it TWO LIVES. Upon the strength nml condition or nn expectant moth er depend not only her owit life but the life and perfection of her child. MOTHER'S FRIEND will overcome all 1119 peculiar to the period prcccdlnfjchlldblrth, and will pre pare the delicate organism directly in volved for the final ordenl. Motuer's Friend is not an internal cure-all, but a scientific llnimcut approved by medical authority and established by years of successful tue. Sold by druggists for $i. Valuablo book, " Before Baby 1b Born," sent free cn application. THE 3RADFIEL0 REGULATOR 00., Atlinta. Ga. Inceil Itntr to Inilhtnnpnli via l'enn- sylvnntn Iliillriinil Account Kirrth Lenitn. Internntinnnl Convention, On account of tlio Epwortli Lennuo Inter national (-'(invention, to bo held nt Indian- n polls, Iucl , Jtilv 20 to 23, tlio Pennylvanla Kailroad Company will sell oxcursloit tickets from points on Its lino, to Indianapolis, at rato of slnslo faro for tlio round tiip. Tickets will bo sold on July IS and 10, and will bo uood to return until July iU.lncluslvo, except that by depositing ticket with tbo Joint Agent at Indianapolis before July 24, and the payment of fifty cents, tlio return limit may be oxteuded to lcavo Indianapolis not later tban August 20, 1800. For specific rates and conditions apply to Ticket Agonts. NERVITA PILLS DeatnM-a Vltnlllv. I rat Vltrnr and Manhood. Cures Impotcncy, NlfrhtEmlsslonsand nil effects of self" " . ' - .1! (abuse, or excess ami mum. Wrtlnn. A nCrVO tOIliO aild Iblood builder. Brings the fcR!7rPBfnrP.q the fire of VOUth. rjvVAVn ,1 -f 1 nliAvaa ?UVff mail uuo per uua, v uuv. or $ii.CO; with a written guaran tee to euro or refund tho money. aenu lor circular. Address, MFPUITfl MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL Sold at Klrlln's drug store Shenandoah, I'n. CURES CATARRH ASTHMA HAY FEVER MUMP5.LriUUr,,l.AItUBrifci. FIRE8.SUN BURN.CHAFINC. BUNIONS TlntU rttl. . . CHAPPED FACEi LI PS & HANDS SAFE REMEDY FOR PILES all nolir.r.lSTSoRMAILEDF0R25lt 13 H.T.MASON CHEMICAL CO 515 AwiStPmuft Eli Sft Cl (cheater's Enjltih Diamond Ilrana. ENNYR0YAL PILLS ..CT-v Original and Only Ceinilne. A J?HS n, lwn nllsbla. udics ask f Ilinftlil for CXlehtairt RnalM mfft Mn.f ft,nf In .ad fluid ro.t.lUAl 'In .l.mi. for r-srlieoLTi, tHtUnoaUU ted Itrllcf for Oodles." In liIU..t.j rttnrn AT Mall 10.000 Tmlraonl.u. rrnmt rvr. Bollbr aULocsl DKIlUti. l'lllLAUA., HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL C Piles or Hemorrhoid Fissures & Fistulas. Burns & Scalds. I I Wounds & Bruise. Cut3 & Sores. Bolls & Tumors. Eczema & Eruptions. Salt Rheum & Tettera E Chapped Handa Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostril O Corns & Bunlona w Stings & Bites of Insoota Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and itxxx Sold by druggists, or sent poakpald on receipt of prlot ucxriinirs bid. row. 1 1 1 it s wiiiim m., x t. A box of our SFECfflL fflrtlLT mm is an exhilarating stimulant during the hot summer months. Delivered at your home Columbia Brewing Company LAKESIDE! The only pleasure resort and piciiic grounds in this region Splendid lake of fresli water. Ice and wood. free, to all nieiiie nnrties orcnestra is estaDiisuea Here lor the clinic nr-iL-ii 111 . ri ur iKirnrii hts aaaress, B. J. YOST, Prop., m Barnesvllle, Pa. VT- jxcyys ana upmions OF National Importance THE - SUN ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. ., Dally, by mall, - $6 a year Daily and mall,$8 a year The.Sunday Sun lathe greatest Sunday newspape iu the world. Prlct 5o a coy. By aall, $2 i m A&axtM THZ SUM, Ktv Tor. Fivo Sioiliatis Strung Up by a Mob in Louisiana. EAD FATALLY SHOT A D00T0E. Tho AVlinlo TronbJp I'roolpltntod In n Qnnrrol (Ivor Gonts Trospnuslnir on Dootor's 1'romtsoR CJltlzonn I'lonrtod Vnlnly J'or tlio l.lvo r thti Men. Tallulnh. La.. July 22. Flvo Sicilians woro lynched hero Thursdny night for the fatal wounding of Dr. J. Ford Hodge. The dead men aro. of a clnss which hns boen troublosomo for soma time. Some, It Is said, hud families In Europe, but had no relatives hero. The dead nre Frnnk Dcfattn, Charles Dofntta, Jo Defnttn, Sy Defforroch and John Ccreno. For several weeks a lot of coats bo- lonclnc to Frank Defatta havo been sleeping and running on tho gallery of Dr. Hodgo s omce and residence. Tho doctor on numerous occasions re quested tho owner to keep his goats penned up, but ho would not do It, and on tho night of the 19th Dr. Hodgo shot ono of them. Early noxt morn ing Frnnk Defatta camo to tho do& tor's offlco and said: "You shoot my goat, now you hotter shoot me." Tho doctor ordered Defatta to lcavo, and Defatta left, grumbling. Dr. Hodgo took his meals nt tho resi dence of a Mr. Kauffman, and had to pass Joe Defatta b shop In going to them. About sundown Thursday oven' lng the doctor and Mr. Kauffman started for supper. Mr. Kauffman, who was in tho lead, says that as they got to Joe's storo Charles Defatta was sit ting on tho steps and Joe was standing at the door. Kauffman spoko to them, but neither returned tho greeting. A a Dr. Hodgo passed Charles jumped up and said: "You Bhoot my goat," and struck tho doctor. Dr. Hodgo attempted to repel tho at tack, but finding his assailant too much for him started to draw his pis lol. Joe Defatta, at tho door, fired both loads of tho double barrel shot gun at the doctor, striking him In the hands and abdomen. At the crack .of the gun Frank Defatta, Sy Deferroch and John Cereno, who were In tho neighborhood, started on a run to Joe's store with shotguns and long knives In their hands. Court was In session and a largo crowd of country people were In town, They joined the sheriff and his depu ties In tho. chose and succeeded In ar resting and disarming Frank Defatta, Sy Deferroch and John Cereno after a hard struggle. The sheriff with his posseo went to the Defatta homo and captured Charles Defatta. Joe was found hidden under a chimney In an adjoining houso. Ho was taken out and the sheriff started toward tho Jail with his two prisoners, when Court Square was roached crowd of 250 citizens overpowered tbo sheriff and after a severe struggle took Joe and Charles to the slaughter pon and hung them to the gallows used for slaugterlng beoves. Joe did the shooting and said Charles did It. Charles said Jpe fired the shots, which half a dozen people saw. Charles said Frank Defatta and Sy Deferroch were the causo of the trouble. The crowd then adjourned to tho Jail and overpowered the jailer and his deputies. Tne keys woro secured and Sy Deferroch, Frank Defatta and Joo Cereno were brought out and hung to nn oak tree In tho Jail yard. A good many citizens pleaded for tho lives of the Sicilians, but as this was tho third outrage of tho kind commit ted by this class, of people, their ap peals were unavailing. About two years ago Frank Defatta shot and killed a negro for picking up a water melon which Frank had for sale. Ono year ago Joe Defatta shot and killed Patt Matthews, landing keeper at Mll llkens Dend, La., over a trivial contro. rersy. He was cleared by a technical ity of the law. These two had fre quently mado boasts that they would do its thoy pleased and that thelrmoney would clear them. ' Dr. Hodgo Is badly shot, and tho doctors say ho cannot recover. Red Hot From the Qua Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman, of Newark. Mich., in the civil war. It caused horrible Ulcers, that no treatment helped for 20 years. Then Ilucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. 3$ cts, a box. Cure guaranteed. Soli yb A. Wasley, druggist. To Deport Iluncarlnn Minora. Washington, July 22. Commissioner General Powderly yesterday ordered tho deportation of 18 Hungarians who recently arrived In this country and Immediately proceeded to Rathbun.Ia. where they went to work In the coal mines, on tho ground that they were alien contract laborers. The evldenco seems to show that the men were en gaged In Hungary to some to this country under an Implied contract to work in tho mines. Some Foolish Peopjs Allow cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it will wear away," but In most cases It will wear them away. Could they be Induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp' Balsam, which is sold on a positive guaranty to cure, they would immediately see the ex cellent eflect after taking the first dose. Price 25c. and 50c Trial slzo free. At all drug gists. A Double Iiynolllnc Imminent, Balnbrldge, Ga., July 22. Two ne groes entered the store of J. E. Ogle- tree, adjoining the railroad depot, held up Ogletrce and his wife, taking all the cash thoy had. and then both brutes outraged Mrs. Ogletree In the presence of the husband. Hearing a tram np proach the negroes fled, and are being pursued by possees. A double lynca lng Is probable It they are caught, Does Coffee Agree With You 7 If not, drink Grain-0 made from pure grains. A lady writes 1 "The first time made Grain 0 I did not like it but after using it for one week nothing would Induce me to go back to coflee." It nourishes and feeds the system. The children can drink it freely with great benefit. It is the strengthening substance of pure grains. Get a package to day from your grocer, follow the directions in making it and you will have a delicious and healthful table beverage for old nnd young. 15c. and 25c, Coming Kveuti. July 20. Picnic by tho Defender Hosa Co, Ho. 3, on the Turkey Sun base ball Kround Xue. 15, Ice creatn festival In Robblns' opera bouse by the Congremtional church, 'Tho Kind Yon Ilavo Always Bought, nml which hns been in two for over 30 yenrs, has homo tho slgnntiiro of niui has been niatlo under his cr jrjffl-?-i z", soal supervision slnco its Infancy. -vzS7y, CCJCAMA Allow 110 0110 to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd Substitutes nre but Ex periments that triflo with nnd endanger tho health of Infants nnd Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnstoria is n, substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It Is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine- nor other Nnrcotlo substance. ItH ago is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms nnd allays Feverlshncss. It cures Dlnrrhnja mm1 "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tlio Stomach nnd Bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Scars tho The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CtNTAUn COMPANY. TT MURRAY STRCCT, NCWVOHKCITY. II 11 I A Wreck From Grippe, Catarrh and Asthma. RESTORED WITH I was known as "The Woman cessantly. I was a school teacher till ray health failed. Catarrh had eaten away the partition in my nose. It had produced Bronchitis, Asthma, dreadful Stomach troubles and weak kidneys. In fact it had gone all through my system, making me an easy victim for the Grippe which left me a wreck in mind and doctors left me in, after dosing me with opium, quinine, etc. Theu I bought cough cures without end but they only made hie worse, I was in despair till I got hold of Brazilian Balm and Toxicola Tablets, They acted like magic from the first, and in a few weeks I was cured and better than I had been in years. Brazilian Balm and loxicola saved You rct moro doses of Brazilian Balm for nnd Sl.OOn liottlo at druggists. With every S1.00 Toxicola Tablets freo; the best tonic, nerve and & Co., Mfg. Chemists, Indpls, Ind. Shenandoah Drug: Store, Wholesale and Retail Agents. "A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO DOIUIAS WORTH 70 BE NAD ftU Mm HvMitllMl niHKT HtmiB to nW It MUM. ttw Hinnmu. mum, nitucntisem. met mum. comcTictT. ttw tone nmtuuu ui Ktw join. Bend for our Book, "A Bird's Eye View 918 pages beautifully Illustrated and very York and now to go about, rsu ron tub TOO'LL QET ALL THAT'S A-COMINO TO YOU." If, when contemplating a trip to any point West or Southwest of the Mississippi River, you will purchase tickets via the Missouri Paciflo By , or Iron Mountain Eouto (which are on sale at all principal ticket offices In the United States), you will havo b11 the comforts and luxuries of modern railway equipment, and the finest opportunities for viewing all of nature's museums and marvels of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Toiaf, Old and Now Mexico, California, eto. Ex cursion tickets to all principal points at greatly roduccd rates. On account of the National 'Education Association mooting at Loa Angeles in July, wo will mako special low round trip rates. When contemplating a, trip West or 8outhwest, write us for full information and rock bottom flguros. W E. Hoyt, a. E. P. Agent. J, P. McCann, T. P. Agent, 801 Broadway, New York, 4-82-tf Slok Headaches, The curse of overworked womankind, are quickly and surly cured by Karl' Clovor Boot Tea, the great Hood purifier and tissue builder. Honey refunded If not satisfactory. Price 85 eta. and 60 cts. Sold by P, D. Kirlin oq a guarantee. Signature of 1 BRAZILIAN BALM who Coughs," for I coughed in body. This was the condition the Talk about wonderful remedies, my life. Miss Iv. L. Clark, 917 Horton St. tlio money tban any other remedy. 23. 50 eents bottle you gel ono month's trentment of strength builder In the world. B. F. Jackson iegelRgdfrOo. OaT SIXTH AVC KV1SU,&tlltftTS. NEW YORK of New York" and Its Greatest Store Interesting, Tells you all about Hew abeino Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to California Without change of Cars. Leaving Washington every Tuesday and Friday at 11:15 a. m., the Southern Railway operates personally uonuuetod Tourist Ex curslons to San Franclso without change of cars, conductors or porters. Tne route Is through Atlanta. Montgomery. New Orleans. Houston, San Antonio.New Mexico, Arizonla, and Southern California. The cars are tho very latest pattern of Pullman Tourist bleeners. rosewood nnisn. have nleb back seats, upholstered in rattan, are sixteen section, supplied with linen etc, same as stauaarq sleepers, nguten oy riutscli uas, have wide vestibules, double sash roller curtains, lavatory, and smoking room for gentlemen, and two retiring rooms for ladies. Three and one-half days to Mexico and Arizona, four days to Los Anselos and Southern California, and five days to San Francisco. Snch sorvlco for Trans-Continental travel lias nover beforo been oucrcd. The tourist carfaro Is less tban via anv other route, effecting a saving of 35.00 to 130.00 for the trip. All Information, maps and rates furnished on application to Charles L. Hopkins. Dis trict Passenger Agent, SoqthernNEallway company, ss unestuui sireot, rniiaaeipnla, One of nature's remedies ; cannot harm the weakest constitution i nover fails to cure summer complaints of youug or old. Dr. Fowlor's Extract of Wild Strawberry, DEFEAT OF STRIKERS Sooms Evidont in tho Groater New York Oonfliot. AN APPEAL TO THE 00URT8 1IEXT .Mnyor Vnn W.vuk Instruct District AttoriitiyH to rropiitiu Vlolntont of tint Ton Hour I.nw All Atlompt to lllotr Up n Cur In Clovolunil. Now York, July ?2. In the boroughs of Manhattan and Itrooklrn yesterday the strike situation, generally speak ing, remained iiiirhanged. On Mftnhat- tun Islnud cars on all the linen of the Metropolitan system wore run on prac tically the usual headway, and at night tl.n nM .... C ... I C.rl f T9ll..l. avenues were under police protection, although tho claim is made by tho company that tueiu Is tio longer any necessity oven for this. Policemen still guard tho dopots of the several lines. It Is expected that they will be soul back to tho stations today or tomor row, nnd If this Is done little troublo will bo anticipated with the strikers la the future. The events of greatest Interest dur ing tho day were tho arrest of Presi dent Hosslter, of the I)rooklyn Hapld Transit company, on a warrant issued by Magistrate Urennor, charging him with criminal libel, Albert L. Johnson, former prosldout of the Nassau rail road, being tho complainant, and the notification of the dlfferont district at torneys within tho limits of greator Now York that tho ten hour law was onforclblo, and asking them to com munlcute with Secretary John P. Don nelly, of tho building trade section of tho Central Trade, union, and submit complaints to a grand Jury or magis trate. Tho arrest of Prosldent Itosslter, al though Interesting, will not, It Is thought, have any marked effect on the Btrlkc. Kx-Prosldent Johnson objects to statements mado by President Hos sttor to Urooklyn reporters In a rccont lntorvlow. In tho Interview Mr. Hos sltor Is quoted ns saying, after refer ring to tho strikers charged with blow ing up the Fifth avonue elevated structuro with dynamlto; "Those ore not my men. Mr. Albert L. Johnson Is welcomo to them. Mr. Albort Johnson Is tho loader of them. I am told that there Is ovldenco against some of the men to send them to prison for 20 years." The letters written by Mayor Van Wyck to each of the district attorneys of the four counties Included within tho city regarding tho enforcement of tho ten hour law. It Is thought, may re sult In a transference of the streetcar troublo of greater New York to tho courts. After requesting tho different district attorneys to bring tho subject of tho alleged enforcement of the ten hour law to tho grand jury or magis trates having Jurisdiction, the mayor wrote to Secrotary Donnelly Informing him that violations of the labor laws should be brought to the attontlon of the district attorney In tho oounty where the offense Is committed and notifying him of the instructions sent to thoso officials. The strikers held various meetings last night In the dlfferont boroughs. Tho Brooklyn strike leaders still seem to bo of tho opinion that the men havo chance for victory. DYNAMlTEltS IN CLEVELAND. Dastardly Attxmpt to lllow Up n Car on Euolld Avonuo. Clovelnnd, July 22. An attempt was mado to blow up a streetcar with dyna mlto at 9:30 o clock last evening. Tho car was on Euclid avenue, returning to the Lakevlow barns, when a terrific explosion occurred under the wheels at Anddale avonue, opposite the resi dence of Henry A. Everett, president of the Big Consolidated Street Rail road company. The car was nearly Jolted from the track, but was not stopped, The half dozen passengers qn board were badly frightened, but no one was Injured. No harm was sus talned by the car, and It proceeded on Its journoy. There Is no clew to the perpetrators. About the same time, on Pearl street, on the southslde, three non union streot railway men who had left tho Holmden avenue barns to purchases tobacco were pursued by a howling mob. Ono of the fugitives fired a re volver, but hit no ono, and tho bullet passed through a large plate glass win? dow across tho street. Tho streetcar men sought refugo In a store, and at this time tfte. police arrived and charge cd into tho crowd, scattering It quick' ly. In the confusion a number of wo. men wno were in tne crowd wero thrown down and a little girl was struck by a policeman's club and se verely bruised. Millions Olven Away. It Is certainly gratifying to the nnblic to Know ot one concern in tne tana wno are not afraid to bo generous to tlio needy and snuer lng. The proprietors or Dr. King s Wow Discovery tor consumption, coughs and Colds, havo given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine : and havo tho satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of boneless cases. Asthma. uroncums, Hoarseness ana an diseases or tho Throat, Chest and Lungs aro surely cured by It. Call on A- Wasley, Prugglst, and get a trial bottle rree. Koguiar suo &oc. and si, Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. A Tnvornuio nonlth Tloport. Washington, July 22. The chief slg- nal officer has received the official sick report for the month of April covering all the signal companies on duty in the Philippines, it shows a total of only 4.23 per cent sick, a remarkably favor- ame state or arrairs lor any climate. Tho sick report for the first company for the month of June shows no sick ness at all. So far the corps has lost only ono man from sickness In the Philippines. This was from typhoid CASTORIA For Infants and Qhjldren. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature resncraRj-'H jlasobnll Unmet. National League: At Plttaburg Pittsburg, C; Philadelphia. 3. At Wash ington First game: Cleveland, 6; wasnington, j. second game: wash Ington, 6; Cloveland, 3. Atlantic League: At Allentown Allentown, 17; Newark, 7. At Reading Lancaster, 4; Reading, 2. At Wllkcs barre Wllkesbarre, 6; Reading, 6. WHO IS Women as well as men are rrvr raa(l nil8erabl6 by kidney I O aDt bladder troublo, Ur, RI AMD Kilmer's Swamp-Root, tho s-Lrl groat kidney remedy. promptly cures. At druggists in fifty cent T cent sumplo KU ,N.Y, and dollar slzos. You may nave a sum; bottle by mall Tree, also pamphlet telling aiwui it. Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co., Illnghamtou, POUGllT'Wltll Cl.UliliRD QUNS. Bevt'iily Jlmi of tlin Sixteenth Inflmtry IlfibBl Strtuitf IIpIpcI Foito. Manila, July 2i. News has been re ceived here from General Smith, at Hollo, Island of Panny, of a severe fight on Wedneeday, at Ilobong, be tween Captain llyrne, of tho Sixteenth Infantry, with 70 men, and a force of 460 Habnylone, who surprised the American troop. There were 116 of the enemy killed, as Is shown by actual count, many were wounded and one was taken prisoner. The American lose ) one man killed and one wounded. The lighting waa cloee quar ters, with bayonets and clubbed gunn. considerable stock of supplies and arm waa captured. The unprecedented rains of the last week have convlnred observers hero that military operations on a large scale or advance covering many miles will be Imimaslble for a long time. Many miles of country are flooded to depth of three or four feet. Tho I'arananue bridge, which was consider ed Impregnable, has been swept away, cutting off temporarily the garrisons of Imus and ltacor from communica tion with Manila. The otllrlals will have their bands full for some time In arranging for the departure of volun teers and In settling the regulars who are replacing them. Women Wrecks. Every once In a while tne newsp.ipT tell of some once Ixnutlful woman who has been consigned to an asylum, because J physical weak- to seek tempo rary trength In the atchollc mix tures that are found on many women's toilet tablet. The story is an old, but ever new one. A woman find herself suffering from weakness, nervousness, de snondencT nnd Irritability. She cannot divine the caue. and her family physician seems equally nt loss. A friend who suffers in the same way tells her that a wee drop of cologne, brandy drops, ale, beer, "malt-extracts" or other stimulant will gjve temporary relief. And that is the beginning that ends In a mad house. The woman who suffers from the symptoms described may safely infer that there exists disease or at least weakness of the delicate organs that constitute her a woman. Dr. Pierce' FaTorite Prescription, which contains no alcohol or other stimu lant to inebriate, will promptly put things right, and make her strong and healthy in a womanly way. It does away with neces sity for obnoxious ex aminations and local treatment. It enres in the privacy of the home. It gives vigor and virility to the organ b upon which de psnds the perpetuation of the human race. Mrs. 21. A. Alsbrook, of Auitln, Lonoke Co., Ark., writes I " After five months of great suf fering I write this for the btnefit of other suf fertn from the same nfflictlon. I doctored with our family physician without any good result, so my husband urged me to try Dr. Tierce's medi cines which X did, with wonderful results. I am completely cured. I took four bottles of Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription, four of his ' Golden Medical Discovery ' and two vials of his 'Fleasant Tellels."' Constipation kills slowly. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure quickly. UR THFFL 604 North Sixth St. Ulli I llfas&sWsiceEatrsncaoriGreenSt 1-aiiaac.ipnifw l ... cares arter advertising doctors, Medical Inill tutei. family phjslclsns,speclsllsta, hospital and army surgeons tall, as Sworn TBSllmonlalsfv day'aphlltu! l WAltCthaffttflof tbooMDdiwbo ara robbed and ruined by unskillful Doctor and Caacka, with tbelr wall worded and alluring adrertlietnenti. 353 s B H -iS. m posing as old and experienced spe .-2 fo lsllsts. ofterlDe! frea consultation : aa old ana experienced spec , offerinr free comalutfont. &P . - iren l.i , i cn anuciif-KD or moaermia nrlcrdtreatment. Their victims you find by thousands In Voorhouses or B-,ur xv lnsaneAijlums-CccsoltKr.Thtel o se wno is anown as tne oniy poneii, rg5 H skillful and sjennlna Hneclallst arn lnthlscoantry wlthOyean Knropeaa res m Hospital and 8t years' pracUcal ex k3H9 1 ' terlence. Send A two-cent atamns as experience. Send ft two-cent stamps tor book "Trnth," the only true medical book ATI crtvln advertised giving valuable Information to vonng and old, suffering from Heir-Abuse-, l'rivnt Dliss. Lost Manhood, Varicocele ft stricture. and exposing all rieceltstnthepractlceofmedletna nod electricity. IIoursiS-3, eTa,6-9,6uiuiji-ia. Philadelphia & Readinq R'y- Engines Burn Hard Uoal No Smoke, IN KFFKtrr JULY 1 1K9 Trains leave Bhenauduau a follow a . For New York via Phlladolnhla. k ilar 2 10, 5 88, 7 37, 9 53 a. m., 12 26, 8 09 and 09 p. In. For New York via March Chunk, week daya 7 87 a, m.. 12 26 and 8 OT p. ra. For Reading and Philadelphia, week days, 2 10, 5 38, 7 87. S 55 a. In., 12 26, 8 09 and 8 09 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a in. For I'ottsvlllo, week days, 2 10, 7 87, 0 55 a. m. 12 26, 8 09, 6 09 and 7 30 p. m. Hundays, 2 10 a ra. For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days 2 10, 7 87, 9 55 a. m., 12 26, 8 09 and 6 09 p. ra. Sundays, 210am. For Wllllamspori, Sunbury and Lewlsbure, week days. 327, 1182 a. m., 1226, 7 80 p. m Sundays, 3 27 a m. For Mahano) Plane, weekdays, 2 10, 8 27, fi 33. 7 87,9 55, 11 83 a.m., 12 26, 8 09, 6 09, 730, 956 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 and 3 27 a m. For Aahlaud and Sharaokln, week days, 3 27, 787, 11 82 a.m., 12 26, 8 09, 6 07, 7 25 and 55 p. m. Sunday, 3 27 a m. For Baltimore. Washington and the West via n. AO. It. It., through trains lea-1 Heading Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. A It. U K.) at 3 20. 7 55, 11 26 a. m., a 10 and 7.27 p. i Sundays 8 20, 7 00, 11 26 a, m., 8 48 and 727 p. m. Addi tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20 12 15 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 85, 8 23 p. m. TRAINS FOH SHENANDOAH. Leave New York via Philadelphia, week days, 12 13, 4 80, 7 30, 11 80 a. m and 1 80. 4 80 9 00 p.m. Leave New Vork via Maucb Chunk, week days, 4 80. 9 10 a. m 1 80, 4 40 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week days, 4 80. 36, 1021 a. m. and 186. 406. 6 36. 11 86 p. in. Leave Reading, week daya, 187, 7 00, 1008 a. in., 12 15. 4 17, 6 00, 826 p. ml Leave Pottsvtile, weekdays. 717, 740 a. to. 930, 12 80, 130, 4 80, 6 10 and 6 50 p.m. Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8 18, 8 86. 11 23 a. in., 149,5 56, 7 20. 9 44 p.m. Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8 45. 9 04. II 47 a. m., 2 22, 5 25, 6 24, 7 44, 10 OS p. m Leave Mahanoy plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00 l?2,.a 10 28.100, a. m., 2 89, 5 86, 6 42,768 10 21pm. Leave Wllllamspori, week days, T 42, 10 00 a ai.. 12 84 and 4 00. UK) p. m. ' ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wharf and South street wharf for Atlantlo City. Wcekdaya Rxpreas.8 00.900, 10 43 a m, 130. 3 00, 3 00, 3 40 sixty minute, 4 00, 4 30,(5 00 sixty minute, 6 80. 7 13, p m. Accomodation, 0 15 n 111,5 30, 6 30 lira. Sundays Kxurcas, 780. 8 00. 8 30, 9 00, 10 00 a m, 4 45, 7 15 p m. Accommoda tlon, 6 13 a m, 4 45 p m. ' f I.CO Excursion 7 00 a m dally and 7 30 Sundays. . Leave Atlantic City Depot: Weekdays Ex press, 6 43 Mondays only, 7 00, 7 43, 750 from llaltloave. station only, 8 30, 9 CO, 1015, 1100 a m. 3 30, 4 30, 6 8u, 7 30, 9 SO p m. Accommo dation, 4 25, 8 03 am, 3 60 p m. Sundays Hi press, 3 30, 4 00, 5 00, 900, 6 30. 7cO, 730. 8 00, 6 S-) p m. Accommodation, 7 13 a m. 4 30 p m. 11.00 Excursion, weekdays 6 OOp ro, Sundays6 10. For Ocean City -Weekdays 8 45, 9 15 a in, 2 15. 4 15. 5 13 n in. SundavnA 15. 9 m A n P ra. 11.00 excursion Thursday and Sunday 7 00 For Cape Mar and Sea Isle Citv Wmk,!., 915am. 230,413pm. Sundays-8 43 a m 445 p m. f LOO excursion Sundays only, 7 00 a m. Additional for Cape May Weekdays 8 54 iu, ouuuaya v la n m. Parlor Cars on all express trains. For further Information, apply to nearest Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket agent I. A. SwuoiBD, Eneoa J. Wnii, Oen'l Burt, Oen'l Paaa'r XrL Rearflnr Tannine!. Pktlad.lDhla. I -TT I , . ' &nlr"oTbe ISSL Tho Rosy Freshnoss velvets-soflneaa of thM mVin I. ln obtained by thafe who use 1'oiiohi'. Ion 1'owder. The Ours Cures Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Wrtooplntr Cough, Asthma Dronohltls and Incipient Consumption, Is OTJO's tfERMAH REMEDV Cures WtoA -mA Vurvn &'tae.M. You can blame yourself If yon So n't get real gnod co (Fee to dunk. Ordinary coffee is made de 11c KHis by adding SUELId'4. v. a package for Seells-. A Httlo of tills kadmixture to "cheap coffee makes a delicious1 L drink and saves expense. PROFESSIONAL CARDS JK. K. Y. KOUSA, PHYSICIAN AND SUROHON. Centre and Market strrrta. In the Mcllrt building, adjoining TJustlo Shoemaker's office. Onice hours : 8:00 to 12.00 m ro., 3.00 to 4:00 and 6:00 to 9:00 p. m. M. M :. BURKE, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Offlce Kgn building, corner of Main an Centre streets, Rhenandoah. J CLAUDE nitOWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: Cor. Ontre and White streets, next to Justice Tooraey'a ofllce. pHOF. JOHN JOKES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box M, Mahaeioy City, Fa. Havlnsr studied nnder miiui nf it. k.s maulers in London and Paris, will give Irwsona on the vlolln.mandolln, ruliarand yocal culture.. Terms reasonable. Address In care of BtrouM, uo loweicr Boenanaoan. P ennsylvania RAILROAD. BCHUYKILL DIVISION. Jor-v 1, 1899. Trains will leave Shenandoah after the aoovs . ,orD.Wi?K?,nt ailberkm. Fnwkvllle. Dark Water. St. Clair, l'otbvllle. llamburg, Reedlna-. Pottatown. PhoentxvllIe. Horrlstown and PhfV aelph1a(llrd street station) at 619 and 8 09 an?. J p m" on week d"'- Holidays, 8 05 a. m., 4 20 p. m. 7 Mra!?"..lav" I'rackvllle for Shenandoah a 7 86, 11 46 a.m. and 3 86, 7 86 p. m. Sunday. 11 01 a. m. and 5 36 p. m. if?TnPo.,.'",e 'or Shenandoah (via Frack Eft'JE' VS? J?""" 8".nop.m. Sunday Imv. thtu-lni.i.' r , . . . . . . . . ' ."'"i uiww aireci siaiionl, lor She.andoah at 8 85 a. m.. 4 10 p. m. week days. T ....... .. , w nnu v m a. m. , ,S,p,,JtXle,l,n, 1 Krol siatloa) for ,ottsviile.5 30,8M, 1019 a. m., ISO, 4 10.711 '"ompmee ' Sunda'- 8M, 23 , m.and Leave Broad Street Station. Philadelphia, FOR NEW YORK. 300. 315 829 W -.102L AO Eftl! m 'li oT 12 85 2 30, 4 02 Limited, 4 22, 3 SO. "is. til 7 02 A in in m n ... iinl-iZtl' days, and 8 10 p. m daily. ' daCtSk"l Express Parlor ear, 11 00 n m week. l!lS,,?An7P'fct.Oo-.T. 4Mpm weekdaya. 500 p m Saturdays only! ''"aaTs stops at Intcrlaken for Aabury I'arkV, ;.:"," , u. a vj lusmDenvilie and Eaatononly), weekdays, and 70s p m dally Mu" '. 9 00 am, 12 00 noon weekdays, and 7 CO fntint I'lWWinn I-I lm . only. "i"", p moaturaaya WASHINOTON AND THE SOUTH. For Tt.!Hn, IT..,.. . ... . CongvMielonal Lim.1,8 84, 6 17. 68i 7 31 dL m ana u 05 night weekdays. Sundava. 8 BO. r l 9 13. 11 23 a m. 12 09, 1 12, 8 12, 4 41 ' 3D 6Z greeslonal LIm.,5 84,6 53, 7 81p m and 11 CO night. For Baltimore, accommodation, 9 11 a ta.ia At? iP m wer1dys. 5 OH and 11 16 p m dally . Anitth.ra l'mtl Y- ... . ... " ... i..inw-9 a SUM SU p m, dally. Norfolk and Western Railway for Uemnhl and New Orleana, 3 31 p m dally. v ucanimae a unio tcaiiway, r II p m, daily. a m weekdays, 11 10 p m dally. Leave Market street wharf as follows I Es prM, for New York, 9 00 a m, 4 30 p m week. ft m, 1 SO nnd 4 00 p o reokdaya. Hundy lutopa at Intcrlaken for A bury l'ark.7iW a ro, hot- llaiioli Ilntwn a -..1 11- a m i . '""vh iwiurKni iit, v iura and 4 00 p ra weekdaya; 180 pm Saturday a in and 4 00 p ra weekdays. FOn ATLANTIC CITY. Tatwaa T)au .. -41 T- 1 . nyc. ewiiuii tisb aveiawara nTr bridfre-KxpreM. 4 53, 9 40 f80 mlnutea tm,lM 83 mlnuteal, 4 00 HO mlnutesl.T 03 85 minute 23S(82mlnut.7pil85mlnWsp.mrJ 8 30, (73 minutes), 10 00 (75 minutes, Tra, (100 ouruaj a uuiy j, i a minutes, 3 UU, 170 minutes), 3 00 (73 minutes), 3 80 (60 minute.), 4 00 (d minutes), 4 30 (75 minutes), 5 00 60 minutes!, 7 . "-' J F 111 nunaaya, aw. im 75 minutes, 8 tH 75 minutes), 8 30 75 minutes. 900 T5ralnutes,1000 70 minutes a-m.,anj i SKI 17.1 m nuln. n M II m V- I - . - " I ". i.iiuiiiun inun, 79?"mweek"lUJ'- Hondays, 7 00 and 7 80 a m. For Cape May, Anglesem. WIIdwoa4, llelly 5 00 p m week-days. Sundays, 8 20 a m. For .pe stay only, 1 80 p m Saturdays. 11.00 Ex cursion train, 700 a. m. dally. For Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Avaloa aad Stone Harbors-Express 9 10 am, 1 80, 4 30, 1 00 pm weekdays. Sundays, 8 50 am. flO)Exaas slon train, 700 a m dally. ror somen- rolnt Express, 500,884,1009 a m, (1 00 Saturdays only), 2 00,3 00,4 00,5 00,5 80 f ... ,, vc.uarH, ouuuaji. u w, p w. v w ana i uv a m,480p m. The Union Transfer Company will call fa and cheek baggSKe from hotels and residence. uining (,-ar. T. B. IlDTcniHsoir. J. Tc WoAn. Oen'l Mauazer, Oen'l PaaaVr A art QRAB0WSKY HOTEL, ii, rrup 819 N. Centra St, PotUvllle, Psu Fine old Whiskeys, Gins and Wines, at the ba .""i urn ui unn anil xemper ance Drinks. Accommodation for travelers. i UeaUktall htm ivjiuTcni? nuntrrio birv bll I Sit P Pa LB I Nors.-ry Stock. KipanMa nv Tur I and salary tolhoae lsavma UJ ' M I nniu. r oorooilaslon to le. FJ A O C 's rente. IVrrosuentcs. UrlrAOC , ul 'imjnt Toe bushlias MWStSji-H& uru. ra lur oar usraw