more parties of American prospectors have just arrived at Caaaa Orandes, having abandoned a rich placer jnlnlng camp. Captain Martin Hom, an old Arizona prospector. Is a member of one of these parties. He was one of the first prospectors to enter the Yaqul country after it was made safe for gold hunt ers. He says the Indians are un doubtedly well prepared for a long and bitter resistance. Ho believes the ma jority of American prospectors will hear of tho uprising In time to escape If they will only heed the first warn ing that reaches them. Any delay In breaking camp may mean their death. Captain Rosa also says there are not ns many American prospectors along tho Yaqul river as Is generally sup posed. Ho estimates that there are not over COO Americans In the whole dis trict. Tho I'reMtlnnt'a Iluny I)nv. Plattsburg, N. Y., Aug. 8. The presi dent had a busy day yesterday. Ho witnessed the yacht races In the af ternoon on board the yacht Klfrlda Iu company with Vice President Hobart and Mrs. Hobart nnd party. Later ho I' k a short drive with VIco President Hobart. In tho evening he held a long conference with Secretary of War Hoot, who arrived on the 7:15 train. Mrs. McKInley contlnuos to Improvo slowly. MSMi E$0lj1 SOGIETY MM MBMGItY COmfllEjDS Brazilian Ball!) Toxicola Tablets Young Mothers. Croup la the terror of thousands of younsr mothers becauso Ita outbreak Is so aconlzing and frequently fatal. Bhlloh's Cough and Consumption Cure acts like maslo In cases of croup. It has never been Known to iau. ino worst cases relieved immediately. TrlceSS cts., 60 cts. and f 1.00. Sold by P. D, Kirlin on a sua ran toe. Conncllmpn Mny Oo to Jail. New York, Aug. 8. In the supromo court yesterday Judge Fitzgerald or dered that Councllmen Cassidy. Oak ley, Foley, Engel, Goodln, Murphy. WIso, Hottonroth, Francisco, Lelch, Doylo, Williams, Conloy and Mur ray pay a fine of $100 each and that they bo committed to prison until will ing to comply with the command of tho writ of mandamus to assemble and authorize the controller to lssuo cor porate stock for the purpose of paying Contractor Pierce the sums of $14,450 and $19,450 earned by him under a contract for the erection of the now hall of records. On Wednesday there is a meeting of tho council, and If the bonds are then authorized the whole matter will probably be dropped. If A favorite subject of great painters Is a mother instructitiK a daughter in music giving the early lessons. Mothers nat urally want their daugtiters to oe accom plished musicians. It helps them along iu a social way. But the most important instruction to give a gtri is the lesson ot womanly liealtu. i ins instruc tion should begin early, it a girl enters woman hood free from the ailments that usually beset her at this period, she will pos sess the great est of all qualifications for social success. Nothing in the world couals eood health. Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription overcomes irregularities of girls and women. It strengthens the orenns that distinguish the sex. It es tablishes a vigorous constitution, stops the drains and pains, and is of incalcu- able benefit in case of prolapsus. For the young girl entering womanhood, for the bride, the wife and mother, for those passing through the "turn of life," it is of untold benefit. It fits the girl to be a wife, and the wife to be a mother, it cures at Home an drams, nains. aches and irregularities of women. It is a temperance cure no alcohol or narcotic in it. Buy it of honest medicine dealers, who do not try to substitute someliung else to maice a nv tie more profit. Mrs. A. P. Crenshaw, of Panasoffkee, Sumter Co., Pla., writ: "It It with heart-felt srratl tudc to you and for your kind advice, that I must tell you what your medicine has doue for me. Alter consulting-you about my case I took your Favorite Prescription 1 aud can say it cured me of female weakness. I was all run-dowu; suf fered with sick headache, pains lu the twick and bcarinp-down pains. My health Is better now than it has been for three years.' For stubborn bowels, lazv liver and biliousness, nothing u ns good as Dr. 1'ierce's l'leasant l'ellets. Tliey are pleasant in fact as well as name no griping. The Oc aitDuresi 1 Coughs, Colds, l I Grippe, Whooplnir Cough, Asthma l Bronchitis nnd Inolplont ' Consumption, la k - ir pi r My? ' oTJo'sj I IVvc tfERMAN HEMEDY L package for SceHtf. A little of th ladmlxture to 'cheap coffee makes a delicious' k drink and a ves expenie You can blame yourself If you do n't get real good coffee to drink. Ordinary cofiee U made de licious br adding SBBLiaVt. v .i. PROFESSIONAL CARDS M.nunKB, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. Office Kuan bulldlnr. corner ot Main an Oenlre slreetn, Bhenandoah. J CIVUDK nnowx, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Onicoi Cor. Centre and Whlta street, ml to Justice Toomoy'a ofllce. pitOF JOHN JONES, riOSlCAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box M, MahMoy City, Pa. Havtnr studied under soma of iha beat routers Id London and Paris, will tire leeeoaa On the Tlolln. mandolin, e-ultar and rnMtrnltnNi. Terms reasonable. Address In care o! Rlroane, Ibe lewnler Hhenandoah. P "I am glad of the opportunity to pub licly commend Brazilian Balm and Toxlcola Tablets. Thev are certainly very excellent the bonds are not authorized the war ai t f, lo- vnnr!nw rants will be secured at onco and tho icuicuica ao a. iu, y men gent tQ ja flipv 1mvf Irpnt mo In snlendid health. SO I ' . t, , . . . T Sick Headaches, 1 1 ; i v nr-vci 1 1,1 lj will tk uuvoiwiuu . ..- a , , , , . - r J TUmiha nt Wrtmnn lr tint am used them. Brazilian Balm is the One thing quickly and suraly cured by Karl's Clpver that cures Grippe, SO it leaves HO evil effects Boot Tea, the sroat blood purifier and tlssuo .lAe ,tcV,a otnrrli ntirl Dunuer. Moray re.uuumn uUVH,iicu. UCUUU, null w. vv"4i .uu,"J, " lung troubles, I never knew Its equal. And Toxlcola is the most wonderful thing to put vir-nr and life into the svstem I ever saw. It corrects billiousness, tones up the nerves, i-.1nt-s tlif. cnmnlcsmii nnd nurifies the blood It is good any time but for a bpnng and .ball offlcIa- report. The case found yes- medicine It is worth Its weight iu gold. I know Miss U I,. Clark, terday is the first reported since last The Woman Who Coughed," and can say these remedies did all doubt that tha backbono of the yaliow tt,of te lo!tn-.-1 fnr 1mr n-i-1 mnro ton. T know of a f?reat manv cures fever epidemic Is broken, and in two -A 1 VUUKU 11 la jiiuutiuia itiui, lua dijuuiU Price S3 cts. and SO cts. on a guarantee. Sold by P. D. Kirlin Tlio TolldwTovbr Outbronk. Nowport News, Va., Aug. 8. Ono new case of yellow fever developed at tho National Soldiers' Homo yesterday. Columbia Brewing Company. LAKESIDE! JlfHiornto IltiPl in Austria vi.nna Ann- P A apnanHnnnl saber The only pleasure resort and uUei wn8 i0Ught yesterday between rfrAHMfia i ti riiitt TF(ririii. i iinti vviit inn TiiiiiirimiH ueiiiiau iiuur . . . l"u"u . t;i""" . . b-z ..-.7- ",-zz ,, ,r in tms locality. Uliev ousrnt to De m every nome in Aiaenoi, xucy wlll hn . .hln of th0 nas). Tha Splendid lake of iresli water, ice . German Liberal deputy. It would save thousands of lives for they cure the worst cases. The best antine, however, will be raised before They ought to be in every home in America. cZ , nil nirXmrtiM Krzekep, a German Liberal deputy. It WOuld save thousands of lives for they cure the worst cases. The best pSSS!3rS ASlJfi herta,m." Miss3araI51minaReynoldS,Iudianapolis, lud. and wood to prepare orchestra is established here for the an artery. The doctors declared him entire season. For particulars Incapable ol : continuing ; the duel, but no uertjiBieu, iuviib that time, as tho situation is Improving bo rapidly that it will be unnecessary to block business and traffic after tho next few days. address, b. J. YOST, Prop., Barnesvllle, Pa. News and Opinions OF National Importance THE - SUN ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Brazilian Balm at Druggists, 25 cts., 50 cts. and $ 1.00 a bottle. More doses Toxlcola Tablets 15 cts. and 50 cts. a box. was .a 1 TTI4I ntnlif hA alio. P?",a -,n-- " l r :' ' for the money than any other remedy, imueu u toi-uuu vt...: i in. . . i.rrn.iml.T.M.c and was carried home in a dangerous wiw every uoiue oi omm you a muum uwimcui condition. The duel aroso irom werr Prur. Do not fail to try these remarkable remedies, KriBiffin accusInK Herr Wolf of always answering political auacics Dy ngnung duols against incapaoie aniagoniBia. 1 . 1 Many a Lover Has turned with disgust from an otherwise lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Boot Tea purifies the breatli by !a action on the bowels, etc., a; nothing else will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 23 cts. and 80 cts. Bold by P. D. Kirlin on a guarantee. 10VLL QZT ALL THAT'S A-COMINd TO If, when contemplating a trip to any point West or Southwost of tho Mississippi Illver, you will purch&so tickets via tho Missouri Paclflo Ky , or Iron Mountain Route (which are on sale at all principal ticket offices In! Tim Atlnntlo I.daeuo Disbands, the United States), you will have all the T.nnp.nster. Pa.. Aug. 8,ThtJ LancaSw Rnmfartji and luxnriea of modern rallwav for Atlantic League club played their equipment, aud the finest opportunities for last game y?3torday afternoon, when yieng all of nature's mnseums and marvels Lh.ey .d0.aie 11 .Jnf'io f T of Utah, Colorado. Kansas. Arkansas, Texa,, . ' r.;r;, . .u Old ud New Mexico. California, etc Ex. ?6 a year 'nd cJub w,u be di8banded In ft curslon tickets to all principal points at Atlantic i.eaguo ia i srenuy reuuevu rauxi. uu account ui iuo 1 National Education Association meeting at I T .no AnirAlnafn Tn 1 .f a will maVa arvAtal A Card. " . T.7 i 4 . , . i lowrounq trip rates, wnen contoropiaiing Thfi'SUndaV We'tb0 nnei d0 Jcreb "f??0 aWpWcstor Southwest, write qs for full n-wvivj r refund the money on a 80-cent bottle or (-,..( ni1 rnnV lvntfnTit fi nil w V Uttii. crrMtMt Sundav newspape Qroene's Warranted Syrup of Tar Jf it fails I ij0yt, Q, E. P. Agent. J. P. McCann. T. lathe greatest Sunday newspape to eure your mubU or We a so gaaran. p Age 391 Broadway Now Vork PrlC 5C I MfJ, Bj Ball, $2 a 1 knch, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W. To-Night and To-Morrow Night And each day and night during this week you can get at any druggists Kemp's Balsam lttATIiw.n nrtA T.T.nm. n i.l- i niT-l fill ,Tlwl .a B. F.Jackson & Co., Mfg. Chemists, Indianapolis, Ind. Lethemoat BUCCC93ful remedy ever sold for fVinuln. Cronn. Bronchitis. Asthma and Shenandoah Drue Store. Wholesale and Retail Aeents. consumption, actabottietoay and keep It always in mo nouse, so you can cucck your cold at onco. Price S5o and COo. Sample bottle free. Daily, by mall, Daily and Sunday ,by raail,$8 a yeat day or two. Tho Atlai ' now a thing of tho past. Ad&reM TEX BUN, How Ytrk. Blerstela&Co. lMl-S3t-dw HOOD'S 1'ILIiS cure Mver Ills, Biliousness. Indlgestlou, Ileudache, A Dleaarnt laxative. Ail Druggist Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to California Without uhange of Cart. Leavlnz Washineton every Tuesday and Friday at 11:15 a. m., the Southern Railway operates Personally Conducted Tourist Ex cursions to San Franclso without change of cars, conductors or porters. The route is tbrouen Atlanta, Montgomery, New Orleans, Houston. San Antonlo.New Mexico. Arizonla. and Southern California. The cars are tho very latest pattern of Pullman Tourist Sleepers, rosowood llnlsh. havo hick back scats, unholstured iu rattan, are sixteen section, supplied with linen etc., same as stanaaru sleepers, nguion Dy rintscli uas. havo wldo vestibules, double sash roller curtains, lavatory, and smoking room for gentlemen, anu two retiring rooms for ladles. Three and one-half days to Mexico and Arizona, four days to I,oj Augelos and Southern California, and Ave days to San Francisco. Such service forTrans-Cbntlnental travel has never beioro been ouercd The tourist carfare Is less than via anv other routo, cftucting a saving of f2S.0O to jau.uu tor tne trip, All Information, maps and rates furnlslml on application to Claries h. Hopkins. Dis trict ratisunger Agent, oouinorn Hallway Knejltlvo Itnsslnn Ofllclal Arrested New York, Aug. 8. A Russian, known in the office of the Equitable Llfo Insuranco company, whero he was employed In the Russian department undor the name of Peter Peters, was arrested yesterday on a warrant sworn out by waldlmlr Teplow, the consul general of Russia at this port. Tho warrant charges that the prisoner, whoso name is Pierre Alexandra von Mohrenschlld, and who had tho rank of count In his native country, was a public ofllclal In the employ of the Russian government, and whllo thus employed embezlod 70,000 roubles. He was Indicted and fled to this country, whero he has been living about two years. Ho took out his first citizen's papers under the name of Peter Peters. He admits his identity. ennsylvania RAILROAD.. BCIIUYKILL DIVISION, Jdlt 1, 1V. Trains wlll leave attar la aooT '"o.J-Wl Qlltxrton, Fraokrtlle. Dark Water. 81. Clair, i'ottsTllle. Hamburg, Keadln.. I?,"t.wnJ I'hoenlxvllle. Norrlstoirn and Phfli adelpbla (llrd street station) al 815 and SCO a. m., a 10. S U p. m. on week days. Sundays. 8 Oi a. m., (31p.m. ' 2lr,l.?,Jw"'e PrMkrllle tor Bhenandoah al i ini "nd 8 8S, 7 SS p. m. Hundar - - - 1. C.UU U U. III. Leave PhllMlclnhf.. fllrnul .Im.1 .... . Shenandoah at 8 35 a. m.. 4 10 p. m. week dars. Sundays leave al 8 SO and 9 3 a. m. for lit 02pm. " ".- lave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, 011 NEW YORK. Eiprcas Weot-days, 8 S3, 400.440.800 ft t 8M.73S 8 25 8 S0. lOSl.lft SoTli '" noon. 1283, (Limited 1 oo amT 4 72 dm? 1 f v. iiiiiiii. aunoan. x 11 . rv. . 11CB, ota. .iff?ve.Po.'.,",e 'or Shenandoah (via Fraek JnlVJ3 ?2 . 10. 710p.m. 8undar .ww n. 11.. , U ,U p. J,,, nyS.1 blladelphU ( llroad street aiatlos) f PotUvllle.5 30.8a 1019 a. m., 1 90. 4 ld.7 f-weekdays. Sundays. 8 80, 8 21 a. m?j 00, S 13, 8 25, 9 50, JO II, 10 43. 11 a m 183, -230, 4 62 ILlmlted, -4 Ml. S M fh 02. 8 10,10 00 pm, 12 Of night ' rur iMMinn wiinnm rhanH 11 ni . . days, and 8 10 rV. m.Vdailf. w'- """'x i-lireas p arlor car, 1100 am weefe For Soa Qirt, Asbnrr Park-, n.- n Ja i'hiilAi5"hur'"'i.i s( a GUARANTEES TO CURE After the wcauea Rreaicii, moil ccieoraira ana wlivit tdTer1iiDElocton fail, no matter VIGOR DEulLITTi Aar AND ariy Abuses, Stood JHsnn, Stricture, .Shrunken or Tn- atwaovta oraant. iniutriy otuu one in ins woria to carts VARICOCELE without ruttinc Hook fret) Fxpofllnfferery adTerttninsr fraud, Elfctiiellelti wa aicn.iiiiteflieaicaiinaiHuiei.e'c. rresn cases curea initoiOftavs. Treatment br xul Instant roller. Philadelphia & Readinq R'y- Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke. IN EFFECT" JULY 1. 189. Trains leave Shenandoah as follows: For New York via Phli&delDhla. week dav. riO, 5 8S, 7 37, 9 53 a. ia 12 26, 8 09 aud 6 09 p. m. Sundnys, 2 10 n m. For New York via Chunk, week days 7 87a.m.. 1226 and 809t.m. For Iteadlnic and Philadelphia, week days, 2 10, 5 83, 7 87, 9 55 a. m., 12 26, 8 09 and 6 09 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a m. For i'ottsvllle. week aavs. 2 10. 7 87. 9 55 a. m. 12 26. 8 09, 6 09 and 7 30 p. m. Sundays, 210 am. ForTamaaua and Mahanov Cltv. week davs 210, 737, 955 a. m., U 26, 8 09 and 6 09 p. ro. -?unuays. z iu a m. ror wiuiamnpori, nunDury ana iewisburir, wees (lays. 11 . iiu a. m.. 1- -jo. t ou n. m Sundays, 3 27 a m. 87,9 53,1182 a.m.. 12 26, 8 09, 6 09,' 7 SO,' 9 54 '. m. Sundays, 2 10 and 8 27 a m. For Ashland and Shamnkin. week davs. 3 27. 7 87. 11 82 a. m.. 12 20. 3 09. 6 07. 7 25 and 1 55 l. m. ounuay, an a m. Tt.kO. R. It.. ihroUKb trains les" IleadlnR terminal, i-niiaaeipnia. r. it. is jc.) at tt'ju, 830ft m. For Lambertvllle. nastnti .n n .t - 9 00 a m. 13 op noon. 8 52, S 00 (Lambertvllle and" Ea-tononly), weekday, and 7 03 p m dalljr pn?dai'l? ' n WBekd"rs, and 7 OS Mount Pocono" specUL 100 p m Saturdays WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTIL For Baltimore and W..hlninn a in. m m . 10 20, 11 23 a m, 12 09. -12 86, 1 12, i liT'l 41 lV3 ConirrrHS onal Llm.f. s si i m V.! J "".Wn'Rh weekday,'. SundaVs. 8BO.rin! KrcMional Linv.), 5 84. 8 53, 7 81 p m and 11 OJ For Daltlmore, accommodation, 9 11 a m . .? 01.P m weJr days, 5 08 and 11 16 p m ds 1C IB J - 1 1 J i.'n 1"wy. ExprcegaM aod (83 iu. uaiiy. Norfolk and WmLiu t? . u n - M 11 n . and New Orleans, 5 SI p m dally. v neeopeake & Ohio Itallway, 781 p m, dally. For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk. W m weekdays, 11 10 p m dally. Leave Market ntrft l.., .j m prtos lot New York, 9 00 a m, 4 80 p m waek. days. For Long; Uranch via Seaside Park. 10 1 m, 1 bo and 4 00 n m weeklsya. Sundays stons at IntertnVi.n in 1 .1 ti v 1 . . Forlleaoli Haven and HarneuM Cllr! 910am ""',1 P,m ""kdaysj ISO pm 6aturdaya only. Sundays, 780am. For Tutkerton. BIO m anu (Ujpra weekdays. FOE ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad street sUtlon via Delaware river Ordinary household accidents hT0 no terrors when thero'a a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Ecloctrio Oil la tho medicine cheat. Ileals, Comiauy, 62$ Chestnut street, i'hiladelnhia J burn, cuts, bruises, sprains. Instant wltef. For Baltimore, Washington and the West via tr (P 7 53, 11 26 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 p. i Hundaya 8 20.7 00.1126 a.m.. 8 46 and 727 n. m. Addl- iionat irains irom lveniy-tourtn ana unest- nut streets station, week days, 1080 a. m. 12 20 13 18 8 40 p.m. Sundays. 1 85, 8 23 p. m. TRAINS FOU SHENANDOAH. Leave New York via Philadelphia, week days, 12 15, 4 SO, 7 30, 11 80 a. m and 1 80, 4 83, V W (J.U1. Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week davs. 4 80. 9 10 a. m.. 1 80. 4 40 n. m. Leave Philadelphia, Beading Terminal, week days, 4 bo, 8 se, 10 XI a. ra. and 1 86, 4 06, 6 II OU 11. III. Leave Beading-, week days, 137, 7 00, 1003, a, in.,iialiiilgwts.iii.iu. Leave Pottsviile. week days. 7 17. 7 40 a. m. 930. 12 80. 120. 4 80. 6 10 and 6 60 d. m. iihtq iaraaqua. wees: nays, a ist boo, 1120 a. m., i sv, o oq, i ju, v tt p. m Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 3 43, 9 04, ll a. m. a Ai, o j, d vi, y tf , luwp.m Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days. 2 40. 4 00 (SO, 922.1023.U0O, a. m 289, 886, 842,768 iuxi p m. Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 7 43, 10 00 a m., 14 o ana w, 11 w p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wharf and bouin sireetwnari lor Aiiantio t-Tly. W..l-Ja,,. 1.- . W, u nn n nn ll . , m ,,;ckujb i,.U--h a Wh.lVi IU M n III, lUU. 2 00,3 00, 3 40lxty minute, 4 00,4 IXUSOOsixty minute, 5 30, 7 15, p m. Accomodation, 8 13 a m. 5 30, 630 pm. Sundays Express. 730. 8 00, 8 30,9 00. 10 00 am, 4 43,7 15 pm. Accommoda tion, 8 15 a m, 4 43 p m. 11.00 Excursion 7 00 a in dally and 7 30 Sundays. Leave Atlantlo City Depot t Weekdays Ex press, 645 Mondays only), 7 00,7 43, 7 50 from Baltic ave. station only, 8 30, 9 00, 1015, 1100 am, 8 30, 4 30, ft 30, 730, 980 pm. Accommo dation, 4 25, 8 00 am, 3 00pm. Sundays Ex press, 3 SO, 4 00, 8 00, 6 no, 8 30. 7 00, 7 30. 8 00, 6 30 u m. Accommodation. 7 IS a m. 4 30 tr-ni. tl-00 Excursion, weekdays 6 00pm, Sundays 8 10. Wnw IW.n Oil.. L'.. r ,1a... Q 1. fl 1 . 2 15. 4 15. 5 13 Dm. Sundavs 8 43. A Is m. 4 ik p iu. IL.UU excursion inurauay ana Bunaay 7 ou a m. For Cape Mar and Sea Isle City Weekdays-. 9 15 a m, 2 30, 4 13 p in. Sundays 8 43 a an 4 43 pm. s i.uu excursion suuuays only, 7 oo am. Additional for Cape May Weekdays 854 ni. miiuij'ividaiiit Parlor Cars on all express trains. For further Information, apply to nearest Philadelphia and Beading Hallway ticket agent T. A. HVHdlin. V Wwwwa Gen'l Bup Gen'l Paas'r Xrt . .1 1 m. . I . 1 , . .. MaiiiiB iviiumsi, jraiiaoeipniA. Leavo Market Street teal d. m Wharf Rxpreas. IN. 100 uu. 1 13 minutesi. in no era min,,iu . M- ,.r 8oturdaya only), (75 minutes), 2 OtuYo rainules), 3 00 (75 mlnutea), 8 80 ( 60 minutes), 4 00 (tf (73 minute), 5 00 W minutes 30 163 mlnuteal n. m. Hnnil.. hiyi ".L;"-? ? I75 minutes, 8 80 75 mlautea, CO ITS minutes ,1000 70 mtnute.1 a.m.nj BO 75 minutes n. m. II m ir.Ti-m.inn tt 7 00 am week-days. Sundays, 7 00 and 7 80 a m. rr uipeaiay, Aogieeea, wuio, nellr Beacli Lxpress, 9 00 a m, 230,409 (100 minutes J. 5 00 pro week-days. Sundays, 8 JO a m. For Cape May only, 1 30pm Saturdays. 11.00 Ux curslon train, 700 a. m. dally. For Sea Isle aty. Ocean City, Avalon and Stone Harbor Express 9 10 am, 1M, 4 20,8 00 pmweexuaya. Hunaays, 8 SO a m. tlXOExeaa. slon train, 700 a m daily. For Somen' Point Expmw, 8 00,88, 1000 at m, (100 Saturdays only), 2 00, 8 00,4 00, 803,8 89 p m weekdays. Sundays, ft 00, 8 CO, 9 00 and 10 00 am, 4 80 pm, The Union Transfer Company will call far and check baggage from hotels and residence. Dining Car. B. Hctchisbox, J. b. Wood, Qen'l Manager. Qen'l Paas'g'r Ajr I75 OK PRABOWSKY HOTEL, M riti innmrw t. -1 UIUUIUITO&I, 11U1. 819 N. Centre St., Pottsviile, Pau1 old Whiskeys, Gins and Wlno,aS theba a mum una oi vigara ana xempes ance Drinks. Aooommodattons tor traveler. Meals al all bond toi at PoTlnxky's 'drag store, B. Oenlre irreell ffAlUN'STANXY PILLS JWkXiM, lh For sale at KIrlln's drug store and Siajundosi drux.ltor