The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 28, 1899, Image 2

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i:siiii,Hnr.i) ik7o.
"All the e Ws Fll to Print,"
Pu lishctl ot sry ovenliiR, except Bumlny, t 8
South l.trtlii reet, Hhenandofth, 1'ft.
The II mid U (Ullvcrcd tn Bhenamlofth mid tho
iurromullng tow in for six cents n w k, pay
iOlfe to tlid carriers. By mull 93.00 a ywirt or
23 cents n month pnyivble In fttlvnnee. Ail
Vertlsements chnrffrtl According to Rpneenml
position. Tho publishers reserve the right
to change tho position of ndvortl'eniehts
whenever ttie publtcntlon of news demntuls
it, The right Is reserved to reject nny
Advertisement, whether pntd for or not, thnt
the publishers roar deem Improper. Adver
tising rates mndo known unonnppllcntlon.
Kntered at the post ofllce nt Shenandoah, la.t as
second clasi mall matter.
OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever.
School dikkotous should be sure
they aro right and thou go ahead.
Occasionally a board goes ahead be
fore it makes certain as to what the
right is, and then trouble comes. The
Shlppensburg Chronicle relates such
n, case of tho directors in its own
town. A few days ago they ro-elected
all the old teachers but two, filling
their places with new material. The
citizens, either rightly or wrongly,
took umbrage at the action of the
board, called uu indignation meeting
and demanded the replacing of tho
two teachers who had been loft out.
The board compromised by electing
one of them, and now the teacher
displaced by the last action of the
directors threatens to bring action
for damages.
Record Your Deeds.
An act of Assemby approved May
19, 1893, relative to the recording of
deeds, etc., is of great importance. It
is intended to be a safeguard against
fraud, and provides that as a remedy
all deeds and conveyances made in
the state of Pennsylvania ufter the
passage of this act shall be recorded
in the office of the Recorder of deeds
in the county where the lands lie
within ninety days after the execution
of Buch deeds or conveyances. Any
deed executed in this Commonwealth
and not recorded within the time
specified shall be deemed fradulent
and void against any subsequent pur
chaser for a valid consideration or
mortgagee'or creditor of the grantor.
The act further provides that all
such deeds and conveyances which
shall be made and executed out of
this Commonwealth after the passage
of this act shall be recorded in the
office for he Recording of Deeds in the
county where the lands and heredita
ments specfled in such deed or deeds
do lie within six months from' tlio
execution thereof. All deeds must be
recorded within ninety days after
their date of execution.
After ninety days the holder of an
unrecorded title is liable to lose it for
want of record. This act also applies
to all conveyances made and remain
ing unrecorded prior to the date of
this act.
Denounced Home-Wreckers.'
The press has freely commented
npon the sermon preached on Sun
day by the Rev. Dr. Braddin Hamil
ton, President of the Episcopal Pub
lication Society, of New York, in tho
fashionable All Saints' Chapel, nt
Newport, in which he made pointed
reference to Perry Belmont's recent
Dr. Hamilton denounced the
"home-wrecker" as more dangerous
nnd despicable than the thief who
steals money or silver, because under
the cloak of friendship he filches
what is more precious than wealth
happiness und honor.
The minister's sermon is considered
by many as the beginning of a power
ful movement among Episcopalians
of the highest social influence against
the Perry Belinonts in particular and
against the evli of wliioh Dr. Hamil
ton spoke in general. The subject of
Dr. Hamilton's discourse was "Home
Life." After speaking of tho beau
ties of a pure and happy home, he
said in part :
'The home-wrecker comes to stenl
your wife or your husband, to lead
away the mother of your children or
to wreck the life of the father of your
home. This evil most frequently as
sails the home in the form of the
'friend of the family.' The educated,
polite, well-bred thief is the most
dangerous of all.
"Therefore, we ask you as a favor
toward the Church to refuse to recog
nize divorce in your good society,
We do not like to advise any one to
be cruel, but in this case duty makes
It a necessity. If you have friends or
relatives who have erred, simply say
to them, 'I am sorry, but for the sake
of respeot of my home, for the sake
of the general effect on the com
munity, for the sake of morality and
the Church, I cannot treat you as I
did before."
Just before retiring, If yonr liver Is
sluggish, out of tone and you feel dull,
bilious, constipated, take a dose of
Hood? PSBSs
And yonll be all right In the morning.
Tho Rosy Freshness
And velvety softness of the skin is inva
riably obtained by thocfl who nse I'oixom'o
Complexion Powder.
Mrs. Null Morrison and MIbs Allco
Wlllan worn thrown from a carriage
at Nelsvllle, Wis., and Itlllod.
Arthur Tennyson, youngest brother
of the celebrated poet, Alfred Tenny
son, died yesterday In London.
LoulB Otto, postmaster at Key West,
Fla., 1b under arrest, charged with ac
cepting "tins" from his clerks.
Alabama coal miners havo again
failed to reach an agreement on tho
wage scale with their employers.
L. H. Shields, formerly collector of
customs nt Norfolk, and prominent In
Virginia politics, suicided by shooting
at Old Point.
Two Bavarian officers, naron Bounot
and Baron Godln, were killed Mondny
while attempting to ascend the Ackerl
spltze. In the Tyrolose Alps.
James Johnson and William Boyd
fought a streot duel In GtUvoston.
Johnson was killed and Boyd and
three innocent bystanders wounded.
Shake Into Your Shoea
Allun's Foot-litso, a powdor for tho feet. It
cures painful, swollen, smarting, nervons
feet, nnd instantly token thn stink out of
corns and bunions. It's tlio greatest comfort
discovery of tlio ago. Alloti's Foot-Eiso
makes tight or now shoos feel oasy. It Is a
certain ouro for sweating, callous and hot,
tired, aching feet. Try it to-day. Sold by
all druggists and shoe stores. Ily mail for
SBoln stamps. Trial package FREE. Ad
dress, Allen S. Olmsted, I,c Hoy, N. Y.
CMlcniio Hrrlkor Win.
Chicago, June 28. The unskilled la
borers at the stock yards rmve won
their strike, nnd yestenlay nearly 1,000
men who have' been Idle for three or
four days returned to work at an In
crease of 25 centB a day. This brlnra
the wages of unskilled labor to the
standard of 1893. Now a more sorlous
problem confronts the packors. The
skilled workmen, who draw from ?3.B0
to $4.50 a day, demand an increase,
which tho packing companies say they
will not grant.
On Every Bottle
Of Shiloh's Consumption Curu la this guar
anteo : "All wo ask of you Is to use two
thirds of tho contents of this bottlo faith
fully, then If yon can say you aro not
benefited return tho bottlo to your druggist
nnd ho may refund the price paid." Prlco
25 cts., SO cts. and f 1.00. Sold by P. D.
Kirlln on a guarantee
Muriloror .feator Identified,
Shawnee. O. T.. June 28. John W
Gales, of Chlcnco. vestnrdnv iinhnnt-
tatingjy Identified Alexander Jestor as
me man wno murdered his brother.
Gilbert Galea. 2R vnnra nm Thn
Idontlficotlon took place in the Jail at
Tocumsoh, whore Under Sheriff Ward
nan anout IB prisoners sitting to
cethor. With scarcelv n.
hesitation Mr. Gates, after a glance at
the prisoners, Identified Jestor. Jes
ter at first professed not to know Mr.
Gates, but ho finally broke down and
murmured In broken tonea. "fJnil for
give me."
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the . SttZZZT
Signature of UZ-X cUCs&tf.
Ilrintt TPorliifien to Strike.
Brussels, Juno 28. Tho committee of
the Federation of Labor party hold a
meeting in this city last night and de
cided upon a general strike of Brus
sels workmenns a protest against the
governmentVelectoral bill. The strike
will begin 'on July 5, the day when the
debate on the measuros opens In tho
chamber of deputies.
Drink Oraln-0
after you have concluded that you ought not to
drink coffee. It is not a medicine but doctors
order it, because it is healthful, invigorating
and appetizing. It is made from pure grains
and has that rich seal brown color and tastes
like the finest grades of coffee and costs about
as much. Children like it and thrive on it
because it is a genuine food drink containing
nothing but nourishment. Ask your grocer
for Grain-O, tne new food drink. I5 and 25c
Tho New Cabinet ofdillo.
Santiago de Chile, Juno 28. The now
cabinet of Chile Is constituted as fol
lows: Premier and minister of the In
terior, SUva Cruz; foreign affairs, Fed
rico Borne; Justice, Francisco Horbo
bo; finance Federico Szarra; war. J.
Figuersa; industry and commerce,, Rio
Energy all gone? Headache? Stomach out
of order? Simply a caso of torpid liver.
Burdock Blood Bitters will make a new man
or woman of you.
Darned a Itabo to Dentil liocnusoTlrod
of Attending to IIliu.
Dover, Del., June 28. Nora Barrett,
colored, aged 16 years, was arrested
last night by Detectives McVey and
Wltsll, charged with having burned to
death 18-months-old Jackson Lafferty
son of James W. Lafferty, of Lelpslc.
The girl is now In jail at Dover, where
she admitted to the detectives that sho
had set fire to the child's dross. She
said the reason for the act was that
she was tired of attending to litto
Jackson. Tho child was burned to
death more than a week ago, the
flames apparently having been dis
covered by the Barrett girl, since
then two attempts were made to burn
Lafferty's house. At one time tho
Barrett girl s bed was found abiazo.
She had threatened a short time ago to
Injure Levi Pyle, a small boy about
the place, and he made known the
threat to Mr. Larceny, wno at once
became suspicious and summoned the
detectives. After questioning the Bar
rett girl they placed her under arrest,
She says that after she set flro to the
baby's dress she left the room and
closed the door to make It appear ac
cidental. Then when the flames gain
ed headway she summouned the fam
Ily, but It was too late to save the
child's life.
Almost o Personnl ljuoounter In Conrt
Botwoon Itlvul l,oador.
New York, June 28. The hearing of
the Colonial Dames' suit was concluded
yesterday, and Justice Bookstaver
granted the lawyers until July 17 to
submit briefs regarding tho rights of
three societies to the title "Colonial
Dames." After various members of
the two defendant societies, the Na
tional and Rhode Island, had testified
Colonel Bartlott offred rebuttal testi
mony, calling Mrs. Gardiner, wife of
the district attornoy of New York and
president of the plaintiff society, the
Colonial Dames of New York. She
created a tempest, by saying on tho
stand: "Why. Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Ely,
Mrs. Ithlnelander and Mrs. Living
ston admitted to me that tbov bad did
wrong to ia"ko our nnmo."
Tho court was In nn uproar. "It's
not so," shouted tho women partisans
of tho defendant societies. Amid the
protests of counsels and tho shouts of
the court officers for ordor Mrs. Gar
diner walked from tho witness chnlr,
and ns she passed some of tho rival
dames ono woman remarked: "You
ought to bo (iBlinmed of yourself."
Then thore was wrangling. All tho
dames tried to talk nt onco, and tho
court officers were powerless to stem
the flood. Finally Mrs. Jones wns re
called and vehemently denied that sho
had said what Mrs. Gardlnor had at
tributed to her.
Thero was nearly a porsonnl encoun
ter In court between Mrs. Gardiner and
Mrs. Jones, but nctunl hostilities wero
averted and friends of tho rival dames
got betwoon thom. Then tho trial
Thurston to ltotlro From Polities.
Washington, June 28. Senator
Thurston, of Nebraska, said today:
"Having noted soveral suggestions In
the wostorn nross that I rnlKlit bo a
randldato- for vlco prosldont, I doslro
to Btate once and for all that I am not
nnd shall not bo. My only, ambition is
to retire to the practlco of my profes
sion nt tho end of my prosent term. I
would gladly resign now from tho sen
ate for that purpose if my placo couid
bo filled by a Republican successor. I
cannot entertain tho thought of over
holding another public office"
Spain's Greatest Need.
Mr. U. 1'. Olivia, of llarcelonia, Spain.
spends his winters at Aikeu, S. C. Weak
nerves lial caused severe pains in the back of
his head, On using Electric Hitters, Amer
ica's greatest Blood and Ierve Remedy, all
pain soon left him. He says this grand
medicine is what nis country need;. All
America knows that it cures liver and kid
ney trouble, purities the blood, tones up the
stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim.
vicor and new lite into every muscle, nerve
and organ of the body. If weak, tired or
ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed,
only 50 cents. Sold by A, Wislcy, drug
gist. ltnnlcH For Mnnlln.
Chicago, Juno 28. "The National
Bank of Manila" and "Tho First Na
tional Bank of Manila" aro tho names
of two banks for which Chicago men
havo asked the fedoral government to
grant charters. Tno applicants nro
J. L. Fulton, E. It. Bliss, J. H. Strong,
J. L. llay and A. 1., Dewar, all sub
stantial business men. Said Mr. Do
war: "Wo expect our charter soon.
Tho capital of the bank Is to bo $200,
000, perhaps more. Somo of us ox
pect to make a trip to the Philippine
soon to look over tho ground. We will
get to work actively as soon as our
charter arrives from Washington."
Tell Yonr Sister
A beautiful complexion Is an impossibility
without good puro blood, the sort that only
oxista in connection with tho good digestion;
a healthy livor and bowels. Karl's Clover
Root Tea acts directly on tho bowels, livor
and kidnoys keeping them In perfect health.
I'rlco 23 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Klrlin
on a guarantee
Municipal OwnorHliIp l'lnn Dofentod.
Detroit, June 28. The plans of Gov
ernor Pingrce and his associates for
municipal ownership and operation of
Detroit street railways wore left "In
tho air" by tho common council last
night. Tho two pending ordinances
and other matter appertaining to tho
municipal ownership scheme wore
laid on tho table by unanimous votes.
and It ls problematical when these
questions will bo again publicly de
WHO IS Womonas well ns mon are
TO and bladder trouble. Dr.
, r, t. 1.
DL.A1 ltl. great kidney remedy.
promptly cures. At druggists in fifty cont
and dollar sizos. You may havo a sample
bottlo by mail frco, also pamphlet telling all
about it.
Addross, Dr. Kllmor& Co.,Binghamton, N. Y.
Yostordny's Ifiisolinll Gnmps.
National League: At Cleveland
Now York, 0; Cleveland, 1. At Pitts
burgPittsburg, 4; Boston, 3. At St,
Louis St. Louis, G; Philadelphia, 4.
Atlantic League-: At Allentown
First game: Scranton, 3; Allontown, 0.
Second gamo: Allentown, 8; Scranton,
7. At Reading Reading, 2; Paterson,
0. At Newark Newark, 8; Lancaster,
4. At Wllkcsbarro ( 10 innings )
Wllkesbarre, 5; Richmond, 4.
Stenmef' Pawnoo Burriod nt Spa.
Wilmington, N. C, Juno 28. Tho
steamship George W.. Clyde, Captain
Robinson, of the New York Clyde lino,
arrived at this port yesterday with
Captain A. D. Ingram and crow of tho
steamship Pawnee on board, the Clyde
having picked them up from small
boats very soon after thoy abandoned
the Pawnee, leaving her wrapped In
flames. Tho flro wns discovered about
midnight, and bad gained such head
way that efforts to check the flames
were futile. The vossol was burned to
tho water's edge and sunk, her valu
able cargo being a total loss.
Dociilfo Pafallu In HltlO This fearful disease often first nppenrs
nUdUIld rdldliy III rilllB ng a moro scratch, a pimple, or lump in
P?iene flnt nf Ton A reas' small to attract any
UaScS Uul UI loll A notice, until, in many casos, tho deadly
111 1 disease is fully developed.
Ulirfl rOUIKl 3l L3Sti Cancor can not bo cured by a surgical
operation, bocauso the diswo is a virulont
poison in the blood, circulating throughout tho system, and although
tho soro or ulcer known as tho Cancor may bo cut away, the
poison remains in tho blood, and promptly breaks out afresh, with
ronowed violence.
Tho wonderful success of 8. S. S. in curing obstinate, deep-soated
blood diseases which were considered incurable, induced a low de
spairing sufferers to try it for Cancer, after exhausting tho skill of
tho physicians without a euro. Much to thoir delight S. S. S. provod
equal to the disease and promptly effected a euro. Tho glad news
spreau rapidly, ana it was soon uomonstratea
beyond doubt that a euro had at last been
found for deadly Cancor. Evidenco has accu
mulated whioh is incontrovertible, of which
the following is a specimen :
"Canoer is hereditary in our family, my father, a
sister and an aunt having died from this dreadful
disease. My feelings may be imagined when the hor
rible disease made its appearanoe on my side. It was
a malignant Cancer, eating inwardly in such a way aa
to cause great alarm. The disease seemed beyond tho
skill of the doctors, for their treatment did no good
whatever, the Canoer growing worso all the whilo.
Numerous remedies wero used for it. but the Cancer MR3. s. u. idol.
grew steadily worse, until it seemed that 1 was doomed
to follow the others of the family, for I know how deadly Canoer la, especially
when inherited. I was advised to try Swift's SpoolQo (8. a. 8.), whioh, from tho
first day, forced out the poison. I continuod iti use until I had taken eighteen
bottles, when I was oured pound and
dreadful ataiotion, tnougn many years
for Cancer. Mas. S. M. Idol, Winston,
f)nr book on Oancer. containincr
Information, will bo sent freo to
Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
Important Ports Oponed to Oom
morco by Gonoral Otis.
Ann 1 11 Itoportcd, Hut tho Itoport In
Oonornlly DlHtu-odltod-Snld tollnvn
Hooii Klllod liy aotiornl I'lo Dol I'llnr
In n Qtinrrol Over Iitiim's Mtirdor.
Manila, June 28. Major General Otis
has ordorcd tho oponlng to trndo of
many Important ports that havo been
closed slnco the outbrenk. Thoso ln
cludo San Fernando, on tho west coast
of Luzou; AparrI, on tho north coast;
Curimoa and all ports In the islands
of Samar and Loyto.
Many ships used In lntcr-lsland com
merce havo beon tied up In tho harbor
hero for months, and tho shippers and
merchants havo beon urging tho gov
ernment to ralso tho blockade When
the decision was made known yostor
day tho scono in the custom houso wns
ns animated ns tho floor of an Ameri
can stock oxclmngo. It wns a busy
day. Ship ownors rushed to get their
clearance papers.
Thero will bo a groat boom In the
homp buslnoes, which has boon at a
standstill. Tho ships will rnco to bring
tho first cargoes boforo tho demand
woakens. As thero Is n heavy oxport
duty on homp this will greatly In
crease the rovouues. Tho Interests of
tho natlvos, us well as tho merchants
and trndors genorally, led General Otis
to take this action. Delegations from
tho southern Islands told him that tho
cessation of business was bringing
much suffering to peaceful Inhabitants.
Gunboats will protect tho shipping
in Borne ports, but olsowhoro shippers
must risk confiscation by tho Insur
gents, who exact heavy tribute of all
ships they permit to sail.
The rumor that Agulnaldo had beon
assassinated was in circulation hero
for several days. It was not believed,
but Its currency gavo It a doflnlto form.
According to tho Btory General Plo del
Pilar called upon Agulnaldo on Juno
19 and accused him of causing Gcnoral
Luna to be killed. Agulnaldo denied
the responsibility, and added that ho
deeply regretted Luna's death. Gen
oral Plo dol Pilar, as tho story goes,
callod him a liar and scoundrel, shot
him twico in tho head with his re
volver, and walked away unmolested.
Tho report finds no crodenco In Man
ila. A Filipino general, mounted on a
big horse, with a numerous staff, has
slnco been seen haranguing tho Fili
pino troops around San Fernando, in
Pampanga provinco, and this officer is
supposed to bo Agulnaldo.
Yesterday four guns of Hobbcs' bat
tory and other artillery bombanded
tho Filipino blockhouses and trenchc3
about two miles north of San Fernan
do. Tho blockhouses, which had been
"used by Filipino Bharpshootors to an
noy tho American outposts, were de
stroyed. The enemy mado no resist
ance. Yesterday tho Spanish consul gcn
oral, wearing a brilliant uniform, vis
ited Major General Otis. He was re
ceived in tho lattcr's offico, which is
hung with portraits of Spanish royal
personages. In tho course of a graco
ful speech he said that tho Spaniards
In the Philippines would hold no re
sentment because of tho past nnd
would entertain no sentiments but
thoso of respect fownrd thn now re
gime. Scald head is an cczoma of tho scalp very
severe sometimes, but it can bo cured. Doan's
Ointment, quick and permanent In Its rosulti.
At any druc storo, 50 cents.
Convicts Kolensod nnd Itonrrostcd.
Trenton, June 28. Detectivo Bond,
of Philadelphia, came to Tronton yos
terdayand arretted William Clancy as
ho was released from tho Now Jersey
state prison after serving a flvo year
torm for picking pockets on a forry
boat between Hobokcn and Now York.
Clancy had previously been confined In
Jail in Pennsylvania and made his es
cape. Ho was arrested yestorday on
the old charge of breaking Jail and was
taken to Moyamonslng prison, Phila
delphia. Wayne Kllngor and William
Kendrlck, who wero released from the
New Jersey stato prison today, were
both arrested as soon as they wero re
leased, and will be taken to Pennsyl
vania to answer a charge of breaking
into tho Mlnersvlllo postofllco.
Ask yonr grocer for the "Boyal Patent
flour, and tako no othor brand. It is tho best
Russian Pfoposnls tTunccoptalilo.
The Haguo, June 28. As a result
of a protracted informal discussion of
tho committee's report today the Rus
sian military disarmament proposals
wore declared unacceptable. In tho
whole arbitration matter tho United
States has scored a signal success,
most of tho Ideas of tho American dele
gates having been adopted.
well, and have had no symptoms of the
navo eiapseo. a. a, a. is vm
N. O.
othor testimonials and valuable
any address by tho Swift Specific
Shenandoah Citizens Gladly Spcnk
Publicly on This Subject.
A pnbllo statement,
Given to tho public for the public good,
A citizen's oxporlonce,
Truthfully told for humanity's sake.
Should And ready appreciation,
Hhcimhdoali people aro pleased tn do It ;
Pleased to tell their friends and nclghbois.
Toll them about tho "llttlo conqueror."
Tho good deeds of Doan's Kldnoy Pills.
Aro spreading o'er tho city.
Lifting burdens from aching backs.
Curing tho pains of kidney Ills.
Read tho proof in n Skenandonh cltlzon's
Mrs. Sarah Donahue, of Market and Coal
streets, says : "My back and kidneys greatly
disturbed my rest at night. I learned about
Doan's Kidney Pills, procured them nt Klr
lin's drug storo nnd aftor taking them my
troubles all disappeared, I had pains In the
ton and back of tnv head nnd a dull aching
across my kidnoys, accompanied by a dragged
out feeling nil tho time. I was often solamo
across tho small of my back that I could
buraly got out of a chair whon I sat for any
1, ugth of time."
Donn's Kidney Pills for snleby all dcnlcrs.
I' ice 50 cents. Mailed by Foster-Mllburn
Co., buffalo, N. Y. Sole agents for tho U.
S. Remember the namo Doan's and take 110
Keitueecl Itatea to Detroit via l'ennnylvanln
llullrunri, Aeeonnt Christian En
deavor Convention.
On account of tho Convention of tho Young
rcoplo's Socloty of Christian Endeavor, to be
hold at Detroit, July 5 to 10, tho Pennsylvania
Itailroad Company mill sell oxcurelon tickets
from points on Its lino, to Detroit, at rate of
single faro for tho round trip.
Tickets will bo sold on July 3, 4, and 5,
and will bo good to return until July 15, In
clusive, except thatiby dopositinn ticket with
tho Joint Agent at Detroit before July 12,
nnd tho payment of fifty cents, tho return
limit may booxtendod to leavo Detroit not
later than August 15.
For spcclllo rates and conditions apply to
Ticket Agents.
HOOD'3 I'lLIiS cure Mver III,
Biliousness, Indigestion, Ilendaohe.
nlnaH'nt, lax&tlvo. All DruarKlst
Drink is Dtafh
nro the only positively guaranteed remedrfor Uie
Drink Habit, Nervousness ana Melancholy caused
by strong drink.
WK HUAItAMKi: l'OCIt Jioxr.H
to core any case with a poeltlTe ivrl I ten Kiinr
nutoe or refund the money, and to destroy tho
appetite for Intoxicating liquors.
STRONG DRINK n?Mlnra'l'Donnr'n
of tlo.00 vf e will mall you four 4 boies and pml
tlvo -written jrntirniiteo Q cure or jermuj
your money. Single boxes 13.00.
For sale at Klrlln'a drug store.
Of Lofty
Subject to Republican rules
Of Pine a cove. Pa.
Subject to Republican rules.
Op TxitiMOjrr.
Subject to Itepubllcqn rules.
Of Biiusasdoaji.
Subject to Republican rules.
Subject to Republican rules.
Of Pottsvilus,
Formerly of Joltctt).
Subject to Republican rules. -
Of Porrsviiiu.
Subject to Dcmocratto rujes.
Of Onwioanuiui.
Subject to Republican rules.
Or Maiianoy City.
Subject to Republican rulos.
Of Cbemkma.
Subject to Republican rules.
The only pleasure resort and picnic ground
in this region. This season will be the most
successfully conducted since its existence.
The boats for the lake ore now undergoing
repairs at Reading. The grove will be
cleaned daily bv workmen. Ice and wood to
prepare and preserve meals for picnic parties
will De lurnisnea iree. ah orciicMra win ue
established t this resort for the entire season.
For particulars address
O. J. YOST, Prop.,
Barnesvllle, Pa.
.of West Mahanoy Township,
P. J. Jl'cLauRliIln,,cx.Reccivcr, in account with the district.
Tobnlnuceof 1S94-
95 duplicate . . 5 50 09
To bnlnncc of 1895-"
90 duplicate . . f 304 20
To balance of 1896-
97 Uuplicatc . . S 012 1a
$ 1.032 53
M. J. flcLnunliHn, Receiver,
Tobnlnuceof 1897-
9S duplicate . .$ 1,728.30
To five pcr.ccntf
penalty on UnR.. , ,0041
:$ ',814 .71
To nint. of dupli
cate 01 ibos-'gg t I0.5I7 55
To s per cent, pen
alty on bnl. uuc 05 53
$ 18,417 79
P. J. Dean, Treasurer, in
To cash from P. J. Mclaugh
lin. ex-Receiver f 435 61
To cash from M. J. Mclvugh-
lin. Receiver . . . . . . u,is6 gi
To cash fromStnte Appro'n . 5,144 14
To casli irom ins. lor damages
to Brownsville school ... 25 00
To cash from cx-Trcas. Noonc 20 00
To cash from unseated lands.. ,3,234 77
To loan from' First National
Bank, Shenandoah .... 1,800 00
Total $ 2i,Si6 45 I
" Liabilities 1 and Assets.
Amt. of outstanding bonds..
Aim. of temporary; loan. .
.$ 5,000 00
1,800 00
- 1,724 46
Excess ot assets "
Total . . . . S 8,524 46
Orders issued during year and
commission. . 5 392 7
Balance to credit of fund. . . 582 57
Total $ 975 27
Expenses of
Tuition nnd County Institute ....
Tuition to J?rackville School District
Repairs and Material
Building fund account
New books
secretary's salary . . r . . . . . . 300 uu
Counsel 100 00
Printing. . , . 8825
Commission to .County Treasurer . ., ..,:".'.. . 4 43
Interest on tcmnorarv loans
Bonds redeemed and bond interest
Water rent.
Miscellaneous ,
We, the undersigned Auditora, of
the foregoing accounts and find them correct.
Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to
California Without change of Cars.
Leaving Washington ovory Tuesday and
Fridav at 11:15 a. m.. the Southern Railway
operates Personally Conducted Tourist Ex
cursions to San Franclso without change of
cars, conductors or porters. The route Is
throush Atlanta, Montgomery, New Orleans,
Ilouston, San Antouio.Now Moxico,-Arizonlt,
and Southern California. The cars aro tho
very latest pattern of Pullman Tonrist
Sleepers, rosewood finish, havo high back
seats, upholstered In rattan, aro Blxtoen
section, supplied with linen etc., tame as
standard sleepors, Ilgbtod by I'intsch Gas,
havo wide vestibules, doublo sash roller
curtains, lavatory, and smoking room for
gontlemen, and two retiring rooms for ladles.
Three and one-half days to Mexico and
Arizona, four days to Los Angelos and
Southern California, and flvo days to San
Francisco. Such service for Trans-Continental
travel has never beforo beon offered.
The tourist carfare is less than via any
other route, effecting a saving of (23.00 to
f30.00 for the trip.
All Information, maps and rates furnished
on application to Charles L. Ilopklus, Dis
trict Passenger Agent, Southern Bailway
Company, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
A Card.
We, tho undersigned, do hereby agroo to
refund the money on a E0-cenU bottlo p(
Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar If it falls
to cure your cough or cold. Wo also gnaran-teoa25-cent
bottlo to prove Batlsfactory.or.
money refunded, A. Wasley, O. II. Uagon
buch, Shenandoah Drag Store, and P. W.
Bioratoin A Co. lW4-33t-dw
Comlug Events,
July 8, Ico cream festival, undor auspices
of tho Star Foot Ball team, in Bobbins' hall.
July 4. Ico cream festival, under auspices
of tho Keturned Soldiers of tho Cuban war,
In Bobbins' opera houso.
July 4. Picnic and parade at Lost Crook
by the T. A. B. Society, Pienlo in Brown's
July 4. Grand picnic at Lakeside. Free
dancing at tlio pavilllou.
Bo You Know
Consumption is prpventablb? Science has
proven that, and also that neglect Is suicidal.
The worst cold or cough can be cured with
Shiloh's Cough and Consnmptlpn Cure, Sold
on positive guarantee for over fifty years.
Sold by P. D. Kirlln on a guarantee.
By cash paid trcas,f
Ilytcommisslou . .
Uy exonerations' .'
Balnucc'duc . . .
38 5
, ? 5.
0 5
56 09
nycnshpnldtrcas.t 197 lb
By commission . . 10 37
By exonerations . 45 76
Balance due ... m 03
$ 3"4 2fi
By nint. pnidtrcas.J? 200,00
By commission . . 10 53
Balance due . . . 401 65
$ 612 18
Total ,
S ".032 53
In account with the district. ,
By nmt. paid trcas.JS 380 00
By commission... 2000
By, exonerations. . 495 39
By s per ct. pen
alty on exou's. . 2477
Balance due . . . S94 55
-$ 1,814 71
By cash paid trcas.
wiuim touays..j5 10,011 02
By commission..
216 56
By abatements... .
By unseated lands
By cash paid nftcr
60 days
By commission...
'Balance due . . .
569 90
3.334 86
165 31
8 70
1,710 60
$ 6.5I7 55
85 S3
5 per ct. penalty due
Total 18,417 79
Account With the District.
By outstanding or
ders paid. . . $ 2,953 50
By year's issue pu. io,246 64
iiy commission . .
Balance, in Trcas'y
.J 9231
-$ 'ai.Sie 45
State Appro'n due csti'cd. .S 5,000 00
Balance due by ex-Receiver N
P.J. McLaughlin 519 18
Balance due by Receiver M.
J. McLaughlin. . 2,690, 68
Bal. due on unseated lands.. . 122 26
Cash iu Treasury 192 3r
Total $ 8,524 46
Fund Account.
Balance from last year. . . . $' 975 '27
Total .-. . . . S 975' 27
iSchool Year.
513.292 5
211 14
571 21
385 00
471 OS
305 76
S5 94
. . . : . ', ,
f ,
426 00
.W.t' .U.428 23
10 75
: 62 98
iJ3& 00
. . 21 00
' 10' 40
Total 18,246 64
West Mahanoy Township, hayc examjned.
Agent for the Famous-
Phlla. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
At all its customers to-day.
.Solomon Haak's,
116 South Malnlstreet,
Will receive, prompt attention.
Of Schuylkill Haven,
The noted Ilefractlonlst, who hastcstlmonlAjt
from the best people ot the county, as to
ability, will be at
anuuLEivs DRua stqiib
If year eyoe cause you any (rouble call and see
him, Glauea furnished If needed and no