The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 17, 1899, Image 2

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"All the Hm Tnat's Fit to Print."
Published every pvii.i.,, except Sunilny, ill 8
South Jnnlhi mmt, flhennndonh, Vn.
Tlie Herald Is dellve red In Shenandoah nnd tho
surrounding towns forslxccntaa wck, pay
able to the curriers, lly mull $3.00 n year, or
23 oontsn month, rayablo In advance. Ad
vertisements clmrired according to spore and
position. The publishers reservo tho rlfrht
to change tho position of advertisements
whenever the publication of news demands
It. Tho rlRht Is reserved to reject any
advertisement, whether paid for or not, that
tho publishers mav deem Improper. Advcr
thing rtes made known upon application.
Entered at tho pout odlco nt Shenandoah, Pa., ns
second class mall matter.
(Semite grcaltr
SATURDAY. JUNE 17, 1809.
OUR COUNTRY : First, Last and Forever.
Our Democratic friends are in
quandary. Both tho gold and silvor
ehouters, after mature deliberation,
are partly convinced that "Boss"
Guffey gavo them each a gold brick.
The sllverltes are elated over tho do
feat of Yerkos; and Ilkowise tlio gold
bugs because of the abandonment of
tho 10 to 1 idea.
"Wren a capitalization of $4,000,000
and gome of the most enterprising
business men in New England back
of it, the Great Northern Paper Com
pany will have two of the largest
paper mills in the world turning out
daily 350 tons of paper by the 1st of
July. The Madison, Maine and Ap
pleton mills will bo purchased by a
syndicate. These mills will fight the
priut paper trust.
PROFESSOR Fesskndkn, of the
"Western TJniversityof Pennsylvania,
an eleotrical expert, has perfected a
telescope and eyeglass of colored glass
which -will reveal the white flash
made by the firing of smokeless
powder. The flash is invisible at day
to the nuked eye, nnd for this reason
many lives were uselessly lost in the
Spanish war locating the Spaniards,
who used smokeless powder. The
government may buy the invention.
Senator Penrose has the dis
tribution of all the census super
visors, about two thousand enumera
tors, or local census takers, in this
state, and fifty clerkships in the
Washington bureau. This is more
patronage than any one man bas ever
had at hlB disposal in Pennsylvania,
br any other state, for that matter.
The Republican members of the
House from this state are each al
lowed six olerks in "Washington, and
the Democratic members will' '.have to
be satisfied with two minor clerkships.
That women have no sense of
humor has been repeated until it has
become an accepted fact, which even
women themselves take without a
grain of salt. An English writer,
' however, has entered the lists on be
half of tho sex, and proclaims all
kinds of amiable things, as if he had
just discovered them. He says, for
instance, that the feminine sense of
humor is much more subtle and ex
tensive than the masculine quality,
and that compared to George Eliot's
manifestations tho humor of Dickens
is but farcical exaggeration and bur
lesque. The report tht times are better than they
wero and that this town Is enjoying the greatest
prosperity in Its history Is true to some extent.
-Tamanua Recorder.
The above is taken from the "only
Democratic paper in the county," and
recognized as ono of ,the few calam
ity howlers. Tho editor, however, re-
fuses to give the Republican adminis
tration proper credit for tho "Im
proved condition of the masses ;" but
one year ago, when depression in
business was noted, this inconsistent
silvor advocate charged the McKInley
administration with all the evils
known to man. If the Republican
party was responsible for the poor
times, it should be given credit for the
acknowledged improvement in bus!
ness circles now.
The State Board of Health is dls
tribnting to the School Directors in
the various distrlots of " the state
copies of a law passed by tho Legisla
ture last winter whioh gives Bohool
Directors supreme authority to act
as boards of health in case of the ap
pearance of infectious or contagious
diseases in their respective neighbor
hoods. By this act the Directors are
empowered not only to exclude from
the publlo schools any person known
to have been exposed to such diseases.
but also to enter upon suspected
premises, either by themselves or by
a duly appointed agent, ana to auaie
any nuisance tney may unu mere
The work is made voluntary on their
part, but their authority, in case they
choose to take up the fluty, appoars
to bo absolute.
"He That is Warm
Thinks All So.
Thousands are "cold" in thai they do
not understand the aloof of health. This
Implies disordered kidneys, liver, bowels.
Hood or brain. Hood's SarsaparUla
gives alt who take it the warmth of per
fect health. Get Hoofs because
No "elbow nro.ise"ts needed with Gold
work easy, a rial pleasure Instead of a hated drudgery. It saves your
time, your strength, your temper, your money. It is better and
cheaper than soap for all cleaning. For greatest economy buy our
largo package.
The N. K. Fuirbonk Company
Evidently tho Mon 'Who Looted PTln
coss Anno 1'nHtoftliHt.
Norfolk, Juno 17. Two strnngo mon
disembarked from tho Baltimore boat
yesterday morning and In tho after
noon boarded tho same boat, presum
ably with tho Intontlon of leaving it at
Old Point or Nowport Nows. A do
tectlvo had boon placed on wntch by
Chief of Police Klsor, who was ap
prised by wlro of tho Princess Anno,
Md., postofilco robbery. They woro In
vited from tho boat to the dock by an
officer, nnd broko Into a run, hotly
pursued by officers, who fired as they
ran. One of tho mon wob overhauled.
Tho other ran Into the arms of Do
tectlvo West, nnd broko nway. A ball
sent whizzing by his ear caused him to
halt. Tho two mon wero put Into n
patrol wagon and started for tho po
llco station. En routo one of them
turned a backward somersault from
betwoon two ofllcors and broko Into a
run, but stopped when ho Baw he
would be killed. Besides, he had
sprained one of his ankles badly.
Ho Bald: "If you mon had staring
you in tho faco what I havo you, too,
would tnko desperate chances: I don't
blamo you. You havo done your duty,
and I am caught.
Tho men will give no Information
about themselves. In fact, they rofuso
to say a word. On being searched $47')
in stamps was found on the man who
took such desperate chances to es
cape. This is tho amount taken from
tho Princess Anno postofilco. Chief
KIscr Is confident that these are tho
men who about two weeks ago robbed
tho Elizabeth City, N. C, postoflico.
Needs assistance it may bo best to render It
promptly, but one should remember to use
oven the most perfect remedies only whon
noeded. Tho best and most simplo and
centle remedy Is the Syrup of Figs, manu
factured by the California Fig Syrup Co.
Culm'H Ktnir Under Old Glory.
Washington, Juno 17. Tho order of
President McKInley relalivo to tho
flags on Cuban vessels directs that of
ficers of tho customs in Cuba may
authorize the clearances, undor a per
mit, ior toreign ports or ports In tho
united btates, of vessels owned prior
to Jan. 1, 1899, by residents of Cuba.
and owned at the time of clearance
by citizens of Cuba, undor distinctivo
signal and coasting permit of Cuba.
Such vessels may fly tho American
flag above the distinctive signal.
Kidney trouble preys upon
the mi ml, discourages and.
lossons ambition ; beauty,
vigor and cheerfulness soon
disappear when the kidneys
aro out of order or diseased. For pleasing
results nso Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the
great kidney remedy. At druggists. Sample
bottlo by mall freo, also pamphlet.
Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Binijhamton, N.Y.
t'ho Whttofrlnrs' Club Dinner to the
Amorlonn IIutnorlHt.
London, Juno 17. Tho dinner which
the Whitofrlars' club gave Mark Twain
last evening at tho Hotol Cecil was a
remarkable tribute to tho author and
at tho same time to tho friendly re
lations existing botweon Great Britain
and tho United States. Each of the
speakers, among "whom wero Rov. S.
Reynolds Hole, United States Senator
elect Chaunojy M. Depow and Mr.
Pultncy Blgelow, dwelt upon this
Mr. Louts Frodorio Austin, in pro
posing Mark Twain's health, said;
"What most appeals to mon and wo
men in his own calling and what will
ever cause his name to be associated
with Sir Walter Scott's In similar cir
cumstances, is his noble courage In
misfortune and tho undaunted toll that
now enables him again to lift tho
colors of victory."
The reply of Mr. Clemens, who was
received on rising with prolonged
cheers, was In his happiost vein, caus
ing much laughter and applause
Sir Edward Chichestor, of the Im
mortalltc, who sustained Dewey at tho
battle of Manila, expressed his ad
miration for Admiral Dewey and
American sailors generally. He said:
"I was glad to be at Manila, and tho
visit increased my respect for tho
American charactor, Aftor all, blood
is thicker than wator; but I must not
go on, for a friend of mine, Captain
Coghlan, got Into troublo through talk
ing tho othor day."
Torpedo Dornllx Ono Car nnd Girls
Hold TJp Another.
Clovcland, June 17. After a qulei
morning rioting ou tho part of sym
pathizers of the street railroad strik
ers broko out yostorday noon In viul
.ous sections of the city, and a number
of arrests wero made.
At tho corner of Clark avenue and
Pearl street a car from Lake View
filled with non-union employes and
guarded by a force of .policemen was
attacked with bricks, stonos and eggs,
Tho windows in the car wero smashed
and the non-union men rushed out and
Joined the strikers. Ono of them, who
was struck In the face with a brick,
Shortly after noon girls employed
la factories In the wholesalo mercan
tile district held up a Euclid avenue
car. After making it unpleasant for
the motorman and conductor tho girls
drew back and men and boys burled
missiles at tho car.
A little after 2 o'clock a Wlllson
nvonuo cross town car struck and ex
ploded a torpedo which had been laid
on the rail. The car was nearly blown
from tho track, so great wag tho force
of the explosion. Flames burst through
the floor of tho car Immediately after,
but were soon extinguished. On tho
traok tho police found the remains of
the torpedo, consisting of two pieces
of tin, with a wad of paper wedged
between them.
"Elbow Greaso" Is a slang term, denoting
lots of rubbing. It Is fast falling Into disuse
bocause of the almost universal use of
Washing Powder
Dust. It makes house
Ah ltoflrotel br Doallntm In Phllndol
plitn nud llnHtmoro.
Phllndolphln, Juno 10. Flour firm; win
ter superfine, $2.1562.33; Pennsylvania
rollor. clenr, t3.20S3.23; city mills, extm.
jz.iHXipa.TO. nyo Hour quiet nt M.IMM.I
per bnrrel for choice rennsylvnnla.
Whont quiet; No. 2 rod. spot, In elevator,
T7HT7Ho. Corn quiet; No. 2 mixed, spot,
in elevator, 39tiT3!Ho. ; No, 2 yollow, for
local trade, 40o. Oats firm; No. 2 white,
32c; No. 2 whlto, clipped, S2&0. Hay
firm; cholco timothy, $16.50 for largo
bales. Deof firm; boof hams, J21.KWt22.DO.
Pork stoady; family, ll.SOS'U. Lard
easy: western steamed, J5.27W. Buttor
steady; western cronmory, 15C184c; do.
factory, lSfiltc.; Imitation croamery,
Ice.: New York dairy, lSV4srl7o.; do. cream
ery, 16IlSVio.; fancy Pennsylvania print
Jobbing at 20023c.; do. wholesale, 19c.
Cheese strong; largo and small, whlto,
7c.; do. colored, 7o. Eggs firm; Now
York and Pennsylvania, Wtftlte.; west
ern, frosh, 14IfHVic: southern, swyiUin-
Potatoes quiet; Jersey sweets, $12.30,
Cnlibnge steady at $112.2B per barrel crate,
Turpentine steady at 30V4i!IS9?ic,
Baltimore Juno 10. Flour quiet and
unchanged. Wheat unsettled; spot and
month. mifOTJic: July, 7SH7e.c.i Au
gust, 79H78c; stenmor No. 2 red, 73Ho.i
southern, by sample 70ar78i4o.; do. on
aradc. 71tf.78o. Corn firmer: spot anl
month, W39Hc.; July, MVsGW.lo.i August
33UJIS9V4c; stoaraor mixed, 37H37c ,
southern, white, 342o.; do. yollow, t3o,
Oats firm; No. 2 white, S35f24c.S do,
mlxod. 29W5I30C. Hyo firmer; No. 2 west.
orn, 62Hc Hay firm; No. 1 timothy, $12.3C
2fl8. Cheese steady; largo, medium nnd
small, 8c.
Lire Stoolc Markets.
Nw York. June 10. Beeves active; or
dinary to cholco steors, $1.73(35.50; bulls,
J3K4.10: cows, $2(84.15. Calves active and
jtlrnncr: fair to cholco veals. $6(37; but
termilks, $l; mixed calves, $3.500.10.
SheeD a shade higher I lambs In good do-
TTinnd. but lower: common to Rood sheep
J3JI4.60: common to prlmo lambs, $5,508
7.75: ono car choice. $7.80. Hogs firm, but
Tiothlnir dolnir: two cars good western
-hnrra enlrt nt S4.12U.
East LIbarti. Pa., Juno 16. Cattle
tonrtv: extra. $5.45(20.63: prlmo, $5.355.45
common, $3.6004.25. Hogs steady; prime
hPttw. J3.O0dl3.02V4; best mediums, $3.90
I.32H; good Yorkers, $3.90; common to fair
Yorkers, $; pigs, j.!somj.inj; buwu
roughs, $3.25(23.30; Btags ana piggy sows,
MUM Slir-pn harelv steady; cholci
roothor'o 4.fl024.65: common, $2(23; choice
venrllncs. $5.25(25.40: spring lambs, $5ffl7
veal calves, $0.60ffl7.
Drink Graln-0
after you have concluded that you ought not to
drink coffee. It is not a medicine but doctors
order il, because it is healthful, invigorating
and appetizing. It is made from pure grains
and has that rich seal brown color and tastes
like the finest grades of coffee and costs about
' as much. Children like it and thrive on it
because it is a genuine food drink containing
nothing but nourishment. Ask your grocer
for Grain-O, the new food dnnk. Is and 25c
Spain's Quoon KocoIvoh Our MInlfitor
Madrid, Juno 17. Tho nowly ap
pointed minister to Spain, Mr. Bellamy
Storer, was rocelvod In formal au
dience by tho queen regent yesterday.
Thero were no speeches, only a fow cor
dial phrases bolng exchanged. Two
state carriages from the royal stable
conveyed Mr. Storer from the Hotol do
Rome to the palace and took him back
to tho hotol aftor tho audlcnco. Pro
mlor Sllvela presented Mr. Storer to
hor majesty. Thero wore no crowd
about the palaco, Mr, Storer's recep
tion being unannounced In order to
avoid disagreeable incidents.
Fallod to Itrtuoh n Conclusion.
Pittsburg, June 17. Tho Pittsburg
district miners, who have beon in con
ference for two days to scttlo tho ques
tion of differential between the thick
and thin vein scales, have failed to
reach a conclusion. At tho earlier con
feronco between the operators and mln
ers It was decided to leave the set
tlement of the question to the miners'
district oxecutlvo board, Its decision to
be final. Yesterday the conference
passed a resolution to defer the mat
ter until July 20, when another con
vention will be held.
Oenornl Otlw' Jlolnforcomonta.
Washington, June 17. Under the
most favorable circumstances It will
be hardly possible for tho government
to Increase its army in tho Philippines
up to the 35,000 limit before Aug.
About 5,000 of the troops destined for
service In tho Philippines, and In
cluded In the proposed 35,000 force,
are still in this country, and will not
be able to reach the scene of action
for five or six weeks. The officials of
the war department are making ovory
effort, however, to expedite tholr de
United States Consul Johnson, at
Amoy, reports that tho plague has
broken out there.
A general strike in tho buildings
trade of Belln threatens to spread all
wer tho empire.
Serious charges are madp against the
management of the Girl's Industrial
school at Adrain, Alien.
A motorman. crazed by the heat, en
dangered the lives of hlsassengors
on Staten Island.
Congressman Bland, It is Btatod, died
comparatively poor, Colonol Bryan
will attend tho silvor advocate's tu
To Knrt n Blar Strike.
Denver, June 17. Tho outlook is fa
vorablo for an early resumption
work at all tho trust smelters, which
. " . . . , nr. 1 ,
nave neon suui uuwu uuicu weuutjsuuy,
bringing enforced idleness to thou
lands of minors and railroad employes
and throatonfng'great Injury to all the
industries, of the statQ. Stops have
been taken which will probably lead to
a conference between employers and
employes, and a compromise Is pre
Ask your grocer for the "Royal Patent
flour, and take no other brand. It Is the best
floor Budo.
Itnrrow Ootn Fonrinon Yearn nnrt Ten
Months, tho Ntirso J'our YcitrH.
Now York, Juno 17.Georgo Dcnuro-
gnrd Darrow, tho principal Id tho kld
niippliiK of Marlon Clark, tho Infant
daughter of Arthur Clark, of this city,
as yostorday Bontoncod to 14 yoara
and ton months' ImprlRonmont
Tho summing up by counsol -was
cry brief, nnd tho case was given to
io Jury with a few words of Instruc
tion from tho bonch. Tho Jury, after
t ing out 25 minutes, rondorod a ver
dict of guilty, and Bontonco was passed
as nbovo stated.
Bona Anderson, alias "Carrlo Jonos,
who pleaded guilty, was Bontoncod to
four years' Imprisonment.
The trial of Mrs. Harrow ns her hus
band's nccompllce will follow.
Tho term of Imprisonment to whicn
Harrow has been condomnod Is two
months less than tho mnxlmum pen
alty proscribed for kidnapping. In tho
caso of Delia Anderson tho district at
torney Joined In the plea for mercy
it forward by hor attorney. Sho Will
bo sent to tho prison for womon nt
'ho ProMdpnt Oft for Atnsmoliuott
Washington, Juno 17. ProIdont Mo-
Klnloy ond party loft hero on a special
train last ovonlng for Holyolco, North
ampton and othor points in Massa
chusetts. The party comprised Presi
dent and Mrs. McKInley, Mr. and Mrs.
Abner McKInley, Mr. and Mrs. Ocorgo
E. Morso, of San Francisco, relatives
of tho prosidont; Assistant Sccrotary of
tho Navy Allen, Mr. George Cortclyou,
acting socrotnry to tho president;
Messrs. Georgo Barnes and Rudolph
Forstor, of tho Whlto House oxecutlvo
staff; Dr. P. M. Rlxoy, U. S. N tho
president's physician; Miss Ida Bar
ber, of Canton, O., and Miss Sarah
Duncan, also of Ohio, who havo boon
tho guests of Mrs. McKInley hero.
Now .Torsey Oyster Commissioners.
MUlvlllo, N. J Juno 17. Govornor
Voorhces yostcrdny appointed Edward
Riley of Nowport, Edward Stiles of
Port Norris and Jeremiah Ogden ol
Brldgcton stato oyster commissioners
lor Delaware bay and Maurloo cove.
Ex-Assomblyman Thomas F. Austin,
of this city, was also nnnolnted super
intendent, and tho stato control of tho
oyster Industry took effect yesterday.
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible Hum, Scald,
Cut or llmiso. Uucklen's Amica Salve, the
best in the "world, will kill the pain and
promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever
Sores. Ulcers. Hons, felons, -orns, an nuin
Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only
25cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by
A. Wasley, Druggist.
To Fllrlit'tho Trti PlntS Trust.
Chicago, Juno 17. Senator W. A,
Clark of Montana, Charles Edwin
Miller of Now York and J. E. Shawhan
of San Francisco had a consultation at
tho Auditorium Anuox yesterday look
ing to tho formation of a comblno to
fight the tin plate trust. It Is proposed
to establish a plant at Jollet, Ills.,
with a capital of $1,000,000. This cap
ital, howover, does not represent tho
full strength of tho proposed anti
trust plant.
"Tod" Slonn Chnruod With Ttowdylsm
London, Juno 17. It is assorted that
"Tod" Sloan, tho American Jockey,
made a brutal assault on a waiter at
the Sports club on Thursday, and there
was talk of having him arrested
Sloan donlcs tho charge, but says tho
assault was made by ono of his
(Sloan's) friends. Tho Times, which
accuses Sloan of tho assault, says the
matter was settled by paying tho
waiter $500.
Kentucky's Holcn ofTorror.
London, Ky., Juno 17. A stato of
terror exists In Clay county owing to
tho preparations for warfare now go
ing on nmong tho Howards, Bakers
and Whites. No Baker could enter
Manchester unless tho whole clan rode
In, and that Is what Is expected, lu
which event thero will bo serlouB
' is for women's diseases and irregu-
laritios. It cures everything that Is
mmmmilu rjillnrl n. "femnlft trouhlfi." (1
It acts directly upon all tho distinctly f
feminine organs of generation, drlv- ((
ing out weakness and imparting
strength; stopping unnatural drains,
uuu ruuuiuuiiLT U1U WUUUUV
I) in overv instanco. It mokes sickly
' and weaky women strong and well 5j
again, bi a oottie at nrug stores.
Send io a freo book about it
It can be haii at all the lead
ing saloons.
Christ.) Schmidt,
Agent: and Bottler,
203 m
Coal Street
The onlv nltasire resort and picnic ground
in this region. TChis season will be the most
successfully conducted since its existence,
The boa's for the lake ore now undergoing
repairs at Read ing. The grove will be
cleaned daily by v orkmcn. Ice and wood to
prepare and prese -ve meals for picnic parties
will be furnished hyee. An orchestra will be
established at this
resort for the entire season
For particulars ad'
J. YOST, Prop.,
Barncsvllle, Pa,
1,000,000 GIVEN AWAY. 1
By ft special and particular arranMt
mont with tho manufacturers of Dr.
Drvld Konnody'B Favorite Remedy,
freo trial bottles of this great modlcino
for tho Kidneys, Liver. Bladder and
Dlood, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia and
Constipation, will bo sent absolutely
free, postpaid, to all persons Buffering
from uny of tho diseases montionoa
abovo who will send tholr full nama
And post office address to the DR.
ltondout, N. Y,, providing they men
,tton tl)ls paper when they writo.
A very simple test to determine
wliothor your Kidneys or Bladder are
dlseosod is to put some or your tmno in
n glass tumbler and let it stand 21
hours; it it hasnsedlmontoraciouar.
ropy or stringy nppoarnnco, If it is pals
or discolored, you do not need n phy
sician to tell you that you nro in ft
dangerous condition. Dr. David Ken
nedy's Favorito Homed v sncedilv cures
fmch serious Hymptoms as a pain in tho
back, inability to hold urine, n burning
scalding pain In passing it. Frequent
deslro to nrinnto especially at night,
i tho staining of linen uy your urlno and
'all nnnlpiuinnt. nnd riAnrrprnnn AfTVvttJI
Iproducod on tho system by tho nso of.
whiskey and beer.
By a searching Investigation it was
found that over 01 per cent of tho'
people who sent for a sample bottlo
wero bo much benefited by its uso that
they purchased a largo sized bottlo of
their druggist, which in most cases
cured them, while in somo raro in
stances it took as many as two or ovon
tnroo bottles to eiicct npormancnt euro. 1
vr. vavia K.enneay'8 v avorito item
edy Is sold by nil drupgiste at $1.00 pot
largo bottlo, or six bottles for $5.00.
n Opportunity to Secure the ltnok Pre
sented to Klionandoah l'eople.
The Hebald has succcedod In making ar
rangements with the publishers of tho "Iloro
Tales of the American Soldlor and Sailor,"
whereby tho pcoploof Shenandoah can secure
this wotk at a nominal cost. This worK can
only Us secured through our local agents,
Messrs. Books & Brown, who will make n
thorough canvass.
Tho book contains 000 pages and 100 Illus
trations and Is finely bound in Illustrated
loth. It contains all the important battles
that the American soldiers nud sailors have
fought and graphically Illustrates thorn
Special attention is given to the lata Spanish
war, and among tho Illustrations aro "Tho
Destruction of tho Maine, " "Dewey's Vic
tory," "Corvora's Defeat," ' Ilobson's daring
with tho Merrimac," "Tho dofenso of Camp
SrcCalla" and many others.
The books retail all over tho country at
S2.00 nor copy and thousands havo beon sold
Tho terms upon which the books will bo sold
cro aro as follows: Any person who will
agree to tako tho IIkuald for six months
will bo supplied with a copy of this oxcoll
cut history of our country's defenders for 75
cents. Kemember, a f 2.00 book for 75 cents,
tho only condition being that you agreo to
tako the IlEBALD for six months.
Tho Uebai.d is progressive, enterprising,
wido-awako and always will be. Its dally
visits will keen you bettor Informed than any
other paper on tho news of this locality,
county, state and nation. Copies of tho
book can bo examined at tho storo of Hooks
&J3rown, No. A North Main street.
An AUocred Hwodlnh Umliozzlor,
New York. Juno 17. Tho World
nrints tho following: Carl Fischer-
Hnnson. a SwedlBh lawyer of this city
has received a cablegram asking mm
to arrest unon his arrival hero Chris
tlan Schultz, onco a prominent lawyer
In Sweden. Schultz la said to bfc on a
North German Lloyd steamer. The
cablogram charges him with commit
ting forgeries to tho amount or ou.uuu,
theroby crippling a bank at vording-
bore. Denmark. Schultz, onco a mu
nlclpal counsellor ana a prominent
man at tho Swedish bar, has lately
beon living at Naestrod, Denmark.
Murrtorors Secured ft Fortune
Chicarro. June 17. Tho pollco an
nounceod today that they had become
convinced that tho murdorors of Mar
tin Moicrs. tho old miser found stran
gled in his homo ten dayssinco.socured
about $40,000 as tho result of tholr
crime-. Tho most careful soarcn has
failed to- reveal more than ?40,000 of
propeny. iviuiuru mm inunua
time ago that ho Ty.aa worin
and the police bolUsyo tho nnvo
.T. J.
secured tho difference. Aa of
nco. jca ol
il Tn Get
.Tho i.'
li n
Artificial Con!
tZ- -
spondent of Tho Dally Malt says that
n workman named Montagt living lc
London, Juno 17,
Mannheim, Baden, has succeeded lu
manufacturing artificial coal from
earth and mineral substances.
Asthma Can Bo Cured.
T U. Nildn. ex-school sunerintendent
of Rochester, Pa., says: "I liave been a
great sufferer from asthma for years, but
I have had a splendid winter, owing to
the surprising efficacy of Brazilian
isaim. a inuy in iniciuiiuu, wuo uu
suffered with asthma for 17 years, could
not lie down; was pcnectiy cureu witu
Brazilian Balm.
Shenandoah drug store wholesale aconts
If, whon contemplating a trip to any point
West or Southwest of tho Mississippi Kiver,
you will purchase tickets via the Missouri
Pacific Ity., or Iron Mountain Kouto (which
aro on salo at ail principal ticket offices In
the United States), you will havo all the
comforts and luxuries of modern ruilwa"
equipment, and the finest opportunities for
viowing all of nature's museums and marvels
of Utah, ColoradoKansas, Arkansas, Toxar,
Old aud Now Mexico, California, etc. Ex
cursion tickets to all principal points at
greatly reduced rates. On account of tlio
National Education Association meeting at
Los Angeles in July, wo will make special
lowrouud trip rates. When contemplating
a trip West or Southwest, write us for full
Information and rock bottom figures. W
E. Hoyt, Q. E. P. Agent, J. P. McOann, T.
P. Agent, 301 Broadway, Now York. 4-23-tf
Do You Enow
Consumption Is preventable? Science has
proven that, and also that neglect Is suicidal,
Tho worst cold or cough can bo cured with
Shlloh's Cough and Consumption Cure. Sold
on positive guaranteo for over fifty years.
Sold by P. D, Kirlln on a guarantee.
Keduckd Bates to Los Atrarxra, Cal., yia
For tho National Educational Association
Convention to bo held at Los Angeles, Cal.,
July 11 to 11, tho Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell excursion tickets via direct
routes from points on its lino, to Los Angeles,
Cal., and return, at rato of single faro for tlio
round trip, plus $2.00 membership fee. Thcso
tickets will bo sold, good going Juno "1 to
July 7, And whon stumped by Joiut Agent at
Los Angeles, tood to return, arriving at final
destination, until September B,
For further Information apply to ticket
Arletoorntlo Hoodlvimn Sontencod.
Pnria .Tnnn 17. Tho corroctloiml
pollco court yesterday sontenced Comtc
do Dion, uomto n Aumgny mm unu
d'Assy to a fprtnlght In prison and to
pay 100 francs ilno for participation In
tho disturbances at Auteull June 1.
Others were sontenced to Imprisonment
for from ono month to throo montnn
on tho somo charg.
Tmtordny'n llnnolmll OrniiM.
Nntlnnnl Laaauo! At P-oion Phil-
ntlnlnhln. 1; Boston. 3. At Washington
nnlt mnrn. H: WnsninTton, n. ti
Louisville- (10 InnlnM) Loulsvlllo, 13;
St. 1.011 R. 13. At Now Yorit 1NOW
York tenm refused to nbldo by Utnplre'j
decision in tho socand lnnlncr, nnd tho
gamo was forfeited to Brooklyn. 9 to 0.
Atlnntlc Lrfniruo: At Heading
Reading, 2; Wllkesbarro, 1. At Now-
nik Richmond. 10: Nownrlt. l. At
Lancaster Scrnnton. C: Lancnster, 5
At Pntorson Patorson, C; Allen
town, 3.
Arlitt ration l'miivprlH tlonoful.
Tim ttninio. Juno 17. Tho drafting
committee for tho nrbitrntioi' tnuunni
nnhnmn. which should havo met yes
terday, ndiourncd Its sitting ta Monday
next. The ostensible ronson for tho
adjournment was tho absence of Barou
Kstournollos ae uonstnni. m uiu
French delegation, who drew up the
minutes. It is possible, howover, that
thn dnlenntcs had not rccolved sum
dent Instructions from thilr respective
covornments to make fur'.Hn- progress.
Tlin d fflcnltv now cntony rnnsms in
reconelllnE a scheme or tlio otnor
powers with tho views of Germany,
but tho prospect is more nopeiui.
Clitonno OvorTwn Millions nifr,
Chicago. Juno 17. Chicago's popu
lation, according to Chief of Police
IClploy, has finally passed tho two
million mark, being now 2,088,043. The
figures aro tho rosult of n census taken
by tho pollco force, isacn year tno de
partment tancs n census on wnicn to
bnso tho apportionment of officers and
patrolmen by precincts and to regulate
tho estlmato or tno numoor oi men
needed to properly police th6 territory
within Its Jurisdiction.
OhnlnnmliorH Got a Second Increase,
Lebanon, Pa., Juno 17. Tho second
voluntary Increaso In wages within a
year was made yesterday rjy tno man
nunmant of the Lebanon chain works.
Tho omnloyos wero notified that begin
ning July 1 wages win uo increased iu
per cent, making the scale tho highest
nald In mnny years. About CO chain
makors are effected.
Wonvlnir tlio 'Not Alrant Kost.
Chicago, Juno 17. Word was recoiv
cd by tho Chicago pollco yostorday
from Vlcnnn that tho case against
Bartholomao ICost has been completed
by tho absoluto Identification of tho
corpse of Mary vocdecka. Tno ciotn
Ing has beon finally traced, overy gar
ment bolng recognized as part of the
bridal trossoua made by tho young
woman beforo Sho loft Duestcho Brod
Already extradition papors have been
started from Vienna.
Everybody's liablo to itching piles. Eii-h
aud poor, old and young torrihlo tho torture
they suffer. Only ouo suro euro; Doan'i
Ointment. Absolutely safe ; can't fall.
Dr. Tackson nointu to
the startling fact that
there are now ZO million
Catarrh victims in this
country and the number
rapidly increasing. It
ha9 already become the
National Disease. Are
we to become a nation of
Catarrhites ? It looks
like it,
The Aboriginal Indians are said not to hare
knowu the disease. That proves it is not caused
Dy our cnraaie aua xnusi nave uccn iinporiea.
Its rrrowth was slow but persistent. Forty
years ago there were less thau 40.000 cases lu
the U. 8.. to-day there are 20 million. Boon
there wilt be 80 million. Where Is It to end?
'""Sail we not awake till It has fastened Its fanes
SA!, cvenjuan, woman and child in the laud?
I.IoV thravrc prevent It unless we take Imrued
Kmimv. jTiirorous stens to stamo out the olarrue?
-ld disease knows no sex, no class, no
hat if -ri' 15 evcrywnere, A germ (microbe)
ia i!iV1preads by cont.glon. The carton
I Creatli end expectoration of the
the noor victim arc
loaaea Wlla inesc zhictodcs. uwicrs urcmu incir
In. thev And loritremeut and never release their
hold till the victim lies' down in death, unless
cverv microbe Is killed, nut can tney be killed I
Vps. hul not bv anv "blood medlclue." Ho Ca-
tarrn Kerm was ever xouiiq in me uioou. ijic
trouble is local ana must oe ireaiea locauy. a
balsam has been discovered that is sure deatl
to the Catarrh microbe, maklnir a radical an,
nermaneut cure. It Is Brazilian Balm. It ha
cured tens of thousands In the past 15 years. It
also cures all the troubles caused bv Catarrh
asiiore Throat, Old Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma
and fcung troubles. Tne swallowing oi m
cntarrh una makes the Stomach raw and ulcer
ated. The Brazilian Balm soon makesa radical
cure of the Stomach and alimentary canal.
Is the cheaoest remedv on the market, a SI,
hottle cnutalnlnt? a whole month's treatment,
As all sufferers with Catarrh and Asthma have
run-down systems we will till January next put
a moutn's treatment oi ioxicoia mulcts, jrec,
in with everv 11.00 bottle of Brazilian Balm
This Is the best Tonic and nerve and strength
builder known, You Ret all for $1.00, a mouth's
treatment of both. Now Is the time to treat
.your Catarrh. Do not delay. Ask your druggist
auuiaiteuo buusiuuic. ai jic win uui kci u,
send direct to us. Jl. P. Jackson & Co., M'f
Chemists, imuanapous, mu.
Wholesale Agents
This magazlno for boys and girls Is without
a rival In its field. Tho features for the coming
ear win gain lor it a J ios oi now menus,
fow leading attractions are t
A New Henty Story,
By G. A. Henty
This Is a tale of early Amorlcan history, by
thn favorito story.teller of American mid Kug
iisu ooys.
By Amelia E. Barr.
, A flflMiLfiil lildtnrlcnl romance for irlrls. deal-
1 I . I lit. 1.1.1 XT . A- , . nn,l ...-It..,.. 1 . ..
IIIK Willi Hit, IUU1U . w, rv. i.ii-j tiivi
one of the most spirited and conscientious
American autliors.
By Laura E. Richards.
No writer Is more welcome to the young folk
ol to-aay man tno auiuor oi -lapiain Janu
ary," and tins is ono oi uer uesi euorta.
By E. II. House.
A series o( amuslna- enJsodea of history.
ancient and modern, told In un entertaining
ray. it win awa en a new interest in tins im
portant branch of study.
Mrs. C. D. Bicsbee. the wife of tho cantata
the battle-ship Maine, will write about "Fe
Also contributions from Mrs. Burton Barrl
son, Clara Morris, Oelett Burgess, Lloyd
usDourne, n. tnaicou, rouiiney uigciow,
rcary, etc., etc.
Every household with children should
have St. Nlchol as
$3oo a Year 35 cents a number,
Swift's Premium Hams
Swift's Premium Bacon
Twins of superb excel
lence, selected and treated
ns only long experience in
curing millions of hams
nnd millions of pieces of
breakfast bacon could ac
complish. Swift's Silver Leaf Lard
Swift's neef P.Ttract
' Swift's Jersey Butterlne
swm's uotosuet
In a class by themselves
all unequalled and un
approached by any similar
products. The highest
grade of all high grades.
Sold all over America
Swift and Company
Kansas City
St. Joseph St. Paul
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock 'Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Btowu Stout, Half and Half, Beer
ttid Porter.
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
Of Schuylkill Haven,
The noted Kcfroctlonlst, who has testimonials
From the best people of tho county, as to his
ability, will bo at
If your eyes cause you any trouble call and sco
him. Glasses furnished if needed and no
Of Lofty.
Subject to Republican rules
Or Purs Qkovh, 1'a.
Subject to Republican rules.
Op Tekmont.
Bubjcct to Republican rules.
Subject to Republican rules.
jj Op P0TT8VIIJ.B,
5 Formerly of Jollctt),
Subject to Republican rules.
Subject to Democratic rnlcfl.
Subject to Repnbllcan rules.
Op Mauakov City.
Subject to Republican rules.
Op CnratsoHA.
Subject to Republican rules.
819 N. Centre Bt, rottsrllle, Fs.
Fine old Whiskeys, Gins and Wines, at the !
A choloe line ol Clears and Temper
non Drinks.
Accommodations for travelers.
Mela at all hours