The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 11, 1899, Image 3

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    I will eoarantss
that my Kidney Car
will mti 00 per cent,
of ill form of kidney
complaint anil ia
many Instincts th
mot rorlons formi of
Drlfht'i It
the disease U com
plicated tend a four
o tin at tUI of urine.
W will analyse It
and adrlta 70a frM
what to do.
At n drturtlsts. IS, a Till. Gold to Health
and mwllfal arttte fr, 1505 Arch at., Phils.
Doolarod by tho Priuoo of Monaco
to Bo an Advdnturor.
Tlio Pennsylvania llatlrond Company an
nounccs tlio following rersotMlly-Comliictcil
Toura fur tho Summer nud early Autumn of
1809 :
To tho North, Including Niagara Falls, To
ronto, Thousand Islands, tho St. I-iwrenco,
Montreal, Quoboo, Itoborval (LakoSt. John),
tho RiRUonay, Au Saklo Chasm, Lakes Cham
plain and Gcorgo, Saratoga, and a daylight
rldo through tho Highlands of tho Hudson,
July 23 to August 7. Kate, $125 ; August 12
to 25, visiting eamo points as first tourexcept
Eoherval and tho Saguonay, Hate, $100 for
tho round trip, from Now York, rhlladol
phla, Baltimore, and Washington. Tropor.
tlonato rates from other points.
To Niagara Falls, excursion tlokotsgood to
return within ton days will bo sold on July
27, August 10 and 24, Septembor 7 and 21,
October 5 and 10, at rato of 10 from Phila
delphia, Baltimore, and Washington Those
tickets Include transportation only, and will
permit of stop ovor within limit at Buffalo,
Eoohostor, Canandaigua, and Watkins on tho
return trip.
Five-day tour to Gettysburg, Luray, and
Washington Septembor 10. Eato $25 from
Now York, $22 from Philadelphia, Propor
tionate rates from other points.
An elovon-day tour to Gettysburg, Luray
Caverns, Natural Bridgo, Virginia Hot
Springs, Richmond, and Washington, Octobor
10. Rate, $05 from New York, $03 from
BnynTlmt Crmtollnno In IJpnpnth HI
Stntton, nml Hint tlio J.nttor Itn
ANsuniotl tlio Tltlo of Count Without
Doing i:n titled tn tt.
Paris, July li. The Trinco of Mo
naco litis declined to fight n dud with
Count Donl do Cnstellnno on account
of tho Dreyfus caso. In his reply to'8 chnllenHo tlio I'rlnco of
Monaco openly gives as his reason for
tho declination tho fact that Castol-
lano is beneath his stntlon.
Ho says that he has reason to bo-
llovo that Castcllano has assumed tho
title of count when ho Is not entitled
to It. Monaco nays that untlor tho clr
cumstnnces tho chnllcngo from CtiBtol-
lano Is an impertinence and Is not en
titled to notice
Tho challenge grew out of tho active
sympathy for Dreyfus and Mme. Drey
fus on the part of tho Prlnco of Mo
naco, which greatly incensed Castel-
The Monarch of Strength is
Its Btrongth oomoa from Us purity. It Is nil puro coffr -,
froshly roasted, and Is sold only In ono-pound seal. !
packages. Each packago will mako40 cups. Tho pac
ago Is soalod at tho Mills so that tho aroma Is never
woakoned. It has a delicious flavor. Incomparablo
strength. It I3 a luxury within tho reach of all.
Premium List In ovory packago.
Cut out your Lion's Hoad and sot
valuablo premiums froe.
If your Grocer
dftffl not hTfl IMon OftffN In Mi p.oft
himhI ns Ma nm rvl nodrrfla thnt
mny place tt on aalo there. l)o not accept
any sulMtltnO.
WOOLSON SriOK CO.. IWodo, Ohio.
Tho Christian Workora Aro Now
Houiawnrd Bound.
Attemlnncp nt Mootltiirn nxrocrted tlio
Oroat OntluTliiir In llcmtou Mcotnucn
l'"rom Our I'ihico Coniinlnolou mill
Cnnniln'M (lovornor (iouornl.
Dotroit, July 11. The eighteenth In
ternatlonal convention of Christian Kn-
donvor closed lust night amid ncsnes
of ImpresKlvp solemnity attending the
utterance of the last word by the
nregldonl and secretary In oaoh of the
great tents, respectively, following
responses from oach state nnd country
represented, and last oxhortntlona
from Methodist Episcopal lilshop
Vincent, of Kansas, and Evangelist
Chapman, of New York. Tolograras
nnd cablegrams woro road In both
tents, the reading of a cablegram from
Hon. Andrew u. White, president of
the Amorlcan peace commissioners at
Tho Hague, bringing out storms of np
plauso. President's Clark cablegram
to President white was as follows,
"Twenty-eight thousand American
and Canadian Christian Endcavorora
now assembled In International con
von, Detroit, represent 2,500,000 en
thusiastic for peace and arbitration
Great peaco meeting hold. All wish
you godspeed.
Messages wero also sent to Prcsldont
McKlnloy, Governor General Mlnto of
Canada and Queen Victoria. Prosldcut
Whlto responded as follows:
"American commission to tho peaco
conference. Bonds slncoro thanks for
messago and congratulates you and all
friends of peaco upon the groat success
achieved providing for a permanent
tribunal of arbitration,
Mayor Drummond, prlvato secretary
to tho governor general of Canada,
sent tho following
"His excellency, tho governor gen
oral, desires mo to express his warm
est and most slncero thanks for your
very kind and cordial message of good
will to himself and tho Dominion of
At all previous meetings tho audi-
onces assembled quietly, but last oven
lng for some time beforo tho calling
to order of the two groat gatherings.
Tents Endeavor and Wllliston were
T11 fnrt it lincl babels of sounds and scenes. Tho
apply to tickotngonta, or address Goo. V. and is conducting a severe personal gone all through my system, making me an easy victim for the Grippe tona' werogrouped1 'in'TesIgnated
uoya, Assnumi, uuuunu 1 uoocubui n6on uuiupuisu uguiuai iuo uuuui, wuuui ii WU1CI1 leil me a wreCK 1U mint! ana UOUy. X Ills was Uie COIKIUIOII Uie J,iinirir rllvlflorl nliniit nminllv hMwppn
Philadelphia. accusos of being a bogus count It has doctors left me in, alter dosiucr me with opium, quinine, etc. Then I tho two tents. Each had Its own nar-
Tcarl flsSuTg a blomphy 3 Jay GoZ'. bought cough cures without end but they only made me. worse, I was tlcular rally cry. and each delegation
We. tho underslgnod. do horoby agree to father of the countess. m aespair uu l got noia 01 xirazuian iiaim anu xoxicoia lamets.
refund tho monoy on a 60-cont hottio of The Gazette de Franco publishes tho Tliey acted like magic irom tlie hrst, and in a tew weeks 1 was cured
Greene's Warranted Symp of Tar if it falls report wnicn tno protect 01 ponce pre- aa& better than I had been m years. Talk about wonderful remedies.
to cure your cough or cold, wo also gnaran- l" u lu,7ul u" Brazilian Balm and Toxicola saved my life.
) uiiouuiDL LittiLjr. 11 DU.J a mo uwgutj i
A Wreck Prom Grippe,
Catarrh and Asthma.
LdtnltM ltomnllilltt.v Vor tlio Inrl
WrfHfk Two Yum' HiipiiIoii.
New York. July 11. The report of
OnUIn Watkins of the stranding of
the American line utoamshlp Paris was
made public yesterday by the local
board of steamboat Inspectors. Cap
tain Watkins make no attempt to evade
responsibility for the accident, but says
frankly that the stranding of ma snip
was the result of an unaccountable
orror on his parL The accident, he
says, was not due to any want of
thought or anxiety about his vessel,
but resulted from a mistake ho made
In calculating the position of the ship.
The local Inspectors of steam vessels
have suspended Captain Watkins' li
cense as master of ocean steamers for
two years.
Clement Acton Grlscom, Jr., vice
president and general manager of the
American line, said: "The sentence
seems a little severe. Other men have
lost ships through what was after
wards proved their own carelessness,
and only had their master's license
suspended for six mouths or a year at
most. Personally we feel for Captain
Watkins. He has been hair n contury
at sea without the slightest accident
before, and it seems very hard upon
him. I am very sorry It occurred, for
his sake. Wo are all llablo to error,
and It seems too bad that tho accident
should have happeued and tho mtstnko
made on a night when the atmospheric
conditions wore such that he received
no help from tho land lights. The
captain has many frlendB, who con
stantly stop me upon tho street, and
express their regrets at the misfor
tune. All this Is very gratifying to
both tho company and Captain Watkins."
Jhe Cure that Cures j
) Coughs, 6
Colds, i
) Grippe, (j
Whooping Cough, Asthma
Dronohltta and Inolplont
f Consumption, la k
lane. After Monaco had written Mme.
Dreyfus and Invited her husband to
visit his palaco tho Royalist husband
of Anna Gould sent an Insulting open
lotter to the prince. This being snub-
I was known as "The Woman who Coughs," for I couched in'
Ti'.ii,.iin'i.ia Prnnrinntn mt from other uod ha Bent a challenge, with the above cessautly. I was a school teacher till my health failed. Catarrh had
poIuu. m,K - thn ,,,. -nrov. eaten away the. Partition in my nose. It had produce.! Bronchitis,
For itineraries and further information fUB orcans has taken the matter un Asinma, areauiui otomacn trouDies ana wean Kianeys,
too ft 25-cent bottle to prove satiafactory or
money refunded. A. Wasloy, 0. H. Haeon-
buch, Shenandoah Drug Storo, and P. W.
Blerstoiu & Co. ll-14-33t-dw
of Patriots and the Anti-Semite League
wero In close relations with the Duke of
Orleans, who sent 6,000 francs to M.
Deroulede and large Bums to M. Guerln.
Altogether tho Royalists are said to
have expended 300,000 francs In get
ting up the Neullly barracks fiasco.
According to the same authority Count
do Castellane also subsidized the move
Professor Syveton, treasurer of tho
League of tho French Fatherland, has
Miss L. L. Clark, 917 Horton St.
Rkducicd Ratbs to Los Angeles, Cal., via
Pennsylvania Raileoad.
For the National Educational Association
Convention to bo hold at L03 Angeles, Cal.,
T..l 11 in 1.1 flin Pnnnarliinnlft llnilrn.ld
Company w.,1 fell excursion t.ckoU via direct njnjHU- at the
routes irompoinmi mw. w , cUq Qn antl.Dr0yfUB agitation at Ren
tal., ana reiurn, m raw) ui siukiu mm iui .s noa.
rniinn trln. iilua 82.00 membership feo. Theso
ii.. mi i,i,i m irnini. Jnnn si i His Life Was Saved,
, . t '.- . t! Af f Mr. T. E. Lillv. a" prominent citizen of
tmy , BD '-" ;-; irlnnib'ai. Mo.. late v had a -wonderful de-
U Angoles, boou lo remw. arr.v.uB uu liverenee'frora 'a fistful death. In telling of
""""""""i it he gay s "I was taKen wiui lypooiu
For further Information apply to uckoi peveri tjjat ran into Pneumonia. My lungs
agonta. became hardened. I was so weak I couldn t
You crct moro doses of Brazilian Balm for tho money than any other remedy. 25. 50 cents
nnd S1.00 a liottloat druggists. With every $1.00 bottle yon get one month's treatment of
Toxicola Tablets free ; tho best tonic, nervo and strength builder In tho world. B. F. Jackson
& Co., Mfg. Chemists, Inupls, Ind.
Shenandoah Drug Store, Wholesale and Retail Agents.
took pleasure In making It known to
tho extent of Its lung power. Tho
delegations which wore not shouting
wore singing. Music Conductor Fos
ter finally made himself heard without
tho aid of a megaphone, and all tho
voices were turned Into tho Inspiring
volumes of "Holy, Holy, Lord God Al
mighty, with much Improved effect.
Tho following statements as to at
tendance, etc, was given out by Sec
retary Daer:
without doubt the attendance at
this convention has very much exceed
cd that of any other Christian En
deavor convention ever held In the
matter of thoso present at tho various
meetings. This estimate takes into ac
count tho great convention at Boston The secret of coumge and dash In war
In 1805. That la to sav. thnt out of tho or oeace is trood blood: nure ricn blood
28.000 Endeavorers registered, which Is full of oxycren and vitality. Dr. Pierce's
thn nit mnln nf tVin roKsnt nn (,01rlGM Meiltml IJMCOVCXV lUSlireS Oer
committee, and Includes Detroit mem-1 feet digestion nnd an active liver, and
t aTtd by
wing Seel-
n's because you
Icin buy cheap
f coffee and make
it delicious br a
UltUo oi this admixture.
Grocers can tell
you why those
whobujr SELIIG'S
for it. You can't
keep on selling a
poor Uiing to the
same eole.
Centre and Market street.
In the Mrllrt bulldlnir. adtofntnir Mu.llr
Shoemaker's o01ce.
onice hours: 8:00 to 12.-00 a. m., !. to 4.-00
and 6:00 to h03 p. in.
Office Kran bulldlncr. corner nr tomln n
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
OfTIco: HiKim NV .1 V.on l...ll.llnn.
Jlnln and Centre streets, Shenandoah, I'k.
Lock Box M, Mahanoy City, Pa.
on the vlolln.mandolln. irulMr and tocI eultnr.
Ternn rensonabla. Address In cars of 8tronM.
the loweler Shenandoah.
r studied nnder some of the but'
Id London and Parts, will rlre ln..
even sit un in bed. Nothinc helped me. I
expected to soon die 01 i-onsumpuon, wuen j.
heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One
bottle gave great relief. I continued to use I
Restores Vitality. Lost Vizor and Manhood. . and now am wen ana su-ong. i can i say
naTmnnfPr,r.v.NI(rhtEmls9ionsand uC1? '? 118 praise. -, ims marvc.ou
Xn.iiT sro " V nlT Pffprt-q of self- medicine is the surest ana qnicKesi cure in mc
wasting diseases, all effects pt s e t- . , .. and L3B Trouble. Reg.
.BAK n ,,n V OVfOR . , T 1 , 1I1I1IM 1 ---- ' ... . ,
u.uuav., - . ular sizes 60 cents and SI.oo. I rial bottles
Anor'Olonicanu f . Wnalev'sdniir store: every bottle
?itnnii lmticlor. Brinirs the
f-nlnk Plow to palo cneeKs ana
restores the fire of youth.
fcBvmnll BOc Tier box, O boxes
for wftU a witten irunran-
tco to euro or refund tlio inonoy.
Send for circular. Address,
Tf o'w Tbrlt'sf Cowoy llocoptlon.
New York. July 11. Plans for tho
Dewey celebration wero outlined at a
mpfitino- of the committee on plan and
scope yesterday. It has been decided
nrnMiKniiv thnt thorn Ftti nil be a two
Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL dny colebratlon, with both a land and
t., .. ai,n.iot, t naval naraae. Aumirai uewey win
OUIU Ililllk Ll.,, r,",,, -. --. I - 1 . . ... ..1. 1 nn.f. n !
nass unaer u hitkh u-iuuiuum un,u
bo constructed either in City Hall park
or Madison Square park, at a cost oj
Jl 0.000. Thero will bo two largo civic
floats in the naval parade, one typify.
inc Vlctorv and tno otuer i'eace. uer.
man slnclUE societies will be Invited
to fill these floats with their membora
to sing a hymn of welcome to tno aa-
mlral In the lower nay.
M mi!
Mi n.iAa.t.sfa r.1lli I)lamond Draada
'Av'MK rt. lw.ji rdUbli. l ti " 0
J d t iwl (laid mUlU
nanthr. Jttfuit dangereut iubttitw V
U iUropt for prtlalri( tUmooUU ad
ml IriirtaU. 4I11LAUA 1 A.
Paid Purchases: ot 85"or"mof0
will bo sent FREIGHT PREPAID
to any railroad station In MAINE,
Send for our Book, "A Bird's Eye View of New York" and Its Greatest Btore
18 pajses beautifully Illustrated and very Interesting. Telia you all about New
York and how to go about. Free yon ma jlbkino.
BIITH AVC. VlftttiaiMhaTB W
bers, thero have been moro who
attended meetings than at any previous
times. The estimate of attendance at
meetings gives a total of 298,600. Thero
were 28,000 Endeavorers In attendance),
Including Detroit delegates, and 30,-
COO persons simultaneously attended
strictly Christian Endeavor meetings.
These figures do not Include tho Cu
non-evangellstlc meetings, which had
a total attendance of 15.000, and 100
professed conversions.
During a recess oach member of tho
'89 committee was called out. They
were told that tho 99 convention had
never boon equalled as to program,
presence of good speakers and large at
tendance at meetings. Secretary Baer
stated that although the attendance at
Detroit was 28,000, as against 56,400 at
Boston, tho meetings in Detroit wcrq
attended by largo numbers than were
those at Boston.
Chairman W. H. Strong, of tho local
committee, responded appropriately to
the compliments tendered beforo tho
two mighty audiences, and attributed
tho successes of tho convention chiefly
to individual faithfulness. Tho score
ot white capped chairmen of local corn-
Ko.Ckllfd irrratcit. molt celebrated and
Iwlb-st adTertlsInc doctors fall, no matter
what tbi-T claim. LOST MANHOOD
akin VIOOR. DEfJlt.IT Y. Karia
Afruje, Blooii lAson, Stricture, Hhrunken or Un
lerelovtdnrnaiiM. ltilirily theonlv one In the world
to core VARICOCELE wlthontciittlnB. llookfrco
e xrfinhr every aarertiMngirana, .iectriciseus win
AlerM i e Medical institutes, etc Freth caset curtd
mcfousaay. -ireaunea oy man. iSBiaiu r-'.aer.
Philadelphia &
Readinq R'y.
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke.
Ttalns leave Shenandoah as follows :
For New York via l'lillftdelohla. week dark.
210, 5 M, 7 37, 9 55 a. m., 12 20, 8 09 and 6 09 p. in.
mlttees, standing together, then sung Sundays, 2 10 a m.
a stanza of "If Ever I Loved Thee, My . Il8s m'bm hunk
week days
r 1 rr. , t , 1,0, tkt IU.. 1 i w aim o UJ u. in.
JCSUS, IIS OOW, Kor Headlnir and Philadelphia. aMV
Great Britain's leading rcpresenta- 2 10, b ss, 7 87. 9 53 a.m., 122a, 8 09 and 09p. m.
uuuuu, uv. . uuuvn, ui uuiotun, usB.auv, b U9 and T so p. m. undaya, 2 1Q a m,
fioLl tr aU Locid Broji UU.
Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics act directly upon tho disease,
without exoltlng disordor In other parts
of the system. They Curo tho Sick.
1 FeTers, Congeattons, Inflamroatlona, ,33
tt Worms, Worm Fovcr. Worm Collc. .23
8-Tcetllng,Collo, Crying, Wakefulposs .S3
4-Dlarrlica, of Oblldren or Adults.... .33
T-Cougln. Colds, EropchUls 43
8-Neuralgla. .23
P Headache. Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .33
ll-OuppreasedorPnlnful Periods 33
13-Whltes, Too Prof uao rorloda 33
13-CrouD. LaryogltU. Hoarseness.-.., .33
14-6all Illieum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .33
J5-nhcnmatUm.nhoumatlo rains, .33
JO Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague .... .33
10-Catarrh, Influenza, Cold la tbo Head .33
SO Wliooplng-Cougl .33
37-HUney Illseasfs .33
SB-lVervous Deblllly 1.00
30-Urlnary Weakness, WetUngDed... .33
77-Grlp, Hay Fever - .- .33
Dr. Humphreyt' Manual ot all Diseases at your
uruggisis or naueu rTee,
RAl.l hv rirnirirlttii. nr aent nn recelnt rtf nrle&
ITumphreys' lied. Co Cor, William & Joan BI&,
new York.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
ecinrrKiLL division.
July 1, 18W.
Trains will leave Hhenandoah after the soot
to? ,oro.WJ.,,nl Ollberton, Fraokvilles Dark
Water. 81. Clair, Fottavllle. JiamburK, RwdlnV.
Pottstown, Phoeoixvnie. NorristowS and Ph:
a4elphla (l!rrid street station) at SIS and 8 03
ffiSi- n d",', 8QDdr"'
7T7B!V'!,.leavo Frf kri,'ie ior Shenandoah at
7 8 and 8 8, 7 84 p. m. Bunday.
11 01 a. m. and S SA n,
f?,,,nI0,,,,S11,', 'orSlienandoah (via Frack
Jom'J1 W. 1 10 p.m. Oanday
low ft. m., 5 10 p. ro.
Leave Phlladelnhla TlmoH .tP... ,
Sheaandoah at 8 85 a. m.. 4 10 p. m. week days.
Sundays leave at fi CO and 9 S3 a. m.
i,i ".JK .'finl" rol reet station) for
PotUvlllo.5 30,8 3.1, 10 19 a. m., 180, 4 10.711
ft"' Sundays. 6 SO, 9 23 a. m, and
ixsave Uroad Btreet Station, Philadelphia.
Exprca'-Weckwlays, 8 20, 4 03, 4 40. 8 00 5 II
0 801 7,? 9 M' no 21. dlnlnc c0. U OOT 11 IS
a m, 13 00 noon, 12a?. (Llmltedl OOand 4 21 p ro,
fSP, 5 00, S S6, (dlnlnp; car), 600, 702 8l5
(dlnintr cor), 10 00 p. m., 12 01, "night. Sunday?.
8 20. 4 CO. I 40. S 00. 8 15. 8 25, 9 50. ( 10 21. dSnK
cnr),10 43, 11 43 a m, 12 03, (dlnlnu earl, lj'ss, 2 80,
id41nlirSCr.1 .40Jl (Llm'teU 4 dining 'car),'
5a5,Si,W,,lnff ""ll 885. 703, 810, Tdlnlna
carj, 10 00 p.m., 12 01 night. 1
rut itosion wuuout change, II 01 a m.. weak,
days, and 8 10 p. m., dally. '
i-ur ms uin, Asnury 1'ark, Ocean Grova,
long Branch, 6 SO, 800, 1144 a m. 8 80. 4 03
p m week-days. Sundays, 8 SO a m.
0p0 1! sa.a. m.. 12 09, ll2 88dlnlnToarTll.
Bears tho
Signature of
Nerve and Brain
Tho Original. All Others Imitations.
Btood together and sane "Britain Fnr For Tamaoua and Mahanoy City, week ilavi
Christ." Then nil Banc-stanzas of "Qod 2 m- " so. oa nd os p. m.
Save the Queen' and "America." For Wllllamsport, Sunhary and Lewlaburs,
ur. j. wiiBur unapman nreacnea tne wee n m . m., u -jj, -iSu p.
. - i , m , I Sundays. 3 27 a m.
couciuuiuk seruiou in l eni ninueavor. ifi7 pi... .v-,i.. .n,.?
and the closing address In Tent Willla 7 87. 9 55, n 82 a. m.. 12 2, 8 oo. 09,' 7 so' 9 56
tun wns mnrtn hv niahnn Tnhn H V!n- o. m. Sundays. 2 10 and 8 27 n ro.
ronr nf thn fnthnrtut nlnirnh For Ashland and Sliamokln, week days, 8 27,
cent, OI tno MetnoqiS.t cnurch. 7 37. U 82 a. m.. 12 26. 8 09.07. 7 25 and S53n. ml
Volcanic Eruptions
Sunday. 3 27 a m.
17 !..., TT I , .1 11 w..if.
I ruruuuuiuin. ti muiiikuu huu iuq i, hi Tia
A Ifow Industry For Cnnulon.
Philadelphia, July 11. The Press,
Ta sold
JI em or
T.ack n
Uao ot Tobaoco, upinm, or ijiquor, wnicn leaaa to Misery, uonsnraptlon, Insanity and
wiui wrucea uuaranree 10 uure or
pays: The American bugar ituuiims Kefund Honey. Sample Package, containing flvo days' treatment, with lull instruc
Company, more commonly Knowu ua lions, w cents, une Bunpiu umy buiu 10 cacu peraon. at store or uy man.
the sugar trust, is about estauusmng
re crand. but Skin Eruptions rob life of MlSSf" ff Vta'Sf
ioy. BucWen's Arnica Salve cures them ; 7 55, It 26 a. m., 810 and 7.27 n. 1 Sundays
also Old. Kunninc and Fever bores. Ulcers, !.. ' uy. . m., o ana 7 sr p. m.
r, Wenk ti:i. ttIi. r. r. Tlr,,Uc "onai trains Irom Twentyroartb and
?J'i.Pj.e"ilS! Burns. Scalds. Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
isest me cure on eariu. unvc out rum
and Aches. Oulv 25cts. a box, Cure
guaranteed. Sold by A, Wasley, druggist.
one of the largest chemical plants In
this country, Its capital stocK to do
Sl.500.000. Tho abandoned Unltecl
States refinery building at Penn street
Wharf, Camden, N. J Is to be fitted
up for this purpose. It Is said that the
trust will soon manufacture all of the
chemicals to be used in the dllteront ro
fineries which they control throughout
the United States. This big chemical
works, when in running order, will
employ a largo number 01 people.
Red Label Special Extra Strength.
For Irapotenov. Loss ot Power. Lost Manhood, Sterility or Barrenness. tl ft bos!
six for t-5, with written Quoronteo to ouro in 80 days. At store or by moll.
Sold at Klrllrt's Drug Storo.
If, when contemplating a trip to any point
West or Sonthwost of the Mississippi River,
you Will purchaso tickets via the Missouri
Paciflo By., or Iron Mountain Itoute (which
are on sale at all principal ticket olllces in
11. GRAB0WSKY, Prop.
819 N. Cantre St, Fottsvllle, Fa.
Fine old Whiskeys, Gins and Wines, at the ba
X choice lino 01 Lipars ana lemper-
ance firinki.
Accommodation for travelers.'.
... Meals at all hours
1 LniienhntA nmra kv. Dr. ThOinaS
EclectrUOIl. neals burns, cuts. woud of oiaux), you w.u uavo au i.w
n..rk. .r,n thmat. crouD. caUrrh. comiorxa ana luxuries 01 modern railway
asthma ; novor falls. equipment, and the finest opportunities for
viowiug un ui imiuru s muuuuius uuu uiarvcio
of Utah, Colorailo, Kansas, Arkausas, Tozar,
Old and Now Moxico, California, etc. Ex
cursion tickets to all principal points at
greatly reduced rates. On account of the
National Education Association meeting at
Los Angeles In July, wo will mao special
lowTound trip rates. When contemplating
Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to
California Without change of Cars,
Lcavinc Washlueton evory Tuesday nnd
Frldav at 11:15 a. ni.. the Southern Railway
onerates Personally Uonductcd Tourist i.x
curslons to Ban Franclso without change of
cars, conductors or porters. The route Is
through Atlanta, Montgomery, New Orleans,
Houston. Han Antonlo.Hew Mexico. Arizontii.
and Southern California. Tho cars aro the
very latest pattern of Pullman Tourist
Sleepers, rosewood finish, havo high back
scats, unholstured in rattan, are sixteen
section, supplied with linen etc., same as
Dofoo ttvoI.ttinfiCnUHOS Fatal Kxplofllou
Altoona. Pa.. July 11. Flvo persons
were Injured, two fatally, by an explo
sion of gas in tho Loughman mines, at
Ehrenfold, yeBtorday. They aro Honry
Hoyer, James Hoyer, David Wallace,
Joseph Wallace and Charles McClenan.
Jlenry Hoyer and his son James aged, a trip West or Southwest, write us for
Information and rock bottom figures. W
E. Hoyt, Q. E. P. Agent, J. P. McCnun, T,
P. Agent, 8D1 Broadway, New York. 4-23-tf
Many a Lover
lias turned with disgust from an otherwise
K.-yntms-riu mrn u
ollcit orders for oar bard;
Noraorr block. Kzpouaaa
and salary to those leaving
home , or cpmniUaion to lo.
oal amenta. Permanent
Dlurrueut. The business
raanr learned. Address
T!,..t.(J.J!MHI ('.,
i so
la, died at the hospital, The ex
plosion was duo to a defgctlvo lamp,
carrioa, uy iionry iioyer.
Yea Try it,
If Shllob's Cough and Consumption Curo,
which la sold for tho small price of 23 eta., 80 lovablo girl with an offensive breath. Karl's
cts. and 11.00. does not curo take the bottle Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by ita
hack and wo will refund your money. Bold action on the bowels, eto., as nothing else
for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price will. Bold for years on absolute guarantee,
85 eta. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlln on Price 25 eta. and 50 cts. Bold by P. D, KIrlln
I a guarantee. I m guarantee.
Proposed Glovo Trust FnllsTliroucli.
Gloversvllle, N. Y., July 11. Tho
nronosed glove combination, with a
capital of $15,000,000, which tho Amerl
con Trust company, of Chicago, is said.
to bo Interested in forming, Is Ukoly
to fall through as a result of a meet-
Ine yesterday of loading manufac
turers who Bupply the Jobbing trado
of the country. The meeting adjourn
ed without definite result, but Is was
anounccd on the best of authority
that tho prospects for the formation
ot the trust wero very unfavorable.
nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20
12 16 8 iO P.m. Sundays, 1 85, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, wmk
days, li is. 1 80. 7 no, 11 no a. m.. and 1 80. 4 80.
BOO n.m.
ieave new xora; via uaucn ununk, week
days, 4 80. 9 10 a. ro., 1 80, 4 40 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, lteadlcs Terminal. wk
days, 4 SO. 8 86, 10 21 a. m. and 1 86, 4 06, 6 86,
,1 OW . Ul.
ieave Heading, wees: nays, 107, 7 00. 10 08
, m., 12 15, 4 17, 6 00, 8 56 p. m.
Leave Pottavllle. week days. 7 17. 7 40 a. m.
9 30. 12 80. 1 20. 4 SO. 6 10 and 60 D. m.
leave lamaqua, wees aays, s 10, 8 60, 1129
... 1 1 ,1 h , k rr v n , , n
a. 1.1 . , a , u w, , v 1 ....
ieave uananoy uiiy, wees: days, 8 45, 9 04,
u 11 m, .11., u a,, u s 1 ai, ju ua p, m
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week dava. 3 40. 4 no
880. 8 22.1023,12 00, a. m 2 89. 8 86. 642.TE8
10 21am.
Leave WIlllamsDort. week da vs. 7 42. 10 00 a
m.. 12 8i and 4 00,11 90 p.m.
Leave Philadelphia Ghestnnt street wharf and
Limited dining corj, 5 31 16 55 dining carl,,
dinlnecarl.n. ic "
For Ilaltlmore, accommodation, 8 If a m,
and 4 01 p m week days, 5 08 and 11 16 p m da!
Leave Broad street station via Delaware rlva
bridge Kinross, 4 55, 9 40 f 90 mlnutoa a m, 2
82 minutes, 4 00 S0mlniitesl,7 05 8.1 minutest
p m Hnndays. 4M, 9 20 80 mlnuteal a. m..
2 3H 82 minutes, 7 05 5 minutes p. mT
o-lffi? s,Iarko Street Wliarf-EipsesB, 9 0,
8 30, (75 minutes). 10 00 (75 minutes, am, (100
o .w Ibo rnlnutesl n.
7m IltltM H fin IT I ......... 1 a ort l t ... .
m i,u uMiiutrsj p. m, ti.wi i.xcuiioa train,
00 a. ro. dally. '
For CaneMav. Ane-lM rlMnl tt 1 1
Ueach ISxpress, 9 00 a ro, 4 05 100 minutes p n
weekdays. Sundays, 8 20 a m. For Cape Oar
only, 1 30 p m Saturdays. Excursion 7 00 a. ru.
For Sea I.le City, Ocean City, Avalon and
stone Harbor Express 9 10 am, 2 80, 4 20, 8 00
pro weekdays. Sundays, 8 50 a m. Excursion
7 00 am dally.
P"m-roini Expreaa, 5 00, 8 35.10 OS a
m, (I 00 Saturdays only), 2 00, 3 00, 4 00, 5 00, 8 30
p m weekdays. Sundays, 5 00, 8 00, 9 00 and 10 00
am, 4 80 pm.
For ticket and other information apply to
ticket agent.
B. HoTcnureosr, J. K. Wood,
Qen'l Manaser. Qen'l Paas'sr'r Act
S100 Reward $100.
, , ,,,, . , , . , I South street whart lor Atlantlo City.
1 lie renucrs ui viiis I'ui.vr win no hkimwi ,u i awub, . u.nH.a cnnom.njc.. ,m
secuon, supnneu wiiu u mc., , b . m lcar mt , lwit ono drcMlcl disease 2 00. 3 00, 3 40 sixty minute, 4 00. 4 30,5odslxty
standard sleepers, l ghterl by Plntsch Gas, " h, , mi,uite 5 30. 7 15, pro. Accomodation, 615 a
have wide vestibules, double sash roller W Vicncenaa noen an ie o euro m nl' m 8 300M m. 'HumIavKxnr gca
curvains, lavatory, anu smoKing room ior w '. - . juu.aui, luoua m, 4 10,7 upm. Avoammoda-
gentlemeu, and two rctirlpir rooms for ladles. I Is the only positive cure known to the tlon, 6 15 a in, 4 45 p in. ILO0 Excursion 7 00 a
Three anu one-nan uays 10 Mexico ana fraternity, uatarrn being a constitutional ais-1 "?,V, ",r . . . .
, t 1 , il . . ... I I.eave Atlantlo t liv DeDoti cckdnvn Rr.
ATiioua. tour uaya v ugeioa anu ease, requires a consmuiionai treaiment. nan s prt.M 6 .(5 M(lni,ay, , 700 7 a 7 t
Southern CaUfornla, , and flvo days to ban catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly Itoltlcave. station only, 830, 9 CO, 10 15, 1100
lirai,.lcim Hnnli wrrlrr fnr Tr.nLrjiiilln.n4.1 I .... . .. I ... nm , k u.i t -ki n .
. v., . .-. .....r;,....MvM.. ,. blood and mucous surfaces or the . J! i V wceoinnio-
travel has never betore been ouered, . .1 i. .i.t.i .1,.' dallon,4 as, 8 00 a at, 3 80p in. Sundays Ex-
The tourist carlaro is less than via any ; .,..., . - ipross, a au, a, o uu, o vv, oau. ia.
other route, cffoctinB a saving of $2.1.00 to tlieuiscaao, ami giving ine iiaiient sirengin oy
f30.01 for tlio trip. building up the constitution and assisting
AU imormailon, maps anu rates liirnisuca I nature in doing us woric. rue proprietors nave
so much faith in Its curative powers, that they
oner One Hundred Dollars for any case that It
falls to cure. Send for Hat ot testimonials.
Address. F. J.CIIENEY Sc CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists. 75a
Hall's Family l'lllj are the beet.
on annllcatlon to Charles L. Ilonklns. Dls.
trlct PasseuBor Agent, Southern Itailway I
Company, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Sick Headaches,
The curse of overworked womankind, are
quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover
Eoot Tea, the great blood purifier and tissue
builder. Money refunded If not satisfactory,
Prlco 25 cts. aud 50 cts. Sold by P, D. Kirlln
on a guarantee.
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the name
Lzssia & Biis, Ashland, Pa., is printed on
every lack.
pross, 830, 4 00, 5 00, 000, 630. 700, 7 30. 800,
fiSOum. Accommodation. 715 am. J !tn n
tl.OO Kicum Ion, weekdays 6 OOp m, Sundays 6 10.
t-ur iti2iu viiyuvnauaya-fl u, v 10 a m,
215. 415. 515 nm. Sundays 8 45. 0 IS a m 111
p m. tl.OO excursion Thursday and Sunday 7 66
For Cape May and Sea Isle City Weekdays .
9 15 a m. 2 30, 4 15 11 m. Sundays 8 45 a sn 4 45
p in. suuu excursion ounuays only, 7 uu a ro,
Additional (or Cape May Weekdays
a m. Sundays 9 15 a m.
Parlor Oars on all express trains.
For farther Information, apply to nearat
Philadelphia and Heading liallway ticket agent
T A. Hwnnmn. VWi T Ttr
uen i Hurv, Uen'l Paas'r Agi.,
iien'i Hurl., Qen'l Pasa'i
Beading Terminal, Pauadelphla.
, v.-.u w (0 minuics, a m, 1100
aturilays only), (75 minutes), 200, (70 mlnntes),
P J",1"'.?'' ? (60 minutes), 4 00 fi
llnuts). 4 30 ( 75 mlnutnl. am lm'mi.ul
XI I r . ... 1 .... . 1 ' 1 . . ... .... . .... ,
75 r
News and Opinions
National Importance
Daily, by mall, - $6 a year
Daily and Sunday, by mall, $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday newspape
in the world.
Price 5c a copy, Bi mall. S2 a m
Address THE BUN, New York.
Celebrated Veiu:il
IWderfl never fan.
tieCiaUO ai)Ut
Mfi aitd aim f After fkiilua
with "'aof IHuOTTOjil and other lit?
retort im) Aiwnluth b-i ta4 44dw.
Le t. a ith ofirkf, A No. L IUtwttsVi UaT V C."X