X The Herald nsr wu.isiii:o mo. "All the News Thai's Fit to Print." Published every evenlnR, enoept Sunday, nt 8 South Jnnlln street, Hlipuniidoah, l'n. i.ono wstanois tki.ihmionk. The Herald la delivered In Shenandoah nutl tlio surrounding towns for six cents n w etc, pay able to the curriers. Ily mall J3.00 n yeur, or 25 cents n month payable In advntioo. Ad vertlsemcnts charged according to space and position. Tho publishers reserve, tho right to change the position i f adveKlseincnts whenever tho publication of news demands It. Tho right Is reserved to reject any advertisement, whether paid for or not, that tho publishers may deem Improper. Adver tising rates made known upon application. filtered at tho pot office at Shenandoah, la., as second class mall matter. SATURDAY. MAY 20. 1800. OUR COUNTRY : First, Last ana Forever, Nothing other tlmti n reception to the naval heroes can eclipse the en thusiasm aroused by the advent of the circus, old as the amusement is. The events here yesterday demon strated this. Doks any one think that if George Dewey had been President of the United States instead of "William McKinley, during the war with Spain, that lie would have suffered less from partisan attacks than the man who is President ? Thk government is mustering out the volunteer regiments as rapidly as practicable, and their places are being taken by the regular regiments whose ranks are being largely recruited from every section of the country. There is but one volunteer regiment in Cuba and Porto Rico, and they will soon be replaced by regiments from the reg ular army. The volunteers in the Philippines will be sent home as rapidly as the situation there will warrant. During this century the struggle has been to settle rights, as those of Americans on the seas, in our last war with England, and rights at home, as in the Civil war ; abroad, it -was to maintain the balance of power, as in the war between France and Germany, or to extend political in fluence, as in the war between Russia and Turkey. Very few of those rights or purposes are any longer in question ; there is no longer any seri ous thought of disturbance on ac count of them. The struggle of the century at hand will be industrial and commercial, and the disturbances which it will cause will be national rather than international, unless in the event of a combination which threatens to overwhelm one of the leading powers. The battles of the coming century will be for markets and trade, fought by the exercise of peaceful energies, but not without commotion in courts and legislatures over radical legislation. Thk Democrats seem to seek every occasion to becloud their prospects. Their national leader, Mr. Bryan, has no forgiveness for gold Democrats but their surrender to silver. They will never surrender to it. The num ber of gold Democrats is much larger now than in 1890. Mr. Bryan's pro- 'One Good Turn Deserves Another tt It is so easy to go through life doing good and helping to make others happy. A lady who had been ill with a complication of troubles, having been thoroughly cured and now enjoying perfect health felt tt a duty to tell her friends that the specific that brought her back to health was Hood's Sarsaparilla. Thus, after Hood's had served her well, she felt It deserved ft good turn at her hands. Thousands tell the samo story of blood purified and health re stored. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses merit peculiar to itaelf. . . Catarrh "I suffered over ilz year with catarrh. Spent over $100 In advertised cures, Inhalers etc., without benefit. Finally tried Hood's Sarsaparilla and It accom plished a complete and lasting cure." M. A. Abbey, Victor Ave., Worcester, Mass. Castrltls " Nervousness caused by a fright made my wife Buffer Intensely from castrltls. Morphine was necessary to re lieve the suffering. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills were tried after" all else (ailed and In four days she Improved and In 14 days she was cured." C. W. T. Bcumidt, Cedar Falls, Iowa. BlOOd Poison M At 12 1 had bone dis ease and used crutches. Doctor prescribed and wanted to scrape It. My grandfather save me Hood's Sarsaparilla. After taking four bottles I threw away crutches, am well and go to school." Charles Campbell, 1818 Ontario Are., Niagara FallstN. Y, Dizzy Spells-"After the measles my daughter had dizzy spells, whc h we thought would pass off but they did not until we gave ber Hood's Sarsaparilla. In five days they disappeared and In one month she re gained her usual health." 13. II. Kautzu jbick,63 Graves Place, Holland, Mich. Indigestion -"I WW bava a good ap petite, eat vyell, slsep we.1) and my dyspep sia and indlgeatjoa bave left me. The reason Is I took Hood's Sarsaparilla which entirely cured me. X am Baggage Master on tho B. A O. Kalrooad." Tuomai Colxs, Axir vorr life, Dtuuiaixy, uuiv. Hood's fllU y llrr I'll, the non-lrrltatlng nd cidyeUhartie to take with goudTSajsaparllla. 9 I will pinrantee that my Itheutuatlsm Cure will rellOTO lum bago, sciatica and all rheumatic pains In two or three hours, and cure In a few days. MUNYON. At all druggists, 25c. a vial, (in Ida to Health and medi cal advlco free. 1G03 Arch st., Phlla. gram toward expansion really com prehends an armed protectorate ovor tho Philippines, and tho President and the next Congress may uuiko that their own policy, as Mr. Bryan clearly perceives. The Democratic war on trusts is qualified, to say the least, by tho consideration of what kind of a trust Tammany Hall Is, by the fact that in nearly every imposing combination of capital Democratic capitalists conspicuously llgure, and by the fundamental fact that the re enforcement of Democrats by Popu lists enables Republicanism to recruit its ranks with Democrats at least equal to the accession which Popu lism brings to tho regular Democracy in many states. The political out look is favorable to Republicanism, because Democracy Is alllicted with Bryanism, with Populism, with latent socialism and with a suggestion of the abandonment of our national acquisitions and of a cavern front by our government toward the world. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Tills. Thousands of suffer ers .have proved their matchless merit for Sick and "Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by A. Waslcy, druggist. THE SEARCH FOft ANDREE. I'rof.Unthornt's Expedition SallsFrom Stockholm Today. Copenhagen, May 20. Nothing Is known here as to the reported discov ery of a letter written by Prof. Andree, the missing Arctic explorer, said to have been found in a bottlo early last month on the northeast coast of Iceland by a farmer named Johann Magnussen. A letter in a bot tle was found recently containing re ports of last year's work by Prof. Nathorst's expedition engaged In test ing Arctic currents. This bore tho ad dress of Ernest Andree, brother of the aeronaut, who was the manager of tbu expedition. An expedition under Prof. Nathorst left Stockholm today for the northeast coast of Greenland In search of Prof. Andree. After carefully examining tho region between the 73d and 75th de grees north latitude the expedition will proceed toward Capo BiBmarck, on tho east coast of Greenland, In the hope of meeting Captain Otto Sverdup's ex pedition, which left Christlanla last June on the Fram. Every effort will be made to And tho explorer. Takes tbo burn out ; heals, tho wound ; cares tho pain. Dr. Thomas' Uclectrio Oil, tho household remedy. Musical College. Tho summer term of tho Musical College, at Freeburg, Snyder county, Pa., will begin on Monday, July 17, a term of six weeks for $33, including board and tuition. As all schools havo vacation at this time, it will give a good opportunity for public school teachers and school children to attend this term. Parents desiring a progressive and homo like school for their sons and daughters should investigate the merits of the College. For catalogue address Henry B. Moyer. 3t Sunday Specials. Services in tho Trinity Ecformed chnrch o-morrow at 10:00 a. m., and 0:30 p. m. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m. Eev. Z. S. Yearick, pastor. Eegular services will bo held in tho United Evangelical church, North Jardin street, to morrow at 10 a. m. and 0.30 p. m. Sunday school at 1.30 p. m. Eov. J. It. Hcnsyl, pastor. K. L. C. E. on Monday evening. Prayer, praise and testimony meetings every Tues day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday even ings. Jr. K. It. C. E. every Saturday evening at 7 o'clock. Primitive Methodist church, James Moore, pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 n. m. Sunday school at 2 D. m. Class meet ing on Wednesday evening. General prayer meeting on inursaay evening. ,veryoouy welcome. Services in All Sainta' Protestant Episcopal church, on West Oak street, to-inorrow as follows: Holy Communion, 8:00 a. m. Morning prayer, 10:30. Sunday school, 2:00 p. m. Evening prayer, 7:00. G. W. Van r ossen, pastor. First Baptist church, corner of West and Oak streets, Eov. D. I. Evans pastor. Services atlOa. m. and (in. m. Hunuayscuoolatisp. m, Prayer meeting Monday eveuings. Young ir'eopics meeting weanosoay evenings. Class meeting Thursday ovenlngs. Services In the Presbyterian church to morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. babbatu school at 3 p. ru. Jr. C. E. and Sr. O. E. Tuesday evening at 0:30 and 7:30 o'clock. Prayer and song service on Thursday even ing at 7:3U. strangers always welcome. 11. W. Koehler, pastor. Methodist Episcopal chnrch, corner Oak and White streets. Eev. J. T. Swindells pastor. General class meeting at 9:30 a. m., led by tbo pastor. Sermon at 10:30 a. m. Sunday school at 8 p. m., Dr. J. S. Cnllen, Superintendent. Sermon at 0:30 p. m. Seats free. Everybody wolcomo. Calvary Baptist church, South Jardin street. Preaching to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. Eev. It. B. Albins, pastor. Sabbath school at 2 p. m-, Deacon John Bunn, Superintendent. B. Y. P. U. Tuesday evening, at 7:30. Wednosday evening, general prayer meeting at 7:30. Everybody welcome. St. John's Lutheran churoh, West Cherry street. Itov. John Grnhler, pastor. Preach ing, 10 a. m. ; Sunday school, 1:30 p. m. ; preaching 0:30 p. m. St. Michael's Greek Catholic church. West Centre street. Eev. Cornelius Laurisin, pas tor. Matatinum sorvico u a. m. High mass 10 a. m. Church of the Holy Family, (German E. C.) North Chestnut street. Eov. A. T. Schut tiehofer, pastor. First mass 8 a. in., second mass 10 a. m. St. Caslmir's Polish E. C. church. North Jardin street. Kev. J. A. Loiiarkluwlrz, pastor. First mass 8 a. in., high mass 10 a. m., vaspers and benediction 4 p. m. Church of the Annunciation, 318 West Cherry street. Eev. JI. V- O'Keilly, pastor, Eov James Kane, assistant pastor. First mass, 7'a. in., second mass, 8 a. m., high mass, 10 a. m, benediction, 7 p. ra. St. Stanislaus church. Morning services on Sunday at 8 and 10. Vespers at 7 o'olock. Sunday sobool at 2 p. m. Eector Weneslaus V. Matulaitls. Keheletb Israel Congregation, corner of Oak and West street, Eev. Henry Mit nlk, pastor. Saturday services, 8 to 10a. m nnd 3 to 5 p. m. Sunday servirs8 to 10 a. m, and every week day morning from 7 to 8 a, ra. HX.SENATOR WJCkALEW DEAD. Tlw rtcrnn I'oinm.vl vnnln Dotnocrnt succumbs to llcnrt l'nlliir. Illnnnisbtirg, Pa., Mny 20. Ex-Unl-toil States Senator Chnrlos It. Hucka lew died at his home hero yoatorday, after an Illness of loss tbnn a wook. T.lr. Iluckalow was stricken with a slight attack of heart failure last Mon-tl-iy night. Owing to his advanced apo be gradually grow woakor until Thurs day night, when ho appeared to bo much Improved. Yesterday morning, bowever. ho took a auddon rolaps from which bo never rallied, llo loavr 3 n widow and a marrlod daughter. Tho funeral will tako placo next Monday. Fcrvlcos will bo hold in tho Market fitreot Methodist Episcopal church, and interment will bo mnilo in tho fami lot In Itosemont ccmotory. Clinrlog Itollln Buokalcw was born t.i Colun'bla county Dec. 28, 1821. H i pneestors wero Huguenots, who flod to this country on tho revocation of tbo edict of Nantes. Until ho was 15 years old he lived on tho homo farm and then entered Harford academy, For some years bo acted as toachor and merchant's clerk, but finally com menced tho study of law In Berwick, and was ndmltted to the bar of Colum bia county In 1843. In 1844 ho settled nt Bloomsburg and mado his homo thoro tlntl his death. In 1845 Mr. Buckalow was appointed prosecuting attorney of Columbia rounty. in 1S50 ho was olected a mem ber of the state senate and was re elected in 1853 and 1857. Ho was ap pointed commissioner for tho oxchanga of tho ratifications of tho treaty be tween tho United Statos government and that of Paraguny, and In 1856 waft elected a senatorial presidential elec tor. In 1857 ho was chairman of tho state Democratic committee, and In the samo year received tho appoint ment of commissioner to revise the penal laws of the state. Ho resigned the position of state senator and com missioner in 1858 to accept tho ap pointment of resident minister to Ecu ador at tho hands of President Bu chanan. In 18G3 be was elected to tho United States senate by a majority of one voto, succeeding David Wiltnot, Re publican. At the expiration of his term, In 18C0, ho was succeeded by John Scott. In 1870 he was elected to the state senate for three years, and in 1872 received the Domocratte nomi nation for governor, but waB defeated by General Hartranft. Aftorward he was elected to congress, serving In tho Fifty and Fifty-first congresses. Spain's Greatest Need. Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelonin, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his head. On using Electric Bitters, Amer ica's greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all pain soou left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kid ney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vieor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by A. Waslcy, drug gist. Vnolit Sunk nud Sovon Urowuod. Vancouver, B. C, May 20. The steamer Mlowera nrrlved yesterday from Australia via Honolulu. Mall ad vices received from Molbourno say a yachting fatality was brought to light by the discovery of tbo topmast of tho missing yacht Queenle In the water of the entrance to Waribee river. The Queenle left Queens Cliff for Golongu. She was sailed by her owner, John Clark, manaeer of the Molbourno Steamship company's works at Wil liamstown. He was accompanied by his four sons, tho eldest aged 22 and the youngest 12 years, and also by a young man named Reginald Johnson and a man named Michael Allan, a resident of Wllllamstown. All were drowned. How Is Your Wife 7 Has she lost her beauty? If so, Constipa tion, Indigestion, Sick Headache aro tho principal causes. Karl's Clover Boot Tea has cured these ills for half a century. Prico 25 cts. and SO cts. Money refunded if results aro not satisfactory. Sold by P. D. Kirlln on a guarantee. Tho Army TMmsport I'lng. " "Washington, May 20, The army transport service has become recently of such importance that the secretary of war has decided that it is entitled to the dignity of a distinctive flag. That chosen is a tri-color, with red, white and blue stripes in diagonal lines, with the whites, forming the field, in the centre of which is a rep resentation In bluo of the insignia of the quartermaster's department of tho army the familiar wheel, surmounted by an eagle and crossed by a sword and key. This flag will bo displayed on every vessel engaged in the trans port seryice. When doctors fall try Burdock Blood Bitters. Cures dyspepsia, constipation; Invigorates tho whole system. NUGGETS OF NEWS. At Columbus, Tex., Dick Reese and Richard Grant were killed and several wounded in a fight with deputy sher iffs. Tho house of tho Texas legislature passed finally Its bill placing one per cent tax on all personal Incomes in excess of $2,000 a year. It Is asserted that It the present rate pt consumption of pig iron Is main tained much longer many mills will noon be forced to shut down for lack of material. At Fergus Falls, Minn., the Jury fn the Great Northern train robbery casu last night returnod a verdict of guilty Against Homer Mlnot, Charles Hoff man and J, C. Hall. Charles I. Ruehl, 0 wealthy stock yard man, started this morning to Wfllk from Trevor, Wis., to Chicago, 60 miles, over bad country roads, in 18 hours, for a $500 wager, fow Women fViay Keep Young The real secret of youthful features In women la regular. menstruation. It there Is an Irregularity of any nature If the menses be suppressed or too scanty, too profuse or painful the trouble will Bhoyr In the face. Tf, nvpfl vxrtll ti t. r r t.A nrltt. black, the skin sallow t blotches' ana pimpies win appear, ana tue sufferer, although young in years, will nppenr old in looks. The un failing remedy is Bradfield's Female Regulator It cures all ills of the womanly or gan9,!Falling of the "Womb, Ieucor rhoea or "Whites and Bearing-down Fains. Cures Backache, Headache and Nervousness, all of which are due to weakness in the same organs. large bottles are sold by Druggists for SI. fUH BRJLDFIBLD RBOVUTUR C0.,MUlo, (la. 1,O0O,000JiyEN AWAY. By a special and particular arrange mont with tho manufacturers of Dr. Ditvld Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, frco trial bottles of this great modlclno for tho Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Blood, Rheumatism, Byspopsia and Constipation, will ho sent absolutely froo, postpaid, to all persons sufTerlncf from any of tho diseases mentioned abovo who will send tholr full nama nnd post ofilco address to tho DR. DAViD KENNEDY CORPORATION, Rondout, N. Y., providing thoy mon tlon this paper when thoy write , A vory simplo test to detormlno whether your Kidneys or Bladder aro diseased is to put some of your urlno in a glass tumbler and lot it stand 24 .hours; if it lias a sediment or a cloudy, ropy or stringy appearanco, If it is pale or discolored, you do not need a phy sician to toll you that you aro in ft dangerous condition. Dr. David Ken nedy's Pavorito Remedy speedily cures) micli serious symptoms as a pain in the back, inability to hold urine, a burning ecaldlng pain in passing it. Frequent deslro to urlnato especially nt night tho staining of linen ty your urlno ana all unpleasant and daneeroua effect produced on tho system by tho nso of whiskey and beer. By a searching investigation it was, found that over 01 per cent of the, people who sent for a samplo bottlo; wero so much benefited by its uso that they purchased a largo sized bottlo of their druggist, which in most cases cured them, whllo in somo rare in stances it took as many as two or even three bottles to effect a permanent cure. I Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Rem edy is sold by all druggists at $1.00 pot largo bottlo, or els bottles for $5.00. Tlio 'WcntliPi' nnd the Almnnno. Tho temperature Is gonorally below tho seasonal average, except In tho tjoutn Atianucanu gulf states. It will rise slowly during Saturday and Sunday In tho Middle and North Atlantic states and the upper Ohio valloy. Along the Now England coast tho winds will be brisk from tbo northwest to day. Forecast for this section until 8 p. m. today: Fair and warmer; fresh northwesterly winds, becoming variable. Showers to morrow. Sunrise, 4:49; sunset, 7:17; length of day, 14h., 28m.; moon rises, 2:54 p. m.; moon sets, 1:3G a. m. The Kidney Complexion. Tho pale, sallow, snnkon-chceked, distressed-looking people you so often meet aro afflicted with "Kidney Complexion." Tholr kidneys aro turning to a parsnip color. So is their comploxlon, Tuey may also bave indigestion, or sutler from sleeplefsness, rheumatism, ucuralgia, brain trouble, nervous oxliaustion nnd some times tho heart acts badly. Tho causa Is weak, unhealthy kidneys. Usually tho sufferer from kidney disease does not find out what tho tronblo is until it is almost too late, because the firtt symptoms aro so llko mild sickness that they do not think thoy ueed a medieiuo or a doctor until they 11 nd themselves sick in bed. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Boot will build up and strengthen their weak and diseased kidneys, purify their diseased, kidnoy poisoned blood, clear their complexion and soou they will enjoy better health. You can got tho regular sizes at tho drug store, at fifty cents and ono dollar, or you may first proyo for yourself tho wonderful virtuos of this great discovery, Swamp-Koot, by sending your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingbamtou, N. Y., for a 6amplo bottle and a book that tells all about it, both sent to you absolutely frco by mall. When writing kindly mention that you read this liberal O'er in the Shenandoah Herald. Tlio East St. T.ouls Church Conlllot. St. Louis, May 20. Father Cluso, the newly apolnted priest to the Irish parish of St. Patrick's church, In East St. Louis, whom the parishioners re fuse to accept as their rector because he Is a German, arrived In Belleville, ten miles distant, Thursday night, and still remains there. The crowd of watchers aro still guarding St, Pat rick's church day and night. The doors of tho church are unlocked only during the celebration of mass. The situation will probably remain un changed until Mgr. Martlnelll decides the matter. Do You Enow Consumption is proventablo? Science has proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal. The worst cold or cough can bo cured with Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure. Sold on positive guaranteo for ovor fifty years. Sold by P. D. Kirlln on a guaranteo. A REVENGEFUL BEGGAR. Stabbed n Jlrooltlyn Mllllonnlro Who Itofimed to Kncoiirnuo Illm. "Brooklyn, May 20. John H. Englis, former presidont of the Walabout bank, Brooklyn, was stabbed in tho nock yesterday by Christopher Daly, a beggar. The wound Is a severe one and is dangerously close to tho Jugular vein, but the physicians think Mr. Englis will rpcover. Paly had been to Englis" house a few days ago to ask for alms, Ho was dissatisfied with his treatment at that time, and lay In wait and abused Mr, Englis for this yesterday, ending by stabbing him. The wounded man is 64 years old. and said to bo worth $3, 000,000. Daly was arrested. TJie police say that on Fob. 22, 1898, Daly stabbed Thomas York, In Brook lyn, bocauso York refussd to glvo him money. For this offense Daly was uen tenced to the penitentiary for one year. He has been out of prison only a tow weeks. THE CUBAN ARMS CONTROVERSY. Governor Omioral llrooKo's Ordor Una Ji'ot lli'Oii Itnvokud. Havana, May 20 Havana Is In a ferment again over tlio ldoa that tho Washington administration has de termined to take the arms of tho Cu ban troops and to retain them in mili tary possession. This view of tno latest news from Washington has been telegraphed to the various cities. Governor General Brooke Is thus far pnaware, save through tbo press tele grams, of any dissatisfaction on the part of Secretary Alger with his (Brooke's) plan to have the arms deposited- in the care of the mayors of tho municipalities, nor has hb recolve.i any other Inkling of the secretary's purpose to lay the matter before President McKinley. Consequently, un less Instructions to tho contrary aro received from Ihe Washington admin istration, the governor' general's or der respecting the distribution of tho $3,000,000 as modified will be Issued today. The secretary of was has been ill inforinon nff to thO substance bt "Cno order, 111 tho usual eourso of business. Havana's midday bapors publish tbo Washington nows, Homo of them com menting editorially upon it. As tho point about whero tho arms aro to bo kept appears to bo thought of Vital lmportnnco In Washington, tho con viction announced thoro that tho may ors cannot bo trusted with thorn Is n causo of fresh dlscontqnt, Just nt tho moment when tho various complica tions appeared to bo unraveled. Tho mayors aro tho appointees of tho gov ernor gonornl, and whon tho military assembly dissolved thoy wero mndo representatives to rccelvo tho arms. FOR GOVERNOR OF OHIO. Au Intimation Tlint Toledo's Mayor Will llo ii l.nlinr Cniidldnto. Cincinnati, May 20. Tho Federation of Labor organizations of Cincinnati gave a romarkablo demonstration last night In honor of Mnyor Samuel M. Jones, of Toledo. After tho street pa rade ovor 4,000 people listened to May or Jones at Music Hall for ovor two hours. Thoro wero frequent outbursts of ap plause. A favorite demonstration was tbo giving of "threo cheers for tho next governor of Ohio." Mayor Jones said ho wouldn't bo the candidate of any party for that ofllco, but if neither party adopted n platform satisfactory to tho people ho would be their can didate. This' statement was' regarded as very significant, as tho name of Mayor Jones has been mentioned vory prominently as a candidato beforo tho Republican state convention, which meets at Columbia on Juuo 3. It was also considered as significant, because the Ohio Federation of Labor has Is sued a call for a mass meeting to be addressed at Columbus by Mayor Jonen on the night of June 3, and tho meet ing Is to be held in tho same hall that will bo occupied by the Republican convention during tho day. After presenting his arguments In favor of restoring to the people nil the rights that wero created by them In values and otherwise Mayor Joneo concluded by singing his song entitled "Industrial Freedom," to the tune of "Marching Through Georgia," In which tho wholo audience joined. Tho dem onstrations continued In and about the hall long after tho meotlng adjourned. THE PRESIDENT EN ROUTE. Tho McKinley Party Will Ilrnoh Wash ington ttnrly This KvoiilnK. Hot Springs, Va., May 20. The spe cial train bearing the President and Mrs. Mckinley nnd their party left here at 10:30 o'clock last night en route for Washington. At Staunton. Va., the Chesapeake and Ohio road will bo loft and a trip through the Shenandoah valley made over the Bal timore and Ohio, passing Harrison burg, Cedar Creek, Winchester and Harper's Ferry. Washington will be reached early this evening. Tho visit hero has lasted 11 days, during which tlmo tho president has been greatly benefited In health. He leaves at this tlmo In order to fulfill engagements In Washington next week In connec tion with the peace jubilee. A reply was received to Mr. McKin ley's message to the czar of Itussla, congratulating him upon the opening of tho poaco conference at Tho I'lguo. Tho acknowledgment from Nicholas was as follows: "Deeply thankful for your good wishes and congrrf,il tions." General Otis has frrwarcied an ac knowledgment of tho p-ssldont's mes sago of Thurrday in a dispatch saying: "Gene:"'! Lawton and command send grateful ..cknowledgment for congrat ulations." Yesterday aftornoon Mr. McKinley was joined by Secretary Hitchcock, General Corbln nnd Comptroller Dawes, the four taking a long walk. Tho party returning with President and Mrs. McKinley consists of Secretary Hitchcock, General Corbln, Mr. and Mrs. Dawes, Dr. and Mrs. Rixey, Secre tary Cortelyou, Mr. Barnes and Mr. Hamll, of Cleveland. Atomobllcn For Sovontoon Btntes. Trenton, May 20. Seventeen elec tric vehlolo transportation companies wero Incorporated hero yesterday. These companies were formed by tho Whitney-Elklns-Widener syndicate to operate automobiles )n as many dif ferent states. Each ot the companies has an authorized capital of $100,000 except tho one formed for the District Of Columbia, which has an authorized capital of $6,000,000. Tho states for which these companies are formed are Tennessee, Georgia, Ohio, Kentucky, New Jersey, Louisiana, Delaware, Cal ifornia, Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, Maryland, Wisconsin, Indiana, Mis souri, Virginia and District of Colum bia. A Oliantly Crlmo In Goorcln. Fitzgerald, Ga., May 20. The head less body of a young negro woman was discovered In Wlllacoocheo creek yes terday. Tlio hacked and torn stump of tho neck gave evldenece that a dull knife had been used, and that tyyo a,t tempts had been mado to find the Joint In the vertebrao. A Bhort distance from where the body was found the grass and earth wore torn up, indicat ing a severe struggle. The body was, absolutely nude, but at the scene of the' struggle a few pieces of corset strings were found. There Is no positive cluq as to the Identity ot the victim or the perpretrators of tho crime. The Cure that Cures Coughs, Golds, Whooping Cough, Asthma. Bronohltla and Incipient Consumption, Is Tto fERMAN REMEDY Cures ftiYflA -mA Vunh owoi WnjaW utwviW: 25650tte pRABOWSKY HOTEL, M. QUAPOWSRY, prop. 819 N. Centre St., PutUvllIo, Pa. Fine old Whiskeys, rilns and Wines, at tho ba A choice line f Clean and Temper ance Drinks. Accommodation for travelers. Mcalj at all uouJ The Secret of Health The health of the whole body depends upon the blood and nerves. Therefore the medicine tSat expels impurities from the blood and supplies the necessary materials for rapidly rebuilding wuum nerve tissues, reaches the root of many .-.u diseases. It is theso virtues that bave given Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People their wonderful power to concuer disease. and caused the miraculous cures that have startled the scientific world. Thousands of cases have demonstrated that this remedy is an unfailine specific for such diseases ataxia, partial paralysis. St. Vitus' neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of the grip, palpitation of the heart, pal and sallow complexions, all forms of weakness either in male or female. Frnnk Tucker, la a prominent farmer, of Versailles, Indiana. Ills dftUBhter, Lucy, Is now fifteen years old j three years ago she began ailing. Tho rosy color In her cheeks gave way to n paleness, nnd she hecamo rap Idly thin. As she grew weaker she became tho victim of nerrous prostration. ' Most of tho tlmo she was confined to the bed and was almost on tho verge of going into Bt. Vitus' dance. "Finally the doctor told us to give her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Bald he was treating a slmllarcaso with them and they were curing the patient. We began giving tho pills ot once, and the next day we oould seen change for the better In her. The doctor told Us to keep giving her the medicine. Wo gave her one pill after eaoh meal until she was well. We began giving hor the medicine last August, and she took the Instdose In October, hnvlngused eight boxes. She Is now entirely v oil and has not been sick nday fclnoo. We think the cure almost mlroculous." Frank Tuckkh, Mrs. Kiiank Tuckkh. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 28th day of April. 1897. Huon JoiiNflon, JutHctot the Peace. Versailles, Indiana, April 28th, 1897. From theRepublloan, VertaUUi, Jnd. Dr. Wllltamt' Pink Pills for Pale People are sold by all druggists or sent, postpaid, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, If. Y.,on receipt of price, 50 centa per box, 6 boxes, $1.50. Strong Drink is Death DR. CHARCOT'S TONIC TABLETS aretheonlrptKlttrelr guaranteed remedy for the Drink Habit, Nervousness and Uelancbolr caused bj strong drink. WK OUAItAfTTKK FOUIt HOXKB to Dure any case with h positive written grunr nntrn or refund the money, and to destroy tno appetite for Intoxicating liquors. IHB TABLETS CAN BR GIVEN WITHOUT KN0WLED0B OP TUB PATIENT. CTDflUB nDIUk,cn,',,MI,'ery. rorcrty OluUnD Unmrvnmt Jrntli. Upon receipt or 110.00 we will mall you tour 4 bores and posi tive written srunrnntp to cure or refund yonrmoney. Single boxes 13.0O. r'or sale ntKirlln's drug store. DR THEEJ504 North Sixth St Willi I IllkaWaWside Entrance on Green St Ja-niinaeipnin. cures Brier advertising doctors, Medical insti tute!, family pbyslclans,speclallits. 1 nospitai and army surgeons rail, as 1 OwnnToeilmnMil Published in OnuifJ IBMIII Ullld SeTervBatnr- dHy'8Ph11adelphlaTlmesprove.llJQ AV Alt Btbefataof thousands who dEMca are robbed ana ruined ty unscmrui SIS?? Doctors andquarka,wUb their well' fg6rf -a worded and auurlngadvertlsements, B rrl posing as old and experienced speo S P'O. n lallits, offering, free consultations, R t." o.2 e free advice and cheep or moderate PSV? S Priced treatment. Their victims you R o3 rja nnd by thousands in Poorhonses or Ht, InsaneAyluma.ConsultIlr.Tbeel r'ES m9 as who is known as the only honest, HS2 -t skillful and srennlno Specialist toSo.rn lntblscouutry wlthflycars'Kuropean r n e n rT1 Hospital and 84 years' pracUcal ex- 3 Tie for book 'rnth, the only true medical book advertised giving valuable Information to young Bndold.suriAruifffrom Srlf-Aliii.ru lrfvat Illseastw. iKwtHanboodyVaricocele&Btricture. and expostngaUdeceltslntbepractlceof medicine aoaeiecuicuy. uoursi s-o, cvs,s-it Bunaaj,iru. Miss Mary E.Jones, Dealer In and maker ot WAX - AND - NATURAL - DESIONS For use on funeral occasions. AU kinds of designs always on hand and special designs made on short notice. Best materials, and all work guaranteed. White and black satin slipper with patent extension device. Wo are also taklngorders for Decoration Day, Cor. Main and Lloyd Streets, JjlOIt COUNTY COMMISSIONER, FRANK R. KANTNER, Op Lofty. Subject to Republican rules pOU COUNTY COMMIBSIONEK, HORACE F. REBER, Or Tine Qbove, Pa. Subject to Republican rules. pOR COUNTY REGISTER. F. C. REESE, Op Siiesandoij. Subject to Republican rules. pOR RECORDER OF DEEDS, EMANUEL JENKYN, Of PPTTSVILLE, (Formerly of Jollett). Subject to Republican rules. JjlOR CL.ERR OF TJE CQURTS, JOHN t; shoener, "Or Onwiorsuuita. Subject to Republican rules. JtOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, BENJ. KAUFMAN, 0 Tnupsy. Subject to Republican rules. FOR SALE. One Block of Nine Houses - Situated on West Coal street, Shenandoah. T10 property entire is 1)2$ feet front and 70 fort net p. Each bouse lias a froutaco of 12i feet by 2S feet deep, wltb kitchen 10 by If feet all are two stories, six rooms, tin roof, Tliey have lust btcu thoroughly repaired, newly painted and papered, and now slfls, outhouses and coal houses constructed. These properties aro FOR SALE OR RENT Either as a whole or separately and on reason able terms. Rents reduced to W per montlu For fartupr lnforuiafon apply to 1V1, P, Fovyler, Celubrqted l'otvtlers never fab tilt ana turs 1 tfur ruling 1 1 liu ana ot E.fS rsjeti as locomotor ' f YT dance, sciatica, V Lauer's Bock Beer IS NOW ON TAP. tt can be had at all the lead ing saloons. Christ. Schmidt, Agent ant Bottler, 2C3 W. Coal Street U'EN ANDOAH - ( A LAKESIDE! 'U10 only pleasure resort and picnic ground in tlrs region This season will be the most ucces fuuy conducted since its existence. The Lciais for the l.tke are now underdoing tcp.iirs at Reading. The grove will be cleaned daily by workmen. Ice and wood to preutrc and preserve nienls for picnic parties ill bj furnished free. An orchestra will be established at this resort for the entire season. I'or particulars address B. J. VOST, Prop., Barnesvillc, Pa. YOUR EYES. J. D. COLDREN, Of Schuylkill Haven, The noted Refractlonlst, who has testimonials from tbo best people of the county, as to bis ability, will be at GRUHIiER'S DRUG STORE WEDNESDAY OF EACH WEEK. If your eyes cause you any trouble call and see him. Glosses furnished if needed and no medicine. EXAMINATIONS FREE. SOLOMON HAAK Agent for the Famous BERGNER & ENGEL Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale, B:own out, Half arid Half, Beer 4nd Porter. LORENZ SCHMIDT'S BOCK BEER ON TAP , At all Its customers to-day. Solomon Haak 116 South Alain Street, Will receive prompt attention. riiim.'CiiEnr-stoke .p4-deaj,er IN p Fruit, Confectionery, Cigars ana Tobacco. Wholesale bq4 Retail. SO West Contra Street. nillions of Dollars Go np In nmap ofm year. T)r up risks but get yonr houses, slock, far, nltare, etc., Insured In tirst-clae re liable companies as represented by DAVID FAUST, Insurncc Arent ' 1 J ' IM South Jardin HI Alio Lit andAecWsntol oravadH