4 The Very Thing. The Hight Remedy at the night Trice. Tlmi'a our btutlnem. Don't nttempt to Ik your own iloctor, but don't run the rUk of suffering or eiulftiiKcr your hraltti by being nilliotit the nlmplo retno liei that help so niiu'li, A bottle of pnre gorlc or blackberry cordial Is n Rood thlitfc to Imve tlirouch the hot weather. It overcomes the painful effect of too much fruit. SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Telephone Connection, See the excellent quality and the large quantity of meat you can buy at our market For 25c. One trial will cause you to give us more. Our market Is not ciactly located centrally but that little extra walk will benefit your purs. J. I 203 E. Centre St. Eye Treatment For Children. Many children are allowed to wink and blink through the day's study, and at home, with a book six or eight inches from the eyes. During childhood, the ocular nerves and muscles are very sensi tive and may be exposed to severe inflammation and strain by over work. Where a child was formerly doped with drugs for nervous and muscular trouble he is now cured with glasses. Thos. Buchanan, Jeweler and Optician. 118 South Main Street. FOR- E BOSTON FACTORY SHOE 27 South Main Street. Shenandoah, Pa. I. SPONT, PROP. FOUR DOORS ABOVE POST OFFICE Miss Mary E.Jones, Dealer In and maker of WAX - AND - NATURAL - DESIQNS For use on funeral occasions. . .1 t. nn linnrl And special designs made on abort notice. We Vhlto and black satin slipper with patent Cor. Main and Lloyd Streets. EVAN J. DAVIES. Livery and Undertaking, No 13 North Jardin St. WITH PLEASURE ! Watch his Space Tou have a pleasure In the grocer) en you buy and the way we handle your order. Everything Jn our plaoa la fresh, except the manner of our employs. Our delivery system U perfect, a you 11 admit If you try it. E. B. FOLEY, CHILDREN'S DAY. Intrrcillnc; Ktrrrl.en Held In Several nt the Vhurclien Yesterriny. In moat of tlio Protestant churches of town yestonlay the reicular services woro dis pensed with nncl tlio annual Children's D.iy exercises were held, under tlio auspices of the respective Sunday schools. All the churches were beautifully decorated for the occasion and excellent programs embracing ruuslcal nud lltontry osercUos of a mcied character wore presented. Tlio parents nnd friends ot tlio children Assembled ill largo nutnbors at the npectlvo churches. The programs rendered at tho respective places wore as follows : JIRTIIODIST KriSCOPAI. CHURCH. Tho Junior "exorcise? wcro held In tlo mornlnK. under tho direction of Miss Pris ollla Parry and Mr. James Patterson. Slug Ing, congregation; Apostlo's creed) prayer, Mr. K. Webster ; anthem, "Lot Mount .Ion Kejoico," choir; slutting, ptimary school; nddross of welcome. Jay Williams ; "Little Blossoms." Currio Keeso, Delia Spcors, Ho becoa Jones nnd Morlo Kvanss recitation, "Tho Children's Part," Clayton Frost ; "Llttlo Workers," primary scholars j "Little Tilings," six girls ; "Do Something for Some body Quick," Mildred Gregory, Dolla Speers, Earl Bunn and David Itcovos ; "Tho Garden of Life," Hattio Lockettj "In Our Dear Lord's Garden," primary schools; address, II. E. Dengler; anthem, choir j "A Good Way of Giving," Howard Davis; "Tho Kor-RCt-mo-not. Hand," primary scholars; "A Llttlo Child Shall Lead Them," Tboodoro Williams; anthem, choir; motion Hong, primary school; "Only Small Hoys," James Gregory; "Tho Old Folks' Hymn and Response," Jennie Hitler. Tho oxorciroa closed with singing by tho choir. Tho evening session was dovotcd to tho exercises of tho senior classes, under tho direction of tho superintendent, Dr. J. S. Calton, Mr. J. J Price was the musical director and Prof. E. W. Wlldo's orchestra assisted. Tho following was tho program : Singing, "All Hall," congregation ; prayor, II. E. Dengler; singing, "Tho Crowning Day of the Year," School ; opening address, Goorgo Daddow; doublo ouartctto, "Hall, Day of Gladness," Mattio Thomas, Minnio and Eva Powell, Hannah Davis, Dr. D. John Price, Jainos Hough, Wm. Thomas, Charles Rashoro; responsivo reading, "Wo Will Wor ship Thoo," suporintendont and school ; prayor, Dr. J. S. Callcn; singing, "Living in tho Suuslilno," school ; recitation, Pearl Matter; singing, "Happy and Blest," primary scholars; responsive reading, "Christ tho Light," superintendent and school; reci tation, "Who Fain Would Follow Jesus," John Swalm; singing, "You Can Haro tho Joy Bells," school; recitation, "A Trans formed Lifo," Amy Fiost; singing, "Happy Day in Zion," Sunday school; recitation, "Biblo Illustration," three girls and two boys; rosponaivo reading, "God's Lovo and Care for tho Flowers," superintendent and school; singing, (by request a repetition from tho morning program) "Llttlo Blossoms," primary scholars; remarks by tho superintendent. Dr. J. S. Callcn ; collection and singing, "The Inspired Song " by a male party; singing, "Tho Palace of Song," school ; recitation, "A Little Lamb," Llzzlo Rogers; singing, "Help the Children," solo ; duet and chorus, Minnie and Eva Powell and school; recitation. The Lord's Prayor," Dora Richards ; quartette, Lovely River," Helen Prico, Sallie Wasley, Dr. D. John Price and Leon Wasley ; chorus of girls and school, "Praise Our Creator," Mis3 Maggie Palmer's class and school; recitation, "Writo It," Grovor Shoemaker; This was followed by ono of the features of tho program, Marching to Glory," tho choir singing tho first verso while marching from tho vcstibulo to tho platform. Tlio following vorsoa were sug by tho Sunday school in general assembly, led by tho choir. This was followed by tho doxology and clos ing prayer by Dr. J. S. Callou. PRIMITIVE METHODIST ClltJCn. Afternoon and ovenlug 'bxorcisos were held in tho above church, tho former under direc tion of Mr. Edward Cooper, and tho latter were conducted by Mrs. E. C. Malick, Tho representative programs wore ; Afternoon. Singing, school ; prayer ; sing ing, school ; recitation, Fannie Entorlightcr; recitation, Lizzie Taylor ; recitation, Maud Reigol ; singing, school ; recitation, Essie Major; recitation, Jcannotto Broxton; reci tation, Agnes Reigel ; solo, Lizzie Pinter- lighter ; recitation, Martha Lewis ; recitation, Fannio Entorlightcr; singing, school; instrumental duet, Marccllaand Harry Davis; rocitatlon, Mamie Pasco; recitation, Vorra Cooper; recitation, Mycl Bailus; recitation, Thomas Jamos ; closing ode, school. Evening. Blossom Time." Organ volun tary; carol, "Blossom Timo," school; Invoca tion; duet, "Wo Meet in HisTeraple To-day," class of girls; responsive bible reading, school; carol. We Are Coming," school; recitation, "Nature and Nature's God," Gcrtlo James ; anthem, choir ; address, pastor; hymn, ' Stand Up For Jesus," con gregation; recitation, "What am I Doing for Jesus," Jcannetle Broxton; carol, "Happy Youthful Band," school; floral recitation, "Flower-gathorera," six girls; carol, "Our Home so Fair," school; primary department recitations; dialogue, Joy is Everywhere, fivo children; dialogue, jlorry Birds," four children; motion song, "Sunny Days," class of girls ; dialogue, Jesus Little Ones," three children; anthem, choir ; responsive reading, school ; recitation, "Missionary Music," Eddie Taylor; offering and anthem; carol, Waiting for a Message," school; reel tation, "Under Our Banner," Frank Pasco; duet, A Song of Poace," M. Davis and M. Dabb; prayer; National hymn, congregation. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. The Children's Day service was hold In the evening, under direction of the superin tendent, Mr, John P. Williams. "Scattering Precious Seed" was tho titlo of the exorcises, which opened with instrumental music and singing by the Sunday School and congrega tion, after which prayer was ottered. Scrip ture reading, school and congregation ; sing' Ing, "Children's Day Greeting," school; recitation, "Which V" Hannah Jouos; recita tion, "All The Good We Can" Joseph Jones ; recitation, As Pretty As a lower," Margaret nowells; singing, sehool; reel tation, "Scatter Precious Seed," Walter Capper; select reading, Tatcbwcrk," Miss Sallie Griffith's claw ; recitation, A Waif," Edith Pierce ; recitation, Miriam and Gar field Jones; singing, "Scatter Bright Smiles," school ; scripture reading, leader and claw: recitation, ''The King and Laborer," Sirah Rogers; recitation, "Each in Its Own Way," Laura Williams; rcclta. Hon, "Willie's Rebellion," John Rudd's class. This program was then followed by tho primary department exercises, open ing with the singing of "Little Onos" by tho achool; recitation. "Mother's Face," Mary Whomsley; exercises, "Lessons From a Penny," Miss Blower's olasa ; recitation, "The Best Way," Ettle Potts; recitation, "Dollio's Excuse," Gwennio Jones; recitation, 'The Difficult Seed," Jennio Blower; scripture reading, leader and class; emblematic exercise, "Tho Beacon Light," by several young ladies; singing, "Offerings of Lore," school; address on the work of the American Baptist Publico- tlon Society by Mr. John P. Wllllums. fol lowed by a missionary offering, singing by the school and bonedletlon. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CUUECII. Tbo exercises at the First Presbyterian church last evening Were of an unusually Interesting character. The decorations wore the most beautiful the chureh had had for many Children's Days. Above tho back of tbo pulpit was a largo letter A of ferns and nowerj, presenting me worn "Aipca." On either aide of this character were vases of out flowers, and suspended beneath them garlands of daisies and ferns. The large festoons of ferns were gracefully suspended from above the pulpit to tho corners of the platform, along the front Of which was a bank of laurel and daisies, and Intersporscd among tho decorations woro cages of beauti ful songstors, Tho largo audience woro well pleased with tho niannor in which those who took part acquitted thomsolvos. The following is tho program as it was rendered : anthem, choir; prayor, pastor, Ror. Koohlor; address of wolcomo, Yctta Mcyrlck; singing, "Rrjolco, yo saints," school; responsivo rend ing, school; duott, Messrs. Border and Will lams; reading, "Dr. Worden's letter," Miss Dodson; singing, "Faith Is tho Victory," school; readings, describing tho 20th century movement In the Prcsbytorlan church. Mrs. Koohler and Miss Falrcliild; recitation and refrain, infant class; recitation, "A Beautiful Teacher," Paul Houck; singing, "I must tell Jems," school; readings, pastor and young ladles; singing, "Our Father in Heaven," infant class; recitations, four boys; recitation, Waltor Kase; singing, Miss Johnson's nnd Miss Graham's classes; recitation, Albort Jones; recitation, Ray Itowso; singing, "Tho Comforter has como," school; recitation, Robert Jones; recitation, Wllllo Shoelor; responsivo reading, school; address to chil dren, pastor; offering; anthem, choir; singing, "Jesus shall reign," school; benediction, pastor. TRINITY REFORMED CHURCH. Tho oxorclsos In tbo Trinity Reformed wero os follows: Anthem, choir ; invocation, pastor Rov. Ycarick introductory, superin tendent; singing, school ; scripture lesson, superintendent and school ; "Gloria," con gregation ; prayer, pastor and school; sing ing, school; oxorciso, "Emanuel's Banner," coven scholars ; "Follow all tho Way," in fant department; "Lambs of tho Flock," in fant department ; "Flowors," Infant depart rannt; recitation, Racliaol Philips; bible illustrations, four boys and four girls; "Forget-me-not-Band," four scholars; Binglng, school; "Flower Gatherers," six scholars; "Glorious Message" throo scholars; "Joaus Llttlo Onos," thrco scholars; "Joy is Everywhere," fivo Bcholars; "Pralso Him," infant department ; "Morry Birds," four scholars; recitation, infant department; solo nnd chorus, infant department; dialogue, "Tlio Fairest Month of All," fifteen scholars; '"Follow Me," elvht scholars; recitation. Bertha Ycarick; singing, school; address, pastor; anthom, choir; "Steps Hcavonward," (tableau) sixteen scholars; singing, school; closing, doxology and benediction. PITHY POINTS. Happening Throughout the Country Ghronlclwl for Hasty Perusal. Tho Borough Council moots Thursday ovonlng. All tho churches woro largely attondod yestorday. A business collcgo will bo oponed iu Woath orly on Tuesday ovoning. An increased pension has boon granted to Albort G. Hawloy. Pottsvillo, $0 to f 8. Postmaster Sclirlnk took chargo of tho now federal building in Pottsvillo on Saturday. Tho examination of teachors of tho Glrard- vlllo schools was hold at that placo to-day. A marriago license was granted to David. Wall and Minnio Lampshiro, both of Maha uoy City. It Is said that tho P. A R. C. & I. Co., has 3,500 employes less at tho colllorios than it had whon tho last census was taken. Lottors of administration d. b. n. wero granted to Ella O'Kourko on tho estate of Thomas A. Walsh, late of Auburn, deceased. When you peel onions begin at tho root end and peol upward, thus avoiding tho strong odor which assails tho noso and eves Among the ro-appointments in tho Stato Guard Is that of Georgo H. Halberstadt, of Pottsvillo, to bo surgeon with tho rank of major. A rumor is circulating In Gordon to the ctlect that all the engines now at that placo are to bo removed to Shamokln as head quarters. Thero were over 1,000 communicants at tho forty hours devotion service which was held In St. Joseph's Catholic chureh, at Summit Jim, last week. Thomas Harkins, a former Palo Alto boy. arrived from Frankfort, Michigan, to visit his mother and other members of the family at Frackvillo. Ho lost his placo in the P. & R. strike of 1887, and with many other Schuyl kill countians located in the West. Forty-eight dogs, which had boon bitten by animals afflicted with hydrophobia, woro put to death at Tamaqua. Tho Stato Encampment of tho Sons of Veterans holds Its annual sessions at Hazle- ton this weok, beginning to-morrow. Bothlchem is filling with visitors to attend tho sesqut-centcnnlal celebration of tho Moravian Collcgo for Women, which takes placo this weok. Public school property in Pottsvillo is valued at 8332,410. Volunteers of Amorica at Wllkoibarre will organize a boys' brigado. Dr. L. M, Col felt yesterday proachod tho baccalaureato sermon to tho graduating class of Stato College Thloves hayo been stripping tho coal breakers around Hazloton ot their brass fittings, doing great damage to the machinery in cutting away the metal. Charged with exploding dynamite In Salt Spring Run, near Ralston, Lycoming county. theieby killing all tho trout in the stream, Joseph Stall and Robert Barrow havo been held for trial. The Appetite of a Goat Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose stomach and liver are out of order. All such should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, the wonderful stomachand liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25c. at A. Wasley's drugstore. Itaso Hall. Tho original Cuban Giants will cross bats with Manager Koenig's team at Mahanoy City on Wednesday, tho 21st inst. They will play at Pottsvillo the day provlous. Tho Schuylkill Traction nine is anxious to contest in a game of ball with tbo Lost Creek team. Arrangements can bo com' pleted by addressing Daniel Brennan, Girard vlllo, Pa. On Saturday afternoon the L. V. Coal Co.'s team, of Lost Crook, met their first dofoat this season at tho hands of a team soloctcd from tho best material in tho Hazleton re gion. After tho first three innings, during which the Lost Crook boys had a bad case of rattles, tbo game was well played. Tho pitching of Price and the work of Stack was commendable. Score : IlAZLKTON. It II O A E Schmcer, sa 4 4 2 11 Spongier, If 8 2 0 0 0 Dream, p 2 0 12 0 llnchinan. 21i 2 2 2 3 1 McTaggnrt,8b .... 1 0 3 3 0 Thomas, e 11 7 10 Harlor.cf 110 0 MoKernan, lb 3 2 11 0 Brew, rf 2 10 0 Total.. , 19 18 M 10 Lost Cheek, n 11 o a k rtobblns.lf 2 0 0 0 1 Diuldow. m 0 0 2 1 1 Stack, lb m. 0 0 Jl 0 0 Fletcher, 0. 10 7 10 Jones, ct - , 0 1 10 0 Mrtmll. 2b 0 1 2 2 3 Harris, 8b 0 0 2 3 3 Coflleld. rf - 0 1 10 0 P. Trice, P 11 18 1 Total 4 4 27 12 Harris out batting out of order. INNINOS. Hazleton OS300200 0-19 Ixxt Creek 0 0 2 uu Q 0 0 2 4 Two bso hits Coflleld and Schmcer. IIbho on ballsOft l'rice, 2; of! Ilream, 3. Hit by pitcher Ily Price, 1; bylireain,8. Struck out lly l'rice, 8 by Ilream, f). Doubltt play Harris tooiacic, umpire urouericis. Is It a burn? Uso Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil. A out? Use Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio 0)1, At your druggists. Alwuya Fresh and Itellable. Our choice meats, butter, eggs. Bauser's, Cherry and Chestnut streets. tf CASES AT THE COURT. (Continued from First Fngo.) 8. Ludlg, treasurer of North Union Township School District. MAltniAQIt LICENSES. John Porplasky and Eva Croskosky, both or I'ark rlaco; Hobor T. Mooro, or I'olts villo, nnd Alma M. Hayes, of St. Clair; Dominlck Cusack and Maria Blzzoco, both of Kelayros, UOBNSne TRANSFERRED. From John Ilcrg, First ward of Shenan doah, to Jacob Kupski ; Samuel Faust, York- vlllc, to John Bottler; John Bottler, YorK vlllo, to Joseph Bottler. DEEDS RECORDED. Robert Wyatt, executor, to Mary Ellen Wyatt, of Shonandoah, for promlsos In Mali- anoy City; Potor Elchman and wifo to Lena Kline, premises in Mahanoy City; Michael Wagnor and wifo to Jacob Stono, promlsos In Mahanoy City; Suo W. Sheafor to Jamos Ilrogan, promlsos in Shenandoah. Shorlff Toolo acknowledged a dcod to Honora Murphy for promises in Locust Dale, sold as tho proporty of Dennis Murphy, for ?2,5B0. Silverware, cut glass nnd hand decorated china, suitable .for wedding gifts now dis played in Jirumm's show window. Deeds Ilcrorded. From Thomas M. Russell ot al, executors, to Kate M. Lord, premises in Pottsvillo ; from James M. Schropo, administrator, to John II, Schrope, promlsos in Ucgins township ; from John Matter and wifo to Christian Duby, premises in Pottsvillo. l'lincrnl. Tho funeral of Mrs, William Llnkcnhurst, of Mnplo Hill, took placo yosterday after noon. Interment was mado at Middlcport. SAVD TllU BABYI" The first instinct of lie mother -heart is to preserve her little one. Its life nnd health lake precedence even over her own. The common dread which women who arc look ing forward to the coming of a new and precious baby into the world first feel, is that they may not themselves be able to go safely through the trying ordenl, and secondly conies the fear that the darling little baby's life or health or general well being may somehow be sacrificed. Hut there is no real need of apprehen sion in either direction. If any woman who is expecting to become a mother will follow the example of Sirs. Orrin Stiles, of Downing, Dunn Co., Wis., the most perfect confidence may be felt in the happy outcome of this critical period, both for the mother and the child. " I have been Intending to write to you ever since my uauy was porn, says Airs, blues in an interesting letter to Dr. R. V. Pierce of Buf falo, N. Y., " In regard to what your 4 Favorite Prescription ' has done for rae, I cannot praise it enough, for I have not been as well for five years as I now am. In July last I had a baby hoy, weight 11 lbs. I was sick only a shott time, and since I got up I have not had one sick day. I have not had nnv womb trouble since I a ot uo. I was not only surprised myself but all of my menus liere are aurprisea 10 see me so wen. The properties of this grand '' Pre scription " and what it has accomplished for thousands of women, are more fully described in one chapter of the People's Common bense Medical Adviser hy K. v, Pierce, M. D., n splendid thousand-page illustrated volume. It will be sent free paper-bound, for 21 one-cent stamps to pay uie cost 01 mailing oniy; or, cioui bound for 31 stamps. The " Favorite Prescription " Is entirely free from alcohol; unlike nearly all other proprietary medicines lor women, wnicn merely give a tem porary stimulation and are likely to induce a morbid, unhealthy eravlnor. The ' Favorite Prescription" gives energy and nerve-tone that is rem, neauiiy auu permanent. eiillio GilllfO June 16, 1899 At 1 p. m. Rain or Shine. O'Hara's Livery Stables, Shenandoah, Penna. Waldrons Big 4. Horse Sale ! Friday, GOLDIN'S. Comfortable Clothes Jjm ; f Mammoth Clothing The Leading Clothing House of and 11 S. Main TUB WHAT It Kit. rno heated spoil In tho South At lantic states was broken yosterday by, showers. Showora havo occurrod In tho Middle and South Atlantic states, tho Ohio, and Lower Missis-' stppl valleys, and In tho North Pa cific states. Areas of high pressuro are central off tho' southern Now En-' gland and North Pacific coasts. Forecast for this m. today: Incrcas-, light southeasterly' sectlon until 8 p. Ing cloudiness; winds. Threatening weathor tomorrow, i Sunriso, 4:39; sunsot, 7:33; length of day, 14h., 54m.; moon rises, 8:51 a. m.k moon sets, 10:19 p. m. Not n, Cnndldnto For Stiproino .Tudrro. Huntingdon, Pa., Juno 12. Preslderi',. Judge John M. Halloy, of tho Huntlng-don-Mifllin judicial district, whose can didacy for tho Democratic nomination for supreme court judge was warmly endorsed by tho members of the Hunt ingdon bar and tho Democratic com mittees of both counties, has declined to allow his name to bo presented bo fore the stato convention. In a letter addressed to the district delegates Judge Bailey refers feelingly to his ap preciation of the high honor accorded him, but prefers, ho says, to pursue tho duties of his present position. Ponnnylvnulrt Democratic Convontlon Harrlsburg, Juno 12. The state Democratic convention, which meets in this city on Wednesday to nominato candidates for state treasurer, supremo court Judgo and superior court judge, promises to be a largo gathering. Tho certainty of tho election of tho nomi nee for supreme judgo, owing to the two vacancies on tho bench, has brought out n largo number of can didates for this honor. The executive committee will meet this evening to select tho officers for the tomporary organization and arrange other pre liminaries. Ex-Governor Pattlson, of Philadelphia, will probably bo per manent chairman. Representative William T. Creasy, of Columbia, Is al most certain of the nomination for state treasurer. PROPOSALS WANTED. rroposals for tho paving with vitrified brick of eight hundred (800) feet mora or less of East Centre street, between tho Lehigh Valley and Philadelphia and Heading railroad crossings, will bo received by tho Btrcct committee of the borough of Shenandoah up to 8 o'clock on the evening of Thursday, July 0, 1890. flneclfi cations can bo seen nnd additional Information obtained by calling on any member oi the street committee or mo uorougu Surveyor. . Daniel Coakmey, Pktkh IIarkiks, John P. IIoeum, C-12-3t Committee. MISCELLANEOUS. TV "ANTED. At once ; a first-class vegetable y cook for hotel. Good wages. Apply at ttlO HERALD OIIICO. U-Iii-Ol TXTANTKD At once: a vounc man to work W on screens. Apply at Screen Factory or i in or in west street. oiz-zi I7IOK SALE. Tho Ilaussmnn property, located ? at 133 East Coal utrcct. Iteanon for selling, we desire to cIohc the estate For particulars inquire of Philip Ulerniann, North White street. 6-23-tf "VfOTIOE. Desirable properties for sale. Ap 1 ply to H. O. M. Hollopcter, attorney, Shenandoah. &41-tf FOIt SALE. One-half lot ricano hold on West Cherry street. lias two dwellings, front and rear, draw 87 and 83 rer month respectively ) cheap, Also one-half lot (lease lioldl on Turkey Kun street, Turkey I(un. One dwelling hou.e with 0 rooms, including base mcntof tworooniftt cheap. Apply to Justice W. II. Shoemaker, 22 K. Centre St. 6-6-lw STOCKHOLDERS MEETfNG. An election of the stockholders ot the Shenandoah Manu facturing Company! of Bhonandoah, Pa., wjll be held at its )fnce, corner Coal and Kmerfck streets, on Juno SCth, 1809, between the hours ot 7 and 8 p. m., for the purpose of electing five (5) directors to servo for the ensuing year. J. 8. KisTLEn, 6-12-10-20 Temporary Sec'y, The Best Cook Must fall to prepare satisfactory monU if ho la given poor moats to uso. BUY MEAT HERE, And tho poorest of cooks will bo able to get up good, wholesome, palatable meals. Always tho season's best, ILL'S, 19 1 OAK STREET. New Store ! New Stock ! BOTTOfl ROCK PRICES. I Boots and shoes nnd footwear of all kinds. Itepnlrlng neatly, promptly and cheaply done. CATTEL'S, 208 SOutb Main St., GOLDIN'S. For little money and with the least expenditure of time and worry, by choosing from our stock Well made, well fitting garments for men, youths and boys. A reputation fully warranted and sustained by merit. Special sizes for specially tall, short, stout, or slender men your fit is here. St., I Goldin, Proprieto r GRAND OPENING I IT IS NOW IN FULL BLAST I Clollicfl pins 1 cent a dozen. Ono box of blue 1 cent. Ono pnper of need I cp, I cent, Ono pack of carpet tacks, 1 cent. KftK boaters, 2 centa. Tumbler", 2 cents. Five cent box of Btovo polish, B cents. One box of elioc blnokcnlng, 8 cents. I jimp i; lobes, if cent. Scrub brii'hofl, 8 cents. All bIeo pic plates, 3 cents. Thrco pieces of butter ml'k soap, B cents Wo havo ono thousand it ore articles which wo cannot mention. It will pay you to come nnd sco our stock. A penny saved Is a penny earned. BALTIMORE CHEAP STORE, Czyzewskl Building. 30 East C cntr,f St. Window Guards, Stable Guards, Cellar Guards, Iron Railings, &c. REPAIR WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. FACTORY : 221-240 N. Emerlck St. RESIDENCE : 221 H. West St. Uses the best ma terial. Does satis factory work, attends to orders promptly and pleases you with . his prices. ; Cor. White and Ice Cream, All flavors. Man u t a c - tared daily. Delivered to all parts of town. A.IC FOR Sealed PINK BAND Package. NewYork. FAMOUS CANDIEJS, Bon-Bons and Chocolates, Made Only By TENNET COMPANY, FOR BALE BX FRED. KEITHAN, Baker and Confectioner, 104 IM. IN1 In St. An Air of Satisfaction. There's more real sntisfhrtinn style, comfort arid durabilitv i suit from our work-rooms than you can possibly get elsewhere. We have some oxtremely deilrablo fabrtca and patterns, our own exclu sive importation!. Also In our gout furnlalilngH. Portz Bros., 24 North Main Street. FOR FINE FURNITURE, STOVES, CARPETS, AT THE LOWEST PRICES OO TO DAVISON'S DEPARTflENT STORES, Noa. lip-12 1-1 23 North Main St. QOLblN'S; House, Shenandoah, Window screens, 10 cents. Tcn-quitrt dish pnti. If) cents. Tcn-quntt bucket, 10 ccnU. Thirteen pieces of soup, 23 cents. Chnmbcr sett, from f 1.99 up. IiiRmln enrpet, from 25 cents per yard up. l'oncy umbrellas, from 37 cents up. llnhy choirs, 23 cents. Children's rockers, 27 cents. . Children's dresses, from 18 cents up. Aprons, from 4 to 12 yenra, 25 cents, Manufacturer of . . Wire Screens, Iron Fences, Fire Escapes, Lloyd Streets. F FRIEDMAN'S ENLARGED GROCERY, 213 W. Centre St. Wholesale '. and Retail. Table oil cloth, extra wide, all patterns, two yards for 2.1 cents. Heat farmer roll butter, IS to IS cents. Host Kncllsh UreAkfast or Oolonir tea, S3 cents. All grades of coffee, 9 cents to 35 cents. Our 3 for 25o mackerel has set tho town a buying. E3. A. Friedman, 213 West Centre Street. A box of our SFEcinL rnniLT drew is an exhilarating stimulant during the hot summer months. Delivered at your home. Columbia Brewing: Company. Vacation Time is Here I If you hove a few leisure moments havo your head shampooed and your hair preserved. Ladles will be Riven special attention at their homes every day, ex cluding Wednesday and Saturday, W. DUSTO, Ferguson House Block, riilllonsof Dollars Qonp In (unok. overyyear. Take no risks but get your honses, stock, fur nlture, etc., lnsurod In flrst-cl&ss re liable companies as represented by DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agent ' 120 South Jardin 81 Alio Lit. and Anrld.nt.l onmnlu THE BOSTON BAKERY ! PUB. Just look, the best home-made bread nud best Vienna bread at 4 cent.8 a loaf. Cakes and pastry at lowest prices. We also bake the celebrated Kye and Graham bread. B. Morgenstein, S37 W. Oontro St,