The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 06, 1899, Image 3

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Colds, CoiigliSf
Hay Fever, Bron
chitis, Asthma
and nil Diseases
of the Throat and
Clouds of MdlloMcd Vapor nro Inhaled
through tin- mouth and rniltti'd from the no
t r) In. rlrsnshig and vaporising all the Inllnninl
ami illncnneil parts which cannot bp reached by
medicine tflktn lulu tlu stotnflrh.
It rcartiri the orc potIt hmU the raw
ptnce9Jt qorn to thr trttt of tUeaeIt act a?
n Imtm anil tnnf to thr vhntr fmlcmtunoat
flrugglitt orient by mail 1S0S Arch 8t.,l'hlla,
Will t mulatto from your system tlio linger
ing effects of grip and other nllincnU caused
by tlu sovcro winter, and malaria, rlicmnst
tlsin, neuralgia, catarrh, stomach, kidney,
liver aud nervous disorders, paralysis, blood
and Bkin diseases, and chronic and func
tional derangements. Tlio mountain climate
of Hot Springs is cool and delightful in
summer. 100 hotels open tlio year around.
For Illustrated literature, containing all
Information, address 0. P, Cooley, Manager
Bulsncss Men's League, Hot Springs, Ark.
For reduced excursion tickets and par
ticulars of the trip, address V. A. Turk,
Gen'l Pass. Agt., Southern I!y Washington,
D. C or C. h. . Hopkins, District Passougcr
Agent, 828 Chestnut St., riilla., Pa. 0-l-4m
Reduced lCntoa to Richmond, Vu.
On account of tho International Conven
tion of tho Baptist Young People's Union of
America, to bo hold at Kichmond, a., July
13 to 18, tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company
lias arranged to sell excursion tickets from
points on its lino, to Richmond, at rate of
slnglo faro for tho round trip (tickets via
Kaltitnoro and steamboat fifty cents moio
than singlo fare).
Tickets will bo sold July 11 to 13, and will
bo good to return until July 31, inclusive
except that on deposit of ticket with tho
fUlUb i,KVl h II UUUU UUIUIO IUI.y Mi nu
the navmcnt of fifty cents, the return limit
may lie extended to lcavo Richmond not
later than August 15, 1899.
Stop over at.Wftshlugton on return trip for
ten days, not to exceed final limit of ticket.
For specific rates and conditions apply to
Ticket Agents.
Ask your grocer for the "Royal Patent
flour, and take no other brand. It is the best
flour made.
A box of our
srEcim rnniLT mew
is an exhilarating
S stimulant during
the hot summer
DoHvorcd at your home
Columbia Brewing Company.
Truit,. Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale and. Retail.
S3 West Contra Street.
Restores Vitality, Lost Vigor nd Manhood.
Cures Impotency, NiRhtEmisslonsand
wastlntr diseases, all effects of self-
, abuse, or exctss ana incus-
1 cretion. A ncrvo tonic and
blooil Imildor. Brings the
fpink glow to pale cheeks and
restores the fire of youth.
M3vmail COc Tier box. O boxes
for $2.50; with a written guaran
tee to euro or refund .tho money.
Send for circular. Address,
Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
Sold at Kirlln's drug store, Shenandoah, I'm
m, r. l'-mUili .Diamond Tirana.
rc, aViwTi TflUt-lt, LADICft uk ZL
l)rull for Cfcftrt JvWiuA "'4'fgYrt
mow prana iu iiru mmi Ty
hoxM, ealod wltiJ tiu rifoon. iu
tion and imitation. AtflrugglMi.or 54 a.
I, .i.m.. r,.r nirtifiDlart. leatimODlfcla ni
"Helter fur I.ndlV inlttur, by retara
mil Loci! Drazatltu. AlIIl.UAt
CPJlea or Hemorrhoid
Fl83uro9 & Flstulaa.
Burns & Scalds.
I J Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
Bolls & Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptlona
Salt Rheum A Tettora.
E Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Soro Lips & NostrJIn
O Corns & Bunions
w Stlng3 & Blte3 of Insects
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00.
" d by drureUU, or scut post-paid on reoulpt of prfc
' ucxriiBiii' 111 111 HuiiiBc,!irit.
819 N. Centra 81, FotUvllle, m.
Vine old Whiskeys, Olna and Wines, at the ba
a cnoice line 01 mgnra aim lempcr
anoe Prinks.
Accommodations for traveUri,
-Meals at all bou
'ho Haguo Poaco Oonforrcos Yiold
to Our Oomuiisaionors.
At TV'h loll ..tlio QlloMInu of l'rlvnto
I'roporty nt Sea In Tlmo or YVnr
Will Ho llonlt Wltli-Socrotnry liny
Tho Hague, July C The American
delegates scored a great success yes-
torday In obtaining from tho peaco con
ference a unanimous voto In favor o
having the question of private proper
ty at sea In tlmo of war dealt with at
n special conference to be summoned
hereafter. Much diplomatic manage
ment was necessary, and many obsta
cles had to bo surmounted before this
romilt wns reached. Tho resolution
was carried without opposition, but
with reservations on tho part of Groat
Britain, France nnd Russia.
Washington, July G. Tho nowo from
The Hague announcing the vote of
tho pence conference In favor of hold
ing a special conferenco hereafter to
discuss the question of the freedom
from seizure of private property at Boa
in tlmo of war is a source of genuine
satisfaction to tho administration. Tho
American delegates had moro interest
In this question, perhaps, than In any
other before tho conforonco.
There have bcon timos during ses
sions of the peace conference at which
it appeared that this subject would be
passed over without favorable action,
and the officials had almost given up
hope of anything in that direction be
ing accomplished. Secretary Hay was
shown n copy of tho dispatch last
night. He regarded It as a Substantial
victory for the advanced position tho
American government has taken on
this matter. The question of the
freedom from seizure of private prop
erty at sea, belonging to tho subjects
of the belligerent nations, the secre
tary said, was not In the list of sub
jects enumerated in the czar's call for
tho conference, but It was embodied in
the Instructions given to tho American
delegates. The subject, the secretary
said, Is one In which tho American
government has always taken the
greatest interest and a moat decided
stand over t!lnco the foundation of tho
government. The United States re
fused to sign the convention at Paris
back In the fifties because tho articles
agreed upon did not contain a declara
tion exempting from capture tho pri
vate property at sea belonging to the
subjects of tho belligerent nations, and
In the president's last message to con
gress he urged that provision be made
for calling a conference of the powers
of the world to consider the question.
Bills were introduced In both houses
having this object In ylew, but no
final action was taken on them.
I Bis Life Was Saved.
Mr. T. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal. Mo., lately had a wonderlul ile-
liverence from a frigntful death. In telling of
it he says : "I was taken with typhoid
r ever, that ran into i'neumonia. My lutic:
became hardened. I was so weak I couldn t
even sit up In bed. Nothing helped me.
expected to soon die of Consumption, when I
heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One
bottle gave great relief. I continued to use
it, and now am well and strong. 1 can l say
too much in its praise." This marvelous
medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the
world for all I hroat and L.ung 1 rouble. Keg
ular sizes 60 cents and Jl.oo. Trial bottles
free at A. Wesley's drug store ; every bottle
Child l)roTnod iu n Fountain.
Lancaster, Pa July G. Tho 5-year
old dauchter of George Teanult, of
Ellzabethtown, while playing in tho
yard at St. Joseph's hospital, where
she was a patient, last evening fell
into a fountain and drowned. Tho
little girl was amusing herself by
throwing flowers Into the water. A
flower was clutched In her hand when
the body was recovered.
A Card.
We, tho undersigned, do heroby agree to
refund the money on a 50-ccnt bottle of
Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar If it falls
to euro your cough or cold. We also guaran
tee a 25-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Wasloy, 0. II. Ilason
buoh, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W
Bierstflin & Co. lM4-33t-dw
jniBitlvo Virginia Mtirdoror Cnucbt
Yonkers. N. Y., July u. Andrew
Jackson Itodgers, a negro of gigantic
size, is locked up in the police station
here. He Is wanted In Virginia for the
murder of Emmett Iloss on July 21,
1897. The murder occurred at a dance,
where Rodgers and Itoss quarreled
over a girl. Rodgers admitted the
murder, and said he would not have
fled, but that he feared ho would bo
Sick Headaches,
Tho curso of overworked womankind, are
quickly and surely cured by Earl's Clover
Boot Tea, the great blood purifier and tissue
builder. Money refunded If not satisfactory,
I'rice 25 cts. and SO eta. Sold by V. D. Kirllu
on a guarantee.
Wlfo nnd Children Saw Illiii Ilnnpred
Chnttanooga, Tenn., July 6. Pleas
Winn and Cattlett Linton, the white-
cappers, were hung at Sevlervllle yes
terday for the muracr 01 01a man
Whaloy and his wife, over a year ago,
They both confessed, and stated they
were hired to do tho deed by one ijod
Cattlett. Mrs. Llpton, wife of the mur
derer, and his five children were
present at the scaffold.
Young Mothers.
Crouo Is tho terror of thousands of young
mothers because its outbreak Is so agonizing
and frequently fatal, Shiloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure acts like wasle in cases of
croup, it has nover neon kuowu 10 mu, xnu
worst, cases relieved Immediately, rrlco Jo
cts., SO cts. and f 1.00. Sold by P. D. Klrlin
on a guarantee.
Ilnalcor'H itldluilluil Dott'IlKO.
Chicago, July Gs August Becker, on
trlnl fnr mnrilBrlnir his wlfo and boil
ing up her body, was on tho stand in
hia nwn lmhn if vpstfirilnv. He denied
any part In the killing of his wife, who
was, ho clalmod, beaten to ueam uy
George Sutterlein, the father of Beck
er's second -wife. Bocker admitted as-
ninMnir Ruttnrlnln tn (llsnoso of the
body by boiling it. Sutterlein denied
nnv lrnnwlnilirn nr the crime. sayinK
he never heard of It until his son-in-
law was arrested.
Tim nloasnnt llavor. centle action, and sooth
ing effect of Syrup of Figs, when in need of
a laxative, and If tho father or mother be
costlvo or bilious, the most gratifying results
rniinm tt n tn that It is tho best family
remedy known and every family should have
a bottle. Manifactured by the uailterma
Fig Syrup Co.
Tho Kind You Uavo Always Bought, niul ivhlcli has been
lu uso for over 30 years, has horno tho slgiiatiiro of
nnd lias been liuulo under his per
jC&jty?Zr 80iml supervision since Its Infancy,
vv-j -etoUM, HAW no 0110 lo deceive you In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd Substitutes nro but Ex
periments that trlilo with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children IS.vperlcnco against Experiment.
Cnsforla Is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
nnd Soothing Syrups. It Is Harmless nnd Plcnsatit. It
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotic
substance. ItH ago is its guarantee. It destroys "yorms
nnd allays Fevcrishncss. It cures Dlnrrhwa aiml AViud
Colic It relieves Tcctlilng Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stoaunch and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tlio Mother's Friend.
Bears tlio
The KM You Hare Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
he n n
A Wreck From Grippe,
Catarrh and Asthma.
I was known as "The Woman
cessautly. I was a school teacher
eaten away the partition in my nose. It had produced Bronchitis,
Asthma, dreadful Stomach troubles
gone all through my system, making
which lelt me a wreck m mind and
doctors left me in, after dosing me
bought cough cures without end but
m despair till I got hold of Brazilian Balm and Toxicola Tablets,
They acted like magic from the first,
and better than I had been in years.
Brazilian Balm aud Toxicola saved
You iret moro doses of Brazilian Balm for
and 81.00 a bottle at tlrtiRRlsts. With every 1.00
loxicoia taDieis ireo; me best ionic, nervo ana
at jo., juig. jncinisis,-inupis, inu.
Shenandoah Drug Store, Wholesale and Retail Agents.
Nerve and Brain
yir it'
Tho Original. All
Is sold under a positive Written Ouarantee, by authorized agenta only, to euro Weak
Memory, Dizziness, Wakefulness, Fits, Hysteria, Quickness, Night Losses, Hvll Dreams,
Lack of Confidence. Nervousness, Lassitude, all Drains, Youthful Errors, or Excessive
use or 'iouacco, upturn, or uiquor, wmcu
Death. At store or by mall, tl a box: six
Eefund Money. Sample Package, containing ure days' treatment, with full instruc
lions, 23 cents, uno samyiu uuiy uuiu to cacu
Red Label Special Extra Strength.
For Impotency, Lose of rower, Lost Manhood, Sterility or Uarrenncaa. $1 a box
six for 13, with Written Guarantee to cure tn so days. At storo or by inalL
Sold at KlrllrVs Drug Store.
Paid Purchases of 80
will bo sent FREICHT PR
to any railroad station In MAIN
. v....v . taMuwih.nnm, ana
Bend for our nook, "A Uhd's Eye View of Nevt Votk" and Its OreatMt Btore
21S iwRes-lmuutirnlly Illustrated und very Intereatloc Tells you all about New
ork in. 'I Ikiw lu go about. Klilt rva Tnz aitiKQ,
Florida Short Line.
The New York and Florida Express, via
Southern Iiatlway, leaving Broad street
station, Philadelphia, dally at 5:31 p. m.
carries through Pull man sleeping ca-s to
Augusta and Savannah, Qa., Jacksonville and
Tampa, Fla., via Charlotte aud Columbia.
This )s the short Hue and most attractive
route to points in Georgia and Florida. All
Information cheerfully furnished by Charles
L. Hopkins, District Posseuger Agent, 828
Chestnut street, Philadelphia,
Signature of
who' Coughs," for I couched in
lill my health failed. Catarrh had
and weak kidneys. In fact it had
me aii easy victim for the Grippe
body. This was the condition the
with opium, quinine, etc. Then
they only made me worse, I was
and in a few weeks I was cured
Talk about wonderful remedies
my life.
Miss I. L. Clark, 917 Horton St
tho money than Anv other remedy. 23. 50 cents
bottle you get imo month's treatment of
sirengiu uuuuer in me worm. u. r. jacmson
Others Imitations.
leaus 10 Misery, uonsnmption, insanity and
for IS: with Written Guarantee to Cure nr
person At store or by matt.
at - isjAaaassJ
iaV utaawaaa.
Low Itate Excursion via the Lelilgh Valley
TlckoU will be Issued for train No. 3, and
for immediate connecting train from branch
line points July 1st and for all trains (except
tue uiacK Diamond impress) July 2nd
and 3rd. Good for return passage on all
trains, except the Black Diamond l.xpress, to
July 4th, inclusive. For fare from Slienan
doah for thq round trip will be $8.27. Consult
iehigh Valley ticket agents for further
i V II "V I
I I.JLill II ' II! 1 il .1 I. ir i A nr I K I
Alarming Eoporte Gomo From tho
Brasos River Bottoms.
luht Ilunilroil I'ouplu IiiiirliuHl by
tlio l-'looiN Aro TlirtMitoiit'rt AVI Hi
Dentil From Illinirur nml Cxpntiro.
Tho Itiillronita Dmtrnyoil l'or MIIim.
Onlvoston, July G. Tho Toxbs flood
sltuntlon la the result of four days
steady rain, beginning Juno 26, which
at some points partook ot the nature of
cloudbursts. In some oases the rain
fall was 20 Inches. Those heavy rain
falls caused rivers to overflow, In some
cases reuchlnc the highest points
known. In tho central part of tho
state the flood reached Its holght Sat
urday and Sunday. The Urasos river
at Waco flooded part of tho town, hut
there was no loss of llfo. At Hearne
and Navasota the samo was true. The
Brasos valley nt Calvert, Robortson
county, was flooded so suddenly that
plantation hands could not reach nigh
ground. Reports were circulated that
people wore drowned. As the
wators recedo noar Calvert the facts
are found to be that 14 Uvea wero lost.
All of the victims wero negroes ex
cept ono. Many head of cattle wero
All railroads wero resuming through
trafuc when, on Tuosday, the floods
reached the southern part of the state.
This morning the flood condition In the
lower Brasos valley at Brookshlre,
Wallls, Richmond, Rosenberg, Thomp
son, Duko, Areola, Fulshear, Chenango
nnd Columbia is very bad. wallls re
ports that the Brasos Is ten feet higher
than In 1885, and back water within
one and a quarter mllos of town la ten
feet deep. Tho San Antonio and Ar
kansas Pass bridge at wallls Is two
feet under water. Tho Southern Pa
cific road west of Houston is washed
out near Roseberg and Richmond. Tho
Santa Fe Is washed out near Thomp
son. It is feared when tho rise now
at Wnllls gets to Rosenberg and
Thompson the consequences will be
Yesterday afternoon Deputy Sheriff
Swoaringen, of Austin county, mado
tho following statement over the long
distance telephone at Sealy:
Relief has not reached tho flood
victims in this section. Thirteen dead
bodies have boen recovered near the
town of Brookshlre, IB miles from
hero. Forty-live persona above Sealy
are reported missing and given up for
dead. Seven wore drowned today in a
boat seven milos below Sealy.
'About 400 persons are Isolated on a
small piece of land in tho Brasos bot
toms, three miles from Brookshlre.
Several hundred moro aro similarly
surrounded at San Philippe, three
miles from Sealy. Unless relief can
soon reach these two places the 800
lives will probably be lost. Many will
die, as It Is, from hungor, cxposuro
and exhaustion,
The water is running through the
town of Brookshlre, something nover
before known. The 65 lives reported
lost here today wero in a radius of 20
miles north and south of Sealy. Wo
nro completely Isolated at Sealy, but
this town is not in danger. Cannot
estlmato the situation beyond the
limits I mention. The whole face of
the country hera is a sea. The chan
nel of the Brasos river has shifted
about three miles and the water here
Is 15 mllos wide. Logs, houses. Him
ber and railroad material, merchandise,
live stock and other floating objects
make It worth tho life of rescuers to
go to the relief of the endangered poo
pie, most of whom are negroes. The
railroads are destroyed for miles. An
immense washout occurred on the
Santa Fe. south of Sealy this
morning. This cuts oft our last strand
of 'railroad communication. The Mis
souri, Kansas and Texas, the Gulf,
Colorado and Santa Fe nnd the South
ern Pacific are all completely stopped."
A telephone message from Deputy
Sheriff Swerengin late last night says
that fully 200 lives have been lost by
tho flood within a radius of 30 miles
of Sealy. Tuesday night and yester
day nearly 100 were drowned in the
vicinity of "The Mound' a small piece
of highland near Old Sanphlllpl, to
which hundreds of negroes fled from
tho Brasos bottoniB, taking their horses
and cattle. The waters havo gradually
encroached upon them until only about
half an acre of space remains, and on
this three negroes are huddled, with
death staring them In the face. Drown
ing is almost sure, while starvation is
certain. The nearest point of land is
three miles away.
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of
loy. ijucklen s Arnica halve cures them ;
also Old, Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers,
Hons, felons, Lornsr Warts, Luts, Uralses,
Hums, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out Pains
and Aches. Only sscts. a box, ( ure
guaranteed. Sold by A. Wusley, druggist.
Tlio Fourth's Cnsurilttos.
Chlcaco. July C The Tribune's
Fourth ofiJuly casualty list Include re
turns from 250 cities and towns. Trie
leading figures are: Dead, 33; in
jured, 1,730; fire losses, ?233,070; In
jured by cannon crackers, 731; Injured
by powder explosions, zat; injured Dy
toy cannon, 259; bit by stray bullets,
$100 Reward $100.
Tho renders of this paper will bo pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science luia been able to euro in nil its
stages, and that Is. catarrh. Hall' Catarrh Curo
Is tho only positive euro known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly
upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying tho foundation of
the disease, and giving the patient strength by
building up tho constitution and assisting
nature In dolnglts work. Tbe proprietors have
so much faith In Its curative powers, that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any ease that It
falls to cure. Send for list ot testimonials.
Address. F. J.CIIKNEY Jfc CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists. 75c
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
A .lowlsh Itnlibt .Murilorml.
ningbamton, N. Y., July 6. After
fighting against death for 40 hours,
with three deep stitches closing a
wound In the left ventricle ot his
heart, Rabbi Louis Ginsberg, who was
murderously assaulted by three ne
groes early Tuesday morning, died last
night, septic perltouts haviug develop
ed during tho day, as a result of his
wounds. Two of tho murderers are
still at large.
Hives are a terrible torment to tbo little
folks, and to some older ones. Easily cured.
Doau's 6intmeut never ialls. Instant relief,
parinaneut cure. At any drue store, SO cents.
Onlcr Imnnl Fr lu-crnltlnii-Ono
t'nlnnpl Alrpniljr Alnlut-il.
Washington, . Tho ordr di
recting the enlistment of ten new reg
iments of volunteer Infantry was com
pleted yesterday afternoon an 1 ImihmI
today. The order wm drafted after a
conference between the president and
Adjutant General Corldn. and directs
the recruiting office re to enlist men
under the law passed March 2. 18D9
These regiments are to be numbered
from 26 to 36, thus retaining the con
tinuity of the present Infantry organ
ization. Major Edmund Itlce. Third Infantry,
waa appointed colonel of tne Twenty
sixth, the first selection made by the
president. Colonel Itlce was appointed
to the army from Massachusetts as a
captain of the Nineteenth Massachu
setts volunteers In 1861, and served
throughout the rebellion. He was
brevetted captain, major and lieuten
ant colonel for gallant services during
the rebellion, and at Its close became
a lint lieutenant In the regular army.
At the outbreak of the war with Spain
he was serving as military attache lu
Japan, but hastened home, and accom
panied General Miles' command to
Porto Rico. While there he waa ap
pointed by the governor of Masaacmt
setts as Colonel of the Sixth Massa
chusetts Infantry, which he continued
to command until Its muster out.
The Scmvnnlinkn flip ChnJIeiitrer.
New York. July C. Judging from
the result of yesterday's race of the
one raters Algonquin, Palm and Con
stance tho latter yacht will be the ono
selocted to sail for the Seawaukakii
challenge cup next month, for she won
all three races. In the first race tho
wind was light, In the second fresh,
and In the third It breezed up so hard
thnt each yacht had to put in one reof.
Manv men and women are alntov
withlu the deadly grasp of consumption
Although, its fatal nana is unseen, tt
presence is
made known by
symptoms. Ca
tarrh often
leads to con
sumption. A stubborn
cough, sore throat, pains in the chest,
bronchitis, bleeding at the lungs, loss of
flesh and general weakness are warnings
thnt this relentless disease is about to
gather in a victim.
A remedy for all the diseases which,
if neglected or badly treated, lead up
to consumption, is found in
Dr. Pierces
It builds up the weak places and fortifies
the system against the onslaughts of
disease. It helps the appetite, assists
digestion, is an aid to the proper assimi
lation of food, and cleanses the blood
of all its impurities. It is a strictly
temperance medicine, containing not an
atom of whisky or alcohol in any form.
" Your medicine lathe best I have ever taVen."
writes Mrs. Jennie Dingman. of Vnnburen. Kal
kaska Co., Mich. " spring I had a bad
cough . (rot so bad I had to be in bed all the 1110
My husband thought I had consumption. He
wanted me to get a doctor, but I told him if it
was consumption they could not help me. We
thought we would try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi
cal IMtcovery and before I had taken one bottle
the cough stopped and I have since had no signs
of its returning."
For the most obstinate forms of con
stipation and biliousness, use Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets. Their action is prompt
yet comfortable; their effect is perma
nent. Insist that the druggist does not
give you something else.
1'rlTtte cm ranee Orfen St., PhlUdMphta.
to tbe rlcti and pour altko who bare been
aeceivea, robttea ana swinaiea dt seix-
hEi2l8 tried famous. wiM and old peeUitBU
'LOST VIGOR, Nervo it debility,
Abuses and Kxceuei, BLOOD P0180N.Varlco;
eiposlng quacks and Ulertrlo llelt frauds. Ffet
cotes cured in 4 toiO days. Ireatment tj mail
Philadelphia &
Readinq R'y
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smo!ie.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows
For New York via Philadelphia, week days,
i. ju, o oo, i j,, v oo a. in., ii -jn, o w ano o w p. m
Sundays. 2 10 a m.
For New York via March Chunk, week days
7 37 a. m., 12 26 and 3 09 p. tn.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 5 as, 7 87. 9 55 a. m., 12 20, 3 09 and 8 09 p. m.
Sundays. 2 10 a m.
For Pottsvllle; week days, 2 10, 7 37, (I S3 a. m.
iz 'm, dw,ovj anu t au p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a ni,
ForTamanua and Mahanoy Cltv. week nni-
2 10, 737. 9 S3 a. m., 12 26. 8 09 and S 09 p. m.
UIIU.JB, m IU U 111.
ror wiiuamspori, Hunuury and Iwlsburg
wctic uhvs. a it. iik a. in., ju. i :di n
Sundays. 3 27 a m.
rordia'iano) riane. weeEoays. z iu. li'Zl. 5 3S.
787, 35, 1182 a.m., 12 26, 8 09, 6 09, 730 JM
p. tn. Sundays, 2 10 and 8 27 a m.
ror Asutaud aud suamoKin, week days, 3 27,
7 87. 11 32 a. m.. 12 28. 8 09. 6 07. 1 25 anil a m n in.
Sunday, 3 27 a in.
II. AO. It, It., through trains lea-i Eeadlus
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. & It. If S.) at 8 SO,
. uo, .I m . m., o iu anu p. 1. Dunaava
320,700,1126 a. m., 8 48 and 7 27p.m. Adjl
iionat iraina rrom iweniy-rourtu and Chest
nut streets station, week days, 1080 a. m. 12 20
12 13 8 40 P.m. Sundays, 1 83, 8 23 p. m.
J-eave new ion via PDliadelptila, week
days. 12 13. 4 80. 7 30. 11 80 a. m.. and f 30. 4 in
9 00 p.m.
Leave New ork via Mauch Chuntr. ...
days, 1 80. 9 10 a. m., 1 80, 4 40 p. m. '
Leave Pblladeluhla. lleadlnz Terminal.
days, 4 80, 8 89, 1021 a. m. and 186. 4 04, 636.
11 so p. m.
Leave Reading, week days, 137. 7 00. 1008
a. m. , 12 13, 4 17, 6 00, 8 26 p. bu
Leave Portsvllle. weekdays. 717. 7 40 m
030, 12 80, 120, 4 80, 6 10 and 6 60 p.m.
i-eave lamftqua, wees; aays, a IS. 8 86. 112?
a. ni., 149,5 59, 7 20. 9 41 p,m
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8 45. 9 01
11 47 a.m., 2 22, 8 25, 6 21, 7 41, 10 01 p.m
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days. 2 40. 4 m
680, 9 22. 10 23, 12 00, a. m 289, 386, 642,738
10 21 p m.
ieave vt iiuamspon.weea: days, 7 42, 10 00 a
a., 12 81 and 1 00. 11 SO p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wharf and
South atreetwbaif or Atlantic 'City. '
CWeckdays Kxpreaa, 8 00, 9 00, 1045 a m, 130,
200,3 00, 3 40 sixty mlnutej, 4 00, 4 30, 500 sixty
miiuitel, A 30. 7 15, P 111. Accomodation. G 15 a
111, 5 30, G 30 Ji m. Sundays Express, 730, 8 00,
d ou, v uu, iu uu a 111, t
Hon 6 15 a 111. 4 15 n 111.
a in, 4 43. 7 15 p m.
ti.uu excursion 7 00 a
in dally and 7 tw Sundays.
!eave Atlantlo City Depot : Weekday -Hk-press,
6 43 Mondays only, 7 00, 7 45, 7 SO from
llaltlcave. station only, 8 30, 9 CO, 1013, 1100
a m,3 30, 4 30, 3 30, 7 30, 9 30 p 111. Accommo
dation, 4 21, 8 00 am, 3 30 p 111. Sundays Hi.
press, 3 30, 4 00, 8 00, 6 00, 6 30. 7 00, 7 30. 8 00,
V ' 'x A
0 90pm. Aooommodatlon, 7 IS am. 4 30 'put.
tl.00 Excursion, weekdays 6 00 p m, Sundays 6 10.
l'or Ocean City-Weekdays 8 45, 913 a 111,
2 15, 4 15, 5 13 p in. Sundays 8 43, 9 13 a m, 4 4a
p 111. L00 excursion Thursday and Sunday 7 CO
a in.
For Cape May and Sea Isle City Weekdays
9 15 a 111, 2 30, 4 15 p m. Sundays 8 45 a hi 4 43
p ui. pLOO excursion Sundays only, 7 00 n m.
Additional for Cape May Weekday 8 St
a ra. Sundays 9 15 a ra.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
For further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket ageut
or address
I. A. Swxicubd, Emok J. Wuki,
Gen'l aupt., Qeni rui'i Art,,
Reading tsnnJnal.PklladeiphU, '
The Cure that Cures J
' Coughs, G
Colds, i
) Grippe, (j
Whooping Couch, Asthma.
DronohlUa and Inolplont
' Consumption, Is k
Curw .Vto Vvmq ctawwas.
i SjW 4rt$a. 25650tW
Grocers can (ell
you why Ihbse
whobuy Sccjlg'S
lor It. Strange
though how long
it takes people to
try a new thing.
jjit, kTy. kousa,
Ontre and Market atrreta.
In tlir Mrllet building,
Klioeiuakf r's ofuee.
OIUoc hours: 8.0) to 1J.00
and 6:00 to WM p. m.
adjoining Juattot
a. ni., 2.00 lu 4.00
OOlceKftnn liutldliijr, comer of Malu an
Centre etrccte, Rheuiincloali.
Ofllce- -Itooru No, 1, Kgnn bulldlni
.Mnin bimi l emre atrectK, Whenaixloal
Lock Box 65, Mahanoy City. Pa,
navlne studied under soma of Dm h.l
masters In London and Paris, will give lessons
on tbe Tlolln,mftndolln, guitar and vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address In care of gltouse.
the leweler Hhenandoah.
Jut-v 1,1899.
Trains will Iaavm .11. . n - - .
date for Wlggan, Gllbeiton. Frackvllle. Dark
aier, . Clair, rottvlJe. Hamburg, Keadlnr,
I'ottKtown. 1'hoenliTlllo. Morrlstown and Phil,
aielphla (llr'-vl street station) at 8 15 aud 8 OS
a. m., 2 10, fl IS p. m. on week days. Sundays.
8 05 a. m., 4 S3 p. m.
Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenaudoab at
7 S3, 11 4s a. m. and 5 SS, 7 88 p. m. Bunday,
i vi a. m. ana 5 33 p. ra.
Leave Pottsvllle for Hhenandoah (via Krack,
vllle) 7 10, 11 30 a. in., 5 10, 7 10 p. m. Bunday
.v - ..... w i u J', in,
Iave 1'htladelnhlA. (Rrnnd atr tklfonl f A.
Sheaandoah at 8 S5 a m.. 4 10 n m UKy.v
Sundays leave al s 50 and 93 a. in.
Leave Philadelphia (llroad street station) for
Pottsvllle, 3 30,8 35, 1019 a. m., ISO, 4 10.711
. m, weeicuays. Sundays, 0 50. 9 23 a. m. and
01 p iu.
Leave Broad Street Station. Philadelphia,
Express Weekdays, 8 SO, 4 03, 4 40. S 00.3 13
0 60. 73S, 8 S3, 9i 50,(10 21. dining car), 11 00. 11 4J
n in. 13 00 noon, 12 35. (Limited 1 00 aud 4 22 p ai.
dining cars), 1 43, (230, dining car), 3 20, SOO.
4 02, 3 00. 530. (dinlne can. 6 00. 7tr aio
(dlidngcar). 10 00 d. m.. 1201. nll,i h.,i.'
8 K; 5 CO. 3 15 8 25. 9 CO, (10 21, dining
cnr),I0 43, 1143 a m, 12 03, (dining car), 12 33, 2 80,
"'n, ?;!, 4 w' '-Ini 2 dining car),
20, SM, dining car, 35, 7 02, 8 10, dining
car, 10 00 p.m., 1201 night.
roriHMuon wttuout change, 11 01 a ra. week
days, and 8 10 p. m., dally.
For Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Drove.
Long Urancb, 6 50, 8 30, 1144 am, 8 80, 4 0J
p ra week,-daya. Sundays, 8 30a m.
.,..-? ' kj mning carj lis.
nef atonal
7 81 dining car, p m , and 12 05 'night week
r ."fi- a lindT-'-8 SO. 7 20, 9 12, 11 21, a! tn., 12 09.
II 12. dlnlntrcarl . a 12- 4 41 lam r Il 1
..u.... uiiuiiK.curi, o ai, o li. I0O5. dint
(teP 'when'
SiT used as an
admixture to
ordinary cof
fi.i mnkes n
i.iDiiieu inning carj, a 31 16 ta dining car, 17 (1
dining carl, p. m.,and I205nlght.
For Italtlmore, accommodation, 9 a m, 1 52
and 4 01 p m week days.S 08 and JU 16 p m dally.
. "nf'ttfci'tallonTla.Delawaw river
borldK.Kinr"i:,,w' 40 f
ISl ndnutes, 4 00 W minutest, 7 05 83 minutes!
o m Ho r day. t 55, 030 0 mlouteai a. ra..
281 (83 mlnut&l, 7 05 -,mliiutt.l p. m.
Leave Market Street Wharf-III press, SCO.
8 30, (.3 minutes). 10 CO (73 minutes, a m, ilOO
Saturdays only), (75 minutes), 200, (TOmlnutes'
3 00 (, 5 minutes), 3 30 (CO minutes 1, 4 CO (65
m,u!,,? (J5 mlntites), 5 00 W minutes
530 165 mlnutesl p. m. Sundays, SCO, 730
mnlU,7,).80? S!Sl'!S!thH 30 IWmlniites).
?S2 1" minutes. 10 00 70 mfnutes a. m., and
7 00a' m.'d,ilyK',,'U, ,, 0 "W"" ""' '
.ror ij-ypeaiay, Anglesea, WIIdwoTd, Holly
Beacji-Exprctw, 9 00 a m, 4 03 100 minutes p ru
weekdays. Sundays, 8 20 a m. For Cape Slay
only, 130 pro Saturdays. Excursion 700am
For Sea Isle City. Ocean City, Ayalon and
Stone Harbor Express 9 10 am, 2 80,4 30,5 03
Dm weekdays. Sundays, 8 SO a m. Excursion
7 00 am dally.
For Moment' Point Express, 8 00,8 30,10 00 a
m,( 100 Saturdays only), 2 00,3 00,4 00,8 00 330
p m weekdays. Sundays, ft 00, 8 00. 9 00 and 10 00
a m, 4 80 p iu.
For tickets and other Information apply to
I. B. IlDTCUIftaox,
Gen'l Manager.
J. R. Wood,
Uen'l Pass'g'r Agt
News and Opinions
National Importance
Daily, by mail, - $6 a year
Daily and mail.f 8 a year
Tlfe Sunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday uewspape
in the world.
Price 5c a copy, Bj mall, $2 a jea
Address THE BUN, New York.
jar( trier fkUui
exited I
' jJTOlt-"Bl