The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 27, 1899, Image 2

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mr. lILIallHI) 1870.
"All the m. Ws Fit to Print."
Ph'-llrt'.ied o ir 'venliiK, except Sunday, at 8
Smith HnKi -'rect, Shenandoah, Pn.
Tim Herald Is delivered In Shenandoah and the
surrounding towns for .lx cent n w ck, pay
nblo to the c-ftrrters. Ily ninll J8.00 n yrur, or
25 cents ft month pnynblo In odrnnce. Ad
vertisements elmr(rI according to space and
position, Tho publishers rwervo tlio right
to chnngo tho position of advcrtlemetits
whenovcr tho pnhllcntlon of news demands
It. Tho right Is reserved to reject nny
advertisement, whether paid for or not, that
the puldlshers may deem Improper. Adver
tising rates made known uponnppllcntlon.
Entered at the post office at Shenandoah, I'n., ns
second class mall matter.
TUESDAY, JUNE 37. 1890.
OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever.
Oun Democratic friends uro having
their troublos over the judiciary
vacancy: T'no froo silver wing
patriots are hunting for a "dark
Dkspkiiatk efforts liave been made
over in England to find a satisfactory
explanation for tliosuccoss with which
American locomotive builders are
competing with those of Great
Tub often promised abolition of
slavery in Zanzibar is still in abey
ance. It is almost impossible to ob
tain free men to work in the fields
where spices are grown, as it means
death, and so the British authorities
restore runaways to their owners.
The news editor of the Miners1
Journal should read his contempor
aries more carefully. Tho Republi
can sentiment in this section does not
favor D. O. Henniug for Judge, nor
did tho Herald so report it. Ex
Judge Koch is the favorite just now.
According to reports coming from
all portions of the country the Presi
dent can get 500,000 volunteers if he
-will simply issue the call. Such a
vast army, of course, is not needed.
Front some cause the President and
those whose counsels he seeks are
doing their utmost to avoid the
necessity of sending any more volun
teers to Manila.
A woman notary public in Cali
fornia, who was recently married,
asked tho Attorney General what
name she should use officially in the
future. He has replied that she
must sign all documents as before her
marriage, for he finds no law com
pelling or even authorizing a woman
to drop her maiden name on tho
simple excuse of marriage. In fact,
ho says that there is no authority for
a ohange of name at marriage or at
any other time.
Newspapers, when considered
from an advertising standpoint, have
everything In their favor. They
reach both tho masses and the classes
and they reach them with n frequency
that commends itself as u shining
virtue to the man who has something
to sell. Moreover, a favorite news
paper can not be supplanted In the
hearts of its constituents by any other
sort of publication, which insures it a
permanency of circulation that can
not be duplicated,
Incidents like the rescue of the
entombed miner at "Wllkesbarre give
proof of how strong is humanity In
the toilers of the mines. It was
heroic service that Cosmoro's fellow
workmen rendered, and throughout
the ordeal he bore himself -with manly
fortitude. It is on such occasions as
this that these "men with tho hoes'
shovr to tho world how rioh they are
in manhood. No one can read the
details of the rescue and the conduct
of Cosmoro without feeling that thrill
which comes only when the heart is
While there is every reason to be
lieve that the rival interests among
the Demoorats of Pennsylvania will
not prevent united support of the
etate tleket nominated at Harrisburg
week before last, there are already
strong indications of tho most lively
sort of axow next year over the selec
tion of delegates to the National Con
ventlon, and the indorsement of o
candidate for President. The an
nouncement that National Commit-
teeinan Guffey, and his predecessor,
William P. Harrity, have formed an
alliance, and that the latter will be
named by Guffey as one of the ilele
gates-at-large from Pennsylvania to
the Demoeratlo national convention
lias created more of a sensation than
most people thought it would, and al
though the announcement is only
four days old, it is 'easy to discover
slims of the Btorm that is sure to
44 A Gentle Wind
of Western Birth
Tells no sweeter story to humanity than
the Announcement that the health-giver
and health-bringer, Hooas Sarsap&rdU,
iells of the birth of an era. of good health.
It is the one reliable specific for the cure
cf all blood, stomach and Ivoer troubles.
y&CtS SaMahWiitla
rr -rif ! mn 1
Bweop ovor tho Democrats of tho
stnto noxt yuar. Tho distant mtittor
Iiirb are already discornablo in
Sohuylktll count.
i)tiy Spent on Two IVultlcw Ilnllotn
Por Oovoruor.
Loulsvlllo, June 27. A continuous
performance of howling ftrce made up
tho program of the sixth day's sossion
of tho Democratic state convention,
and It narrowly escaped winding up In
an exhibition of pugilism niul marks
manship. From 10 a. m. until 6 p.
m. Central Music Hall contained, with
out doubt, the most iipronrloun and
disorderly body of men that ever Rtitu
cred together for the transaction of
political or other business. Angered
by what they considered an arbitrary
ruling of the chair, in refusing to al
low an appeal from his decision de
claring out of ordor a motion to re
move policemen from the hall, ovor
hnlf the delegates set about with all
tho onergy they could command to pro
vent by deafr.nlng noise tno transac
tion of any further business until they
secured a vote on this appeal. This
plan was successfully carried out until,
principally hecauso of utter physical
oxhaustion, the filibusters allowed
themselves to be outwitted and the
ballot on nomination for governor,
which tho chair had ordered early in
tho morning and had tried ropoatedly
to proceed with, was concluded by
having the county chairmen, or na
many ns would, come to the stago and
yell thoir votes at the clerk, who at a
distance of a few inches was ablo to
catch the figures. A second ballot
was reached, this time with less tribu
lation. These two ballots, both fruit
less, reprosont tho day's work of the
convention. After they were com
pleted all wero glad onough to ad
journ until today.
Behind thiB spectacular entertain
ment the threo candidates for governor
worked llko beavers. Yesterday it
was clearly Goebol against the field,
nnd tho Kenton county loader has suc
cessfully defied his two opponents to
combine and beat him.
Try Allen's Foot-Ease,
A powder to bo shaken into tho shoes. At
this season year feet feel swollen, nervous
and hot, and get tired easily. If you lmvo
smarting feet or tight shoos, try Allen's Foot
Ease. It cools tho feet and makes walking
oasy. Cures swollen and sweating feet,
blisters and callous spots. Kolloves corns and
bunions of all pain and gives rost and com
fort. Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists
aud shoo stores for 25c. Trial packago FitEE.
Addross, Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Eoy, N. Y.
Chnrjros n Sonntor Willi Forirory.
Sioux Palls, S. D., June 27.' Alt.
Burkholdor, a newspaper man, has
created a sensation in political and
army circles by charging thnt a Uni
ted States senator forged a letter In
support of tho senator's hostility to
expansion and to the war in the Phil
ippines. The letter purported to have
been written by an officer of the First
regiment. South Dakota volunteers,
whoso name was withheld through
fear that the writer would be court
martialed. It described the conditions
in the American ranks as being little
better than In tho convict camps of
Siberia. A defense was made In bo
half of tho senator that tho letter
should have boon dated May 9, instead
ot April 9.- The letter appeared In the
Issue of a paper here last Tuesday
morning, some hours before the ar
rival of the mall train bringing the
regular Manila mail.
Tho President Ilomownril Hound.
Adams, Mass., Juno 27. Tho vaca
tion which President nnd Mrs. Mc
Klnley have been onjoylng hero as the
guests of w. D. Plunkett Is at an end,
and last night tho presidential train
bore them toward the nation's capital.
Tho president returns to his execu
tive labors in romarkably tine health,
but Mrs. McKlnley Is not well, and it
was on her account that tho present
stay was curtailed by two days. Tho
closing day of the visit was made nota
ble by a number of pleasant Incidents.
Twice the president spoke to the peo
ple of Berkshire of tho pleasure at
tending his visit, and earlier in the day
he had assisted in tho ceremony of
laying the corner stone of what is to
be the largest cotton mill In western
Massachusetts, the property of Mr.
Snloldo Doos Not Invalidate Polloy.
Kansas City, June 27. Federal Judge
Phillips, in a decision in the case of
Rosa B. Jarman against tho Knights
Templars' and Mason's Life Indemnity
company, holds that under the statute
governing assessment insurance com
panies it was no defense against tho
payment of the policy that tho insured
committed suicide unloss It was shown
that he contemplated sulcido at the
timo he was insured, and that changes
in tho rules of tho company, made af
ter the policy was taken out, would
not affect the payment of the policy.
Lawyers have estimated that this rul
ing will cost assessment companies at
onco about $500,000.
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Y. P. S. O. 15. Annual Convention, wetron
For this occasion tho Lehigh Valley Hall
mad will Bell tickets to Detroit and return at
one faro for tho round trip, tickets on sale
for all trains (except tho Black Diamond
TCinrensl Julv 3rd to 6th. limited to return
to Jujy 15th inclusive. By deposit of ticket
with joint agent at Detroit, on or beforo
July 12th, and paymont of fee of 50 cents,
return limit will bo extended to leave Detroit
to August ISth inclusive For further parti
culara consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents,
Woman PuITWIbo Dofont In EnBlnnd
London. June 27-The houso of lords
I yesterday defeated the bjlj legalizing
me election ui jiubu us vuuuuiiuib
and aldermen. The vote stood 183
against the measure and C8 in favor.
"All Labor" Wook.
Pittsburg, June 27. Benefit weelhj
all organizeu lanor in whbiutu rcuur
sylvanla" at the Grand Opera House
has assumed proportions not thought
of bv the Dromoters. and the affair
promises to result In closer union of
the laboring classes in mis bucuuji
than ever before. The weok was In
nniriirated with a large parade, escort
lng as the guest nnd orator of the
evening Governor Stone, who at the
conclusion of tho vaudqvlllo hill made
a short address. The speakers for the
balance of tho weeit are: Tuesday,
Hamuol Gomners. Wednesday, T. V,
Fowdorlv: Thursday, P. J. McGuIre
Friday, General Miles, Saturday, Sam
uel P Jones, mayor or toioqq,
Mother and Babe
'ONE but a mother know the
paint, anguish and dread that a
woman endure! before and durlne
childbirth. And tlU nearly all this suf
fering is unnecessary. The faithful use of
will in great measure overcome every
distressing symptom, and labor Itself will
not be a very serious ordeal. Remember
that MOTHER'S FRIEND Is an ex
ternal liniment that softens and relaxes
the muscles, and is not a dangerous
compound of opiates to swallow. Ask
your druggist for it or send price ($J) to
Tilt DRAOriCLD RtGUUTOR CO., Atlanta, Ga.
Send for our. Ires Illustrated
book, "llcforo Uaby Is Horn."
-M Itt 4M-
Victim Bnw tho I.ovror I'nrt or Ills
Hinly Cnrrlotl Away.
Charlotte, N. C, June 27. On Sun
day night a whlto man nnmcd Par
sons, whose home wbb at Lenoir, N.
C, was run ovor by a Southern rail
way train, 30 miles north of hero. Ho
was brought to Charlotto and lived
about 30 minutes after reaching hero.
His body was entlroly severed Just be
low tho waist, and whilo lying on a
Btretchor talking to a physician the
unfortunato man saw tho lowor half of
his body removed to another part of
tho room, and commented upon It. Ho
told his name, and talked very ration
ally, and In, a fow minutos said to tho
doctors that he had only a fow mln
ult'es more to llvo and asked that ho
bo givon something to stop tho pain.
Tho doctor administered an opiate,
and Parsons became quiet, nnd died in
a few minutes. Parsons was about 21
years of ago, and was boating his way
on tho trnln when killed.
Women ns woll as mon aro
mado miserable by kidnoy
nnd bladder trouble Dr.
Kllraor's Swnrap-IJoot, tho
croat kidney remedy,
promptly cures. At druggists in fifty cent
nnd dollar sizes. You may havo a samplo
liottlo by mail free, also pamphlet telling nil
nbout it.
Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co. .Blnghnmton, N. Y.
Mrs. Ilnrrnw'H Ilpnvj Sentence.
New York, Juno 27. Mrs. George B.
Barrow, whon arraigned before Jus
tlco Werner In tho criminal branch ot
tho supremo court, pleaded guilty to
the chargo of kidnapping baby Marion
Clark. She was sentenced to 12 years
nnd 10 months in prison. Justice Wer
nor bitterly denounced the woman,
and pronounced her crlmo ono of "con
summate villainy." Ho refused to ac
cedo to Lawyer Howo's request to de
fer tho sentence
Hundreds of lives saved ovory year by
having Dr. Thomas' Eclcctrio Oil in tho
houso just whon it is needed. Cures croup,
boals burns, cuts, wounds of every sort.
Solzed'.Iowolr.v niul J.ncos.
New York, Juno 27. Tho jowolry
nnd laces seized last Saturday from
Mrs. Phyllis E. Dodge, a passenger on
tho American liner St. Paul, wero re
moved from tho safo In tho bargo of
fice yesterday and taken to the ap
praiser's stores for examination. Mrs.
Dodge had announced her Intention to
appear at the custom house for tho
purpose of entering an emphatic pro
test against tho action of the customs
inspectors, but she failed to make her
Appearance. Tho Jewels alone aro
worth over $100,000, on which tho duty
would havo been about ?40,000.
Energy all gono ? Headache? Stomach out
of ordor? Simply a caso of torpid liver.
Burdock Blood Blttors will mako a new man
or woman of you.
Flvo Yonru For Ksplonnco.
Nice, June 27. The trial of General
Giletta Dl San Giuseppe, the Italian
charged with espionage, who was ar
rested horo Juno 12, resulted yesterday
In a vordlct sentencing him to flvo
years' Imprisonment and to pay a fine
ot 5,000 francs. Ho was arrested by
agents of tho Pronch government, who
asserted he has been inspecting tho
fortifications on tho frontier of Franco.
Sovoral plans were found on his per
son, but the general held that they
were not of a secret character, and
merely the drawings of a tourist.
Governor ltooxovolt Comlnu Kant.
East Las Vegas, N. M., June 27. Tho
first annual reunion of tho Associa
tion of Rough Riders concluded last
night with a reception and ball given
at the Montezuma hotel, situated at
the Hot Springs, six miles northwest
of this placo. Colorado and Kansas
were just as enthusiastic over Governor
Roosevelt yesterday as ho is traveling
back to Chicago as they wero last
week when he was going to Las Vegas.
Among those who welcomed him at La
Junta wore Carl Browne, formerly of
Coxoy s army.
Agent for the Famous
Pliila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Blown Stout, Half aud Half, Beer
and Porter.
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
llf) South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
Of Schuylkill Haven,
Tii. nntnd lLnf ractlonlst. who has testimonials
from the bent people of the oouuty, on to his
ability, will beat ,
If your eyes cnuie you any trouble call and see
him. Cllaue furnished If needed and no
Over 3,000 mon nro now on strlko In
Chicago's stock ynrds.
Thoro Is no fonr of a strlko on tho
Delawnro and Lackawanna railway.
Tho French chamber approved the
now cabinet, but tho dehate was very
Negro minors aro leaving Pana, Ills.,
foarlng to work since troops havo boon
Firo at Toledo destroyed two big
freight houses and 100 loaded cars,
causing $300,000 loss.
In n New York saloon row Dudley
Smith, a negro, shot and killed Michael
Lyden, a watchman.
Senator Burrows, of MIchlgnn, pre
dicts Sonntor McMIIlian's ro-olcctlon,
dosplto Algor's candidacy.
Boh Fltzslmmons and "Kid" McCoy
havo been matched for a fight In Sep
tember, probably In Denver.
Gorman troops sent to punish Chl
nose for attacking tho railway near
Kiao-Chau met with armed resistance.
Chinese ropulsed and 10 killed.
A prominent Republican of Mil
waukee, who Is a close friend of Henry
C. Pnyno, nssorts that that astute po
litical manager has been asked to take
tho chairmanship of tho Republican
national committee
Curcf croup, soro throat, pulmonary
troubles Monarch over pain of every Bort.
Dr. Thsmns' Eclectrlo Oil.
As Itcllootert by Donllncs In Philadel
phia nnil Itnltlmnro.
Philadelphia, Juno 20. Flour weak:
winter supernne, J2.1502.35; Pennsylvania
roller, clear, $3.205f3.2G; city mills, oxtra,
J2.6O02.75. Hye flour quiet at $3.103.15
per barrel for choice Pennsylvania.
"Wheat Slow; No. 2 red, spot, In elovator,
74H76c. Corn dull; No. 2 mixed, spot.
In elovator, SSWSOc. Oats steady; No. 2
whlto, 32o.; No. 2 white, clipped, 32V433c.
liny receipts moderate; choice timothy,
J16.E0 for large bales. Heof strong; beef
hams, $24. Pork dull; family, 11.60?12.
Lard stendy; wostern steamed, $3.25. Ilut
ter stoady; western creamery, 15V4018Hc;
do. factory, 1214o.; Imitation creamery,
13010c.; New York dairy, 1314017c; do.
crenmery, 15'X01SHc. Cheeso firm; large,
whlto and colored, 8U08Vic.; small do.,
SHc Egfrs steady; Now York and Penn
sylvania, 15015HS.; western, fresh UMQ
15c; southern, 9011c. Potatoes quiet;
southern, nrsts, $1.5002.75; southern, sec
onds, DOc0$1.5O. Cabbago stoady at $10
2 per barrel crate.
Baltimore, June 20. Flour quiet; west
ern superfine, $2.2502.40; do. extra, $2.40
02.80; do. family, $3.3503.00; winter wheat,
patent, $3.7503.00: spring do., $3.0004.10; do.
straight, $3.5003.00, Wheat steady at a
decline; spot nnd month, 74H074.HO. ; July,
74$i0747ic; August, 7G07OVic; steamer No.
2 red, 70ffi70V4c; southern, by snmplo, 700
75o.; do. on grades, 710750. Corn dull;
spot and month, 3S'!i03S'to. ; July, S8V4
SS5ic; August, 3SV403Sc; stenmor mixed,
37W03714c; southern, whlto, 4142c; do.
yellow, 42V4043C Oats steady; No. 2
whlto, 320325io.; No. 2 mixed, 3OVj031o.
Hye dull; No. 2 nearby, COc: No. 2 west
ern, Clc Hay firm; No. 1 timothy, $17.50
018. Grain freights very dull; steam to
Liverpool, per bushel, 27s. Sd. July; Cork,
for orders, per quarter, 3s. July. Sugar
stronir: coarso and fine granulated, 5.53.
Cheese steady; largo, 9c to 9V6c; medium,
914c to 9c: small, 9c. to 9Tic Dutter
steady; fancy croamory, 19020c; do. Imi
tation. 15017c. . do. ladle, 145J15C.; gooa
ladle, 11012c; sUro packed, 12013c; rolls,
12014c. Eggs firm at, 14014V4C Lottuco
steady at 50c. per bushel box. Whisky
stendy at $1.3001.31 for finished goods In
carloads; $1.3101.32 lor jobbing 'ois.
Live Stock Mnrliots.
Now York. Juno 20. Hooves active and
higher; Bfeers, $5.1005.70; fat oxen, $4.75;
bulls, $3.2504.15; cows, $2.D05W.25. Cnlves
active nnd higher; veals, $5:3007.50; culls,
$3; buttermilks, $4.604.S7V4; mixed calves.
$1.5006.50; grassers, $1. Demand good, but
lowor for sheep and lambs; poor to
prime sheep, $305; choice wethers, $5.25;
common to choice Iambs, $5.5007.50; ono
car $7.75. Hogs firm at $4.2504.35.
East Liberty. Pa.. June zt). uaiuo
steady; extra, $5.4305.55; primo, $5.3005.40;
common, $3.0004.40. Hogs dull; assorted
mediums and bost pigs, $1.1004.1214; best
Yorkers, $4.10; common to fair Yorkeis,
$404.05; heavy hogs. $3.9004; good roughs,
$3.4003.00; stags and piggy sows, $3,750
8 25. Sheep lower; choice wethers, $1,700
4.75; common, $203; yearlings, $3.5005.30;
spring lambs, $500.25; veal calvos, $7ffi7J5.
A blessing alike to young and old ; Dr.
Fowlor's Extract of Wild Strawberry;
naturo's speciflo for dysentery, diarrhoea
and summer complaint.
Vnlno of Its Work Illnntratod on tho
l'noillo Coast.
Washington, Juno 26. Tho work of
tho fish commission Is practically com
pleted this year. According to the
officials ot the commission when the
reports aro sent In July 1 they will
show that It has been tho most suc
cessful year in tho history of the com
mission. Fully as many shad havo
been planted this year as last, whoa
the high water mark In shad propaga
tion was reached. Tho great com
mercial value oi the work done by
tbo fish commission can best bo illus
trated in tho case of shad. The
catch of shad In 1885 was 5,000,000.
The systematic collection of eggs and
distribution of shad fry since that
year have increased tho catch annu
ally, until this year It reached 13,000,-
000, an Increaso of 150 por cent in 14
years. At the same time tho cost
of shad has been decreased to the
consumer more than 30 per cent. The
value of tho catch this year was up
wards of $800,000. This result has been
obtained by the commission with a
total expenditure of $42,000.
So successful was tho experiment
made soveral years ago for the intra
duction of shad and striped bass on
the Pacific coast that the planting of
those two food fishes on that coast has
been suspended. The shad catch on
.tho Pacific now ranges between 1,000,
000 and 2,000,000 annually. The total
cost of introducing tho shad Into Pa
cific waters was hut $6,000. So plenti
ful havo the striped bass become in
the Pacific coast streams since their
introduction that they can be pur
chasod in the rrurkets of the coast
cheaper the year round than in tho
eastern markets. When thoy wero
first Introduced they brought $1 a
In Massachusetts there org two of
the largest marino fish culture Btatlonfc
In tho world. At those the cod, pol
lock, flat fish (flounder) and lobster are
propagated. Ovor 300,000,000 cod oggs
wore collected here and botweon 150,
000.000 and 200.000.000 fry distributed,
Ovor 40,000,000 flat fish were planted.
The lobster s6ason has not yet closed.
Over 100,000,000 eggs have already
peeii taken, and It is oxpected that 60,
000,000 more will bo taken botoro tbo
closo of the season.
Nwxls aislstaneo it way be best to render it
promptly, but ono riiould remember to use
even tho most perfect remodica only when
needed. The best and most simple and
Eentle romcdy Is the Syrup of Figs, manu.
facturcd by the California Fig Byrup uo.
It b oaay to toll whothcr your Sid
noys nro diseased. Tnko a bottle or
ilass tumblor and All It with urine. U
thoro Is a sodlmont a powdor-llko enb
utanco after standing n day and night,
thoro Is Bomothing wrong with tho
Kldnoyg. Other suro signs of disease)
aro a desiro to urlnato often, pain ia
tho back, or if your urlno stains linon.
Thoro is no question that Br. David
fKonnody's Favorito Remedy Is ths
best and surest medicino In tho world
for diseases of tho Kidneys, Liver,
Bladdornnd Blood, Rheumatism, Dys
pepsia and Chronio Constipation. It
quickly roliovcs and cures inability to
hold urlno nnd tho necessity of getting
up a number of times during tho night.
It puts an end to that scalding pain
when passing urino aud corrects tho
bad effects of whiskey and boor. It is
Bold for ono dollar a boftlo at nil drug
Send your full post oillco address to th
TION, Rondout, N. Y., nnd montlon
this paper. They will thon mail you a
rvaluablo medical pamphlot frco, giving
all directions lor ltanso. livery reaaor
f this rmner can dcriend unon the)
;enuineness of this liberal offer, and
,11 sufTerors from tho diseases mention
id abovo should tako advantago of it
Grentllrltalu'H Firm Attltnilo Ift Ilnv
lntr tho llottrcd 1511'oot.
London, Juno 20. Tho firm nttl
tudo of Great Britain appoars to he
having tho desired effect In tho Trans
vaal complications. Tho latest cable
grams from South Africa talk of vari
ous semi-official missions for nego
tiations botween Capo Town, Bloem
fonteln nnd Protorla, aiming to ar
range a franchise compromise on' a
basis of five or six years past resi
dence. President ICruger is represented as
ngreeablo to somo such arrangement,
hut Is finding considerable difficulty
In handling his own conservative ele
ment. In a reported lntervlow he Is
alleged to havo said rogardlng the war
rumors that mountains wero being
made of molehills, al that he was
firmly convinced that Queon Victoria
would n6vor allow "letting loose the
dogs of war" over South Africa.
CnlmnH Celebrate Our Vlotory.
Santiago, Juno 2C. For threo days
tho Cubans havo been conducting a
patriotic demonstration, the festival of
San Juan, in honor of the victory won
there by the American troops over the
Spaniards. Tho celebration, however,
has boon remarkable for tho absence
of tho American flag and for the non
partlclpatlon of tho better class of the
Cubans themsolves. Ono Spaniard
was noarly killed by tho mob.
Voune Mothers.
Croun Is tho terror of thousands of younc
mothers because its outbreak is so ssonizlng
and frequently fatal. Shiloh's Cough and
Consumption Curo acts like ninclo in cases of
croup, it has never boon Known to tan. iuo
worst cases rolievod immediately. Price 25
cts., SO cts. and f 1.00. Sold by P. D. Klrlin
on a ccaranteo.
Kkduceu Hates to Los Anqeles, Cal., via
Pennsylvania Eailkoad.
For tbo National Educational Association
Convention to bo bold at Los Angeles, Cal.,
July 11 to 14, tho Pennsylvania Eailroad
Company will sell excursion tickets via direct
routes from points on its lino, to Los Angeles,
Cal., aud roturn, at rate of single faro for the
round trip, plus $2.00 membership foo. Those
tickets will bo sold, good going Juno 24 to
July 7, and when stamped by Joint Agent at
Los Angeles, good to return, arriving at final
destination, until September 5.
For further information apply to ticket
. Florida Short Line.
Tho Now York and Florida Express, via
Southern Hallway, leaving Broad street
station, Philadelphia, daily at 5:31 p, ra.
carries through Pullman sleeping ca-s to
Augusta and Savannah, Ga., Jacksonville and
Tampa, Fla., via Charlotto and Columbia.
This is tho short lino and most attractlvo
route to points in Georgia and Florida. All
information cheorfully furnlshod by Charles
L. Hopkins, District Passcngor Agent, 628
Chostnut stroet, Philadelphia.
Oraln-0 Brings Relief
to tho coilco drinker. Coffee drinking is a
habit that is universally indulged iu and
almost as universally injurious. Havo yon
tried Graln-0 ? It is almost llko coOco but
tho effects nro just tho opposite. Coffco
upsets tho stomach, ruiu3 the digestion,
effects the heart and disturbs tho whole
nervous system. Grain-0 tones up tbo
stomach, aids digestion and strengthens the
norves. Thero is nothing but nourishment
in Grain-O. It can't bo otherwise. 15 and
25c per packago.
Reduced Hates to Itlcltmond, Vn.
On account of tho International Conven
tion of tho Baptist Young People's Union of
America, to be held at llicbmond, Va., July
13 to 10, the Pennsylvania Hailroad Company
has a r ran god to sell excursion tickets from
points on its line, to Richmond, at rato of
slnglo faro for tho round trip (tickets via
Baltimore and Bteamboat fifty cents more
than single fare).
Tickets will bo sold July 11 to 13, and will
bo good to return until July 31, inclusive
except that on deposit of ticket with tho
Joint Agent at Richmond beforo July 28, and
tho payment of fifty cents, the return limit
may bo extended to leavo Richmond not
later than August 15, 1809.
Stop over at Washington on return trip for
ten days, not to exceed final limit of ticket.
For specific rates and conditions .apply to
Ticket Agents.
California and Iteturn.
Ono fare plus two dollars for tho round
trip via direct lines. Small advance to re
turn via Portland, Tacoma and Scattlo,
Choico of lines east from Portland, viz.,
Northern Paciflo Ry., Great Northern By. or
Canadian Pacific Ry. to St. Paul. Tickets
will bo sold Juno 25 to July 7, good to return
until September 4th. For map-time tablo
and full particulars address John R. Pott,
District Pa&sengor Agent, Chicago, Mil
waukee & St. Paul Railway, 480 William
street, Wllllamsport, Pa.
Coining Events.
July 3. Ico cream festival, under auspices
of tho Star Foot Ball team, In Bobbins' hall.
July 4 Ico cream' festival, under auspices
of the Returned Soldiers of the Cuban war,
in Uobbina' opera houso.
July 4. Plcnlo and parade at Lost Crook
by f bo T. A. B. Society. Plcnlo In Brown's
What is Bnllon 1
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
Consumption; used through the world for
hdf a century, has cured Innumerable cases
of Incipient consumption and relieved many
In advanced stages, If you are not satls!U4
with the results wo will refund your money.
Price 25 cts., 60 ck, and 1.00. Bold by P. D.
Klrlin on a guarantee,
)IoetN With n Collision Whloh Ciuibo
lint SllKlit. Damage
I)iidon, Juno 27. Sir Thomas Lip
ton's cup challengor Shnmrock was
launched nt 3 o'clock yesterday after
noon ut Mlllwall. Lady Hussoll chris
tened tho yncht with tho customary
hottlo of champagne, saying:
"I christen you Shamrock. God bless
you! Good luck to you! May you bring
back tho cup."
Threo cheers wero thon glvon, and,
on a signal from Lady Russoll, tho
boat and tho cradlo glided safely Into
tho water, with her cntlro crow nnd
many workmen on hoard. As tho
Shamrock readied midstream from tho
slips a bargo collided with her, strik
ing tho yacht's bow nbovo tho water
lino. There was a great cry when tho
Shamrock struck, especially from sov
eral members of the Llpton party who
witnessed tho launch from tho river.
But it was soon ascertained that tho
damago dono was slight, and as a tug
towed tho yacht towards tho dock hun
dreds of whistles and horns mado a
tremendous din.
After tho launch Admiral Bercsford
said to a press correspondent: "I con
sider tho hull of tho Shnmrock to bo a
remarkable triumph of construction.
Sho Is built on orlginnl lines. But wo
must recollect that tho Americans
know n good craft, nnd wo can depend
that their Invention will in any caso
run us hard."
srttintlou vVlth Cnlumhln.
Bristol, R. I., Juno 27. After n con
ference among tho owners of tho new
cup defendor, Columbia, C. Oliver Ise
lin, tho managing owner, nottfiod tho
Horreshoff company yestorday nftor
noon that tho yacht would bo accepted
without a further builders' trial. Tho
ownors oxpressod thomselves moro
than satisfied with tho performance of
tho yacht In Sunday's trial, Tho for
mal transfer wns made yesterday af
ternoon to Mr. Isolin, ns managing
ownor of tho Morgan-Iselln syndicato.
Death or Ynlo. 1'rofosnor.
Litchfield, Conn., June 27. Samuel
Harris, omorltus professor of system
atic theology in Yalo Theological sem
inary, is dead at his summer homo
here, aged 85 years.
Story of a Slave.
To bo bound hand and foot for yeart by tho
chains of disoaso Is tho worst form of slavery.
Onorsn D. Williams, of Manchester. Mich..
tells bow such aslavowas mado froe. Ho
says : "My wlfo has beon so holploss for. five
years that sho could not turn over In bod
alono. Aftor using two bottles of Electric
Clttcrs, site is wonderfully Improved and
able to do hor own work." This Bunromo
remedy for fcnialo diseases quickly enres
nervousness, sleeplessness, molancholy, head
ache, backache, faintine and dizzy spells.
This mlraclo worklnz medicino is a godsend
to weak, sickly, run down pooplo. Evory
bottlo guaranteed. Only 50 oeuts. Sold by
A. Wasloy, Druggist.
Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to
California Without change of Cars.
Leaving Washington ovory Tuosday and
Friday at 11:15 a. m the gouthorn Railway
iinnrates Personally Conducted Tourist Ex
cursions to Sau Franciso without chaugo of
cars, conductors or porters. The routo is
throueb Atlanta, Montgomery, new unoans,
Houston, San Antonlo,Now Mexico, Arizonia,
and Southern California. Tho cars aro tho
very latest pattern of Pullman Tourist
Sleepers, rosewood finish, havo high back
seats, upholstored in rattan, nro sixteen
-ioction, supplied with linon etc., same- as
standard sleepers, lighted by Pin tec h Gas,
have wide vestibules, doublo sash rollor
curtains, lavatory, and smoking room for
gentlemen, aud two retiring rooms for ladles.
Threo and one-half days to Mexico and
Arizona, four days to 1.03 Angeios aud
Southern California, aud llvo days to San
Francisco. Such sorvico for Trans-Continental
travel has never beforo boon offered.
Tho tourist carfaro is less than via any
other routo, effecting a saving of (25.00 to
$30.00 for the trip.
All information, maps nnd rates furnished
on application to uuarics u. -UopKlns, Dis
trict Passenger Agent, Southern Railway
company, ma unestnut street, jmiaaeipma
A Card.
Wo, tho undersigned, do hereby agrco to
refund the money on a 50-cont bottle of
Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar If it falls
to curo your cough or cold. We also guaran
tee a 25-cent bottlo to provo satisfactory or
money rpfunded. A. Wasloy, C. II. Uagon
bach, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W.
Blcrstein & Co. ll-14-33t-dw
Dr. Jackson points to
the startling fact that
there are now 20 million
Catarrh victims iu this
country and the number
rapidly increasing. It
has already become the
National Disease. Are
wc to become a nation of
Catarrhltes? It looks
like It. .
The Aboriginal Indians are snld not to have
xnown the disease. That proves It Is not caused
ly our climate and must have been imported.
4s growth was slow but pertislcnt. Forty
.ears ago there were less than 40.000 cases in
the U. 8., to-day there are 20 million. 80011
there wlli be 30 million. Where Is It to end?
-Shall we not awake till it has fastened Its fangs
iu every man, woman and child In the laud?
llow shall we prevent it unless we talce immed
ate and vigorous steps to stamp out theplague?
t'his putrid disease knows no sex, no cfass, no
.tation. It Is everywhere. A germ (microbe)
disease it spreads by contagion. The carton
ireatb and expectoration of the poor victim are
oa Jed with these microbes. Others breath them
iu, they find lodgement aud never release their
'iold till the victim lies down In death, unless
-very microbe Is killed. But can they be killed J
Yes, but not by any "blood medicine," No Ca
tarrh germ was ever found iu the blood. The
trouble is local aud must be treated locally. A
jalsam has been discovered that Is sure death
to the Catarrh microbe, making a radical and
,iermaneut cure. It Is Brazilian Holm. It has
aired tens ol thousands lu the past 15 years, It
dso cures all the troubles caused by Catarrh,
.s Sore Throat. Old Couffhs, Bronchitis, Asthma
ind Lung troubles. The swallowing ot the
Catarrh pus makes the Stomach raw and ulcer
tted. The Brazilian l)a!ni soon makesa radical
cure of the Stomach and alimentary canal. It
is the cheapest remedy on the market, a $1.00
.mttle containing a whole month's treatment.
As all sufferers with Catarrh and Asthma have
run-down systems we will tilt January next put
1 mouth's treatment of Toxlcola Tablets, free,
,n with every $1.00 bottle of Brazilian Balm.
This is the best Tonic and nerve nnd strength
.milder known. You get all lor $1.00, a month's
treatment of both. Now Is the time to treat
vour Catarrh. Do not delay. Ask your druggist
,iik1 take no substitute. If he will not get It,
send direct to us. B. 1'. Jackson & Co., M'f'g.
Chemists, Indianapolis, Ind.
Wholesale Agents;
The only pleasure resort and picnic ground
in this region, This season will be the most
successfully conducted since its existence.
The boats for the lake ore now undergoing
repairs at Reaijipg, The grpve wl'l be
cleaned daily by workmen. Ice and wood to
prepare and preserve meals for picnic parties
will be furnished free. An orchestra will be
established at this resort for the entire season,
For articular3 address
B. J. YOST, Prop.,
Barnesvllle, Pa.
An Excellent Combination.
Tho pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Svnui' of Fias, manufactured by tho
CAMFonKiA Fio Svnur Co., lllustrato
tho valuo of obtaining tho liquid lnxa
tivo principles of planta known to bo
medicinally laxative nnd presenting
them In tho form most refreshing to tho
taste and neccptablo to tho system. It
Is the ono perfect strengthening laxa
tive, (rtcansing tho system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling ono
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
overy objectlonablo quality nnd sub
stance, and its acting on tho kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, mako it thti ideal
In tho process of manufacturing figs
nro used, 03 they aro pleasant to tho
taste, but tho medicinal qualities of tho
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to tho Camfobnia Fiq Syrup
Co. only. In order to get Its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember tho full namo of the Company
printed on the front of every package
For sale by all Druggists. rrlce Mc, per bottle
Steel Pennyroyal Treatment
is tho original nnd only FRENCH,
safo and reliable enro on tho mnr.
kct. Price. $1.00; sent by moil.
Genuine sold only by
Klrlln'a drug store
Op Lofty.
Subject to Republican rules
OpPineQeovb, Pa.
Subject to Republican rules.
Of Trkmoht.
Subject to Republican rules.
Op Siienakdoaii.
Subject to Republican rules.
Subject to Republican rules.
Or Potts vi li. n,
Formerly ot Jollett).
Subject to Republican rules.
Op PoTTSVllMt,
Subject to Democratic rules,
Op OnwiasBcno,
Subject to Repnbllcan rules.
Op Mauasov Crrv,
Subject to Republican mips.
Op CnnesoNA.
Subject to Republican rules.
This magatlno for boys. and girls Is without
A rival In its field. Tho features for the coming
J car will gain for It a host of new friends. A
tew leading attractions aro 1
A New Henty Story,
By G. A. Ilenty
This Is n tale of early American history, by
tho favorito story-teller of American and Kng
lleli boya.
By Amelia E. Barr.
A delightful historical romance for girls, deal
ing with Ufa in Old New York, and written by
one of the most spirited and conscientious
American authors.
By Laura E. Richards.
No writer Is more welcome to the young folk
of to-day than the author of "Captain Janu
ary," and this is one of her best efforts.
"K Bj E". H. 1I0U4C.
A series of amusing eid.odcs of history,
ancient and modern, told In on entertaining
way. It will wa en a now Interest In this Im
portant branch of study. '
Mrs. O, D. Blgsbee, the wlfo of the captain of
the battle-ship Maine, Will wrffo about "Pets
' Also contributions from Mrs, Burton Bjirrl.
eon Clara Morris, 'oelett Burgess, CI0V4
OBbonrne, M. feadlcotj, PoultW Bigeloyr,
Lt. Peary,
Every household vlth children should
have St. Nlchol ap
$3.00 a Year as cents a number