The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 20, 1899, Image 2

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i-.srAiiMsm:i wo.
"Ml the Hm That's Fit to Print."
P Uililieil rvci rvenliiR, ejcept Sunday, at 8
Hoiitli Jnidln trcet, Shenandoah, 1'a.
The Herald Is delivered In Rhcnandoab and the
mirrotindlnir towns for six cents a wek, pny.
able to the carriers. ity mall 13.00 a yenr, or
25 cents n month payablo In mWnnco. Ad
vertlsements charRed ncoordliiR to snnco nnd
position. The publishers reserve the rluht
to change tho position of ndrcrtlincnts
whenever the publication of news demand
It, Tho rlitht Is reserveil to reject any
advertisement, whether paid for or not, that
the publishers may deem Improper, Adver
tising? rates made known upon application.
Rntcred nt the pot ofllce at Shenandoah, la., as
second class mail matter.
OUR COUNTRY : FIret. Last and Forever.
Si'KAkino of Republican harmony,
it is as thick tis flies around a molasses
barrel in summer. The Daily Repub
Hcan even endorses the state adminis
tration !
It is expected that after the ad
journment of the Democratic national
committee, which meets at Chicago
to day, the country will know what
particular brand of Democracy will
be offered next year.
The epidemic of smallpox at TJtuh
vllle, Clearfield county, and other
localities in Western Pennsylvania is
giving the state authorities much
concern. The State Board of Health
has appropriated $5,000 to stamp out
the disease.
Thk world is not disposed to re
prove the merchant who keeps his
treasures of goods hidden from pub
lic knowledge. He may do as he
pleases with his own wares, and if he
foolishly elect to keep them secluded,
like talents folded in u napkin, that is
his own concern. Tho world won't
run after him and beg him to allow it
to buy his goods. The wise and
alert merchant, however, having in
stock just what the public is in need
of, takes advantage of the advertise
ing columns of a substantial and
trusted newspaper to bring that fact
to its attention. The public is hide
pendent. To secure its favor its in
terest must first be awakened ; then
business relations are easily estab
lished, truthfully says the Philadel
phia Record.
Finney and His Jokers.
Major John P. Finney, the present
Sub-Treasurer at Philadelphia, who
still claims Schuylkill county as his
abiding place, Is at his old tricks
again. Hear what the Philadelphia
Inquirer says about tho doughty
Major :
"Numerous friends of Maior John
P. Finney congratulated him yester
day on tue result 01 tno iiepuuncan
convention in his home county of
Schuylkill. In the selection of Ellas
Davis, u strong Qua man, as chair
man of the body without a fight,
Finney scored a bis: success, while the
nomination of David C. Henning for
Jnagewas a clear stalwart victory.
Some of Mr. Finney's admirers pre
sented him with a handsome jar of
flowers during the day."
This will cause a hearty laugh, at
the expense of our misguided eon
temporary, by those who are familiar
with the proceedings of Monday's
convention. Evidently the Major
lias again been "extending the glad
liaud" to his friends of the reportorial
staff, and ere this the "old man" is no
doubt in receipt of "marked copies"
of the paragraph quoted above. But
what does our friend Davis, the gen
tleman from the top of Broad Moun
tain, think of the matter ? Finney is
evidently playing a Dr. Jekyll and Mr.
Hyde trick on the County Treasurer.
The Inquirer tells us that "Finney
secured a great victory" in the elec
tion of Davis as chairman, while the
nomination of Helming was "a clear
stalwart victory." But the same
authority forgot, or perhaps was
Ignorant of the fact that our friend
Finney was defeated in his own ward
as an alternate to the convention ;
and that when the chairman was
elected he was not in the county, hav
ing departed (or Philadelphia.
Surely the election of Davis cannot
be justly termed a Quay victory,
when that gentleman voted for Koch
for Judge f And, furthermore, the
committee on resolutions, appointed
by Chairman Davis, failed to endorse
Senator Quay, and omitted entirely
resolutions lauding the Sub-Treas
While Major Finney's "jokers"
may have "presented him with a
bouquet," it is likely that Chairman
Davis will present him with a piece of
his mind for robbing the latter of his
"popularity." And we don't blame
Davis, either.
"Good Beginnings
mv 4 1 T? . J' tf
make uooa jznamgs.
S3 You ate making a good beginning when
you commence to fake Hood's SarsaparSla
for any trouble of your blood, stomach,
Persistenifo taken, this
fMMItKJW " - "
meat medicine ivill bring you the good end
. . . ... , , t . .
ing of perfect neaitn, sirengin ana
Something: New!
Largo pncknsrc of tho World's
cleanser for a nickel. Still greater econ
omy In 4 pound package. Made only by
Chicago, St. Louis, New York, Doston. Philadelphia
The strlko of the Chicago breweries'
worklngmon has been settled.
A schoonor ran down a canoo In Nor
folk harbor, and three men woro
General Harrison Gray Otis bollcvcs
that tho correspondents' protest mis
represents Goneral Elwell S. Otis.
In a race between Shamrock and
Britannia yesterday, oft Cowes, the
Shamrock again had an easy victory.
The prosldent Is considering tho nd
vlsablllty of reducing tho force of
troops In Cuba during the rainy season.
Ralph Towner, a 9-year-old boy of
Mlddletown, N. Y., was shot in the
oye with an arrow by a companion
while playing Indian.
Brave Men Fall
Victims to stomnch, liver and kidney troubles
as well as women, nnd nil feel the results in
loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, back
ache, nervousness, headache and tired, list
less, run-down feeling. But there's no need
to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner,
Idaville, Ind. He says : "Electric Hitters are
just the thing for a man when he is all run
down, and don't care whether he lives or dies.
It did more to give me new strength and good
appetite than anything I could take. I can
now cat nnytliing nnd have a new lease on
life." Only 50 cents, at A. Wasley's drug
store. livery bottle guaranteed.
Alust I'ny For tlio Poultry Hoolr.
Philadelphia, July 20. Judge Fell, In
tho state supreme court, yesterday
handed down a decision by which Clar
ence M. Busch, formerly public prlntor
of the state, will bo paid $58,000 for
printing tho famous poultry book, over
which there has been much contro
versy. State Printer Busch received
tho order to print from Superintendent
or Public Printing Thomas Robinson.
Busch printed the work, but Superin
tendent Thomas M. Jones would not
approve tho bill.
Yon Try It.
If Shlloh's Cough and Consumption Cure,
which is sold for the small price of 25 cts., 50
cts. and $1.00, does not cure tako tho bottlo
back and wo will refund your money. Sold
for over fifty years on this guarantee Prlco
25 cts. and 50 eta. 8old by P. D. Kirlin on
a guarantee.
Urntnl Husband's Awful C'rlmo.
Blossburg, Pa., July 20. Mrs. Isaac
Blrrollo died here Tuesday as a result
of the Inhuman conduct of her hus
band. Blrrollo two weeks ago sot Are
to tho clothes of his wife with burning
paper ana tnen held her hands while
she burned. The shrieks from the suf
fering woman brought in the neigh
bors, who rescued her. Blrrollo is in
jail at Wellsboro, charged with murder.
The citizens came very near lynching
him. The couple were about 30 years
of ago and had several children. Blr
rollo's Infatuation for another woman
was the cause of the crime.
Graln-O Brings Relief
to tbe collco drinker. Coffco drinking la a
habit that ia universally Indulged in and
almost as universally injurious. Have you
tried Grain-0 ? It is almost liko coflbo but
tho effects are just tho opposite. Coffeo
upscta tho stomach, rulna the digest'on
effects the heart and disturbs the whole
nervous system. Graln-0 tones np tho
stomach, aids digestion and strengthens the
nerves. There is nothing but nourishment
In Grain-O. It can't bo otherwise. 15 and
25c por package.
China's Antl-Forotun Outbronlts.
Victoria, B. C, July 20. Advices re
ceived by the steamer Empress of
India indicate that the perennial out
breaks in China against the foreign
element are again taking place. While
engaged in constructing a railway near
Kiao Chow the Lemon party was at
tacked and three survivors carried off.
The gentry of Klemlng have Issued a
proclamation ordering the destruction,
of tho foreigners. Tho antl-forelgn
spirit is said to be spreading down
the river to Yuenlng and Sulkow. Dis
turbances occurred at Meujotz on June
2, in which the customs building was
burned and the quarters of tho out
door staff and French consulate were
WHO 1 Women ai woll as men are
10 made miserable by kidney
TO and bladder troublo. Dr,
r 1 a nrj Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the
LSLiA! ltl. great kidney remedy,
promptly cures. At druggists in fifty cent
and dollar sizes. You may havo a sample
bottle by mall free, also pamphlet tolling all
about it.
Addresa, Dr. KIlmer&Co.,Blnghamton, N, Y.
To Fight Tranment Iloutto Clonra.
Indianapolis, July 20. The conven
tion of the iron moldera yesterday
pledged support to the International
Cigarmakera' union In tholr fight
against tbe tenement house system of
clgarmaklng. The effects of the sys
tem were characterized as "degrading,
from a sanitary, pecuniary and indus
trial standpoint." Hereafter the blue
label of the Clgarmakers' union will be
looked for on each box by the molders.
8qttlern .May Not lie Ousted.
Washington, July 20, Secretary
Hitchcock yesterday afternoon telo
graphod Instructions to Captain Mer
cer, in charge of tbe Leech Lake In
dian agency, suspending until Aug. 22
the removal of the white settlers tho
so-called trespassers on the agency
lands. The order of suspension is to
allow time for consideration of ad
ditional Information that has been filed
at tbe interior department.
Tonnoiouio Miners' Threaten a Strike
Knoxvllle, July 20. The conference
of coal miners and operators of Jelllco
and Coal Creek districts adjourned
without action. Another meeting was
set for the 27th. The miners are de
termined to secure the 10 per cent ad
vance demanded, and if it is not grant
ed they will Inaugurate a strike in both
districts, involving about 6,000 men.
"UOtU D08T."
Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company has
selected tho following dates for its popular
ten-day excursions to Niagara Fills from
Philadelphia, Baltimore nnd Washington :
July 27, August 10 and 21, September 7 and
21, nnd October 5 and 10. An oxporlcncod
tourist agent and chaperon will accompany
each exclusion.
Excursion tickets, good for return passage
on any regular train, exclusivo of limited
express traius, within ten days, will 1)0, sold
at J10 00 from Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington, and all pointaon tho Delaware
division; $1125 from Atlantic City; $0 00
from Lancaster; $8 50 from Altoona and liar-
risburg; ?0 90 from Sunbury and Wilkos-
harre; $3 75 Irora Williamsport; and at pro
portionate rates from other points. A stop.
ovor will bo allowed at Buffalo, Rochester,
Canadaigua, and Watklns within tbo limit
A special train of Pullman parlor cars and
day coaches will bo run with each excursion.
An extra charge will bo made for parlor car
Tickets for n stdo trip to tho Thousand Is
lands (Alexandria Bay) will bo sold from
Rochester in connection with excursions of
July 27, August 10 and 21, September 7 and
21, good to return to Rochester or to Cacan-
dalgua via Syracuso within five days, at rate
of ?5.50.
Tickets for a side trip to Toronto will bo
sold ut Niagara Falls for $1.00 on July 20,
August 12 and 20, and September 23. In
connection with excursion of September 7,
tickets will bo sold to Toronto nnd return at
reduced ratos, account Toronto Fair.
For time of connecting trains and further
information apply to ncarost ticket agent, or
address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General
Passenger Agent, Broad Stroet Station,
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
UontlllC 111 tho Sl'rnnfn nfVnnlln.
Manila, July 20. Thero have been
tcmuc rains nere during the last two
daVB. In CnnRpmipnrn It hna tman
sary to use boats in moving about the
streets of Manila, and tho whole coun
try Is floodod. The total precipitation
thus far in July has been 35 inches, and
in the last 31 hours 12 inches of rain
nas lanen. insurgents concealed on
the bank Of the Tlln Rrnnilo fl
gunboat Laguna de Bay, killing ono
eoiuier ana wounding two.
Young Mothers.
Croup is tho terror of thousands of young
mothers because Its outbreak is so agonizing
and frequently fatal. Shlloh'a Cough and
Consumption Curo acta liko maclo in vases of
croup. It has never been known to fall. The
worst cases relieved Immediately. Prlco 25
cts., SO cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D. Kirlin
on a guarantee.
Dr. Tackson nointa to
the startling fact that
there are now ZU million
Catarrh victims in this
country and the number
rapmiy increasing. it
has already become the
National Disease. Are
we to become a nation of
Catarrhites? It looks
like it.
The Aboriginal Indians are said not to have
known tbe ditease. That proves it is not caused
bv our climate and must have been imported.
Its growth was slow but persistent. Forty
years ago there were less than 40,000 cases In
the U. S., to-day there are 20 million. Soon
there will be SO million. Where li it to end?
Shall we not awalce till U has fastened Its fangs
on every man, woman and child in the land!
How shall we prevent It unless we take immed
iate and vigorous steps to stamp out theplague?
This putrid disease knows no sex, no class, no
station. It is everywhere. A germ (microbe)
disease It spreads by contagion. The carton
breath and expectoration of the poor victim are
loaded with these microbes. Others breath them
in, they find lodgement and never release their
hold till tbe victim lies down In death, unlets
every microbe Is killed. But can they be killed?
Yes, but not by any "blood medicine." No Ca
tarrh germ was ever found in the blood. Tbe
trouble is local and must be treated locally. A
balsam has been discovered tbat is sure death
to tbe Catarrh microbe, making a radical and
permanent cure. It is Brazilian Balm. It has
cured tens of thousands in the past 15 years. It
also cures all the troubles caused by Catarrh,
as Sore Throat, Old Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma
and I.uuz troubles. The swallowing of the
Catarrh pua makes the Stomach raw and ulcer
ated. The Brazilian llalm scon makes a radical
cure of the Stomach and alimentary canal. It
Is the cheapest remedy on the market, a $1.00
bottle containing a whole month's treatment.
As all sufferers with Catarrh and Asthma have
run-down systems we will till January next put
a month's treatment of Toxicola Tablets, free,
lu with every $1.00 bottle of Brazilian Balm.
This Is tbe best Tonic and nerve and strength
builder known. You get all for $1.00, a month's
treatment ol both. Now is the time to treat
your Catarrh. Do not delay. Ask your druggist
and take no substitute. If he will not get it,
end direct to us. B. F. Jacksox & Co., M'f'g.
Chemists, Indianapolis, Ind.
Wholesale Agents ;
mutism vtuws on situation.
London I'nporn Predict tho Itocmll ol
(loniirul OtlH.
London, July 20. Tho Standard this
morning, In nn editorial nrtlclo re
garding tho resignation of Sccrotary
of War Alger, says:
"l'roRiuont McKinloy's prompt ac
ceptance of Mr. Algbr's resignation Is
enuivalont to nn admission that tho
war department has been badly mau
cged. It Is significant that tho resig
nation followed so aulckly on tho
Manila correspondents' round robin. Al
gorism Is tho great blot on tho Mc-
Kluloy administration. It has clvon
the oncmlcs of tho Imperialist policy
tho most offoctlvo weapon that could
havo been fotgod, nnd Prosldont Mc
Klnloy can wrest It from thorn only
by tho appointment of n successor
whoso past commands confidence."
Tho Tlmos describes tho resignation
as "a decided victory for public opin
ion nnd public morals ovor political
organizations. Ily resigning Secretary
Alger has practically allowed Judgment
to go against him by default, nnd has
rclloved tho McKlnloy administration
from a responsibility that was as
suming very boHous proportions."
Tho uaily News says: "Ho might
havo defied public opinion to tho last,
hut that McKlnloy means to stand for
a second term and has to bo on his
good behavior with tho electorate."
The papers generally regard tho
resignation as a prelude to a vigor
ous policy In tho Philippines and tho
recall of General Otis.
Domocrntlo l.uiulcrn In Conference
Chicago, July 20. Acting Chairman
William J. Stono, of Missouri, called to
order tho Democratic national com
mittee at 10 o'clock this morning at
tho Sherman House. The Democrats
gathered hero expect to bo busy with
questions of political moment during
tho wholo of the day. William Jen
nings Bryan Is sitting as a committee
man, arrangements having been previ
ously made to furnish him a proxy. If
Acting Chairman Stone s wishes are
carried out, and apparently most of tho
committeemen are. with him, tho fac
tional differences local to Chicago and
Now York will not be brought beforo
the commltteo In any form.
Millions Given Away.
It Is cortalnly cratlfyinc to tho public to
know of ono concern in tho land who aro not
afraid to bo genorous to tho needy and suffer
ing. Tho proprietors of Dr. King's New
Discovery lor Consumption. Uougbs and
Colds, havo given away ovor ten million trial
bottles of this great mediclno ; and havo the
satisfaction of knowing It has absolutely
cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma,
Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all dlseasos of
tho Throat, Chest and Lungs aro surely cured
by It. Call on A. Wasloy, Druggist, nnd got
a trial bottlo frco. Bcgular size 50c. and $1.
Every hottlo guaranteed, or price romnded.
Annual I.rf--llttte Excursions to Atlantic
City, .to , via Pennsylvania Hallroad.
Tho Pennsylvania Bailroad Company has
arranged for.threo low-rato ton-day excur
sions for tho prosent season from Erie, Troy,
Bollofonto, Williamsport,, Sun-
bury, Shenandoah, Dauphin, and principal
intermediate stations (includlug stations on
branch roads), to Atlantic City, Capo May,
Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Avalon, Anglesca,
Wlldwood, or Holly Beach, on Thursdays,
July 27, August 10 and 24, 1890.
Excursion tickets, good to return by regu
lar trains within ton days, will bo sold at
vory low rates. Tickets to Atlantic City will
ho sold via the Delawaro IHvor Bridgo Koutc,
the only all-rail line, or via Market street
wharf, Philadelphia.
For Information in regard to speclfio ratos
aud timo of trains consult hand bills, or ap
ply to agents, or E. S. Harrar, Division
Ticket Agent, Williamsport, Pa.
Stop ovor can bo had at Philadelphia,
either going or returning, within limit of
ticket, provided ticket is deposited with
agent at Broad street station immediately on
Smnll Mortallty'ln Ororron Ifoalmont
Washington, July 20. A statement
prepared at tho war department shows
that of EG officers and 1,316 enlisted
men of tho Second Oregon regiment
only 49 were killed in battle or died
of dlseaso during tho campaign In the
Philippines, a percentage of 3.C. The
total number of officers and men to bo
mustored out at San Francisco aro
1,104, a number of discharges having
been previously made. Only two men
are marked as deserters.
Tostordny's Bnsolinll flnmna.
National League: At Philadelphia
i-nuuuuipum, o; iiouisvnie, 3. At Bos
ton Boston, 8; St. Louis, l. At Brook
lynBrooklyn, 4; Pittsburg, 1. At
Now York New York, 3; Chicago, 0.
At Baltimore Cincinnati, 5; Balti
more, 0. At Washington First garnet
Washington, 7; Cleveland, 4. Second
game: Washington, C; Cleveland, 2.
Atlantic I.rniriin A LntimmfA.
ij", - V i.V. 1. Vl.l) LV..
Lancaster, 6; Heading, 0. At Wilkes-
uurro wiiKcsnarre, n; Newark, 2. At
Allentown Richmond, 5; Allentown, 0.
Dcstruotivolflro lu iirooltlyn.
New York, July 20. A fire, whoso
origin is unknown, destroyed more
than a quarter of a million dollars'
worth of property on the Brooklyn
water front last night. It destroyed
tho large eight story grain elevator
facing and abutting tho Excelsior
stores on Atlantic basin, and gutted
buildings Nos. 275 and 276 of tho
stores, which are constructed of brick,
six storios in height, and cover a
ground area 150 by 125 feet. The loss
Is estimated at from $250,000 to $300,
000, well Insured.
A Aow cyollnii Itooorcl.
Washington, July 20. Harry Kikes,
of Glens Falls, N. Y the middle dis
tance champion bicycle rider of Amer
lea, yesterday covered a mile in 1:31
flat, thus lowering the record for that
distance held by Eddie McDufllo, of
Boston, of 1:31 2-5. He was paced by
a motor cycle quad operated by Henri
Fournler. Elkes followed the cycle
closely from the start to tho finish.
nxtondliiK tho Trnimvnnl Franchise.
Pretoria, July 20. Tho yolksraad
has adopted further ortlcles of the
franchise law, enabling sons of Out-
Innilort. tn liwnmn naturalized at tbo
age of 16 and to obtain tho franchise
five years tnereaiter,
fjomlnir Krents.
July 20. Social and phonograph entertalu-
.n TM,, 11 . i . .,H-11
wcui iu luu nob jjayiiob luuivu,
Aug, 15. Ice cream festival in Kobbins'
opera house by the Congregational church.
I have suffered the most excruciating
pains in the side. The Doctor said Jt
was Pleurisy, The Brazilian Balm gave
me almost instant relief when every
thing else failed, ajid permanently cured
me. I took it add had some warmed
i n ,
aim muueu on strong,
Mrs. Ems auuth Pauchw,
Marcus Hook, Pa.
Shenandoah drnr atore, wholesale agent
For Free Bottles
Are received bv tho manufacturer of
Dr. David Kennedy's Kavorito Remedy,
and upon stnet Investigation it hoa
been found that no less than 01 por
cent, of thoso receiving tiiul bottles
havo boon so helped bv the Remedy
Bunt, that they have bought largo slxed
bottles at their druggists.
There is no doubt Hint Favorite
Remedy Is tho very best medlcln
known for diseases of the Kldnoys,
Liver, llhuhler and Blood, lilieuma
tlsm, Dyspepsia and Chronic Constipa
tion. Tho manufacturers nn- prepared
to send freo trial bottles poptp .id to all
thoso who will write, givini! their full
namoand postofficoaddrcKxto tho I) II
Rondout,tN. Y.,and mention this paper,
Put somo of your urino In a gloat
tumbler; if in 24 hours It has n sedi
ment, or a milky, cloudy condition; II
It Is palo or discolored, ropy or stringy,
you need a good mediclno, and Favor
ite Remedy Is tho best ono you can
tako. It speedily cures such danger
ous symptoms ns pain In the back.Tre
quent desiro to urinato especially at
night, scalding burning pain in passing
water, staining of your linen by the
urine nnd Inability to hold it. Also
tho unpleasant and dangerous effects
produced on the system by the use of
whiskey or beer.
Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Rem
edy Is sold at all drug stores at (1.00 a
bottle, or six bottles for $5.00.
EpwortU Loniiuors In Convontlon.
Indlanabolls; July 20. Tho fourth
btncnnlal international convontlon of
the Epworth Leagues of tho Methodist
Episcopal church was opened this af
ternoon In tho mammoth tent on tho
court house lawn and In Tomllnson
Hall, across the street, tho opening ses
sion of the leaguo being hold In Uv5
two simultaneously. Tomorrow morn
ing the league meetings will bo extend
ed to tho English Opera Houso, three
blocks distant, and thereafter sessions
will be conducted in tho three places at
tho same time. The estimates of tho
various committees placo tho number
of delegates at from 12,000 to 15,000.
An Inilustrlnl I.ushoii From Boston.
Boston, July 20. One of the most
Important subjects to be dealt with by
the sub-commission of tho United
States Industrial commission in its
report to Washington is tho system of
arbitration established in this city be
tween tbe Mason Builders' association
and tho bricklayers' union of Bos
ton and vicinity. It Is' the first in
stance of the kind which tho sub-commission
has found, and is said to bo tho
only one In tho country. In tho opinion
of tho members of the sub-commission
this agreement should serve as a model
for employers and workmen all ovor
the United States.
Santiago's Low Death Unto.
Santiago, July 20. Notwithstanding
the fever epidemic, only 16 deaths
from all causes were reported last
week. This is the lowest mortality
record tho city has ever known. The
average monthly death rato In San
tiago under the Spanish regime was
250, but since the Amorlcan occupa
tion It has been reduced to about 112,
and is constantly decreasing, owing to
the efficient sanitary measures adopted.
Another Foud llnttlo Immlnorit.
London, Ky July 20. Tho death of
E. G. Fisher makes four fatalities in
the fight near Manchester Monday. The
reported death of Robert Phllpot is
Incorrect, but It is thought ho will bo
the fifth victim. Green Griffin, who
naa ootn legs shot off. also will die.
George Phllpot and Alex Fisher are
said to be recovering. It Is clalmod
that the Phllpots now havo 100 friends
assembled, armed with Winchesters.
awaiting a threatened attack from the
Morrises, Griffins and Chadwolls. who
aro reported only two miles distant
witu an equally strong forco.
What is Shlloh ?
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
Consumption ; used through tho world for
half a century, has cured innnmorablo cases
of Incipient consumption and rolioved many
In advanced stages. If you are not satisfied
with the results we will refund your monoy
Price 25 cts., 50 cts. and f 1.00. Sold by P. D
Kirlin on a guarantee
AsRoflootcd. byDenllntra In Phtladol
phla nnd Baltlrnoro.
Philadelphia, July 19. Flour dull and
weaic; winter suporrino, J232.23; Pennsyt
vania roller, clear. I3H3.25: cltv mills, ex.
tra, $2.15(S2.20. Ryo flour quiet at $3 por
barrel for choice Pennsylvania. Whoat
slow; No. 2 red, spot. In elevator, 71M.0
71Wc Corn dull: No. 2 mlxod. sriot. In
elevator, 3G37c,; No. 2 yellow, for local
trade. 404o. Oats quiet and steady; No.
2 white, 30V4o.; No. 2 white, clipped, 81UO
3114c. Hay ilrm; choice timothy, $1818.60
for large bales. Beef steady; boef hams,
J30S30.50. Pork Arm; family, lt5012.
Lard steady; western stoamed, $5.70. But
ter easy: western creamery, 150160.; do.
factory, 12014Vio.; Imitation creamery, 18
16c,; New York dairy, 13HQ170.; do.
creamery, lSSlBo.; fancy Pennsylvania
prints Jobbing at 22S21c; do. wholesale,
21c. Cheese firmer; largo, white, 8Ho.
small do., VAmc.i large, colored, 8o.;
small do., 8K8?le. Ebb's steady! Now
York and Pennsylvania, 15Hc; western,
fresh, 14H15c. Potatoes steady; southern
firsts, 1.251,7B; do. seconds,
Long Islarid, 1.2J2. Cabbage steady;
Long Island, I2.CO04. Muskmelons gen
erally lower under liberal offerings; North
Carolina and Virginia, par carrier, E0c
SI; do. per crate, D0c.6Sl.25; do. per basket,
50S75o. Watermelons In largo accumu
lation; per carload, S100G175; per 100, J8
Baltimore, July 19. Flour dull and
easier; western Bupernne, $2.152.25; do.
extra, $2.3002.90; family, S3.2503.DO; win
ter wheat, patent, S3.C503.85; spring do.,
S3.8504.1O; spring wheat, straight, $3,400
8.50. Wheat steady at a dacllno; No. 2
red, spot and July, 701!471c.; August, 7tV4
71Ho.; Septomber, 72129io.; southern,
by sample, 6872c.; do, on grade, 6972o.
Corn Arm; spot, mixed, 36Mi036Ho.; No. 2
will to, spot, SGHc.; July, 3CH3GKc; Au
gust, 2Clifi3C?4o.; September, 86H03G?io.;
steamer mixed, 2lHc; southern, white or
yellow, 42o. Oats steady, but Inactive;
No. 2 white, 31fl31Hc; No. 2 mixed, 29V0
30o. Drain freights mora doing and rates
steady; steam to Liverpool, 3d, August;
Cork, for orders, per quarter, 3s, 3d. Au
gust. I.lvo StooK Mnrkots.
New York, July 19. Beeves In fair do
mand; steers and caws steady; bulls weak
to 10c, lower; steers, $4.9505.60; bulls, $2.75
03.30; cows, $1.7503.90. Veals firm to 10c.
higher; buttermilks, $303.25; grassers, $2
03. Sheep dull and not wanted; lambs
opened weak and closed firm; seven cars,
mainly sheep, unsold; Sheep, $304.75; culls,
$2.50; lambs, $5.2506.87U; culls, $3.5004.25.
Hogs higher at $4.7504.90.
East Liberty, Pa., July 19. Cattlo
steady; extra, $5.5005.60; prime, $5.3005.40;
common, $3.4004. Hogs higher), primo
pigs, $4.6504.75; best mediums and good
Yorkers, $4.6504.70; fair Yorkers, $4,600
4.65; heavy hogs, $4.5004.55; grassers, $1.SS
04.50; good roughs, $3.750 4.10. Sheep slow;
choice wethers, $4.6001.65; common, $203;
spring lambs, $3.7505.50; veal calves, $70
Itchiness of tbe skin, horrible plague.
Most everybody sfUicted In 1 one way or
another. Only ono safo, never falling cure.
Doan's Olntraeut. At any drug store, CO
A Fnmtly Chnmod With Killing nn
Adopted Asylum tllrl.
Locknott. N. Y., July 20. After five
weeks deliberation tho coroner's Jury
reached a verdict yestorday In tho
caso of Sarah Mumford, tho 17-year-old
clrl adopted by Henry Tripp, of Pon.-
dleton, from n Rochester asylum, Whoso
dead body was found on tho centrars
tracks near Shawnee on Juno 0 at Z
a. m. Tho Inquisition charges that she
camo to her death at tho hands of
Henry Tripp, his wife. Matilda, and.
his son, Loron. Tripp's daughter, Alva,
Is named as an accompllco. Tho Trlpps
nro woll to do people of Pondloton.
Alvn Is a teacher and Lorcn Is about
21 years old, d'nd lives at home.
Tho girl Sarah was adopted about
six years ago. The neighbors claim
sho had to work hard and was badly
treated. Tho Trlpps say that on tho
ovenlng of Juno 8 sho left tho houso
bareheaded, and that they mado a vain
search for her. Next morning her re
mains woro found on tho tracks four
miles from tho houso. Thero was
scarcely any blood in tho vicinity, ln
dlcnting that tho girl had been dead
somo timo and that tho body had been
placed on tho tracks. Tho Jury or
dered tho arrest of tho Trlpps.'
a'H'ii lu n Tor .tlnnlln.
Savannah, Ga., July 20. :A 14-ton
breachloadlng rifle was brought up to
tho city Tuesday night from Fort
Pulaski, where it had been mounted
during tho Spanish war. It was loaded
on a Hat car and shipped to San Fran
cisco, whenco it will bo forwarded to
Manila. It Is understood tho rlllo wlll
bo employed In the dofonscs of tho
Philippine capital.
A Bonus For tho Championship.
nuii-.i1r.iiin Tnlv 9(1 Tlin Phllnrlnl-
phla Baseball club has offered a prlzo
Of ?6,UU0 to players u uiuy win mu
ponnant this year, and $2,500 if they
finish second.
the noT srniNas op akkaks is via
Will eradicate from your system the linger.
Ing oDVctsof grip and otbor ailments caused
by the sovoro winter, and malaria, rhonmH
tlsm, neuralgia, catarrh, stomach, kldsey,
Uvor and nervous disorders, paralysis, blood
and skin diseasos, nnd chronic and func
tional derangements. Tho mountain climato
of Hot Springs Is cool and delightful In
summer. 100 hotols open tho year around.
For Illustrated literature, containing all
Information, address 0. F. Cooloy, Manager
Rulsucss lion's League, Hot Springs, Ark.
For reduced excursion tickets and par
ticulars of tho trip, address W. A. Turk,
Gen'l Pass. Agt., Southern By., Washington,
D. C, or C. L. Hopkins, District Passenger
Agont, 828 Chestnut St., Phlla., Pa. 0-1-ln)
$100 Reward $100.
Tho readers of this paper will bo pleased to
learn that there is at least ono dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure In all Its
stages, and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is tho only positive euro known to tho medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dls
easo, requires a constitutional treatment, nail's
Catarrh Curo Is taken Internally, acting directly
upon tho blood nnd mucous surfaces of tho
system, thereby destroying tho foundation of
tho disease, and giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and assisting
nature in doing Its work. Tho proprietors have
so much faith In Its curative powers, that they
offer Ono Hundred Dollars for any case tbat It
fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address. V. J.CIIENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Drugirlsts. 75o
Hall's Family I'llls aro the best.
Tho Pennsylvania Railroad1 Company an
nounces'the following Pcrsonally-Conducted
Tours for the Summer and early Autumn of
1809 :
To tho North, Including Niagara Falls, To
routo, Thousand Islands, tbo St. Lawronco,
Montreal, Quebec, Eoberval (LakoSt. John),
tho Saguenay, Au Sable Chasm, Lakes Cliam
platn and George, Saratoga, and a daylight
rido through tho Highlands of tho Hudson,
July 22 to August 7. Eate, f 123 ; August 12
to 25, visiting samo points as first tourexcept
Itoberval and tho Saguenay. Hate, flOO for
tho round trip, from New York, Philadel
phia, Baltimore, and Washington. Propor
tlonate rates from other points.
To Niagara Falls, excursion tlcketsgood to
return within ten days will ho sold on July
27, August 10 and 24, Septomber 7 and 21,
October 5 and 10, at rate of $10 from Phila
delphia, Baltimore, and Washington. These
tickets Include transportation only, and will
permit of stop over within limit at Buffalo,
Rochester, Canandalgua, and Watklns on the
return trip.
Fivo-day tour to Gettysburg, Luray, and
Washington September 10. Bate $25 from.
Now York, $23 from Philadelphia. Propor
tionate ratos from other points.
An elovon-day tour to Gettysburg, Luray
Caverns, Natural Bridge, Virginia Hot
Springs, Richmond, and Washington, October
10. Eate, fG5 from New York, $03 from
Philadelphia. Proportionate rates from otbor
For Itineraries and further Information
apply to tlckot agents, or address Geo. W.
Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Florida Short Line.
Tho New York aud Florida Express, via
Southern Ballway, leaving Broad street
station, Philadelphia, daily at 5:34 p. m.
carries through Pullman sleeping cas to
Augusta and Savannah, Ga., Jacksonville and
Tampa, Fla., via Charlotte and Columbia.
This is the short line and most attractlvo
route to points in Georgia and Florida. All
information cheorfully furnished by Charles
L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, 828
Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Many a Lover
Has turned with disgust from an otherwise
lovable girl with an offensive breath, Karl's
Clover Boot Tea purifies tbo broath by lta
action on tho bowels, etc., as nothing else
will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee.
Price 23 cU. and SO cts. Sold by P. 1). Kirlin
on a guarantee.
Nerve and Prain
Tho Original. All Others Imitations.
Is sold under & poaltivo Written Guarantee, by authorised agonts only, to curo Weak
Memory, Dizziness, Wakefulness, Fits, Hysteria, Quickness, Night Losses, Evil Dreams,
Lack of Confidence. Nervousness, Lassitude, all Drains, Youthful Errors, or KicosBlve
Use of Tobaooo, Opium, or Liquor, which leads to Misery, Consumption, Insanity and
Death. At storo or by mall, tl a box; six lor ts: with written. Guarantee to Cure or
Refund Money. Sample Package, containing live days' treatment, with full lUBtruo-
(ions, 20 cents, uua uuiupiu uuiy buju tu
Red Label Special Extra Strength
six (or
juiyutcuuy, uwoo ut a unci, uvd, juBuuuuii, ntutiiiky ur jjaricunusu.
ts, with Written Guarantee to cure In 30 days. At' store or by mail.
T T.Aa T)..... .... t t
Sold at Klrlln'sa
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
,iS2, viSfK nffi
roa su Bisu cmawn tmi to nt tornt.
TN KFFF.CT MAY 14, 1890.
Posscnger trains Icavo Shenandoah for Pcnn
Haven Junction, Maucb Chunk, LchlKhton,
SlatltiKtou, Whlto Hall, Calosauqun, Alkuitown,
Uethleheni, liaston New York and Philadelphia
at S 28, 7 50 a. ra . 12 82 and S 17 !. m.
For Wllkesbarrc, White Haven and l'lttston,
5 23, 10 12 a. m 12 52 and 6 17 p. m.
For Loceyvlllo, Towonda, Snyre, VVaverly,
P.lmlrn, Itocliester, Huffnlo, Niagara Palls,
Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and tho
West, 10 12 a. m., 12 52 and 5 17 p. in.
For Bclvldcrc, Delaware Water Gap and
Stroudaburg, 5 28 a. m., 5 17 p. In.
For Lambcrtvillo and Trenton, 7 60 a. m.
For Jeancsvlllc, Leviston and licavcr Meadow,
1 2A a. m., 12 62 p. m.
For McAdoo, Audenrled, Hazleton, Stockton
mil Lumber Yard, 8 23, 7 50, 10 12 a.m., 12 52 and
1 17 p. ra.
ForJeddo, Drifton and Frccland, 6 23, 1012
a, m., 5 17 p. m.
For Scronton, 5 28', 10 12 a. m., 5 17 p. m.
For Lost Creek, Glrardvllle, and Ashland, 4 00,
and 7 28 p. m.
For Itavcn Hun, Centralla, Mount Cannel and
Shnmokln, 10 49. a. m., 1 42, 8 07, 0 23 p. ra.
For Mohanoy City, Park l'laco and Delano,
1 28, 7 60, 10 12 a. m.. and 12 52, 5 17 p. m.
For Yntcsvlllc, 6 28. 10 12 a. in.
Trains will leave Shamokln nt 7 CO. 9 20 a. m.,
11 59 and 4 20 p. in., and arrive at Shenandoah
at 7 60, 10 12 ft. m., 12 52, 5 17 p. ra.
Leave Shenandoah for Fottsvllle, St. Clair.
New Castle, Morcn and New Iloston, 7 50 and
10 12 a. m , 12 62 and 5 17 p. m.
Leavo Pottsvlllo for Shenandoah, 9 45 o. in.,
12 86, 605, 8 15 p.m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 9 50 a. m.,
12 45, 5 09, 0 20, 8 81 p.m.
Trains leave for Raven Run, Centralis, Mt.
Carmel and Shamokln, 9 45 a. m., 7 21 p. m.,
Trains leave Shamokln for Shenandoah at
3 50 a. m., and 5 85 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Yatesvlllo, Mahonoy
City, lark Tlace, Delano, MoAdoo, Audenrled,
Hazleton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatberly
and Mauch Chunk, 9 47 a ra., and 0 82 p. ra.
For Lehlghton, Slatlngton, Catasauqua. White
Hall, Coplay, Allentown, Boston ana Fhllllps
burg, 9 47 a. in., and 6 32 p. m.
For New York and Philadelphia, 9 47 a. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8 50, a. tn.,
and 0 27 p. m.
M. II. CUTTER, Supt. Transportation,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
ROLLIN n. WILBUR, Genl. Supt..
South liethlehcm, Pa.
CHARLES S. LEE, Genl. Pass. Agt.,
New York, N. Y.
South Bethlehem, Pa.
Agent for the Famous
Pliila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
Mt. Carbon Beer
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
nmionsof Dollars
Go up In nmohb every year. Taken
risks but get your houses, slock, far
niture, oto., insured in nrst-claBS re
liable companies as represented by
ftAVITl FAUST insurance Agent
Alan Ufa rd Aorldtnls omwnlrt
Safe and suhe. mnu 4o, f uh-womak 3 sf 8,
awt' Wiira Bpiccirfo Cn,PttA,
at Povtniky'i drat lor, IS
Dent's sir
A tiiid. tint ivn mi WOMAN'S RELIEF.
Alwtri cramct and rtlLibl. Avoid hiutatuxu.
Hal fUrOM'a'FAvarPiLUB.nd ivKmiaiiTf.
fAt drnc itotM.w mbI dlrttt (Miltd), prU. lu
Cato Bro,C. BMtom,ifu. Oar
For uli t K.lrMn' drujc aor nrl fihenndo
oacu person, at store or uy man.
.1 rj, ,11... T 1 A
fl a box;
Drug Store.
4 i
m '