The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 29, 1899, Image 2

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KSTAIIMsltllO 1870.
"All the News s Fit to Print."
PnLHalieilerrry .'VoiiIiir, ewpt Sunday, nt B
South .lurdti. -rect, Shenandoah, I'o.
Tlio Herald la dcllvcml In Shenandoah nml tlio
surroundlnjr towns forslx cents n vr ck, pay
able to tho carriers, Ily mail fa.PO n year, or
29 cents ft month pnynblo in advohce Ad
vertlsemcnts charged according to s)aee Aild
position. Tho publishers reserve the right
to clumgo tho position of ndrertlnrmcnts
whenover tho publication of news denmml
It. The rlf-ht Is reserved to reject nny
advertisement, whether paid for or not, that
tho publishers may deem Improper. Adver
tising rates made known upon npplleatlon.
JKntcred at tho post ofllce at Shenandoah, l'a., as
second class mall mutter.
T1IURSDAY, JUNE 20. 1809.
OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever.
Canada's cnntnnkeroustieds over
the boundary question deserves a
Bound spanking from the maternal
hand of Britannia.
A burglar In Vienna, Austria,
tvho Is 28 years old, and has served
seventeen sentences in jail, has '100
burglaries in the last ten months
charged up agttinst him. Truly an en
terprising burglar.
Tint Pennsylvania Democrats
thought they were doinggreat things
when they held a two-days' state con
vention. Down in old Kentucky tho
Democrats can doublo discount tho
Pennsylvania brethren in the matter
of convention endurance.
It is now reported that Kaisor Wll
helin is learning to yodel from his sons
who picked up the accomplishment
in the Tyrol. When the Kaiser be
comes proficient in this art he need
not worry much if he lost his king
ship, as he will be able to make a
pretty fair living on the stage.
State Treasurer Bkacom expects
to pursue the same policy this year
that he did last year in the distribu
tion of the public school appropria
tion. His plan is to pay to each dis
trict its share of the fund as soon as
it can bo made to appear to him that
the district is in actual need of the
A Western trust "promoter" is re
ported to have said gloomily that "in
vestors don't bite like they did." The
grammar of this proposition may be
. defective, but it is unquestionably
based on hard fact, and that is one of
the reasons why the craze for more
trusts is dwindling with pleasing
Brigadier General Charles
King, who returned from the Philip
pines a short time ago, in a letter to
the Milwaukee Journal, states that
the capability of the Filipinos for
self government cannot be doubted,
and if given a fair start, they could
look out for themselves infinitely
better than our people imagine. He
says they rank far higher than the
Cubans or the uneducated negroes to
whom the United States has given
the right of suffrage.
The Tin-Plate Factories.
It is unfortunate that the tinplate
manufacturers of the country should
be the first to strike a discord in the
note of prosperity that very gener
ally prevails at the present time. It
is reported that rather than agree to
the demands of their employes for a
slightly increased wage every faotory
in the country will close indefinitely,
throwing some 50,000 men out of
The tinplate makers are the most
prominent beneficiaries of a tariff
sohedule arranged for their sole bene'
fit. Under the schedule the tinplate
industry has prospered and is to-day
in the foremost rank of American in
dustries. The workingmen have
asked for an increase of wages. By
every precedent and in keeping with
the object of the tariff that supports
the industry their request should be
granted, if it is possible to do so.
Acting under the impression that
the demand came mostly from radl
cals among the workingmen the in
crease was refused and the shut-down
announced as reported above. But
it turns out that the workingmen's
petition was not the work of the radl
cal wing of their organization, but of
tiie conservative body of the labor
ers. In any event, this peevish aud
spiteful attitude toward 60,000 work
ingmen who ask for an increase of
wages is deserving of something
better than threats from the tinplate
"Every Cloud Has
a Silver Lining
'The clouds of bad blood enveloping
humanity have a stiver lining in the stupe
,of a specific to remove them. It is Hood's
SArsA oarilla. America's Greatest Medicine,
tuhlch drives out all impurities from the
blood, of either sex or any age.
(ocd& SaMapWl'tKa
IHll !! II Iff 1 1 1
A Handsomo Complexion
one of toe greatest cnarms a woman can
possess. Fozzom'S courixiox roWDHB,
gives ii
"SOLD D08T.'
1 fyl rNr-r w-
Largo package of the World's best
cleanser for a nickel. Still greater econ
omy In 4 pound package. Made only by
Chicago, St. Louli, New York, Boston. Philadelphia
Report TliAt a Now Hmporor Will
Soon lie Proclaimed.
Victoria, B. C, June 29. It is re
ported at Pokln, according to news re
ceived by the Empress of China, that
tlio emperor will resume power next
month; another report that about Juno
20th a new emperor will be proclaimed.
One authority believes tho new rulor
will bo a grandson of the lato Prince
Rung, another asserted that a grand
son of the fifth princess (Prince
Tunph) has been chosen.
The empress dowager is said to be
altogether "out of sorts," full of
anxiety, and much clvon to weening.
The palace is far from onjoying a stale
of harmony.
Tho cabinet is Httlo hotter. Wane
Wen Shao pleads ago and infirmity,
and then rolapses Into silonco. Kang
Yi is joalous of tho immonse powor
now wielded by Jung Lou and despises
mm ror his lnexperlenco in Important
government businoss, but both hold to
gether for the maintenance of the em
press dowager and the enrichment of
the manchuB, whoso present watch
word is: "It Is going; grab as much
as possible while tho chnnco lasts."
Donylnc Clinrcos of Extra vnirnnco.
Harrisburg, June 29. T. L. Eyro.
superintendent of public grounds and
buildings, said in relation to tho pro
posed expenditures at the executive
mansion: "At a meeting of tho board
of public grounds and buildings the
question of furnishing the mansion
was considered. Tho items the ele
vator, decorating halls an stairways,
raising the roof over the ofllco nnd pro
viding additional sleeping rooms, oil
paintings and marble statues were all
disallowed. Nono of these expenses
will be incurred. Tho board has had
no Intention at any time to mako theso
expenditures. The governor opposed
tho outlay. These items wore In tho
schedule of possible things required
during the coming year, llko many
other items that get Into the schedule"
How Five Soldlors Wore Drowned.
Victoria, B. C, June 29. Details of
tho drowning of five men of Company
G, Twelfth Infantry, U. S. A., In the
Pasig rlvor June 3, wcro brought from
tho Orient by the steamer Empress of
China. A number of soldiers under
tho direction of an officer were cross
ing the river on a small raft made of
bamboos, lashed over small boats. The
men were crossing In regular squads,
but at the time of tho accident the raft
was overloaded, and rapidly filled until
it sank about ten feet from tho bank.
The water was full of struggling men,
fighting against the swift current and
heavy equipments, and bofore thoy
could be rescued five had gono down
for the last timo.
Does Coffee AgreeTWlth Yon 7
If not, driuk Grain-0 made from pure
grains. A lady write9 : "The first time I
made Grain O I did not like it but after using
it for one week noing would induce me to go
back to coflee." It nourishes and feeds the
system. The children can drink it freely
with great benefit. It is the strengthening
substance of pure grains. Get a package to
day from your grocer, follow the directions in
making it and you will have a delicious and
healthful table beverage for old and young.
15c. and 25c.
Impqrtlntr 'Koirroes From Illinois.
Bevler, Mo., Juno 29. The union
miners who are on Btrlke hero
asalnst tho Kansas & Topelta coal
company - were surprised yesterday
when the company imported 125 negro
miners irom ina, 111s., Bringing tne
men and 25 negro women. Into the
camp on a special train. There has
been no disturbance.
IIoi'so Killed on tlio Tlnco Traok.
New York, June 29. In the fifth
race at Sheenshead Bay track yoster
day Byron McClelland throw his rider
at the lower turn, made the circuit of
the track and then ran into the fence
nnd drove tho rail through his body,
killing himself almost instantly.
Ask yonr grocer for the "Eoyal Patent
flonr, and take no other brand. It la the best
flour made.
Kontuoky's'Domoorntlo Tlokot.
Louisville. Juno 29. The Demo
cratlc state convention adjourned last
night after nominating tho following
ticket: For governor, William Uoeuel;
lieutenant governor, J. C. w. Beck
ham; secretary of state, Boeck Hill;
attorney general, Judge B. G. Breck
inridge; auditor, Gus Coulter; treas
urer. Judge S. w. Haoger; oommis
sioner of agrloulture, I. B. Nail; com
missioner of public instruction, 11. V.
McChesney, The ticket is a oomplete
victory for Goebel, who came here
with less than one-fourth of the dele
gates Instructed for him.
Cnptnln C'nirhlan'x Now Command.
Washington, June 29. Captain
Coghlan will go to Puget sound, after
all, as commandant of the naval sta
tion at Bremerton. The original order
waa suspended, owing to the discov
ery of the Inability of the navy de
partment to retire Captain Green, tho
present commandant of the station, un
der the terms of the personnel act.
Having already made arrangements to
give up his command, however, Cap
tain Green will turn It over to Captain
Coghlan Aug. 1 next and come east
Women's ConnroHH ifnrnlily Criticized
London, June 29. The Times, in a
rather ironical leading editorial on the
international women's congress, saya:
"We cannot believe that the general
attitude of the congress Is either wise
or representative, or that tho pro
ceedings are likely to further the real
Interests of womankind. It would be
lamentable It these Indiscreet grand
dames should foster a reaction against
the process of gradual development,
whoreby women havo already gained so
thing New!
Tho Dowoy homo fund has reached a
total of V11,CGG.
Tho Japanoso paperB allogo that fully
G,000 American soldlors are (load In the
Sovoral children havo been killed In
Seoul, Korea, sinco tho introduction of
trolley cars.
Flvo men woro fatally scalded by
the collapso of a steam flue on tho
river steamer fat. Paul at St. Louis.
Tho viceroy of Nanking, China, has
Intordicted tho exportation of rice, on
tho grounds that China 1b on tho verge
of war.
Noarly all tho white puddlors at
Moorhead Bros. & Co.'s Iron works at
Sharpsburg, Pa woro discharged and
negroes put In their placos.
A RolciVor Terror ntTnpol, Ttid.
Andreson, Ind., Juno 29. Every man
at Lapel Is armed, and tho Holn hotel
has been convorted Into a fort to re
sist tho threatened return of tho non
unlonlst mob which mado nn attack
on Tuesday nnd dcmollsncd all the
windows and part of tho building It
self. Tho threat that tho building and
all of the union mou would bo blown up
with dynamlto caused such prepara
tions to bo mado. Sheriff Moore is
in charge of tho town, and with his
deputies has boon nblo to keep the
warring factions quiet. It Is feared,
howover, that troublo will start at any
A Prison For Juvenile Norrroos.
Now York, Juno 29. Collls P. Hunt
ington has bought a tract of land of
1,350 acres In Hanover county, Va.,
where, at his expense, a woll equip
ped building, with tho latest modern
improvements, is to be erected for the
confinement of Juvenile offenders of
tho negro race. TUore are now 3,000
colored boys and girls confined in the
prisons of Virginia, and compelled to
associate with tho vilest and most do
graded adults. Governor J. Hoge
Tyler has promised that ho will trans
fer tho young prisoners to the re
formatory as soon as It Is built.
WHfl 1 Women as woll as men are
TO and bladder trouble. Dr.
-rr,, ( i .1. ..
rjl APir2 n-iiniors Dwiuiip- out, mu
L5L.A1 IE. groat kidney roinedy,
nrnmntlr cures. At drllL'izlsts In fifty cent
aud dollar sizes. You may havo a samplo
bottle by mail froo, also pamphlet tolling all
about it.
Address, Dr. Kilmer-Co., Blnghamton.N. Y.
lTuelttvo Returns, l'loadBiNot Guilty.
Minneapolis, June 29. After six
years of absence in Guatemala and
Mexico Louis F. Menage has returned
to Minneapolis, pleaded not guilty to
the three remaining indictments
against him, and has been released on
$10,000 bail. The first indictment, that
under which William S. Strootor, vice
president of tho Guaranty Loan com
pany while Menage was president, waa
triea, charges grand larceny In tho
firBt degroe for tho alleged appro
priation of $270,322. Another indict
ment charges tho theft of exactly tho
same amount, and tho other the thett
of over $100,000.
A Koiitucky J.vnulitnir.
Fulton, Ky., June 28. Henry Stew
art, tho negro who robbed and serious
ly shot Gall Hamilton, a negro, and
robbed M. Choato, a section foreman,
Sunday morning, was taken out at
midnight and lynched by a supposed
negro and white mob. The excitement
is high among tho negroes.
VnAMir all trnnn4) TTixirtflr.hri? Rfnmftr.h out
of order? Simply a caso of torpid liver.
Burdock Blood Blttora will mako a now man
or woman of you.
Florida Short Line.
The Now York ana Florida Express via
Southern Hallway, leaving Broad strcot
station, Philadelphia, daily at 6:34 p. m
carries through Pullman sleeping ca-s to
Augusta and Savannah, Ga., Jacksonville and
Tampa. Fla., via Charlotte ana uoiumma,
This is the short line and most nttractivo
route to points in Georgia and Florida. All
information cheerfully furnishod by Charles
L. Hopkins, District Passengor Agont, 828
Chestnut street, I 'htladolpuia.
Counterfeit Coiner Cnntnrod.
Dubois, Pa., June 29. Deputy United
States Marshal Blair, of this place.
and T. B. McManus, of tho United
States secret service, made a raid on
the home of Philip Hetrlck, at Heath
vlllo, Jefferson county, Tuesday night
nnd captured a complete outfit for the
manufacture of spurious coin. Hetrlck
was arrested on the charge of counter'
felting and his daughter, Mra. Anna
Lankard, on the charge of passing the
spurious monoy. Thoy are in Jail in
default of $1,000 and $500 ball, respect
lvely. Hetrlck haa served a term for
Indiana Will Sue For 'Camp Wlkon".
New York, June 29. The appellate
division of tho supreme court yoster
day authorized the Montauk Indians to
bring to trial their suit for $1,000,100
worth of property at Montauk Point,
This land, including 4,200 acres of
pasture and about 1,500 acres of Fort
Pond bay, the Indians claim was solzcd
by tho railroad. Tho Indians, led by
King Wyandank Pharaoh, have been
suing since 1897. Camp Wlkoff was
situated last summer on tho property
claimed by the Indians.
First Doorroe Vordlot In Otilnlc Tlmo,
Philadelphia, Juno 29. Within 15
minutes after the case was given Into
their hands last night the jury In the
trial of George H. St. Clair and Georgo
Weeks, both colqred, charged with the
killing of Bertha White, also, colored,
on Christmas night last, brought In a
verdict of murder In tho first de
gree. The murder grow out of a quar
rol In the home of Bertha White. An
other colored woman named Johnson
was also shot, but recovered and was
the principal witness against the men.
Think Oonnrnl Otis Simula Hnvo 150,
000 to (10,000 Troops.
Chicago, Juno 29. General Charles
King, who commanded tho First bri
gade, First division, First army corps,
in tho Philippines, arrived in Chicago
last night.
Tho gonornl discussed tho various
phases of tho Philippines situation
freoly, and among othor things de
clared that if General Otis had had
CO.OOO troops' at his command at tho
otilbroak of hostilities ho would prac
tically hnvo stamped out tho Insur
rectlon by tho boglnnlng of the rainy
Boaeon.. Ho expressed the opinion,
howevor, that warfare of n guorrllla
character Is llkoly to bo kept up for
some tlmo after tho cloao of organized
opposition. Ho also said that General
OliB should havo from 00,000 to 00,000
mon whon nctlvo hostilities shall bo
resumed with tho return of tho dry
season. Ho relteratod his formor
Btutomont that tho Filipinos arc ca
pablo of self govornmont, nnd paid a
trlhuto to tho wostcrn voluntoor sol
dlors, who, ho declared, havo proved
themsolvcs to bo tho host soldlors In
tho world.
A iMonStraus Rhode Islrind Murcfor.
Provldonco, June 29. Sadio B. Mat
thewson, 20 years old, wns murdorod
by hor alleged paramour, Samuel B.
Owens, 57 years old, at Foster, It. I.,
Tuesday. It Is claimed that both wero
drunk, nnd that Owens drove tho
woman Into tho yard, knocked hor
down and split hor head opon with nn
ax, stabbed hor twice In tho breast
with a carving knife and thon, pour
ing kerosene oil all over hor, sot her
on flro whllo she was still breathing.
Her body was burned to a crisp. Owens
was arrested.
l'rlncoly (51ft to Vermont Unlvorslty.
Burlington, Vt., Juno 29. At tl 0
University of Vermont dlnnor last
night John H. Converso, of Philadel
phia, supplemented his previous gen
erous gifts to the unlvorslty by one
of $50,000 for tho endowment of a
chair of economics and commerco, nnd
offered further to glvo $5,000 toward
tho building of a gymnasium on con
dition that $5,000 moro bo raised.
Spain's Oreatest Keel.
Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelonia, Spain,
spends his winters -at Aiken, S. C. Weak
nerves had caused severe pains in the back of
his head. On using Electric Bitters, Amer
ica's Greatest Blood and JNerve Kemedy, an
pain soon left him. He says tins grand
medicine is what ins country needs, ah
America knows that it cures liver and kid
ney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up the
stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim,
vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve
and organ of the body. If weak, tired or
ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed,
only 50 cents. Sold by A. Waslcy, drug
gist. A Southern Rnllwny Deal.
Birmingham, Ala,, Juno 29. Repre
sentatives of tho Southern, Birming
ham Southern and Louisvlllo and
Nashville railroads held a conference
In this city yesterday, at which tho
property of tho Birmingham Southorn
was formally transfcrred'to tho othor
two lines. Tho prico paid was $1,100,
000. Killed by n Qunrry Cnvoln.
Granltovllle, Mass.. Juno 29. A bank
at tho granite quarry of H. V. Hlldreth,
of this place, caved In yesterday, kill
ing Jeremiah Sullivan, of this place.
and fatally Injuring Louis Caza, whoso
home Is In Lowell. Sullivan leaves a
widow and two children.
Do You Enow
Consumption is provontablo? Scienco has
proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal.
Tho worst cold or cough can bo cured with
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Curo. Sold
on positive guarantee for ovor fifty years.
Sold by P. D. Klrlin on a guarantee.
DoweyRoRiinios Ills lloniowwdVoynco
Colombo, Ceylon, Juno 29. The Uni
ted States cruiser Olympia, with Ad
miral Dowoy on board, sailed from hero
for Port Said at 4 o'clock yesterday
afternoon. Tho admiral has been liv
ing quietly hero and his health has im
proved. Previous to his departuro
Admiral Dewey visited the auxiliary
cruiser Yosemite, now at this port,
having on board Captain Richard P.
O'Leary, U. S. N tho governor of tho
Island of Guam, who is on bis way to
his post.
Coining Kvents.
July 3. Ico cream festival, under auspices
of the Star Foot Ball team, in Bobbins' ball.
July 4. Ico cream festival, under auspices
of tho Beturned Soldiers of tho Cuban war,
in Bobbins' opera house.
July 4. Picnic and parade at Lost Creok
by tho T. A. B. Society. Picnio in Brown's
July 4, Grand picnic at Lakoside. Froe
dancing at tho pavillion.
II. Y. 1. U. A. International Convention
Richmond, Va.
First class 0110 way faro for tho round
trip, via Loblgh Valley railroad. Tickets on
sale for all trains (except tho Black Diamond
Express) July 11 to 13, limited to return to
July 31 inclusive By deposit of ticket with
joint agent at Kiclimond not lator than July
28, and payment of feo of 50 cents, return
limit will bo extended to lcavo Kiclimond to
August 15, 1609, inclusive. Consult Lehigh
Valley ticket agents for further particulars.
Murdor In tlio First Dorrroo.
Philadelphia. June 28. William
Epps, better known as William Turner
(colored), who has boen on trial hero
charged with tho murdor or Mrs. Mary
Ann Lawler, was last night convicted
of murdor In tho first degree. Tho jury
was out loss than ten minutes. Mrs.
Lawlor was over 70 years old, nnd con
duoted a little grocery store. Sho was
found strangled to death In her bed
room on the morning of Jan. 31. Bob
bery was undoubtedly tho motive.
Samuel Dodson, another colored man,
will also be tried for tho murder, ana
n numbor of colorod women must stand
trial charged with bolng accesmrias
Do This
Don't take in
ternnl medi
cines before
the little one
comes. Thov
endanger the
health of both
mothor and
MOTHER'S FRIEND, the good and
t-J .A -., - I linlmont Will liVQ
the early distress and the later pains bet-
1.. .1 .....l.!nr Ji. In thn world. Its
good effects are most marked not only
beforo childbirth, tmt ounng uiooiuum
itself and afterward. Distress is over
. 1... it n.u. 1cAnpil labor short.
ened and subsequent dangers avoided.
.... . . .
801a y Urugglil iw i iwtM"i
aj - m Uik m th. latitat.
If you aro snflerlng from Ktdney of
Bladder disease, tho doctor asks i " Do
you (lcsiro to urlnato often, and aro you
conipollcd to cot up frequently during
tho night? Docs your back pain yottt
Docs your urlno stain linen ? Is there
a scalding pain in passing it, nnd is it;
difficult to hold tho urine back? If boj
your Kidnoys or Bladder aro diseased,'''
Try putting gomo of your urlno in A
Elans tumbler, Tot it stand twenty-four
ours. If thoro is a sediment, or
cloudy, milky nppearanco, your KJd
nova aro Blck.
Dr. David Kennedy's Favorito Rom'1
cdy will surely relievo and curo oven;
tho most distressing cases of theso'
droad diseases, and no physician can
Srescribo a mcdlcino that equals it for
isoascsof tho Kidnoys, Liver, Bladder
and Blood, Rheumatism, Dyspopsia
and Chronic Constipation. It will
promptly correct tho had effects of boerj
and whlskoy. All drug stores sell ikj
for ono dollar a bottlo.
By sending your address to the DRj
Rondont, N. Y., und mentioning thi)
paper a trial bottlo, togothor With pam-j
phlot of valuablo medical advice, will!
bosentyou froo postpaid bv mall. Oufll
readers can depend upon tho gonuino
noss of this liberal odor.
I'lttHbura DlHtrlGt Con I Combine
Now York, June 29. Tho reported
combination of tho coal companies of
tne l'lttsburg district was confirmed
today by John H. Jones, one of the
most prominent coal operators in that
roglon. "Thoro Is now no question
that tho schomo will bo consummated,"
said Mr. Jones, "nnd tho now company
will take charge at once. Bonds to the
amount of $10,000,000 will bo Issued,
drawing 6 per cent and running 60
yoars, togethor with $10,000,000 In prof-
orenco stock, and $20,000,000 In com
mon stock. Tho proforred stock will
be guaranteed G per cent. It will not
bo necessary to incroaao tho cost of
coal to tho consumer in ordor to pay
dividends; that can bo accomplished
by tho saving in oporatlng expenses."
M'oKIuuoy GotH Kour Years.
Now York, Juno 23 Samuol McKin-
ney, who was recently brought back
from Philadelphia, whore ho was ar
restod for a robbery committed in this
city In October, 1896, and who pleaded
guilty, was yesterday sentenced to Sing
Sing for four years. McKlnnoy was lo
cated through his wife In Philadelphia,
sho making a charge of theft against
him and also of cruolty toward hor,
and of being tho murder of a nian
named Mulllns at Irvlngton, N. Y.
The Advnnco In Pltr Iron.
Pittsburg, June 28. Bessemer pig
Iron sold yesterday at $20 n ton In tho
Mahoning valley, and In Pittsburg tho
prico Is $20.76. This la nn advance of
100 per cent In six months and $2 a
ton higher than laat week.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
Will eradicate from your systom tho linger
ing effects of grip and othor nilmonts caused
by tho sovoro winter, and malaria, rheuma
tism, neuralgia, catarrh, stomach, kidney,
livor and nervous disorders, paralysis, blood
and skin diseasos, and chronic and func
tional derangements. Tho mountain cllmato
of Hot Springs is cool and delightful in
summer. 100 hotels open tho year around.
For Illustrated literature containing all
Information, address C. F. Cooley, Manager
Buisncss Men's League, Hot Springs, Ark.
For reduced excursion tickets and par
ticulars of tbo trip, address W. A. Turk,
Gen'l Pas3. Agt., Southern By., Washington,
D. 0., or O. L. Hopkins, District Passenger
Agent, 828 Chestnut St., Phlla., Pa. 0-l-4m
Pneumonia Cured.
Mra. A. J. Lawrence, of Beaver, Pa
says: "Brazilian Balm brought me out
of a severe attack of pneumonia iu
splendid shape. It is a wonderful rem
edy tor coughs ana lung troubles. Also,
for outward use. for burns, cold-sores,
and chapped hands and face, it cures
like magic. It is invaluable in the
Shonandonh drug storo, wholesale- agents
Keduced Kates to Itlchinoud, Va.
On account of tho International Convcn
tlon of the Baptist Young Pooplo's Union of
America, to bo hold at Bichmond, Va., July
13 to 10, the Pennsylvania Bailroad Company
has arranged to soil excursion tickets from
points on its line, to Richmond, at rato of
single faro for tho round trip (tickets via
Baltimore and steamboat fifty cents more
than singlo faro).
Tickets will be sold July 11 to 13, and will
bo good to return until July Si, Inclusive
oxcept that on deposit of ticket with tbo
Joint Agent at Bichmond before July S3, and
the payment of fifty conts, the roturn limit
may bo extended to lcavo Bichmond not
later than August 15, 1899.
Stop over at Washington on return trip for
ton days, not to exceed final limit of ticket,
For specific rates and conditions apply to
Ticket Agents.
Bay Key stono flonr. Bo rare that the name
Less io & Bakr, Ashland. Pa., is printed on
every sac.V
California and Iteturn.
One faro plus two dollars for the round
trip via direct lines. Small advanco to re
turn via Portland, Tacoinn and Seattle
Choice of lines oast from Portland, viz.,
Northern Pacific By., Great Northern By. or
Canadian Pacific By. to St. Paul. Tickets
will be sold Juno 23 to July 7, good to return
until September 4th. For map-tlmo table
aud full particulars address John It. Pott,
District Passenger Agent, Chicago, Mil
waukeo & St. Paul Hallway. 4SO William
street, Wllliamsport, Pa.
Y. 1. H. O. IS. Annual Convention, Detroit,
For this occasion tho Lehigh Valley Rail
road will sell tickets to Detroit and return at
ono faro for tho round trip, tickets on sale
for all trains (except the Black Diamond
Express) July 3rd to Sth, limited to roturn
to July 15th Inclusive. By deposit of ticket
with joint agent at Detroit, on or bofore
July 12th, and payment of feo of 50 cents,
roturn limit will be extended to leave Detroit
to August 15th inclusive, ror further parti
culars consult Loblgh Valley ticket agents.
Tell Yonr Sister
A beautiful complexion Is an Impossibility
without good pure blood, the sort that only
exists in connection with the good digostion
a hoalthy liver aud bowels. Karl's Clover
Boot Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver
and kidneys keeping them In perfect health,
Price 25 cts. and 50 cU. Sold by P. D. Klrlin
on a guarantee.
'Our Toddy" ICntlinnlnsttcnlly Greet
ed tn Milwaukee' riornl Irirndo.
Milwaukee Juno 29. "Ho won with
our boys In bluo, and ho will 60 our
president, too," ThuB rnn ono of the
banner Inscriptions displayed yostor
day In Milwaukee's flower parade, of
which Governor floosovolt wa tho
contor of attractii n. But this appar
ently did not Intorest tho governor
half as much -as did that othor, dis
played ovorywhoro and on ovory Hp,
"Our Teddy." ,
Tho governor's part In tho flower
parnde wiib to lead It In tho undocor
ated carrlngo of Captain Fred Pabst,
accompanied by President Hackott,
Governor Scofleld and Lieutenant Fer
guson. Ho was driven through tho
ranks of 260,000 spectators.
The marshal of tho day was former
Governor Goorgo Peck, and as ho rode
up nnd snlutcd tho governor before tho
parndo started tho latter said:
"Really, I'd like to stay hero ana
go on a bonder."
Mr. Peck lnughcd, and replied: "And
be pardoned out by tho governor?" to
which Governor Roosovelt replied:
"Wouldn't that bo a groat ono tho
governor of New York pardoned by
tho governor of Wisconsin?"
Llttlo girls and young women ran
out to his carrlago and throw In clus
ters of rosea and bunches of sweet
peas until it was a bower of flowers.
In tho hats of hundreds or men wcro
llttlo vhlto cards, on which woro print
ed: "Teddy, 1901." Tlmo and tlmo
again tho shout wont up: "Roosovolt
for president."
Tho cheering nt ovory part of the
lino waa tremendous, and of this tho
governor said: "Thoy do not know
mo as thoy do In Now York, hence I
am popular."
Govornor Roosovelt loft for Chicago
last evening, whoro he immediately
took a train for tho eaBt.
Wnlos Cliallni!iH tbo tilinmroolc.
London. Juno 29. Tho Dally Chron
icle this morning announces that tho
Prince of Wales has challenged Sir
Thomas Llpton, tho owner of Sham
rock, and that a raco will bo arranged
for tho third week of July in tho So
Try Allen's Foot-Ease,
A powdor to bo shakou Into the shoos. At
this season yur feet feel swollen, nervous
and hot, and got tired easily. If you have
smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen s root
Easo. It cools tho feet and makes walking
easy. Cures swollen ana sweating leet,
blisters nnd callous spots. Buliovcs corns and
bunions of all pain and gives rest and com
fort. Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists
ind shoo stores for 25c. Trial package FEE,
Address, Allen S. Oluutod, Lo Boy, N. Y.
Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to
California Without change of Cars.
Loavinir Washington ovory Tuosday and
Friday at 11:15 a. m tho Southern Kail way
oDerates Personally Conducted Tourist Ex
cursions to San Frnnciso without change of
cars, conductors or porters. The route is
Lliroucn Atlanta, Montgomery, jncw uneans,
Houston. San Antonlo.Kow Mexico. Arizonia.
.ind Southern ualliornla. I no cars aro tno
verv latest pattern of Pullman Tourist
sleepers, vosowood unisn, uavo nign oack
scats, uphoistnrcd in rattan, aro sixtcon
section, supplied witn uncn etc., samo as
standard sloeners. Hehted bv Pintsch Gas.
Iiavo wide vestibules, doublo Bash roller
curtains, lavatory, and smoking room for
gentlemen, and two retiring rooms ror ladles.
Tlirco and one-Halt days to Mexico and
Arizona, four days to L03 Angclos and
southern California, nnd Qvo days to Sau
r ranclsco. Sucu service lor Trans-Unntlucntal
travel has never beforo been offered.
Tho tourist carfaro is less than via any
other route, effecting a saving of $25.00 to
f30.00 lor tlio trip.
All Information, maps and rates furnished
on application to Charles L. Hopkins, Dis
trict rassengor Agent, aoutiiern jtauway
Company, S-st Chestnut street, l'nlladelpma
A Card.
Wo, tho undersigned, do hereby agroo to
refund tho money on a 50-ccnt bottlo of
Grecno'e Warranted Syrup of Tar If It falls
to curo your cough or cold. Wo also gnaran
too a 25-cent bottlo to prove satisfactory or
money rofunded. A. Wasley, C. H. Ilagcn-
buch, Shenandoah Drug Storo, and P. W,
Biorstein & Co. ll-14-33t-dw
Keduced Kates to Dotrolt via I'ennaylvanla
Ilailroad, Account Christian -n-deavor
On account of tho Convention of tho Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor, to be
held at Detroit, July 5 to 10, the Pennsylvania
Bailroad Company will sell excursion tickets
from points on its line, to Detroit, at rate of
singlo faro for tho round trip.
Tickets will bo sold on July 3, 4, and 5,
and will bo good to return until July 15, in
clusive, except that by depositing ticket with
tho Joint Agent at Detroit bofore July 12,
and the payment of fifty cents, tho return
limit may bo extended to leave Detroit not
lator than August 15.
For specific rates and conditions apply to
Ticket Agents.
On Every Bottle
Of Shiloh's. Consumption Curo is this guar
antoo : "All we ask of you Is to uso two-
thirds of tho contents of this bottlo" faith'
fully, then If you can say yon aro riot
benefited roturn the bottle to your druggist
and bo may refund the price paid." Price
25 cts., 50 els. and $1.00. Sold by P. D
Kirlln on a guarantee
A Hall Fare Tour to the Golden Gate via
the Lehigh Valley Ilailroad.
On account of the National Educational
Association's thirty-eighth annual conven
tlon at Los Angelos, Cal., July 11th to 14th,
1800, the Lehigh Valley Bailroad will make a
rate of ono singlo fare for tbo round trip
plus two dollars, membership feo to teachers,
their friends, and tboso interested in oduca
tional affairs, who desiro to go to California
at tho time named. Tickets will be on sale
Juno 24th to July Qth, limited for return
passago to September Sth, 1809, inclusive,
affording ample opportunity for tours and
sight-seeing In the far West. Consult Lo
high Valley Ticket Agents for further par
This remedy requires
no change of diet.
Cure guaranteed In
1 to 3 days. Small
XT ,, plain package, by
J Hi fc mail $1.00. Sold by
Klrlln's drug storo.
The only pleasure resort and picnic Ground
in this region. This season will be Ihe most
successfully conducted since its existence.
The boals for the lake ore now undergoing
repairs at Reading. The grove will be
cleaned daily by workmen. Ice and wood to
prepare and preserve meals for picnic parties
will be furnished free. An orchestra will be
established at this resort for the entiro teasoa,
ror particulars address
B. J. YOST, Prop.,
Barncsvllle, Pa.
An Excellent Combination.
Tho nlnnwint mothod rmd beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Sntur op Fiob, manufactured oy tno
Camfounia Fio Svituf Co., lllustrato
tho value of obtaining- the liquid laxa
tlvo principles of plautaknown to bo
medicinally laxnttvo and presenting
them in tho form most refreshing to tho
tosto and acceptable to tho system. It
Is tho ono perfect strcngtucning laxo
tlvrt. (tlnnnRlnrr tho sVBtetn ciTectunlly,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly nnd enabling ono
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and its acting on tho kidneys,
liver nnd bowels, without weakening
or Irritating them, mako It tho ideal
In tho process of manufacturing figs
are used, as thoy are pleasant to tho
taste, but tho medicinal qualities of tho
remedy are obtained from senna nnd
other aromatic plants, by n method
known to the Oalifoknia Fio Srnur
Co. only. In order to got its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
romomber the full name of the Company
printed on tho front of every package
For sale by all Druggists. Price 0c. perlwttlo
Op Lofty
Subject to Republican rules
Ov Pise Grove, Pa.
Subject to Republican rules
Subject to Republican rules.
Subject to Republican rules.
Of Suesakdoah.
Subject to Republican rules.
Formerly ot Jollctt).
Subject to Republican rules.
Off Potts vi mi
Subject to Democratic rulca.
Off Onwioenuno.
Subject to Repnbllcan rules.
Or MAHA50Y City.
Subject to Republican rules.
Off Cbessona.
Subject to Republican rules.
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale. Bottled Pale Ale.
Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
Of Schuylkill Haven,
The noted RefractlonUt, who baa testimonials
from tbo best people of the county, as to his
ability, will beat
It your eyes cause you ony trouble call and ee
him. Glasses furnished II needed and no