' B IF YOU HAVE PAIN 1H !0OH BA(X TTTZZ. I i . . . i n run mm I iff) i Fine cmlATinM aMMaHHM TheHerald i:-raiif,iMiii:i) iR7o. "All the m That's Fit to Print," l'o 11 iclf'-r 'vciilnfr, except Sunday, at 8 X iU- Junli. tract, Shenandoah, l'o. I.ONU lllsTANCE TKLKIMIONH. Tlio Herald 1b delivered In Shenandoah nnil tlio nnrrouniliiiK towns for l x cent n wrck, pay able to the cnrrlcra. Ity mnll J3.00 a year, or 2A cent n month pnynblo In advance. Ad vertlaementa charircd according to spacoand position, The publishers reserve the right to change the position rl advertisement whenever the publication of news demands It. The tight Is reserved to reject any advertisement, whether paid for or not, thnt the publishers mov deem Impropor. Adver tising rates made known upon application. Entered at tlio post ofllce at Shenandoah, l'n., as second class mall matter. SATURDAY. JULY 1. 18P0. OUR COUNTRY : First, Last and Forever. LitT the Fourth of July be an old fashion celebration. Everybody join the procession. An American Arm has obtained the contract to build an armory and barracks near Caracas, Venezuela, American skill is in wido demand in those times. Democrats are not telling Repub licans who would mako a better Re publican candidate for 1000 than McKinley. The unusual omission indicates a tired feeling. It is fjenerally understood that the judicial office is anything but political in character. Then why should Colonel Bryan, a native of Nebraska, dictate the judicial nomination in this county ? What, pray you, has the silver question to do with it ? A friend has the wrong Idea about restoring harmony in the ranks of the Schuylkill Democracy. He sug gests sending the half dozen pseudo Democrats, who were born with a silver spoon in thoir mouths, to the Philippines. The suggestion is not feasible. Uncle Sam has no use for traitors at Manila. A. J. WARNER declares that the "silver issue is not dead." Altgeld, Stone, Jones and most of the other Democratic chieftains say the same. This is what Republicans like. Of course, they will sweep the country in 1000, no matter what the Democratic platform may be, but the Republi can victory will be particularly deci sive if the Democrats can be induced to repeat their silver folly of 1890. Tub fact that more men are wanted for the army in the Philippines than Were thought to be necessary a few months ago does not mean that the campaign thus far has been a failure. It means that the President is deter mined that not only shall the resis tance by future Agulnuldos be averted, but that all guerrilla dis turbances shall be prevented. It will be very easy to suppress tlu present Aguinaldo. The determina tion of the government is to render all Agulnaldos of five, ten or fifty years hence impossible. TnK twenty-sixth annual report of the Insurance Department shows the condition on December SI last of the fire and marine insurance companies doing businesa in Pennsylvania. The report is full of interesting statistics to persons interested in the insurance business. The legislature not being in session, Commissioner Durham makes no recommendations. The following summary exhibits in a con densed form the entire business of stock companies of this state during the year 1898 : Income from Are pre miums, $14,088,102.20; income from mrine and inland premiums, $1,G25,- 384.55; total premium.income, $ 10,213,-480.81. Immigration Commissioner Pow dkiily, in bis recent address in Pitts burg before the labor organizations, presented some unusually strong rea sons why the workingmdn' of the United States should be expansion ists. Mr. Powderly believes, as he always has, that the best way to assist labor in the United States is to create a demand for the products of labor, and that the way to create de mand is to extend markets for those products. That is a simple and easily understood argument, but it is as sound as it is simple. The late James O. Blaine in his fumous "American policy" presented very much the came Ideas advanced by Mr. Pow derly. Bluinp wanted to open up the markets of the South and Central American States to our produots. Mr. Powderly believes that territorial .expansion will redound greatly td the benefit of our industries. "A Little Spark May Make Much Work." The tittle "sparks" of bad blood larking in the system should be xjuenched with Hood's Sa.rsa.p3.nlli, America.' s great blood purifier. It purifies, vitalizes and enriches the blood of both sexes and all ages. Cures scrofula, salt rheum, dyspepsia, catarrh. r Lotus plvo you a picco of ndvlco: Pain in tlio back is nn almost infalllblo sign of Kidney dlscaso ; a surer sign is thq condition of your urine, if you hnvo a Silin in tlio buck then look to tho con-J ition of vour urino. It 1b easily doneJ Toko a rIuss tumbler and All it with urino, nacr It 1ms stood "1 hours ; if it has a sediment, If it is milky or cloudy? if it is polo or discolored, stringy orj ropy, your Kidneys and Bladder aro In a dangerous condition and need iinmo diato attention, or tho consequences mny prove fatal. Dr. David Kunnedy's Favorito Rem ody is tho ono modlclno that really cures all diseases of the Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Wood, Rheumatism, Dys pepsia and Chronic Constipation and corrects tho had oliccts of t liiskey and beer on tlio system. It is wonderful how It makes that pain in tho back dis appear, how it rolioves tho desiro to urfnato often, especially at night, and drives away thnt scalding pain in pass, ing wntor and in a romarknbly short timo mnkes you well nnd strong. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorito itomedy is Bold at all drug htoros for $1.00 a bottle, or six bottles for $5.00. . If you would liko to try this wonderful modiciho you can do so absolutely froo. Pend yourfull nnmo and ndilressto tho DR. DAVID KENNEDY CORPORA TION, Rondout, N. Y., when o frco trial bottlo, together with a pamphlet of vol uabl o mod irnl ad vice, wil 1 bo sent you by iniiil postpaid, providing you mention this papnr when you writo. Tho publiahers of this paper gnnrnntoo the couuinoness of this liberal offer. Sunday Specials. Services In tho Trinity Reformed church o-morrow at 10:00 a. m,, and 0:30 p. m. Sunday school at 1:30 p. ni. Rov. Z. S. Yearick, pastor. Regular services will bo hold in tho United Evangelical church, North Jardln street, to morrow at 10 a. m. aud 0.30 p. in. Sunday school at 1.30 p. ru. Rov. J. R. Hcnsyl, pastor. K. L. O. E. on Monday evening. Prayer, pralso and testimony meetings every Tues day, Wednesday nnd Thursday evenings. Rlble study every Friday evening. Jr. K. L. C. E. overy Saturday ovoning at 7 o'clock. Primitlvo Slcthodist church, James Moorti, pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a. in. and 0:30 p. m. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Class meet ing ou Wednesday evening. Gcnoral prayor meeting ou Thursday evening. Everybody welcome Services in All Saints' Protestant Episcopal church, on West Oak street, to-morrow as follows: Holy Communion, 8:00 a. ni. Morning prayor, 10:30. Sunday school, 2:00 p. m. Evening prayor, 6:30. Q. W. Van Foason, pastor. First Baptist church, corner of West nnd Oak streets, Rov. D. I. Evans pastor. Services at 10 a. m. aud 0 p. m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Prayer meeting Monday evculugs. Young I'eoplo's meeting Wednesday ovoniugs. Class meeting Thursday evenings. Services in tho Presbyterian church to morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. Sabbath school at S p. m. Jr. C. E. and Sr. C. E. Tuesday eveniug at 6:30 and 7:30 o'clock. Prayer and song service on Thursday even ing at 7:30. Strangers always wolcomo. II. W. Koehler, pastor. Methodist Episcopal church, corner Oak and Whito streets. Rev. J. T. Swindells pastor. General class meeting at 0:30 a. m., led by tho pastor. Sermon at 10:30 a. m. Sunday school at 2 p. to.. Dr. J. S. Calien, Superintendent. Sermon at 0:30 p. m. Scats free. Everybody welcome Calvary Raptist church, South Jardln street. Preaching to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. Rov. R. R. Albins, pastor. Sabbath school at 2 p. m., Deacon John Bonn, Superintendent. B. Y. 1. U. Tuesday evening, at 7:30. Wednesday evening, general prayer meeting at 7:30. Everybody welcome. St. John's Luthoran church. West Cherry street. Rev. John Gruhlcr, pastor. Preach ing, 10 a. in. ; Sunday school, 1:30 p. m. ; preaching 0:30 p. m. St. Michael's Greek Catholic church, West Ccntro street. Rev. Cornelius Laurisin, pas tor. Matatiuum service. 0 n. m. High mass 10 a. m. Church of tlio Holy Family, (German R. C.) North Chestnut street. Rev. A. T. Schut tiehofer, pastor. First mass 8 a. m., second mass 10 a. in. St. Casimlr's Polish R. O. church, North Jardin street. Rev. J. A. Lenarklowicz, pastor. First mass 8 a. in., high mass 10 a. in., vespers and benediction i p. in. Church of tho Annunciation, 218 West Cherry street. Rev. H. F. O'Reilly, pastor; Rov James Kano, assistant pastor. First mass, 7 a. ni., second mass, 8 a. m., high mass, 10 a. m, benediction, 7 p. m. St. Stanislaus church. Morning services on Sunday at 8 and 10. Vespers at 7 o'clock. Sunday school at 2 p. in. Rector Weneslaus V. Matulaitis. Koheleth Israel Congregation, comer of Oak and West streets, Rev. Henry llit nik, pastor. Saturday services, 8 to 10 a. ra aud 3 to 5 p. m. Sunday services 8 to 10 a. m. and overy weekday morning from 7 to 8 a. in. Give the Children a Drink called Grain-O. It is a delicious, appetizing nourishing food drink to take the place of Coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked by all who have used it because when properly pre pared it tastes like the finest coffee but is free from all its injurious properties. Graln-0 aids digestion and strengthens the nerves. It is not a stimulant but a health builder, and chil dren, as well as adults, can drink it with great benefit. Costs about M much as coffec 15 and 25c. STRIKERS FIRE ON A TRAIN. One Noitro Woman Killed and Four Otnor I'orsonB VVoundod. Marlon, Hist., July 1. Yesterday, as the train on the Illinois Central, car rying a coach load of negroes from Pann to Brush mines, one mile north of Cartervllle, stopped at the Fredonla mine, three miles northwest of Carter vllle, a large number of striking union miners opened fire on tho negroes, killing ono woman and wounding about 20 other persons. Before the bloody work could bo carried further the train pulled out of Johnston City. When it reached a point one mile north of Brush mine the nogroes were unloaded and marced across tho coun try to their destination. It is Is said that a majority of the rioters were ne groes, whom Brush brought here from the south about a year ago, and have since Joined the union. There is great excitement in the neighborhood of the Brush mine, and a battle between the working negroes, who aro well armed, and the strikers, who are on tho ground ready for a fight, moy bo precipitated at any mo ment. Superintendent Brush wired for Sheriff Gray immediately after the riot, asking for protection. The sheriff has gone to the scene, but be took no deputies with him. He has no guns to arm them. A majority of Brush's miners have been on strike for a month, though many of his Imported negroes have re mained loyal to him. The trouble 1b the same old one, a question of wages. Gonornl Otis Kills n'Ifumor. Kansas City, July 1. Tho Journal prints a telegram from Brigadier Gen eral Harrison Gray Otis, of Los An geles, In which tho Callfornlan states positively that there Is no truth in the report that he is on his way to Wash ington to succeed Secretary Alger. General Otis ays: "I have never been an aspirant for that high honor, nor have I any Information that ray ap pointment to the secretaryship Is be ing oven considered by the president." I.cndorn Assert Thnt It Will lllval tlio Contest of IHIia. Pittsburg, July . A strlko was In augurated at tho HomoBtoad stool works yesterday which may rival the famous battlo betweon capital and la bor which was fought on that famous IPOt SOVOn years nirn. Tim (llnplinrirn nt 16 men nttho plant during tho past inreo wooks is at tno bottom of tlio troubio. Theso mon woro dismissed bOCailBO Of tlinlr nfllllntlnn nrltli llw. nowly formed lodgo of tho Amalga mated Association. Tho strlko, of whatovor proportions It may be. was nrnelnltntrwl when 11 commlttoo of nlno men, who sought the rolnHtntomont of tho discharged mon, woro also discharged for tho samo reason. Sunorlntnndnnt. flnrnv Infnrm. od the mon that no organized mon wouiu no retained, though It became necessary to closo down the ontlro plant. At n socrot mooting of tho men hold on Thursday It was decided to stand by tho organization, and In tho ovont of the discharge of any of thoir mem bers all would strlko. When the nine men wero discharged thoy woro not permitted to return to the mill, nnd the walkout was not Im mediately carried out, but ovontually ono of tho men gained access to the workmen, with tho result that 2,000 men havo quit and all departments aro moro or less crippled. "And by noon today,", said tho presi dent of tho Amalgamated Association, "tho big works will bo closed as tight as In 1892. Tho sklllod mon are all organized," ho continued, "nnd tho laborers nro entirely In sympathy with the movement." Strikers ModoRt n'omnnrln. Thlladolphla, July 1. The Knoe Pantsmakors' union struck today for an lncroaso In wages and uniform hours of work. At tho present rate of pay tho avorago earnings are from ?6 to $9 a wcok. Only by working 14 hours are tho best workmen able to earn a dally wago of $1.50. Twonty firms, employing 200 hands, are af fected by the strike. How Is Your Wife 7 nassho lost her beauty? If so, Constipa tion, Indigestion, Sick Headacho are tho principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea has cured theso Ills for half a century. Prico 25 cts. aud 50 cts. Monoy refunded If results aro not satisfactory. Sold by -P. D. Kirlln on a gnarantco. ITALY'S PUGILISTIC LAWAUKERS. Free Flalits in tlio Chamber Close Thnt llodj- Until November. Homo, July 1. Ir tho chamber ol deputies yostorday tho Socialists and extreme leftists recommenced their ob qtructlvo tactics and created an Im mense uproar. The president of tho house combattod tho efforts of the ob structionists, and finally tho deputies left their scats, crowded on the floor and there was such an uproar that the sitting was suspended. When It was resumed similar tactics woro carried on by extreme leftists, who crowded the floor. Tho tumult was deafening, and eventually a froo light ensued. The chamber was transformed into a veritable battlefield. The tumult was terrific. Moro than 20 deputies woro injured in tho struggle, including Baron Sonnlno, who was seriously hurt. Baron Sonnlno Is the leader of the majority and the probable future-1 premlor. At a later session of the chamber, de spite' the entreaties of the president, who begged the deputies to be calm and to proceed to a voto, tho uproar was redoubled, members flocking to the floor in front of the president's chair and finally upsetting the ballot boxos. Tho president thereupon adjourned tho house, and it Is stated that it will now bo closed until November. Brooklyn's Throatonod Strike. Brooklyn, July 1. A strike of Brook lyn rapid transit employes Is Immi nent. A secret mcoting of dolegates was held last night, and William H. W. Wobster, commissioner of tho state board of arbitration, was given full authority to act for the trolley mon. Tho only thing which the trolley men aro determined to hold out for is the strict observance by the company of the ten hour law. A meeting will be held tomorrow night, at which Mr. Webster will present his report, and future action will be dotormlned on the result of his conferences today. Troops Eu ltouto to Manila. Washington, July 1. A statement prepared In tho ofllco of tho adjutant general of tho army shows that with the departure of the Pennsylvania from San Franelsod about 3,600 rein forcements wero dispatched to tho Philippines this week. These troops are recruits Intended to fill gaps in the regiments In the Philippines caused by deaths, disabilities and discharges. There are 4,000 moro ready to start for Manila as soon as transportation can be provided. Btonmor Cnpslzod, an Infant Lost. Plymouth, N. C, July 1. Tho steam er Mayflower, plying between Plymouth and Windsor, capslzod and sunk be tween Roanoke and Cashir rivers last evening. The crow and all passengers wero Baved except an Infant, who went down with the steamer. It is sup posed that tke boat was overloaded. Does Tots Strike Ton 71 Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath come from chronic constipation. Karl's Clover Root Tea Is an absolute cure and has been sold for fifty years on an absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and CO cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlln on a guarantee. Florida snort Line. Tho New York and Florida Express, via Soutborn Railway, leaving Broad street station, Philadelphia, daily at 5:31 p, m. carries through Pullman sleeping ca-a to Augusta aud Savannah, Qa., Jacksonville and Tampa, Fla., via Charlotte aud Columbia. This Is tho short line and most attractive route to points in Georgia and Florida, All information cheerfully furnished by Charles L. Hopkins, District Passengor Aoont, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Would'-bo Lynchnrs Arrested, Dotroit, July 1. Eleven well known citizens of Northvllle wore nrrosted yesterday charged with attempting to lynch Thomas Evans, who was charged with Impropor conduct with his step children. After being actually banged by tho neck Evans was cut down, and finally eluded tho lynchers. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the sriff Signature of CfuiA OOOD TIIINOS TO EAT. What they are depends mostly on the condition of the eater. Most anything Is good to cat if a man Is propetly, healthily hungry. Itvety man is properly hungry at more or less annuel Intervals If he Is healthy. Corned beef nnd cabbage taste better to aliealthy, hun gry man than terrapin and pate de ni f'ras to the nded appetite of a dyspeptic. The enjoy ment of eating depends on the condition of the stom .ncli, liver, bowels, and kidneys. I f these do not do their work properly there accumulates in them un digested, fermenting, putrid, blood poison ing matter. The appetite cannot be healthy till this Is removed. A machine will not run if it is all clogged up with dirt. The stomach cannot appropriate- food unless it is clean, and so healthy hunger cannot come. The stomach cannot be clean if the liver and bowels do not dispose of the food passed along to them. If poisonous, effete matter Is allowed to accumulate nnd con gest the liver and bowels more or less of it gets into the blood, and is carried nil over the body. Is It any wonder that it makes you sick? Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Is designed to correct all disorders of the digestive and blood-making system and to drive all impurities out of the blood itsejf. It restores lost appetite and vitality, builds healthy flesh and muscle, changes sickness to health, misery to happiness. John A. Calloway, ltq.. of No. 218 26U1 Street, Columbu?, Oa., writes : " I had catarrh for four years aud also liver nnd kidney trouble. In 1894 1 was working nt night and X broke out in lump? nil over and when these left, the kln peeled oiT My eyes were sunken and I had pimples nnd lirown spot on my face. Now these are nil gone, and I believe 1 nm entirely well. I have a Rood appetite, but before I commenced taking your ' Golden Medical Discovery ' I had no nppetlte nt alt. Now I am like n child ready to eat at nny time of the day or night." GOVERNOR PINOREE'S LOCKOUT. Workmen Chnriro aVlolntlon ofABroo inont by tho Firm. Detroit, Ju7 1. Tho Plngreo ci Smith shoo feciory lockout Is In full force. Prank C. Plngreo, brother of Governor Plngreo, who Is manager of the business, said: Wo havo stood a great deal from tho unions on ac count of Governor PIngroo's position In politics. No, thero will bo no de crease In wages If tho mon return, it is simply a question of who Is going to run this business." Striking employes said that Plngreo & Smith had not kept an agreement aB to an Increase of certain wages, reach ed by arbitration as a result of a strlko four years ago. Tho mon want set tlement for alleged arrears in wages and a new scalo adopted. "As to the firm treating us bottor because Pingree was running for of llco, it is not truo," said ono. "Tho fact Is that we have been moro con siderate of the firm because Its head was In politics, and havo hold off time and again on that account." KIDNEY 8 0 decl'tlvo dlsease TROUBLE don' kn,T j? you v " want miick results von can mako no mistako by using Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, tlio great kidney remedy. At druggists 111 lltty cent and dollar sizes. Simple bottle by mail free, also pamphlet telling you how to and out If you havo kiduoy. trouble. Address, Dr. Kilmor & Co., Binghsi niton, N, Y. GENERAL MILES ON LABOR, A Nation's Dnty to Protoot nnd Pro moto tho Tollers' Interests. Pittsburg, July 1. Major Gonoral Nelson A. Miles, who is in tho city as tho guest of "all organized labor," had a busy time yestorday sight seeing, holding receptions and addressing meetings. In the course of General Miles' address at tho Opera House last night he said: "Labor has boon gradually ascend ing to a higher plane, to tho oloar sun light of reason and progrosslvo thought. It is being moro Intelligently directed and better utilized, more ro spected and more highly appreciated." There was a time when thero was a far wider gulf between him who tolled and him who did not than there is to day. "It Is possible that somotlraes our advantages and institutions may not bo fully appreciated. "If thero Is any body of people in the United States that constitute tho strongest patriots it is that body of men who toll and sock honost occupa tion for the bonefit of themsolvos and their families. They cherish tho In stitutions of their country, and I havo witnessed the grandest manifestation of their patriotism. No national duty Is of more vital importanco than that to protect and promote tho tollers of this great nation in all that can con tribute to their welfare and pros perity." NU0UETS OP NEWS. Miss Mabel F. Green toll down an eleyator shaft In New York and was klllod. American negroes will be encouraged to take up homesteads In Hawaii and the Philippines. A census of live stock in tho United States is favored by Secretary of Ag riculture Wilson. The amount of subscriptions to the Dowey home fund received yesterday was $278, making a total to date of $11,867. A resolution has been introduced in the Boston council apologizing for tho treatment of Admiral Sampson by Mayor Qulncy. Mrs. William Kelly, of Lowell, Mass., was shot and killed on tho street In that city by her husband, from whom sbo was separated. Marshal Shoup, of Alaska, will at tempt to capture the Indians who are suspected of murdering the officers and crew of the steamer Josie. In tho fourth round of a boxing match at Parkorsburg, W. Vo,, Felix Carr, of Huntington, W. Va., was knocked out by Kid Wanko, of Wash ington, Pa and died from his lnjurlos. A Soranton Parrloldo. Scranton, Pa,, July 1. George Crouse was yesterday arrested at Dunmore charged with killing bis fathor, who died yesterday from rupturo due to kicks inflicted upon blm by his son on Tuesday night. Mr. Pnxson's Now Position. Philadelphia, July 1. L. D. Paxson, superintendent of motive powor and rolling equipment of the Philadelphia and Heading Railway company, has resigned, to accept the position of con sulting mechanical engineer, an office created expressly for him by tho com pany. Ho will bo statlonod at Read ing, The change of positions will go mio eneci Aug, 1. Mr Paigajifcns ueen in the - Tho CnlilnotT'-orotmhly ISntlorson tho i'rci. wint'B Pinna. Washington, July 1. Tho situation in the Philippines was dlscussod at tho cabinet meeting yoatorday, and gonoral satisfaction was expressed In tho ad ministration's plans for tho reinforce ment of General Otis, which contem plate tho rooponlng of active opera tions on a largo scalo when tho rainy season closes, Sept. IB. Secretary Al gor reported that onllstmcnts woro coming up to expectations. Ono of the mombors of tho cablnot said after the meeting: "Tho president has glvon Gonoral Otis to understand that ho 1b to havo all tho men necessary In tho conduct of tho oporntlous ngalnst the Insurgents. Gonornl Otis has boon told this in so many words, tho president having said to him in effect that If ho (Otis) did not havo enough men It was his own fault. Tho president's desire Is that tho sol diers shall bo well cared for and woll fed." A statement published in La Lucha, of Havana, that Gonornl Ilrooko Is to bo sent to the Philippines nnd will bo sneceoded at Havana by Hobort 1'. 1'orter, was called to tho attention of Secretary Alger last night. Ho prompt ly denied tho report, snylng In roply to n written Inquiry that thero "was not a word of truth In It." Collision Senilis Inevitable Mnnlla, July 1. A collision between tho two armies at San Fernando seems lncvltablo soon. Tho insurgents aro actlvo all around tho town and can bo seen working In tho trenches to strengthen their position. Day and night forces aro at work. It Is esti mated that 3.000 men woro scon marching in tho road north of tho town yestorday morning. Tho Ameri cans turnod out and manned tho do fonsos, oxpoctlng an attack. The sol diers sleep In their cJothos and break fast at 4 o'clock In tno morning, so as to bo roady for another daybreak assault. Spain's Oreateat Need. Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelonia, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his head. Un using Jilcctric Hitters, Amer ica's greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. AH America knows that it cures liver and kid ney trouble, purines the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim. vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. kvcry bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents, bold by A. Waslcy, drug gist. THE PRODtlCE MARKETS As Itcflootcd hv Declines In PhllndoV nhla nnd Ilnltlmnro. Philadelphia, June 30. Flour slow; win ter supcrflno, 2y2.23; Pennsylvania roller, clear, $33.85; city mills, oxtra, J2.2502.6O. wheat Btendy; No. 2 red, spot. In eie vator, 75Vi75Vto. Corn steady; No. 1 mixed, spot, in elevator, 3S?4ft3Dc. ; No. 2 yellow, tor local trado, 4OV4041C Oats Btendy; No. 2 white, 32c; No. 2 white. clipped, 3232He. Hay quiet; choloe tim othy, JIG. 50 for largo bales. Beef steady; beef hams, $2421.50. Pork firm; family, $11.50012. Dutter firm; western creamery, lSVfcSlSHo.; do, factory, 1214o.; Imitation oreamory, 13lGo.; Now York dairy, 130 17o.; do. croamery, lSviOlSwo.; fanoy Pennsylvania prints Jobbing nt Sl24o.; do. wholesale, 20c Chocso steady; largo. whito and colored, 8ic; small do., 8ytc, Eggs firm; New York and Pennsylvania, 15l8V4c; western, fresh, 14H15c; south ern. 90110. Potatoes steady; southern, firsts, $203.23) do. seconds, -750.011.50. Cab bage steady; all kinds, JIG-t per barrel crata Baltimore Juno 80. Flour qulot and un changed. Wheat weak; spot and month, 74?471Tsc; July, 74Ts075c: August, 700 76V4o.: Sentembor. 77Vi077V4o.; Btoamor no, 8 red, 70V470c; iouthm, by sample, 7175HcJ do. on grade, 71H75Hc Com dulU and easy; spot and month. 3333SHc; July, 3S033Vic; August, 38H033 c; Sop tomber, SSH03Sc; steamer mixed, SCliO BGo.: southern, whito, lWlic: ao, yellow. 42043o. Oats qulotl No. I white, 82032Ho.; No. 2 mixed, 80031c Ryo Arm; No. 2 nearby, E7c; No. a western. CUio. Hay dull; No. 1 timothy. 517. lave Stoolt Mnrkot. Now York, Juno 80. Btoors steady to 10a. lowor; bulls Btendy; medium cows 10c lower; steors, $1.9005.55; oxen, $3,250 5; bulls, $3.3504; oows, $2.2504.25. Calves slow and weak: buttermilks, ls.7DSXi.ia; choloo, $4.50. Top grades of shoep and lambs steady and aotlvo; medium sheep. 10015c. lower; medium lambs lowor; sheep, $305.15; lambs, $5.7507.50; two oars choice, J7.53iF7.eo. Hoks firm at $1.8004.45. East Liberty, Pa., Juno 30. Cattlo about steady; extra, J5.43Q5.Q0; prime. $5.3005.40; common, $3.0004.40. Hogs low er; prime mediums, $J.12H04.15; good Torkorn, J1.1O04.12&; fair Yorkers, $1.05 (K4.10: DIES. $4.1004.15; heavy hogs, ?15fl 4.03; good roughs, $3.4003.60; stags and Dlmry bowb. $2.75i3.zj. Hhoep steany! choice wothers, $1,7004.80; common, $2J 3; yearlings, $3.5005.30; spring lambs, $1.51) 06.50; veal calves, $707.25. Chicniro's Tiironfonod'"Gonornl Strlko, Chicago, July 1. Leaders of the stockyards strike are organizing their forces, and If the attempt is successful a gonornl tleup of the packing houses will be brought about. A mass meet ing of the stock yard laborers will bo held tomorrow afternoon. If tho dem onstratlon is woll attended and a large organization is porfected the strikers claim they can olose every packing house In the district, theroby forcing the proprietors to grant the dosldod in crease in pay. The Caret hat Cures Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronohltl8 and incipient " Consumption, la oTJos Tto GERMAN REMEDY CuTwVWcAaTi Vvrn M:neno t&to.u,a Amu$a. 25c50t(s YOUR EYES. J. D. COLDREN, Of Schuylkill Haven, The noted Befractloniat, who hu testimonials from the best people of the county, a to his ability, will best QRUnLER'S DRU0 STORE WEDNESDAY OP EACH WEEK. If your eyes cause you any trouble call and see him. aiowea furnished If needed and no medicine. EXAMINATIONS PREB. Sarah B. Uowcn, of Peru, InV said : " For eighteen years I suffer with weakness peculiar to my sef I could neither sleep nor eat welt and was reduced to a mero skeL ton. My skin was muddy, my eyes heavy, and I was dizzy much of the time. Doctors prescribed for me without avail; medicine ; seemed to do me no good. I was at the brink of despair when' a friend told me what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People had accom plished in a case similar to mine. I bought a box and took them. I bought more and took them until I was well and strong. Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills for Pale People brought me new life and I recom mend them to every suffering woman." From the Republican, Peru, Ind. Dr. "Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Peopl oontaln, in a condensed form, all the ele ments necessary to give new life and rich ness to tiie blood and restoro chattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neural gia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after-effects of the grip, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, and all forms of weakness either in male or female. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pals People are never sold by the doten or hundred, but atwats In psek anet. At sli druoalsts, or dlrecl from the Dr. Wil liams Medicine Company, Schenectady, K. Y to cents psr nox, e ooxes sz.Eo, OHCLK DAM'S DOT BATHS. Tint HOT SWtlNOS OF AUKANBAS VIA.. sotminitN UAJLWAY. Will eradicate from your aystem tho linger Ing effects of grip and othor allmcuts caused by the sovore winter, and malaria, rheuma tism, notiralgla, catarrh, stomach, kidney, ltvor and nervous disorders, paralysis, blood and skin diseases, and chronic and funo Weiml derangements. Tho mountain cllmato of Hut Springs is cool and doltghtfnl in sammer. 100 hotels opon tho year around. For Illustrated literature, containing all Information, address C. F. Cooley, Managor Duisnces Mon's League, Hot Springs, Ark. For reduced excursion tickets and par ticulars of tho trip, address W. A. Turk, Qen'l Pass. Agt., Southern By., Washington, D. O., or O. L. Ilopklns, District Passenger Agout, 828 Chostnut St., Phila., Pa. 0-l-4m A Card. Wo, tbo undersigned, do hereby agroo to refund tho monoy on a 50-cent bottlo of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar If It falls to cure your cough or cold. Wo also guaran too 25-cont bottle to provo satisfactory or money refunded. A. Wosloy, C. II. Hagen kuch, Shonandoah Drug Store, and P, W. Bierstoln & Co. ll-14-33t-dw POLITICAL CARDS. Personally Conducted Tonrlst Excursions to California Without uh&nge of Cars. Leaving Washington ovory Tuesday nnd t rulny at 11:10 a. m tno southern Hallway operates l'ereonallv Conducted Tourist ti' cursions to San Franciao without chango of cars, conductors or porters. Tau route is uiroueu Atlanta, Montgomery, wow Orleans, Houston, San Antonlo.Now Mexico, Arusonia, And Southern California. Tho cars are tho very latest pattern of Pullman Tourist Sleepors, rosowood unlsh, have high back seats, upholstered In rattan, aro sixteen lection, supplied with linen etc., samo as standard sleepers. llEbtod by i'mtscli uui. havo wido vestibules, doublo Eash rolloi curtains, lavatory, and smoking room for gentlemen, and two retiring rooms for ladles. Three and ono-half days to Mexico and Arizona, four days to Los Augelos and southern California, and flvo days to San Francisco. Such service for Trans-Continontal travel has never before been offered. Tho tourist carfare Is leas than via any other route, effecting a saving of f2JS.0O to 30.uo tor the trip. All information, taam and rates fnrnished on application to Charles L. Hopkins. Dis trict rassenger Agent, uoutnern uauway Company, BUS Chestnut street, rntladclpbla, Keduoed Kates to Richmond, Va, fin Hcr.nunfc nf t.hn Tntarnnr.lnn!Ll Intivnii- tfon of the Baptist Toung People's Union of America, to bo held at itichmond, Va., July 13 to IS, the Pennsylvania Bailroad Company has arranged to sell excursion tfeketa from points on Its line, to Richmond, at rata of Blnglo faro for tho round trip (tickets via Baltimoro and steamboat fifty cents moro than single faro). Ticket will be sold July U to 13, and will be good to return nntll July 31, inclusive oxcept that on deposit of ticket with tho Joint Agont at Bichmond boforo July 28, and the paymant of fifty cents, tho return limit may bo extended to lcavo Bichmond not later than August 15, 1800. Stop over at Washington on roturn trip for ton days, not to exceed' final limit of ticket, For spociflo rates and conditions apply to Tickot Agents. Pneumonia Cured. Mrs. A. J. Lawrence, of Beaver, Pa., says: "Brazilian Balm brought Hie out pf a severe attack of pneumonia in splendid shape. It is a wonderful rem edy for coughs and lung troubles. Also, for outward use, for burns, cold-sores, and chapped hands and face, it cures like magic. It is invaluable in the lamtly." Shenandoah drug storo, wholesale agents Coming Kvents. July 3. Ico cream festival, under auspices of tho Star Foot Ball team. In Bobbins' hall July 4. Ico cream festival, under auspices of the Beturned Soldiers of tho Cuban war, in Bobbins' opera liouso. July 4. Picnlo at Fowler's Grove, under the auspices of St. Michael's German Bono' ficial Society. July 4. Grand picnlo at Lakosldo. Froo dancing at tbo pavlllion. Do You Enow Consumption is provcutablo? Sclonco has proven that, and also that neglect Is suicidal. The worst cold or cough can be cured with Shlloh's Cough and Consumption Cure. Sold on positive guarantee for over fifty years. Sold by P. D. Kirlln on a guarantee. INDEPENDENCE BAT AT NIADARA FAILS, Ixiw lUte Excursion via the Teblgh Valley lUllroad. Tickets will bo Issued for train No. 8, and for immediate connecting train from branch line points July 1st and for all. trains (excopt the Black Diamond Express) July 2nd and 3rd. Good for return passage on all trains, except the Black Diamond Express, to July 4th, Inclusive. For fare from Shenan doah for the round trip will be f 8.27. Consult Lehigh Valloy ticket agents for further particulars; nuns NATDiti; Needs assistance It may be best to render It promptly, but ono should remember to nu oven the most perfect remedies only when needed. The best and most elmplo and gentle remedy is the Syrup of Figs, manu- wcwroa by the California Fig Syrup Co. JOK COUNTV OOliMISdIONKIt, FRANK R. KANTNER, Ov'Lotrrv Bubjcct to Rerublfcan mica pOH COUNTV COMMIdSIONBIl, HORACE F. REBER, Ov Pike Gbovd, Pa. Subject to Itcpubllcnn rules, JpOK COUNTY COMMISSIONElt, BENJ. KAUFMAN, Op Trkmont. Subject' to Republican rulca. TjlOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, JOSEPH WYATT, Off BlIEffAITOOAU. Subject to Republican rules. JOR COUNTY REGISTER. F. C. REESE, Or Shehahdoah. Subject to Republican ruloa. pOR RECORDER OP DEEDS, EMANUEL JENKYN, 0 rOTTSVIIXE, Formerly of Jollett). Subject to Republican rules. JjtOR RECORDER, J. H. NICHTER, OV 1'OTTBVU.Lll Subject to Democratlo rules. JpiOK CLERK OP THE COURTS, JOHN T. SH0ENER, Ov Oawiaemnnx Subject to Repnbltcan rules. pOR PROTIIONOTARY, JAMES fll'ELRENNY, Ov Mauaxoy Orr. Subject to Republican rules. pOR DISTRICT ATTORIfEY, CHARLES E. BERGER, CBBOSOVi. Subject to Republican rules. SOLOMON HAAK. Agent for tlia Famous BERGNER & ENGEL Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still. Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale, B:o,wn Stout, Half and Half, Beer I ind Porter. L0RENZ SCHMIDT'S BOCK BEER ON TAP At all ita customers to-day. Solomon Haak's, 116 South Main Street, Will receive prompt attention. LAKESIDE!, The only pleasure resort and nlcnlc rrounl In this region. This season will bo the 1110s successfully conducted sines Its existencJ The boats for the lake ore now undergoitll repairs at Heading, ihe grove will ij cleaned daily by workmen, Ice and woodjl prepare and preserve meals for picnic pail win ue lurmsuea iree. An orcnestra wan established at this resort for tha ectir seal For particulars address O. J. YOST, Prop., Barnesvllie, lti I A Handsome- GomnloxlonJ is one of the greatest charms a woman caf poueaa. Pozzohi'i CouruuioM PowdkI glVMlU v