SUMMER SATISFACTION. Yon want n drink thntwIUfiuenchthe thirst wit hot it af fecting tlio Itmlth. An agreeable com bination Is found In oir (linger Ate. Tlit fire 1ms Ikwii tempore! by the mlilltlnn of malt It In wholesome, MtMylug mid ut trnttlve. Children like ft women want It moil nk fur It A tonic ns well as n beverage. Drink dinger Aln at our soils fountain or have some of It scut home. SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Tolepliono Connection. A SUMMER NECESSITY ! This Is the season when new clothes and genl's furnish ings are necessary. When we make you a suit there is no Joul't about its fit and quality. Our stock of wanner light weight suitings will insure satis faction Examine our show window and street case, Portz Bros., 24- North Main Street. Jeweler and Optician. if this type is too fine nnd these lines run tojrether something is wronj? about your --EYES- nncl our ntlclan -should examine 'them before further Injury in done. No expense for tho -test. Thos. Buchanan, Jeweler and Optician. 118 South Main Street. Extra Reduction In Our Line of FOOTWEAR Has begun. Save your dollars while vou have a chance. Do not miss any opportunities. A dollar saved is a dollar earned. BOSTON 27 South Main Street. Shenandoah, I. SPONT, PROP. FOUR DOORS ABOVE POST OFFICE. Pa. NOW OPEN JOHN L MEAT MARKET. We carry none but the best of Fresh and Smoked Meats, Sau sages, Lard, etc. Our meats are sold as cheap as good meats can be sold for. ALL WE ASK IS ATRIAL. 2 South Jardin Street. Next door to B. C. Brobst's grocery. e-4 Sr-9 ir-3 .) 4 Sweets Meats, Tender and Juicy. Well seasoned t ickled and smoked meats, the purest of lard and nhove all. our captivating t-3 t-a f -3 S-i f-i S--J s-a price, are elegant proofs of m ,,, ctMrlilv increasintr t "I" f 6 frr ff business. TRY US AND SEE. I-paliiK'McatMarket, 2o3 E. Centre St., Below l. V. Station. PITHY POINTS. Ihi.kiiIiikm Throughout tlio Country llliruntolMl for llnstr remsnt. The Seliool 1 trend meets this evening. Friday will lie quarterly onlon day. Frederick Yost, of town, has opened a Iflther shop at Tninnqua. The M. K. Sunday school of Mnhatioy I'latio wdl picnic at Lakoaldo to-morrow. jiuiie McOiffrey and Miss Alllo Davis, of Schuylkill Haven, woro married on Monday ovenltig. Three men woro severely htirncd bynn explosion of itM at 1'IarIo lilll colliery yes terday Ocio of the horses attached toUlrlcli A Sons "henrso" dropped dead at Mahanoy City last evening. After an Idleness of two years, the tannery at Nile Valley, Tioga county, resumed operations to-day, A froight train fatally Injured Daniel Puller, colored, as ho walked on tho railrovl near Marysvlllo, Pirry county. Daddow'a squib factory at St. Clair, accord ing to custom, has closed down to give tho employes one month's vneatlon. Caught hotweou tho bumpers while coup ling cars at Allcntotvn, yostorday, Freight Conductor Goorgo Andreas was squeezed to death. Burglars, who failed to got money at tho bouso of Tax Collector A. P. Itccso, at Wells horo, left a noto saying thoy would reach him yet. Car Inspector Bobb, of Mill Crcok, had several of his fingers badly crushed by being caught betweeu two curs. Tho end of one Auger necessitated amputation. Charged with furnishing liquor to minors. Albert Jones, Albert Hertolet, Harry Ebor- harcl, Harry btout, William Leopold and Kobert Oswald have been held undor bail at Heading .Edward Caroy, a resident of Rappahan nock, employed as n car loader at tho Rear Klii go colliery, had his left foot Btnasbcd by a large piece of rock falling upon It whilo attending to bis duties. With happy smilos on their wan faces, 75 children from Now York arrived at Orwigs- burg last ovouiug, where they will bo entertained during August by thegood people of that town. They wero In charge of a gentleman from the Frosh Air Committee of Now York. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills, Thousands of suffer ers have proved their matchless merit for Sick anil Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 certs. Money back if not cured. Sold by A. Waslcy, druggist. L. A. W. MEET, BOSTON. Iteiluced Itates Via t'ennsylvniila Kali- road. For the annual meet of tho Leaguo of American W heolmen at Boston, August 14 to 10, tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company will soli excursion tickets, from all points on its line, to Boston at rato of single faro for tho round trip. Tickets will bo sold on August 12 to 11, good to return August 14 to 20 when proporly oxocuted beforo agent of initial lino from Boston, Upon dopositing ticket with city ticket agent of initial lino from Boston, not later than August 19, and the payment of fifty cents, tickets may bo extended to loavo Boston not later than August 31. Bicycles carried froo when not accompanied by other baggage. Special arrangements for clubs traveling as a body. Ktlttor Ttley Says Nay. It is said that "Ham" Tiley, of tho Ash land Telegram, who received such a natter ing offer a fow wcoks ago to tako a position on tho New Dawson City papor, has changed his mind and will not accept. Obituary. Sylvoster Weisnor, of Mahanoy City, died last evening at a Philadelphia hospital. where he had Leon under treatment for sev eral months. Tho romalns arrived at Maha noy City to-day. Weisner was 38 years old and left a wifo and daughter. V. & It. Dates. Special ten-day excursions to Atlantic City, Capo May, Ocean City or Sea Isle City, Thurs days, August 3rd and 17tb, 1809. Special ten-day excursion to Ocean Grove, Tuesday, August 22nd, 1809. Special eleven-day oxcursion to Niagara Falls, Thursday, September 14th, 1899. For further particulars call on or address local Philadelphia and Reading ticket agont. Low-Hate Excursion To New York and Coney Island via the Le high Valley Railroad August 23d. The fare from Shenandoah for the round trip will bo $2.45. Tickets will bo sold for all trains, ex cepting those connecting with Black Diamond Express, August 23d, limited for return pas- gage to August Efltb, inclusive.. Consult Le high Valley ticket agonts for further par ticulars. TO CLKVNSK TUB SVSTIIM Effectually yet gently, when costivo or hll ious, to permanently overcome habitual con stipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds, or fevers, use Syrup of Figs, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. HOT AND COLD LUNCH EVERY MORNING AT HENTZ'S GAFB, COR, MAIN AND COAL STREETS. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Vegetahlo soup. THURSDAY. Special. FOR SALE ! Stock and fixtures of the best . . . HILLINERY BUSINESS in Columbia county. Snlendid location. Call or address H. E. WASLEY, . No. u2 Main Street, Bloomsburg, Pa LOAVES OF BREAD, 25c. Buy aso worth of cheeks and receive more and better bread llian la baked anywlicre in town. Calces and pastry at low prlc. Try our celebrated Ilye and Orabam bread. BOSTON BAKERY, D. Morgenateln. 237 W. Centre Street Our Haircuttins and Shampooing Please everybody. We do lot of It and are gaining new cus tomers dally. Lftdiessli hanipooliiK none at yuur own home uoou notification. SA. G- DUSTO, Ferguson House Block. TUB AVI" ATM Hit. High tompcrntdro continues gener ally throughout (ho country, although tlicro linn buon Homo modoratlon from Colorado northeastward In to South Dakota, Hlliatomparnturcs will continue gen erally today and tomorrow. Foro enst for today nnd tomorrow In this section: Contin ued wnrm and fnlr weathor: frosh southerly wiiuU HunrUe, C:08; minset, 7:18; length of ' 1', 14h., 10m.; moon rises, 1:48 n. m.; I -on sets, 4:32 p. m. PERSONAL MENTION. Postmaster llodia spent to-day at Danville. Mrs. H. O. Hooks is confined to hor homo by IHucm. Mrs. Matt. Blazls has gone to Mt. Carmol to visit hor paronts. Mrs. Mann and daughter, Mrs. Daniol Rledy, and tho lattor's two sons havo re turned from a two wook's vacation at Phila delphia and Morton, Dol. Miss Ida Lonhart and brother', Ralph, of town, aro visiting relatives In Reading. Misses Nora, Katie aud Mary A. Graham, of South Whlto Btreot, aro spending tholr vacation at Atlantic City. J. J. Kelly spont to-day in Philadelphia on business. Mrs. John Schonne. of South West street. issutl'orlng with nn attack of rheumatism. Miss Auuio Robinson, of Philadelphia, who was n guest of town friends tho past weok, returned to her homo yesterday. David C. Hughes, of East Coal street, Is confined to his homo by illness. Miss May Holman and brother: Clyde, have gone to Mahanoy City to spend a fow days with friends. Mrs. E. A. Dohorty, of South West stroct, has been seriously ill tho past few days, but was reportod improved to-day. Misses Lizzie and Edith Lougacro, of Elkhart, I ml., who woro visiting in town, havo gone to Atlantic City for soveral days, prior to returning to thoir Westorn homo. Misses Lizzio and Ncllio Caney, of Ot- tumwa, Iowa, and Miss Mary Doughorty, of Pottsvlllo, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Doughorty, of West Contro stroot. DELIGHTFUL VACATION TRIP. Tour to the North via Pennsylvania ltatl- rouri. Visiting Niagara Falls, Toronto, Thousand Islands, Quebec, Montreal, Au Sablo Chasm, Lako Champlaln and Lako Gcorgo, Saratoga, and tho Highlands of the Hudson. Loavo Philadelphia by special train August 12. Tho tour will he in charge of ono of the company's experienced tourist agonts, and a chaperon, having especial chargo of unescorted ladles, will also accompauy tho party. . Tho rato of $100 from Now York, Brooklyn, Newark, Trouton, Philadelphia, Uarrishurg, Baltimoro and Washington covers railway and boat faro for the eutlro round trip, parlor car scats, meals enroute, hotol entertainment, transfer charges and carriago hire. For dotalled itinerary, tickets, or any ad ditional information, address Tourist Agent. Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 1100 Broad way, Now York ; Ticket Agont, 800 Fulton streot, Brooklyn ; 789 Broad street, Nowark, N, J. ; or Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agont, Broad street station, Phila delphia, You Try It. If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for tho small prlco of 25 eta., SO eta. and $1.00, docs not euro tako tho bottlo back and wo will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price 25 eta. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlln on a guarantee. Wants Administration. M. M.Burke, Esq.,attornoy forM. O'Neill, tho undertaker, has filed a petition in tho Orphan's Court, directing tho heirs of Mary Groody, of Lost Creek, to tako out letters of administration on hor estato. Lehigh Valley Kallroad. Commencing July 17th an additional train service-has beon established betweon Buffalo and Suspension Bridge, train leaving Buffalo 10:45 a. m. arriving at Suspension Bridge 11:45 a. m., and leaving Suspension Bridge at 0 p. m arriving at Buffalo 7:30 p. m., whore connection Is made for tho east with train leaving at 7:30 p. m. CAPT. WILLIAM ASTOB CHANLEU, Congressman from Now York, is tho presi dent of The New York Stab, which is giving away a FORTY DOLLAR BICYCLE daily, as offered by their advortlsement in another column. Hon. Amos J. Cummiags, M. C, Col. Asa Bird Gardner, District At torney of New York, ex-Goyernor Hogg, of Texas, and Col. Fred. Feigl, of New York, aro among the well known names in their Board of. Directors. A Plncky Driver. John Glnthor, an employe of tho Kaler Brewing Company at Mahanoy City, had a thrilling experience at that plaro yesterday. While be was driving a team with a load of threo tons of ico down the cemetery bill tho brake of tho wagon broke and tho increased momentum of tho wagou caused tho horses to dash away. Whilo rounding a curve near Humane grove tho wagon lurched and throw tho driver to the ground. The man was in jured and, quickly regaining his feet, he ran after and succeeded In stopping tue horses. McAdoo's New Church Edifice. The contract for the erection of the new St. Patrick's church at McAdoo, has been awarded to P. F, Boyle, of Hazleton. Tho church is to be largo and will be of an Impos ing architectural design. It Is said the con tract price is (25,000. The edifice will be a frame structure. Consumption Cured. BROUGHT BACK FROM TUB GRAVE. T.nst November Mr. loseollTames. painter, of 325 W. Pearl St., Indianapo lis, Ind., was at death's door with quick consumption. Wasted to a skeleton; his limns a mass of ulceration: his death was hourly awaited by his doctor and family. He was kept in a constant stupor with opium. A friend, thinking to relieve his terrible cough, gave him a bottle of Brazilian Balm. Seeintr its wonderful effect, the doctor advised its continued use. Mr. James soon after dismissed his doctor, and depended on the Balm alone. His recovery was rapid and complete, and in February he returned to work. His luncs are sound, and his weight greater than at any time in his lite, wis recovery is regarueu as almost a miracle. COMMA BACILLUS, In consumption beware of cough mix tures and prescriptions that contain opium. Opium paralizea the nerves, and gives the comma bacillus a good chance to destroy the lungs. It is always fatal. Brazilian Balm does not contain a trace of any opiate, but stimu lates the nerves with new life and power, destroys the microbe, and restores all that is left of the diseased lungs to o sound and healthy state which no other remedy has ever been known to accom plish. SltitLdcth oil Mm, vJtliuh stont AN ENDEAVOR RALLY. The Schuylkill County Union Herts at Mnlmnoy City. A Christian Endeavor rally of tho Schuyl kill County Union was hold in thoBothol Welsh Congregational church at Mahanoy City yostorday afternoon and last evening, proecedod by an executive committee session at 2 p. m. Tho rally oponod at 3 p. m. with au address by E. T. Burd, of Pottsvlllo. This was followed by praiso Borvico and devotional oxcrclfcos, aftor which Rov. Lloyd Rohotts, pastor of tho church In which tho rally was hold, made au address of wolcomo, which was responded to by Mr. U. II. Num. presi dent of the Pottsvlllo Union. Tho balance of tho program was as follows : Address hy Prof. J. M. Schropo. of Delano, 011 "Tho Best Thing Dono by Your Society ;" address by Miss Floronco S. Rich ards on "Young People's Opportunities and Junior Possibilities;" vocal solo, Miss Casslo Lewis: address, Rov. Claronce E. Eberman. president of tho Pennsylvania Union, of Luncastor. Prof. J. M. Schropo, of Delano, presided at tho evening sosslou. Tho program was : Praise service; devotional exorcises; address. Rev. Roth, of tho United llretliron church, of Shamokin; vocal solo, Edward Rossori address, Rov. Clarcnco E. Ebormau, of Lan caster; solcction, ladlos' chorii1.; closing ser vice conducted by Frod. H. Wagnor. A Distinguished Visitor. Rev. Bishop Talbot, of tho Central Ponn- sylvnnla Dioceso of tho Episcopal church, is tho guest or tho Coxo family In Drlfton. Ho Is travoling throughout tho summer and will spend about two wcoks enjoying tho moun tain air iu and about Hazlcton. Unfortunate Stockholders. Tho Mahanoy City stockholders of the New York Building and Loan Association mot last evening in Uorskcr's opera houso and a special commlttco appointed at tlio last meeting reportod it had consulted an attornoy who could glvo no encouragomont to tho stockholders. Tho commlttco was Instructed to consult other counsel and report at a meet ing to ho held at tho same placo on August 10th. Tho meeting was attonded by twenty stockholders, representing moro than 0,000. A $40.00 Bicycle Given Away Daily. Tho publishers of Trite Nnw York Staii, tho huudsomoly Illustrated Sunday news paper, aro srfvlug a Ilicm Graph Bicycle each day for the largest list of words mailo by using tho letters contained in 'T-II-l! N-H-W Y-O-It-lC S-T-A-It" no moro times in any ono word than It is found in Tho New York Star. Webster's Dictionary to bo sonsldercd as authority. Two Good Watches (first class tlmekocpors) will bo given dally for second and third best lists, and many other valuahlo rewards, in cluding DInuor Sots, Tea Sets, China, Storl ing Silverware, etc, etc., in order of morlt. This educational contest is being given to advertise and introduco this successful weekly Into new homcs.and all prizes will be awarded promptly without partiality. Twclvo 2-cent stamps must bo Inclosed for thirteen weoks trial subscription with full particulars and list of over 300 valuable rewards. Contest opens nnd awards commence Monday, Juno 20th, aud closes Monday, August 21st, 1890. Your list can reach us any day betweeu theso dates, aud will receive, tho award to which it may bo entitled for that day, and your namo will bo printed in tho following issuo of The New York Star. Only ono list can bo entered by tho sanio person. Prizes aro on exhibition at The Star's business otllccs. Persons socuriug bicycles may havo choico of Ladies', Gentlemen's or JUTouiles' 1800 inodol, color or slzo desired. Call or address Dept. "E," The New York Star. 230 W. 30th Street, Now York City. A JUMPING TOOTHACHE. Hon- It Won In Victim Credit Tor Ilrnvory In Ilnttle. "It wns a tootlmoho," gnld tho veteran, "thnt won 1110 it reputation for dnrlnc ot tho bnttlo of Dull Hun. That was tho only fight I was over in whorq I didn't wish I could find a holo to crawl Into. All this tnlk about coolness on tho ovo of bnttlo is nonsense, invontcd by pooplo who hnvo novor been thcro or old soldiers whoso tongues got nwny with tholr memories. Our men and officers woro ns bravo us any in tho war and miulo good records, but they all had tho nguo and longed for sick loavo list about tho tlmo tho bullots bo- gan to lly. Hut I had tho toothache for two days beforo that bnttlo, and if thoro la an aggravation on enrth that will mako n man want to bat his best frlond in tho faco that is It. "On tho nlgbt beforo tho fight I did not sloop a wink. Tho old tooth got to jump ing llko n goat, nnd I couldn't havo suf fered moro from nn amputated leg. I was also furiously mad. I folt that I'd cither got to bolt for tho roar In search of relief or encourago gome rebel to put a ball through my hoad. "We'd been waiting in battlo lino for an hour, and tho boys bad grown whlto and woro all choked up. I had boon entirely occupied with tho old tooth, nnd tho first thing I know tho fight was on. Wo wero holding them in check, but that didn't sufllco 1110. As I got hold of my gun and pulled tho handkorohlof off my Jaw I yollod out for tho boys to follow', nnd wo struok a wholo brigado and whirled it around and sent it back half a milo. I folt that I could llok tho wholo of Loo's army for an hour or twol Thoy told mo that I yollod and dodged death a thousand, times, but I remember nothing but tho Jumps of that tooth. Whon thoy stoppod, or for what particular reason, I could novor soy, but aftor a couple of hours I cuino to my self, as It wero, and wns being couipll mcntcd on all sides, and tho Jumps had coasod." Cincinnati Enquirer. Tho Modern Celt. "What I llko about tho Irish is that thoy aro so modest and unassuming." ''Holy smokol" "Fact! When an Irishman does any' thing great, ho does not go bragging of His ability, as another man would. Ho moroly brags about Ireland." Iudluuapo lis Journal. . tor over voT? , "ns of tboGlobofor RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA and rimlkr Complaints, aaa preparca unaer too smagene GERMAN MEDICAL LAWS, .prcscnooa uy eminent pnynaan DR. RIRHTER'S i " ANCHOR " TAIN EXPELLER. 1 World renowned I Remarkably succesif cl I lOnlv cennino with Trade Mark " Anchor.'1 zx. otM)o.aoouie. Ataiiarugguuoruuuuga r.AS.ElSTSiC9.,213rgrlCt. lnWTCSS. 3 HIGHEST AWARDS. 13 Branch Bootes. Qm Qloisirwia. art Endorsed and Eecomtnended by VV, leading h holt taUandJlr tall . ... oOur prominent $Wi DR. HICHTtirB' ANCnOR STOMACHAL best for In, Dyspepsia, A: ntninnrh (toinplnlnfi. .1 1 M GOLDIN'S. Three Extraordinary Specials. SPECIAL no. 1. We have placed on sale our entire stock of Men's and Hoys' light weight and summer clothing including all the latest styles aiid patterns, in light colors and blue serges. Some of them aie all wool and the rest of them are pure worsteds. Any of them are worth $8.00 and $9 00, and some of them are worth 12.00. Our price for ten days only will be from $3.50 to $5.00. In order to give late buyers a decided to continue these special sales for a than at first intended. -Mammoth Clothing & and 11 S. Main 85.00 to Niagara Falls and Iloturn vln the Ijphtgti Valley Itnllroad, On August 12th tho Lohlgh Valloy Rail- will sell tickets to Niagara Falls and return, at tho special low faro of $3.00 for tho round trip from Shenandoah, limited for return passago to August 14tb, Inclusive, Tickets will bo honored on any train except tho Black Diamond express. Consult Lehigh Valloy ticket agents for particulars. The Gllberton Schools. Tho members of tho Gllberton School Board have mado several fruitless attempts to elect toachers, and another effort will bo made Thursday ovenlug, whon a spocial mooting will bo hold. GO Cents From Shenandoah To Mauch Chunk aud Glon Onoko via tho Lehigh Valloy Railroad Sunday, August 13th, Special train both ways. Consult Lohlgh Valley ticket agents for further particulars. CHARTER NOTICE. Notice Is herebv ctven that on Monday, the third day ot September, 1899, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, an application will be made to tho Court of Common l'lcns of Behuylklll county, Pennsylvania, by Wm Canclerim, A. 1'. Tnbor, J. s. juuicai, u. a. waiains. jvnen ael Bodoiskl, William Mcnklcwlcz, Martin Fad rowskl, Joseph Lutkewlcz, Snmucl Leskowlcz and Joseph Krewenas, under the provisions of an Act of ABscmbly approved tho 29th day ot April. 1874, entitled: "An Act to provide for the Incorporation and Regulation of certain Corporations," and the supplements thereto. lor 1110 incorporation 01 an oraronizauon 10 ue known ns 'Tlie St. Martin's Itoninn Catholic Lithuanian Beneficial Society, of Shenandoah, Pa.," tho purposo of which I. the maintenance of such members as may be disabled hy siekniss or Injury and the burial of members; and for theso nurnoscs to havo and enloy all tho bene fits of said Act of Assembly and its supple ments. M a. Bueke, Solicitor Shenandoah, Pa., August 1, 1899. 2-15-30. Notice to Property Owners. i Tho owners of property nbuttlnir East Centre . utrwet between tlio Lohluli Valley and. Phi lad p1- I phln anu Heading rau roads ana those owning property nbntttne North Main street, between j Centra nnd Coal streets, aro hereby notified to I mako whatever connections they may have In contemplation with cither tho water or gas I mains on tnoso Birccis at once, uciore mo pnv- lnK Is commenced, as n chargo covering tho cost ui rciuuriUK nt-revi. win uiiurvu turn permit to open is aiier paving is uono. lly order ot tho street committee. &-l-0t Daniel Coaklky, Chairman. MISCELLANEOUS. I7OK RENT. Storeroom and dwelling, 103 3 North Main street, now occupied by Ueorgo rioppert, tho shoe dealer. Apply to Airs. ii. Hums. 107 N. Main street. 7-31-6t IjlOK SALE. Most desirable dwelling onWwt Centre street, bath, water closet, cwcrage, two houses on rear ox lot, ueasonauie terms. Apply to J. Claude Itnow.f, Attorney -aMaw. 7-20-tf Cor, Contro and White streets. nou SALE. A I' Shenandoah. good paying business In Hmall capital required. Suit able for nn active young Irishman, a Lithuan ian American or both, Largo returns. Satls fuctorv reasons fflvcn for nulttlne. None but tnoso meaning Dusincss neea appiy. UDwABI) W. SUORHAKKB, Attorney-atIaw, 7-19-2w Shenandoah,' Pa FOU KENT. A suite of rooms In the Egan Imlldlmt. corner of Main andCcntrostrocts. for oflice purposes. "Well lighted and all con veniences. Appiy at iu iwisk ventre street, ti F Oil SALE A new bicycle, the latest make. Cheap for cash. Apply at the Hkbald omce t TOTIOE. Desirable properties for sale. Ap i ply to H, Q. M. Ilollopeter, attorney, Hncnanaoan. bviii ESTATE of Margaret D. Davles, late of the borough of Shenandoah. Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters testamentary on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them wiwiout ueiay lor settlement to XUUHAH J. U A VI EH, EVAN J, Davifs Executors. Shenandoah, Ph., Aug. 2, 1899, 8-2-Ct-oaw Great j. Cash & Sale Of the stock of millinery, fixtures, etc., sold at recent Sheriff's sale as the property of the Bon Ton Store. It includes Trimmed Hats, Sailors, Flowers, Feathers, Etc., And will be sold at one-quarter the real value. Sale opened this morning at 9 o'clock, and will continue daily until disposed of at 29 North Main Si. I. SCHULMAN. QOLDIN'S. SPECIAL NO. 2. "Our south side show window lins been utilized for our single pants display. It contains men's and boys' single pants, all kinds, styles and sizes. Any pants shown is worth from 2.00 to $3.25. Our price while they last $1.50. chance to secure some of St.. TWO STORES IN ONE ! On and after August 1st our stock will be increased to twice its present size, because we are going to combine our two stores and re move all goods to Shenandoah to our present location, the Baltimore Cheap Store, 30 East Centre street. Our accommodation will be beyond reproach then, and we will conduct special bargain sales every Satur day. They will start on Saturday. Don't mis the place. BALTIMORE 3o East Centre Street, Does the finest bath room work. P. W. BELL, Cor- WIlite aud LIoyd sts- . . - . . . WinOOW (jUaPQS, otable Iron Railings, &c. REPAIR WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. FACTORY : 221-240 N. Emerlck St. Our Extensive Business Is due to the popular prices on popular and staple goods that are being sold at our store. We can furnish your home complete for less money than you will be able to buy anywhere else. At present we are offering very low inducement in a nice stock of COACHES, CARPETS and OIL. CLOTHS. For Stoves and Furniture we cannot be beaten in price, quality or stock. D. & J. SIBGEIL., 103 ;and 105 South Main Street. FACTORY SHOE STORE, 5 South Main Stroct. FOR FINE FURNITURE, STOVES, CARPETS, AT THE LOWEST PRICES 00 TO DAVISON'S DEPARTflENT STORES, Noa. 1 lp-121-123 North Main St. !A Handsomo Complexion J Is one of tlie greatest charms a woman can I possess, Fouomi's OouruixioK Pgwouaf Kites It. ( GOLDIN'S. SPECIAL NO. S. Our Children's clothing has also been considered. We have selected about 200 suits, nil woolen goods, Reefer and Junior styles, from 4 to 8. This stock can be seen on one large table and is ready for your inspection. Hie former prices were 2.50 up to 4.00. Our price lor ten days only. .50. the bargains offered we have few days longer House, I Goldin, Proprietor. CHEAP STORE, Shenandoah, Penna. Repairs leaky hydrants. Does all kinds of plumbing. Does gas fitting. Gives estimates on steam and hot water plants. Manufacturer of . Wire Screens, Iron Fences, Fire Escapes a . . GUardS, Cellar GliarCIS RESIDENCE : 221 N. West St. A Lucky Purchase. We bought of a manufacturer all the Men's Russets he had. We got them 40c less on the dollar, as he wanted to get rid of them before fall. They are worth $2.00, but to sell them quick we have marked them only SI. 24 per Pair. Another one worth $2.50, aud cheap at $2. 25; we will sell them at the low price of $,69 a pair. Abo Lcvlno, Prop. EVAN J. DAVIES. Livery and Undertaking, No. 13 North Jardin St. PATENT Good Ideas may be secured by oar aid. Address, MM' THE PATENT RECORD, R.lflmn.. Silt. fiubwrtptlosa to TUe ritent Tteeord lllporanauia.