The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 07, 1899, Image 3

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v,w VoC.CI(NTiriCi;aLtNDIMCkC. ,
Sold In Shenandoah nt
Onl th by null sent to ony address.
Will cnultcntn from your system tho llngor-
Inn effects of grip and other ailments caused!
by tho severe winter, and malaria, rheutna 1
tlnm. neuraluia. catarrh, stomach, kidney,
liver and uorvottd disorders, paralysis, blood
nn,l .kin riii. and ohronlo and funo-
tlonal dcmngomonU. Tho mountain climate
of Hot Springs la 1 atiA delightful In
Bummer. 100 hotels opon. the yewr around.
For Illustrated literature, containing all
Information, address 0. F. Cooley, Manager
Bulsness Men's League, Hot Springs, Ark.
For'reduccd excursion tickets and par
ticulars of tho trip, address W. A. Turk,
Geu'l Pass. Act., Boutlioru By,, Washington,
D. 0,, or C. L. Hopkins. District Passenger
Aunnt. 828 Chestnut St.. Phila., Pa. 0-1-lm
and Llvor
Sold by all druggists
or sent by mall.
JNtrvlta Meslctl Co., Cblcito
Bo box contains IS pills. Sold by Kltlln's drug
store, Shenandoah, Pa.
rDt.. t".i,1I.1 Diamond rtrand.
OrlLlnalaodllnlrCn"""- w
,lfr.nlD Ited H4 OoJln.lme,
lbI,. .led tth bios libbon. Take
no other. RruM danMroul fufcilflu- V
"mwdinllliMi. .(Drinli.araa.
la immpt for pirtlantin, iMtlovinUM nd
"ll.llel lor i.n.iiir. -r - " .T
A-FEVERS. Lime Foircr, Milk Fcrer.
H. "IbFIIAINB. Inmcncn, llhcumollitn.
gjj jKriZOOTIC, Dlatemper.
cubes 1 WOBM8, Dot., drubs.
gjcOUailS. Cold.. inOuenza.
PjjPjj COLIC. Dcllvncho. Diarrhea.
n.G. ProTcnti SIISCAnillAOE.
Cliitcs 5 MJUSO E, Skin lllieanen.
J- K.. I DAD COXI1ITIO.V, Staring Coat.
COc. each! Btablo Cao, Ten Spoclflcs, Boot, , fto, T.
At drUBBlsts or sent prepaid on reeelpt of price.
nnnnmn1 lledlclne do. Cor. William if John
nnri Prostration from Over
work or other causes.
Humphreys1 Homeopathic Specific
No. S8; In use over AO years, the only
successful remedy.
$lpervial,oro vlal and largo vial powder.for $3
ui k or leot doiI-dkU onrclpt ct prices
nCM'UUXrS'BltD. CO.iCor.UUi JghaSU.,MwIf
A box of our
MtanL rnniLi mew
Is an exhilarating
stimulant during
the hot summer
DoHvorod at your home.
Columbla Brewing; Company.
The only pleasure resort find
nicnic Grounds in tins region.
Solendid lake of fresh water. Ice
and wood, free, to all picnic parties
to prepare and preserve meals.
orchestra is established here lor the
entire season. For particulars
p. J. YOST, Prop.,
parnesyllje, Pa.
News Opinions
National Importance
PaiJy, by mail,
$6 a year
Pally and 8unday,by mail,?8 a year
The Sunday Sun
ia the greatest Sunday newspape
In the world.
Price 5c i mi Bj Nil, 32 I M
AdoroM TEE 8 CM, Vov Tone.
CBtVhit.Fciemieiuk.'ii;'.'j-". I the Quincy mino, repairing tho tim-oc-i),uki.u.
1,,,LAUA- berlng, yesterday. Alt were standing
Oponing of tho Court Martial
Whion Will Glvo Him Liberty.
ljln Document llolnjj Consliloroil llo-
Jilnil CIciHoit Doom, mill tho Flrnt
I'ulillo Hrsstott Will l'rolmlil.v llo
Hold on Tlmrmlny.
Uonncs, Franco, Aug. 7. Tho second
trial of Captain Alfred Droyfus on tho
chnrce of treason, brought nbout by
tho recent agitation throughout tho
civilized world, began this morning.
After the Indictment had been road tho
president of tho court martial, Colonel
Jouauast, ordered tho doors closed for
tho consideration of the secret dossier,
which will ' be presented by General
Chnmoln, Tho consideration of tho
dossier, It Is expected, wilt occupy two
days, so that tho public session will
probably bo on Thursday, although per
haps not until Friday. Tho general
Impression is that tho wholo proceed
ings will occupy nt least threo weeks,
The town Is gxtromoly animated, but
ovorywhoro perfect tranquillity pro.
yalls. Public Interest la concentrated
upon tho arrival from Paris of various
personages llkoly to figure In tho trial
f Captain Dreyfus, Among those are
Generals Do Ilolsdeffro, Gons and Ro-
get, M. Godofroy Cavatgnac, former
minister of war, and M, Caslmlr-Porler,
ormor presiacni or. France.
A largo crowd greeted tho gonerals
on niKhting from tho train with cries
pf "Vivo l'nrmoo." Tho revisionist
spectators responded with "Vivo la re-
publiquo, but thero was no disturb
nnce of order.
M. Caslmer-Porler, who was much
fatigued by tho lone railway Journoy.
decided to walk tq tho hotel, hoping
that he would not be recognlzod, but
his identity soon became known and a
largo crowd followed him as ho walked
Blowly along, chatting with the pre
fect of polico and tho chief of the bo
crot polico, M, Ylgulr, who met him at
the railway station. The crowd made.
no demonstration. Tho authorities,
however, deom it wiso to maintain the
most stringent precautions for the
safety of tho former presldont, and six
gendarmes patrol tho front of the hotel
where ho has apartments , while ts,
number of detectives watch tho en-,
trance hall closely and scan all ar
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible Hum. Staid.
Cut or llruise. Hucklen's Arnica Salv?, the
best in the world, will kill the pain and I
promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever I
bores, Ulcers, JJoiis, I'elons, Corns, all bkm
Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only
25cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by
A. Wasley, Drugeist.
Fell Throb Ililndrpd Toot to Dentil.
Hdufihton, Mich., Aug. 7. Pour min
ers wertVorking on tho 49th level of
on one ladder, tno uotioih '"Uicn
they failed to mako secure. Tho lad
der gave way, throwing all four Into
the shaft. They fell 300 feet, ana ono
man was killed instantly, two others
probably fatally Injured, and the
fourth badly hurt.
Young Mothers.
Crono is the terror of thousands of young
mothers because Its outbreak is so aconizing
nnd frequently fatal. Shiloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure acts like made In cases of
croup. It lias never oeen Known to tan. lao
worst cases roliovcd immediately. Price 25
cts., EO cU. and fl.OO. Bold by P. D. Kirlln
on a guarantee.
ftnmonn ConunlsMlnnors Arrive
San Francisco, Aug. 7. Tho United
States steamer Badger, with two of
tho Saraoan commissioners, arrived
yesterday eight days from Honolulu
and 19 days from Apia. United States
Poinmissloner Bartlett Tripp and the,
representative Of Uormany, yaron.
Sternborg, made tho trip from Samoa
without their confereo, 0. N. E. Elliot,
the commissioner for Great Britain
who sailed from Apia to New Zealand,
intending to proceed by way of Au
stralla to London to report to his gov
ernmont. Commissioners Tripp and
Von Sternberg will depart for Wash'
lngton tonight.
PbalB Into Your Shoes
Allen's Voot-Bae, a powder for the feet. It
cures painful, swollen, smarting, nervous
feet, and Instantly takes the stink out nt
corns and bunions. It's tho greatest contort
discovery of tho ago. Allen's Foottgiso
makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a
certain euro for sweating, callous and hot,
tired, aching feet. Try It to-day. Sold by
all druggists and shoe stores, lly mail for
"Tin in stumps. Trial package KRKK. Ad
dress,. Allen S. Olmsted, Le Boy, N. Y.
That WliolcinliiExoominunlcnttoii.
St. Louis, Aug. 7. In all tho church-
s of East st. Louis yesterday a lot-
cernlng the rebellion in St. Patrick's
congregation. Tho bishop glvos tho
parishioners until next Wednesday to
recognize Father Cluse, his appointee,
as pastor of the church. All who re
fuse to submit after that aay will be
i. t- tl, rn,lli
MAVUlUlllUfllUUlUM IfUlil 'tlfD UtHL4l,li
church. All who in any manner lden
tlfy themselves with tho opposition to
Episcopal authority come under tho
ban. Excommunication in this caso
I will bUL uii ivv uuiuuka nuui
Many a Lover,
lias turned with disgust from an otherwise
lovable girl with an oflentlve'breatli. Karl's
Clover Boot Tea purifies the breath by its
action on tlio bowels, etc., as nothing else
wllli Sold for years on absolute guarantee.
Price 23 cts. and SO cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlln
on a guarantee.
Illicit DlHtlllorlctt Untried.
Chattanooga, Aug. 7 United States
revenue officers Saturdny night raided
two illicit distilleries operated within
three miles of Chickamauga Park. Both
establishments did a land office busi
ness last year in supplying whisky to
soldiers at Chickamauga Park, and
had defied arrest, tho soldiers aiding
the moonshiners la keeping tho officer
u ii luu trucH, xioiu uuiib wero tu uu-
ivp 'operation whpn raided. The mrst
(iistiuery raiaeq was connuctea d?
losos Long and the second by 0. V,
Lnimm. The latter escaped,
A Card.
We, the undersigned, do .hereby agree fa
refund tho monoy ou a "M-ceut bottle of
Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it falls
to cure your cough or cold. Wo also guaran.
tea a 25-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Wasley, O. II. Hacen
buch, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W.
Blerstoin & Co. ll-R33t-dw
i .
Tho Kind You Ilavo Always
in uso lor over 30 yenrs, hns homo tho sigiintiiro of
-nmi ms hcon niailo mulcr Ids per-y45fj7r-
supervision slnco Its inlhncy.
wzrrjr. 4CCA4W, Allow no one to ilcccivo you In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes arc hut Ex
periments that trlllo with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Kxpcrlcnco against Experiment.
Castorla is a substitute for Castor OH, Paregoric, Drops
ami aootlilng Syrups. It Is Harmless and Plcnsntit. It
'contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrcotlo
Huhstancc. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcvcrhjlmcss. It cures lilnrrhoja runl 'Vkid
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tlio
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Boars tlio
The Kind You tee Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
mom -m 1 v&Qiojfs-
Paid Purchases
will bo soht FREICHT PREPAID
to any rnllroad station In MAINE,
of S or more Tn. AVN
Send for our Book, "A Bird's Eye View of New York" and Its Greatest Storo-CtS'TOKCS-beautlfully
illustrated and very Interesting. Tells you all about J6W
York and how to go about. Fats ron the abkisOj
WEiiit wm
! Brazilian Balm tox Tablets
"I am
1 i..'ui
xi is goon
TnPfHn?np ?t is worth its weiirht m
km. ttr iTrl. n
xuc vv uuian v v,UuSUtu,
that is claimed for her and more too.
in this locality. Thev ouirht to be
,ri1,i antra nivieiTir1s nf Uvpa fnr
people here use them." Miss Sara
Brazilian Dalm at Druggists, 25
for the money than any other remedy.
WltU every $1.00 bottle of Balm you get
XfREic. Do not fail to try these remarkable remedies.
B. F.Jackson
Shenandoah, Drug Stare,
If, when contemplating a trip to any point
West or Southwest of tho Mississippi River,
you will purchase tickets via tho Missouri
Pacifio Ry , or Iron Mountain Route (which
are on sale at all principal ticket offices in
the United States), you will have all the
comforts nnd luxuries of modern ratlwav
equipment, and the finest opportunities for
viewing all of nature's museums aqd marvels
of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Texar,
Old and New Moxlco, California, etc Ex
cursion tickets to all principal points at
greatly reduced rates. On account of tho
National Education Association mooting at
Los Angeles in July, wo will mako special
fW tVinrlil ir r Vll tra IVIinn nnnfanmlnrlnra
jL tr,p We8t wrlto ns m
Information and rock bottom figures. W
E. Hoyt, O, E. r. Agent. J. P. McCunn, T,
P, Agent, 891 Broadway, New York. 4-22-tf
IIOOD'S PILLS euro lilver lib,
Biliousness, Indlgestlou, Headache,
Dlewat laxative. All Druggist
Bought, uiul which hns been
Signaturo of
sogiety mdy
glad of the opportunity to pub
llcly commend Brazilian Balm and Toxlcola
They are certainly very excellent
us x tau ramji um '""6
They have kept me in splendid health, S9 X Havana, Aug. 7. General Juan Ist
i i j i 11 - i,.it., i., v dro Jlmlnez, who, with six Cubans and
have never had to call a physician since I foII natlve. of San Domlnco. left Un
used them. Brazilian Balm is the one thing
n. r,j eiti.M fWo
Luaibuiu uiv-i "
behind: nnd for colds, cousrhs. catarrh and
- t i.... tf ..,oi Ami
4UliS iruuui;a, ucvw .v-w wHv
Toxlcola is the most wonderful thing to put
vigor and life into the system I ever saw. It
corrects bilhousness, tones up the nerves,
clears the complexion and purifies the blood, ridicules the idea that Jimlnez, an ex
r. j -.A: r- A Tf1l porlsnced conspirator, would tell a
uuy umc u. wwua
eold. I know Miss i. l,. ciark,
nA c,r tWo romrf1ipt rlirl nil
I kuow of a great maqy cures
in every home in America. They
thev cure the worst cases.
The best
Elmina Reynolds, Indianapolis, Iud.
cts., SO cts. and $1.00 a bottle. More doses
Toxlcola Tablets IS cts. and 50 cts. a box.
a month's treatment of Toxlcola Tablets
& Co., Mfg. Chemists, Indianapolis, Int,
Wholesale and Retail Agents,
Fenonally Conducted Tourist Excursions to
California Without change of Cars.
Leavinir Washlnctou every Tuesday and
cursions to San Franclso without chango of
cars, conductors or porters. The route is
Houston. San Aiitoulo.New Mexico. Arizonia:
and Southern California. Tho cars nro the
very latest pattern of Pullman Tourist
Sleepers, rosewood finish, have high back
seats, Hpuoiswreu ii rauuu, re sixvecu
section, Buppiieu w u ... eu v., us
standard a ueners. l suteii uv 1'intscn ua.
inv wMn veatihules. doublo aaii miier
curtains, lavatory, and smoking room for
gentlemen, and two retiring rooms for ladles,
Tliroo auu one-nan nays to juexico ann
Arizona, four days to Los Augelos and
Southorn California, and flvo days to San
Francisco. Such sorvice for Trans-Continontal
travel has never beforo boon offered.
ror the trip.
All Information, maps and rales furqislicd
trict fcuseiiKcr Agent, Boutbern Itallway
uompauy, 8.3 uueamm eiroet, I'iinadolnhla
Scoro of Persons Drownod by tho
Croaking of a Gang Flank.
I'rrrlpltntoil Into tlio Wnler, nnd Mnny
Hnlilt llom-ntli tlu Wnvot Whllo
Ciilloliliiir llnuh Otlior In n Dentil
Ornjiplii All Worn Itxourxlonlntn.
Bar Harbor, Me., Aug. 7. A aeoro
of porsons were killed yesterday by
the collapse of a gangplank of tho
Mount Desert ferry. Seventeen wore
drowned and three died from the ter-
rlblo experience of Immersion In the
wator and Injuries while struggling for
Following Is a list of the dead so far
as now known: Mrs. William Mur
ray, of Brewer; Irving Bridges, West
Hancock; Albert Colson, Levant; Mrs.
Alonzo 1 Oakes. Ilimgor; Miss Qraco
Bummer, Bangor; Joseph Murphy Old-
town; Mrs. HOllls W. Bstoy, Ells
worth; Clifford Ctishmnn, Corinth;
Miss Lizzie Ward. Bangor; Charles W.
Downos, Hllsworth; F. E. Stweetsor,
travollng salesman, Portland; Ora M.
Lank, Danfnrth; Mr. and Mrs. O. H.
Bonnott, Brewer; Mrs. Charles Stover,
Ellsworth; Meivln McCard, Corinth;
Mrs. A. II. Blillnes. Bangor: Mrs.
Ge'orgo Derwont, Bangor; Miss Icwls,
Hampden; tmxnown woman, believed
to be a rHileewomnu for a Boston pub
lishing house
The 'Maine Contral railroad ran ex
cursions to Bar Harbor from all sec
tions of its lino In Malno, tho attrac
tion bolng tho warships, which wero
expected yesterday.
All the morning long trnlns pnekod
with excursionists wero rushing to Bar
Harbor. Tho train which le : Bangor
at 8:25 consisted of 12 cars jammed
with people. At Mount Dosort ferry,
tho terminus of the line, the train is
loft for tho boat, for an olght mile
sail to Bar Harbor. From the wharf
a slip, or gangplank, 40 feot long and
10 feet wldo, led up to the boat. Tho
slip was hinged nt the Inner end, tho
outer end being supported by chains,
by which It was ralsod or lowered to
suit tho tido. Tho wharf extends on
both sides flush with the end of tho
wooden gangplank. Flvo timbers, four
by twelve inches, Bet vertically ran tho
length of tho plank, and these wore
crossed by two Inch planking. It la
said that there was no support for the
plank between tho hinges at tho outer
When tho oxcursion train from Ban
gor arrived nt the ferry thero was a
rush for tho steamor Sappho. The
first few passengers had crossed the
gangplank safely, and It is estimated
that 200 pooplo wero massed on tho
plank. Suddenly they fell, tho plank
giving away beneath them. The long
timber supporting the plank broke in
the middle. Tho hinges hold up ono
end and the chain tho othor, whllo tho
broken ends of the plank dropped, nnd
a struggling, screaming mass of hu
manlty was plunged Into tho water 15
feet below tho wharf. A few clung to
tho Inclined sides of tho plank, but at
least 150 were struggling in tho water.
Tho piling of the wharf practically
penned them In on thrco sides, and tho
boat lying at the wharf closed the
outer end of tho oponing.
Hopes and life preservers wero thrown
to the crowd, but in the panic tho peo
pie In tho water clutched ono nnothor,
and many sank thus in groups in a
death struggle. Many taken from tho
water were unconscious and were re
vlved with difficulty. Tho freight
houso nt the ferry was turned Into a
morguo, the bodies being taken thero
for Identification as fast aa recovered.
By noon 17 had been recovered. Threo
othor persons wero taken on board
the Sappho, and died on tho way to
Bar Harbor.
Tho oxact number of dead will not bo
known for some time yet, as a strong
tldo sweeps under the pier, and some
bodies may have been carried away
by It. A diver, who was sot to worlt
Without delay, was ongaged In his
search until 5 o'clock, but only 17
bodies were found.
Sick Headaches,
The curso of overworked womankind, aro
quickly and surtly cured by Karl's Clover
Root Tea, the great blood purifier and tissuo
bulldor. Monoy refunded if not satisfactory.
Price 25 cts. and 60 eta. Sold by P. D. Kirlln
0n a guarantee.
.nrinnoar itornrns to niivnnn,
vana Saturday afternoon, supposedly
bound for San Domingo, returned to
his home In San Lazaro street Satur-
day evening, bringing his baggage,
Tho supposition is that, on finding ho
wag closoIy watcnedi Uo decided to
await a bettor opportunity. Should ho
art again he wm-tinerfered
nrmod expedltlon. General Ludlow
newspaper of his filibustering plans,
Bucn U"B a" "" wmniim
whero Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
,s kept iay. Nature's remedy for
every looseness of the bowels,
Tlio Qiinrntitluo 1'rootlvo.
Newport Nows, Va., Aug. 7. There
were no deaths or new casos of yellow
fever at the Hampton Soldiers' Homo
yesterday, and the authorities feel cer
tain that they have succeeded in, efi
fectually checking the d.lsMase. Nq
other cases of yellow fover have been
reported at Phoebus. U ia thought now
that quarantine restrictions will be
modified this week, and that they will
soon be removed altogether.
To-Nlght and To-Morrow Night
And each (lav and nlcht during this week
yoa an get at any drUKgisU Kemp's Balsam
for tho Throat and Lungs, acknowledged to
bo the most successful remedy ever sold for
Get a bottle tUy and Veep
it always in tho house, sq yon can check your
cold at on,co. Price S5o and 50c. Sample
001110 ,reei
soiiSutm to I.Puvo Clovolnnd
Cleveland, Aug. 7. It is announced
I tlia.t all the mllltnry will bo withdrawn
f -om cievoland perhaps before tonight.
vnotorrtnv won nno nf thfi nulfitnat rtnva
------ ---
since tho beginning of tho strike. Vlo
lenco has ceased entirely, nnd thero Is
no apprehension of a fresh outbreak,
i TVin nMInn nf thu mnrchnnta fn rlnclnr.
,ng the r purpp8o to resist tho boycott
1 nI-fianv 'wCi itB Gff6C Tha cars
bas alreaay .nnu.ll e.u. lna ca.ra
were well patronized yesterday on the
Euclid and Cedar lines, and there wan.
f """-"p"" .r -
nao Blood Blttere glvoa a man a dear
. ttctlv0 hma 8 8tr0u vigorous
ixxiy manca uim nv tor tno uatuu oi uio.
They Ar Tliorotlirhty l'repurert Tor
n I.onn nml lllomly War.
Austin. Tex., Aug. 7. A special dis
patch received here yesterday from
TerratM. Chihuahua. Mexico, which is
located near the scene of the Yaqui
prison. Is to the effect that the Indians
are arranging for a prolonged war.
The dispatch says:
"The Mexican government win neeu
a long time and a big force of troops
to quell the rebellion. The Yaquia are
better prepared now than ever before
for a long -nd bloody campaign. 1 uey
nre all well fixed financially, nearly all
of them having saved the $200 per head
which the Mexican government paid
them when they signed the treaty of
peace two years ago. They nave been
making money since then, too, and it
is known that they have been laying in
big supply of arms and ammunition
for some time past. It has been com
mon talk among the American prospec
tors In the Yaqul valley that the In
dians wore preparing for another out
break, but as the braves had always
shown a friendly spirit towards tho
Americans It was thought they would
not molest them when they do go on
the warpath. They are determined to
recover all of their lost country, how
over, and will kill everybody they find
within tho limits of their old posses
sions." The dispatch also says that a num
ber of miners and ranchmen In and
near Cocorl had been slalu and tholr
property laid waste.
Hovontcon Kfllod on French Ifiillway.
Paris, Aug. 7. Tho official Investiga
tion Into tho collision Saturday even-
I: : at .Tiivlsy, a suburb of Paris, on
the southern side, between the Orleans
line's Paris and Nantes train and the
Paris and Lyons Mediterranean train,
Fhow that 17 persons wore killod and
Z injured.
Do you feel all tired out? Do you some,
times think you just can't wotk away at
your profession or trade any longer? Do
you liae a poor appetite, and lay awake nt
night unable to sleep? Are your nerves
all trone. and your stomach too?
Has ambition to forge ahead ft in the
If so.
ou might
as well put
stop to your
mlery. You can do
It If you will. Dr.
rlerce'a Golden
Medical Discovery
will make you a dif
ferent individual. It
will set your slug-
Ish liver to wort
It will get into every
vein in your body
and purify your
blood. Itwill set things right inyourstom
ach, and your appetite will come back. If
there is any teudency in your family toward
consumption, it will keep that dread de
stroyer away. Even after consumption has
almost gained a foothold in the form of a
lingering cough, bronchitis, or bleeding at
the lungs, it will bring about speedy cure in
oS per cent, of all cases. It is a remedy pre
pared by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y.,
whose advice is given free to all who wish to
write him. His great success has come from
his wide experience and varied practice.
O. S. Copenhaver, of Mount Union,
Uuntiusdon Co., Pa. (Box ). writes; "About
twelve years ago I was suddenly taken with a
pain In the pit of the stomach which was to vio
lent I could not walk straight. It would grow
more severe until It camed waterbrash anil vom
Itlne or a kllray yellow water. A phytcian told
me I hail a form of dyipepsia nml treated me for
about sir raonttw wttn uui uiue Dtncnt. An
other nhvslcinn told me mv liver was out of or
der and that I had Indigestion. He gave rae a
treatment and I got some better but only for a
hnrt tlmp. T then tried atiotheronc. who aaid I
had chronic indigestion, ulcratlon of the lining
of the stomach, torpid liver and kidney affection,
lie treated me for more than a yenr and I felt
ruuci better, but it did not last I then took to
usiug several widely advertied patent medi
cines, UUI receivea no more infill temporary re
lief. I then tried Dr Tierce's medicines, using
his ' Golden Medical Discovery and the ' Picas
ant rellets,' and in two months' time I was feel
ing better than I had for years before "
Dou t be wlieeuiea uy a penny-graoDing
dealer into taking inferior substitutes for
Dr. Pierce's ineillcines, recommended to
be "just as good."
so-called Rreateit, molt celebrated and
wtvott idTcrtlelnc doctors fall, no matter
Abuses, Iltoo&i'oison Siricturtt, Shrunken or Un
developed organ. JtittTtly the only one I n th s world
to cars VARICOCELE without ratting. Uookfrea
exposing ercry aaTeninineiraua, tiectricneit Bwin
dleri.falcA Medical Institutes, e'e fresh ecu tcvrti
in 4 tow 'iuf Treatment by mall Instant i Utr,
Philadelphia &
Readinq R y.
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke.
Trains leave Sbenandoab a. follows;
For New York via Phlladelnhla. week dava.
210, 3 38, 7 87, 9 65 a. in., 12 2o, 8 09 and 8 09 -p. m.
Sunda) s, 2 10 a m.
For New York via March Chunk, week daya
7 87 a. m,, 12 26 and 8 09 p. m.
For Heading and l'mladeiphla, week days,
10. 5 S3. 7 37. 9 6S a. m.. 12 26. 8 00 and 00 n m
Sundays, 2 10 a in.
for l'oltavlllo, week aays, 2 10, 7 87, 9 63 a. m.
12 24, 8 09, S 09 and T 30 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a in.
For Tamaoua and Mahanoy Cltv. week ci&vn
2 10, 737, 96S a, m., 12 28. 3 09 and 09 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 n in.
trot vviiiiarnpori. Hunoury and lewlaburjr,
Sundays, 3 27 a m.
Fa, Plan. DMkri.v. 1 1(1 om ,n
787.9 83,1183 a, rn., 12 28, 8 09, 't 09, ' 7 80,' 9 tri
p. m. Sundays, 3 10 and 3 27 a m.
For Ashland and Sharookln. week days, 3 27,
i Ai. ii u a. m.. 12 oirt. i -a ana iDan.m.
Sunday. 8 27 a m.
ror uaitimore, waaninKton and the West via
B. Sc O. It. Ii., through trains le-i Readlni;
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. A R. B B.) at 8 20,
i u, ii n a. m., o iu nnu ix u. Ejunaaya
a -, , vu, , , m. in., u ,y nuu I ml p. Ul. Auai'
tlonal trains from Twenty-fourth and Cheat-
mil streets station, week days, 10 so a. m. 12 20
13 118 40 p.m. Sundays, 183, 8 23 p.m.
Leave New York via Phlladelnhla. wrak
days, 1Z 13, 4 BO, J i0, U IK) a. tn and 1 80, 4
9 00 p.m.
ueave new vort via waucn chunk, week
days. 4 80. 9 10 a, m.. 1 80. 4 40 D. m.
Leave Philadelphia, lleadlns Terminal, week
aays, i ou, o oo, iu Jl a. m. ana 1 so, 4 08, 6
11 88 p. rn.
u ueaainK, weeE aays, 197, 7 00, 1008.
111. , lm IU, 1 I,, U U, O U J. III.
Leave Pottsvtile. weekdays. 717. 7 40 a. m.
9 30. 12 80. 1 20. 4 80. 8 10 and 6 50 n. rn.
ijeave, wees: aays, s ia, 0 80, 1120
a iu. 1 1 v, o 00, 1 jv, v p. m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week day, 8 43, 9 04,
11 47 a. a., 2 22, 5 23, 8 24, 7 44, 10 08 p. m
Lve uananny fiane. week days. 3 40. 4 00
880. 9 22.10 23.12 00, a. m., 289, 888. 8 42,168
10 21pm.
Leave Wllluunsport, week days, T 12, 10 00 a
m., 13 84 ana 4 00, 11 QQ. p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street whirl and
II ... 1 . - , 1 l. , , . ...
duuiu nuaii iiirAii.uiia uuy.
Ur.H.. 11 nn nrui , i . ,m
,1 . V U..J . on, u II lJ, ,11, I
200, a 00, 3 40 sixty minute, 4 00, 4 80.(500 sixty
minute, 6 80, 7 15, p m. Accomodation, G 15 a
nil 5 30, 690 p m. Hiuidaya Rxpre&s, 7 30, 8 00,
8 30,000, 10 00 am, 4 43, 7 15 pm. Accommoda
tion, 6 13 a ni, 4 43 pni. J 1.00 Excursion 700 a
111 uauy anu7 uuBunaaya,
Leave Atlantic City Depot t Weekdays Rx
rress, 613 Mondays only, 7,00,7 43, 17 30 from
laltloave, station only, 8 30, 9 00, 10 15, 1100
am, 3 30, 4 30, 5 80, 730, 9 30 pin. Accommo
dation, 4 23, 8 00 a m, 3 60 n m. Sundava Hi
pretia, 380, 400, 300, 600, 630. 7 00, 780. 8 00,
6 3i! n m. Accommodation. 7 13 a in. 4 30 11 m.
11.00 Kxcurslon, weekday. 6 00 p m, Sundays 6 10,
ror ucean L.iiy neeaaays 943, v Vi a 111,
115. 415. 515 nm. Sundays & 45. S 13 a ni.4 45
p m. 11.00 excursion Thursday and Sunday 7 00
a in.
For Cape May and Sea Isle Cltv Weekday
915am, 280,415pm. Sunday 8 43 a m 443
n m. a i.uu excursion uuuuava onl v. 7 on a m.
Additional for Cape May Weekday 8 M
n 111. auiiunjavuniu,
Parlor Cars en all expreaa train.
For further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket a tent
ur Himtw
T A Hwvtmnn ITncw V HT..
8!??. !:! Art,
sw J J
rSB mi lain 1 1
If You
"Fagged Out,"
nnd would like to feel and look well, l
rei-ommendCELERT KinGtoyou
bold ' DnigglstK. IrlM, . nd Kk I
You can blame
jourself If you
do n't get real
ood co ire a to
rink. Ordinary
coffee is made de
licious by adding
sntiUrj'4. fe.,tt.
for Seeds'.
A litUe of Urs
ladmlxture to
"cheap coffee
make ndellciouv
i drink and saves expense
Ofllcfr Rffan bulldlnr. corner of Msln ,n
Centre streein, Bheniindoftn.
Ofllco : Cor. C3entni and Wiitta ittwU
to Justice Toomcy'a offlco.
Lock Box 65, Mahanoy City, Pa.
IITlnir Mudled nnder soma nf tha Inl
mastera In Ixndon and I'tris. will lw.n.
on the violin, mandolin, gulur and vocal caltur.
Terms reasonable. Address In cars of Htroiso.
the leweler Hhanandnah.
poiirrrKiLL DrviaioN.
Tratna will leave Hhenandoah alter tna aeova
'or Wlmn, Gllberton, FrackTllle, Dark
S r, 8t. Clair, l'ott-vllle. ll.mburic, lUadlng,
I Jtw, l'hoenlxTflle. Worrlnlown and Fhlll
a4elphla (UrAd street station) at tit and 8 OS
a m., 2 10, IS p. m. on week days. Sundays.
BMs. In., i a) p. m.
, m!?..1"" Prackvllle for Shenandoah at
7 88 I14a.m. .and HM, 7 8S p. m. Sundar
II 01 a. ru. and S S3 p. m.
.ii0,I'0.,.Hl"le 'or Shenandoah (via FrmeW
villa) 7 10, 11 M a. m., S 10, 7 10 p. m. Sunday, S 10 p. m. '
Leave i I'lilladelphla, (Ilrood street sUtlon), for
Bhcaandoah at 8 23 a. m.. 4 10 p. in. weak dari.
Sundays leave at o SO and 9 23 a. m.
..f"" I'h'tadelphla (llroad street aUHon) for
l'ottsvllle.oSO.Ba?, 10l a. m., ISO. 4 10,711
p. m. weekdays. Sundays, 8 50, a, ni, and
e 03 p id.
tave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
lArVt- T . 1 .. a.w, I W, 1
rl nn nil a ot n m m .-I .'. " Tr
wwuui.iiui meni HundaTi. B3l A cut am
7 02,8 10, 10 00 pm. 1201 nlghi
i miHiMoii wunout cnance, II 01 a ra woak
daya, and 8 10 p. m.. dally.
Cntsktll Rxmvaa rP.rtnvM.l 11m. 1-
d , " - w'
For Sen Olrt, Aahury Park. Oman Orora
Jxhib Iironcli, 4 05, 6 30, 8 80, 11 44 a m, 3 41, 8 3
4 08 pin weekdays; 300 p m Saturdays only!
Sundays stops at Interlaken for Anbury Parkll
4 05 nnd 830 a m. '
For Lambenvllle, Raston and Seranton. ((9.
00 am. 12 00nvin.flA? a nr. n ...1 V
Raston onlvl. wiwltrt.v. n ,1 v no
J1UfIrti'i 9 W m' U 00 noon "tday, and 7 63
Mount I'ocono anwla1. 1 On m m Q. . 1
ouly. '
For Italtlmora and WuhlnHun mm
10 20, 11 23 a m. 12 09. .12 8,- ! 12. i 12? 4 41 tS si
n(,uJ'oW'616'r7I P- m,
?"d 12 03 night weekday. Sundays, 860, T1D,
912, 11 23 am, 12 09, Mil, 812, 4 l l3 Oor2
frrcaalonal LIm., 5 81, 6 63, 1 81 p m and 13 05
For Baltimore, accommodation, 12 m a,lB
.? 0,..p m week day. 5 08 and 11 16 p m dally .
AtUntlo Coast Line. Expre-12 09 p m, and
13 03 night, dally.
ooutnern icallway. Rxpress 54 and tK
m, dally.
Norfolk and Wmlm nlivi. rn. r . 1 .
and New Orleans, 3 81 p m daily.
vunMirKo udio luuitrsT, t 31 p m. dally.
For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk. 10 20
m weekdays, 11 10 p m dally.
Leave Market atrM.1 n.,f n t-
presa for New York, fi no .n im H
day. For Ixing Hranch via Seasldo Park. 10
a m, 180 and 4 00 p m week-daya. Soadaya
storm at Interlaken fnr Ail.iirv ln.vl VM.m
For lleacll Haven and ll.amcn.t rst' am.m
p m Saturday
Tuekerton. 9 10
only. Sunday, 7 30 am. For
a m and 4 00 p m weekdays.
Leave Itroad street atatfnn wl n1.
bridge Expreaa. 4 63, 9 40 80 mlnutaal m. 2 89
18 minutes, 4 00 180 minutes, 7 03 SSmlnateal
S. H,!ndy". M, 9 20 (80 ralnutaa a. m.,
28S 82 minutes, 7 06 ( 85 minutes p.m.
i-cavo wiiict street Wharf Rxpreaa. IN,
30. (73 mlnuti-Ml. 10 m IT mlnnU. - lint
Saturdays only), (73 minutes), 2 00, (VomlnuUa),
3 00 (75 minutes). 8 80 (69 mlnuteal. 4 00 (tf
minute), 4 30 (75 minute), 3 00 CO mlnutaal,
530 165 mlnuteal p. m. SuDdaya, 500, in
173 minutes, 8 00 75 minutes, 8 30 75 minutes).
w ii- minuieaj. iuuu (vu minutes) a. ants
30 175 mlnuteal d. m. tl.OO Kmuulnn tralm-
7 00 am week-day. Sunday, 7 00 and 70 a m.
ri ijPiBy, Aogieaea, miowooa, xiour
Beach Rxpreaa, 90Q a m, 2 80. 4 03 (100 minute..
8 00 p ra week-day. Sunday, 8 20 a m. Vor
Cape May only, 1 30 p m Saturday. fl.OO lii
curslon train, 700 a. m. dally.
For Sea Isle City, Oeen City, Avaloa and
Stone Harbor Rxpreaa 9 10 am, 20,430,OS
pm weekday. Sundays, 8 50 a m. 1A3 Ri.ur-
lon train, 70O a m dally,
For Somen' Point Kxprras, 3 00,8 89,1000 s
m, (1 00 Saturdays only), 2 00,300,4 00,600,8 80
p m weekdays. Sunday, 6 00, 8 03, 9 00 and 10 W
a m, 4 so p m.
The Union Transfer Company will call far
and check baggage from hotel and mldenee.
Dining Car.
T. B. HrjTcnisuoir, J. R. Wood.
uen i manager. uen'l Paaa'g'r Aft
M rn Atmnrctrv wMK
ii. uiuiuunjai. 1 1 U
X 1 N.Centre Si, Pottavllle, Pa.'
Fine old Whiskey, Qlns and Wine, at the ba
a. cuoice line oi mgars ana Tempea
ance Drink.
Aooommodatlon lor trayeUrm.
Uealaatalt horn
kft AhO &JHE. SENU 4s. K8"W0aAlf S sf ti
UAPT Wikcir rrxrinn rn,ria m Ii
at PoTluky'i 'dmi stora, X
Oantra avraail
Mf A T!lf, TI
B lr proa
m wUti Lator's
-mmM dnif storu
Citov Srxa. i
Tvn i lift WOMAN'S RtLlEP.
pnnp and rlwbl4V. Atvi ImUatum,
tm s VAtTrii-LSsu satiiisbbts.
itor,rBldlrt(tid), ti4, L
For a1o at Klillns dint uon and atMAtvada
. Sry'' i , 4 40, S 00. fl IS,
t80,7as,825. om, io, ii co, iiisVaZiioa
2 30.8 20. 1M. tea am MM am