The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 23, 1899, Image 2

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KST.tltt.ISIIKD 1870.
"All the Hns Thai's Fit tojrlnt."
Published every evening, ojeept Sunday, nt 8
South Jardln street, Shenandoah, la.
Tlie Herald In delivered In Shcnondoali mid tlio
surrounding towns for six cents a w ck, pay
able to the carriers, lly mall !3.00 a yenr, or
23 cents n month payable In adranco. Ad
vertisements chanted according to apace and
position. Thq publishers reserve the rliiht
to change the position cjf advertisements
whenever the publlcntlon of news demands
It The right Is reserved to reject any
advertisement, whether paid for or not, that
the publishers may deem Improper. Adver
tising rates made known uponnppllcatlon.
filtered nt the post office at Shenandoah, Pa., as
second class mall matter.
TUESDAY. MAY 23. 1809.
OUR COUNTRY s First. Last and Forever.
Tub movement to chango the
Schuylkill Traction Company's tracks
from Coal street to Centre stroet
should be encouraged, thus obviating
much of the dissatisfaction that now
exists as to the condition of the
former thoroughfare.
Thk 3rd NtbrtiBka Regiment is now
clamoring to be sent to the Philip
pines. The attitude of the successor
of Col. William Jennings Bryan is in
quite obvious contrast to the fighting
proclivities of the silver orator dur
ing his brief career in the volunteer
Thk praise which Archbishop Ire
land is receiving in Europe for his
eulogy of Joan of Arc is not the first
given him for a treatment of the
same subject. The first prize of the
many ha captured during his school
boy days was for a paper on the
Maid of Orleans.
According to report the Spanish
clergy in Cuba and Porto Rioo
bitterly criticise the American author
ities for introducing in the island
the idea that marriage is a civil con
tract, and are still more indignant
because the new laws recognize the
possibility of divorce.
Thk German-American who has
just got himsejf into prison in Ger
many for applying an offensive
epithet in that country to the Kaiser
will hardly arouse much sympathy in
the United States. This person ought
to have known, and doubtless did
know, that no such liberty to abuse
the head of the state is allowed in
Germany aa there is in this country.
Thk Presbyterian Church of the
United States Is to be congratulated
on the announcement made by the
Moderator that with the exception of
the Freedmen's Board, all the boards
of the church have closed the church
year without any indebtedness. The
return of prosperity to the country
has evidently had its effect upon the
financial condition of the church.
Only a. few years ago, almost if not
all of its boards were struggling with
a debt which was hampering it in its
Jons O. Ulbich, Esq., brought to the con
vention a big batch of pamphlets containing a
synopsis of the speeches mado by him through
out New York State in 1806 In behalf of
'William Jennings Bryan and the Chicago plat
form. The pamphlets were eagerly devoured
by the members of the cpmmittee. Chronicle
The manner in which the members
of the Democratic Standing Commit
tee "devoured" the pamphlets is not
made clear; by our contemporary. It
is Inferred, however, that the masti
cating process occurred previous to
the rejection on the part of the com
mittee of Mr. Ulrich's resolutions en
dorsing Bryan and the Chicago plat
form. We would suggest that the
doses be reduced hereafter.
Currency Reform.
It is understood that the House
Republican Caucus Committee, ap
pointed to frame a scheme of currency
reform, has agreed upon a measure
along the following lines :
The redemption of all obligations
of the government in gold on de
mand.. .
Greenbacks, when once redeemed
tor gold, to be reissued only for gold.
Permitting national banks- to issue
notes of the par value of their gov
ernment bonds deposited in the
Treasury, instead of ninety per cent.,
as at present.
Permitting the minimum capital of
national banks to be twenty-dye
thousand dollars, instead of fifty
thousand dollars, as at present.
This plan is much less comprehen
sive than ardent advocates of general
currency revision have urged, but
was adopted because harmonious
agreements on it was possible which
was not the case when more radical
meABUres were suggested.
"Good Beginnings
Make Good Endings.
dY&u ate nuking a, good beginning tuhen
you commence to take Hood's Sarsaparilta
for any trouble of your blood, stomach,
kidneys or liver. Persistently taken, this
great medicine tuSl bring you the good end
ing of perfect health, strength and vigor.
rti rrin i1-"1""
An Opportunity to He cure the Hook I're
seiited to Hhptmndonti I'eople.
Tlio IIrrald lias succeeded in making nr
nttiKenients with tlio publishers of tlio "Hero
Titles of tho Soldier nnd Sailor,"
whereby tlio people of Shenandoah can sccuro
tills work at n nominal cost. This work cnu
only bo secured through our local nccnts,
Mcosrs. Hooks & Drown, who will uiako a
thorough otinvnss.
Tlio book contains GOO pages nml 100 Illus
trations and Is finely bound In Illustrated
cloth. It contains nil tlio Important battles
that tho American soldiers and sailors liavo
fought nnd graphically illustrates them.
Special attention is given to tho lato Spanish
war, and nmong tho Illustrations aro "Tlio
Destruction of tho Maine," "Dewey's Vic
tory," "Ccrvera's Defeat," "llnbson's daring
with tho Merrlmac," "Tho defense of Camp
McGilla" and many others.
Tlio Looks retail nil over tho country at
fS. Ofl per copy and thousands have been sold.
Tho terms upon which the books wilt bo sold
horo nro as follows: Any person who will
agrco to Uiko the Hkrald for six months
will be supplied with a copy of this excell
ent history of our country's defenders for 75
cents. Remember, a $2 00 book for 75 cents,
tho only condition bolng that you agree to
tnko tho Herald for six months.
Tho IIgkat.d la progressive enterprising,
wldo-awako and always will bo. Its daily
visits will keep you better Informed than any
other papor on tho news of this locality,
county, state and nation. Copies of tho
book can bo examined at tho storo of Hooks
& llrowu, No. 4 North Main street.
Monarch over pain. Burns, cuts, sprains,
stings. Instant relief. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric
Oil. At any drug storo.
Yestordn.r'n Ilnsolmll Onmow.
Natlonnl League: At Chicago Chi
cago, 5; Philadelphia, 4. At Cincin
nati (10 innings) Cincinnati, 5; Now
York, 4. At Loulsvlle Brooklyn,
5; Louisville, 2. At Pittsburg Pitts
burg. 9; naltlmoro, 4. At Cloveland
Washington, 14; Cloveland, 3. At
St. Louis Boston, 10; St. Louis, 3.
Atlantic League: At Lancaster
Scranton, 10; Lancaster, 9. At Read
ing Beading, 9; Patorson, 1. At New
arkNewark, 5; Wlllcesbarre, 2. At
Allentown First game (11 innings):
Richmond, 3; Allentown, 2. Second
game: Richmond, 6; Allentnwn, 3.
Grippo Cured.
"Last winter I had a bad cold and
severe cough. I was lame in every joint
and muscle. I was sick and felt as
though I was coming down with typhoid
fever. It was no doubt a bad case of
grippe. Mr. E. P. Budge gave me a bot
tle of Brazilian Balui, saying he was
sure it would help me. The relief was
almost instantaneous. It quickly
stouoed mv couirh nnd took the prinne
with all the pains and soreness out of
my system. I gave the balance of the
5(ceut bottle to Sirs. Bishop Wiley for
her daughter. It proved so beneficial
she says she never intends to be without
it." Iiuwin Fitz Jones, Cincinnati,Ohio.
Shenandoah drug store, wholesale agents
Austin I'ormnllvCliarcrodWIth Murdor
Bellefontalne, O, May 23. Ernest
Austin, the man who is suspected of
killing his mother and brother at Mld
dleburg and who is bolioved to have
tried to kill himself, may recover. Ho
is still at the house of a neighbor,
where tho inquest was held yesterday.
Austin told the coroner that a robbber
shot his mother and brother and him
self, but no credence is given the state
ment. Austin was yesterday charged
with tho murder, and Is now under
guard. There is great indignation
among the people of that part of tho
county, and threats to lynch Austin if
he recovers are freely made.
Itorlied a Famous Shrine.
Santiago do Cuba, May 23. Tho
startling discovery was made on Sun
day that the famous shrine of Nuestra
Sonora Caridad, at El Cob re, bad been
robbed of jewels valued at $25,000, and
that the head of the statue had been
broken off and removed. The report
caused great excitement in the town,
where the shrine has long been tho
principal attraction. It is supposed to
have mlraculoue healing powers, and
Is visited annually by thousands of
pilgrims from all parts of Cuba, from
Mexico and even from Europe, who
have loaded the Image with rich gifts.
Horseless Oarrlnee Ttnee Aprnlnnt Xlmo
Cleveland, O., May 23. An automo
bile started from Cleveland for New
York yesterday in an atompt to break
the horseles carriage time record be
tween tho two cities. Tho run is made
undor the auspices of the Plain Dealer.
The machine carried Mr. Alexander
Wlnton, the horseless carriage manu
facturer, and a Plain Dealer represen
tative. The later take3 with him a
mesage from Mayor Farley of Clove
land to Mayor Van Wyck of New
York. 'The route selected is about 800
miles In length.
All the healing, balsamic virtues of the
Norway pino aro concentrated in Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup, nature's own remedy
for coughs and colds.
floor OfllolnlH ConHplrnoy.
London, May 23. The Johannes
burg correspondent of the Morning
Post, in a dispatch dealing with the re
cent arrest of former British officers
on the charge of a conspiracy to pro
mote a rising, says he is now convinced
that the conspiracy was primarily
formed by Boer officials. Police Com
missioner Schutte was the primo
mover. Schutte, who evidently used
President Kruger's son as a tool, has
been forced to roslgn, but will appeal
to the volksraad for reinstatement.
How Is Your Wife?
Has she lost her beauty t If so, Constipa
tion, Indigestion, SIek Headache are the
principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea
has cured these Ills for half a century. Price
25 cts. and 60 et. Money refunded If results
are not satisfactory. Eold by P. D. Kirlin
on a guarantee
Jlrooljlyn's $300,000 I'lro.
Brooklyn, May 23. Fire on Free
man street, In the tenement district,
yesterday destroyed $300,000 worth of
property. Sixty families were made
homeless, and many women had nar
row escapes, nnd Fireman McQinnls'
heroic rescue of a woman and child
will doubtless win him a medal of
honor. The brave fireman had his
face burned and his wrist broken.
Four othors recolved more or loss seri
ous burns. The Are destroyed four
manufacturing establishments, throw
ing 150 men out of work. Nine tene
ment houses were also destroyed.
Chluote For I'hlUilelphlu'w Exposition
Washington, May 21 Secretary
Gage has issged an order to the collec
tor of custom fit San Francisco di
recting him to peralt the landing of
450 Chinese persons upon aitUfactory
proof that they are employed by fx
hibttors or concessionaires of the Phil
adelphia exposition to be held during;
th coming autumn.
I will guarantee
that my Kidney Cure
Trill rare 00 per cent,
of all forms of kidney
complaint and In
many Instances tba
most mrlous forma of
Srlgbt'i disease. If
the disease Is com
plicated tend a four
ouno vial of urlno.
Yf will analyze It
and advise you frc
what to do.
At til oTuisliti. SSa. a vlil. Ould te Health
asfl misllMt nnvtfp trps. J5ns Arch t., Phil.
Tho Three- I)uys Colouration Opened
AVI til Nntlonnl hinlulnHTlilxIoi-iilnc.
Washington. May 23. The National
Peace Jublleo, with which Washington
will colobrato the rcturnof peace, be
gan today, nnd will coutlnuo for
three days. Incoming trains are bring
ing many strangers to tho city, par
ticularly from tho south. The weather
bureau predictions aro for continued
cool and fair weathor during the Jub'
lce days. Buildings on Pennsylvania
avonuo and tho down town streets
are covered with bunting, a notable
feature being tho reappearance of tho
red nnd yellow Spanish flag alongside
the Spangled Banner of tho victors.
Portraits of tho latest hcroos of tho
nation, including Dewey, Schley, Hob
son, Roosevelt and others, are conspic
uous In the decorations. A special
feature of thp attractions is the court
of honor, which stretches along Penn
sylvania avonuo from Fifteenth street
to Seventeenth street, near the treas
ury and state and war and navy de
partment buildings and the White
House. These are appropriately dec
orated and tho four main pillars are
beautifully decoratod and illuminated
with electrical effects.
A national salute at 7 o'clock this
morning from the despatch boat Dol
phin, the Washington barracks and
Fort Meyer, the ringing of chimes and
church bells and tho tooting of steam
whistles started the threo days cele
bration. The chief feature of the day
will bo the military and naval parade,
which will move, from the peace mon
ument at 2 o'clock, and be reviewed by
the president and his cabinet. In the
evening there will be a display of
fireworks at tho monument grounds.
Ruastnu Strikers Ilurn House.
St. Petersburg, May 23. Advices
from Riga, capital of the Baltic prov
ince of Livonia, announce that on
Saturday last tho workmen employed
In a Jute factory there struck for hl-hcr
wages and, joining with tho work
men of the Phoenix arms factory, de
stroyed and burned a number of houses
and fought the police nnd military.
The later finally trlumhed and rigor
ous measures have been taken against
the loaders of tho disturbance.
The Kidney Complexion.
The palo, sallow, snnken-chcckcd, . distressed-looking
pooplo you so often meet nro
afflicted with "Kidney Complexion."
Their kidneys aro turning to a parsnip
color. So is their complexion,
Thoy may also havo indigestion, or suffer
from sleeplessness, rheumatism, neuralgia,
brain trouble nervous exhaustion and somo
timcs tlio heart acts badly.
Tho causa is weak, unhealthy kidneys.
Usually tho sufferer from kidney disease
does not And out what tho troublo Is until it
Is almost too lato, becauso.the first symptoms
are so like mild sickness that they do not
think thoy need n medicine or a doctor until
they find thomselves sick In bed.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root will build up
and strengthen their weak and diseased
kidneys, purify their diseased, kidney-
poisoned blood, clear their complexion and
soon they will enjoy better health.
You can got tho regular sizes at tho drug
store, at fifty cents and one dollar, or you
may first prove for yourself tho wonderful
virtues of this great discovery, Swamp-Root,
by sending your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottlo and a
book that tells all about it, both sent to you
absolutely free by mail. When writing
kindly mention that you read this liberal
ffor in the Shonandoth Herald.
George Smith, colored, Is under ar
rest In Asbury Park, suspected of hav
ing fatally beaten Mrs. Lavlna Har
mon, also colored.
Tho death of aged Miss Agnes Sut
ter at Newburgh, N. Y., was caused by
the upsetting of a lamp by a cat whlio
the woman was asleep.
A woman of Walmea, Hawaii, mur
dered her stepchild, and a neighbor
who rushed into the cabin killed the
first woman's own daughter.
The navy department has received
no confirmation of the report that the
cruiser Dotroit had t'.J on and sunk
tbo Nlcaraguan gunloat San Jacint
at Blueflelds.
Qraln-0 Brings Relief
to the cofleo drinker. Coffee drinking is a
habit that is universally Indulged in and
almost as universally injurious. Have you
tried Grain-0? It is almost like cofleo hut
the effects aro just tho opposite. Coffee
upsets tho stomach, ruins the digest'on,
effects the heart and disturbs the whole
nervous system Graln-0 tones up tbo
stomach, aids digestion and strengthens the
nerves. There is nothing but nourishment
In Graln-O. It can't be otherwise. 15 and
25c per package.
A Wholo Family Kxtnrmliintrd.
Centre, Ala., May 23. A horrible
iccldent occurred near hero yesterday
which resulted In the total extermina
tion of an entire family. William
3ynns, section foreman on the Romo
and Decatur railroad, with his wife
ind little child, started on a drive for
Fort Payne when their horse became
frightened and ran away, upsetting the
buggy and lnstanly killed Evans and,
wife. The horse ran back home with
nothing but tho harness on, when a
aogro servant went put on the search
ind found the almost lifeless body of
tho Infant, which ho carried to 4
neighbor's house, where it sopn died-
ont tlin ISmppoMx' Ploturo Nosoloss,
Akron, O., May 23. -Adolphus Tell
kamp, a business man of Hamburg.
Bermany, yesterday brought ul
igalnst the Akron Cereal company for
15,000 damages. He alleges that he
worked up a large German business
for cereal foods, but that the Akron
eompany sent him packages with tho
figures of the empress of Germany
printed on, them,, but that the face of
the empress was noseless, As a con
eauence the Germans would not buy
and be Juat heavily.
L'lin Ornlti Hhovoler Stilt Noootlat
Inir With Contrnctor Connern,
Buffalo, May 23. During tho last 24
lours vory little has been nccompllsh
id by clthor tho strikers or omployors
.o bring about an adjustment of their
ilfferenccs, and it looks ns if tho strike
till bo prolonged till tho end of tho
week. Many conferences havo boon
lold In different parts of tho city, but
it nono of them wns any doflnlto plan
Last night n turbulont crowd of 1,501'
Polish froluht handlers attended a
Meeting at Fillmoro Hall, but there
rrns a very notlceablo absence of the
catlors. Consoquontly tho men who
tddrcssed tho meeting woro unabio to
:ontrol tho strikers, and many nrgu
nonts resulted. At ono time thoro woro
ilx men spoaklng at tho same moment
'rom tho platform, and fully twice as
many talking back from among tho
nen In tho body of tho hall.
President Daniel J. Koofe, of tho In
;ornational 'Longshoremen's nssocia
:Ion. labored all of yesterday with
:ommittecs from tho dlfferont unions
In an effort to como to some arrange
ment. Ho advised tho scoopcrs to
tdopt a proposition which called for
two men to bo selected from Now
Local CI, two to bo chosen by Contractor
Oonners, and with Keefo as a fifth,
:o form a commlttco to pass on tho
sllgibtllty of shovelers who should be
recognized by the now union. This
was adopted, and It Is now believed
:hat nil the men, or as many ns there
will bo work for, will bo laboring by
;h'o end of tho week.
Tlio VoluntooPH Iteturn From IMnnllu
Washington, May 23. The War de
partment 1b proceeding on the theory
that by tho end o'f July not n volunteor
soldier will bo left In Manila, and
General Otis' report yesterday that tho
transport Wurren has arrived advances
the time when the homeward move
ment of the volunteor troops will be
gin. Already notice haB been issued
that mail for the First California nnd
Second Oregon volunteer regiments
should not be sent to Manila, but to
San Francisco.
"nishop" Glnnor Sont to Jnll.
Sa. Paul, Minn., May 23, Dr. Sam
uel George Glnner, "Bishop" of tho
Amerlcnn church, which was estab
lished by himself, yesterday pleaded
guilty In the district court to an In
dictment for grand larceny and was
sentenced to the penitentiary for three
years. Glnner was formerly the su
preme president and supreme treas
urer of the Ordor of Minnehnha, and
ho was charged with misappropriating
(3,300 of the funds of the ordor.
Spain's Greatest Need.
Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelonln, Spain,
snends his winters at Aiken. S. C. Weak
nerves hal caused severe pains in the mck 01
his head. On using electric Hitters, Amer
ica's greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all
pain soon left him. He says this grand
medicine is what his country needf. All
America knows that it cures liver and Kid
ney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up the
stomach, strenethens the nerves, puts vim,
vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve
and organ of the body. If weak, tired or
ailing you need it. livery bottle guaranteed,
only So cents. Sold by A. Wasley, drug
gist. lllown to Atoms by Xltro (ilycorlno.
Chicago, May 23. Three Chicago
men, employes of tho Aetna Powder
company, at Aetna, Ind., were blown
to atoms in the explosion of a tank
of nltro-glycerine Sunday night. The
dead are: Frank Ebler, aged 19;
Samuel Errick, aged 24; Charles Mor
ris, aged 27. A pipe leading from the
engine burst, igniting some sawdust
and leaves near a flue leading into tho
room containing the nitro-glycerino
tank. Not a vestige of tho building
remains and no portion of tho bodies
has been rprnvnrod.
Miss Sadie Wertheim. aee 14. of Tole
do, O, was the winner of the frjnrizefoi
execution on the violin at the Brussels
Conservatory of music. German critics
. say she is a won
deriul player. It
is the greatest
distinction tobe
first in any-
thins. For this
in statemenship
"v literature, ain
't letics, science
. . . . -
)'f ,Jandart,menand
women nuttortn
their greatest efforts. Washington was
said to be "first in war, first in peace and
first in the hearts of his countrymen." It
is a great thing to be first. Nothing is of
morevaiueiomanKinu ana brings great
er happiness than a good remedy. Man
thinsra -will relieve but the one that will
is best. Brazilian Balm lssucharem-
edy. Tens of thousands have found that
it is the only thing that would cure Ca
tarrh and Asthma. For 15 yrs. it has nev
er failed in a single twse to cure Asthma,
and its record has been as wonderful in
Catarrh. Cases that had. to all appearan
ces, run into Consumption, or where the
nostrils were entirely stopped uporwher.e
the poisonous pus had eaten holes into
the throat an inch deep, or where the
stomacu uaa become ulcerated and raw
from swallowing the germ-laden matter,
were all permanently cured. Such a rec
ord, unknown to any other remedy, just
ly entitles the Brazilian Balm to the first
place in the regard of the American peo
ple. There are 20,000,000 Catarrh victims
and countless Asthma sufferers in ftis
country, all of whom cau be cured with
Brazilian Balm. A J1.00 bottle of Brazil
ian Balm contains a month's treatment
for catarrh or asthma, and for 6 months
we will wrap with each $1.00 bottle a
moutii's treatment of Toxicola Tablets.
free. Toxicola is the best tonic and nerve
and strength builder known to science.
This is thegreatest offer ever made. Ask
your druggist and tak e tio substitute. B.
P.Jackson & Co., Mfg. Chemists, Inma
napolis, Ind.
Wholesale Agents
TorallSiuousand Neevous
Diseasis. They punfy the
'Slood and give Healthy
jclIoii to (be entire tyitcm.
no pain irwiyom
If yon vcar th
moimm 'nut Ca. 610 LoauJ t
1 illcit rler for ou, btrdy
Npri-rr Stock. JJpeute
pj urj to thoM liTinff
hain, or commtarioii to lo
cal aeenti. IVrmtiient el,
oloruirnt Tn builnjM
lern1. Addreu
Tin It :.t rMK'0
U bu ti.uo 61- I'llll
thousands who havo written tor on
Of tho froo trial bottles of Dr. David.
Kennedy's Favorlto Remedy havo Ht
orally had their Uvea saved by n postal
card. Thoy got tho trial bottlond it
roved to thorn that Dr. David Kenno.
y's Favorite Remedy was tlio only
real curo for diseases of tho Kidnoysy
Livcr.BIaddcrandBlood, Rheumatism,'
Dyspepsia nnd Chronic Constipation.'
Tney nought a largo sized bottlo of
their druguists and It benefited or
cured them (the above i not an idle taf-(
ment, but the result of careful investigation).
You can do tho samo thing. If you'
aro in doubt as to whether you havo
troublo with your Kidneys or BInddor,;
Eutsomo of your urine in n glass turn'
ler and lot It stand 24 hours j If it hatf
a sediment, or a milky, cloudy appear
ance, If It la ropy or stringy, palo or dls-'
colored, you should loso no tlmo in'
taking Dr. David Kennedy's Favorito
Remedy ; it can bo had of all drupglste
nt $1.00 a largo bottlo, or six bottles for
f5.00. It is without question tho surest
medlclno of tho ago to put a stop to
inch dangerous symptoms ns pain in
tho bock, a frequent desire to urinate
especially nt night, scalding burning
pain in passing water, inability to hold
urino and all tho unpleasant nnd dan
serous eflecta produced on tho system
By tho use of whiskoy and beer.
Send your full nnmo nnd nddress to tho
TION, Rondout, N. Y., nnd be euro to
mention this paper when n trial bottlo,
with pamphlet of valuablo medical
advice, will bo mailed to you absolute
ly free Tho publishers of this paper
Eiaranteo tho genuineness of this
boral offer.
raymout nnd UIpornl of the Half
Armod Hands Hpitlns Saturday.
Havana, May 23. The Cuban arms
question is apparently nearlng a com
plete and rapid settlement. Tne pay
ment and dispersal of half the armed
bands that havo boon voluntarily or
involuntarily quartered on the country
will begin, accoralng to the present
program, next Saturday In this city.
Yesterday Governor General Brooke
and General Maximo Gomez had what
both consider n final Interview on the
question ot surrendering tho arms.
Tho Cuban commander, on General
Brooke's Invitation, called at head
quarters In El Vedndo late yesterday
afternoon, and the two generals, with
Colonel Carlos Cespedes and Majoi
Kennon, of General Brooko's stafT,
went over thp payment order, which
was signed by tho governor general
last Saturday,
The order provides that the arms and
equipments of the Cuban soldiers will
be turned over to the civil governors
or to the alcaldes of municipalities,
either nt the place of residence of tho
soldiers or the place of payment, to
the United States officers in charge.
Said civil governors and alcaldes are
hereby charged with the proper storage
and care of the same until thoy can
be collected for storage In Cuban ar
senals at Havana and Santiago, as al
ready arranged.. Receipts will be
given to soldiers for arms turned In.
Mayor Jones' Cltv Gnu Molionio Wins.
Toledo, May 23. Mayor Jones' plan
for conducting the Toledo gas plant
won out in the city councils last night.
The city clork Is authorized to adver
tise for bids for running tho plant,
the profits to be turned Into the city
treasury. It Is understood that a
syndicate has made an offer to the
city to conduct tbo plant for 40 years
without cost to tho city, and turn over
the profits to the treasury of Toledo.
The advertising for bids Is raeroly to
comply with the law. The gas plant of
Toledo in valued at fl.500,000 and has
never been n paying venture, but
Mayor Jones has advocated this plan
as a solution of tne difficulty.
"It wns almost a miracle. Burdock Blood
Bitten cured me of a terrible breaking out
all over the body. I am very grateful.'
Miss Julia Fllbrldge, West Cornwell, Conn
As rtodooted by DcnllncH In Philadel
phia nnd nnltlmnro.
Philadelphia, May 22. Flour firmly
maintained: winter tuperdno. tJ.10fi8.3O;
Pcnnaylvanla roller, clear, ?1JT3.2a; city
mills, extra, 12.4092.69. Rye Hour ttoady
t J3.16 per barrel for cnotca Penntylva.
na. Whcnt strong; No. t red. spot, In
elevator, 75lP7Gc. corn nrm: No, ,2 mix
ed, spot, In elevator, !SGJ3SVic.j No. 2 yel
low, for local trade, 414ivic. Oatt quiet
and steady; No. 2 white, 34Vic; No. 2
white, clipped, 3133c. Hay firm; choice
timothy, J13W1S.S0 for largo bale. Beet
Bteudy; beet hams, 219.50029. Fork quiet;
family, 60312. Lard ateady; western
steamed, f 5.35. Dutter 'Steady; western
creamery, lG18c; do. factory, llHQlSe,
Imitation creamery, lS3Ha.; New Tork
dairy, 13H17c; do. creamery, 161118c.;
fancy Pennsylvania prints jobbing at 21
tlilie.; do. wholesale, 20c. Cheese weak;
large, white, 3Hc; small do., 9HiftKc.;
large, colored. Si39c.; small do., SViOSVic.
Egcs firm; New York and Pennsylvania,
lsvte.; weitern, fresh, ioKiDVie-; southern,
USl5c. Potatoes steady; New York, M(f
1.75; Jersey sweets, 115T2. Cabbage steady
at 11.5092.75 per barrel crato.
Baltimore, May 22. Flour quiet and un
changed, wheat Inactive and hleher;
spot and month, 75?475c.; June, 7Mi(tf
7GVlc. July, 77U77Hc; steamer No. 2
red, 0wuc; sgutnern, yy sample, wo
7GHc; southern, on crado, 7i.70, Corn
firm; spot, month and June, SJHSanjc.j
July, 38S3?Vic steamer mixed, 36&S6lic.;
southern, white, 42c,; do. yellow, 38c. Oats
dull; Np, 2 white, 32&C.; No. 2 mixed.
S0WQ31C. live nominal: No. z western,
62Uc. Hay firm; No. 1 timothy, SJ2.M,
Grain frelgths very quiet; steam ?B
Liverpool, per pusiie), 2Hd. June; Cork,
for orders, per quarter, is. May; 33. jjuna,
fugar strong; fins granulated, 5.45Vi, But;
tor firm I fancy creamery, 19S20C.; do. Imi
tation, iBft jeo. t fnnry ladle, nftiio.; good
do., nsnzc: stqre iiacKeu, iimhb, reus,
J24tllc. KtEs firm at 13ftl3p( pti
weak; large, luuc; meaium, ivnc.i srnau,
10ic. Lettuce stoady at 33a. per bushel
box, AVhltky firm at 11.301-31 Pr Bab
Ion for flnlthed goods p carloads; 1,310
1.32 lor joUDinc iota,
J.lvo Stock Markets. ,
New Tork, May 22. Beeves actlvo and
higher; steers, Jl.75ii6.60; fat stags, (4.30
bulls, t3.40Q4.50; poor to gopd cow, '-G0
1(4. Calves active and firm; veals, IstJT.H
to 7.62i,tft7.76; fed and buttermilks, 140
5.25. Shoep closed weak; yearlings, part
fall clipped, steady to 25c. higher; spring
lams firm; common to choice sheep, S4.t7tt
KB. 45: venrllncs. 15.9007: one car at S7.UVI:
ppmmqn tii gpod surln lambs, 'M.fMII
no prima here, Hogg lower at ?4.05O5.
Past Liberty, Pa., May ' M.-Cattl ac
tive and higher; extra. l5.48jJ5.B0j prima,
J5.40Ii5.45; common, t&.tmi'.il. Hogi ruled
slow and lower; prime assorted, 4.02ViV
I os; ppon mixed nna neavy yprksrs, m;
jlght yorkern, M.JiOSJ.tJi nigs, IJ.fljQI.H;
roughs, 12.WtfS,40, Sheen flffn find fjlSheii
pholce wethers',' 1535.10; comtnqi, ti.tOp
8.60; cholco lambs, 10.1536.30; spring Ionics,
35(7.50; veal calves, IJS7.25.
Aek your crocer for the "Boral Patent
flour, and take no other brawl. It U the best
flour mod.
Biliousness, Indigestion Headache,
t bleovot lixfttlve. All DrugxUt
SoVofnl Pcvrnono itqpnrtort Killed and
n LitrirU Uttmuor liijuroa.
Houston, Texas, way z, uno ot tne
worst tornadoes that has visited Toxaa
since the storm which dostroyed tho
town of Cisco, threo years ago, and in
which some uu peopio woro kiiiou,
passed ovor Titus and Erath counties
Sunday. Soveral homos and church
buildings wore wrecked in several lo
calities. At Mount Pleasant, Titus coun
ty, tho storm struck a church Just as
.m.tAn. wctrn nlnatncr A Vtnlt nf llcht-
nlng nnd tho'wlnd descended upon the
holiso simultaneously, wrecking 11 uuu
scattering the dobrls In nil directions.
William Kauffman was instantly
killed nnd some 15 othor porsons wore
injured, somo fntnlly. Threo aro in a
dying condition. The tornndo Btruck
Stephensvlllo and did considerable
damage, Wrecking many houses, but
no ono was killed. Two churches woro
unroofed nnd badly damaged. Ono
man was killed and three wore in
jured near Dublin. It Is reported that
several persons wero killed six miles
southeast of Stephensvlllo, but this hna
not yet been confirmed. Trees and
crop3 In tho path of tho storm aro re
ported to be totally dostroyed.
A. Mmiimntli swO Hrldirp For .Tnpnn.
1'hllndolphlp, May 23. Tho Phoenix
Bridge company, of I'hoonlxvlllo, Pa.,
yesterday received tho contract from
the Japanese government to build a
largo steel brldgo for the Imporlnl
railway of Japan. Tho brldgo will
be in bIx spans, 130 feet high, and will
wolgh something over 1,000,000 pounds,
it will bo the largest steel brldgo ever
contracted for by American builders
uid one of tho handsomest structures
jf tho kind in tho world.
Spordy Justice In Gooraln.
Athons, Ga May 23, Charles Col
luitt, a negro, who attempted to as
sault the 16-yoar-old daughtor of J.
P. Dooley at riigh Spoals Saturday
night, was captured yostcrday and
placed In jail at Watklnsville. Judge
Russell held an extra session of court
this morning to' try tho negro.' Col
jultt confessed his guilt, ,was promptly
convicted and sentenced to 20 years'
Kicked to' Uenth bv a Vicious Horse.
Bethlehem, Pa., May 23. Kicked to
death by a vicious horse which ho was
driving to a work-out cart yesterday,
William F. Delameter was dragged
half a mile before his lifeless body
fell into the road. The crowd of his
head wns cut oft by the horse's hoofs.,
Ho was 5 years of age and married.
Be Prepared !
The bearing of
children is not
such a very se
rious ordeal to
the woman who
is prepared. If
that wonderful
ly soothing and
relaxing lini
ment, be faith
fully used dur
ing the period
of nrecnancv.
there will be little morning sickness or
nervousness, tho critical hour will be re
lieved of much pain, and.labor will bo
brief. Recuperation will be rapid, and
all after-dangers will be avoided.
Sold by druggists for it a bottle.
Miss Mary E.Jones,
Dealer In and maker of
For use on funeral occasions.
All kinds of designs always on hand nnd
special designs made on short notice. Best
materials, and all work guaranteed.
White and black satin slipper with patent
extension device'.
We are also taking orders for peooratlon Day.
Cor. Main and Lloyd Streets.
Subject to Republican rule
Op Pjko OeovkJ Pa.
Subject to Republican rules.
Op Shenandoah.
Subject to Republican rules.
Ok Pottsville,
(Formerly of Joltett).
Subject to Republican rulea.
Or Onwiqxnppn.
Subject to Republican rules.
Subject to Republican, rulps.
One Block of Nine
Houses - - -
Situated on West Coul street, Shenandoah. The
property entire Is feet front and 70 feet
devp. Each house has a froutage of 12 feet
by S3 feet deep, with kitchen 10 by 14 feet; all
aro two stories, six rooms, tlu roof, They have
Just bten thorouKhly repaired, newly painted
and papered, and new sills, outhouses and V9l
houses eoiwtfucfed. Tljeto prqjjertjes arji '
Either as a whole or separately and on reason
able terms. Rents reduced to $3 ir month.
For further Information apply tq
lV- P, Fowler,
11 fl. QRAP0WSKY, Trflp.
4)9 N. Centre SI, PoKvle, P.
Pine old Whiskers, tlnt and Wipes, nt the ba
A choice line of CI Kan and Temper
' s noe Prinks.
Accommodations for travelers.
Maali at all hour
An Excellent Combination.
Tlio pleasant method mid beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
SynvP of Fins, manufactured by tlio
Camfohnia Fio Svitur Co.. illustrate
tho value of obtaining tho liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known,to ba
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in tho form most refreshing to tlio
tasto and acceptable to tho system. II
is the one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing tho system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling ono
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionablo quality and sub
stance, and its noting ou the ItUluoys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or Irritating them, make It tho ideal
In tho process of manufacturing figs
are use.l, as thoy aro pleasant ta tho
taste, but tlio medicinal qualities of the
remedy aro obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fio Syrup
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
olt"otg and to avoid imitations, plcaso
remember tho full II lime of the Company
printed on tho front of every pauUrtge,
For sale by all Druggists. Price SOc. pcrUittlo.
It can be had at all . the lead
- ing saloons.?;-9
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
The only pleasure resort and picnic ground
in this region. This season will be the most
successfully conducted since its existence.
The boats for the lake are now undergoing
repairs at Reading, The grove will be
cleaned daily by workmen. Ice and wood to
prepare and preserve meals for picnic parties
will be furnished free. An orchestra will be
established 'at this resort for the entire season.
For particulars address
B. J. YOST, Prop.,
Barnesvllle, Pa.
. Of Schuylkill Haven,
Tbe noted Itefroctlonlst, who has testimonials
from the best people of tbe county, as to his
ability, will be at
If your eyes cause you any trouble call and see
him. Glasses furnished if needed and "no
Agent for the Famous
Phija. gtopje Ale, Sparklng ti
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Blown Stout,. Half and HalffBeer
and Porter.
At all its customers to-day,
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
WiHre'ceive prompt attention.
or-pttAI.Kfi 1 9
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and-Tobacco.
20 Wast Centra atreaat.
fMtff.g fssssswm
fcmedkiir AlwMlbuv Ult j)
dtSlT Alvuitmr Ult imli ni 14 iUv
it. OuvsotoM fupntor to. si
1 UmVU th. lutat, A KZ L.