The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 20, 1899, Image 4

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To provide f
rmcu'iic-lw jr u
tvttfli hnr 1 A loll
of tmto'in I .mlfw
the right thing In
mwtliw n or
hnnl cut.
You ntit the
hwt in muh n
cation Our' bent"
w'li 1 pure to
overcome the bud effects of your lit luck.
South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa
Tclephono Connection.
This Is the season
when new clothes
and gent's furnish
Ings are necessary,
When we make you a suit there is no
cioum arjout its m and quality. Uur stock o;
summer light weiirht suitings will insure satis
faction. Examine our show window and
street case.
Portz Bros.,
24- North Main Street.
and Optician.
type Is
too line
and these lines
run together
is wrong
should examine
them before
further Injury
U done,
No expense
for tho
Thos. Buchanan,
Jeweler and Optician.
118 South Main Street.
In Our
Line of
Has begun. Save your
dollars while you have
a chance. Do not miss
any opportunities. A
dollar saved is a dollar
27 South Main Street. Shenandoah,
rflllfl.-CHERT -STOKE
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale and Retail.
S3 Wast Contra Street.
3 and 5 Cents Per Glass,
Cor. Main Sc Centre Sts.
J. Palms'
Meat Market,
Try our meats. They are well
preserved these hot days. We
give you more for your money
thau anywhere else. Those who
tried us know thiB to be a lact.
2o3 E. Centre St.,
Shenandoah, Pa.
Below U. V. Station.
"r-nloy Reports or Una nl
your, ..Sll?, ,Z ! . O.....I,.
"r,:eM,;!!t,A,,rnn'K,',,,r- . '" or
"u ''ihKMKii. wan burled yes
tert:iy Tlw diwen.d . I. d from heart
fiiilnre lust Sunday
The home of Hnbr-rt ( and Miry A.
Hmitb, of MA West, Cht-rrv street, was sad
dened at a late hottr lt night. I the unex
pected death of thlf 14 oar nW mm. Kny
mond N. The hoy had hp u it sufr-rr-r fiom
appendiHttoanri runf-ire of the homli, and
for the put ten dnvs whs confined t lied.
The last resort to reooi ory w i made y, st- r
day afternoon, when the yrtiriir ninii wn n
moTcd to the Mincn'hoM'iful to nmli rgn an
operation. He was placed on ino operation
table at 10:15 o'ctoelt evr-fflii. The
operation wn performed and at 1) is p m
death ensued, the pnilent h irin? dietl in an
unconscious condition Tho rinsing WKn
brought to the family res! leiiro to-dav. Tin
funeral will take plane Saturday aftornnon at
8 o cluck.
Hugh (JBoyle, a well-known hetelkeeper
oi Liueenie, lormeriy r. resident of Jeanee
ville, died yesterday if heart trouble, aired
'10 yoars. He was well known In thlseouiity.
Sauinel 1). N'elfert, aged 88 years, died
suddenly yesterday at the home of hla
nephew, Joecpu Qolger. at ljuakake. lie
was preparing to attend the funeral of a
friend when ho was seized with apoplexy.
The deceased was a sou of (leorgo Nelfert,
one of the pioneer act tiers of Ruah tuwnahln!
Ijonis Wbeil, one of the pioneer eitlsens of
Oimrdville, and proprietor of Wheil's cafo.
died at that place yesterday altera lingering
in uens ot several years with miners' asthma
lie leaves a wife and eight children. The
deceased was prominent In Denincmtie
politics, having been a member of the Town
(JoutioII at the time of his death.
Charles U. Elliott, asaoeiate editor of the
Dally Republican, died at tho family home
u rottavllle, at an early hour vestei-dav.
His death was caused by valvular disease of
the heart, for which he had been under
treatment for some time, aad was a grant
surprise to his many friends. Mr. Klliott
was a native of Wisconsin, where ho was
born in 1842. He came to this countv in
1870, and two yoars afterward he, with John
O Beck, established the Schuylkill lienuh.
ican, at Minersvllle, which they conducted
for several years. The plant was finally
moved to I'otteville, and Mr. Elliott retained
an in'erest in it until It was purchased by J.
II. Zerlioy, and the present Daily Republican
was established, Mr. Elliott becoming the as
sociate editor, which position ho retained up
to the time of his death. His widow alone
survives him, they never having had any
hildren. His circle of friends was a large
one, and he will be sadly missed. Ho was
one of the best posted men, and must grace
ful writers in the county. Funeral Saturday
afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Mrs. John Dunlsp had a narrow eemo
from choking to death yesterday. While she
was eating a plum a small portion of it
lodged in her windpipe. Tho victim attracted
the attention of neighbors by ln-okouirg to
them. Tho obstruction was removed after
some difficulty and Mrs. Dunlap sti'l suli'ers
fiom lier experience. She can hardly rpeak.
Miss Cliarlotto Sherman has returned from
Philadelphia, where sho was visiting for
some time.
Mrs. Thomas Birch, of Tottsville. is vislt-
ng here, the guost of her brother. Superin
tendent Qjinn,
Mrs. Harry Hart, of Shonandoah. was
visiting here yosterday.
Mies Jennie Jones, of Girardville. was a
guest of friends here yesterday.
Mrs. William Seluser and eon, Livingstone.
and Mrs. Thomas Dove, Jr., visited friends at
Mahanoy City to-day.
John Knigbt has vacated his residence here
and the house will he occupied by Georce
Morgan, the new clerk at the store.
A Hlryc) Cannes Tronhte.
Yesterday afternoon Druecist I'. W. llouek
boarded a Lakeside cai with his chainless
bicycle. H is destination was the Trotting
park, where he intended to take a spin
round the track. The wheal wa stnmllui-
crosswise in the car and while the car whs
going along East C litre strict the win
struck a terra cotta pipo i tong.slde the track..
nwi Bradley's bridge, whfre a s-wer eon-
nectiou was being made. Tiie uipe toppled
over and foil inte the ditch. A work nun had
a narrow escape from leiug struck by tin-
falling pipe. The wheel uf the hiryrle was
considerably damaged ai,d had vy bo bent to
tho fuetory for repairs.
SMITH. On tin- l'Jth lint. RuymoiKl. eon of
llobert C. and Mary .Smith, aged 14 yenrs.
Tbo funeral will take plane on Saturduyt July
22nd, lftttQ, services to tie hold ut the reviueuco,
No. 208 West Cherry stret, at 2.00 p. m. Inter
ment in Odd Fellows' cemitery. Uelutives
und friends respectfully invited to attend. 2t
For Bilious and Nervous Disorders
Are Wiihouf a Rival.
lllceuta null cottta, nt nil it ruff stores.
FHIDAY. Potato soup.
WANTED. At once, twenty-five girls to work
in overall factory, good wagett and steady
work. Kxprt machine operators preferred.
Apply to Christian Etwrle, Ulrardville, Pa 8t
OK SALE. A good paying buslneas in
Bhenandoah. timall cupltal retiulrod. Hulft-
able for an active young Irishman, a Lithuan
ian, American or both, Large returns. Hatls.
factory reasons given for quitting. None but
those meaulug business need apply.
Attorney -at-Inw,
7-1V-2W Sliennndoali, TV-
FOIl SALB. Hfsvss window flit urea. Huilalile
(or either aboea or hats. Will fit any alM
window. Apply to Joseph Ball, 18 South Ida n
street. 7-12 Iw
FOR Hit XT. A suite of rooms In theEgan
building, corner of Main and Centre streets,
for oMoe purpose. Well lighted and all, o. u
venlenee. Apply at 10 Eaat Centra street, tf
f,10 It SALE A new bicycle, the latest make
II I 'liMli fnr o li S. Ihu .lf.UAI.Vk
FR SALS. The Baiusanaa pmiwiy, locatrtl
at 13 Sat Coal atrt. BsMpa fur selling.
deain to ewe ska an tale For prtlculn
lutfC of PhtHp Marsaaoa, North White
TOT10A-lftatratito ptoa
ter aa. Ap-
IHiewiHioli nojioiissar, awonae,
Bay 2ftu w i '
mat better .
town. Ca. ' -
nI reoaire more
I un where In
. . pilrsa. Try
. t t .nl.
i- lilorg' mttii
I will gunrnntee
that my Rheumatism
Cure will relieve lum
bago, sciatica and all
rheumatic paln la
two or three hours,
end cure in a few
At all druggists,
25c. a viol. Uulde
to Health nnd medi
cal ndvlco free.
1505 Arch st., rb.II.
pithy poirs rs.
Iapiettlnsja Ttirniiarhnnt the Country
, OhronlelnH for ttnat? I'nniml.
Conductor Harry Klotc. of the Lehigh
vauay railroad, nag resigned
Ooorgo Davidson. Sr., 1ms moved from
Mst Coal street to West Lino street.
Caught under a falling derrick at Wllllams
port. Shnweied Kultile was fatally Injured.
William Illommer.a Hagloton wheelwright.
fell from the second-story of a building yes-
teruay, and died an huur later.
A select dance was glvon last night at High
Point park by tho members of Shenandoah's
Four Huudied. A dellghtftil time was had.
Despondent from continued Illness. liarber
Daniel Klopp, of Lebauou, committed
snfctdc last night by shooting himself in tho
Lockjaw, the result of running a rustv
nail in his foot, caused the death of Justice
of tbo Peaco Cvius B. Kellv. at Trout Hun.
Lycoming comity.
The County Commissioners, yesterday
awarded to Samuel Dietrich tho contract for
building the new iro and slaughter bouses at
the almshouse for fl.OSB.
Eleven-year-old Michael Metro, of Cran
berry. Luzerne cniu.ty, who hurt his fingers
tinder the hammer i f a revolver on the
I'ourth, is dyiug of lockjaw.
Attachments aie being lamed by Clerk of
the Courts Slinener f..r all persons when bills
were ignored by the b st Uraud Jury and
prosecutors ordered to ay the xists
The Pennsylvania Miilroad Company's
motive power it strurtion car Is f El ected on
the Schuylkill division shoilly, nheu rxatnl
natiou on the air brake svsti-m will be made.
J ,T. Bradlgan visited fi lends at PoXtsvIUs
John A Reilly made a trp to PottsviUe
this morning.
Hurry Arvgood returned to his home at
Ilerh'ehem to-day.
O-car Iletlendge made a business trip to
the couut.v scat to-day.
tip.ugn i-oluier tuado trip to Pottavillo
and Ornigsburg to-dny.
Dr. P. F. Burke spoilt this morning at
Pottsvillo on business.
J. E. Coyle and S. G. M. Hollopeter trnn-
saited legal busiucst ut the county sent to
day. Mrs Philip H. Jones and daughter, Mary,
of Win. Penn, visited frionds at Mahanoy
City y.itoiduy.
William Hecknian, Webster Klein and
Willlsm K.senhart have, gone to Cutuwitssa to
spend 111 i re weeks ill camp,
MisM-o Kaiie Keithau nnd Maine Sherry,
ofSunbury, are the guosts of the Misses
Koithan, on Xorth Main street.
Clifton Itowerg, of Mahanoy City, has en
listed at IlHz'.etou for service in the 28th In
fantry, U. S. A , in the Philippines.
Mrs. Carrie t'revhng. of Brooklyn, N. Y
is visiting her aunt, Mis. It. W. Stout, on
South White streot.
Misses Ella Kgan and Mary Purcell liave
gone to Bedford Springs to spend two weeks.
Mrs. David Davis nnd son, of Philadelphia,
are in town, the guostsof Mrs. Davis' sister-in-law,
tho mother of Scnntor John F.
W. B. Durkin nnd M. A. Kllkoi, two young
men ef Girurdvlllo, who woro recontly ad
mitted to the Bar, are about to open offices
in the "Hub" building, corner of Main and
Lloyd t-trecls
Mrs II hitman, Mrs. Hose, Mrs. Clifford,
M.s. ('buries lib neniun, Mrs. Hood and son,
Mrs. Lew baud daughter, Mrs. Staull'er, Mrs.
l''Ut, Mr, June'. Mrs. McCutcheon and
Mrs. Srhwindt formed a town party that
drove to Sheppton to visit Jacob Shane and
family yesterday. '
Cream puffs on ice all summer at Gcorgo
Schoidcr's bakery, S3 East Coal street. tf
Tlie Krcruilliig Station.
Sergt. T. B. Nungosser, recruiting officer
for the U. S. array now station at Hazlcton,
is making a tour of this region for the pur
pose of securing recruits. Ho was in town
yesterday and paid this office a visit. In
spoaklng of the requirements of applicants
for admission into thonriny, ho says married
men will not be enlisted or re-enlisted with
out special authority from the roglmontal
commander or from the Adjutant Goneral of
the army in the absenco of a regimental
organization ; for infantry the holght should
he not leas thau five feet four iuchos and
weight not less than ISO pounds, and not
more than 100 pouuds. The term of horvice
will bo for one year dating from March 2nd
last. A private receives $13 a month.
JxMirlon to Glen Onoko.
Shenandoah to Mnuch Chuuk and Glen
Onoko, via ihe Lehigh Valley Railroad,
Sunday, July 23rd, 1600. Adults CO cents,
Children 45 cents Special train both ways.
Consult Lehigh W.ley tioket agents for par
ticulars. Marrlxg Licenses.
Mike Kooomd and R inkn Ulla, both of
Relay i es ; John Koziovrtkt and Aggie Pukas,
both of Sbeuaadoah
Deads Hcjnlel.
George II. Hmitb to Adam Knowies,
premises In Port Catbou ; George II Smith to
Mary M Knowies, premises In Port ( arbon ,
John J. Cox et ni, to Mary L Beyraut,
premises in Tatuaq la.
Coiliry to Hosum.
The Primrose collbry, opera.ed by Ihe P
A It. (.'. & 1 . Co., at Mabauoy City, a hieh has
hven idle since January, will August
8 in, giving employnuti.t to AO0 uiea aud
ovys. It has Uu t leuivcly rcmodeltd
and laiprertid.
Many tbtng are said to cure rheumatic
complaints ami Infl.iinniatory and I'itvoii
pain. YU the Anchor Pain Ktpeller com
bines the virtues of all. It ii the best. 25c.
I.sblgh Viilby lUllrnatl JUeurslon
to New Yolk, Ju'y 8, 1606 Fare, adults
tt 45, children $1 83. Tickets good on
tralu leaving Shenandoah, July2fltb at B:2X
and 7'JWa. in., and 1:5 p. m. Returning
will he gootl leaving New York on any train
exorpt B'u k Diamond Lx press to and includ
ing July 28th
s.ieliil To-ulgbt.
A kh ial ill be given in the First Baptist
church lo-uUht nliieh urjtnitea to lie largely
attended. II. n v txkuubaye beer, sold fur
the event. I'lie f. vitiea will Uegiu at H
o'eioek with h-' us on a phonograph.
Tre t Vin a Oliolr.
The Juniui Umir of the Annunciation
bureh eajoyi d a pn ale lu the Uatawisna
Valley to-day, (Iihjuk 1 1 the generosity of iU
organist and r Miss Katie Maley
Ask your grocer for the "Royal Patent
flour, and take no other biand. It is the liost
The temrtffnturo lins fallen in Now
KnKhind and tlio lower loko region tuiil
Iihb remained near
ly stationary oIbo
whoro. Bxcessivo
temperatures con
llnuo In tho ox
tromo northwest,
Huron, nismarck
nnd Bolso report
100 degrees; win-
nemucca, 08; Hnp-
lti uity ana Havre,
9G; Helena, 94;
Salt Lake C tv. !)2
Forecast today nnd
tomoirow in this section: Increasing
ciouuiness louay; sliowors tomorrow;
vnrninip winus.
Sunrise, 4:GC; sunset, 7:30; length of.
uay, 1411., 84in.; moon rises, 5:C0 p
m.; moon sots, 1:C9 n. in.
umeiai Jall For the Itc)iuhllcnn District
l lie hirst Legislative Convention for tho
oicctioti of Stnto Delegate will meet at
Kotuuns' nail, Shenandoah, Saturday, 10 a.
m , August 5th, 180U, and olcct ono delegate
ami one alternate
inewcoiiu ijistrlctcjonvontlon will mret
at Washington hall. Ashland, Saturday, 3
p. m , August B, 1600. and elect ono dclmrntn
nnd one alternate
The Third District Convention will tnMt nt
u. a. Hotel, Tnmaniia. Saturdav. 2 n. m .
August 8th, 1S09, and elect ono dolcgatonnd
one alternate
Tho Fourth District Convention will meet
at Centennial Hall, Pottsvillo, Monday, 10 a.
in., AiigUBl 7, 18UU. and o ect two delegates
8n" twoalternates.
I "'"y tlio delegates to the Legislative Con-
ventions in 1803 nro entitled to voto in said
All conventions will bo called to order by
some one designated by tho County Chair
man. By ordor of Executive Committee.
Cuab. E, Quail,
-2WM0 Chairman.
Working Night and Day.
The busiest and mightiest little thlnr that
ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills.
Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health,
that changes weakness into strength, listless
nesi into energy, brain-fng into mental power.
They're wonderful in bmldinK up the health.
Only 25c per box. Sold by A. Wasley.
A Heal l'rlze Fight.
The residents of Nuromhurg were treated
toa real prize fight on Tuesday in which
Frank Stctler, a barber, and John Miller, a
stone mason, wcro the principals. Frank
Wbarmby acted as referee and Ilobort Mon
singoras timekeeper. Tho fight lasted just
twelve rbunds, and at tbo conclusion of tho
last rouud was stopped by tho referee on
account of its biutality. The contestants
fought liko two demons, and tho eyes of both
men were closed and blood was streaming
from various parts of their bodies. The fight
was witnessed by many of Nurembtirg's
residents. Stctler got by far tbo best of it.
Notice to Iteiiubltcau Candidates.
Notico is horeby given to tho candidates
nominated at tho Republican county conven
tion on Monday last, to meet in thoparlors of
the Merchants' hotel, in Pettaville, on Satur
day, July 22, 1600, nt 10 a. m., for tho pur
poso of electing a county chairman. By
order of Elias Davis,
tt Chairman of Convention,
Pigeon Shooting Talk,
John Whalen.of Cunibola, wants to arrange
a pigeon shooting match for $150 a side, each
man to shoot at 25 birds, with William
Krauso. of Mabauoy City. Tho latter says
ho is willing to shoot if a match for $200 a
side, 20 birds each, or ?500 a sido, 50 birds
each, is made
Bay Koystono flour. Bo sure that tho name
Lasuia & Bask. Ashland, Pa., is printed on
ovory mrV
A Gnoit I'lnn.
Mahanoy City gets its borough tax dupli
cate written by contract this year. Bids
wcro asked for and former Justlco Woher got
me worK on a hid ot ?0.U0. There were ten
bidders for it, tho majority of tho bids boln
$10 and the higho3t$12 50.
Complaints cured by Beecuam's
Two Tours to CuimilH via Pennsylvania
For tho summer of 1800 tho Pennsylvania
Bailfoad Company has arranged to run two
personally-conducted tours to Canada and
Iortlicrn .Now York,
1 ho first tour, leaving July 22, includes
Magant tails, Toronto, Thousand Islands,
Kapldsof the St. Lawrence, Quebec, Lake
St. John, Tho Saguenay, Montreal, Au Sable
Uiasni, Lakes Ciiamplain aud George, Sara'
toga, and Highlands of the Hudson, occupy.
iug soventccn days. Bound trip rate. $125.
Tho second tour, leaving August 12, covers
the same territory witli tho exception of
Iike St. John and Tho Saguenay, and oc
cupies fourtoen days. Round-trip rate. ?100.
Each tour will bo in charge of ono of the
company's tourist agouts, assisted by an ox-
perleuceu lady as chaperon, whoso osocclal
cuarge win no unescorted ladies.
The rate covers railway and boat faro for
the entire reund trip, parlor-car soats, meals
enroute, hotel entertainment, transfer
charges, aud carria'go hire.
ror detailed itinerary, tlckots. or anv ad.
dltloualiuformatiou, address Tourist Agent,
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 1100 Broad
way, iew York ; 800 Fulton street,
Brooklyn ; 789 Broad street, Newark. N. J. :
or Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant Gonoral Passenger
Agent, uroad street station, Philadelphia.
Injured nt llazletnn,
Miss Jones, of Shenandoah, .who is tho
guest of her sister, Mrs. Frank Charles, of
Old Sugarloaf, met with a painful accident
yesterday afternoon. She attended tho pic-
uicoftbeM. K. Sunday school at Hazle
park, and when passing the bowling alley
about four o'clock, was struck on the knee
by a ball, cracking tho bueo cap. Hazleton
for" ovof xia.
HEUEALGIA and similar Complaints,
. I'recmoou oy eEUaeni paysiclani
Wwrldrrnowned I TtemiirkablffSticcessfDl I
jonypin-, 10 vita Trade Mark " Anchor,"!
-i.t a Dottle, AtnllUrugguuortlirough
1 r.A&E.3TBJ4eft,8Urcin., HIWSC2S.
1 3 Braatl Houms, Ova Glassworks.
ln 1 fd atul Jleeommenned by
, X- ling WholrialtanilJt Uitl .vy
Hi fiiiiOH. il miller i, ana
eiMr prominent
'ANClIOIt KTOaiAOnATj beat fnrt
nn. iiicm 1 itru
I flollfl, Ilyspepsf a&fltomnrh flomiilnf nts. I
nrr ids a 11 iisiiiiiiiisisaaiisiiisaaiiMiMasaiaiitil
Three Extraordinary Specials.
We have placed-oh sale
our entire stock of Men's and Hoys
light weight and summer clothing
including all the latest styles and
patterns, in light colors and blue
serges. Some of them are all wool
and the rest of them are pure
worsteds. Any of them are worth
58 00 and $9 00, and some of them
are worth Si 2 00. Our mice for
ten days only will be from
$3.50 to $5.00.
Shrewd buyers who appieciate extra good bargains, will do
now being offered at the
Mammoth Clothing House,
The Largest Clothing House in the County,
and 11 S. Main St., I Goldin, Proprietor.
(Continued from First 1'ngo.)
ncctea with the resignation expressed
his personal regret at the turn of af
fairs. Ho said:
"I feel groat sympathy and great
respect for tho secretary. History will
show that if ho erred it has been on
tho sido of tho soldier, on tho side of
tnose who ware fighting tho battles.
No man In that position has ever had
nioro at heart the interests of the sol
diers, their comfort and their welfare.
Time and again ho has said to us that
everything must yield before the re
quirements of tho men In the field, and
if tho funds wero lacking he would pay
for it himself. He will leave tho de
partment with tho respect and esteem
of every one in it."
Secretary Alger's departure from tho
cabinet will leavo in it only three of
those members who entered it at thn
beginning of tho administration, name
ly, Messrs. Gage, Long and Wilson.
Tho number of changes that have oc
curred In tho two and a half years of
its life has been very unusual. Six
cabinet officers in all have resigned
their portfolios either to retire to pri
vate life or to accept other positions
of honor and trust at tho hands of tho
president. These include Secretaries ot
State Sherman, who went out because
of ill health and advanced ace. and
Day, who accented a United States
Judgship; Attorney General McKenna,
who accepted a position on tho su
preme bench of the United States;
Postmaster General Gary, who retired
because of ill health, and Secretary
Bliss, of the interior department, who
returned to Now York and resumed
active connection with business af
fairs. $40.00 Bicycle
Away Daily.
Tho publishers of Tue New YonK Staii.
tho handsomely illustrated Sunday nows
papor, are giving a H1011 Grade Bicycle
each day for the largest list of words
made by using tho letters contained in
'T-Il-K N-E-W Y-O-lt-lC S-T-A.K"
no more times in any ono word than it js
found in Tho New York Star. Webster's
Dictionary to bo considered as nuthorlty.
Two Good Watches (first class timekeepers)
will bo given dally for second and third best
lists, and many other valuable rewards, In
cluding Dinner Sets, Tea Sets. China, Sterl
ing Silverware, etc., etc., in ordor of merit.
This educational contest is being given to
advertise and introduce this successful
weekly into now homes,and all prizes will bo
awarded promptly without partiality. Twelve
2-cont stamps must be inclosed for thirteen
weoks trial subscription with full particulars
and list of over 300 valuable rewards. Contest
opens and awards commence Monday, Juno
20th, and closes Monday, August 21st, 1899.
Your list can reach us any day between these
dates, and will receive the award to which it
may bo entitled for that day, and your nanio
will bo printed in the following issue of Tub
New YonK Stab. Only one list can bo
entered by tbo same person. Prizes are on
exhibition at Tan Stab's business offices
Persons securing bicycles may have choice of
Ladies', Gentlemen's or Juveniles' 1800
model, color or size desired. Call or address
Dept. "E," The New Yobk Stab, 230 W,
30th Streot, New York City.
A Double Loss,
"You scorn to havo discharged your now
"Yes; sho queered mo badly."
"How did it hupponf"
"I dictated n letter to our rlohest female
client and told her to address it. 'How
will I address itf sho asked. I answered,
'Plain Miss Drown.' And, by Goorgo,
that's just tho wuy sho wroto HI"
" 'Plain Miss Brown.' Wo lost n cliont,
and sho lost a job, " Cleveland Plain
Tho Clilneso dotoctlvo forco is a secret
body and tho best organized In tho world.
Thoy hnvo an cyo upon ovory man, woman
Hiid child, forolRn or native, in China, and
in addition watch ovur oncli other.
Truo hnppinoss Is found in pursuing
lonictlilng. not. tncatchliiKit. "Words ol
Wisdom. "
Iteduceil Itatea to Pittsburg.
On account of the Young People's Christian
Union, U. P. church, to be hold at Pitts
burg, Pa., August 2 to 7, the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will sell excursion ticketa
from points on its line, to Pittsburg, at rate
of single rare lor tlie round trip j minimum
rate, twenty-five cents.
Tickets will be sold on August 1 and 2. and
will be good to roturu until August 0, inclu
sive, except that by depositing tieket with
the Joint Agent at Pittsburg before Aueust
6, and the payment of fifty cents, the return
limit may be extendod to leavo Pittsburg not
later than August si, 18UU.
For specific rates and conditions apply to
Ticket Agents.
Congressman from New York, is tho presi
dent of Tub New Yobk Stab, which is
dally, as offered by thoir advertisement in
another column, Hon. Amos J. Cummiags.
M. 0., Col. Asa Bird Gardner, District At
torney of New York, ex-Govornor Hogg, of
Texas, and Col. Fred. Feigl, of Now York,
are among tho well known namos in their
Board of Directors,
Our south side show
window has been utilized for our
hat display. It contains all the
latest styles in Derbcys and
FcdoraSf and they are worth ironi
Si. 25 to $2. 00, We have reduced
them for this sale to
5 South Main Street.
Does the finest bath room work.
P. W. BELL, Cor- te and L1yi sts.
Window Guards, Stable Guards, Cellar Guards
Iron Railings, &c.
FACTORY :-22l-240 N. Emerlck St. RESIDENCE : 221 N. West St.
..... .. . . ,
For a thing is important but wh t you get
for your money is ten times more important. Our goods and our prices
do their own talking and give you big rewards.
Our Furnitures-
Is good, stylish and ser
viceable. We believe in it and in
everything else we sell. We won't
say any more but if you haven't tried
us you miss a good thing. Special
inducements in Couches, and Parlor
Wo Sell Good Goods at Factory Prices.
D. & J. SI EG EL,
104 and 106 South Main Street.
Ice Cream,
All flavors.
Man u 1 a c -
tured daily. Delivered to all parts
of town.
Sealed PINK BAND Package.
Bon-Bons and Chocolates,
Made Only By
Baker and Confectioner,
104 N. Main St.i
Our Haircutting
and Shampooing
l'leases everybody, w, do lots
of It and are gaining new cus
tomers nally. lullessliumpooliig
aono at yaur own
home upon
Ferguson House Block.
Our Children's clothing
has also been considered. We have
selected about 200 suits, till woolen
goods, Reefer and Junior styles,
from 4 t6 8. iMiis stock can be
seen on one large table and is
ready for your inspection. The
farmer prices were S2.50 up to
S4.00. Our price lor ten days
well to examine the bargains
A Lucky Purchase.
We bought of a manufacturer all
the Men's Russets he had. We got
them 40c less 011 the dollar, as he
wanted to get rid of them before fall.
They are worth $2.00;- but to sell
them quick we have marked them
only SI. 24 per Pair.
Another one worth S2.50, and
cheap at S2. 25; we will sell them at
the low price of sf.69 a pair.
flbo Lovino, Prop.
Repairs leaky hydrants.
Does all kinds of plumbing.
u ' gas and steam fitting.
Gives estimates on steam and hot water
of .
Wire Screens,
Iron Fences.
Fire Escapes
Our Stovese-
Are the best in every re
spect. Best ,of material, best
system of baking, all modern
conveniences and the prices are
lower than elsewhere.
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardin St.
1 10-121-123 North Main St.
New Store I New Stock I
Boots and shoes and footwear of all kinds
Kepalrlng neatly, promptly and cheaply
SOS SOufn Main St.,