The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 08, 1899, Image 1

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VOL. XV.-NO 138
J. P. Williams & Son,
13 S. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Cor. Lloyd and White Sts.,
Of our mcrchnmllso In what
we wnnt our low prices on everything
does that. Wo hnve n mewt beautiful
Hue of colored anil white shirt waist,
fi-rtho ladies. Our prices have ngnd
been reduced in order to elotn out our
stock thla month Wo don't want to
carry one over for next Heiwoi we have
n few from lant season that wcro 8l.r0;
75 and -10c we have reduced them to 25c
your choice. They will wear Just as
well ns thoe of thU year's make. We
have tho llnest and most f-tyllsh line of
ladles ties and bows for wear with shirt
waists. We have a few from last year
were 25 cents, now 10, 13 and 15 cents.
Latest Styles.
Best Fitting.
i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiuiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiej
Morgan's Fancy Bazar, 23 North Mam st
This is our fifth year with' the BALDWIN and we
are pleased with our sales. Every Refrigerator sold
makes us a iriend and helps to sell others. They use
less ice and keep the food sweeter than any others.
Ask your neighbor who has a Baldwin.
ALL SIZES FROM $10 to $30.
Swalm's Hardware Store.
Come right through the brick buiiding. We will
serve you well in the rear.
Here is Something Worth Reading"!
Night Gowns. Chemise, White Shirts, Drawers, Knitted Vests of all
kinds, Children's long and short dresses, Lace Embroideries, Lace
Curtains, Spreads, Crib Spreads, Table Linens by pattern or yard. Our
stock is too large to mention. Come and see what big values-we give
you for little money.
A full line of Window Shades to be sold
at any price,
33 North Main Street.
Watson Building. Near Lloyd Street.
JNew Carpets,
New Oil Cloth, I
New Linoleum.!
A full
Velvet and
'INGRAINS New styles, extra qualities.
Get in the Push.
It is a good thing. We
have opened for the
spring and summer sea
son an immense line of
Baby Carriages.
A carload is the extent
of our stock, the larg
est yet consigned to one
dealer in Shenandoah.
Our prices suit the con
dition of the times.
furniture and
music store;
rinln Street,
1 Ladles' Summer
Vests For 7i i2,
15 and 35 cts.
line of new spring
Body Brussels.
All kinds and prices.
Nicholas Foliurr, Sr., I'rnbnlily Fatally
Stricken With Pnrljls.
Nicholas Folmer, 8r ngcil 71 years, while
eatlngatnoon to-day, at (ho Koliinoor col
liery, was probably fatally stricken with
paralysis. The entire rlghtsldo was affected.
The victim wns removed to his bomu on
North White street in nn unconscious condi
tion, and was still unconscious at a Into hour
this afternoon, ltev. Corcoran, curato of tho
Annuuciatiou church, was at tho bedsido.
Mr. Foltuor had been cjaploycd at tho
Koliinoor colliery for over twenty years. Of
Into years his position was that of lamp
l'atrlck Hughes, of Town, Succeeds the Late
livnry Klllott.
Patrick Hll(1io nf' t. ill. tnnn tine
from tho position of fire boss at tho Ellau
gowan colliery and arccptcd a similar posi
tion at tho Eagle II11I colliery, Now I'hlladcl
Thla, succeeding llenry Elliott, who was
shot and killed by Thomas Urcnnan last
Friday night
Rntttfltntn ftrtflWIi. nf- Mf fVnn.l l.n.
boen selected to succeed Frauk Kelly as lire
boss at rark No. 3 colliery. Jlr. Kelly re
signed to accept a similar position undec tho
benign vancy ixai company, ai ljost urovJC.
Open Air Concert.
'J ho Grant Hand will open tho season of
open-air concert ou Beddall's awning, corner
of Slain aud Centre streets, to-morrow
(Friday) evening, uuder tho direction of
Mr. John M. Sehoppe. Tho following will
bo tho program :
Mnrch, "Hands Across the Sea" Housn.
i.ueiin rouu Althuuso.
Cornet solo bv Mr. Peter SrlmtttM..
"Vlllago I,lfo In tho Olden Time". Tblcre.
Mynopsis : flight, sunrlao, astir In the
village, cmulreu colne to school, the black
smith shop, the May (luecn, may polo dance,
tiirtiuuKu vuuir, uiuuuukui, lovers sercDauc,
Waltz, "Lens und Mho" ....Blon,
(Hnrlni? and lnvnl
0 rand Fantasia, "Old Folks at JIomo"...Dolboy.
iiu.iuiib iur utinujiiu, clarionet,
cornel, trombone nml luuara.
Cake Walk, "Down In Dixie" Erns.
' Large .Jumbo Strawberries.
10 cents per box. Fresh plucked nnd red
ripe. At Uoslctt's, 30 South Slalu street. tf
Coroner's Inquest.
Deputy Corouor Lawlor, of Frackvillo, ou
Tuesday held an Inquest to ascertain tho
cause of the death ot Sig. Mafel, of Qllbcr
ton, who was klled at Lawrenco colliery
whilo ascending tho slono. Tho jury found
a verdict censuring unknown parties for two
reasons, viz: First, In permitting men to ride
on a car that was partly loaded with timber.
and second, by permitting 11 men to ascend
In tho ono ear, the mlno law stating that but
10 can rido in ono car. Mlno Inspector Stein
was present aud .cross-examined tho wit'
n esses.
Trackvllle Weil (line;.
Miss A1111I0 Morgan, an cstimablo young
daughter or Supt. Morgan, of tho Mahanoy
piano, and W. A. Ilerkholscr, a son of Station
Agent Berkheisor, both of Frackvillo. joined
hearts and hands last ovenlug at the bride's,
residence". Key. Epbraiin Potts, pastor of tho
Methodist Episcopal church of that place,
officiated at tho ceremony.
Water Notice.
Notlco Is given that tho condition of the
reservoirs of tho public waterworks is such
as to require as much economy in. the uso of
tue supply as consumers can exerciso. All
waste must be stopped, and the washing of
pavements and carnages, sprinkling, etc., is
prouiuiteu until luuncr notlco.
James Bell,
6-8-3t WatorSuporintendont.
lllbs Fractured.
Robt. Mayhen, a resident of Qllberton,
met with an accident yesterday afternoon by
lipping and falling off a baluster. By tho
fall ho sustained a fracture of two ribs on
the right sido. The Injured man sought
treatment at the olhco of Dr. 0. M. Hamil
lllg Iteductlonsr
A great reduction salo will take place for
tho next throo weeks. A fine lino of
trimmed hats for ladles and children will be
sold at low prices. At J. Hoffman's millinery
store, 110 North Main street, Shenandoah
I'a. 0 0-5t
Under Operation.
Daniel Donghorty, of South Bowers street,
has gone to a Philadelphia hospital to havo a
third operation performed on one of his eyes,
which was injured some time ago by a mulo
in the mines kicking up coal dirt.
Wanted, at Once.
A gentio horse, also harness and a light
wagon, with platform springs. Apply to II
W. Lawson, or Yost's Jewelry store, 112
North Main street.
Special at Frlcke's
Carpet store 'til sold. Floor oil cloth, 20c.
per yard, worth 35o. Brussels carpet, 42c,
per yard, worth OOo. 0-8-lw
Slake Tour Returns.
All persons having tickets or money for
tickets sold it tbo recent performance of the
operetta Cinderella," aio urgently requested
to present Bame to Miss Mary D. Griffiths,
not later than Friday evening. She can bo
seen at her residence, 217 West Oak street.
Evorybody is pleased with our improved
chipped dry beef. At E. O. Brobst's, corner
Jardln and Centro streets. 5-5-1 m
A New Curate.
Bar. Francis Partell, who was ordained at
tho Overbrook, Pa., seminary a week ago,
has succeeded IEov. Donaghy as enrate of St
Canicus church, Mahanoy City. Rev,
Donaghy goes to St. Philip's church, Phi la
Special Notice.
The members of Lydla Degree Lodge No,
112, D. of It., are requested to meet in their
hall on Friday, Juno 0th, at ono o'clock
p. m., to make arrangements to attend the
funeral of our deceased, sister, Margaret
Jones Davies. By order of
SALLIIS Reevps, Noble a rand.
Attest! EMH.Y T, Williams, Sec'y. It
Water Illuming Short,
Water Superintendent Bell has found It
necessary to publish a notice urging th
public to exercise economy in the uso ol
water, as the supply Is becoming scarce. This
morning tho water In the reservoir at th
Brandonvllle pumping station was twelve
inches below the overflow.
Strawberry and chocolate ice cream de
llvercd daily. At Scheider's bakery, 27 East
Centre street. tf
Annie Saw Itubben.
Annie Itice created a stir on East Lloyd
street at a late hour last night by exclaiming
that robbers had entered her house. Officer
Ileaton. who happened to be In the neighbor
hood, made a search of the premises hut
railed to nnd any trace or tho robbers.
Proceedings at the School board Meeting:
Last Nlcht.
All Except Ono of tho Old Janitors Re
elected and the Roll of Janttreises
Increased by Two The1 Salaries
Are to Remain at the
Old Figures.
Tho first regular meeting of the ro organ
ized School Hoard was hold last night.
Janitors and janitrossos wero elected and
resident Helper announced his appoint
ments of committees for tho ensuing year,
Tho meeting was attended Qy Directors
Keiper, Hanna, Bangh, Malice, Sullivan,
Leo, Ilritt, Holvcy, Connors, Korrigan,
Whltakor, Martin. Dovo, Coiighliu and
The reading of minutes occupied consider
able time and Superintendent Cooper read a
lengthy, but interesting report Waring upon
the school year just closed and, the ono to
follow. Tho report set forth :
The school year that has jmt closed was
ono of persistent, energetic work on the. part
of all connected with the workings f tbo
schools. While our financial condition niado
It necessary for tho Hoard to leduco tho
length of our school term fr.-oi 10 to 0
months, and at tho samo time to reduce tbo
salaries of our worthy teachers, manv of
whom wcro then midernaid. tho office did not
consider it advlaablo to losen the coursoof
studies, or the amount of work to be done.
The entire course of tho previous years was
gone over, mo lour quarterly and tbo final
examinations were held. Genera'ly speak.
ng, the results aro oulto coinnllmciitarv
to both teachers and nunlls. Certumlv . few
havo fallen by the Way sido. This must
necessarily occur whenever aud wherever
the educational movement Is so rapid as it
nas uecn in oiir oorougn during the past
year. It should be borno in miutl by our
patrons that. In order for a pupil toenter the
tlnxl examinations for promotion that tho
pupil must havo mado an average of 75 tier
cent In the quartely examinations Tho re
sults or the examinations aro as follows
wero graduates Irom the High school. 61
passed from tho 2nd grammar to lllgh
school : 103 from 1st to 2nd grammar. 100
from 4th primary to 1st iniimr.
200 from 3rd to 4th primary, 300 from 2nd to
3rd primary, 370 from 1st to 2nd primary.
After tho promotions are made, and granting
io w aommca to me primary depart
muni, wo snoniu nave in ine lilgu school
117: 2nd grammar. 1D2: 1st irraininar. "fin
4th primary, 328 ; 3rd primary, 470 : 2nd
primary, m; jsi primary, 83j pupils. This
Will UCCCSSltatO ono 11111b. four 2nd pranimnr
six 1st grammar, soven 4th primary, nino
3rd primary, olovon 2nd primary, sixteen 1st
primary ana two mixed schools, in tho
High school at least fivo teachers will bo
necessary regniar tcacliors and 3 directors,
lue ouice, therefore, recommends the olee
ono as director of music, and ono as rilrnrtnr
of drawing. As a wholo., our teachers havo
been lalthlul to their trusts, conscientious in
the dlschargo of their duties, and havo
moritcd a re-election. Most of them km
been careful, earnost and painstaking in the
discharge of all tho functions connected with
tho schools. I ho lanltors and Innitrnupo
havo been faithful to their trusts, and h stvn
mcrueu a re-election."
After making reference to needed ronalrs
to buildings, in which ho states that ceilings
in the old White street building are in a
dangerous condition, and stating that the
custom of taking all clocks from the build.
ings during vacation should bo discontinued
as an unnecessary oxponso, the superintend.
ent continues bis report as follows :
If tho financ al condition of tbo Rmnl la
such ia to warrant it to rcsture the old
schedule of salaries, or to re-adjust the
present ono, the olhce would be pleased to
se.e tnat accomplished. It should be borne In
mind that inequality of Day for ennal work.
and insufficient pay for work accomplished
aro discouraging to teachers, as woll as to
otnor employes. The state Superintend
ent of Public Instruction. In ),!
auvico 10 me superintendents throueh
out this Commonwealth, uses these words,
.vcry euort should bo mado tn nm.
vent a reduction of teachers' salaries and to
retain ine Desi tvacners in the sehnnit " Tn
speaiung or the stato appropriation ho says,
"that the sum to be naid to each district dnr.
ing ine coming year will bo the samo as last
year." The office recommonds that tho com
ing term of schools be not less than nine
months, and that the schools be reopened on
the 28th day of August. 1809."
The bond of Treasurer W. Thomas Lee. in
ine sum or ?3u,ooo, was presented, read and
ordered recorded. Tho bond Is in the same
amount as last year s bond.
Upon motion of Director Martin the Board
proceeded to elect seven janitors and eloven
Janltrcsses. Nino of the latter wero em.
ployed la3t year. It was deemed advisable to
elect two more this year, one for servico in
the old White street building and one for tho
Union street building. The number of jani
tors elected aro tho samo as last year.
There were ten applicants for election as
Janitors and twenty for Janltrcsses. All the
old corps, except John Beyrant, were re
elected, Mlcbael Cuff succeeding Beyrant,
The Janitors elected are George Walters.
James McIIugh, Thomas Connors, Thomas
Dove, Sr., Thomas Tosh, Henry Cook,
Michael Cuff. Tho latter received the votes
cf Hauua, Baugh, Maliek, Keiper. Dove.
Martin, ilolvoy, Connors, Lee. The others
elected received the full vote of the Board,
Samuel Thomas and Anthony Mcilaniman
wero also candidates. The latter received
tbo votes of Coughlln and Brltt. Sullivan
Breslln, Kerrigan and Whltaker voted for
Each of the following nine janitresses re
ceived the full voto of the Board ! Sarah
Kitchen, Alice Shields, Mary Dowllng, Mary
Kenney, Mary McCormick, Bridget McKeon.
Sarah M. Iieoves, Catherine Lechleitner.
Mary Flynn. The new janitresses are Mrs.
Mary Fox and Mrs. O. A. Link. They re
ceived tho same votos that wore cast for Cuff.
Directors Sulllvnn, Breslln, Kerrigan and
Whltaker declined to vote for more than nine
Janitresses. Director Coughlln voted for Mrs,
Neary and Mrs. James Donovan. Director
Brltt voted for Mrs. Neary and Mrs. JIc
On motion of Mr. Hanna It was decided
that the terms of tho Janitors and janitresses
mVY.. "r
Makes the food more
sovtl, annua
be fixed at a lator meeting, nnd on recom
mendation of tho building and repairs com
mittee; that tho salaries remain the same as
ust year $36 per month for janitors, ami
$15 for Janitresses ud tho term, with the
exception of the Janltrcesat tho library, who
will bo continued on half timo, and the
aultors at the West street, Jardln street and
new White street buildings ho continued
until further action of the Hoard,
President Kclier ahnounccd his appoint
ment of committees as follows :
Finance. Dovo, Martin, Whltaker,
Maliek and Ilolvoy.
limit School Baugh, Connors, Dovo,
Coughlln, Sullivan.
Tk cur lis and Sai.arirs. Martin, Leo,
Hanna, Breslln, Holvcy.
EVKNINO Schools. Connors, Dovo,
Breslln, Baugh, Sullivan.
Text Hooks and SUPPLtm. Maliek,
Hanna, Martin, Dove, Kerrigan.
Hbatiso and Fuel. Leo, Sullivan,
Baugh, Maliek, Brltt.
Huit.DlNd and UEPAins. Holvcy, Leo.
Martin, Connors, Brltt.
Exonkiiations. Hanna, Whltakor, Dove,
Martin, Maliek, Coughliu, Kerrigan.
Insurance, Lee, Brltt, Sullivan, Baugh,
hoN-itKsinENT Pupils. Holvey, Maliek,
Connors, Sullivan, Coughliu.
Compulsory Education. Whltaker.Mar-
tin, Baugh. Connors, Kerrigan.
Visitinu Committees September. Octo
ber and November: Sullivan, Hanna, Congh
liu, Baugh, Maliek. December, January and
Icbruary: Holvoy, Martin, Dovo, Kerrigan.
Connors. March April, May and Juno : Brcs-
lin, Leo, Whltaker, Brltt nnd Martin.
Committee on kevision op Rules
Dove, Martin, Whltaker.
Director Kerrigan asked to be excused
from servico on the exoneration commltteo.
saying that, as his brothor-in-law is tho Tax
Collector, some people may got the notion
that ho (Kerrigan) sought tho appointment
for a purpose
President Keiper said the appointment
would stand as announced.
On motion of Mr. Hanna tho finance com
mltteo was instructed to confer with the
finance committee of the Borough Council as
soon as possiblo to bavo a j5lut duplicate of
tho couutyz-borough and school taxes Issued.
The Board adjourned to meet at tho call of
the president for general business.
the Fall the Oonsumiitlon Will
Limited Only by Arnilnble Miner.
Tho Juno letter of tho Anthracite Coal
Operators' Arsoclation says : "Tho market.
during the month of May, showed a further
gain In strength both as regards tonnage and
prices. While tho former has shown com
paratively littlo movement in and around
New lork, thcr has been a fair tonnage
irolng to New England points; a moderate
line trado and, ou tbo settlement of Buffalo
dock troubles, nctivo shipping for tho Wes
torn market. Neither lino nor tidowater
stocks havo increased appreciably, nnd somo
sizes of coal, notably chestnut, have been so
scarce that soveral interests havo been com
polled to porchaso enough to fill their obliga
tions. Thcro liavo been some slicht con
cessions in prices, as always is tho case, but
taking the market on an avorago, all sizes
havo been remarkably firm, chesnut es
pecially, at tidewater and lino points,
I ho reduction In prices to consumers in
Boston, has been purely a retail matter. In
past years this would havo involved tho sell
ing companies in a struggle fortonnace et
any prico which could bo secured, but tho
fact that littlo or no concession has been
mado in this Instance bears good witness as
to tho sincerity of their Intention to main
tain tho trade on a sound basis.
Takon as a whole, tho developments of tho
month have been unusually satisfactory.
Tho market has been drawn slowly and
surely under the command of the sellers and
is now in a position where, as is anticipated,
an advance may be mado, and secured, on
coal sold for the summer and early fall trade.
Of course, Juno and July aro the critical
months, but there Is no reason for expecting
a sadden change from the course which has
beon followed sinco tho first of the year.
Indeed, it is open to doubt whether it would
be possible for any one interest to seriously
Injure tho marktt this year. Cortalnly no
concession in price would bo mado unless to
move a large tonnage. Tho conditions In
which tho market now stands would likely
absorb a slight oxcess without difficulty, and
no very largo tonnage could be produced
with the limited number of skilled miners in
the regions.
This latter may bo expoctcd to affect the
situation during the fall months when, it is
safo to say, tho consumption will be limited
only by the working force obtainable at tho
Always Fresh and ltellable.
Oar choice meats, butter, eggs, Bauser's,
Cherry and Chestnut streets. tf
Court House Notes.
In tho estate of Aaron Klecknor, de
ceased, court directed that the return and
record bo amended.
In the estato of Justlna Mauer, deceased,
court revoked the formor order and granted
an alias order of salo. Bond in tho sum of
$1,700 was filed and approved.
In tho estate of Wm, Gibson, minor, the
return of sale was confirmed and deed
In the matter of the estate of Laura
Huntsinger, minor, court directed the
guardian to mako private salo of minor's
interest in tho real estato. Bond in tho sum
of $400 was filed and approved.
Tbo District Attorney's office Is preparing
for tho next term of criminal court, for the
last two weeks in this month.
"Hands across the sea," Sousa's latest
march, at Brumm's, 16 South Main street.
Suit Against the lloroutii.
Jamos K. Moser yostorday entered two
suits In trespass lu the Prothonotary's office.
In one of which the Borough of Shenandoah
is defendant, and in the other the Mahanoy
City Water Company. The plaintiff has lone
threatened suit. He Is socking damages
under the claim that defendants are inter
fering with certain water rights which he
possesses. N, Heblloh and O. II. Qerber are
connsol for Moser. A third suit was also
entered by W. F. Shepherd and Mr. Hebllch.
in which F. 8. Sbayborger, administrator of
the estate of Henry Fahl, deceased, is the
plalntltl, and Isaac Uoll master tho defendant
This is also a suit In trespass.
I Baking
delicious and wholesome
powers CO., new rornc
jviH. psoy
Pure Food Invostigator Aroused tho
Ire of a Trust!
Doolnre tho Iiivo'tlcntluu; Commli
Mon Will Frnmo n Hill Wlitoh Will
Prevent tlin Snln of Article- ofFood
Under Flotltlou LnlioU.
Chicago, June 8. Senator Macon, of
the Pure Food rommlra'lon, who left for
Washington today, made tho following
positive statements Inst night;
"This commission will prepare ft bill
compelling manufacturers of food pro
ducts to market tholr goods for what
thoy aro; for Instanco, chicory must
not bs labeled coffee, but chicory.
"Wo will have In tho bill a provision
that will absolutely prohibit the Intro
duction of deleterious substancos in
food products, that which Is delete
rious to be loft to the ovldence sub
mitted by Impartial scientific men.
"I propose to offer an amondmont to
the revonue bill which will absolutely
Drohlblt the importation of food arti
cles the sale of which la prohibited tn
the country from which they are ex
"I am no longer Inclined to carry
on this Investigation alone. Tho re
BDonsiblllty Is too great, nnd I do not
wish to bo considered tho whole com
mission, as" circumstances have forced
upon me of late. I will be slow about
holding another session of protracted
longth unless ono of my colleagues,
Senator Harris or Wetmoro, is with
me. It can be readily understood why
this Is so. I cannot act as I might
deem wisest whon I am alone on thu
commission, my decisions In such a
case being endangered by tho sugges
tion of personality, when In reality
this commission stands upon an ab
solutely impartial basts. There Is ono
concern In this city that has already
threatened to ruin mo.
"What concern is that?" the senator
was asked.
"Tho glucose trust," ho answered,
and continued:
"It is the old story of the flour bill
I stood by the bill for unadulterated
flour, and havo always bellovcd I com
pelled Its passage. At that time tho
glucoeo men did everything In their
power to frighten mo or In somo other
way get me off the track of my pur
poso. Why, thoy oven went to my
son. who wns newly wed and had only
a scant homo for himself, and offered
him a salary of $10,000 a year to act
as attornoy for them, making tho 1m
plied condition that he should haul
me away from the support ot the flour
bill. The adulterators of food pro
ducts aro pursuing similar tactics to
day, and that Is why I am determined
that before tho Investigation proceeds
further fellow members of tho com
mission must step In and share the
burden of responsibility."
Senator Mason said further:
"It Is not true that I intend going to
New York from here. I shall go to
Washington and take my family to the
coast of Maine for the summer, and ul
the end of three weeks I hopo to re
new this Investigation."
Orange watct ico and vanilla ice cream de
livered daily. At Scheider's bakery, 27 ast
Centre street. tf
Two I'cnimylrnnln, Ilnnirlnco.
West Chestor Pa., Juno 8. After
confessing his crime upon the scaf
fold and admitting that he had beon
shamming Insanity, in hopes of a par
don, the negro Jonas Preston, Jr., was
hanged hero yesterday for tho murder
of Ella Preston, his bride of thrco
months, at Doe Run, Fob. 21. 1898.
Preston's neck waB broken by tho drop,
and death was Instantaneous.
Lancaster, Pa., June 8. Ttalnh W.
Wireback, the murderer of D. B. Lan-
dis, was hanged In the lallyard yes
terday In the presence of several hun
dred persons. Ho met his death fear
lessly and died from strangulation.
Complaints cured by Ceeciiam's
OdloorH of 1'ennR.rlvn ntu'a Grand Army
WHKesbarre. Pa., June 8. The' state
encampment of the Orand Army ot the
Republic yostorday elected the follow
ing officers for the ensuing year: De
partment commander, James P. Mor
rison, Philadelphia; senior vice com
mandor, Charles H, Hall, Luzerne
county; Junior vice commander, O, M.
Ycager, Reading; chaplain, Rev. Joha
W. Sayres, Reading; medical director,
Lewis E. Atkinson, Mlflllntown.
All varieties. Fresh caught. At reasonable
price. Coslrtt'8! 38 South Main 8t. 0 7-2t
l'ruxy Kf presentation,
M. J. Lawlor, of town, has been snnnlntivl
a delegate to the Democratic state conven
tion, from the First district. But three had
been elected. Jt was since learned, how
ever, that tho First district was entitled to
tour delegates, aud Mr. Lawlor belne the
only applicant, seeking the empty honor, he
was chosen by Chairman Moyer. Schuylkill
will consequently bave a total of fifteen
deleunteg tu the convention.
J. O. Bier man, who craduated as an
optician uuder Dr. Erkelens, of New York,
can no consulted at No, 31 North White
street, Shenandoah, from Tuesday until
Saturday, the 10th Inst. Examination
free. 0-3 -3t
Cream puQs on Ice all summer at Geoxeo
scheider's bakery, 23 East Coal street. tf
Extra fine lunch tc-nleht. Fish cakes to
morrow moruluE.
Cold lunch, an elegant blll-of-fare, free tu
our patrons.
Bean soap, free, to-night,
Noodle soup will bo Jcnred, freeto all p.
trons to-night.
Bakod. beans and pork to-night. The larg
est and coolest glass of beer in tou.
Keep in line with the hot
weather and seek comfort
and coolness by buying:
your straw hat at our
store. We can sell you
a stylish straw hat, fit for
king, from 50c and up.
Gent's French Balbriggan
shirts or drawers at 25k
We also carry Egyptian
Combed Yaru, loose or
glove fitting. Another
nice assortment of silk
summer weight under
wear. Our prices are
Money's Worth.
That Is what we give you in
every purchase, no matter how small. Our
stock is large and well adapted to every
possible demand. It is calculated to suit
every taste, taking within its scope the best
and latest the markets sflonl. If jou are in
search of a reliable article come to us. If
you feel that it is worth while saving on trust
worthy values make your selections from
goods bought with care and sold on repre
sentations of merit that never fail.
Wearesbowing this wwk a special lot of
Silks, all new nnd pretty. If you Inspect this
line. It Is more tbn likely you will bo Induoed
to spend a little money, as well as a 11UU time,
but both profitably.
A new lot of Cnuli SklrU, plain and
braided, and well finished, at 1cm than cost of
material, 29c. BOO to 79c.
Washable Shirt Waists, 39c, See, 76c to
A full line of new Carpets la Wlllms, Batty
Brussels, Tapestry, Yelrets, Ingrain
and Rag at sating prices to yoti,
They will interest you and
so will our prices. Our dis
play is larger than any in
100 S. Main St.
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker
For a window shade, or
5 for n quarter. Others
lor 10 cents and upwards.
Shades made to fit any
window. Come and tret
cut prices on carpets and oil cloths.
10 South Jardln Street.
26 East Centre Street.