The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 13, 1899, Image 3

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    I do not bolleve there
u a ease of dyspep
sia. Indigestion or
any stomach trouble
that cannot be re
lieved at once ond
permanently cured
At all druggists,
25c. a Tin). Quid
to Health and medi
cal adTlce free. 1505
Arch itreet, Plilla.
Orogon Volnntoor Regiments Ar
rive at San FranoiBco.
A Floor, of VoisoIb of All TrcrlptlonH,
Including HowlionlH, Started For tlio
Ooliton Onto nn Soon ns tlio Trnnn
ports Woro Slulited.
San Franclaco. Julv 13. Tho TTnitrwi
Btntca transports Nowport nnd Ohio,
bearing tho Oregon volunteer rcgl
ln.onts from Manila, arrived horo laBt
night. Tho vessels woro sighted early
In tho afternoon, and soon tho shriek
ing of steam whistles, tho clanging of
uuns ana me uring or cannon an
nounced that tho first hntrh nf rn.
PERRoNALt.Y-coNi)UCTKD tours via l-KNN- turning volunteers from Manila wore
8VLVAMA railroad. Hearing tho shores of California. With-
I III II IIMV III 1 11 11 T no inn Of rrnf n KtAfA
Tho Pennsylvania Eallroad Company an-Uhroncod with nonnln urnnrllr,, .hi,-
nounccs tlio following Porsonally-Couducted way to tho docks and to tho height
Tours for tlio Summer and early Autumn of overlooking tho bay, Intent upon catch-
1809 : ing a giimpso of tho transports as they
To tho North, Including Niagara Falls, To- steamed up the harbor under the es-
ronto, Thousand Islands, tlio StLUwrenco, cort 01 a sco"e of vossols which had
Montreal, Quobcc, Roborval (Ufeuk. John), b,cen mndo ready fr tho arrival of tho
the fticucnay. Au SaMo Clnism. Lakes Cham- ""'"'" ....
noimM.i..v ..,t., u, ...u i n, finirrinlRii r rtitni'd ilin Stun nnrl
July S3 to August 7, Ilato. $125; August 12 Btrlnes. Steamers, tucs. vat-Ms nnd
to 23, visiting eamo points as ilrst touroxeept oven small rowboats were soon making
Roborval ana tlio sagucnay. Raw, fioo for tneir way as fast as possiblo toward
tbo ronnd trip, from Now York, rhiladel- Mo Golden Uato. Tho reception com-
pbla, Ualtlmoro, and Washington. Tropor
tlonato rates from other points.
To Niagara Palls, excursion tlcketsgood to
return within ton days will bo sold on July
27, August 10 and 21, Septembor 7 and 21,
October 5 and 10, at nito of f 10 from Phila
delphia, Baltimore, and Washington. Tlicso
tickets includo transportation only, and will
permit of Btop over within limit at HnfTuJo,
Rochester, Canaudaigua, and Watkins on tbo
return trip,
Five-day tour to Gcttvsbure. Luray. and
Washington September 10. Eatok$25 from
New York, $22 from Philadelphia. Proper
tlonato rates from other pointa.
Au olovon-day tour to Gettysburg, Luray
Cavorns, Natural Bridge, Virginia Hot
mlttees boarded tho tugboats Sea
Queen and Governor Irwin and headed
for tho ocean. On board tho Irwin
were the harbor commissioners, tho
officials of tho National Guard-of Cali
fornia and Governor Goer, of Oregon,
and his staff. On the Sea Queen woro
tho representatives q tho press, tho
band furnished by Mayor Pholan, and
many Invited guests. Tho revenuo cut
ter Golden Gato, bearing federal of
ficials, was soon under way, and she
Was Joined by tho federal quarantine
boat from Angel Island. Then thoro
wcro boats at the disposal of the Red
Cross and others and many chartered
by private parties.
As tho transports slowly steamed up
tho harbor tho soldiers gathered In
uiaiing mctooanmiiicouia-
llihStomaclis nndDowcls of
ticssafuiEcstContalns ncilhcr
OpiumiMorphino narlCncral.
His Spcooh at tlio Rocont Oolobra-
tion at Tarlao,
ISnntScm SfCZ
Satit '
ftamSied -Xpmfud
Apcrfcctllcrpjcdy rorODnstlpa-tioii.SourjSlomach.Diarrhoca,
Worms Juonvulsions.Fcvcnsh
ucss tmdlOSS OF SlEEK
TatSinulo Signature of
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
You Have
Always Bought.
Springs, Richmond, and Washington, October I excited groups on dcok and somo
10. Rato, $05 from Now York, $03 from
Philadelphia. Proportionate rates from otbor
For Itineraries nnd further Information
apply to ticket agents, or address Geo. V,
Boyd, AsaUtaut Gonoral Passcngor Agout,
climbed into tho rigging, where they
shouted and cheered like mad. The
band on the Sea Queen played patriotic
airs and the screaming of many steam
Blrens created a pandemonium.
Tho health officials boarded the ves
sels, which changed their course to
ward the quarantine stations, where
the doctors will make a thorough ex
amination of tho men. It is yet un
decided whether the Oregon volun-
I have suffered the most excruciating teers will be allowed to land In San
pains in the side. The Doctor said it Francisco before returning to their
was Pleurisy. The Brazilian Balm gave Oregon homes.
me almost instant relief when every- There Is tho greatest activity among
thing else failed,and permanently cured newspaper men to got nn opportunity
me. I took it and had some warmed to Interview tho returning soldiers, as
anu ruDoeu on strong.
Mr9. Elizabeth Parcels,
Marcus Hook, Pa.
Shenandoah drug storo. wholesale agent
A Wreck From Grippe,
Catarrh and Asthma.
they declare that then tho real truth
regarding tho situation In the Philip
pine Islands will bo known.
In n Spc-pcli to f.'iilmtit (imicrnl Ounl-
lierto Uomnz nocture Tlint ItMVolif
tlnn Will Incvltiililt, ltuttirn Uiileww
Culm In Ilpolnroil Iniloixmitmit.
Manila, July 13. A copy of The
Independence hna reached Manila con
taining a spewh which Agulnnldo
made during the reoent celebration at
Tarlnc of the anniversary of the proc
lamation of Filipino Independence. It
Is In part na follows:
"Filipino beloved daughter of tho
ardent sun of the tropics, commended
by providence to tho care of noble
Spain, be not ungrateful to her
who warmed you with tho breath of
her own culture and civilization. It
Is trud she sought to cruBh thy as
piration for Independence, as n loving
mother opposes separation forever
from tho daughter of her bosom. This
but proves the excess of affection and
lovo Spain feols for thee.
"Filipino, delicate flower of tho east,
scarcely eight monthB weaned from the
breast of thy mother, thou haBt dared
to bravo a great and poworful nation,
such as Is tho United States, nfter
barely organising and disciplining thy
little army. Yet we reply, we will bo
slaves to none, nor allow ourselves to
be deceived by soft wordB. Let us con
tinue to defond our fatherland until
Independence Is assured, for this Is
Justice. We shall see at last that tho
groat American nation will acknowl
edge tho right which Is on our sldo.
That doctrine of tho great Monroe,
that Amorlca Is for Americans, Is not
forgotten. Just as we affirm that tho
Philippines are for the Filipinos.
"Somo states of tho American Union
have arisen In our favor. Especially Is
tho Democratic party convinced that
both victors and vanquished will loso
precious lives. Thus many of tho peo-
plo and many statesmen censuro PresI
dent McKInley as Inhuman for having
ordered his military representatives at
Manila to seek means to bring about
hostilities with tho Filipinos. These
facts Drove that they wishod to try us
to seo if wo aro able to llvo up to tho
second color of our banner, red, which
BlgnlQcs courage, heroism and martyr
"In spite of their expressed desire to
domlnato all the Philippines, well con
vinced are they that wo light with Jus-
tlco and right on our side and that
autonomy Is all a show of deceit, only
serving to savo certain accumulated
wealth. Wo have never concoaled our
aspirations, that we aspire but to In
dependence, that we will struggle on
to obtain It, perhapB from those who
aro now our enemies and tomorrow
will be our allies, as thoy were for tho
overthrow of the power of Spain."
Restores Vitality. Lost Vleor sail Manhood,
Cures Impotency, NichtEmlssionsand
wasting aiseases, au enecia oi sen-
abuse, or excess ana mais-
Icretlon. A norvo tonic ana
liiinnil imilder. Brines the
restores the fire of youth.
for $'J,50; wrtli a -written guaran
tee to euro or refund tlio money.
Send for circular. Address,
Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL
Bold at Klrlln'a drug store, Shenandoah, I'a.
ABk gt.i-. M.tMm 1'n rlt.i Diamond Brand.
rfrv Original mia iinij wrnume.
TyOK- .aire. ! MlUM. uioita..
Millions Olven Away.
Tt la rfirtalnlv oratifvinc to tho nubile to
know oi ono concern in too iana wno aro not
l,dnotaprrIo0D I was a school teacher till my health failed. Catarrh had
Discovery tor jonsumpuon, wjurub uu eaten away uie paruuon m my nose. 11 uaa proaucea lsroucmus,
Kfc-bilc0fwnh Asthma, dreadful Stomach troubles nnd weak kidneys. In fact it had
satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely gone all through my system, making me an easy victim for the Grippe long address dealing with the roasons
cured t lousamis oi "ope'csa l"m"i which lelt me a wreck in mind and body. This was the condition the for beginning tho war against spam no
Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of j .:.. , T H.ii.l:
Wlthont It, Doolnroa a Lomlor, ItovO'
lutlon 'Will Itiovltnbly lfollow.
Havana, July 13. At a meeting In
tho Payret theater, nfter the street
demonstration nnd parade In his honor,
Juan Gualberto Gomez was htmsolf tho
principal speaker. In tho course of
a trial bottle free. Eegularsizo 50c. and fl.
Every bottlo guaranteed, or price relunuea,
thn Thmat. niiest and Lunss are surely cured doctors left me in, after dosintr me with opium, quinine, etc. Then I
by It. Call on A. Vasioy. Druggist, and get boueht couprh cures without end but they only made me worse, I was
in despair till I got hold of Brazilian Balm and Toxicola Tablets,
They acted like magic from the first, and in a few weeks I was cured
and better than I had been in years. Talk about wonderful remedies,
Brazilian Balm and Toxicola saved my life.
Miss L. L. Clark, 917 Horton St.
Aid N"p1im1 For tliH Sunrr by tlln
ItftfMit flrmtt I'loiMla.
Washington, July 13. Representa
tive It. R. Hnwley, of Texas, who Is
now In Washington, makes publlr the
following statement with reference to
the flood situation In that Btate.
'The disaster which has overtaken
the communities In Southern Texas Is
without parallel In our country, re
sulting In no less than 30 populous
towns being Inundated, as well as
thousands of well established and well
ordered farms, which today are In a
complete state of desolation. Prac
tically every wrk anlmnl. every milk
cow, together with all stock cattle and
every vestige of vegetation, have been
went away. leaving the country com
pletely devastated. The money lose Is
from $25,000,000 to $10,000,000.
"Within the Influence of this awful
disaster resided over 100.000 people,
atmost half of whom are In a state of
helplessness today, except as they may
be provided for by thoso who are gen
orous and able to assist them. Tho
whole state of Texas Is nllvo to tho
situation, and Is doing Its utmost to re
lievo the suffering, it Is, However, im
possible for the stnto alone, within
the time necessary, to succor these peo
ple When tho great Johnstown Hood
occurred Pennsylvania could have
easily takon care of their own If given
tlmo. but ns time was. as it is now.
tho essential factor, they wero obliged
to appeal to n generous public In every
part of tho Union, and from ovory
quarter the relief was Immediate on a
scalo commensurnto with the disaster.
"To this public the flood district of
Toxas appeals to supply the necessaries
of life until tbo horrors of tho llooa
shall have passed. For the distribu
tion of this relief a system is being
organized throughout tho flooded dis
trict Immediately under tho direction
of tho governor of Texas, to whom all
contributions should be addressed."
"Mrs. Sanders had
ten hemorrhages and
people here said she
would never be well
W. A.
W. Va.
Nnturnl Uns Causes Sorlons Flro
Pittsburg, July 13. Fire In the Rlt-
ter-Conley manufacturing plant in Al
Iegheny last night caused a loss of
about $150,000, fully covered by Insur
ance. The cause of tho fire Is believed
to bo an explosion of natural gas In
tho boiler room. Tho machine shop
was partially destroyed, tho black'
smith shop completely gutted and the
Dtructural Iron shijp totally wrecked.
It is estimated that tho flro burned
pver an arga of three-quarters of an
You cct moro doses of Brazilian Balm for tho roonev than any other remedy. 25. 50 cents
nnd $1.00 n bottlo at druggists. With every SL00 bottle you get one month's treatment of
Toxicola Tablets free; tho best tonic, ncrvo and strength builder In tho world. 13. V. Jackson
& Co., Mfg. Chemists, Indpls, Ind.
Shenandoah Drug: Store, Wholesale and Retail Agents.
BODinDn JIEJUfff ii.u-' - -
lion, ond (mllallow. Al Drnl. '
(. ,n. n.rtlrtnlirl. (HtllDOnl.l. &
"n.u.r fir r.dlM."nllur, br r flora
chirh.trrctemieiuo..MjuoitM. I nny ,ott . cures soro throat, croup, catarrh
oal Drasciit.. 111 1 LA U A., I A. 1
asthma; never tans,
A household necessity. Dr.
Eclectrie Oil. Heals burns, cuts, wounds of
BoU bj all Ueti pmnliu,
A.JfeVEIIS, Lune Ferer, 8111k Feter.
5;J5i6PnAIX8, Lamcncia, nbcuinotliin,
paps BPIZOQTIO. Distemper.
gj'jEjj COUGHS, Colds, influenza.
P-,jjcOMC. Bellyache. Diarrhea.
O.O. FrerenU SHSOAnniAOB.
MfOB. Bkln DIie0ea.
BAD COJiPWOIV. Staring Coat.
(So. each l Stable C, Ten Specifics. Book. .o
At drugglt or sent prepaid on receipt of pi
flunlplu?eys Medicine (Jo.. Cor. WluIjm i
Bts." New Vorlt. VcrEaaxBT MAiroxi. bct t
nnd Prostmtlon from Ovei-
To llooolvo tlio Ijoslon of 'ilonorCross
Washington, July 13. Captain Paul
Vlgnal, military nttache of the French
embassy here, has received a dispatch
from tho war office In Paris informing
him that ho Is among tho ofllcors to
receive tho cross of the Legion of
Honor op the national holiday, July
14. This Is a notable distinction given
each year to a few officers, and among
the list this year is Major Marchand,
the hero of Fashoda.
How la Your Wife 7
Has she lost her beauty? If so, Constipa
tion, Indigestion, Sick Headache aro tbo
principal causes. Karl's Clover Koot Tea
has cared these Ills for half a century. Price
25 cts. and 50 cts. Money refunded If results
are not satisfactory. Sold by P. D. Klrltn
on a guarantee.
work or other causes.
Humphreys' Homeopathic Spoolflo
No. 28, In uso over 40 years, the only
Rimneaaful remedy.
$1 per vll,or fl vials and large via! powder.for $3
h nru.ri.ti. or i.nt tio.t iI4 on rectpl of prlca.
nrarllBMS' nSD. CO. , Cor. WUUu Jlui BU. , . Totk
News Opinions
Tho Kontuolcy ItopnbllcnnH.
Lexington, Ky., July 13. The Ito-
publlcan state convention yestorday
completed all its worn except mo
adoption of a platform and the nomi
nation of a ticket. The Taylor men
havo had their way In overythlng at
tho district meetings, the committee
meetings and in tbo convention. They
havo tho permanent organization, as
pompletely as they bad the temporary
on anu navo reconcuea mo
element by making a negro
secretary of the convention, with a
long list of white assistants.
r-oia furcnases oi so or more i. i V rvK r -
will be sent FREIGHT PREPAID ' PMIf f" 1
to nnv rnllroKri otntlnh In U1INP I IVlVI.l
Bend for our Book, "A Bird's Eye View of New York" and Its Greatest Store
S18 rases beautifully Illustrated and very Interesting. Tells you all about New
York and how to go about. Fbu fob tuu asking.
& iwh t tar
"I am now, as I always have boon
a separatist, and I still demand the
separation that I asked beforo tho war.
Not only separation from Spain, but
from any nnd all otner nations, i'co
pie only begin n revolution when this
Is absolutely necessary to life and
progress. If a superior lorco oeters
them before their object Is attained
there Is merely tho question of delay.
"The revolution will Inovitably re
turn. Tho destiny of Cuba is only In
dependence. The baste Ideas of tho
revolution wero no mystery, nnd thero-
foro a synopsis now, which would real
ly remind us of past suffering nnd of
Incidents only to bo recalled with hor
ror, Is unnecessary. Still, we would
return to those dlroful days If It had
to be. Honor Is aa much a necessity
In natlonnl life as Is food In the life
of the individual, and It ought to be
Insured, If possible, oven though tho
attempt may result In catastrophe and
"Wo should glvo duo thanks to tho
Americans, but this does not mean
that we should resign ourselves to a
tutelage to bo exercised over us. Let
us make tho same statement to tbo
United States and the American col"
onies made to England whon thoy de
clared, In 177C, that the Americans
owned North America."
The entire speech was in this spirit.
Tho local press praises It as "the most
Important occurrence since Jan. 1."
Most of thoso present at the meet
ing were negroes, and many of tho
banners borne In the procession show
ed tho legend, "independence or
Bed Hot From the dun
Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman, of
Newark. Micb.. in the civil war. It caused
horrible Ulcers, that no treatment helped for
20 years. I hen liucklen s Arnica saive
cured him. Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns,
Boils. Felons. Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best
pile cure on earth. 25 cts. a box. Cure
guaranteed. SoU yb A. Wasley, druggist,
A Wostlneh'nuso I'lnhc For ISncland.
London, July 13. It is announced
tnat the Wostlnghouse Electric and
Manufacturing company, of Pittsburg,
will build works at Manchester and
employ 5,000 men. George Westing'
houso will direct tho enterprise.
.. Sanders, Esq., of Hern, Mason County,
, writes 1 ' My wife had hemorrhage of
the lungs, she had
ten hemorrhage and
people here said
he would never be
well again, nut she be-
Sin to take Dr. lierce's
olden Medical Discov
ery, and she soon bgnn
to gain strength and
flesh. After taking ten
bottles she was entlrelv
well. If you think thfr
win aoyou any rooq 10
tmbllsh. iuit use It. and
If anyone dlvputes the
merits of this almost
omnipotent medicine,
thev mar enclose a self-
addressed envelope with
stamp, and I will an
When anything la
wTong with the lunga
there is no time to
lose. The steps are
easy and quick
from a "slisht cold"
to bronchitis : from bronchitis to oneu-
monla ; from pneumonia to permanently
weakened lungs, and from that to dread
consumntion Itself.
The time to cure consumption Is before It
gets a start. Take Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery on the first atinearance
of cough or cold, nnd you will never have a
hemorrhage ora tubercle. The "Discovery"
is the greatest health builder in the world.
It first straightens out all digestive disor
ders, and aids the body in ridding itself of
poisonous etiete matter. it tones up me
stomacn, invigorates me nver ana in con
nection with Dr. Pierce's Pellets keeps the
bowels open and regular. Don't let an un
scrupulous medicine dealer foist some
substitute when you want Dr. Pierce'B
medicines. Assert your rights get what
you ask for, and be well.
National Importance
If, when contemplating a trip to any point
West or Southwest of tho Mississippi River,
The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and sooth-
lug effect of Syrup of Figs, when in need of
a laratlirn and If 11m fiitftnr or mother be
costive or bilious, tho most gratifying results you wlllpurchaso tickets via the Missouri
follow It use i to that it Is tho best farnly 1 cmo or lron outo iwmcn
miv known nd ova family should have aro on sale at all principal ticket offices in
. ir.f....M,i w i,a p.iifnmla the Uulted States), you will havo all the
Dally, by mail, - $6 a yeai
Dally aud Sunday ,by mU,$8 a yeai
The Sunday Sun
Is the greatest Sunday newspape
In the world.
Price 5c a copy. Bj mail, $2 a jea
Address THE BOH, New York.
Fig Syrup Co.
LasV vt'h Tumt'M repovroril tills and oth.f 1IU
ran edict. Alnvftuytlie bt sad rlil otap
cotntmact. OatraotMd (ureter to all oUun ltlTt
thaUft la th. my tot.-4 Ho I linfltf ri J St J
TMjk. aw mjt www,
C'eiobmtotl YenmW
j'owders never fan
1J.IX1 LaJU iliAn twi'
aafa and fur (after f4llu
Killed by n Llulituliic Flash.
Bchenectady. N. Y.. July 13. During
r severe electrical storm yesterday Will
and Joseph Shirley, of Perth Amboy,
N. J., wore struck by lightning while
sitting under a tree, and the former
wub Instnntly killed. The latter was
l.ndlv burned and his recovery lsaouDl-
lul, Two buildings were struck and
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
comforts and luxuries of niodorn railway
equipment, and the finest opportunities for
viewing all of nature's museums and marvels
of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Tezap,
Old and Now Mexico, California, etc. Ex
cursion tickets to all principal points at
greatly reduced rates. Ou account of tho
National Education Association meeting at
Los Angeles in July, wo will make special
low round trip rates. When contemplating
a trip West or Southwest, wrtto us for full
Information and rock bottom figures. W
E. Hoyt, O. E. P. Agent, J. P. McCann, T.
P. Agent, 801 Broadway, New York. 4-22-tf
Bears tho
Signature of
DoeB This Strike Von 7J
Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath
come from chronlo constipation. Karl's
Clover Koot Tea is an absolute euro and has
beon sold for fifty years on an absolute
guarantee. Price 25 cU. and 50 cU. Sold by
P. D, Klrlin on a guarantee.
Olva the Children a Drink
called Graln0. It Is a delicious, appetiring
nourishing food drink to take the place oi
Coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked by all
Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to
uaiuorma wuuoui unange oi bars.
Leaving Washington overy Tuosday nnd
P. 1 . 1 , .1 . . ... .1. !.,.!. .
operates Personally Conducted Tourist Ex- who have used it because when properly pre
curslons to San Franciso without change of pared It tastes like the finest coffee but is free
cars, conductors or porters. The routo Is . ., ... ram-,i n,.;n.n aid.
tnrouau Atlanta, Montgomery, jxow unoans, """ t -
Houston, San Antonlo.New Mexico, Arizonla, digestion and strengthens the nerves. It Is
" Wirffi ri8V if,?," "rffniSS not a stimulant but a health builder, and chit
Sleepers, rosewood finish, havo high back dfen, as well as adults, can drink it with great
seats, upnoistorea in rattan, are sixteen benefit. Costs about 1 as much as coffee.
section, supplied with linen etc., samo as
standard sleepers, lighted by Pintscb Oai,
havo wide vestibules, double sash roller
curtains, lavatory, and smoking room for
gentlemen, ana two retiring rooms lor ladles.
Tlirce ana one-nan aays to Mexico, .ana
Arizona, four days to Los Ancelos and
Southern California, and five days to San
Francisco, .Such service for Trans-Continental
travel has uovor before boon offered.
Tho tourist carfaro Is less than via any
other route, effecting a saving of (25.00 to
fju.uo lor tue trip.
15 and 2Jc.
AYlioolefr to lfo'turn bj'Dooombor.'
Chicago, July 13. Genoral Joseph
11, Wheeler passed through Chicago
yestorday, bound for tho Philippines
on aln unknown mission. As he put it
himself: I am ordorcd merely to ra
port to General Otis and do not know
what I shall havo to do when I get
Tho Gure ShaS Cures J
' Coughs, G
CalUs, i
I Grippe, fa
Whooplnpr CourIi, Asthma,
Bronchitis and Inolplont
' Consumption, 19 h
(jERMAH remedy L
Mved by
nslnu Seol'
lg'S because yon
la uuy cueap
rcotlee ana mnke
elicious br a
llittlo oi this admixture
Grocer can tell
you why Uicwe
-Bhobuy SEELIG'S
keep coming back
for it. You can't
keep on telling
poor thing to the
. tame people.
Centre and Market streeU.
adjoining 'Jusllee
tOO to SO
In the Mellet bulldlnir.
Bltoraaker'a offlee.
Onico hours to 12.00
and GcOO to ftOO p. m.
Offlce Kffan bulldtna-. corner ol Main an
Centre atreets, Shenandoah.
Offlco : Itoom No. 3. Kann l.nlMInc- ,
Main and Centre ttrecta, Hhcnandoah, fa.
Lock Box eS,MahanoyC1rr,Pa.
sladled nnder some ot the beat
masters In London nnd Parta. will rlv Immhi,
ui, iuq TioiiD.mnnuoiin. Ruiiar ana rocai eultare.
Having a
i. eulu
Terms reasonable. Address lu care ot Strouse.
Ih leweler Hhenandoah.
D r.TH EEL B04 North Sixth SL
1'rlrato entrance Orren St., Phllftdrlphla.
to the rlcn ana poor alike who hare been
decelrcd, robbed and ewlndlrd br aelf
atrled f among, wlae and old specialists.
LOST U1P.OR. tinrvoua DebllltT.
Abuses andliicenea, BLOOD POISON, vartco
cele and Stricture. No cutting. Iet Manhood and
Shninltcn Onrana reatnred. , liook. " Truth," Ircr,
exposing suacka and Electric Kelt frauds. Tret
auu cureJ in 4 to to davi. Treatment br man
Philadelphia &
Reading R y.
Engines Bum Hard Coal No Smoke.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows!
For New York via PhlladelDhla. week davh.
i iu, o as, i ai, w co a. to., l. a, a uv ana e uv p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a m.
For New York via Mancb Chunk, week days
7 87 a. m.. 12 26 and 8 09 D. m.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week dava.
210,383,787. 9 65 a.m., 12 26, 8 09 and 8 09 p.m.
aunuaya, ziua m.
For I'ollsTUle, weeic aays, z IO. 7 37. 9 M a. tn
12 26,8 09, 6 09 and T 30 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a lu.
For ramaaua ana oiananov uuy. week aava
2 10, 787, SS a. m., 12 26. 8 09 and 6 09 p. m.
aunuaya, iu m.
tror tviuiamBpon, Buuour ana iwlsourfr,
wecK aaya. d.i.iiju a. m. . izls,. igj n. m
Sundays, 8 27 a m.
Kor uanano) fiane, weezuays, z 10, a 27, a 33,
7 87, 9 65, 1182 a.m.. 12 26. 8 09, 6 09, 7 8a, 9 86
p. m. sunaaye, a iu anu o 41 a in.
For Aabland and Sbamokln, week days, 8 27,
7 87, 11 82 a, m., Vt 26, 3 09, 6 07, 7 25 and 65 p. m.
Sunday, 8 27 a to.
For Baltimore. Washlneton and the West via
II. AO. It. It., through trains lea-i Reading
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. & 1C 11. K.) at 3 20,
7 65, 11 26 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 p. ia. Sundays
8 20,7 00,1126 a, m., 8 IS and 7 27 p.m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 1120 ouuaays, l as, Z3 p. m.
I-eave New York via Philadelphia, week
days. 1215, 4 80, 7 30,1180 a.m..aud 180.4 80.
9 00 p.m.
iyeve new xoik Tia juaucn ununk, week
July l, 1899.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the imii
dale for Wlggan. Ollberton. KraokTllIe, Dark
W ater, St. Clair, Pottnrllle. llamburg, Readlns.
Pottotown. PboenlxTllle. Worriatown and PhlK
adelphla (llrrAd street station) at 618 and 8 0S
a. m.,2 10,6 IS p. m. on week days. Bandars,
8 05 a, m., 4 20 p. m. '
Trains leaye Frsckvllle for Shenandoah at
7 86, 11 46 a. m. and 8 86, 7 86 p. m. Sunday.
11 01 a. m. and 5 34 p. m.
IeTe Pottaville for Shenandoah (vlaFraek
Tllle) 7 10, 11 20 a. m., 8 10, 7 10 p. m. Sunday
1083 a. m.. 5 10 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), tor
omuiQHg bi a m a. m., 4 lu p. ra. week days.
Su ndaya leave al 6tp and S 23 a. m.
ixsave l-niiaaelpma (Ilrosd street aUtlon) for
PotUvlllo,5 30,8 33. 1019 a. m.. 1 80. 4 10.711
p. m. weekdays. Sundays, 680, 9 23 a. m-and
6 02 p m.
iave uroau street Station, Philadelphia,
ExprreaWeck-dava. B 20. im iin am an
080,733,823, 950, 102I, 1100, 11 43 a m, 13 00
noon, 1283, (Limited lOOnnd 4 23 p ml. 1 43.
280.820, 860, 4 02, 600, 5 66,6 00, 702. 810.
1000 1) m. 12 01 nltfht. Hiui.U.. a -l ArS Air,
s oo, a is, 8 23, 9 so. i02i, io 4a, u u m, 'u ca!
iz j, au, 4 va ll.lmltcHl, 4 211, 5 20, 34, 6 8.
7 02, '8 10, 10 00pm,U01nlKhl '
For Boston without change, 11 01 a m., weak
days, and 8 10 p. m., dally.
Catsklll Expross Parlor ear, 1103am week
days. For Sea Girt, Anbury Park, Ocean Ororo.
Ixinc Brancb, 4 03, 6 60, 8 80, 11 41 a ta, 3 42, 3 80,
408pm weekdays: 300 p m Saturdays only.
Sundays atopsat Interlaken for Asbury Park,
4 03 and 8 30 am.
For Lambenvllle, Eaaton and Beranton, 6 CO,
9 00 a m, 12 00 noon, 8 52, S 0O (Lambert vtlle and
Easton only), weekdays, and 7 02 p m dally
uuuaiu, v w m, u uu noon weeicaays. ana 7 03
p m dallv.
Mount Pocono special, 103 p m Saturdays
For Baltimore and Waahlnoon a An e vt mm
10 SO, 11 23 a m, 12 09. 12 86, ! 12, 3 U, 4 41 lH !
J,0 84,617,6o6,781 p. m.
Sundays, 8 00, T 10,
Contnreaalonal I.lm.
ana 1203 night weekdays
9 12, 11 23 a m, 12 09, 112, 312, 4 41 IOSd Ooo-
Kyeaaionai,osi, 0 03,73lp m and 11 OS
For Baltimore, accommodation, 9 11 a m, 1 63
and 4 01 p m week days. 5 08 and 11 16 n m dallr.
Atlantlo Coaat Line. Express 12 09 p m, and
u 00 nigbl, dally.
p m, and
Express 8 84 and (89
there. I expect to return by Decern
All Information, maps and rates furnished bor, when COOETesg meets." Mlsa Annie
on application to Charles L. Hopkins, Dis- Wheeler, tna generara aaugnter, ac-
raci rasseneor
Company, 823
it Agent, boutuorn icaiiway companies mm to Manna. Sao goes
Chestnut street, Philadelphia, put as a Ited Cross nurso without pay.
Do You Know
Consumption Is preventablo? Science has
proven that, and also that neglect la suicidal,
Tho worst cold or cough can bo cured with
Slilloh's Cough and Consumption Cure. Sold
nnd Intends to remain so long as her
hoalth permits or her services aro
Tears of suffering relieved iu a night.
Itching piles yield at ouce to the curative
ou positive guarantee for over fifty years, properties of Doan's Ointment. Never Odls..
Sold by 1'. D. Klrlin on a guarantee, ' At auy drug store, 50 cents.
days. 4 80. 9 10 a. m.. 1 80. 4 40 d. nr.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
days, 4 80. 8 86, 1021 a. m. and 186, 406, 686,
11 ou p. III.
Leave Reading, week days, 137. 700. 1008
a, m., 12 13, i 17, 6 00, 8 20 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle. week: days. 7 17. 7 40 a. m.
9 30. 12 80. 1 20. i 80. 10 and 6 80 D. m.
lave'iamaqua, week aaya, 9 la, 8 06, 1129
a. in., 1 aw, o 00, v v 4t p m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8 45, 9 04,
1147 a. in., 2 23, 6 M, 6 11, 7 41, 10 08 p. m
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00
630, 9 22.10 23,12 00, a, m., 2 89, 6 86, 642,168
Leave WUllamaport, week days, 742, 10 00 a
m.. 13 84 and 4 00, 11 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wharf and
South street wharf for Atlantle City.
R Weekdays Express, 8 00, 9 00, 1045 a m, 130,
2 CO, 3 00, 3 40 sixty minute, 4 00, 4 SO, 3 00 sixty
minute, 6 80, 7 15, p m. Accomodation, 6 13 a
m, 8 30, 6 80 p ra. Sundays Express, 7 SO, a 00,
8 30. 9 00. 10 00 a m. 4 15. 7 15 11 m. Aooommmln.
tlon, 0 15 a in. 1 45 p m. fl.CO Excursion 7 00 a
m uauy anu 1 ou sunuaya,
Ix'avo Atlantlo City licnot 1 Weckdava Ex.
Ensa, 6 45 Mondays only, 7 00, 7 43, 1760 from
altleavo. station only, 8 SO, 9 00, 1015, 1100
a m, 8 SO, 4 30. 8 80, 7 30. 9 30 d m. Accommo
dation, 4 25, 8 CO am, 3 60pm. Sundays Ex
press, 3 80, 4 00, 5 00, 0 00, 6 30. 7 OO, 7 30. 8 00,
6 30 p m. Accommodation, 7 15 a in. 4 DO p m.
ei,uu incursion, weeKuaysouupm,minaays 6 10.
.... -." " j .... u -1.. w au u 111,
215,415,613 pm. eundaya- 8 43,915 a. m,4 13
p m. iuu excursion 1 nursaay ami Sunday 7 00
a m.
For Cape May and Sea Islo City Weekdays
9 15am. 230,415 11 m. Sundays 843 a at 443
p in. 81.00 excursion Sundays onlv. 7 00 a ni.
Additional for Cape Hay Weekday 8 M
u iu. DUHuaj.iidaiUi
Parlor Oara on all exprcos trains.
P.. ,Mh.. 1 . - .
Philadelphia and Reading ltallway ticket agent
I A. HWRiman. Uiun. T tv
Gen'l Bupt., Gen'l Paas'r Agi.,
mwiiuk .Gl 1U1 UA 1 , A aiUkUOipiUA.
Southern Uallwav.
i ui, uauy.
Norfolk and Western Railway for Uemphb
and New Orleans, 6 84 p m dally.
Chesapeake Ac Ohio Railway, 71 pm, dally.
For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10 36
a m weekdays, 11 10 p m daily.
Leave Market street wharf as follows 1 Hx
preea for New York, 9 00am. 4 SO p m week
days. For Lone- Branch via SunMn Park. 3 !C -
A m, 180 and 4 00 p m weekdays. Sundaya
laiopsaiintcriAiten for Asbury Parkl, 7 80am.
For Bench Haven nnd Baraeimt aty. 910am
and 4 00 p in weekdays; 130 p n Saturdays
only. Sundays, 7 30 a m. For Tuskeiton, 9 10
a m anu iiwpra weekdays.
Leave Broad street atatlon via IVInuaHn,
bridge Express. 4 S3, 9 40 (B0 minutest a m, 2 Si
irsA minuicsj, s uu minutes) , 7 00 ibo mluutos I
p m Hnndays. 4 65, 9 20 SO mlnutea a. m..
0- i miuuti'aj, , w oj nnnuieaj p. m,
1-eave Market Street Wharf Extimm. SOS.
8 80, (75 mlnutea). 10 00 (73 minutes, am, (100
Saturdays only), 175 mlnutea), 2 00, (70 mlnutea),
3 00 (73 mlnutea), 3 30 (CO minutes). 4 00 (4
minutes). 4 30 (75 mtnuteau SCO ISO mlnuleal.
5 30 165 mlnutea) p. m. Sundaya, S 00, ISO
175 minutes, 8 00 73 minutes), 8 30 173 minutes).
900 ITS mlnutea), 10 00 70 minutes a. in., and
4 30 75 minutes p. m. $1.00 Kxcuislon train,
7 00 a m week-days. Sundays, 7 00 and 7 80 a m.
For Cape May, Anglesea, Wlldwoed, Holly
Beach Express, 900 a m, 2 80, 4 03 100 mlnutea J.
SCO pm week-days. Sundays, 820 am. For
Cape May only, 1 30 p m Saturdays. 11. 00 Ex
cursion train, 700 a. m. dally.
For Be Isle City, Ocean City, Avalon and
Stone Harbor Express 9 10 am. 1 SO, 4 90, 1 OJ
p m weekdays. Sundays, 8 SO a m. $1.00 Excur
sion train, TOO a m daily.
ror somen' J'olnt Express, 6 00,8311,1000 a
m, (100 Saturdays only), 2 00, 3 00, 4 00, too, 6 S3
p in weekdays. Sundays, S 00, 8 00, 9 00 and 10 09
am, 4 80 pm.
The Union Transfer Corn nan will sail few
and check baggage from hotels and residences'.
Dining Car.
B. Uotchiitsos, J. R. Wood.
Gen'l Manager. Oen'l Post'g'r Art
m rT ATinvircirv tom
4,, uiuuivnoai, uuy.
819 N. Centre Bt, Pottsvllle, Pa.
Fine old Whiskeys, Gins and Wines, a t theba
a cnoice line 01 cigara ana Temper
ance Diinka.
Aocommodatlona for travelers.
Meals at all Lotus
KX1.UUKT10 nin:v t
-liftt oMtri fur oar btruf
KuTturtj Btock. Kzpeuives
n.i skUry to thoe UTin
h'tni, or oommlHion to It
el tit. Ftrmtunteu.
easily h arn t1 Addrwu
t.h u.(..ciiasi;ik