THE SECRETS of easy nnd al m o s t palnlosi childbirth are nil told In a handsomely II- lustrateu book entitled "Bo f oro Baby i s Horn." a conv of which will be sent froo on re quest to ovcry expoctant mo ther. The book also tells about that truly great liniment known as MOTHER'S FRIEND which modifies all the distress, pain nnd danger of the period of pregnancy and insures rapid recovery. Druggists tell Mother's friend for II a battle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATORCO., Atlanta.Gi. lledttced Kates to IntlfAnapolIn via Penn sylvania ltnllroad Account Kpworlli Leajrun International Convention, On account of tlio Epwortli Lenuo Inter national Convention, to bo hold at Indian, spoils, Ioil , Julv SO to 23, tlio Pennsylvania Kallroad Company will sell excursion tickets from points on its lino, to Indianapolis, at rato of filnqlo faro for tlio round trip. Tickets will be sold on July 18 and 10, and will bo cowl to return until July Sl,incluslvo, oxcept that by depositing ticket with tlio Joint Agent at Indianapolis before July 24, nnd the paymont of fifty cents, tlio return limit may bo extended to leave Indianapolis not later than August 20, 1809. . .For specific rates and conditions apply to Ticket Agonts. A Card. We, the uudorslgncd, do hereby agree to refund tho raonoy on a 50-ccnt bottlo of Qrceno's Warranted Syrup of Tar if It falls to euro your cough or cold. We also guaran toe a 25-cont bottlo to provo satisfactory or money refunded. A. Wasloy, C. II. UaRen buch, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W Blerstoln & Co. lM4-83t-dw NERVITA PILLS Restores Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood. Cures Impotency, NlghtEmlssionsand wasting diseases, all effects of self- S abuse, or excess ana indis cretion. A norvo tonic and liinfwl rmlldor. Brines the f pink glow to pale cheeks ana restores the Are of youth. feBv mall 60c ner box, C boxes for ffii.fiO: wJlli a -written tnmrnn- tyr to euro or romnu mo wvuvy aena lor circular. jiuurcBs, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. Bold at Klrltn's drug store Sbcivandoab, Pa. M ,... lr-vlLa Diamond Brand. trTiltV aUL .iv,,i ralUblt. laoica HA.Tnln lt4 .nd Hold ro.t.ll la t.tnr. for t.rtlenlr., tpctlmonLl. .aa "U.uer ror i.anie, " v; ,.i. u.u , n.nmi Kmott rvr lhMtfrChtmlclOfc,MdUBuMA, Boldtj ah Local UmlgliU. A.. PA. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OI L. C Plies op HoraorrhoWt " Fissures & Fistulas. Burns & Scalds. Wounds & Bruise. Cuts & Sores. U Bolls & Tumors, pi Eczema & Eruptions. Salt Rheum A Tettera. E Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters. Soro Lips & Nostrils. O Corns & Bunions. w Stings & Bites of Inseote Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and Sl-co. Sold by druggists, or sent post-paid on receipt of pries UCKfllRIIS'niD.CO.. Ill IUWUIUaBC.,KrTak. A box of our srranL rnniLT Bra is an exhilarating stimulant during 6 the hot ' months. summer Delivered at your homo Columbia Brewing Company, LAKESIDE! The only pleasure resort and picnic grounds in tins region Splendid lake of fresh water. Ice and wood, free, to all picnic parties to prepare and preserve meals. An orchestra is established here for the entire season. For particulars address, B. J. YOST, Prop., BarnesvIIIe, Pa. News Opinions OF National Importance THE - SUN ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, by mail, - $6 a year Daily and Sunday, by mail, $8 a year The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday newspape in the world. Price 5c i CDfj. Bj Mil, 52 a yu UixtH THE BUR, !Uw TsrJc Envoy Von Mumm Dekros Our Eo lations Most Cordial. HOT A OLOUD ON THE HORIZON- Tlio Snttlomcnt of tlio Snmonn AfThlr HltuwHltowSorlotiK Difficulties) Itoml II Ylold to SfttlafHotory Adjustment llntwoon 1'rlouilly Nations). Washington, July 20. Mr. A. Von Mumm, tho Gormnn envoy extraordi nary and minister plenipotentiary to tho United States, who arrived hero rc -ccntly nnd on Monday last presented to resident McKlnley his credentials, was seen at tho Gorman embassy yes tordny, nnd for tho first time slnco his arrival consented to talk In a general way concerning current topics of In terest between tho two governments. Mr. Von Mumm Is not a stranger In Washington, fox ho was hero as first secretary of tho German legation from 18S8 to 1892, during which tlmo ho negotiated and signed tho Important reciprocity treaty with Germany. At that tlmo Secretary Blaine formed a warm personal attachment for htm. I am fortunate in returning to Washington at a time when tho rela tions between the two countries are on Buch a friendly basis," sold Mr. Von Mumm. "Among those I havo loft be hindthe responsible officials at Ber lin as well as the people at largo I can assure you there Is tho most cor dial sentiment of good will for tho United States government and for your people, and a sincere purpose to main tain that relation. And I am glad to noto among your officials tho samo evidences of good will. That Is tho strongest assurance of the bonds bo- tween Germany and tho United States. am glad to say thero Is not ovon a cloud on the horizon of our good re lations." Being asked as to tho outlook on tho Samoan question, which has engaged this government and Germany, as well as Great Britain, the minister said: That Is a case in point showing that what may seem to present serious difficulties readily yields to a" satlsfac tory adjustment when tho governments havo a sincere purpose to avoid causes for friction. In the case of Samoa tho critical phases appear to havo dlsap poared. With the appointment of the Samoan commission a final adjustment is largoly committed to their hands. What they havo done thus far appears to bo in tho Interest of all concernod We are looking forward to a complete adjustment of this question and Its elimination from official and public at tention, for In reality It lacks tho dig nity and importance to warrant Its being a factor of disagreement between great nations." In connection with Mr. Von Mumm's arrival there has been much comment In the press as to the German reel procity negotiations, and the posslbll lty that he would push them actively to the front. This appears to havo arisen largely from tho fact that ho holds the rank of minister Instead of charge d'affaires, and also from his connections with the former reciprocity treaty. As to this ho said: I notice that tho American press in fers that I come on a special mission relating to reciprocity. But I assuro you 1 have no specific Instructions which contemplate the immediate con clusion of a treaty." Bed sot From tne aan Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman, of Newark. Mich., in the civil war. It caused horrible Ulcers, that no treatment helped for 20 vears. Then liucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns Boils, Jelons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Uest nilecure on earth, ss cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Soli yb A. Wasley, druggist, Clerical Triumph In Itiivnrlh. Berlin, July 20. The elections for the Bavarian chamber havo proved a great Clerical triumph. The Clericals gained ten seats and the Liberals lost twenty-two, owing to tho compromise effected between the Clericals and the Socialists at tho expense of the Lib' erals. The Clericals now havo an ah solute majority In the chamber. Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it will wear Rway," but in most cases it will wear them away. Could they be Induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp' Dalsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, they would immediately see the ex cellent eflect after taking the first dose. Price 25c. and 50c. Trial size free. At all drug gists. Dorttli ofClinplnfn Wtirnor, G. A. It Knoxvllle, July 20. Bev. Thomas Warner, D. D., chaplaln-ln-chlef of tho Grand Army of the Republic, died last night. He was born in Medina county, Ohio, and served two years in the Fourth Ohio volunteers. He'has filled prominent Methodist pulpits in Ohio, Tennessee, California, Maryland and tho District of Columbia, one of his latest charges being Bethany church, Baltimore. Use Allen's Foot-Ease In your Gloves. A lady writes : "I sbake Allen's Foot-Ease into my gloves and rub a little on my bands, It saves my gloves ty aDsormni: perspiration It is a most dainty toilet powder." Allen'i Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes easy, Alwuvs uso It to break in now Blioes. 11 keens the feet cool and comfortable. Wo Invite tho attention of physicians and nurses to tne absolute purity 01 Alien a t ooc-t-aso All drug ana snoo stores sou it, zoc. sampn sent FKEE. Address Allen S. Olmsted LoKoy, N. Y. Jbnioua T.ovorrM Tloublo Crlmo. Bordentown, N. J., July 20. Clifford Farley, 20 years of age, of Trenton, last night shot his sweetheart, Kathor ine Donoghue, aged 18 years, near the tatter's homo In Bordentown, and then nut a bullet through his own bead, Both shots are Hkoly to prove fatal although It is possible that tho girl may recover. Jealousy is said to have prompted the shooting. Builds up tho system ; putspuro, rich blood in the veins ; makes men and womon strong and bealtby. Burdock Blood Bitters. At any drug store. Started I'Ires With Koronono. Savannah, Ga., July 20. Mrs. Annie McUulre, white, and Anna Cook, col ored, are dead aa a consequence of two Btovo explosions. In each caso the women Btarted to light a fire with kerosene oil. Both were horribly burned. A CHILD ENJOYS Tho pleasant flavor, gentls action, and sooth Ing eflect of Syrup of Figs, when In need of a laxative, and If tho father or mother be costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow It use ; so that It Is the best family remedy known and every family shoold have a bote., Manifactured by tho California Fig Syrup Co. Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, niul which Ims been in uso for over 30 years, hns -jf - and In . and lias Allow no All Counterfeits, Imitations anil Substitutes nro lmt Ex periments that trillo with ami endanger tlio health of Infants nnd Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorln, is rt substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is irnrinlcss nnd Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Knrcotlo substance. It ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcvcrlshncss. It cures Diarrluea immI '"Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tlio Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. Tlio Children's Panacea Tho Brother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS S7 Bears tho The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CKNTAUH COMPANY. TT MURRAY STRCCT, NEW YORK CITY. E ill WHO A Wreck From Grippe, Catarrh and Asthma. RESTORED WITB I was known as "The Woman cessantly. I was a school teacher lill eaten away the partition in my nose. It had produced Bronchitis, Asthma, dreadful Stomach troubles gone all through my system, making which left me a wreck in mind and doctors left me in, after dosincr me bought cough cures without end but they only made me worse, I was in despair till I got hold of Brazilian Balm and Toxicola Tablets, They acted like magic from the first, and better than I had been in years. Brazilian Balm and Toxicola-saved You get moro doses of Brazilian Balm for nnd 81.00 a bottlo At druggists. With every 81.00 Toxicola Tablets free; the best tonic, nervo nnd 6c Co., Mfg. Chemists, Indpls, Ind. Shenandoah Drug: Store, "A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO cmm - 9 W JfTf W9-r ma bg D0LMA6 WORTH T03EWU) HI Mai Mvaririfliwl MIIKT MCPI10 to if nAW atolM to Wkltt. tlW Himmt. muoHT, unutmttm. moot 9UH0. tOHKCTICUT. new row. FtmmuiA n(w jenstr. Send for our Book. "A Bird's Eye View S18 pages beautifully Illustrated nnd very York and bow to go about. Fi roll mt 'YOU'LL OET ALL THAT'S A-COMINd TO YOU." If, when contemplating a trip to any polut West or Southwest of the Mississippi liivor, you will purchase tickets via the Missouri Pacific By., or Iron Mountain Route (which are on salo at all principal ticket oQlces in the United States), you will have all the comforts and luxuries of modern railway equipment, and the finest opportunities for viewing al of nature's museums and marvels of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Texar, Old and Now Mexico, California, etc. Ex cursion tickets to all principal points at greatly reduced rates. On account of tho National Education Association meeting at Los Angeles In July, wo will make special low round trip rates. When coutcmplatlrie a trip West or Southwest, write us for full information and rock bottom figures. W E.Hoyt, G.E.P. Agont, J. P. McCann, T. P. Agent, 801 Broadway, Now York. 4 22-tf Sick Headaches, The curse of overworked womankind, are quickly and surely cured by Earl's Clover Boot Tea, the great blood purifier and tlssuo buildor. Money refunded if not satisfactory, Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. 1), Klrllu on a guarantee. homo tho siirimtjiro of been nindo under his per- supervision since Its infancy. ouo to dccclvo you In this. Signature of BRAZILIAN BALM who Coughs," for I coughed in my health failed. Catarrh had and weak kidneys. In fact it had me an easy victim for the Grippe body. Tins was the condition the with opium, quinine, etc. Then I and in a few weeks I was cured Talk about wonderful remedies, my hie. Miss L. L. Clark, 017 Horton St. the money tban any other remedy. bottle you get one month's trentment of strength uu: lldcr In tlio world. B. P. Jackson Wholesale and Retail Agents. if r of Kew York" and Its Greatest Store Interesting. Telia you all about hew abkiko. Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to California Without change of Cars. Leavlnc Washington every Tuesday and Friday at 11:15 a. m.. the Southern Railway operates Personally Conducted Tourist Ex cursions to Ban t rauciso witnout cuanee oi cars, conductors or porters, Tho route Is tnroucn Atlanta. .Montgomery. ew urioans, Houston. San Autonio.New Mexico. Arizouia. and Southern California. Tho cars nro the very latest pattern of Pullman Tourist Sleepers, rosewood nulsh. havo hleh back scats, upholstered In rattan, aro sixteen Bcction, supplied with linen etc., samo as standard sleepers, ngnica py I'intscli uas. have wide vestibules, double sash roller curtains, lavatory, and smoking room for eeutlumen. and two retiring rooms for ladies Threo and one-half days to Mexico and Arizona, four days to Los Angelos and Southern California, and flvo days to San Francisco. Such scrvico forTrans-Continental travel has uover before boon offered Tho tourist carfare Is less than via any 1. . .. A' . ... I .. ,. Bnntn P -a- f,n . - other route, effecting a savins of 35.00 to 30.00 for tho trip. All Information, maps and rates furnished on application to manes l.. Hopkins. Dis trict fassencer Agent, Southern Kailway uompany, unesiuui street, I'niiadelpnla, One of nature's remedies ; cannot harm tho weakest constitution ; never falls to cure summo'r complaints of young or old. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. I 3 I A SiegelOoqferOo. SIXTH AVC. 'W ieth4,19thT. if NEW YORK I TEE STREAM STRIKE. BtrootoarMon on Manhattan Island Join tho Striking Army. lively nairra with police. Povrrnl Wots uu Soonnil Avoniio I'o- llci-incii InJnriHl nml n Hoy Dylnir With n Fi-noturml Skull Alli'uwl Urooltlyu n.viiiitulinrillolil PorTrliil. Now York. July 80. DMptte the tvro- tostB of General Master Workman Par- Bons, a strike waa ordered yesterday morning on the lines of the Metropoli tan street railway In New York. If the strlkera wanted to make plenty oi work for the police and at the same time get Into a district where they could depend on popular sympathy, they nmde a wise selection In taking tho Second avenue line for the prin cipal fight of the strike. Sevornl times during tho afternoon tho pollco woro called upon to quell riots In Second avenue, but nono was of serious Import. The real trouble did not bogln until the thousands of work ing peoplo who live along that great thoroughfare came home froi.i work. I)y 7 oclock Second avenue from Tenth street to the stables at Ninety sixth street, nnd oven na far as Ono Hundred and Tenth Btreet, was filled on both walks with a dense mass of poonle, all ongpr for troublo. Pollco Cuptaln Donahue had sent out a squad of men to keep peoplo out of tho mid dle of the street, so that no tampering with tho slot might occur. But his men were like so many chips on a rlvor when tho tide Is strong, and they were tossed hither and thither. They used tholr clubs with all their power, nnd tho only result was to anger the crowd so that little discrimination was shown between the pollco and tho car men when bricks woro thrown, At about 8 o'clock a groat crowd gathered between Forty-second and Forty-fifth streets and attomptcd to overthrow tho cars that came along about 30 minutes apart. Policeman Owen Conovan, who was on a car bound south, was hit on tho head with a brick nnd knocked off to the pave' ment. Ills left eye waa almost knocked out. Ho was takon to tho hospital. Louis Mtnkus, a 9-year-old boy, got in front of a policeman's club and In tho excitement the bluecoat mado no dls Unctions. The boy was knocked over and was carried homo with a fractured skull. Ho will probably die, Mike Sheridan, a strike sympathizer, was also taken home with a fractured skull, Another crowd got together in r tnlnuto or two at Fifty-fifth street and Second avenue, and when a car bound down camo along It met a perfect shower of bricks, stones and othor mis siles thrown from the street, the win dows of flats and tho roofs. The wo men woro perfect furies. While a car was passing Soventy-second street, with Policeman Gallagher as an escort, a scoro or moro of tho mob tried to board it to tako off tho conductor and motorman. Gallagher got off, and drawing two revolvers walked ahead of tho car, clearing tho track. Somo ono throw a brick and hit Gallagher on tho log, cutting him badly. Twelve mount ed policemen camo down tho avenue to tho rescuo and dispersed the crowd for tho tlmo being. Tho cars coming Into tho stables from down town looked as If they had run the gauntlet of Balaklava. Win dows were broken and sides dented In, and moro than one motorman left his post with tho statement that he had all ho wanted. Ono car which had 111 fares and transfers rung up at Fourteenth street had only tho motorman, conductor and police escort of two men aboard when it reached Eighty-fifth street. Several of tho passengers had beon hit and wounded and got off tho car further down town. A great many men wero injured all along the line. Policeman Ollson, of the Kings Drldgo mounted squad, was thrown from his horse during a fight near Ninety-fourth street. His leg was broken nnd he received Internal in Juries. A motorman was struck on the chest with a brick near tho uptown car stable and seriously injured. SOV' oral passengers received nasty scalp wounds from stones thrown by the mob. THE STItIKE IN HHOOKLYN. Twonty-ono Alleirpd Dynnmltors Hold In llnll For Trial. Brooklyn, July 20. The strike in New York Infused now blood into tho strlko In Brooklyn, and did not tend to Improve matters. The car service was very poor. In the earlier part of the day 85 per cent of the cars of tho Brooklyn Heights Bystem were oper ated, but this was lessened to a con siderable extent later In the day. On the Nassau lines cars worked on half headway all day. Tako It all In all, less than half the cars wero run, nnd these wero but little patronized The arrest of 21 men-charged with conspiracy to destroy the elevated rail road early yesterday morning at Fifth avenue and Thirty-sixth street had lit tie effect on the public, although it was expected that public sympathy would turn against the strikers. The, men who wero arrested at Carberry's Hall, at tho corner ot Atlantic and Kocka way avenues, were arraigned yesterday afternoon at the Adams street pollco court before Magistrate Brenner. Thoy were represented by counsel, who pleaded not guilty In tholr behalf nnd demanded an immediate hearing. Tho original charge of vagrancy, on which the men had been held, was dismissed and they answered the charge ot con splracy substantiated by the affidavit of William Ashby, an "investigator.' who deposed that on Monday evening ho had attended a meeting at Carberry Han ana that there was talk of buy lng dynamite, tho use of the dynamite to bo contingent on the action ot the sntrlnpors nf tho filfivntpcl mllrnnrl rnn- cernlng the proposition to strike. II tho elevated employes refused to go out, somebody suggested, dynamite should be used to blow them up. Such remarks, said Ashby, were followed by "Wo will, we win." Ashby further stated that he saw O'Hara and three others leave the hall, saying they had tho stuff with them, and that they had In their pockets packages rolled In brown paper looking like dynamite, i'he men were held In bonds ot 1750. O'Harn, tho man who Ashby said tarried dynamite, stated last night that he and his companions had nothing whatever to do with the dynamite ex- plosion and that they had fallen asleep If . a., , , I in Carberry Hall whllo waiting for tho returns from the sympathy meeting nt Cooper Union and wore asleep at the time the explosion happened. The first they know of the explosion was when they were aroused by tho ponce. While the police looked upon tho explosion as a dismal failure, In so far as It failed to accompusn its oviaeni purpose, they are not overlooking tho possibility oi unarcuisu uejue. con- cerrrM In the plot, nnd'Tha neighbor hoods supposed to be frequented by men of anarchistic tendencies are be ing closely watched. 0FPDRIN0 PREMIUMS FOR RECRUITS. AppltonntM PcN'CoiiiinlwInii UnllKt n Private on I'roiuNe of Promotion. Washington. July 20. The war de partment I offering extra Inducements to expedite the recruitment ot ine ten volunteer regiments. Nearly all the romtnlsslons having been Issued, many of the disappointed applicants have been advised to enter the ranks, as In that way It may be possible for them to secure commissions. General Cor bln says that the policy of the ad ministration will be to fill all vacancies which may tx-etir among commissioned officers from the ranks. A number of applicants for commissions have en listed as privates In the different regi ments and have been appointed non commissioned officers wherever pos sible, and consequently are next In linn of promotion to commissioned rank In the ovent of a vacancy. Another method of securing recruits Is to offer commissions to men other wise qualified who will undertake to furnish In each case not less than 40 men who can pass muster as soldier? and will enlist for service In tho Philippines. There have been several cases of thlB kind during the past week. The reports of recruiting on Tuesday show that 410 men wero en rolled, making a total of 2.C78. Some men nre snld to possess such wonderful animal magtietiim that they can put other persons to sleep by passing the hands before the eyes. This Is' culled hypnotism an Influence uuoui wnicn very muc i kuuwu tiim it ia not a difficult matter to find a few people who have been put to sleep In this manner. You can find hundreds and thousands of women, however, whose sleep has been made peacclttl ana rcstiui Dy ur. rierce s Pavorlte Prescription. It soothes the nerves by curing the disorders commonly called "female troubles." It is indorsed by an nrmy of women In every State In the Union, who have been brought back to Health alter suuenng untoia misery irom disagreeable drains upon the system, Irreg. ulanties, prolapsus, Dackache, "bearing down" paius, nervousness, despondency ana Hysteria. l'avortlc l'rescriptton " is a vegetable medicine, and contains no al coholic stimulant or dangerous narcotic to create morbid cravinsra. Its action is con fined altoeetber to tne distinctly femi nine organism, which it heals, soothes and strengthens. It helps to make existence tileasant before baby comes, and on the occasion of the Uttle one's advent, danger Is avoided and tne pain reduced to almost nothintr. Mrs. Anna Willy, (Michigan Mouse), of Nortb- vllle, Spinlc Co., S. Dak., writes: "lam enjoying good health, thanks to your Ictnd advice and valuable remedies. I suffered very much with female weakness and other ailments for more than two vears, when I wrote to you lor advice After carefully followinir vour advice and Inklnic six bottles each of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion and ' Golden Medical Discovery' I am now a wen ana nappy woman, l nave aim taicen several vials of your ' Pleasant Pellets which did me a great deal of good.' Accept no substitute, which a dishonest e1pr ttisixf nrfri. na "luat n4 pnml 11 at "Golden Medical Discovery." Send ai one-cent stamps to Dr. R. V, Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y.. for his Common Sense Medical Adviser, a great doctor book by a great pnystcian. iiotn-oouna 31 stamps, Dr.THEEL604Horthsixthst li'rlraie em ranee flreen St., Philadelphia. 1 to the rich and poor aluce who hare been deceived, robbed and swindled br self styled famous, wlae and old specialists. I nRT UinnD. rjonnna nahllltv. 1 it 1 ; 1 r r- n uauaN I f-f- ii Abuses snd Kiceises, BLOOD POISON, varico cele and Stricture. Nocutllnp. Lost Manhood and Shrunken Orpins restored, llook, " Truth." free, exposing quacks and Klectrlo Helt frauds. Frt caut cured in 4 to to tlavt. Treatment br maU Philadelphia & Readinq R'y. Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke, IN EFFECT JULY 1. 1SV9. Trains leave Shenandoah aa follows 1 For New York via Phlladclnhia. week davw Z"I0, .1 S3, 7 37, 9 M a. m., 12 26, 8 09 and 09 p. m. Sunda) s, 2 10 a m. For New York via March Chunk, week days 7 37 a. m., 12 20 and 3 09 p. m. For Heading and Philadelphia, week days, 2 10, S S3, 7 87, 9 W a, m., 12 28, 8 09 and S 09 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a in. For rottavllle, week aays, 2 10, 7 87, 9 55 a. rn. 12 20, 3 09, 8 09 and T 80 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a in. ForTamaouaand Mabanor Cttv. weu& uava 210, 737, 953 a, m., 12 28. 8 09 and 6 09 p. m. lunuaya, z iu a m. ror wunamspori, sunDury and Lwlsburg, week days. 8 27, 11 33 a. m., 12 28, 7 30 p. m Sundays, 3 27 a m. ForMahano) Plane, weekdays, 2 10, 3 27, 5 33, 737.9 55, 1182 a. in., 12 28. 8 09, 809, 7 30, 9 58 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 and 8 27 a m. For Ashland and Sharaokin. week davn. 3 27. 7 87, 11 82 a.m.. 12 28, 3 09, 8 07,725 and S 55 p. m. unu.iy. a til a m. Baltimore, Washington and the West via U Xr i T 4K..U a t n i Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. & IL B R.) at 3 20, i oo, ii zo a. m., a iu ana p. l, uundayn tiouai trains irom iTTeniy-iounn ana unesv nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20 (2 IB 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 185.8 23 p. in. TRAINS FOR SHENANDOAH. days, 12 15, 4 80, 7 80, 11 80 a. in., and 1 30, 4 80. 9 00 p.m. Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week days, 4 80, 9 10 a. m., 1 SO, 4 40 p. m. l-eave rniiaaeipma, tteading Terminal, week days, 4 80, 8 88, 10 21 a. m. and 188, 4 08, 838, 11 88 p. m. Leave Beading, week days, 137, 7 00, 1008. a, in., 12 id, t ii, o iaj, a 2t p. m. L Pottavllle. week davs. 7 17. 7 40 m. 930, 1280. 1 20, 4 80, 10 and 650 p. ra. wars lamaqua, weeK Clays, 3 IS, 8 88, 112? . m., i sv, o oo, 7 w, 4 p. m. -a, . iu., a -J, 9 41, f i,tiuuop,H Leave Mahanov Plana, week dava. 2 40. 4 on 880. 9 22.10 23.12 00. a. m.. 2 89. 5 88. 8 42. 7 SS 10 21pm. Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 712, 1000 a ra., 12 81 and 4 00, 11 80 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave PblladelDhla Chestnut street wha.f .nd nount sireei wnari lor Aiianiic city. Weekdays I5xnre. 8 oo. 9 no. lo 43 n ra. i an 200, 3 00, 13 40 sixty mlnutej, 4 00, 4 30.309slxty iiuituicj, a uu, t la, p ra. Acoomouation, a la a m, a uu. o 3U n m. Sundays Kxnrcaa. 7 30. 8 ca 8 30, 9 00. 10 OO a m, 4 43, 7 13 p in. Accommoda tion, 8 15 a m, 4 43 p m, 11.00 Excursion 700 a in dally ana 7 ausunaays. jnve Atlantic illy Depot: weekdays Kx, E "5 ffoLTPffJS o7S irom 00 in a ou, tHi, a ou, i uu, v m p in. Acoommo. (union, s ao, suu am, aoupm. sunuaya Kx press, 330, 4 00, BOO, 600, 6 30. 7o0, 730. 8 0), 630 n m. Accommodation. 7 15 a in. 4 30 n m. f 1.00 Excursion, weekdays 6 00pm, Sundays 0 10. For Ocean City Weekdays 8 43, 9 15 a m, 2 13. 4 15. 5 15 D in. Sundays 8 43. 9 13 a. mill p m. 11.00 excursion Thursday and Sunday 7 00 a in. For Cape May and Sea Isle Cltv Weekday, 9 15 am, 230, 415 pm. Sundays 8 43 a u 4 43 p m. 91.UU excursion Sundays only. 7 00 a m. Auuiiionai tor ijape aiay weeKuayt--o4 am. ounuays w ioa m. Parlor Cars on all express trains. For farther Information, apply to nearest Philadelphia and Heading llallway ticket agent vr wiuicw I. A. SWEIOIBD, ED90M J. WkEKS, usn i oapi., uen'l Paai,'r Act. nNoios i.nain.. ranaaainnia Tho Rosy Freshness And a velvety softness of the akin is Inva riably obtained by thof e who use l'ouom's Complexion Powder. lowder never fall bite' itukx (iroitu tbtti ftsfn il ttnrafavlVr favillr wtth TVtuv sntl IV nnrroTavi illi suiil (rfhc r l jitmcnt QDixaDteitd tiJiatrWi to til uthcx A wiUif MnMllHl. AlMVltim ttasl btLast aVBli d li SLaV HYPNOTISM The Guiuiha. Cures i ' Coughs, (s Colds, i I Grippe, & Whooplnt? Cough, Asthma , Bronohltia and Incipient f Consumption, la k olloy, Tc tfERMAN HEMEDV" ft 1 If we can sell von oneac. package off who tills admixture we'll be satisfied. You'll bur more for it will touch the spot. Cntin bare SEELIQ'8. has added allttleofSecl Ug's to ordinary fcouee knows a Brand drink that I will giease ner Husband. PROFESSIONAL CARDS JJlt. K. Y. KOUSA, PHYSICIAN AND SUKUUON. Centre and Market streeU. In the Mellet bulldlnir. adjoining ' Juatlce Shoemaker1 office. Office houra s 8.-00 to 12.-O0 a. rn and 6:00 to 930 p. m. X-00 to 4:00 M. DOItKK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Ksan bolldlner. corner of Main an Centre streets, fiheuandoah. j olaude nrtowx, ATTORNEY-AT-LAVV. Office: Cor. Centre and Wlilto streets, next to Justice Toomoy's olllce. )UOF JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 63, Hahanoy City, Pa. navfnor studied nnder soma of the beat masters Id London and Paris, will irlve lemons on the violin, mandolin, eultar and vocal culture. lbs leweler Hbenandoah. Pennsylvania RAILROAD. SCnUYKILL DIVISION, JLT 1, 1899. Trains will lealeHhenandoah after the anova date for VIKKnn, Ollberton. Fraekvtlle. Dark ) ater, St. Clair, I'ottsvtlle. Hamburg, Read In a, FKtown -Phoenlxvllle. MorrUtown and PhfU Melphla (UrcMd atreet station) at 819 and 8 09 a. m., a 10, 6 IS p. m. on week days. Sundays, 8 05 a. m., 4 20 p. m. Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah at 7 88, 11 48 a.m. and 6 88, 788 p. m, Sunday. 11 01 a. m. and 8 38 p. m. .ficaT.-Po,t"T,l,' 'or Shenandoah (via FracV vllle) 7 10, II 20 a. m., 5 10, 1 10 p. m. Sunday lu &j a. m., o 10 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), foi Sbeaandoab at835a.m., A 10 p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 8 50 and S 23 a. m. i.rr T , miaueipwa (Uroad street atatloa) for Pottavllle. 5 30,831, id 19 a. m., 180, i 10,711 n. m. weekdava. Sunday asa q-h. m 8 02 pm. ' ' ' iave uroad Street Station. Philadelphia, FOB NEW YOItK. Express Wf.k.ditYa J -Vl jm IM im ,1, 6 50, 7 ?V B 23, 960, M0 21. 11 00. llUaUCO EPSI'Vi?3' Limited '100 and 21 p ml, 1 . 2 30.3 20, 8 60, 4 02. 500, 3 58,800, Jcx'l. 10 00 pm. 12 01 nlchL Siinri. aW! VS . J.0. 8 25, 9 50, 1021, 10 13, 11 a m, ll B. 12 83, 2 00. 4 02 Limited, U 211. S 30. '5 54. S. 7 02. 8 10,10 00 pm. 12 01 night ! VY ForBorton without change, 11 01 ra.. week days, and 8 10 p. rn., dally. ' ' da'ys " E',re U'M'or carl, 11 00 a m wM for boa Qlrt, Asbury Park. Oaean Grove, Lone Branch, 4 03, 6 M. 8 30, 1141 am. 24J, ieo! nu,i: ouj p m Saturdays only. a A?'i"t."Jlops M Intef'akcn for Asbury Park, 4 03 and 8 30 am. For Lambenvllle, Easton and Bcranton. , 9 00 a m, 12 00 noon, 8 52, 8 00 (Lambert vllle and uuiri, wecKuays, ana 701 p m dally p c?datl v Wam' 1200 noon weekdays, and 1 02 onYyUn' rocono "P'al. 103 p m Saturdays WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH. For Baltimore and Washington, 8 50. T 5 sreMlonalLlm.,584,6 53,7ilp m and U 03 For Italtlmore, accommodation, 9 1J a rn. 1 H ".".f 01.P m weekdays, 8 Wand 11 16 p m dally. 8ou'hn Kailway. Express-5 81 and (S3 p m, dally. Norfolk and WM.m T? 1 1 ,r li. , . . .. . " ------- ' " . . .u, w.uiiuia and IN ew Orleans, 5 84 p m dally. vUW,ra.Q unio Kauway, rai pm, dally. For Old Po nt Comfort .ill v.Tt VtZi a m weekdays, 11 10 p m daily. inaraei street wharf aa follows l Ilx. preas for New o nn . M , n daya. For Lonic Branch via Seaaldo Park, 9 10 a m, 1 30 and 4 00 p m wk-ays. Sundays slops ntinterlaken for Asbnry Parkl,730a m. lorlk-ncli Haven and Ilarneeat City. 9 10 am and 4 00 p m weekdays; 130 pro Saturdays only. Sundays, 730 am. For Tutkertou. 9 10 a m una 4 uu p m weekdays. FOB ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad street atatlnn ik niawu brldK EiDreas. 4 53, 9 40 (80 minutest in,in 18 minutes, 4 00 (Wmlnutel,70ft 185 mlnutea p m Hnndaya, 4 53, 9 20 80 mlnutesj a. m.. 2 3.S 82 minutes. 7 OS ls3 mlnuteaj p. m. 8 30, (73 minutes). 1000 (73 mlnu Saturdays only). l7fimlnuiMi. nn auvTD 'ti v oirwi amrittipNa, a uu. 1 uu 3 00 ( 75 minutes). 3 20 (GO ml r tItlnntM.1. 4 HO m mlnnlui Km lm . I , 5 30 165 minutes p. m, Sundays, 3 00, 7 a'5.,,Hu,t'1' 80? lmlnute, 830 TSmlnulea, 9 00 l minutes), 1000 (70 minutes a. m., and 4 30 73 11.00 Excuislon train, w - ounuays, ( w ana 7 uu a m. For CavCteMav. AncclMw&. Wllilwna lTnltv Beach Express, 900 a m, 230.403 100 mlnutea, 500 pro weekdays. Sundays, 8 20 a m. For Cape May only, 1 30 p ra Saturdays. $1.00 IU curslon train, 700 a. m. dally. For Sea Isle Oily, Ocean City, Avalon aad Stone Harbor Express 9 10 am, 1(0,4 20,8 00 p m weekdays. Sundays, 8 SO am. S1.00 Exten sion train, 700 a m dally. For Somen' Point Express, 800, 8 35.10 (D a ut, 1 1 1, roturuays oniy), zuu,3ou,4ou,aco,oao p m weekdays. Sundays, 5 00, 8 00, 9 00 and 10 00 a m, 4 30 p m. The Union Transfer Company will call far and check baggage from hotels and reeldenea. Dining Car. T. B. Udtchissos, ID. uen'l Manager. Gen'l PasaVr Agt rRABOWSKY HOTEL, M en iftnttreirw 819 N, Centra St, Pottavllle, Pa.' Fine old Whiskeys, CI Ins and Wines, at the ba a euoieo tine oi cigar and Tempes anco Drinks, Accommodations for travelers, ' Meals at all hours RKRKIIKTIO rtlEVva illeit ordfra for oar bsrdy Nurarri Stock Expenses and aararjr to those Uaiiug h(iniia or corumiasioD ta la, at a,;, nta. 1', rmauent ek. BY THE CHASE D!.-rmni ID. UHIBMS u i i tm hs. tvwm am I "ilf ieuTnort. AddretM an v 'i2? " W, '1 UT IX 4 1 4ll" S'jS 1,2.nlKh',?Sffcda- Sundays, 8 60. T 9 12. 11 23 n m. 12 CO. l 1? ft if jjt'ritln 3