M. ii 11 lheneraia if "All Ilit liil's Fll l Print." ucd f t-ry .1 'Ii. Tirdi vsnlnir, oxwpt Sunday, at 8 i 'reet, Hheimmlonh, l'n. I.ONO DlsTANOK THMIt'llONIi. TIib Herald Is delivered In Bhcnandoah nnil tlio niirrouniiliiR tonrnn forlxccnUn wck, pay able to tho enrriora. Ily mall $3.00 a year, or 25 cents n month pnynblo In adtanco Ad vertisement charged according to apacoaml position. Tlio publishers roervo the rtRht to chftiiRo tho position nf advertisements whenever the publication of nowa .demand It. The right Is reserved to reject any Advertisement, whether pnld for or not, that lie imhllshcrs may deem Improper. Adver tising rates mnde known upon nppllcntlon. Kntcred at tho post ofllce nt Shenandoah, l'n., as second class mall matter. WEDNESDAY, JULY 5 1800. bu M OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever. T A txpioaIi Republican accident has just ocourreil. Tlie itoflcit for the fiscal year is smaller than tlio esti mate several mouths ugo of tho Seerotury of tho Treasury. A New York Physician Advises His Patient to Take Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. LETTER TO UBS. flNKlIAU HO. 7J,9J " DsAit Mils. 1Ikham I lmvo thrco children and sulTerod with falling of tho womb and Hooding1. My physician scraped tlio womb, still tho Hooding continued and I was no bettor. At Inst ho advised mo to uso Lydln E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound. Then I thought I would writo to Mrs. l'lnli ham for sho could adviso mo bettor thun any ono if I was to tako hor reme dies. I received her reply and followed all hor directions and I am vory glad to sond you this testimonial, for Lydla E. I'inkham's Vcgotablo Compound is just what It is recommended to bo. I adviso all women who sulTer from thoso complaints to try it." Maimjj Lbmp, 108 2d Ave., New Yonrc Citi. "A year ago I was a groat sufferer from painful menstruation. I could not Ho down or sit down for tho dread ful pain each month. I wrote to you and took twolvo bottles of Lydia E.' I'inkham's Vcgotablo Compound, nnd it has helped mo so I cannot find words to express my gratitudo toward Mrs. I'inkham. I am to-day well and hearty." Miss Joiu Saul, Dover, Clahb Co., Mien. More than a million women have been helped by Mrs. Pinkham's advice and medicine. Thkhk is a gentleman in Schuyl kill county seeking judicial honors at the hands of Republicans, who is compelled to use the columns of a Philadelphia contemporary to boom his candidacy. Tills is a reflection upon our Pottsvillo contemporaries. t ii to ff Laavtkr Rrumm, in his opening for the defense in the Brennan murder trial, made quite an effort to belittle newspapers to tho jurors. Yet in face of this effort Mr. Bnimm has recently invested cash in a plant in order that he might have a newspaper to assist him in his political schemes. The ex-Congressman hasn't sucli a bad opinion of newspapers and re porters as he wanted the jury believe lie has. Bo long as newspapers create sentiment in his favor they are all right. When they are against him or his plans they are wrong, com ments the Evening Chronicle. J.- 1 Those Calamity Howlers. Three years ago the . "calamity howlers," of which Sheuandoair has its quota, predicted that the country was headed straight for perdition and the only way to head it oil was to de base the currency by one half; or, in other words, adopt the silver stand ard at the ratio of 10 to 1. Tills came very near being adopted too near, iu-Iaad, for the welfare of the coun- ' X v try, many well-meaning but mlo- nf buhmryrnie majority 'ofiTaot' ers decided not to try the experiment r; , ITqUent develPwents have of voluntary employers into history A telecrrn.in rVn,,. i. n. , , me nome of William Jnnings Bryan, the standard-bearer of this now ancient cry says that great prosperity pro vails throughout Nebraska to-day and the good citizens of rw 'df ) busy making money to, talk r...-0. , nut a, conuitlon of affairs HAVANA'S CKl'.KnitATION. Cnbnn Annexationists Doom Tliotr Pot 1'rojoot. Havana, July G. Yostcrday tho Prado and other streets of Havana woro as noisy, doubtless, as any quar ter of New York, Chicago and San Francisco. Cuban youngsters caught tho Infection and were given many a dime to buy flro crackers, which thoy religiously Invested. Some enthusi astic Cuban annexationists hired a band, gave 300 American flags to boys nnd men who would march, and then paraded the streets for two hours, drawing large and cheering crowds. At noon a saluto of 45 guns was fired nt Cabanas fortress. The Eighth Uni ted States infantry paradod, while tho regimental band played national airs, At Camp Quomados, the headquarters of General Loo, the Seventh United States cavalry paraded. The regi mental band discoursed suitable music, nnd in the aftornoon a program of sports was carried through. More than 300 persons attondod tho banquet in the Tacon theater last even ing. Among those present woro Gov ernor General Brooke, Generals Lud low, Chaffee, Wilson, Lee and Gomez, Senor Perfecto Lacosto, tho mayor, tho foreign consuls and most of the army officers stationed in the neighborhood of Havana. Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Easo, a powder for tho feet. It cures painful, swollen, smarting, nervous feet, and instantly takes tlio stink out of corns and bunions. It s tho greatest comfort discovery of tho ago. Allen's Foot-Evso makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain euro for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it to-day. 8old by all druggists and shoo stores. Ily mall for 25c in stumps. Trial package FREE. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Eoy, N. Y. .Sornnlon'H. Fourth of July Fntnlltlos fONSUL PRATT BRINGS SUIT. Ho I'rovontsi tlio Further I'tiliUcatinn urn I'iuso lutcirvluw. San Frnnclsco, July G. Tho stoamor Coptic brings tho following ndvlcos from Singapore relative to tho alleged promlsos of United Stntos Consul Pratt regarding Filipino Indopondonco: Mr. I'ratt has taken logal action to dlsprovo tho nlioged intorviow In which ho was enld to havo promised tho Phil ippine loadors indepondonco if thoy would help tho United Stntos against Spain. The story Is published in most circumstantial and detailed form in tho now edition of John Foreman's book on tho Philippines, ono of tho best known nnd widely road books about tho country. Foreman recently issued a revised and onlarged edition, tills intorviow being among tho now feat ures of tho book. Consul Prntt has sued tho publishers in Singapore for libol on tho ground that tho story of tho Agulnaldo-Pratt Intorviow Is false, and is moreovor in jurious. Tho supremo court of tho strait's settlements has granted nn in junction against tho publishers. Tho court finds that tho story of tho inter view is falso nnd libelous and tho fur ther publishing thoroforo Is prohibited by order of the court. Consul Pratt intonds to carry his suits to tho United States. Ho will bring action against a number of pa pers of tho United States, and will en deavor to Bhow that tho tolograms pub lished in tho samo woro tho output of un anti-American bureau existing in Hong Kong. Does Coffee Agree With You 7 If not, drink Grain-0 made from pure grains. A lady writes i "The first time I made Grain O I did not like it but after using it for one week nothing would Induce me to go back to coflee." It nourishes and feeds tho system. The children can drink it freely with great benefit. It is the strengthening substance of pure grains. Get a package to day from your grocer, follow the directions in making it nnd you will have a delicious and healthful table beverage for old and young. 15c. and 25c. Death or ICnlnlrnun'B Widow. San Francisco, July 6. Tho steam ship Coptic arrived into Saturday night from Hong Kong nnd Yokohama, via Honolulu. Sho brings news of tho death at Honolulu, on June 24, of Dowager Queen Knpiotnnl, widow of tho late King Kalakauu. Hor doath had been expected for oomo timo. She was C5 years of ngo, and was a sufferer from cancer, and recently had a stroke of paralysis. She was much estcomod in tho islands and hor death was sin cerely mourned. To-Night and To-Morrow Night And each day and night during this week you can got at any druggists Kemp's Balsam for tho Throat and Lung3, acknowledged to bo tho most successful romody ovor sold for Conghs, Cronp, Bronchitis, Asthma and Consumption. Got a hottlo to-day and keep it always in tho house, so you can check your cold at once. Prico 25o and COc. Samplo bottle frco. ' Iinnkor Assnmo tlio aioxtcnn IJoht. New York, July 6. It was announc ed yesterday that tho formal contract had been signed whereby J. p. Morgan & Co., of this city, S. Dlelohrodor, of tho Doutscho bank, tho Drosdnor bank, in Germany, and J. S. Morgan & Co., in London, undertake tho conversion Tlresarn?erost. Tim BELGIAN AGITATION. flio rioYortnnpiit CoiiccmIoh n. Point to tlio Itndlrnl Oli.lootnrs. Ilrussols, July 6. In the chambor of doptitloa yesterday M. Van Don Pccro boom rolterntcd tho government's strong dosiro to effect a conciliation and pacify tho public mind. Ho con tinued: "Tho government considers thero is ground for ontortalnlng tho counter olectoral proposals suggested by vari ous mombors and submitting them to a committeo on which all parties will he roprosontcd. Tho government, In tho moanwhilo, Is proparcd to consider tho necessary stops to accomplish tho de sired understanding." M. Van Dor Volde, Socialist, on bo half of tho two parties of Leftists, sup ported tho ministerial proposal, which he declared was equivalent to tho withdrawal of tho govornmont schemo. The country, ho continued, has thus nchloved a signal victory and Is con vinced that the only solution of the existing party differences is nn appeal to the country, oltlior through an early election, a dissolution or a referendum. At a largo meoting held In the Thcator Plamand last evening tho speakers oxortod tho populace to con tinue tho fight for universal suffrogo. A number of civic guards entered with arms rovcrsed. Ono of thorn said; "We havo ton cartridges, too many for seven ministers." Tho chiof credit for rirovontlnK n serious crisis is duo to tho moderating tniiuenco exercised by Kinc Leopold. The situation was so grave that somo or tne burgomasters declined to be re sponsible for ordors if nn agreement wero furthor delayed, nnd there was every intention to declare a state of slego. The king finally prevallod upon M. Van Den Pcrcboom to withdraw tho unpopular hill. I not recommended for o it -Mill- overythlng.butlfyou havo PnOT kidney, liver or bladder iJJ 1 . trouulo t Will ho found just tho remedy you need. At druggists in llfty cont nnd dollar sizes. You may havo a samplo bottto of this wondorful now discovery by mail free, also pamphlet telling all about it. Address, Dr.Kilmer&Co.,l!inghamtou, N.Y. KANSANS TIRED OP WARPARD. KutiHton finys 1 . In Ilrnvo Soldlora Wnnt to t;oino Homo. Topokn, Kan., July 5. Hollovlng that tho Knnsas soldlors in the Philip pines havo done tholr full duty, Briga dier General Funston has written to tho governor nnd other stnto ofTlcers nnd friends In Topoka suggesting that intercession with tho prcsldont to havo tho Kansns rogimont sent homo nt onco will bo approclatod. Gonoral Funston Is very' careful In his communications to convoy tho idea that tho Kansans nro not mnklng thomaelvcs llnblo to the chargo of Insubordination in this mnttor by making this request, yet ho snys: "Thoy havo stuck to tholr posts, ovory mnn of thorn, and are cntitlod to rollof. Now that so many regular troops aro here, I boliovo tho Kansas boys would like to get homo. Not a man of them has asked mo to tako this llborty. I simply do it because I am suro tho mon will appreciate it. They havo been nt the front constantly, and bear tho marks of the rough cam paign." To Curry Conl From Ilnytl. Fort Scott, Kan., July 5. John Forbes has Just received a big con cession Of mlnoral lands in tho Woat Indies, nnd Is organizing a stock com pany of largo capital to develop them. Ho claims to havo discovered a vein of coal 33 foot thick In Haytl. His company will proceed to develop tho coal land, under the belief that tho coal can bo shipped to Now York, Philadelphia and Baltimore cheaper than it can be shipped thero from Pittsburg. Tho coal is 18 miles from the coast nnd a railroad will be built to transport It to water. Forbes says there is sufficient coal In this deposit to supply tho southern states of tho Union, Cuba, Porto Rico, Jamaica, Central America and Mexico. cAsrm.LAS'H'a cittTicisst or tho Prlnoo orMotinco l"or Orrbrliipi Hospitality to Uroyfim. Paris, July C Comto lloni do Cas tolland. who married Miss Anna Gould, has addressed a communication to tho Prlnco of Monaco, sharply criticizing tho princo for his recent letter to Mtno. Dreyfus Inviting her and hor husband to sojourn at his chateau after tho prisoner's acquittal, of which tho prince himself is confident. Tho comle, who charges tho princo with "interfering in an affair In which you aro in no wny concorncd," sayBi "If, as a forolgn sovcrolgn, you thought you could Influence French officers in tho grnvo verdict thoy aro about to announce, I beg you to noto that wo do not stand on an equal foot ing, as nono of us would condescend to call to account a princo who 1b under tutolagc. "You nro, perhaps, n rolatlvo of Droy fus by marriage, but in that caso it la prematuro to triumph. If, on tho other hand, it is as a protector of gambling houses that you intervene, permit mo to toll you that Dreyfus hlmsolf would dispense with your servlcos." Pntal Flro In MoinphlR. Momphls, July 6. Firo broko out in tho establishment of tho Momphls Paper company lato yostoruay aftor noon nnd caused the loss of ono llfo, tho fatnl Injury of ex-Fire Chief James E. Cleary and the sorlous Injury of Assistant Firo Chief James Ryan, be sides a proporty loss of about 450,000. The Qayoso hotel, ono of the oldest landmarks of Momphls, was ono of tho buildings totally destroyed, and while tho guests wero all rescued some of thom lost valuable effects in tho fire, which burned fiercely for more than six hours. An unknown nogro was crushed to death by a falling wall. This Hot Weather One needs a cooling beverage that will gently tone up the system while it quenches the thirst. Lauer's Beer and Porter - Just touches the spot. They are cooling, satisfy ing and invigorating. These brews will be furnished in case lots lor family use by applying to Christ. Schmidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street 3KENANDOAH Tito Strllto nt Slinrpavlllo. Sharon, Pa., July B. Tho striko of the blast furnace workers at Sharps Villo still continues. Tho operatora havo mon scourlnff the country for men to take tho places of tho strikers. One olllclal stated that ho expected 500 men to be sont to Sharpsvlllo beforo the latter part of tho week and thoy would he put to work upon their ar rival. Tho strikers aro orderly, and say thtt thoy will make no trouble unless foreign labor is imported. No Uight to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, form and tcmncr will alwavs have friends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly nnd all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, her Impure blood will cause pimples, Diotcnes, SKin erup tions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver nnd kidneys and to puniy the blood, it gives sironjj nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich com plexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-down invalid. Only 50 cents at A. Waslcy's drug store. UNCLE SAM'S HOT BATHS. tub Hives aro a torriblo torment to tho lltllo folks, an to somo older ones. Easily cured. Doau's Ointment novcr fails. Instant rollof, ponnanost euro. At any drug store, 50 cents. fatal fracture of tiTe skull bV custom dnZ 89CUred oi iieuQiong on a stroot oar rail Mamie - the 4-VGnr-nlrt o.,i.- . ' rlumle a inn. ii : uuu 1 , : - Mcnacoa to an hour's TIIB PHILADELPHIA REGATTA. Phtlndolplilnns Thomsolvos Cnptnro Nearly Every Kvont. Philadelphia, July 5. Tho people's regatta on tho Schuylkill river yostor day resulted In a splendid exhibition of rowing, nnd tho local crows carried oft tho1 lion's share of the honors. The most exciting event of tho day was tho senior1 eight oared sholl race botween the Pennsylvania Darge club and tho Vesper Boat club, both of this city. Vesper led by a quarter length nearly tho ontlre distance, but as the boats' approaohed tho finish Pennsylvania ' th"t Vesper had won. thoVXA th? doubles was disn tnl r,"1, Chicago, nor gpnrNos op abkansas via. SOUTHEnN BAIWAY. Will eradicate from your system tho linger ing offects of grip and other ailments caused by the sovoro winter, and malaria, rheuma tism, nouralgla, catarrh, stomach, kidney, liver and nervous disorders, paralysis, blood and skin diseases, and chronic and func tional derangements; The mountain climato of llet Springs is cool and delightful in sn tumor. 100 hotels open tho year around. For Illustrated literature, containing all Information, address C. F. Cooloy, Managor Buisnoss Mon's League, Hot Springs, Ark. For reduced excursion tickets and par ticulars of tho trip, address W. A. Turk, Gen'l Tass. Agt., Southern Ity., Washington, D. O., or O. L. Hopkins. District Passenger Agont, 828 Chestnut St., Phlla., Pa. 0-l-4m X Unit Faro Tour to the Golden Gate via Mnrdorons Neirro Kenrod I-.vnehlnor. Harrlsbtirg, July 5. Harry Walker, of Hagerstown, Md., a colorod waiter, was shot and probably fatally wounded yesterday In Harrlsburg by James Washington, colored, of Steelton. Washington escaped and was pursued through tho stroets by an oxclted mob, throwing stonos and clubs at him. Ho was finally captured by a colored man and hustled off to Jail to nwatt the re sult of Waikor's Injuries. Washing ton was badly scared while bolng pur sued, and cried as ho ran: "Don't kill mo; don't lynch mo!" illkoa DofeutB Gnrdnor. Now York, July 5. The bicycle race meet at the Manhattan Beach track yesterday afternoon attracted 4,000 neoplo, the principal event being a race between Harry Elites, of Glens Falls, middle distance champion of America, and Arthur Gardiner, of Chicago. Tho distance was 25 miles, and the purse $1,000. The contestants were paced by motor cycles. Elites won by one mllo in 47:32 3-5. BUMMER OUTIUGS. POLITICAL CARDS. Olt COUNTY COHMISSIONim, FRANK R. KANTNER, Of IOFTV Subject to Iter ubllcnn rules pOU COUNTY COMMIAIIoNlCIt, HORACE F. REBER, Oh 1'ire Gnovn, Pa. Subject to Itcpubllcan rules. jrjton county cojimissionku, BENJ. KAUFMAN, Of Tukmont. Subject to Iicpubllcan rules. E Oil COUNTY COMMISSIONKU, JOSEPH WYATT, Op Siiknaniwah. Subject to Republican rulos. F IOK COUNTY ItEGISTEK. F. C. REESE, PERSONALLY-CONDUCTED TOUES VIA PENN SYLVANIA BAILKOAD. The Pennsylvania Hail road Company an nounces tho following Personally-Couductcd Tours for tho Summer and early Autumn of 1899 : To tho North, Including Niagara Falls, To ronto, Thousand Islands, the St. Lawrence, Montreal, Quebec, Itoborval (Lake St. John), tho Sagucnay, Au Sablo Chasm, Lakes Cham plain and Goorgo, Saratoga, and a daylight rldo through the Highlands of tho Hudson, .riilv.22 tn AXBMtJLr.ms,xMi AsmUlZ Coborvalandthe Sagucnay. Kate, $100 for tho round trip, from Now York, Philadel. dUQrrnl a liveryman, was Ins tan lyit lied "in nQ' th ni;";7" -rywiias float to !,, Z.7 " 'f' no inuxu 01 rormatlon for the mmrtn when tho horses became frlghtoWrt ran S3'00 0i a cttnno cracker and oteotnet pu , " "U1 "no turn. 1 HO Wtmirtra l 1. isms lain Ntltinnnl T Mill , , . the Lehigh Valley ltallroml. ""j-o'gum uuuuai conven tion at Los Angeles, Cal., July 11th to 14th 1809, the Lehigh Valkw iun.,i ,in 1 Ph.UWfl01 f0r ns the wfs't ofon..ln,l. faro for the round trip F,1"18', BaItImor. and Washington. v Z cmdoKlLCn- , The iMUtute Boat jf? ?? membership fee to teacher UIto froni Pint,. ,u"i uicursion tickets good to aayswillbo sold on July September 7 and 21, rato of $10 from Pl,tl passage to September Sth, 1899, Inclusive, f. . 1 I B?U!mor. " Washington. These affording ample opportunity for tour, and ! ' 'Ck lncll-tranSportatiou only, and will '"7"s' lno larwest. Coniut Lo-1 j: ul "op ovor within limit at Buffalo, ticulars further par- Of Shenandoah. Subject to Republican rulcs.. pOIt RECORD!! Ii OF DEEDS, EMANUEL JENKYN, OP rOTTSVILLE, Formerly of Jollctt). Subject to Republican rules. JjlOR RECORDER, J. H. NICHTER, Of Pottsvillk. Subject to Democratic rules. TJIOR CLERIC OF 'THE COURTS JOHN T. SH0ENER, Of Onwioaimno. Subject to Republican rules. What is Rhiinh 1 A irMnil 1 Pnto. n, . ' r I I muuraoraolo - - uecominsr capitalists and , '"vni consumption and reliovcd uusy maKing money to talk , t 060 stagcs- you ap rtnllffna I With thft rpentl. . " wui reiuna vnnr cases many you aro not satisfied H0QQ SURPRISED TAftlAlANY. irapati Worse still, ail the eountrybanks in the state report enormous deposits so few unskilled laborers are unenj' me railroads n rt,. ivi mm tu wor on their traoks, and ,r.J"1' July 5. Tammany Hall Butthia o J. 11 .. dent Clevolnnrl .Qi7-' . . VUD uuob an over tne I win imm , -"uuiui uavia u. country, 80 that it is acknowledged SnitSUfc?.ffD7 - y an bat a rW 0.,i. 1 ....V- to maKe ac- .,. , ""i1""" touutry unieuKiaent or tne Invitation in nt .editors, whoso hats cover, in their ten3. Ex-Governor i if estrmation. th mnn(..i.j . created a sensnHnn h , . .... ' -vumhuhju wiouoin 1,1.1.1, t, , ; ; " "j mo uiuuuer in of their communities, that the silver Jam t n lntroduced the name of will- Issue has, to use a phrase coined Tbv I thi meet.n 6 Ch,Cag0 pIa" 1 i f lnnocan8 desuetude tCr Platfo being received wllh I Meyers. haiTr7 -auVl; gaiter delphla; senior Yo,Cla- . jjuinwaro Chicago; intermediate sin t. Ilarlflnser, Vosper Boat irt game: Baltimore. 2; Boston 1 Second Kamo; nnui. ' Z "0Iton' L 4. At Now VnrviL-i i' Boston, LE BRUM'S FOR EITHER SEX inaton. fl; v Z, "Zl mo- . Wash- Cinnati-Pirst , .At At Inn fin 1 105 Ateif-4.8Sf Newark, Readinn 8: SiJL. R?ing- ton-Wilkesban-o-f. Scra' nton o'T Richmond. fcrr amo; same: Ilichmond, 6; Lancaster, 4, This remedy requires no change of diet, ture guaranteed in I to .1 davn. Kmoti oar 'W1.mt W"uld Jesus Dol iuruay anrl nnmin.i.j r. O. n B.Ti UCKOt. with union of the people ana ili 8i" malte a Kovernment Christ, we ibn,,H V.'". " ;nrougn today. ,ou 18 DolnS held uKb mall $1.00. Sold by ivirnna urug store. LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. IN EFFECT MAY M, 1899. HnfilfqflV rmn.1f . . . rf,, TV '""uu,eUB. ana Watklns on tho Washineton September 10. Bate T from I New York. 22 from Pl,tli,... m tionatn rt-. r A rPr- umur points. An nlfltTAn A A , i Cav0n,; ,"r..LV,Urt?, "Ml"":. Lnray qnVTniT """SO, Virginia Hot Springs Elchmond, and Washinston,0cfober For itineraries) nnri c.i ...,.i. """" miormatlon -1 iijuimi imnnmi ir, c PhiladfilnM. ""i:or Agent. 1 pOK PAOTHONOTAKY, - JAMES jTl'ELHENNY, Of SIahasoy Crm Sutjoctto Republican rule Piioiimonin Cured. pOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY CHARLES E. BERGER, Of CniagoNA. Sohjeet to Republican mica. soLommhaat Agent for the Famous BERGNER & EHGEL Phila. Slock Ale, Sparkling still Mrs A t To v'ueu' nottled Pale AlP B'-owii Stout, Half and Half. l splendid shape.' It is a .1 : icui es. Also. t 1 1 turn-sores, and will shortly be buried alongsid -1 v..D ""oiemgreenbacklssue, cham . . Pioned In like manner by bumptious country editors long after it had be- PI! J " wiuioiii inelr belno- nll to appreciate the fact. I rdnrnnU-d- The boom that was Taunch! inrtfiE AU? U8tus Van wyck had a very indifferent recoptlon. Governor Hogg received a bearty welcome and started out with a few remarks that seemed to pu,0 VaZ In 1896 was tho l,nfi,,i . it' ,. nln vhi.t, . it. b8 "t-ean a phlllp- .. 1 "ucuw "'a stiver " me nouse in an uproar. .. iD OVKijr larmor naa little ihi,, r,V UDsuu wnen ne asserted uo out talk politics. It Is sad, would , Indeed, to learn that Its Inhabitants coinage oHuttngrosseain tbe sordid busi-Plen ' T10Hanf tnoMti . 1 . .. Oalnnn xutvikiij'T iiiuiinv rnnf timn i ""-ww vyunu un wirn n ant on rely neglecting politics, and that llV 1 2S tPPfe i00 sPeal RUNNING SORE ON HIS ANKLE BXHS&2S? ?enn Bethlehem', Easton Auburn. Sviannn1 iii".""" I'alls. ononandoah ... - - .wro. wnoiosaie agents TOU'H GET ALL THAT'S A-COMINQ TO I and Porter. and Half, Beer Auburn', Syracuse.' Iii,u,il1i,La ?all went. 1019. is.;. " ana tim For Lnmlw.rtuiiT. ir i . .. 5 17 p. m. ' ' m-i U 62 and you will nnrcha m.i, T W l ver, KorJeddo, Drlfton and Froal. ... . , J PZ n".. . vla Missouri ' 'i v . -. iM 1 v. iiuu aiountam Route (whleh ForScranton. inn. I aro on miln .f .11 . .. """" wmcn For Itaven Rim n.H. ... . comfort. 0.i t.. uaT9 011 the Bbamokln, 16T9 V 1 'am o iUBrmel aid Li" 7 uunos or modern railway ?cst Wtl- for 1 and Now ,z rr s. le- After Six Years of Intense suffering, Promptly Cured Obstinate sores and ulcers which refuso to hoal untW or'n. I"1? spatod, and aro a sure siom thnt uft?"llilW 700. 9 30a at 1 fln lfiio p-m:5 'rive at ShenAnii, m.. oah if 0 O O nntiisi i.i. ?ul.uu an aro a sure sirm thnf r"".'? "d NeV ito.& i-l"r, j car 1 rin Amnnnti 1 . -X wuuu uiiULiiai nn ta tn n . . v -u uiu i . m . ia Rnii r it . w nu ieciare freTand unllmUed SnSlS",1 aro 0 fW dSfa upo"n ZZtomnT' "WWSSSl '' e& .. of siiveTat the ratin nf in 1 statitly sapDlnfr awnv ihn iii tL u" lu Bystera, and aro t-nn. Leive n,t? n . . . vho had appeared to Vo half b HmlnaVed from Tho blood nSrlT,0?0 V10 Poin must u 09. p.". a. I Iin hi r tr. 1 V UUlUUIlb (II OTTntin - I X 1 I niJI 1 1 A V pniiiTD i "mo uii v Hiinnr - xci timrmnnt i political managers are beginning to speculate us to what eiTeot all this will have on purty lines. The pros pects at present seem to be tlmr. rim People will bother little with poli- ou uusny win tliey bo engaged in making money. There Is-to-day the "cbu suggestion of political talk "inong ine yarfons country organlza tions, where ordinarily at this time mere J8 an animated discussion t N& Grips' Pan Or discomfort, nn lrTlt.llnn it. . hnSt.l,,wS7bUit e"tle- Prompt, thorough Jicauiiful cleaiifclne, when 'you Hood's PM t Bolii by all druggists. 23centa. take Promised a plank In ". 1, '.r hXH y6ar ln, whlch taPwlallem would be denounced the applause broke forth anew. It was very evident that those utter ances wero not nniw qci,h . .. Tammany leaders, but dlspleasiiig, and lLlR became more apparent ....... oiiouuer in nis speech ex- "I -tw !. W contest we . . 01 umtea Tammany the SS?t. U01 P"tlcal organization on earth. We want you to close up ranks, to settle your local differences. If they tn?wrtn y 5 a.rm ln arm wlth th8 stalwart bread winnnrn nt t, .u and wost to victory next year, under the leadersh n nf thn ot.1J.1JL... 1 : dauntless, tho can, William Jennings Bryan." As the last words foil fm v. n J? peaker tbe midlonee was caiTied Cheer after cheer arole d what had started out as a Tammany love feast beonmn n t,n,n ' demonstration. b 1,vor m anv nffao ' ' "u umounu or external tri mi , J wv- adefo ffitt "orfh.of 8. 8. o : evorv ..u i L! - - -vuu uu DUUaL'lV nvmnrinn n . ' ' """" so disabled for a long while that T w 8u"re,r1in I wa. business. One of thoWdooto ?JS87hnJr unfit ' but did mo no rrJT TXit? lreated me constantir L0RENZ SCHMIDT'S BOCK BEER ON TAP At all its customers to-day. Solbmon Haak's, 116 South Alain Street, Will receive prompt attention. LAKESIDE! . 1 National Education T.r..:01. ,r th0 Th , Los Aneeles in Jul.. Z u eouu " in .bl. 7 "tar? rcsort nd picnic cround low round tri . "co "'"M succ, Tft .Au,3.se.aso? w' Ihe" most trip Weat or SZZT Ife I OW and New Mexico. rZ r'- curaion tickets to all 7rindpa ' pTnta at greatly educed rates. Oa L,n , uienaea mat I oonoluded to triTW Va Su s"'A rm wonderful. It seemed to iStM alf,d,.tbe "ooi w disease and force tSSTpoLon BJ fS 11,0 8eat of t" plotely cured." Bt'aSl' and 1 WM 80011 00i. repairs at Readlnn Thi ""cergolng Train. lev- InformRtt0 . V " us Ior 1 JlaWetonrstMkt'on6!.?.?-00; Audenrlel Iteduce.l Kates tn im. .. .toirav&t-. . !"'thiiro;da;;z ...mtUJt U.n. Klln. Prepare and r'w wi to ,-if .i.r",. ",cal3 'or picnic mh;, B. J. YOST, Prop., Barnesvllle, Pa. -ZL' F,?R THE BLOOD cures permaneatl the most ffiSK SJ W n this way s the only blood remedy m& f',?ated sro or ulcer, ft tains not a particle of iXsSiS PA veg8Jabl8t and cures Oontagioua Blood Poison fil othor mineral. S. S. S. Rheumatism, Soros, Ulcere Rniu T ' anc,or Catarrh, Eczoma 8- B ) nothinTCto&plS Oth0r lld tr0ubI- VILltUIt. fl.nl C b.,,.1. vrr wmw,., cnrATir wa a , nieuem. l'i , 1.4, ii, unnu l'&u. Art., A. W. WONHlQUonB: 1 & V' .!, ; ",::.rmmuoa uy cents tickets will ho sold July u to la more I J. D. COLDREN, Of SchuylklirHaven, nilllons of Dollars Qo up In amolfc oyery year, risks but trot your homuw. Joint ABeut at Blehmond le, T I, b the payment of fifty ceuu, tho return ilmlt I 0 STORE may lie extended to " ,"mlt WEnwpon.ir n Urt..n 1 ... """"Jona not ur tiAUU WEEK. haUecomnknlTZnJ" final limit r Vi?,." medicine. ""D,'h needed and no .wy Forsnoclflomt . " ""ol- For epeclflo rates and ,ji,t " . I mr . . ' vu"niwua unniv tn DAVID FAUST, insurance Agent I c Agents. EXAMINA1I0NS FREE. ulu oiuidoi ' urocer lor the dm., 'ul ratent in . . tioa Alio Lift aBd&MidinteJ omfutu 1 mad uu ULimr nMitii ti f n . flnn,.- "' w best - Ill Hnnll. T 1 n. 1 ... v.i.- . I Is on I poaies 1 git Ml