TheHerald r.sTiu,isiino isro. "All the Nevs That's Fit to Print." r - jl z: Published every cvclilwr, except Sunday, t 8 South Jnritln street, Rhennmlimh, I'n. -UNCI DISTANOK THMHMIONH. Tlie Herald Is tUllvorcd In Slicnanilonli and tlio surrounding towns for six cents ft w ck, poy nblo to the carriers. Hy mull J3.00 n year, nr SS cents n month paynblo In advance. Ait vertlscments charged ncconllliK simconml position, The publishers recrve tlio rlsht to change the position .f odvcrtlement whenever tlio publication of news demands It The right Is reserved to reject any advertlncmcnt, whether paid for or not, Hint the publishers nioy deem Improper. Adver tising rates mnde known upon Application. Entered nt the post ofllce nt Hhenandoah, To., its second clnss mail mutter. FRIDAY. JUNE 0, 1800. 00R COUNTRY : First, Last and Forever. "It Is part of the bnslnss of the 20th Century Tress Clipping: Itiirpnu, of Chicago, to know which paper In each town nnd city contains the most matter of Interest to the InrRCst number of critical readers. Kvery paper has been selected polely on Its raeilts by comparison with Its competitors.1 The Hkuald ia the only paper printed in Shenandoah that Is num bered hi the list of leading papers of the country as compiled in the Blue Book. Advertisers will appreciate tins fact when selecting a medium in which to reach the buyers. In Pike county all persons who were drawn to servo as Grand Jurors for the June term of court, which convenes next Monday, were notified that their services were not required, as there are no matters which de mand the attention of the Grand Jury. CiiAitLES Bkiionkr, private coun sel for the House prosecuting com mittee in the legislative bribery cases, claims to have information that cor- tain members of the Dauphin county grand jury have been offered $100 a piece to vote to ignore the bills of in dictment against the defendants. He threatens to expose the parties if they are not called oil by counsel for , the defendants. do Tub Williamsnort Sun speaks of the arrest of John Engler, who testi fled against Coyle, as a despicable bluff and says it will deceive nobody. The Sun says the people of Lycoming know John Engler, and know him to be an honest, reputable citizen, and it will be a burning shame that the mob of political cut-throats who feed and fatten on the State Treasury should attempt to hound an honest member of the Legislature when tfe&y failed to bribe him, and who did A decided protest is being made by the Hon. Chauncey P. Black to theDeuiocrntic practice of permitting candidates to name the delegates at tending state conventions. The York Gazette prints a lengthy letter from tho old distinguished Brynnite in which he takes occasion to point out how the Hon. James Guffey abused that same privilege some time ago when ho was supposed to run for Gov ernor but had no other intention than hoodwinking the voters of the Alle chenv district. Mr. Black's views are -warmly endorsed by the south eastern Democrats of this state and they are not backward in say Ing that many supposed candidates in different counties are playing the Guffev trame to-day. This does not speak well for the gentlemen of Dem ocratio persuasion who have been thus honored and who aro so numer ous throughout the state. Mr. Black uses vigorous language in making his contention. But it is a situation which he seems to think needs vigor ous measures to discourage and he is undoubtedly right. The new law regulating the Bale of oleomargarine whioh not only re quires that dealers shall tako out a license permitting them to sell thd Imitation butter, but compels them to conspicuously display a sign setting forth that they deal in oleo, went Into effect Jnne 1, and the Dairy and Food Commissioner and three deputies will be kept busy enforcing the law against those dealers who have not yet paid the fee required by the statute .and provided them selves with the signs designed by the Commissioner. The chemist of the Commission has cleared his labora tory for an expected rush of work in making analyses of the various samples of doubtful butter that will be brought to Jiiin. Attorney Luther S. Kauffman, who has conducted the prosecution of numerous oleo dealers under the old law and who has drafted aoine of the recent butter laws, states that the boarding housekeeper is put In a peculiar position under the new law, and must either supply tlio table with pure butteror be held guilty of violating the statute. '-'Under the Iaw,M he 8aidt 'It seem? very elear that a boarding-house Keeper wlio serves oleojuarifarino to his or her boarders shotifd not only be reqmreu Ao pay the $10 license fee, but must tliaplay a sign setting ionu me iuui. that oleo is served or sold." Non-Irritating Cathartic ' " Easy to tako, easy to operate Hood's Pills 1 J. B. Van Largest Furniture five Minutes by Perry from Philadelphia , DICTATOR AQU1NALD0. Slay Ilave Aismnoil Supromo Power In Onlm- to Socuro I'cnco. London, Juno 9. Special dispatches !rom Manila say it Is reported there that Agulnaldo has dissolved tho Fili pino congress and has proclaimed hlm lolf dictator. Washington, June 0. Officials hero ire In doubt ns to whether Agulnaldo, In declaring his dictatorship, Is ani mated by a desire to rid himself of hU efrnctory gonornls, Pilar and Luna, or Whether he alms to consolidate In hhs Own hands tho power to make terms of peace. It Is known irom tho reports of resident Schurmnn, of tho American Philippine) commission, that these two Eenernls own only faint allegiance to Agulnaldo, and their attitude towardj ihc peaco negotiations has made these negotiations Ineffectual, tho civilian members on tho rlllplno sldo of tho olnt commission being completely overawed and dominated by tho mili tary element controlled by these gen erals. It is believed hore that it Aguln fcldo can bend these men to his will, md assume supreme control, he will nt once make for peace, being able to tccuro better terms for himself than ho would otherwise. Three sailing vessels and ono steam er reported to have been captured by the United States gunboat Albany off the Island of Negros, Philippine Isl ands, are supposed by naval officers here to be blockade runners carrying Supplies of food and ammunition to tho Islnnders, who aro threatening to tso in the Interior. You Try it. If Shlloh's Cough and Consumption Curo, which Is sold for tho small prico of 25 cts., 50 cts. nnd f 1.00, docs not euro tako tho bottlo back and wo will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Prico 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlln and a guarantee Coming Events. Jnne 21. Ico cream festival, under tho auspices of tho Young Mens' Usher's Associa tion, in RoCbins' hall. July 3. Ice cream festival, under auspices of tho Star Foot Ball team, in Bobbins' hall. J-lj- i.- Im .rom festival, under nuaplcos of the Returned Soldiers of tho Cuban war, in Bobbins' opera houso. A Card. Wo, tho undersigned, do horcby agrco to refund the money on a 50-cent bottlo of Greeno's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to curo your cough or cold. Wo also guaran tee ft 25-ceut bottlo to prove satisfactory or money refunded. A. Wasloy, C. H. Hagcn buch, Shenandoah Drug Store, nnd P. W. Blcrstein & Co. ll-14-33t-dw Now .Tdrsoy Grand Army Officers. Trenton, June 9. Tho department of New Jersey, Grand Army of the Republic, closed its annual sessions late yesterday afternoon. The pro posed resolution favoring the admis sion to the G. A. R. of soldiers who took part In the war with Spain was not Introduced because of tho strong opposition to it. Ex-Sheriff George Barrett, of Camden, wa elected de partment commander. The other of ficers elected arot Senior vice com mander. K. V. Richards of Trenton; Junior vice commander, Joseph Col yer of Newark; medical director, John Younglove of Elizabeth; chaplain, Charles E. Hill of Rod Bank. Com mander Barrett has appointed Harry Hartshorn, of Camden, as assistant adjutant general. ffow I'orlt'B Heat Victims. New York, June 9. The cool flurry that struck this city Wednesday night had but little effect upon tho tempera ture yesterday. The thermometer ranged almost as high as Wednesday. At 1 o'clock In the afternoon it stood at 91. The record of prostrations waa Bomowhat smaller than the list of Wodnesday, 19 persons dying in New York and vicinity. Of these four were women. Aside from this thoro woro 21 prostrations, the victims of which are still in the hospitals with more or less hopo of recovery. Wednesday's official death list numbered 2C and Tuesday's 7, making a total of 52 doaths recorded. Chlmny'x Gypsy Still Allvo. " .. New York, June 9. A London dis patch printed hero Bays: Princess Chlmny, formerly Clara Ward, of De troit, telographs from Cairo that Jancsl Rlgo, the gypsy with whom she eloped and later married, Is not dead, hut Is quite woll In Cairo. Turkey's Sultan In Good Health. Constantinople, June 9. There is no truth In tho report, emanating from Vienna, that the sultan Is dangerously 111. His majesty is enjoying perfect health. NUOQETS OP NEWS Ten thousand miners are on strike In tho central Pennsylvania coal re gion. There Is talk In Paris of tho possible evorthrow of the Dupuy cabinet next week. Congressman R. P. Bland Is nearlng the end of llfo at his home in Leb anon, Mo. Death may come at any hour. Nearly 7,000 laborers will leave Japan during the current year under contract to work on Hawaiian planta tions. ' The Spanish government has opened fresh negotiations for tho release of the Spanish prisoners In the Philip pines. Two Frenoh cruisers havo been sent to the French Shore fishing grounds to Inrpstlgate the burning of a lobster factory. New Furnifure ? Catalogue Now Ready Wc have just issued otic of the most modem and comprehensive Furniture Catalogues, consisting of 142 handsomely illustrated pages. MAILED FREE ON APPLICATION X X X X Sciver Co Dealers In the World Camden, N. J. Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to California Without change of Cars. LcnvliiL' Waslilueton overv Tuesday nnd Friday nt 11:15 n. in., tlio .Southern Hallway operates Personally Conducted Tourist Ex cursions to San Fnmclso without chnugo of cars, conductors or porters. Tho routo Is tnroueu Atlanta, Montgomery, Mew Orleans, Houston, San Antouio.Now .Mexico, Arizonia, and Southern California. Tho cirs aro tho verv latest pattern of Pill man Tourist Sleepers, rosewood finish, have high back scats, upholstered in rattan, aro sixteen section, supplied with linen etc., Banio as standard sleepers, Hchtod by Pintsch Gas, havo wldo vcstlhulos. double sash roller curtains, lavatory, and smoking room for gentlemen, and two retinue rooms tor ladles. Tlirco anil ono-halr ilays to AIoxIcq and Arizona, four days to Los Ancclos nnd Southern California, nnd flvo days to San b ranciFco. Such servlco forxrnns-Contlncntal travel has never before been offered. Tho tourist carfaro is less than via any other routo, cffectinn a saving of J25.00 to 30.00 for tho trip. All information, maps nnd rates furnished on annllcation to Charles L. Hopkins. Dis trict Passenger Agent, Sonthorn Itailway Company, 823 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. California nml Keturn. Ono faro plus two dollars for tho round trip via direct lines. Small advanco to ro- turn via Portland, Tacoma nnd Seattle Cholco of lines cast from Portland, viz., Northern Pacific Ry Greet Northern Ey. or Canadian Pacific lly. to St. Paul. Tickets will bo sold Juno 25 to July 7, good to return until September 4th, For map-tlmo tahlo and full particulars address John R. Pott, District Passenger Agent, Chicago, Mil waufeeo & St. Paul Railway, 4S0 William street, Willlamsport, Pa. Tor Infants and Children. The K'md You Have Always Bought Signature of Florida Short Line. Tho Now York ana Florida Express, via Southern Railway, leaving Broad stroot station, Philadelphia, daily nt 6:31 p. m carries through Pullman sleeping en's to Augusta and Savannah, Ga., Jacksonville and Tampa, Flu., via Charlotte and Columbia, This is tho short lino and most attractlvo routo to points in Georgia and Florida. All information chcorfully furnished by Cliarlos L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agont, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. A Blessing For tlio Ladies. Thousands of ladles are using Brazil- Ian lialtn. For soreness, pain, ueanng down and many kind3 of trouble, it acts like a charm. A 50 cent or dollar bottle often does more good in oue week than any other remedy does in months. It goes right to the spot, removing oil in flammation. Mrs. Geo. W. Roberts, of Wilmington, Del., says, "A strong soltt tiou of Brazilian Balm and warm water used as an injection has done me more good man all the remedies ana prescrip tions 1 ever tried." Shenandoah drug store, wholesale agents LE BRUM'S FOR EITHER SEX This remedy reaulrc no change of diet Cure guaranteed in I to 3 days. Small , , . , plain package, by CURE mail $i.oo. Sold by fvlrlln's drug store jOI COUNTY C011MISSIONEP., FRANK R. KANTNER, Of Lofty. Subject to Republican rules pOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, HORACE F. REBER, Op Pise QnovK, Pa. Subject to Republican rules. TjlOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, BENJ. KAUFMAN, Of Tubmost. Subject to Republican rules. jjTOR COUNTY REGISTER. F. C. REESE, Or SlIKNANDOAU. Subject to Republican rules. pOR RECORPER OF DEEDS, EMANUEL JENKYN, '. OK roTTSTIULB, Formerly of Jolictt). Sublect to Republican rules. pOR CLBRK OF THE COURTH, " JOHN T. SH0ENER, Op OnwiaBBUito, Subject to Rcpnbltcon rules. pOR I'ROTIIONOTARY, JAMES to'ELRENfjY, Ok Maiukoy City, Subject to Republican rules. FITZSIMM0NS THE PAV0RITB, tint Thoro Ia IMenty of Money to llnolc .Toirrlr. Now York, Juno 0 Everything la in readiness for the big fight tonight bo twoon 13ob Fitzilmmons nnd Jim Jef frloe, and with tho posslblo oxccptlon Df police interference or an unlooked for nccldout to olthor one of tho prin cipals tho bout will tako place as ichedtilod In tho nronn of tho Coney Island Sporting club. Tho statements emanating from po llco headquarters to tho effect that Chief of 1'ollco Dovcry intonds to stop BOB FITZSIMMONS. Iho bout In case hard blows aro ox- ihnnged or a knockdown occurs, wnue taken seriously by a largo number of iportlng men. aro not treated with any tmount of apprehension by thoso most Interested. Managers Brady and Julian loem to bo confident that tho contest tvlll be permitted to go to a decision without any untoward Incident so far ,a ! n lnfrnl n,if ltnrlttaa nrrt rftllpornnd. htzslmmons Is still a prime favorlto in the netting, nut there is plenty 01 leffrles money in sight, nnd Fltzslm- aions' backers will find plenty of lakors. . Glorious News. Cnmos from Dr. D. B. Carellc. of Washita. I. T. Ho writes : "Four bottles of Electric Bitters lias cured Mrs. Brower of scrofula. which bad caused her creat sullorlnc for years. Torriblo sores would break out on her bead and faco, ana tlio best doctors couia eivonoholo: but her euro Is complotoand and her health is excellent." This shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Hitters is tho best blood purifier known. It's tho supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, s.ilt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, oxpols poisons, Helps digestion minus up iuo strength, uuiy ou cents, boui Dy a. uasioy. druggist, uuarantecd. UNCLE SAM'S EOT BATHS. the noT sraiNos of abkansas via SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Will orndlcato from your system tho linger ing eflocts of grip and othor ailments causod by tho sovero winter, and malaria, rhenma tism, neuralgia, catarrh, stomach, kidnoy, liver and nervous disorders, paralysis, blood and skin diseases, and chronic and func tional dorangomonts. Tho mountain climato of Hot Springs is cool and delightful in summer. 100 hotols opon tho year arbund For Illustrated literature, containing all information, address C. F. Cooley, Manager Buisncss Men's League, Hot Springs, Ark. For reduced excursion tickets and par ticulars of tho trip, address W. A. Turk, Gen'l Pass. Agt., Southorn Ry Washington; D. C or C. L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, 823 Chestnut St., Phila., I'a. Cl-lm 'Tisn't safo to bo a day without Dr. Thomas' Eclcctrlc Oil in tho houso. Novor can tell what moment an accident is going to happen. HOOD'S PILIiS cure tlver 111 Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache, , nleasnt laxative. All UrugKWtft FIREWORKS PLANT WIPED OUT. Of Ovorn Hundred Employes Only Throo woro Injurod. New Yerk, Juno 9. Thirty-six build lngs, comprising almost the entire plant of the Nordllnger-Charlton Fire works company, at Oranlteville, Rich mond borough, were blown up yester day afternoon and the entire fireworks plant practically wiped out of exist once. Although the fires which fol lowed the explosion lasted for several hours, the wreck was complete within a few minutes'. No lives were lost, and but three persons were Injured, two of them seriously. They aro m. is. 'rnuya ter, a machinist, and Thomas Fox, a painter. The loss on the buildings will probably not amount to over ?3, 600, as most of the structures were small and cheaply constructed. Tho loss on material, raw, and that made up into fireworks, will amount to over S30.000. The first explosion occurred in the rocket charging room. No ono was in tho building at the time, and tho first intimation tho 115 employes in the works had of what was to follow was the bursting of the sides of the build lng, accompanied by an explosion. The rool ol the building shot into tun air and rockets exploded and flow in all directions. They carried the fire Into all parts of tho works, crashing through windows and flying through open doorways. Tho operators in tho various build' lngs rushed out into the yards. The flying rockets, many of them of the greatest power, made It almost as dan gorous for tho employes to be out of tho buildings as to bo In them. As they rushed out explosion followed ex plosion as the buildings flew In the Air, After a score of explosions three heavy ones that shook the ground for miles occurred. Those were the three store houses, in which supplies for the Fourth ol July were being held. SInrdoror Say Iln Lovnd IllsVlctlm Providence, Juno 9. In the Amos D, Palmer murder trial yesterday the ex nmlnatlon of tho defendant was con tinued. Palmer, who claims to have been a victim of epilepsy, testified that many times he had looked In a mirror and had seen two noses and a doublo moutn. This was preceded Dy pecuna feeling about the eyes. Ho was sub ject to bad dreams, and several times woke up badly scared. Ho contracted drinking habits In Florida, where he could not drink tho water. One summer at Narragansett he was very dissipated and his chlof drink wns brandy and soda. He had bad attacks of delirium tremens. "Did you love your wife?' he was asked. "Yes," he reptled in a soft tone, and his eyes filled with tears as ho said he loved his wife more the day she died than over before. THE PRODUCc" MARKETS As itcflootcd hv Denllnirs In Millndol" puin nun iinmmnro. Tlhllnjlnlntiln .limn A TTlmir fni1U maintained; winter superfine, $2.15J.S5s Pennsylvania roller, clear. $3.2003.40: city mills, extra, J2.W2-7G. Ityo (lour quiet and steiulv nt J3.10Q3.15 por barrel for choice Pennsylvania. Whont dull; No. i red, spot, In elevator, WiViiiftC. vorn steady; No. 2 mixed, spot, In elevator, SSUflSHHc; No. 2 yellow, for local trado, ftruSinU.t ftnta nnlnf nml fttrnriv: No. 2 white, 32a.; No. 2 white, ollppod, 32HSJS3c. liny Mtnuy; cnoico umoiny, ia.ou mi Inrfto bales. Beef firm; beef hams, IIS.HJ iron nt. tt tMv fnmllv 11 TA Wi . U , I UU, .JUL o,t..u,r. a......., - - Q12. Lard easy; western stenmed, I5.27V4. nutter nrm; western creamery, ii'aittc, do. fnctory, llHSfHHo.; Imitation cronm ery, 12HB1GC.; New York dairy, 13HSltc.; do. creamery, 15018Wc; fancy Pennsyl vania prints jouuing at zobihc.; oo. wnoie- snle, inc. unceae irreguinr; larso una small white, 7?lc.; lftrgs nnd small col ored, 7lie. Eggs firm; New York nnd Pennsylvania, 15151c; western, fresh, HTH5c.; southern, lOGUHo. Potatoes quiet; ?n TnraAV awaotfl. ilffD 2 2f. Cabbage steady nt I1.60G3 per barrel crate. Uultlmors, June 8. Flour quiet nnd un Whuflt firmer: nnnt find month. 7&'4"6Hc: July, 7CH 4777c; August, 78c; steamer No. z red. Tie; souinern, on grade, 71876c.; do. by snmplo, 70tT76Hc pn.n Arm- itint nml mnnth. 375I379iC.l July, 37!4ff 3Sfto. ; steamer mixed, iHMI 8uc. ; southern, wnito, 4zc; uo. yenow, 40'Mle. OatB qulot; No. 2 white, 324c; No. 2 mixed. 2DV4P0o. Ryo enslcr; No. 2 wedem, 57c Hay Arm; No. 1 timothy, $12.50. Grain freights dull and easy; steam to Liverpool, por bushel, 3d. July; fork, for orders, per quarter, Ss.JJSs. l,id. -in- ta twiw iu,i .Tnlv. Siitrnr stronir: flno and coarso granulated, $5.58. Butter steady; fancy crenmcry, imnivc; iuiiujt i iKffrm, fnncv Imlln. 13T714c! lmlln. HSI13(- Ktorp nncked. llOHc.: rolls. 121114c Eccs firm at 13c Cheess steady; large, 8V4c; medium, 8c; small, SHc Lottuco quiet at 23ST50C. per bushel box. Whisky steady nt $1.3001.31 por Ballon for nnlshod goods In carloads; $1.3101.32 per gallon for Jobbing lots. Mvn at-noU Mnrtant.H. -Maw Vnrlr .Tun R.Beeves Bteadyi dnw llvo nnttlo. IQUffniUc: toDS. ll?ic, dressed weight; Bhecp, 121413o.; refrigerator ucei nt inc. -nive uuu, venls weak; buttermilks lower, 178 un sold; medium to cholco veau, $5.B0?T6.i5; buttermilks, $3.2303.C2V4- Sheep firm; lnmbs nnd venrllnt:s higher; nil sold; tir,iK: medium to good ycnrlliigs, $505.87t4; B cars southern lambs all sold nt $5; common suuo iamu re KnCTT Tln.n etrimli nt 14.2(Ml 4. 111. ViWl,ll i U . .... , East Liberty. Pa.. Juno . wauie udoui steady; extra, $5.5005.00; prime, $5.45 mn i rjvrei sr. JTntrs fair: tirlme me dluma, $404.05; prime heavy hogs, $3,950; ii heavy Yorkers. $4; light Yorkers and pigs, $1514.05; good roughs, $3.2503.50; .t.. nla-cv imn S2.50(!T3. SheCO steady; cholco wethers, $4.6004.55; com tQ Kntt? m nhnlna vnnrlintrs. $5,250 5.40; 'spring lambs, $4.5005.50; veal calves, $5.5007. He Fooled the Surgeons. All doctors told Uenick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistula, he would die unless a costly operation was performed; but he cured himself '.i,. e-. i r ti..i.u. Arn;4 ci WITH HVC VI iJUUMtl, a miiiv kjwow, the surest File cure on earth, and the best saWe in the world. 25 cents a box. Sold by A. Wasley, druggist. Acnulttcd by tlio Jury. Cedartown, Ga., Juno 9. Tho Jury In the enso of Grant Iloll, charged with at tempting to assault Mrs. J. H. Lump kin, last night returned a verdict of not guilty. Bell left town Immediately for Alabama. As illustrating the nerv ousness nnd apprehension of tho whlto women In this part of the country over the recent outrage by negroes, It devel ops that the negro who was reported to havo approached Mrs. Benjamin Wil liams near Cavez Spring, and who was qulckty arrested and jailed hore on the charge or attempted assault, only tried to trade a snuff box for something to eat. How's This Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Iteward for any case of Catarrh that can not bo cured hy Hall's Cntarrh Cure. F.J. CHENEY & CO, Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney or the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorablo In nil business transactions and fin ancially able to carry out any obligations made by their Arm. West &Tbaux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Warding, Kjnnan & Mabvik, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is token Internally, acting directly upon the blood nnd mucous surfaces of tho system. Prico 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggist. Testimonials free. nail's Family Pills are the beet Spoedy .Tun t lco In Gooraln, Baxley, Ga., June 9. Within ono hour after being placed on trial hero yesterday for assault upon Mrs. Vlcey Edgerton, the negro, Will Abies, was convlctod and sentenced to be hanged. The hanging wll be In Appling county on Juno 30, the earliest date allowed nftor sentence Is passed. Many people believe tho Charge delivered by Judge Bennet to the grand Jury saved tho county the stain of a lynching. Armed men sat In the court house waiting for the train to arrlvo from Brunswick, when they Intended to take Abies and hang him, yet when Judge Bennet's charge was delivered they wept under Its lnfluoncos and stood silently by as the prisoner was marched past to trial. Beware of the Doctors' Patchwork; You Can Cure Yourself at Home. iho doctors are wholly unablo to get rid of this vile poison, and only attempt to heal up the outward appearance of tho disease tho sores and eruptions. This thev do by driving the poison into the system, and endeavor to keep it shut in with their constant doseB of potash and morcury. The mouth and throat and other delicate ports thon break out Into sores, and the fight is continued indefinitely, tho drugs doing tho system more damage than the disease itself. Mr. II. L. Myers, 100 Mulhorry St.,Nowark, N. J., says: "I had spont 0 hundred dollars with the dootors. when 1 realized that they could do mo no good. I had large spots all over my body, and those soon broke out Into running sores, and I endured all tho suffering which this vile dlsoase pro duces. I decided to try S, 8. S. ns a last resort, and was soon greatly Improved. I followed closely your 'Direc tions for Self-Treatment,' nnd tho lnrgo splotchos on my chest began to grow palor and smaller, and before long disappeared entirely. I was soon cured perfectly and my skin has been as clear as glass ever since. I cured my self at home, after the dootors had failed completely." It Is valuable time thrown away to expeot the doctors to curo Oontaalous Blood Poison, for tho disease is be yond tholr skilL Swifts flpealflo S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD ' acts In en entirely different way from potash and moroury It forces tho Solaon out of tho system and gets rid of It entirely. Henco it euros tho liease, while other remedies only shut the poison in where it lurks forever, constantly undermining the constitution. Our system of private homo treat ment places a cure within the reach of all. We give all necessary medical oil-, vice, free of charge, and save the patient the embarrassment of publicity. Wrltejor full information to Bwlf t Specific Co., AtlsnU, Q. THE MAZET PROBERS. Aliened IeIro to Introditoo Water Mo torn For rersoum ituhh , v-.i, inn. A Thn acsslon of tho Mazet legislative Investlgatlne com mittee yostoruay was mo uu. ...... ....... 1 .... i.nn l.oi.i nnd the onnrcsslvo heat that endured' throughout tho day made the testimony lag unusuaiy. (, ....inn nnnnnri with an attempt by Mr. Moss to refute tho charge made by Captain Price mat unnios a. jum- fatl had boon ranroaiieu w iiuu. it. nnn ..(.fwlnnnit rnrnrilfl showing that Moffatt had been convicted of put ting his real ostato to improper uses. ao ,!! iha mnln nnrt of the morn ing session was devoted to nn effort to show that the water department, was run ny 'raramnny tiau. iinn.n a rinnr n fiinchnrirfid fore man in the water works deportment testified that tho payrolls wero padded and that men wero given iui ihjsiuuub wnen inero waa no nouu iui ui Gear told oj being persecuted nnd ultl mnlnll, 4nnat mif of btfl nrtRltlntl. U1UIUI 1 1 1 1 ut.v w , --- ir.atlninnv una nlnn Introduced In an nttompt to show that the doslro for tho Introduction of motors tnrougnoui wo l.t.tMlrtrra nrtilnr ttin rnntrni nf the wntor department was dub to the fact that tho son or tne nrsi assistant, cn ninnnr wnia Infnrffitod In the meter which tho department had In mind for Bpnnlflli Locution Ho-oHtnbllshrd. PS Wnshlngton, Juno 9. Tho Bpanisn legation has been ro-ostnbllslied In tho handsome quarters formerly occupied in, Mfnlainra Tltinliv rln T ,nmn nnd Polo. at tho corner of Massachusetts avenue nnd Eighteenth street. Tho Spanish t la rnnldlv comnlettnff its consular representation In this country nnd tho nowly acquired possessions. BuritlnrH Kill nit Old Womnn. Carml, Ills., Juno 9. Burglars broke Into tho houso" of Daniel P. Gott, of Norrls City, and shot and killed Mrs. Oott, aged C7, for resisting thorn. Tho burglars secured S145 and some JOW' olry. Tho murderer nnd his compan ions, who were identified, escaped, Bloodhounds aro on their trail. CAAJV1P Is not recommended fin O v V -.11X1 evervthlnit. but if you have POOT kidney, liver or bladdi-r . . troubloltwlll In round Just tho lomedy you need. At druggists In fifty cent and dollar slzis. You may havu a sample bottto of thia wonderful now discovery by mall free also tiamnhlet telling all about It. Address, Dr Kilmer&Co.,BinghBmton, N. Y, l'OMtrrnny's lfn40lnll Mnmcq, National League: At Philadelphia Philadelphia, 8: St. Louis, 4. At Brook lyn Brooklyn, 5; Cincinnati, 0. At Now York New York, 14; Cleveland, 6. At Baltimore Baltimore, 11; Pitts burg, 5. At Boston (12 Innings) Bos ton, 7; Loulsvlllo, 5. At Washington (10 innings) Washington, 5; Cht cago, 4. Atlantic Lcnguo: At Newark New ark, 15: Pnterson, 4. At Reading- Richmond, 3; Reading, 2. At Scranton Scranton, 7; Lancaster, 4. At Allen- town Wllkesbarre, 3; Allentown, 2, Many a Lover Has turned with disgust from an otherwise lovablo girl with an offensive breath. Karl's Clovor Boot Tea purifies tho breath by tta action on tho bowols, etc., as nothing else will. Sold for years on nbs'iluto, Price S3 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. KIrlin anil n guarantee A Kentucky Fond Itovlvc-d. MIddlesboro, Ky June 9. Abo Leo, a membor of tho Leo faction of tho Leo-Taylor feud, which raged In Har lan county ten years ngo, was killed Wednesday night from ambush, it Is thought tho Taylors did the deed, and the l.ces aro nrming. The old fond Will bo rovived. Only ono remedy in the wot Id that will at onro stop itchiness of tho skin in any part of tho body ; Doan's Olntmout. At any drug store, fiO cents. A Whiilor's Tortunati) Find. San Francisco, June 9. Tho whaler Charles W. Morgan, of this city, made i fortunate find of amborgrls In the north seas, according to advices from Hakodate. The lump weighed 68 pounds and is worth $20,800. The Mor gan had sacured only 160 barrols of oil Hood Una Xot Tot Iloxlcrnod. Augusta, Me., June 9. Secretary of State Byron H. Boyd and Private Sec- letnry Smith say that Governor Powers pas positively not received any notifi cation from Hon. Thomas B. Reod of the letter's resignation as congressman :rom Maine. Orleans Threaten to Go to Parle. London, June 9. Tho Rome corres' bondent of the Dally Mall says: "Tho puke of Orleans, who left Palermo yes terday, la now on board his yacht. he Marousila, at Genoa, and expresses nls intention to go to Paris soon." AntrlonTownDotroyod,Four Killed Llnz, Austria, June 9. The market town of Ottonahelm, about five miles (vest of Llnz, on the Danube, has been lotally destroyed by Are. Four women bcrlshcd In the flames, and a number of (eople were injured. D POISON. There Is not the slightest doubt that tho doctors do more harm than good In treating Contagious Blood Poison; many victims of this loathsome disease would be much bettor off to-day if they had never allowed them selves to be dosed on morcury and potash, tho only remedies whioh tho dootors ever glvo for blood poison. mias OUU1U d luuiui, "gu At, Ol A 010 do, O, was the winner of llicirs ptltc for execution on the vlpliu at the Brussels Conservatory of music. German critics say slic Is a won derful player. It is the greatest distinction tobe first in any thing. J'or this In Jtntfl!lrtift1illi li&Mfflffx literature, ath- auuuarifUiciiuiiu i" "women nut forth their greatest efforts. Washington was said to he "first in war, first in peace nnd lirstlutllclicnrtsot ins countrymen." It Is n great thing to be first. Nothing is of morcvalue to mankind and brings great er happiness than a coou remedy. Many thlnxs will relieve but the oue that will fureisbest. UrazilianBaltn is such a rem edy. Tens of thousands have found that it is the only thing that would cure 'Ca tarrh, and Asthma. Porls yrs. Itlias nev er failed 111 a single isc to cure Asthma, and its record has been as wonderful in Catarrh. Cases that had, to all appearan ces, run into Cousumptiou, or where the nostrils were entirely stopped upor wncre the poisonous pus had eaten holes into the throat an filch deep, or where the stomach had become ulcerated and raw from swallowinir the cerm-laden matter. were nil permanently cured, Such a rec ord, unknown to any other remedy, Just ly entitles the Brazilian Balm to the first place in the regard of the American peo ple. There are 20,000,000 Catarrh victims and countless Asthma sufferers in Chris country, all of whom can be cured with Brazilian Balm. A $1.00 bottle of Brazil, ion Balm contains a month's treatment for catarrh or asthma, and for 6 months we will wrap with each fl.00 bottle a month's treatment of Toxicola Tablets, free. Toxicola isthebest tonic nnd nerve and strength builder known to science. This Is the greatest offer ever made. Ask your druggist and take no substitute. B, F, Jackson & Co., Mfg. Chemists, India napolis, Ind. SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, Wholesale .Agent Lauefs Bock Beer IS NOW ON TAP. ft can be had at all the lead ing saloons; ; . . Christ. Schmidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street SHENANDOAH - PA" LAKESIDE! The only pltasure resort and picnic ground in llils region. This season will be the most successfully conducted since its existence. The boais for the lake nre now undergoing repairs at Reading. The grove will be cleaned daily by workmen. Ice and wood to prepare and preserve meals lor picnic parties will be furnished free. An orchestra will -be established at this resort for the entire season. l'or particulars address B. J. YOST, Prop., Barnesville, Pa. YOUR EYES. J. D. COLDREN, , ." Of Schuylkill Haven', Tho noted Rcfractlonlst, who has testimonials from tho best people of tho county, as io bis ability, will beat GRUHLER'S DRUG STORE WEDNESDAY OF EACH WEEK. If your eyes cause you any trouble call and pco htm. Glasses furnished If needed and no medicine. EXAMINATIONS FREE. SOLOMON HAAK Agent for the Famous BERGNER & ENGEL Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale, B:own Stout, Half and Half, Beer dnd -Porter, ) L0RENZ SCHMIDT'S BOCK BEER ON TAP 5 At all its customers to-day. - Solomon Haak's, 116 South Main Street, Will receive prompt nttention. Ffllin.- CBfflB- STOKE o DEALER IN o Fruit, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Wholesale and Retail. SO Went Oontpo Street. PRAB0WSKY HOTEL, Jl. GRAB0WSK.V, Prop. 819 N. Centre 8t,PottflTllle,r. Pine old Whiskeys, Glna and Wines, at the b A choice lino of Cluin and Temper- is 01 ance Drb num. Accommodation for travelers. Meal t all to mm mrvii