The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 01, 1899, Image 2

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    The Herald
"All thi Nut Thai's Fll lo Print."
nlnn. except Sunday,
irtreet, Shenandoah, I'a.
The Herald la delivered In Shenandoah anil tlio
Hurrnundlnft towns forMxcentan wek, pay
Rblo to the carriers. By mail J8.00 yiiir, or
23 cents n month pnyahle In advance Ad
vertisements charged accord In to space and
portion. The publishers reserve the rlnht
to chance tho position o( advertisements
whenever the publication of news demands
It. Tho right Is reserved to reject any
advertisement, whether paid lor or not, that
tho publishers may deem Improper. Adver
tising rates made known uponnppllcatlon.
Filtered at tho Kt ofllce at Hhenondoah, Vn., as
second class mall matter.
As nn evidence of the unprece
ilented condition of railroad pros
perity, it is said tliut every railroad
entering Chicago needs more cars
than it has or can get to meet the de
mands of shippers. This condition is
not due to any great and sudden in
crease in any particular traffic, but is
due to tho stendy growth of all kinds
of traffic. From all indications the
year 1899 will eclipse all former years
In the volume of business done by the
railroads. Some of the railroads are
declining freight for quick delivery.
"When the fanners are prosperous
nil the people are," said an official of
one of the blgWestern roads. "Here
is a fact worth mentioning. More
nlanos were shinned over our road
from Chicago to the West and South
west in the last three months than
the entire number in the years from
1893 to 1897." This is good proof of
t.hp nrosnerltv of the farmer, for a
piano is a luxury in which he does
not indulge as soon as
hundred dollars ahead,
Archbishop Ireland's Views.
An interview with Archbishop Ire
land, who has iust returned from a
six months European trip, published
in the New York Sun, is pregnant
with suctrestions and observations
concerning the stability of national
government and the material progress
and welfare of the people as a whole.
Archbishop Ireland is to-day one of
the foremost prelates of the Catholic
church in America and stands as the
peer of the greatest thinkers and
economists of the age. His notice of
. , ,i t, --i,i I
allairiusecular may well be regarded
with concern and his remarks receive
respectful consideration from all
classes and all people. The reception
accorded him in foreign countries,
while not marked with universal una
nimity, lias been sufficiently so to
show that his depth of thought, his
superior wisdom, his lucid exposition
of the nroblems which underlie hu
manity's safety and the fundamental I
principle of human progress, are rec
ognized by leaders in civilized coun
tries and by them largely accepted.
In reference to the position occu
pled by America in Europe he is
quoted as saying :
"In all these countries I noticed
on the part of the government au
thorlties, and the people as well, a
strong desire to be upon good terms
with the United States. They appre
elate the importance of friendly rela
tions with this country, but at the
eame time their interest and the
desire for these reciprocal kindly
feelings appear to be wholly sincere.
In France I received the assurance
of tho highest official authorities,
which was confirmed by Ambassador
Porter.that the government was most
unxious to show its high regard for
the United States, and as a matter of
fact concerning the coming "expos!
tion, more favor was shown the
United States than to any other
nation, this country having received
nn nllnrmpnr. nf iiinrn than its due
proportion ot space , m
Peck concurred Tn this. M. Delcasse
told-me that upon the occasion of the
Judication of the Lafayette statue on
July 4 of next year the Frenoh Gov
juiyoinexlyeurw. -
eminent would do everything In its
rinwor to rlve welcome to Americans."
1 . . . , , ,
Ha sums it un by saying : in onei
.Wrvn to he courted and they are
courting us."
In regard to the Philippine disturb
ance he expresses the opinion that
should finish np the business
He throws a side light upon the
nrBtrfnB nlTair which will be new to
Americans who have been regaled
with stories one sided In character
n,i odtroH a olear out view of Frenoh
r -
cuaracier w..u.
army and you touoh tne nation.
. . 1 . an. a , 1 1 1, 1 1 ,11.1
Archbishop lreiano s Americanism
lanatalillshed andhiB fealty and de
votion to America cannot be nues
tioned. His expressions on affuirs of
"A Utile Spark May
Make Much Work.'
The liilte "sparks" of bad blood forking
in ihe svslem should be quenched tmin
rr 3 c m, ArZJri's ofet fifao
Mood's SArsaparitU, Americas great W
purifier. It purifies, vitalizes and enriches
he blood of both sexes ana au ages, wes
scrofula, salt rheum, dyspepsia, catarrh.
mm rmiNTRY : First. Last and Forever. tre PtW
Acts gently on the
and Bowels
Cleanses the System
err ty i u ally,
national import, therefore, must be
accented as the deductions ot a
patriot and should influence the
course of the American people. He
is a staunch supporter of the present
administration land is in sympathy
with its colonial policy.
A Sensible Man
Would use Kemp's Balsam for the Throa
and Lungs. It is curing more cases of
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup
and all Throat and Lung troubles, than any
nthar t,a1 r n ' I 'h n rtrrf ?M rtr llfltt mttllrtf-
M my to give you a sample botUc
free to convince you of the merit of this great
emedy. Frice 25 c and 50c.
Uhenp Ten-Day Trip to Seashore, vln Plilla
delphia & Heading ltallwuy.
On Thursday, August 3rd, tho Philadelphia
& EeadinK Railway will run a special ten-day
excursion to Atlantic City, Capo May, Ocean
City and Sea Isle City. Special excursion
tickets will be on sale at the low rato of
$3.50 from Shenandoah to either of the above
seashore resorts.
Theso icketa will bo good going to Phila
delphia on day of excursion from Shenan
doah on special train leaving 0.55 a. m., or
on reeular tram leaving 12.20 p. m., and
from Philadelphia to point of destination on
any regular train excopt 3 40 and 5.00 p m.
Sixty-minute flyers to Atlantic City, within
timo limit of ticket and good to return on
any regular train within ton days including
I J l
uay ui issue. i unman uuriur mis nu
,al trajn VlfMAphUlLt
Pullman parlor cars will bo
While these tickets do not Inclnde the
transfer of either passengers or baggage
through Philadelphia, arrangements have
been made whereby on the payment ot ten
cents extra ono piece of baggage for each
ticket can be checked through to Atlantic
For further Information, seats In parlor
ccr, &c., apply to ticket agents, or address D.
L. JIauger, Traveling Passenger Agent, or
Edson J. Weeks, Gen. Passenger Agt., Phila-
Tho Prpulilpiit nnd tho IM-omlor.
Hotel Champlain, N. Y., Aug. 1.
The story in a New York morning
Daner to the effect that thero Is a
possibility of a meeting between Presl
dent McKJnley and Sir Wilfred Lau-
rier. premier of Canada, at a point
near the Canada line to confer on the
Alaskan boundary dispute, is hardly
worth denying. The only possible ex
cuse for the publication of such a story
la tho fact that Sir Wilfred Laurier Is
expected to visit Hotel Champlain for
a stay of a couple of weeks alter tne
Canadian parliament adjourns, which
will probably be In about one week.
If he should conio here It Is barely
possible that he and the president may
talk over the Alaskan boundary ques
tion In an informal way, but that any
formal conference will be held on that
subject Ib not true.
How Is Your Wife 7
Has she lost her beauty? If bo, Constipa
tion. Indigestion. BIck Headache are tne
principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea
has cured these Ills for half a century. Prico
25 cts. and 50 cts. Money refunded If results
nro not satisfactory. Bold by P. D. KIrlin
on a guarantee.
I Florida short line
The New York and Florida Express, via
. naUw.y. leaving Broad street
station. Philadelphia, daily at 5:31 p,
carries through Pullman sleeping
can to
Amniata and Savannah. Ga.. Jacksonville and
Tulgigtho si,0lt Hno and most attractive
Tnt t nninU in Georgia and Florida. All
.1. . .T I,, r'i,iri.
iniormanon onoonuiijr UJ
L. Hopkins, District i-assenger
Agent, 828
Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Holler KxploHlon Kills Biz.
White Cloud, Mich., Aug. 1. Shortly
after a threshing crew had started to
work yesterday at Big Prairie, eight
miles east, Engineer Crabtree noticed
that the water In the boiler was low,
The Are was raked out and the en
glneer turned more water into the
boiler. Almost Instantly the boiler ex-
pioded. killing Charles Halght, Alfred
Halght, Charles crautree, wen baiter,
pnAn TCclaat n n it Tin vm nn ri I J mi-n In
Btan0y. George Overly was so badly
injured that he cannot recover. Oscar
I l,QlU A I IOV U..U ... J ......... w,.v
Evans had his leg broken.
Three of
the men left families. The explosion
blew the engine 150 feet, driving It
through a barn and carrying half of
the separator through the barn with It.
Ailmlrul Sampson' Prize Suit
Washington, Aug. 1. Hear Admiral
William T. Sampson has filed a suit
In the supreme court of tho district,
llbellne the Spanlih vessel ot war
Maria Teresa and miscellaneous 6toroa
nnrl nunnlleg cantured unon her and
other Spanish war vessels. In his bill
no says uiai ne uriiiB" '
own Iwhalf Hnd also in behalf of all
. flnl,,t81 man of the
UnItei states who served with the
united States naval force ana iook
part in ine navai engagement on cun
tlago de Cuba on July 3, 1808, and in
raptures made subsequent thereto.
Admiral Sampson says tbat thr Teresa
was worth $7"0 ono ovor and abovo the
cost f rn ovrry
Ilropix'd Thruo TIioiisuihI root nml
Drowned In u l.nko.
Corry, Pa Aug. 1. Frank Hoyndlds.
of Ripley, Chautauqua county, dropprd
3,000 feet to his iloath yostonlay. Tho
r inulnys Lalco Assembly opened at
Flndlny Lake- Assombly opened at
Reynolds had boon ongnRed by tho qb
son bly authorities to make a balloon
a'TPusion nnd parachute Jump. Reyn
olds, who was 25 ycara of ago, and hnd
a wife and child, is said to have bot-n
hi'-xperionced. He had mado but ono
ai, enston iieforo yostortlay, and had
nt'vor dropped with a parachute Prep
aiutions woro made and at 4:30 yogter
dny afternoon Reynolds, stripped for
th" Jump, appeared ready to ascend.
Tlie wind was blowing in strong from
Lnkp Erio, eicht miles north. Tho as
sembly grounds aro on the northwest
shore of the Ilttlo lake. The wind
was certain to drlvo tho balloon over
the lake. It promised to ho a dan
gerous urop for a Boasoned veteran, but
Reynolds, thfj novico, novor faltered.
An Immense crowd was present.
when tho balloon had reached a
height which appeared to bo fully 3,000
feet In tho air nnd directly over Find
lay lako It was seen that tho unfor-
tunato young man had dropped with
tho parachute Ho came down slowly.
The aeronaut's young wife Lhouted
that Reynolds could not swim, and
would drown. Boats wore quickly put
out. Reynolds struck tho water where
tho lako is 90 feet deep. Ho throw up
his hands and sank llko a stono. Tho
nearest boat was yet 200 feet off.
Itolonxpd nnd Itoni'rmtcil.
Now York, Aug. 1. Frederick Mora
and Rlcardo do Renuecens, who were
convicted In tho United States circuit
court in 1897 of making countorfolt 100
pesos notes of tho Bank of Costa Rica
and sentenced to two years' Imprison
ment and a fine of $2,000 each, were
brought beforo United States Commis
sioner Shields yosterday to be dis
charged under the pauper convict act.
Both men had served tholr term or
Imprisonment. After their dlschargo
they were Immediately rearrested on
tho charge of making and having In
their possession counterfeit GO pesos
notes of tho Bank of the Republic of
Colombia. They were taken to jail to
await trial on the now charge.
GlorlouB News.
Comes from Dr. D. 11. Cargilc. of Washita,
I.T. Ho writes: Four bottles of Electric
flitters lias cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula.
which had caused her great suffering for
years. Terrible sores would breaK out on nor
bend and lace, ami mo ucsi aociors couiu
fflvonoholn: but her euro is complete and
and her health is excellent." ThiB shows
what thousands havo proved, tbat Wectric
Bitters is the best blood purilior known, it's
the supremo remedy for eczema, totter, salt
rheum, ulcers, boils nnd running sores. It
stimulates liver, kldnevs and bowels, oxpels
noisons. ncins aigesuon uunus up vuu
strength. Only 50 conU. Sold by A. WaBloy,
druggist. Uuaranteod,
Philadelphia, July 81. Flour stendy, but
Ilttlo doing: winter superfine, $212.25:
Pennsylvania roller, old, clear, $3(53.15;
city mills, extra, $2.25SJ2.D0. nyo Hour
steady nt $3 per barrel for choice Pcnn
sylvunla. Wheat dull; No. 2 red, spot, In
elevator, 70MB70Hc Corn slow: No. 2
mixed, spot, In elevator, 33i3Gc. : No. 2
yellow, for local trade. 40c. Oats dull;
No. 2 white. 2DS23V4C", No. 2 white, clip
ped, 30c. Hay steady; choice timothy,
J17.D0S18 for largo bales. Beef firm; beef
hams, $30030.50. Pork easy; family, $11.50
012. Lard weak; western steamed, $5.50.
Uutter steady; western creamery, 158
19c; do. factory, 14014V4c; fresh factory,
ll14c; Imitation creamery, 130154c;
New York dairy, 13017c; do. creamery,
15JlSc.; fancy Pennsylvania prints Job-
bine at 22024c; do. wholesale, 21c. Cheese
strong; large, white and colored, 9V40
314c; small do., 9Hc. Ebbs quiet; Now
York and Pennsylvania, 15010c; western.
fresh, 10015c Potatoes steady; fair to
prime, $101.50; fancy. $1.7502.10; southern,
$304. Cabbago steady; Lonrr Island, $305
per 100. Muskmclons over plenty and
dragging heavily; Jersey, per half bar
rel crate, 75e.$l; Baltimore, per bushol
basket, 50075c; southern, per barrel, 50c,
0$1. Watermelons lower under excessive
receipts; per carload, $.50125; per 100, $5
Baltimore, July 31. Flour qulotr west
ern BUpcrnno, $Z.15Q2.2o; western, extra.
$2.3002.90: western, family, $3.2503.60
winter wheat, patcnt3, $3.0503.65; spring
wheat, patonts, $3.8504.10; spring wheat,
straight, $3.4003.60. Wheat steadier; spot,
the month and August, 7OH07Oc; Sep'
tember, 7272Hc; steamer No. 2 red, C7V4
067c; southern, by sample, C2071c; do
on Brado. CSS71C. Corn dull ana easy
mixed, spot, 35033Hc; the month, tlSUSi
3314c; August nnd September, 35U035V4C.
November or December, new or old, S3V4C
steamer mixed, 31031V4c; southern, white,
41042c; do. yellow, 40041c. Oats dull nnd
easy; No. 2 white, 29V403Oc; No. 2 mixed,
28V4029c Rye firmer; No. 2 nearby, 62V4c
No. 2 western, MbC Hay steady; No. 1
timothy. $15015.50. Grain freights very
firm, steam to Liverpool, per bushel, 3tfd,
Aucust: Cork, for orders, per quarter.
3d. August. Sugar strong; coarse ana
fine granulated. 5.58. Cheese steady
large, 9409Hc.; medium, 909c; small,
lOGlOWc Butter stoady; fancy creamery,
19020c.: funcy Imitation, 15017c; fancy
ladle, 14fil5c; good ladle, 11012c; storo
packed, 12015c; roll, 12014c Eggs quiet
at 11012c
Llvo Stoctf Mnrkotn.
New York. July 31. Steers In good de
mand and stoady; bulls and common cows
weak to 10c lower; three cars unsoia
steers, common to choice, I4.650M&; siobs,
I4.30fi5.15: bulls. $2.0003.36; cows, $1.,5U
3.75. Veals ouened 23050c higher and
closed easy: buttermilks steady; car
western unsold: veals, $4.5007; butter
milka. ja.mcea.G2!A: urassers. $3: western.
$4. Bheeo steady to firm; lambs unevenly
lower, averaging 15Z5c. on irom oaiur
dav: three cars unsold; sheep, $84.87W
nulls. $262.70: lamus, tvar, cuus, o.uv,
TlntrK hlcher at $t.EO4.90.
East Liberty, i'a., Juiy 31,-toiuo uuuu.
stoady; extra, $5.40g.5O; prime, v.vmv.iv
nnmrnnn. 13.5034. Hogs active ana nign
er: prime medium ana gooa lomers,
JI.8S64.90: fair Yorkers, $1.754.'80; pigs,
Ii.75a-4.96: heavy hogs.; grosser,
i attftil 7R. rnucrns. iju1. anwv 111111
..vw , - - - . t
choice wetners, .aov.9v; euum.uu,
3; spring lambs, $qo; veai caivtw, o.iwuu.
Tell Your Sitter
Abcantiful complexion Is an impossibility
without good pure blood, the sort that only
exists In connection with the good digestion;
a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover
Koot Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver
and kidneys keeping them in perfect health.
Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. KIrlin
on a gnaranteo.
Cnnillor'H Apponl 1'or I.uw run) Order.
Atlanta, Aug. 1. Governor Candler
last night Issued an nppoal to tho peo
ple of Georgia to Join hands and put
an end to mob violence in tho state.
The governor believes that tho only
way to restore a condition of peace
and tranquillity and to bring an end
to the lawlessness that has been mani
fested in dlfferont parts of the state is
for the people to uphold tho courts and
aid them In bringing to speedy Justice
criminals of all kinds. Tho governor
dwells at length upon the reproach
heaped upon the stato by tbo repeated
Eczema, scald head, hires, itchiness of the
skin of any sort instantly relieved, perma
nently cured. Doan's Ointment. At any
drug store,
Lotus plvo you a, picco of advlco: Pain
in mo imck is an almost infalliblo Blga
of Kldnov diseaso : a Riiror sitrn is th
condition of your urine, if you havo a
pain In tho hack then look to tho con
dltlon of vour urino. It is easily donoJ
Tako a glass tumbler and All it with1
urino, after it lias Blood 24 hours : if it
has a Bcdiment.ifit is milky or cloudy,'
if it is palo or discolored, stringy or
ropy, your Kidnoys and Bladder aro in
a dangerous eonditlon and need imme
diate attention, or tho consequences
niav provo fatal.
Dr. David Kennedy's Favorlto Rem.
odv is tho 0110 inedicltin that rcallv
cures oil diseases St tho Kidnoys, Liver,
iiauucr nnu mood, uiieumatism, uys
pepsia and Chronic Constipation and
corrects tho had effects of whiskey and
beer on tho system. It is wonderful
how it makes that rain in tho hack dis
appear, how it relieves tho desire to
unnato often, especially at night, and
drives away that scalding pain in pass
ing water and in a remarkably short
timo makes you well and strong. Dr.
David Kennedy's Favorite Itemed? is
aold at all drug ctoros for$1.00abottlo,
or six bottles for $5.00.
If vou would Iiko to try this wonderful
modicino you can do so absolutely free.
Hend your full name nnd add l ess to tho
TION, Rondout, N. Y., when a freo
trial bottle, together with a pamphlet
of valuable medical advlco, will bo sent
you by mall postpaid, providing yon
mention this nancr when vou writo.
Tho publishers of this papor eimrantoo
tho gonuinoncsa of this liberal offer.
Two of Ills Wives Died Under 8ns-
plclons ClrouniHtnnoos.
Chicago, Aug". 1. Martin Dotz, said
to have married six women,, all but
two of whom are said to be now living,
was arrested horo yesterday. The po
lice allege that Dotz, In Wheeling, W.
Va., under tho name of Henry Doesing,
married a woman who later died
under suspicious circumstances. His
watch and clothing were found on tho
banks of tho Ohio river, but tho im
pression of Bulcldo thus given was dis
pelled by ins arrest hero a year ago
for disposing of mortgaged goods. Be
foro reaching Chicago Dotz married in
Mllwuukoo Maxlmillana Sporl, a Chi
cago woman; Elizabeth Schmidt and
Caroline Schneider, both of Milwaukee.
Upon obtaining their money, tho alle
gation runB, ho left them. In this city
ho took to wife a woman worth $12,000.
sue died suddenly, willing ner prop
erty to Dotz, then known as Fred Hoh.
His next wife was a south side woman
possessed of $1,000. His arrest at this
point cut short his matrimonial ex
periences. During tho year he has
been in Bridewell the police have been
gathering evidence against him.
A Ilnrmonlons Conclnalon.
Atlantic City, Aug. 1. A harmoni
ous conclusion was reached yesterday
at the conference of representatives of
tho green glass bottle blowers and tho
green glass bottle manufacturers by
which the blowers accepted a 9y& per
cent lncreaso In tho present wage Bcalo.
They mado a demand for 15 per cent
Increase, but a compromise was reach
ed. Tho shop rules now In force wore
ordered to bo adhered to.
Trlod to Wreck a Train.
Opolika, Ala., Aug. 1. In a cahln.
threo miles south of here yesterday
Charley Gllsso and Rev. Lee Williams,
two nocroes, were captured ana lm-
nrlsoncd in tho county jail charged
with attempting to wreck a fast pas
senger train on tho Central of Georgia
railroad ahout 10 o'clock Sunday night.
The negroes had piled a number of
cross ties, a mile post and a telegraph
pole on the track. The engineer stop
ped tho train n few leet trom tno od-
structlons. Tho negroes wero caught
with the aid of bloodhounds.
Probably Killed by Indlnns.
Kansas City, Ho., Aug. 1. A party
of explorers, headed by two Kansas
City men, Weldon B. Williamson and
Marcus B. Kirk, which left this city
in March, 1898, and has not been heard
of since June, 1898, is now believed to
havo heen exterminated by a hostile
tribe of Indians In the western part
of Brazil. Mrs. Williamson, who went
to Brazil a year ago to hunt for her
husband, has returned to this country
and believes him dead, as does Mrs.
Kirk, who is in Chicago with her
Yoatordny'a Ilasolmll Onmos,
National League: At Loulsvlllo
Louisville. 8: New York, 3. At Cln
clnnati Cincinnati, 4: Brooklyn, 3,
At Pittsburg Pittsburg, 7; Baltimore,
3. At Chicago Washington, 8: Chi
cago. 5.
Atlantic League: At Nowark-WllkeS'
barre, 6; Newark, 3. At Allentown
Allentown. 6: Lancaster, 1. At Rich
mond Richmond, 12; Reading, 1.
1899 AUGUST. 1899
Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa.
20 21 22 23 J24 25 2Q
27 28 29 30 31
p. tcu
2) Quarter 14
Vt Quarter
Annual L.--I!ute Kxourilona to Ananuo
City, &c, la Pennsylvania lUllroad,
August 10 and 21 are the dates of tho re
maining Pennsylvania Railroad Company s
low-rate ten-day oxourslons from Erie, Troy,
nnllefnnti!. Wllllamsoort. Mocanaqua, bun-
bury, Shenandoah. Dauphin, and principal
intermediate stations (including stations on
branch roads) to Atlantlo City, Ope May,
flccan Cltv. Boa Isle City, Avalon, Anglesea,
Wildwood. or Holly Beach.
Excursion tickets. Bood to return by regu
i, ,!. ,m,t t.nn davs. will bo sold at
very low rates. TickeU to Atlautic City will
I sold via the Delaware River Bridge Route
the only all-rail lino, or via Market street!
wharf, Philadelphia.
For information In regard to speclflo rates
audtlrnoof trains consult hand bills, or ap
ply to agents, or E. B. Harrar, Division
Ticket Agent, Wllliamsport, Pa.
Stop over can bo had at Phlhdclpbla.
elthor going or returning, within limit of
ticket, provided tloket la deposited with
ancnt at Broad street station Immediately on
In Hor l'rtino fllio Wm tlio Quoon of
Wnxlilimtoii Mooloty.
Washington, Aug. 1. Mrs. Kato
Ch.iso Uprpguo, wifo of a former gov
ernor of rthodo Island, and tho daugh
ter of tho late Salmnn P. Chaso, gov
ernor of Ohio, United States senator
nnd chlof Justice of tho United States
Biirreino court, died yesterday at ner
lR:aostc: d, "Edgowood," In Washing
ton's suburbs, aged 59. For threo
months she had boon suffering with a
complication of liver nnd kidney
troubles but had consented to med
ical treatment only ton days ago.
At tho hcdsldo wcro hor threo
daughters, Miss Klttlo Spraguo, who
lived with hor mother; Miss Portia
Spraguo, of Narragansott Pior, and
Mis. Donaldson, of Brooklyn, N. Y.
Kato Chaso began the brilliant ca
reer which mado hor ono of tho con
spicuous social loaders .of nnto-bcl-
lum days, when her father, Salmon P.
Chase, then a widower, was elected
governor of Ohio. Her remarkable.
beauty and brilliant social qualities tho executive mansion at Colum
bus n scene of many brilliant enter
tainments. When Mr. Chase was mado
socretary of the treasury under Lin
coln, and tho family removed hero, his
daughter waB soon acknowledged to
be ono of the most beautiful women of
the capital, and her father's homo, over
which she presided, became tho center
of the most fashionable and select
circles. With the outbreak of tho war
she met the young and dashing gov
ernor of Rhode Island, William H.
Spraguo. An engagement followed,
and the wedding Is said to have been
tho mcst brilliant coromony which had
taken place in Washington up to that
date. In tho mlust, however, or the
social and political success which they
had attained a domestic cloud made Its
appearance, resulting In a divorce,
Mrs. Spraguo then mado her homo at
Edgowood, a handsome country place
which had been left her by her father,
Horo Bhe had resided over since. Fi
nancial reverses clouded her later
years, tho handsome homestead was
mortgaged and disaster was impend
ing when a year ago old friends camo
to hor rescuo, raised tho mortgage and
arranged for hor an nllowanco of $3,000
a year secured on the valuable estate,
A Card.
We, the, undersigned, do hereby agroo to
refund tho money on a 50-cont bottlo of
Grceno's Warranted Syrup of Tar If It falls
to cure your cough or cold. Wo also guaran
tee a 25-cent bottle to provo satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Wasloy, C. .11. Uagen
buch, Shenandoah Drug Storo, and I. W.
Biorstaln & Co. ll-14-33t-dw
Two Tours to
Ganntln via
For tho summer of 1800 tho Pennsylvania
Railroad Company has arranged to run two
personally-conducted tours to Canada nnd
Northern New York.
The first tour, leaving Jnly 23, includes
Niagara Falls, Toronto, Thousand Islands,
Kaplds of the St. Lawrence, Quebec Lako
St. John, Tho Saguenay, Montreal, Au Sable
Chasm, Lakes Champlain and George, Sara
toga, and Highlands of tbo Hudson, occupy
ing seventeen days. Bonnd trip rate, $123.
The second tour, leaving August 12, eovors
tho same territory with tho exception of
Like St. John and Tho Saguenay, and oc
cupies fourteen days. Bound-trip rato, $100.
Each tour will be in charge of one of tbo
company's tourist agents, assisted by an ox
pcrlenced lady as chaperon, whose
charge will be unoscorted ladles.
The rate covers railway and boot fare for
tho entire round trip, parlor-car seats, meals
enroute, hotel entertainment, transfor
charges, and carriage hlro.
For detailod Itinerary, tickets, or any ad
ditional Information, address Tourist Agent,
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 1100 Broad
way, new York; ouu tuiton street,
Brooklyn ; 780 Broad street, Newark, N. J,
or Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger
Agent, Broad street station, Philadelphia.
For Infants and Children.
Tlio Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
of &?tf&&y
Strong Drink is Deaih
are the only positively guaranteed remedrlur the
Drink Habit, Nervousness and Melancholy caused
to cure any case with a positive wrl 1 1 en rii nr-
anirn ur Fiuun uia money, anu mi uebuujr uii
appetite ror intoxicating liquors,
CTnnue nmu v ".i? rovers
Upon rte'i
of 110.00 we will mall you lour 4 ba,vt nn V-
tlvfi written eunrailtrf.
cure or t
fourinoner. Single boxes (3.00.
For sale at Klrlln's druK store.
MUMPS LHUunLAntu t)Kr.ui.a
il Mm
A Hand
la one of tbe
possens l'i
gtiea It.
Handsomo Comploxion
rreateit charms a woman can I
'oxzoxi'a Cour union 1owdksI
in your cleaning. It will do your work in half the time,
with half the labor, and at half the cost of soap or any
other cleanser. It. will make your housework easy and
save you many an hour of worry.
ror greatest economy buy our large
Tho Pennsylvania Kallroitd Company has
soloctcd tbo following dates for Its popular
ton-day excursions to Niagara Falls from
Philadelphia, Baltlmoro and Washington :
July 27, August 10 and at, September 7 and
21, and October 5 nnd 10. An oxporloncod
tourist ncent and chaperon will accompany
each excursion.
Excursion tickets, good for return pasgigo
on any regular train, oxcluslvo of limttod
expmw trains, wltliln ton days, will bo sold
at $10 00 from Philadelphia, lialUmoro,
Washington, and all points 011 tho Delaware
division; $1125 from Atlantic City; 0.60
from Lancastor; fS 50 from Altoonn nud Har-
rlsburg; $0 00 from Sunbury and Wilkos
barro; $5 75 Irom Wllliamsport; and at pro
portionate rates from other points A stop
over will be allowed at Buffalo, Bocbester,
Canadaigun, and Watklm within tlio limit
A special train of Pullman parlor cars and
day coaches will bo run with one a excursion
An oxtra charge will bo mado for parlor car
Tickets for a sldo trip to tho Thousand Is
lands (Alexandria Bay) will bo sold from
Rochester in connection with excursions of
July 27, August 10 and 21, September 7 and
21, good to return to Rochester or to Canan
daigna via Syracuse within llvo days, at rato
nf $5.50.
Tickets for a side trip to Toronto will bo
sold at Niagara Falls for $1.00 on July 20,
August 13 and 20, and September 23. In
connection with excursion of Septcmbor 7,
tickets will bo sold to Toronto and return nt
reduced rates, account Toronto Fair.
For timo of connecting trains and further
Information apply to nearest ticket agent, or
iddrou Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General
Passenger Agent, Brood Street Station,
Consumption Cured.
Last November Mr. loseph James.
oainter, of 325 W. Pearl St., Indianapo
lis, Ind., was at death's door with quick
:onsumption. Wasted to a skeleton;
his lunirs a mass of ulceration; his
death was hourly awaited by his doctor
and family. He was kept in a constant
3tupor with opium. A friend, thinking
to relieve his terrible cough, gave him a
bottle of Brazilian Halm, beeiug its
wonderful effect, the doctor advised its
continued use. Mr. James, soon after
dismissed his doctor, ana aepenueu
on the Balm alone. His recovery was
rapid and complete, and in February he
returned to work. His lungs are sound,
and his weight greater than at any time
in his life. His recovery is regarded as
almost a miracle.
In consumption beware of couch mix
tures and prescriptions that contain
onium. Onium TJaralizes the nerves,
and gives the comma bacillus a good
chance to destrov the lungs. It
always fatal. Brazilian Balm does not
contain a trace of any opiate, but stimn
lates the nerves witn new Hie ana power,
destroys the microbe, and restores all
that is left of the diseased lungs to a
sound and healthy state which no other
remedy nas ever Deen Known to accom-
BheBstirlf sh fix t title, vlrhrnh atimt
Bay Keystone floor. Bo sure that tho name
LrtSgia & Baxb, Ashland, I'a., la printod on
verr rvV.
inM Who
The Hbrald la progressive, en
terprising, wide-awake and always
Its daily visits will keep your
family better Informed than any
other paper on the news of tins
locality, the state, the country and
the world. It will be delivered at
your door each day for 25 cents a
mouth. We are desirous of secur
ing your subscription.
As an Inducement for you to
become a subscriber we make
you the following unparal
leled offer :
Our representtftlves, Messrs.
Hooks & Brown, will call upon you
with the publication for your in
spection. Wo fel sure you will be
interested in examining it. Upon
sirnine tbe agreement to take the
I c -
Hbrald lor six months, the book
will be delivered upon payment of
75 cents. This Is In addition to
the regular subscription of 25 cents
la month.
much is vour time worth? How much
do you value your strength? Is your money
worth saving? These questions will all be
answered to your entire satisfaction If you use
Washing Powder
PamenirormrnslrnToSheruindooh for Penn
Haven junction, Maucb Chunk, LcblKhton,
HlatiiiRton, Whlto Hall,, Allnntown.
ueiiiiciictu, rukaumnew lorKnnu x-inioucipuiu
nt 523, 7 50 a. in , 12 52 nnd 5 17 p. 111.
For Wilkosbarro, Wlilto Haven ana i-icnam,
28, 10 12 n. in.. 12 62 nnd 3 17 p. m.
Hor Lncevvllle. Tuwnmln, Snyre, Wnvcrly,
Rlmlra, Kochcster, lluftnlo, Nlaunrn Falls,
Auburn, Syracuse, Ithncn, Geneva and tbo
west, mj i'i a. m., 1 m nnu o 14 p. in.
For llelvldcre. Delaware Water Clap and
StroudsburB, 5 28 n. in., 5 17 p. m.
iror iimucrrviiie aim 1 renxon, t ou n. m.
For Jcancsvllle. Levlstonaml Boavox Meadow,
S 28 a. m., 12 62 p. m.
For MoAdoo, Audenrlcd, nnrlcton, Stockton
and Lumber Yard, 5 28, 7 50, 10 12 a.m., 12 52 and
jforjeuuo, muwm ana rroeiuiiu, oa, w
, m., 5 17 p. m.
For Scranton, 5 23. 10 12 a. m., 5 17 p. m.
For Ist Creek. Ulrardville.and Ashland, 4 00,
and 7 28 p. m.
For Itnvon Itun, Centrnlln, Monnt Cnrmel and
Shamnkln, 10 43 a. in., 1 42, 0 07, 9 23 p. m.
For Blaiinnoy miy, rarx i-iaco anu uciano,
5 28, 7 50, 10 12 a. m.. and 12 52, 5 17 p. m.
For vaiesvnie, o zn, 10 11 a. m.
Trains will leave Sbamokln at 7 00. 0 20 n. in.,
lino and 4 20 u. lu.. and arrive at Shenandoah
at 7 50, 10 12 a. m., 12 52, 5 17 p. m.
IX'avo Hlicnandonli lor l-olMVllie, b. Liinir,
New Caetle, Morca and New Boston, 7 W and
10 12 n. m , 12 52 and A 17 p. in.
Lcavo l'ottavlllo lor Slienanuoan, v 43 a. rn
U 35, 503, 8 15 p. m.
learo uazicton lor ononnnuuuift, vuu . n.. ,
12 1.1, 5 0"J, 0 20, 8 31 p. m.
Trntnn IfAVO for llaven ltun. Ccntralla. Mt.
Carmel and Shamokln, 9 48 a. m.,721 p. m.
Trains leave unamoiun lor Dueuanuoou
1 50 a. m., and 3 85 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah tor Yatesvlllo, Mabanoy
City, Tark Place, Delano, MoAdoo, Audenrlcd,
UatltlON, BIOCKton, l.umuer luru, tvea.uexiy
ami Aiaucn uiuinic, v 4i a m., unu oo,i. ui
Hall, Coplay, Allentown, ISaston and l'bllllpa-
urg, y 47 a. m., anu o uz p. m.
For New York and rhfladelphla, 9 47 a. ni.
Leave Ilaileton (or Shenandoah, 8 50, a. rn..
and 6 27 p. m.
&1. U. UUTl lut, oupi. rmnBDonaiiun.
South Bethlehem, Fa.
nOLtXK H. WILBUR, Qenl. Supt.,
South Bethlehem, l'a.
fjtrnT.F. 8. LEE, Clenl. Pass. Agt..
New York, N. T.
A. W. ItONW KMACIIElt, Dir. 1. A.,
South Bethlehem, Va.
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled tale Ale,'
B:own Stout, Half and Half, Beer
dud Porter.
Mt. Carbon Beer
At all Ita customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street)
Will reoeJvo prompt attention.
wm. S. LEIB,
yora FOR
70TB von
rilllions of Dollars
Go np In nmoku vory year. Take n
risks but get yoar houses, stock, far
nitnre, etc., insured In nrst-clasa ro-
llablo companies at represented by
fiAVITi FATIST. Insurance Agent
AliaT.lf and AoMrl.nWt onvanlM
... !: i
.1.7. . MtfiatM. wwafflai.wn.'
'nt at VoTlniVy' dnif rtr, K
Cantri irrmt.1
A iun vsitv An aavu WOMAN'S RELIEF.
Alwftji promrt Bd rlibl. Avoid Imitation
0t CiTOK'l
flitn. Ran. Cm. BMtaa. llui, UlTMtuAl 9
Aianr iioraa. r rs imaji .
Wnt ( tK1rUn,idragitort nd 1hnn
uclebrutod 7eiuil
l'nwdera never fr.ll.
un 1 1 t ur (slur ui
Tho Rosy Freshness
388 1
n is Inva- I
l'ouom'a I
And a velvety softness ol tbe akin
riabiy oniainea uy mors woo ubo
Completion J'owder.
rtri m