TheHerald1 KSTMIMSIIKD 1870. "All the (ten Thai's HI to Print," Z - : " - j l'ubllslicd every verting, except Hunday, tit R Houtli Jnnlln street, Hlirnmulraili, Pn. T.ONO DISTANCI: TKMUMlONi:. Tho IlernM la delivered In Blicnaiulnnli nnd the Mirrottndlng town forMxcontsn w ek, jmy nhlo to tho carriers. Ity tnnll PS. 00 n ycur, or 35 cents ft month payable In ndvnnco. Ali ve r Use men tn clmrfftHl according tn npnccnml position. Th pnbHshers reserve the tlRlit tn change tho position i f ndvortUeinetiN whenever tho publication of news demand It. Tho I reserved to reject any lulrertUetnent whether paid for or not, that tho publishers may deem Improper. Adver tlsttiK rates made known upon application. Kntered at tho pot office at Hlienamloah, l'a., as socond class mall mutter. TUESDAY. JUNE 0. 1800. OUR COUNTRY : First, Last and Forever. "Th man who 6gbts tho Trust of Commerce Is quite an brave as a man who swims n river or climbs San Juan Hill." Ilrynii. Wherefore, the political Colonel is the bravest of them all. Be still, then, "Fighting Joe," and Fnnston, lie thee clown ; 'tis Bryan, we would have you kuow, who wins the laurel crown ; for, though, while raged the strife, he 'lowed his sword to rust now waving wild his big cheese knife, he's off to "bust" the trust. North American. Theiik could be no better illustra tion of the hold President McKinley has upon the people of the country, and particularly upon the Republi can voters, than the proceedings and outcome of the Republican state con vention of Ohio, which closed its ses sions last week in Columbus. Al though the party in the President's state is divided into factions, which have been opposing each other for years, yet all were unanimous in their support of the present administra tion. It is a noteworthy fact that while renegade Republicans are figuring to be leaders in the Democratic party in this county, with a view to dictat ing the policies of the latter party, lifelong Democrats must stand back and look wistfully on. But will they 1 Prof. U. S. Shaikr, writing for the Youth's Companion, says rare as gold appears to be to those who seek for it, it is nevertheless one of the most widely diffused of tho metals. It exists in an amount which the skilled chemist can trace in nearly all the older rocks, and in the newer strata which are derived from them. It is indeed most likely that if the reader of these lines could possess himself of all of this metal which lies in the earth within the distance of u mile from where he stands, he would have a larger store than has ever blessed any placer miner as the reward of a lifetime's toil. The distribution is yet wider, for it extends to the sea, the waters of which contain, every where, a uniformly small trace of this substance, amounting, it is true, to but a few cents in a ton of the liuid, but enough to warrant the assertion that the oceans hold more of this precious metal, as well as of its com panion, silver, than ever will be touched by the hands of men. The propellers of the ships which convey the throngs to the Yukon will be likely to stir more gold than the miners' picks disturb in Its rich fields. Critics of the nation were strongly denounced by President Reed, In his baccalaureate sermon to the gradu ates of Dickinson College. He spoke against the critics who are constantly opposing the expansion policy of the "United States. He said the same questions presented now wore pre sented during the Revolution and Civil war, and the same criticisms made. He believes in the policy of President McKinley that the God of all nations has given the United States a great problem to solve in Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines, and that it will be solved rightly. Other great problems, as Mormonism, the negro question, the liquor tralllc, trusts and monopolies, the condition of the -poor in large cities can be solved, and will be solved in this country by the1 church, the sohool liouse and Christian influences. This country possesses, said Dr. Reed, the preserving power of Christianity as no other Power ever did, and unless we forget God, its author and guide, it cannot fail. Ovkr three hundred sohools in eighty-nine cities have adopted some form of school sayings banks, and the results are cortulnly gratifying to those who see In this movement pos sibilities for teaohing habits of thrift nnd economy. The deposit) the past year of pennies given the children or snendinir money amounted to 44 To Err is Human' 'But to err all the time is criminal or idiotic. Don't contlnui the mistake of neglecting your Mood. When impurities manifest themselves in eruptions or when disordered conditions of stomach, kidneys, liver or bowels appear, take Hood" s Sar saparilla. It will nuke pure, live blood, And put you in good health. I do Dot believe tliore is a crbp of dyspep sia, indigestion or any itomnch troublo thnt cannot be re lieved at onco find permanently cured by ray DYSPEPSIA CURE. MUNYON. At nil drucirlsts, 25c. n Tinl. Quid to ncnlth nnd medi cal ndvlco free. 1505 Arch street, Philn. 33 $0!).2i7 01. There w is withdrawn in tho same time 4 11 H'.', leaving a balance of $207,421. 18. The system has apparently been entirely success ful, teaching the children to pave up their pennies from day to day for some important purpose later on. Forty places in Pennsylvania, among them being Shenandoah, have been experimenting with these banks, and ll,8.r)S children have to their credit $!3,280.u2. In addition to inculcating habits of saving, these banks tend to give tho ohildren some practical ideas as to matters of business. SWAMP. I not recommended for ovorytliiiiE.lmtif you liavo ROOT kidney, liver or bladder iw w . troub)o It wiU )m fomul jll8t tbo icmedy you need. At drucclsts in fifty cont and dollar slzos. You may liavo a sample uoiuo oi mis woimoriui now discovery ny mail free, also pamplilel telling all about it. Address. Dr. Kiliner&Co.,IJint;liamton, N. Y. A tVnman'llnndlt Cnpttirpd. Phoenix, A. T.. Juno 0. Tho two robbers who held up tho Globe and Florence stngo last Tuesday have beon captured by Sheriff Trumnn, of Pima county, near Benson. One of them turned out to bo a woman named Pearl Hart. She made a strong fight. Both were asleep with their guns be side them. When thoy awakened tho man seemed paralyzed with fright, but the womnn, reaching for tho guns, which had beon removed, sprang to he,r feet and fought vigorously. All the money, about $350, three revolvers and a gold watch which were taken from passongers on tho stage wore re covered. Tlio Snmonns filKnrmlim. Washington, June 5. The navy de partment yesterday mado public tho following cable from Admiral Kautz, In charge of tho American navy in Samoan waters, the cablegram having been forwarded to it from San Fran cisco: Both native factions, the Malletoans and tho Mataafans, are disarming. Mataafa has surrendered 1,800 guns. Will Instruct the com mander of the Badger to send the Bru tus to Honolulu as soon as she can be spared. Expect to sail from here on the 21st with the remains of Lieuten ant Lansdalo and Ensign Monaghan. Will probably reach San Francisco June 25." . North Cnrollnu Postolllco Looted. H Norfolk, Juno G.The postofflce at Elizabeth City, N. C, was broken Into by safo crackers Sunday nlgnt, tne safe drilled and aynainito inserted. The explosion blew the door entirely oft. throwing it across tho room. Peo ple rosldlng soveral blocks away heard the nolso. The burglars secured In money order funds, several regis tered letters and a small amount be- lonKlnK to Postmistress Poole. Ev erything points to professional work. The thieves left no clew to their lnden tity. Anotlior Mossiiko From Andrpo. Chrlstiann. June G. According to a dispatch from Mandal, the most south ern town of Norway, two uoys, on May 14 last, found on the north coast or. Iceland a small cork case containing a slip of napor dated July 11, 1897, signed "Andreo, Strlndberg and Fraen- ckel," and hearing the words: "Ail well. Thrown out at longitude 81, lat itude unknown." Professor Andreos brother thinks the case was probably one of the letter buoys with which the Andreo expedition was provided. BortoiiH Strllto In Flndlny, O. Findlay, O., June 0. A strike la on at the Findlay Crushed Stone compa ny's plant. The situation Is growing serious and Sheriff Ewlng has been asked for assistance, the management fearing acts of violence. It Is under stood that a gang of Poles Is to be Im ported to take the places of the strik ers. The plant is owned uy tno t ina lay, Fort Wayne and Chicago railroad, with John Jacob Astor at its neaa. Mayor Nemeyer has appealed to tho state board of arbitration. Closing In on Trnln Ttobbors. Omahn, June 6. The latest advices from the posse pursuing tho robbers who dynamited a Union Pacific train at Wilcox, Wyo., camo last evening In a message from the company's agent at Casper, Wyo., as follows: "Posse struck three robbers about 30 mllea north of here last night. Exchanged shots and disabled three of our horses. Owing to darkness operations were suspended. Carrier, who left thero soon after, thinks It not possible for them to escape." Spoodv Juatleo lu G6orirlfi. Vienna, Ga., June 6. John Hanno way, who attempted to outrage tho little daughter of N. L. Christmas last week, pleaded guilty In the special ses sion of the county court here yester day. He was given the limit of the law, being sentenced to 20 years by Judge Llttlejohn. Two hours later he was on his way to Macon, where he will be kept until assigned to a convict tamp. Hoolproolty With .Tnmnlon. KlnReton, Jamaica, June G. In ac cordance with tho consent of tho im perial government, which was secured from Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, the sec retary of state for the colonies, by the recent action ot the legislative council, Jamaica will Immediately dispatch a delegation to Washington for tbo pur pose of negotiating a reciprocity treaty with the United States. ;A J.ynoblnir In Culm, Havana, Juno 6. A dispatch from San Antonio de Los Banoa says that Jose Labregat, a notorious agent of General Weyler, who outraged defense less women and killed children, arrived there on Sunday. His appearance was the signal for a gathering of relatives jtad friends of those whom he formerly perstcuted, and at midnight a crowd surround&d the house where he was and began to threaten him. He at tempted to escape and, an meeting the demonstrators, emptied his revolver, wounding two persons. The crowd closed In and capturod him. and he was lynched In the public square. DRGVFUS' HOME C0MIN0. Hho I'rIoner Will IUutno ItU Mili tary Uniform nt Onco. Fnrt do France, Martinique, June 0. There is ho truth In the report that Dreyfus has embarked on board tho Bteamer Vllle de Tanglers. Tho Sfax whlrh loft here at 10 o'clock Sunday nlwlit to take Dreyfus on boord, gnlled quite unexpectedly. It was not until I o'clock In the afternoon that her com mander was notified to sail, and tho cruiser loft ns soon as she could got up steam nnd take on board the neccoa eary provisions. The authorities of Cayenne forosaw four days ago that the Sfax would leave Fort de France on hor present mission, nnd nt 2 o'clock yesterday af ternoon the dispatch boat Ooeland, stationed In the waters of French Clulnna left Cayenne tho capital, for Devil's Island, having on board the superintendent of the penitentiary and the commander of tho marine artillery. Those officials nro delegated by the French government to officially notify Dreyfus of tho revision of his trlnl. Broyfus received on Saturday from his wlfb a cablo message announcing tho decision of tho court of cassation. Dreyfus, howovor, will bo under chnrgos nftor bolng officially notified of tho court's action In his case, but he will be able to resume wearing the military uniform of his rank, In order to so appear bofore tho now council of war. Brave Men Fall Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well ns women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, back ache, nervousness, headache and tired, list less, run-down feeling. IJut there's no need to feel like that. Linen to T. W. Gardner, Idaville, Iud. He says: "Electric Hitlers are just the tiling for n man when lie is all run down, nnd don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to cive me new strength nnd rood nppeti'e than anything I could take. I can now cat anything and have a new lease on life." Only 50 cents, at A. Wasley's drug stoie. Every bottle guaranteed. Two Drowned In tho Urnndywlne. Wilmington, Del., Juno 0. Frank Diamond and Samuol Martin woro drowned while bathing in tho Brandy wine creek last night. Tho bodies havo not been recovered. With sovoral other lads they got beyond their depth, nnd sank before help could arrive. Harry Taggnrt was roscued unconscious, but was resuscitated. Tolbcrt ItoturnH to IIIw Homo. Greenwood, S. C, Juno C. R. R. Tolbert, who was made to loavo here six months ago, has returned without molestation. A publication of his views on politics a month ago in a Greenwood paper is supposed to have caused the change of feeling among his neighbors. Tho Kloctlon In I'oru. Lima, Peru, June G. Tho election of Senor Eduardo Romana as president and of Senhores Alhamora and Bres nni as first nnd second vice presidents, respectively, has beon secured by a tri fling number of votes over the mini mum required by law. Clovolnnd to InillnnnpollH by Trolley. Findlay, O., June G. Work on an electric road which will extend from Clovoland to Indianapolis has begun at this point. Sixty-five pound rails aro to bo used, and tho road will bo equip ped so that a schedulo of GO miles an hour can bo made. fionornl Klutr Honorably Plnolinrced. Washington, June G. By direction of tho president Brigadier General Charles King, wHo has just arrived at San Francisco from service In tho Philip pines, has been honorably discharged from tho volunteer army, to take ef fect Aug. 2. Father nnd Dnualitor Kill oil by Train Alliance, O., Juno G. Isaac Reck and daughter, Mrs. Mary Copo, while standing at the Fort Wayne railroad crossing, were run down yesterday by a light engine and instantly killed, the remains being mangled beyond recog nition. They were watching the ap proach of an east bound train and did not hoar tho other engine. Shot by a iritfilch' Asxumsln. Chattanooga, Juno 6. Sherman M. Reese, assistant superintendent of tho Ducktown sulphur and copper worke, was shot from ambush and killed by unknown parties yesterday near Isa bella, Polk county. The alfalr has created a great sensation. Bloodhounds havo been sent from .this city and were put on the trail. Indiana's Governor Seriously 111. Indianapolis, June 6. Governor Mount Is threatened with bronchial pneumonia. Physicians say the " at tack Is not necessarily of an alarming nature, but it is advised that callers be excluded from the governor's rooms. Woman's Severest Trial. Until recent years woman's severest trial has been the bringing of children Into the world. Today nearly all the sickness, pain, discomfort and dread are avoided by those expectant mothers who use Mother's Friend, that wonder ful liniment made famous by the great good it has done. It is used externally. That is the only sensible and safe way. to relieve morning sickness, headache, lightness, 'swollen, hard or rising breast. The bearing of children need no longer be dreaded. Mother's Friend has been called a Godsend by mothers all over this land. Sold at drug stores for $J a bottle, and by Tne BraafleM Eerolator Co., Atlanta, Ga. Wtlu far our fre.Uluititdbook,ndt)l"Efir BabyUBorn, SEND US ONE DOLLAR ItK itUn kfarfc-crui COAL AND WOOD tOOK OTOYK. by freight O.O.U., aubject to eimnitmuoiL your freight depot and If found perfect' iTutlifactory Plot 1JAIU Uiia you ever saw or board oftpaytlie AbSNT asr HI-KCIiL SI-LOO ' left the U-OOftft. W WHITE FOH OCIl BIO FREE ; ent wlthorvy STOVE CATALOGUE. 1 SSd ?liVht cbarsret TM stoTO ! cita Mo, I, oren U I iiHijiii.topl-'i23 made from beat pltftroa, estr Unre ovenvtielf, heavy tin-lluwi oven door, handsorad nickel plated ornaxueutatinna and trtmmfngi, itra larve deep, genuine bu4Uk purtUla tinea rwunoir, hand some larta orname nted base. Bt ol toner wii, ana we furnish JTftKK an extra wood irrtte. making It a pr focto tVvnxr. V)K ISbCH A UISDlMi tlUUAfcTKK wllU every tovt and (ruarantoe aafe delivery to your rait ffoadatatlon. Your local dealar would chargo you 125.00 Cm l n ...iit ,.jsy it .n. t '.riyn for OW. Ii r 1 Nure i !Uock. Ejjm.!im tn.! Ut ' hu Ittftvial hiu, ur con'BilMioti t 411 KKMlt. 1 fttSWMBt U- ol.,viBnt Ttii bomkuM t nH It-urn 'ii AtlilrfM T. If (. I'll AMI! IO. BV YHC CHASE -tmj 1 us-" ' Jim iwvj 1 NEW YORK KIDNAPPERS Hold J.'or Trlnl by tho Itnaldnnd Coun ty Autliorltlo. Now York, Juno G. Mr. and Mrs. Barrow, accused of kldnnpplyg little Mnrion Clark, waived oxnmlnntlon bo foro Justice of tho Poaco Horbort, nt Garnorvllle, Rockland county, yostor dfty and were committed to the county Jail to await tho action of tho grnnd Jury, which meets In Octobor. All of forts of the New York county nu thbrltles to obtain possession ot tho prlsonors have failed thus far, and unless Governor Roosovelt should ln torforo tho Now York authorities can not get tho prisonors until after thoy havo been tried In Rockland county. Blstrlct Attornoy Wyro, of Rockland county, nftor adjournment of tho hear ing aald: Wo wore as nnxlous as tho Now York people to havq tho trial down thero, but wo could not go back of tho law. We have a good case, and oariy In Octobor will bo ablo to send thoso pooplo to prison. Any stops tho Now iork courts may havo tnKon attor this court was sot In motion cannot oust this court, and I will not flinch from this position." County Judge Alonzo Wheeler said at Havorstraw thnt ho was in favor of turning Mr. nnd Mrs. Barrow over to tho Now York authorities. Tho mat tor of giving them up rests with tho rounty Judgo and tho district attornoy, ho said, and for his part ho should do Dvorythlni? in his power to aid the pollco In New York in tho prosecution of the prisoners. Assistant District Attorney Lcbnbier, of this city, went to Nyack last night with bench warrants for tho BarrowB. Blstrlct Attornoy Wyro, however, de clined to surrender the prisoners. Later tho bench warrants were, served upon Sheriff Blauvelt, of Rockland county. Tho sheriff declined to give up the prisoners. 1 . . How Is Your Wife 7 Hasho lost her beauty? If so, Constipa tion, Indlcestlou, Sick Iloadnche aro tho principal causes. Karl's Clover Boot Tea has cured theso ills for half a century, l'rico 23 eta and B0 cts. Stoncy refunded if results aro nit satisfactory. Sold by P. D. Kirlin on a guarantee Sorlous Ttfnttnc In Holm-st. Belfast, June G. Thero woro ex citing scenes hero yesterday afternoon in consequence of the Nationalist dem onstration, headed by Mr. William O'Brien and accompanied by bands of music and the display of banners. Several conflicts took placo and tho Infantry charged the crowd with fixed bayonets. Several persons were in jured. Tho rioting was resumed last evening, after tho return of tho pro cession. Tho mobs fusilladed tho pollco with stones, and tho troops were obliged to charge soveral times'. Ul timately the riot act was read, but tho pollco were obliged to retiro before a heavy shower of stones. A public houso was looted and much damage io property done. The pollco havo made many arrests. Two officers were badly Injured. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with T OCAI. APPLICATIONS, n they cannot reach the neat of tho disease. Catarrh la a blood or constitutional disease, and In order to cure tt von intiat tnVn Internal remedies. Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and acts directly on tlio blood ana mucous sunaees. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not n quack medicine. It w.. noaorllipri ItV nnn nf tlm lCSt nllVSlcintlS 111 this country for years, and is a rcuular prescrl tlon. It Is composed of the best tonics known, combined with tlio best blood purifiers, nctliiR directly on the mucous surfocer. Tho perfect combination ol the two Ingredients Is what pro duces such wonderful results In curing; catarrn, Hcnd for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENHY & Co., Props., Toledo, O, Hold by druggists, price 75c, Hall's Family Pills are the best. Ask your srocor for tho "Eoyal Patent flour, and tako no othor brand. It is tho best flour made. THE PRODUCE MARKETS As Itoflectoil br IJenllncB In Phllndol Iililn nnd Itnltlmoi-o. Philadelphia. June 5. Flour In light de mand; winter superfine, $2.1Eiff2.35i Penn sylvania roller, clear, $3.2033.40; city mills, extra, t2.S032.SS. Rye flour steady at 13.10 03.15 per barrel for choice Pennsylvania. Wheat strons; No. 2 rod, spot. In slevator, "SUa7Slic. Corn steady; No. 2 mixed, spot. In elevator, WiSSiMc, i No. 2 yellow, for local trade, SOo. Oats firm, but quiet; No. 2 white. 32c; No. 2 whit, clipped, 32H&33C. Hay In Hunt demand; choice timothy, 113.50 for large bales. Betf quiet; beef hams, $10.50320. Pork steady; family, $11.50tn2. Lard steady; western stenmed, 15.35. Duttor steady; westorn orsamery, 16B18Hc; do. factory, UUO 13i4c; Imitation creamery, UftSlBo.; New York dairy, 13HS17c; do. creamery, 15SP lStoc; fancy Pennsylvania prints Job bing at 152 220.; do. wholesale, ISc. Cheese Irregular; large, white, Eo.; small do., 89 SVic. ; large, colored, 7ic; small do., 8c. Eggs firm; New York and Pennsylvania, 14Vjfil8c; western, fresh, H3H!$c; south ern, VXtiWAo. Potatoes stoady; Now York, J1&1.75; Jersey sweets, 1j2.25. Peanuts steady; hand picked, fancy, IHUSa.; other domestic 404',4c. Cabbage steady at $1.5033 per barrel crate. Baltimore, June 5. Flour quiet; west ern superfine, J2.3KJ2.tO; western, extra, J2.G0S3; western, family, $3.45(83.70; winter wheat, patent, $3.864; spring wheat, straight, 5S.7W8.90. Wheat quiet; No. 2 red, spot and month, 7S7SUo.; July, 7SH tWe; August, TSWc; steamer No. 2 reij, TOU7314C.; southern, by sample, 71O7D0.J do. on grade, 73H7S',to. Corn steady; mixed, spot and month, 3"fi37Tic. ; July, 3SVti38ttc; steamer mixed, 3S8Hia.; southern, whits, 45e.; do. yellow, 33c. Oats steady; No. 2 white, 32433c.; No. 2 mixed, 29Vi30e. Rye dull: No. 2 west' em, Me. Hay firm; No. 1 timothy, $12.50, Grain freights steady; steam to Liver pool, per bushel, 3d. July; Cork, for orders, per quarter, 3s. lVtd.QSB, 3d. June) 3s.Ss. lid. July. Butter steady; fanoy creamery, l&flUOc.; fancy Imitation, IS 14c; fancy ladle, 1213c; good ladle, llff 12c; store packed, 11314c; rolls, UQUc. Sugar strong; fine and coarse granu lated, J6.46V4. Cheese quiet; large, 9V4Q.I medium, 9c: small, 10c. Lottuce quiet at 22ft0c. per bushel box. Eggs steady at 13tt014c. Whisky quiet at J1.30S1.31 per gallon for finished goods In car loads; $1.3111(1.32 per gallon for Jobbing lots. J.lve Stock Mnrltots. New York, June 6 Ster higher pn light supplies; bulls and cows lower; medium to ohotce steers, $l.jW6.G0; pie; and stags, $34.86; bulls, $104; cholcs fftf do., $4.40; cows, $264.06. Calves active and higher; veals, JI.504r7.12Vi; extra do., $7.25, buttermilks, $464.60; mixed calvts, $5 !H.25. Sheep and lambs lower; year link's steudy; lambs higher; shep, $:9 4.WV,, culls. J1.50&2.35; yearlings, $4.&ih e.i: extru, $5.60; lambs, $G&8. Hugs hlKhir ut 4.10&4.2f. ;.,st Liberty. I'a., June 6. Cattle about steady, extra, $6.5006.00; prime, $5.Mf 650, common, 11.60). 36. Hogs fairly f llu-; prime assorted mediums and sxfi'i heavy, $4(f4.06; best Yorkers, W.95&4; light Yorkers, $,!iQ0.M: pigs, as to quality, $3SS43.; good roughs, $f.25QS.SO; stags and piggy sows, $2,600. Bhoeii slow; choice wathars, $1.094.06; eommoj, J2.j 43.60; choice yearlings, $5J06.5. spring lambs. $4.60(1 6X0; veal calves, $6.0j 07. Buy Keystone dour. Be sure that (he namo Lkbsio 4 BB. AshUnd, Pa., Ii printed on ewy nek. lf ton SMMl!ii fiiCT Lotus civo you a ptcco of ndvlco: Pain in tho back is an almost infalllblo bIrd, of Kidney dieenso j a miror sign Is tho condition of your urino, if you havo a pain in tho hack then look to tho con4 dltion of vour urluo. It is easily dono.' Tako n t?la89 tumbler and fill it with, urino, after It hns stood 24 hours j if ic lias n sediment, if it is milky or cloudy,! If it is palo or tliBcolorod, stringy or, ropy, your Kidneys and llladder nro in n dangerous eondltion and need Imme diate attention, or tho consequences may provo fatal. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorito Rem edy Is tho oiio mculcino that really cures all diseases of tho Kidneys, Liver, Bladder nnd Dlood, Rheumatism, Dys pepsin nnd Chronic Constipation and corrects tlio bad oflectBof wliiskoyand beer on tho systom. It Is wonderful how it makes that pain in tho back dis appear, how it relieves tho desiro to unnato often, especially at night, and drives away thnt scalding pain in pass ing water nnd in n remarkably short time makes you well and strong. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorito Remedy ia oold nt all drug stores for$1.00nbottlo, or six bottles for $5.00. , Ifyouwoultllikototry this wonderful mcdicino you can do so absolutely freo. Pend your full nnmo and nddresstotho DR. DAVID KENNEDY CORPORA TION, Rondout, N. Y., when a froo trial bottlo, together with a pamphlet of valuablo modical ndvlco, will bo sent ,you by mall postpaid, providing yon montion this paper when you writo. Tho publishers or this papor ennrantoo tho conuinoness of this liberal offer. "YOU'LL GET ALL THAT'S A-COMINO TO YOU." If, when contemplating a trip to any point West or Southwest of the Mississippi Itivor, you will purcliaso tickets via tlio Missouri Pacific Ky., or Iron Mountain Kouto (which aro on salo at all principal ticket ofilces In tlio United States), you will have all the comforts and luxuries of modem rnilwa" equipment, and tlio llncst opportunities for viowlne. nil of nature's museums and marvels of Utah, O dorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Toxap, Old anil Now Mexico, California, etc. Ex cureion tickets to all principal points at greatly rcducod rates. On account of tho National Education Association meeting at Los Angeles in July, wo will mako special low round trip rates. When contemplating a trip West or Southwest, writo us for full Information and rock bottom figures. V E. Iloyt, G. E. V. Agent, J. P. McGinn. T, P. Agent. 391 Broadway, New York, 4-22-tf Only one remedy in tho woild that will at onco stop itchiness of tho skin in any part of the body ; Doan's Ointruont. At any drug store, SO cents. Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to California Without change of Cars. Leaving Washington every Tuesday and Friday at 11:15 a. m , the Southern Railway onorates Personally Conducted Tourist Ex cursions to San Franciso without change of cars, conductors or porters. Iho routo js through Atlanta, Montgomery, New Orleans, I Inn t nn. S.m Antonio.Ncw Moxico. Arizonia. and Southern California. Tho cars nro tho very latest pattern of Pullman Tourist Sleepers, rosewood finish, havo high hack seats, unliolsto-cd 111 rattan, aro sixteen section, supplied with linen etc., .same as standard sleepers, lighted by Pintsch Gas, havo wido vestibules, double sash roller curtains, lavatory, and smoking room for gentlemen, and two rotinng rooms lor lames. Tlireo and one-half da.vs to Moxico and Arizona, four davs to Los Anselos and Southern California, and fivo days to Sau Francisco. Such service for Trans-Contlueutal travel lias novcr boforo hoon offered. Tho tourist carfnro is less than via any other route, effecting a saviug of f25.00 to ?30.0n for the trip. All information, maps and rates furnished on application to Charles L. Hopkins. Dis trict Passenger Agent, Southern Railway Company, WJ8 Chcstuut street, Philadelphia, Does Tals Strike Yon 7 Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath como from chronio constipation. Karl's Clover Root Tea is an absolute euro and has been sold for fifty years on an absolute guarantee. Prlco 25 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by D. Klrlln on a guarantee. Q. A. K. DEPARTMENT OF PENNA. Annual KncuiiiiHtieiit, Wllkesburre, June .Till to lOlll. Tho Lehigh Valley Railroad announces a rate of one faro for the round trip from points in Ponna. to Wilkesbarro and return fur the abovo occasion. Tickets will bo Bold Juno 4th to 8th inclusive, for all trains except the Black Diamond Express, limited for return to and Including Juno 11th. Inquire of Lehigh Valloy ticket agents for further particulars. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of Q, A, It. ENCAMPMENT. Kunuor.u bates to wxlkesdarrb VIA PENNSYLVANIA ItAILUOAD. For tho Annual Encaiupmont of the Grand Army nf tho Republic, Department of Penn. sylvaula, to bo held at Wilkesbarro, Pa , June 5 to 10. the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell exclusion tickets from stations in Pennsylvania on Juno 4 to 6, Inclusive, to Wilkesbarre and return, at rato of slnzlo faro for tho round trip, good to return until Juno 11, Inclusive. Coining Kvents. Juno 0 Ico cream festival, Robblns' opcr? Iioum), under tho auspices of tho Olio llandolin Club. Juno 0. Strawberry and ico cream social In tho lecture room of tho V. M. church. Juno 21 Ico cream fostlval, under tho auspices of tlio Young Mens' Usher's Assocla. Hon, hi Rabbins' hall July 3 Ico oroani festival, under auspices of tho Star Foot 1UU team, iu nubbins' hall, July 4 Ico cream festival, under auspices of llio Returned Soldiers of tbo Cuban war, In Robblns' opura house. MIIKN NlTUKl! Needs assistance It may bo best to render it promptly, but one should remember to use oven the most perfoct remedies only whon noi-dod. The best and most simple and gentle remody Is the Syrup of Figs, manu factured by tho California Fig Syrup Co. DR. E. C. WEST'S Nerve and Brain TREATMENT Edir-onri Tho Original, A1 At store or by mall, ti a box; six Mmr. Hnmnlo PnnL-ncrn rnntn Itefund Monev. tlons.M cents. One no Bample only sold to Is sold under a positive Written Guarantee, by authorized agents onlv. tn on Wonv Memory, Dizziness. Wakefulness, Fits, Hysteria, quickness, N:ht Losses' Bvll Dream. Lack of Oonfldeuro. Nervousness, Ijassltude, ali Drains, Yonthlul Errors or PinS Red Label Special Extra Strength. Impotennv, Loss nf Power Lost Manhood, Sterility or Uarretme? i . with WrittAn nnarantAa In miro Iti Tin iiva A t Dt. 'ur .uipubeiKTv. hubs ui A'uwur, jjusfc alhuuuuu, Dteriiuy or uarrenueuti. i n ,-. six tor 15, with Written Guarantee to euro lu 30 days. At store or by mail. ' Sold at Klrlln'a Drug Store. T. BARON AND BARONfiSS CONVICTED, ilny Oot Ilcmvy Sentnnoon For Uotn tlm SlnilH to jxiii Riiu. fi Tho iury in tho n.n nt ttm Unrnn nnd llaronnss Do- t1nn nlinrirnri with llalnff tllp mails tO conduct a frnudulont business, brought in a verdict lato yostoraay auernoou finding both dofondants guilty. Tho maximum ponalty Is 12 years and six months' imprisonment nnu n, uuu ui $12,000. A motion for n now trlai was mado, nnd pending tho decision sen tence was deferred. Both prisoners toiu tncir stories io tnfw voafnnlnv. ISdcnr Dollnrn testified that ho wns born in Franco, and had never been naturanzen in tno United States. Ho attouded a military nilinnl In Prnnrn. nnd served SOV- Cral years in the nrmy of that country. In Japan, wiioro no mauo nis nuniu iliirltitr nnvnrnl vonrn nrlnr to 1893. he ncted as nttacho to the British consul, nnd it wns there that ho met his pres ent wire, bour years ago no cumu to tho United Stntcs and a year ago to ruiionirn tin iWlnrod lie had had a contract with tho manager of tho Co lumbia Phonograph company ior uio delivery of GO talking machines nnd thnt ho carried on a Iegitimato busi ness for his brother-in-law, George B. Henschol. Fannie DoBara, tho other defendant, appeared somewhat nervous when sho wns nslted to go on tho stand, but her replies were firm ns sho denied every charge mnde by tho prosecution. Sho also spoko In detail of hor romantic life history. Sho said her blrthplaco was in Japan, hor father being Scotch and hor mother Japanese. Her maiden name, sho said, was Wilson, nnd her sister had married Gcorgo B. Honschel, who is claimed by tho defense to bo tho originator ot the fraudulent schome. Sho admitted that Bhe had rented the ofilce on Dearborn street, but declared this was dono for her brother-in-law, whom sho considered an authorized agent ot tho phonograph company. Most of tho spare time, she said, had beon dovotcd to the editing of a so ciety journal. Red Hot From the Gun Was the ball that hit G. U. Steadman, of Newark, Mich., In the civil war. It caused horrible Ulcers, that no treatment helped for 20 years. Then liucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. Cures Cuts, Ilniises, Hums, Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruption'. Rest pile cure on earth. 2$ cts. a bo. Cure guaranteed. Soli! yb A. Wasley, druggist. Florida abort Lino. Tho Now York and Florida Express, via Southern Railway, leaving Broad street station, Philadelphia dally at 5:31 p. in. carries through Pullinau sleeping ca-s to Augusta nnd Savannah, Ga., Jacksonville and Tampa, Fla., via Charlotte and 'Columbia. This Is tho short line nnd most attractive route to polufs In Georgia and Florida. All information cheerfully furnished by Charles L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL CURES BiliousnesSf Constipation, Dyspepsia. Sick-Hoad -ache and Liver Complaint. SUGAR COATBD. 100 PILLS 25 CTS. Sold by all druggists or sent by mall. Nerrlta Mellcal Co., Chlcazo Srlbox contains 13 pIIIh. Sold by Kirl'n's drug Btore, Shenandoah, Pa. Chlrlirnter'a EnrlUh HUmooil nranA. emiVRGVAL PILLS Orliclnal and Only urnuine. A Arc, alwji relltMt. LAOicaa-kX DropgUI for Chithtter Englith ''f?A mona ttrona id lira rou uta uinming W3T Iboxri, irtvlod with blue ribbon. Take VUr no oilier. Bein dangtrou lubttitu- V tioni and imitation: At DrBgniiii. er ind 4. la lUropt for pftrtloDlftri, tmlmonUli tnl 'Heller for Ladles," in leiUr, by return in-itnii TnUmotiinli. If mat Pavtt. ctic lehetrrCacmIeatCa..Mni1tfi Kqaarr, tU Local DrugjliU. I'lllLAUA., iA Mis Sadie Wertheim, age 14, of Tole do, O, was the winner of thejirst prize fo. execution on the violin at the Brussels Conservatory of music. German critics say sue is n won deriul player. Il is the greatest distinctioutohe first in any thing. For thif in statpmencilili V Jiveramre, aiu- pieties, science , Jand art,men and fTl,n,,,o,, ,,t rn,i. their greatest efforts. Washington was said to be "first in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen." It isagreatthingto be first. Nothing is ol morevalueto mankind and brings great er happiness than a good remedy. Many things will relieve hut the one that will iure best. Brazilian Balm is such a renv edy. Tens of thousands have found that it is the only thing that would cure Ca tarrh and Asthma. ForlSyrs. it has nev er failed in a single ise to cure Asthma, and its record has been as wonderful iu Catarrh. Cases that had, to all appearan ces, run into Consumption, or where the nostrils were entirely stopped uporwher.e the rtnlsniinua ntia 1ml c(.n tmtAc : 1 I ' " ' 1 .'UlJ 1UIU the throat an inch deep, or where the stomach had become ulcerated and raw from swallowing the germ-laden matter, were all permanently cured. Such a rec ord, unknown to any other remedy, just ly entitles the Brazilian Balm to the first place in the regard of the American peo ple. There are 20,000,000 Catarrh victims and countless Asthma sufferers in flfis country, all of whom can be cured with Brazilian Balm, A J 1.00 bottle of Brazil ian Balm contains a month's treatment for catarrh or asthma, and for 6 months we will wrap with each 11.00 bottle a month's treatment of Toxtcola Tablets, tree, Toxicolajs the best tonic and nerve and strength builder known to science. This is the greatest offer ever made. Ask your druggist and take no substitute. B. K. Jackson & Co., Mfg. Chemists. India napolis, Iud. SHENANDOAH DUUQ STORE, Wholesale Agents Othprs Imitations. lor Wj with Written Guarantee ta Oiira or nlni, lion '".r.1? V? .uUr6 Ot each person. At store or by malL ,nstru0- BoU ta 'jpf? mm An Excellent Combiiinlion. Tho nlcainnt mi'tliod mid beneficial cfTecls of the well known remedy, Svnui' of fioa, mnnufuctitrcd by tho CAi.ifoiiniA l'io hyiiup t-o., linistrato tho value of obtnhiiiifr the liquid lasa tlvo principles of plants known to bo medicinally laxative nnd presenting them in tho form most refreshing to tho taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one porfect strengthening lnxa tivo. .Veanslnc iho svntom effectually. dispelling coUK hcadnrhes nnd fevers gently yet promptly nnn cnnuiing ono to overcomo habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable qunlity nnd sub- cfnnrn. nrnl Ita nptlnrr cn flin IrlrlnA,'. liver nnd bowels, without wenkenlnf'fB" or irritating them, mako it the ideal laxative. In tho process of manufacturing figs are used, ns they nro pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of tho remedy nro obtair.-d from senna nnd other aromatic plants, by a method known to tho Cat.ifoiuua Kio Svitrr Co. only. In order to get Its beneficial eif"cts nnd to avoid imitations, plcaso remember the full nnmo of the Company printed on the front of ovcry package, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, OATj. X,OUISVXX,I.E, ICY. NEW YORK. N. Y. For sale by all Druggists. Price 50c. per bottle. Lauer's BockBccr in limn mi -rin nuvv un i Mr. It can be had at all the lead ing saloons. Christ. Schmidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street SHENANDOAH - PA LAKESIDE! The only pleasure resort and picnic ground in tins region. This season will be the most successfully conducted since its existence. The boais for the lake are now undergoing repairs nt Reading. The grove will be cleaned daily by workmen. Ice and wood to will be furnished free. An orchestra will ror particulars address B. J. YOST, Prop., Barnesville, Pn. YOUR EYES. J. D. COLDREN, Of Schuylkill Haven, The noted Itefractlonlst, who bns testimonials from tbo best people ut tbe county, as to bis ability, will be at GRUHLER'S DRUG STORE WEDNESDAY OF EACH WEEK. It your eyes cauae you any trouble call and see blni. Glasses furnlsbcd If needed and no medicine. EXAMINATIONS FREE. SOLOMON HAAK Agent for the Famous BERGNER & ENGEL Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale, Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer dtid Porter. T nnrMT o nTr.fTTTio BOCK BEER ON TAP At all its customers to-day. Solomon Haak's, 116 South Alain Street, Will receive prompt attention. rnim.-cnfflr-l.TORE c DEALER IN o rruit, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Wholesale and Retail. SO Wost Contra Gtroct. PRAB0WSKY HOTEL, M. GRAB0WSKY, Prop. 119 N, Centre B., PotUvllle, I'. Tri 1. tir..t.i . ,'liiauiu ,f iiiskcb, nun wines. B. luou. A cbolce line of Clgara and Temper ance Drluks, Accommodatlonp for travelerm. Meals at all hour