The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 02, 1899, Image 3

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SPciAUYVALuABLtt wteffifirf roiibIES
Ov Mail $l??Strfo&TMProPrtMPHiXT
Bold In Shenandoah lit
Orders liy mull sent tn nny address.
tub hot srniNos of aukaKhvb via.
Will eradicate from your system tho linger
Ing efforts of grip nnd otlier ntlments caused
by thn severe winter, and malaria, rlicuraa
tlsm, neuralgia, catarrh, stomich, kidney1,
llvor and nervous disorders, paralysis, blood
find skin diseases, and chronic and func
tional derangements. The mountain climato
of Hot Springs is cool and delightful In
summer. 100 hotels open tho year around.
For Illustrated literature containing all
Information, address C. F. Cooley, Manager
TJuisnoss Men's League, Hot Springs, Ark.
For reduced excursion tickets and par
ticulars of tlio trip, address W. A. Turk,
Ocn'l Pass. Agt., Southern Ky., Washington,
D. 0., or O. L. Hopkins, District Passenger
Agent, 823 Chestnut St., I'lilln., Pa. 0-1-lm
I Dyspepsia.
!SickHead -actio
and Llvor
Sold by all druggists
or sent by mall.
JNerrlts Medics! Co., Chlcsio
5c box contains 13 t ills. Bold by Kirl'n's drug
store, Shenandoah, Ia.
Chli.hMt.r'i. Enallth Diamond Bran.
Orf(.lnalMn(t Only Genuine.
.TH7 "art, iinwi rmimi". iaoi.9
P'Jl VKiM Df(t1rt for CkUhutcri Kngluh Dm-.
L iJPJN. tna.ui pra n,t In ltii ftu.l Gold ttflBUiV
& ".. k.i.vii i. , tw..t
.Inn aIIkp. Rsfui dunrterfmt lullt ifu-
ftlona and imitation!. A l Drotllit. or MM 4 4.
' Id ilimni for pnrtlenUri, trattmoothU nd
MlKlIef for l.nAttiL,'inUtUT.T i-fUrm
7nlnliHtF'hm3valCtw.MilUoi Huaar.
fioUbr fcllLocil DruggUta. rillLAl'A. A A.
Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics act directly upon tho disease,
without oxciting disorder In other parts
of tho system. Tlicy Cnro tho Sick,
no, cents, juices.
1 Fevers. Congestions, Inflammation!. ,23
2 Worms, Worm Fovor, Worm Colic, .35
3 Teething, Collc.CryIng.Wukefulness .25
-Disrrhca. ot Children or Adults..... .23
7 Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis 23
8 Neuralgia, Toothache. Faceacho..... ,23
0 Headache, 8Ick Headache, Vertigo.. .23
10 Dyspepsia, Indlgcstlon,WcakStomach.23
11 Suppressed or I'alnful Periods.... .25
12 Whltes. Too rrotuso Periods .23
13 Croup, Larvnzttts. noarsensss .23
14 Salt Hlieiim, Erysipelas, Eruptions., .23
15 niieumntlsm. Bbeumatlo Fains 25
16 Malaria. Chills, Fever and Ague .25
10 Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head .23
SO-Whooplnc-Cougl 25
07-lildnev Disease .23
SH-Nervous Debility 1,00
80-Urlnary Weakness, Wetting Bed... .25
T7 Grip, nay Fever 25
Dr. numphrers Manual of all Diseases at your
Druggists or Mailed Free.
8old by drUKglsts. or sent on receipt of price,
nurormreys' Med. Cck, Cor. William John Sta,
A box of our
srEcinL rnniLT mew
is an exhilarating
stimulant during
the hot summer
Delivered at your homo.
Columbia Brewing Company.
The only pleasure resort and
picnic grounds in this region.
Splendid lake of fresh water. Ice
and wood, free, to all picnic parties
to prepare and preserve meals. An
orchestra is established here for the
entire season. For particulars
B. J. YOST, Prop.,
Barnesvllle, Pa.
News and Opinions
National Importance
Daily, by mail, - $6 a year
Daily and mail,$8 a year
The Sunday Sun
la the greatest Sunday newspape
in the world.
Price 5c a cofj. By iall, $2 i yea
Address THI BUN, Nev Yor.
I 1UU r-'II.U&t
I o tr rfe I
Six Casoa in tho Town of Phoobus,
Adjoining tlio Homo.
At tlio Solillorn Homo Tlicro Ilavo
Itccn a Total or Forty Crmunnnil lilcht
DcntliH-ContliuiInc l'rerniitloiiH to
1'rovcnt Fui'llior ftpronrt of IJIseriHo.
Washinptun, Aug. 2.' 'Thrco now
crises of yellow fovor In tho Soldlors'
Homo at Hump ton and ono death" is
tho ofilclal report received Inst night
by Surgeon General Wyman from Dr.
Wasdln, tho yollow fever expert on
duty at tho Institution. Added to Dr.
Wnsdin's flguroB sent to Dr. Wyman on
Monday, this makes up to dato 40 cases
In nil which havo occurred at tho home,
of which eight havo proved fatal.
Tho opinion was expressed that
tho situation continues oncouraglng,
inasmuch as the disease has been
kept within Its original bounds. Nono
of tlio nearby towns other than Phoe
bus has reported tho nppoarance of In
fection or suspicious cases.
Iteports from Phoebus last night
stato that six casos of yellow fever had
been found nnd that thero had beon
two deaths among tho negro population
of Pnocbus, ndjotnlilg tho homo.
Mayor Johnson called up Governor
Tyler by tolophono and asked him to
urgo upon Secrotary of War Root to
send all Inmates of the homo whoso
removal was regarded as prudent to
somo point north, thero to remain until
tho diseases had been stamped out. Tho
governor promised to give tho sugges
tion Immediate attention.
Tho peoplo for mllos around tho
homo aro vory much alarmed, but are
quiet. No restrictions havo been piacort
on tho doparturo of soveral hundred
visitors at Old Point Comfort, but Dr.
Pottus, who has absolute charge of af
fairs thoro, will exercise careful super
vision of those who may leave, so as to
avoid danger of their communicating
tho disease. This will apply also to
tho soldiers now stationed on the gov
ernment reservation thore, and who
hayo boen ordered to proceed to Bat
tery Point, Delaware. Word reached
tho surgeon general that arrangements
had been mado for tho transportation
of those men through tho army quar
termaster nt Philadelphia. They" will
be taken by boat to Capo Charles and
thonce by train to their destination.
Battery Point is an Isolated placo,
and Dr. Wyman hoa no fear that tho
soldiers will carry any Infection with
Tho surgeon general continues his
precautions to prevent the spread of
the disease and Is dispatching addition
al help to tho surgeons now on tho
ground. Dr. Wertonbaker will remain
at Newport News for tho present and
will supervise matters along the line
of tho railroad between that city and
Richmond. Hospital Steward Kolb,
who Is a yollow fever Immune, now
at Norfolk, has boon directed to report
to Dr. White and render what service
he may be called to perform. Dr.
White will remain In chargo at Hamp
ton, though ho Is not to visit tho
homo, as his Immunity from the dis
ease Is doubtful. Surgeon Frlcks, now
at tho South Atlantic quarantine sta
tion, has boen ordered to Norfolk, and
Passed Assistant Surgeon Stimpson,
now at St Louts', has been directed to
report at Old Point. Arrangements
havo been mado for tho disinfection of
man matter sent by me Inmates of tho
homo to their friends.
Two suspect veterans who have boen
at tho Hampton home havo been do
talned by the local authorities In this
city, but they appear to bo all right,
and no alarm Is folt over their pres
ence In Washington.
A Frightful,Blunder
Will often cause a horrible Bum. Scald.
Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the
best in the world, will kill the pain and
promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever
Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, ail Skin
Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only
2Scts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by
a. wastey, urugjnst.
Jloieoi' Ts.iiiwtn Ki'itanntn.
Cowes, Islo of Wight, Aug. 2. In tho
raco for tho queen's cup yesterday tho
Emperor William's Meteor defeated
Prince of Wales' Britannia by over a
minuto and a half, aftor allowing
Britannia ton minutes, Satanlta came
In third. Othor participants were Rain
bow, Betty, RoseneathandCetonla. The
Meteor's victory .disappoints English
men for a double reason. First, be
cause they do not llko to have the cup
go to a forolfmor, and second, becauso
the result causos doubts as to tho
Shamrock's speed and capacity. A
prominent yachtsman oxprossed the
opinion that. Meteor would now provo
a formidable rival to the Shamrock.
What Is Shlloh 7
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
Consumption; used through tho world for
half a century, has cured innumerable cases
of Incipient consumption and relieved many
In advanced stages. If you are not satisfied
with tho results wo will refund your monoy
Prico 25 cts., 50 eta. and f 1.00. Sold by P. D.
Klrlln on a guarantee.
Hnvnua NrnVHiwiVor'Siipprcssod,
Havana, Aug. 2. General Ludlow,
military governor of Havana province,
has suppressed the scurrilous Cuban
newspaper El Reconcentrado. In his
order he describes tho paper as "an
obscene sheet, dally uttering by as
sertion and lnuendo vile personali
ties against not only the established
authorities of tho city, but tho bost
people of Havana, and the contlnuanco
ot such publication Is a disgrace to tho
city and to the Cuban people and Is
operated against public and Drlvato
Interests and morality."
SWAiVlP" s not recommended for
ovcituiuK, uutu you linve
ROOT kidney, llvor or bladder
NV'V"' trouble itwUl Im found Inst
tho temedy you need. At druirclsts in llftv
cent and dollar sizes. You may have a sample
bottte of (his wonderful now discovery by
mail froo, also pamphlet telling all about it.
Auuress, ur. Jviimersuo.,uinutiamton, w, Y.
Tlio OlassSvoilois, Coiiforonoo.
Philadelphia, Aug, 2. Tho conven
tion of the Window Glass Workers'
association, Local Assembly 300, K. ot
L., opened here yesterday with 26 dele
gates In attendance. The object of the
meeting Is to revise the bylaws and flr.
a scale of waires. The latter will bo
done by tho wage committee, consist
ing of 12 members, of which Simon
Burns, of Pittsburg, is president. Dur
ing tho convention an effort will bs
made to meet the manufacturers la
Many a Lover
Has turned with disgust from an otherwise
lovable girl with an oConslv breath. Karl's
CWvor Root Tea purifies the breath by its
action on tho bowels, eto., as nothing else
will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee.
Prico 85 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Klrlln
on a guarantee.
Tho Kind You Unvo Always Bought, niul which 1ms been
In two for over 30 yenrs, lins homo tho Ignniiro ol
jf-J? -niwi iins hcen nitulo under his per.
0&sfirffiyrjhr sonal supervision slnco its Infancy.
WJf -CMcAtK Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations mul Substitutes aro but Ex
periments that trllio with and endanger tho health of
InfUuts and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla Is a substltuto for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant, It
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ngo Is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
nnd allays Fovcrlshncss. It cures Dlarrhtcn rmd '"Wind
CoTic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tlio
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Boars tho
The Kind You fee Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
I II 10 c
A Wreck From Grippe,
Catarrh and Asthma.
I was known as "The Woman who Coughs," for I coughed in
cessantly. I was a school teacher lill my health failed. Catarrh had
eaten away the partition in my nose. It had produced Bronchitis,
Asthma, dreadful Stomach troubles and weak kidneys. In fact it had
gone all through my system, making me an easy victim for the Grippe
which left me a wreck in mind and body. This was the condition the
doctoro left mc iu, alter dosing mo with opium, quinine, etc. Then I
bought cough cures without end but they only made me worse, I was
in despair till I got hold of Brazilian Balm and Toxicola Tablets,
They acted like magic from the first, and in a few weeks I was cured
and better than I had been iu years. Talk about wonderful remedies,
Brazilian Balm and Toxicola saved my life.
Miss L. L. Clark, oi7 Horton St.
ou Ret morcdosoi of Brazilian Balm for the money than nny other remedy. 25, 50 cents
nnd M.m a bottle at dniRKlsts. With every Ji.OO bottle you Ret one month's treatment of
Toxicola Tablets f reo j the best tonic, nerve and strength builder In the world. I). K. Jackson
Sc Co., Mfg. Chemists, Indpls, Ind.
Shenandoah Dm? Store, Wholesale and Retail Agents.
IDdslcal lqsfr
W tmhattt tl tStr m mil U ml FRtlfHT
tttMM Uf nlncrl ,1,1ml h H1IHC. KM
UMnwit. mnour, Mtsucmzcm. most
Rum. unmncnT. new nut. tutsruuit.
mad MtW JFtSfr.
York and how to go about. Fbsb fob Tnn
If, when contemplating a trip to any poln
West or Southwest of the Mlsslsstnnl Iilver i
you will purchase tickots via tho Missouri
I'acmo Ky., or Iron Mountain Route (which
aro on salo at all principal ticket offlcos in
tho United States), yon will havo all the
comforts and luxuries of modern railway
equipment, and the finest opportunities for
viewing all of nature's museums and marvels
of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Texar,
Old and New Mexico, California, cto. Ex
cursion tickets to all principal points at
Breatly reduced rates. On account of the
National Education Association meeting at
Los Angeles in July, wo will make special
low round trip rates. When contemplating
a trip West or Southwest, write ns for full
Information and rock bottom figures. W
E. Hoyt, G. E. P. Agent. J. P. McCann, T.
P. Agent, 801 Broadway, New York. l-IS-tf
Sick Headaches,
The curao of overworked womankind, are
quickly and cured by Karl's Clover
Boot Tea. the great btood purifier and tissue
builder. Money refunded If not satisfactory.
Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. Bold by P. D. Kirliu
on a guarantee.
- -
Signaturo of
mmv mi . ..a. .m.
iSKiio. r
Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to
California Without change of Cars.
Leaving Washington every Tuesday and
Friday at 11:15 a. m., the Southern Railway
operates Personally Conducted Tourist Ex
cursions to San Franciso without change of
cars, conductors or porters. The route is
through Atlanta, Montgomery, New Orleans,
Houston, San Antonio.New Mexico, Arizonla,
and Southern California. The cars aro the
very latest pattern of Pullman Tourist
Sleepers, rosewood finish, have high back
seats, upholstered. In rattan, aro sixteen
section, supplied with linen etc., same as
standard sleepers, lighted by Pintsch Gas,
havo wldo vestibules, double sash roller
curtains, lavatory, and smoking room for
gentlemen, and two retiring rooms for ladles.
Three and one-half days to Mexico and
Arizona, four days to - Los Angelos and
Southern California, and five days to San
Francisco. Such service forTraus-Continental
travel has never before beon offered.
Tho tourist carfare Is less than via any
other route, effecting a savins of t25.00 to
f30.00 for the trip.
All information, maps and rates furnished
on application to Charles L. Ilopkius. Dis
trict Passenger Agent, Southern Railway
Company, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
No such thing as "summer complaint"
whero Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw
berry Is kept handy, Nature's remedy for
evory tooseuess or the bowels.
In Now Jorsoy's Stnto Industrial
School For Girls.
Kmpto.rM nnd Tciiolicru In tho Inntl
tntlon Toll iritnrli Methods I'rno
tloort by Mr. llylor, tlio Principal
of tlio School.
Trenton, Aug. 2. Oovornor Voorhco,
hns decided to personally lnvoetlgato
tho charges of cruolty In the manage
ment of tho Stnto Industrial School
for Girls mado against Mrs. Eylor, tho
principal, mado to him yosterdny by
Rev. Dr. Maddock and P. J. Fltzglb
bon, of the board of trustees. The gov
ernor had his Btenogrnpher there to
take notes, and will make a thorough
Investigation, which will bo conducted
Soveral witnesses wero oxamlncd
yesterday afternoon, all of whom mado
statements against Mrs. Rylor and tho
methods employed In discipling the
girls. Tho first witness was Gottlolb
Kohlcr, nv fireman at tho Institution,
who said that he had often beon Bont
for by Mrs. Eylor to hold tho girls
while sho punished thorn genorally by
slapping them In tho face. Shackles
nnd straight jackets, he said, wero free
ly used, nnd ho was obliged to hold tho
girls while titoy were spanked. Ho ex
pressed tho opinion that tho punish
ment was too sovero, and said tin
straight Jackots has novor beon used
before Mrs. Eylor's tinio, except onco
on a crazy girl.
Timothy Coniff, n coachman at tho
institution, gavo testimony In tho
same vein ns Kohlor, and Instanced
ono enso whoro ho was holding a girl
when Mrs. Eylor wrapped the girl's
hair around hor wrist and pulling her
head back over a chair struck tho girl
In the face with her fist
Martha Wight, a toacher at tho
school and a Bister of Rov. Dr. Wight,
of Long Branch, said that tho affairs
at tho school wero very unpleasant.
Sho had purposely avoided witnessing
corporal punishment, because she was
opposed to It, and practically none of
this was practiced undor Mrs. Ey
lor's predecessors. Miss Wight told
of three girls who had run away from
tho school nnd had been caught again.
They wero kept in closo confinement
for flvo weoks, part of the tlmo In a
dungeon, and for throo weoks wero
given only bread and water. Miss
Wight said that sho and Miss Har
bourt had chargo of 69 of tho girls and
managed them with very little difficul
ty. Thoro nre 135 girls In tho sohool
and 14 teachers altogether.
Miss Margaret Harbourt, another
teacher, told of the punishment of
Katie Barlow, tho llttlo girl who last
week was sent to tho city hospital.
Tho girl ha4 taunted ono of tho teach
ers, and for this Mrs. Eyler ordered
her to walk up and down a tier of
stops 25 times, and was then put In a
A colored girl who had broken tho
rules by writing a letter to another
girl In the sohool was put In a cell for
seven days. Miss Harbourt said that
whon girls wero put on bread and
water the cup3 wero not allowed to re
main In the cell, nnd the girls could
only havo a drink whon served to
them. Miss Harbourt admitted that
she disobeyed tho rules In this respect,
and that when sho served water to the
girls In the cell she left a cupful with
them In order that they might drink
as they needed it.
Isabella Scott, employed in tho school
laundry, said that It was a common oc
currence for girls to be punished by
being slapped In tho faco. On ono oc
casion, sho said, 39 girls wero sent to
bed without supper for falling to learn
a scriptural lesson.
During tho Investigation there was n
colloquy between Trustee Fitzglbbon
and Trustee Cook as to whethor
shackles were Introduced In the school
by Mrs. Eyler. Mr. Crook said they
wero used before Mrs. Eyler's tlmo.
Trustee Fitzglbbon donled this, and
reading from a note book said that flvo
pairs had been ordered by Mrs. Eyler's
husband, who Is an employe of the In
stitution, without tho knowledge of
tho board of trustees.
Robbed the Grave
A startling incident of which Mr. John
Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is
narrated by him as follows : "I was in a most
dreadful condition. My skin was almost
yellow, eyes sunken, tonguo coated, paiu
continually in back and sides, no appetite
gradually growing weaker day by day.
Thrco physicians had given me up. Fortun
ately, a friend advised trying 'Electric
Bitters,' and to my great joy and surprise,
tho first bottle mado a decided improvement.
I continued their uso for thrco weeks, and
nm now n well man. I know they saved my
life, and robbed the grave of another victim."
No one should fail to try them. Only 50
cents per bottle at A. Wasley's drag store.
Unelo tram') Imlolitedness.
Washington. Aug. 2. Tho monthly
statement of the public debt shows that
at tho closo of business July 81, 1S99,
the debt, less cash In tho treasury,
amounted to $1,161,587,671, an lnoreoso
for the month of $5,267,436. This In
crease Is accounted for by a corre
sponding decrease In the amount of
cash on hand.
$100 Reward $100.
Tho readers of this iiauer will bo pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure In all Its
stages, and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is the only positive euro known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting directly
upon tho blood and mucous surfaces ot the
system, thereby destroying tho foundation of
the dlscaso, and giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and assisting
nature In doing its work. The proprietors have
so much faith In Its curative powers, that they
offer One Hundred Pollars for any enso that It
falls to cure. Bend for list of testimonials.
Address. F. J.CHENEY Si CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists. 73a
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Tho Vr"oldourH CouhIii Arrested.
Fitzgerald, Ga., Aug. 2. J. H. Mo.
KInley, a first cousin of President Mr
Klnley, was arrested here Monday at
ternoon on a police warrant sworn out
by J. M. FIckler, a neighbor and G. A.
B. comrade. McKlnley and FIckler
live on adjoining tracts of land and
havo had trouhlo before. Mr. McKln
ley moved hero from Canton, O., about
two years ago and Is a farmer. He Is
charged by FIckler with using threat
ening language against him and also
with seeking to have Flcklor's pen
sion discontinued. Mr. McKlnley has
given bond to keep the peace.
Young Mothers,
Croup Is the terror of thousands of young
mothers becauso its outbreak Is so agonizing
and frequently fatal. Sblloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure acts like made In cases of
croup, it lias never been known to fail. The
worst cases relieved Immediately. Prico 25
cts., 60 cU. and fl.OO. Sold by P. D. Klrlln
on a gcarauteo.
South rind ( nil t nil Aim rlrnii llrptili
llo rrlftiilly to Our (lovrrninont.
Washington. Auk. 2. The renewal
of the report, this tlmo from Home,
that South and Central American conn
tries are forming an alliance to offset
the American tendency toward expan
slnn and Imperialism, excites only de
rision In the diplomatic circles ot tho
southern republics. One of tho best
posted of these officials said today:
"There has been no such movement,
so far as I can learn from letters and
reports from many quarters In South
nnd Central Amorlra and from con
stant association with representatives
from those countries. Those show tho
utmost cordiality towards the unueu
States, and some of the countries men
tloned as taking part In nn alllanco
have recently given strong expressions
favorable to the United States. The
Argentine Republic Is said to be a
prime mover In the plan, but the pres
ident of Argentina, In his recent mes
sage to congress, paid a glowing trlb
uto to 'our frlond and neighbor, the
great republic of tho north.'
"No administration in nny southern
ropubltc could stand long on a policy
of opposing this country, and as a
matter of fnct no responsible official
has ovor pronospd such a movement.
Slmmrook Kenny for Iler OoonnVnynan
Greenock, Aug. 2 Sir Thomas Lip
ton's Shamrock, the challenger for tho
America's cup, proceeded to Falrlee to
day, nnd will remain thoro for tho
night. Tomorrow morning sho will be
Joined by tho steam yacht Erin, and
tho two wilt start for the United States
about 10 o clock.
In case of weak stomach, disordered liver.
Impure blood, shattered nerves, bronchitis,
lingering cough, or other affections which
lead to consumption. Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery will ordinarily bring
about raptu cure, it y . . . .
the trouble be deep- jr IfTcfSX
seated and chronic, fSJk
you had better write V,tr
to Di. K. V. Pierce.
himself, nt Huff.ilo,
N. Y.. telling him
about your
sickness. He
will give you
siuercu aavice, . r.?
and charec no
fee at nil. His V
nractiee ha9 been .
so widesnread.
nnd has covered so
many forms of disease,
that his free advice is
likelv to do vou more
good than that of a physician who charges
high prices.
Dr. Pierce is also the head of the famed
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at
Buffalo, N. Y., where hundreds of Invalids
nnd afflicted persons from all over the
country go for treatment by the corps of
specialists who are in constant attendance.
It is because of his vast practice that the
doctor is so well fitted to successfully treat
every form of disease. Do not feet that
you are imposing upon him when you ask
for free advice, because he wishes all to
know that his medicines only are to be
paid for not his advice.
"I have ud three bottles of Dr. Werce's
Golden Medical Discovery since my correspond
ence with you and find great Improvement In
my case." writes Mr. A. P. Novotny, of New
York, N. Y., (Boi MJ7). " I feel that I m In
need of no more medical assistance. When I
started to take your medicine I hnd a regular
consumptive cough, of which I was afraid, and
everybody cautioned nnd warned me concern
ing it, I was losing weight rapidly, was very
pale and had no appetite whatever Now I do
not cough at all, have gained eight pounds In
weight, have recovered my healthy color, and
mv appetite Is enormous. I can and will rec
ommend your medicine to everybody who may
be in need of the same, as It is a sure cure, no
nuiuuue as nre rucm oiner patent medicines,
and is far superior to all similar medicines."
If the head aches, the trouble is pretty
- . . 1 .1 .1 1.1, ,
duic iu uv i;uu:.iijjiiiuii ui uniuuncss. UTi
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets will cure you.
Ainictm ana unfortunate saffcrlng from
BLOOD ?0IS0HAx5f::iS.!n;,d,
ormarnedllfe.tstrlciare and Varicocele,
ami Elecirla Belt swindlers, and with nn faonul
fftmrantiirl nwi nnH (! .).
He is theonlricTcn si I nriirnp ran
irenr i tn HLL. u riu
as Sworn Testimonial, prove, no matter what
others i advertise or f aUrly claim. Case.
hi it i(j iugsjs. Joscjunnnood ft small,
shrnnienorgans restored. Honrs! 0-3. efes, o-t.
oni ?:1!, Treatment by maiu Send for till
boolc 1 1 ei poses everv fraud anddecett In medicine.
Us value to secret suScrers Is berosd description.
Philadelphia &
Readinq R'y.
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke.
Trains leave Shenandoah a. follows:
For New York vU l'MlKllnl.l. ..w .i-.
TIO, 8 BS, 7 87, 9 55 a. m., 12 Se, a 09 and S 09 n, m.
Hundnys, 2 10 a m.
For New York via March Chunk, week days
7 87a.m.. 12 26 and 8 09p.m.
ror Heading and .Philadelphia, week davs
10. 5 38. 7 87. 9 55 a. m.. 12 28. S 09 .n.l m
Sundays, 2 10 a in.
rot 1-oiMvtue, wees: days, 2 10, 7 37, 9 55 a. m.
12 26, 8 09, 09 and 7 30 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 h m.
For Tamamia and Mah&nnv itltv. wMh-
2 10, 7 37, 9 55 , m., 12 26, 8 09 and 6 09 p.m.
Sundays, 2 10am.
Wnr 1 1. . CI ... . , .
. 1 " t'1" ii 'J ... j aim JjewiSDUrg.
week dava. 3 27. 11 S2 a. m.. 1? 'M t an
Sundays, 8 27 a m.
roraialano) Plane, weekdays, 210,8 27. 5 38.
737,9 53, 1182 . m., 12 26. 8 09, 609, 780. 9 56
p.m. Sundays, 2 10 and 3 27 a m.
For Ashland and Shamokln, week days, 8 27.
7 37, 11 82 a. m., 12 26, 8 03, 6 07, 7 25 and 53 p. in!
Sunday, 3 27 am.
ror Baltimore, Washington and the West via
... w. i. .... (uiuueu i n. iia tec t ueaalnK
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & R. U R.) at 8 20.
XS'ilS'J"-' "n1 7-27 P. I. Sundays
8 23,7 00,1126 a. m., 8 46 and 7 27 p.m. Addl-
iuubi .rams uom iweniy-iounn and Chest
nut streets station, week days, 1030a. m, 1220
uw.w p.m. ounaays, i sa, 8 23 p. m.
days, 1215, 4 30, 7 30,1180 a. m., and 180.4 80
9 00 p.m. ' '
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 80. 9 10 a.m.. 180, 4 40 p.m. '
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
days, 4 80,880, 10 21 a. m. and 186, 4 06, 6 86,
Leavf?.ea?l5BJ e5'Ldy" 187, 7 oo, loos
a, m., 12 15, 4 17, 6 00, 8 26 p. m.
Leave Pottaviile. week dava. 7 n. V in
9 30, 12 80, 120, 4 80, 6 10 and 6 50 p.m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8 18, 8 86. II 2
a. m 149,5 66, 7 20,9 41 p.m.
juananoy uiir, week days, s 45, 9 04
11 47 a. m.,2 22, 5 25, 6 24, 7 44, 1008 p. m
Leave Mahanov Plane, week dava. n in i tn
(30. 9 22 10 23,12 00, a. m., 2 89, 6 86, 6 42,7 58
10 21 p m.
Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 7 42, 1000 a
m.. 12 84 and 4 00. 11 80p.m. .
Leave PhlladelnhlaClheatnnt tPAal lii,l mnA
South street wharf tor Atlantte City.
Weekdays Express, 8 00, 9 00, 10 45 a m, 130.
2 00, 3 00, 13 40 sixty minute, 4 00, 4 30,(500 sixty
minute. & 80, 7 15, p m. Accomodation, S 15 a
m, 5 30. 600 pm. Sundays Express, 7 30. 8 00.
8 30, 9 00, 10 00 am, 4 45, 7 15 pm. AcaiminodiC
tton, 6 13 a ra, 4 45 p nt. 11.00 Excursion 7 00 a
m dally and 7 30 Sundays.
Ix-nve Atlantic City Depot 1 Weekdavs Ex
press, 6 15 Mondays only, 7 00, 7 45, 17 50 from
ltaltloave. station only, 830, 9 00, 10 15. 1100
am, 8 30, 4 30, 53U, 730, 930 pm. Accommo
dation, 4 25,800 am, 8 50pm. Sundays Ki
press, 880, 4 00, 400, 0 00, 6 30. 7 o0, 7 80. 8 00,
6 30 p ra. Accommodation, 715am. 4 30 pin.
"'''xHwn.un u uup m.rjunuayso IU,
For Ocean City-Weekdays a 43. 915 a in.
2 15, 4 15, 5 13 p ra. Sundays 8 45, 9 15 a m, 4 41
pm, tLOO excursion Thursday and Sunday 700
a m.
For Cape May and Sea Isle City Weekdays
9 15 a m, 2 JO, 4 13 p m. Sundays 8 45 o so 4 43
p m. 11.00 excursion Sundays only, 7 00 a m.
Additional for Cape May Weekdays a 54
am. Sundays 9 13 a m.
Parlor Cara on all ssmm. train
For farther Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Beading Hallway ticket agent
Qen'l Sunt,, Qen'l Paes'p Art.
IIaaln.' Hull. J.I-iT!"
LL '
1 1. 1 1
A Curo for Norvous Hoadacho.
For eight trs I snrTercdfromconstlpntlnn
nnd spvere ncrtou li'iidnchc, tho headache
uoiinlly Instlng three days ut n time llrnd
Brim iKiw.U-r rHL'veil mo temporarily, but
left too lul nn etre u Hlnce I hegnn Cnklric
Celery Kins; I liavo RTeotly Improved In
Ixwlth, wldom or never linve nendache, liavo
cnlunl In flesh, hik! fevl decidedly well. -Mrs.
li R Hatch, Temple, N. II.
l elt'o King t'i'HU dlsenaca of the N'erves,
Btomn.-li, I.ierand Kidneys. Bold by drug
gists 2.1 nnd jOc. 0
Those who ence
keen comtneback
best by
lor il. iu an-
mixture makes
the flavor of cof
adding a lit
tie of Sccllg's
to ordinary
fee delicious.
All Grocers.
kcofleo. tc a packge.
jyt. K. Y. KOUSA.
Centre and Market streets.
In lha M-tl-k ...ll.lln. .JUI.I .......
Shoemaker's office.
Onico hours 18.00 to 1Z00 a. m.. 3.-00 to 4:CO
and R.0O to 9KM p. m.
Offlna Ro-an t... 11.1 1 - . , r.
' ',. ."'"ri ui Main an
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
OfllM! 4f?nr. fVnlp aar..l LI.IA . a
to Justice Toomey'i oflloo.
Lock Box M, MihMor Clr PU
mMlrlM In In. as. 7 i i . "
. v.. ..T "uurras in cara oi nuoBM,
...a i.sig nnananaoan.
Jolt 1,1399.
Tn-Jna win .... ou j .
wiJerlWr?SltWliS??on,, F"11U. dS?
t ,- V.11'1 P"1Ile- Hamburg, Beadlaav
L.?.W?l,HhniXTnie- NorrlstowS' anrhK
8 05al m;74 2bprm7
,iM" Frackvtlle for Bhenandoah at
Ui1mta-nT5.m88' P' 8uBU'!f
viTit? ".Al'.,.t,l,e 'or8henandoah (via Fraek
W,Jn:.Vl03p"m?' "'r,
Imt. 11.11..111.1. I
H l7-. . rc. . t;. turoaa sireel station), f.t
sn51??.h ? mv 10 p. m, week dkr"
Putvllli,s'ii1.lgi'1,Wl0d re4sUtIo.j for
I ottsvllle, 5 80. 8 85, 1019 a. ra.. 1 M 4 10 Til
f-(KPra?kd,,yS- aaadt V i2'.n"
iave Broad Street Station. Philadelphia,
FOB NEW vnntr
noon. 123.1 ll i,i.i ! V " "v "
2 30. 8 20, 8 4 iSTt W, 3 6 CO? FoT 2
1235, 30,403 limited. M ffl" W .fk iS
7 02. 10,10 00 p m?U01 nlghk 15
wiinoui cnange, 11 01 a ra..
dX: 8 10 P- m- dally. '
naUlrlll I ru . ..
, -- t. aim, caj-j, ji uj a ra
For Sea Girt, Asbory Park. Oaaaa Oravs.
40S n raweeid.7.J Too? m 'aTtiSuVsVaiT
rate' LletUea ss?rfS
om0.rim,lSnT'lle,i!M,onn'1 lrmnton. fa,
V?., ' ? ? noon, 8 . 00 (LambeHvlll. a"
p m dally. ' """" w r'. ana r tn
Mount PrHVinn .....1.1 , n. .
ODr, i w p m Saturdays
9 12. 11 a. m 12 W, "STfi; tlT hkli oit
gresslonal Um.. 5 U, 7 VpJUi. f
2'UTiore, accommodation, 1 11 a sa. 1 B
Atlantf0.? w?d ndU 16 pnTal"
p m.difl 1Ullwr- Eipras-vM a4 (H
Krrfrl b- rA TT a vn is ...
PhsMatua s. I.ALI. li i. - -
- ..... vim wuituri ana norxoiKa nil
? 11 10 p m dally.
iIe .rke '.' wharf a foUows I S
S.vT "S" vTJ " "i . . P Wfk-
r ' - , V. , "1 via oeaaiaa l ar K. 1 10
a in. 1 30 and 4 00 p m week-dsys. Hnndays
stops at Interlaken lor Asbury PaikJtraia!
For Ueoch llavpn anil t) T7" "T!
a tu'and 4 W P' m WZZ&ZS " '" 10
i.ji S r;'""" iMiawara rrrar
bj!derKiprt?',iB 9 IM mlnutssj a m. 3
82 minutes, 4 00 80 mlnuteal,7 05 tt Mlnatasl
p m UoDdays, 4 53. 9 20 80 mlnutaal a. m..
2 38 82 minutes, 7 01 Us minutes p. m. J
lataoa .( Xtri t Vs a.
avv s-4 cti i uriivinNi, CBU
8 30, (75 minutes). 1000 (75 minutes, am, (104
Saturdays only), (75mlnutes), 2 OoTtTO mlnulesL
303 (75 minutes), 3 80 (00 minutes), iH (ti
mlnut-), 4 30 (75 minutes), 3 00 100 mlnutssrl,
530 165 minutes p. m. Sundays, A 00, 7 CJ
73 minutes, 800 75mlnutes,8 80173mlautasl.
9 00 173 minutes, 10 00 70 minutes a. ra., and
4 30 73 minutes p. ra. SI.00 Rxcuislon trala,
7 00 am week-days. Sundays, 7 00 and 7 80 a m.
Vi.. n.n.11.. lnl..u Mil. ... a-,.
Beach Express, 900 a m, 2 30, 4 03 100 mlnutosj.
uir wrarara ounaays, gain, rot
Capo May only, 130pm Saturdays, f 1.00 Bjc-
Cllralnn Irnln. 7m. in 1 1
For 8 Isle City, Ocea 'city, Avaloa aa
Stone Harbor Express 9 10 am, I 4 30, 1 OJ
slon train, 700 a ra dally.
rornomers-i-oinv-lixprecs, OOO, BIS, 10 0 a
w,iwuMuiun;i umjrj, J W, O UU, S UU. Uu, S W9
Dnvuliun. Humlava sort a no .M.nrfiniH
a ra, 4 B0 p m.
'iue union Tranatet Company will ealj lie
and check baggage from ho Vila and rasldtaaas.
-liining uar.
I. B. Hnrcaiirsosr, J. K. Wood,
uen-i uanacer. Qen'l PaasVr Aft
U a. " " ...
uiumuwoivi, rropw
819 N. Centra Bt, rottsvllle, Pa.
Fine old Whiskeys, Qlns and Wines, at ths ba
A ,l,nM II... ,
www-, ...iu .i unn soq I enipiMf
A onornmodatlooa foe travel
Heal at all
v...... ,u uui auui
narsirr filorlc
and rry to thosa ltarlia;
nomi, or oororalsslou te la,
cal in into, P. rmaiicnt .v.
w.i.iiuw .11. UB.1H
aflr l.arnd.1. Ad.1
a a .ii.w.iyim.