The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 07, 1899, Image 2

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-STlll.lilim 1870.
'All th e- Thal'snito Print."
' ' . hed r 'rv .venlnfr, except Sunday, at 8
nmitli lurdln street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Tlio Hcrnhl la clsllvcrcd In Shenandoah nnd ilio
stirroundlnir towns for slxeentsn wick, pay.
nhlc lo the carriers. Ily mnll $3.00 n or
S9 cents n month payable In .nilvnneo. Ad
vertisements charged accordlnR to space nncl
position. The publishers reserve tbo right
to clmnco the poltlon vt advertisements
whenever the publlcntlon of news demands
It. Tho rlRbt Is reserved to reject any
advertisement, whether paid for or not, that
tbo publishers mar ilcem Improper. Adver
tising rntes made known upon application.
Itntcrcd nt tbo post ofneo nt Shenandoah, !'., ns
second clnss mnll mutter.
FRIDAY. JULY 7. 1800.
OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever.
TnVDK wltli Cuba is booming tin a
matter of oourse. It would have
mounted to groat proportions long
ago but for the unnatural barriers
and extortionate regulations.
Pension Commissioner Evans has
requested the Grand Army.ofnoials to
send u committee to "Washington to
make a pergonal investigation of the
charges made against him of unfairly
treating the old soldiers. The com
missioner feels very keenly the severe
attacks made on him by some of his
old comrades, and he claims that it is
all the result of a misunderstanding
on their part of the laws which he is
compelled to obey.
Governor Murpiit, of Arizona,
has issued a circular to mining in
vestors and capitalists warning them
against the fake mining schemes be
ing promoted in the Eastern cities on
the reputation of good mines existing
in that territory. He calls
tention to the Val Verde and Spena
zuma companies, which have aohieved
an unenviable reputation of late, and
counsels those who contemplate in
vestments to a careful investigation
before engaging in speculation.
Robert E. Pattison, ex-Governor
of this state, has been telling the
Democrats of Georgia what, in his
opinion, is tho outlook for next year
from a Democratic standpoint. He
takes a hopeful and at the same time
a conservative view of the situation.
"If the Democratic National con.ven
tion acts wisely," ha says, "we will
have a good chance of carrying the
country. The party should make no
radical issue. The platform should
be broad and conservative to bring
the party together. Conservative
sidered." It will be noticed that he
omits mention of the financial ques
Under Good Auspices.
In the course of its weekly review
the Coal Trade Journal says the
second half of the year 1890 begins
under the best auspices, so far as the
anthracite trade is concerned. There
lias been more regularity to tho bust
ness this year than in many years pre
ceding It, and this has largely been
due to the fact that winter supplies
were used up before the spring came
Not in many years was the market
so depleted. There has already been
an increase in the quantity of coal
which has been produced, and this
has, fn the main, been burned, so that
we enter on the second half of the
year without the usual fear of an
over-supply being available. Prices
during the period just closed have
gradually improved, so that the trade
is in better shape in that respect, and
with the advance now announced for
this month the result will be much
beyond what it was in the second half
of '08, for there are no indications
that the prices are to be permitted to
all away this season as they did in
the two years past.
Everyone connected with the in
dustry is to bo congratulated upon
the much improved business outlook
foranthraolte coal.
There is nothing vory new in soft
coal circles, except that the produc
tion keeps up to something more than
tho average quantity, thus showing a
very active condition of affairs in all
industrial matters, but it seems diffl
cult to get prices up above a certain
figure, for the quantity of coal avail
able and the ease of production ren
ders competition exceedingly keen, so
that the buyer has the opportunity
of securing coal at very moderate
cost, when one considers the economic
value of the fuel as a steam-raiser.
There have been too many con'
tracts made early in the year at old-
time prices to give this branch of the
trade much profit this season, but we
look for better conditions afterward
if the present generally good indus
trial position Is maintained.
Headache, biliousness, heartburn, Indi
gestion, an j all liver ills are cured by
Hood's Piffls
Bold by all dru??ists, 25 cents.
no pom rnun ytras
If yon wear th
fern to, Kia IctiuS t- P-
TO HRt, rlMKHAU Mo. Msl
"I was a suffcror from fumnlo woalf
noss. Kvory month regularly as tho
mouses came, I Buffered dreadful pains
in uterus, ovaries
wero affected and
had leucorrhcra.
I had my children
very fnst and It
loft mo very weak.
A year ago I wns
taken with flood
ing and almost
died. Tlio doctor even gavo mo up und
wonders how I ovor lived.
" I wroto for Mrs. Plnkhnm's advlco
at Lynn, Mass., and took her medlclno
and began to got well. I took several
bottles of tho Compound and used tho
Sanative Wash, and con truly say that
I am cured. You would hardly know
me, I am fooling and looking so.woll.
Lydla E. I'inkham s Vegetable) Com
pound made mo what I am." Mas.
F, Stiujtch, 401 Mechanic Sr.,
Camden, N. J.
now Mrs. Brown Wn TTelped.
" I must tell you that Lydla E. Pink-
ham's Vegotablo Compound has douo
moro for mo than any doctor.
" I was troubled with Irregular
menstruation. Last summer I began
tho uso of your Vegetable Compound,
and after taking two bottles, I have
boon regular every month slnco. I
recommend your medicine, to all."
Mrs. Maqoib A. Bbowh, West Px.
Pleasant, N. J.
Ex-Klntr Mtlnn, of Sorvla, Sllprhtlv
wounded In tlio llnek.
Belgrade Sorvla, July 7. Former
King Milan, father of King Alexander
or bervla, narrowly escaped assassina
tion here laBt evening. Tho would-bo
murderer Is under arrest. He fired four
revolver shots, one of which slightly
wounded his majesty In tho back, and
nnotner wounding In tho hand Adju
tant LuKltcli, who was with King
Milan. Tho would-be assassin is
about 28 years old, and has not yet
oeen laentiuea by tlio pollco. At tho
time the attack was made King Milan
was driving through Michael street
In an open carriage.
On his return to tho nalaco Klna
Milan received the congratulations of
tno members of tho cabinet and tho
diplomatic corps upon his eacane.
Later in tho evening King Alexander
drovo through Michael street and was
enthusiastically received by tho popu
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Ivos Must Pay'IIls Flno.
Albany, July 7. By tho decision of
tho third appellate division, handed
down yesterday, Frank C. Ives, the
billiard expert, loses his case against
the stato fisheries, game and forest
commission, tho judgment jn his case
being affirmed with costs. Ives was
prosecuted for having hunted and pur
sued with a dog wild deer in the stato
forests, and Judgmont was rendered in
favor of the stato for $100 damages
nnd S224.56 costs. Defendant nnnnniori
Yon Try It.
If Shlloh's Cough and Consumption Curo,
which is sold for tho small price of 25 cts., 50
cts. and $1.00, docs not curo tako the bottle
back and wo will refund your money. Sold
for over fifty years on this guarantee Price
25 cts. and 50 eta. Sold by P. D. KIrlln on
a guarantee.
Vlonfia Socialists Supprossod.
Vienna, July 7. Last evening tho
police of Vienna dispersed an immense
socialist demonstration. Forty-five
persons wore placed under arrest,
among them tho labor leaders Dr. Ad
ler and Herren Baumann and Bretsch
seidor. The demonstration was against
the newly passed municipal suffrage
bill, which the Liberals and Socialists
allege alms at securing a permanent
anti-Semite majority in tho town
council. They therefore decided that
the workmen should make an ordsrly
demonstration in the most fashionable
part of the city. The police had mado
extensive preparations and, according
to the manlfestants, behaved brutally
toward them.
SWAMP. Ia not recommended for
OTTnlur everything, but If you have
ROOT kidnoy, liver or bladder
iwvsi. trouble it will be found just
tho remedy you nocd. At druggists in fifty
cent and dollar sizes. You may havo a sample
bottto of this wonderful new discovery by
mall free, also pamphlet telling all about it.
Address, Dr. Kilmer&Co.,Iinghamtont N. Y.
fcnly Twouty-cwoHomatn of thollrnvo
Defondora of llnlor.
Manila, July 7. Tho Spanish com
missioners who wont to Tarlac for a
conference with Agulnaldo regarding
the surronder of the Spanish prisoners
in the hands of tho Filipinos returned
here last night. Chairman Del Wo, of
the commission, said the release of all
the prisoners had beon practically ar
ranged for, but It would be necessary
to consult the Spanish government be
fore the agreement could be ratified.
Ho declined to give the terms of tho
arrangement, or to say whether these
contemplated a ransom. He asserted,
however, that Agulnaldo had already
issued a decree for the release of the
civilian officials and the sick soldiers.
The commissioners, with tho rem
nant of the Spanish garrison of Baler,
on tho east coast of Luzon, and a num
ber of civilian prisoners, were escorted
by Filipino soldiers from Tarlac to tho
American outposts at San Fernando,
and came to Manila by the night train.
The heroes of the long defense of
Baler, where the Spaniards resisted an
insurgent siege for more than a year,
formed a picturesque band. Lieuten
ant Martin, the only surviving officer,
marched them through the streets.
There are only 22, and most of them
are more boys, in faded bluo cotton
uniforms and red shirts. They aro
barefooted. A crowd of Spanish men
and women embraced them, weeping
and shouting their praises.
They tell a remarkable story. It
appears that tho captain several times
proposed to surrender, but tbo soldiers
refused. Finally, some months ago,
he tried to raise a white flag. There
upon Lieutenant Martin killed him
with his own sword.
Their food supply gave out ontlrely
a week ago, and they surrendered to
the Filipinos with all the honors of
war. They were allowed to keep their
arms, and thoy say they marched from
Baler, with a Filipino escort, and car
rying guns, through insurgent camps,
everywhere being cheered and feted.
OflMfiZ AS IllCTATftR,
Aliened riot to Overthrow tho dov-
uriiuumt or . Man Dornlimo.
Havana. Jnlv 7. 131 n npnnpnntrn rln
publishes a sensational story accusing
General Maximo Qomdz of plotting to
ovorthrow tho government of San
Domingo. It Bays:
"Hnvlnir nlmtiflnnml tbo Imnn r,f 1 in-
Coining the head of tho Cuban ropubllo
mm unwilling 10 omuiato tno oxampio
of those patriots who, in similar con
ditions, have thrust aside personal in
torosts and retired to private llfo,
Gomoz is conferring with discontented
Dominicans, among whom la General
Bautlsta, who Is now in Havana, with
a vlow of organizing an expedition
composed of former Amorlcan and Cu
ban soldiers to attack San Domingo,
kill President Houreaux and proclaim
Gomoz dictator. Wo aro informed that
uomoz, though an old man, Is of in
finitely morn vnlun tbnn nil (bo tinml.
nienn generals put together."
it is scarcely necessary to say that
this story is generally discredited
Bxtromo ItosultH of Sonroh For Gold.
Seattle July 7. The two extreme
results of tho search for gold in Alaska
were presonted in strong contrast yes
terday wnen tuo steamer City of To
poka arrived from tho north. Miners
from Dawson walked down tho gang
plank trembling under tho weight of
gold dust tlioy carried, while miners
from Copper River staggered from
weakness nnd dlsoaso contracted in tho
territory north. Tho Klondlkors wore
now suits, and those from Copper River
wero still In tho blanket ciothos they
wore when they left civilization. One
poor Copper Iuver miner from Now
York landed without a cent. A banker
purchased him a ticket across the con
tinent and now clothes.
Orain-0 Brings Relief
to tho collco drinker. Coffee drinking Is a
habit that ia universally Indulged in and
almost as universally Injurions. Have you
tried Graln-O? It Is almost llko coffee but
tho effects aro just tho opposite Coffee
upsets tho stomach, ruins tho dlgest'on,
effects tho heart and disturbs tho wbolo
nervous system Graln-0 tones up tho
stomach, aids digestion and strengthens tho
nerves. There 13 nothing but nourishment
in Grain-O. It can't be otherwise. 15 and
25o per package
Goucrnl Wlipplo'r For tfio I'lilllpplnos.
Washington, July 7. Genoral Joo
Wheeler Is much pleased with his as
signment to tho Philippines. "I bo
Hove, now that the rebellion Is on,
that It should be stumped out," ho said.
"Tho soonor It Is done tho bettor it
will be for the Filipinos, as well as for
the United States. I am glad to be
able to lend my aid to the government
at this tlmo, when It is in need of sup
port. I shall place myself at the dis
posal of General Otis, and endeavor to
do my duty as a soldier." General
Whoeler is making preparations to
leave for San Francisco tomorrow.
Young Mothers.
Croun is tho terror of thousands of young
mothers because its outbreak is so agonizing
and frequently fatal. Shiloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure acts liko magic in coses of
croup. It has never been known to tail, mo
worst cases relieved Immediately. Price 25
cts., SO cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D. Kirlln
on a guarantee
l.eartlnc GInssworker Killed.
Toledo, July 7. Robert Hill, head of
the GlassworKers' union, and Superln
tondent ot Ball Brothers' glass factory
at Muncle, Ind., was killed near Tiffin
by falling from a wagon and being
rninhort .. .i - u. -rxo rtaa
soon to sail for Paris to arrange for
an exnioit at tno exposition.
Sick Headaches,
Tho curso of overworked womankind, aro
quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clovor
Boot Tea, tho great blood purifier .and tlssuo
buildor. Money rofundod if not satisfactory,
Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlln
on a guarantee
of tlio Notnd Prisonor.
Bennes, Franco, July 7. Mmo. Drey
Us, on leaving tho prison yesterday,
appeared in much better spirits than
on Wednesday. It Is evldont that her
conversation with her husband had
been of a moro cheerful nature. A
large crowd had gathered In the hopo
of witnessing her arrival and departuro,
but tho gendarmes cleared the streets
adjacent to the prison, and the spec
tators caught only a passing gllmpso
of her as sho drove rapidly in a closed
carriage to the residence of Mmo.
Godard. The latter left the house yes
terday and took up quarters tempor
arily at the resldenco of a relative In
another part of tho town, in order to
allow the Dreyfus family full troodom
In using her mansion.
From a point overlooking tho prison
the newspaper men saw Captain Drey
fus emerge into the court yard yes
terday for an hour's exercise. He was
dressed in a blue Berge suit, and wore
S, S. S, Is a Great Blessing to and 111 health, and
nearly all of the sickness among
fi n PonnlQ IT RlUOe Thorn older people can bo avoided. Most elderly
UIU rCUUItJi II UlltiO 1 1 IB 11 1 people are vory susceptible to illness,
but it is wholly unnecessary. Dy keen
NOW Plilfirl anii I IfO ,nS their blood puro they can fortify themselves
lion D1UUU allli LIIUi so as to escapo three-fourths of tho ailments
from which they suffer bo generally. 8. S. S. la
the remedy which will keep their systems young, by purifying the blood,
inorougnir removing an wasw accumulations, ana impart
ing new strength and life to tho whole body. It increases
tbo appetite, builds up the energies, and sends new llfo
giving blood throughout tho entire system
Mrs, Sarah Pike, 477 Broadway, South Boston, writes :
" I am seventy years old, and had not enjoyed good health
for twentv years. I was siok in different ways, and in
addition, had Eczoma torrlbly on one of my legs, Tlio
doctor said that on account of my age, I would never be
Wflll nimln. I tnnlf n. rinrn hntrlna rt PI 1. R nnd If ntiraA
reggv completely, and 1 am lianny to say that
I feel as well as I ever did in mv life."
Mr. J. "V7. Loving, of Colquitt, Oa., sayst "For eight
een years I suffered tortures from a fiery eruption on
my skin. I tried almost every known remedy, but ther
failed one by ono, and I was told that my age, which is
sixty-six, was against mo, and that I could never hopo
to bo well again. I Anally took S. S. 8., and it cleansed
my blood thoroughly, end now I am in perfect health."
la tho only remedy wbloh can build up and strengthen
old people, booauso it is tho only ono which is guaranteed
ireo irora pouun, mercury, iirrenio ana oiner damaging
minerals. It is mado from roots and herbs, and has no chemicals whatever
in it. S. S 8. cures the worst cases of Scrofula, Cancer, Eczepa. Klieumatism,
Totter. Open Sores, Chronio Ulocrs, Boils, or any other disease tf the blood.
Books on theso dlMaftOs will bo tent free by Swift Specific Co, Atlanta. Go,
ft nrt fYrn hnt rin iltnvfi
ncroM tho yard, with his hands In tho
pocKots or ins jacket. Ills bead was
slightly bont forward, so that It was
Impossiblo to seo tho features.
As ho crossed tho yard ho waa pre
ceded nnd followed by a prison warder.
Tho throo passed through another
door lending to a pardon In tho centor
of tho nrlnnn. wlinrn Tlrnvfna tnkna
oxorclso, and disappeared.
No Right to Ugliness.
The woman who is lovely in face, form nnd
temper will always have friends, but one who
would be atlractlve'must keep her health. If
she is weak, sickly nnd all run down, she
will be "nervous and irritable. If she lias
constipation or kidney trouble, her impure
blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin erup
tions and . a wretched complexion. Electric
Bitters Is the best medicine in the world to
regulate stomach, liver and kidneys nnd to
imrify the blood. It gives slronfj nerves,
iright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich com
plexion. It will make n good-looking,
charming woman of a run-down invalid. Ouly
50 cents at A. Waslcy's drug store.
Philadelphia, July 0. Flour wealf, win
ter Buperflno, 262.23; Pennsylvania roller,
clear, J3JM.S5; city mills, extra, $2.2392.53.
Rye flour qu'Iet nnd steady at t.1 por bar
rel for oholco Pennsylvania. Wheat qulot;
No. 2 red. spot, In elevator, 74V4&WSO.
Corn flrmj No. 2 mixed, spot, In elovator,
3SW0SS9io.: No, 2 yellow, for local trade,
41c. Oats qulot and barely 1 iady; No. 2
whlto, 31Vio.i No. 2 whlto, clipped, 31V43
32c. Hay firm; oholeo timothy, 117 for
large bnles. Beef firm! beef hams, $23.60
026. Pork dutl; family. $11.60012. Lard
steady; western steamed, $B.32H. Butter
steady; western creamery, 15018i4c.; do,
factory, 12J14!o.; Imitation oroamory, 13
CilOc.: New York dairy, 13H5I170.; do.
croamcry, 150180.; fanoy Pennsylvania
prints Jobbing at 21fl21e.; do. wholesale,
20c. Cheeso steady; largo, white and
colored, 8c; small do., 8He. Eggs stoaay;
New York and Pennsylvania, lflV4S16c;
western, fresh, HWtflsc.; southern, 80110,
Potatoes quiet; southern, firsts, $23.73
do. seconds, $1(31.73. Muskmelons Irregu
lar In quality and value; fancy sold well,
but poor neglected; Charleston, por bar
rel. $1G2.D0: do. per basket. 75e.ffl$1.60.
Watermelons In liberal supply and woak;
per cnrload, $100200; do. per 100, $9ffi26.
Baltimore. July 0. Flour quiet and un
changed. Wheat steadier; spot and tho
month. 74t4B74c.: August, 75W75HO,
September, 7GM0769io. ; stoamer No. 2 rod,
70sn0Vio.: southern, by sample, 706o.;
do. on grade, 71075a. Corn firm; spot, tho
month and August. 383SUo.; Septemner,
S8VLT38We.: stoamer mixed, RGV403G?io. ;
southern, white, 4141Ho.; do. yellow, 42
42We. Oats dull ana oaslor; wo. z wnite,
32J32Hc; No. 2 mixed, 30031c. Rye firm;
No. 2 nearby. 67o.; No. 2 wostern, Olo.
Hay qulot and steady; No. 1 timothy, $1G
lilvo Stoou JInrlcots.
12&0. per pound, dressed weight. Calves
dull; veais, 9,id.ui; cuuhiiuu uuucuuuivd,
$2.75; mixed calves, $3.50. Good sheep
steady; medium lowor; hoavy sheep not
wanted; eholco lambs 10015c, highor;
good to prime steady to firm; medium
vory dull; poor to gooa sneop,,
culls, $2; common to very choice lambs
culls, $1.50. Hogs slow and lower at $1.20
East Liberty, Pa., July 6. Cattlo
steady; extra, $5.4505.60; prime, $3.3508.40;
common, $3.CO04.4O. Hogs active; best
light Yorltors ana goou iub, it.amt.i,
m.n,,r,iu ii 1S: fair Yorkers
$4.1004.15; heavy hogs, $104.10; good
roughs, ja.uyj.wj; buibh yibjr owno,
(a mm aiiAnt, atAniivr nhnlen wnthers
$4.8004.85; common, $203; yearlings, $34
5.25; spring inmus, n.muo,m, vim.
A Card.
Wo, tho nndertignod, do hereby agroo to
refund tho money on a 00-cont bottlo of
Grcono's Warranted Syrup of Tar If It falls
to cure your cough or cold. Wo also guaran
tee a 25-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Wasloy, C, II. Hagon
buch, Shenandoah Drng Store, and P. W
Blcrsteln Si Co. ll-14-33t-dw
Dospornto Nccro "Who ICHled nn Or-
floor "Wllllo Hnslnr.ini ArrAst..
Frederick, Md., July 7. Armistcad
Mayior, colored, was convicted yester
day in the circuit court of Frederick
milTlfv nf thA murrlor en fnv 15 nt
Mrs. Itosa Itosonstein, 'at Slldell, Mont
gomery county. John Alfred Brown
who nlso stands Inrtlrtprl for thn mnr.
der of tho Rnsonstolnfl. wfcq nlnjprl nn
trial today in the same court. The
cases wore removed from Montgomery,
the prisoners claiming they could not
oucure a iair tnai in mat county.
The TtnRonRtplnn wnro fnnnrl nnmn
sclous in their store on the morning
01 way 13. They were removed to a
uaiumore hospital, wnero thoy subse
nuently died without rmrnlnlncr run
sciousness. A few days later Taylor
was located in a houso in Georgetown,
D. C, and shot and killed Policeman
rassau ueioro ne surrendered. Ho con
fessed that ho struck M. T? nnnn.
stein with a heavy poker, and said
that Brown dealt the blow to her hus
band. Robbery was tho motive for
the crime. The negroes securod be
tween $G00 and 1800, part ot which was
Property Xioss ISnorinoim, Hut ol
1,11" Kxniruorntod,
Oalvoston, July 7. At Sunnysldo, 12
mllos from ilrookshlro, tho Urazos
river Is ordinarily 200 yards wJdo.
About parallol with this, nnd two and
a half miles away, Is Elm crook, which
Is Boldom ovor 30 foot wldo and in mld
suinmor often dry. Tho two streams
aro now united, making a river be
tweon five and six miles wldo and from
CO to 70 feet doop. Along tho currents
19 people wero rescued Wednosday In
a skiff sent from Houston, Tho people
wero demolishing their, sheds nnd out
houses and making boxes that thoy
usod for boats. Cattlo woro found rest
ing their heads In tho boughs of trees,
making n pitiable strugglo for exist
ence, At ono point two. houses woro
seen coming down tho stream. In ono
of them was a man and two women
and on tho other a woman and flvo
children woro clinging for llfo nnd
calling for holp. One of thoBO was &
flno two story affair and tho other was
a smaller dwelling. Thoy passed on
with tho foaming current and may
havo struck an obstruction and beon
smashed to pieces or found their way
into the gulf,
Heports from special correspondents
indicate that, whllo tho property loss
by tho recent floods has uoon onor
iuous, tho loss of llfo has been greatly
oxaggoratod. According to Tho Nows
only two lives havo boon lost In tho
Lowor Brazos flood. It Is believed
there Is now food enough in transit to
feed the negroes until tho waters ro
code and they can return to work.
What is Shlloh 7
A emml old romody for Cough, Colds and
finnsnmntlon : usod through tho world for
half a century, has cured iunumorablo cases
of Incipient consumption and roliovcd many
in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied
with tho rosults wo will refund your monoy
Price 25 eta., 50 cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D.
Kirlln on a guarantee
To Ho MiiRtorod Out In rittMiure;.
Washington, July 7. Tho delegation
of Ponnsylvanians headed by Governor
Stono have partially succeeded in tho
object of their visit. In response to
their request Adjutant Genoral Corbln
has ordered tho Tenth Pennsylvania
regiment, now on routo from Manila,
to proceed to Pittsburg for muster out,
and President McKinloy will ondoavor
to bo present on that occasion. Ho
spondlug to a request that Colonel
Hawkins be mado a brigadier general
tho president said ho would be glad
to glvo the recognition, provided there
wero no military obstacles.
Spain's Sugar Famine
Washington, July 7. Aa a result of
the loss of her colonies, Spain's sugar
factories, with a yearly production of
60,000 tons, havo beon unable to satisfy
the homo demand, amounting to about
100,000 tons per annum. According to
Consular Agent Mertens, at Valencia,
the government has been petitioned to
reduce the high prohibitive duty of
102 Vi per cent to GO por cont, and in
spite of tho opposition of tho refineries
tho reduction probably will be mado
as a revenue producing measure.
An Army Ofllcor's Dlsgraco.
Washington, July 7. President Mc
Kinloy has approved the sontonco of
the court martial In the caso of Cap
tain John M. Neall, Fourth cavalry,
and tho officer has been ordered to bo
dismissed from tho military sorvlco,
Ho was ' recently convicted by court
martial or violations of tho army reg'
ulations in connection with his ad
ministration of tho affairs of tho mess
fund of his company and other flnan
clal matters.
Itlottna nt Baroolonn Itonotvod.
London, July 7. Despite assertions
to the contrary, rioting at Barcelona
was ronowed Wednesday night A
mob stoned a number of shops, and
woro cbargod by tho gendarmes. Tho
mob showed light, firing revolvers at
tho gendarmes, and a largo number of
rioters woro wounded. Elghteon ar
rosts woro mado. It Is oxpectod that
martial law win De declared.
Yostordav's UaHnhnll nnmna.
National League: At Brooklyn
Brooklyn. 7: Phlladelnhlo. 1. At. Plttq.
burg Chicago, 11; Pittsburg, 8. At
at, ijouis at. l,ouis, a; oiovoland, 4
At Louisville Louisville, 3: Cincin
nati. 2.
Atlantic Leaguo: At Allentown
Aiiontown, y; Patorson, 6. At Lancas
ter (10 innings) Wllkesbarro, 6; Lan
caster, D.
To-NIght and To-Morrow Nliht
And each day and night during this weok
you can cot at anv drnpirlsta Knmii'n Hahim
for the Throat and Lungs, acknowledged to
po tuo most successful remedy over sold for
Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma and
Consumption. Get a bottlo to-dav and Vnnn
It always In tho houso, so you can chock your
cold at once. Prico 25o and 60c. Sample
bottle free.
Reduced Itates to Richmond. Vo.
On account of tho International
tlon of the Baptist Young Pooplo's Union of
America, to De held at Richmond, Va., July
13 to 10, tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has arranged to sell excursion tickets from
poipts on its line, to Richmond, at rate of
siugio lare lor tho round trip (tickets via
Baltimore and steamboat fifty cents moro
than slnglo fare).
Tickets will bo sold July 11 to 13, and will
be goou to return until Julv Bl. Innlnnlvn
oxcopt that on deposit of ticket with tho
joint Agent at icichmond boforo July 28, and
the payment of fiftv conta. thn minn, limit
may bo extended to leave Richmond not
later tnan August 15. 1800.
Stop ovor at Washlnirton on return t rln fnr
ton aays, not to exceed final limit of tickt.
For specific rates and condltionn annlv tn
ticket Agents.
Florida Short Line.
Tho Now Ynrlf mill Plnrl,la l
o ,7 ,. , ' . m
ouumeru uauway, leaving uroad street
station, Philadelphia, daily at 5:31 p. ru.
carrlos through Pullman sleeping cn-s to
Augusta and Savannah, Ga., Jacksonville and
Tampa, FIa via Charlotte and Columbia.
This Is the short lino and most attractive
routo to points In Georgia and Florida. All
Information cheorfully furnished hy Charles
L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agont, 828
Chestnut street. Philadelphia.
Reduced Untea l l'lilludelpliln via Penn-
jlvunln Railroad.
On flcMIInf nf . J, a T-..l. 11,1 t li.i.
- v. u . luuiuuiuu o m io mn-
vjinlliin in lm IiaIiI of Tlkll.. .1.-11.1- t.., n.
. , ... ....... 4 ....nuuiflJUti, ,j my tfjt
1800, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has arranged to sell to all persons applying
excursion tickets from statloni on its lino in
tlio Stato of Pennsylvania to Philadelphia, at
ralG of slnirlft farn fnr thn rntmA l.lnnlnl
mum rate fifty cents).
Ticket will bo sold oa July 20 only, and
will bo good to return until July23,lnc)uslve.
Many a Lover
Has turned with disgust from an otherwise
lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's
Clover Root Tea purifies tho breath by its
action on the bowels, etc., as nothing else
will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee.
Price 23 c. and 80 cm. Sold by P. I), Kirlln
on a guarantee.
m. lwn.ilrntili tlnllrniul Comimny an
nounces tho following I'orsonally-Comltictcd
Tours for tho Summor and oarly Autumn of
18011 :
Tn tho North. Including Niagara falls, lo-
ronto, Thousand Islands, tho St. Lawrence,
Montreal, Quobee, ltobcrval (LakoSt. John),
tho Saguenay, An Sablo Chasm, Lakes Cham-
plain and Goorgo, Saratoga, and a iiayiiguv
rl.lA tlirnnah thn lllelllallfls of tllO HlUlsoll,
l.lli Ain.iit7. ltato. 120: August 12
to-25, visiting Bamo points as first tourexeept nhil thn Sauiiouav. Kate. ttOO for
tho round trip, from Now York, Phlladcl-
nhla. llaltlmoro. and Washington, l'ropor-
tlonato rates from other points.
T,. Vlamtm FaIIr. excursion tlckctsgood
return within ten days will bo sold on July
27, August 10 and 21, Septemher 7 anu ai,
Of itnlmr 6 and 10. at rate of S10 from Phlla-
dnlnhln. llaltlmoro. and Washington. Theso
clint Include transDortation only, anu w
nnrmtt. nf ulnn nvnr within limit at riuffalo.
Kochoster, Catiandaigua, and Watklns on tho
return trip.
Vtvn-Jni, Innr in OcittVRburir. LUrBV. Btld
Washington September 10. Kate f25 from
Now York, f23 from l'hilauoipuia. rropor
tlnnfifn rntivi from othor nolnts.
An.nlnvnnlav tour to Gettysburg, Luray
Cavorns, Natural Ilridgo, Virginia Hot
Springs, niebmond, and Washington, Octolior
10. Rate, J05 from Now York, $03 from
Philadelphia. Proportionate rates from othor
For itineraries and further information
apply to ticket agents, or address Geo. W.
Boyd, Assistant Genoral Passotiger Agont,
Pncmt.oiiia Cured.
Mrs. A. T. Lawrence, of Beaver, Pa.,
says: "Brazilian Balm brought inc. out
ol n severe attacn oi piieuinouia in
splendid shapa. It is a wonderful rem
edy for cough9 and lung troubles. Also,
for outward use. for burns, cold-sores,
and chapped hands and face, it cures
like magic. It is invaluable in the
Shouaniloah drug storo, wholesale agents
Reduced Rates to Los Anqklib, Cal., via
Pennsylvania Railkoab
For tho National Educational Association
Convention to bo hold at Los Angeles, Cal ,
Jnly 11 to 14, tho Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will Bell excursion tickets via direct'
routes from points on its lino, to Los Angeles,
Cal., and return, at rate of slnglo faro for tho
round trip, plus f 2.00 membership fee, Theso
tickets will bo sold, good going Juno 2-1 to
July 7, and when stampod by Joint Agont at
Los Angeles, good to return, arriving at final
destination, until Scptcmbor 5.
For further information apply to ticket
(AndTonic-in Tablet Form)
For All Diseases op the
ToEvcnYpARTornic system
BVblAlL&Loo SEtfD Stamp rorPjiMPmn
Sold In Bhenandoah at
Orders by moll sent to any address.
IN EFFECT MAY 14, 1899.
Pftsaeneer trains leave Shenandoah for Tcnn
BiAtlngton, Whlto Hall, Catoflauquu. Allwitown.
I W O. Ill , J.4 ui UIIU U If I, HI,
For Wllkesbarro, "White Haven and PIttston
iu a 4, i ui.i im aim o n p. in.
For Laceyvllle, Towanda, Bayro, Waverly,
ji ti, Avwiicodcr, iiuuuio, ivngara rails,
Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and the
lt1t n m 1 1 .1 It 1M
i. i-os, aw A a. o. 4.4 UIIU U II II. ID
For Belvidere, Delaware Water Gap and
For Lambertville and Trenton, 7 60 a. m.
For .TpAI1Pv111 T.ovlatnn nn.l tlin..n.Hf 1
ror iucaooo, Auuenrleil, Jlazleton, Stockton
and T.umli.pVn,il ROM V Kn mil. men
. , "! " -v, . w, J 1. nu,.t id UIIU
5 17 p. ra.
ForJeddo, Drlfton and Freeland, 8 88, 1012
, in., a it ii. in.
For Bcronton, 5 2ft. 10 12 a. m., 5 17 p. m.
. - -, " uuMiuviuo, uiiu Asuiana, i uu, ' '
ror uaven uun, Centralis, Mount Carmel and
Shamokln, 10 40 n. m., 1 42, 0 07, 9 23 p. m.
k.k v,vi iittto anu ueiano,
5 28, 7 W, 10 12 n, m.. and 12 52, 8 17 p. m.
, .Trains .will leave Shamokln at 700, 9 20 a.m..
at 7 60, 10 12 a. m., 12 62, 5 17 p. ru.
Leave Bhenandoah for l'ottnvllle, St. Clair,
New Cattle, Morea and New Hoaton, 7(0 and
10 12 a. m , 12 82 and 5 17 p, in.
,j?e roUavllle jor Shenandoah, (M5a.ra
12 85, 805, 8 15 p. m.
tinimiuu wr nuenanaoan, v 80 a. ro..
12 13, 8 09, 6 26, 8 81 p. tn. '
Trolna U.. . T ti .. .
Vn i " , "w"-M. w u. III., t XI p. III.,
Train leave Shamokln for Bhenandoah at
owa. ra.. and o 85 p. in.
TiilVfl Nlmnnniinnli fn. Vn lit. r .
City. I'arlc I'laco, Delano, McAdoo. Audenrled,
T,. '.-."." i.vunuti xuru, caiucrl v
unu iiiiucu ynunic. 'J 47 a. m., and 0 82 p. m.
Hall, Coplay, Allentown, Kaaton and l'hllllp.
burir. O 47 a. m.. ... A at ... .....iw-
yor new Yoric and I'hlladelphla, 9 47 a. ra.
and 6 27 p. m. ' '
. u, uuttjuc, Supt. Traneportatlon,
ClIAltLES S. LEK,Ua3e,&V!a-
A. W. NONNEMACHEl" mV. 1!. A..Y"
Houth Uethlebem. Fa.
nilllons of Dollars
Gonplnnmoko oyoryyoar. Tako no
tbkibbt got your honsoa tock,fuj.
nlture, etc., insured in flrat-claaaro.
llablo oompaoloa aa Toprenentod by
DAVID FAUST, ,s"ran Aeem
AUoXJUsndAeddaoUl ovapaql
linn, VIMJOn JVfnf
v. UVii.,uiMl01 10 JO.
CM mjit. IVrintuenteu.
DloTpitat. Tli lualruM
mllrluniMl. Addrw.
This Hot
One needs a cooling
beverage that will gently
tone up the system while
it quenches the thirst.
Beer and Porter
Just touches the spot.
They fire cooling, satisfy
ing and invigorating.
These brews will be
furnished in case lots for
family use by applying to
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coat Street
P A.
Ov Lorry
Subject to Kerubllcan rule
Of Fikb QnovK, Pa.
Subject to Itepubllcan rules.
Of TkkMoht.
Subject to Itepubllcan rules.'
Subject to TIcpubllcan rules.'
Subject to Rcpublloan rules.
' Of Potts vi ixk,
Formerly of Jollctt).
Sublcct to Republican rules.
Op Pottsviijji.
Subject to Democratic rules.
Op Onwiosnnna.
Subject to Repnbllcan rules.
Op Maiiasot Cttt. " j
Subject to Republican rules.
Or CaiHoii.
Subject to Republican rulca.
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparklintr Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
At all it3 customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
Of Schuylkill Haven,
The noted Refractlonlst, who has testimonials
"'o nest people or the county, as to his
ability, win bo at '
If your eyes cause you any trouble call and see
biro. Glasses furnished If needed and no
UlC Onlv nltStliro roan n.. I.I ...... I
, ... 1 - .www., uiiu iiiimw i;i uuuu
In this rertnn. m,t.'i .1.. .
r ii "wh will uc IIIC UU3b
successfully conducted since in existence.
The boats for the lake are now undergoing
repairs nt ReadlnB. The grove will be
cleaned daily by wotkmen. Ice and wood to
nrensre snrt nrcma . 1. r
ii l r . v "r iiicnio panics
will be furnished free. An orchestra will be
l.u,,,cu i lms resort for Uie entire season.
rot particulars address
D. J. YOST, Prop.,
Bamesvllio, Pa.
A H?ndsomo ComplCTdorTl
is one of the greatest oharms
I " one of the greatest oharms a woman can f
SVSilt: l 0I10N,,g Own pSwiail