The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 07, 1899, Image 1

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SI ' " . i i ' . . .
For 60 years made
honor Sold on merit.
Strictly High Grade.
Sold For Cash or Leaaed on Time.
t r w;iK- 9 Cah furniture and
J. P. Williams & 5011, music store.
Shenandoah, Pa.
13 S. Main St.
TI10 Oil Hondo nt Turkey Kun Celllery
Ilratroyetl Last Night,
At 10:05 o'clock last night the oil honsa at
tho Turkey Kun colllory was discovered on
fire. Tho watchmau, Thomas CliUbril, dis
covered tho western end of tbe 'oof In ft
blaze. Tho whistles of the colliery wero
sounded and shortly after tho flro boll was
rune, tho entire flro department. Including
tho Defensors, of Turkoy Kun, responded.
Tho position of the flro was an awkward one.
but tho hoso carriages and chemical engine
succeeded in getting upon tho scone. Tho
flro was too far advanced, howover, and the
burning oil niado n furnaco of tho placo.
Besides this there was a short supply of
The building and Its contents wero de
stroyed, oauslug a loss of about 200. The
powder house was located about SO feet west
of tbe oil house. A largo quantity of powder
was retnoTOd and tho former building saved,
Tbe building destroyed was a one-story framo
structuro with corrugated Iron roof and a
cellar. It was located about 800 feet oast of
tho breaker.
Tbo origin of tho fire Is not known. Tho
matter Is being investigated, as (hero was no
flro near tho building, and no explanation
can be arrived at.
Councllmen Endorse the Gift to Him by
the Auditors.
W. J. Brltt and P. 3. Clesry the Only Bidders
for the Street Paving Job A Fire
Alarm Brings tbe Session to
an Abrnpt Close.
Cor. Lloyd and White Sts.,
rienSaiit Outing Party.
Shollenbcrger's farm in IMngtown was
taken possession of yesterday by a largo
paity of ladles of town and thoy enjoyed a
good time. Whon supper time drew nigh
tboy sat down to a sumptuous feast, fit for
tko most fastidious. They were taken to the
sceno of enjoyment by John Lorab. The
party Included the following Mrs, James
Morgan, Mrs. Charle3 Shreovo, Mrs, A. O.
Crobaugb, Mrs. Jonn Bock, Mrs. Henry
Both, Mrs. William Thomas, Mrs. Adam
Kantner, Mrs. C. Eberbard, Mrs. J. Lebmlcr,
Mrs. George Folmor, Mrs. Fred. Keltban,
Mrs, John Sohaeffor, Mrs. F. C. IJeoso, Mrs.
Henry Warnick, Mrs. William Trlco, Mrs.
Eutorlino, Mrs. William Zimmerman, Mrs.
Hnnrfn T.nrnli Mlu. Tntin Sfarr. Mra A. Vnqf
MAHAN OY OITY. Mra- E- Lougacre, Mrs. W. Miller, Mrs. J.
ivimdminw i vi i jj Wt Moyeri MrSi j K,bch and UIssC3
Annio 1'ortz. and Annlo Uctluor,
J- . ' kb
flaln Street,
as a
That Indefinable and Indlspenslble
Thing-Called Style
The Styles
wo Are Now
I9 always found at our storethe
people's store.
We havo a most excellent stock of
ladies' neckwear in ties, bows and
puffs at nil prices.
Then we have the latest in linen
collars the "Mollie" of the cele
brated "Diamond Brand."
For boys, we lxave a large assort
ment of colors and styles in the
shape of pleated waists and blouse
effect. H
Ladies Beauty Pins in endless
variety from Ic each and upwards.
'Kt North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
and White,
Prom 35c
to $1.73
Swalm's . Hardware . Store.
When Buying Blank Cartridges Buy
Fast Color Bunting Flag, Size
24X36, at 25 Cts.
Took First l'riie.
George F. Humble, foroman of the Herald
job printing department, and bis wife and
child aro visiting relatives at Erie, Pa. On
July 4th tho haby was entered in a show at
that placo and took first prize. Mr. and Mrs.
Humble, qutto naturally, aro very proud
over the result. The Erlo Dally Times says :
"The annual Grand Army picnic was hold at
tbo Head and it is estimated that fully five
thousand people wore on the grounds. A
featuro of tho picnic was the graud baby
show, which bad boon widely advertised and
in consequenco sixteen babies faced the
judges. Tbe littlo creatures wero all good
looking and tho judges had a hard time to
pck out tbe prize winners. It was decided
that it took flyo points to win, and the first
prizo, a baby go-cart, valued at flfoon dollars,
to the baudsomest baby botweon tbe ages of
six and twelvo months was awarded to the
child of George F. and Lizzlo Humble, of
Shenandoah, l'ft,"'
Unprovoked Assault.
While Joseph H. Wyatt, Jr., 12-ycar-old
son of Hon. Joseph Wyatt, was playing with
other boys at tbe corner of Main and Lloyd
streets last night, bo was struck across tho
back of tho head with a ploco of bod-slat in
the hands of Drew Carroll, agod 10 years.
The blow inflicted a scalp wound oyer two
Inches Jong, and tho assault (s alleged tq have
bocn entroly unprovoked. Mr. Wyatt
threatens the offender with arrest. Carroll,
by the way, is ono of the parties who makes
a practice of loafing about tbe cornor referred
I to, and against whom many complaints bave
been made by people obliged to pass the
A regular mcoting of the Borough Council
was held last night with Couuclliucn Mo
Quire, Coakloy, Tracoy, Boehm. Shoemaker,
Straughn, James, Bell, Brennan, Uarklns,
Hand, Noljwsnbu in attendance.
Immediately after tho reading of minutes
Mr. James Grant made application that Mrs.
Mary Murphy, of South Chestnut street, bo
exonerated from payment of taxes. Ho said
the County Commissioners authorised him
to stato that they considered the case a worthy
A written report of Boron cb Solicitor
Burko, on the payment of tbo $1.5 asked by
tho Dally News for publishing tho last bor
ough audit was read. The opinion stated
that tho Borough Auditors had no right to
contract tho bill, nuder tho law; that they
should have submitted their report to Coun
cil, and the latter could then bavo authorized
tbo publication. The only power tho Audi
tors havo in tbe premises is by posting hand
bjlls. Still, if Council considered the price
charged reasonable, it could pay tbo bill for
tho publication of the audit in tho nows
psper; If tho bill was unreasonable, or ex
cessive Council could not legally pay it.
Upon the reading being concluded by the
secretary Mr. James moved that tho Solici
tor's opinion be placed on file and the bill bo
Mr. Neiswonter said ho would voto against
tbe motion because tho Auditors wero paid
Port, fS.OSO.OS; from Collector Bnrke, 2.600;
from Water Superintendent, (1,500 ; tempor
ary loan, (8,830.63; total, $11,085.50. Dis
bursements Orders paid, (-I.079.e0 ; coupons
paid, f 8.710.50; balanco on band, r8.Wtl.17 ;
total, (11,06 50.
Fire Marshal P. J. Reynolds submitted his
annual report as follows : "There aro now In
the department 8 horses, 8 stonm engines, 1
hoso WAgon, 1 chemical euglne, 8 chemical
extinguishers, 2 hoso carriages, 1 hook and
ladder truck, 3,100 feet of hoso. During tbe
year Just cloied tho department responded to
21 alarms, tho most destructive fire being
that at tho Swalm property, when about (80,
000 worth of property was destroyed. Tbe
total loss by flro for tho year was about (61,.
000, sixty por cent, of which was eoverod by
Tho street committee then made a brief
report of repairs made during the month,
after which Mr. James stated that tho high
way on Dunn's hill, west of Lamb's colliery,
Is in a very bad condition.
On motion of. Mr. Brennan it was decided
to put a crossing on West Cherry street, and
ono at tho corner of West and Centra streets.
Tho street committee was also instructed to
open thu road at Klondike, and the Chlof
Bargess was instructed to notify tbe Traction
Company to put West Coal and Main streets
in a passable condition where its track is
Bids weto then opened for tho First ward
street paving. There wero but two. W. J.
Uritt proposed to pave from Bowers to Union
streets, with best quality of Hamburg vitrified
brick, for (1.03 per squaro yard. P. J. Cleary
offered to do tho work, with tho same brick,
rorfl.bu per square yard.
Mr, James stated that at tho last regular
meeting In June Council instructed tbo Solic
itor to go into court and ask that a dato be
fixed for argument of tho caso against the
Lakcsldo Hallway Company by tbo borough,
to compel tho company te lower its track at
tho place selected for tho paving. Ho said
the borough had expended (03 in taking
ovidence, and he could not understand why
tho case was not pushed to argument. Ho
was confident that if tho borough could not
compol tbe railway company tocnt tbo street
down, it could not compol It to pay Its share
of tho paving. In addition to this, he argued
that tbo borough has no money to expend for
paving, but u it could seoure tbe money
from Tax Collector Scanlan It could pavo six
Sovon Woro Named to Command
Prospootivo Philippines Troops.
Tlio Knlttmc-ntn Will Ho Mnilo With
out Hostrlotlon ni to Ctttzonnhlp orl
liducntlonnl Qiinllllciitlnnx (Jonornt
Otis Wttl KnlUt Tlirco ItclmonU.
Washington, Jnly 7. Tho order for
tho onlistment of volunteers for sor
vlco in tho Philippines was published
yesterday and seven moro colonols to
command tho regiments woro appoint
ed. Thore aro yot two colonels to bo
designated. Eight majors also woro
named. Tho recruiting will not begin
until somo tlmo next week, tho exact
date not having been fixed yet. Re
cruiting stations will ho oponcd In
every stato and territory, and as fast
as tho men aro enlisted they will bo
sent to tho regiments to bo assigned
to companies. Stato lines aro oblit
erated, and tho men first enlisting wilt
bo first to ho mustered In. Tho as
signment to companies will bo by tho
officer commanding, and ho will bo at
liberty to organize a company com
posed of men from ono stato It ho finds
It convenient and practicable.
Tho regiments will bo organized ac
cording to tho provisions of tho act
of March 2, 1899, and will consist of SO
officers and 1,309 enlisted men each.
Tho term of servlco will bo for the
period ending Juno 30, 1901, and those
enlistments may be made "without re
striction as to citizenship or educa
tional qualifications.
Districts for recruiting designated
regiments aro announced. Tho Twen
ty-seventh and Twenty-eighth regi-
Shirts for
Not the ordinary kind. Not
the kind everyDody will
wear, but exclusive kinds.
Top notch novelties
Madras and lu Silk.
Not Many of a Kind
But Many Kinds.
A Glimpse
Of Our Stock
Will convince the most skep
tical that we have by far the most
complete and varied assortment la
the city. The low prices ar a still
Greater attraction. We tnkp nnr
(100 each for making tho audit, and as long or j ht nare3 and axo B thousand dolla monts will bo recruited at . Camp toade. staud ou the sjde of reijable goods
na ttin hAnnlft nKVA .atftflait tn Aloof I .. . ... . i'Q... ana Will InClUaO YOlUnteorS from I .
at small prices. Anybody who
ever trades here knows we do busi
ness on that principle, We operate
our store on a determined policy of
fair, square dealing. This means
that we give the customer the bene
fit of the lowest prices possible.
Extraordinary values in lawn
and percale Shirt Waists all are
marked down to nearly one-half
their usual price.
The 50o and 65c Kind for 25 Cenls.
The 75c, Kind fcr 39 Cents.
The Sl.00 and $1.25 Kind for 75 Cts.
Remnants of Wool Ingrain Car-
Detlit oen Banli
as tho people were satisfied to elect such
Auditors, be was willing to pay tho printing
bill. He said Pottsvlllo- paid only ?20 to
each Auditor, and it was -enough, A member
replied : "Yes, and you vot,cd to 1'ay the
Auditors $100 each,"
Mf. James thought it a shamo that peoplo
who held the whip over the Council last year
should ask that such a bill bo paid.
M. E. Doyle was allowed to speak on tho
question and he defended tho bill as not boing
excessive. Ue appealed to the members to
pay his bill and stated that several years ago
the borough paid $200 to havo tho audit
published In tho two papers of town. He
appealed to Mr. Straughn several times dur
ing bis roinarka as to tho justification of tho
Mr. Boehm said two wrongs did not mako a
right. He thought tbe bill excessive, in
view of tho fact tbtt only $55 was paid for
printing tho report last yoar. Ho also ob
jected to !ton.the.2ronnd that tlio Auditors,
nndor tho Solicitor's opinion, snouia nave
consulted Council before contracting tho bill.
In reply to a question as to a probable suit If
tbo bill is not paid, Mr. Boehm said tho
parties cpuld not eu0 tho borough because
Council did not contract the bill they must
suo the Auditors.
Mr. Straughn said the Solicitor's opinion
was clear that he was not opposed to the
bill simply because it was excessive, or be
cause it came from tho News company ; that
ho was trying to represent the pooplo so far
as called upon. Ho did think that, if
Thomas B. Hughes, of this town, and Mrs.
Elizabeth' Boborta, of Plymouth, Luzorno
county, wore married yesorday afternoon, at
the residence or tno unuegroom, on .norm
Chestnut street, Eov. D. I. Evans, pastor of
tho First Baptist churoh, officiating. Mr.
and Mrs. Luke Bowen wero tbo groomsman
and bridesmaid, respectively. Among the
.. I attondants at the ceremony wero Mr. and
Mrs. Henry L. Jones, Miss Emily Jones ana
Mrs. Edward Gilpin. Last evoning tho
bridal couplo wero attended by tbe choir ot
tho First Baptist church, of which Mr.
Hughes (a the leader.
Iluntzlnger lleaten,
Phllln J. Huntzlnger. of Mahanoy City,
and Frank Swartz, of Summit Hill, met in a
eiiMi na toiII rntnnlete a sale at anv time
Don't Forget us For Men's, Ladles', Hisses' and Children's Shoes.
Wataon E3
38 North
Main Street
T, Prop.
hat nowadays adds a pleasing appear
ance to your personal outfit. It don't cost you a great deal of money
to add that appearance if you would spend a few moments in examin
ing our south show window and see the oflers we give you at our
special sale. We can supply the most fastidious with a nice black,
light, or dark brown stiff hat as well as a nice Fedora, crash, or straw
hat. We have many kinds to select irom. The announcement refers
alSO to OUr Stock Of summer ShlrtS, necKWear auu cuuuib. uu ji boxing contest at the latter place last flight
nsonrtment and our prices are equivalent for a nurse. $75 to the winner and $23 to the
"r,Vr"L,-rrl r;GY.m-. r. Tit. bout W to have U.M ten
I rounds, but Huntzlnger was knocked ont In
the seventh.
A Conductor Iteslgus.
One of tho surprises in railroad circles
yesterday was the announcement of the
I resignation or Conductor uenjamm xieni
dricks. of Mahanoy City, to take effoct im
mediately. Mr. Hendricks has beon in the
service of tbo Lohigh Valley Bailroad for 33
I years and two years ago an offer was made
I to place him on tbe pension list at a salary ot
$35 per month, for faithful servico rendered.
Roof on Fire.
At 2:05 o'clock this afternoon an alarm
from box 10 called the fire department to tbo
I First ward. The fire was located at 833
East Itaspberry alley, Bobbins' row, the roof
of tbo house having been set on fire, it is
presumed, by a spark from a passing L. V.
locomotive. Tbe chemical engine 01 me
BescuoHook and Ladder Company extln-
gulshed the blaze koforo much damage was
I done.
"Seasonable Hints."
Palm leaf fans, each Sc.
Jar gums, 5c. a dozen.
Pint preserving crocks, 4c.
Fruit jars, 45o. a dozen.
Pretty flower banging baskets, 2 for 25c.
Adjustable window screens, 140.
(iooil hammock with pillow, fiSc.
Picnio plates, 8c. a dozen.
7.7-2t 0 South Main bt.
Liquidating Aooonnta,
The Joint committee on Fourth of July
parade met last night to liquidate its ac
counts. Tbe total exponses or tue aemon
stratlon were $105.60 and tbe eolleottons
amounted to $80.00, leaving a deficiency of
$1Q.0, This, divided among tho ulno co
operating societies, loaves tho pro rata assess-
. , n f . m .
meat at tho very low figure 01 i.ou. m
committee will hold its final mooting on
Jnly 20th.
Held for Assanlt.
Tom Nawroakl was committed lu default
of $300 ball by Justice Shoemaker last night,
on a obarge of assault and battory and surety
made by Mrs. Antonlna Frodlma.
nuroed by a llluit.
John Messeokewlcz, - a miner at J'acxer
tho Borough Auditors, who set tbemselyes
qp as great reformers, could have tho audit
printed for $55, they should not go to an
expense of $125. Because tho borough has
paid $200 in tho past for tho work does not
justify the prosent Council In expending tho
same amount any more than It would be
tuBtlfled in BDonding $400 for it. Mr.
Straughn said be was willing to pay the
same sum as last year. Ho did not maintain
that tbe price charged was excessive, as any
one knew that a publication t a newspaper
oould not be eacured as cheap as In poster
form, but tho Auditors had no authority to
incur a debt for newspaper publication,
Mr. Boll was the especial ohamplon of the
bill, and thought tho bill should bo paid,
and then let Council put a stop to tbe practice.
Mr. McQuiro saidi "I shall voto against
the bill, because I consider it oxcosslve."
A yote was taken on the motion to reject
and was declared lost for want of a majority.
The voto stood 0 to 6, Messrs. Straughn,
James, Boohm, Shoomaker, McQuiro and
Hand votlug in tbo affirmative, and Messrs.
Neiswenter, Coakley, Tracey, Brennan, Boll
and Harkins in tho negative.
Mr. Hamns then moved that tno nut oe
on the paving now projected. Ho moved
that tho paving be laid on the table until
December, 1800.
Mr. McGuire asked how $1,000 could be
saved, and Mr. James replied that that much
1 eduction could bo secured ou two squares if
tho borough should pave six or eight squares,
instead of two.
Mr. Bell was also of the opinion that tho
railway company eonld not be compellod to
pay its share of paving if It cannot bo com
pelled to cut down the track to grade, and he
did not know why the Solicitor did not havo
a dato fixed for argument of tho caso.
Mr. Tracey did not want to see tho puving
started until tho railway company gives a
guarantee that it will pay Its sharo.
President McQulre stated that Council
could oompel this, and alsostatod that there
was amplo money In sight for the work.
At this point (10:10 o'clock) tho fire alarm
bell rang, and there was a general rush to-
r"."-,!1'" I?T,t Vf1, :5mldfint McQuiro
hurriedly adjourned the meeting until this
A Saving Way to Bay.
10 pounds of Arbuckles or Lion coffee, $1.
1 lb. of Imp. and'Oolong Xd good tea, 30c.
Canned peas, 4 cents por can.
Ginger Snaps and coffeo cakes, 5c pound.
Fair Family Flour, $1.75 por 10Q lbs.
Qrauulatod Sugar, 5Jo lb.
California hams, 71c pound.
J lb, best thin chipped dried beef, 13c.
It will pay you to buy flour here. Every
thing else low in prico. Goods dcllvorod
frco. Mall orders carefully attended to.
C. W. Newhodseb.
7.0-3t 122 North Main streot.
Accounts Confirmed.
The accounts in tho following estates of
decedonts woro confirmed nisi : William
Weast, G cor go Markey, Sr., John Kolnbold,
Anna M. Bertram, Jamos Nunemacher, Mar
garet Wyatt, James Gannon, Henry Voute,
Benjamin Koch, Mary Stitsel, Elizabeth
Davidson, Franclsca 1. Albright, John K.
Fenstermaohor, Hannah Kamp, Daniel S.
Erammes, C. U. Reed, Jacob Ludwlg, John
Woavor, Ellas Fidler, Joseph Cobley, Sarah
Borger. John O. Buchanan, Catharine
Kramer, Polly Beed, Joseph Phillips. Simon
B. Yoder, Magdalcna O. Lyons and John W.
Bedford, and also tho following estates of
minors : Thomas Hadesty, John M, Dillinger
and tho Sterner minors.
Pa., and will Include volunteers from
Connecticut, tho portion of Now York
state south of tbo 42d degree ot lati
tude, Maryland, Virginia, west Vir
ginia, North Carolina, District of Co
lumbia, Now Jersey, Pennsylvania and
The organization of tho ton regi
ments in this country will not mako
any difference to tho organization ot
regiments in the Philippines by Gen
eral Otis. His regiments will bo In
addition to those hereafter to be known
as tho Twonty-sixth to Thirty-fifth, in
oluslvo, and will be numbered Thirty
sixth upward. It Is oxpected that three
rogtments will bo organized In the
Philippines. Tho regimonts organized
In the United 8tntes and tho Philip
pines will Increase tho army by G50
offlcers and 17,607 men, If thoro should
bo three full regiments formed by Gen
eral Otis.
under orders to proceed at onco with
tho organization of tho regimonts.
Somo of tho offlcers aro now In tho
city and havo been consulting tho dif
ferent bureau offlcers with regard to
equipment and suplies for the men aa
they Join the regiments.
Following are the men solected as
colonels of tho volunteer regiments:
Major James M. Bell, First cavalry;
Captain Jamos S. Pettit, First Infantry;
better known as colonel of tho Fourth
Immunes; Captain Edward E. Hardin,
who was colonel of tho Second New
York volunteers In tho war with Spain;
Captain L. A. Craig, Sixth cavalry;
Captain Luther It. Haro, Seventh cav
alry; Major "William A. Kobbo nnd
Captain Cornelius Gardner, Nineteenth
The assignment of tho volunteer
colonels to regiments will be as fol
lows: 20th, Rice; 37th, Hell; 28th. Pot
tit; 29th, Hardin; 30th, Gardnor; 32d.
Craig; 33d, Haro; 35th, Kobbo. Tho
man designated for lieutenant colonol
of tho 35th regiment will organize It
and take It to tho Philippines, when
Colonel Kobbo will assume command.
"While you wait" umbrellas re-covered at
Brnmm's Jewelry store, 10 South Main St.
Oil Cloth,!
Orphans' Court Matters.
In the Orphans' Court Judgo Dnnn at-
nald and tho motion was carried by a voto of tended to tho following matters t
0 to 4. Messrs. Kolswenter, Coakloy, Traoey, In the estate of Elizabeth Link, deceased,
Brennan, Boll and Harkins voting for the Court filed a decree of distribution,
payment. Messrs. Straughn, Jamos, Boehm, The following widow's appraisoments wero
Shoemaker and McQuiro asked that their also confirmed nisi : George Berger, Allen F.
votes be recorded In tbe negative. Ketner, Gottloeb Yuengllng, Franklin
including what was paid tbe Auditors, tho Myers, Wm, A. Beach, Abner S. Keiser,
last audit of tho borough cost $130. Frank Carter, Jamos Zettlemoyer, Wm. W.
As soon as tho motion waa declared carried I Marburger and Henry W. iaust.
A full line of new spring'
styles In-
Editor novlo exclaimed with sarcasm, "You
are not very oareful ; you're only trying to
get back."
"What's that?" exclaimed Mr. Boehm.
"You are all vary careful," reiterated Mr.
Mr. Boohm Jumpoa upon nis icoiana re
torted, "Yes," Mr. Chairman, "No wonder,
when tbe proprietor of tho News comes in
here and bulldozes the members of Council
Into paying tho bill."
Mr. Doyle remainea snout, due jut. uou
jumped up and said with somo feeling, "I
call a point of ordor, iNoooay can ouuqozo
me." That onded tho matter,
A letter from J. J. Franey was read, call-
Ing attention to tbo fact that a largo plate
In the matter of Laura May Huntzlnger,
minor, Court directed tho guardian to make
private sale of her interests in real estate,
situated in Ellzabothville, Dauphin county.
Bond in the sum of $1,100 was filed and
In the estate of Catharine Herb, deceased,
an Inquest in partition was awardod.
Always Fresh and Reliable.
Our choice meats, butter, eggs. Bauser's,
Cherry and Chestnut streets. tf
Diphtheria relieved in twenty minutes.
Almost miraculous. Dr. Thomas Ecloctric
Oil. At any drug store.
Trying to Sot'tlo Soriintcm'B Strike.
Scranton, Pa., July 7. A big mass
meeting of citizens was conducted at
tho armory under the auspices of tho
Building Trades Council last night and
a resolution was adopted calling upon
tho striking tradesmen and the Mas
ter Builders' Exchange to each ap
point an arbitrator, who, with a third
selected by these two, will make n
final and binding adjudication of their
difficulties. Judge H. M. Edwards pro-
sided at tho meeting and many of tho
most prominent citizens, Including
Mayor Moir, sat on the platform as
vice presidents. The strike has been
on Blnco June 1. It was started by tho
carpenters demanding an eight hour
day and 30 cents an hour. Every other
trades union was called out, and now
there aro nearly 3,000 men on strike
They will interest you and
so will our prices. Our dis-
jplay is larger than any in
10O 5. Main St.
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker
CENTS per yard for a fine
Velvet Carpet, worth $1.35.
Ninety-eight cents per yard
for a Body Brussel, worth
?f.35( at
Made Andrew Jump.
Andrew Aberschlnsky, of town, 21 years
of ago, is now at tho Miners' hospital. He
gat in a shady corner on Tuesday, but some
glass window of his offlco on WcBt Oak street I boys discovered him and placed a largo fire
was broken on juiy n ny a stone imponeu 1 cracker under nis leer, 10 see mm jump,
Velvet and
Body Brussels.
! i !
INGRAINS New styles, extra qualities
RAG CARPETS All kinds and prices.
by a dynamlto oraoker thrown Into the streot,
and demanding payment for the damage.
Tho matter was referred to tho law com
mittee and solicitor.
John W. Campbell, of Ashland, sent in a
communication asking that a discrepancy be
tween tba faco of water bonds hold by Mm
and tie bond book be rectified. In the entry
in tbe lattor is simply "Thomas Campbell,"
while the Inscription on the bonds, which Is
correct, reads "Thomas Campbell, Guardian."
Tho matter was referred to tbe finance and
law committees, with power U act.
Mr. Straugbt moved that tho finance com
mittee bo insUucted to request Tax Collector
Burke to present a monthly statement to
Council, as rejulred by law. Tho motion
was carried.
The followljg monthly reporbi were aubi
mltted by the borough official. 1
lWlcc. -number or arrests, t-;
When it exploded Andrew gave a yell like
an Indian, but was unable to give cbaso to
the boys as his left an.lo was badly lnjuioa
and burned by tbe explosion.
Cream puffs on ico all summer at George
Beholder's bakery, 83 East goal streot. u
The Telephone Ordinance.
The ordinance of tho Eqltsble Telephone
Company, of Shenandoah, who want tbe
riiht of way through Ashland, was pre
sented to tho Council of that place Wednes
day evening, and passed first reading.
The Olga Netbersolo bracelot, tbe newest
out. See our window display. Orkin'a
Jewelry store, ? South Main street. tf
Tbe Qllberton Klsteddlod,
Tbo eisteddfod held in tbe M. E. church at
Qllberton on July tho Fourth was largely at
tended. Fivo choirs competed ror the main
nrlze of $25. two from Qllberton, and ono
each from Utra ravine, St. riicuoiasanu Aiana-
noy City, the last menUoned winning tbe
i0 South Jardln Street.
3 Cans
Por SSa.
Special Sleeting.
Special meeting of Shenandoah Lodge S01,
I. O. O. F., will bo held on Saturday, 8th
Inst., In their ball, North Whlto street, at
13:30 p. m., for tbe purpose of attending thei
funeral of our late brother, Luke Davis.
Sister lodges Invited to attend. By order of
John Bitlgb, N. G.
Attest: Joseph Hinks. Seo'y. 0-2t I
Ooutrulla Hallway.
An ordlnanco granting rights of way to
tho Ashland-Centralia olectrlo railway, con
necting these two towns, passed first reading
Beecbam'b Pilm cure Sick Headache.
Deeds Itecordeil,
Tho following deeds were filed for record s
From M. G. Brossler. executor, to Mary A.
Stauffer. nromlies In Heglns township.
Ifarv A. Stauffer to M. G. Breasler, premises
in Heglns township. Henry Fox and wife to
Evan col cal Lutheran onurcb, premises in
4 Cans
Por SSc.
Swiss, Neutchafell and
Brick Cheese will arrive
Chief of
-.-(J il aartrml tlrnA tl nn1Tt-tfl Kv
.fternooUn. The In 3 Tman i. Ch.o'f " BUness.-Flne. collected, (U , for final passage The promoter, are anxious
fined U "bl. bome on West Coal street, where license fees. (1 i total, 33. to construct this new link as speedily a.
ho Is being treated by Dr. J. Fierce Uoberta. I Teasurer.-Balance ou band from last re-1 possible.
Clam soap, free, to-night. Special lunch
to-morrow morning.
Clam soup will be served, free, to all pa
trons to-night.