If tills I fail Occurred Anywhere Else limit In Shenandoah, There night be Grave Doubts About It. If this wero published any wlicro olso than In Sbcnnndoab, that is. If tlio statement given below went tlio rounds of tlio press, readers In linstou or New Orleans would not belle vo It. In tlio very nature of things men and women will not bellevo 'that a simple little pill would have any effect on humanity when the subject Is hi n serious condition. When It has that eliect, when tho party is a living witness, perhaps a ..,t i.',nr tu.m.tn .t n.r.i powlbly deny it-rtlcuiaily so when in- ww.. ... ...- ...... ... ,en Mitchell, formerly of the Horse ar- wlll not corroborate personally what sho says Winery. former Sergeant J. Frlos, It, publicly. 8ho says !- l was very luiscraMo p. for a winter, mid had trouble all tlio time with my bavk and kidneys. I fi-lt sharp twinges of palu over my left kidneys and a dull, aching and lamoucss in tbu .small of my back. I felt all dragged mitV.wlth a . ... .... weariness ana naa no amimion ien. "0lrigent nere Kinney sec ct.o ., m. neren me. , was u a bad way wben I read about Doan a Kldn y Pills and got them from Kirllu's Pharmacy, After une them J dd not havo the aching enlisting men for tho purposes of re in my back nor any trouble arising from my bolllon When they wero ready to- give klJucys excepting ut limes n alight tender- ncss over tho loft kidneys, Doan's Kidney Pills are a splendid remedy and I am glad to ut mi.., in it Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers. Price So cents. Mailed by foster-Milbum arrested wero also preparing to organ Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Sole agents for the U. ze a corps In Natal, tho British colony H. Remember the name Doan's and take no between the Orange Free Stato and the substitute, HUMPHREYS' VETERINARY SPECIFICS A. A. I FEVEns, Lung FeTcr. Milk Fever. OVWBl n. n. SrilAn'8, .ameness, rtheumatUm. ecus c. c. EPIZOOTIC, Distemper. WOUMS. Hon. drubs. C0V0II9. Colds, influenza, COLIC. Bellyache, Diarrhea. CVM3 II. II. CVRW K. B. cyan I v. p. i nmn O.G. Prevents MISOAIIIIIAGI!. "J-( KIDNEV de ULADDEH DISOIU1EUB. cv'cSu j JHVQ E.' BUIn Ut.ea.es. J.K.bAD CONDITION. Staring Coat. 60c each: BUblo Case, Ton Specifics, Hook, &c. It, At druRglsts or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphrey'' Medicine do. Cor. William ftjobn 8ti New jforlc, VrrtaMAav Minim 6m Faxa. VTUVATTfi TsP"RTT.TTV JM Jiilt V V UO AFXiOAilXX is YTTAIi WEAItNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphrey' Homeopathic Spoclflo No. ES. in uaeover40yonrs, tlio only BucaeBsrul remedy. $1 per Tial,or S vials and luge vlilpowder.for $S Hidt.vDracrliU.orflvntpo.tr.ldonr.e.tplorprlce. UMrllltll 3' MID. Ca , Cr.WUfli Jk Su. , 5.w Tork THE BEST OP THEM ALL. II .L1PPINCOTTS nONTHLYJVvGAZINE j f!nnfjiins a ftftmnTAtA Tinval In everr Hum ber, In addition to a largo quantity of Usefal aa entertaining reading matter. Xo continued ttorttt, tehleh are sxs MHonaU to tna reader. It should be ln every household. Sub scription, t3.00 per year. Agents wanted In every town, to whom the most liberal Inducements will be offered. J. B. UPPIHCOTT COMPANY, PubUuhors, PHILADELPHIA. IN EFFECT MAY 11, 1890. Passeneer trains leave Shenandoah for Tenn Haven Junction, Jfauch chunk, Lehiirhton, teCnV.ttJ&w at a 28, 7 a. m.. 12 82 and 5 it p.m. For wiikesbarre, white Haven and FHtston, 8 28, 10 12 a. m.. 12 83 and 8 H p.m. For Laceyvllle, Towamla, Havre, waveriy, Elmlra, Rochester Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and the West, 10 12 a. m., 12 63 and 5 14 p. m. For Delvldere, Delaware Water Gap and Stroudauure, 6 2s a. in., 8 14 p. in. For Lamhertvllle and Trenton. 7 49 a. m. For Jeanwville, kevistqn and Ueaver Meadow, o s a. m., iv oj p. in For MoAdoo, Audenried, Hajleton, Stockton dLumberYard.528.7.ioua.m..i352nd For Haven Bun, Oentralla, Mount Carmel and I OIU.Q1UK111, 4 U. ill., . V U, , V w p. 111. For Mahanoy City, Fark Place and Delano, 0 za, 7 , 19UB, m.. ana it ni, a u p. m, For Yatesvllle. 8 23. 10 12 a. m. Trains will leave Bliamokln at 7 00, 9 20 a. m.. 1210 and 4 20 p,m., and arrive at Bhenandoab at 7 19. 1012 a. m., laa, 3 up. ra. Leave Shenandoah for l'ottsvllle, St. Clair. Newcastle. Morea and New Boston. 7 and 10 12a.m. and 12 62 p.m. laverottsviiie lor ouenanuoan, va.m.,i is as. sea. a is n. m. Iave Ilazleton for Shenandoah, 10 00 a. m. 12 48,809, 028,882 p. m. SUNDAY ffHlNS. Train, leave for Raven Run, Centralla, Mt. Cumel and Shamokin, fl 45 a. m., 7 21 n. m., Trains leave Hliamotin lor ouenanuoan ai mm- .1 , O. .. ... a w a. ill. . u nil u .- I't ui, Leave Shenandoah for Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City, I'ark Place, Delano, McAdoo, Audenrled, llasleton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatbcrly and Mauch Chunk, 9 a m., and 6 32 p.m. kSSf. ""."aT,. . Koaton and . Iinrv. Q 47 a: m.. and tl 82 n War New York and Phfladelnhla. 9 47 a. m. )ave Jlazleton. for Shenandoah, 8 60, a. m., ana 0 i p. m. HIV. CUTTER. Sqpt. TransportoUon. South IJetfilehem, A BOLI4N II. WILUUH,aenl.8upt.. South Bethlehem, F CIIAHLES B. LJ, ueni. rass. Ags.. New York. N. Y A, W. NONNEMAOIIER, Div. I. Aa South Uethlehem, Fa. COLUMBIA MCK IjEER Is drank by everybody. It is Private fem.H, now on tap supplied. WfiSTED BY THC CHASE f7Vt7Ttlllcrifl hi Rh ia fslloltorilerifur oarhtrdjr Nuri.T Stuck. BipanMS p,t kfrr to those lejtliiB num, ur coidiuIssIod to lo. 01 Isenis. rrnikuvn. iw Dlornient. The. bmlnwe eneflr learned. Address Tl.o lt...0IIA!41jt'O. icu So. luu 04, yiilha. For Jeddo, Drlfton and VreeUnd, 8 28, ibi3 South Africa company, luforms tho in aespair 1111 1 got uotu ui etf0rts wero bolng made to suppress , m., 8 u p. m. press that he has heard nothing re- They acted like magic from the first, and in a few weeks I was cured them. President York added, how- F"Scfe5.alm garding the arrests made at Johannes- and better than I had been in years. Talk about wonderful remedies, ever, that gambling had always ex- and 7 27 n. in. burc. and that he knows nothing about r ..:i:.... ,1 nrvtnin rnttaA ..... i!fa lstcd In New York, and that in liiu 4 SEN IN. Eight FofnUrf British Officers Ar rested and Lockod Up. Ohaboed with man teeason. It In AUccrd Tlint Thoy Ilml Already Knltntoil Two Thoimnnd Men to. Tola til a ltol)cltlon Airtitnut tlio Trnna- vnnl ltepulillo nt n Glvon Stgnnl. rretorla, Tranavnal, May 17. The nrrcst at Johannesburg yestorday of eight former British officers on a chargo of high troason has caused great oxcltement hero. The men ar- rested aro Captain Patterson, formerly if the Lancers: Colonel It. F. Nlcholls. Uoutennnt B. J. Tremlott, Lieutenant Hooper and Nichols. Nono of them has been In the omploy of the Drltinh South Africa Chartered company. The prisoners were brought to Pretoria by special train. After thoy hart been lodged In Jail they were visited bv the Drltlsh dlnlnmntlo The ch agn,nst priaoncrs la that wn0 staying ln tho Uan(, prj. yately. they wore rnnllv nnc-ncnrl in (HO signal. It is said that tho enllst- mont roster Included 2,000 men, and thn numbor of Incriminating docu- ments wero found at tho time tho ar- WC fi,t M,n m,. i,,u. Indian ocean, to assist the projocted movement at Johannesburg. The arrests were effected by n de tective who Joined tho movement, which, It is aserted, was for the pur- poso of enrolling men ln order to cause an outbreak of rebellion. it is saia that me commissioner or police, who had tho affair In hand, had been working up tho case for four months, Mr, Boaty, tho detective who effected the arrests, received his in structions last week, and secured tho necessary warrants on Monday. Fur ther warrants havo been Issued. The British agent and charge d'af faires, Mr. Conyngham Green, had an Interview with President Kruger yes terday afternoon, and expressed regret that men who had worn tho queen s uniform should be concerned In such a movement. President Kruger re plied that ho would not believe the prisoners were British officers until it had been proved, adding that he hoped lhe afal. would not intorfero with the proposed meeting botweon himself and Sir Alfred Mllncs, governor of Cape Colony and Brltlan high commissioner for South Africa. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of SENSATION' IN LONDON. Plot Said to Havo Ileon Maturlnc for Four Months. London. May 17. Tho advices from Johannesburg are probably connected With a mysterious dispatch received at Johannesburg from Pretoria on May 12. saying a special train fully equipped with Boer artillerymen, guns and a I searchlight apparatus were being hold I In readiness at the capital of the Transvaal. The statement was then declared to be without significant, but today's news throws a more seri ous light on the movement, and it is certain there will be a great sensa tion ln London when the news of tho arrests becomes generally known. Tho news has caused great excite. ment throughout South Africa. The; Standard and Diggers News, the Boers' organ In London, has a dispatch from Pretoria which says that the warrants were Issued Monday evening by thj Btato attorney nnd were executed at i.iii.. rri, ,ui, h,i w o midnight. The dispatch adds that n plot or rebellion Is alleged to havo been maturing for four months: ant. that tho accused, who are said to have been engaged by the South African IjCilgua, uuu uiruauy viuiaicu i.uuu men, Cecil Rhodes, the former premier of Cape Colony and resident director in Both Afrca of the BrltlgU chartered tn0 reason for Which they were made, Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for tho feet. It cnre3 painful, swollen, smarting, nervous ". i..j...i .i, ,i. .ti, . r w u .uu.uUJ, - corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of tho ago. Allen's Foot-Eaae ,ti.M.r ... hnM feel rmv. Itisa certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, I tired, aching feet Try It ttv-day. 8old by all drueeiats and shoe stores. By mail for " B,P- . "'r, "I I ?T dress, Allen 8K Olmsted, Le Boy, N. y. 25c in stamps. Trial package FREE. Ad- pr-Postmastor Uocert Acotn Arrested Wllkesbarre, fa., May 11. is. x rjogerti former postmaster of this nlace. who was arrested and suspended IfOul yiuta iuivu wtwfivu wnn tampering wun iub uiuua, wu arrested again yestorday, this time on the charge of embezzling money uo lonftinc to tho government. He was held ln $1,500 ball by United States Commissioner tlahn, When doctors fail try Burdock Blood Bitters. Cures dyspepsia, invigorates the whole system. co si pat , UOv; ' , 17 -The United IJ il-?l,,yS States transport Mcriiu, u u. . . . . . T.I u I V. 1A. Ban Juan May 9, ronce way iu ami pantlago May izj ; ""'fl at quaranune 1 last. evemuB, poaro uenerai uuy v. jner uiuuuij; t"!"""'" i' ' Stan ana iamuy; ijibuvouuui ww mnnilnr A. Ward, of the United States steamer Panther, and family; Colonel n.fi. Hood. U. S. A.: 76 cabin passen- ". and 650 dla(ar6ea B0'aier8' A Sensible Man Would use Kemp's Balsam for the Throat 1--.A T n..r. Ti l mirinn more rases 01 and Lungs. It is curing more pasc i Poughs, Cfilfls, Asthmi flrpnchltls, Propp !2Th., Ll .' .U..M.. .h.n and all Throat and Lung troubles, than any other medicine. The proprietor has author ised any druggist to give you sample bottle free to convince you of the .merit of this great remedy. Price 25c and 50c. kteclablc'PxcparalionrorAs Siilallrig IhiSToodnndRcfiula- fi thfrSlnmnrhq amiltoWClS of EromotesTJiffcslion.Chcciful- ncss atidRbst-Contalns neither Sjnunlorpuino nor Mineral. otNahcotic. tovw arcxda-s.vvn.nrcnni Fumdan St UbiSinna UninSttjl tfntmuit m ftstmfttr? -1TlftnA Juonr . HiaVWtrrei Apcrfcct Remedy forConslipa lioa.SourStomach.Diarrhoca Wortns.Convulsions.Fevcrish ncss and Loss OF SLEEP. Tue'Simile Signature ot TTEW "YORK. EXACT C0PVOF WRAPPED. JBWCLES ri W D' JA l N A VH M vi I! fcVV; iSV rXX SSEyElRQDPEflRO. iiitm Ave. 'ws iaihs,iihsTs. NEW YORr Bend for our Book, Mrd'g Eye View of New Tork" nnd its Greatest Store 818 pages beautifully UK strated and Tery Interesting. Tells you all about New York and ho- to go about. Faxs run tui askiko. 1 MAN A Wreck From Grippe, Catarrh and Asthma. RESTORED WITH I was known as "The Woman cessnntlv. I was a school teacher eaten away the partition in my Asthma, dreadful Stomach troubles gone all through my system, making wulCll leit me a WIcCK lu 1IUI1U. uuu -wtors left me in . after dosintr me , . . ' ,:fi.,lf ,i ulir bought cough cures wit-out end but I Vmi trpt mnrn doses of Brazilian Balm for I and S1.00 a bottle at druggists. With every J1.00 Toxleola Tablets free: tho best tonic, nervoand ic5 Mfg. chemists. Indpls.Ind. I C rifninrlni ri Ttrilp- 5tnrf. uuvuauuuw. & ' " "A FAIR FACE iVAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES SAP NATIONAL l'KACK JUIIILE:. SEDUCED BATES VIA PENNSYLVANIA HAIL- JiOAD. On account of the National Peace Jubilee, to bo held at Washington, D. 0., May 23, 21, , iik 1. 1. 1 t .. t . : 1 ,1 I u arnlI1Eed to sell excursion tickots from ail stations to Washington at rate of single fare r . 1. .. ,1 . i .1.-. . 1. n -.. t New York- rhltodelpW., an(l Baltimore will bef8.00,o.00.and tS.OQ respectively, with DroDOrUonato rates from Intermediate and -. Tickets will be sold May 22 and 23. cood to return wltbln ten days from date of sale when properly TftUdated by tho asout at Washlunton, Catarrh Cannot be Cured with I OCAL APPLICATIONS, as the: reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh 1 iey cannot 1 is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and acts iMp,itarrhOureis nofaquackmedlolneV It was iirwrmi'il oy ono oi ine oesi pnyaicians in .. . . ' ,nrl . n.in. tion. It Is compeil of the Ueit tonics known, mWnIwltl, the best blcKnl pminers, act nsr airectiyaa me mucous surmcee. V"P periect combination of the two inerodients Is wlmt pro- qucea aucii wqnaeriui results in curing uaiarri, fiend for testimonials, free. P. J. CHENEY & Co., Props., Toledo, O. doiu uy uruyicieM, price yoo. Hall's Family Pills are the best CASTOR A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought. GASTORIA THC OCNTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. Am6P0HTm GOODS. ALL50RTS ALL PRICES BUTALWAY5 LOWER ThAH ELSEWHERE. 'old .Purchases of SG or more , wTtlbo sont FREICHT PREPAID lo-'any railroad station In MAINE, NEW HAMPSHIRE, VERMONT, MASSACHUSETTS, RHODE IS LAND, CONNECTICUT, NEW YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, and NEW JERSEY. 10 MUD BRAZILIAN BALM who Coughs," for I couched in 111! ray health failed. Catarrh had nose. It had produced Bronchitis , and weak kidneys, ln tact it Had me an easy victim for the Grippe uuuy. iiiib was uic uuuuitiuu mc i with opium, quinine, etc. Then I tt,V1.i1ir mnrlo mp ranrcn T wn they only made me worse, I was the money than an v other remedy. 23. 50 cents bottle you get one month's treatment of strengtu uunuer in me worm. u. r. jacuson WlinlfXI'lIP ilTlfl ftfitail ApfntS. " YOU'LL 05T AL.L, THAT'S A-COMINQ TO YOU." If, when contemplating a trip to any point West or Southwest of the Mississippi River, you will purchase tickets via the Missouri Pacific By., or Iron Mountain Route (which are on sale at all principal ticket olUces In tho United States), you will have all the comforts and luxuries of modern railwav equipment, and the finest opportunities for :.! ,, , .,,. , ..o.Muem.v. imioauiuwjMiusauuumrveis of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Texar, Gldaud. New Mexico, California, etc Ex. cureion tickets to all principal points at greatly reduced rates. On account of the National Education Association meeting at Los Angeles In July, we will make special low round trip rates. When contemplating J c...i.. .w r..ii a trip West or Southwest, write us for full Information and rock bottom figures. W E. Iloyt, Q. E. P. Agent. J. P. McCann, T. P. Agent, 301 Broadway, New York. 4-83-tf How Is Your Wfa 1 Has slio lost her beauty T If so, Constlpa- tion, Indigestion, Blck Headache are the principal causes. Ktrl's Clover Root Tea has cured these ills for half a century, rrico 23 cts, and 50 cU. Money refunded If results aro not mtisfactorr. Sold by P. D. Klrlln and a guarantee. M l.M AW Miss L. hi Clark, 917 Horton St. OL O VAN WYCKEXAM1KED. fTow York's Mayor Boforo tlio Ma- zot Invostigating Gommitteo. nE REBUKES AH INSINUATION. AYlipn Akpl by Coiinel Jlnw If Ho Know oT 'n (lotitluinnii NiiiihmI Vim AVyok" llolnir tntirotHl In Tool Hooiiih lid Dcninndtul nil lniiitry. Now York, May 17. Mayor Robert A. Van Wyck was on the witness sUnd yesterday before the Mazet investiga ting committee. Mayor van wyck gavo It as his opinion that the conduct of affairs under tho new charter has boon romarkabiy satisfactory, but re fused to express any opinion regard ing changes In the city officers th-t might tend to Improve the administra tion of the city 8 affairs. Thoro was not much of note about tho mayor's testimony, nnd only on one occasion did ho find reason to mako an outbreak. Counsel Moss nsked him If ho know Jamos A. Ma- honey, and tho mayor said he had had business dealings with Mahonoy In Texas ten or twelve years ago. Ho know that Mnhoney made books on the race tracks, but did not know that Mahoney Was running pool rooms in New York city. Tho mayor had never heard that Mr. Mahonoy, Mr. Carroll and Mr. Soxton wero Jointly Intorestod In pool rooms. Have you nover heard, sneered Mr. Moss, "that a gentleman named Van Wyck was Interested In them?" For tho first time tho mayor was aroused. "That is absolutely falso," ho shout ed. He wanted to know who told Mr. Moss anything of tho kind. "These things aro not easy to nrovo,' retorted tho counsel. "I nover had any connection with any illegal calling anywhere In tho world, shouted tho mayor. "You knew that 1 was not Interested ln pool rooms when you asked tho question. You knew that, and you wanted to bring It out for tho purpose of creating the Impression that I was. I demand that you bring out the evidence hero and Bhow that I am connected with pool rooms anywhere ln tho world or with nuythlng elso of an Illegal char acter, and I think tho chairman of this committeo ought to enforce that re quest." Mr. Moss told tho mayor to wait a day or two with tho committee, and he would learn something that he evi dently know nothing about. Tho mayor Insisted that Mr. Moss be made to call a witness to provo tho Insinua tion. Mr. Hoffman backed up the re quest. "If we are here to sully honest mens reputations," said the Demo cratic moinber of tho committee, "I want to go on record as saying that It Is absolutely unfair." There was ap plause at this, and Mr. Mazet ordered the sergeant-at-arms to clear tho room If there was another demonstration. Mr. Mnzet said that the mayor him self had accused Hamilton upon what lie admitted was only rumor. Mr. Mazet maintained that the mayor'B strenuous denial was all that was re quired. Mr. Hoffman again insisted that the matter be at once investi gated. Mazet ended tho matter by saying that Mr. Moss had distinctly disavowed any Insinuation, and Mr, Moss interjected tho remark that ho thought ho had done the mayor a ser vice: The mayor said that if he knew of tho existence of gambling houses he would order them closed, and thnt If they were not closed ho would "como pretty near removing somebody." Mayor Van wyck asserted emphati cally also that he had never consulted with any ono regarding the appoint ments ho had made, and that he him self was the most powerful factor ln the city administration, that ho was guided absolutely by his own affairs nnd not by thoso of Mr. Crolter nor any ono else. The mayor said that he had dismissed Chief of Police McCul- lagh because ho was not a fit man for the position, and that he had removed Police Commissioners Phlllpps and Hamilton because they were unfit. Tho mayor said: "Hamilton blackmailed. the casino." Police Commissioner Soxton, ln hia statement before the committee, said with reference to tho appointment of Chief of Police Deverey, "I wanted to make Deverey chief. Deverey was my friend, and I wanted to mako him chief of police, and 1 retired McCullagh." President York explained the retlro- ment ot McCullagh by saying that it . h " h .VA 7im ment. Ha said, however, that McCul- iubu uuu ueu u yuuu omcor. lioia police comrnlsaloners acknowledged tnat tny na(1 heard of tho pool rooms bolng fun ,n the that opinion It always would exist, Ex-Chief McCullagh testified as to the circumstances ot his removal. Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this cp.nn.try-, MB"V ease fastened its caches upon ner and for seven years she withstood its severest tests, but her vital organs were nnaermmea ana death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly, and could not sleep, she tinauy discovered a way to recovery, oy purchasing of lis a bottle of Dr. King's New Qiscoyery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on taking first dose, that she slept all night ; anq witn two noiues, nas been an- solutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lut?. Thus writes W, C. Hamnlck & Co., of Shelby, N. O, Trial bottles free at A. Wasley's Drug Store. Regular size 50c and $1.00. E.veryDoitie guaranteed How the Whlaky TrutAVnB"lVorked, Washington, May 16. General John McNulta. receiver ot tho Distilling and Cattle Feeding company, was a wit ness before tho industrial commission yesterday. General McNulta cave soma q( the details regarding his ro- ceiveieiiip. it was found, he said, i?" one uisuuery at Nebraska City, Neb., had been sold for $10,000 at prl- vn, ., w , v,: u, K '' V aMi lUtDl tl H.Q UUUfSjUV UJ iua Distilling and Cattle Feeding company for $410,000. Thoro was another case in which one who was later an officer of the company had purchased a distill ery and sold It to the company for $280,000 more than he gavo for It. 7" .ul"or " "s resuuea in ino witness filing a bill against a number of Individuals, Including aorao otBcora, 10 recover byu.vgij, A Card, Wo, the nnderslsnod, do hereby agreo to refund tho money on a 80-cent bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrnp of Tar If It falls to ca yur cojgh or cold. We also guaren. teeaSS-ceot bottle to provo satisfactory or money refunded. A. Wasley, 0. II. Hagen buch, Shenandoah Druu Store, and P, W. 1 Bierstein &. Co. ll-U-33t-dw CllUtf PROSPERITY. flniprnt WimmI Pntiliil KiicotirflHlntr r'fiiiilltlniiOii "nntlntm I'rnvliKM'. Santiago de Cuba. Mar 17. Major nneral Ionard Wood, military gov ernor of the Santiago department, ar rived here Monday aftar hla nral trip Into the Interior of tho pro vine. He went to Mantanlllo by steamer, im: returned by the overland route, ac companied by Llautenant Matthew Hanna, hla aldn. The country traversed he found ln a greatly prosperous condition. The planters are planting cane and expect n full crop next year. Stories regard ing bandits seem for the moat part to have been promoted by profeaalonal politicians who have an Interest In maintaining disturbing conditions. Isvorywhere General Wood round the noonle anxious for greater security, and the annexation Idea Is undoubted ly growing, in spite of all efforts on tho part of agitators to the contrary. Along the whole route he was re ceived with enthusiasm, and at several points with very elaborate arrange menta to welcome him. , Cupid's work is done when the bab come. The soft, little, clinging, helpless mite- is the crown of love. Its coming marks the completion of Cupid's object Cuptd utMRB two 1r.vi.ur annU (norther the r.-Turi-' baby holds them together. A woman is never so womanly, so beautiful, so happy as when she is n mother. Yet motherhood is denied to some women and feared by others. Tlie fear of motherhood is rapidly passing away and nothing has done so much to drive it away as the record of Dr. Pierce's Favorite rresctlptlon. Dr. Tierce has held that danger and pain at the time of parturition were really un nt cessary and unnatural, and that if every woman were healthy and strong as Nature meant her to be this function would be Per formed nainlesslv and safelv. The abuse of centuries of corsets of health destroy ing inactivity ot de bilitating artificial life have made it impos sible for some women to fully return to the perfect healthfiilncas of a natural state but every woman may be helped to a large de gree. The organs di rectly involved may be strengthened, pu rified, invigorated for the time of trial and for this purpose Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription has been used with success by hundreds of thou sands of women. It is the product of the skill and experience of a regularly gradu ated p li y a i c i a n a skilled specialist who for over thirty years has successfully treated the diseases of women. Unlike many modern medicines Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription contains no whisky, alcohol sugar, syrup, opium or narcotic of any kind and its use does not, therefore, create a craving for stimulants. Mrs. Annie Illacker, of 629 Catherine St . Syra cuse, JC V.. writes- " Your medicines have done wonders tor me. Tor years my health was very poor, I had four miscarriages but since taking l)r Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and ' Fa vorite Prescription I have much better health, and 1 uow have a fine healthy baby." CURE GUARANTEED, rmmr. Afflicted &ndnnfortnna.te miTering from blood poison L",:::v,.r orxn&rrledllf,(Btrlctnro and Varicocele. ESSE DECEIVED, ROBBED and CWIVni cnbrlIomaortthle,XlloTtatt.la 0 n I nU LLLUnd Etlsetlef ika DrcUlUtl and Kleotrlc Belt swindler, and Willi nn hon$ ranrnntettd cara and Trillins' to Tiny for It, iheucotiBnltiteraonally or 11 Y MAI i. old DR. THEk. 604M sixthsj, l-hlladelnhla. I'rnn'a. "I" IUmOis Su on'.'sUM AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL hi Nirorn 'IVitlmnnlnli nmriL nn matter what 'rceh Caaes vii rea in 4 to i u atyt. Loitunr nrnnkenonransresUorctL Ilonriill oifc At nnhood AimslL. Hoorn U3. eVge. O-B. hv malL SeoA tor hll pun. umvi "ireainieni or mnu root iiexpoetieYrrr rranaai exDoerieYrrrf rand end dMttlnmed1elDP. Its riloo to secret soScrtrs Is berond descrlctlon. LE BRUM'S FOR EITHER SEX. Tills remedy requires no change of diet. Cure guaranteed In i to 3 days. Small s.-r t i . i""" i' t CU Fx E mall $i.oo. Sold by Klrlln's drugstore. Philadelphia &, Reading R y. Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke. IN EFFECT MAY II. 1S98. Tral ns leave Bhenandoab as follows ; For New York tIb Phlladelohta. Hk dir. 2 10, 3 38, 7 87, 9 &i a. in., 12 28, 3 09 and 8 09 p. m. Sundns, 2 10 n ni. For New 1 ork via Mauch Chunk, week dave 7 87 a. m.. 12 25 and S 09 p. m. For Keadlne and I'hlladelnhta. week dare. 2 10, 6 S3, 7 87. 55 a. 12 20, a 09 and 09 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a m. For l'ottsvllle, week days, 2 10, 7 87, 9 65 a. m. 12 28, 8 09, 8 00 ano-I SO p. m. Sundays. 2 10 a m. T- 1-.. .1 -. . - . . .uiw)u uu M.u.uujr weeK aays 10. 787. 9 S3 a. m.. 12 23. SOU and BOO s. m Sundays, 2 10 a in. l.- ..'nn-. . , u. iin.iiHyw,, nuuuuir nnu lewiSDUnr, week dava. d37. 1182 a. m.. I! 7l n m Sundavs. 3 27 a m. For Mahanoy Plane, weekdavn. 2 10. n s m 787. 9 65. 1182 a.m.. 12 28. 8 09, 8 09, 7 80, 9 38 For Ashland and Shamokin. wAatr .tara A 9? 7 87, II 82 a. m.. 12 20, 3 09, 8 Q7, 7 SS and 85 p. m. Sunday, 3 27 a ni. for liaitimore, A'astilniiton and the West via II. A O, It. K.. through trains lra-l Beading Terminal, FUlladclphra. (P. & R. II K.) at a 20, 7 6o, 11 28 a: m., 8 10 and 7J7 p. u. Sundays Q M, I w, .1 to a. m., o to auu t -I p. m. AUal lionai irains crom ivepty-fourth and Chest- Duiaircrasuiion, wmk uays, iu sua. m. 12 12 13 8 40 p.m. Hundays, 1 85, 8 23 p. m. TRAINS FOR SnKNANDOAH. Ixsave new lore via Philadelphia, week days, 12 15, 4 80, 7 30, 11 80 a. m., and 1 80, 4 80, 9 00 p.m. Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week days, 4 80. 9 10 a. ra., 1 80, 4 40 p. m. j.cavo rnnaaoipiua, Keatiins Terminal, week days, 4 80, 1 88, 10 21 a, m. and 1 86, 4 08, 6 38, 11 as p. m. Leave Reading, week days, 137, 700, 1008, a. m., .3 15, 4 17, 6 00, 8 2d p. m. Leave Pottsvllle. week dava. 7 17. 1 40 a. m. 9 30,12 80,130,4 30,610 and 8 60 p.m. mys inmaqua, weec aays, s la, BBS, li 23 a. in., 149, 5 58, 7 20,9 41p.m. Leave Mahanoy City, week days. 8 43, 9 01, 11 47 a. m.,2 22, 3 23. 6 34, 7 41, 10 08 p. m Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 400 880. 9 23.10 23.13 00, a. m., 239, 8 86, 642,758 10 31 m. Leave Wllllamsport, week days, T42, 10 00 a ni.. 11 34 and 4 00, 11 30 p. m. ATLANTIO CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wart and South streetwhaif for Atlantlo City. Weekdays Express, 9 00, a. m Satur days only 1 801 00, 8 00 4 00, 3 00, 7 13 p m Accommodation. 8 00 a m.. 3 30. 6 80 n m Sundays Express, 9 00, 10 00 a m Acoommoda. tlon, 8 00 a iu. 4 43 p. m. Ileturnlns leave Atlantic City depot, corner Atlantlo and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express, 70S, 813, 9 00 and 10 45 a m., 8 80 and 8 80 pm. Accommodation, 4 23.817 a. a.. 4 05 p. m. Bundavs Expreaa. 4 00, 5 DO, 8 00 p. ra. Accommodation, 7 13 a. ra., t 13 p. Ul, For Cape May, Sea Isle City and Ocean Cltv Weekdays 9 00 a in. Sundays, Chestnut street 913 a m., South street, 9 00 a. m. Ad ditional, weekdaya, for Cape May, 4 13 p ra., tor oea iaia iiiy, o im p in., tor UCUQ vliy, is, o w p so. Parlor Cars on all express trains. For further Information, apply to nearest Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket agent or addreas I. A Bweioabd, Edsok J. Wekkb, Oen'l Suiit., Gen'l Baas' r Art.. MWBU.ua i.lHlIUW,! .llMl.lflllia. Tho Rosy Freshness And a velvety softness ot the skin is inva riably obtained by thoro who use Pouom'a Oompicxiou Powder. Mi) u r l n 1 -j .n t ra -1 1 mr- Comrados, Attention. I served from 'M to 'fit, nnd wna wourdedon May 10, lfilt in tin- llnttieof tbo Wilderness 1 would like to hi" e my old comrades Know wlwt Celery Klnif Inm done for mr. In ltSO my old i-oiiiplHlnt) 1 lirtmlc dlarrliflMi, eatra ImrVr. Tliv din-tor mold not stop It. but f. ery King hna cirt-l tin , nnd 1 un onre rrv ra enloj In lift-.-Frank iWbler, Ovrosso, Mkh (C'.V,t!iN. Y. V. I.). Celery Kin cruet dlsewne of the Sirv-fl, Hli.nm.'li, I. Her and Kidneys. Boldly u gists, 25 and fV. 6 Tail's why they enjoy their OOFFRB Any pocer can tell yu why nto Uf cornice back for SEULIG'S. oii "'" PROFESSIONAL CARDS M. nUUKK, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Offlc Kn building, corner of Main un Centra MrMta, Shenandoah, JHOF. JOHN J0NE8, MUSICAL INSTROCT0R, Lock Box 89, Mahanoy Clly, Pa. Harlnsr studied under some of the beat maaters Ip London and Paris, will kIt lemons on the Tlolln.mandollD. rultar and rocalculinra. Terms reasonable. Addreas In ears of Htrouta. Inn lewnlar Hhenandoab. Pennsylvania RAILROAD. SCnUYKILL DIVISION. Mxac-n 2, U9). Trains will leave Shenandoah after tha anova date for WIK(ran, Gllberton, FrackTllle, Dark Water, St. Clair, PottaTllle. HamburK, Beadlnr, Pottatown, PhoenlxTflle. Norrlstown and Phfl. aaelphla (Broad street station) at 8 15 and SIS a. m.,2 10, 8 IS p, m. on week days. Sundays, 8 13 a. m., SO p. m. Trains leave Frackvllte for Shenandoah at 7 88, 11 48 a. m. and 8 48, 7 88 p. m, Sunday 11 01 a. m. and 3 48 p. m. Leave Pottsvllle for 8henandoab (via FracV villa) 7 10, 113) a. m., 5 20, 7 10 p. ra. Sunday iu oj a. in . , g p, m . lxave Ihlladelnhla. tltmju atrM.t atatlnnt. tn- Sheaandoah lJ!v m.. 4 10 p. m. week days, Sundays leave at 6 M and 9 23 a. m. Iii riillrwlelphla (nroad street atatloft) for l'ottsvllle. 5 57 8 35, 1019 a. m., 210. 4 10, Til p. m. weekdays. Sundays. 8 60, 9 23 a. ra, and 6 02 p m. LeT6 uroad Mireel Htallon, Philadelphia, FOIt NF.W YORK. nxnreaa Weeklaya, 8 20, 4 05, 4 50, S 03. B 13. 850,7 33,8 20, 950. 1021, 1100, 1143am'nO0 noon, 12 33, (Limited eiOOand 22 p m). 1 40. 230.3 20, 8 0, 4 02. 3 00, 5 68,6 00, 702, 7BOl lOOOp m, 12 01 night. Sundays, 8 30, 4 03, 4 80 3 03, 813. 8 SO, 9 50 1021, 10 43,11 43 a ro, 1303, 1235, 230,4 02 Limited, 4 221, 3 20, 'itS, 880, 702,7S0, 10 00 pm, 12 01 nlKhL Kzpreas for Itoston without chanjre, 11 00 a rm., weekdays, and 7 50 p. dally. For Sea Olrl. Aaburv ark-. nnan Ohw. Long Branch, 8 20, 11 14 a m, 8 80, 4 03 p a weekdays. For Lambertville, Easton and Scranton (80, 9 00 a m, 12 00 noon, 8 32, 3 03 (Lambertvllla and uuunonir), weeaaays, ana 7 03 p m dally. ItuQalo. 9 00 a m. 12 00 noon wrnkdarr and V ia p m dallr. WASniNQTON AND THE SOUTH. For Baltimore and Washington, SO, T 30, SSI. .V . . I. U.. -Lm OI, 4 Li. O U, 4.1 lvO S3 Conirreaslonal I.lm. J, 3 34, 6 17, 6 63, 7 31 p. m, and 12 05 nlRbt weekdays. Sundays, 3 60, 730. 912, 1123am, 1209, 112. S 13, til 330 Con- greasionai L,im.,0B4, 065, 7 81 p m and 13 CS nlgbt. For Baltimore, accommodation, 9 13 a ni, 1 tl and 4 01 p m week days. 3 08 and 11 18 n m dallr. Atlantic Coast Line. Kxprcas 13 n urn. and uoaniKbt.dal v. Southern Railway. D m. dallr. Express SU and (83 Norfolk and Western Ttallwa for V.nml,l. and New Orleans, 6 84 p m dally. bun.m.D o. uiiio iiauway, , ai p ra, a ft 11 T. For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10 20 a m weekdays, 11 10 p m dally. Leave Market street wharf as follows I Ex press for New York, 9 00am, ISO p m week days. For Long Branch, via Seaside Park. 1 80 a m weekdays. For Island Heights, 880 a m and 4 00 n ra weekdays. FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad street station via Delaware river bridge KxpreeaL 9 40 a m 4 00, 7 05 a.m. Son days, 9 20 a. m 7 05 p. m. Leave Market Street Warf Express, 8 00 am, II 80 Saturdays only, 2 00, 4 00,8 00 p m. Sun days, 9 00, 10 00 am (accommodation 4 80 and 300 p m. For Cape May, Sa Isle City, Ocean Clly, Avalon, Stone Ilarbor, Anglesea, WUdwssd and Holly Beach Express, 9 00 a ta.4 0a.Bla weekdays. Sundays. 9 00 a m. For Homers Point Express, 9 00 a. m., 100, 4 00. 5 CO. tl. m. WHlc dir. Rnntlava O fill and 1000a. m. The Union Transfer Ramntn will all fmr and check baggage from hotels and residence. -xjinragcar. I, B. llDTcniasos, J. B, Wood, uen i iuanager, Uen'l Pasa'g'r At News and Opinions OF National Importance -rucr - oi im BIB laaal W W I 8 ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, by mail, - $6 a year Daily and Sunday.by niail,$8 a year The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday newspape in the world. Price 5c a copy. Bi sail, J2 a yea Address TOE SUN, New York, rWiT PILLS. HiaSiUi-"' v., ..- Bprcirjo C&,Pt0LWj Fox at PoTimky'i drag store, B Osntra strati. For sale at Klrlln's drug store and Rhaaaadoa atracstoia CAWh j r,v:sy PILLS a turn. Ttnaxsi.re WOMaNS RELIEF, Alwa7.pr0mnttnar.tUUa. Urefcliariiahoaa, ,Oal Cavos iTASirfiLuaad tivt saosiTB. at drex .trwr. er Mil 41rtal (aMladl, ariea, SU CiraaBra'' Co KMles. at. Ow seek, 4a.