The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 23, 1899, Image 2

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"All the Hews That's Fit to Print."
Published every evening, ejeept Sunday, nt 8
Boutli Jnnlln street, Shenandoah, l'n.
i.ono iustanok'iionis.
The Herald 1 dsllvcrcd In Shenandoah nnd Iho
surrounding towns for six cent n wi ck, pny
able lo the carriers. By mull 03.00 n year, or
23 cents n month pnyablo In ndynnce. Ad
vertisements clmrijed according to spncennd
position, Tho publishers reserve the right
to change tho position of advertisements
whenever tho publication of news demnnds
It. The right Is reserved to reject any
advertisement, whether paid for or not, that
tho publishers may deem Improper. Adver
tising rates mnde known upon application.
Kntered at tho post office at Shennndonh, la., on
second class mall matter.
FRIDAY. JUNE 23, 1800.
OUR COUNTRY s First. Last and Forever.
RnriuiacAN politics is becoming
interesting, anil this Interest will in
crease after tho Demooratio gather
ing. Thk Hkhald's bulletin, yesterday
morning, announcing the resignation
of Judge Pershing as president judge
of this district, was the first informa
tion the people of Shenandoah re
coiyed, and the nows quickly spread
throughout the town. Among tho
politicians especially was it a subject
of much discussion, likewise his prob
ablo successor.
Thk Philadelphia and Reading
railroad yesterday issued orders that
all engines on its lines are to burn
anthracite coal as soon as tho pres
ent supply of bituminous is ex
hausted. This means considerable to
the hard coal regions. The Reading
uses hundreds of engines and much
coal is consumed daily. Every little
helps in tho effort to boom hard coal.
It is amusing, if not somewhat
ridiculous, to scan the editorial
columns of the Wanamaker sheet at
Pottsville. In one paragraph it begs
Governor Stone not to be "too hasty"
in naming a successor to Judge
Pershing, and in another it abuses
the Executive simply because ho does
not, apparently, seek tho advicej of
these malcontents before taking
official action on matters of state.
The Republica should "keep oil the
Thk first copy of the Evening
J. I IUUIIU into V 1 1 J l 1
Pottsville, reached our tablo yester
day. R. J. Wilson is tho manager,
and it is published by the Pottsville
Publishing Company, limited, which
includes such well known statesmen
as Hon. C. N. Brumui, W. J. White
house, Esq., and Postmaster Schrink.
Typographically it presents a neat
appearance, the local news field is
well covered, and with direct tele
graph and telephone connections the
principal news centres of the country
are fully covered. Brother Wilson
and his corps of quill pushers are to
bo congratulated, and to them we ex
tend the glad hand.
Thk Democrats who intimate that
Havemeyer talks as an export on this
trust business are corr.ect, though in
a sense different from what thoy
realize. The sugar trust was allowed
by the Democrats to draw up the
sugar schedule of the Mills bill the
bill which defeated the Democracy
in 1888. The trust framed the sugar
provisions of the Wilson-Gorman act
of 180-1 the "perfidy and dishonor"
tariff, to use Cleveland's designation
of it, the tariff act which Cleveland
refused to sign, allowing it to become
a law by the expiration of the time
limit. Mills, Wilson, Gorman and
the rest of the Democratic leadors
gave the sugar trust a good many
favors, which the trust, it was under
stood, reciprocated by subscribing
handsomely to the Democratic cam
paign fund in 1888, 1802 and 1800.
Thk Fourth this year ought to be
a big day in Shenandoah and
throughout the county. .Last year
the Fourth brought a glorious sur1
prise, but its celebration had to be
impromptu. Much has happened
during the last year to make an
American feel proudly patriotic as
well as expansive. The heroism of
the army and navy has been simply
unsurpassable. Cuba has been freed
and the -work of humanity carried
throughout its borders. Our flog is
tip over new possessions that broaden
the destiny of the nation. It also
waves over the widening lines of our
devoted and victorious army in the
Philippines. A year so full of brilliant
national achievement naturally Bug
gests a national holiday of both an
old-fashioned and new-fashioned
kind. Many Schuylkill county boys
defended the old flag during the
recent "unpleasantness," and we
should all join in a general celebra
tion of these memorable events.
Hood's Pitts
Do not gripe nor Irritate the alimen
tary canal. They act gently yet
promptly, cleanso effectually and
Give Comfort
Sold b7 all druggists.
25 cents.
1 A Ha
I is one of
I posses.
Handsome Complexion
one of the greatest charms a v omaucan
Mrs. Morris' Letter to
"I hnvo Inhon eight bottles of Lydln
15. PinUham's Vegetable Compound
with gratifying results. I had been
married four years nnd had two chil
dren. I wns all run down, had falling
of womb with all Its distressing symp
toms. I had doctored with a good
physician, but I derived very llttlo good
from his troatmont. After taking a
fow bottlcH of your mediolno, I was
able to do my work and nurse, my soven-months'-old
babe. I recommend your
medicine to ovory wifo and mothor.
Had I tlmo, I could wrlto much moro
In its pralso. I bid you God's speed la
your good work." Mbs. L-. A. Moiuus,
Welaka, Puts am Co., If la.
" DcAn Mns. Tisiuiam When I com
menced tho use of your remcdlos I was
very bad off. Every two weeks I was
troubled with flowlngspollswhiehmado
mo vory woak. I had two of tho best
doctors, but thoy did not socm to help
"Thoy said my troublo was caused
from weakness and was nothing to
worry about. 1 1 olt tired all tho time; hnd
no ambition. I was growing worse all
tho tlmo until I bogan tho uso Of Lydla E.
Plnkhom'uVcgetablo Compound. Iam
now ablo to help about tho houso, and
am much Improvod in hoalth." Mils.
A. Walker, Calucook Depot, N. Y.
Tholr Vlotlms Kooonntzod Sovornt of
His I'orsooutors.
Danville, Ills., June 23. Dloodlng,
covered with tar. and doathly slok.
James. Briloy, of Rossvtlle, staggorod
Into tho police station hore Wednes
day night. Ho was tho victim of a
whltocapping attack at RosbyIUo. Ter
rible marks across his back and breast
showed whoro the lash of a whip had
cut through tho skin and dooD into the
flesh. Briloy said a crowd of 12 young
xnon came to his homo in Uosavtllo at
10 o'clock Wednesday night and took
mm out. lie saia thoy wore masks,
but ho recognised five of thorn. Thoy
took him out of tho town and tiod him
to a wire, fonoo. He was then stripped
and boaten with a whip. He says they
wore tho. whip out on him and then
smeared him with tar. He Anally was
turned loose, naked and blooding, and
told to loavo the town. A night tolo
sraph man gave him some old clbthes
and ho came to Danville, on a frolght
irtua. n is auegoa mat ilrlloy would
not support his family.
WHO IS Women as well as mon aro
'1 mado misorablo by kidney
III and bladder troublo. JJr,
rw AMD Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the
vjttm. great Kidney romcuy,
promptly cures. At druggists in fifty cent
and dollar sizes. You may liavo a samplo
bottlo by mail froo, also pamphlet telling all
about it.
Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.
a ?BT,000 Explosion.
Chester, Pa., Juno 23. An explosion
occurred in tno cnomical houso of the
Eddystono print works lost night,
blowing tho building to pieces and de
stroying a laboratory valued at $25,
000. The loss Is fully covered bv ln-
nunuice. ah mo encrams nupuuuea
to bo out of the building at tho time,
and no one was injured. Tho explo
sion was duo to tho burning of somo
British gum, which it is thought heat-
u a (juunucy 01 oniorido or potash.
The concussion blow barrels, bits of
timber and other objeots many feot,
while an immonso column of puro
white vapor ascended In the air, form
ing a magnificent spectacle.
Young Mothers.
Croup Is tho terror of thousands of young
mothers because its outbreak is so agonizing
and frequently fatal. Shlloh's Cough and
Consumption Care acts llko magic in cases of
croup. It has nover been known to fail. Tho
worst cases relieved immediately. Price 25
cts., 60 cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D. Kirlin
on a guarantee
- Petition For-Coopor'H Pnrdon.
Dover, Del., Juno 23. Governor
Tunnell, several; ex-governors of Dela
ware and tho, 'members of tho bar of
Sussex, Kent and Now Castlo coun
ties have signed a potltlon to Presi
dent McKlnley, asking that Colonel
Ezeklel T. Cooper, now in Trenton,
N, J., prison sorving a sentence for
complicity in wrecking tho First Na
tional bank, of Dover, Dol bo par
doned and his rights of citizenship re
stored. TJoriyTftrnhlr l.yo nnd Dlml.
Lancaster, Pa., June 23. Bernard
Curran, aged 3 years, died yesterday at
tho Gorman hospital, this city, from
the effects of a quantity of lye that ho
innocently swallowed. The remains
were sent to Baltimore, whore tho
child's mother rosldos.
Two Brothers Drownofl.
Saginaw, Mich., Juno 23. Michael
Murphy and his three sons. Ed, Dan
and Jim, wero on tho river last night
In a leaky boat. Tho boat filled with
water and went down. Jim and Dan,
aged 10 years and 18 years, 'respective
ly, were drowned.
Throo Drownod In a Reservoir.
Banbury, Conn., June 23. Jamos
Rasmussen, agod 45, a tailor, his son
John, aged 6, and Rudolph Johnson,
of Bethel, aged 45, wore drowned In
tho oast reservoir last night. Thoy
were fishing from a boat, which was
Tho Khnltfn's Cnpturo Immlnout.
Cairo, Egypt, June 28. It is an
nounced that the khalifa has been de
feated, with heavy loss, by the natives
friendly to tho British. It is added
that he has fled to tho woods with a
few followers and that his capturo is
Negro squatters at James City, Nr C,
resist tho efforts of the sheriff to evict
Democrats, Popullsta and Sliver Re
publicans of Nebraska havo decided on
fusion for Btate offlcee.
Hundreds of cattle and shoop are
dying on the Colorado ranges in con
sequence of tho drought.
A Chinose leper brought to Mobile
from Ship Island by a British vessel
has been ordered returned,
The government has orderod all
wnlto persons from the Chippewa In
dian reservation In Minnesota within
tO daya.
Troops havo been withdrawn from
the Pana, Ills., mining seotlon, the
sheriff saying be is able to cope with
any troublo.
Tho attorney general of Iowa urges
all county attorneys to prosecute all
trusts in tholr bailiwicks to the best of
their ability.
honiioHfiroiitly lSxoltod Over tho Com
iim of tho Kronoli Olllnor.
Ixmdon, Juno 23. The correspond
ent of Tho Dally Mail at Uennos, de
scribing the excitement In the town
and the fruitloss efforts of newspaper
men to obtain Information, says: "Ev
erything Is shrouded in rnystory. Tho
con ror Droyfus Is comfortably fur
nished in the usual style of ofllcors-
quarters. It has two windows, ono of
them overlooking the street. Ho will
ue treated with every consideration.
and nil-tho formalities duo his rank as
a captuln of artillery will bo scrupu
lously observed.
"Mme. Droyfus has not arrived, but
ovorybody oxprosfos tho groatost sym
pathy ror her. M. DaBCh. tho Jewish
gentleman who has placdd his house at
her disposal, Is terrified at tho rancor
of tho nnti-Droyfusltos. I had tho
groatest dlfuoulty to porsuado him to
spoak. Ho says his houso is watched
day and night, nud that ho and his
wifo have been insulted to Buch an ox-
tont that ho has had to challenge a
local editor to a duol. Tho editor,
however, prefers to mako a public
"M. Dasch's apprehensions arc
mainly for Captain Droyfus, as ho bo
Hevos that members of tho Patriotic
Loaguo will attempt to assassinate
him. He says the procurator gonoral
haB gone on a mysterious mission to
day, which M. Basch bolioves to moan
tho arrival ot Droyfus. Sovoral mem
bers of tho Patriotic Loaguo aro al
ready hero, and M. Drumont, oditor ot
Tho Llbro Parole, is oxpectcd tonight."
Does Coffee Agree With You 7
If not, drink Grain-0 made from pure
grains. A lady writes i "The first time I
made Grain O I did uot like it but after using
it for one week nothing would induce me to go
back to coflee." It nourishes and feeds Uio
system. Tho children can drink it freely
with great benefit. It is tho strengthening
substance of pure grains. Get a package to
day from your grocer, follow tho directions in
making it and you will have a delicious and
healthful table beverage for old nnd young.
15c. and 25c.
cnaraocl With liVllina Ifor UnBlmnd.
Detroit, 'Juno 23. Gorman-Americana
of Detroit, in mass meeting as
semblod, last night In most radical
terms declared hostility to Amorlcan
Englleh politcal alliances of any sort,
and protected vehomontly against nny
characterization of tho American poo
plo as Anglo-Saxons. Tho English
spoaltcrs wore Congressman John J.
Lontz, of Ohio, and Frank T. Hodgo.
The German orators woro Bov. Paul
Bard and Rov. Otto C. Haass. All
strongly opposod the expansion polloy
and any tdoa of alliances either with
England, Germany or any other na
tion. Congressman Lontz especially
flouted tho oxpanslon idea. The peo
ple Joined in tho patriotic sopgs both
of Germany and America with en
thusiastic vigor.
Yon Try It.
If Shlloh's Cough and Consumption Cure,
which is sold for tho small price of 25 cts., B0
cts. and $1.00, docs not euro tako tho bottlo
back and wo will refund your monoy. Sold
for over fifty years on this guarantee Prico
25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P..D. Kirlin on
I a guarantee
rrtio IContuoUr Horanorats.
Loulsvlllo, Ky.,June 23. Tho second
day of tho Domooratlc eonvcntlon was
a blank bo far as procoodinps of record
go. Undor tho surfaco, howovor, it was
a busy day of electioneering and wire
pulling. Two short sessions woro hold,
ono in tho morning and ono in the eve
ning, stone or Goebel may be nomin
ated for governor, and tho makeup of
tho romalnder of tho ticket will dopond
upon this selection. Tho platform will
deolaro for Dryan and silver, and is
likely to contain an anti-trust plank.
What is Shlloh 7
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
Consumption; used through tho world for
half a century, has cured innumerable cases
of incipiont consumption and relieved many
in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied
with tho results wo will rofund your monoy.
Prico 25 cts., 50 eta. and ?1.00. Sold by P. D.
Kirlin on a guarantee.
cnionco'KlnnnoIorij Ahbatl.
Chicago, Juno 23. Chicago flnanclors
yestorday camo out ahead in one of tho
most important International transac
tions in tho history ot tho city. In tho
face of the keen competition of tho
London monoy Interests, and In spite
of tho eagernoss of Now York capi
talists, an exclusively Chicago syndi
cate secured a contract for the new
issuo of J3.000.000 of the city of Mon
treal 40 year 3 per cent gold bonds,
on an intorcst baslB of about 3 per
cont. All previous issues of bonds of
tho same kind havo been promptly
bought In with London soveroigns,
Americans raroly being ablo to com
poto against tho UritlBh demand.
SO P c Jn HnlU There are dozens of remedies reoommonded for
Oi Oi lo III U U 111 J Scrofula, Bomo of them no doubt being able to
Remedy 'Equal to this
Obstinate .Disease.
is equal to any blood trouble, and never fails to cure Scrofula, because it
goes down to tho seat of tho disease, thus permanently eliminating every
trace of tho taint
The serious consequences to which Sorofula surely leads
should impposs upon those afflicted with it tho vital im
portance of wasting no time upon troatmont whloh can
not possibly effect a curo. In many cases whero the wrong
treatment haa boon relied upon, complicated glandular
Bwolllngs havo resulted, for whioh tho doctors insist that
a dangerous surgical operation is necessary.
Mr. H, E. Thompson, of Milledgevllle, Qa., writes : "A
bad case of Scrofula broke out on the glands of my nock,
which had to balanced and caused me much sufforlng, I
was treated for a long while, but the physicians woro un
able to cure me, and my condition was as bad as when I
began their treatment Many blood remedies wero used,
but without effect. Some ono recommended S. 8. 8. , and
I began to improve as soon as I had taken a few bottles.
unntinuing tno remeoy, x was soon ourea permanently,
and have never had a sign of the disease to return." Swift's Specific-
is the only remedy which can promptly reach and cure obstinate, deep-seated
blood diseasos. By reiving upon it, and not experimenting with the various
so-called tonics, etc, oil sufferers from blood troubles can be promptly cured,
instead of enduring years of suffering which gradually but surely undermines
tho constitution. S. S. 8. is guaranteed purely vegetable, and never falls to
cure Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Illieumatfsrn, Contagious Blood PoiBon, Bolls,
Tetter, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers, etc. Insist upon S. S 8. ; nothing can tako its place.
Books on blood and skin diseases will be mailed free to any address by the
Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
An Itollootml by TJnnllnrrti In Phlliiflol-
plitn nnd llnltlmnro.
l'hlladplphln, Juno 32. Flour wank: win-
tor Biipernno, $3.16J.36; Pennsylvania
toller, clear. $3.S0fi3.28: city mills, extra.
2.60(ir2.75. Ilye flour steady, but quiet, at
?3.log3.10 iir barrel for choleo Ponn
eylvanlu. Wheat firmer; No. 2 red, spot,
In elevator, "Gmf76Xc. Corn nulet; No. 3
mixed, spot. In elevator. 30U83Uo.; No. 2
yellow, for local trade, 40ft41o. OatB
stonily; No. 3 white, 32o.; No. 2 whlt.i,
clipped, 3t)l92V4c. liny steady; choice
timothy, H4.60 for largo bales. Doef
quiet; beef hnm, J22.D023. Pork dull;
rum My, J11.60O12. Lard dull; western
steamed, J8.2B. Butter easy; western
creamery, lBYMtlMLc. ; do. factory, 12
He; Imitation creamery, 13ffllCo.i New
York dairy, 13tt17o.; do. creamery, 15H0
JSVic: fancy Pennsylvania prints Jobbing
at zosrac.; do. wholesale, 10c. Choeso
quiet; largo and small, whlto and col
ored, 8M.c. Eggs firm; Now York and
Pennsylvania, lCfflHrttc.; western, fresh,
14Vi15r.; southern, 9ll4o. Potatoes
steady; southern firsts, J1.50IJ2.73; south
ern, seconds, 6Oe.Jl.6O. Cabbago stoady;
at J1S2 per barrel crate. Tallow flrmi
olty. 3Hc ; country, 4',4c. Cottonseed oil
quiet; prime crude, 21c. j do. yellow, 20c
Itosln qulot: stratnod, common to good.
tl.8a01.32Hi Turpentine steady nt 39H04OO.
Baltimore. Juno 22. Flour qulot and un-
qhanged. whoat steady; spot and month,
T0H&76HO.I July, 70&77c; August, 77ft
QTSStc; stoatnor No. 2 red, 72?ifl"3c.;
southern, by sampla, TO$-77o. do. on grade,
727Go. corn nrmori spot, ?9t333yeo.;
month, MUwMVio.i juiy, 3DHS39V40. ; Au
gust. MVio. ; steamer mixed, 37mJJ79Jc.;
southern, white, 41S41H0.1 do. yollow, 42
43o. Oats qtiflat; No. 2 white, 3232Hc;
No. 2 mixed, 8O0SOUa. Ilyo steady; No, 2
western, 0H4o. Hay strong and higher;
No. 1 timothy, 110.50. Grain freights a
llttlo moro actlvo In pnrcol room; stoam
to Liverpool, per bushol, 27s. 8d. July;
Cork, for orders, per quojtor, 2s. Dd. July.
Cheese firm nnd actlvo; largo, DjJOVio.;
raodlum, DJ9o.; small, O&SDMo. Eggs
firm at 14UHo. Lettuco steady nt 30
40a. per bushol box.
Live Stooh Mnrhots.
New York, Juno 22. Beovos Btoady.
Calves steady; oommon to oholco veals,
$5p7.23. Good sheep wanted and firm;
others stendy; common lambs slaw; all
others firm; good lambs a shado higher;
common to prime sheep, JS.&ogS; poor to
choice lambs, I3.733S.12V4; gonoral sales,
17S7.75. Hoes higher; light state pigs
would sell at $4.35,
East Buffalo, N. Y Juno 22. cattle
Arm for good desirable grades. Veals
Uurlv 11 tn1 firm nt t (1.25(710.75: culls to
good, $530. Hogs nctlvo and exolted; ir
regular ana nignor; noavy eruuu, i.iy
j4.12Vt; mixed, J1.105J4.15; Torkors, $4.15'i
4.20; pig". $4.154.17VS; roughs, J3.45IT3.CO;
stagB, J2.80If3.10. Shoop and lambs ac
tlvo and Arm; yearlings, J3.253Ja.40; oulls
to good, $3.60555.15; pprlng lambs, $4,605
7.25; shoop, fair to good mixed, $4.C0(S6.10
wethers, J3.2335.60; culls to fair, $2.6O4.50.
Needs assistance it may bo best to rondor it
promptly, but ono should remombor to use
nvon tho mo3t Dorfect romodics only whon
needed. Tho best and most simplo and
gentle romody is tho Syrup of Figs. manu
f ictnrcd by tho California Pig Syrup Co.
oris WnntB Court St'ohoarnphor.
Washington, Juno 23. -Thoro has
boon a call mado by Gcnoral Otis upon
tho war department for four oxpert
Spanish court stenographers for sor
vice lp tho Philippine lslandB. They
must bo familiar with the Spanish and
English languages, ablo to translate
from Spanish to English and from
English Into Spanish and exports in
taking dictation In the Spanish lan
guage and transcribing same.
How's This
We offer One Hundred- Dollars Itcwnrd for
any case of Catarrh that can not bo cured hy
Ball's Catarrh Curo.
F.J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We tho undersigned, havo known F. J. Cheney
or the last 15 years, nnd believe him perfectly
honornblo In nil business transactions and Go
nnctnlly able to carry out any obligations mnde
by their Arm.
West &Traux, Wholcsnlo Druggists, Toledo, O,
Waldiko, Kinnan Sc MArcvitf, Wholcsnlo Drug
gists, Toledo, Ohio.
Ball's Catarrh Cure Is tnken Internally, noting
directly upon the blood nnd mucous surfaces of
tho system. Price 75c. per bottlo. Sold by nil
Druggists. Tcstlmonlnls free.
Hall's Family Pills are tho host.
X nntoh'of TjIi.S.'fi.
Washington, Juno 23. Tho honor
ary degroo of LL, D. was yester
day confarrod by Georgetown univer
sity on Rear Admirals Wlnaeld Seott
Schley and George W. Molvllle, Major
oenerai josepn wneoier, Hon. w,
Bourke Cockran of Now York, Dr.
Samuel Buscy of the District of Colum
bia, Dr. Daniel Orower of Illinois and
Hon. Thomas Horran, United States of
The ChnBo "Abduction. "
Now York, Juno 23. Henry Probas-
cq, ex-United States district attornoy
of Cincinnati, counsel for Frederick
Chase, father of Moses Fowler Chaso,
arrived hero from Detroit yestorday
and called at police hcadauartora.
where he had a talk with Captain Mo
Clusky. Mr. Probasco said young
Chase is mentally unsound, and Is be
ing detained by tho uncle and aunt
against his will.
auora temporary rcitoi, duc a, a. a. is ansoiuioiy
tho only romody which completely cures it.
Scrofula is ono of the most obstinate, doep-soated
blood diseases, and is beyond the reach of the
many so-called purlflors and tonics booauso some
thing moro than a mere tonio is reauired. 8. S. S,
MtnMncr Wool Tloliorfod SntVi.
Philadelphia, Juno 23. Tho nows of
tho safety of tho British stoatnor Ethol-
wold, Captain Honshaw, which sailed
from this port with a crow of 14 men
Juno 7 for Port Antonio, Jamaica, was
contatnod In a cablegram rocolvod hore
yestorday by tho Quaker City Fruit
company from Nassau, N. P., which
harbor tho vessol has Just reached. All
on board aro roportcd woll. Tho
Etholwold broko her thrust shaft on
Juno 10, whon two days out from tho
Dolawaro capos. Aftor drifting for
sovoral days an officer and throo men
started In n small boat to look for as
sistance Thoy woro picked up by tho
stoamshtp Drookllno, but tho Ethol
wold could not bo found whon search
was mado.
Porhnps tho Snell Mtmloror.
Chicago, Juno 23. Information as to
tho whereabouts of a man supposed
by tho informant to bo William D.
Tascott, who In February of 1888 mur
dered Millionaire Amos J. Snoll, of this
city, was furnished nt dotcctlvo head
quarters yesterday. Tho man who
thinks he has discovered tho mur
doror for whom the Chlcaco oollco
havo boon searching 11 yours Is Louis
Miller, of Black Rook, Ark., who came
to Chicago for tho solo purpose ot
notifying tho polloo of tho whereabouts
of tho supposed murderer. He told
Clork Murphy that ho Was posltlvo of
tho identification ot tho man. MUlcr'd
information Is basod on statements
mado by tho man In his slocp. Tho
case is being investigated.
To I'orpctunto tho O. A. II.
St. Louis, Juno 28. The Post-Dis
patch says that nt tho next annual en
campment of tho Grand Army of tho
Republic, which will bo tho closing
ono of tho nineteenth century, a reso
lution will bo introduced by an IlllnoU
member to porpotuate It and take into
it tho veterans of tho navy, as well
as of the army. It will be proposed to
change tho name to "Tho Grand Army
and Navy of the Ropublio." Tho reso
lution will call for the amendment of
tho constitution so as to admit all
soldiors and sailors who over fought
for tho Union, all who aro fighting for
it now and all who may horoaftor fight
for the flag.
How lltohmond Cyolono Vlotlms.
New Richmond, Wis., Juno 28. Dy
the death of Ward S. Gould Wednesday
night tho total numbor of vlotlms from
last wook's tornado was brought up to
112. The relief and rebuilding work
aro being supervised by the governor's
commission, and rapid progress Is be
ing made. Tho work has beon thor
oughly systomatlKod and bo far as pos-
slblo local laborers will bo paid by tho
oommtttooo instead of having outsiders
do tho wori:. uasn relief is still much
Bismarck's Iron Nerve
Was tho rosult of his snlondld health. In.
doraitablo will aud tremendous onorgy aro
not found whoro Stomach. Liver. Kidneys
and Bowols aro out of order. If you want
those qualities nnd tho success they bring.
use Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills. Thoy devolop
ovory powor of brain and body. Only 25c. at
A. Wasloy's drug storo.
JVow hnw Holoasos Criminals.
Talequah, I. T Juno 23. Tho Chero
kee executive oouncll has liberated all
the criminals In tho Chorokoo peni
tentiary. Thoro woro 1C serving terms
of from ono to IB yoars. This action
was taken on account of tho Curtis
bill prohibiting any moro convictions
undor Cherokee laws. Tho ofheo of
national Jailer was also abolished.
T6terdn"8 llnaobnll Games.
National Leamio: At Phllndnlnhln.
Philadelphia, 9; Cincinnati, 5. At Pltts-
uurg now Yorit, li; Pittsburg, 0. At
Clovoland Tlrnoltlvn fti filiwnlnnfl n
At Chicago Boston, 0j Chicago, 1. At
bt, iouis st. louis, 4 Washington, 1
Atlantic Leamio: At niohmnnd
Richmond, 3; Reading, 2. At Allen-
town t-atcrson, i; Aiiontown, 8. At
j-anoaster Lancaster. Oi Newark. 2
At Wllkesbarro Wllkesbarro, 4;
scran ton, 2.
Many a Lover
Has turned with disgust from an otherwise
lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's
Clovor Boot Tea purlfios tho broath by its
action on the bowels, etc., as nothing else-
will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee,
Prico 85 cts. and CO eta. Sold by P. D. Kirlin
on a guarantee.
If, when contemplating a trip to any point
West or Southwest of tho Mississippi Kivor,
you will purchaso tickets via tho Missouri
Paclflo By., or Iron Mountain Itouto (which
aro on salo at all principal tickot oillcos in
tho United States), you will havo all the
comforts and luxurios of modern railway
equipment, and tho finest opportunities for
viewing all of nature's museums and marvels
of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Toxar,
Old and New Moxico, California, etc. Ex
cursion tickets to all principal points at
greatly reduced rates. On account of tho
National Education Association mooting at
Los Angeles in July, wo will make special
low round trip rates. When contemplating
a trip West or Southwest, write us for full
information and rock "bottom figures. W
E. lloyt, G. E. P. Agent, J. P. McCann, T,
P. Agent, 391 Broadway, Now York, i-2
tub uot sraiNos of Arkansas via,
Will eradicate from your system tho linger
ing effects of grip aud other ailments caused
by the severe winter, and malaria, rhcuma
tism, neuralgia, catarrh, stomach, kidney,
liver and nervous disorders, paralysis, blood
and skin diseasos, and chronle and func
tional derangements. Tho mountain climate
of Hot Springs is cool and delightful in
summer. 100 liotols opon tho year around.
For Illustrated literature, containing all
information, address O. F. Cooloy, Managor
Buisness Men's League, Hot Springs, Ark.
For reduced excursion tickets and par
tlculars of tho trip, address W. A. Turk,
Gcn'l Pass. Agt., Southern lty., Washington
D. C, or C. L. Hopkins, District Passengor
Agont, 828 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. 0-14m
A Card,
We, tho undersigned, do horoby agree to
rofund the monoy on a 50-cent bottlo of
Grceno's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it falls
to curo your cough or cold. We also guaran
tee a 25-cent bottlo to provo satisfactory or
money refunded, A. Wasley, C. II. Hagen
buch, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W.
Biorstein & Co. ll-ll-33t-dw
Coming Kvents,
July 3, Ico cream festival, under auspices
of tho Star Foot Ball team, in Hobbius' hall
July 4. Ice cream festival, under auspices
of tho Returned Soldiers of tho Unban war,
in Bobbins' opera houso.
July 4. Plcnlo and parade at Lost Creek
by the T. A, B, Society. Picnic in Brown's
"HOOD'S I'JLLS cure Liver Ilia,
Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache,
4. Bleasrnt laxative. All Druggist
J. B. Van
Largest Furniture
Five Minutes by Ferry
from Philadelphia
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company an-
uouncos tho following Personally-Conducted
Tours for tho Summer and early Autumn of
1800 :
To tho North. Including Niagara Falls, To
ronto, Thousand" Islands, tho St. Lawronco,
Montreal, Qucbco, Roborval (LakoSt. John),
tho Saguonay, Au Sablo Chasm, Lakes Cham
plain and George, Saratoga, and a daylight
rido through tho Highlands of tho Hudson,
July 22 to August 7. Bate, f 123 i Augnst 12
to 25, visiting samo points as first tour except
Roborval and tho Sagucnay. Bate, $100 for
tho round trip, from Now York, Philadel
phia, Baltimore, and Washington. Propor
tionate rates from otbor points.
To Niagara Falls, excursion tickets good to
return within ton days will bo sold on July
27, August 10 and 21, September 7 and 21,
Octobor 5 and 19, at rato of $10 from Phila
delphia, Baltimore, and Washington. Those
tickets Include transportation only, and will
permit of stop over within limit at Buffalo,
Rochester, Canandaigua, and Watklns on tho
return trip.
Fivo-day tour to Gettysburg, Luray, and
Washington Soptombor 10. Rato ?25 from
Now York, $22 from Philadelphia. Propor
tionate rates from other points.
An olovon-day tour to Gettysburg, Luray
Caverns, Natural Bridge, Virginia Hot
Springs, Richmond, and Washington, Octobor
10. Bate, ?05 from Now York, $03 from
Philadelphia. Proportionate rates from othor
For itineraries and further Information
apply to ticket agents, or address Geo. W.
Boyd, Assistant Gonoral Passongor Agont,
A blessing aliko to young and old ; Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry;
nature's epcclfio for dysontery, diarrhoea
and summer complaint.
Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to
California Without change of Cars.
Leaving Washington ovory Tuesday and
Friday at ll:15 a. m.. tho Southern Railway
oporates Personally Conductod Tourist Ex
cursions to San Franciso without chango of
cars, conductors or porters. Tho routo Is
through Atlanta, Montgomery, New Orleans,
Houston, San Antonio, Now Moxico, Arizonia,
and Southern California. Tho cars aro tho
vory latest pattern of Pullman Tourist
Sleepers, rosewood finish, havo high back
scats, upholstered in rattin, are sixteen
section, supplied with linen etc., samo as
standard sleepers, lighted by Pints'ch Gas,
navo wmo vestibules, uoumo sash roller
curtains, lavatory, and smoking room for
gentlemen, and two retiring rooms for ladies.
Three and ono-half days to Mexico and
Arizona, four days to Los Angelos and
Southern California, and ilvo days to San
Francisco. Such servico for Trans-Continental
travol has nover beforo beon offored.
Tho tourist carfaro is loss than via any
othor route, effecting a saving, of $25.00 to
$30.00 for tho trip.
All information, maps and rates furnished
on application to Charles L. Hopkins. Dis
trict Passenger Agont, Southern Railway
Company, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Strong Drink is Death
ore the only positively guaranteed rcmedylor the
prlnkllabtt, Nervousness and Melancholy caused
vi; juAiiA.Ti:i: rotit itoxr.s
to cure any case with n positive written Riinr
mitre or refund the money, and to destroy the
appetite lor Intoxicating liquors.
STRONG DRINK nna"l"raniiireBfnt
ot 110.00 we will mall yon lour 4 boxes and poel
Uve wrlitrn coHiiintrn q jure or refund
rour money, tilnizle boxes (3.00.
For sale at Klrlln's drug store.
Of Schuylkill Haven,
Tho noted Itefractlonlst, who has testimonials
from tho best pcoplo of tho county, as to his
ability, will beat
If your eyes cause you any trouble call and see
him. Glasses furnished If needed and no
The only pleasure resort and picnic ground
in this region. This season will be the most
successfully conducted since its existence.
The boats for the lake are now undergoing
repairs at Reading. The grove will be
cleaned daily by workmen. Ice and wood to
prepare and preserve meals for picnic parties
will be furnished free. An orchestra will be
established at tlxis resort for llie entire season.
For particulars address
D. J. YOST, Prop,,
Barncsvllle, Pa,
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvety softness ot the skin Is Invariably-obtained
by thof 0 who use l'oiiom'B
Complexion I'owuer.
New Furniture
Now Ready f
Wc have just issued one J
of the most modern and i
comprehensive Furniture ?
Catalogues, consisting of
142 handsomely illustrated
Sciver Co
Dealers In the World
Camden, N. J.
This Hot
One needs a cooling
beverage that will gently
tone up the system while
it quenches the thirst.
Beer and Porter
Just touches the spot.
They are cooling, satisfy
ing aud invigorating.
These brews will be
furnished in case lots for
family use by applying to
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
Op Iapiy
Subject to Itepubllcan rules
Of Pike QnovE, Pa.
Subject to Republican rules.
Of Trumont.
Subject to Republican rules.
Op SiinsANiwAu.
Subjeot to Republican rules.
Of Shenandoah.
Subject to Republican rules.
Formerly of Jollctt).
Subject to Republican rules.
Subject to Domocratlo rules.
Of Oawiasmma.
Subject to Repnbllcan rules.
Op Mahanoy Citv.
Subject to Republican rules.
. Subject to Republican rules.
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.