The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 30, 1899, Image 3

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    piraj) 00 ii.
-Shenandoah Citizens (llndly Speak
Publicly on This Subject.
A pnbllo statemtnt,
Given to the pnbllo for ths public good,
A citizen's experience,
Truthfully told for humanity's sake.
Should find roady appreciation,
Shenandoah people urn pleased to do It ;
Pleased to tell their friends nnd neighbors.
Toll them bout Iho "llttlo conquoror."
The good dcoda of Doan's Kidney Pills.
Aro sproadlnc o'er tho city.
Lifting burdens from aching backs.
Curing tho pains of kidney ills.
Itond the proof in a Skonandonh cltlscn's
Mrs. Sarah Donalmc, of Market nnd Coal
streets, says : "My back nnd kidneys greatly
disturbed my rest at night. I learned about
Doan's Kldnoy Mils, procured them nt Kir
Jln's drug store nnd after taking thorn my
troubles all disappeared. I had pains luthe
top and back of my head nnd a dull aching
across my kidneys, nccompaniod by a dragged
out feeling nil tho time. I was often so lamo
across tho small of my back that I could
hardly get out of a chair when I sat for any
longth of tlmo."
Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by nil dealers.
Price 5 cents. Mailed by Foster-Milbum
Co.,.IlulTalo, N. Y. ' Sole agents for tho U.
9. Remember the namo Dam's and taka no
, ,,-varicir.NTiric .etcNnmOw-.', - .
Bold In Shonamloah nt
Orders by in&U Bont to any nddreaa.
A. rMliMtrtt Encllth Dliuonil II ran 4.
nondBrand in Ued tod Octd taUW
Dutu uBim with mm i-innon. iilr
r.on an i imitation. A i DruggUti, tr tend 4.
In ilimi for pvtlcaUri, tciUmonUU
Mttlrr for I,mAlnlnUttr, by return
LChtAhctC&ualcalOoMad1t4Mi Hqara,
BoU by kU Local DrugfUt. I'll ILAUA, I'A.
Plloa or Homorrtiokte
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
Wounds & Brulsea
Cuts & Sores.
Bolls & Tumora.
Eczoma & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum & Tetters.
E Chapped Handa ,
Fever Blisters. 1 '
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
O Corns & Bunions.
Stlnga ft Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c nnd $1.00.
Bold by druggists, or eon post-paid on receipt of prios
nrarnuis'axo.00L. 111 its wunst.,iwirti.
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for Penn
Ttaven Junction, Mnuelj Chunk, Loblghton,
81atlncton, White Hall, Oatasauqua, Allautown,
Bethlehem, Kaston New York and Philadelphia
at 0 28, 7 80 a. m , 13 62 and 6 17 p. ra.
For Wllkesbarro, White IlaverT and Plttston,
5 , 10 12 a. m.. 12 S3 and 8 17 p. m.
For Laceyvllle, Towanda, Sayre. Wavorly.
Elmlra. Rochester: Iluffalo. Niagara Falls.
Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and the
West, 10 12 a. m., 12 82 and 5 17 p. m.
For Bolvidere, Delaware Water Gap and
oirouasuurg, oiah m., o u p. m.
For Lambert ville and Trenton. 7 CO n. m.
For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Beaver Meadow,
8 23 a. m., 13 62 p. m.
For MeAdoo, Audenrled, Ilazloton, 8tookton
and Lumber Yard, 5 23, 7 60, 10 13 a. m., U 63 and
1 17 p. m.
ForJeddo, Drltton and Freeland, 6 28, 1012
a, an., o 17 p. m.
For Lost Creek, Olrardvtlle, and Ashland, 4 00,
ad 7 28 p. m.
For ltavon Run, Centralla, Mount Onrmel and
Shanokln, 10 49 a, m., 1 42, 8 07, 9 23 p. m.
For Mahanoy City, Park Place and Delano,
o as, 7 ou, lu la a. ni.. ana u , o is n. m
Far Yatuville. 8 2S. 10 12 a. in.
Trains wtll leave Huamokln at 7 00. 0 20 a. m.,
11 60 and 4 30 p. m., and arrive at Bhenandoah
at 7 80, 10 12 a. m., 12 82, 8 17 p. m.
N ew Oaatle, Morea and New Boston, 7(0 and
10 13 a. m , 13 63 and 8 17 p. m.
IaVe Fottsvillo (or Bhenandoah, 9 43 a. m.,
12 85, 608, 8 18 p. m,
Leave Hailcton for Bhenandoah, 8 69 a. m.,
la id, o uu, o w, o oi p. m,
Trains leave for Raven Itun. Centralla. lit.
Oarmel and Shamokln, 9 48 a. m., 7 21 i. in.,
Trains leave Shamokln tor Shonaudoab at
H &o m anil n n. m.
Leave Bhenandoah for Yateevllle, Mahanoy
Oily, Fark Place, Delano, MeAdoo, Audenrled,
Ilatletaa, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatherly
and Mauch Chuntc. 9 47 a m.. and 6 32 rj. m.
For Lehlghton, Blatlngton, Catosnuqua, White
ijan, uopiay, yvueniown, iuuion ana 1'liuilps-
mirt:, v f7 a. m., anu e uj p. m.
For New York and rbfladelnbla. 9 47 a. m.
Leave Ilaaleton for Bhenandoah, 8 CO, a. m.f
ana D7ja m.
a, u. uu Jl Xiux. oupi. 'iTansponaiion,
Bouth Bethlehem, l'a.
ROLUN H. WILBUR, Oenl.Supt.,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
OftAnLES 0. LEU, Genl. Pm. Art.,
New YorkiN. V.
A, V?. MDNNEMAOnEU, Dir. P. A.,
South Bethlehem. Pa.
si PoTtruky's Aro ikr,
Centre sir 4
.A.lftM prompt lBdrUbl. Avott finitatio
AX Inir itor. Mil jiitct (ul4). pries. 9L
GAtOKVrsO. OS. B40B,HIW. OsrBk,M.
rw mm m kinwi arag norsaaa eMastaoaa
H8iaT.' UHt . afjju 40, nnynHMit s8
Dofbatod Hor Oldtimo Rivals in
Throo Aquatio Oontosts.
In tho Oront 'Vnralty Itnoo, 'by Blx
Zioniztlifl lit tho Itnoo llotwoon the
Poura, Whllo tho Freahinon CtohmocI
tho Lino Two nnd a Ilrtlf Lcmrtlin
Alicml ofTholr Ittvnla.
Now London, Oonn., Juno 30. Ilar-
vnrd won nil ot tho boat rncca yostor
day thrco victories ovor Yalo In tho
throo hours and the westorn sky
glowed crimson In tho ovonlng whon
the Harvard 'varsity crow pulled over
ttio nnlsh lino six and a half lengths
ahead gf Yalo. After tho years of do-
loat tho stuaonts of Cambrldso aro
tasting tho sweota ot succosa.
Harvard's unlvorslty olcht won from
Ynlo over a four mllo courso by six
inu a naif lonRths in 20:52. Harvard's
freshmen olght won from Yalo ovor a
two mllo courso by two and a hnlf
longths In 9:33. Harvard's substi
tute four won from Yalo ovor a two
mllo courBO by six lengths In 10:81.
Tho Harvard crows rowed a modi
fication of tho English stroko, couplod
with somo foaturea of tho stroke pull
ed by Wisconsin, and Coach McCon
villo, of Wisconsin, who saw tho raco,
said last night: "If Harvard's crow
In today's form had boon at Pough
kcopsle I am afraid she would havo
given us all a hustle for first place" .
aio lias greatly modified the-Cook
stroko, and tho boat did not go yea
terdny as It did whon tho famous
coach waa there.
Tho racos wero rowed In almost Ideal
water nnd wind.
The courso waa badly pollcod. boats
getting Into tho lanca and stoamera
kicking up swolls after tho race had
startod. Harvard, In tho 'varsity race.
very nearly collided with a numbor f
small boats at tho finish, and a heavy
swell Impeded Yalo.
The 'varsity race waa prettily rowod.
but the defeat was crushing. Yale.
howover, rowed gamely to tho finish,
and neither crow showod slcns of
Tho contost between tho substitutes
constituting the 'varsity fours was,
llko tho "varsity eight race, a proces
sion, with Harvard six full longtha
ahead at tho finish.-
The freshman effort was a mighty
nnd splendid one up to tho last eighth
of n mile, whon Harvard's superior
staying powers, couplod with an unfor
tunato obstruction of the courso of tho
Yalo youngstors by n largo stoamor,
worked for Harvard's advantngo and
sent the 1902 men of Harvard across
the line two lengths ahead of Yalo.
Both of thoso races wero postponed
from the forenoon, and woro rowed
about an hour after they had been
echcdulod for the afternoon.
There was llttlo or no betting.
Tho university oughts woro startod
about 0:30 In the big race of the day.
The water was aa calm as an Inland
lake. Tho crows rowod as usual In
flagged linos, tho blue occupying the
eastern courso, tho crimson tho west
ern. Yalo caught tho water first, but
Harvard was a close second, nnd the
two eights startod out on their long
Journey practically on even terms. Tho
Now Haven crew hit up a stroko at 37
to tho mlnuto, with the men from Cam
bridge pulling beautifully at 30. Har
vard continued rowing at 30 and Yale
had dropped hor clip to the samo fig
ure, and with perfect rythm tho two
crows foil Into strokos at unison. Just
boforo the first half mile was reached
Yalo Boomed to put more power Into
her stroko and gavo tho first Intima
tion of an advantngo. Harvard ap
parently paid no attention to this un
important chango in positions, and
rowod steadily on. Accordingly, at tho
half mllo flag Yalo had a load of por
haps a third of a longth. Tho first
flag, however, had hardly been passed
when Harvard spurted, Yale droppod
her stroke ono point, and the Harvard
boat came up on nearly even terms.
On tho way to tho two mflo flag
Harvard Increased hor lead, and kopt
gradually Increasing to the end of tho
raco. Tho following shows tho load
In boat longths of Harvard at the dlf
foront points: Two mllo, 1; SV4 mllo,
2 2-8; 3 mllo, 3 1-8; 3H mllo, 816; 4
mile, 6;
Harvard crossed tho finish lino In a
whirlwind, rowing beautifully, six and
a half longths to tho good. Yalo fin
ished In fairly good shapo, but hor
men wore somewhat depressed. In
torms of minutes Harvard had won her
grand raco In 20 minutes and 52 sec
onds, while Yale crossed tho line In 21
minutes and 13 soconds.
A NarrowJEscape.
Thankful words written br Mrs. Ada E.
Hart, of Groton, S. D. "Was takon with a
bad cold which settlod on ray lungs ; cough
set In and finally terminated In Consumption.
Four Doctors gave mo up, saying I could live
but a short time. I cavo myself up to my
Savior, determined If I could not stay with
my friends on earth, I would meet my absent
ones above. My husband was advisod to got
ur. Klnfs New utscovery lor uonsumption.
Coughs nnd Colds. I gavo it a trial, took In
all eight bottles. It has cured me. and thank
God 1 am saved and now a well and healthy
woman." Trial bottles free at A. Wasley's
Drug utoro. KcguJar size 60o and fl.W.
Uuarauteeu or price relunuca.
OrnHRhoppor'IMnKno In Alcrlors.
Washington, Juno 30. United Statea
Consul Sklnnor, at Marseilles, reports
to tne state department that clouds
of grasshoppers threaten to destroy tho
"Standing cropB In Algeria nnd that tho
government is already expending largo
sums ot money to suppress them.
llow'f Tills
We otter One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case ot Catarrh that can not be eured by
Uall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHUNKY & CO., Props., Toledo, a
We the underalgnod, have known F. J, Cheney
or the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly
honorable In all business transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
West & Tbaux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
WjkLDisa, KlNNAN & SUhvin, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, Ohio.
all's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon, the blood and mucous surfaces of
tho system. Price 75o. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggists, Testimonials free.
nail's Family Pills are the best
MoDnfllo's Now Cyollnir Itooord.
New Bedford, Mass., June 30. Ed
die McDufllo mado a now world's rec
ord for the mile at Duttonwood cycle
track yesterday afternoon. His tlmo
was 1:31 2-5 for the distance, boating
Major Taylor's previous record by two
flfths of a second. Tho quartor was
done In :21 3-5, tho half In MS and tho
threo-quarters in 1:07 3-5. All three
of these are also new records. Mc
Dufllo was pacod by his motor ma
chine. Bcald head 1 an eczema of tbo scalp very
severe sometimes, bat it can be cured, Doan's
Ointment, quick and permanent In Its results.
At any drug store, SO cents.
If you should sec a
handsome suit of this style
on a man who appears
particularly well-dressed
and comfortable, note it
carefully for it is pretty
sure to be one of our new
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
suits. There are no others
like them for style and
good looks. They are
made of dark blue serges
or worsteds, hard to wear
out and absolutely fast
Authorized Local Agent,
I C3fZriZ-rAirU4 lOand 12
Shenandoah, P&nnsi.
Paid Purchasos of S3 pr mora
will bo sont FREIGHT PREPAID'
to-nny railroad station In MAINE,'
Bend for our Book, "A Bird's Eye View
v8 PaRe5Tbeau"f"ll5L"lusUSted an(1 "T
York and how to go about. Funis roa tub
DR. E. C.
Tho Original. All Others Imitations.
Ib sold under a pobHIvo Written Guarantee, by authorized agents only, to euro Weak
Memory, Dizziness, Wakefulness, Fits, Hysteria, Quickness, Night Losses, Evil Dreams,
Lack of Confidence Nervousness, Lassitude, all DralnB, Yonthtul Errors, or ExccsBlre
Uso ot Tobacco, Opium, or Liquor, which leads to Misery, Consumption, Insanity and
Death. At storo or by mall, $1 a box; six for $5: with written Guarantee to Cure or
Kefund Money. Sample Package, containing Ave days' treatment, with full instruc
tions, 25 cents. One sample only sold to each person. At Btoro or by mall
Red Label Special Extra Strength.
For Impoteney, Loss of Power, Lost Manhood, Sterility or Barrenness. fl a box:
six for ts, with written Guarantee to cure In 30 days, At storo or by mall.
Sold at KlrllrVs Drug Store.
Tho Pennsylvania Batlroad Company an
nounces the following Personally-Conducted
Tours for tho Bummer and early Autumn of
1800 :
To tho North, Including Niagara Falls, To
ronto, Thousand Islands, the St. Lawrence,
Montreal, Quobec, Uoberval (LakoSt. John),
the Sagucnay, Au Sable Chasm, Lakes Cham
plain and George, Saratoga, and a daylight
ride through the Highlands of the Hudson,
July S3 to August 7. Bato, f 125 ; August 13
to 25, visiting samo points as first tour except
Roborval and tbo Sagucnay. Bate, f 100 for
the round trip, from New York, Philadel
phia, Baltimore, and Washington. Propor
tionate rates from other points.
To Niagara Falls, excursion tickets good to
return within ten days will bo gold on July
37, August 10 and 21, Soptember 7 and 31,
October 5 and 10, at rata of f 10 from Phila
delphia, Baltimore, and Washington. Those
tickets Include transportation only, and will
permit of stop over within limit at Buffalo,
Rochester, Canandalgua, and Watkins on tho
return trip.
Fivo-day tour to Gettysburg, Luray, and
Washington September 10, Bato $35 from
New York, (23 from Philadelphia. Propor
tlonato rates from other potuU.
An eleven-day tour to Gettysburg, Luray
Caverns, Natural Brldgo, Virginia Hot
Springs, Richmond, and Washington, October
10. Rate, fqa from New York, (03 from
Philadelphia. Proportionate rates from otbor
For Itineraries and furthor Information
apply to ticket agents, or address Geo. W.
Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Ageut,
millions of Dollars
Qoup In nmokt, every year. Take no
risks but get your bonnes, stock, fur
niture, oto., Insured In first-class re
liable companies as represented by
DAVID FAUST, Insurance Arent
1 130 Houth J.tdluflt
Also LIU asdAeeldtmUl ompsulsi
Copyright l&jo.
Br Hart, Schulntr & Mux
S. Main St.,
shim avc Ss tath us
of New York" and Its Greater Stem-
Interesting. TelS you aU "Sou TnS
askio. ' TOUl I,ew
If, when contemplating a trip to any point
West or Southwest of tho Mississippi River,
you will purchaso tickets via the Missouri
Pacifio By., or Iron Mountain Route (which
aro on salo at all principal ticket offices in
the United States), you will have all the
comforts and luxuries of modern railway
equipment, and the finest opportunities for
viewing all of nature's museums and marvels
of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Texae,
Old and Now Mexico, California, etc Ex
cursion tickets to all principal points at
greatly reduced rates. On account of the
National Education Association meeting at
Los Angeles In July, wo will make special
low round trip rates. When contemplating
a trip West or Southvvest, write us for full
information and rock bottom, figures. W
E. Hoyt, G. E. P. Agent, J. P. McCann, T.
P. Agent, 801 Broadway, New York, 4.22-tf
Hundreds of lives saved every year by
having Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo Oil in tho
houso Just when It Is needed. Cures croup,
heals burns, cuts, wounds of every sort.
Reduced Rates to Los, Oal., via
Pennsylvania Railroad.
For tho National Educational Association
Convention to be held at Los Angeles, Cul.,
July 11 to 14, tho Pennsylvania Eailroad
Company wll) sell excursion tickets via direct
routes from points on Jtffllno, to L.os Angelesk
un ana return, at rate ol stnglo rare Tor the
round trip, plus (3.00 membership fee. These
tickets will be sold, good going June gl to
July 7, and whon stamped by Joint Agent at
Los Angoles, good to return, arriving at final
destination, uutll September 5.
For further Information apply to ticket
A Sensible Man
Would use Kemp's Balsam for the Throa
and Lungs. It Is curing more cases of
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup
and all Throat and Lung troubles, than any
other medicine. The proprietor has author
lied any druggist to give you a sample bottle
free to convince, you of the merit of this great
emedy. lMco 25c and 50c.
J A It H
riio Stoamor Margaret Olwill Foun
dors Off Lorain, 0i
Tlio Lost Inoliido Cnptntu llrntin, llln
Wlfo ttnil Hon nnd n IjiiIjt I'n-HMiniior.
ITour Itrwouod 1- I'limlllir VoshoIh.
Tho Story of 11 Survivor.
Clovoland, Juno 30. In tho hoavy
northeast galo Wednesday night the
Btonmor Margaret Olwill, ladsn with
8 to no, from Kelly's- Island to Cleve
land, foundered In Lake Brie off Lo
rain. Nine persons were drowned.
Four members of tho crew havo been
picked up by parsing stoamera arid
brought Into port. Tho dead nre:
Cnptnln John C. riraun, of Cleveland;
Llzzlo Qraun and Dlnnchard Urnun,
wife nnd 9-year-old son of tho cap
tain; Mrs. Corn A. Hitchcock, n pas
eenger; William Doyle, fireman;
George Heffron, seaman; trunk Hipp,
watchman; two seamen, names and
residences unknown. Tho others nil
resided In Cleveland.
Tho rescued: John Smith, first mnto,
of Cleveland; Alexander Mcllae, chief
onglneor; Luko Schlnski, Bev-ond en
gtneor; Duncnn Coylo, Boamon, all of
Smith, Menao nnd Schlnski wero
rosoued by mnmbers of the crew of the
Btoamer Sacramento and taken Into
Lorain by the tug Cascade. Coyle was
picked up by tho passenger steamer
State of Ohio and landed nt Toledo
yostorday. From tho reports of the
survivors tho Olwlll's cargo of stone
shifted whllo tho vessel was laboring
In tho trough of tho son. Shortly bo
fore sho went down the rudder chains
parted, allowing her to fall off Into
tho trough. As tho helpless craft roso
on top of n hoavy sea tho stono slid
to leeward, and tho steamer listed
heavily and sank to tho bottom. Tho
rescued members of the crow were
found floating on tho surfaco ot Lako
Erlo, clinging to tho bits ot wreck
age. Their rescuo was attended by
exhibitions ot oxtromo heroism, for a
hoavy sea waa still running whon
thoy wero pickod up.
Coylo, tho deck hand who was res
cued by the steamer State of Ohio nnd
takon to Toledo, says that they left
Kolley's Island at 6 o'clock Wednes
day night. Thero was llttlo or no
wind blowing nnd everything was fa
vorable for a pleasant run. At S
o'clock tho wind began to blow from
the northwest and tho llttlo boat, with
a thousand tona capacity, began to go
at a lively clip. At 10 o'clock tho
galo commenced, and tho wind blew at
tho rato of 50 miles an hour. Sud
denly tho galo turned to tho north
cast. Captain Draun found that tho boat
was making llttlo headway, and con
cluded tho only thing to do was to
turn back with tbo storm. According
to tho story of Coylo It was 2 o'clock
when the captain gave tho order to
turn about Tho vessel had turned halt
way round, when tho rudder chain
parted, and in an instant the boat
was at tho morcy of tho storm. She
was caught between two waves, and
as sho was borno along on tho top of
ono of them sho rolled ovor on tho
Bide. Tho cabins were torn open and
floated on the water, while the rest
of the ship went to tho bottom. Coylo
says he saw Schlnski, the second en
gineer, and Heffron, the wheolman,
after tho boat went down, but that
was all. Coylo caught hold of tho
after cabin and climbed upon it. Heff
ron was clinging to a part of tho same
Captain Willoughby, of the steamer
State of Ohio, sighted tho wreckage
about 5:15 in tho morning directly in
the course from Cleveland to Toledo.
Tho big stoamor Immediately put into
service her life saving crow, and after
sailing nround tho wreckage for an
hour and a half Coylo was rescued.
Heffron was thrown a lino, but ho was
too weak to tako hold of It, and went
down In the presence of a large crowd
on board the steamer.
Several attempt were made to get
tho yawl boat in tho wator, but tho
sea wbb still running high and tho
work was extremely perilous. Heft
ron's death was a pathetic ono. .As
he grabbed tho ropo, encouraged by tho
crowd, he made a superhuman effort
to put the rope around his body, but
ho was too weak, and fell exhausted
Into the waves.
Tiaat Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr.
King's New Life Tills. Thousands of suffer
ers have proved their matchless merit for
Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make
pure blood and strong nerves and build up
your health. Easy to take. Try them.
Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured.
Sold by A. Waslcy, druggist.
Mrs. MoKtnley M110I1 Hotter.
Washington, Juno 30. Mrs. McKIn
loy was able to sit up yesterday after
noon. Dr. Rlxey says she is gaining
strength steadily. Ho does not antici
pate any complications, and boliovca
she will bo ablo to go out for her cus
tomary drive in a few days.
How Is Your Wife 7
Has sho lost her beauty? If so, Constipa
tion, Indigestion, Sick Headache- are tho
principal causes. Karl's Clover Boot Tea
has cured these ills for half a century. Price
23 uts. and SO eta. Money refunded if results
are not satisfactory. Bold by P. D. KIrlin
on a guarantee
Tho Topo A an In Sorlously 111.
London, Juno 30. Tho Homo corre
spondent of Tho Dally Mall says: "In
COnSCOUenco Of IiIr nvnrtlnnn ritirlnv IV.Q
recent rollglous ceremonies the popo
is now sunertng great prostration, to
gether with a slight attack of fever.
He was confined to his bed yesterday,
and Borne anxloty Is felt regarding
Does This Strike Yon
Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath
come from chronlo constipation. Karl's
Clover Boot Tea is an absolute cure and has
been sold for fifty years on an absolute
guarantee. Prleo S3 eta. and SO cU. Sold by
P. D. Kirlin on a guarantee.
Proatdout I'lnut'H Probable Snooossor
Savannah, Juno 30. It is confidently
predicted here that R. C. Erwin, vlco
president of tho Plant Investment com
pany, will succeod the lato Henry B.
Plant as president of the Investment
cumiiuny ana aiso tne Southorn Ex-
lireas company ana tne Plant system
ruuwuys nna steamships.
Nocds assistance it may bo best to render it
promptly, but one should remember to use
even the most perfect remedies only when
needed. The best and most simple and
gontle remedy Is the Syrup of Figs, manu
factured by tho California Fig Syrup Co.
flio FothiT or Klnnnppprt Child Do'
allnoft to Intercede
Chicago, June 30. The adjournment
ef Judge Waterman's court iMt night
nt the close ot the evidence In the case
ot nilzabeth Ann Ingersoll and John
O. Collins, charged with kidnapping
Gerald Leploer, was marked by a
pathetic scene. It was the action of
the stater of Mrs. Ingersoll praying
the father ot the boy to have mercy
on the aged wuman and his refusal to
listen to her plea.
Mrs. M. J. Hurchard, of Amboy, Ills.,
sister ot the alleged kidnapper, took
the stand In her sisters defenso to
show that she was not morally or
legally responsible for her deed. Af
ter court had adjourned, and tho room
was well cleared ot spectators, Mrs.
Hurchard forced her way to Mr.
"Have pity cm my sister, Mr. Lap
lner," she cried, bowing down before
him In supplication. "Don't send her
to state's prison. Sho Is old and poor.
Have pity, ns you hope for mercy
Those present looked on In sttence
at the agony of the tone In which thb
plea waa made. Mr. Laplner brushed
peBt her, and with his wife and child
left the room, while a look of despair
settled on the face ot the supplicant.
John Collins, co-defendant with Mrs.
Ingersoll, testified that Mrs. Ingersoll
told him she had found the boy, and,
after vainly seeking his parents, had
brought him with her. That was all
he knew ot tho case.
A number' of witnesses, Including
two medical oxperts, testified their be
lief that Mrs. Hurchard Is Insane
Xoldrorft IInTirh5hTooil.
Wlnnemucca, Nev., Juno 30. Tho
companies of the Twonty-fourth In
fantry passing through here last night
raided a saloon and fatally shot the
When witnesses are examined the Court
insists that they shall tell only what they
know, not what they think or believe. Time
anu again uic
witness is
brought back
to the point
by the stern
voice of the
Judge; "Mad
am we are not
interested in
what you
think, we
want to hear
what you ac
tually know."
There's no
such trouble
with the
worthy wom
en witnesses
to the cures
wroucht bv
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. They
Anounvhat they are talking about. Women
who suffered from painful irregularitiesj
from raflammatlon, ulceration, displaced
organs, bearing-down pains, or any other
form of female disorder, which undermines
the health and shatters the nerves, such
women know when they are well and why
they are well. They do not hesitate to say;
"I know 'Favorite Prescription' cured
me." There are half a million women
whuesses like these :
" I am enjoying rood health, thanks to your
kind advice and valuable remedies," writes Mrs.
Anna Willy, of NorthvUle. Spink Co.. 8. Dale ,
(Michigan House). " I suffered very much with
female weakness and other ailments for more
than two years, when I wrote to you for advice.
After carefully following your advice and taking
six bottles each of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion and ' Golden Medical Discovery ' I am now
a well and happy woman."
" I had been a great sufferer from female weak
ness " writes Mrs. M. B. Wallace, of Muenster,
Cook Co., Texas. " I tried four doctors and none
did me anv good. I suffered six years, but at
last I found relief. I followed your ndvice. and
took four bottles of ' Golden Medical Discovery.'
and eight of the 1 Favorite Prescription.' I now
feel YiXc&nru woman, I have gained eighteen
.Sick women can eotttttlt Dr. Pierce with
out charge, and thus get the benefits of his
long experience in diseases peculiar to
women. Write freely. Write fully. Your
letter will be treated as a sacred confidence,
and its answer will be written with fatherly
friendliness, as well as medical knowledge.
Write without fear aa without fee.
1'rlTste entrance Oreen St., Phtlsdflnhts.
to the rlcn ani poor alike wbo bare been
deceived, robbed and swindled br self
styled famous, wise and old specialists.
Abuses and Excesses, BLOfbo POISON, varico
cele and titrlctare. No cuttlnr. Lost Minhood and
Shrunken Organs restored, lwor, "Irniv free.
eiposlnB quarks and Electric Hell frauds. y.i
ecutt cured In 4 u 10 days. Treatment by mall
Philadelphia &
Readinq R'y.
Engines Burn Hard Coal-No Smoke.
Trains leave Bhenandoah as follows
trio, 833, 7 37, 9 55a. m., 13 28, 3 09 and 6 09 p. m
Sundays, 210 am.
ror new York; via March Chunk, week day.
7 87 a. in., 12 36 and 8 09 p. m.
ttr Unaillnn .1 1 1. 1 1 .1 I 1. 1 .
......... ii,, nt.u . ui,n.,ci,u,a, wceK QAVB.
2 10,5 88,7 87, 9 55 a.m., 12 28, 8 09 and 4 09 p. ni!
Sundays, 2 10 a m.
For Pottsvllle, week days, 2 10, 7 87, 9 55 a. m.
13 28, 3 09, 6 09 and T 30 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 o lu
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week tlavs
210, 787,9 55 a. m., 12 28, 8 09 and 09 p. m.
tfnr V Ilia.... . LI 1 I . .
weok days. 3 27, 1182 a. m.. 13 20, 7 30 p. m
Sundays, 3 27 a m.
For Mahano) Plane, weekdays, 3 10, 8 27. S 38
7 87,955,1133 a.m 12 S8, 809, 809, 780. 958
For Ashland and Sharookin, week dare. 8 27
7 87. MRlim 14 nm urm o .1 . '
Sunday, 3 27 a m.
For. Baltimore. Washington and the West via
B. tcO. It. It. through trains les-i Iteadln?
?Sa'.Iii1' Philadelphia. (P. & R. 1) a) a ),
7 55, 11 28 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 P. i Sundavs
820,70p,H28Am.t8 and fa p. ri Add
tlonal trains from Twenty-fourth and Cheat
nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 13 20
- - " uuuua) a, i OU, o p. til.
ixuve new xorK via Philadelphia, week
day.1215. ,80, 780, U80Vm.,ond 180780.
Leave Now Vork via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 180.9 10a.m.. 180. 4 40 p.m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week
days, 4 80. 8 88, 10 21 a. m. and 188. 4 08, 6
I 1 lift T TY1 .
Leave Reading, week days, 187. TOO. 1008
a, m., 12 15, 4 17. 8 00. 8 24 p. xol ''"'' luu8
TMaVA Prttt villa wuk.... mi m
oso.wsoirT.iods'som'. ,,u 'm-
Leave Tamaqua. week days, 3 18. 884. 1123
a. m., 1 49, 8 84, 720. 9 41 p. m.
ijeavn juananoy vity, week days, 8 45. 0 04
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40 4 00
Wia.UOO. -'m., 289, 58, sS.TM
Leave Wllllanuport, week days, 7 43, 1000 a
m.. 13 81 and 4 00. 11 80 p.m.
T.k... Tl. -)... I - .
vueemui aireei wnarf and
South street whaif for Atlantic City.
i mi f mpiw, wiu a m, Halurday only
ISO 2 Op, feeventy minute 3 00. 4 00 fslxty-flve
minute, 8(10 sixty mlnulel 580, 7 15 p in.
(seventy minute Accommodation. 6 15 i in
?3, 6 30 i.m- SunIaJ-B-ExpreM,' 8 00, 0 TO
10 00 am, 7 Up m, seventy minute. Accom
modation, 6 15 a m, 4 45 p m.
LeovS,1?n" ciy depot. wcekdav-nx.
?,Jftd"rr,"ty ,n,nu,e.l ? llxty-flvo
".ti1 5?$ BS9' L m-. Accoramod;
ror cape May, Sea Isle City and Ocean City
-w.p.w,,,, i iv oaiurunya only, I 415
n m Hiinrlnvs B AK a . a .1.11.1 ' ' .
. w w . rtuuniuiiai, wee 10
SlJmf Ocean City, 8 am,
CUy,915m. Capo ilay only. 4 45 pm.
or address " ' "eaeiagem
r. A. BwsaoiBD, Kueoir J. Wrm.
uen'l bupt,, Gen'l Pasa'r Ai
BeliW Terminal, Pklhiddphlt
1 iiauj at
JA v tl 1 1 -J rsLSB W. a 1 eft2
If You
"Fagged Out
and would like to feel and look Wtll, let U
reouiniiienu CELEKT iOHlilojou.
Bold Wf PmKKtstii. lrUt',.PdMe.
If we can sell Ton
one 3c package of
m who
tuts admixture
has added
we'll be satisfied.
Von '11 bny more
for it will touch
the spot. Grcrs
have SKEUO'S.
little of Seel
Lis to ordinary
'coffee know a
irrand drink that
i will please her husband.
It. K. Y. KOUSA,
Centre and Market streets.
In the Mrilet bulldlnff. adlolnlnir JiuttoA
Shoemaker's office.
onice hours : to 12.-00 a. m., 2.-00 to tJX
and 8c00 to 9KM p. m.
Offlce-EimQ hulMtnr. rwmf nt vttt
Centre Mreeta, Bhenandoah.
Ixck Box M, Mahanoy City, Pm
TTavln. ..f1t - a al . . ...
niMten Id London and Paris, will dre leanoaa
tuiiu.iupiiMuiiu. Kuiwr on Tooai ennare.
TerniB reaonabIa. Addrew In can o( 8lroaM
Jcsb 25, Utf.
xiniiin win leave nnenanaoan arser laa above
forD.wJL?K?nuG"brtonj Fraekville. Dark
Water, St Clair, Pottsvllle. Ilambunr, Raadlxr.
i-oiuiown, l'lioenlivlllo. Horrlstown aail Phft.
aselphla (Hrd street station) at 6 15 and 1 00
S. B1..3 10. fillTL m. nn .1 u u , -
8 03 a.m., 4 20 p.m. ' 7 '
Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah at
ii't -rn. iind 5 35, 785 p. m. Bandar.
a va aaa Uk oll4 V au (a f".
Leave Pottavllle for Shenandoah (vlaFraV
7''?710. 1120 am., 510,710 p.m. 8uaaay
10 85 a. m.. 3 10 nun.
Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street sutlon). (qr
flhe.andoata at 8 C5 a. as.. 4 10 p. m. weik dayiT
Bundays leave at 50 and 9 23 a. m.
r.Iv.M,'h.",clphla (Broad street aUtloa) for
Pottsvllle. 5 30, 8 35, 10 19 a. m., 1 80, 4 10. 7 11
P-m. weekdays. Sundays. 8 50, 9 30 a. aa? and
8 02 pm.
Leave Broad Street Station. Philadelphia.
8 50, fM. 8 23. 900, 1031, 1100, il 43 a .nTlx 5
EfST'o183' I'-'rnlted 1 OOonT 4 22 p ml. 14.
T230.320, 850. 402. 800. 3 54,800, 4 S
10 00 p in. 12 01 nUhi. Sunday 8 20. vS, 1 S
5 00, 5 13, 8 23, 9 50. 10 21. 10 43, 11 a 11 S
12 A3, wan irn ii Si', " .T! . - r"
7 02, Vl5T 15 55 P mTiioi' ni,ht; "
r i.-fun wunoui cnanxe, 11 01 a ra. weeky
days, and 8 10 p. in., dally.
Cntaklll T'vnrn.. ri'..!.,r J..-.1 llm. v.
l or So.t airt, Asbury Park, Oecan Qnnl
IiiB Branch, i 03. 8 50. 8 30. 11 44 am?S 14? a 5$
- v p ra oaiuruays only.
? an)r."a!.op" M Interlaken tor Aaburr Park!.
4 in and o JO a m. '
5.n A.T f. "."'""r.Tlll. ana
p mdal'lv ' n wekdf ""
only""'' roccno 'P0'4'. 103 p m Saturday.
For lUlllmnr. r..i . .
ioo iin:HM .;rsr5? x"!".? J.w.?s
Sn3 V.Wn'Kht weekdays Sundays, liA 5l
9 12. 11 23 a m, 12 09, ll2, 312. 4 41a S (W
nlRht. m San uaj
Knr TlaltfmnM aM..j.ii -
and 4 01 p in week days, 5 08 and 11 IS p m dally.
uAolln?X.,S5r.,y"n,, EP"-
n m "rt.f.T lla'lwor- Express-M ui
Korfnlkr nA n.n m
and New Orleans, a 31pm daily.
rhMSHUllrai tr t, I It-It
a m weekdaV.; 11 to p d.,Tr. "
preea for New Yo7 W VI S."! Mpw
Sid rp1T a ,a Bnw ana
, " n, a ou anu lujpm week
Parkl t.,"r,", In,'ken lorA Trntr
ton, 9 10 am and 4 00 pm weekdays.
T.. TJ 1 . . .
. rr- iiiiiionTii ue twin rlvar
Leave Market Street Wharf ExniesM. 103.
3 "J-,U 00 Saturday, only, 3040 fji
5 00 pm.') w aa
tJ3T?p AnElee. WiHwoW, Holly
Beach Express, 9 00 a m, 4 03 100 mlnuteal o ra
weekday.. Sunday., 900 a m. For QtV? Ita5
only, 1 30 p m Saturdays. T
For Ha Tit rni. A .
(1 W-Sa-turday. Tn""? VS 5
rnrNnmHl T)nln T at u
and check bagaga from hoWarrf raeW.
-jjiuinfr war.
I. IS. IIotchihsov, J. b. IThi
vien i aianare r. Qm Tun't A(t
This Hot
One needs a coollnrj
beverage tho,t will gently
tone up the system while
it quenches the thirst.
Beer and Porter
Just touches the spot
They are cooling, satisfy
ing and invigorating-.
These brews will be
furnished in case lota for
family use by applying to
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street