The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 08, 1899, Image 2

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IMT UtLlSHHIi 1870.
"All thr No- Thai's Fit lo Prim,"
iMxlied f rry I'veiilng, eacrpt Sunilny, nt 8
Hnulli .Inrtll ii street, Blieiinmlonh, l'n.
The Ilcrnld l delivered In Shenandoah and tlio
iirroiindlni! tow ns for ilx cents n w ck, pay
able to the carriers. Hy mull tS.00 n ymr, or
23 cent month payoblo In advance. Ad
vertisements charged nccordlnR to space and
position. The publishers rwcrvo tho Huh
to change tho position of advertisement,
whenever tho publication of news demands
it Tha Hbt la reserved to reject ohy
advertisement, whether paid for or not, that
ln nubflahers nuiv deem Improper. Advcr-
tlsliiR re made known upon application
Kntered at the pot office nt Shenandoah, Pa.,
second class mall matter.
OUR COUNTRY : First, Last and Forever
Thk XX Knnsas regiment will,
from present Indications, get n double
X recention when It returns to the
Grasshopper stnto.
Public Interest and curiosity Is
just about evenly divided between
the "kissing bus" and the Jjemocra
tie county convention on Monday.
John M. Gauman, ex-Chairman of
the Democratic State Committee, is
confined to his home at Nanticoko
suffering from u severe attack of
typhoid fever,
Somk gold Is going east' across the
Atlantic, but gold is still coming In
from Australia. Our Pacific trade
will occupy a more important place
in statistics hereafter.
Councilman Nkiswkntkr Is a
firm believer in self-preservation, as
evldeuoed at last night's meeting of
Council. It is William first, and the
people second, with him. .
A system of free schools has been
started in Manila, and it will be ex
tended as fast as the islands quiet
down. It is a fair average specimen
of the tyranny the United States has
in contemplation.
There is weeping and wailing and
gnashing of teeth in the Tammany
organization at the thoughts of
Croker's wrath when he reads of the
Fourth of July celebration in the
wigwam, and the mistake made in
putting ex-Governor Hogg, of Texas,
on the list of speakers.
ties in Schuylkill county to adopt the
system adopted by tho Berks Demo
crats, of assessing every candidate
$20.00 before his name can be pre
sented to the convention. It depends
upon who the county chairman
might be. Some of them might
Quail under the load.
Democratic papers have much to
say of a censorship at Manila, but
they can name no essential fact that
has been suppressed. The official dis
patches have given a careful and
complete history of events. As for
sensation mongers and alarmists,
the people are glad to know that
their canard factory is cut oil from
cable facilities.
The Tamaqua Recorder pretends
to be in deadly fear that the Demo
crats will nominate a gold bug at
their county convention on next Mon
day for Judge. A year previous it
didn't seem to worry them in fact,
it seemed to have inspired new life
into them, to support then, what
they now denounce. Its sudden
change of front has bewildered every
body, even its proprietors Ashland
Gen-. Harbison Gray Otis is an
other man who thinks the Senate's
delay in ratifying the treaty was the
causoof the Filipino outbreak. Otis
was In the islands at the time, and
probably knew as much about the
conditions in that quarter as any
body. His judgment is endorsed by
everybody whose opinion on the sub
ject ia entitled to any weight. A guln
ill do thought that Gorman, Hoar and
the other obstructives in the Senate
represented the majority of the
American people. He had an idea
that Bryan, Atkinson, Garrison and
the other copperheads would either
go over to the Philippines themselves
and help him or prevent the govern
went from sending any more soldiers
over to crush him. Aguinaldo made
a very serious mistake, but the mis
take was natural. Gorman, Hoar,
Bryan, Billy Mason, Atkinson and
the rest of the gang of copperheads
aro responsible for the loss of every
American life which has been ex
pended in the Philippines. The
American poople will attend to those
renegades If any of them come up as
candidates for any office hereafter.
"The Prudent Man Setteth
His House in Order."
Your human tenement should be given
even more careful attention than the
house you live in. Set it in order by
thoroughly renovating your whole system
through blood made pure by taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla. Then every organ
toUl act promptly and regularly.
JfkfOdS SaMcibwdlta
A mountain ol dishes confront, tho nrerago house
wife niter nil the family h.iv dined Thcv are greasy
dlilies, too, and hard to Rut clean Kith snap ana water.
The best, easiest nmikcst and cheapest way to wash
dishes Is to use a little
Ifowoll, thoAmorlcnn StudontAbroml,
IlotnliiH tlio Diamond Sculls.
Henlcy-on-Thnmos, July 8. The
Honloy royal regatta camo to an end
yosterday undor the most favorablo
conditions. Tho racing contained no
surprises and no closo finishes. There
was a fooling of rollof, however, when
for the stewards' challenge cup the
Magdalen crew disposed so easily of
tho German crow that many had pre
dicted would win. Tho cheers which
greeted tho winners wero much heart
ier thnn those glvon to any other vic
tors and emphasized the general joy
that tho trophy was not to ho taken
There was much enthusiasm when
tho young Etonians fairly rowed down
their strong opponents, Pcmuroko col
lege, In tho ladles' challenge plate, and
re-established their claim as tho hold
ers of this trophy.
Howell's victory in the diamond
challenge sculls was also Immensely
popular. Howell Is nn American oars
man, n student of Trinity Hall, Cam
bridge. Ho bent Dlackstafto, of the
Vesta Itowlne club. Howell was tho
present holder of the diamond sculls.
When Lady Esther Smith presented
the prizes after the races Colonel Wll
lan, the umpire, made a brief speech,
In which ho welcomed the foreign
crews to Henley. Ho said:
"Wo are especially glad to renew ac
quaintance with tho Argonauts, who
made such a favorable Impression when
they wore here two years ago. We
like to seo that they made a bold hid
for tho grand, and although wo should
be extremely sorry to part with the
cup, there is no place whore wo would
rather seo it go than to Canada."
Yon Try It.
If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure,
which is sold for tho small prico of 25 cts., 50
cts. and $1 00, docs not euro take the bottle
back and we will refund your monoy. Sold
for over fiftv years on this guarantee. Price
25 cts. and 50 eta. Sold by P. D. Klrlin on
a guarantee.
No Alllnnco With I'lneroo and No In
tention to RohIkii.
War Alger had a word to say about
ine contest tor the Michigan United
States SMiatorship. He denied In tho
most positive manner the oxistence of
any political combination between
uovernor Plngree and himself.
"There can be." he said, "nn nn
Utical combination between Governor
fingree ana myself, because it would
oe iinpossiDie ior me wnno a mem
ber or the cabinet to form one with
anybody who is not in perfect accord
with tho president's policy, and Gov
ernor Plngree is known not to ha.
heartily favor the president's policy.
ana navo no intention of resigning
uuiu cue caoint.
Secretary Alger added that be had
told Governor Plngree and his friends
that he was not a candidate for the
senatorsnip Jn the sense of seeking the
piace at tne Hands of tho legislature.
and that he would not put any money
into me campaign.
SWA1YIP- Is not recommended for
cvufiuiuK. uutuyuu nave
ROOT kidney, liver or bladder
xvu 1 troubloitwill be found lust
the remedy you need. At druggists in fifty
cont and dollar sizes. You may bavo a sample
bottte of this wonderful new discovery by
mail free, also pamphlet telling all about it.
Address. ir. Kilmer &Co.,Ulngliamton, N.Y.
Itocrultlni; Dwindling In Enulnnd.
London. July 8. In thn
lords yesterday the secretary of state
for war, the Marquis of Lansdowno
Introduced a bill which is regarded as
the thin end of the wedce of rnn.
scrlptlon and as likely to render the
government unpopular. Lord Lans
downe said he did not favor conscrip
tion, but he thoucht it advlsalilB that
such -a bill should be in readiness If
wuiueu, ana mat "tne country should
uuw it stanas with regard to
this question." Already the Liberal
papers are attacking the government
and asking what need there Is of such
a measure unless consciiptlon is in
tended. Looking to the fact that re
cruiting Is dwindling, tho bill will be
regarded with great suspicion.
Sick Headaches,
The curse of ovomorkod womankind, are
quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover
Root Tea, the great blood purifier and tissue
builder. Money refunded If not satisfactory.
Prico 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Klrlin
on a guarantee.
pJu Sl u oNot Cons"dto
. v..HUO,VUiU .J my o.a prominent
omciai close to President A. J. Cassatt,
u. wiu i-ewisyivania, railroad, denied
tho published statement that the Penn
sylvania and the Now York Central
railroads had entered a compact by
which the two systems had practically
ucwuiu uuu. iu u reporter he said:
"Tho story is too absurd to receive any
consideration. There has nover been
any thought of consolidating the two
systems. Tho statement is simply a re
hash of a story published some time
ago. The New York Central Is prac
tically a family railroad ownnrl hv ih
Vanderbllts, while there are 30.000
stockholders In tho Pennsylvania rail
road." Tlio Joir ChanipInriHhlp.
Lake Forest. Ills.. July 8. Tho nolf
championship for 1899 will be won by
an eastern man. H. M. Morrlman, of
the Mpadowbrook Gold club, of Hemp
stead, u- i; and the present cham
pion, Flndlay S. Douglass, won the
seml-flnals In the amateur golf tour
nament at Onwentsla yesterday, and
today will meet In the deciding etruKr
gle for tho championship. It will he a
Scotch golfer against a native American.
Ms V I
In tho dlili -water. It acts like
magic, cuts the grease and makes
the dishes perfectly clean. In fact
nil cleaning is made cnsler by this
grout cleanser, and nt half the cost
oi soap.
greatest economy buy our largo package.
St. Louis New York Doiton
Aro Ulfts'liKiMo For Uuty!
Now York, .Tuly 8. In tho formal
examination before Collector Dldwoll
yesterday afternoon Into tho ense of
Mrs. Phyllis E. Dodgo, who Is alleged
to have smuggled Jowolry Into this
country, Edward Lauterhnch, counsel
for Mrs. Dodge, raised a decidedly
novel point. Ho ndmittcd that tho
Jewelry was purchased abroad, but do
clared that it was given to Mrs. Dodgo,
not purchased by her, so that the tariff
law in no way applies to It. Nothing
whatever is said In the law about
dutlablo goods purchased abroad and
given outright to anothor porson. Col
lector Dldwoll reversed his decision.
Kluked to Doiitli liy Hoodlums.
Philadelphia, July 8. Thomas Ash-
worth, 43 years, a former saloonkeeper,
and lately a United Gas Improvement
company employe, was picked up dead
from the ' pavement In front of 5414
Wyaluslng avenue shortly before
Thursday midnight. Ashworth was at
tacked by four drunken young men and
kicked Into Insensibility. Their names
are Elmer Wilson, John Kennedy, Al
bert Kelly and John Daly. Thoy are
under arrest, and Ashworth's watch
was found In Kelly's possession. It Is
asserted that the gang went through
Ashworth's pockets as he lay pros
Tbo pleasant flavor, gentle action, and sooth
Ing effect of Syrup of Figs, when in need of
laxative, and if tlio father or mother bo
costlvo or bilious, the most gratifying results
follow It use ; to that it is tho best family
remedy known and every family should have
a bo'tlo. Manafactured by tho California
Fig Syrup Co.
Unolo Snm's Money Order IliiBlnoRS
Washington, July 8. A comparative
statement of tho .monoy order business
of tho country for tho quartor ending
March 31 last, tho final returns
which have Just come In, show thoro
were 7.846,168 monoy orders Issued,
amounting to iB2,383,038. This is an
increase over the corresponding quar
tor last year of $3,890,306.
Tcntorday'a linsobnll Games.
National League: At Pittsburg-
Pittsburg, 7; Chicago, 0. At Boston-
Boston. 8: Now York, 3. At Brooklyn
ton, 4; Baltimore?" 3". M LbulavlUo
Liouisviiie, 0; Cincinnati, 3.
Atlantic League: At Richmond
Nowark, 11: rtlchmond. 7. At Lancas
ter Lancaster, 4; Wllkesharro, 3. At
Aiientown ui innings) Paterson,
Allentown, 3.
AppIIonntH l'or Army Commissions
Washington, July 8. It is stated at
the war department that almost every
officer who served In the volunteer
army during the war with Spain, and
who had been honorably mustered out,
haB again offered his services to meet
tne needs or the Philippine campaign,
Aiiogemer no less than 10,000 applf
uuuuiis iur commissions in the new
volunteer army now forming have
heen received.
Tylor Will Try For tlio Sonnto,
Norfolk, Va., July 8. Tho Virginian
Pilot sayo that Governor J. Hoge
Tyler will soon becomo a candidate to
succeed Hon. Thomas S. Martin in the
United states senate. This lnforma
tlon Is derived from a close personal
and political friend of the jrovernor.
He will take this action In deference
to the wishes of free silver advocates
and the promotors of the May confer
Snntfnsro Hero to Bo n Colonol.
Washington, July 8. Captain Brere
ton, of the Twenty-fourth infantry,
who distinguished himself during the
Santiago campaign. Is to be appointed
to the colonelcy of one of the volunteer
A uluohor to Uo DIfteracod.
Berlin, July 8. Measures havo been
ianen to strike off tho rolls of thn
Prussian nerreuhaus, or house of lords,
the name Of Prfnrn flnhhnrH TH,,ho.
great grandson of tho famous generai
wuu vummunueu tne Prussians at the
battle of Waterloo. Some years ago
Prince Blucher, who had ruined hlm-
seu at tne gambling table, fled to Now
York city, whero, It Is said, he became
Consumption Cured.
Last November Mr. losenh Tames.
painter, of 325 W. Pearl St., Indianapo
lis, Ind., was at death's door with quick
tuusunipuoo, wasieu to a skeleton;
his Iuml's a mass of ulceration: his
and family. He was kept in a constant
stupor with omum. A friend, think no-
to relieve his terrible cough, gave him a
bottle of Brazilian Balm. Seeing Its
wonuenui eitcct, tne doctor advised its
continued use. Mr. James soon after
dismissed ins doctor, and depended
on the Balm alone. His recovery was
rapid and complete, and in February he
returned to work. His lungs arc bound,
and his weight greater than at any time
iu ins itie. ills recovery is regarded as
almost a tmracie,
In consumption beware of cough mix
tures and prescriptions that contain
opium. Opium parnlizes the nerves,
and gives the comma bacillus a good
chance to destroy the lungs. It is
always fatal. Brazilian Balm does not
contain a trace of any opiate, but stimu
lates the nerves with new life and power,
destroys the microbe, and restores all
that is left of the diseased lu
sound and healthy state which no other
remedy has ever been known to accom
plish. Shenandoah drag toro, wholesale agents I
.. . .
SIr. Sownll mid Mint Anthony I'ro-
Hontod to llor MnJoHty.
London. July 8. A numbor of Amer
ican, colonial and continental guests
of tho International Congress of Wo
men having oxprcsscd a'doslro to pay
tholr rospocts to tho qucon, Lndy Aber
deen arranged a trip to Windsor yes
terday afternoon, whon her majesty as
sented to the suggestion that sue
should drive slowly through tho quad-
rnnclo of tho cnstlo and recelvo a low
of tho more promlnont delegates.
Miss Susan U. Anthony, who, witn
Mrs. May Wright Sowall, tho nowly
olected president of tho congress, on-
Joyed tho prlvllogo of presentation,
said to a correspondent: "I had nover
Boon tho queen beforo ana could not
but fool a thrill when, looking Into her
wonderful faco, I saw her, as hor life
Is going out, welcoming tlio woman h
movement, which is tho precursor oi
tho Twonticth contury. What pleased
mo most was whon lieTmajcsty saiu:
'Now, 1 cannot havo those ladles who
aro visiting mo return without giving
them a cup of tea.'
"Sir Arthur Iliggo, tho queen's pri
vate secretary, replied: 'But, your
majesty, they are hero In hundreds.'
"'I do not card,' said tho queen, 'II
they are hero In thousands. They
must nil havo a cup of tea whon they
coino to see me.'
"And we had It In tho queen's pal-
aco, as a recognition of tho great wo
manhood of our country.
Mrs. Sewall said: "Tho queen look
ed ton years younger than whon I
saw her ten years ago. Evory line In
hor faco displayed sorcnoty, sweetness
and pleasure. She looked us each full
In tho oyes with a quick keen glance.
Hor volco Is melodious, and thero is
a total absence of certain lines of tho
mouth shown In most photographs of
her Indicating disdain.1'
Young Mothersi
Croun is tlio terror of thousands of young
inothors becanso its outbreak ia so agonizing
and frequently fatal. Shiloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure acts like magic in cases of
croup, it has never been Known 10 laii. xno
worst cases relievod immediately. Price 25
eta.. B0 cts. and tl.00. Sold by P. D. Klrlin
on a guarantee.
A Controversy Over tlio Attendance
nt tho Great OnthorlnK.
Detroit, July 8. Tho mooted ques
tion of tho number of people brought
Into Detroit by tho Christian Endeavor
convention cropped out at tho outset
of last night's meeting In Tent Endeav
or, when Secretary Baer took occasion
to publicly criticize the Detroit nows
papers for saying that tho Influx of
delegates from other states was not
nearly as large as had been anticipated
In tho local commltteo's estimates. Mr,
Baer said he 'had no statement yet to
mako about tho attendance as com
nared with other years. Ho promised
to mako ono later, but called on all
Endeavorers present to rise. A largo
majority of thoso present stood up
which Mr. Baer assumed to be proof
of his view of the attendance question.
Tho newspapers' estimate of total vis
itors Is 20,000 In round numbers. Mr.
Baer denied that anybody conDOcted
with Christian Endeavor committees
had evor told Dotrolt peoplo that they
had reason to expect 50,000 Endeavor-
ors. At all events, tho secretary in
slsted that tho Christian Endeavor
main nfrJetYfigs': hnfnrn been ? crowd
A Card.
We, the undersigned, do hereby apn-oo to
refund tho money on a 50-cent bottio of
Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails
to cure your cough or cold. Wo also gnaran
too a 25-cent bottio to provo satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Wasloy, C. II. Hagon
buch, Shenandoah Drug Storo, and P. W.
Bicrstein & Co. ll-14-33t-dw
As rtollootod hy Dealings In Plillndol
phfa nnd Dnltlmoro
Philadelphia, July 7. Flour prices ruled
in Duyers tavor; winter superfine, 125
Z.Z3; Pennsylvania roller, clear, $303.25
olty mills, extra, $2.25ffl2.G0. Itye flour dull,
but steady, at 2 per barrel for cholco
Pennsylvania. Wheat dull: No. 2 rod,
spot, in elevator, 375i03Sc; No. 2 yellow,
for local trade, 40Hc. Oats qulot and
steady; No. 2 white, Slo.J No. 2 white,
clipped, 31Htf32c. Hay firm; cholco tlm
othy, $17 for largo bales. Beef firm
beef hams, $25.60ff26. Pork Bteady; fam
Ily, $11.60912. Lard steady. Butter firm
western creamery, 1518c.: do. factory.
lZ&HVic.: Imitation creamery, 13010c,
Now York dairy, 13V4&170.; do. creamery.
15W18V4C.; fancy Pennsylvania prints loh
bins at 21024c, do. wholesale, 20c Chceso
steady; large, white and colored, 8c; do,
small, 6Vic Eggs baroly bteady; New
York and Pennsylvania, 15yi10c.i west'
ern, fresh, 14H15c; southern, 08Uo. Po
tatoes firm; southern, firsts, $203; do,
seconds, $131.75; Lone Island, $23. Cab
base nominal at $1.5002.60 per barrel
crate for Long Island. Muskmolons
steady for fancy, but poor stock nes
Iected; Charleston, per barrel, $102.60
do. per basket, 75c.0$1.6O. Watermelon
In heavy supply, arrivals footing up to
70 carloads; tow show quality to com
mand top prices and many are not bring
ing freight; most sales In range of $1000
165 per carload.
Baltimore, July 7. Flour quiet and un
changed. Wheat steady; spot and month,
73y,073T4c; August, 74K075c; September,
7GiCKc; steamer No. 2 red, 6S0C3o,
southern, hy sample, 700750.; do. on
grade, 7OV407i4o. Corn weak; spot, month
and August, 37037c; September, 37W0
mc; steamer mixed, 35035Hc; south
em, white, 41041Vic.; do. yellow, 42042Vic
Oats dull and easy; No, 2 white, 3232Hc
No. 2 mixed, 8030Hc Itye firm; No. !
narby, 6"Hc.: No. 2 wostern, 61o. Hay
unsettled and easy; No. 1 timothy. $16.
Drain freights firmer; steam to Liverpool,
per bushel, Stid. July; Cork, for orders,
per quarter, 33.03a. ld. July; 3s.03s. Ed
l.lvo Stoou Marlrots.
New York, July 7. Cattls firm to
shade higher; medium grass cattle
shade lower; fat cows steady; bulls and
thin cows weak to lOo. lower; steers.
$4.(006.80; tops, $6.10; good to cholco oxen
and stags, $1.2506.50; bulls, $3.6504.10;
cows, $1.7604.20; veals firm to 25c. higher)
buttermilks dull; veals, $406.60; butter
milks, $2,763. Sheep steady; prime to
cholco lambs firm, medium dull; ten cars
unsold; sheep, $806; chpfco wothers, $5.25;
lamb, $507: one car choice, 17.40) pulls.
M.tfHtti.DU, llOgB BlOW Ul .Wlft.iV,
Bast Liberty, Pa., July 7.-CattlQ steady
extra, $5,454)5.50; prime, $5,8006.40; rorr)'
mon, $3.6004,40. Hogs fairly active; best
assorted mediums, $1.15; best Yorkers,
$4.12V:04.15, pigs, as to quality, $M2M$
4.15; common to fair Yorkers, $4.1004.1214:
good roughs, $3.4003.60; stags and piggy
sows, $2.60013.36, Sheep steady; choice
wethers, $1.8004.85; common, $203; year
lings, $305, spring lambs, $3.5006.60; veal
calves, $707.25.
What It Shllob 7
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
Consumption ; used through the world for
half a century, has cured innumerable cases
of Incipient consumption and relieved many
in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied
with the results we will refund your money
Price 25 cts.. 60 eta. and tl.DO. fold hv P. I).
Klrlin on a guarantee,
Whether you havo Kidnoy or Bladda
dlseasojust l it somo of yourtirlnoii
a glass tutnlilcr and lot it stand 2
hours j If it has n sodlmont, or a milky
cloudy appcaranco, if It Is ropy oj
Btrlngy.jnalo or discolored, your Kid
Hoys or Bladder aro sick.
nthnr nnrlmis RvmntomS aro naln II
tho back, frequent deslro to urinate M
pocklly at night, a burning ecaldlnj
pain in passing urino or when yon
nrino BiaiiiB mien.
Tho ono euro euro for diseases or tat
Kldnoys, Liver, Bladder and Blood
Rheumatism, Dyspopia and Chronlj
Constipation 1b Dr. David Kennedy
'Favorito Remedy. It lias cured l
many cases whero nil olso failed and to
Hold at all drutt Btoros for f 1.00 for a
- . ... A n ff
largo bottio, or six doiucb ior u.w.
Ttv n. nneclal arrangement with th
manufacturers, wo oiler our Teadere th
opportunity of getting a trial bottle oi
this Invaluable remedy absolutely fro
which will bo sent postpaid to nnyona
who will send their address to tho DR.
Eondout, N.Y., and mention this papeii
Tho publishers of this paper pnarj
anteo tho genuineness of this liberal
Tl,,, PnmiBvlvanla Kallroad Company an
nounces tho following Personally-Conducted
Tours for the Summor ana cany auiuu.i.
1800 : ..
To tlio North. Including Niagara tails, lo-
ronto, Thousand Islands, tho St. Lawrence,
Montreal, Quebec, Roberval (LakoSt. John),
tlm Ricueniiv. Au Sablo Chasm, Lakes Cham-
plain and George. Saratoga, and a daylight
rido through the Highlands of tho Hudson,
July 23 to August 7. Bate, fl25; August u
to 25, visiting samo points as first tour except
Hoborval and tho Saguonay. Rate, $100 for
the round trip, from Now York. Philadel
phia, Baltlmoro, and Washington. Propor
tionate rates from othor points.
To Niagara Falls, excursion tlckotsgood to
return within ten days will he sold on July
D7. Ausust 10 and 24, September 7 and 21,
October 5 and 10, at rato of ?10 from Phlla
.inlnhW Tlaltlmoro. and Washington. These
tickets include transportation only, and will
nnrmlt of stou over within limit at Buffalo,
Rochester, Canandaigua, and Watklns on tho
rnturn trio.
Fivo-day tour to Gettysburg, Luray, and
wafilnitnn Sontcmbor 10'. Eato ?25 from
Now York, $22 from Philadelphia. Proper
tionato rhtos from other points.
An eloven-day tour to Gettysburg, Luray
Caverns, Natural Bridgo, Virginia Hot
Springs, Richmond, and Washington, October
10. Rato, $05 from Now York, $03 from
Philadelphia. Proportionate rates from other
For itineraries and further Information
apply to ticket agents, or address Geo. W,
Boyd, Assistant Goneral Passenger Agent,
Cnnae For Imnncy.
Atamccting of women's olubs In Maine
ono of tho spoakers told or a gin sno naa
known early in llfo and who had died in
After tho funeral tho husband re
marked that ho "did not seo why Mary
Ann should hnvo took crazy, for to his
knowlcdgo sho had not been out of that
kitchen for 80 yours."
Admiral 'Corvora Acquitted.
jjo,irJd ...July 8. Admiral Cervera
Spanish fleet destroyed In tne'uatfte
of Santiago, whoso conduct has been
the subject of Inquiry by special court
martial, were yesterday acquitted and
formally liberated.
Sonrvy Strlolton Gold SoeknrH.
Scattlo, Wash., July 8. Word comes
from Dawson that parties arriving
thero from the Edmonton route re
port that about 75 prospectors were
wintering there, and that IB or 20 aro
reported to havo died from scurvy. Tho
remainder tiro more or loss affected.
rtovoiutioiiftrr wi-nin,ifnn.
London, July 8.The Constantlnopl
correspondent of Tho Rtnn,in,.i ..
The Vail of Van. Turkish aX
reports an incursion of an armed band
"uujiury Armonians from Per
sia. There have been conflicts with the
, j "uu Aurxisn troops, accom
panied by desperato fighting. Soveral
vwsuuo uuvu utieu Kiuea.
To-Nlght and To-Morrow Nltrht
And each day and night daring this weok
you can get at any druggists Kemp's Balsam
for the Throat and Lungs, acknowledged to
bo tho most successful remody over sold for
toughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma and
Consumption. Get a bottle to-day and keep
it always In tho house, so you can check your
com at onco. Prico 25o and BOo. Samplo
001110 ireo.
Reduced Itates to Itlchmonil. V.
On account of tho International Conven
tion of tbo Baptist Young Peonlo's Union of
America, to be bold at Eichmond, Va., July
13 to 16, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has arranged to sell excursion tickets from
points on ita line, to Richmond, at rate of
single faro for tho round trip (tickets via
Baltimoio and steamboat fifty cents moro
than single fare).
Tickets will bo sold July 11 to 13. and will
be good to return nntll July 31. Inclusive
oxcopt that on deposit of ticket with tlm
Joiut Agent at Richmond before July 28, and
the payment of fifty cents, tho return limit
may bo oxtended to loave Richmond not
later than August 15, 1809,
Stop over at Washington on return trln for
ten nays, not to exceed final limit of ticket.
I' or specific rates and conditions bddIv to
ticket Agents.
Florida bhort Line.
Tbo New York ana Florida Ex nrMui. via
Douincrn itauway, leaving Broad street
station, i'hlladelplita, dally at 6:31 p, m,
carries through Pullman sleeping can to
Augusta and Bavatinsb, Gu.. Jacksonville
Tampa, Pla., via Charlotte and Columbia.
1 ins is the short lino and most attractlvo
route to points in Ueorgla and Florida. All
Information cbeerfullyfurulshcd bv
L. IJopklns, District Passenger Agent, 828
fhtnilt trt ll.II,lnl!,l
Itetliiced Kutea to Philadelphia via Penn
sylvania Itallroail.
On account of the Prohibition State Con.
ventlon, to bo held at Philadelphia, July 21,
1800, tbo Pennsylvania Railroad Corn nan v
has arranged to sell to all persons applying
excursion ticket? from stations on Its lino In
tho State of Pennsylvania to Philadelphia, at
raie 01 singio laro ior tue round trip (mini
mum rato fifty cents).
Tickets will be sold on July 80 onlv. anil
will bo good to roturn until July 23,lncluslvo.
Many a Lover
lias turned with disgust from an otherwise
lovable girl with an ofienslva breath. Karl's
Clover Hoot Tea purifies the breath by ita
action on the bonds, etc., as nothing else
will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee.
rice 23 cts. and 60 cU. Sold by P. D, Klrlin
on a guarantee,
When Arrnluuod JIu llouorinood Bov
ornl IufUUMitlnl Itiullonl Louder.
Belgrade, July 8. Major 1-iukltcll,
who was driving with ox-King Milan
nt tho tlmo of tho attack on Thurs
day, and who was wounoou in mu
hand, has boon promoted to a lieuten
ant colonelcy and haB been mado tho
recipient of a high ordor for defending
his majesty.
When Itnozovlc, tho would-bo assas
sin, was arraigned ho denounced sev
eral Influential Radicals, including
Lloutonant Colonol NIcollcs, Editor
Zauschamovlcs, of tho Radical organ
Odjok Atza, M. Stanoyovlca and Pas
tor Onirics. Tho last two woro sen
tenced to death' In 1883, but pardoned
by King Milan.
Knozovle Is a fireman employed hy
tho municipality. It is supposed ho
was hired by an enemy of Milan. Ho
Is a llosnlan, and It Is said ho had ac
complices. During his flight ho en
deavored to shoot hlmsolf, and when
ho failed ho Jumped Into tlio Hivor
Save, which Joins tho Dftnubo at uoi
grado, but ho was dragged out by tho
Fourteen members of the former
Radical central commlttoo. Including
ex-Promlor Tnuchanovlcs, woro ar
rested on suspicion of being connected
with the affair. Another ox-promler,
Pastes, has been placed undor pollco
Tho health of his majesty Is excel
lent, and ho yesterday attended a
thanksgiving service In tho cathedral.
Kldunppor and IIIh Victim Cnpturod.
Dedford, Pa., July 8. A man named
Hofllcfluo, who two years ago abducted
a boy named Rhodes from his homo at
Smith's Island, Franklin county, was
arrested near Everett Thursday. Tho
boy was still with him. During the
past two years all efforts of the par
ents to locate their hoy had heen in
vain until on Wednesday they hoard
that ho and his abductor woro In this
part of tho country. Hoflleflue and
young Rhodes will be token to Frank
lin county, where the former will bo
tried for abduction.
No Richt to Ugliness.
who is lovelv in face, form and
lmnAr will olwflV fiflVe friends, but one who
Id be nltraetive must keen her health. If
she is weak, sickly and all run down, she
will be nervous and irritable. If she has
constipation or kidney trouble, her impure
blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin erup
tions and a wretched complexion. Electtic
Bitters is the best medicine in the world to
regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to
purify the blood. It gives strong nerves,
bright eyes, smootu, veivety ssm, -um-nlexion.
It will make a cood-looking,
charming woman of a run-down invalid, Onty
50, cents at A. wasicy s drug store.
Reduced Rates to Los, Cal., via
Pennsylvania Ratluoad.
For tho National Educational Association
Convention to bo held at Los Angelos, Cal,
July 11 to 14, tbo Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell excursion tickets via direct
routes from points on Its lino, to Los Angeles,
Cal,, and return, at rato of single faro for tbo
round trip, plus $2.00 membership fee. These
tickets will be sold, good going Juno 24 to
July It and when stamped by Joint Agent at
Los Angeles, good to return, arriving at final
destination, until Septembers.
For further Information apply to ticket
"'S TONIC TARI tr-rc
bJBt?oSdrnk!"0Un0SSan, Ue'u''lr caused
to care any casa mih
SDMUu,M?Sf ",.'Aner. " to ditfu" the
w- llljUUrS.
DI IIUIHinA Will mall wmi r r . " 'I't
pon receipt
euro or rotund
W tlllll IMIXl
aiuifie OOXOS 13.00,
For sale at Klrlln's drujj store.
IN EFFECT MAY 11, 1899.
Pasnenger trains leave flhenandoah for Penn
Ifayen Junction, Mmicb Chunk, Lelilghton
Slatlngto.,, White Ilall, Cotaaauqua, Allilftow"
ElmYrnville Towjjjda, iWre, Wnvcrly,
and the
1 1 . m.. 12 52 and fi 17 n. m.
For Ttf vlrln rtat1nn.n Tr..- y-i -.
StroudHburff.sS'ar.Zoirp. m." UP
38 a. tn.. 12 ft2 n '
For McAilnn. Aiiflptivtn.l TTa.1nn ani,t
and Lumber Yard, 5 28, 7 60, 10 12 a. m'.( 12 62 and
17 p. m.
orjeuuo, U.-lIton and Freeland, 5 28, 10 12
Knr Hrnntnn K OO in 14 ..
F.irf8tCreek lrdvUleliindAsMand.4O01
and 7 28 u. m. ' 1
For ltAVflll fit in. Punlrnllo i i
- - - " ) vavuilk VUIIUCI Ulill
1 v' AU v ,n,t 1 o wr, aa p. m.
pl Mahanoy City, Park FJace and Delano.
Trains Will lfnvn Mliutnnb-l. i v rv niM.
ur i iiLUfviiin. a lot- in nn m
1160 and 4 20 n. m.. him! mi-Ivm nt u.iBn.n,inni!
w, iu 14 u. m., oa, o i f p, no.
Leave Hlipnnnilnnti tnr lVittaullta at nit
New Castle, Morea and New Boatou, 7 60 and
10 12 a. m , 12 62 and tt 17 P. w.
. jve ttevtUe for Shenandoah. 0 45 a.m..
1285. 60S. 8 15 n. in. '
Leave Ilazleton for Shenandoah. 0 M a. m..
12 45, 5 09, 6 2fi, 8 81 p. m.
Trains leave for llAvpn trim rnMif nr
Carmel and Hhamolcln, 9 45 a. m. 7 21 p. in
Tralna leave Hhamnkln for uionntwinsi. -4
9 60 a. m., and 5 85 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for YatcavlUe, Mahanoy
Olty. Parle Flaw. Delano, MoAdoo, Audenrled,
ind y.;irniT.?. x"' r,u:"r ",!," "y
t,VRThthUi?t Slatington, Catasannuk, White
'all. toglay. Allentown, Eoston and I'hllllpi-
z - - . ' - w u o u. in
For New York and l'linLlninhli, an. ,
Leave Hacleton for Blinn
r' ' '
m. is. uu'rrau, uupi. Transportation,
w Nouth Bethlehem, l',
KOLUN II. WIUJUU.aenl.Bups.,
m,. . South Bethlehem,
CHAW.ES 8. LEE, OenL I'w. iRt,
A. W. HONNEMACimiX iTlv! I!. a'.,Y
Kouth Bethlehem, Pa.
nilllons of Dollars
Oo, op in nmoko every yor. Take no
iuxb uuv get your nooses, slock, fur
nitnre, eto., insured In fl rat-class re
liable companies as represented by
DAVID FAUST, ,Is"rai'ccT rt
An Excellent Combination.
Tho pleasant method mid beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Svnui- of Fins, manufactured by tho
Camfohnia Fio Svmir Co., Illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to bo
medicinally laxuwvu uuu .,.wDv...B
them in tho form most ref resiling to tho
taste and acceptable to tho system. IV
Is the ono perfect, strcnginening iw
AlnnnKillO- tllO SVstCHl effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
to overcome habitual constipation per
mancntly. Its perfect freedom from
filnottonable nualltv and sub
stance, and ltn acting on tho kidneys,
liver and bowels, without wcaunninu
or irritating tliem, mako It tlio Ideal
laxative. ...
In tho process of manufacturing figs
aro use I, as they aro pleasant to tho
taste, but tho medicinal qualities 01 1110
remedy are obtalmuV from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to tho California Fio Syrup
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid Imitations, plcasd
remember the full name of tho Company
printed on tho front of every package.
For sale by all Druggists. Price 0c per bottle,
Of Lofty
Subject to neruMlcnn tu)eg
Op Pike QnovK, Pa.
Subject to Republican rules.
Op Tbkmoht.
Subject to Republican rules.
Subject to Ilcpubllcan rules.
Op SUENAicnoAn.
Subject to Republican rules.
Op Tottsville,
Formerly of Jollctt).
Subject to Republican rules.
Subject to Dcmocrntlc rules.
Op OnwiasDono.
8ubject to Rcpnbllcan rules.
Op Mahasoy Crrr.
Subjoct to Republican rules.
Or Csessona,
Subject to Republican rules.
Agent for the Famous
Pliila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
At all ita customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
for iIIBiMousanJ Nssvous
Dissases. Thev nurlfv h
OtooD and cive IIkalthv
actioq to the entire system.
Curo DYSPEPSIA. Hfaninur
"or at Pavlnjlr'. An,, .t
- " u, , n
rUbl, jlvoU ImUatxmt:
fnxiind mi noil,
Por ! at KlrUn's dru atora aad Bhauaadoa
L, fi xbiid, TBvl Ami
aAldnir torca. oiun
Cito Brio. O
t r
AUo Ufa and Aoeidtnte! ompftaIt