The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 01, 1899, Image 3

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gives nature the mild assistance
needed for the regulation of the
menses. It Is of wonderful aid to
the girl lust entering womanhood,
to the wife, and to the woman ap
pro tchlngor going through the turn
of life, women who suffer from
any unnatural drain, any bearing
down pains In the lower abdomen,
falling or displacement of the
womb, can quickly cure their troub
les at home, completely away from
the eyes of a physician. A few
doses taken each month will regu
late the menses perfectly.
Large bottles oldby drotgliti for $1 .
The BradSild Rtialatar Cttnpiar, Atlanta,
Will crnillctito from your system tho linger
ing oflbctsof grip and other aliments caused
by the eoveio winter, and miliaria, rheuma
tism, neuralgia, catarrh, stomach, kidney,
llvcrhnil nervous disorders, paralysis, blood
and skin diseases, and chronlo and func
tional derangements. Tho mountain climate
of lint Springs Is cool and delightful In
wimmor. 100 hotels open tho year around.
For Illustrated llteratnro, containing all
Information, address 0. 1'. Cooley, Manager
BuIsdcss Men's Lcacue, Hot Springs, Ark.
For reduced oxcurslon tickets and par
ticulars of tho trip, address W. A. Turk,
Qen'l Pass. Agt., Southern By., Washington,
D. 0., or 0. I. Hopkins, District Tassongcr
Agout, 823.Chostnut St., Phila., Pa. 0-l-4m
Coming Kvents.
Ang. 15. Ice cream festival in Bobbins'
opera houso by the Congregational church.
Restores Vitality, Last Vigor and Manhood.
Cures Imtiotency, Night Emissions and
wasting- diseases, all effects of self
jabuse, or excess ana incus
icretlon. A ncrvo touio and
jblootl builder. Brings the
BSW' restoros tho fire of youth.
SWlSS By mall COo per box, C boxes
for $:2.C0; with a written guaran
tee to ure or roftmd tho money.
Send for circular. Address,
Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, III
Sold at Ktrlfn'. drug store Shenandoah, I'a.
rrf,lj,f,.l.r. KHffll.h Diamond Ilraad.
Original and unl uenuine. l
Arc. lwji relUble. ladics m
bymond Brand In lied anJ Gold
pjooxea, Hsira who diuw fiuuuu.
f tiom and imitation$. At ursKfiita. vr twos.
' la tumri for ptrtlool, uitlmoauu b4
. r.n.r rAf T.nAirmJ tn WUr. br rttura
floH ftj all LocaI DruKtiM. miLADA., i A
Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics act directly upon tho disease,
without exciting disorder In other parts
of tho system. They Curo tho Sick.
1 Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. .23
tt Worms. Worm Fevor, Worm Collo... .33
3- Tecthlnf,Colio,Crylng,WakefuIness .S3
4- Dlarrhea, ot Children or Adults.-... .33
7 Concha, Colds, Bronchitis S3
5- Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceacha..... .25
O Headache, Bleb Headache, Vertigo.. .33
10- Dvapcpila.IndIiestlon.WeakStomach.25
11 Suppressed or Painful Periods.... .23
13-Wliltes. Too Profuso Periods .33
13 Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness .23
14- Solt Illieum, Erysipelas. Eruptions.. .23
18 niieumallsm, Rbeumatlo Pains...... .25
ltVMalarla, Chills, Fovcr and Ague 33
10 Catarrh. Influenza, Cold In the Read ,23
20-Whooplng-Cougl .33
B7-lttdney Diseases , 23
SB-Nervous Debility 1.00
BOCrlnary Weakness. Wetting Dcd... .33
V7 Grip, liar Fever .23
Dr. numphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your
Drurgtits or Nailed Free.
8old by druggists, or sent on receipt of price,
Humphreys' Med. Co Cor. William & John Sts.
A box of our
srEcinL rnniLT drew
is an exhilarating
stimulant during
the hot summer
Delivered at your homo.
Columbia Brewing Company.
Tha only pleasure resort and
picnic grounds in this region.
Splendid lake of fresh water. Ice
and wood, free, to all picnic parties
to prepare and preserve meals. An
orchestra Is established here for the
entire season. For particulars
tJ. J. YOST, Prop.,
Barnesvllle, Pa.
News and Opinions
National Importance
Daily, by mail, - $6 a year
Dally and mall,$8 a year
The Sunday Sun
lathe greatest Sunday newspape
In the world.
Prkt 5: a cof j. By nil, $2 a jea
AaoreM TfflS guy, New York.
To Provont tho Sproad of tho Yel
low Fovor Outbroak.
Latest Ofllotnl Advices show n Totnl
of Thlrty-ovou Cases ntitl Boron
J)entlis nt thu Old Soldlorn' Homo.
Omolnln Fcol Knoournm-il.
Washington, Auk. 1. Tho latest of
ficial advices received bIiow a total ot
37 cases and Boven deaths from yellow
fever at tho Soldiers' Homo nt Hamp
ton, Va. Ono now caso occurred at
the homo yesterday. Thus far tho dis
ease has been confined to tho home, but
all surrounding towns nro excited and
a vigorous quarantine is being main
tained. Dr. Wasdin, of tho Marine hos
pital service, is In char go ot affairs at
Hampton nnd working In co-operation
with tho local boards ot health. Ho
has strengthened tho cordon about tho
town of Phoebus, which ho reports Is
In very bad Banltary condition.
Tho fact that only ono now caso ap
peared yesterday Is encouraging to the
officials hore, who are taking every
measure to prevent a spread of tho
disease. They feel that tho fact that
tho affected locality Is in the hands of
the government and under one man
agement will bo ot great valuo In deal
ing with the scourge and enable bet
ter results to be obtained than whero
opldcmlca break out In commercial
Dr. Wasdln's official report sums up
the history of tho contagion aa fol
lows: "Early in July nn 'old soldier' enter
ed the homo for a short rest, and soon
aftorward appeared at the dispensary,
whero he Informed tho physician in
charge that ho was but recently from
Santiago, via a transport to a northern
port; thence ho started for Manila via
San Francisco; beat his way to the
homo on a freight train, and entered
with his baggage. Ho complained of
dumb chills and fever, and was pre
scribed for. Ho mingled freely with
the Inmates of tho homo and a short
time ago disappeared. This 1b tho pos
sible cause of the outbreak.
Brooklyn Tntlors on Strike
New York, Aug. 1. Tho garment
workers In the eastern district of
Brooklyn have followed tho example
of those In the Drownsvlllo district.
Nearly 2,500 membors of the Inde
pendent Garment Workers' union
went out yesterday. They demand a
ton hour working day, operators to be
paid $18 n week, preasers from f 12 to
$15 a week and finishers from $9 to $12,
The tailors struck two years ago, and
the contractors compromised and
practically agreed to grant tho de
monds of tho men. The strikers say
that the contractors carried out tho
agreement for only a few months. In
other parts of greater New York tho
strike Is apparently drawing to a close.
ana in tno way tno strikers hoped for,
Be Fooled the Surgeons.
All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West
Jefferson, O., after suffering 18 months from
Rectal Fistula, he would die unless a costlv
operation was performed; but he cured himself
with live boxes ot ilucklen s Arnica halve,
the surest Pile cure on earth, and the best
salve in the world. 25 cents a box. Sold by
A. Wasley, druggist.
Tliroo Hundred Hnmoloss by Flnmo,
Malono, N. Y., Aug. 1. The village
of Tupper Lake was almost entirely
wiped out by Are Sunday morning.
Save two hotels, tho Opera Houso, tho
Catholic church and a few straggling
tenement houses on tho outskirts, not
a single block or houso remains. Not
a business establlshement of any kind
escaped. The buildings were all of
wood, and, there being no Are nrotee
tion, Insurance rates wero well nigh
prohibitive as far as the poorer class
were concerned. Three hundred per
sons are left homeless and destitute.
The loss Is estimated at from $150,000
to ?zuu,uuo..
Oh Ever; Bottle
Of Sklloh's Consumption Curo is this guar
antco : "All we ask of you is to use two-
thirds of the contents of this bottlo faith
fully, then if you can say you are not
benefited return the bottlo to your druggist
and ho may refund tha price paid." Price
25 eta., 60 cts. and $1.00. Bold by P. D.
Kirlin ou n guarantee
Tlitovtiie rollceinnn rTJjnds Oullty.
New York, Aug. 1. Policeman T. F.
O'Brien yesterday pleaded guilty to
grand larceny In the second degree.
O'Brien was charged with having
Btolen a gold watch, a chain and two
charms from too body 01 ueorge U
Rhoads, president of tho Stuyvcsant
Fire insurance company, wno was run
over and killed by an Eighth avenue
electric car on June 10. The maximum
sentence Is Ave years.
KIDNEY L'Mlt',?0
TROUBLE don'' kn,T g yon
vw want nulck results ion
can make no mistake by using Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy. At
druggists in fifty cent and dollar sizes.
Sample bottlo by mall free, also pamphlet
tcutng you now to una out u you navo
kidney trouble.
Address. Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Binghamton, N. Y.
A Boucn Aiuorrcnn" AlllahcoT
London, Aug. 1. The Morning Post's
Rome correspondent says: "Accord
ing to news received hero the victory
over Spain and tho growth of Imperial
ism In the United States has led tho
South American republics to talk of an
Alliance against the United States, and
It Is alleged that the preliminaries of
such an aTllance have been concluded
between Brazil and Argentina."
Croup instantly relieved. Dr. Thomas'
Eolectrlc Oil. Perfectly safe. Never falls.
At any drug storo.
Killed in Uuolu In n Duel.
Knoxvllle, Aug. 1, In 'a dupl Jn a
mountain road In Letcher county, Ketti
tucky, William Smallwood shot tq
death his uncle, Clolland Smallwood,
and was himself fatally Injured by his
victim. A quarrel of long standing
culminated when tho men mot, and
both drew revolvers and began firing,
Tho younger man fell mortally wound
ed, and his undo, shot through the
heart, fell dead across his nephew's
Try Allen's Foot-Ease,
A powdor to bo shaken Into tbo shoes. At
this season yur feet feol swollen, uervous
and hot, and get tired easily. If you have
smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot
Ease. It cools tho feet and makes walking
oasy. Cures swollen and sweating feet,
blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and
tmnions or all pain and gives rest and com
fort. Try It to-day. Sold by all druggists
and shoe stores for 23o. Trial package Fit EE,
Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Hoy, N. Y.
snMatlhg uWoodflndltcgula
IhhStuinachs andDowcls of
ticssancincstdontiiins ncllhcr
OrawntMorphinO norllincral.
Not Narc otic.
Axv afOldnrSWlZLEHtimi
Stru'tt Jttd
tfS Ortnxvlltieta 4
IHlmfttd -
fZanlfd 'Saaar .
ApcrfcctUcmcdy forConstipa
fion.Sourfbmach.Diarrhoca, Wormsonvulsions Tcvcrish
ncss andloss OF SLEEP.
"latSitrafe 'Signature of,
A Wreck From Grippe,
Catarrh and Asthma.
I was known as "The Woman
cessantly. I was a school .teacher
eaten away the partition in my
Asthma, dreadful Stomach troubles and weak kidneys. In fact it had
gone all through my system, making me an easy victim for the Grippe
which left me a wreck in mind and body. This was the condition the
doctors left me in, after dosing me with opium, quinine, etc. Then I
bought cough cures without end but they only made me worse, I was
in despair till I got hold of Brazilian Balm and Toxicola Tablets,
They acted like magic from the first, and in a few weeks I was cured
and better than I had been in years.
Brazilian Balm and Toxicola saved
Yotl eet more doses of Brazilian Halm fnr
and $1.00 a bottlo nt druggists. With every 81.00 bottlo you get ono month's treatment ol
Toxicola Tablets freoj the best tonic, nerve and strength builder In tho world. B. P. Jnckson
& Co., Mfg. Chemists, Indpls, Ind.
Shenandoah Drug: Store,
3 APO L 1 0
HU AwcAum tf tS f mm rSI it ml FWSXT
MCPJUO lb u reifW itaUw I milt. HtW
HursHM. mum. mssmusms. Moot
ituiio, tomcTKUT. ncm ion. rtmnmiL
o j. .. ... .. -
wuu iur uur hook, A jura s lsye view
818 pages-beautlfully' illustrated and ve
York and how to to about. Fbkk yon the
Jf, when contemplating a trip to any poln
West or Southwost of tho Mississippi Kiver.t
Ton will purchase tickets via tho Missouri
Paclflo By., or Iron Mountain Route (which
are on sale at all principal ticket offices In
the United States), you will havo all the
comforts and luxuries of modern railway
equipment, and tbo finest opportunities for
viowing all of nature's museums and marvels
of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Texac,
Old and New Mexico, California, etc Ex
curslon tickets to all principal points at
greatly reduced rates. Ou account of the
National Education Association meeting at
Los Angeles in July, wo will make special
low round trip rates. When contemplating
a trip West or Southwest, write us for full
information and rock bottom figures. W
E. Uoyt, Q, E. V. Agent. J. V. McCann, T.
P, Agent, 801 Broadway, Now York, 4 E3-tf
Does Tola strike yod n
Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath
come from chronlo constipation, Karl's
Clover Boot Tea is an absolute curo and has
been sold for fifty years on an absolute
guarantee. Pilco S3 ots. and 60 oU. Sold by
P. D. Klrlln on a guarantee.
For Infants and CMIdron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the .
Signature f?W
f$ Kind
Always Bought.
who Coucrhs," for I couched in
till my health failed. Catarrh had
nose. It had produced Bronchitis,
Talk about wonderful remedies,
my life.
Miss I,. L Clark, 917 Hortou St.
thn mnnpv tlmn nnv nttipr rnmmW 9 nn Mint.
U You
Wholesale and Retail Agents.
... . NEW YORK
Of New York" nnd ita HrAAtA.f RtA
InterSttaB TelU you Si aboS Ne7
abkiko. u aooui new
Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to
California Without uhango of Cars.
Leaving Washington every Tnesdav and
Friday at 11:15 a. m., the Southern Hallway
operates Personally Conducted Tourist Ex
cursions to San Franclso without change of
cars, conductors or porters. The routo is
tnrougn Atlanta, Montgomery, Tew Orleans,
Houston, San Antonlo.New Moxlco, Arizonia,
and Southern California. Tbo cars aro the
very latest pattern of Pulltaau Tourist
blecpers, rosewoou nnlsb, navo high back
seats, upholstered in rattan, are slxtmn
section, supplied with linen etc., same as
standard sleepers, lighted bv Plntseh fin
havo wide vestibules, double sash roller
curtains, lavatory, and smoking room for
gp mieinen, anu two retiring rooms Tor ladles.
Three and one-half days to Mexico and
Arizona, four days to Los Aneelos anil
Southern California, and 11 vo days to San
Francisco. Sqch service forTraus-Contluental
travel lias never ueioro boon ouered.
Tho tourist carfare is less than via any
other, routo. effecting a saving of t25.O0 to
J30.00 for the trip.
All Information, maps and rates furnlshod
on application to Charles I.. llnnVlna nt..
trlct Passenger Agent, Southern Railway
Aiujiuujr, o-o vucovuub Biree&, i niiaueipula,
No such thing as "summer complaint'
where Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw
berry 1 kept haudy. Nature's remedy for
every looseness or the bowels.
Disoussos tbo Woakness of Oar
Army hi the Philippines.
Well rod.Woll Clolhwl and llottorWA-
olpllni'il A Uuiiilroil Thotmnml Sol
illors Should Ilo on thu l'lulitluu
Orouml hy Nuvumbur.
San Frnnclwo, Aug. 1. An ofllwr of
one of tlie volunteer regiments In the
nlllpnlnra lms written the followlne
letter, tinted Mnnlln, June 27, for publl-
The arrival of the rainy season finds
the Insurrection as vigorous as It has
been any time since the outbreak. The
Insurgent armies are well recruited,
notwithstanding their heavy losses.
and are well fed and clotued. They
havo profited hy their five months of
wnrfaro against the Americans. They
sro fast adopting American tactics and
are becoming better disciplined and
more skillful In tho use of their
weapons ovory day.
Ono hundred thousand soldiers
should be here ready for business by
tho beginning of tho dry season In
November. Garrisons could thon be
stationed nt strategic points, A con
tinuous warfnro cannot bo carried on
In this enervating cllmnte by the same
troops. Frequent rellofs are necessnry.
Troops should not be kept hore
longer than n year. Men from a north
ern cllmnte retain their natlvo vigor
for bIx or eight months after arrival
hero and thon bogtn to succumb to tho
vnrlous aliments of tropical weather.
This is exemplified In the cases of tho
volunteers nnd thoso regulars who
havo been In the Philippines slnco laBt
summer. The most of them nro sat
urated with malaria, many havo rheu-
mntlsm, nnd nil aro greatly debilitated.
They are unfit for further duty, and
recuperation seems slow and unsatis
factory. As It Is with them, so It Is
likely to bo with their successors.
The eight million peoplo of tho Phil
ippines nre as highly civilized as the
twolvo million ot Mexico. If the Amer
ican peoplo will Imagine tho United
States to havo acquired Mexico against
her will and to be engaged In nn nt
tempt to put jlown a universal rebel
lion of Mexicans with 20,000 troops,
they will hnvo a dupllcato picture at
closo range of tho situation In the Phil
ippines, with tho exception that tue
climate of tho Philippines Is from 10
to 15 dogrees moro tropical than that
of Mexico.
AYlndow (Jin 'Workers Convono.
Philadelphia, Aug. 1. Tho special
convention of the Window QIass Work
ers' association opened today at Green's
hotol. It is composed of tho three
wage committees, tho executive board
and the national officers. No positive
information was given out as to what
tho workers will ask, but It is cortain
that an advanco over present wages
will be demanded. President Simon
Burns said that no extravagant de
mand would be made. "Wo will ask
for what wo aro entitled to," said ho.
and will insist that our scale be
paid. It will be presented to the manu
facturers, and if they refuse to sign it
wo will have It signed by tho Inde
pendent producers and keep the com
bination plants closed until our terms
aro granted."
Tnllorft Strlko Xcnrly Ended.
Now York, Aug. 1. Tho tailors'
strike in Manhattan borough seems to
be rapidly drawing to a close. Yester
day many omployors and contractors
signed agreements In accordance with
tho men s demands, nnd on Sunday
about 800 men returned to work, their
employers having agreed to the terms.
Tho men In each shop return to work
ns soon as a settlement Is made. Tho
tailors hnvo been exceedingly orderly
In their conduct, not one arrest being
made during the strike. Vestmnkers'
union No. 3, composed of 1,200 work
men, havo struck for an advanco of
25 per cent over their present wages.
Tho strike Is principally against con
tractors. Discovered by a Woman.
Another great discovery has been made,
and that too, by a laily in this country. "Dis
ease fastened its clutches upon her and for
seven years she withstood its severest tests,
but her vital organs were undermined and
death seemed imminent. For three months
she coughed incessantly, and could not sleep.
ane nnaiiy discovered a way to recovery, by
purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New
Discovery tor Consumption, end was so much
relieved on taking first dose, that she slept all
night ; and with two bottles, has been ab
solutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther
Lutz. lnus writes W. C llamnlck & Co..
of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at A.
Wasley's Drug Store. Regular sire So: and
Sl.oo, Everybottle guaranteed.
dimmed With llithliniid Slurdor.
Webb City, Mo., Aug. 1. Mrs. John
Thornton was yesterday arrested on
a warrant charging her with killing
acr husband, a well known mining en
gineer, whose body was found' two
miles southeast of this place, with tha
head nearly severed from the body.
Mrs. Thornton left her husband a year
Drink Oraln-0
after you have concluded that you ought not to
drink coffee. It is not a medicine but doctors
order it, because it is healthful, invigorating
and appetizing. It is made from pure grains
and has that rich seal brown color and tastes
like the finest grades of coffee and costs about
'X as much. Children like it and thrive on it
because it is a genuine food drink containing
nothing but nourishment. Ask your grocer
or Grain-O, the new food drink. 15 and 25c
Hoy Spiked tho Itnll For Fun.
Camden, N. J., Aug. 1. Four boys,
auoa ana ueroia wescott, Jacob Mc
Konna and William Snrncuo. aired
from 12 to 16, wero committed to the,
county Jail yesterday charged with
driving spikes between tho rails of the
West Jersey and Seashore railroad,
near Atco, about 20 miles from Cam
don. Station Agent Howard C. Sharp
discovered the obstruction In time to
prevent a serious disaster. Tha boya
admit spiking the rails, but assert that
they were at play and meant no harm.
$100 Reward $100.
The readers of tills paper will be pleasod to
lenm that there Is at least ono dreaded disease
that science lias boen able to cure In nil Its
stages, and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo
Is the only positive euro known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh'Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot the
system, thereby destroying tho foundation of
the disease, and giving tho patient strength by
building up the constitution and assisting
nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have
so much faith In its curative powers, that they
offer One Hundred Dollar for any caso that It
falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address. V- J.CUEHKY A CO., Toledo, Q,
Sold by Druggists. IS9
Kail's Family Pill aro the beat.
All rnf1nn' Mtirdrrotm Jnlntiy,
Alimorst, Mass., Aug 1. ISugene
Pnkaphuer, a graduate from Hip Indian
school nt Carlisle, I'a., shot and kilted
ICdlth Morell, aged 1? years, nt tho
home ot Mrs. J. V. Morell. In South
Amherst, last evening. The Indian had
been employed on the farm for about
a year, and during that time he had
paid much attention to the girl. The
murder, without doubt, waa the result
ot Miss Morell's refusal of his atten
tions. The Indian became so Jealous
that his behavior around the farm was
very disagreeable, nnd yesterday It
was found neceaeary to pay him off
and give him his discharge. He re
turned last evening and killed the girl.
Then he started a fire which destroyed
the house, barn and outbuildings. Tho
Iiollce think he is hiding In the woods,
and they hare begun a search for him
lilt I'ntv 1 Clnni llnlcncMl.
Paris, Aug. 1. Le Solr announces
that Colonel Dtt Paty De Clam was
liberated yesterday afternoon. Noth
ing is yet known of the actual grounds
of the acquittal, hut It Is reported
that Du Patr De Clam was exonerated
because It was proved that he acted
under direct orders from General
Conse and General De Ilolsdeffre,
against whom severo disciplinary
measures are Imminent. It this Is con
firmed It will prove that the efforts
of the gen oral staff to make Du Paty
De dam a scapegoat have failed.
American Ynolit Whin Atrnln.
Dorval, Que., Aug. 1. The second
race for the Seawanhaka cup came oft
yesterday on Lake St. Louis and was
won by the American boat Constance
by 65 seconds, this making two wins
out ot five races, and ns the course to
day will be to windward and return,
tho Constance should have n good
show. Should CoiiBtance win today
sho takes tho cup.
A Happy Woman. AH the world loves a
happy woman one whose smiles are an
Inspiration to others. We love the woman
wno laugtn, wnetner
she be in the house
hold, behind the
counters in stores,
in the business office
or in society. The
happy woman, sad
to relate, is rare.
you find one,
you find a
score weigh
ed down
with sick
ncss, weak,
nessand woe
that nrocced
from "female troubles." And yet there
ought to be and can be a score of happy
women to one who is unhappy. Those
women whose lives are saddened by the
drains upon the system, by prolapsus, by
irregularities, by headache, nervousness
and bearing-down pains, can be restored to
happiness and health by Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription, a medicine that Is be
yond question the best in the world for
disorders of the womanly organs. ISvery
ailment that besets the girl, the bride and
the mother, between puberty and the "turn
of life," is cured by it. It keeps the pros
pectlve mother In a happy frame of mind,
and her good spirits are sure to be Inher
ited by the little one when it comes.
The medicine dealer who urges some
substitute for Dr. Tierce's Favorite Pre
scription Is thinkinz of the larger profit
he'll make and not of your best good,
Mrs. Orrin Stiles, of Downing, Dunn Co., Wis.,
writes: "I have beta intending to write to you
cvrr since my imuy wa
born in regard to what
your 'Favorite Prescrip
tion has done for me. I
cannot praise it enough,
for I have not been as
well for five ytars as I
hai. nn. tn Tnlv Incl T ."
had a baby boy, weight ( S
II pounds, and f was only
sick a short time, and
since I eot ud have not
had one sick day. I have not had any womb
trouble since X got up. I was not only surprised
myself but all of my friends here arc surprised
to seen, e so well."
ror 21 one-ceni sinmps 10 pay postage,
Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., will send
you his famous 100S page illustrated Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser, a book that
is easily worth $5 to any family. Cloth,
binding 31 stamps.
Dr.THEEL604Hort!i Sixth St.
l FhlIAlSnuT-rt" X. 6C.
uuAKANTE&o to curc arter the
so-csUed erc&teit, moil celebrated and
wlseit adTrrtlBlDgdortors fall, no matter
what they rlatm. LOST MANHOOD
Abvul, Blood iWjon, Strieturtt, tihrunktn or Cn
aneloptanraant. 7-(iirIy(AonIonelntlis world
to core VARICOCELE withoutcattlntr. Hook tree
alee Mrdlcal Institute en Frtth castt rar4
In la 10 Oav Treatment br tnsll. Instant rrUef.
Philadelphia &
Readinq R'y.
Engines Bum Hard Coal No Smoke.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows t
For New York vl lMiH&ilAlnhlk .1.-.
no, 3 as, 7 37, 9 Ma. m., 12 26, a 09 and 6 09 p. ml
SundaB, 2 10a m.
For New York via March Chunk, week days
7 87 s. m., 12 28 and 8 09 p. m.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week days
2 10, 5 88, 7 87. 9 65 a. m 12 28, 8 09 and 09 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a in.
ror rotisvllle, week days, 2 10, 7 87, 9 M a. ru.
12 26, 8 09, 6 09 and T 80 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a in.
For Tamaoua and Mihannv CMtv wmW .1 ......
210, 787, S55 a. m., 12 26. 8 09 and S 09 p. m.
For Wllllainspoii, Sunbury and Lewlaburg.
week days. 327. 1182 a. m.. 12 7 an ...
Sundays, 3 27 a m.
rorjua'iano flane, weekdays, 210,8 27, 8 3S.
7 87.9 55,1183 a.m., 12 26, 809, 809, 780. 9 88
p. m. Sundays, 2 10 and 8 27 a m.
For Ashland and Sbamokin, week daya, 3 27.
7 87, D 82 a. m 12 28, 3 09, 6 07, 7 25 and 53 p. m!
Sunday, 3 27 am.
F.or Baltimore, Washington and the West via
n. &0. R. 1L, through trains le-i Reading
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. 4c R. If R.) at 3 20,
JS.I2- m., 8 10 and 7.27 p. i. Sundays
w, 1 w, . ui., o 10 nnq -t p, tn. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Ghent
nut streets station, woek days, 10 SO a. m. 12 20
12 15 8 10 p.m. Sundays, 1 85, 8 23 p, m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
u) b, 1. 10. a 00, i ov, 11 cu a. m., and 1 30. i 80
9 00 p.m. ' '
Leave New V'ork via Mauch Chunk, week
days. 4 80. 910 a.m.. 1 BO. 4 40 n. m '
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week
7. 6 J 10u,0w' u " m na 1 80, 4 06, 8 88,
11 86 p. m.
LcTf.R.d!5'f;!Ldjr"' 1 37, 700, loos,
a, in., 12 15, 4 17, 6 00, 8 28 p. m.
i-oiiavme, wees nays. 7 17, 7 40 a. m.
9 30. 12 80. 1 20. 4 80. 6 10 and A 60 n. m.
Leave, week days, 3 18. 8 84. 11 23
. ... . 1 -, uu, . m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8 45. 9 04
1147 a. m., 2 22, 8 25,8 21,7 44, 10 OH p. m
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 3 40, 4 00
680. 22. 10 23, U 00, a. m., 289, 5 86, 6 42,768
10 21 p m.
Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 00 a
m., 12 84 and 4 00. 11 80 p.m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street whsrf and
South street whaif for Atlantic City.
WuVll.V. ITvn. . a O IV. I. . . .
2 00. 3 00, IS 40 sixty minute', 4 00, 4 80, SOo'slxty1
Till (til t I . n Hfl 1 M n tn A wr.. .I..lf -mm
in, 5 30, fl 30 p m. Hundaya Express, 7 30. 8 CO.
8 30, 9 00, 10 00 n m, 4 , 7 15 p m. Aocoinmoda!
'Tn 'a1 l,w incursion 7 00i
m dally and 7 30 Sundays,
1 i.liua .t1snln CU... t l.n.l . 1t-i. n
nnma lA it XTnnilnua nnl..l T rw"k M u i i
llaltloove, station only!. 8 80. 9 00, 10 15. 1100
ilatlnn A fl IY1 sm m a J1 ... u
""" u. uuuii lit. DUUUBjVB
press. 3 80. 4 00. ft Oil. A nn ft sn v rj v im a vi
6 30 p m. Accommodation. 713 am 4 30 n m!
excursion, weekdays 6 00 pm, Hundaya 6 10.
For Ocean Cltv WfbrHnv a a oh ...
3 13, A 13, 5 15pm. Sundays a 45,9 hn m.4
i ww vavu divu t uimuay anu ouaaay 7
P mi Jr00 "ourslon Sundays only. 7 00 a m.
Additional for Cape May Weekdays a
am. Sundays 9 13 am. '
. .i . ii. Mn 1 1 i .
. -..w. uu .ii upmi trains.
jror inrtner information, aprly to nearest
Phidd P nd Bedln Jlw7 ilckel it
I, A. Bwsuqabd, Kdsos j, Wuu
Qen'l Bupt,, Qen'l Paas'e jtrt.
VV ft- wber
The Ours ...a! Gures
Whooping Cough, Asthma
Dronohltlo and Inolplont
Consumption, Is
tSjiiu,a iraojt 25650rAs
Tan's whr they enjoy their OCT Jin.
Anr tracer can tell yu why csitoaaaaa
kp coming 1. k for 871151.108.
Centre and Market streeU.
In the Mcllrt building, adjoining TJtuttc
Shoemaker's office.
OIHi hours: 8KK) to 12.-00 a. m., XOO to 4:00
and ftrOO to fcoo p. m.
Office Riran building, corner of Main an
Centre streets, Hbenandoah.
OITIm . TV. ...I 1 i"i I . - . .
."' " 'in iiuih nitrous, nexi
lo Juatlco Toomey'a office.
Lock Box M, Mahoaoy City, Pa.
Raring studied tinder some of the hst
majters Id London and I'aris, will aire lmH
on the Tlolln.mandolln. puliar and vocal calture.
Jclt 1, 1899.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after la. aoova
?i-!f '"u.'Wl 0llbertonj Fraokvllle, Dark
Vi ater. 8t. Clair. Pottavllle. ilamburg;, lSadlDIt
Pottatown, Phoenlrvflle. Worrlstown indPhK
t station) at 616 and 8 OS
Mi m.i,pm!' n d3"- BonU"'
M1,?l!1.l"Te a'nsckTlllB for ShenandoaV
J,8! 1148a.m. and 5 86, 7 86 p. m. B
11 01 a. m. and S sit n. m "
vinei 7 id ii nn . .ii. .... r.
10 85 V m. 5 10 p7nt ' ' m- DOD"r
T.v. Ik1I ..l.ll.. . tr.
o. (uroM sireei station), for
Shenandoah at 8 35 a. m.. 4 10 p. m. week dirs.
Sundays leave at 6 SO and 9 23 a. m. 7
r..,ii V K""". street autloa) for
ott.vllle.5 30,8 35. 1019 a. m., 1 80, 4 10,7 11
0?pmee y' Sunda'- tso' 92S - mVand
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
FOR NEW vonir
.5xrr?nW"':-dy. , 4 05. 4 40.8 00.811.
i,iis,a, a), 1021, 1100. HUim 13 no
noon. II sa. It uii im'rr .V "v ??
2 aoTa 20, 8 so, T 02, s 005 m, a oof Fb?' S"
?,2' i8 t W 21. 10 43, 11 43 a ra, 11 S!
J2,5?3.4 " limited. U St, 3 20. is. S
7 02. as 10, 10 00 p m. 12 01 nlghL '
For Boston without change, 11 01 a nu, wssk.
days, and 8 10 p. m., dally. waa.
days n WB-
t n ' uV Asoury Park, Ooean Oroveu
'Mand'sfc" 'or bur'pSki
Kaaton only), weekdays, and 7 03 n m dally
Hll(Ti,1n Q m . 1 1. ivi ' . . . 1 '
p m dailT. ' """" "eeioayi, and J ot
MOLlnt I'fWirm aruutal 1 (V n .
onIr V moaiuroaysi
t. T. Ill . . .
,r.. "more aanlnirton. 8 50. T 20. 8 R.
jy m, n a m, 12 09 L 12 88, 1 12, 8 11, 4 41 i 84".rn.,2"oJ, .,i2'; .u.T,"' tSS
Krcdonal Llm., S 84, 55, -TTS1 p mud
. fi. I,Unor"' accommodation, 9 11 m.151
"aiuR wk.dJr,'5 08 nd I6 p m dally.
pm.UdSfl 1U'lw'r' EP-M aod u
Nnrfnlsr IT ni
" "K-ru iunn WHT xor Mem do la
ndewOrleans,53lpm dally. P
a m weekdays, 11 10 p m daily.
" irkeA "l" wharf, follow,) Ba.
DrrwM fnr Ksk Vv avi - aw.
. ii w w. as.. a UJ, fftj p 1XJ WP
aT ,For Long Branch via iicaslde Park. 0 10
ft. ITt. 1 Hfl n nil A l"sT a. a 1 .
storwMIntcrlnken for Asbnry ParkJ,T0m.
i . fZ? wHrKw uiy, viuam
a m and 4 00 p m weekdays.
Imv Tlriuit .Im.1 .11.. -I. T-. . i .
5.'ld8!?xVrtM' a 63, 9 40 f 80 mlnuUi I am. In
I81mluutca), 4 00 80 minutes, 7 05 ISS mlouUel
v m nnnaaya, 03 920 180 minutes! a. m..
2 38 (82 minutes), T OS ls5 mlnutesl p.m.
8 80, (73 minutes). 10 00 (73 mlnuteaa7 jlod
' J ii.iuiuhks . 4 w, iiuminufrseu
3 03 (75 minute.), 8 80 (60 minute.), 4 08 (5
mlnutfa), 4 30 (75 minute), 8 00 (60 minute,
3 30 165 mlnutesl p. m. Sundays, 0 00, T SO
75 minute., 8 00 75 minute., 8 30 75 minutes.
900 175 minutes, 10 00 70 minutes a,m,anl
4 30 75 minute. p. m. f 1.00 Kxcuialon train,
V nil . ... ...... .i . . ... . . . .
ror Cape May, AnRleeea. WlldwoX.Hollr
iracu i.iprfaa, vuo a m, z 80, 4 03 llOOmlnutat,
5 00 p m week-days. Sundays, 8 20 a m. Vor
curslon train, 700 a. m. dally.
. .... v..., utwo iiiy, Avmion ana
Btone Harbor ltxpreaa 9 10 am, 1(0,4 20,8 0)
p m weekday.. Sundays, 8 SO am, I1JX) Kxaal-
iur nouicm l-ulnt cxpreu, 0 00,833,1000 Sk
m llm (l.tni.1... A..l Arw..M.MM.u
, . J " vi..;,, . w,0 W, UU, UU, U WJ
p in weexdays. Sundays, 5 00, 8 00, 9 00 and 10 OS
am, 4 90 pm.
The Union Transfer Company will call for
and check baggage from hotels and residue.
uimng tjar.
T. B. llUTcnisaoii, J. n. Wood,
uen-i Manager. Oen'l Paas'g'r Act
Alt UiUaUUUO&ll ViUjP
819 N. Centre 8U, PottarUle, P
r ids uia n mmn wi... . .
A rhn m II... n I. n.
. ....v w. viemi kiiu 4UUIMV
anoe Drinks.
AccommodaUoDa tot traTelera.
Meals at all hoar
r tlctt or it rs for oar btrdj
Nan 17 btotk Kxpusveai
snv! Mltry to tbosa Uatiok
bum, or coramiuion to Jo
t-ftl ii; nts, ' rmsntni i
vl rimnit- T bating
miiMiiraea, ao.
" . hi,, iinwijiua,