The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 03, 1899, Image 2

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"All the News Thal'sJII lo Print."
Published every evening, except Sunday, nt 8
South Jardln street, Shenandoah, Pa.
The Herald la delivered In Shenandoah and the
surrounding towns forslxcentsn wfck, pay
able to the carriers. By mall 8.00 a year, or
as eents a month, iayablo In advance. Ad
vertisement chanted according to space and
position. The publishers reserve the right
to change the position of advertisements
whenever the publication of news demands
It. The right Is reserved to reject any
advertisement, whether paid for or not, that
the publishers may deem Improper. Adver
tising rates made known upon application.
Entered at the post office at Shenandoah, Ia., as
second class mall matter.
MONDAY, JULY 3. 1809.
OUR COUNTRY : First, Last ana Forever.
Spkakinq of trusts, there is ono of
stupendous proportions being formed
within the Deuioorutio party in this
It is said that when the President
returned to Washington from his trip
to New England lie remarked that lie
had seen only one anti-imperialist,
find ho was a lately dismissed federal
Mu. Bryan contradicts Huve
lneyer's assertion, and declares that
the tariff is not "the mother of
trusts'" and that free trade would be
only a partial remedy. It is unneces
sary to add that the "late candidate
for President" places the gold stand
ard as the root of all evil.
Thk antiquated Miners' Journal,
after floundering around some time
to get its bearings, has at last de
clared for D. C. Henniug for Judge,
George M. Roads for District At
torney, and John S. Randall, of
Tamaqua, for Register. The other
candidates, as a consequence, have
taken to the woods.
The Monarch of Strength is
Its strength comes from lta purity. It 13 all puro coffor,
froshly roasted, and Is sold only In ono-oound sealed
packages. Each packago will mako40 cups. Tho pack
ago Is soaled at the Mills so that tho aroma is never
weakened. It has a delicious flavor. Incomparable)
strength. It Is a luxury within the reach of all.
Premlurrj Llot In ovory package.
Cut out your Llon'o Head and got
valuable premiums free.
If your Grocer
dot not burn Mat. Cttttet In hll pIotc,
ttftitl us hli nanifl nrnl address that w
may tlaco it on Bale there. Do Dot accept
on j ptibfltltutp.
AVOOIJJON SlUCE CO., ltoledo, Ohio.
Number of malo scholars enrolled
Number of fcninlo scholars enrolled
Total number In attendance
Average dully nttendanco
Averngo percentage of tie ml a nee
Co-it of cncli pupil per month
Nntlounl League.
W.L.Pcl I
Brooklyn ..45 19 .70"
Boston 40 23 .635
Chlcngo ....88 24 .613
Philad'a ....37 24 .607
Baltimore ..36 26 .574
New "Vork
..32 29 .523
.30 33 .470
.29 32 .473
.23 40 .365
Washington 18 47 .277
St. Louis. ...36 29 .Kl! Cleveland ..12 49 .197
At Louisville Louisville, 10; Philadelphia,
4. At Cleveland First t&me (11 Innings);
Cleveland, 10; Boston, 9. Second game;
Boston, 14; Cleveland, 0. At Pittsburg
Pittsburg, 3; Brooklyn, 2. At Chicago
Chicago, 10; New York, 9. At Baltimore-
Baltimore, G; St. Louis, 2. At Cincinnati
Cincinnati, 2; Washington, 1.
At CIncInnnatI First game: Cincinnati,
4; Washington, 3. Second game: Cin
cinnati, 0; Washington, 2. At St. Louis
Baltimore, 7; St. Louis, 3.
Atlantio Loncno,
Director, WiiiTAKKB is gaining
a reputation us the great Objector
on the School Board. His conscience
would not ullow liiui to vote for un ex
penditure of a few cents to purchase
ribbon for diplomas, but it didn't
trouble him in the Scanlan bond
matter. In the latter instance lie
very conveniently shifted the respon
Tim Sil ver Democrats in the county,
especially those in Shenandoah, are
active now in the selection of mom
bers of the Stauding Committee. The
members of this committee will in
turn select delegates to the state con
vention, nest year, who will choose
the national delegates. The battle
between the silver and gold wing of
the party is a spirited one.
The gentlemen who have interested
themselves in the reorganization of
the Shenandoah Manufacturing Com
pany, with a view to resuming operu.
tions in the manufacture of hats and
caps, should receive every encourage
ment at the hands of our monied
men. We need industries of this
nature in our midst, and we trust
that Dr. J. S. Kistler, who seems to
be the leading spirit in the move
ment, will be enabled to again put the
factory in operation.
Thk Democrats of the Second
Illinois district have picked out Hev.
Father Heldmann as the one man who
can beat Congressman Lorimer for
re-election. Rev. Heldmann's accept
ance of the nomination waits on the
consent of Archbishop Feehan. He
has a strong hold on the hearts of his
parishioners, is of German extrac
tion, and was one of the chairmen of
the mass-meeting in protest against a
British-American alliance. It is a
strong German district, with a big
Republican majority to overcome
Says Father Heldmann : "I have til
ways been a Democrat, and there is
no law, ecclesiastical or civil, which
prevents the election of a Catholic
priest to the office of Congressman."
Hbrb is a peculiar and somewhat
annoying state of affairs. The Re
publicans of the Third legislative dis
trlct of Lackawanna county held
their convention the other day, and
adopted the following among the
resolutions : "The Republican party
of the Third assembly distriot of
Lackawanna, county, in convention
assembled, reaffirm their allegiance to
the fundamental principles of the Re
publican party as they were forum
lated by its founders and affirmed by
the Chicago platform." What is
most remarkable is that not a soul in
that convention officer, delegate
candidate or spectator discovered
the blunder, and the Bryanites have
the laugh on their Republican
brethren of that district. One Re
publican paper in Soranton published
the resolutions as above, but the
other deteoted the blunder and sub
utituted "St. Louis platform" for the
Ohicaco nlatforin." This shows
what resolutions are really worth.
Your Lswa
Will be roused to Its natural duties
and your biliousness, lieadaulie and
constipation be cured If you take
Hood's Pitts
Sold by all drutsts. 25 cents.
Richmond ..45 15 .760
Lancaster ..36 21 .600
Wilkesba'e 33 23 .582
Beading ....30 26 .515
Newark ....31 34 .477
Scranton ...24 36 .400
Allentown ..21 33 .389
Paterson ...16 46 .253
At Wllkesbarre Wllkesbarre, 5; Read
ing, 0. At Lancaster Lancaster, 13; Al
lentown, 2. At Scranton Richmond, 5;
Scranton, 4. At Paterson Paterson, C;
Newark, 5.
At Paterson Paterson, 4; Wllkesbarre,
At Newark First game: Newark, 6;
Scranton, 3. Second game: Newark, 10;
Scranton, 2.
Spain's Greatest Need.
Mr. R, 1'. Olivia, of Barcelonia, Spain,
spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak
nerves hai caused severe pains in the back ol
his beau. Un usinc Llectric Hitters, Amer
ica's greatest Blood and Iserve Remedy, all
pain soon left him. He says this grand
medicine is what his country needs. All
America knows that it cures liver and Kid
ney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up the
stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim,
vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve
and organ of the body. If weak, tired or
ailing you need it. livery bottle guaranteed,
only So cents. Sold by A, Waslcy, druggist.
ClI'0(rd"'K CI reiit Strike Deferred.
Chicago, July 3. There will be no
general strike of packing house em
ployes at present. The opinion pre
vailed at yesterday s mass meeting
of the employes that the time was not
yet ripe, and that the Interests of the
men would be best conserved by wait
ing until an organization could, bo
perfected. The first move In that di
rection was made at the meeting. An
organization wsb formed, and over 500
men became members. By September
the union is expected to have a mem
bership of 15,000.
troen niaae. it in nnr known nnw mn
have been wounded.
Thfi disorders In Ttnrnnlntin wnwi n.
nowed nftnr vestprilnv'n lmll flcrbf A
Crowd attacked a nnrtv nf mnnlra nhn
recently returned from the Philippines.
mo iiuuue rescuea me monks with
soma (HfTlp.llltv. Thn mnh limn
raded tlin RtXPfltfl. rlnqlnir tho ahrtna nnil
Btoning tho cathedral, several churches
uhu me jcsuit convent, as well as tha
Street railway cars. Tho gondarmes
wore powerl3s to restore order.
Number of evening schools
Number of male touchers employed ,
Number of female teachers employed
Average number of months taught ,
Number of scholars enrolled between 0 and 13 years..
Number of scholars nbovo 13 venw
Totnl number nf male scholars In evening schools
miai numoer oi lemaie scnoiars in ovening schools....
i noio milliner oi scnoiars in evening scnooi
cwerngu evening attendance
A vertigo percentage of attendance
Average salary of male teachers ner month
Average salary of female teachers tier month
Cost of each pupil per mouth
Ic'irjMPV Is a deceptive disease
thousands havo It and
TROUBLE dou,t know If yn
v want quick results you
can mako no mistake by using Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Koot, tho groat kidney reniody. At
druggists In fifty cent and dollar sizes.
Samplo bottle by mall frco, also pamphlet
telling you how to find out if you havo
Kinney trouble.
Address, Dr. Kilmer&Co.,Binghamton,N. Y.
conimlslon Hoods JIuthnfh's Protest.
London, July 3. The correspondent
of The Times at Apia, Samoan islands,
under date of June 10, reports that he
has made a tour of the Islands of Upola
and Savall and had an Interview at
Falefa with Jiataafa. The chief com
plained that tho international commis
sion had not ltept its promise to have
Mullnuu evacuated by all parties as
soon as the question of the kingship
was decided. On returning to Apia
the correspondent laid the matter be
fore the commission. It is now decided
that Maliotoa Tanu shall go to FIJI
and Mullnuu be immediately avacu-
Hundreds of lives saved every year by
having Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil in the
houso just when It Is needed. Cures croup,
heals burns, cuts, wounds of every sort.
Sonc G6Veru6r' PorccU Tbieernms.
Lexington, Ky., July 3. Governor
Bradley arrived hero yesterday from
Cincinnati with tho information that
the call for 300 state troops Saturday
night was the result of forged mes
sages to him purporting to be from a
gentleman in Lexington in whom the
governor has confidence, and a mes
sage from Frankfort purporting to be
from a state officer. He was informed
by these messages that there was
muoh trobule in Clay county, that the
Howards were surrounded and were
at the mercy of the Phllpots and
Bakers. The governor Immediately is
sued the order, but soon afterward ho
learned that the telegrams were forged
and the order was countermanded.
How Is Your Wife 7
Has sho lost her beauty? If so, Constipa.
tion, Indigestion, Sick Headache are the
principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea
lias cured these ills for half a century. Price
25 cts. and 50 ote. Honey refunded if results
are not satisfactory. Sold by P. D. Kirlin
on a guarantee.
Vlrarlnln Lynoliors C'ouvlotod.
Richmond, Va., July 3. In the
county court of Patrick county six
white men wore convicted of murder in
the second degree in lynching Lee
Puckett, white, for attempted criminal
assault. Puckett was a discharged
lunatic. C. J. Thompson, the leader of
the lynchers, was given six. nnd the
others five years each in the peniten
tiary. The Jury was out only 30 min
utes. This is said to be the first case
of its kind in Virginia.
The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and sooth
ing efl'eet of Syrup of Figs, when In need of
a laxative, and if the father or mother be
costive or bilious, the most gratifying results
follow it use; to that It is the best family
remedy known and overy family should have
a bo'tle. Manufactured by the California
Fig Syrup Co.
in Valencia the Troop Hold All the
Strategic Points
Valencia, Spain, July 3. Very seri
ous disturbances are In progress here.
Under the orders of the captain gen
eral of Valencia, General Moito, the
troops occupied the streets Saturday
morning, and now hold all the strategic
At the beginning of the riots the mob
placed obstacles on the street rail
way tracks and stopped the cars,
stoning the gendarmes when they tried
to remove the barriers. Finally the
troops charged and the first shots were
fired. Several persons were wounded.
In one rase a bullet passed through
a shop door and killed a shop assist
ant within. As the day advanced the
disorders increased. Troops were sta
tioned at many points and the artillery
was held in readiness. The rioters
thereupon erected barricades, which
tho cavalry captured only after fierce
fighting, in which many were wounded.
About 8 o'clock Saturday evening
the mob attacked the monastery, and
the brother who was acting as gate
porter was obliged to defend himself
with a revolver. -
They then moved upon a Jesuit
house, which had a narrow escape from
being burned to the ground, the troops
arriving Just in the nick of tlmo to
prevent the mob from setting it on Are
An enormous number pf arrssU have
Does TAls Strike Yon ?
Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath
coino from chronic constipation. Karl's
Clover Root Tea is an absolute cure and has
been sold for fifty years on an absolute
guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by
P. D. Kirlin on a guarantee.
Tho Loss to Property Will AcgroKato
Fully Four Millions.
Austin, July 3. Reports from the
Braso3 bottoms are that the waters
are still very high, but aro slowly
receding, and it is believed that the
worst Is over in that section of tho
state. The International and Great
Northern railroad yesterday started
out a large wrecking force to work in
the water between here and Dcarno
to replace the track and bridges. The
Houston and Texas Central do not ex
pect to get their trains running for
sx days yet. Their track is four feet
under water for muoh oi the way.
The estimated damage to tho country
tributary to the Brasos valley of $4,-
0J)0,000 is none too high. It is not ue
Moved that the loss of life will be any
where near as large as reported, and
will be DrinciDally among the negroes.
Reports from along the bottoms state
that hundreds of people have been
resoued by means oi improvised raits,
and that in each case of known drown
ing some party has Indiscreetly upset
a raft after getting on It, with the
result that the entire load waB thrown
Into the water.
The ruablng waters aro rapidly ac
cumulating hundreds of doad horses
and cattle at the mouth of the Brasos.
Some are floating ont into the gulf,
and many are stranded in the eddies
along the lowlands adjacent.
To Itednco Spain's Standlne Army,
Madrid, July 3. The minister of
war, General Polavieja, after a pro
longed conference yesterday with tho
premier, Senor SUvela, consented to re
duce tho budget estimate of tho
strength of the active army from 107,-
000 to 80,ooo men.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Bay Keystone flour. Be sure that the name
Ltisio & IUra, Ashland, Pa., is printed on
every gacVc,
Whole number of schools...
AvcraffO number of month!
Number of mnlo teachers employed
Number of femnlu teachers employed
AvcrftRO salnry of mala teachers per month ,
A vertigo salary of feuialo teachers per month..
81 TS
43 12
1 08
ai oo
23 91
Nnmher of mills levied for school nurDosca M -
Number of mills levied for building purposes ,. 21
Number of mills levied for library purposes , K
Amount iovicu lor scnooi purposes 9 2,1,003 71
Amount levied for biilldlnir purposes 0,192 21
Amount lovled for llbrnry purposes 1,298 41
Totnl amount levied .
$ 30,330 30
Exonerations of Collector lturku on 1897 dunllcato
Itcbata of penalty of Collector llurke on 1897 duplicate A..
Abatements of Collector llurke on 1893..
1,788 43
89 42
.. 1,127 82
In account with the Shenandoah, Pa., School District, Duplicate of 1895.
Vnluntlon $3,313,171 00
Tax rate 14 mills, minimum school tax SI 00
To 11 mills for school purposes $ 27,3fi7 49
To 3 mills bulldlnc; purpoacs 7,403 80
To total duplicate $ 31,831 33
To balance duu close OOdays S 21,012 00
S 21,912 00
To balance due end 0 months S 12,013 90
To penalty 5 per cent 032 29
S 13,273 19
Dec. 0, '93, by cash 00 days $ 3,000 00
Jan. 7, '93, by cash In CO days 1,000 00
' 28, by cash In 60 days 8,090 00
rty commission, 2 per cent 241 89
lly abatements, 3 percent 041 40
llalance due end 00 days 21,912 00
9 31,831 33
March 6, by onsh In S months $ 2,700 00
April 3, 6 " . 2,600 00
May 8, " " "0 " 1,300 00
Hy commission, 8 percent 332 C3
May 27, by exonerations 2,213 47
Ualauoo due 12,643 90
t 21,912 00
July 2, by cash after 6 months $ 1,000 CO
Nov. 4, " " " 0 " 1,800 00
Jan. S, '97, by cash after 0 months 1,000 00
Fell. 4, ,r " " 0 " 5,000 00
lly commission, S percent H 463 15
Aug. 8, '93, balance due 4,015 01
t 19,278 19
Above amount Certified to tho Court of Quarter Seulons, August 8th, 1003.
In account with the Shenandoah, Pa., School District, Duplicate of 1896.
Valuation 32,351,290 00
Minimum tax, tax rate 11 mills SI. 00
Deo. 1; '90, by cash In 00 days t 7.000 00
Dec. 22, by cash In CO days s. 7,000 00
lly commission. 2 iter cent 283 71
Oct. 13, to 8 mills for school purpncs..$ 20,006 76 I lly abatements, S per cent 751 88
Oct. 13, to 6 mills for bulldlnc; pur's.... 15,050 06 Balance duo 20,079 23
? 33,116 82
To balance due end 6 months..
..? 20,079 23
8 20,079 23
To balance due close of 6 months 8 11,263 52
To penalty, 5 per cent . 713 27
1898. .
June 6, balance duc...i.......
189S. . . "
Aug. 8, certified halance'duo..
$ 14,973 79
.. 10,189 32
t 10,189 32
..8 9,531 06
9,581 06
S 33,116 82
March 5, '97, by cash In 6 months $ 1,800 00
iiy commission, per cent 73
May 3; by exonerations - 3.918 98
llalance due...... 14,263 62
8 20,079 23
May 23,'97, by cash after 0 months $ 800 00
July 22, ' ' 0 " 250 00
juiy 01, 0 - ju w
Hcpt. a, 0 " 800 00
Sept. 8, " " " 0 " 200 00
Nov, 30, " " " 6 " 700 00
Deo. 23, " " ' 0 " 000 00
Feb, 3, '93, by cash after 6 months t 1,000 00
May 23, " " " 0 " 300 00
lly commission 239 47
Balance duo 10,189 32
t 11,973 79
July 8, '98,by cash after 6 months J 12100
July 27, " " 6 " 50 00
Aug. 1, " " " 6 " 60 00
Aug. 8, " " " 0 " 50 00
Aug. , " " " 8 " 300 00
By commission, 8 per cent , 30 21
Balance due , 9,331 06
t 10,189 82
Aug. 16, '98, hy cash after Judgment... 100 00
Sept. 0, " " " ... 100 00
Sep 28, " " " ' ... 100 00
Nov. 2, ' " ... 800 00
By commission, 8 per cent 3187
Balance due 8,952 49
JSvttiitte Schools.
By evening school teacher's wages.....'......
Text Books and School Stififtics,
School text hooks
School supplies..
urucr rto. ujo, isw, ouisianuiug
Fuel and Contingtntits.
Janitor's wages..
463 tons of coal
Hauling 403 tous or coal ,
Hauling ashes
Oil, Hlobcs and janitor's supplies......
Officers' Salaries.
Salary of Superintendent..
Salary of Secretary.
Salary of Truant Officer
Salary of Treasurer
Salary of Solicitor
Purchase of new books
Salaries of assistant librarians..
Auditing school accounts 8? 50
Printing 821 65
Insurance ... 131 "6
Kent of theatre for commencement 87 00
Kent of piano for commencement - . 8 00
Framing pictures . 31 00
Police'servlccs at commencement 15 00
Frclnht and hauling 12 72
Kxpressage paid 3 00
Postage, '&c ..,..,.. 3 15
Legal service 23 00
Total receipts . S 56,631 24
Total expenditures 82,881 72
8 9184 03
in account with the Shenandoah, Pa,, School District, Duplicate of 1897.
June 6, '93, To balance due t 6,509 12
To penalty on above amount, less alien
tax 2,421.00 collected In 6 months
paid and held over 6 per cent, on
J3,0SS,12 131 41
May 81, '99, By exonerations $ 1,788 43
May 81, By rebate of penalty, 8 per ct. 89 42
May 81, By alien tax 2,299 95
May 81, By commission 121 05
Juno 8, Balance duo 1,361 68
8 8,663 53 I
Above balance subject to five per cent commission when paid.
8 3,663 83
In account with the Shenandoah, Pa., School District, Duplicate of 1898.
Per capita (ni... .......
..84,46307 00
1 00
Tax rate 11 mills .ah.. 4... ..,.
Total duplicate aiuount......n.,.-..8 30,30 39
Dec, 9, '98 To 11 mll school purposes 28163 71
t 28,63 71
Deo, 9,'93, To 7ft ml julld'g purpo'sS 6,492 21
Deo. 9, "93, To H mlUillbrary-
Dec, 9, '93, To total duplicate,...,...
0,192 21
t 1,298 41
1,298 41
33,350 89
( 86,356 89
By cash In CO days...............
By rash In 6 months. .....
By abatements, 5 per cent.,,,
By commission, 2 per cent...
By commission, 5 per cent...
Junes, balance due
8 16,500 00
.............. 3,142 86
KS6 15
836 73
163 42
7,531 W
8 28,505 74
By cosh In GO days 8 3,750 00
By cash in 6 months 714 23
By abatements, 5 per cent 201 37
By commission, 2 percent .w 76 53
lly commission, S per cent 87 89
JuneS, balance due 1,712 41
8 6,492 21
By cash in CO day 8 750 00
By cash In 0 mouths 112 86
By abatements, S percent..... 40 SO
Bv comm ssiou. 2 ner cent 15 31
By commission, 6 per cent 7 82
June S, bulauce due 312 43
8 1,293 44
By cash to Treasurer II. J. Muldoon...8 23,000 00
By abatements 1,127 82
By commissions - 639 10
JuneS, balance due 9,889 47
8 89.856119
Penalty will be added to above balance when Allen Tax Is reported.
TO JlKUKiris .
Balance' from ex-Treasurer J. J. Francy....
Bale of bonds
TKMroKAnT uiANH. , son m
No. 84( John Cuff, 8r.,.1une27th, 1893 . 'J!
No. 96, Mrs. Maggie B, Kdwards, Juno 27th, 1893, J"
No. 97, John Cuff, Sr., June 27, 1898 JJ"
No. 08, Mrs. Margaret Cotighlln, Juno 27th 1893 n m
Note Merchonts'Natlonal Bonk Oct. Mil, 1893 "-"S ,
! 00
No. 805, First National Bank, Oct. 6th, 1893
No. 1103. Merchants' Nat. Bank. Anrll 8th. 1899
M, J, Scanlan, account of dupllcato of '93
Kd. llurke, aoo't of Allen Tax duplicate of 1897
Kd. Burke, account of dunllcato of 1898
State Appropriation
Tax on unseated lauds .'.
J. W. Cooper, account tuition foes
v ronic jianna, account oi procecus oi commencement...
Frank llanna, account of damages to text Iko1es
Frank llanna, account salo catalogues, &c.
1(1 32
500 00
9,700 00
1,178 U)
-2,299 9.1
13,0(0 00
17,333 99
47 91
244 33
76 80
83 01
10 00
Amount of Itecelpts x.m s'
ttfldeintillnn nf bonds.. .....8 100
Interest on bonded Indebtedness 8,032
Order No 230, Issued 1896 , l.gpO
Order No. 453. Issued 1896 , 2j600
Order No. 1070, Issued 1897 - 8,000
8 3,132 00
Interest paid ontemorary loans
JiuildiiiF and Furnishinr.
Building andFurnlshlng 8 322 23
ltenting and repairing .- i 1,171 83
Teachers' Wares.
Teacher's wages, day schools
Substitute teacher's wages,....,.
Attendance at County Institute
5 0,600 00
.... 11417 52
8 1,493 81
..8 23.176 OS
.. . 289 80
691 00
-8 26,059 S3
1,280 00
2,268 71
1,110 CO
270 00
-8 3,655 34
4,308 60
749 83
120 33
'72 50
101' C3
140 90
-8 8,193 86
1,800 00
670 00
100 00
200 00
SO 00
8 3,120 00
16 61
93 73
-8 110 36
Total Expenditures
8 .12.831 72
1207, Redemption of Bond No. 5, Issue of 1387 8
1210, " "
1211 " "
1212, " "
1213, " "
1214, " "
1215, " "
1216, " '
1217, " "
1218, " "
1219, " "
1221, " "
1222, " "
1223, " "
1224, " "
1225, " "
1220, ' "
1227, " "
1223, " "
1887 ,
1887 ,
1887 ,
100 00
110 00
COO 00
100 00
600 10
100 00
100 00
100 00
100 00
100 00
100 00
100 00
10J 00
100 00
100 00
100 CO
1C0 00
.100 00
100 00
100 00
100 00
-8 2,900 00
Balance cash In hands of treasurer 3,749 52
In sinking fund for redemption of bonds 2,900 00
Net cash balance available 849 52
Recapitulation, Receipts and Expenditures of District Receipts. .
Balance In hands of Treasurer, June 3th, 1898 8 111 82
rrom sate oi uonus , duu uu
From temporary loans : 9,700 00
From Receivers of Taxes 28,474 93
From State Appropriation , 17,385 99
From other sources 431 78
-8 F8,03l 21
Amount of receipts for year 8 66,091 24
Redemption of and Interest on bonds 8 8.132 00
Redemption of and Interest on teuiporaryloans 7.917 Si
Current expenses 41,835 20
iiuiuuce in nuiius ui too i reiisurer us per suiKiug miiu 2,'JUU uu
Balance In hands of the Treasurer aa cash available 849 52
-8 53,9)4 34
Amount of expenditures for the year 8 56,631 24
Cash In hands of the' Treasurer 849 83
Due from Collector Scanlan and bondsmen, dupllcato of 1895 4,011 04
Due from Collector Scanlan and bondsmen, duplicate of 1890 8,912 49
Duu from Collector Burke, duplicate of 1897 1,381 M
Due from Collector Burke, dupllcato of 1898 9,589 47
State Appropriation, due Juno 5th, 1899 .'. i 17.385 99
Bill of Si. Stanislaus Catholic Congregutlon for old school desks.. 81 00
Bill of St. Manlslaus Catholic Priest for old school desks ,,. 86 50
Receipts of commencement, Juno 2, 1899 85 03
Total Resources..
Bonds outstanding
Interest due and unpaid..
Outstanding order No. 980, Issued March 6th, 1896
42,399 74
May 6th, 1893..
July 1st, 1896
June 30th, 1897
May 23rd, 1898....
May 23rd, 1893
Juno 27th, 1898
June 27th, 1893
June 27th, 1898 ,
j une rtll, liyja..
Note, OctsberSth. 1898, to Merchants' National Bank.
Outstanding Order No. 805, Issued October 6tb, 1893....
Outstanding Order No. 1103. Issued Aurll nth. 1899
Teacher's wages due Juno"3th,1899 ...
Janitors wages clue June oth, 1899
Bills unpaid June 8th, 189)
I 11,100 00
111 D
1,390 00
1,600 00
8,209 00
4,000 00
1,000 00
200 00
1,500 00
1,500 00
600 00
009 00
8,000 00
1,800 00
1,200 00
3,804 00
830 03
98 09
Amount of Liabilities..
Net Liabilities
Estimated value of school property..
08,693 05
- t 86,353 91
1 130,000 00
We, the undersigned Auditors of tho Borough of Shenandoah, Pa., having examined
tho ditlcrcnt accounts of tho Receivers of Taxes and the various accounts ot tho Treasurer
of the Shenandoah School District submit tho above statement as correct.
john Mcdonald,
INDEPENDENCE DAY AT NIAQARA FALLS. A Halt Fare Tour to the Golden Gate vl
the Lehigh Valley Railroad.
On account of the National Educational
Association's thirty-eighth annual conven
tion at Los Angeles, Cal July 11th to 11th,
1800, the Lehigh Valley Hallroad will make a
rate of one single faro for the round trip,
plus two dollars, membership fee to teachers,
their friends, aud those Interested In educa
tional afl'alrs, who deatro to go to California
at the time named. Tickets will be on tale
June Slth to July 0th, limited for return
passage to September 5th, 1S00. inclusive,
affording amplo opportunity for tour and
sight-seeing In the far West. Consult Le
high Valley Ticket Agents for further particulars.
Low Itate Excursion via the Lehigh Valley
Tickets will be Issued for train No. 3, and
for immediate connecting train from branch
line points July 1st and for all trains (except
the Black Diamond Express) July 2nd
and 3rd, Good for return passage on all
trains, except tho Black Diamond Express, to
July 4th, inclusive. For fare from Shenan
doah for tho round trip will be $8.27. Consult
Lehigh Valley ticket ngeuto for further
Do You Know
Consumption is preventable? Science has
proven that, and also that neglect Is suicidal.
The worst cold or cough can be cured with
Shlloh's Cough and Consumption Cure. Sold
on positive guarantee for over fifty years.
Sold by 1'. D, Etrltn on a guarantee.
Coming: Events.
July 3. Ice cream festival, under auspices
of tho Btar Foot Ball team, In Bobbins' hall,
July 4. Ice cream festival, under auspices
of the Beturned Soldiers of the Cubau war,
In Bobbins' opera house,
July 4 I'lcnic at Fowler's Qrove, under
the auspices of St, Michael's German Bene
ficial Society.
July 4. Grand plcnlont Lakeside. Free
dancing at the pavllllon.
Scald bead Is au eczema of the scalp very
severe sometimes, but It cau be cured, Doau's
Ointment, quick aud permanent In Its results,
At any drug store, 60 cents.
Energy all gone ? Headache? Stomach out
of order? Simply a case of torpid liver.
Burdock Blood Bitters will make a new man
or woman of you.
Try Allen's Foot-Ease,
A powder to be shaken Into the shoes. At
this season ysur feet feel swollen, nervous
and hot, and get tired easily. If you have
smarting feet or tight shoos, try Allen's Foot
Ease. Itco6lstho feet and makes-walking-easy.
Cures swollen and sweating feet,
blisters and callous spots. Believes corns and
bunions of all pain and gives rest and com
fort. Try It to-day. Sold by all druggists
and shoe stores for 25o. Trial package FitKE.
Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Boy, N. Y.