The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 12, 1899, Image 3

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    Crying For Help.
Lots of It In Shenandoah, Hut Dally
Growing Less,
The kldneya cry for help.
l'liero ia not nn organ In the whole body to
delicately constructed or to Important to
Tho kldnoya are the Altera of tho Mood.
. If thpydonot flltor, tho blood very Boon
Veronica foul and polaotioua.
, Anybody knowa that thoro can bo no
health where thoro la poisoned btood.
lUckacho la ono of tho first Indications of
Kidney trotiblo.
It la tho kldiu-ya' cry for linlp. Herd It.
lloan's Kidney WIN are what Is wanted.
Aro Just what overworked klduu) a ncod.
They atrengthon and Invlgorato tho kid
neys belp thetn to do tholr work never (all
to curn any caso of kidnov d Incase.
Read tho proof from a Shenandoah cltlwi :
Mrs. Mary Rnudcnhush, of 213 Emorlck
stiect, ysi "I was vory uilserablo from
11 in In my luck, accompanied by hondachra
and a tcrrlhlo lameness over my kidneys If
I stooped thoro wcro aharp twinges when I
attomptod to straighten. I an Cured from
Irregular action of tho kidney aeorctlous and
bad a sonsatlun of weariness hanging about
mo all tho tlmo; I bad become debilitated
waiting on my husband during his last Illness
and as kidney disease, caused tho death of
ono of my parents I was very anxious to get
cured. I became Interested In Doan's Kidney
I'llls, from reading tho posltlvo cures they
ha- performed and I procured a box from
Klrlln'o drug store, lean now raiso them
AS liluMy aa uthera whoso statements I read.
On using them as directed they removed nil
tho troubles and loft mo frco from any an
noyance from my kidneys."
Doan's Kidney I'ills for sale by all dealers.
Trice 50 cent".. Mailed by Fostrr-Milburn
Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. Sole agents for the U.
S. Remember the name Doan's and take no
D..(n,. vK.ttiv 1 n.ivifrn nnd Manhood.
wasting diseases all effects of self-
(abuse, or excasa ana incus-
.,' nnt orni
cretion. A no o tonic ami
4blood builder. Brines the
fplnk glow to pale cneeits ana
restores the lire of youtn.
W3v mall COc ner box, C boxe3
for $2.50; with a written guaran
tee to euro or roiuuti mo iuuuj
Send for circular. Address,
Clinton AJacksonSts.! CHICAGO, ILL.
Sold at KIrlln's drug store Shenandoah, l'a.
CbtrhoUr' EncUih Diamond nratfl.
Pennyroyal pills
.-(K-v Orlidiial and Only Oeimlne. A
fjSSK arc. alw.n nUabla. ladii a.l S
nvmif flronj la lie d an4 CoU "',,Uo y
no other. Ktfitu danjanina tubuuu- V
llima an Imililoiu. ! Drumiala, or am it.
In atampa for Jjartlaolara. mtlraonlala aa
lCellcr lor i.nnira.- . i '
. .iinii T..timanL!i. if at -pr.
Soil by aU Local Utogtltta,
Pilea or Hemorrhafefa
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
Wounds & Bruisoa.
Cut3 & Sores.
Bolls & Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum A Tetters.
Chapped Honda
Fever Bllstera.
Sore Lips & Nostrum
O Corns & Bunions.
w Stings & Bites of Insects
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and Si -co.
Bold by dmeglsta, or sent post-paid on receipt of prlca
UCirilEETS'BCD.00., Ill a 111 ffUHaain.lBaIoa.
rnssencer trains leavo Shenandoah for Fenn
Haven Junction, Mnucij ununc, ieuiguion,
HlatlriBton, White lull, Catasauqua, A'n.
Bethlehem, ISaston New York nnd Philadelphia
t 5 28,7 50 a. m . 12 52 and ,M7 i. in.
1 or tvilKcauarre, nuiiu iiuvuii uuu i iimiuh,
For Lacevillle. Towanda. Savre. Waverlv.
itimira, Kochcstcr, Hutiaio, Niaitara Falls,
WriSiaLm3mridBi '""
For ilelvidere. Delaware Water Gap and
Htrouusuursr, o xa a, m., o 11 p. 111.
Fnr Ij,mliertvlllo and Trenton. 7 50 a. m.
For Jenevllle, Leviston and Beaver Jleadow,
B 28 a. in., 12 92 p. m.
For McAdoo. Audenned. Ilazleton. Stockton
and Lumber Yard, 5 28, 7 80, 10 12 a. m., 12 52 and
o i t p. m,
ForJeddo, Drlfton and Freeland, B23, 1013
i. m.. fi 17 n. m,
For Screnton, 5 28, 10 12 a. m., 8 17 p. m,
For Lost Creek, olrardvllie, ond Aaiiiaiid, 4 oo,
k n 1 1 TMn. m.
For ltiiven Run, Ccntrnlla, Slount Carmel and
Hhianiokln. 10 40 a. m.. 1 42. 0 07. 9 23 n. m.
For Mahanoy City, Park l'lace and Delano,
0 zv7 oo, 10 a a, m una lio.o u p. m,
For Ynteaville. 5 23. 10 12 a. ni.
Tralna will leave Shamokln at 7 00. 9 20 a. m
1169 and 4 20 p. in., and arrive at Shenandoah
""K.PntSiuu. st.
New Coatle, Morva ono now uoston, i ui aim
. , . - - . : . ' . 1
10 12 a. m , 12 02 aim o 17 p. in.
Leave l'ottavlllo for Shenandoah, 9 45 a.m.,
12 85, 803, fl lis p.m.
leave iiazieton lor nuciianuoun, v oo a. m.,
12 13, S 09, S 20, 8 81 p. m.
Train leave for Raven Run, Ccntrnlla, Mt
uuiuci aiiu oiiniuumii, v ia n. mi., i -a
Trains leave Hliamokln for Shenandoah at
8 60 a. ra., and 6 86 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Yateavllle, Mahanoy
City, Fork Place; Delano. McAdoo. Audcurled,
Hazleton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatherly
fJ a, in., (.m. u i'. ....
nd Mauch Chunk, , nu aaap.m.
vot Jeiiiguvoiit DittniiBvuu, utwBuuuua, uiv
iuii.Copiay.Aiientown, ltiston ani Phillips-
burg, 9 47 ft. m., and 6 82 p. m. .
Fnr New York and Fhfladelnhla. 9 47 a. to.
. ijt. in mid i ;r' ii. m
Leave Ilatleton for Sheuaudoah, 8 CO, a. m., I
and 0 27 p. m. Q,
1. 1). ..IJ 1 11.11. Ullli. iiiuisinilHi.lvui
South Uetlilehein, l'a.
ROLL1N II. WlLUU",Oenl.r)Uit..
South Uethlehcin, l'a
CUARLUS 8. LEU, UeuU Fans. Act.,
Boulh Bethlehem, Pa
UAPI tMll-Ca aatnir.(tCc
at roviraky'i drof tton,
CkmtN trt
A linn, Ttnj m WOMAH-a nikitr.
'CAM 1
For Mali at KlrUn'i drug (tor and BtwcaoJo
X if
Patriotic Fronohmon Robukd Aris
tocrats Who Insulted Him,
AH Alona tho Itnuto tlio Vollowor or
ttio Itnptililto Ollooroil His IVoarpnn.
An Assault, If Intondcrt, Would IIuvo
Dooti ImjiORnlIilo.
Paris, Juno 12. President Loubc:
has had his rovnncho for tho outragH
at Autoull. When ho drovo to Lonn;
cliamp yesterday to attend tho Grand
Prix ho was tho hero of a great popu
lar demonstration, expressing Itself In
ono form or another nlong tho wholo
routo from tho Elyseo palnco to tho
raco course
Ho remained only a quarter of nn
hour, Just long enough to' witness tho
raco, and, having congratulated the
owner of tho winner, returned to tho
Elyseo, whero ho nrrlved at 4 o'clock
without special Incident
Tho Itovlslonlst and Socialist or
gans Biimmonod their roador3 to aa-
somhlo along tho thoroughfares to bo
traversed by tho presldont and his'
party, ana rrom the hour of noon
tnntlRlinnn nf notnnnalrntnia enf mi
from Montmartre, Bcllovillo and other
working class ouarters. In bltt oreanlz-
ed bands, nil wearing a small artificial
red flower In tho buttonholo. nnd
marched across Paris, taking un dosI-
uons nlong tho Avonue des Champs
Elysees and tho Avonuo du Dols do
Thoy gavo M. Lmubot n tremendous
ovntlon, confining tholr cries nlmost
ontiroly to "Vivo Loubot" and "Vivo
In republlquo." Tho presldont did not
hear a discordant cry, although thoro
wcro ono or two scuffles beforo nnd
after ho passed between tho polico and
un occasional hot hoadod nntl-Droy-
fusard, who tried to shout "A bat,
Lioubot," and was immediately pound-
0(1 "P.on J,BWaru o Pocm0lV .,
Although tho visit passed oft quietly,
- '" f' Ji !.
eventuality, tho wholo district botwecu
and L h 1Uertl
teomlnir with troons and nolico. Am'
Uceman WM stntloned ovory dozen
yar(ja aiong the wholo routo. nnd there
wero squadrons of dragoons armed
with lances and mounted Republican
Guards at all important points, whllo
through tho green follago of tho Bois.
on each sldo of tho avonuo, could be
soon heavy masses of rod and blue.
aenoung me presonce 01 ucuicnmcnis
of soldiers, awaiting orders.
Longchnmp resembled a military
camp. Battalions of Infantry, squad
rons of dragoons and Republican
Guards were distributed all around tho
course. It Is estimated that thero wero
15,000 soldiers and police under arms.
M. Loubet practically drovo through
a doublo hedgo of steel. A line of In
fantry oven stood arouna tho raco
ic.niirRn. ip.twflfn tno mihlln nnri tho
on Whleh nn nnn wns nllnwnd
to walk botweon tho races, while sov'
oral Republican Guards patrolled tho
course Itself.
The president left tho Elyseo at i
o'clock In an open landau, with M.
Dupuy, tho premier, besldo him, and
General Dailloud, chief of the prcst
dontlal household, and Major Don,
lieutenant colonol of horso artillery,
attached to tho person of tho presl'
dent. Mine. Loubet followed In a SCO'
ond landau, aftor which rode the presl
dentlal suite in other carriages. Tho
famous outrider, Montjarrod, preceded
M. Loubot, whoso landau wub drawn by
four horses, with a couplo of postil
lions, and escorted by a picked body
of cuirassiers. All wero mon of flno
physiquo and formed a splendid caval
cade with tho (lory sun glinting on
their burnished 'steel breastplates and
holmets, tho lattor surmounted with
the red cockade and trailing tho black
horsehair plume.
Tho two leading culrasslors rode, re
volvers In hand, with fingers on tho
l.lnnn. nnri nnfafdllv nrnlitlinrl onnh
side of tho road, while besiao tho car-
rlnge ran a number of policemen, ren-
derlng It absolutely impossible for
L tu n,mlnilnl L mLi.ii
a .. . I
to tho presidential box. Municipal
guards and polico lined tho path ucross
I iuu uuuuuin. ui uuio ucai uuu li uiu-
pets blared
ln the front
Tho president sat bowing and smll
Ing, with Mao. Loubot at his side. A
portion of tho crowd ln tho paddock
shook fists, umbrellas and sticks at
the smartly attired people ln tho
Jockey club stand adjoining the presl
Lafit. , ,,, tho clubmen bevond
I dent S "X, OUT, me Ciuumen, ueyono.
returning disdainful glances, mado nu
M. LOUbOt and hlS party WOrO BO
completely surrounded by guards and
police that It would have been impos
slble for any ono to get within ten
yards of the steps of tho box.
Tho only grave Incident of tho day
occurred after the president bad ra-
turnod to the Elyseo, at ono of tho
garden restaurants, the Pavilion d'Ar-
monondlllo, In the Alloo do Long-
champ. Somebody mado an objection-
able remark concerning the president.
liiu yuupiu iuuk diucd uuu u luuiur
tight onsuod. Dottles, glasses, do
cantors, tables and chairs were hurled
At the Bamo time a crowd of SO'
clallst demonstrators arrived ln the
vicinity, and. hearing that a row waa
In tirnirtAnc 1(11(1 O I n (-( I Ct T 11 0 rPRTfltl-
ram, snouting vivo in rupuuiniuu.
irho thrnnir niilrlrlv nwnllnd to nnvftrnl
ihnn..niia Thn TvlnrtnwB nf thn p.nfn
i - -
wore smasnca. anu tuu irugi;iu waa
continued within. Finally the mount
ed police arrived, cleared tho neighbor
hood and closed the cafo.
Several mombors of the chamber ol
deputies who attended tho races aro
""vyx" , , ., .
Unanimous In praising the wlso and
calm attitude of tho populace there.
Th Socmist loaders wero the first to
i , . s . , . ti,, mnAtn
exhort tholr friends todlsplay media-
i nn m Tnurna mnrft fnnn nncn lnior.
Vened to prevent tho enthusiasm Ol
his followers developing Into disorder,
"We forget our differences here," ne
said, "to assemble around tho 'presl-
dont of the republic."
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allan's Foot-Easo. a cowder for tho feet. It
I cures painful, swollen, smarting, nervous
fwt and inatnntlv takes the stink out of
I corns and bunions. It's tho greatest comfort
discovery of tho ago. Allen's Foot-Easo
ImnVod t ulit nr now shoes leel easy. 11 is a
certain cure for sweating, callous and hot,
tired, aching foot. Try it to-day. Sold by
all druggists and shoe stores, lly" mall for
25oin stamps. Trial racltago FREE. Ad.
dress, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Boy, N. Y.
nnnn'M I'ILLS cure Wver ins,
DUIousness, IndlgesUovt, Headache.
4 Dletwat laxative. All DmiaiUt
when M. Loubet appeared . AfM T .r r nt ni a Tnhiptc D t
01 mo uox, ana a scene 01 r" . r . . . . v . T , I nrinr.
m a n . . m 1 in npcnnir nil i 1 1 1 1111111 1 1 uiui.iiiuii luiiii hi 111 1 vjx wu 1 1 iw. u t, uuuv
enthusiasm, lasting soveral Thev acted like mactc irom tue first, ana in a tew weeKS 1 was curea -
The Monarch
Its strength comos from Us purity. It Is nil puro coffoo,
freshly roasted, and Is sold only In ono-oound scaled
packages. Each package will mako 40 cups. Tho pack
ago Is sealed at tho Mills so that tho aroma Is never
woakonod. It has a delicious flavor. Incomparable
strength. It Is a luxury within tho roach of all.
Insist on "Lion" Coffeo
Novor ground nor sold In bulk.
Nono Qenulno without Lion's head.
If your Grocer
rW Afftfatw tf 15 or mom wOl to Mf FltlCKT
MCPIID a any mAW itorbi h tAmt. HOT
HHPsmtt. mmT. msucxvsms. .moe
ttuuo. couhctkit. w rut. fuiisnitut.
Bend for our Honk, "A Wrd'g Eye View
SMS raRea beautifully Illustrated and very
York and bow to go about. Fnss for the
A Wreck From Grippe,
Catarrh and Asthma.
I was known as "The Woman
cessantlv. I was a school teacher
eaten away tiie partition in my
I A M J A C. CUaHnnla V 1 m-
r il I 1 111:! . I I 1 I I II 1 v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ilV. 1 1 LlllLlUll.3
gone all through my system, making me ati easy victim for the Grippe
l.ft mi, n wwlr in minil anil lindv. Th k was the onnrl tiotl the
which lelt me a wreck in mind ana
doctors left me in, after dosing me
and better than I had been in years.
urezuian onim ana 1 uxicuiu gavea
Arr- nf TlaivlllnTi Palm In.
and $1.00 a bottlo at dnufdsts. With every 81.00
Toxicoia Tablets treo j the best tonic, ncrvo and
& Co., Mfg. Cliomlsta, Indpls, Ind.
Shenandoah Drug Store,
If, when contemplating a trip to any point
West or Southwest of tho Mississippi Kivcr,
you will purchase tickets via tho Missouri
Paciflo Ey or Iron Mouutaln Route (which
aro on sale at all principal ticket offices In
the United States), you will have all tho
comforts and luxuries of modern railwav
equipment, and the finest opportunities for
viewing all of nature's museums and marvels
of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Texap,
0ldand Now Mexico, California, etc Ex.
I . ....... . , - , . .
i CUrsion licKcts 10 an principal points si.
greatly reduced rates. On account of tho
National Education Association meeting at
Los Angeles in July, wo will make special
low round trip rates. When contemplating
a trip West or Southwest, write us for full
Information and rock bottom figures. W
E. Uoyt, G. E. P. Agent, J. P. McCanu, T.
P. Anent. 301 Broadway. New York. 4-23-tf
I . , ...
Many a Lover
I ll&S turned wlin uisKusb truiu nu utucnviM)
" ,r.w ,,,t vP.
tumwob"' " '
Clover Itoot, lea purines me uream uyita
action on the bowels, etc., as nothing else
will. Sold Tor years on absolute guarantee,
pric 23 eta. and SO cts. Sold by P. D. Klrlln
aud a guarantee.
Tho Now York and Florida Express, via
Southern Railway, leaving Broad street
station. Philadelphia, daily at 5:31 p. in.
carries through Pullman sleeping ca-s to
Augusta and Savannah, Ga., Jacksonville and
1 j.ampa, ia., via uianotto anu ixiiumuia,
This Is tho short lino and roost attractive
routo to points In Georgia and Florida. All
Information cheerfully furnished by Charles
L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, 828
Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Bay Keystone flour. Bo sure that tho name
lacssia & lUra, Ashland, Pa., la printed on
I every sack.
KAHrvlaf -.- 14 rw rn t-jao nfitMir oni-l hn t- t m cr nn Mr moflP mf u'nrcf I wnQ I olnfr If
of Strength is
does not hire I.lon Coffee In Ms store.
Mid u- Ma Damn and audrraa that wo
may place It on sale tbrrp. Ho Dot accept
liny piihatltatc
IIUI1I.1UJI Ml'lUIl CO.. Tnliylo. Ohio.
X .
nnn 1 uniw
of New York" and its Oreate tt Btore
Interesting. Tells you all about Now
who Loueus, lor 1 coueuea m
till my health tailed. Catarru naa
nose. It had produced Bronchitis,
ntil TirAil 1 ? A m aitc Tm t"o of if 1ii rl
IVLUIk IlUllV. V O V4 lUV. Ah uu
with opium, quinine, etc
Then I
Talk about wonderful remedies,
my me.
Miss h. L. Clark, 017 Horton St.
Hia rannnv than anv Mlicr ramftlr. 2S. BO cents
bottlo you get ono month's treatment of
strength builder ln the world. 11. Y. Jackson
Wholesale and Retail Agents.
Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to
California Without uhange of Cars.
Leaving Washington every Tuesday nnd
Friday at 11:15 a. in., tlio Southern Railway
operates l'ersonally Uouuuctea Tourist i.i
cursionstoSanFranciso without change of
through Atlanta, Montgomery, Now Orleans,
Houston. Sua Antonto.riow Mexico. Arlzoula
and Southern California. Tho cars aro the
very latest pattern of Pullman Tourist
Slcenera. rosewood finish, havo Inch back
seats, upholstered In rattan, aro sixteen
section, suppuea wita linen etc., same as
. 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1.1 1 Tl ! 1 . 1 It
V." "1.1. J. jnniS.4 "7, i
curtains, lavatory, and smoking room for
gentlemen, and two retiring rooms for ladies,
Three and one-half days to Mexico and
Arituuu. luur uaia w uu, Auiiciua nuu
Southern California, and fivo days to San
Francisco. Such service forTrans-Contlnencal
travel has nover beforo boon ouered.
Tho tourist carfare is less than via any
other route, effecting a saving of (25.00 to
Kio.uo lor tlio trip.
All Information, maps and rates furnished
on application to uuancs L.. iiopKins. dis
trict Passenger Acent. Southern Railway
Company, 82S Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
A Card,
Wo, tho undersigned, do hereby agreo to
refund the money on a 50-cent bottle of
Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar If it falls
to cure your cough or cold. We also guaran
tee a 25-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Wasley, C. IT. Hagen-
bneb, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W.
niorstein & Ca. ll-14-S3t-dw
Coming Kveuts,
June 21 Ice cream festival, under the
auspicts of tlio Youug Mens Usher s Associa
tlon, In Bobbins' hall.
July 3 Ice cream festival, nndor auspices
of tho Star Foot Ball team, In Bobbins' hall.
July 4. Ico cream festival, under auspices
of tho Returned Soldiers of the Cuban war,
In Bobbins' opera liouso.
Three sncctrcs that threaten babv's life.
Cholera Infantum, dysentery, diarrhoea. Dr.
Fowlor's Extract of Wild Strawberry never
falls to conquer them,
I Outlaw Band Cannot Esoapo From
Thoir "Holo-in-tho-Wall."
Tho Mtnto, Aided by Kxprcfw nnd Ilall-
rond Compiwilp, Una I'lirreotcsl n
I'ltin Tlint Will Compol tlio Ilnndlta
to Surrender or lllo I'luhttnir.
Casper. Wvo.. Juno 12. Tho "Hole-
ln-tho-Wall." for years the rofuge for
outlaws, promises to be cleansed of Its
desporato Inhabitants. The daring
robber band which looted tho union
Pacific oxpress nt Rock Creok recently
nnd escaped to the fastness or tneir
dons In tho "Holo-ln-the-wnu," in
splto of tho fact thnt thoy wore close
ly pursued over plain anu mountain,
nro to bo systematically huntod to
tholr death. To this purpose tho sev
eral railroad manngors with Interests
In this stnto aro organlilng posses, nnd
tho outlaws will bo given no rest. It
Is expected 200 men will bo engaged
In tho big man hunt.
Tho stnto. oxnress and railroad com
panies havo offered an nggregato of
$3,000 each for the heads of tho mem
bers of tho bond. In nddltlon to this
hoad money In tho ovent of success,
tho mon who are arranging for this
ohnse will bo armed and fed by ho
corporations nnd big cnttlo companies
of this section during the time tney
are engaged. Thus thoy aro onabled
to enlist a trn cal band or rougn
riders, nnd ovory man of them a dead
shot. Many of thorn nro cowlmys,
others nro old frontiersmen who have
fouuht Indians in the samo territory
over which thoy will now pursuo tho
bandits, and still others nro trained
dotoctlves of tho big corporations. Tho
vnrlous bands of man hunters win be
accompanied by Indian trailers, blood
hounds nnd pack trains. The mon are
to bo sworn In as deputy sheriffs, and
will bo In chnrgo of tho officers of the
soveral counties In northwest Wyom
A corse so narrow that two horses
cannot walk abreast Is tho only gate
way Into tho"Holo-ln-tho-Wall." Thero
nre paths over tho granito wan ror
men, but not for boasts. Leading In
from Montana thoro aro two or thrco
obscure routes that eventually enable
one to reach tho rendezvous of tho out
laws, but thoy arc known to but few
trailers and Indian fighters. Tho man
hunters In this case, however, who
have been hired for an indefinite pe
riod, will use tho known trails, and
the end of tho outlaw rolgn In tho
'Holo-lu-tho-Wnll" country Is bollovod
to be near.
Tho six road ngonts who looted tho
Union Pacific express box will not op
pose this small army of tho allies
nlono. It Is estimated that at loast 60
mon on whoso heads thoro are prices
sot and who are wanted In many stntes
nro to bo found hiding thero. Somo
of them aro following tho pursuits of
farmers and ranchers, and only seek
to hldo their Identity. Many of these
men aro convicted criminals nnd somo
of them nre under sentence of death.
It Is commonly stated that Dob Taylor,
the condemned Missouri murderer, Is
living thero, herding cattlo for another
murderer, George Balko, who Killed
his wlfo at Cheyenne.
Discovered by a Woman.
Another great discovery has been made,
and that too. by a lady in this country. "Dis
ease fastened its clutches upon her ond for
seven years sue withstood its severest tests,
but her vital organs were nndermined and
death seemed imminent. For three months
she couched incessantly, and could not sleep,
She finally discovered a way to recovery, Dy
purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, and was so much
relieved on taking first dose, that she slept all
nicht : and with two bottles, lias been ao-
solutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther
Lutz. Thus writes W. C. Hamnick a Co.,
of Shelby. N. C. Trial bottles free at A,
Wasley's Drug Store. Regular size 50c and
SI. 00. ,veryDOUie guaranieca.
Murderers niseovernl Mlner'i Ilonrd
Chicago. Juno 12. Tho secret hiding
place In which old Martin Meier, who
was murdered Monday night, kept his
I rnnoir wna fntiml voatnrrTnv It fa Vin.
Uoved when an tlo0
0l ft. ln "Ia. nom0- -1 De .Douom
UIUUUJi " J wua.. j a
of tho lounge hnd been ripped open.
and in tho burlap, which had been used
was found a vacant place
for a receptacle. Edward
nephew, says when ho and
1 . 1 1. n . . ,T .1 mnnf.
h0U8Q Wednosday night tho loungo had
not boon disturbed.
What is Shlloh 7
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
I Pnnenmntlnn nuifl thTYinfri tho world for
. ,.. has cured innnmerablo cases
na" a century, nas cureo. innumerauio wms
of Incipient consumption and relieved many
ln advanced stages. If you aro not satisfied
with tho results wo will refund your money
Price 25 eta., 50 cU. and 1.00. Sold by P. D.
Klrlln and a guarantee.
Reduced Rates to St, Louts,
On account of tho meeting of the Grand
Lodge, B. P. 0. Elks, at St. Louis, Mo., June
20 to 23. 1609. tho Pennsylvania Railroad
Companywiu round.trip tickets from
points on its lino, to St. Louis and roturn, at
greatly reduced rates, Tickots will bo sold
Juno 18 and 10, good to return until Juno 25
For speciflo rates and conditions apply to
I Ticket Agonts,
To-Nlght and To-Morrow Night
And each day and night during this week
you can get at any druggists Kemp's Balsam
for the Throat and Lungs, acknowledged to
bo the most successful remedy over sold for
Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma and
Consumption, Get a bottle to-day and keep
It always In tho house, so you can check you
cold at onco. Price 23o and 50c Samplo
bottle frco.
Potroloum W I'xluot Ion.
Washington, June 12. Over 5,000,-
000,000 gallons of pctroloum, according
to tho treasury bureau of statistics, are
now produced annually ln the world
Of this amount 2,500,000,000 are pro
duced in tho United States, 2.250,000,000
ln Russia, and the remainder is dis
tributed among a dozen countries,
Austria producing 87,000.000, Sumtra
"72,000,000, Java 30,000,000, Canada 29,-
000,000, Roumanla 24,000,000, India lb.-
000,000, Japan 8,000,000, Qormany 7,-
000,000, Peru 3,000,000 and Italy about
1,000,000 gallons.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
f,nt"it Victim of the llnKer-Hownrtl
l'eilrt Killed Willie In Omtculy.
Ilarbourvllle, Ky., Jnn li. Since
the change of venue waa grunted al
the little village of Manchester. Clay
county, on Saturday for the Daker
murder trials to bo hold here, this city
haa been In n state of excitement. A
reiietltlon of Saturday's tragedy at
Manchester, when Tom Baker, the
principal defendant, waa shot doml
whllo a prisoner of the court. Is be
lleved to be Impossible here. Hut as
Tom Ilakor had killed William White.
a brother of Sheriff uevorly White.
of Clay county, nnd as the orowd aaw
tho rlflo fired from a window In the
sheriff's office at the tlmo Ilaker fell
dead In the arms of his wife, It Is
thought that there may be another
trial soon for n change of venue to
this place
When Jesse narrett turned state's
evidence last Friday Jim and I)e
Ilaker and Charles Wooton were re
leased, ns well as Barrett, the con
fession showing these parties were not
Implicated. Then new Indlctmonts
were returned against Tom Ilaker and
tils son Jim and Wiley Ilaker, a brother
of Tom, for killing Wilson Howard
nnd Durch Storr nnd shooting Bat
Howard with Intent to kill. Tho four
defendants were released by Barrett's
confession, and now the fifth assassina
tion, leaving only Wiley and Jim
Baker to be transferred to tho Jail
hero, unless additional arrests have
been made nt Manchester, a point 26
miles from n railway, telegraph or tele
phone station.
Everybody's liable to Itching pUei. Rich
nnd poor, old and young terriblo tlio torture
thoy sudor. Only ono euro euro; Doan's
Ointment. Absolutely afo ; can't fail.
Miss Sadie Wertlielm, ace 14, of Tole
do, O, whs the winner of thcfo prize foi
execution on the violin at the llrusselt
Conservatory of music. Ccrinan critics
say she is a won
derlul player. It
is the greatest
distinction tobe
first In anv
thlntr. For thli
literature, ath
letics, science
ni.fl flrl ninnnml
"women out forth
tneir gri.ncst euorts. Washington was
.-id to be "first in war. first in Deace and
tirst in the hearts of his eountrymen." It
is a great thinj to be first. Nothinu is of
morevalueto mankind and brings great
er nappuiess man a goou remedy. -Many
uuu,y win relieve our uie one mat win
cure is best. Brazilian Balm is such a rem
edy. Tens of thousands have found that
it is the only thine that would cure Ca
tarrh and Asthma. For 15 vrs. it has nev
er failed in a single suse to cure Asthma,
and its record has been as wonderful in
Catarrh. Cases that had, to all appearan
ces, rtin into Consumption, or where the
nostrils were entirely sioppettuporwhene
the poisonous pus had eaten holes into
the throat an inch deep, or where the
stomach hnd become ulcerated and raw
from swallowing the germ-laden matter,
were all permanently cured. Such a rec
ord, uniciiou ii to any other remedy, just
ly entities tue iirazuian isaimioilie llrst
place in the regard of the American neo.
pie. There are 20,000,000 Catarrh victims
and countless Asthma sufferers in flris
country, all of whom can be cured with
Brazilian Balm. A $ 1.00 bottle of Brazil.
lan naim contains a month's treatment
for catarrh or asthma, and for 6 months
we will wrap with each $1.00 bottle a
month's treatment of Toxicola Tablets.
free. Toxicola is the best tonic and nerve
and strcimth builder known to science.
This is thegreatest offer ever made. Ask
your druggist and take no substitute. B.
F. JaCkson & Co,, Mfg. Chemists, Imiiv
napolis, Ind,
Wholesale Agents-,
wcftlled ercatfft. moit celebrated and
wlioit adTertlRingdoctors fall, no mttrr
Aun Minna.
Abuse, ElooalWson, stricturtt, &runken or (M
tierelopfd orvan. Jtitirtly IJU ony one ln tba world
to cure VHHlvUwtLb wuiiomruiiicK, uwiriu
rxpoalnp every ad TTtl'inc fraud. El "Ctrlclic'ti win-dlerMakeM'OJ-n
Ir.situtM,e'5. Srfcnsftntret
inttow .ujs 1 reauoDt tr malt In Kant ijflef
Philadelphia &
Readinq R y.
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows:
For New York via Philadelphia, week dava.
2 10, 5 S3, 7 87, 9 55 a. m., 13 20, S 09 and 6 09 p. m.
Snnda s, 2 10 a m.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week days
7 87 a. m., 12 !6 and 8 09 p. m.
For ReadlnK and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 5 83, 7 87, 9 85 a. m., 12 26, 8 09 and 09 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 A in.
ror I'otisvuie, weeic aaya, z 10, 7 S7, 9 oa a. ro.
12 26, 3 09. 6 09 and T SO p. m. Hundays, 2 10 a ra.
For Tauiaqtia and lalianoy uity, week clays
10. 737. 9SS a. m.. 12 26 . 8 09 and 8 09 d. m.
Sundays, 2 10 ft in.
For Wtlllarajiport, Sunbury and LewtsburK,
week days. 327. 1182 a. m., 12 26, 7 30 p. m
Sundays, 3 27 a m.
For Maiianti) ''lane, wcekdavs, 210,3 27,6 33,
787,9 63,1182 a.m.. 12 26. 3 09, 6 09, 7 30, SM
p. m. Sundays, z 10 anu a a m.
ror Afluiana anu snarnoKin, wees: aays, s:7.
7 37. 11 82 a. ra.. 12 28. 8 09. 6 07. 7 23 and 55 n. m.
nunuay, a -i a ra,
For Baltimore, Washington and the West via
11. fi o. K. It., tliroue
th trains leei Readlnp
Tct Jilnal, Philadelphia. (P. & R. D S.) at 8 20,
7 55, 11 26 a. ra., 8 10 and 7.27 p. i. Sundays
M, 1 uu, 11 jo a. ro., 0 10 ana v u p. m. Aaui-
tlonal trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20
W 10 8 au p.m. uunaays, 1 tu, a zs p. m.
Leave New York via Pbtladelphls, week
days, 1215, 4 80, 7 30,1180 a. m., and 180,4 80,
9 00 p.m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 30. 9 10 a. mu, 1 80, 4 40 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week
days, 4 80. d 86. 10 21 a. m. and 1 86, 4 06, 6 36.
11 su p. m.
usre iwwaing, wresr nays, isi, y uu, jouB.
m., 12 15, 4 17, 6 00, 8 26 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle. weekdays. 717. 7 40 a. m.
030. 1230.1 20. 4 30. 6 10 and 6 60 p. m.
xeave ismaqiu, weeK oays, a is, aao, iisn
a. ra., itv.o 00, 1 au, v at p. m
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 3 43, 9 04,
II -a, a, m., a a. o ja. o xi, 1 uliuwp,m
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days. 2 40. 4 00
680. 9 23.10 23,12 00, a. m., 239, 686, 642,758
10 21pm.
Leave Wllllamtport, week days, 7 43, 1000 a
m.. 12 81 and 4 00. 11 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wharf and
South street wharf for Atlantlo City.
Weekdays Express, 9 00 a in, Saturday only
1 SO) 2 00, (seventy minute 3 00, 4 00 Itixty-llvo
minute, 500 sixty minute 530, 7 15 p 111,
seventy ininuic-j Accoinmouaiion, o 13 a in,
6 30, 6 HO 11 111. Suudays- -Express, 8 00, 9 00
10 00 a in, 7 15 p m, seventy minute Accom
modation, 6 15 a m, 4 43 p in.
ix-ave Atlantlo City depot, weekdays Ex.
press, 700, seventy minute, 7 43, ttxty-UYQ
minute, 8 20, sixty-rlvo minute, 9 00, 10 4.1 a 111,
tseventv ralnute.l 3 30. 630. n ra. Accommoda
tion, 4 23, 8 21 a m, 4 03 p ra. bundays Express,
4 00, 5 30, 800 p ra. Accommodation, 7 15 a ra,
For Cape May, Sea Isle City and Ocean City
y, v 10 ft m, 1 1 1U naturuaya only, 4 15
p in, ounuays 6 43 n m. Additional, week
days, for Cape May and Ocean City, 8 43 am,
5 15 n m.
Additional Sundays, Cape May and Ocean
iity, u ia a m. mpe may ouiy, 1 43 p in.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
For further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket agent
or avuurres
I. A. BwEioiBD, Bneos J. Wkks,
Qen'l Supt., Oen'l Pasa'r Agl,
Reading Terminal, Philadelphia.
ct rami i i i i r
If You
"Fagged Out,"
and would Ilk to feet and look well, let a
imommrnd CXLERT KlltOloyou.
Wald r UrngglitK, Prlaw, 2J. nJMt S
1 sell yon
.package of
e satisfied,
Imr more
will touch
tntre and Market streets.
In ttm Mrllft bulldlnc. adMnlnir Justlco
Hliwiunktr'a office.
Onire hours 1 8.-01 to 1100 n. in., 2.-00 to 4:0O
and 8:00 to 900 p. m.
Ofllce Reian bulldlnar. eoroer of M&ln An
Centre itrecta, HhenAndoah.
Lock Box 63, M hnoj-Cllj-, Pa.
Hartnc atudlfd under some ot thai bawl
maulers In London and Paris, will ctra laanu
on the violin, mandolin, eulur and rocal cultur.
Terms reasonable. Addreu In car of Rtroua.
tbe leweler Hhenandoah.
Trains will le&Te Hh.nftnilnh aMmf lh. .m.
dstofor Wleiran, Ollberton, FreokTllle, l-. k
ater. hi. uiair, l'ottanile. lIsmburR, IUilnr,
Poltstown. PboenlxTllle. Norrlstown aid Phil.
aaelpblo (Bnaad street station) at 6 li and 8 0
a. ra.. 2 10. 6 II D. m. on week d&vs. finii(f&-
8 03 a. m., 4 80 p. ra.
Trains leave Frackrllle for Shenandoah at
7 88, 11 46 a. m. and 6 86, 7 86 p. m. Sundav.
11 01 a. m. and S 36 p. ra.
Leave l'ottavlllo for Shenandoah (vlaFraek.
vtlle) 7 10, 11 20 a. m., 6 10, 7 10 p. m. Snudav
10 85 a. ra.. 5 10 p. ra.
Ieare Philadelphia, (Broad street station), lot
Sheaandoah at 8 35 a. m., i 10 p. m. week days.
Sundays leave at 6 SO and 9 23 a. m.
Leave Philadelphia (11 road street statloa) for
Pottsvllle,6 30,8 83, 10 19 a. ra., 210, 410, Til
p. m. weekdays. Sundays. 6 50, 9 23 a. m.aaat
802 p m.
Leave Broad Street Station. Philadelphia,
Kxprras Week-days, 3 20, 4 03, 4 40, S CO. U
660,733,825. 900, al021, 1100, 11 43 m, 12,00
noon, 12 33, ILIralted 100and 4 22 p ml, 1 it.
280,820, 850, 4 02. 800, 5S6,00, 702, 'Slo!
u ui, la ui iniriia. aunaays, a jj. 4 ot. 4 40.
w w, u . ( uu. -u i, ,u 11 u m m, -u os,
12 33, 280, 4 02 I Limited, 4 231. 8 20, '3 5, 18.
7 02, 8 10, 10 00 pin, 12 01 night
express lor itoston without c bailee, 11 01 a M.,
week-days, and 8 10 p. m., dally.
For Hea Olrt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove,
Long Branch, 6 50, 8 30, 1141 am, 80, 4 03
p m weekdays.
For Lambenvilla. Eajtion ami Rmntnn a an
9 CO a m, 12 00 noon, 8 52, 6 00 (Larabertvllle anal
rwwa omrj, weeaaays, ana 703 p m dally.
Buffalo, 9 00 a m, 12 00 noon weekdays, and T 2
For Baltimore and Washlnrton. 8 Bo. yxlin
w "ti, . . i. in , uj, i 1x1. -1 1, a u, a ai it, as
Congressional Llm.1, 5 84, 0 17, 6 53, 7 81 p. aa,
and 12 03 night weekdays. Sundays, 8 80, TJ.
912,1123 am, 1209, 112. 812. 4 41 5 30 Cod-
lAWI 1 1 o- 1 n .w. a 1 n s o . . 1 1. a . a . . V
KrcMionai iim.j,oai, oao, 7 81 p m and U Do
For Baltimore, aeeommndstlnn o 1 a m m
and 4 01 p m week days. 5 03 and 11 16 d ra dallr.
Atlantto Coast Line. Express 12 09 p m, and
12 03nlgbt,datly,
Southern Railwav.
Express 5 81 and (IA
p m. dallr.
Norfolk and Western Railway for Memphis
and New Orleans, 5 84 p m dally.
.imBpn.g ca uuiu naiiway, 7 at p ra, cany.
For Old Point Comfort and Noprnllr la on
a m weekdays, 11 10 p m dally.
Leave Market street wharf as follows I Kr
preas for New York, 900am, 480pm week
days. For Long Branch, via Seaside Park, 1 80
For Island Heights, 880 a m and 4 00 p ra
weekdays. ,
JUSE 1, 1899.
Leave Broad street station vf& TVI.w.m
bridge Express, 9 40 a m, 4 00, 7 06 p. m, week
o. ...niu.j a, v m wk. IU., , m p. m.
eave Msrtrf.1 .attpM,a 'l,o.ri..n km
9 00 a. m. 100 Saturdays only, 2 00, 4 00 ui
minutes, 4 30, 5 00 GO mfnutesl p. m. Sundays,
8 00. 9 00. 10 00 a m faccommcUllnn. A an m.A
500pm.) '
ror uapeaiay, Anglesea, Wlldwtad, Uollr
Beach Express, 9 00 a m (1 30 Saturdays onlyj.
4 05 p m weekdays. Sundays, 9 00 a m.
For Sea Isle City, Oceaa City, Avalon and
Stone Harbor 9 00 a m, 4 20 p m weekdays.
Sundays, 9 00 am,
rorsomera- i-oinl Kxprcss, 500, 900, a m.
(1 00 Saturdays only), 2 00, 4 00, 4 30, 8 00 p rn
weekdays. Sundays, 8 00, 9 00 nnd 1000 a m.
The Union Transfer Comnanv will mu !
and check baggage from hotels and readdsnses.
Dining- Car.
I. B. HuTCHiNaosr, J, R. Wood,
ueni aianager. Oen'l Pass'g'r Ad
News and Opinions
National Importance
Daily, by mall, - $6 a year
Daily and mail,$8 a year
The Sunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday newspape
In the world.
Pries 5c a cop). Bj Dill, $2 a jn
Addreas THE BUN, Ksw Yartt.
i Celebrated IVeu.
lowurtt nftvar iulL
Mitit tinrw(tftr fkliini
with Tray r.d rennyroy! 1U
n-rrkrxIlM l. Aivrmva ttuiLhtt bft si
iUwtyt buy ui lhii ana oia c
1 OX. bid, tortlvmyn. im y
r mm w one3c
)gg hasaddct! .8'1!'
"UttleofSecl- f0a,
ir W oruinan- the spot
coOea knows ait
f grand drink that1 1 y
wlll jlease herhosband. I