On the Fourth of July When up town and you wnnt to be refreshed ,stop In nml try our sparkling IceCrcam Soda or Frozen Chocolate. It Cannot be Excelled SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Telephone Connection. Dalius Sells the Cheapest 25c Meat. Will go further at our market than anywhere else in town. A trial will convince. Our market Is not exactly located centrally but that little extra walk will benefit your urso. 203 E. Centre St. DON'T BE BLIND To your own interest ; to that in terest which promotes health and good eyes when age begins to creep on, by wearing a cheap deceutered lens unsuited to the defects of your eye, when you can get the best and a thorough examination without additional expense. Thos. Buchanan, Jeweler and Optician. 118 South Main Street. Extra Reduction In Our Line of FOOTWEAR Has begun. Save your dollars while you have a chance. Do not miss any opportunities. A dollar saved is a dollar earned. BOSTON FACTORY SHOE STORE, 27 South Main Street. Shenandoah, Pa, I. SPONT, PROP. FOUR DOORS ABOVE POST OFFICE. fRABOWSKY HOTEL, M. GRABOWSKY, Prop. 819 N. Centre St., Pottsville, Pa. Fine old Whiskeys, Gins and Wlnea. at the ba A choice line o( dean and Temper ance Drinks. Accommodations for travel. Maals at all hour EVAN J, DAVIES. Livery and Undertaking, No. 13 North Jardin St. FOR FINE FURNITURE, STOVES, - CARPETS, AT THE LOWEST PRICES UO U DAVISON'S DEPARTflENT STORES, No, lip-121 -123 North Mala St. PERSONAL MENTION. MliS Lauro 8oe11, of rottsvlllo, Is Tisltliig friends nml relatives In town. Oocirgo riillHi, of Wllliurton, Is spending a fey days In town. Ward Assessor Thomas llrcntian went to l'ottsvilU' this morning to ninkn it return of his enrollment of school children. Miss Pot IlftMler went to Pottsvlllo this morning to visit friends H. 0. Brobst and 1 J llremmu transacted business at the county seat to-day. Michael Graham was a business viiitor to the. county scat to-day. Patrick J. Mcdulro, of Urownivlllo, has gone, to Philadelphia to visit friends. Miss Cclia A. McQnliioss, of Brownsville, left to-day for Philadelphia, to spend a fuw days visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Johnson, of Peck vlllo, Lackawanna county, who woio visiting relatives In town for the past few days, loft to-dny for Wonthorly, to spend a fow days visiting relatives. S. G. M. Hollooctor. Esfl.. lett this mornlnp for Philadelphia, whero ho will remain with his family until after tho Fourth of July. Mrs. Jesse Yates, wlfoof the nllot of Allan. tio City. N. J., is a cuest at tho homo nf Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Iticbardj, on West Centre street. Goorffe Hoover has conn tn Philadelphia In havo an operation porformcd for appendicitis. Miss Marcaret Donnlor Is home from Nowark, N J., to spend hor vacation. Peter Fabian has returned homo from a business trip to Valloy Forgo. W. J. Morgan, formerly of Shenandoah. but now of Philadelphia, is actine as assist. nut real estate managor of tho Philadelphia Ulll. George Itumhlc.an cmnloyo of the Huralh. nccompivuled by his wlfo nml children, loft to-day for Erie, Pa., where thoy will be guests of the former's mother for four weeks. Before returning the? will visit Comeant, Ohio, and Niagara Falls. The Olga Ncthorsolo bracelet, tho nowost out. Sco our window display. Orkin's jowclry storo, 7 South Main street. tf Klectlnn nt OMoers, Camp 0, Patrlotlo Order of Americans. selected tho following officers: President, Lizzie Dusto; Assistant President, Joseph Lchraler; Vice President, Lizzio Graf; Assistant Vlco President, Lizzio Heck : Con ductor, Emma Shcolor ; Assistant Conductor, Mrs. lielssel: Inside Guard, Mary Minick : Outer Sentinel, Bella Bowmau ; Trustee for 18 months, B. G. IIoss; Delogatcs, Laura Goodhead and Sarah Woods ; Alternates, Lizzio Graf and Joseph Lohnilor. The following is tho rosult of tho election of officers of Camp 200, P. O. S. of A. : Presi dent, D.iniel Lee; Vice President, Israol Eisenhower; Master of Forms, J. Morris; Inspector, Albert Smith; Guard, Edward Mason ; Trustee, B. G. Hess : Delegato to Stato Camp, B G. Hess. Tho annual election of officers of tho Col umbia H. & S. F. E. Co. No. 1 was held in tbo meeting room last evening and resulted as follows: President, Edward Kestor; vice President, Richard H. Harold ; Recording Secretary, John W. Eisenhower; Financial Secretary, Joseph Bosch : Treasurer, Thomas W. Powell; Foreman, William Stettler; Assistant Foreman, John Dove ; Chlof En gineer, Joseph Dusto ; Trustees, William Hill, James Wood: and William J. Evans Driver, William Taylor; Stato Delegato, William Hill; Stoker. James Woods; Direc tors, William Lang, W. P. Williams, William Hill, Thomas J. Williams, Harry Jenkins, Joseph Bosch, William J. Evaus and Amos Yarnell. Deaths and Funerals, George Wh I taker, ono of Mahanoy City's most prominent dry goods merchants, died yesterday afternoon at his home, No. 130 West Centra street. Death was due to ap pcudicitis. Ho was 72 years old and is sur vived by his widow and seven children. Harald, a ten-months-old son of Matthew Perkins, died at the family residence on West Lino street. The funoral will bo held to morrow afternoon. The funoral of tbo lato Mrs. Thomas Conner, of Mt. Carbon, took place yesterday from St. Patrick's church, Pottsville. High Mass was celebrated by Rev. Father F. J. McGovern. Interment was mado at No. 3 cemetery. The funeral of Jonathan Houser took place this afternoon, at two o'clock, from the residence of his son, Joseph Houser, at 425 West Oak street. Tho services wero held at tbo residence and interment was made in tbo Odd Follows' cemetery. John Roberts was tho funeral director. Mrs. Emma, wife of Abraham Fetter, died at an early hour yesterday morning at her home near Tamaqua. Her death was due to meningitis. Sho loaves to survive her a husband and six children. The funoral will tako place Monday afternoon. James Riordan, the proprietor of the City hotel at Mahanoy City, died at an early hour this morning after a lingering illness, result lng in heart failure. Ho was 52 years old, and leaves six children. Funeral on Tues day. Robert Williams, aged 40 years, died at his homo in Boston Bun this morning. He leaves a wife and a large family. Church Notices. At the United Evangelical church to-mor row Presiding Elder C S. Haman, of Read lng, will preach the sermon in the morning and it will be followed by communion. This (Saturday) evening there will bo a business meeting of tho quarterly conference. In the Presbyterian church to-morrow morning tho pastor will preach his second sermon from John XI ; 51-52. Subject, "Tho Vicarious Suffering of Christ. In the oven. lng the discourse will be of a patriotic character, based on Proverbs XIV; 20 "Righteousness Exalteth a Nation, but Sin is a Reproach to any People." Special patriotic services will be held in the Primitive Methodist church to-morrow even lng and the choir will render solos, quartettes and choruses. Among them "Blsscd be the Kation," by Gabriel; "God and Our Father land," by Swank; "OurCountry," "ToThee, Our Land and Flag," "Star Spangled Banner." Mrs. E. C. Malick will sing the solos. Tho service has been arranged by Mr. Edward Cooper, who has been the leader of the choir for several years. The subject for the morning sermon at 10:30 a. m., will be "The Redeemed and Saved Through Jesus Christ." Sunday school at 2 p. m. Every body kindly invited. Homeopaths Elect Officers. The Homeopathic Medieal Association, of Schuylkill and Luzerne counties, met in annual session at Hazleton, on Thursday, and elected the following oflieers: Or. W. G. Dietz, of Hazleton, president; Dr. John Price, of Shenandoah, vice president ; Dr. Leon Snyder, Ashland, secretary; Dr. G. Boone, Pottsvlllo, treasurer. The next annual session will be held at Mahanoy City. Marriage Licenses. The following marriago licenses were issued : Guy U. Evans, of St. Clair, and Jennie E. Jones, of Pottsville ; James P. MoMulIen and Annie Carter, both of Mc- Adoo. Nt, Michael's Picnic. A grand picnio will bo held at Fowler's erova on July 4tn, under the auspices or bt Michael's German Beneficial Society of town. Dancing music will bo furnished by the Schley orchestra. To-morrow's Great Game. At 2:30 o'clock to-morrow afternoon a spirited game of base ball will be played at tbe Trotting park between the regular Shen andoah team and tbe Shenandoah Brown,. The came will be played for a purse of $20, The players of both teams request tbe auditors not to crowd.in on tbe diamond, as it causes tbe teams much Inconvenience and makes ball playing very difficult. SCHOOL BOARD MEETING. Knutlne Iluslness nt u Special Session laid Last Night. Tho School Hoard hold a sncclal meetlnir Inst night for tho transaction of general bus iness. Tho Directors present wero Mossrs. Ilnnna, Lee, Dove. Malick, Holvcy. Whit- akor, Brltt, Connors and Kerrigan. Mr, novo was made temporary chairman In tho nbscuco of Mr Kclpor. Borough Auditors Byrne, and Matter pre sented tbolr annual report In printed form and Mr. Wliltakor raised two points: First, that tho printing of tho report had beon done Illegally, because tho work had been orctored by tho committco without first presenting tho report to a meeting or tho Board ; secondly, that, whilo tho school term is but nlno months, tho Auditors' report showed that sumo bills for salaries covering n period of en months had been paid. Messrs. Dovo and llanna defended tho action of the com mittco as to tho printing. Mr. Dove said ho had consulted tho Solicitor of tho Hoard, who had stated that nil that was necessary was for the Board to endorse the action of tho com mittco. ' At tho worst, it was only a violation of a rulo. It was also argued that com mittees of previous years bad sot a preced ent for what bud been dono. After semo argument tho Board endorsod tho action of the committee and tho report was accepted. As to tho second point raised, it waseflectlvcly answered by Superintendent Cooper, upon Mr. Whltakcr's solicitation. An Invitation to tho Board to participate in tho Fourth of July parade was accepted and (lied. Tho commlttoo on toxt and supplies re ported that it Intonded to advortiso In tho town papers for bids for supplies. This was approved. Tho committco. on building and repairs rccommondod that repairs bo tnado at tho Wost street, Centre Btreet, old White street. Main street and Turkey Run school build- ings. A. L. Graf bid $55 to placo a fenco at the Main street building and M. II. Master, bid $57.50. Tho commlttoo recommended that Mr. Graf ba given tbo contract, he being tho lowest buldor. The report was accoptcd and leforrcd hack to tbo committco with power to have tho necessary repairs made, with tho exception of ceiling repairs to tho old White street building, there being bids for plaster, two kinds of steel and corrugated iron ceilings. This matter will bo brought up at tho next meeting. Tho Financo committee reported that tho expenses for tho past rronth aggregated $3,- 510.50 and Interest on bonds nud other obli gations full duo, making a total amount of $5,101.10. To meet this thero is $1,301.52 in tho treasury, and it was decided to negotiate a temporary loan of $3,700 for 00 days. The samo committco stated that Mr. Meltct, representing' tho bondsmen on M. J. Scanlan's tax bond for 1800, bad made a proposition in regard to a compromiso with tho Board. The matter was reforred back tn tho committee, with instructions to consult with the solicitor, Mr. Scanlan, tho bonds men and other parties having interest in tho msttoraud seo what tho bondsmen propose to do, and report back to tho Board. Announcement was niado that tho school teachers and others to whom salaries aro duo will bo paid at tho Secretary's office next Monday, at 1 p. m. 1VM. I'EJOf. Mrs. Morgan Price, of Lost Creek, accom panied by her daughter, Miss Nellie, are visiting at Carlisle. Miss Mabel Straub, of Bethlehem, is visit ing Miss Martha Jones, at Lost Creek. Mrs. John T. Jones and daughter, of Lost Creek, aro visiting hero this week. John Duulap, outsido foreman at tho Wm Penn colliery, who suffered injury to bis back this week, is steadily improving and expects to bo out soon. Goorge Phillips and MissGertrndo Phillips, of Midvallcy, aro visiting Mrs. Evan Jones, Arrangements aro being made by tho M. E, Sunday school of Wm. Ponn to hold a picnic this season. The second quarterly conferonco of tho M. E. church of this place will bo held on July 10th, at 7 p. m. Tho services to-morrow in the M. E. church are as follows : Sunday school at 10:30 a. m preaching at 0 p. m., subject, "Tho Battle of Ebenezer." A cordial invitation is extended tbo public to attend. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen!s Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever bores, Ulcers, lions, .felons, Corns, all hkin rmipUons. Best 1'ilc cure on earth Only 25 ct. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by A. waslcy, druggist. Sohuylklll Haven's Bunk. Tho stockholders of the now First National Bank at Schuylkill Haven elected tho follow, lug directors : D. D. Yoder, I. B. Helm, A H. Klein, J. F. Bast, 0. O. Leader, John Springer, E. H. Baker, Frank Brown, Simon Menglo. The directors organized yesterday by electing E. H. Baker, president, and I. B. Heim, secretary. Tbe cashier will bo choson later. Tho bank will not bo ready to do business for at least GO days. Dr. Schaefler Elected. Tho Boaid of Trustees of tbe Kutztown State Normal school unanimously elected Rev. Dr. N. C. Schaefier, State Superintend ent of Public Instruction, as principal. Dr. Schaeffer is expected to resign his position at Harrisburg and accept. To Itace. F. Flerwitcz and John Brown, of this town, have entered in the one-mile opeu race for the county championship at Mahanoy City on July 4th. Komelus.' the Muscular Marvel, At Bickert'a cafe to-nigbt. Tho king of strong men, and able to lift a ton. Also dis plays other seemingly Impossible feats of human strength. 0 28-tf French Editors Qrnot Americans. Paris, July 1. Tho members of the Editorial association wore the guests yesterday afternoon of Tho Figaro, Those present included a committee of which General Horace Porter, the United States ambassador, was chair man, formed to entertain the delegates, Former President Benjamin Harrison and other members of tho Venezuelan commission and a number of promi nent Americans were among the visit' ors. The affair was a great success. Senator Sowell a Itnllronfl President Philadelphia, July 1. The directors of the Wost Jersey and Seashore Rail road company yesterday elected Uni ted States Senator W. J. Sewell as president, to succeed the late Frank Thomson. A. J. Cassatt, president of the Pennsylvania railroad, was chosen a director, to nil the vacancy caused by th loath of Mr. Tomson. Yesterday' IlasoiinU Games. National League: At Pittsburg Pittsburg, 11; Brooklyn, 10. At Clove land Boston, 3; Cleveland, 1. At Louisvlllo Philadelphia, 13; Louis ville, 3. Atlantic League: At Lancaster Lan caster, 15; Allentown, 7. At Wilkes, barre Wllkesbarre, 5; Heading, 4 At Paterson Paterson, 8; Nowark, 4, At Scranton Richmond, 6; Scranton,2, HOT AND COLD LUNCH EVERY MORNING AT HENTZ'S CAFE, COR. MAIN AND COAL STREETS. MONDAY rea soup. THE POLITICAL ARENA. The Silver (Juration Injected In tho Judi cial Contest lloro. Special IlicrtALD Correspondence. Pottsvlllo, Juno SO. What promises to bo nn unusually Interesting political campaign is gradually but surely developing In this county, and In consequence thereof tho army of licoloiu on both sides of tho fonco aro Jubilant. Our Democratic friends had matters nicely shaped for a harmonious convention, until Jndgo Pershing throw a firebrand into their camp In tho nature of his resignation, and now everything Is at sixes and sevens. This stato of affairs hangs like a spectra over tho Jcffersonlan camp Tbo situation if to-day Is at variance with that of a month ago, and thero is r.om for much speculation as to tho probablo outcome In the Demo cratic wigwam tho events of tho past fow days conclusively prove that thero will bo u fight to tho blttor end between tho rabid silrcrltes and tbo conservative olemcnt over tho judgeship. Fortunately thore is not such a gloomy outlook In tho Republican camp, tho situation being sufficiently complicated to stir up cuthusiasm among tho rank and file of the party. Til HEATS OP TUB MLVEIUTEB. Thosanio active nnd exciting "Bryau and freo-silver campaign" that was Inaugurated In tliis county last year, previous to tho Democratic county convention, which re sulted in tbo cheap money men being turned down by tho committco on resolutions, is being carried on in Schuylkill to-day by tbo Bryan loaders against tho throo prominont candidates for tho Judgeship Messrs, Wad llngor, Rollly and Schalck. Thoso gcntlo- men, It Is true, woro not enthusiastic in sup port of all tho planks in tho Chicago plat form, especially that bearing on tho financial question. For this reason ono or two Demo crats who lujoct the 10 to 1 idea Into ovory party contest, oxprcss themselves as bitterly opposed to their nomination. Especially is this trno as to tho two Democratic news papors that carry the Bryan banner with tbo Inscription, "tho only truo Democratic ex ponents of tho Chicago platform" in tho county. In fact, tho editors of tho aforesaid publications located in your town and at Tamaqua havo taken a position from which they cannot retreat without stulifying them selves. Thoy openly assert that thoy will not support clthor Wadllngor, Kollly or Schalck for tho Judgeship should either 0110 of tbo three secure tho Democratic nomina tion. Hero is what tho Tamaqua oracle has to say, and which is echoed by tbo Shouan doah scribo : "This Is no Idle threat. Wo want it fairly understood by tho men who are in control nf thoDcmocratto party that we propose to preach Jiemocrntlo faith pure nnd slinplo ns expounded by the great leader, who got together In Chlo go in 189G, and that we cannot be expected to old In tho election of men who wero false to the principles of tho party that they want to use to securo oflleo." Thus tbo linos are drawn and tho fleht promises to bo exciting and hitter. What Is done on tbo surface in such a contest cannot bo dependod upon. Tho "vest pocket" voter olects tho delegates, and If the "Bryan freo silver men" decide to quietly vote for delegates favorable to olthcr of the judiciary candidates inontioned thoy n 111 ho able to do so without being known, not caring a fig what these self-styled silver loaders may think of the result. THE TRUE DEMOCRATS. The friends of Wadlinger and his two op, pouents are somewhat at a loss to figure out what bearing tho financial question has on the dispensation of justice in this county. The samo argument now used agalust them was raised last year whon Judge Marr's name was presented to tha convention, yet these two newspapers supported tho prosont mem her of the Bench, and ho was a gold Dem ocrat of a pronounced typo. Whero Is the con.istoncy of their present position? Judgo Marr and his friends not only con trolled tho county convention last yoar, but quiotly and effectively pigeon-holed tho free silver resolutions; yot my newspaper frionds supported tho judicial nominee that year, The gold eagles that wero plentiful during that campaign, issued from tho colfors of the gold-bug candidates, of course, had nothing todo with tho position of thoso two news papers who aro battling for "tho people's causo" solely I Let's see, for a moment, tho consistency of thoso Bryan followers. They toll their readers that neither Wadllngor, nor Schalck, nor Reilly, is worthy of Democratic support, and go so far in their denunciation as to say that it would bo the duty, and should be the pleasure, of the party voters to eucompas their defeat should oitber of them head tho Democratic ticket. This appar ently sounds vory nice, and looks pretty on paper. Now lets soo if tho men who preach this doctrine practice it them, selves when the opportunity presents itsolf. A member of the Schuylkill delegation to tho Democratic state convention of last year. which met at Altoona, informs mo that the editor of the Nows, himself a delegate by proxy," voted lor Judge Gordon, who was a candidate for tho gubernatorial nomination. Now everybody knows that Gordon is a srold hug and has no faith in the 10 to 1 "idea. This is indictment No. 1 as presented against my newspapers friends. Now for No 3. The samo Shenandoah editor was a "delegato by proxy" at the last Democratic state convention, held at Harris burg last month, and voted on different oc casions for Judges Kennedy and Wolvorton, ueithor of whom aro in sympathy with tho Bryan doctrlno, and both of whom were bitterly opposed by tho followers of tbo silver apostlo. While my newspaper friend was casting his vote for these gold-hug candidates, he was writing denunciatory letters to his paper against the men who are "betraying the rank and file of tbe party by nominating traitors of '00." Who are the traitors, In view of the presentation here with submitted? Tbo three candidates for Judge, whom these two newspapers are at tacking, are not backward In expressing their views upon national issues In a national cam paign. They are certainly more consistent than the nlen who vote for the "traitors of 1800" in state conventions, and abuse others for doing tho samo thing here in the county, Said a prominent Democratic candidate, commenting upou the situation : "What has national issues to do with the administration of local affairs? The nomlueos of tho Demo cratic party in this county, who put up tho money to make the fight, have much more at stake than these 'newspaper patriots,' and should have some say as to the policies nf the party. Besides, it is about time tbo party sat down on those men who 'live and have their being in a silver mine,' and who haven't yet been in the party sufficiently long to prove their Democracy. Men who havo periodically been Grcenbackers, Labor Reformers, Republicans and Democrats are hardly in a position to set up business as dic tators and should be the last to cry traitors against men who have been life-long Demo crats. Yes, I am of tho opinion that they will get their quietus at the forthcoming county convention. There's lot of fun ahead for somebody." Our Domocratlo friends are In anything but a harmonious mood. It looks to me as If tho "traitors of 00" will secure the Judge ship and a largo majority of the other offices, and the platform makers will see to It that national issues aro kept in tbe background until 1000, HEItLY TO II E REMOVED. A prominent politician of this county returned from Philadelphia this week, and is authority for tbe statement that U. S. Marshal James B. Reilly, of this place, with headquarters at Philadelphia, Is to be re moved by President McKIuley before tho expiration of Reilly's term, whose four years will not be up until next fall a year. He can, however, be removed at any time. It Is well known that formor Con gressman Bruram has longing eyes on the Marsbaltbip, but It seems he Is to meet with Till! WlSATIIKTt. i Tho area of high prossuro ha moved from Wisconsl to Ohio, Tho prossuro continues oft tho North Pacific coast. A trough of low prossuro ex tends from Ari zona to Manitoba. Tho tomporaturo will rlso from tho Mississippi valloy to tho Atlantic coast. Forecast for today and tomorrow in this section: Fair: variable winds, becoming southerly. Sunrise, 4:44; sunset, 7:37; length of day, Mil., G3m.; moon rises, 12:14 n, m.; moon sols, 1:60 p. m. disappointment. The Quay leaders In Chester county have united In a request to Sonators Quay and Penrose to havo ox-Cougrcssmau Jack Robins' n appointed to succeed Reilly, Robinson is capable of creating considerable disturbance In tho Chester-Dclawaio district, and the aim Is to stow him away where ho will mako no further trouble The two United States Sonators are said to look favor ably upon tho plan. Ri'.x. PITHY POINTS. Unppenlngn Thronghant the Country Chronicled for Hasty l'erusal. Swalm's blank cartridges make the most noiso. Tbo printers and bookbinders tn the gov ernment printing office at. Washington now get $1 a day. Judee Hilsov. at Wllkesbarre. doclarcs tho law requiring undertakers to register to bo unconstitutional. 25 cents buys a fast color bunting flag, sizo 24x30, at Swalm's. Tho nconle of Ashland and Ccntralla are assured that tho electric railway botween thoso towns will surely bo built. Tho Courier on Thursday had tbe an nouncements of thirteen weddings in Tama qua and vicinity. Cupid must have devoted much tlmo to that section. A dlvldond of 2 por cont has been declared by tho directors of the First National Bank, of Hazleton, payablo on July 10. This Is tho first dividend in several years. It Is said that Euecne Blaksleo. the veteran passeugor conductor locatod at Ashland, will tuko the nlaco of Frank Wontz. who was re cently deposed on ono of the Hnzlctou runs. At a meetlnir of tho Bloomsburg Town Council nn ordinanco was adopted giving permission to the Montour and Columbia Telegraph Company to erect lines in that city. Don of the races at Shilllneton. near Read ing, yesterday, was won by a Sohuylklll county horso. It was tbo free-for-all, purse flOO, and Marl, owned by u. it. coinerau, 01 Mahanoy City, was tho winner. No need to fear sudden attacks of cholera Infantum dysentery, diarrhooa, or summer complaint, If you havo Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry Itf the medicine chest. Deeds llecorttetl. From William II. Miller, by administrator, to Frederick Moritz, premises in Now Ring gold. From Margaret Hobati to Thomas R. Rich ards, premises in Minorsvillo. From William J. Oliver et al to Philip Kolb ot al, premises in Tamaqua. From Albert 8. Yost ot al to Sarah Yost, premises iu Orwigsburg. When dizzy or drowsy take Beeciiam's Pills. I'F.nKINH.-On tho 29th lilt., at Shenandoah l'a., Harold, Bon ot Mntthcw and Jennie Perkins, aired 10 months. Funeral at 2:30 n. in, on Sunday, 2nd Inst., at tho residence of the parents, on West Lino street. Relatives nnd friends respectfully Invited to attend. It ........... Cuvc Wind and Pain tile Stomach Torpid Liver Sallow Skin Indigestion, etc. 10 cents and 25 cents Druggists. MISCELLANEOUS. I" 09T. On West Centre street, or Raspberry J alley, a gold watch nnd chain. Watch has fancy case, ono small diamond and Initials W."5 Iteword will he paid for return to the iiEBALD oiuee, Jf TTIO It SALE A new bicycle, the latest make 1 Cheap for cosh. Apply at the Ueualu oince 1 IjOR SALE. The ITaussman property, located at 133 East Coal street Reason for sellinir. we desire to close the estate. Por particulars Inquire of 1'hlllp jUlermann, North White street. o-j-ii NOTICE. Desirable properties for sale. Ap ply to S. Q. M. Ilollopeter, attorney, Bhenandoah. 8-31 -tf SURE OF THE BEEF. WHEN YOU BUY BEEF FROM US, YOU MAY BE SURE OF ITS QUALITY. We give especial attention to tho proper enro of tho meat we sell. We buy the best stnclc, prepare It in tho best way, and servo It with particular regard for cleanliness and attractiveness. The meat you buy here Is sure to be satisfactory. BELLI 19 1 OAK STREET. FOR YOUR ICE COLD SODA WATER 3 and 5 Cents Per Glass, Go to A. GOLDMAN'S, Cor. Main & Centre Sts, rniLn.-CHEnr-OT o DEALER IN o Fruit, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Wholesale and Retail. 29 Wast Osntrs fltrsst. aoiiD DUST.' AFTERNOON"! OFF Tied down to housework, to the scrubbing brush ana bucket, to the dish pan and housccloth, is tho cpndltion of the woman who still uses soap In her cleaning. On the other hand I'm l.nm.H ! n ,,Bn. flnlrl T 1 M C t has her work all done by noon, Wl G tiffin Pft Wfi (P V does as she pleases In the after- TY a5IIIiiy I UYYUCI noon. With Gold Dust sho does her cleaning with half tho effort, In half the time and at half the cost as with soap or any other cleanser. For greatest economy buy our large package. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY FACTORY SHOE STORE, 5 South Main Street. Window Guards, Stable! Guards, Cellar Guards Iron Railings, &c. REPAIR WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. FACTORY :-22l-240 N. Emerlck Sf. RESIDENCE : 221 N. West St.' Special Bargains For Saturday ! Clothespins 1 cent a dozen. Wash blue. 1 cent n box. Carpet tacks. 1 cent a box. Ono puper of needles, 1 cent. Tumblers, 1 cents. Goblets worth 5 cents, now 3 cents. Stove polish, 3 cents a box. anoe polish, a cents a box. All slzo pie plates, 8 cents. Scrub brushes, 3 cents. FIro shovels, 3 cents up. Potato mashers, 3 cents up. Washing powder worth 5 cents, now 3 cents. Window screens, 10 cents. Ten-quart dish pan, 10 cents. Ten-quart bucket, 10 cents. Largo mirrors, 10 cents. Our stock ts getting bigger and our prices lower. We aro getting In n big stock which will be sold at tho lowest figure. Itcmember these bargains will only last until Saturday, BALTIMORE CHEAP STORE, Czyzcwakl Building. A WATER FAMINE repaired before the famine sets in. It will only cost a trifle at the moderate prices we charge. Other plumbing consistent with good work. If you intend to put a steam heat plant into your house during the summer months we would be glad to give you an estimate on it. If you need a bath tub consult us. P. W. BELL, notice:. TIiq undersigned coinmlttcn of the Shenan doah, Tn., School District will meet In tlio llhrary. West street Bchool building, on Wednes day evening, July 5th, 1899, nt 6:30 o'clock, for the purpose of receiving bids for school sup- filies for the ensuing year. After tho above lour no bids will be received. All bids must be sealed and may bo forwarded to the secretary of School Board or members of this committee. The Hoard reserves the right to reject any or all bids. K. O. Malick, J. II. Mahtin, Thomas Dovs, Jc, M. H. Kkkiuoan, Fbank IIanha, W-lt Committee. Ice Cream, All flavors. Man u f a c - tured daily, of town. Delivered to all parts Sealed PINK BAND Package. NewYork. FAMOUS Bon-Bons and Chocolates, Made Only rty " TENNEY COMPANY, roii SALK 111 FRED. KEITHAN, Baker and Confectioner, 10A rj. Main St. THE BOSTON BAKERY ! Just look, the best home-made bread and best Vicuna bread at 4 cents a loaf. Cakes and pastry at lowest irices. We also bake the celebrated iye and Graham bread. B. Morgenstein, 237 W. Centre St. JJ "aOLD DUBT.' jiff Chicago St. Louis New York Ooston SHOES FOR COMFORT. During the hot weather you will want to keep as cool as possible. We have comfortable low shoes at low prices. Our stock is the larg est to select from in this region for Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes. Abo Uovlno, Prop. Manufacturer of . Wire Screens, Iron Fences, Fire Escapes G ranlte basin", 10 cents. vinegar cruiis. iu cents. Table oil cloth, 12 cents a yard. All kind remnant Moor oil cloth. K i press wagons, 20 cents up. Iron express wagons, 99 cents up. Doll carriages, 21 cents up. liaby chairs, 23 cents up, Ilaby rockers, 27 cents up. Fancy umbrellas, from 'SI cents up. 4 piece tea sets worth 85 cents, now 25 cents. Chamber setts, from 81.99 up. Table spoons, 49 cents a dozen. Tea spoons, 23 cents n dozen. Thirteen pieces of soap, 23 cents. Three pieces of butter milk soap, 5 cents. Ingrain carpet, from 25 cents per yard up. 30 East Centre St.- Is often the cause of Jeaky hydrants and pipes. Have them Cor - White and Lloyd Sts. Patriotic and Smiling. This Is the celebration season, nnd Uncle Sam smiles at his own prosperity. Success Is the reason for the smile, and while Uncle 8am smiles we smile also. Our success comes from giving people full value for their money. Our prices glvethe smiling Impression to the faces of our friends. Merchant Tailoring and Gents' Furnishings. Portz Bros., North Main Street. 24 A box of our srccmL rnniLT mew is an exhilarating stimulant during the hot summer months. Delivered at your homo. Columbia Brewing Company. Vacation Time is Here If you have a fetv leisure moments hove your head shampooed and your hair preserved. Ladles will be given special attention at their homes every day, ox eluding Wednesday and Baturoay. W. G. DUSTO, Ferguson House Block. New Store ! New Stock I Borron rock prices i Boots and shoca and fopfwear of allknds Itcualrlng neatly, promptly and cheaply dona. CATTEL'S, 206 soutb Main St..