The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 06, 1899, Image 4

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    rur Careful Study
Tlio oortllmund.
InRof prescriptions
In mi exntt serene.
Competence only
ennm after careful
study. To Hive best
results from the
(if prescriptions
must bo absolutely
Our constant
study kMIIB us up
i il n mil your ho.iltlibeneflts by our
t and careful work.
South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Telephono Connection.
ee the excellent
uality and the
irge quantity of
leat you cajnjniy
t our market
For 25c.
ie trial will cause you to give
us more.
)ur market Is not exactly located centrally
t tbot little extra walk will benefit your
203 E. Centre St.
iye Treatment
For Children.
Many children are allowed to
ink and blink through the day's
udv. and at home, with a book
x or eight inches from the eyes
During childhood, the ocular
erves and muscles are very sensi
ve and may be exposed to severe
inanimation and strain by over--ork.
Where a child was formerly
oped with drugs for nervous' and
luscular trouble he is now cured
.ith glasses.
Thos. Buchanan,
Jeweler and Optician.
18 South Main Street.
A big line of Men's, Ladies',
'hisses' and Children's shoes await
'bur approval. We call special
tttention to our exquisite line of
Russet Shoes.
Men's $5.00 Shoes at $3.50.
3.S0 ' " a 25.
3.00 " " 1.35.
Ladies' 3.oo " 2.00.
a.25 " ' 1.50.
41 t en I. no.
These prices range in comparison
with the Misses' and Children's
Another lot of shoes cointr at
35 cents that are really worth $1.25
id $1.50.
27 South Main Slreet. Shenandoah,
.Miss Mary E.Jones,
Dealer In and maker of
For use on funeral occasions.
.11 ft .laafima nlwflVH On liaild And
aruM-inl tleslims made on sliort notice. Beet
material!, and all work guaranteed.
White and black satin slipper with patent
' extension device.
Cor. Main and Lloyd Streets,
Hay, Flour and Feed.
Our good are staple and sell retail at
wholesale prices.
FOR SATUIIDAY. Farmer roll butter, 16c
nd IHo; best creamery butter, Tie; shoulders,
io ; 20 bars of soap for S5c
Ellis Guzinsky,
16 West Centre St., Shenandoah,
Three doors below brick school.
K lh
Tou hare a pleasure In the croeerles you buy
and the way we bundle your order. Everything
in our place U fresb. except the manners ot our
oiuployes. Our delivery system Is perfect, as
fou U admit If you try It
B. B. FOLEY, " Centre 81,
ibjiM Gives
Best spring medicine.
It makes the weak strong1.
We sell and recommend it
3 South lain Street.
The temperature has risen In the
Middle and North Atlantic states, the
lower Missouri
valley nnd mtddlo
Hocky mountain
regions, has fallen
In the middle and
northern plateau,
and has remained
nearly stationary
elsewhere From
Arizona through
the middle Rooky
mountains to Man
itoba there ex
tends a trough of
low pressure. Forecast for this section
until 8 p. m. todny Fair; continued
.high temperature; light Bouthorly
winds. Probably thunder storma to
morrow nfternoon.
Sunrise, 4:41; sunset, 7:2P; length of
nay, I4h., 48m.; moon rises, 3:30 a. m.;
moon sets, G:01 p. m.
(Continued from First Page.)
Board was ro-organlzcd as follows : P. J.
Ferguson, president; John Donlan, secretary;
John McAndrow, treasurer. The first two
named aro Democrats, while tlio latter is a
member of the Citizens' party. M. M.
Burke, Esq , of Shenandoah, was ro-olcctet1
Solicitor. James F. Gallagher was elected
principal of the schools for a term of one
year. Tho examination of tcaehors, CO in
number, was conducted to-day by County
Superintendent Q. W. Weiss.
Tho School Board of Slahanoy City or
ganized last night as follows: President,
fleorge Wrcmi; Secretary, Jacob G. Sunday;
Treasurer, Charlos Bensinger; Solicitor, B. P.
Swank. Tho last two named officers wcro
elocted without opposition.
m'adoo school board.
The McAdoo School Board ro-orgauized for
the year last evening by electing John M.
Williams, President; Edward McGeehan, Sec
retary, and John B. Currey, trcasuror. John
W. Hansberger was chosen Solicitor.
School Directors Bradloy, Galvin, Dalton,
McKerns and Keating, of Mahanoy township,
met last evening In tho school houso at Colo's
patch at 7:30 o'clock for tho purposo of re
organization. Hon. William A. Andersou
was unavoidably uhsent from the meeting.
Tho organization resulted as follows : Presi
dent, James Dalton, of St. Nicholas ; Secre
tary, William Bradley, Mahanoy City P. O. ;
treasurer, Michaol Burke, of St. Nicholas.
Tho treasurer's bond was fixed atf35.000.
Tisn't safo to ho a day without Dr.
Thomas' Eclcctric Oil in tho houso. Never
can tell wbut moment an accident is going to
Pennsylvania's (Jrnnil Army.
Wllkesbarre, Pa., Juno 6. The state
encampment of the G. A. R. meots
here this week. The city Is gaily dec
orated in honor of the occasion. To
day will be taken up In the registering
of delegates and assigning them to
their hotels. This evening there will
he a public entertnlnment at the Nes
bitt theater. Tomorrow the parade
will take place and on Thursday tho
election of officers.
Minors Deninnrt Another Advnnco.
Dubois, Pa., June 0. Notwithstand
ing tho miners of tho entire region
wero granted an advance of Ave centa
Sast week, a strike was inaugurated
yesterday at neynoldsvllle 'and' El-
sanora which promises to extend to all
other mines in this section before the
end of the week. Demands aro made
for another advance.
UrirtnaCoionol Hnwklns ForTronsuror
Washington. Pa.. June C The Re
publicans of Washington county met In
annual convention yesteraay ana nom
inated a county ticket to be voted on
next fall. Itesolutlons were adopted
strongly urging Colonel A. L. Hawkins,
of the Tenth Pennsylvania regiment,
lor state treasurer.
Reduced Kates to Lob Anqeles, Cal., via
Pennsylvania Railroad.
For the National Educational Association
Convention to be bold at Log Angoloe, Cal.,
July 11 to 14, tho Pennsylvania Kailroad
Company will sell excursion tickets via direct
routes from points on its line, to Los Angeles,
Cal., and return, at rate of single fare for the
round trip, plus fa.00 membership feo. Those
ticket will be sold, good going June 21 to
July 7, and when stamped by Joint Agent at
Los Angeles, good to return, arriving at final
destination, until Septemlier S.
For further Information apply to tickot
agents. .
Cnllforula mid Itrturn.
One fare plus two dollars for tho round
trio via direct lines. Small advance to re
turn via Portland. Tacoma and Seattlo,
Choice of lines oast from Portland, viz.
Northern Paolfie By., Greet Northern Ry. or
Canadian Pacific lly. to St. Paul. Tickets
will be sold Juno 38 to July 7, good to return
until September 4th. For map-time table
and full particulars address John It. Pott,
District PasseDger Agent, Chicago, Mil
waukee & St. Paul Railway, 480 William
street, WUHamport, Pa.
A IJlcsslng For tlio Ladles.
Thousands of ladies are usinc Brazil
ian Balm. For soreness, pain, bearing
down and many kinds of trouble, it acts
like a charm. A u cent or uouar uouie
often does more good in one week than
any .vtuer reineuy aoea in montiis. ji
goes right to the spot, removing all in
ilammation. Mrs, Geo. W. Roberts, oi
Wilminrton. Del., save, "A strong solu
tion of Brazilian Balm and -warm water
used as an injectlou has done me more
good than all the remedies and prescrip
tions i ever uteu.
Shenandoah drag store, wholesale agents
Judgo llcchlel
tn Declrto
its tn n Jury
PotUvillo, Juno 15, Judge Bochtct nt 8
o'clock began hearing tlio arguments on tho
rules to ro-opon tho judgments obtained by
tho borough and School Board of Shennn.
doah against M. J, Scnnlnn, tax collector
during tho years 1801, 'IW and '00, nnd to
allow trial by jury. Former Congressman
Itollly represented tho petition upon which
tho proceeding Is based, and a numhor of
bondsmen for tho year 1800; Mr. Wadllngor
a number of tho 1803 bondsmen, and Messrs.
A W. Schalck. S. O. M. Hollopoter nnd
Nicholas Hobllch various bondsmen of tho
different years. John F. Whalon nnd M. M.
llurko appoarcd for tho borough and School
Mr. Rcllly several Mondays ago said in
court that tho case might Involvo n far-
reaching decision that would, perhaps, form
a statc-wldo prccodont In tho matter of tax
collectors bonds; and, Judging from tho
piworful arguments mado by tho various
lawyers great importance is Attached to tho
coming ruling of tho court.
Uoorge J. Wadllngor mado tho opening
argument which, briefly stated, claimed that
tho books of tho borough show that tho
ollicials have applied ton thousand dollars
moru to tho 1803 dupllcato than tho duplicate
amounts to.
IIo also eloquently argued that tho act of
tho borough In applying tho 1803 nnd 1800
taxes toward tho settlement of tho 1MH
dupllcato is n clean cut misappropriation of
tho public funds and a violation of tho law.
Mr. Wadllngor cited authorities in support
of his position, notably 0th county reports,
page 113, and was complimented on his ad
dress. lion. James B. Rcitly, in behalf of Mr.
Scanlan, said, among other things, that tho
sureties shs 11 bo responsible and responsible
only for tho amount of tho dupllcato and not
for the amount of the bond, $100,000. Ho
chargud tho borough authorities with ncgll
genco nnd claimed that unless It could bo
shown tho dupllcato was legally mado out
and that otliur details had bcon proporly
attended to by tho borough ollicials there
rould bo no liability on tho part of tho bonds
men. Ho cited authorities in support of his
several contentions and declared tho law re
quired tho Town Council to deliver tho
dupllcato on or boforo tho First Monday of
August, and, that if thoy failed to do so tho
Tax Collector shall obtain a mandamus to
compcll them to deliver tho duplicate Mr.
Rcllly contendod tho sureties cannot bo held
to suller for tho failuro of Collector Scanlan
to tako such action, and ho assorted that not
only was thoro no dupllcato but that thcro
novor was even a levy of tax, thus compell
ing tho collector to wild go at it through tho
town in search of taxes, calling on anybody
and everybody, lie said that if his position
was sustained it would havo a wholesome
ollect upon the municipality and compel
ollicials henceforth to strictly, truly and con
.lfntlou'7 observe tho requirements of tho
The argument then turned upon tho claim
of Mr. Scanlan that tliero never was n settle
ment of the dupllcato of 1800 by tho Borough
Auditors. Mr. Reilly said thcro could bo no
recovery on the bond until after a settlement,
(showing a balance) had been mado ; he de
clared no statement existed on tho court
records of any balance. There was, ho con
tinued, ne dilleronco of opinion as to tho
facts, and it was admitted that whatever
Scanlan collected he turned over to tho bor
ough treasurer; and If that bo so, up to tho
First Monday of April, 1807, ho submitted to
court that that should cud this caso.
Mr. Hollopeter hero called attention to tho
caso of the Com. vs. Knlttlo, 170th Pcnna.
reports. This caso relates to tho chargo that
tho collector took tlio funds of tho duplicate
of a subsequent year to pay otf tho duplicate
of a preceding year, thus relieving tho
bondsmen from liability. IIo said tho bor
ough ollicials from the testimony, kuow
Scanlan was using the taxes pf
1803 to pay ou tho duplicate of
1801, and there was enough In it to show that
this judgment should he re-opened and the
bondsmen let into a trial by jury. Mr.
Reilly thoreforo urged that both rulos to ro
onon tho Judcment bo mado absolute. Ills
address produced a profound Impression.
A. W. Schalck followed and said that Air,
Wadlinger had bandied the sido ot Mr.
Scanlau's sureties so well as to tho 1803
dupllcato that thero was nothing furthor to
bo said on that matter; and Mr. Ketlly'sar
umcnt on tlio 1800 dupllcato had been so
searching that ho really could sco nothing
now to add to It, and ho therefore had to
confino himself to practically tho same
ground. Ho declarod that Scanlan's term
becan on the first Monday of
April, 1801, ending on tho first
Monday of April, 1807, and that after
the latter date, Scanlan bad no legal author
ity to collect a dollar of tax. He asserted
that although the dupllcato should, accord'
inc to tho council's resolution, have beeu do.
livcred to Scanlan tho first Monday of
August, 1800, it was not givon to him until
September, 1807. Thero was also no warrant
delivered to Scanlan. It was not sullicient
that he bad a county tax dupllcato to go by,
That would not do. Ho had no authority by
law to collect a dollar. Ono of the pro
visions of tho law is that the collector shall
put up notices, and how could he put up no,
tices unless ho had tho dupllcato ? The col
lector has no authority to collect after he
goes out of ollice. The bond is not for tbo
faithful performance of duties, but for the
collection of taxes, and tho balance held
against Scanlan is only an, estimated ono.
Judge Bechtcl : Even though ho would
collect all the taxes, according to your argu
ment, the sureties could not be held reliable.
Under 101th Peuna. reports and other au
thorities, when ho filer his bond he cannot
deny his liability, and when tho principal is
liable his sureties aro liable.
Mr. Rcllly: It is not always so, your honor.
Judge Bechtcl ; Tho application of tho law
is different as to tax collectors' bonds, from
its Application to other bonds.
Mr. Schalck then reiterated tliat tne
sureties of Mr. Scanlan could not beheld
liable whon it was shown that tho duplicate
for 1800 had not been delivered to him until
after be had gone out of ofiice. His address
was listened to with tho closest attention
Mr. Burke followed, saying that he would
make his argument brief in viow of the hour,
4:16 o'olock. The bond in this ease is drawn
according to the act of 1850, a Schuylkill
county Act, and ho declared that, undor this
law, tbo bond should be entered up against
the balance due.
Judge Bechtel : If it bo truo, as alleged by
Mr. Schalck, that tbo balance against the col
lector Is but an estimated one, would this
Mr, Burke: That balance, as I understand
it, is correct, Mr. Scanlan being present with
the Chairman of tbo Finance Committee
when the balance was fixed upon.
Mr. Hollopeter ; I'm inclined to believe
that this is not correct.
Mr. Burke quoted the Act of May 11th
1807, page 40, stating that when a baiauco is
due by a collector his term ehalj be revived
He behoved this Act extended the terms o
1801 and 05 and 00; and, that the duplicates
were delivered within tho prescribed time
Should this Act bo found not to so apply,
thero is other authority, which ho quoted
that would bold himself and his bondsmen
The case of the Cora. vs. Nottlo, 182nd
Peuna. Reports, pave 17C, was mentioned
relative to the application of 1800 taxes to,
ward the settlement of the 1803 duplicate,
There is no evidunce to show that Couuo,
knew anvthlng of the application by Mr.
Scanlan of the funds of one year toward the
settlement of another year s dupllcato.
Mr. Wadlinger said tho borough ledger
showed such a credit, but Mr. Whaleu con
tended that the ledger was kept by Treasurer
Dawes and was lo evidence that the Uiuncll
nnd act llko mnfilo on fl went
Btnmach nnd illsonlcrrtl 7ver.
10 cents and Z cents, At. all drug stores.
moil wero nwaro ot such n stato ot tacts.
Mr. Burko concluded at 4:fI8 by asking that
tho judgmonts roudored on this boud shall
stand. Ho delivered his ploa In an easy,
convincing manner.
Mr. Reilly made a few remarks and then
tho caso was submitted to Judgo Ilcchtol, who
will rendor his decision aftor considering tho
various points made.
Dniipliln District Attorney 11ns tlio Cases
In Ills llaiidn.
Hnrrisburg, Jtino 0. Alderman Maurer
yesterday sent to District Attornoy Millar
the Legislative bribery oases except that of
John R, Byrno, of Westmoreland, who has
demanded a hearing. Byrno's hearing camo
up before tho Alderman this afternoon at 3:30
o clock.
Tho return for tho arrest of Representa
tive Bugler, of Lycoming, charged with per
jury, was mado to tho Alderman yesterday,
and Mr. Knglcr will bo triod noxt wcok.
Alex. Schrclhcr, of Pottsville, a former
resident of town, was receiving tho glad hand
of his old acquaintances hero to-day.
Miss Maino Conlan, of Mtnorsvlllo, is the
guest of Miss Annie Jlurke.
Misses Sara Burko. Sadie Cardln, Salllo
Hovers and Nellio McDonald, havo gone to
liloonisburg, to appear before tho oxamlniug
board ot tlio formal sciiool.
Rov. John Gruhlor and W. II. Lowis went
to Orwlgsburg to-day to atteud a bank
directors' meeting.
Fred. Qruhlor visited friends at Frackville
Mrs. John Gregory, of town, and Mrs
David Phillips, of Glrardvillo, havo gono to
Scrantou to visit frieuds. llamlieriror started to-ilav on his
southern commercial tour, his first placo of
stoppago to bo Morgantown, Wost Irgtnia.
Miss Nellie Finuoy has returned to her
homo in Pottsville.
J. R. Coyle, Esq., has gono to New York to
nttend tho funeral of a relative
Miss Katio T.ovlno, and hor sister, Mrs.
Kamcfski, of Mt. Carmcl, nnd L. Maisel, at
tended a Hebrew picnic at llnzloton to-day.
Mr. nnd Mrs. D. W. Jlcdea and son, George,
wcro visitors to Reading yesterday.
Working Night and Day.
The busiest and mightiest little thing that
ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills.
iverv Dill is a sugar-coated globule of health,
that changes weakness into strength, listless-
ness into energy, brain-lag into mental jiowcr.
They're wonderful in building up the health.
Only 25c per box. Sold by A. Wasley.
AVM. l'ENJf.
Morgan Llewellyn, of Nantlcoko, has suc
ceeded Dennis Dorris ns coal Inspector at tho
Win. Penn colliery. Ho assumed tho position
Mrs. Mary Seltzer, of ilalianoy wry,
visited friends hero.
Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis and Mrs. David
Brooks, former residents. of this placo and
now of Philadelphia, visited frionds on Sun
Charles Willman and family, ot Bit.
Carmol, wore guests of William Jones'
family hero.
Mrs. Harry Hart, 01 Shouamloali, was a
isltor hero this week.
William Keshnor, of Shamokin, has come
to Win. P01111 to llvo with his uncle, James
Mis3 Maud Gilpin, tho sweet singor of
Shenandoah, was a visitor bore yesterday.
Tho Children's Day anniversary will bo
postponed ono week. It will bo held on tho
third Suuday of June, Instead of tbe-ecomlT
A program has beon well prepared and a good
tiino is expected.
Tho prayer meeting will bo held as usual
this oveniug. Subject: "How a Captive
Girl Saved Her Captor."
Deaths and Funerals.
Mrs. John Bollu, a woll known resident of
Flshback, Pottsville, died at that placo yos
terday afternoon. Deceased was aged 05
years, and was tho mother of Coustablo
Thomas Bolin, of town. The funeral will
tako placo on Thursday morning at 0:30
o'clock. High mass in St. Patrick's church.
Tho remains will arrive here at noon over
the Pennsylvania railroad and will then be
taken to the Annunciation cemetery for in
terment. James Quinn, ono of tho oldest . and most
respected citizens of Mahanoy Plane, died
suddenly at the homo of his step-soil; John
O Boylo, Sunday morsing. Deceased retired
apparently in good health on Saturday even
ing and was seizod with hemorrhages dunug
tho night and soou succumbod to their
Tho Sixth Mluo Inspection District Board
will examine candidates for certificates qual
ifying them for mino foreman and assistant
mine foreman in tho court houso, Pottsvlllo,
ou tho 0th nud 10th of July, 1800, as pro
vided for by tbo Act of Assembly, 1801,
Articlo 8, Section 3, of tho Mino Ventilation
Law. William Stki.v,
5-30-Gt-o-o-d Mine Inspector.
The Schuylkill Clamda.
The Schuylkill Classis of tho Reformed
church convened in annual session last oven
iug nt Orwlgsburg, and will continuo for
several days. Special services will bo held
each evening, and to-morrow evening a
misslouary mcoting will be held at which
Rev. .. A. Yearick, of town, will delivor an
address. The business meeting will be held
Saturday morning. M. II. Master, of town,
Is iu attendance at the sessions.
Gin' bo perfect health without pure blood.
Burdock Blood Bitters makes pure blood.
Tones and invigorates the whole system.
Illocked a Gutter.
Daniel Sweeney, of Lost Creek, prosecuted
Mrs. Margaret Dean, of tho samo place, bo
foro Justice Malia, at Glover's Hill, last
night on a charge of malicious mischief. It
is claimed tho defendant blocked a gutter
which the Glrard Estato ollicials thought
should bo kept open. It Is also ulleRed that
tho blocking resulted In a caso of typhoid
fever. Mrs, Dean waived a hearing and en
tered (200 bail for trial at court.
"Hands across the soa," Sousa's latest
march, at Brunim's, 10 South'Malu street.
Gordon 1'lane to Ou.
Orders wero Issued yosterday, to re
move all the machinery at tho Gordon
planes to soveral points aloug tbo railroad
system. By the end of the week this work
will be well under way. All doubt as to
whether the planes will work again is now
removed. Tbpordorof removal was a sur-
prise at Gordon, as many had a lingering
hone that work would bo resuinod, The
ulaues were shut down about four years ago,
when trafllo was diverted to the Catawlsu
Marriage Licenses.
Ilko Medlvlts aud Manya Komanlcuka
both of Shenandoah.
Peter Katch and Mary Marsillack, both of
Harry Comfalr and Emma Dltzel, both of
John Waruds and Fannie Bannes, both of
John Bodor and Mary Ilcfko, both of Mc
ijiij'iAiYWYifitaTyniifrfi-Ti'riii'iriTiiiwiiinafH,,K"' iW, WiiT'Tffr?""-
Happenings Throughout the Country
Ohronlclml for Hasty I'ermat.
Tho School Board moots to-morrow evou-
Tho colllorios of tlio Hazloton region will
work four days this week.
Lakeside Is bocominir very popular undor
tho managomontof Mine Host B, J, Yost.
Tho Nlnctv-N'no Club, of Port Carbon, will
hold a Boloct nlcnlo at Tower's Well on
Clarence, son ol Charles Denglor. fltilshod
his lacdlcal studies at tho University, and is
now 111 at a Phlladolphia hospital.
Tho Boston Bakery, bakers of homc-mado
Uvonnd Graham bread, has oponod h store at
37 West Contra street.
William Quirk, tho popular operator at
Locust Summit, was married ou Thursday to
Miss Llzzlo Fltzpatrlck.
Tlin annual cntnuicnccment of tho High
school at Ccntralla will bo hold this evening.
An exchango say tho P. & R. Catawlm
branch will bo doublo tracked from ono end
to tbo other, but this Is a doubtful story.
Tho School Directors aro having their
troubles tlioso days.
B. G. Hess and Joseph Knapp aro In nt
tendauco at the G. A. R. encampmont nt
Representative Constein, of Ashland, who
has been a patient in a Philadelphia hospital
for the past twclvo months, Is Improving.
Everybody Bbould Join In tho Fourth of
July celebration. '
Tho Elks Minstrels, of Ashland, will givo
their poiformanco this ovening.
Tho Rleht Rov. Talbot, bishop of the
dlnrran nf Eastern Pennsylvania, adminis
tered tho right of confirmation at Mt. Carmcl
Ulsenlionor Wins Out,
Tho court at Bloomsburg refused the mo
tion by tho defendants to direct a non-suit in
tho caso of J. H. Eisenhower vs. tlio ucn
tralla school district, which is an action to
recover on a judgmont for unpaid salary as
superintendent of tho public schools of that
n aco. This finding of Judgo Little's was an
nounccd on Saturday, and confirms tho
previous aviard of judgment by Judge Lyou
Visit Orkln's Jewelry and music house,
noxt door to Goblin's Mammoth Clothing
House. tf
I5U.I0TT. At New Philadelphia, on tho 2nd
Inst., Ilnrry 11 Unit, ngeil UK yenrs. Funeral
will bike phico from hit Into residence on
WViltipsilnv niornlliir nt 10 o'clock, lllull mass
ovlll be celebrated In the Church of tbo Holy
I-nmlly at tnnt pmcc. interment in tuo paripu
cemetery. Friends and relatives respectfully
Invited to attond. G-5-2t
110I.1.N'. At Pottsville, on tho Stb i st , Martha,
wife of tho late John llolln. Fllnernl will
take place front her Into residence nt Flshbncli
on Thursday morning nt 0.30 o'clock. HIrIi
ninsa will be rend In St. Patrick church. The
remains will leave Pottsville on tho 11:23 n, m,
Pennsylvania train for Shenandoah, where
Interment will be Hindu In the Ammnclntton
cemetery. Friends nnd relatives respectfully
invited to nltend. It
J tor ' o .
Wr.TTT5AT.rlTA f
,wwuuu- boo. cunuar uompuunts,
ana prcparca nnaer mo stringent
oscriboaby eminent phyEicIaEsii
fad lununn 9V
TTorld renowned ! Ttamftrkablvsncccfisful I
lontyecnnlno with Trade Mark" Anchor,"!
voc.&M.aitue. AtanararrjisHoririronira
i r.zs.s:iT!:s&C9.,zi!!Foict.. raw toss.
1 3 Branch Houses, Own Glassworks.
Endorsed anil JlKommrniicd by
tvv. Leading Wholesale and Jlttail .VM
DnwiHtts, innuurs, and
ANCIIOtt" STOaiAOnAt, best for
IIo. livapepwInHtomneh Complnlnrs. I
Ice Cream,
All flavors.
Man u i a c -
tured daily,
of town.
Delivered to all parts
Sealed PINK BAND Package.
Bon-Bons and Chocolates,
Made Only Tly
roit BALK 1Y
Baker and Confectioner,
1QA IM. Malm St.
Vacation Time is Here I
If you havo a few leisure moments have
your bead shampooed and your hnlr
preserved. Ladies will be Riven special
attention nt their homes every day, ex
cluding Wednesday and Haturtluy,
Ferguson House Block.
Just loot, the best home-made bread
aud best Viemia bread at 4 cents a
loaf. Cakes and pastry at lowest
prices. We also bake the celebrated
Rye and Graham bread.
B. Morgenstein,
237 W. Contra St.
nilllons of Dollars
Go an In nmoto every year. Take so
risks but get your houses, stock, fat
niture, etc., insured in first-class re
liable companies as represented by
ftAVITi FAUST Insurance Agent
UAY1JJ "AUO 1 f 1M Bouln j.rttnB,
4l.I,(.andAcrldnUI nmvsnUt
New Store 1 New Stock I
Uoots and shoes ai.d footwear of .ill kinds.
Repairing neutly, promptly and cheaply
206 SOufn Main St.,
Something New!
Large package of the World's
cleanser for n nickel. Still greater econ
omy In 4 pound package. Made only by
Chicago, St. Louis, Nw York, Boston. Philadelphia
The Baltimore Cheap Store, No. 30 Kast Centre street, has opened
its doors with a full line of Tinware, Graniteware, Woodware, Glass
ware, China, Crockery, Toys, Notions and Umbrellas. '
SPECIAL. Our 3-cent counter will be a surprise to everybody.
On it you will find the best bargains ever offered in this section. Come
One I Come All !
Czyzewskl Building;. 30 East Centre St.
Window Guards, Stable Guards, Cellar Guards,
Iron Railings, &c.
FACTORY : 221-240 N, Emerick St. RESIDENCE : 221 N. West St.
Uses the best ma
terial. Does satis
factory work, attends
to orders promptly
and pleases you with
. his prices.
Cor. White and
FOUND. A iilit beloiiKlni; tn someone. I'ntty
ownlnc. can havo sainu by ravine; daninircs
it did nnd cost. Address "M. II.," care of
IIEltALD. b-3-Jt
I7IOU SALE. Tbo Hauwnnn property, locnteu
at 133 Kant Coal street for selllne;,
wo deslro to clo-o the estato For particulars
Inquire of Ddllp Uieriimnn, North White
street. S-22-tf
"VfOTICE. Desirable properties for sale. Ap
i ply to S. U. II. Hollopeter, attorney,
Shenandoah. 8-3 Ut
3It BALK One-half lot fleaso holdl on
Wctt Cherry Btreet. lias two dwelllnK1,
front and renr. draw ?7 and 8S cr mouth
lespectlvely ; cheap. Also one-half lot lease
bold on Turkey Itun street, Turkey Hun. One
dwelllnK bouse with 9 rooms, including Imse
mentor two rooms: cneap. iipniy 10 justice
V. II., 22K H. Centre St. 0-i -Iw
Fine and Firm.
Our meats are fine and firm, tender and clenn-
You'll enjoy them ecntally well at brcakfnst,
luncheon or dinner, and we'll be glad to aid you
In making a suitable selection
Our meals cost only what they are
worth, and wo give you good meas
ure In quality aud quantity.
A box of our
srecmL rnniLT drew
is an exhilarating
stimulant during
the hot summer
Delivered at your homes
Columbia Brewing Company.
An Air of Satisfaction.
There's more real satisfaction,
style, comfort and durability in one
suit from our work-rooms than you
can possibly get elsewhere.
We havesome extremely desirable
fabrics anil patterns, our own exclu
sive Importations, Also In our
gent's I urnlshluirs,
Portz Bros.,
24 North Main Street.
of . .
Wire Screens,
Iron Fences,
Fire Escapes,
Lloyd Streets.
Of Lorry.
Subject to Republican rules
Ov Pine Grove, Pa.
Subject to ItepuhllcAn rules.
Op Tkkmont.
Subject to Republican rules.
on county nuaiSTEit.
Of Shenanpoau.
Subject tn Itepubllcnn rules
Formerly of Joltctt).
Subtect to Republican rules.
Of OrtwicifluuHn.
Subject to Republican rules.
Or Mahanoy City.
Subject to Republican rules.
213 W. Centre St.
Wholesale '. and : Retail.
Table oil cloth, extra wide, all patterns, two
yards for 2-1'cciits.
llest farmer roll butter, IS tq IB cents, nest
KiikIIsIi llreakfast or Oolomrtea, 83 cents. All
grades of coffeo, 0 cents to8d rents.
Our 3 for 25o mackerel has set tho town a
EJ. A. Friedman,
213 West Centre Btreet.
Nos. 119121.123 North Alain St.
I .