The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 31, 1899, Image 2

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KSTUIt.lSHKU 1870.
"All the News Bat's Fit to Print."
Published every evening, enccpt Sunday, nl 8
Bouth Jnnlln street, Hhrnnmlnitli, I'n.
The Herald Is delivered In Shenandoah nml tlio
aurroiimllns tonus for tlx cent n wek, pay
able to tho carriers, lly mail $3.00 n year, or
23 cents n month, raynblo In ndvnnco. Ad
vertlscmcnts charged according to space nml
position. The publishers rwervc the tlsht
to change tho position of advertisement
whenever tho publication of news demands
It. Tho right Is reserved to rt'Ject nny
advertisement, whether iwlil for or not, that
the publishers1 ttuiy ileem lmproter. Adver
tising rates made known mmiiiiiillontloii.
Kntered at tho post ofllc-e nt Shenandoah, as
second class mall matter.
(Evening gjemlix
WEDNESDAY. MAY 31. 1809.
OUR COUNTRY : First, Last and Forever,
Annovnckmknt 1ms been made by
the Heading Iron Cotupnny of a fur
ther advance in the wages of its sev
eral employe!", to take effect June 15.
It will not be less than 5 per eent.
Tr is is the third advauee within six
luunths. The total increase of wys
ranges from 15 to 35 per eit. in
different department".
Johx Wanamakkr. sys
Fourth Estate, to ntr tr
zme Geld as a ptrbiisawr mskt ML. Jto
has formulated pita tor briatrtagt o6
a periodical to be knows tm Sncy
body 's MagaaiML It will ftistww Klin
in.Jway batwtMi XuCturw'H iMJii the
Century. Tbu tirc nrtiiitar i to W
.ss ieii about Suptwu&tMrlMb.
UuflDIU Muiuk.
Tie XaiuwtiiM Tlfeatmtrtr; one ' ehu
est weekly puiilloNtfOtn ill UIh
mtv and wiiiirfi asMitttt iu fu "tlltr
. v PeuoerHtiu puiiM- Mtppurtiitfd
h rya.a and th Cuium platform ill
' threatens the Dhmoomtifl
.eaders a this county witiiiira vm inst
ance in the event of the uouuGy nun
t ention igmotims the ttntmntU 'imr
t . '.'C. Onr eoet-Hr.rary htm on -erai
occasions read cast of the party
those Democrats -who rtrfnee t mtuept
the 1G to 1 idea. The Beeorder in
snpposed to express the opiniomi of
John O. Ulrieh, Esq., who failed to
secure the adoption of the Chicago
platform and an endorsement of
Bryan at the recent meeting of the
Democratic) Standing Committee.
In its issue of yesterday the Re
corder placed itself in tho position of
a deserter should tho county conven
tion take the same view of its pet
tiogma as the executive committee
did. The only inference to bo drawn
from the Recorder's editorial is that
the Silverites will bolt the ticket If
the latter do not havo their own way
and are allowed to run tho Demo
v ratio party to suit their own peculiar
ideas. The Recorder says :
"The fact of the matter is thoro can
be no harmony among gold Demo
crats and silver Democrats,
any more than thoro can be
harmony among gold Ropubli
eons and silver Democrats. The
principles are too widely separated
There is as much difference as between
day and night. The Chicago Plat
form Democrats must go it alouo if
they ever expect to succeed in Penn
sylvania. They must steer a course
eutirely independent of the wishes
of tho Palmer and Bucknor Demo
crats. They must renounce the
traitors in tholr party, the same as
the National Democratio party re
nounced them and their chief
Grover Cleveland In 180C."
une curious feature about the con
test Within Democratic linos in thi
county is that the most prominent
silver "statesmen" are deserters from
the Republican ranks, or, men who
have on several occasions deserted
their own party nominees to support
the Republican candidates. Theso
men now style themselves "tho true
Democrats" and nre lying nwake
o' nights developing schemes by
which they may secure control of th
organization of the Democratic party
in this county. In faat, some of them
have ambition to become state
It la not likely, howovor, that their
plans will succeed in Schuylkill. Tho
men now in oontrol of the party ma
chinery, and who will dictate the
policy and probably the nominees of
the party, are not yet ready to drive
thousands of voters from their ranks
simply to satisfy a handful of finan
cial fanatic whose Demoerauy, to
nay the least, has not yet been estab
lished to the satisfaction of either tho
leaders or the rank nnd file of the
It Is safe to say that the Democratic
county convention will resolute on
themes other than the financial ques
tion this year. The clear-headed and
astute lenders of the party realize
that the 10 to 1 idea is not the Issue
now that it was in 1606, and to be
successful their party must assume a
position other than a mere collection
of calamity howlers. From a parti
san standpoint tho Republicans would
welcome a eontest with the Silverites
iu the saddle for the Democrats.
'it stomach, ronetlpv
Hon and till liver Ills are cured by
Hood's Mils
The "ncfclrriUrtw ' citaGflc. rrke
23 cents of alf uiiuaHitor by moil of
CLHood Co,Lf .ell, AUm.
Pain Cotiqumd. Health Rc
stored by Lydla E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound.
trrTEK TO HI, HNK1IAU no. 01,649
" 1 feel it my duty to write nnd thnnli
you for whnt your Vegetable Com
pound has done for me. It is the only
medicine I hnvo found that litis done,
mo any good. Iteforo taking your medi
cine, I wns all run down, tired all tho
ttmo, no appetite, pnlns in my buck nnd
bearing down pains and a great suf
ferer during menstruation. After tak
ing two bottles of Lydla 13. l'lnkhnm's
Vegetablo Compound I felt llko a new
woman. I am now on my fourth bottle
and all my pains havo loft mo. I fool
bettor than I havo felt for threo years
and would recommend your Compound
to overy suffering woman. I hopo this
lottor will help others to find a euro
for their troubles." Sins. Dklla
Tho serious ills of women devolop
from neglect of enrly symptoms. Kvery
pain and ache has a cause, and the
warning they glvo should not be disre
garded. Mrs. Plnkham understands theee
troubles better than any local phy
sician and will give every woman free
advice who is puasled about her
health. Mrs. Pinkhaui's address is
Lynn.SIass. Don't put off writing until
health. Is completely broken down
Write at the first indication of trouble.
A masked man on a bicycle has been
terrorteiag people la Augusta. G.
Nothing has yet bean heard of the
kfctnape New York ehikl, Marion
Baneror William has conferred the
Grand Ckxk of the Order of the Black
SaJ 090a the Emperor of China.
Uberta will ask for a protecorate
treat the ratted States, and the hitter
Batata, h to. said Saataad will then
to aaaaaled to.
serrfeee were held S3
at Avtikstfem nattily. Washing
ton.. Tart pramfeat and cabinet aeeav-
tocs aetaHiiilatr.
"Wfflisot S. Khnaar and Arthar Fatt.
jwss- Ijnetiwt! ntt af Foasi te Lac,
Wt. iw 'ittrvtuHt to. Lake Wtaae
tttttpi Tneetmffegr hgr tna ettanteaay e a
aafl- buttn
XTtmoriiti (tosr w mose rally
oftsvrwid thrwwdluitt til otmntry than
itefOiw, ttiu cunwmoitiaa totar
votatt larnHlj' tu tile manorin oi oJ
Hm vWlu dihOi tin the Sftuaafa-JLaeri-
tKuR'.mit: ti CTlfttbmH)..
Hie wnoan vhv ii Hrwdiii) Siea. Arm aod
tranuer wil ailfavs-HRWt fhiaicta,, ftut w -vfbo
vmild l attnwtiiiMmu: Itees Sis: omfifb. If
ihti is rraie. mrMy unit ad' turn, (fipva, Ac
vill be nerwrn- audi irjahdiie. W she has
constipation ir hnfinqr tmnS&r fter imaua
blooii vil! aauw jimifua,, Mbndhcx. Am crep
itans mrf i vuntijitat GmtightxiDtL- Electric
Bbnssiethu itet mnfione m At world to
rvgafcae-nnmaahv 5rer ami UBntjs and to
pnitT t&e- &ibt- It ans SUobR nerres.
bright Te cko&t iltv skin, rich com
plexion. It will nrite a good-looking,
dMnmng woiuau of a run -down invalid. Only
50 cents at A. Walcyj drug store.
Ooorictown CdirV-ont'H Contcnnlnl.
Washington, May 31. Cardinal Gib
bons, the papal delegate, Mgr. Martln-
elll and other prominent Catholic
churchmen took part yesterday In tho
second day's celebration of tho conton-
nlal of Georgetown convent. It Is es
timated that at least n thousand wo
men, representing overy stato in tho
Union and many of tho Latin-Ameri
can countries, took part In the coro
monlca. Solemn pontifical mnss wa
celebrated in tho morning, Cardinal
Gibbons ofllclatlng, and Mgr. Conaty,
roctor of tho Catholic university.
preaching tho sormon. An alumnae ro
unlon occurred in tho afternoon.
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the fect. It
cures painful, swollon, smarting, nervous
fect, and instantly takca tlio stink out of
corns and buulona. It's tho greatest comfort
discovery of tho ago. Alton's Foot-Easo
makes tight or now shoos feci easy. It is a
certuln cure for sweating, callous and hot,
tired, aching feet. Try it to-day. Sold by
all druggists nnd shoe stores. Ily mall for
2To in stamps. Trial package FltKE. Ad
dress, Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Koy, N. Y.
.Tuilur Xnsh nnrt Clintrmnn Dnuahorty
Lend I'orOubcrimtorlnl Nomination.
Columbus. O.. May 31. With the
selection of delegates for the Republi
can stato convention, which meets
hero tomorrow and Friday, practl
cally completed, thore Is but one thing
which seems cortain about the nomina
tion of a candidate for governor, that
is, that tho nominee will not bo a dis
tinctly factional man or a person hos
tile to tho administration. Thoro is no
intention on the part of tho adminis
tration to lntorfere In tbe solcctlon of
the nominee unless the Interest of tho
dominant power In genoral govern
ment Is Imperilled, in which case tho
forcos will be rallied and a nomination
made at once.
At the present time it is conceded
that Judco Nash and Chairman Daugn
erty, of tho central committee, nre In
the lead, but it is also thought that In
ense a choice is not made by tho sec
ond ballot a dark horse will win, and
It would not be surprising If Assistant
Secretary J. H. Hrlgham, of Fulton
county, or Congressman W, S. Korr
should be chosen.
rturlouif HV-iKl-On Collision,
Nashville, Tenn,, May 31, Nine peo
ple were Injured, two of them serious
jly, In a head end collision of local
'passenger trains on the Loulsvlllo and
Nashville road, 16 miles south of hers,
nt 6 o'clock last evening. Both en
gines and baggago oars wore smashed,
while engineers Ilurns and Shugart re
ceived serious Internal Injuries. Seven
passengers ware slightly hurt Tho
trains came together on the malntrack
halt way between Wtst Jlarpeth and
Thompson station, but who I At fault
has not been determined.
Tho l'lniriio Miy Dolny Admlrnl Powfy
Hong Kong, May 31. The plague Is
likely to complicate Admiral Dewoy'g
homeward journey. Various govern'
raents have already declared severe
quarantine regulations against all
Egyptian Red sea ports and Hong
Kong, where the fresh casoe and the
number of deaths have nearly doubled
Jn the past week, the new cases number
ing 143 and the deaths 131. Admiralty
officials saythatwarships have no priv
ileges as regards quarantine beyond
those of merchant ships. By the tlmo
Admiral Dewey arrives at tho Medi
terranean his ship, the Olympla, hav
ing been to long out of Hocg Kong, if
there are no cases aboard, will prob
ably be regarded as Immune and the
inspectors will pas her without delay.
l'c iitiNylvanln's l'roHhnicn Crow lliv
IViited by tho It linen NtudeutK.
Ithaca, N. Y., May 31. Tho Cornell-University
of Pennsylvania fresh
man boat race, which was postponed
from tho scheduled tlmo of 3,30 o'clock
yesterday afternoon, wnn finally rowed
fit 7:30 o'clock last ovonlng. Tho lako,
which hnd been exceptionally rough
nil day, quieted down by G o'clock, so
that ltcforoe Mumford was nblo to call
the Cnscadllln-Cornwall rnco, which
was scheduled to tnko plnco nftor tho
Cornell-Pennsylvania rnco. Thin con
test wns stnrtod nt 0.55 p. m., nnd Corn
wnll won from Cnscndllln by a length.
Cornell nnd Pennsylvania werorcady
for the contest immediately after tho
llrst rnco had boon rowed. Pennsyl
vania chose tho Inside courso. Tho
I'onnsylvnnlnns hod n slight advantaro
In catching the water llrst nnd gnlned
nearly a third of a length nftor a
dozen sharp strokes. Cornell did not
attempt to Bpurt. but rowed n32 strokn.
1'onnsylvnnla started with 34, nnd
from tlmo to tlrrio Increased It to IG.
Cornell began to gain at tho quarter
mllo. and at tho mllo had more than
irade up the los9 nt tho beginning.
Pennsylvania had lost about hnlf a
length at the mile and a qunrter, and
leau to put effort Into tholr work.
Cornell's rowing did not vary, and al
though Pennsylvania pushed tho noso
of her shell nearly oven with tho
Ithaeans at the mile nnd a half, Cor
nell did not let out until about 300
yards from tho finish. Tho men In tho
Cornell boat then rowed a 33 stroke,
while Pennsylvania's wont up to 37.
The Ithncans gained slightly, and at
the end won by fully n length In 11
minutes 26H seconds. Pennsylvania's
time was 11.26. Both crows finished
strong nnd pulled to tho boat house in
good form.
Blsmtrck's'Iron Nerve
Was tbe result of his splendid health. In
domitable will and tremendous energy nre
not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys
aad Bowels are out of order. If you want
these qualities and tbe success they bring, use
Dr. King's New Life nils. They develop
every power of btain and body. Only 25c at
A. Wastey's dreg store.
Decorattnctho Grave ofConfedcrntcs
tn Arltncton Cometory.
Washington. May 31. There was n
szaall but impressive service in con
nection with the Decoration day cere
monies at Arlington cemetery yester
day, which passed unnoticed by many
of the thousands there gathered. Fol
lowing the suggestion made by President
McKlnley in his Atlanta speech, the
graves of the 130 Confederate soldiers
Interred in the national cemetery were
decorated with as unsparing hands as
were those of the Union dead. In a
remote corner beyond the mounds be
ateath which lie the thousands of
Union dead has been the resting place
tor 3 years of a few who fought for
the sooth. It was more by accftlent
than otherwise that the Confederates
were interred there. Some of them
were brought into "Washington during
the various engagements in Virginia
near tho city, others were taken pris
oners, and died there, while others,
from one cause and another, came Into
Washington and died while the strug
gle was still raging.
Tn-Wlf-lit. and Tn-Morrow Nleht
And each day and night during this week
yon can get at any druggists Kemp's lialsain
for tlio Throat and Lungs, acknowledged to
bo tlio most successful remedy ever sold for
rVinolm. f!roun. Bronchitis. Asthma and
Consumption. Get a hottlo to-day nnd keep
If nlwnva lii thn house, so vou can check your
c6Ul nt once. Trico 25o and 50c. Samplo
hottlo frees.
yesterday;s baseball games.
National Lonirno.
At Philadelphia First game: Chi
cago, 14; Philadelphia, 2. Second
gamo: Chicago, 9: Philadelphia, 4.
At Pittsburg First gamo (10 Innings) :
Pittsburg, 4; Washington, 3. Second
gamo: Pittsburg, 5; Washington, 4.
At Now Yor' ""Irst gamo: Cincinnati,
0; New York, 3. Second game: New
York, 7; Cincinnati, 5. At Drooklyn
First game: Brooklyn, 6; Loulsvlllo,
1. Second gamo: Brooklyn, 4; Louls
vlllo, 3. At Baltimore First game:
St. Louis, 7; Baltimore, 3. Second
game: Baltlmoro, C; St. Louis, 4. At
Boston First game: Boston, 7; Cleve
land, 3. Second gamo: Cloveland, S;
Boston, 3.
Atlnntlo Loniino.
At Lancaster First game: Lancas
ter, 7; Newark, 3, Second gamo: New
ark, 7; Lancaster, 5. At Wilkesbarre
Wllkesbarre, 2; Scranton, 1. At Scrah
ton (11 innings) Wllkesbarre, 4j
Scranton, 3. At Allcntown (10 innings,
called) Reading, 4; Allcntown, 4. At
Reading Reading, 8; Allentown, 3
At Richmond First gamo: Richmond,
0; Pnterson, 4. Second gamo: Rich
mond, 10; Pnterson, 2.
Promptly Reaches tiie Seat
of sll BIdqiI nknasps and
--'-"' ilium, or remeuies nave failed, H. o.
n ., ,., , Rmnjg promptly roaches and cures any
bUrfiS thfl VVflm firWfi5 d'sonsowherethebloodisinanywayinvolved.
UUIDP HID UUIol UQOGd. Evorvono who has had experience with
., ... uiuuu umomdii miuni innt inerooro no ali
ments or troubles so obstinate and difficult to euro. Very few romodles claim
to euro such real, deep-soatod blood diseases as S. S, 8, cures, and nono can
oiler suoh incontrovertible ovldencoof merit- S 8.8. Is not merely a tonio it
Is a euro 1 It oes down to tho very sont of all blood diseases, and gets nt tho
foundation of tho very worst case, and routs tho poison from the system- Itdooa
not, llko other remedies, dry up tho poison nnd hldo It from view temporarily,
only to break forth again moro violently than oyer 8. 8. 8- forces out every
traco of taint, nnd rids tho system of it forover. Y rf
Mm T W Tjn A 1 ,!.... HO
-rt r- i. Muu.t-t 1 ,., nulla! ouino JCaTS
ago I was inoculated with poison by a nurso who infected
my babe with blood taint. I was covered with sores and
ulcers from ho&d to foot, and In my great extremity I prayed
to die. Several prominent physicians treated me, but all
to no purpose. Ths mercury ond potash which thoy
avo me teemed to add fuel to tho awful flume which was
evouringmo, I wai advlted by friends who had seen
wonderful cures made by it, to try Swift's Specific. I im
proved from the start, as the medlolDe seemed to go dlreot
to the cause of the trouble and force tho poison out. Twenty
bottles cured me completely." Swift's Bpeclflo
If the only remBdy that ii guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no
mercury, potash, arsenic, or any other mineral or chemical. It never fails to
cure Ooncer, Eczema, Berofula, Rheumatism, Oontagiou Blood Poison.
Tetter. Rolls, Carbuncles, Bores, etc.
Voluablo boots mailed free by Bwift Specific Company, Atlanta, Oa.
lMfty-ubvoit l'nnsmioors of Stranded
Stcininor' Tarts Also Horo,
Now York, Mny 31. Among thoso
who arrived yostorday on tho North
Qormnn Lloyd stonmcr Kalsor Wllholm
iler Gro&so from Southampton wero 67
paBsongors of tho Amorlcnn lino steam
er Pnrls, which ran nshoro on tho coast
of Bnglnnd Mny 21. - Other passengers
on board tho Knlsor wcro tho Duko Do
Arcos, Spanish minister to tho United
States, and tho Duchess Do Arcos,
Miss Julia Dent Grant, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Potter Palmer, W, G, Max Mueller,
secretary of tho British legation at
Washington, Juan Riano, secretary of
tho Spanish legation at Washington,
General Georgo B. Williams, Colonol
James N. Wheolan, Eighth United
States cavalry, and lieutenant C. II.
CnrolcssncRH enures SorlouH Flro.
Marlon, Ind., May 31. Tho striking
of a match by a spectator near an oil
well throe miles oast of Marlon last
night caused tho oil surrounding the
well to Ignlto nnd tho flames Instantly
spread, consuming everything for sev
eral squares. Six men were on tho
tank into which the oil was pouring
and wero terribly burned. Thoy aro:
Thomas McDonald, owner of tho well;
L. S. Gordon, Montpoller, foreman of
the Indiana Plpo Lino company; Sam
uel Spellacy, Lima, O., an oil producer;
Mack Watts, Lima, n producer: Albert
G. Ford, Kokomo, traveling salesman;
Fred L. Itoso, Philadelphia, silk mer
chant. One hundred barrels of oil was
In tho tank at the tlmo.
AriorhorTnmlhoTllnlntenoil In'TlnxsIa
Odessa, May 31. The winter wheat
crop of southern Russia has been com
pletely destroyed by a protracted
drought. The spring wheat crop Is
also In jeopardy from tho samo causo.
KJnPV Is a deceptive disease
thousands liavo it and
TROUBLE ?'' w li;J
can make no mistake by using Dr. Kilmer's
Swanip-Itoot, the great kidney remedy. At
druggists in fifty cent and dollar sizes.
Sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet
telling you how to miu out it you liavo
kidiiQV trouhlo.
Address, Dr. Kilmer &Co.,Ilinghamton, N, Y.
l.'nilles Docorlito tlio Mnlno.
Havana, May 31. Decoration day
wns observed hero yesterday in a nota
ablo manner. At 9 o'clock Mrs. Estcs
G. Rnthbono nnd a committee of wo
men who hnd boon selected for tho
purpose wor. taken In Roar Admiral
Cromwoll's launch, escorted by a de
tachment of marines, to the wreck of
the battleship Mntne.wherothoy strung
tho skeleton of tho vessel with ropes
of laurel and wreaths of flowers. Lu
clon Young represented the navy at
tho decoration of tho graves of the
sailors and soldiers Interred In the
Colon cemetery. Many flowers and
wreaths wore placed upon the graves
of tho heroes. Similar exorcizes took
place at tho Qucmados cemetery.
imii;n natuhu
Needs assistance it may ho best to rendor It
promptly, hut ono should remember to use
oven tho most pcrfoct remedies only when
needed. Tho best and most simplo nnd
eentlo remedy is tho Syrup of Figs, manu
factured bytlie California Fig Syrup Co.
CJi'Ktiur "tVlioolor 1'or'Govornor.
Birmingham, Ala., May 31. The
News to-day says: "With almost ono
accord tho newspapers In General Joo
Whnolcr's congressional district havo
united on a call for him to enter tho
race for governor and hoal the disrup
tion that now exists In tho Democratic
party In Alabama. Tho call has beon
taken up by other papers In central
and southern Alabama and It Is said
that Wheolor might be Induced to en
ter tho field It he is not sent to the
Philippines. If ho' ran ho would bo
nominated and elected beyond a doubt.
Even the Populists nnd Republicans
will scarcely oppose him. Wheeler's
election as governor would, it Is be?
lloved, Insure him nn ovontual seat in
the United States sonnto."
In overy test mnde B. B. S. oaslly
demonstrates its superiority over other
blood romodles. It matters not how ob
stlnsto tho onto, nor what other treat-
A hbw MtEPAftAndN Wilttlf Cures
Remarkable Curative Properties.
A now remedy, which may revolutlonlsto
tho treatment of stomach troubles, has re
cently boon placed beforo tho publlo and
Kara tho ondorsemout of many leading
physicians aud scientific men,
Tho remedy Is not ft wonderful secret dis
covery, nor a patent modlcino, neither Is it
claimed to euro anything except indigestion
and stomach troubles, with which nilio.
tenths of our nation are aullctod,
Tlio remedy is in tho form of pleasant
tasting tablets or loienges containing vege
table and fruit osscuccs, pure aseptlo pepsin
(frco from animal Impurities) bismuth aud
Golden Seal ; thoy aro sold by druggists
guncrally under the name .of Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets.
llsny Interesting experiments mado with
those tablets show that thoy possess remark
ablo dlgestlvo power, ono grain of tho actlvo
prlnclplo being sufficient to thoroughly
digest 3,000 tiiaos its own weight of lead
meat, eggs, oatmeal or similar wholes mo
fuods ; tlicso tablets do not act on tho bdwrls
hko afior-dinnor pills, nor 111 fact do they act
upon nuy particular organ, but tho manner
In. which thoy euro all forms of Indigestion
is this : They act entirely upou tho food
oston, digesting It completely, nourishing
every tissue and norvo In tbo body J they
simply porform tho work of digestion, thus
giving tho weak stomach rest and assistance
milllclont to onable It to rccovor Its normal
strength. This Is tho reason so many pre
tended euros havo signally fulled ; they do
not furnish the digestive power which is tho
ouo thing abovo all others that tho stomach
of tlio dyspeptic lacks, and unless that lack
is supplied, it is wasto of timo to attempt to
restore tho enfeebled stomach by means of
'tonics," "stomach bitters" and "pills" no
permanent good can result from their liso.
If the stomach can ho rested and asdsted
iu tlio work of digestion it will vory soon re
cover; this is tho secret nnd the whole secret
of tho rcmarkablo success of Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets, a remedy practically un
known a year ago and now tho most popular,
widely used dyspepsia remedy, ovory where
a buccoss secured almost ontlrely on its
merits, as It has nover been extenslvoly ad
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets aro now sold by
druggists evcrywhoro at 50 cts. per package;
If ho hasn't them in stock ho will order
them for you frura his wholesale houso. They
aro made by tho F. A, Stuart Co., chemists,
Mhrshall, Mich , who will bo pleased to send
information aud testimonials from every stato
in tbo union.
rim Fliihtlner Sou tliornor Arouses tho
HiitUUKlaHiu of llemt Kntei-s.
Boston, Mass., May 31. For tho
Drst tlmo, an ex-ofllcor of the Confeder
acy yostorday delivered tho Memorial
day address before a Now England
Grand Army post. General Joseph
Wheeler, tho cnvalry leader who led
the boys in gray at the famous charge
at Shlloh and, nearly 37 years later,
beneath the Stars and Stripes, cheered
Dn tho volunteers at Santiago, was tho
orator and guest of honor nt tho me
morial day services of E. W. Kinsley
Post 113, G. A. R., at tho Boston thoa-
tro. The Immense auditorium was
Qlled to its utmost capacity.
Tho singing of tho "Battle Hymn of
the Republic" by comrndo Myron W.
Whitney nnd a chorus hnd tho presen
tation to the audlenco of Its author,
Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, called forth a
tremendous burst of npplauso. Rov.
John Lindsay Wlthrow offered prayer
and addresses wero delivered by Com
mander Ira B. Goodrich and others.
President Lincoln's address at Gettys
burg was read by Comrade James D.
Leathcrboe, and the post chaplain's
address was made by Rov.. E. A. Hor
ton. When GenoralWhceleraroseto speak
the applause was tumultuous. Cheer
upon cheer arose from thousands, and
it was nearly 15 minutes before the
general could mako himself heard.
General Wheeler aroused the wildest
enthusiasm when ho referred to "tho
great rebel, Washington," and con
tinued: "Tho warriors who fell side by
Bide at La Guastmas, San Juan and
El Canoy, men from tho north and
south, among them some of your bravo
boys from the Second Massachusetts,
wero burled together In the great
national cemetory at Arlington, while
a brave federal officer who took part
In the groat struggle of our civil war,
aud now tho chief executive of the
nation, by his presence conferred
honor upon their funeral obsequies."
Declaring that It was tho duty of
every American to uphold tho presi
dent nnd his cabinet when it has bo
come thoroughly committed to a do
nned policy. General Wheolor said:
"Certainly no good nnd only ovll can
come from words and acts which tell
rival nations that oven a portion of
our peoplo, howover few, are not In
full sympathy with our government, or
whnt Is worse, that any Americana ac
tually do sympatbhjo wjth our coun
try's pnemies'
! ' r-r
All the healing, balsamio virtues of tho
Norway pine are concentrated iu Dr. Wood's
Norway Pino Syrup, nature's own remedy
for coughs and colds.
Hand t!nr Itun Ilowii liy Frolelit Train
Marietta," 0 May 31. A hand car
car with four men, on the Baltimore
and Ohio Southwestern railway, was
struck by an extra through freight
npar Coolvlllo yosterdny, instantly kill
irig William Bfialigl pnd ptls Dodij.
Thomas Flnhorty, ' section foreman:
was probably fatally injured.
On Every Bottle
OfShlloh's Consumption Cure Is this guar
antce : "All wo ask of you la to use two
thirds of tho contents of this bottle faith
fully, then if you can say you aro not
lienefltod return tlio bottle to your druggist
nnd ho may refund thp prlpo pal.'' Price
25 cts., 50 pts. and f 1.00, Sold by P. D.
Klrlin pii a guarantee.
The SiipnluuMhlii Content,
Toledo, O,, May 31, Congressman
J, H, Southard today, In giving an esti
mate of the HponkorsJilp situation, a
nled that Henderson would get 4
solid delegation from. Ohio, although
he. said he was his personn.1 preference
ns against Sherman of New York, Ho
bolioves the fight Is between Sherman
nnd Henderson. He understands that
Congressman Grosvenor is a candi
date for the place.
Tell Year Sister
A beautiful complexion Is an Impossibility
without good pure blood, the sort thatouly
exists In connection with the good digestion;
a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover
Root Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver
and kidneys keeping them Iu perfect health,
Price 25 cts. and 50 cU. 9ol by. p. D. Klrlin
on a guarantee.
The Dciliodr'auc Leader (lives His
Republican Insurgent Allies
a Rude Shock.
Stalwart rtepulillonnn Continue-to Win
Victories nt tlio Primary lllootlons
111 tlio Naming of DoloRnton to tho
Comlncr Htnto Convention.
(Spectnl Correspondence.)
Ilnrrlsburg, Mny 30. Colonol James
Madison Guffoy, tho accredited head of
the Democratic party In Pennsylvania,
gave a terrible shock last week to his
political allies, tho Fllnn-Martln Re
publican Insurgents. Guffoy engineered
tho deals between the Democratic
members of tho legislature and the In
surgents in tho recent house of roP'
roscntatlves by which thoy blocked the
various projects advocated by tho Ilei
publican governor to ralsa revenue to
meet tho current obligations of the
state. It was duo to the huccoss pf
these alljancea between the Democrats
and the Insurgents that Governor
Stone found that the appropriations of
tho recent legislature far exceeded
tho amount of money available for th")
same, and that he was, theroforo.obllg
ed to veto bills right nnd loft and
to cut the general school appropriation
$600,000 annually for the next two
years. The men who wero responsible
for this condition of affairs have been
the most blatant in condemning the
governor for his action, necessitated by
their high bunded course in the legis
lature There Is no doubt that some
of tho insurgent leadors, recognizing
that they will cut no figure at the
coming Republican stato convention,
have been planning for a continuance
of their alliance with tho Gutfey Demo
crats in tho hope of defeating the reg
ular Republican nominee for state
treasurer, no matter who he may bo.
But Guffey has given this project a
rudo shattering. He has been obliged
to take a stand between tho two fac
tions in his own party. On the one
side are tho conservative Democrats,
who bolieve In n sound currency, but
who have been road out of their partv
organization, while on the other hand
are tho rampant sllvertltes and cham
pions of Bryan. Guffey concluded to
train with tl o Bryanltes, and was one
of the most conspicuous figures at tho
great Bryan demonstration at St. Louts
a fow days ago. Tho Republican in
surgents have been greatly distressed
ever since. They did not want Guffoy
to Join with this radical wing of hla
party, as thoy know ho ha3 thus made
it difficult for them to co-operate with
him and have any following among
self respecting Republicans. They de
claro that his action has practically
tied tholr hands, and that It Will pro
vent them from giving encouragement
to a movement to help Guttoy's candi
date for state treasurer.
Not only has Guffey raised tho flag
of Bryanlsm, but one of his chief lieu
tenants. Former Stato Chairman Gar
man, has publicly declared that no
ono who did not support Bryan for
president cad hopo to got a nomination
for nny offico which thero is a chanco
of winning at the coming Democratic
Btate convention. All this means' that
Bryanlsm is to bo put to the front by
tho Democracy of Pennsylvania in the
coming canvass, which will bo tho
skirmish of the j;reat presidential cam
paign of next year. The Republican,
under tho leadorshlp of Quay and Pen
rose and raised tho triumphant ban
ner of McKlnley, and are ready to meet
any combination of Bryan Democrats
and Republican lnsurgonts that may be
formed in the Keystone state. thla .fall.
It's folly to sufier from that horrible plaguo
of the hight, itching piles. Doan's Ointment
cures quickly and permanently. At any
drng store, 50 cents.
Sovoro Storms In Vlrclnla.
Richmond, May 31. Reports are
coming In of severe storms Monday
night In Piedmont, Va., and the val
ley. In Albemarle county several
barns were blown down and trees up
rooted, with tho result of rendering tho
roads impassable in places. At Basic
City several houses were unroofed, and
a warehouse vas demolished near
Woodstock, In Shenandoah pounty
great damage was done telegraph lines,
and a farmer was killed by lightning,
In Augusta county the electrical dis
turbance put the county telephone sys
tem out of service for several hours.
This remedy requires
no cnange 01 diet.
Cure guaranteed In
to 3 days. Small
r-t mc plain package, by
L-U KB mall $1.00. Sold by
KlrUn'a drug store.
Of Lofty.
Subject to Republican rulea
Of 1'inb Qbove, l'i.
Subject to Republican rules.
Pf TfffcMOKf.
Subject to Republican rules.
Of flirwwff.
Subject to Republican rulw.
Of Fottsviujs,
Formerly of Jollett).
Stihiect to Republican rules.
OF.OawiGnnuaa. -Subject
lo Republican rules.
MISS Sadie Werllielffl, Age 14, of Tole'
do, O, Was the winner of thcyfrf prize fot
xccutlott on the violin at tbe Brussels
Conservatory of music. German critics
say slicisn. won
derful player. It
Is the greatest
distinction tobe
first in any
thing. For this
"v literature, alb
a letics. science
1 "W(5ttieH nut fori !i
their gwatcst efforts. Washington wu9
said to bo "first In war, first in peace and
first in the hearts of his countrymen." It
is a great thing lobe first. Nothing ia of
morevftlttoto mankind and brings great
er happiness than a good remedy, Many
thliiRS will relieve but the one that will
cumin best. Brazilian Balm is such a rem
edy. Tens of thousands hnve found that
It is the oiily thing that would cure Ca
tarrh and Asthma. ForlSyrs. itliasncv
erfallediunsiliglcanse to cure Asthma,
and its record has been ft" wonderful fn
Catarrh, Cases that hnd, to all sViptmrail'
ces, run into Consumption, or where thu
nostrils were entirely sto'ppeduppr where
the poisonous pus had eaten boles into
the throat mi inch deep, or whefe the
stomach had become ulcerated and rnw
from swallowing the germ-laden matter,
were all permanently cured. Such a rec
ord, unknown to any other remedy, just
ly entitles tllQ Brniilian Balm to the first
place In the regard of ttto Anierieail pco
pie. There are 20,000,000 Catarrh viotitng
and countless Asthma sufferers' in ftfis
country, all of whom can be cured with
Brazilian Jlolm, A l,00 bpttlo of Brazil
ian llalm contains a month's treatment
for catarrh or asthma, aud for 6 tnotttlii
we will wrap with each $1.00 bottle a
month's treatment of Toxicola Tablets,
free. Toxicola is the best tonic nnd nerve
and strength builder known to science.
This is thegreatestpfferevcrilinde, Afik
your druggist aud take no substitute. It,
F.Jackson & Co., Mfg. Chemists, In v
uopnlis, Ind.
Wholesale Agents
Bock Beer
It can be had at all the lead
incf saloons:1 ,
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
The only pleasure resort and picnic ground
in this region This season will be the most
successfully conducted since its existence.
The boats for the lake are now undergoing
repairs at Reading. The grove will be
cleaned daily by workmen. Ice and wood to
prepare and preserve meals for picnic parties
will be furnished free. An orchestra will be
established at this resort for the entire season.
For particulars address
B. J. YOST, prop.,
Bnrnesvllle, Pa.
Of Schuylkill Haven,
The noted Rcfmctlonlet, who has testimonials
from the best people of tho county, as to his
ability, will bo at
It your eyes causo you any trouhlo call and see
him. Glosses furnished If needed nnd no
Agent for the Famous
Plrila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
At al its pustoniers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Alain Street,
Will receive prppapt attention.
rrilin. - enmr - stoke
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale and BetalL
20 West Centra Street.
A Hnndsomo OomploxlorTl
Is 'one of the greatest charms a woman can
possess, fozxoxi'a Oohtuxiom fowtmal