K. ind ost ce. ing be Ito ties be on. W irsupu ROBERT BONNER DEAD. To Disprove Pacts.-lt Is Decidedly Tho Noted Publlshor tind Owner of Easy to Verify Shenandoah r, TT VSJJ.ll.iJll Nothing by way of an Inttoductloh oonld HAD BEEN ILL TOR 80ME MONTHS. LIU HUUbU W lnv i(ihiviivw ..in. v(umiuiiq Riven below, which could Incrraso . tholr yaluo. 8hotiamlosli people can safely bo loft nnt it to draw their own conclusions based on such bonvlnclng proof as this citizen offers. What Is there lacking In ovldeuco like this to satisfy n dycd-ln-tlio-wool-doiibtlng-TIiomas ? Mr. Thomas Hnrkln, of 020 West Coal street, breaker box iu the West Shenandoah colliery, says: I had a great deal of lame ness right over my hips and aching In my back especially when on my feet. I was told by an acquaintance n farmor living up the valley, that ho had been cured by using Doan'u Kidney Tilts, although ho had been in tho worst possibo shapo, nud I know ho was worso than I over was. Well, I procured them at Kirlln's drug store nnd though I had paid a lot for doctor's prescriptions, nothing I over bad helped mo Hko tboy did. Doan's Kidney 'ills removed all irregularities of tho kidney secrotlons and did away with tho dead, tired feeling that had so bothered mo." Doan's Kidney l'ills for sale, by all denim. Price So cents. Mailed by Foster-Milburn Co., Hunalo, N. Y. Sole agents for the U. S. Remember the name Dean's and take no other. UNCLE SAM'S EOT BATHS. TUB HOT arnlNOS OF ARKANSAS VIA BOUTHKItN BAII.WAV. W1U eradicate from your system tho linger ing effects of grip and other ailments caused by the Bovore winter, and malaria, rhouma ' tlsm, neuralgia, catarrh, stomach, kidney, Hvor and nervous disorders, paralysis, blood ' and akin diseases, and obronic and func tional derangements. The mountain cllmnto of Ifnt Springs Is cool and delightful in summer. 100 hotels open tho year around. For Illustrated literature containing all Information, address C. F. Cooley, Manager Balances Men's League, Hot Springs, Ark. For reduced oxcurslon tickets and par ticulars of tho trip, address W. A. Turk, Gen'l Tass. Agt., Southorn By., Washington, D. C, or C. L. Hopkins, District Fassengcr Agout, 828 Chestnut St., Thila., Pa. 0-1-lui LADIES DO .OOKSW R.FELIX UE BRUM'S Steel f Pennyroyal TreatmBu. is tho original nnd only FRENCH ket. Price, 1.00; sent by mail. Qenmne sola only oy Kirlln's drug store. Unci Knjo.rert Itomnrknblo Itcnlth Un til n Yinr Abo, Wlion tlin Dcnth of nev. Ilr. John Hull nnd HI Son An drew Mndo n, Complotn Clmimn. Now York, July 7. Robert Donncr, publisher of tho Now York Ledger nnd owner of famous horses, died at his homo In this city at 7:40 last night. air. iionner nan ucen ill for somo months, but was able to bo nbout until about ton days ago. Death was duo to a general breaking down' of tho sya-torn. Thoro wcro with him when ho died Robort Edwin Bonner and Francis Iionner, his eons, Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Bonner,-son and daughtcr-ln-law, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Francis Ford, daughter ana son-in-law. Mr. Donner enjoyed romarkahlo health until n year ago, when his life long frlond, Rev. Dr. John Hall, died. A second shock to him was tho death of his son, Andrew Allen Bonner, on Doc. 27 last. After this Air. Bonner's temperature changed completely. Ho mndo lower trips to his magnificent farm lioar Tarrytown, and contented blmBCIf with a short drlvo dally. A week ago Tuesday he took his last drlvo. On his roturn homo his caso was so serious that Bovornl doc tors wero called In consultation with his family physician, Dr. Munn. Ho became much worse on tho following day and since then took no nourish ment. Ho lost consciousness early yes terday morning, nnd remained In that condition to the end. Robert Bonner owned tho fastest horses In tho world, and he would not lot them trot for monoy. Ho dovotod crivxvwvs Si I IJ fail T Alii Tho Now Ynoht Dofonts Defondor by Noarly Four Minutos UNDER ADVER8E CONDITIONS. Tho Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, nml which has heen Iu uso for over 30 years, lias homo tho signature of - and has hcen inntlo under his per EFL jCJ&Jty' yPr sonnl supervision slnco Its lnfancyt ar-yr. -CUCSUW. Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes nro lmt Ex periments that trlllo with nnd endanger tho health of Infants and Children Kxpcrlcnco against Experiment., What is CASTOR I A Castorla Is a substitute for Castor OH, Paregoric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It Is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, SInrphiiio nor other Nnccotlo substance. Its ago is Its guarantee. It destroys "XVonns nnd allays Povorlslmcss. It cures Diarrhoea mid AVfaid Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE ALWAYS C ASTORIA Boars tho Signaturo of AN AMERICAN L1)V IIONORRD. Mr. Mny Wrlirlit Snxvi.ll I'mttilont of WoiiH-n'H tntpriinttnnnl i:oiiixrpas. Ivondon, July 7 Mr. May Wright Swall, prooldpnt of the United Status council of the Women' International The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMCOCNTAUHCOM.ANT. TT MU.R.T VTNtCT. NEW YORK CITY. A box of our OTL FMILT MEW is an exhilarating stimulant during the hot summer months. Delivered at your homo. A Wreck From Grippe. Catarrh and Asthma. RESTORED WITH BRAZILIAN BALM THE LATE ROBERT BONNER, tho later years of his life to the study of the horse's foot a Bubjoct about which ho undoubtedly knew more than any other man living or dead, and he practically founded the New York Ledger, which he made one of tho most profitable woeklles of the wprld. Born In Ireland In 1824, ho camo to this country In 1839. Entering a print ing office in Hartford, he learned tho printing trade, and thon wont to Now I was known as "The Woman who Coughs " for I couched in The Mirror. His dexterity In setting cessantly. I was a school teacher till my health failed. Catarrh had display advertisements secured him a eaten awav the oartition in mv nose. It had produced Bronchitis, position on me Morcnanis i-eugor, Asthma,- dreadful Stomach troubles and weak kidneys UUU IUV UHUUI 1U.UVU bought tho rnliimhin t-onrlnof rnmnonv published uuiuiuuia mk,iYm0 ""''""J ' but he had to make tt rrtn pta kb in despair till i cot in uL' incnr u j f""? CCQCntCa priCO OI 1UU tt CU1UII1U UUUIUUU kUUU X lum UWI.U All au. www. , began his unique plan of advertising Brazilian Balm and Toxicola saved my life. I Tim Snl ! nrColnuililn rinppcil In tlin Wlml U'lilloTlicmo of llnl'mnlcr Worn Trim mill Tiint lmroolMWIll llollnnt cdli'd Ih-niro tlio Formnl Trlnl ltncf. Now York. July 7. By tho race be tween the new cuii defender Columbia nnd the old Defender, Railed yesterday over a tranftular coume of 30 mile 10 mile to a leg It has been plainly demonstrated that, no matter how skillfully constructed a yacht may be, her sailing and ability to go to wind ward nmy bo killed by imperfectly sotting sails. Tho Dofondor'a set to perfection. Tho Columbia won tho rnco by a margin of 3 minutos and G3 seconds (.unofficial time). Thero Is no doubt alio would havo won by a larger margin If her satis Imd fitted qb well as tho Defender's. In tho windward work, whllo the wind was strong, Columbia was unable olther to outfoot or outpoint tho De fender, chiefly on account of tho bad set of her club topsail. Jib topsail and foro staysail. Sho covored tho (Irst leg of ton mlloe to windward three min utes faster than the Dofendor, but ono mlnuto of that gain was made when the wind became light, and lees than two miles from the turning point. On the second leg the Columbia gain ed 08 seconds. It was a roach, both yachts carrying largo, not balloon, but Jib topsails. On tho last leg close hauled work In a light breeze sho lost Ave Beconds to the defender, probably by reason of a. shift In tho wind which favored tho Defender. Tho race, however, convinced the yachtsmen who saw tho royal strugglo that Columbia Is worthy of dofendlng the precious trophy which Sir Thomas Llpton and his merry tars hopo to take back with thorn In tho Shamrock noxt fall. The Columbia's forostay sail and club topsail are anything but perfect, and cracked In tho wind yesterday llko a teamster's whip, demonstrating that in a general way she will need a good deal of tuning up. Yet, based upon tho showing she made as a bettor boat than the Dofendor undor ndvorso con ditions the nautical sharps aro strongly convinced that Sir Thomas will sail home without tho silver mug, the pos session of which has given us tho yachting supremacy of the world since 1851. But yesterday's, raco was an un satisfactory one. Shifting, baffling winds and a bad, lumpy sea, with dirty rain squalls, made tho conditions any thing but Ideal for yacht racing. Tho billows of mist which enshrouded the Jersey shore prevented the crowd on tho highlands of Naveslnk and Sandy Hook from seeing the raco, but tho enveloping haze only added plcturcs Queness to tho contest for those who went outsido in fancy craft to see it. In windward work tho Columbia, with sails drawing badly, demonstrated hor superiority, nnd In a long roach, with sheets oasod, sho outfooted the Hint ttiiunnr irvinff mnnv other mrdlrtnca t! WPfO mippnWl U ' Kl Pill Wllirii wr.. i nn vin trlmiptrr. 1 Wonlil llko to t net. rv nullVriiiK woman whnU'HiTjr King 1mm dona for m1. Nnllh' in til Ml, .Mcunn. niiio. C'oIitv Klnit crura dliwior thr r&. 8tomu. li, l ixorand Kldncyfl. Sold by drug' glut, ; una ;oc a MRS. MAY WRIGHT SEWALL. Congress, has been olectcd to succeed the Counters of Aberdeen as president of the congress, which will hold Us next meeting In IJefUn. HI llfiid t ruMhd to n Jelly. Coatesville, Pa., July 7. A fatal ac cident occurred at Worth Brothers & Co.'s steel nlant yesterday. In which T. N. Ross was instantly killed and Frank Humphroy had his leg broken and his hip badly Injured. The Hoist lng chain caught, and in trying to loosen It they were thrown undor neath a heavy Iron mould which was luspended to the chain, and n moment later felt with a crash. Ross had his head crushed to a jelly. DR. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION Tho Surest, Safest, Best REMEDY FOR Women Girls. It cures the Aches, Pains, Drains, Displacements and Vandorbiit boat. The sudden shifting Irregularities that beset the UL U1U W1UU IMUVtilllUU U lllul 11 1UU- Iu fact it had ning with spinnakers. In light weather, pathway of the girl, the wife. paper. or two years no b fa J L..ji.j ti.:,. t. , that she ia undoubtedly tho Defender' the mother, and the errand it as a commercial weekly, wmu. ku u w1Cu. UY"'' ",a ""'7 V" ,,nrinr. w wimt i n mn dn m n ambitions, and ho decided doctors left me in, alter Hosing me witn opium, quinine, etc. men l .. rBmnfn. tn hn aWn mother. it a paper for general reading, boucht coueh cures without end but they only made me worse, I was nantain Barr had tho tiller of the ... hold of Brazilian Balm and Toxicola Tablets, Columbia, and aboard with him wero binciiy temperance meai A Curo for Constipation. I tiRvelwHin troul-lPil with rontlpnl son fnr rn. It ruiiunK my ni-niiii. 1 ortBtid inyrninploii,ni I nmpiantot , t flcry Kinir linn rwiorpu mi i nrr-r, n Vkjr cn tell you .bout 8ool- tut ImproTH thtip J eoSee nl mike" C TOUdeIlclooonnip -y lor lut e montf. 1c. pck-f 1 frottri. Every man's wife wh has usedSEELiaS knows a good drink.Tryiton your husband. PROFESSIONAL CARDS D U. K. Y. KOUSA. PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON, Centre nnd Market trretn. djolntnfc SJuntloa In the MrMrt bulldlnir. 81ioemnker'a office. Ortlco houn: 8.-00 to 12.-00 a. m.. 10) to anu ikw 10 p. m. M.BURKK, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. OfHc KffAn building, corner nf Main mn Centre street, Bhenndoh. J CLAUDE IJIIOWN, ATTORNEV-AT-LAW. OniCO : itoom 1. ttmn l.tilliltnc rm.. Jlnln and Centre strocta, .Shenandoali, I'a. pitOF. JOHN JONES, nUSICAL DtSTRUCTOR, lock Box 65, Mahanoy Clty.P. IlaTlne rtadted under tome of the belt maotera Id London and Parts, will gre lweonj on the Ttolln.mandolln. vulur anil .nmi .niii... Terma reasonable. AddreM In care ol Btrotue, me leweler Bbenandoah. cine; there is no alcohol, mor- -DKALER IN o Fruit, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Wholesale and Retail. SS West Oontro Stroot. LIVER IT A THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL I CURES Biliousness, Constipation, Dyspopsia, Sick-Head -ache and Liver Complaint. SUGAR COATBD. Sold by all druggists or sent by mall. KmtUMclcilCo.,Cblciro Bo box contain, 15 pills. Sold hy Kirlln's drug store, Bhonandoab, Pa. si i aa a n am I TOO KILLS 2S CTS. I BA CLIthf.Ur'. Er,U.h Diamond Itnui. Pennyroyal pills V IF .f BMVl la ll.d ud OoU m.Ulll. another. Jttftii danatout ii.6ii- lion, and (mdallon.. l Droll"". krtloalarl, iHtlmoDUU tai "ltille T for Indira," 1 !'' 7 ,''"r" CklabMler Bold tr aU Local DronUU. HalL 10,000 TntlmooUU. I'M fapr. BroiiUU. PHILAUAia. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics net dirootly upon the disease, without oxclting disorder In other porta of the system. Thoy Curo tho Sick, go. purjts. rtticxa. t Fecr. Congestion,, Iisflsrimatlona. .23 a-Worm,, Worm Fever, Worm Colic. .33 0-Teellilne,Collo,Ci7ln',Wnkefulnes .S3 4-Dlarrhea, ot Children or Adult... .33 7 Cougln. Colds, Droncbltla .23 B-Kenrateln. Toothache. Facoachn..... .33 by publishing a part of tho first In stallment of. tho story In a number of papers, with tho statement that tno remainder of tho romance could bo had only In The Ledger. The effect was rnaglcal. Tho Lodger grow and thrived ob no publication had over grown be fore. Ho employed the bost story writers and paid tho hlghost sums for novels. Perhaps "Norwood," a Btory by Henry Ward Beeoher, for which tho famous divine was paiq a laomoua price, was more thoroughly advertised than any other story that ever ran In Tho Ledger. But "Capltola; or, The Hidden Hand," by Mrs. Southworth, and "Tho Gunmaker of Moscow," by Sylvanus Cobb, Jr., were by far the most popular of tho stories published, and they wero repeated several times. It was the custom in Tne imager s palmiest days nover to Issue any of Its, serials In book form. Mr. Bonner was, always vory carpful about his stprlcs, and in fact all contributions to The Ledger. He would not even allow tho marrlago of cousins in any story that was published In his paper. Joseph Harper, of Harper & Bros., Commodore Vanderbllt, General Grant and many othor eminent men who loved horses as he did for the pleasure they gave them became fast friends, and for years he and hig "rig" were well known on tho handsome drives In and about New York. His study of the horse's foot was most exhaustive, and. he gave himself up to Its pursuit aU most entirely when some years ago be retired from The Ledger and left Its conduct to his sons. His theory was that many of the alloged diseases of tho horse, especially those that bring on lameness, are the result -of ignor ance, of tho structure ot tne root ana consequent bad shoeing. He proved his theories to be sound by always having the great horses he owned shod under his direction and their feet properly "balanced." As a result his horsos wore never lame. Miss L. L. Clark, 917 Horton St. You Ret moro doses ot Brazilian Balm for the money tban nny other remedy. 25, 50 cents nnd 1.00 n bottle at druBKlsts. With every 81.00 bottle you get ono month's treatment ot Toxicola Tablets free: the best tonic, nervo and strenirtu bi & Co., iltg. Chemists, Indpls, Ind. builder In tho world. IJ. F. Jackson Shenandoah Drug Store, Wholesale and Retail Agents. Dr.THEEL604NorthS!xthSt. I'rlTtte entrance Orren St., Phllndplphla. S-CURE GUARANTEED to the rlcb and poor ftlUe woo bare beta decclrcd, robbed and swindled br self styled famoup. wine and old necUlltts. LOST VinriR. MAi-vntiH Dohlllty. Abuses andKxcewet, BLOOD POISON, varico cele and Stricture. No cutting. Ixat Manhood ana Shrunken Orpana restored, ltftok, " TrutAJ free, exposing quae Its and Electric Kelt frandm Fretk cast cured in 4 to 10 days. Treatment by maU "A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO SHU Life Was Baved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of iT.nnih.il Mo., latelv had a wonderful de- liverence from a frightful death. In telling of it he says: "I was taken with Typhoid Fever, that ran into Vneumonia. My lung9 became hardened. I was so weak I couldn't uTan ctt tin In ht. Nothing helned me. I 8-NeiiraUto. Toothache. Faceache. .a . f Consumptjon when I !!-":": ESS of Dr. King's New DisLery. One bottle pave creat relief. I continued w use EVERYTHING TO MAKE WE 5TA50H LHJOYABLL AND ATSMALL COST. si, SiilaRDifffiEa. mm avn. ui lata aak Paid Purchases of will bo eent FREIGHT PRE to any railroad station In MAINE NEW HAMPSHIRE, VERMONT, MAS8AGHU8ETT8, RHODE 18. LAND, OONNEOTIOUT, NEW YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, and nun vbnoiii, nmUmUV Rend for our Hook, "A Bird's Eye View of New York" end Its Greatest Store S)H pnnes-bcnulirully Illustrated nnd very Inlen'BlJne. Telia you all about New York and Imw logo about. Fnu ton tu iskino. C. Oliver Isolln, Mrs. Isolln, Newberry Thorne, William E. iBelin, Herbert W. L.CGUS ana woouuury ivano. iuo crow . ,i : wore tho iseiln colors. Captain P'ne or other narcotic in It. Rhodes had the helm of the Defender. William Butler Duncan and Mrs. Dun can, clad In a becoming yachting cos- tumo, and John GBeresford wero aboard hor. Tho white clad sailors woro caps of red and black stripes. When tho yachts wero within about a fourth of a nino or the nnisn tno fleet gathered about the lightship and Commodore Morgan s flagship. Grace fully and noiselessly the Columbia swept over the Invisible lino between them, and as sho crossed sho received a royal saluto. Whistles shrieked and sirens walled. For several minutes the din continued. The Columbia mado no response to this thunderous demon stration. As tho Defender crossed tho line sho also was greeted with a dem onstration quite as enthusiastic and prolonged. Herbert Leeds, on behalf ot Mr. Iseiln, said after tho race that tho friends of the Columbia were very well satisfied and hoped to do better when their sails were mado moro trim. Butler Duncan said he had nothing to say for the Defondor. Everything had been satisfactory. The race yesterday was an informal trial for a cup offered by tho Now York Yacht club. The official trials will occur In September. Philadelphia & Readinq R y. Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke. Pennsylvania RAILROAD. BC'HUYKILI. DIVISION, Jclt 1, 1899. Trains will leave Shenandoah after the skits date for WIBRn, Gtlberton. Praekvllle, Dark Water, St. Clair, Pottavllle. Hamburg, Beadier, l'pttntown, Vboenlzvflle. Horrlatown and Fhfl Melpbla(Ur'd street station) at 815 and t OB a. m 3 10, S 1 p. m. on week days. Bandars. 8 05 a. m., 4 SO p. m, ' ' Trains leave Fraekille for Shenandoah at " 88, H a, m. and S 33, 7 88 p. m. Sunday. 11 01 a. m. and S So p. m. Leave Pottavlllefnrflhenandnah (vlaPracV vllle, T JO, llMltt,) 10, flop. m. ouSSV lOfK al rrt K In a 0 Leave i Philadelphia, (Broad street station), foe Shenandoah at 885 a. m., 10 p. m. week dare. Sundays leave at 50 and 9 23 a. m. ' a'niiaueipiua (lirond street station) for Pottinille.Sao,8 35, 1019 a. m., 130, 1 id, Tit p. m. weekdays. Sundays. S SO, 9 23 a. m. and 8 Oi p m. xxiave uroaa street Station, Philadelphia, FOH NEW YORK. 1 TnraalaaHTaWlrJ spa Ort JM 1 tf W a, . 650, 7 3S. 8 23, 9 SO, (10 21, dlnlnc car), 11 00, 11 43 am, IS 00 noon, 1235. (Limited 1 OOand 4 '3pm, dinlnu cars), 143, (2 30, dining car), 3 20. 8 no. 4 02, 8 00, 5 56, (dining car), 000, 7 TJ, 810, iUi.nlnca.r,,10"P- n-tli. night. Sundara. 8 20. 4 OS. 140.8 00. 5 15. 8 21, 9 50, (10M. dlnlor cap.iu 43. II 43 am, 12 03. (dining car),lJ8S, a K. (dining car), 4 0i, (Umlted 4 22 dining; car), S 20. 8 SO, dining car, S5, 7 02, 810, Mlninc car, 10 00 p. m., 1201 night. For Boiiton without change, 11 01 a m., weaky days, and 8 10 p. m., dally. Asoury rare. Ocean Orove, Long Ilrancb, 6 80, 8 30, 1144 a m, IM. 401 p m week-days. Sundays, 880 a tnT WASHINGTON AND TIIE SOUTH. For Baltimore .nd WaahlncHon am r in a iu m. ii a, a. m., 13 09, 112 88 dining car 11. ailling carl. SIX 4 41. 15 25 (Vinrlnnat' iiu'KU Ulllin; IN KFFEOT JULY 1. 18S9 Tratns leave Shenandoah as follows : For New York via Philadelphia, week dar. 210, 5 33, 7 87, 9 85 a. m., 12 26, 8 09 and 6 09 p. m. uunuays, i iu a m. For New York via Mai'.ch Ubunk. week days 7 87 a. m.. 12 28 and 8 09 p. m. For Heading and i'mlauelpnla, week days, 2 10, B 83, 7 87. 9 85 a. m., 12 20, 8 09 and 6 09 p. m, Esuntiays, hub m. lor roltsvilie. wees: aavs. iu. I Si. uua.ni 12 26, 8 09, 6 09 and T 30 p. m. Sundays, 210am For Tamaoua and Mahanoy Ctty, week dnrs 2 JO, 7S7, 985 a. m., 12 26. 8 09and 6 09p.nl, unuays, a iu a m. For Wtlltamaport, Sunbury and Lewlsburg, week aavs. a 11 iTJ a. m.. laai. too n. m Sundays, 3 27 a m. For Mahanoy Plane, weekdays, 2 10, 3 27, 5 33, 787,985,1182 a. m.. 12 26, 809, 609, 780, 986 p. m. uunuays, 'i iu anu a i a m. For Ashland and Shamokln, week days, 8 27, 7 87. 11 82 a. m.. 12 26. 3 09. 6 07. 7 25 and 85 p. m. Sunday, 3 27 a m. For llaltlmore, Washington ana the west via 1 r J """ng.carj, o in, o ij. I6M, dining earU 1731 dining car, p tn and 12 05 night week ?.?; j Sundays. 3 80, 7 20, 9 12. 11 23, a. m., 13 00 11 12, dining car, .312, 4 41, 520 CongreHalODaT Limited dlnlni; carl. 5 31 lM Hinin..i ivai- Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of toy. uuckien s Arnica oaive cures mem , also Old. Runninc and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, fjorns, Warts, t-uts, uruises, Burns. Scalds. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out rains b. SO. R. It., through trains le- Reading and Aches. Only 2Scts. a box, Cure Terminal, pwiaaeipnia. ir, . , u Jt) ai aaj, miarantced. Sold W A. Wasley. druccist. I " I1" n.a H aft,1!. "unda,?.! I . ' w I 0 J, , M, .1 U M. U.., W . J out. . u. .... ..HI.. " ' ' I tlonal trains from Twenty-fourth and Cbeat- Amorlcnu Cflouotors Win, I nut streets elation, weec aays, losu a. m. II'M Philadelnhla. July 7.-Tho interna- " 18 8 10 pm- Bunr. 1 . 8 a f- tlonal cricket match between the Unl- trains for shenandoaii. ted BtatOS ana uanauian couese Leave New York via Philadelphia, week alevons, which was started on wea- nays, mo, u, iw, mw a.m.,anu iw, bu, lave new lots via aiaucn ununc, week oars, a ou, v m. iu.. a ow, t .vi jj. ui, Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week days, 4 80, 4 86. 1021 a. in. and 186, 406, 686, 11 ito p. m. ixsave ueauing, weea nays, in, iw, iu us, 31 ra dining carl. n. m.. and 12 m nlht r or uauimore, accommodation, 9 11 a m, 1 OS! and 4 01 p m week days, S 08 and 11 16 p m dally. WfcST JERSEY & SEASHORE R. R. FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Ieave Broad street station via Delawanrfver bridge Express, 4 83, 9 40 SO minutest a m, i Sr 182 minutes, 4 00 0 minutes, 705 Isamu iteat P-n? Uundaya. 85, 9 20 s6 minutes a. m.1 2 83 82 minutes, 7 Co 185 minutes) p. m. Ixave Market Street WliarfExpaeeo. 800. 880, (75 minutes). 1000 (75 minutes, am 0(5 Saturdays only), (75 minutes), 2 00, (70 rain tea), 3 00 (75 minutes), 3 30 (60 mlnVites), 4 00 (si minutes). 4 30 (75 mlnutral. Km im li l "M I r. ... i . l ' r. . . - " , ......unn. 11. . nun 75 minutes, 8 00 75 minutes, 8 100 ITS minutes. 10 00 70 mini Sundays, 5ii a ) SO 73 minutes. XX L'-"".voj avw i, u minutes! a, m . ana 30 ,5 mlniitesj p. m. J1.00 Excuulon train, 00 a. m. dally. For CaoeMav. Aiimm U'IM-i tt.i Beach Express, 9 00 a m, 4 08 100 mlnutwl p ra weekdays. Sundays, 8 20 a ra. For Cap tar only, 1 80 p m Saturdays. Excursion 7 00 is. ra. dally. For Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Aralon and Stone Harbor Express 9 10 am, 180.4 30,8 00 p ra weekdays. Sundara. 8 80 a m. Ennnlm, 00 a m dally. For Homers1 Point Kxtii-Ma Km aim mm - tn, (1 00 Saturdays only), 2 00,3 00, 4 00, 500, 5 to u. nwauufB. ouuuays, o w, s uu, v w and 1000 m, 4 80 p tn. For tickets and othnr lnrnm,tun iv. ...,. n-nviDensla.Indlretlon,weak8tQinach.25 ll-uppressed orl'olnrul Periods 33 13-Vhlts. Too Profuse rorlods S3 13- Croup. Laryngitis, noarsenesa .23 14- Salt nheum. Erysipelas. Eruptions.. .23 15- Itheumatlsm.lUioumatlaPatni 25 10-Malarla, Chills, Fever and Ague .25 19- Catarrh, Iuduenta, Cold In tbe Head ,33 20 Whooplng-Counh , .S3 aT-llldnev Diseases ,. .23 28-!Vervous Debility t00 OO-Urlnnrv Weakness, WetUngDed-. MS 77-41 rl P. Hay Fever S3 Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your 'YOU'LL GET ALL THAT'S A-C0MINO TO YOU." If. when contemplating a trip to any point it. nnd now am well and strong. I can't say yfeai or gguthwest of the Mississippi Rivor. too much in its prase." This marvelous I T0U wUlpUrcliaso tlctots via tho Missouri mllri is the surest and auickest cure in the .,. n r r,i.. rnblxl. 1.... .. . - , yi 1 .auug uv.i u ,iuu .nuun.uin ...... ........ world for all Throat and LiinsTrouble. Reg- ,., . i i iw ,ii.A. i ular shes Bo cents and fl.oo. Tnal bol Uei ,....-...' wln ,,. fllI tho free at A. Wasley's drug store j eyery uuo - - .lt comforts and luxuries of modern railway nookor'SltiHt IjTo For Itls Crime. Chicago, July 7. August Declcor, the Btock yards butcher, was yesterday equipment, and the finest opportunities for viewing all of nature's museums and marvels of IJtah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Toxar, Old and Now Moxlco. California, etc. Ex. Drug-gilts or Mailed Free. iold Mew York. Hnfl hxtriicEiau.or sent on receipt of price. Humphreys' Med. Uo Cor. William & John Bta, L?S""5S"iJ..V, n'.al cursiou ticket, to all principal points at Ills Dunlshment was fixed at death. The jury was out only a Bhort tlmo. f RABOWSKY HOTEL, V1 H. GRAB0WSKY, Prop. S N, Centra Bt, Pottsvllle, Pa. Fine old Wlilskeya, Gins and Wlnea. at the ba A choice line of Cigars and Temper ance Drinks. Decker showed apparent lndlfforonce. greatly reduced rates. On account of tho National Education Association meeting at Los Angeles tn July, wo will make special low round trip rates. When coutcmplatinc a trip West or Southwest, write us for full Information and rock bottom figures. W A CUILD KNJOYS ml f .I flnA. rninila action, and sooth' lsf...u., ..V. n V P l..nt .T. P Mcflmn. T. lng effect of Syrnp of 1-lgs, wnen in pceu ' v : VooVr ? .. i.a P. Acont. 801 Broadway. Now York. 4-22-tf a laxativo, ann u mo iw costive or bilious, tho most gratifying results I ,!.., u. ,..(!,. nt. Is the best family ,.-. - ... - l.V HI.,1 P.n ii fcnnwn nrt averv family shouiu uavo a--. Aooommodatlona for travelers. . Meals nt all hours. I Fig Syrup On, . . .. . . u r.iirarnla I flour, and take no other biaud. It Is tbe beat a bottle. HRUiiaoiureu py mo mviu uaua nnsdav on the grounds of the German' town Cricket club, ended yesterday In a victory for the United States men by an Inning and 6U runs. $100 Reward $100. The renders of this paper will be pleased to I learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science lias been able to curo In all its I stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tbe only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional Uls- Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to California Without uhange of Cars. T a.lnn Waolilnirlnn AVflrv TiiAadnv nnd Friday at 11:15 a. m., the Southern Hallway ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's operates Personally Conducted Tourist Ex- Catarrh Curo is taken Internally, acting directly curslons to San Frauciso without chnneo of upon the blood and raucous surfaces of the cars, conductors or porters. Tho route is ayBtem, thereby destroying the foundation of inrOUEU AliailUl. iUUIUKUmury. .ICff UIUttllB, li.lnnDa nn.l nl..ln 1,A nntlnt atMnctli l.v Houston. San Autonlo.Now Moxico. Arlzonla. ... ., .' ..I ..... -i..i .... South street wharf for Atlantlo aty.- ' ... . . . i - I I illl 1(1 1 II IT 111) 1I1H I'DIinillll liUU DIIU OSDlBtlllK ui.r i .1 tn o n nn n'ja u J.I10 Cars BrO IIIO I . r . .7 . , i a I i;eituay c.iiir'3!s,ow,w, iutan m, l iiu. ft, in,, 12 13, 4 17. 600,8 20 p.m. Ieave I'otteville, weetcdays, 7 IT, 740 a. m, 0 30. 12 80. 1 30. 4 80. ft 10 and ft 60 n. m. sUeaTe . troaquft, wees ay b, o ia, p so, u & , m,, i W, o oo, ju, Tt 41 p. m. T KahannH a..W A a. a-. O J f f 1 II 47 a. m., 2 23, S S3, S 21, T U, 10 04 p. m Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days. 2 40. 4 00 80. 922.1023.UOO, a, m., 2 89, 688, 642.IM lOatp m. leave wiinamspori, week aays, r u, 10 00 a m.,U Stand 4 00, 11 80 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wharf and News and Opinions and Southern California. very latest pattern or Pullman Tourist "Mure In doing Its work. The proprietors have 2 00, 3 00, a 40 auty minute, 4 00, 4 80. 500 sixty Rlaennn. rosewood flu sh. have high back so much faith In its curative powers, ma. .ney scats, upholstered iu rattan, aro sixteen I oner une iiunurea uouars ior any cio um section, suppneu wiin nnen etc., gamo as alls to cure. Benu tor list oi testimonials. standard slcenors. licbtod by Pintsch Qas, liavo wldo vestibules, dnublo sash roller curtains, lavatory, anil smoking room for gentlemen, and two retiring rooms lor ladies. Tbreo and nue-half days to Moxlco and Arl.oua, four days to Los Angclos and Southern California, and flvo days to San Francisco. Such servlco for Trans-Continental travel has never before been offered. The tourist carfare Is less tban via any other route, effecting a saving of fSfi.OO to J30.00 for tho trip. All Information, maps and rates furnished on application to Charles L. Hopkins, Dis trict Passenger Agent. Southern Railway Company, 823 Chestuut street, Philadelphia. Address. P. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O. gold by Druggists. 75o Hall's Family Pills aro the best. llrltons Kxaludo Wainim Councillors. London, July 7. Tho house of com mons last evening ngreed to the house of lords' amendmont providing for the exclusion of women from tho ofllco of councillor. This disposes ot the measure Anally, for this session at least. A little life may be sacrificed to an hour's Hives are a terrlblo torment to tbe little delay. Cholera Infantum, dysentery, folks, and to some older oucs. Easily cured, diarrhoea come suddenly. Only safe plan la Dean's Ointment novcr falls. Instant relief, to have Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Stravf- permanent curo. At any drug storo, GO cents, bony always on baud,. minute, a 80, 7 15, p m. Accomodation, 0 15 a in. 5 30. 6 30 p m. Hundays Express. 7 30. 8 00. S 30, 9 00, 10 00 a m, 4 45, 7 15 p m. Accommoda tion, 6 15 a m, 4 45 p m. 11.00 Excursion 7 00 a. m dall v and 7 30 Hundars. Iave Atlantic City Depot : Weekdays. Bx- priwrt, 10 43 Slonuays oniyi, , WJ, i i. u ou rrom llaltioave. station only, 8 30, 9 00, 1013, 1100 a m, 8 30, 4 30, 5 30, 7-no, 9 B0 p Hi. Accommo dation. 4 25. 8 00 am. 3 50 it in. Hundavs Ex. press, w, w, o w, o uvi, ddv. i uu, i w. s uu, 6 3J ii nt. Accommodation. 7 15 a m. 4 30 p m. Sl.OOKxcimlon, weekdays O00pm,BundaysO 10. t tJ . .. 1 1 t. .1 n .. a IK n,a n i 15. 4 15. 5 15 n ni. Sundays 8 45.9 15 o m. 4 45 p m. cuuu excursion i uursuay nnu ounuay t uu a m. For Lape May and Hea Isle city Weomiays 9 15 a m, 2 30, 4 15 n m. Sundays-8 43 a u 4 43 p m. tl.00 excursion Sundays only, T CO a m. Additional for Cape may Weekdays 8 51 a m. nunuays iiism, Parlor Cars on all exnraas trains. For further Information, apply to nearest Philadelphia and Heading Railway ticket agent or auaraw f. unn.uanv, awm m. hum. Gen'l BupL, Gen'l Pau'r Agt, Meaning imiBai, jraiiaocipnia. B, HcTcnisBoa, Gen'l Manager, D. Gen'l PasaVr Ajrt OF National Importance THE - SUN ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, by mail, - $6 a year Daily and Sunday ,by mail,$8 a year The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday newspape In the -world. Price 5c a copy. Bt Bill. 52 i res Adore ta THE BffH, New York. with Tn7 Krrvr1kri. tic bnat In urukat, A lnT.flra never fall. ' irtiAtitul Uvcltr .UeOI Mil wi iur ( atur imm i