s 'A Explosion OausoB the Death of a Washington SociotyLoadori OAPTAIN F. W; DIOKINS BEREFT. 'toORFsBABYIB BORN.,k ItS. Valuahlo Llttlo Book of Intorost to All Wbmon Bont Froo. Every woman looks forward with fool JnffB of Joy Indescribable) to tho ono croat event in her llfo, com jpared with which Ml others polo Into In significance How proud sho will feci when hor babo nestles on her breast how'sweot tho name of "Mother I" And yet, her anticipation of this Cvont I9 clouded with dread of the pain and dan ger of the ordeal, no that it is ImpossI bio to avoid tho fooling of foreboding which creeps over her. Tho danger bnd suffering attendant upon being a mother can bo entirely iirovcntcd, so that tho coming of the llttlo stranger need notbo looked forward towlthfear. Every woman who reads this, can obtain freen valuablo llttlo book entitled "lie fore Baby ia Horn," by sending hor ad dress, to tho Hradil.ld Regulator Co., Atlnnta. Ga. This book contains tirice- Jessjmormatlon lor all women, ana no , cnarunDio circles in wasnmgton, anu Plnmlior's J.lKhtrxl Mctnl Pot, Talcon Into n Itonni Whom Mrs. Dleklnn Wnl Unliiirtlio Kltilil, llrounlit Dentil and Destruction. Washington, uly 8. Official and un official Washington nllko were shocked yesterday by tho tragic death from nn explosion of gasolino at hor homo, Just west of the British embassy, of Mrs. Margucrlto Dicklns, ono of tho best known women in social, literary and pno should fail to send for it. UNCLE SAM'S HOT BATHS. THBHOT BPlllNOB OF ARKANSAS VIA. BOUTHKRN RAILWAY. Will eradJuitH from your system tho linger ing oUccta of grip and othor atluicnU caused by the sovcre winter, and malaria, rheuma tism, neuralgia, catarrh, stomach, Milucy, Uvor and nervous dlaordors, paralysis, blood and skin diseases, and chronlo and func tional dcrangomonts. Tho mountain climate, of Hut Springs is cool and delightful in snmmer. 100 hotels open tho year around. For Illustrated literature, containing all Information, address C. F. Cooloy, Manager Buianoss Men's League, Hot Springs, Aik. For reduced excursion tickets and par ticulars of tho trip, address W. A. Turk, acn'l Pass. Agt., Southern By,. Washington, J). C, or 0. L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agont, 828 Chestnut SU. Phlla., fa. 0-1-lm BRAZOf, RIVER FALLING. ' mLVERT'S TWENTY-THBEE DEAD Dr. Jackson poiuts to the -startling fact that there are now 20 million Catarrh victims in this country and the number rapidly increasing. It has already become the National Disease. Are we to become a nation of Catarrhites? It looks like it. The Aboriginal Indians are said not to have known the dleae. That proves It Is not caused by our climate and must have been imported. Its growth was slow but persistent. Forty years ago there were less than 40,000 cases In the U. S., to-day ihere are 20 million. Soon there will be SO million. Where Is It to end? Shall we not awate till it has fastened Its fangs on every man, woman and child in the land? - nr.u.nt If unless we take lramcd- UteVndvl nf ul nT UV r.1,fl This putrid disease knows no sex, no class, no successful In saving ho rlife, station. It is everywhere, a 8B. mlac disease it spreads by contagion. The carton breath and expectoration of the poor victim are loaded with these microbes. Others breath them iu, they find lodgement and never release their hold till the victim lies down in death, unless every microbe is killed. But can they be killed ? Yes, but not by any "blood medicine." No Ca larrh germ was ever found in the blood. The la ntiil must he treated locally. A wlfo of Captain Francis W. Dicklns, of tho nnvy, who received tho first offlclnl nows of the blowing up of tho battle ship Maine In Havana harbor. Tho accident had many distressing features, nnd camo as n fearful blow to Cap tain Dicklns, who was suddenly sum moned home from tho navy depart ment to And his wlfo dead nnd the Uppor part of his houso n wreck. Tho Dicklns houso Is at 1431 Nine teenth street, in tho fashionable part of town, being only a block from Du pont Circle. A small room at tho hoad of tho stairs on tho third door Is used as a storeroom. Mrs. Dicklns decided to pack away for tho summer somo rugs that wore there, and to keep moths from thorn sho saturated them with gasolino. This had collected In poots on tho floor. A plumber and his assistant wore at work on tho roof of tho houso repairing a spout. They descended from the roof of tho houso with a hot metal pot whllo Mrs. Dick lns was at work preparing tho rugs for storage. The fumes of tho gaso line filled tho room In which she was working and permeated the whole of tho upper floor. Tho plumber, Joseph Vaughn, detected tho presenco ot tho volatile fluid, but .almost on tho In stant that ho cautioned his assistant there was a terrific explosion, wreck ing the upper part of the house, and flames breaking out immediately. An open gasolino can was alongside of Mrs, Dicklna, so that tho gas being thickest near her sho received tho worst shock of tho explosion. The plumbors were knocked down by the shock. Tho helper, named Cook, quickly recovered, rushed down stairs, closing the door behind him. Tho screams of Mrs. Dicklns recalled him, and ho aided Vaughn in an effort to rescue the now unconscious woman. They made several attempts to get her out of tho room, but tho passageway was narrow and they were soon forced to retreat. Vaughn, before leaving, placed a blanket over hor form, and his helper returned with a flro. ex tinguisher, whose contents he emptied over hor, but neither expedient was xney wore both burned in tho attempt to save her. The fire department was soon on. the scene and extinguished the flames. They found tho burned and blackened body of Mrs. Dicklns at the door of the room in which sho had been at work and removed It to the residence Tho Kind Yon Ilavo Always Bought, mul which has been in uso for over 30 years, has homo tho slgnnfjiro of - nnd has hcen mntlo under his per J jCt&jtf-?- sonal supervision slnco Its Infancy. uzS?yt '6tSuAC, Allow no ono to dccclvo you hi this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd Substitutes nro Imt Ex periments that trliio with nnd endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Uxncrhncitt. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a suhstltuto for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic substance. It ago is Its gunrantce. It destroys Vorms nnd allays Fcverishncss. It cures Dlnrrlnca aiul WUitl Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signaturo of NUuQBTS OF NEWS. The' minora of the Illrtlrovlllo, Pa., conl region have Rone on strike. Hlaran-VMr-rilil Thomas fluffed Is In ThO LotiS 01 LilO Not SO Appalling a New York hoeplUl critically 111 from aa naporiB lUUlOaiOU. The Portu-mme hotiee of iieorn yea-1 terdy adopted tue commercial con tention with the United State. Until Smith bee confeeeed that he and Slgmund llreeche murdered Mar tin Meier, the wealthy CIiIchko recluse. Head on collision between trolley cars near Akron, O., resulted In one dead, two fatally and five eerlouBly hurt. All of the Idle eoke furnacee In the country will reaume on Monday and all that have been worklnic five days a wek will bo put on full time. The Cure (hat Cures Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Whooping Courii, Asthma Dronohltls and Inclplont Consumption. Is J He Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THCCCNTAun COMfANT, TT MURRAV STflCtT. NCW VOftK CITT I MAN 10 COUGHED A Wreck From Grippe, Catarrh and Asthma. RESTORED WITH BRAZILIAN BALM ii of Dr. William S. Dixon, another naval cessantly permanent cure. It l Brazilian uaim. ua. cured tens of thousands iu the past 15 years. It also cures all the troubles caused by Catarrh, as Sore Throat, Old Couehs, Bronchitis, Asthma and Lutie troubles. The swallowing 01 the Catarrh pus makes the Stomach raw ami ulcer ated. The Brazilian Balm soon makesa radical cure of the Stomach and alimentary canal. II Is the Cheapest remedy on the markit, a Jl.00 bottle containing a whole month's treatment. As all sufferers with Catarrh and Asthma have run-down ytems we will till January next put a month treatment 01 otu .nil at (JnliUiinii tho lloillix or Four Whlti" nii.t Tour JfoMrocm I.oilicod on tho lliHOli Tho Work or Itcllof Veil I' nil or Wny. ijalveeton, July S. Tho situation In U UnuoB vnltey is rapidly Improv ing. The river Is falling. There Is k. rumor that live Uvea were lost near Oartartla, In Fort llend county. Tho roport sent out Wednesday from urookehlre. Waller county, that two live were lost there now appears to be nn orror. Hellof committees arc now well orRnnlzod. This Hood Is the utoet terrible that has ever been known lit this state. In fact, It looks as if Uioro had beon a perfect waterspout lor more than a hundred miles along tho Brazos river. Ono witness says tho Hood camo In a wavo that was nearly six feet high. An old nogro, found yesterday nt Duke, lashed to a Vrco, was taken aboard a boat. Ho collapsed from exhaustion, fell over board nnd was drowned. Missouri City reports ono drowning, a negro named Will Williams. In Urazozla touuty it is claimed three persons were drowned at Sandy Point. A dispatch from Calvert gives tno names of 23 drowned. Another dis patch, from Qulntana, Tex., says: Eight bodies floated down tho river and lodged on tho beach and were burled. Four of them were white, a woman nnd thrco chlldron, and four woro necroos. A special train on the Santa Fo which loft here for Thompson, Durkco nnd Areola returned lato Thursday night with tho officials of the road aboard. They had left tho rescuers to do their work, which was progressing exceptionally well. General Superin tendent Desseguo mnde a very favor able report on tho situation, nnd scorn ed to bolleve that tho peoplo woro not sufforlng. "I am of tho opinion that thoro havo been fow casualties. It appears the people had time to got to high ground. On. the approaches to our bridges there at o at least a hundred people, who aro Winfortablo and propose to stay there until they cither have to move or tho flood BUbsIdos. They havo a tent and provision enough to last for 90 days. There is neod of food for those who wero rescued from the town of Thomas vllle. I do not bollovo anybody Is starving, but they havo not supplies enough to run them for any length of time. "Tho crew of tho llfo saving station are doing excellent work. Theso boats were Just what was neodod. They tvok up two lifeboats, a cedar boat and i. akiff and wo furnished four boats tiom our picnic grounds. All these aero manned by men from tho cutter (ialveston. From about 5 o'clock until 30 they had rescued 68 people. Our roadbed for lour miles eacn tWo ot Thompson Is covered with wa ter from two Inches to four feet deep. From what I could learn I am of the opinion that there Is not to exceed a mile that Is in really bad condition, and when tho water goes down so wo lllMKM-lll Wlit'i'lur'M Hook. Atlanta, Ga., July S. General Joseph Wheeler has written a book on the operations of his cavalry during the civil war, and It will be published for i the benefit of the Wheeler cavalry oamps throughout tho south. At n meeting of Wheeler's Cavalry Camp last night a letter was road from the Alabamlan In which ho stated that he had compiled a lot of notes after the war which had never been printed. Ho signified the Intention of sending flOO to start tho work, and said he would accept no royalty. The book will be published ot once by nn Atlnnta firm. A MAN LOST. TVve GERMAN REMEDY" Cunt VVrtiA mu VuTa &sta4oa iStii& o.w$Ai: ZS650ts filendi sate'l ro'i about Soal- lir'a. This sdmi i turtlniprocbnp leoftce and mVe youadtUcloutdrink ilr lltl.e monr f age ftocets. Every man's wife wh has usedSEELlO'S knows a good drink.Trylton your husband. Sc. a pack-J PROFESSIONAL CARDS meaning of that word like the man who .z has been lost. He will tell you: "I was nn. K. Y. KOUSA. In Hir. i-nsvli rrntner Mi par! steadllv when I .. . I,05t I No man understands the full PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON. Centre and Market atrU. In tha Mdlet building, adjoining; ;jiuttca Slioomnker'fl office. Office hours: SU to 12.00 a. ni., 3.-00 to iSO and 6:00 to 90 p. in. M. BURKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Iu with every $1.00 bottle of Brazilian Balm. This Is the best Tonic. and nerve nnd atrencth builder known. Vou Ret all for J1.00, a month's treatment of both. Now is the time to treat your Catarrh. Do not delay. Ask your druggist andtakeno substitute. If be will not get it, send direct to us. D. V. Jackson & Co., M'f g Chemists, Indianapolis, Ind. SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, Wholesale Agents I was known as "The Woman who Coughs," for I coughed in- I was a school teacher lill my health lailed. Catarrh Had officer living next door. Life was ex- eaten away the partition in my nose. It had produced Bronchitis, lnrt nnrt tho fnpfi HO lllirnnrt mat It 4 ,-H, Jmn.llnl c:trtvinrh trnnh pe ntirl ivpntr lrlrt11fVS- in inci it naa Dicklns. The upper part of the houso wmcu ten urcuwiw. hi mum dltlon again. was found to have bben bamy wrecicea aoctors ten me in, aner uusing me wim uuiu, uiuiui., -. inside and outside. Valuable brlc-a- hniirrht coutrh cures without end but thev oulv made me worse, I was brae, furniture and curios collected In in despa;r till I got hold of Brazilian Balm and Toxicola Tablets, SlL0'1!?, nuHrfS They acted like magic from the first, and in a few weeks I was cured in the woods going ahead steadily when I realized I'd missed the trail. With a cry of ' Lost 1 ' I broke Into a run heed less or ignorant of the direction I was going." The first impulse of a man lost in the woods is to run. The only safe thing is to sit right down nnd reason out the position. Sometimes a business man gets up nt the usual hour, breakfasts, kisses his wife and starts for the office. He has for some time seen signs that he was off the trail of health. To-day the signs multiply. His brain is dull and dizzy, his heart does not beat right, his breathing Is dif ficult, his limbs feci tremulous. He is scared. He realizes that he's far away from the trail of health, and suddenly like a panther from a tree, the thought leaps on mm, "You are a lost man. -The first impulse is to run for help, though the way is honey-combed with pitfalls of quackery. But the rational man faces the facts, sits down and thinks over the position and its proba bilities. That is the man we want to talk to. Disease in almost any form is gen erally accompanied by the failure of the organs of digestion and nutrition. Re establish these orirans in healthv action the blood is at once enriched, the body nourished and the- general health re stored. This result is invariably ac complished by Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discover'. It is a stomach-strengthening, nerve-nourishing, muscle-making, blood-purifying medicine. It has cured mousanus wuo uiougm tueir ncmui r.-:"; """ Ji""!."";',!""!. jjwji entirely lost. The discovery is not teow'n.S a sumuiuni anu contains no aiwuui or whisky. Sold at all medicine stores. Office Egan building, corner ot Haln an Centre ttreeU, Bhenandoah. J CLAUDE BltOWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: I loom No. 1, Kgan building, corner Main and Centre streets, Shenandoah, l'n. PKOF. JOHN JOKES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box CS, Mahanoy Clly, Pa. ng i i li 1 ITarlni In Loudon an Terms reasonable. Address In care of Btrouse studied under some of the bee I masters in London and l'ans, will glre leeaona on ine Tionn.manuoun, guitar ana vocal culture. the leweler Bhenandnah. Pennsylvania RAILROAD. SOITUTKILL DIVISION. Jut 1, ISM. TrkltlR will Imth HhnnknilfMh aH IV.. . . date for Wlggan, Ollberton, Fraekville, Dark i,na,.tifni homes in tho cltvwere lr- and better than I had been in years. Talk about wonderful remedies, NERV1TA PILLS Restores Vitality. Lost Visor and Manhood. Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and TOD oHnff1 rUcr-riKPS. all effects Of Sell" 1 i 1.31. abuse, or excess anu iuui cretlon. A ncrvo tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cneeKS ana restores the fire of youth. KBv mall omq per doxi " " lor Sa.fJO; wAU ft written gimran too to euro or refund tuo money. Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHIOACO, ILL. Sold at Klrlln's drug Btorc. Shenandoah, Pa. M CLIthMUr'. E.sU.ll Diamond llro- Pennyroyal pills jtv prllnlMd Only Genuine. WTW -.V; r-Ht-hla. LADIES mtujiraiwi. " T , T , mo other. rfonjOTWH .u6ttu- V "uMi.r tt .nM.M'"ir lfhilerCremU.10o..HtBaor;. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics net diroctly upon tho disease, without exciting disorder In other ports of tho system. Thoy Curo tho Sick, so. cubes, raicE I-Ferer.. Congestions, Inflammations. .23 U Worms, Worm FeTer, Worm Colic. .25 a-Teethlne.ColIo.CrjIng.Wnkefulnoss .23 4-Dlarrhea. of Children or Adults.-... .33 J7-Couths. Colds, Dronchltls 23 8-Neuralila,Toothacbo,Faceache..... .23 O-lleadaehe. Blck Headache, Vertigo,. .23 10-Dyspepsla.IndlgesUon,WeakStomach.2S ll-8uppressed orl'alnful Periods.... 23 ia-Wlillr.. Too Profuse Periods .23 13- Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness .23 14-SaltHheutn,Erjslp(ili3,ItrupUons.. .23 15- nheuri)a(lsrn. flhsumatjo PIns. S3 tfl-BJalnrla. Cfellls, Feer a H Ague .25 Hr-Helarrh.lnPwPQMIntbpnpiMJ -P3 3ft-WiooplngCougi 33 3T-KWnevPlsenses .23 3H-Nervoua Debility 1.00 30-UHnarv Weakness, WetUngDed. 23 77-tirlp. Hay Fever .25 Dr. Humphreys' Manual ot all Diseases at your Druggists or Hailed Free. . Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt or price, Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor, WUUam John BU, ew York. renarably damaged. Tho money loss is estimated at $5,000 ox more. Cap tain Dicklns wns on duty aa assistant chief of the bureau of navigation when the explosion occurred. Ho was hasti ly summoned nome, ana uia noi Know of his wife's death until ho reached there. The shock prostrated him, and he Is now under a physician's caro, his nervous system being broken down by his terrible misfortune. Mrs. Dicklns was a daughter of Charles F. Datos, a well known resi dent of New York city, and was mar ried to Cantaln Dicklns In 1878 at New port, U. I. They had no children. Sho was an enthusiastic member of the "Hu mane society, nnd during tho sovcro storms of last winter and other years sho aoueht out and helped with food and clothing many homeless and hun gry persons. She was a well known contributor to magazines and tho aut thor of soma books, tha best known o( which Is "Along Shore With a Man-of-War." In society Mrs. Dicklns was very popular. She was one of tho ladles who accompanied the Duke and Duch ess of Veragua on their trip through the United States and to tho Colum bian nxnositlon at Chicago. She was nn active member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, whlph wlH tako special action regarding hor death. During the Spanlsh-Amorlcan way she wns one of the most active of a local commltteo which did good work In securing delicacies and caring for tho sick and wounded soldiers whq passed through Washington from Cuba or the military pomps In the south. His Life Was Saved. Mr. T. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen oi Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful de liverance from a frightful death. In telling of it be says; "I was taken with Typhoid Fever, that ran into Pneumonia. iy nines became hardened. I was so weak I couldn t even sit up in bed. Mottling neipea me. i die of Consumption, when I r n. Tv'tnn'. Nmv nisenverv. One lntil nave preat relief. I cent ruled to USO it, and now am wen ana strong, i can i too much in its praise.' This marvelous medicine is the surest anu nuicneii ture m iuc (nr nil Throat and Lune Trouble. Ree- ular sizes 5o cents and $l.oo. Trial bottles I free at A. Wesley's drug store; every oottie guaranteed. Tho Iloortrnnliod, Atlnntlo I.oncuo. Philadelphia, July 8. A special meeting of tho Atlantic uaseuaii. League was held at the Hotel Hari over here yesterday. Tho situation. Brazilian Balm and Toxicola saved my life. Miss h. L. Clark, 917 Horton St. You cct moro doses of Brazilian Balm for tho money than any other remedy. 25, 50 cents nnd $1.00 a bottle nt ilrugKlsts. With every J1.00 bottlo you cct one month's treatment of Toxicola Tablets free; the best tonic, nerve and strength builder In tho world. II. P. Jackson Sc. Co., Mfg. Chemists, Indpls, Ind. Shenandoah Drug Store, Wholesale and Retail Agents. "A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OP SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO EVERYTHING TO MAKE THE SEA50H EMJOYABLE AND ATSMALL COST. PREPAID -sssi v XV si, iia!iPiiEp. mi m v&fi Mts a t m. fgs Paid Purchasee of 85 will be sent FREIGHT to any rqllroad station In MAIN NEW HAMPSHIRE, VERMON MA38A0HU3ETT8, RHODE 18. LAND, OONNEOTIOUT, NEW YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, and NEW JER8EY. Nn.YoiiK.Kt A Bird's Eye View of New York" andltsQreatest Store flnnd far our nrtoV. SIR ruin's-bouiillfully illustrated and very Intercstjug. York nii'l how Ui gu ubout. Fats ton tue ssiino. Tells you all about few Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of loy. Bucklen s Arnica saivc cures intra , also Old, Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, llruises, Hums. Scalds. Channed Hands. Chilblains, Uest Tile cure on earth. Drives out Tains and Aches. Onlv 2?cts. a box, ( ure guaranteed. Sold by A. Wasley, druggist. A Clinnco In Army Orders. Washington, July 8. At tno sug gestion of tho president there has been a change In the assignment of colonels of the new regiments, uoionoi 1'ettit eolnu from tho Twenty-eighth In fantry, to bo organized at Camp -Meade. Pa., to the Thirty-first regi ment, wnicu win ue orgauizeu at t ort Thomas, Ky., or troops raiseu m onio. Kentucky and Tennessee. No selec tion has yet been made for an officer to command tho Twenty-eighth regi ment. $100 Reward $100. The readers of this paper will bo pleased to Ilcarn that there Is at least ono dreaded disease that science has been able to curo In nil its stages, and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cu.ro is the only positive euro known tq the medical fraternity. Catarrh beinB a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's I Catarrh Curo Is taken Internally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tlie SIR THFPV 604 North Sixth St. Ulla 8 lllasWIsfSIdeEatranceonGrtcnSt I'hllndelpnlo, x's.. enrrs drier advertliiriK doctors, Medlcsl Insti tutes, tamlly physicians, speclsllsts. hospital and army surgeons fall, as Swore TBSlImonials??ebry8..n r'aPhl!adeIrhlTimra!proe..i AIIE the fate of thousands who :eMn are robbed and rnlnea py .nnssuirai B-aoA S worded and alluring advertisements, g B A mS m posing as old and experienced speo U. Ullsts. otTerlng tree conioltatfons, o g S free advice and cheap or, moderate d . prlcedtreatment. Their Tictlms you S Si ' 3 Bad by thoassnds ta roornonte s or B-l0 InaneAijlnma.ConsultUr.Theel ro9 ae who Is known as the only hone.t, 2S 3 5 skillful and genuine Hi.eclnlUt SSg3S.m tnthlscoontrjrwlthSycars'Europesn 8 ? m Hospital and 31 years' pracUcal ex orerlencis Send 6 two-cent tamps tor book Trnth,, the only true medical bock advertised plvtng valuable Inform stlon to young Snd old, Buffering from Heir-Atni.o. l'rlvnta lutuu, IxBrtIanhood,Vsrtcorelo4Btrteture, andeipoilnKalldeceltslntheprsctlceofroedlclna seJeculcUy. Hoursi-3, ev'Ks.frft.Banaay.WJ. Philadelphia & Reading R'y. Engines Burn Hard Coal Ho Smoke. aaelphla (Hrvl street station) at 6 19 and 8 05 a. m., z iu, s is p. m. on week days. Bnndajs. 8 05 a. m., 4 SO p. m. ' Trains leave Fraekville for Shenandoah at 7 38, il 44 a. m. and 9 8s, 7 84 p. m. Sunday, 11 01 a. m. and 5 S4 p. m. Leave I'ottsvillo for Shenandoah (via FracK vtlle) 7 10, 11 9) a. m., 5 10, 7 10 p. m. Sunday 10 85 a. m., 4 10 p. m. Leave 1'hlladelnhta. inroad Irc.t atntlnnt. In. ISheaandoah at 8 S3 a. m., 4 10 p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 4 AO and 9 S3 a. m. Leave I'hllndelnhlA f Ilrnjul tt.M.1 b.llm.t rA Il'ottavllle, 3 30, 8ai, 1018 a. m., 180, i 10,711 p. m. weekdays. Sundaya, 4 SO, 9 S3 a. m, and 4 02 p m. Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. FOR NEW YORK. KxpressWeckHlays. 8 20, 4 05, 4 40. S 00, S 19 0 50, 7 as. 825, 9 ), 10 21, dining earj, 11 00, 11 43 a ni, IS 00 noon, 12 35. 1 Limited 1 00 and 4 22 p m. dining cars), 1 43, (2 30, dining oar), a 20, 350. 4 OS, 5 00, 5 56, (dining car), 600, 702, 810; (dining car), 1000 p. m., 12 01, night. Sundays. 8 2C. 4 OS. I 40. 5 00. 6 15. 8 21, 50. (10 21, dinlnK cnr),10 43, It 43 a m, 12 03, (dining car), 1 83, 2 80. (dining carl, 4 02, (Limited 4 22 dining car). Ctrl, 1000 p.m., 1201 night. cor uonon witnoul change, 11 01 a ra., week- d?.vs. and 8 10 n. m . ri.ll For Kea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Long Uranch, 6 50,8 30, 1141 a m, JO, 4 03 P m wceK-tiays. eundays, 8 30 a m. yAflIIINaTON and tub so' rn. For naltlmora and Washington, 8 50, 7 JO. 8 W. a., aaw. ifloaininBcsr lis. 812, 4 41, 5 S3 Congressional 10 SO. 11 S3. (lining carl. ."infng car, 5 84, 6 17. 455, dining ear). 17 81 dining car, p m, and 11 03 night week dIL Hnnilav. R VI V Q14 tlw - m 1 11 dining car, '312, 4 41. (' Congrenslona Limited dlnlnir carl. SSI IKKK .llnlnm.l. Ivai dinlngcarj, p. m.,aud 1205 night. For Ualtlmore, accommodation, 9 IS a ra, 1 82 and 4 01pm week days, 3 08 and 11 It p m dally. WEST JERSEY & SEASHORE, It. It. FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad street station via Delaware river bridge Express, 4 M, 9 40 fO mlnuten s m, 2 83 81 mlnutrsl, 4 00 SO minutes, 705 Kfmlnuteel Eom,Bnday",".4i?t 950 l minutes a.m., 23S 82 minutes, 7 05 83 minutes p. m. Slarkcl Street Vharf Bxpsess. ,0 00. 830, (73 minutes). 1000 (75 minutes, a m, (100 Saturdays only), (75 minute.), 2 00. (70 minutes). 8 00 ( 75 minutes), 3 80 (00 minutes), 4 00 &r nilniltal. 4 !m T5 m(niil..i K fw-i tun .1 5 30 165 mlnuUsl p. m. Sundays, 6 00, 7 n$ H.'",L,i,1,7,l 8 ? I75 rninutes, 8 SO 75 utlnutes , ?S9 I? minutes, 10 00 70 minutes a.ra.,ani 4 30 3 minutes p. m. Jl.00 Excuieion train, 7 00 a. m. dally. ror ixpealay. Ansleaes. Wlidwoad.TIolIr system, thereby destroying tho foundation ' Sundays', 3 10 a m, IN EFFECT JULY 1. 18S9. Trains leave Shenandoah as follows : For New York via Philadelphia, week dayb, 710,5 33,7 87, 9 55 a. la., 12 26, 3 09 and 6 09 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 n m. For New York via Marxh Chunk, week days 7 87 a. m., 12 24 and 8 09 p. m. For Reading and Philadelphia, week days, & iu, o oo, or v co a m, u 20, a vs ana o vj p. m. the disease, and giving the patient strength by I building up the constitution and nsalstlng nature In doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in Its curative powers, that they I offer O.ne Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address. F. J.CHKNEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 75o Halt's Family FIJls are the bcU TUreo Itllleil by Mlnb Kxplaslon. Dover. N. J.. July 8. Three men wero killed In nn explosion In the Hurd mines at Port Oram, near horo, yoa torday. The men wero reconstructing pn old 8nau wnon a laun oi on ex ploded. The dead nro: Edward Mills, SUpOrintcnutiUL, r i uuui iliw uvuoiuuui and William Murphy, all of Port Oram, i Mills waB Instantly killed. Scherffner and Murphy were tnrown a me uot tom of tho shaft lo water and wero arownca, . For Pottsvllle. week days. 2 10. 7 87. 9 55 a. m. 12 28, 8 09, 6 09 and 7 30 p. m. Sundays, 3 10 a m. For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days. 2 10, 787, 9 55 a. m., 13 24. 8 OS and 4 09 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a m. For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lewlsburg, week days. 827, 1183 a. m., 13 24, 7 80 p. m Sunilnys, a 27 a m. ForMahano) Plane, weekdays, 310,8 27,533, 7 37, 9 55, 11 83 a. ta.. 13 2a. 8 OS, 4 09, 7 80, 54 p. ni. Sundays, 3 10 and 3 27 a m. ror Asnianaanu auatnoKin, weeK aaya, a .-. 7 87, 11 83 a. m., 13 24, 8 09, 6 07,' 7 25 and 9 65 p. m.' Beach Express, 9 00 a m, 4 05 100 mlnutasj p m only, 130pm Saturdays. Excursion 700a. to. my. Sunday. 9 27am. jfor liauimore, vasningion ana ine west via Tetminal, Philadelphia. (P. & It. 11. K.) at a 20, 7 65, 1124 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 P. t Sundays bfi through trains lea-1 Reading o iv-i lr rs 1,1 M fl l . nn ... . .1 .1 1 0 V, , IW -aj a. Ml., u .uu . 4, .u I nuur tlonal trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest. nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20 12 15 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 85, 8 28 p. m. TRAINS FOB SHENANDOAH. Teave New York via Philadelphia, week days, 1215, 4 80, 7 80,1180 a. nx., and 180,4 80, 9 00 p.m. Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week days, 4 80. 9 10 a. m.. 1 80, 40 p. in. Leave Philadelphia. Heading Terminal, week days, 4 80,484, WJ1 a. m. snd 184, 4 04, 8 84, .,-ir.: - ' For Sea Isle Clly, Ocean City, A Talon sad Stone Harbor Express 9 10 am, 1 80. 4 30, 1 00 pm weekdays. Sundays, 8 SO a m. Excursion 7 00 am daily. For Somen' Point Express, 0 00,880,1000 is to, (100 Saturdays only), 2 00,3 00,4 00,8 00,6 30 p m weekdays. Sundays, 5 00, 8 00, 9 00 and 10 00 a ni, 4 80 p ni. For tickets and other Information apply to J. B. nDTClIIHSO, Gen'l Manager. J. B. Wood, Gen'l PassVr Xut I days, 4 80,4 80. 19 SI a. m. snd 184, 4 04, 8 84. -ay f UWeWrledlng. week days, 187, 700, 1008. JN CWS 311(1 I Ml 111011 Si a. tn..U15,417, 800,824p.ixu f' " U UpiUlUUJ delay. Cholera Infantum. UwnWr, . "T, J-"? 7 T 4n . Qny fe plan il 9 M ,2 M , 1 30, 4 80, 4 10 and 4 50 p. m. 'TOU'LL GET ALL THAT'S A-COMINd TO YOU." If, whon con.tcroplatnf; a trip to any point West or Southwest of the Mississippi River, yon will purchase tickets via the Missouri that confronted tho league through, the Pacific Ry., or Iron Mountain Route (which fUshandmpnt of thp Patereoi cjuh wS are on sale at all principal ticket offices in discussed, and the gcraiitop, franchise. tunn declared forfeited ana tno raier- son club dropped, the circuit thus being reduced to six cluus. Tno uicnmona club was awarded the championship. A new schedule was prepared for a second series and n now championship, tho season to bogln July iu ana ciose I pept. 10, Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to California Vftttiottt unmge of Ca,r?, . I-oavluB Washington pvcry Tue8Uy aud Friday at 11:15; a. m., tho Southern Railway operates, personally Conducted Tourist Lx diarrhoea como suddenly. to have Dr. Fowlor" Dstract of Wild Straw. berry always on hand. OP I.iuin'B siayora Aonntttod. Manila, July 8, Tho trial at Ca banatuan ot the slayers ot General l imn tha TNltnlnn londnr TFhn wnn no. corslons to San Franciso without change of BaasInate(i i,y tho guard of Agulnaldo'a cars, conductors or porters. The route Is rfisl(lence. ,B ended. The accuaoJ were through Atlanta, Montgomery, .ewyricans, -- -,.,-. .., , - ,(" .. f RAB0WSKY HOTEL. K. GRABOWSKY, Prop. Sit N. Centra St, Fottsvllle, Pa. Fine old Whiskeys, Gins snd Wines, at the ba A choice line of Cigars and Temper ance Drfuks. Accommodation tot travelers. Meals at all hours CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought the United States), you will havo all the comforts and luxurioa of modern railway equipment, and the finest opportunities for viewing all of nature's museums and marvels of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Toxar, Old and New Mexico, California, eto. Ex cursion tickets to all principal pointa at greatly reduced rates. On account of the National Education Association meeting at lios Angeles In July, wo will' make special low round trip rates. When contemplation a trip West or Southwest, write us for full Information and rock bottom figures. W E.Hoyt, O.E.P. Agent, J. P. McCann, T. P. Aeont. 891 Broadway, Now York. 4-22-tf iTmiatnn. fiui Antonlo.Now Moxico. Arlzonia, and Southern California. Tho cars aro the very latest pattern of Pullman Tourist Sleepers, rosewood finish, havo high hack Bents, upholstered In rattan, are sixteen section, supplied with linen etc., same as standard sleepers, uguien oy rinucu uaa, curtains, lavatory, and smoking room for gentlemen, arm 'wo reirtng rooms ior lames. Inrpo anu oue-uau nays iu juuxicu uu Arizona, four days to J.os Augclos and Sonthorn Oalifotnia, and live days to San Francisco, Sqch service for Transcontinental travel has never hoforo boon ollored. The tourist carfare il less than via any other route, cQ'octlng a saving of fifl.OO to Beara the Signature of Buy Keystone flour, Be snro that the name Ltaua & Bajcb, Aahland, Pa., U printed on every sack. The testimony showed there was a con spiracy on tho part of una. and other officers to fciU Agunaldo nnd makQ Hina tllftafpri Luna's death seouia to havo strengthened Agulnaldo'a have wide vstlhules, dpHhlo Bash roller leadership for the time. Una'a aup- IU . 11V,, V WW, W .V uu w w u I iieave Tamaqua, week days, 8 18, 8 84, 1123 a. m. t sv, o do, i cu, nil p. m. Leave Mahanoy Clly. week days, 8 43, 9 04, it 4f a. m.,iu,o), o n, i f, mun p. m Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 3 40, 4 00 480. 9 23. 10 23. 13 00, a. m., 3 89, 5 84, 4 42, T 58 10 31pm. Leave Wllllamsport, week days, T41, 10 00 a m..l3 8t and 100. 11 SO p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVI8ION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street w barl and South streetwharf for Allantlo City. BWeekdays-Kxpreas, 8 00,9 00,10 45 a m, 130, 2 uu, a uu, 4u sixty nunutcj, 4 uu, mluutel. 0 00. 7 IS. n m. Accom m, 5 80. 9 30 p m. Sundays Express, 7 30, 8 00, Dailv and Sundav hv mnll S a vi H3Q,9CO,1000am,445,715pm. Acoomtnoda- "l"Jr auu viunuuy.uy mau,fa a yi lion, o Hi a in . w p in. Sl.w ixcuniiou fwu m uany anur ijuDuuuars. Inve Atlantic city Depot : wecaaays K3t- Natlonal Importance THE - SUN ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. '$6 a y nrs. 6 4SMondarsonlvl.7 00.7 4S. 17 SO from llalttoave. station only, 8 30, 9 CO, 1013, 1100 Oraln-0 Brings Relief to the coflco drluker. Coffee drinking Is a habit that Is universally Indulged In and almost as universally injurious. Have you n-lnJ,t Tt la ilmmt like pnETiw hut. AUIn0foTOalon,'maps and wtes furnished the effects are jnst the opposite. Coffee nn annllcatlon to Charles L. Ilonklns. Dis- UDseto the stomach, ruins the digest'on, trict Passenger Agent, Southern Railway on-ecta the heart and disturbs tho whole Company, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. neryous sy6tenli areIn.0 tonefl np tho Ilivea are a terrible torment to the little stomach, aids digestion and strengthens the folks, and to somo older ones. Easily cured, nerves. There Is nothing but nourishment Doan's Olntmont nevor falls. Instant relief. In Graln-O, It can't be otborwUo. 15 and I permanent curo. At any drug toro, 50 cents. 25c per package. nlll.8 80, 4 30, 33U, 7 30, 930 put. ilauon,4 U3,uu am, soupm. Acooinmo- Hundavs Kx- 7 00, 73U. 8 00, nrivi. 330. 400. boo. ecu, oau, ft 3(1 n m. Accommodation. 7 15 a m. 4 30 11 in. $1.03 Excursion, weekdays 8 OOp m, Hundaya 0 10. For Ocean City Weekdays- 4S, 9 IS a m, 3V41S,813pm. Sundays 8 45, 9 IS a m,443 p in. i.uu excursion 1 nursuay auu eunoay 1 uu n m. For Cape Mar and Sea Isle City Weekdays 91Sam,230,415nm. Bundays 845 n m 4 43. pm. ji.00 excursion auuuays only, 700 a in. Auuitionai lur vnpa aiay lYecsuAys 001 am. Bundays 9 15 am. Parlor Cars on all express trains. For farther Information, apply to nearest Philadelphia and Heading Hallway ticket agent or address I. A. Bwhoabd, Eneoa J. Weeks, The Sunday Sui is the greatest Sunday newspa In the world. Pries 5c a cepj, By mill, $2 a Address THE SUN, New York. Celebrated Eel l'owders never i uf, .nil iiim I .n.r I ' vrtth Tsnty nl PeanTniisTilUi ud oilu nia'i I ni.;, uuy .UVI l. unu - w Oen'l HunL. Ueadlnx Terminal, Philadelphia. ioa J. WEEKS. I .irimt OuwsaUed lupenot to aU Uliw M m iUdelDhla. M'SllUr.lkiwksjs. year ape k 1 'in etujio ar fall. a-- I fsUluH ;hu uO TdUlW. I BBSS. r