TheHerald KSTAIII.ISIIICI) 1870. "All the Nsws That's Fit to Print." I'll' .tlslieil every ttvenluir, except Sunday, nt 8 South Jiirdlii itrect, Shenandoah, Pa. LONG DHTANOK TELEPHONE. The Herald l delivered In Bliennndoab and the surrounding towns forslx cents n w ek, pay able to the carriers. Ily mull 13.00 n year, or 25 cents a month payable In advance. Ad vertisements churned Recording to space nnd position. The publishers reserve the right to change the position of advertisements whenever the publlcntlon of news demands It. The right Is reserved to reject any advertisement, whether paid for or not, that the publishers may deem Improper. Adver tising raten made known upon application. Entered at the post ofllee at Shenandoah, Fa., as second class mall matter. Opening $cmlx FKIDAY, JULY 14, 1809. OUR COUNTRY : First, Last and Forever. When one recalls how great was the oxcltemont ivhioh followed the first vairue and unauthentlcated stories of gold discoveries in the Klon dike country, It seems remarkable, in- deed, that almost no attention at all Is paid to the indubitable evidence of the region's wealth that it is now pre sented daily by returning minors. Everybody knows at present what two years ago was only rumored tha gold by the horseload lies not deeply buried by the great northern river, and yet there is no wild rush of fortune hunters, and the occasional short paragraphs into which the papers compress the successes and failures of individual miners are all that the public demands. The 'fact is that the Klondike was robbed of its "boom" by the war with Spain, and its chance of being a sensation was then cut off, prematurely and forever. This was probably fortu nate for Alaska, and certainly fortu nate for hundreds of men of small physical and financial resources who would have been carried .north if the wild rush had continued, but who can easily resist such temptations as the new fields, now thoroughly un derstood, continue to present. Chandler on Trusts. Senator Chandler, of New Hamp shire, has been talking to the news papers on Havemeyer, the Sugar King, and on trusts in general. The Senator is always practical and level headed in what he says and does. He is probably the only Republican mem ber of the Senate who has strained relationo at the White House. He designates Hayemeyer as a plu tocratic Democrat, who is willing that the Republican party shall remain in power, provided it protects the trusts. His discourse bofore the In dustrial Commission, in which ho put forth the assertion that "a protective tariff is the mother of trusts," was intended, of course, as a threat against the Republican party. "If you don't protect trusts, especially the Sugar Trust, we will destroy the tariff." That threat will not scare $he Republican party. Havemeyer is a multi-millionaire Democrat who cannot influence votes by his money. The Republican party, Bays Chandler, is not afraid that party capital can be made against the tariff on account of trusts. These exists everywhere, all over the world, in these latter days In free trade as " well as in tariff countries. He says "The Republican doctrine, as it will be enunciated at the next National Convention, which will renominate Mr. McKinlev, is that it is unnecee 8ary to destroy any industry in this country in oruer to restrain trusts. We want lioine industries ana we don't want trusts. In order to main tain the home industries we must have high tariff duties against the cheap labor and the cheap products of foreign countries. The mainten ance of the tariff as an American doctrine was settled beyond perad venture by the election of HcKlnley rrr- 1800 and the enactment of the Dincrley bill. We are not going to destroy the tariff as a means of checking trusts." Trusts can be checked easily and absolutely if the people and their legislatures and Congresses wish to do it by suitable laws. These huge and dangerous corporations can only be created by state legislatures, and the same legislatures which create them can destroy them, or limit their functions, "Congress oan control or destroy," says the Senator, "trans portation trusts and some others, and stats legislatures can do the rest. Therefore, I repeat that there is not the slightest need of repealing the tariff duties which protect industries in order to destroy trusts in tho pro duct of those industries. Popullstlo Democrats have raised this hue and cry against them because they would - like to destroy the tariff and trusts both. Mr. Havemeyer wants to j maintain trusts and threatens to de f stroy the tariff sincerely, but only be- 1 cause he wishes to force the Hepuull can narty to maintain trusts, which it will not do." "Trusts," said the Senator, In con elusion, "Will not be a political issue because both parties will denounce thein. It will remain for the voters Hood's PbIBs Tin nnt I'rfnn nor Irritate the alimen tary canal. They act gently yet promptly, cleanse efletrtuauy ana Give Com fori Sold by all druggists. 25 cents. to doctdo which party Is most likely to act with sincerity aftor its candi dates have been elected." WAQB"" SCALE SETTLED. A Grntlryinir Inorpnwo In tlio WnKOSof Tin I'lnto Wtirkorn. Chicago, July 14. The ofllcors of tho Amorlcan Tin I'lnto company and tho wngo commltteo of tho Amalga mated Association of Iron and Steel Workers agreed on a wngo scale yes tordny. Tho scnlo grants a straight Increaso of 16 por cent. Tho increase takes offect July 1, and Is to ho tho minimum scale for tho year ending Juno 30, 1900. At Wednesday night's session bars Instead of billets, and a ratio of ono-soventh instead of ono fifth was practically decided on as a basis for figuring tho scale of wages. This was abandoned at yesterday's session, however, the Bcalo ns adopted being bnsed on $425 ns tho selling price of a 100 pound box of coko tin plates. On each 10 cent Increaso In tho price per box 2 per cent advance on tho scale as adopted will be paid, whllo for each 10 cents decroaBO a de duction of 2 por cent will bo mado. Over 30,000 tin plato workers aro bene fited by the Increaso. All works will resumo next Monday. Ladles Can Wear Shoes Onoslzo smaller after usiug Allen's Foot Ease, a powder to bo sunken Into the shoos. It makes tight or new shoes fool easy : (fives Instant rollof to corns and bunions. It's tho greatest comfort discovery of tho ago. Cures swollen feet, blisters and callous spots. Allen's Foot-Easo is a certain euro for in Browing nails, sweating, hot, aching feot. At all druggists aud shoo stores, S5c. Trial package freo by mail, Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Koy, N. Y. Iirovv'necl In Four Foot of Water. Carlisle, Pa., July 14. rtichard Par ker, aged 16, son of Mrs. Mary Parker, of this city, was drowned at Duggan's dam, Perry county, yesterday. He was with a camping party of tho Carlisle Young Men's Christian association. Ho went out on tho creek In a boat, and becoming 111 fell into the stream and was drowned In water only four feot deep. Ilnnk Tlilof Lnmbolo Sentenced, Boston, July 14. Philip Lambelo, nllas George Schcy, of Chicago, charged with taking $10,000 from tho desk of tho paying teller 41 the Metropolitan National bank on June 22, pleaded guilty before Judge Richardson In the superior court yesterday and was sent to state prison for a term of not less than two and a half nor moro than three and a half years, with the first day in solitary confinement. Electrlo Locomotlvoa For Japan. Pittsburg, July 14. Orders for seven Baldwln-Wcstlnghouse electric loco motives have juBt been placed by tho Imperial government railways of Ja pan for use In the government and other mines in Japan. Gun Cnptaln Crushed to Dentil. New Bedford, Mass., July 14. Ernest Rupert Sherwin, a gun" captain on tho monitor Amphltrlto, was Instantly killed yesterday by having his head crushed as the bree-h of the after gun was. being depressed. Tcstordny's Unsolmll Games, National Leaguo: At Brooklyn St. Louis, 8; Brooklyn, 2. At Now York Pittsburg, 9; New York, 5. At Boston Chicago, 9; Boston, 4. At Philadel phia (called darkness) Philadelphia. 5; Cleveland I. Atlantic League: At Newark Al lentown, 3; Newark, 1. At Reading Wilkesbarro, 4; Reading, 2. At Rich mond Lancaster, 6; Richmond, 1. Wont Point's Soarlot Fovor Epldomlo West Point, N. Y., July 13. Two more cases of scarlet fever developed In the cadet hospital yesterday. There is no chango in the condition of those heretofore reported. Four other cadets were taken from camp to the hospital last evening with fover symptoms. There is talk about establishing a general quarantine about the post. The cadets are not permitted to call at the officers' quarters, neither are they per mitted to mingle with visitors. Terriflo Storms tu England. London, July 13. Severe thunder storms, accompanied by a great down pour of rain, flooded valleys and in terrupting traffic, occurred yesterday In many portions of England. In Leeds and other cities total darkness prevailed for several hours. In West moreland ana Lincoinsnire a numuer of houses and seven persons, two of whom were fatally Injured, were struck by lightning. Colorado's Industrlnl Conditions. Denver, July 14. Deputy State La bor Commissioner Smith was examined yesterday regarding Industrial condi tion in Colorado by the sub-committee on mining of the United States indus trial commission. He declared that tho economic effects of strikes on society at largo were good, In splto of the suf ferings entailed, but also expressed the oplniou that the Intelligent use of the ballot is better than strikes tor im mediate results. Mr. Smith considered the eight hour law just, and favored compulsory arbitration. He said that on an average lb per cent oi tno ia boring people In Colorado were Idle all the time, and yet higher wages were paid there than in any other state. Mr. Lee, state commissioner of metallferous mines, was very severe in his denunciation of labor agitators. Charged With a Ilnbbl'8 Murder. Washington, July 14. Peter Mlckens and Abraham Lee, both colored, were arrested here last night after a des perate fight with officers, suspected of being the murderers of Rabbi Louis Glnsburg, at BInghamton, N. Y on July 4. Rabbi Glnsburg lived a num ber of hours with stitches in his heart, the work of surgeons In an effort to save htm. Mnst Answer Murdor G'hnrgo. Wllkesbarre, Pa., July 14. Willis Pulvert, who was shot by Charles Davenport in Pittston Monday night. died in the hospital yesterday, Daven port, who is now In the county jail. will have to answer the charge of mur der. NUGGETS OF NEWS A Chinese opium plant In New York was raided by revenue offlcors, who seized the whole outfit. Alabama antl-lmporlallsls are urging tho governor to declare vacant the seat of Congressman Joseph Wheeler. A dispute about a dog near Peach Bottom, Pa., lod to tho shooting of R Marlon Wiley, It Is alleged, by Edwin J, Brogan. Mary B. Kemper saved her younger sister from drowning at Nantasket Beach, Mass., then fell dead of heart disease in the sun. Barbarous torture of men and wo men prisoners suspected of theft is chareed against tho local oOlclals of Mocsa, Hungary, STRIKE RIOT IN DRID0ETON. ImportortNnn-Unlonlfltn Loft Town nt tho Exponnn or IJiilonlHts. Drldgeton, N. J., July 14. Tho nr rlval of IB non-union glass blowers hero yestorday was tho cause of an outbreak on tho part of tho strikers. Tho strangorB came from Indiana on a train over tho Now Jersey Central road, and two women accompanied the party. They wero mot at the station by a largo crowd of strikers, who Im mediately stormed tho train and cap tured tho non-union mon. A llvoly fracas ensued, during which many blows wero exchanged. Tho glass in tho doors nnd windows of tho car In which tho non-unlfa men wero riding was shattered, and a hack In waiting at tho station was wrocked by tho strlkors. The non-union mon woro finally In duced to accompany tho strikers to the lattor's headquartors. Tho non-untn-lsts wero sent away by the strikers on a later train. Several of them, tho strlkors say, have boon horo boforo and woro sent awny In tho same man ner. It is said they como simply to get monoy trom tho union as an In ducement to leave. Manager King, of tho Cumberland company, who was struck with a brick and other missiles, Is confined to his house with a badly cut head and other woundB. John Trlanco, an omployo of the Cumberland company, was severely wounded, as was also a Philadelphia dctcctlvo who accompanied the non union men here. Tho Homeliest Man In Shenandoah As well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on auy druggist aud get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is guaranteed to cure and relieve all Chronic aud Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consump don. Trice 25c and 50c. MoLniirln's Eloctlon Ansiirocl. Jackson, Miss., July 14. Governor McLaurln has attained such a lead in the country primaries that his election as United States senator Is practically assured. He has 72 votes In tho pri maries thus far held, and only 90 aro necessary to elect. "Private" John Al len has a total In his primaries of but 22. He cannot possibly overcome Mc Laurln's lead. The primaries will not be concluded until Sept. 7. Ex-Governor Lowrey Is leading for tho short term senatorshlp, closely pressed by Btate Senator Sullivan. $100 Reward $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its stages, and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up tho constitution and assisting nature In dolnglts work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address. F. J.CIIENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 75a Hall's Family Fills are the best. ConfovedKllltiic Ills Mothor-In-Lnw. Fort Gaines, Ga., July 14. John Harrel (white) has been arrested on the charge of assassinating his mother-in-law, Mrs. William Hastings, In Ran dolph county, near here. He has con fessed, and expresses no regret. He says he killed Mrs. Hastings because she persuaded his wife to leave him. MEN AND Kidney troublo proya upon the mind, discourages anu lessons ambition : beauty. XV t IHFN vigor and cheerfulness soon TV vri-n disappear when tho kidneys are out of order or diseased. For pleasing results uso Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, tho great kidney remedy. At druggists. Sample bottle by mail freo, also pamphlet. Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Blnshamton, N.Y, ECONOMY IN SPAIN. Royal Pnnpors Graciously Iormlt Reduction of Tliulr Income. Madrid, July 14. Tho cabinet yes terday, after a long discussion, accept ed the offer of the queen regent to as sist tho finances of tho country by giv ing up another 2,000,000 from the civil list. The king of Spain, Alfonso XIII, had a civil list, fixed by the cortcs In 1886, of 7,000,000 pesetas, or 11,400,000, ex clusive of allowances to members of the royal family, tho queen regent having the administration and usu fruct of the said sum until tho king becomes of age. The annual grant to the queen, as mother to the king, was fixed by the cortes In 1888 at 250,000 pesetas. The immedlato successor was assigned 500,000 pesetas, and 250,000 to the second sister, they having been princesses of Asturlas. Tho parents of the late king, ex-Queen Isabella and hr husband, have an allowance of 1,050,000 pesetas, or J210.000, and tho four infantas, his sisters, of 800,000 pesetas, or f 160,000. The total amount of the civil list and allowances to tho relatives of the lato king was fixed by the cortes In 1876 at 10,000,000 pesetas or $2,000,000. It was recently reduced to 9,500,000 pesetas, or $1,900,000. Tried to Poison Ilia Swootlioart, Muncio, Ind July 14. Edward Sal mon, aged 25, yesterday confessed to having attempted Wednesday night to poison miss Loma f rames, nis lY-year- old sweetheart. The couple went to the pump for a drink at her home, and Salmon placed a spoonful of parls green in the water. She drank but sip of it, and threw it out. The con tents of the cup were Investigated, re sulting In his arrest and confession, Salmon recently returned from service in Cuba, and Miss Franks bad trans ferred her affections to another during his absence. Throo Itldo Stoulers KIHod. Kansas City, July 14. Three tramps were killed and five others seriously injured yesterday by tho wrecking of a freight train on the Chicago and Al ton road near Glendale, Mo. The body of another man is believed to be at tho bottom of the wreckage. Perry Cur tis, of Atlanta, Ga., Is the only one of the dead identified. All of them were stealing a ride In an empty stock car, when the train left the track on a sharp curve. Among those- In the car was a woman in male attire. She escaped uninjured. W'dtnoy'H Country Hosldonoo Burned. New York, July 14. The magnificent country residence of W. C. Whitney, on Wheatloy Hills, two .miles from Wcstbury, L. I was destroyed by fire about 10 o'clock last night, together with one of the three biz barns In which Mr. Whitney keeps his thor oughbreds. Mr. Whitney was not nt home, having sailed for Europe a few weeks ago. It is understood that most of tho furniture, personal effects and handsome fittings were burned. The loss on the house alone will be $50,00. I11B PROflUcb MARkETS An Itofloctort by Donllnrn In I'hllndol plila and Itnltlmoro. Philadelphia. July U.-Fiour dull; win ter stipcrflno, 1202.25; Pennsylvania roller, clonr, $303.28 i city mills, extra, J2.25JT2.G0. jvyu i.our in iignt aemnnd at 3 per bar rel for choice Pennnvlviinln atondy; No. 2 red, anot. In elevator. 1W.a 75e. Com slow: No. 2 ml xnri. mint, tn nln. Vntor, 3Si3SViC.: No. 2 Vnllnw. fnr Innnl trade, 41c. Oats auloti Nn. 2 No. 2 White cllDncd. Sin. ITnv nrm! cholco timothy, $18 for largo bales. Hccf Bieniiy; ueer nnms, J2S02S, Pork firm; family, $11.G012. Lord Blond v. atonmed, $5.05. Butter irreculari western creamery, 1501Se.; do. factory, 120HV4c.; imuntion creamery, 13010c.; Now York dairy, 13VtU17c.; do. creamery, 15018V4C.: fancy Pennsylvania prints Jobbing nt 215? 21c. j do. wholesalo, 20c. Cheese strong; large, white nnd colored, Sc; small do, 8Vtc. Egrs dull; Now York and Penn sylvania. 151MMGC.: western, fresh. 16i 1514c Potntocs steady; southern firsts and Long Island, $203; southern seconds, unbbnge steady: Lone Island. $1.6002.50. Muskmelons In active demand and slightly higher; Virginia and North Carolina, per crate. 75c.0Jl.5O: do. ner basket, 75c.?$l. Watermelons In larga saccumulatlon; demand light and market weak; per carload, $750150; per 100, $6020. Hnmmore, July 13. Flour quiet nnd un changed. Wheat stondy; spot and July, 74'47-Oic. ; August, 75076V4C; September, 7CV40Wc; steamer No. 2rcd, 72U724c; southern, by sample. 7007571c; do. on grade, 73070c. Corn easier; spot and July, SSWsrSSVlc. ; August. 3SVi038c; Septem ber, 38Vi03S'ftc.; steamer mixed, 3G03fic; southern, white, 4104114c; do. yellow, 42 '04214c. Oats steady: No. 2 white. 310 3114c.; No. 2 mixed, 2S',403Oc Ityo firm; No. 2 nearby, 68c: No. 2 western, file Hay steady; No. 1 timothy, $15015.50. Cheese steady, nctlvo and strong; largo, 8140914c; medium, 9&094c; small, 914 9&c. l.lvo 8toolc Mnrkets. New York, July 13. Decvcs steady; cables auote live cattle lower nt 11140 1214c; refrigerator beef at 7c per lb. Calves dull nnd lower; veals, $10G.75; tops, $7; buttermilks nominal. Sheep slow and weak; good lambs Arm to 15c. higher; medium and common lambs slow; com mon nnd medium sheep, $304.25; medium to prime lambs, $5.7507,25; no cholco hero. Hogs nominally higher nt J1.C034.05 per 100 lbs. East Liberty, Pa., July 13. Cattlo steady; extra, $5.4505.65; prime, $5.3005.40; common, $3.5004.20. Hogs active nnd higher; prime mediums, best Yorkers and pigs, $1.5504.00; fair Yorkers, $4.4504.55; heavy hogs, $4.4004.45; grasscrs, $4.3004.40; good roughs, $3.7504. Sheep slow and low er; choice wethers. $4.8004.00; common, $203; yearlings, $305; spring lambs, $18 6.50; veal calves, $707.25. Brave Men Fall Victims to stomach, liver aud kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, back ache, nervousness, headache and tired, list less, run-down feeling. But there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, daville, Ind. He says : "Electric Hitters are just the thing for a man when he is all run down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to cive me new strength and cood. appeti'e than anything I could take. I can now cat anything ana nave a new lease on fe." Only 50 cents, at A. Wasley s drug store. livery bottle guaranteed. To Prevent Looomottvo Smoko. Dover, Del., July 14. Prominent capitalists from a dozon eastern cities, including Now York, Boston, Philadel phia and Washington, yesterday se cured a charter for tho Locomotive Smoke Preventive company, with a capital stock at the outset estimated at $6,000,000. Tho company's charter gives it power "to manufacture and acquire patents and inventions for the prevention of smoko from locomotive engines, and encourago and produce economical results In tho consumption of coal." On Every Bottle Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure is this guar anteo : All wo ask of' yon Is to use two- thirds of tho contents of this bottlo faith fully, then if you can say you aro not benefited return tho bottlo to your druggist and ho may refund tho prlco paid." Prico 25 cts., 50 eta. and 1.00. Sold by P. D, Klrlln on a guarantee FuRltlvo Mnrdoror Killed. Lacrosse, Ga., July 14. Information has just come from -Leesburg, Lee county, that tho sheriff's posse In pur suit of two white men who robbed the postofilco hero Tuesday night and probably fatally shot Judge Henry Slngletary, came up with the fugl tives near that place last evening. The possa surounded the men and called upon them to surrender. They resist ed, and a volley was fired. One of the robbers was killed and the other seri ously wounded. The wounded robber confessed the crimes. IIocIIoh of tho Olwlll'8 Victims, Cleveland, July 14. The bodies of two of the victims of the wreck of tho Bteamer Olwlll, which occurred off Lo rain on the night of June 28, were found floating yesterday on the lake by a tug. They were those of tho captain, John Braun, and his young son, Blanchard. Only two othor bodies have thus far been recovered, those of Mrs. Cora Hunt, a passenger, and Frank Hipp, tho watchman. Oh, the Pain of Rheumatism! Bheumatism often causes tho most in tonso suffering. Many have for years vainly sought relief from this disabling disease, and aro to-day worse off than evor. Bheumatism is a blood disease, and Swift's Specific is tho only euro, be cause It is tho only remedy which oan reach such doep-seatod diseases. A few years ago I was taken -with Inflamma tory Bheumatism, whloh becamo so lntenio that I -was tor weeks nnabla to walk. I tried several prominent physi cians and took their treat ment faithfully, tmt was unable to get the (light est relief. In faot, my con dition seemed to grow worse, th disease spread over my entire body, and from November to March I suffered agony. I tried many patent medicines, but none relieved me. Upon the advloe of a friend I decided to trv Before allowing me to take It, bow iver. my guardian, who was a chemist, ana vced the remedr. and nronounoed It freo of pronounoed it free of t art much batter after potash or mercury. I felt so much batter after taking two bottles, that I eontlnued the rein- fay, ana in two montns 1 was cured oompieieiy. The oure was permanent, for I have never sines had a touch of Rheumatism though many Um exposed to damp and cold weather. Klbanob M. Tirriix, 8711 rowel ton Avenue, Philadelphia. Don't suffer longer with Bheumatism. Throw aside your oils and liniments, as they can not reach your trouble. Don't experiment with doctors their potash and mercury will add to tout disubll- I ity and completely destroy your diges tion. S.S.S.rflBlood will cure perfectly and permanently. It is fruaranteed nnralv vArmtuhlQ. and contain no not ash. mnrcurv. or othor mineral, uookb mailed UOS OJ OWUI Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. TELL ABOUT II. A Shenandoah Citizen Is Pleased to do It for the Benefit of Other. When you know a good thing, tell It. Ii will i nt lesson Its goodnes Hut will do good to others. Thoio's tntiffl misery just liko It. There aro lots of lamo backs in Siionau doah. It's a busy place ahd hacks aro used. There's urinary trouble to a largo extent. Colds afiVct tho kidneys. Tho kidneys aro tuocauso, not tho colds. Keep thrni in shapo and llfo is life. Dean's Kidney Pills do perfect work. Aro for kidneys only. 81i.-immloali people testify to their merit. Hero's a caso of It ; Mrs. M. Tempest, of 132 Kant Coal itm t, says! "My hack was so lamo and s.- Mrv. that 1 could not get off a chair wiibit lift ing myself up and I could net ovon turn In bed without Bharp twinges catching mo in my back. There mi a dull, gnawlt.g aching whou on my foet doing any work liko iron ing I read about Doan's Kidney Pills so quickly rollovlng othor sulferora and I pro cured a box from Klrlln'g drug store I did nut uso tho whole box boforo tho backacho was guiiu and tholamoncss had disappeared " Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers. Price SO cents. Mailed by Foster-Milburn Co., buffalo, N. Y. Sole agents for the U. S. Remember the namo Doan's and take no substitute. NIAGARA FALLS EXCURSIONS. LOW-HATE VACATION TBH'S VIA PENNSYL VANIA ItAILBOAD. The Pennsylvania Eallroad Company has selected tho following dates for its popular ten-day excursions to Niagara Falls from Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington ; July 27, August 10 and 2-1, September 7 and 21, and Octobers and 10. An oxporiencod tourist agent aud chaperon will accompany each excursion. Excursion tickets, good for return passage on any regular train, exclusivo of limited express trains, within ten days, will bo sold at $10.00 from Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, and all points on tiie Delaware division; $1125 from Atlantic City; $D.C0 from Lancastor; $8.50 from Altoona and llar- risburg; $0.00 from 8nnbury and Wllkes barre; $5.75 from Williamsport; and at pro portionate rates from other points. A stop over will be allowod at Buffalo, Kochcster, Canadaigua, and Watkins within tho limit ro turning A special train of Pullman parlor cars and day coaches will bo run witli each excursion. An extra chargo will bo mado for parlor car seats. Tickets for a side trip to tho Thousand Is lands (Alexandria Bay) will bo sold from Rochester In connection with excursions of July 27, August 10 and 2i, September 7 and 21, good to return to Kochcster or to Canan daigua via Syracuse within five days, at rate of $5.50. Tickets for a side trip to Toronto will bo sold at Niagara Falls for $1.00 on July 20, August 12 and 20, and September 23. In connection with excursion of Septombor 7, tickets will bo sold to Toronto and return at reduced rates, account Toronto Fair. For time of connecting trains aud further information apply to nearest ticket agent, or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passcngor Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. UNCLE SAM'S HOT BATHS. TUB HOT SPRINGS OP AEKAN8AS VIA, SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Will eradicate from your system tho linger ing effects of grip and othor ailments caused by tho sevoro winter, and malaria, rheuma tism, neuralgia, catarrh, stomach, kidney. ltvor and nervous disorders, paralysis, blood and skin diseases, aud cbronio and func tional derangements. Tho mouutiin climate of Hot Springs is cool and delightful in snmmer. 100 hotels open the year around. For Illustrated literature, containing all information, address C. F. Cooley, Managor Bulsness Men's League, Hot Springs, Ark. lor reduced excursion tickets and par ticulars of tho trip, address W. A. Turk, Gen'l Pas3. Agt., Southern By., Washington, D. O., or C. L. Hopkins, District Passengor Agent, 828 Chestnut St., Phlla., Pa. 0-l-4m Iteduced Rates to Indianapolis via l'enn sylvanta Kallroad Acoouut Hpworth League International Convention, On account of tho Epworth League Inter national Convention, to be held at Indian apolis, Ind., July 20 to S3, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will soil excursion tickets from points on Ita line, to Indianapolis, at rate of single faro for tho round trip. Tickets will be sold on July 18 and 19, and will bo eood to return until July 21,lnclus!vo, except that by depositing ticket with the Joint Agent at Indianapolis bofore July 2-1, and the payment of fifty cents, the return limit may be extended to loavo Indianapolis not later than August 20, 1600. For specific rates and conditions apply to Ticket Agents. Florida Short Line. Tho Now York and Florida Express, via Southern Hallway, leaving Broad street station, Philadelphia, daily at 8:31 p. in, can lea through Pullman sleeping cars to Augusta and Savannah, Ga., Jacksonville and Tampa, Fla., via Charlotte aud Columbia, This Is tho short lino and most attractive route to points in Georgia and Florida, All Information cheerfully furnished by Charles L. Hopkins, District Passengor Agent, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Itedueed Hates to riiilarieliilila via Venn sylvanla ltallroud. On account of the Prohibition Stato Con vention, to bo held at Philadelphia, July 21, 1600, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company has arranged to sell to all persons applying excursion tickets from stations on Its line in tho State of Pennsylvania to Philadelphia, at rate of single fare for the round trip (mini mum rate fifty cents). Tickets will bo sold on July 20 only, and will bo good to return nntil July23,inclusivo. lleduerd Kates to Richmond, Va. On account of the International Conven tion of the Baptist You ngl'eoplo's Union of America, to be held at Richmond, Vs., July 13 to 10, tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company has arranged to sell excursion tickets from points on its line, to Richmond, at rate of singlo faro for tho round trip (tickets via Baltimore and steamboat, fifty cents more than singlo fare). Tickets will bo sold July 11 to 13, and will be good to return until July 81, inclusive except that on doposit of ticket with the Joint Agont at Richmond before July S3, and tho payment of fifty cents, the return limit may bo extended to leavo Richmond not later than August 19, 1809. Stop over at Washington on return trip for ten days, not to oxcecd final limit of ticket. For specific rates and conditions apply to Ticket Agents. INDIANS RESIST DOPUTinS. Overpowered by Numl6rn, tho OfHoors llotlro for Itolitroroomontd. Edgomont, S. D., July 14. Swift Dear, a Sioux Indian, and eight wagons with several bucks resisted arrest on Duck creek, Wyoming, for killing game contrary to law, Amos Dom nllug, deputy shorlft of Converso' county, and posse loft Lusk on Wed nesday with warrants for tho arrest of tho Indians, nnd overtook thorn at Buck creek yesterday morning. Aftor reading the warrants tho Indians re fused to go with tho sheriffs and drew a line, nnd told him it ho crossed tho lino thoro would bo wnr, and backod It up with their Winchesters. There was a moment of susponso, tho doputlos be ing clearly out of it, as tho Indians woro decidedly In tho majority. Doing outnumbered, the sheriff went to Edgomont to get help and papers for tho arrest of the Indians In South Da kota, as they crossed the lino. Deputy Sheriff Gcorgo Miller, of Edgomont, went out with them this morning with an increased force. Sheriff Dcmmlng telegraphed tho In dian agent at Pine Ridge to have a forco of Indian police go out to Inter cept tho Indians it they got away from tho Edgoruont and Wyoming posso, nnd it is expected that tho Indians will bo overtaken somowhero near the agency. The Indians had traveled over CO miles yestorday, but their ponies aro still seemingly as fresh as over, al though the deputies aro certain that they aro nearly played out. Tho In dians wont through tho sheep herd of L. S. Tubbs last evening and stolo all tho herders' bedding and food. Will iam Brack lost everything ho had. Ilor Fortuiio to Ilor Prosorvor. New York, July 14. Mrs. Maria Elizabeth Cleveland's fortune Is to be distributed In accordance with her wishes expressed In her will, by which she bequeathed tho bulk of her es tate "to my beloved friend, Marvin P. Scalfo, of Pittsburg, who, at tho risk of his own llfo, saved me from accidental drowning." Her will, a contest over which has been ponding In the surrogate's court for years, was yesterday admitted to probato. Mr. Scaife's portion of the cstato Is valued at about $100,000. The income Is to be paid him for life, and his children aro to Inherit tho money. Mrs. Clove land also left to William F. Scaife, his brother, some bric-a-brac, articles of vortu and furniture. PLEURISY QUICKLY CURED. I have suffered the most excruciating pains iu the side. The Doctor said it was Pleurisy. The Brazilian Balm gave me almost instant relief when every thing else failed,aud permanently cured me. 1 toot it anu liau some warmeu aud rubbed on strong. AIRS. JtSUZABltTII PARCELS, Marcus Hook, Pa Shonandoah drug storo, wholesalo agent Chancellor 'of Ooorcln University, Atlanta, July 14. Hon. W. D. Hill. of Macon, was yesterday elected chan cellor of the University of Georgia, to succeed Dr. W. B. Boggs, who re signed several months ago. There was a full attendance of trustees. Two bal lots were taken In secret session, the first resulting: Dr. H. C. White, 8; Hill, 7: Boggs, G. Tho second ballot gave Hill 12 and Whito 0. Tell Ifour Sister A. beautiful complexion is an impossibility without good pure blood, tho sort that only jxists In connection with tho good digestion 1 healthy llvor and bowols. Karl's Clover Boot Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver ind iidnoys keeping tbem in porfect health Prlco 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Klrlln on a guarantee No Armril MI110 Gunrds In Indiana. Indianapolis, July 14. Governor Mount Is disturbed over a report that the Evansvlllo coal operators proposo (o erect a stockade and station armed guards. "The arming of guards," said ,tne governor, "will not bo permitted. and if any attempt Is mado I will stop It, if possible, and if it Is done before I hear of it I will disarm tho guards.' A Card- Wo, tho undersigned, do hereby agree to refund tho monoy on a 60-cent bottle Qrceno's Warranted Srup of Tar If It falls to euro your cough of cold. We also guaran tee a 25-cont bottlo to prove satisfactory or money refunded. A. Wasley, C. H. Hagen buch, Shenandoah Drug Storo, and P. W, Biorstein & Co. ll-14-33t-dw LE BRUM'S FOR EITHER SEX This remedy require: X. no chance of diet, Cure guaranteed In 1 to 3 days. Small plain package, by mall $1.00. Sold by CURE Klrlln's drug store. SOLOMON HAAK Agent for the Famous BERGNER & ENGEL "Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale, Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer and Porter. L0RENZ SCHMIDT'S BOCK BEER ON TAP At all its customers to-day. Solomon Haak's, 116 South Main Street, "Will receive prompt attention. flililons of Dollars iln nn In nmotu averv Tear. Take risks bat get your houses, stock, fur niture, etc, Insured in nrst-ciaas re liable companies as represented by bAvn faust, KSf0,. AlMiT.'f ndA.aeldmtal i"Mnl" AMSV CHILLS) Safe Aha Forlnskv! !dra store, V GtrMm treat AWN'S TANSY PILLS iniiiLiuiuiun WOMAN'S RKLIEP. Alvri prompt aa4rtllbl. Avovi Imilaikm, , OM Cato'i TAr Fiiutulmi iiii. Al liu llorM. or Mat 41rMl Mid, rt, 1 Cmm Brn t , HmIw, Mm, OwtM- or sale al KbHn'a drug rtor uid Bhtnandni rreirtM Kill Dr. In k-on points t-j the startling fact thi.t there are now 20 million Catarrh victims in this country nnd the number rapidly increasing. It has already become the National Disease, Are we to become a nation of Catarrhites? It looks like it. ai..IIm-1 Tn.Mftna arm anld not to have known the disease. That proves It Is nqt caused by our climate and mint hav been Imported. Its growth was slow but persistent. I'orty rears ago there were less tuau w.iw ciscj in . . . . . .1 n.. nA on M-ltllnn. RAnn there will be 80 million. Where Is it to end? Shall we not awake till It has fastened Its fang; on every man, woman and child In the laud; How shall we prevent It unless wc wuc imnicu Itte and vigorous steps to stamp out theplaguef This putrid disease knows no sex, no class, no station. 11 IS cverywncic. i kciiu iwiwui disease It spreads by couUfilon. The carton breath and expectoration oi the poor victim are loaded with these microbes, Others breath them a. thev nnd IwlKcmeut ana never release incir hold till the victim lies down In death, unless every microbe Is killed. But can they be killed t Yes, but not by any "blood medicine." No Ca- larrn germ was ever louua m mc uiuuu. mc trouble Is local nnd must be treated locally. A balsam has been discovered that Is sure death to the Catarrh microbe, making a radical and permanent cure. It U Brazilian Balm. It has cured tens of thousands in the past 15 years. It also cures an tne troumes causeo. oy taiarrn, nsSors Throat, Old Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma and Lung troubles. The swallowing o( the Catarrh pus makes the Stomach raw and ulcer ated. The Brazilian Balm soon makesa radical cure oi the Stomach and alimentary canal. It la the cheapest remedy on tne marten, a bottle containing a whole month's treatment. As all sufferers with Catarrh and Asthma have run-down systems we will till January next put a month's treatment 01 Toxicoia 1 nuieu, iree, In win, rvrrv SI. nn bottle of llratiliau Halm. This Is the best Tonic and nerve nnd strength builder known. You get an lor j.uu, a roomn treatment oi both. Now Is the time to treat your Catarrh. Do not delay. Ask your druggist . . . , . mill h n, .r , I f ana ibkc 110 auusiiiuic. . - send direct to us. 23. V. Jackson & Co., M'f'g. Chemists, Indianapolis, Iud. SHENANDOAH DRUd STQRE, VVI olecale Agent POLITICAL CARDS. pOU COUNTY COMMISSIONER, FRANK R. KANTNER, Ov Lofty Subject to Iter ubllcnn rules , pOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, HORACE F. REBER, OfPimeObovb, Pa. Subject to Republican rules. F OR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, BENJ. KAUFMAN, Op Tbkmoht. Subject to Republican rules. OR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, JOSEPH WYATT, Of Shenandoah. Subject to Republican rules. JIOR COUNTY REGISTER. F. C. REESE, Ov SuKKAanoAn. Subject to Republican rules. pOR RECORDER OF DEEDS, EMANUEL JENKYN, Of POTTSVILLB, Formerly of Jollett). Subject to Republican rules. JjlOR RECORDER, J. H. NICHTER, Of Potts vi llk. Subject to Democratic rules. JIOR CLERK OF TIIE COURTS, JOHN T. SH0ENER, Op Oawtosnnno. Subject to Repnbllcan rules. pOR 1'ROTIIONOTARY, JAMES iU'ELRENNY, Or Mauakot Crrr. Subject to Republican rules. ;OR DISTRICT ATTORNEY' CHARLES E. BERGER, Ov Cbcssora. 8ubjcct to Republican rule. LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. IN EFFECT MAY 11, 1899. Passenger trains leavo Shenandoah for Pcnn Haven Junction, Maucb Chunk, Lchlghton, Slatlneton, White. Hall, Cutuaauqua, Allontown, Bethlehem, Easton New York ad Philadelphia at 5 28. 7 80 a. ra . 12 82 nnd 8 17 p. in. For wllkesbarre. White Ilnven and Pittston, 8 28, 10 12 a. m., 12 52 and S 17 p. m. For Laceyvllle, Towanda, Havre, Waverly, Elmlra, Rochcuter, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and tho West, 10 12 n. ui., 12 62 and S 17 p. m. For llelvldcre, Delawaro Water Gap and Btroudsburir, 5 28 a. m., 0 17 p. m. For Lambertvllle and Trenton, 7 60 a. m. For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Reaver Meadow, B 28 a. in., 12 S2 p. ru. For McAdoo, Audenrled, Hazleton, Stockton and Lumber Yard, 6 28, 7 60, 10 12 a.m., 12 S2 and 5 17 p. m. ForJeddo, Drltton and Freeland, 5 28, 1012 a, m., 8 17 1. m. For Bcranton, S 28. 10 12 a. m., 5 17 p. m. For Lost Creek, Glrardvllle, and Ashland, 4 00, and 7 28 p. in. For Raven Run, Centralis, Mount Carmel and Shamokln, 10 49 a. m., 1 42, 0 07, 9 23 p. m. PorMahanoy City, Park Place and Delano, 8 28, 7 60, 10 12 a. 111.. nnd 12 S2, 8 17 p. m. For Yates vl lie, 8 28, 10 12 a. m. Trains will leave Shamokln at 7 00, 9 20 a. m., 1160 and 4 20 p. in., and arrive at Shenandoah at 7 00, 10 12 a, in., 12 82, 8 17 p. ra. Leave Shenandoah (or Pottsvtlle, St. Clair. New Castle, Morea and New llostou, 7W ami 1012 a. m , 1262 and 6 17 p. ra. Ieave Pottavllle (or Shenandoah, 9 45 a.m., 12 83, 609, 8 15 p. in. Leave Hazleton (or Shenandoah, 9 00 a. m., 12 48, 5 09, 6 W, 8 SI p. in. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave for Raven Run, Centralis, Mt. Carmel and Shamokln, 9 48 a. m.,7 21 p. m.. Trains leave Shamokln for Shenandoah at 8 60 a. m., and S S3 p. rn. Leave Shenandoah for Yateavllle. Mahanov City, Park Place, Delano, McAdoo, Audenrled, Hazleton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatherly and Maucb Chunk, 9 47 a m., and 0113 p. in. For LehlEhton. Slatlnaton. Catasauqua. White For LehlEhton, Hlatlngton, Catasauqua, White Hall, Coplay, Allentown, Easton and Phllllpa- uursr, v 11 a. in., anu o at p. rn. For New York and Phlladel n. rn. For New York and Philadelphia, 9 47 a. ra. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8 60, a. m., and 6 27 p. ra. M. II. GUTTER, Supt. Transportation, South Bethlehem, l'a. EOLLIN IT. WILHUE, Genl. Bupt., South Bethlehem, Pa. CnARLES & LEE, Genl. Pass. Aid. New York, N.Y. A. W. NONNEMACIIER, Div. P. A., South Uethlehom, Pa, A Ha Is one of poasesa. gives It. Handsomo Complexion in 7 mil ine greatest cnarms a woman ean Poixom'B CouruiiioK Powcuu