The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 21, 1899, Image 2

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r.sTAiu.Tsnun lsro.
"All the News Thai's Fll to Print,"
- -
Published every evening, except Similar, nt s
South Janlln street, Shennmloali, Pa.
The Herald la delivered In Shenandoah nnd the
urToundlnfr towns forslxeentsn wtek, pay
able to the carriers. Ity mall 8.00 n year, or
55 cents a month, payable In advance. Ad
vertisements charged according to space and
position. The publishers reserve the right
to change tho position of advertisements
whenever tho publication of news demands
It. The right Is reserved to reject any
advertisement, whether paid for or not, that
the publishers mar deem Improper. Adver
tising rates made known upon application.
Kntered at tho post office at Shenandoah, Pa., as
second class mall matter.
OUR COUNTRY : First, Last and Forever
Flinn says Quay can never Avln.
How often has that statement been
repeated, while tho Beaver man con
tinues to win !
A KORMKH Democratic Congress
man from this state says that the
best thing that can happen for his
party and for the country is the re
nomination of Bryan, another fight
for and final defeat of free coinage.
It is impossible, he belieyes, for the
Democracy to win in 1000. If the
coinage issue could be shelved there
is nothing in sight to replace it, from
a Democratic standpoint.
Henry O. Havkmktku has made
the discovery that the tariff Is re
sponsible for the trusts. As Mr.
Havemeyer is a patriot, it is only
fair to presume that he would be
obliged to Congress should it remove
the duty of three and a half per cent,
ad valorem on refined sugar. A good
way to test the soundness of the
Havemeyer view would be to give
the Sugar Trust the full benefit of
free trade for a season.
Chairman Elkin, of the Republi
can state commlttee,has decided upon
Thursday, August 24, as the date for
the Republican state convention, and
if the majority of the members of
the state committee agree with him,
which they undoubtedly will, the
convention will be held on that date.
Chairman Elkin will not call a meet
ing of the state committee to decide
the question. He has written to each
member of the committee. As soon
as a majority respond in the afurnia.
tivo, which it is expected they will in
a few days, he will send out the
formal call for the convention.
IT Is stated that there are twenty
houses of ill-repute in Shenandoah
Some ply their nefarious business
with no disguise, others have very
thin pretences of being business
places, while the majority nre con
ducted with as much secrecy ns can
be maintained, which, however, is
not sufficient to prevent their being
known to the general public. Only
last week a mother was compelled to
resort to the law to put her minor
daughter out of the reach of these
dens which, despite her youth, she
had become a frequenter of. On
Sunday last, the police force were
scathingly denounced from the pulpit.
These places should not exist and it
should not be difficult to dispose of
them. A condition somewhat similar
existed a few years ajro, but the deter
mined stand taken by the police soon
disposed of them. Our guardians of
the peace should act, and at once.
The Value of Advertising.
The value of newspaper advertising
has received a number of striking
illustrations in New York during the
past half year. An observer notes
the fact three or four dry goods
houses that went into liquidation in
the winter were the only ones of the
greater department stores that never
advertised in the newspapers. On the
other hand the great advertisers have
all enjoyed great prosperity. One of
"these, which was expected would fall,
come out f 000,000 ahead on the year's
business. Only bold advertising
carried it over the rocks which
The results of wise advertising are
highly satisfactory to those who
spend their money in this way. One
New York firm that had a new article
to put on the market last winter and
spent $100,000 in newspaper advertis
ing reported later that it was com
polled to refuse to take any new
business. The orders fairly swamped
the house, though it had diameter
and ample capital.
Those instances of business sagacity
are well worth the attention of the
business world. Intelligent new
paper advertising always brings
better returns than any other forms
of advertising. Experience has
taught all of our most successful
merchants that it is necessary to keep
in touch with the publie, and the
only practicable means is the news
Biliousness, sour stomach, constipa
tion and all liver Ills are cured by
Hood's PsSSs
The uon-irritatiiitr calliartlc. Price
25 cents of all druiiirlsU or by mall of
CI. Hood & t o . !'weli, Mass.
Tho Rosy Froshnoss
And a velrety softness of the skin Is Inva
riably obtained by thof a who wu I'orwai'i
Complexion 1'owder.
fllTIIX TO MS. riNltnAM HO lO.fal
"Two yours nyo L whs a jfreal
sufferer from womb trouble and pro
fuse flowing each month, and tuinora
would form
lu the womb.
I hail four
tumors in
two years. 1
went through
with doctors,,
but thoy did
Another Tumor
Romovod by
Lytlia E. Pink'
ham's Vegeta
ble Compound
me no good, and I thought I would
have to resort to morphine.
" The doctor said that all that could
help me was to have an operation and
have the womb removed, but 1 had
heard of Mrs. l'lnklinin's medicine and
decided to try It, and wrote for her
advice, and after taking her Vegetable
Compound the tumors were expelled
and I began to get stronger right
nlong, and am as well as ever before.
Can truly say that I would never had
gotten well hud it not been for Lydla K.
Plnkham's Compound." Mauv A.
Stahl, Watsontown,
What Airs, l'fnkhnm's Letter Did.
" Dbab Mr. Pinkham After follow
ing the directions given in your kind
letter for the treatment of leucorrhooa,
I can nay that I have been entirely
cured by the use of Lydia E. Pinkhnm's
remedies, and will gladly recommend
them to my friends.
" Thanking you for your kindness, I
am gratefully yours, A. B. Davids,
Uixghajiptox, N. Y."
Admiral Dower's Suceosuor In Com
mit nil When ton at DuMMnrlnns.
Manila, June 21. Rear Admiral John
C. Watson arrived here yesterday on
board the United States transport
Caflro from Hong Kong and raised his
flag on the United States cruiser Bal
timore. The commanders of all tho
warships called upon tho admiral dur
ing the course of the day.
The troops commanded by General
Wheaton entered Perez Das Marinas
yesterday without opposition, except
upon the part of small bodies of rebels,
who inflicted no losses upon tho Ameri
cans. The town is an unimportant
place, surrounded by swamps, and
General Wheaton will probably return
to Imus. The latest list of the Ameri
can casualties in Monday's fighting
shows that five were killed and twenty-
three wounded. Tho list Includes no
officers. The wounded were brought to
Manila from Bacoor in caseoes.
HHfl C Women as well as men are
TO and bladder trouble Dr.
. - , , , . - T L . 1
tSLAi It. great kidney remedy,
promptly cures. At drugjists in fifty cont
and dollar sizes. Yon may havo a sample
bottle by mail free, also pamphlet telling all
about it.
Address, Dr.Kilmer&Co.,Bingliamton, n. .
No Wurrtlilp-! For Now Foundland.
London. .June 21. Tho admiralty
officials when questioned regarding the
announcement made in special dis
patches from Halifax that vessels be
longing to the British North Atlantli
squadron were being sent to quell the
trouble on the French coast of New
Foundland, said there was no truth m
the report.
A blessing aliko to young and old ; Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry;
nature's specific for dysentery, diarrhoea
and summer complaint.
TestlmonlnlN to Droyfito nud Friends.
Chicago, June 21. Jews In Chicago
and all the large cities of America are
contributing funds for the purchase
of testimonials to be presented to Cap-'
tain Dreyfus, Emlle Zola and Colonel
Plcquart. It is planned to honor the
returned soldier-convict from Devil's
Island with a gold mounted, diamond
set and richly engraved sword. To
Zola, whose defense of the army of
ficer led to hlB exile from his native
country, will be given a solid gold pen,
neatly engraved. To Colonel Plcquart,
staunch friend of Dreyfus, will be pre
sented a gold loving cup.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Hud Been Itobblnir the Malls Rearu-
lnrly Since Juno 1.
Chicago, June 21. What Is regarded
by Poatofflce Inspector James Stuart
as ono of the largest and boldest mall
robberies in the history of the Chicago
postolfice was detected yesterday, and
the arrests of Walter Porter and John
Newman, drivers of mall wagons, fol
lowed. Porter, made a full confession,
implicating Newman. A large amount
of letters, money orders and packages
taken by the men was found In their
lodging house on South Halsted street.
In the pile were letters, money orders
and checks directed to all parts of tho
country and Europe. One check found
In the pile was for $20,000. The fact
that the robbers had been In the em
ploy of the Chicago postoffice since
June 1, and that all the thefts were
committed since that time, while the
prisoners were driving their wagons,
makes the scheme one of the boldest
in the recollection of the police in
spectors. The mall was all taken from
pouches while being carried in the
wagons and from railroad stations, and
it has bean admitted that three sacks
were taken in one day. The pris
oners will not admit that they secured
much of value from their depreda
tlons, hut declare that they would have
been considerably richer had their
scheme not been discovered so soon.
Seventeen Yetfra For n Trhlrf Robber.
Hartville, Mo., June 21. John Ken
nedy, the notorious "Cracker Neck,"
has been convicted of complicity In
the train robbery on the Kansas City,
Foat Scott and Memphis railroad at
Macomb, Mo., on Jan. 3 last, and his
punishment fixed at 17 years In the
penitentiary. Six men were engaged
in the Macomb hold up. Of these Jake
Fegely, who received a penitentiary
sentence to 14 years, and John Ken
nedy have been convicted. Four others
await trial.
Marous Daly to I.ooato In Denver,
Denver, June 21. The Times says:
Marous Paly, the Montana million
alro miner and horse breeder, is com
ing to Colorado to live. He brings
with him from $8,000,000 to $10,000,000
of money to invest. It Is reasonably
certain that he will build a home la
Denver. He has an option on land for
a stock ranch and expects to engage In
smelting and refining, independent jl
the American Smelting and Refining
In thn Aliened Abduction era Tonne
.Mini by III Aunt.
Detroit, June 21. Moses Fowler
Chara, aged 21, alleged to be mentally
Incompetent nnd reputed to be worth
$000,000. was abducted from tho Hotol
Cadillac Inat Monday night. Hs had1
been a patient at a sanitarium In Fllnt.l
and was on route to his homo In La-!
fayotto, lnd accompanied by htsi
father, Fredorlck Chaso, a lawyer..
When the fathor nnd son arrived here
the young man's aunt met thorn at tho,
depot and hurrlod tho youth to tho
Cadillac. The father was unsuspicious
of any unlawful Intent. Sunday night
a carriage drove up to the hotel and
young Chaso was talcon to tho Clove
land boat, wltfch, In tho company nt
his aunt and two unknown mon, he
boarded. On reaching Cleveland the
party took a train for Cincinnati. From
there they went east to Albany, N Y.,
whore tho private detective that tho
father had employed to watch them
lost sight of the party. Extradition
papers wore yesterday made out In an
ticipation of the party's arrest by tho
Now York authorities.
The fortune that young Chase pos
sesses Is revcrtlblo to tho aunt up n
his death, which, It Is aliased, fur
nishes tho motive for tho supposed
abduction. Tho father and young
Chase's attorney believe that the ob
ject of the alleged abductors Is to taka
tho young man out of the country. It
Is slated that upon young Chase at
taining his majority tho fatlier'H
guardianship ceased, and that the
father was taking him to Lafeyette for
tho purpose of himself being continued
as his guardian by order of tho pro
bate court. I
Needs assistance It may bo best to rondor It
promptly, but one should remember to use
even tho most perfect remedies only when
needed. Tho best and most stmplo and
gentle remedy Is tho Syrup of Figs, manu
factured by tho California Fig Syrup Co.
No Genornl Strike In llufThlo.
Buffalo, Juno 21. Contrary to ex
pectation a general strike of dock
workers was not ordered yesterday. A
conference was held by representatives
of the various branches of labor along
the docks, and nfter tho freight han
dlers had been urged In vain to ro
turn to work It was decided that no
action looking to a general strike
should-be taken until President Keefe,
of the 'Longshoremen's! association, ar
rives here and looks Into the situation.
Mr. Keefe is expected here tonight.
Ilmv's This
We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that can not be cured hy
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F.J. CHENEY & CO, Props., Toledo, O.
Wo the undersigned, have kngjvn F, J. Cheney
or the last 15 years, and bellevo him perfectly
honorable In all business transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out any obligations made
by their Arm.
West & Traux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
W albino, Kiknan & Mabvih, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all
Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are tho best.
Fatal Tire at Fort Pickens.
Pensacola, Fla., June 21. The small
er powder magazine at Fort Pickens,
on Santa Rosa Island, blow up at 5:45
In the morning. Tho explosion wreok
cd the western corner of the old fort,
demolished the new brick storehouse,
the brick bake house and several
wooden buildings used as quarters for
the laborers on the new works. Fly
ing fragments hit Private Wells, of
Battery H, who was on sentinel duty
on tho wharf, and almost lnstantjy
killed him. Four other men wero
badly Injured. A fire, which reached
the magazine before It could bo check
ed, caused the explosion.
Sick Headaches,
Tho curso of overworked womankind, are
quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover
Root Tea, the great blood purifier and tissue
builder. Money refunded If not satisfactory,
Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. KIrlin
on a guarantee.
Rhode Island's revised state con
stitution was rejected by the voters by
almost three to one.
For spanking her husband Mrs. Am-
ky, of Port Chester, N. Y has been ar
rested upon his complaint.
For spanking a neighbor's boy SLOTS
damages were given against Arthur
Bonnell by a Brooklyn jury.
Owners of automobiles In New York
will tost In the courts the power of the
park commissioners to bar horseless
vehicles from Central park.
The Hawaiian Islands, aeoordlng to
reports, are enjoying an era of unusual
prosperity, although the governmental
policy is as yet undecided upon.
Drnmnflv Deimhnr- fin Onot
oioou remeaies. it matters not how ob-
of all Blood SIseasBS and nrM
., , . always promptly reaches and cures any
GUrfiS thfl WnrSt flaSfiJ dIoaewhorethebloodisinanywayinvolved.
UUIGd 1110 nUIOl UfJdCdi Everyone who has had experience with
. ., .... blood diseases knows that thero aro no ail
ments or troubles se obstinate and difficult to cure. Very few remedies claim
to ours such real, deep-seated blood diseases as 8. S. 8, cures, and none can
offer suoh incontrovertible evidence of merit. 8 8. 8. is not merely a tonic it
,l..u,ui .ciucuic, uijr up iuo puisun nnu niuo is irom view temporarily
only to break forth again more violontly than ever: 8. 8. 8. forces out every
trace of taint, and rids tho system of it forever. '
airs. i. W. Lee, Montgomery, Ala., writes: ' Some years
ago I was inooulated with poison hy a nurse who infected
my babe with blood taint. I was covered with sores and
ulcers from head to foot, and in my greatextremityl prayed
to die. Several prominent physicians treated me, but all
to no purpoio. Tho mercury 'and potash which they
gave mi seemed to add fuel to the awful flame which was
evourlngme. I was advised by friends who had saen
wonderful cures made by it, to try Swift's Specific I Im
proved from the start, as the medicine seemed to go direct
to the cause of the trouble and force the poison out. Twenty
bottles cured me completely," Swift's Specific
S. S. S. FOR the; blood
li the only remedy that ii guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no
mercury, notash, axsenlo, or any other mineral or ohemloal. It never falls to
cure Cancer, Eczema. Borofula, Ilheumathitn, Oontaeloui Blood Poison.
TejU, Bolli, Carbuncles, Bores, etc on,
TMuable txxlki nailed free by Swift Specific Ctomjuy, AUftnt, da.
Twd'Mora Train Itotiliera Caught.
Dillon, Mont , Juno 21. Word has
reached hero thnt two desperate look
ing characters who answered tho de
scription of the two robbers for whom
$3,000 each was advertised In the re
ward offered for their capture, dead or
alive for tho hold up and robbery of
the Union Pacific fast mall near Hook
Crtek, Wyo., June 3, had bean sean
here. Undersherlff Moore organized a
posse nnd started In pursuit at once,
getting to the rendezvous a little ba
foro daylight, surrounding" them nnd
effecting' a capture without tho least
resistance, as tho robbers were asleep
and had taken their arsenal of!. Thoy
are being held for Identification.
Dofondor Dofontn the Nnvohoe.
Newport, Juno 21, Tho Defender
showed her hcols to the crack cutter
Navahoo In hor first competitive trial
of the season 6ff this port yesterday.
Tho distance was ten miles, and tho
brush was In response to a request
from Butler Duncan to Royal Phelps
Carroll. Tho wind was strong from
tho southwest, nnd tho course was laid
to windward. Tho Defender beat tho
Navahoo by nearly four minutes In the
ten miles. Mr. Carroll sallod the
Navahoe and Captain Rhodes the De
fender. Fifty Hospital Amliulanoos Lost.
Chicago, Juno 21. Fifty hospital
ambulances, shipped .to Tampa, Fla.,
over a year ago by the local army of
ficials to bo forwarded to Cuba for tho
use of the United States troops, have
been lost. The war department's
search for the missing property has
been unsuccessful, and Chicago army
officials are urged to join In the hunt.
What makes the loss all tho more as
tonishing is that It look n freight train
of 17 cars to haul the ambulances from
the city.
Foil Two Hundred Feet to Death.
Rat Portage, Ont., June 21. By an
accident to tho hoisting apparatus at
the Black. Sturgeon mine four mon
were precipitated to the bottom of tho
S00 foot shaft. Charles Adams of Nova
Scotia, Charles Haas of Sudbury and
John Howe of this place were killed
nnd Charles Anderson was seriously
Dewoy Homo Fund Grows Slowly.
Washington, June 21. Tho contri
butions to tho Dewey, home fund re
ceived yesterday by the national com
mittee amount to ?209, which makos
the total subscriptions to date $9,350.
Bismarck's Iron Nerve
Was tho result of his splendid health. In-
domltnblo will and tremendous energy are
not found where Stomach. I.lver, Kidneys
nnd Bowels aro out of order. If you want
these, dualities and the success tuey bring.
use Dr. King's Now Life Pills. Thoy dovelop
every power of brain and body. Only 25c. at
A. waslcy's drug store
Indictment Air'nlnst Uiin Cotiulilln.
Chicago, Juno 21. Last night tho
grand Jury voted Indictments against
Daniel Coughlln and William Arm
strong. Coughlln was Indicted on tho
charge of offering a bribe to Juror
John F. Taylor. He was also indicted
with William Armstrong, his bar
tender, on a chargo of conspiracy to
do an act prejudicial to the admin
istration of public justlco. Tho pun
ishment prescribed by law upon con
viction of offering a bribe Is a fine
not exceeding $5,000. The puulshmont
for conspiracy is a term not to exceed
fivo years in tho penitentiary or a fine
not to exceed ?2,000, or both.
A Card.
Wo, tho undersigned, do horoby agree to
refund tho money ou a f-O-cent bnttln of
Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if It fails
to euro your cough or cold. Wo also guaran
tee a 25-ccnt bottlo to prove satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Wasley, C. II. Hagen-
buch, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W,
Blorsteln & Co. ll-14-33t-dw
U'ho Dnrli'sido of Jvloudllce Life.
Port Townsend, Wash., June 21. A
number of Klondlkera who arrived
here on the steamer DIrlgo present the
dark side of Klondike life. They say
that Dawson Is crowded with idle men
who are willing to work for most
any wages. Thirty-five cents an hour
and board- yourself Is tho prevailing
wages f6r common labor. Thoy say
there are hundreds of men with no
prospects of securing work, and that
the only way they will be able to ffejt
out of the country will bo through
government assistance.
Mnrdor nnd Snldide'ln Public.
Pittsburg, June 21. James Arnv
strong, a steel worker, last night shot
and killed Thomas Woleh, a fellow
workman, and Immediately afterward
not himself, dying within a few mo
ments. Armstrong had throatoned to
kill Welch several times before be
cause of supposed intimacy with the
former's wife. Last night the man met
on Carson street and began quarreling,
The double crime quickly followed bo-
fore the gathering crowd attracted by
tne snots could realize wnat bad bap
In every test mad H. H. fl o.n?
demonstrates its supIoritj over other
Of Treating Dyspepsia and Indigestion by
Dieting a Dangerous and Useless Onet
Wo say the old wayt but really It Is a very
common one at tho prosent time and insny
dyspeptics and physicians is well constdor
the first step to talto in attempting to euro
indigestion Is to diet, cither by selecting
cortniu foods and rejecting others or to
really diinlulsli tho quanlty usually taken,
in other words the starvation plan Is sup
posed by many to bo the first essential,
The almost certain falluro of the starva
tion euro has bcon provon time and again,
but still the moment dyspepsia makes Its ap
pearance a course of dieting is at onco ad
vised. All this Is radically wrong. It Is foolish
and unscientific to recommend dieting to a
mau suffering from dyspepsia, becauso indi
gestion Itself starves every organ, every
norvo and every flkro In tho body. .
What the dyspeptic wants Is abundant
nutrition, which moans plonty of good,
wholesome well cooked food, and something
to assist tho weak stomach to digest It. This
tsoxactly the purpose, for which Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets nre adapted and this Is tho
method by which they euro tho worst casts
of dyspepsia, in other words the patient cats
plenty of wholesome food and Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets digests It for him. In this
way tho system Is nourished and tho over
worked stomach rested, becauso the tablets
will digest the food whether tho stomach
woiks or not. Ono f these tablets will
digest 3,000 grains of meat or eggs,
Your diuggist will tell you that Stuart's
Tablets Is the purest and safest remedy for
stomach troubles and every trial makes ono
moro friend for this excellent preparation.
Sold at GO cents for full sized packago at all
drug stores.
A little book on cause and euro of stomach
diseases mailed frco by addressing F. A,
Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich.
Agent for the Famous
Philai Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Uottled Pale Ale,
Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
At all its customers, to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
Of Schuylkill Haven,
Tho noted Rcfractlonlst, who has testimonials
from the best people of the county, as to his
ability, will be at
If your eyes cause you nny trouble call and see
litm. Glasses furnished It needed and no
Of Lokty.
Subject to Republican rules
Of Pinb Quove, Pa,
Subject to Republican rules.
Subject to Republican rules.
Subject to Republican rule.
Formerly of Jollett).
Subject to Republican rules.
Subject to Democratlo rule.
Or OnwiGsBuun.
Subject to Republican rules. -
Of Mauanov Ciiv.
Subject to Republican rules.
Ol' CltHSbOXA.
Subject to Republican ruled.
S19 N, Centre St., I'otUvllIe, I.
Fine old Whiskeys, Gins and Wince, , at the
A choice line ot GMgare and Temper-
nee Drinks.
Accommodation for IrayeUr. 1 "
UeaU M nil hp 111
of West Malianoy Township,
P. J. Jlcl.tui2lilln,' ex-Receiver,
To balance of 1894-
95 duplicate . . ,
56 09
To balance ofi895:
9b duplicate . .
$ 34 26.
To balance of 1896-
97 duplicate .-. J
612 18
-$ 1.032 S3
Al. J. TlcLniinlilln, Receiver,
To balance of 1897-
93 duplicate . . f 1,728.30
To five per cent.
penalty on bal... so 41
-$. .84 71
To atnt. of dupli
cate of i898-'99 $ 16,517 55
To 5 per cent, pen
alty on ual. Hue 05 53
$ 18,417 79
P. J. Dean, Treasurer, In
To cash from P. J. McLaugh
lin, ex-Ucccivcr f 435 01
To cash from M. J. Mclaugh
lin. Receiver "115 93
To cash fromState Appro'u . 5,144 14
To cash from Ins. for damages.
to Brownsville scnool ... 25 00
To cash from cx-Treas. Noone 20 00
To cash from unseated lands.. 3,234 77
To loan from First National
Bank, Shenandoah .... 1,800 00
Total $ 21,816 45
Amt. of outstanding houds.
Amt. of temporary loan. .
5,000 00
1,800 00
1,724 46
tfxeess ot assets
Total .-. . . $ 8,524 46
Orders issued during year aud .
commission 6 392 70
Balance to credit of fund. . , . 582 57
Total $ 975
Tuition aud County Institute .' . . . '
Tuition to Frackville School District
Renairs aud Material
Building fund account
New books
Secretary's salary
Cominission to County Treasurer.
Duplicate r 0
Interest on temporary loans ' 02 9S
Bonds redeemed aud bond interest ' 1.360 00 ; .
Watcrrcnt 21 00
Miscellaneous 1040--
Total ; $18,246 64
We, the undersigned Auditors, of West Mahanoy Township, have examined
the foregoing accounts and find them correct.
Preparing V'tVaJjn'tUe'Trunsvaal.
Caps Towp. June. 21. The naval
volunteers hi-vo been oincially ordered
to hold themselves In readiness for ac
tive service. The activity of the war
office :local authorities has bcem sus
pended In the matter ot contracts for
certain mHltary requisites, on the
ground that the regiments are now
ready to leave Cape Town for Klmber
loy on' short notice. An engine driver
on the Caps railway declares that ho
has seen men, armed ttnd mounted) en
gaged in drilling at Hout-Kraal, near
Deaur, and Pontfonteln, not far from
Klmberley. He was Informed that
they were Dutchmen, preparing to as
sist the Doers in the event of hostili
ties. ClIfTnrd Qot Another 8Uy.
Trenton, June 21, Justice Gray, ot
the United States circuit court, yes
terday refused the writ of habeas cor
pus applied for Monday on behalf of
Edward Clifford, now under sentence
to be ihanged lu 'Jersey City June 27.
An appeal was allowed and the ease
will no)w go to the United States su
preme 'court. The. execution Is stayed
In the meantime.
A noatfnir I'nrty or Six Drowned.
Ithlnelander, Wis., June 21. During
a storm Monday a boating party at
Dunbar, a station east of here, on the
Soo lino, was capsized and six were
drowned. The dead are William Schu
bel, his daughter Vina, and two sons,
aged 7 and 13 yeais, respectively, Qua
Froderlskson and Charles -Anderson..
Schubul was a section foreman and
the two last named were railroad la
borers. roune Mothers.
Croup l the terror of thousands of young
motbfrt because Its outbreak Is so aeoulzing
tuiJ frequently fatal. Shlloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure acts like maaio In cases of
croup. It has never been known to full. The
worst cases reliaved Immediately. Price S3
cU., Wets, and $1.00. Sold by P. D. Klrllu
on a guarantee.
In account. with the district.
By cash paid lre,i9.$ : 38.51,.
l)y commission . . 2 03
By exonerations . 9 05
Balance due ... 6 50
56 09
By cash paid trcas . $
By commission . .
By exonerations .
Balance due . . .
197 10
.10 37
45' 76.
111 03
By unit, paid trcas. $ 200 00
By commission . . 10 S3
Balance due . . . 40I 65
3G4 '26'
612 iS
Total ;
S '.032 S3
'In account with the district."
By amt. paid trcas.? 3S0 00
By commission.. . 2000
By exonerations. . 495 39
By 5 per ct. pen
' alty on exou's. . 24 77
Balance due . . . 94 55
-$ 1.814 7
By cash paid trcas.
By commission
216 56
Hy abatements....
By unseated lands
By cash paid after
60 days
By commission...
Balaucc due . . .
569 90
3.234 86
165 31
8 70
1,710 60
$ 6.5t7 55
S per ct. penalty due
5 S3
Total $ 18,41779
Account With tho District.
By outstanding or
ders paid. ... $
By year's issue p'd.
By commission t.
Balance in Treas'y
2,953 50
18,246 64
424 00
192 31
-$ 21,816 45
nnd Assets.
State Appro'u due esti'ed, .$ 5,000 00
Balance due hy ex-Receiver
P.J. McLaughlin . ..... 519 18
Balance due, by Receiver M.
J. McLaughlin. .- 2,690 68 -
Bal. due on unseated lands.. . 122 29
Cash iu Treasury 192 31
Total .... 8,524 46
Fund Account.
Balaucc from last ycnr.i
? 975 27
27! .Total ,
975 27
oftSchool Year.rf
$13,292 5
211 14
57 1 21
385 00
471 OS
35 76
155 94
I : i '428-23
-V-: 30000
. oa 25
This Hot
One needs a cooling U
beverage that will gently
tone up the system while
it quenches the thirst.
Beer and Porter
Just touches the spot.i
They are cooling, satisfy- '
ing and invigorating.
These brews will be
furnished in case lots for
family use by applying to
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
The only pleasure resort and picnic ground
in this region. This season will be the most
successfully conducted since its existence.
The boats for the lake ore now undergoing
repairs at Reading. The grove will be
cleaned daily by workmen. Ice and wood to
prepare and preserve meals for picnio parties
will be furnished free. An orchestra will be
established at this resort for the entire season.
For particulars address
B. J. YOST, Prop.,
Barncevillo, pa